> All I wanted was a steak, how did I end up with 4 lovers. > by WarrAinjal > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > A Caterd Lunch > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As Worthrup walked in the woods behind his house when a soft but noble voice stopped him “ Hello, can you help me with something. “ turning around he was staring face to face with something that should not be there. It was a cartoon character from one of several shows he happened to like. Princess Celestia. “ With a sideways glance, what do you need ?” “ Good, you're not running away. I was wondering if you can buy me a stake? I can pay for it of course. But as you might guess I can't walk into one of your restaurants.” awkwardly pawing the ground. “ How would you like it cooked?” he wondered “ Medium rare with a side of rice if it's available.” She responded. Relaxing a bit “Ok, as long as you don't mind waiting for a while.” “It is to be expected. And thank you.” 30 minutes later after a brief stop to replate their meals in the kitchen. He had returned to the clearing. “That looks and smells wonderful. “ as he set it down in front of her. With a flash of her horn, the stake had been cut into almost perfectly square bite-size pieces. One of which elegantly floated into her mouth. “ O this is so good how I wish I could eat beef in Equestria. “ Of course, he knew why still he wanted her to say it. “ Why is that? and I thought horses only ate plants?” cutting into his one. Murdering one of your loyal subjects. Just because they might look good on a plate. Is unbecoming of a Monark. But I find in human-run realities cows are nothing more than foodstuffs. Riding me of the moral burden. As for being a herbivore most creatures if given half a chance will gladly eat each other. There just to slow or stupid to do so.” “Well, meat is brain food after all. I’m sure it takes a lot of mental effort to run a country.” “Quite right it dues.” as she swallowed another hunk.” Slog thru a budget meeting. Only to turn around have to hold court for 3 hours, then set up a planning committee for this or that. It's all enough to drive a lesser pony mad. Still watching one of my younger subjects face lit up as I parade by her. Makes it in that brief moment worth it. “ “However do you do it all.” with an eye roll Realizing he was joking her face dropped into a more relaxed look. “Practice, determination and the understanding that most of the menial things can be delegated. Thank mother for it all.” She tittered out. They cared on taking until their stakes were no more than bones. Standing up “Thank you for this breath respite from the crown. I bid you adieu. “ she left him just standing there with four bits in his hand. As the portal slowly shrank to nothingness, Almost. For some reason, the faintest pink hue hung around daring him to investigate it. Slowly encircling he looked at it trying to understand its nature to no avail. Then on a whim, he decided to poke it with his finger. The residual aura latched onto him and diapered into his forearm. Casing a tingle reminiscent of being electrocuted. “Aww. You stupid idiot why the hell did I do that.” thankfully the pain dies down as quickly as it began. Leaving no visible trace either in the air or on his arm. “ Note to self, don't poke strange energy fields like a moron. “ leaving the dishes where they lie. He made a bolt for his home. Later on, in that night's dreams, He was ever the spell sword he enjoyed paying as in adventure games. But every magic endowed punch or levitation spell feat much more real. Almost as if he was casting it. And as he awoke his room looked bit messier then he had remembered it the night before. But he had little time to ponder it as he hastened to get to work. To be continued > Unexpected return > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- In that night's dreams, He was still the spell sword he enjoyed paying as in adventure games. But every magic endowed punch or levitation spell feat much more real. Almost as if he was casting it. And as he awoke his room looked bit messier then he had remembered it the night before. But he had little time to ponder it as he hastened to get to work. In the three days since Princess Celestia had portaled into and out of his life. Things were just starting to fall back into there mundane pattern. Go to work, go home, eat dinner to his favorite shows. Which in this case was an M.M.A. fight. Pantomiming every punch that was thrown. T.v announcer “Caolin unleashes a furious combo alternating punches. Mcgregor ducks under the right cross and retaliates with a sidekick to Caolin’s ribs. Spacing the two men out. Mcgregor lunges for the knee and gets caught with a stiff right hook.” It was then that the T.V. shook and the side of the cabinet cracked form Worththrup’s blow. A blow that came from over 6 feet away. Startled and with his arm tingling from the magical discharge he fell backward onto the couch. “ What happened, did I just? “ standing back up he thru sever more punches toward the easy chair. But nothing happens. “Was I just dreaming about it? “ A glance at the cracked wood stand said otherwise.” Thinking on why it wasn't working. He remembered a line from a movie about Merlin “ If you think it's easy to bend the laws of both god and nature, think again. It takes every thought in your tiny little mind focused with steadfast resolve on that one simple act. In order to bend the very will of all creation to your whim. “ refocusing he trayed over and over to no avail. Finally realizing he didn't want to damage his one furnisher. So he took out his pocket knife and jammed the handle between the cushions. “ If you don't knock out that mugger right now he is going to cut you to pieces.” Trying to psyche himself up before punching again. This time the cushions made the slightest pop. “Harder! “ he yelled as each time he struck was rewarded with the squeak of the char’s legs dragging across the floor . Until one mighty blow, finally knocked it onto its back. His chest heaved and his arms ache from the strain. As he fell onto the floor in an exhausted heap. “Well one thing's for sure magic can give you a powerful headache.” grabbing his head. He quit his job and focused on training his now fond talent for manipulating the air around him. Working his way up to form lifting kitchen knives. To small stones then eventually an 80-pound bag of concrete. Which promptly tore open creating a quite a large cloud of dust. Coughing profusely “I need to work on my control.” Feeling his skin tighten and dry out he headed straight to the shower. About a week later in the same clearing as before the trees around him shook as he went through his combat mantra “lifting uppercut, Double side punch, Grand hurricane trust. Ahhaa!” His left arm painfully glowed with a pink hue just before a portal reopened behind him. And a rather perturbed looking Princess stepped out. O that King Rooloff can take his flack back to yackastan and freeze to death for all I care. The nerve smashing my antique tifpony table set.” Finally taking a look around.” Hang on this isn't sweetgrass meadow.” Ya sorry about that it seems a bit of your portal was left behind. And I absorbed its magic. “ She spotted the dimming glow on his arm. “ My how interesting. Let's see about that. She trotted over and took his hand in hoof “This should fix it.” and quickly began pulling the magic back into her. “There we are, problem solved. “ “Ua thank you?” for a moment he wondered if he still had magic within him. So he tried picking a blade of grass, and it floated it up to his hand much to his relief. “But now I have to figure out where I am going to eat.” Celestia said “I can fix you a plate rather quickly. Do you like spicy hot foods or mild?