> Domesticated Darling > by Some Leech > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Fertile Fancier > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cadance drowsily opened her eyes, as something brushed across her face. Glancing down, she only caught a glimpse of a curvaceous changeling, before the girl kissed her. Feeling Sektiss’ pillowy lips pressed against her own, she hummed contentedly and held her clandestine lover close. “Morning, my Queen,” Sektiss purred, pulling away slightly. Opting to let her actions speak for her, Cadance pulled the sensual shapeshifter close, reveling in her embrace. She only had two days to spend with her, so she was going to make the most of them. Shining Armor was away on patrols, a semi-annual occurrence, which meant she had the castle to herself; well, besides the guards and staff. ~ After Chrysalis had nearly overthrown the ruling party of Equestria, and ruined Cadance’s marriage, the Princess of love had discovered her would-be paramour hiding within her room at Celestia’s castle. Unlike the other changelings, irate and aggressive creatures, Sektiss was different. Affectionate to a fault, the drone had almost instantly fallen for her, virtually worshiping the ground she walked on. As the Princess of Love, it was understandable, considering changelings fed on the very nature of her being. At the time, she hadn’t had the heart to expel the interloper, due to a number of reasons. Firstly, she honestly felt bad for the girl, since she’d been on the brink of starvation. Secondly, and more importantly, Sektiss had seen her naked. Now, normally, that wouldn’t have been a problem, although there was a catch. As a Princess, Cadance harbored a secret. Like her fellow alicorns, being a culmination of the various pony races, she had elements of all three; including a girthy marecock. Simply shooing Sektiss away could have exposed her, as well as Celestia, Luna, and Twilight’s enigmatic anatomy, so that wasn’t an option. As such, she surreptitiously decided to keep the drone as a covert agent of sorts. Ferrying her back to the Crystal Empire, Cadance kept her personal changeling hidden. Often times, Sektiss would disguise herself as a guard or one of the innumerable castle staff. Either way, nobody knew of her existence, save for the Princess herself. Of course, periodic feedings were necessary, but they were usually relegated to brief encounters; although, with Shining’s absence, the two would have more than just a fleeting fling. ~ Cadance sighed, as Sektiss slowly kissed her way down her neck. Closing her eyes, and sprawling on the bed, she enjoyed the girl’s adoration. While Shining was a capable lover, nothing quite compared to the touch of another woman. A smirk crept across her face, when she felt her lover’s fingers dance over her flaccid length. “Someone’s feeling frisky,” the Princess cooed, peeking down at the shapeshifter. “Only for you,” Sektiss purred, burying her face in the alicorn’s shoulder. Simply being in proximity of the paragon of love sent her heart fluttering, so she was barely able to contain herself. Cadance’s body, her sent, her very essence was ambrosial, so being able to spoon with her in bed, after a long night’s sleep, was heavenly. With a start, Cadance’s eyes flew open. Something had pricked her neck, seemingly from nowhere. Peering down, she noticed Sektiss lovingly kissing and rubbing her face on against her collar; but something was wrong. Thought it was barely noticeable, there were two specks of blood, standing in stark contrast against her cerise coat. “Sektiss…” she blurted, slightly alarmed at the sight. Glancing up, Sektiss noticed where the Princess was looking; her gaze followed, before her eyes widened in shock. Somehow, without realizing it, she’d bitten her queen. Under normal circumstances, a lover’s nibble wouldn’t have been anything to be too concerned about, yet that simply wasn’t the case. “Wha…” Cadance muttered, as her vision blurred. “My Queen! Please, please forgive Sektiss!” the drone blurted, before hurriedly attempting to suck out the poison she’d unwittingly dosed the Princess with. Even though it was likely an exceedingly small amount, there would still be consequences. Cadance could feel her body growing hot, almost as if a fever had suddenly taken hold of her, yet there was no discomfort. No, she actually felt rather energized and clear headed, although there was a rapidly growing problem. Her equipment, left untouched since Sektiss had over-enthusiastically nibbled her, throbbed and grew rigid. “What’s happening,” she asked, grasping the girl’s shoulders. “Sektiss may have envenomed you,” Sektiss dolefully replied, her eyes full of regret. “But what does that mean?! Am I going to be alright?” Cadance pressed, as her lover’s words begin to sink in. “My queen will be fine, Sektiss promises. Changeling toxin is harmless, mean to assist with acquiring love from captives, and the effects are temporary,” the changeling reassuringly noted, attempting to assuage any fear the alicorn had. “Assist with acquiring love?” the Princess parroted, her dread lessening slightly. “Yes. In the old hive, when we would capture ponies, our bite would make it much easier to feed. Prisoners were driven into a rut-lust, regardless of whether they were stallions or mares, so sating ourselves upon them was an easy affair,” Sektiss explained, pawing at Cadance’s chest. “But Sektiss didn’t mean to, Sektiss swears on her life,” she added. Tears formed in her eyes, as she looked up to her Queen. In all their time together, she’d never transgressed in such a way. Sure, being flirtatious or seductive was one thing, but she would never intentionally provoke Cadance through unnatural means. To her, the alicorn was a living goddess, one worthy of the utmost respect and adulation, so violating her trust was tantamount to heresy. Lying there, Sektiss buried her face in her palms and whimpered. Deliberate or not, she’d crossed a line, one which wouldn’t be easily forgotten. All she could do was pray that Cadance could somehow forgive her, for she didn’t know what she would do without her Queen in her life. Suddenly, something stroked her head, causing her to peek between her fingers. “We all make mistakes,” Cadance sighed, comforting Sektiss. Hugging the drone to herself, she patted her shoulder. “Honestly, I feel fine. Well, maybe a little light headed, but I don’t see why you’re so worked up…” she consoled, smiling down at the forlorn ‘ling. Truth be told, she was better than fine. Sure, maybe it could be chocked up to the excitement of the moment, but she felt more energized than she had in ages. Compelled to further comfort her lover, Cadance ground her body, as well as her now turgid member, against Sektiss. Sweet stars in the sky, why would one as pillowy as her feel guilty for such a minor misdeed. “My Queen I - Mmmph” Sektiss was cut off, as Cadance’s tongue wormed into her mouth. Caught off guard by the kiss, she only struggled for a moment, before reciprocating. She flinched, as the Princess dug her fingers into the supple flesh of her hip. It seemed like the venom was already having an effect. Retracing her head slightly, Cadance hungrily eyed her lover. Sektiss squeaked, when she loudly clapped her hand against the shapeshifter’s rump. “Now then, since the matter is settled, how about we get up to start the day,” she whispered, tracing one digit up the girl’s torso. Unsure of how to respond, Sektiss nodded. Freed from the Princess’ grasp, she slowly rolled to the side of the bed and stood. She was sure Cadance would be alright, although she could tell something was amiss. As she got to her feet, she heard a satisfied hum behind her, causing her to turn. “How about you give me a little spin,” Cadance uttered, gyrating her index finger. Of course, Sektiss complied, languidly spinning in place, displaying her nude figure. Painfully voluptuous and delightfully plump, the changeling’s aesthetic was a sight to behold. A bluish-gray hide covered her from head to toe, save for a brightly colored area around her sex. Her eyes, a vivid cerulean, were markedly different from any other changeling’s she’d ever seen. Wandering lower, her gaze drifted to the girl’s heavy bosoms, each of which had