“ Worththrup offered. “Spice is what I travel dimensions for.” He hurriedly ran back to his house and began microwaving a bach of beef burritos. While they were cooking, he shredded some pepper jack cheese. And added it and some salsa to the top of the plate. Before rushing back. “For the lady Burritos Queso” “Thank you it looks delicious.” partaking of a corner the spices and cheese contrasted well. At least until she swallowed and her mouth began to tingle with the heat. “My Its like eating a bit of the sun.” before she could go in for another bite it had died down to a slight sweetness. “How very interesting.” “Thank you for the component.” Worththrup She devowed the plate savoring the flames ebb and flow form every bite. “I am cereus how did you make such high-quality food so fast?” Honestly, it's little more than store-bought premade food. All I had to do was reheat it. But I promise to have something better for you next time.” “What do you mean premade? How long are we talking exactly?” Somewhere in the range of about a month or so. When you factor in shipping and the like. She was inwardly stunned that they could keep food fresh so long without the use of magic. Then there was that other part, “Next time, aren't we being a bit presumptuous? Expecting that there would be a next time without even asking.” “Of course how rude of me. Would you like to come back again sometime and try a freshly prepared meal?” “Why thank you for the invention. How about 7 suns form now.” Thinking to herself he had taken the bait. You have lured her in, so I better make good on this. He thought. “ A week from now it is then.” “I hate to eat and run but the affairs of state wait for no one sadly including me. “ as she began to reopen the portal. Just as she was stepping in Worththrup yelled: “ I look forward to our date!” Staggered she fell thru the portal head first onto the marble tile of her living chambers. As the portal closed neatly behind her. “ A date I haven't been on one of those in a thousand moons or more.” From the doorway came “ Princess are you alright in there? We heard a bang.” “Everything's just fine I just tripped. Go back to your post.” she switched to a much softer tone “ Whatever shall I wear.” her smile at this thought was positively radiant. > The big date > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- She had been wishing to show up early for her date with her main dun. But the yearly swan-a-flying expense report had left her to ponder whether or not ponies would be facing embezzlement charges. Making her over 30 minutes late as she opened the portal. He was waiting patiently on the other side. “Glad to see the affairs of state didn't hold you hostage to long.” “Haha. It would be funnier if it was not true.” “I have a way to allow us to go wherever we want. Please close your eyes.” Worthrup asked Closing her eyes, “How are you going to do that?” “It's a simple spell and won't take long to cast.” Celestia wasn't prepared for him grabbing her horn. Her whole body ached as her one magic twisted and rearranged her form into that of a human. Still, on all fours, Celestia demanded to know “ What have you done to me.” Grabbing him in her aura. I know that it was a rather intense spell and your a little upset. But you're let's say 80% human now. I made sure to leave your wings and horn intact. Clearly, I haven't taken away your one casting abilities.” “Turn me back this instant!” An incredulous Celestia shouted. “I can do that, or I can teach you how to do it yourself.” “I'm listening but it better work.” "Magic hear works on the sheer force of one's will. All you need to do is use it to talk to the atoms in your one body and ask them to turn you back. But I warn you any doubt will cause the spell to fizzle out with no effect. Celestia dropped him from about three feet in the air. Then with some apprehension, focused all her power inwards. But it was to no avail. Angered, she looked at him again. Reddy to beat him to a pulp if need be. Only to see two wings sprout from his back and cut their way through his shirt. Not to be outdone by what she thought was a magic-less race. She used her anger to burn away all hesitation and regained her pony form. “I'm still mad at you. But I must say a spell like this will come in handy when I travel.” “How about I make it up to you on a shopping trip to the mall. Of course, you will have to fit into this. “ Tilting his wrist he beckoned at a bag which floated to her. A part of her wanted to open the portal and never come back. But the idea of walking around without everyone falling to their knees was just too tempting. This time the change was harder without the focus her anger gave, but she pushed through it. Standing on two legs for the first time took effort. Stabilizing herself Once her new hand reached in the bag. First came a white sundress with a yellow sunrise on one side, a three-pack of ladies bottoms, a pair of white penny loafers and a small handbag. It all mostly fit except for the dress is a little tight around the bust. “Sorry I just didn't know what size bra you needed. So that will be one of the things on our list. “ By the way, I placed 1500$ in the purse to fund our little expedition. Unsure of what a bra was “Yes, let's go to the mall as you called it.” She took off in the wrong direction. Wishing to stop her. He flapped his new wings trying to take off. But his newly formed wings laced the strength needed for anything more than a short hop. Improvising He charged his hands with a swirling ball of wind like some superhero and prepared himself skyward. Thankfully she was slower than normal in her new form. allowing him to cut across her flight path in a long ark. “Why is he doing that?” Then it dawns on her that in her haste she had forgotten to ask for directions. She followed him to a nearly empty parking lot tucked away in the far corner of the mall. Where they both landed. “So do you want to eat or go into a couple of shops first?” Worthrup asked Celestia stomach growled, “ Some lunch would be rather appreciated after that flight .” “Then it's off to the food court.” As the pair approached the sliding doors. They opened for a big biker dude. “Aaa. Nice costumes. I didn't know there was a comic con going on today.” “Good sir what do you mean by that. This is not a costume.” " Easy there, girl, I meant no offense." Worthrup stepped between them, “ Sorry, it's her first time in costume. And she was just trying to be in character.” Turning to her. “Come along Tia! the food court awaits.” “ Ok, I get it man you two kids have fun.” before walking over to his bike. Once inside a pouting Tia asked,” What was that about?” There's a local custom where everyone dresses up as their favorite t.v show characters. Then meats up in banquet hall to hang out with other fans. Dressing up like that that is called cosplay. And come to think of it if anyone asks that's what we are doing. Got it.” “I see, then I will go along with it then. “ “Good the food court is just up the stairs.” Once there, Celestia nose twitched.” What are all the strange yet wonderful smells?” “Spices and recipes from a great many lands have migrated here for our pleasure.” The sweet orange scent from the wok to you. The smoky spices from the Rib Shack and Chihuahua tacos. The meaty tang of roasted lamb from Tapa’s. And other vendors lead her around the world with every breath. Walking up to the counter. “May I have some of that please”. “The sesame beef ? “ she nodded in agreement.” Right away miss. “ It has been a while since anyone had called her that. But that was why she came to worlds like this. Soon enough she was handed a bento box. Turning away from the counter and spotted Worththrupwaveing her over to an empty table. As she sat down. Tia’s horn glowed and the cover popped off revealing that her meal included a side of fried rice and an eggroll. She was about to levitate a bite. When the concerned look on his face stopped her. “I’m sorry but most people don't even believe in magic. So I don't know how they would react if they found out it was real.” Tia realized the mess it might make. “All right, I promise to not use my magic in public.” “That's fine. And know that I'm having trouble resisting the temptation as well.” As he handed her a spork.” As the pair continued to eat Tia spotted a large set of pipes on the other end of the mall. They twisted and turned until they ended in a large pool. Ponting at it with the pepper on her fork. “ What is that?” “It's a water park. We can go later if you like.” Then she saw someone's silhouette go around one of the turns. And fully understood its purpose. “It looks like fun.” let's go after we finish. "We would need a swimsuit for that. But there's no reason we can't buy one and go after.” Celestia chuckled at the thought of putting on a onesie before she dove into the royal pool. Even though most ponies didn't wear clothes anywhere else. “That would be fine. “ Before biting into the pepper. Her face reddened. This time the burn felt like trying to swallow the sun whole. “ “Oww hot hot hot.” Seeing her discomfort “ Quick eat some of the rice.” She stuffed her face until she looked like a chipmunk. Much to his amusement. “All right funny guy, I want to see you eat one.” flicking the other pepper on to his plate. “Gladly!” He retorted as he everything but the stem. Then began staring at her while counting to thirty. “ I eat things a lot hotter than that all the time. Thow I am considered a lightweight.” Tia’s froze in fear at how hot peppers might get. Sensing her moment of weakness “We can get some different hotter kinds at the store if you want to try them out.” “No This was hot enough.” thankfully the rest of the meal was pepper free and she had it gone in minutes. “ Can we go shopping now?” Upon exiting the food court Worththrup stopped at the mall directory. “Now where should I take you. The south pier, Saxanys.” Tapping him on the shoulder Calesta pointed to sine in one of the windows advertising 50% off swimwear “How about here.” looking up his face reddened reading the sine for Jade's Closet. The local adult store. Before He reasonably thought to himself But this was Tia a 1000-year-old + who undoubtedly had seen it all. For obvious reasons, the inner door had to be buzzed by the clerk to open. And much to his relief, the swimwear was front and center. The clerk (A leather-clad goth”) promptly asked If they need any help. Thinking fast, he responded, “ This lovely lady is interested in a new swimsuit and a couple of bras.” Quickly Celestia was ushered deeper in. Worththrup let out a sigh of relief. Just being in this place made him feel uneasy. let alone explaining what half of the things were, in this store. To a princess no less. The clerk led her to a wall display where several plastic busts displayed the store’s lingerie. “ Now just pick out the one you want and tell me your size. So I can fetch it from the back room.” Tia” I am not sure what size I need.” “That's not a problem would you like me to measure you.” beckoning her to step behind a curtain.“This won't take a moment just hold your hands up.” the tape whipped around her chest “ A “J “cup my isn't your boyfriend lucky. “ Yes quite.” Was Tia’s repose. “Now which one did you want?” Tia pointed to a more conservative beige set. “I will be right back.” the clerk reassured stepping toward the storage room. As Tia peered out from behind the curtain, Wroththrup uneasy stood facing the door. “ I bet I can have some fun with this.” She made her way to the girl's swimwear and picked out a couple from the rack. “ Would you mind telling me which one you like better? “ The first was a brown one-piece with a sun setting in a pale green ocean. The next was a blue fish-scale bikini. Looking them over. “Well, the one-piece is definitely you. Proper yet playful. But the Bikini is a lot more practical with our added appendages. “ twitching his wings. “ But you would look great in both of them.” Then she floated a black split crotch panty and bra set off the display hook in front of her. “ how about this one. Worththrup was stunned for a moment as the clerk interrupted. “ My I think they had the desired effect. Shall I fetch a set in your size as well.” Fighting back his shyness he summoned the courage to ask. “ Do you have a set of matching stockings and gloves as well ?” “I think I have just what you're looking for. Be right back” handing Tia the bras she had already retrieved.” “What's with the gloves? Is that your fetish or something?” Tia smirked at him. “Honestly yes it is. I don't see the point of dressing up in costumes just to take it back off again before the fun starts. His modesty flared back up "Still that's a topic for another day. Finding his hesitancy cute. She flirtatiously quipped. “ Are you sure, the dates not over yet.” “When your dune I can cash you out at the counter.” The clerk interrupted. Worththrup grateful for the out made his way to the counter. And quickly paid for his swim trunks. Before waiting at the door. As Celestia to made her way to pay.“Keep it up girl, and he will be yours in no time.” The clerk quietly spoke as the tag reader beeped. “You think so?” As she placed the money on the counter. “Of cores, he wouldn't be so flustered if he wasn't so interested.” Then the clerk slipped two gel-filled square pillows and some condoms into the bag. “ Just in case you need them later.” Picking up the nondescript bag tia thanked the clerk before the two headed for the water park. And after paying for the wrist bands. Worththrup stopped her at the changing room door. "There are some things you need to know. First, go into one of the changing rooms once you have changed. Then in front of them should be a set of lockers. For you to place everything else in. Don't forget to take the key out of the door. And finally, before you come out rinse yourself off. Before coming out. O and you might want to shrink down your wings so they won't get caught in the tube. “ Tia was glad to have the local etiquette lesson. Still, he had left himself wide open. “ Anything else daddy?” Came out in a playfully childish voice. He just sneered for a moment before relenting “ Fair enough, you got me. Let's go in.” They had fun racing one another down the twin corkscrew, squirting each other with the pools spray nozzles, and generally acting like a couple of kids. Until their legs aked from climbing back up the slides stares. “ I think I have had enough. let's go back to your place. “ Tia shuck from being in the water for too long. “Let's get you dried off. “It was then that he remembered the fact they forgot to buy towels. He looked to see if anyone was looking before hugging her. Concentrating his thoughts the water fell off the duo in a sheet. Making her skin bristle for a moment. “ I thought it was a bad idea to use magic in public if we can help it.” “I messed up and placed us in a position where it was needed. Sorry. “ Impressed by his magical control, she gave him a quick kiss “No harm done.” Then pulled away toward the dressing rooms “ Meet you out front.” Later he was leaning agent the wall as she exited shopping bag in hand. “Tia, are you ready to go.” Pulling him back around the corner “ Yes, let's take a quick way back.” With a pink flash, they were back in the clearing. She was still shivering and cold to the touch. “Why don't we go back to my place where I can make you a hot pot. It's just beyond the treeline.” “Why how gallant of you. “ Giving him a playful wink. Entering by the rear door, he pulled one of the chairs from the table “Have a seat, while I get things cooking.” “Why thank you,” Tia respond. As he pushed the chair in. “Now how about some music. While you wait.“ With an uplifted hand. He pushed a few buttons and turned a knob to adjust the volume from a lively string quartet. In the time it took for the second song to finish he had returned with two brightly colored paper bows “For the lady the Miso Pork.” On the air was the sweet and somewhat nutty aroma. Looking her meal over she found a pale yellow stock. Which floated a raft of noodles and a freshly fried slice of ham. “It looks delicious.” “I hope you enjoy it.” Came from across the table. With that Tia magically stirred the mixture. Before floating up a bite-size orb of it to her mouth. The texture was smooth and slightly oily. Coating her mouth the taste of spicy and somewhat salty milk. Gulping it down the warmth of it all was much appreciated. They both made quick work of the soup. Standing up tia spoke “Thank you for the meal. “Kissing him. Then began to pull up her sundress. “So, when can I see you again? “ Worththrup asked. Before realizing she had slipped into the black lace lingerie back at the pool. “Why would I be going anywhere, except maybe to your bedroom.” "If I was married to you, we would be making out on the floor right now. But we are not. “Is that all I am the ruler of all Equestria. But a word form me and a flick of my wings. It would be so. “ Feeling slightly put out. “Not quite, I would have to consent first plus we are not in your land.” “My apologies, of course, you have a say in it. As for the other thing, my land is just portal away.” Leaning back in his chair I am not opposed to it.” But what would be my duties as your husband? Would I be expected to take the mantle of king and rule by your side?” Tia sat back on the chair with an earnest look “ One day perhaps. For now, my little ponies look upon me as the goddess mother. A state of mind I am trying to gently break them of, by the way. Sill I am afraid it will be a secret kept under the rouse of a visiting diplomat. A vazir, duke, or something like that.” “I always liked Vis-count, and I can see the need to learn how to lead before the full burden sets in.” “Then come with me. And we shall be wed tonight.” “ I expect. But I need to be able to return and keep my affairs in order here. Winterize my home, pay the taxes that sort of thing.” “Dooley noted and easily taken care of. Anything else?” Not that I can think of.” Standing up she formed a portal behind him. As he was distracted by her throwing her shopping bag thru it. She rushed him glomping on tightly. He staggered backward falling to Equestria. With a thud, the pair landed in a secluded field “Oof what was that for?” “I'm tired of waiting, so I now pronounce us stallion and wife.” Twitching her wings.” You may now kiss the bride and a lot of other things.” He leaned his head up and began to passionately kiss her. When she brock off for the air. “ That was a good start missy but can you let me up so I can get more comfortable.” Not getting what he meant for a moment. “ O you mean naked.” lifting herself. ” By all means my love.” As he began to strip down she began to roll up first the black gloves past her elbow. But before she was finished what the lace stockings, he hugged her from behind. Kissing and licking the back of her neck. Thoroughly enjoying the attention, she barely managed to get out the condoms and gel form the bottom of the bag. “ I think it's time you show me how to use this stuff.” He took the condoms and threw them back into the bag. “ I want children so we will have no need for them. “ Then picking up one of the gels he whispered in her ear. “ Have you ever been played like a cello before?” biting her ear softly. Whatever do you mean by that? In a questioning but hopeful voice. “Calm down and just let me lead.” He cut the tab off the packet and the smell of strawberry filled the air. Squeezing it he let a few drops fall onto her back before lubricating his member and sliding the tip into her back door. “Oo I don't normally let ..” he had stopped her by placing a gel-covered finger in her mouth. “Just relax a bit and it will slip right in.” with a slow trust he was now fully inside her. “ It's now time for the performance.” Twisting her left nipple solicited excited squeak. Sliding his hand across her box garnered a low mone. After finishing the warm-up. He picked up the pace of his strumming, she responded by rhythmically bobbing along the length of his shaft. Letting out consent moans and shouts of ecstasy. Until she could no longer hold back her crescendo. An uncontrolled blast of magic burst from her horn and exploded next to the sun. Even as she was soaking the ground in front of them. Allowing her to gently fall to the ground “ Was it everything you desired.” Still huffing in attempt to catch her breath.” It was amazing, never have I been so assaulted with waves of passion before. What you did with your hands. Makes me wish hooves would disappear. “ The technic deserves most of the credit but I'm glad you liked it” then form a nearby tree came an unnatural squawking. Covering his ears what is that. It’s just an alarm clock, telling me it's almost time for the sun to go down. But before that, you still need to go home right?” The hunger for him to stay dripped from her voice. “Regretfully Tia I must. Cracked toilets and a flooded basement. Would be a rather costly mistake .” With some regret in her one “ Yes our duties no matter how much we dislike it.” he kissed her to get her quite. That just something to remember me by. the next two days. Now, how about a portal back home? "Yes of course.” with that, she opened the portal back to his home. He waved goodbye, "See you in two days, my love." before disappearing into it. To be continued... > The Honeymoon > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Celestia still in her pony form knocked on the back door to her loves house. But from the side came, “Be with you in a minute.” Quizzically she peered around the corner to find him locking way two steel drums. From them drifted an unspent order.  “Sorry I had hoped to have this done by now but the trash truck was late today.” He muttered as he locked the cage.   Tia stepped back around the corner trying to doge the smell “ That's quite alright.” Sensing her displeasure “ Just let me clean myself off then we can go. “ then it hit him he had drained the water lines. Thinking maybe little to fast he summoned a brisk wind which swelled and buffeted every inch of him. Scrubbing the sent away and leaving any exposed skin slightly reddened.     “That was certainly an interesting way of doing it. “ Tia was Impressed by his ingenuity.   Wishing to avoid the embarrassment of admitting he overdid it . “ let's just get going. “ Tia saw through his bluster but wisely decided to let it go on the way back to the clearing.” Is there anything you wish to bring with us before I open the portal back?” “Most of my belongings would be an ill fit in your world. So I think it's best I leave them behind. “ Thinking to herself for a moment “ Probably for the best then. Come along.” her horn glowed and the portal reaped. Just in time for her to step inside it. Celestia expected Worththrup to tail along a mere moment behind her. But as a minute passed she was just starting to worry that something was wrong. When a black hoof poked its way out followed by a sleekly built turquoise blue-furred pegasus. Underneath of which every bit of toned muscle was in plane view. He just stood there for a moment, as some art nouveau statue brought to life. In front of her shocked gaze.      Worththrup’s voice asked, “ How do I look?”  Pacing around him Celestia eyed him like a hungry predator. What a pretty stallion you make my love. But I thought you would have a horn considering your magical talents. He winced at the pretty boy part. And instead focused on his lack of a horn. “ My apologies for not being Alcorn. You will just have to make do with a paladin.” turning to face her she noticed the large clear gemstone embedded in his forehead. Just below his black mane line. “Where I am from it is a gift bestowed by the divine one. Marking you as one of his chosen.” “ And where does that leave our relationship?”  “Have no fear there is no commandment against marriage. So we are good.” “ I believe my ponies would expect that. When the time is right that is.” He pulled her closer” I can live with that for now. “ Then planted a passionate kiss on her lips. In return, she gently forced her tongue down his throat. Before pulling back.  We need to get going sadly I still have court in the afternoon. But after that comes the night and the night’s have always been for lovers.  Lead the way then.  The pair drifted along with the dipping and banking with the winds. Until after a long ark, they landed on one of the balconies of the castle. With a sweeping gesture, Celestia flung them wide open. “Welcome to your new home. Everything within the walls you may treat as your one.“    Worththrup entered into the spacious flat. To be grated by three white-furred maids. Worththrup noticed each was wearing a white veil. ” Welcome to your new kingdom. Vis-count Worththrup.”   “Good, you have bridesmaids. ” Inwardly he chuckled at the literalness of his statement.   Celestia gave a sheepish look. “More than that. They're here to abide by an old ponish custom called the royal herd. Meat Rose Petal the unicorn, Dust Devil a pegasus, and Silver Chalice the earth pony. Outwardly there just your maid staff at least for the time being. Inwardly we will be each other's brides and you the stallion of our state.” Worththrup pondered all that had been said. Going from no real prospects in dating. To 4 wedding proposals at once. Was a rather flattering shock.  His head, hart, Loynes hashed it all out eventually concluding that the head will just have to deal with it. “ I expect.”   “ Good. There is one formality I have to observe. Saying I do one more time. And signing the marriage certificate. “ Celestia said in a calm tone.  A parchment floated over and he signed. With a somber ” I do.”     It was passed down the row and at each stop, a pony signed it stating “ I do.”  Now that that's all settled. Mares, I will leave you to helping him setal in.  “At once your majesty.” they all chimed in unison.   “Then I will see you all soon.” Worththrup thought to ask where she was going but remembered her commitment to the royal court. So instead trend and asked, ``How about true?” first there was the living room in which sat two red semi-circular sofas facing each other. And two coffee tables between them. A simple yet inviting setup designed to foster relaxed negotiations between friendly states. Beyond that was a more open sitting room with posh chairs a fainting couch, and bar. Along with the door to the dining hall and a thick removal certain blocking off the bedroom. Which had a dragon-sized bed and large walk-in closets. Plus the door to the bathroom.    Ladies, I hope you don't mind my freshening up a bit before we get on with our honeymoon. Before opening the door. Rose followed him until she found her post behind the privacy wall.       looking around the cavernous bath he recognized the sink and tub but wondered if what looked like a standing urinal instead mounted along the floor was the water closet, and if so how to use it. Starting to walk back out he noticed Rose sitting there. “ This is rather embarrassing but how do you use the bathroom it's rather different than in my home country.“ It was nothing new for her. As many dignitaries had had similar problems in the past. Walking in she turned her flank to the curved standing part of the fixture and lifted her tail.” Now for solids. Stand like this. “ Tearing around and placing her for hooves in the brass stirrups. ‘As for liquids, “ her horn glowed in a pink hue pulling him on top of her, wedging his member between her hind legs and tits, softly finished“ You stand like this and let go. “ “Are you sure about this?“ politely asked Worththrup. “Princess Celestia ordered us to take care of our husbands every need, want or ..” lowering her voice “ desire.” With that, he obeyed her request letting it flow into the pool below. His stallionly musk drifted up filling her nostrils with his pheromones. Breathing it in heightened her arousal making her twitch beneath him, giving him the start a Titjob. Relaxing he enjoyed her soft touches, licking her neck to return her affection.  “Now that we are both warmed up, why don't you take what is yours.” Releasing her grip on his manhood. He stepped back for a moment before prodding her soaked marehood and with a few slow deliberate strokes. Soon he had forced his shaft into her love. Until it met with her virginity. Eliciting a mone from Rose. He teased at her chary several times. Before biting her neck for leverage and shredding it with a powerful thrust. She let out a whimper and a tear ran down her cheek. “ Are you alright Rose ?” he whispered in her ear. Her response was to thrust her hips father back onto his shaft queuing him to keep going. The pair painted harder as the speed of his strokes ramped up until they both had climaxed.  As their breathing slowed he whispered to her “Thank you.” before claiming of her back and heading to the sink.  She just stood there for a moment, letting the blood drip into the basin below. Before asking in a soft voice, “Will you please bring me a cloth to clean myself up, love.” Grabbing another from the rack below he wet it and turned to face her. Taking it in her aura “Thank you, why don't you go lie down I am going to need a while .” “Are you sure ?” looking at her sullen expression. Picking up at the fact that he cared ‘’Yes I just need to clean up it's my job after all. Besides, the others need you. ” “If you're absolutely sure?” he gently asked. “Thank you for the concern but I wish to be alone.”   He left it at that and walked back into the guest room. Rose Petal cast aside her maids uniform and climbed into the tub. There she sat with tears running down her muzzle completing the loss of the last bit of her fillyhood, having traded it for four mates and her eventual role as a mother. “How I wish we can keep both .” her heart whispered in the dark. Eavan as her head reassured her it's just how it has to be.  Thinking back to yesterday. In the head of a table royal dining hall sat Princess Celestia. Rose the chambermaid found herself standing between Dust the Parlourmaid and Silver the kitchen maid. Each standing at attention on their hind legs.   “ Rose Petal, Dust devil and Silver Chalice each of you I have grown quite fond off while you have served as my very personal staff. So I wish to form a herd with the three of you and a stallion who I have been dating for a while. It's your right to refuse me. And the only thing that will happen to you if you choose to do so is reassignment to a different part of the castle with no docking of your pay.  Dust Devil took a step forward and spoke: “ I have enjoyed our preening sessions you majesty and always wanted to go farther, but to be a royal maid it to be professional in all things.“With a blush running to her cheeks. Holding out an upturned hoof “And you all have been trustworthy stewards of the title. Knowing that I can be myself without the fear of scandal is a big part of why I am attracted to all of you. That and you all are rather easy to look at. Dust devil the grace-full forward sweep of your wings is pure Pegasus perfection. I wish to rub my scent all over them. “ Bowing at the compliment, she unconsciously fluffed of her wings “ Why thank you, your majesty” Turning her head toward Rose Petal “ I love you cute face and how your horn guts form it at just the right angle to accentuate its beauty further. I so long to taste every inch of it.”   She stood on her hind legs arrow straight with a deep blush. “ Th..ank you, your majesty.” In the back of her mind, she wondered if she had been caught staring just a little too long as Calesta exited her bath. Turning to Silver Chalice “Your well defined and toned flank. I just want to hug and kiss. “ She pulled at the hem of her outfit down around her tail. Slightly embarrassed she wasn't into mares but any man that can capture the princess hart had to be a special breed.   “Now, I again offer each of you my hoof .” Princess Celestia stated as encouragement. Walking up to her Dust Devil took her hoof in hers and kissed it “ I am yours, your majesty.” “ When we are alone like this it is just Tia. I want you to feel at home around me. Come and sit beside me.” Holding up her wing. Smiling at the gesture dust arose and tucked herself under Calista's embrace. “I understand if you two need more time to think about it. I am more than willing to hear your answer over breakfast if that's what you need. “   Rose Petal hadn't moved a muscle running over in her mind what she wanted. When a dripping wet image of Celestia's main and tail clinging seductively to her equine body. Beckoning her to touch it. Before snapping back to reality. To find Calesta locking eyes with her. “I will !” she shouted.  “You will what? “ Celestia politely asked  Bowing her head to the floor “ I will marry you. Please, I beg you.” She was cut off by the touch of a wingtip under her chin. “Come, there is no need for that. You are to be my bride after all. “ Guiding her up off the floor come there is room for you under my wing as well” The two walked back to dust and settled in at the head of the table.  Chalice still standing in on the line. “Your majesty, I am vehemently only into stallions. He better be big and strong, if you want me to have an interest in him. ” “Worththrup is a powerful flyer, a skilled mage, and knowledgeable lover. Who left me breathless in every regard.” Celestia vehemently announced. “I will have to see him for myself.”    Celestia was at a bit of a loss having not seen his pony form herself. “ Fine, we will make a lap around the spire before landing. And if you're still in the room when we enter I will take that as you acceptance.”     Hearing Dust’s gentle moans and the subtle squeak of the bed frame sprung her back to reality.   While Rose Petal pondered Worththrup plopped down on the large bead. His groins twitching from their previous exertion. Dust Devil flue over and landed beside him “ I see that some of your feathers are muddled, let me help fix them.” Before starting to lick and twist on one of the unruly standouts. “What are you... That does feel good. “Breathed out Worththrup. As she continued she slowly rubbed her face on the spot. Spreading out her oil onto his wing both waterproofing and marking him as her one. Feather by feather she worked until he was back to sleek perfection. Sliding over to straddle his back.    “Hold still and let me work out those kinks.” grounding her hoof into his flight muscles. “I'm sure there will be plenty of time for that .” Worththrup jokingly muttered.  Dust pad him no mind. Instead grinding a hoof into one of his more tender muscles. “Of, ouw, ahh right there.” Moned a relaxed Worththrup. “How did you get so good with this.” “ Celestia’s wings need grooming too and it's just a part of the job I\ happen to like. Glad you enjoyed it. But I need you to flip over now .” Flying above him. Flipping over his half-erect cock poked in the air. Immediately Dust pounced on it like it was a black and pink mouse. Suckling on the tip she coaxed it to the full mast before dragging her spit-soaked tung up and down it. Eliciting groans of pleasure. She then maneuvered to slide it inside her ass. Slowly sliding down along its length. Panting as it went in. He twitched inside her anal cavity. And then began to grind her hips against him. Before starting to slide up and down his manhood. Things went on like this for about five minutes. Until dust turned to one side and grabbed his leg. Pulling his hoof up to her face she began to treat it like a striper pool bumping and licking as she rase and feal. Nearing his limit Worththrup began bucking under her. Finally exploding deep in her gut.  Falling over Dust Devil hugged her husband and wiped in his ear. “ That was intense, thank you.” With a look of contentment ” Your welcome, That felt marvelous and I look forward to doing it again.”                Dust tilted her head and spotted Rose Petal leaning against the doorway. Her mascara had started to run down her cheek but she stared back with contentment and a damp rag. Throwing it to Dust “ Clean yourself up with this. “ Catching it Dust wiped off his leg then pulled herself off his shaft cleaning it as she arose. By that time Rose was climbing in to join them in bed. The three new lovers contently lied together recovering their strength. Until Silver Chalice began to polish the leg of a fainting couch. Sticking her flank in the air “ I hope some handsome stallion doesn't come by and take advantage of me.”  Worththrup rolled out from the middle for the two now dozing ponies and strutted up behind her. Whispering in her ear “ I will only stop if you yell out peppermint.” before shoving his battering ram past her gates. “No, some horny stallion has caught me unaware what shall I do ?”   by the tone of her voice and a slight smile. He knew it was just an act. Pulling her head down with his magic.   Gasping for air through the lust. “Please stop your cock is tearing me inside.” he could tell she didn't mean a word of it.  “Your marehood is mine now. I’m going to buck it hard.” Speeding up his strokes. He had her panting in pleasure as Celestia came from behind the pair and began to kiss him all the while he continued pounding her. “ No, the princess has seen me in this shameful state. How will I live through this.” Soon after with a deep thrust, she felt his seed cover her vault's insides. Pulling out he began to walk away with Celestia wing in wing.  “I am ruined and not even so much as a thank you, “ she called out with an apathetically playful pout. Staying in character Worththrup shot back “ I don't thank a toilet after I use it .” With a slightly puzzled look “ If you two are done with whatever that was it's time for dinner.” Princess Celestia spoke. Instantly Silver Chalice became serious. Quickly disappearing into the private dining hall. She began retrieving plates of food from a dumb waiter. Wile Princess Celestia and Worththrup sat down. With a wingtip, Tia motioned for Rose and Dust to sit as well. “ As long as we are alone You no longer have to wait for me to sit down. We are a herd after all.” Both uttered a quick “Yes your majesty. “ Taking a seat at the round table.  As it was Chalice duty she hardly yet elegantly served each a plate containing a squash half, stuffed with sauteed greens and mushrooms. Before sitting down with her one. Worththrup for a time watched as each race begin eating with the tools available to them. Those that had magic used it to tear off little pieces and float it to their mouths. While the rest somehow managed to pick up a fork.  Thinking on it he formed a hand on the end of his hoof and used that to lift a bite of his meal. Surprisingly finding a familiar and pleasant taste adding flavor the vegetables. He looked down to find shreds of ham underneath the greens. Celesta looking him in the eye “We do eat certain meats as well. Mostly fish and pork.”   Caught off guard for a moment “Why should I be surprised, there are very few true vegans in my realm. As you have pointed out. “ Thinking back to the best night ever ep. He remembered A.J grabbing a slice of ham from the buffet table. Not to mention the pigs on her farm.  After finishing a bite “ Exactly what was that I walked into a minute ago? Tia asked  “Just some role play your highness, to spice things up for me.” Answered Chalice   Tia turned to face Wherththrup “Like what we did last month?” “Not quite what was a public cosplay much like a foal might do. Roleplay  however is best kept behind locked doors for obvious reasons.” Wherththrup responded        Deciding to change the subject “That was tasty. Who else ready for dessert.” Celesta quandary licking her lips.” Dust and Chalice stood up and quickly cleared the table. Waiting for them inside the dumb waiter was a white frosted red velvet cake with a cluster of 5 piped roses on top. Celesta had wished she could place a proper wedding topper on it but it would have raised too many eyebrows. The pair divided it into five slices and past the plates around the table. before sitting back down to enjoy there one pice. Taking a chance, with a gesture of his hoof a single bite floated in front of the 4 mares. “Its tradition for the groom to feed the first bite to his bride’s. Now close your eyes .“ He was tempted to smear their faces with it as some couples do. Instead, he settled for just grazing their upper lips with the frosting.  “ Girls we all wearing a bit of the cake. ” Rose snorteled.  “My how sloppy of our dear husband.” A cooing Tia “And if I hadn't missed how would I ever get to kiss it off you?” As he started to lean toward Dust. She leaned into his kiss and his tongue darted way the icing and entered her mouth. Dust returned the gesture their tongues meeting then sliding over one another. Then he worked his way to Rose, then Chalice and finally the Princess. Stopping him ‘’ Why was I last am I not … “ he cut her off pulling her into a lip lock. Quickly it dawned on her that this way he can spend the most time with her. Wrapping her wings around him in approval she leaned back pulling him onto the table making the dishes clatter at the blow.   “Kinda anxious aren't we princess, “ he whispered into her ear. For the last three hours, I have had to listen to my poneys problems in court while thinking about much I wanted this.” Her horn started to glow. like a warm wave, her magic flowed over his shaft grinding it into her love-box. With a slow loving thrust, he was quickly in up to the hilt. He realized how wound up she still was. Form there last pairing.    He whispered, “Close your eyes and just let the day go.” Stroking her flowing mane. Straightening up he motioned for Rose and Chalice to come over and lick her nipples. This sort of thing was not to Chalice’s liking so she allowed Dust to go instead. The two kissed one another before circling and flicking her tips. Her love box clamped down on his dick as he began stroking in her. “Whatever you three are doing down there, please don't stop.”Tia half moned. Pulling out he let his horse run between her 4 mountains for a few strokes. Leaving a trail her slick behind as he resumed exploring her love- box. Dust and rose traced the tail with their tongues making sure no part of it was left behind. Even as Worththrup quickened his pace, mercilessly ramming her G spot. In response, Tia started to twitch in ecstasy gripping his shaft like a python. Before they both exploded out their streams of passion. Pulling out and letting her lie there he spoke “ I hope that was worth the wait. But judging by the look on your face it was.“ Downing a few ragged breaths “ You don't know how long it has been since I felt like that.”   “Am I so easily forgotten, it was but two days ago my sweet.” Worththrup snidely smirked.  Her embarrassment was saved by the faint ringing of an alarm clock. Which sent her to her hooves. “ Pardon me but it's time to end the day. Thank you all for that. “ before walking on to the balcony. Worththrup lazily spoke. I think I will retire to the bedroom, It's been a lovely but long day.” “I need to clean up the plates but will join you shortly.” Retorted Chalice pushing the others out the door. “Do you need help?” Asked dust.   The two of you can go on ahead and join him.   After finishing their chores Chalice and Tia returned to find the trio resting peacefully on the bed tangled up in each other. Dust. “ look he is already asleep.” brushing a bit of his main “He looks quite comfortable perhaps I should join this slumber party.” Chalice softly mused while taking off her uniform.      Well, he has had a long flight here and such a warm welcome. It's no wonder he is out cold. “ chucked Tia. “ I am going to take a bath now .” Intently Rose climbed out of bed to follow her to tend to whatever duties Celestia deemed to tiering to do herself. Wash her back, scrub her hair, bring her fresh linen or anything. To ease her long days. Although most days she simply wished to do most of it herself as a point of pride. This time however that was not going to stop Rose. Celestia had just finished taking off her tiara when rose grabbed her hips. “What are you doing? “ Tia shouted “Why helping you get clean my wife. “ Before starting to lick what was left of Worththrup seed from her gates. After she had licked every spot of cream from her skin. Roses' tongue pushed past the gates in search of more. Writhing and twisting inside like a snake it hunted every last drop it could reach. Much to Tia’s panting delight Rosse ’s horn glowed forming a copy of her head, which began kissing Tia’s neck. lovingly working up to her mouth for an extended and passionate kiss. Tia’s hind legs shook as she climaxed into her lovers waiting maw. “Thank you, princess, for your gift to me was rather tasty.” A bowing Rose offered up. Lifting herself Tia mostly fell into the tub “ I should be the one thanking you.” taking the showerhead in her aura it gave out a soothing stream on to her aching clam.   Rose perched herself on to the side of the tub “ Let me help you with that. “  Guarding herself “You two have done enough down there for one night.”  “ Is there anything else you need your majesty?”  “ Only a towel, when I am ready to get out.”   “Of course Tia I will be waiting with it for you. “ Getting out tia felt roses lustful gaze leaving her feeling as she had stepped onto a shark tank. Rose had slipped back into her training. Still, it was only by the barest of margins. That she had it been attacked again.   Yawning “ It's been a long day for me Rose lets go join the others in bed.” “Can I at least get a goodnight kiss?” Tia only walked past her. Just as rose began to feel jilted, a pink aura formed in front of her wrapping her in a warm embrace. After a fleeting moment of passion, it pulled back and formed ahead. “Did you really think I would fall for a novice trap like that. Now come along its bead time. “ “Tia you have the weirdest scenes of humor.” as the pair settled in for the night joining the slumbering pony pile.  To be continued  > Chalice's day off. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Silver Chalice walked in. Spying her “That's enough for today gentle colts.” As the guards began to walk to the locker room. “I thought you were only into mares what would Princess Celestia think of all this.” Chalice teased. In the back of her mind wishing she was the one on the bottom of the pile. “She knows all about it. Changing gears ” I assume lunch is ready.” Worththrup retorted. Reminded of her formal duties she straightened up “ The princess is awaiting your return in the dining hall.” “Thank you Chalice let us head there now. “ Once back in the guest chambers he stopped her. That was unprofessional back there joking around like that within earshot of the guards. Now I won't tell Tia about it, but I will punish you for this after lunch.” She started to riposte his authority to do so. But quickly remembered it was her afternoon with him and what fun might be had from said punishment. Swallowing her angst “Yes sir.”   Wiping some sweat of his brow “Tell Tia I will be in a minute, just as soon as I freshen up.” As he walked into the bathroom Rose Petal followed a few steps behind. Turning on the sink he reached down and soaked a washcloth to clean with. “ Rose if I may ask, It seems a lot of the mare's I run in to have gained a lot of weight over the winter. Is that normal?” before handing her the washcloth. “Yes it's normal for the mares to be caring about 50 extra pounds by now.” she had a wry look on her face. Misinterpreting her meaning as she scrubbed his back. ”I didn't mean to imply you had gained weight.“ Saying “Don't worry about it. If I had you would have been a father within a week or to. Maybe next year ” His eyes widened as his naivete lifted. “ How many children do you want to have?     Two maybe three of my one. Of course, there will be the other foals to look after as well. This thought to hit him like a ton of bricks. Thinking to himself 4 x 2 = 8 4 x3 = 12 . Gulping he swallowed his fears to focus on the good parts fatherhood. “ That sounds wonderful.” after he had dried off “ The others are waiting for us lets go before the food gets cold. “ The rest of the heard was seated in their normal spots as the pair entered in. Sitting down he glanced over to a visibly distressed Tia “ Is there something wrong with your salad? No, it's just a small matter I need to deal with later. Go on and eat.” as she levitated a bite in front of her mouth. The affairs of the Equestrian state where out of his wheelhouse. So he left it at that, even if it made the rest of the meal somewhat awkward.    After they had finished Rose, Tia and Dust had all left the dining room. As Worththrup came up from behind Chalice. And gave her a kiss “It's time for your punishment he magically pulled her head down to the marble floor as he stuck his half-erect shaft into her ass. Slowly it grows spreading her insides apart inch by inch. “ As punishment, you will not climax today understood. For if you do I will make you clean every drop of it off the floor with your tongue.” Frankly, he wasn't sure he meant all of that himself.   A complaint “Yes master.” Was all she responded with.   This positioning made it impossible for the G spot to be hit as he began to pound her. The feeling building up inside of her was far different than the other times They had coupled. Far more pain was mixed in with the normal pleasure. As it traveled up her spine and landed on her face. Instead of twisting it to her normal look of ecstasy. A tear rolled arcs her only slightly blushing Cheek. It was torture she thought to herself. But it was still better than what might have happened back when she had first been accepted as a royal maid. Princess Celestia might at best docked her pay. She would far more likely be reassigned her to clean the guard's bathroom stalls for such a breach of trust and edict. So she bore his onslaught without complaint. Just as the pain had built up to an unbearable level he finished coating her pipe with his sticky and soothing discharge.  Making her blurt out “ Thank you, master, I won't fail you again.”   As Worththrup began to let her up he noticed the pained look on her face.  “Are you all right?”  “Yes, there is no need to be concerned.” Smiling at the fact that even while punishing her he did care for her wellbeing.  “In that case let me get cleaned up and we!” she had started to polish off the sexual residue on his shaft with her tongue. Before deep throating it. “I guess our shopping trip can wait a bit longer.” The shortened time they had to shop made the pair take a few shortcuts to get it all before closing time. Including one seemingly innocuous back alley.  Two big earth ponies stepped out blocking the way forward,” Hay what have we hear a noble pony out with his side action. “Why don't you let us Just relieve you of her and your bits.”  Stated the other. “Run!” was his response. Urging Chalice to turnback with a hoof. They turned to find another pony with a hoof-blade, blocking their exit. Flaring his wings in front of him he formed a magical snowplow. And continued to run straight at him. With murderous determination. The younger stallion wisely decided to duck behind an abutment and let them through. As he passed him by he heard a scream. Chalice had bucked one of the other two in the ribs and was currently biting the other on the ear.   Pushing her way. “Get off me you nag.” While her attacker was still off-balance he tela-grabbed him by the main and shoved his head into a trash can.  “Didn't you hear me run! “ This time she obliged snorting as she ran past the blocker. Who was busy soiling himself. The pair ran to a crowded spot with several benches. And stopped to catch their breath.  “Why didn't you fight them? We mopped the alley with their faces as it was.” Chalice growled.   After finding an open bench they sat down “The first rule about surviving ally fights is don't get into them. Failing that run if you can. And only if you can't do that do you fight with all your might.” “Why? Your a big strong pony running should be beneath you.” Because you can never be sure of the outcome. A bit of loose stone under one's hoof or a slash form a hidden blade. and you're the one laying on the ground, or the one you love. Instead of him. Besides what would three bloody corpses accomplish. A lengthy and costly investigation full of questions we, as a herd, wouldn't want asking.”  Silver Chalice hung her head kicking her self for not thinking about such things. “Sorry, my grandmother back on the farm always told me never to run away from problems. Including bullies.” School Bullies don't carry knives. Or try to do unspeakable things to mares in dark alleys.  Feeling ashamed for doubting him. “ Yes, you're right about that. “ wishing to change the subject “let me tell you about another thing my grandmother taught me. Or rather she wanted for me in a husband. She wanted me to find a big strong earth pony and bring him back to her farm. Strong enough to plow a feed all day then come home and carry me to bed kicking and screaming. But loving enough that he wouldn't have to.   Awfully forward of her. Don't you think? Well yes, but my dad wanted nothing to do with the farm. And she had hoped to leave it to me. But she died before I was old enough. So my dad sold it. Life happened and I ended up under the employ of our princess.  She quitted, realizing what she was about to say in public state secrets. “ Can we find somewhere else more privet to talk some more."  “Yes of cores. “ They found a quieter bench tucked away just out of everyone's earshot.  “You were saying, Chalice .” “When Celestia first proposed we form the herd I was about to tell her no when I first saw you. But then I looked in your eyes and even at the distance I could see your strength and determination staring back at me. The rest I just took on faith she wouldn't love a terrible pony.”    “Thank you for that. How I wish I could say I loved you form the start. I was just blindly following my lust. But within a week I was thoroughly in love with each of you.”  Placing her hoof on his. “ I understand It took some time for my love for you to fully grow as well. “ In the back of her mind, she thought ( As long as it took for you to take me hard.)  The town clock struck the half-hour. Making them look up  Silver Chalice. Should be going. Before the others start to worry. ” “Sadly their fear isn't unwarranted. I will talk with the guard captain in the morning.” before starting to walk back to the castle.           The pair got back just after sundown Noticing that Princess Celestia was still outside on the balcony. Shiting slowly thru the door he spotted tia leaning on the rail staring at the moon. “I am sorry Luna. I see know what was right for me at the time was not right for you. Shouldn't have tried to force my way upon you.“ He purposely slammed the door, causing her to almost jump over it. Taking her still panting from into his hoofs “Sorry about that, I merely wished to politely let you know I was there. “You merely caught me off guard but I am glad your here. I wish to talk about many things.” “And I do have things I wish to discuss. So where would you like to start ” “The way you treat Chalice is "Unsettling", to say the least. Why do you treat the rest of us with such kindness and her with such hatred.” “Have you asked her about it?” “Well no.” He magically knocked on the glass door. And on cue Chalice appeared.  Princess Celestia. “Looked her in the eyes do you like how our dear husband treats you at night?” “Yes, your majesty. I want to be treated rough. But only by him. Especially not from the muggers in that alleyway. “ Thinking she already know.  The look on Tia’s face flashed from confusion to shock then worry. ” What muggers are you talking about.” That's why I wanted to talk to you. Three ponies tried to rob us today. We funded them off long enough for us to escape unharmed. I think Chalice even managed to crack one of their ribs.           “Are you two all right?” Both “We are fine.” before chucking at their synchronously. “This is not a laughing matter. I must summon the guards immediately.” Celestia was about to flash way when Worththrup stopped her. Their long gon form there if they know what's good for them, instead have the guards check the hospitals for an earth stallion with the aforementioned rib injury.”   “Thank you for coming back safely.” This time he didn't stop her. To be continued.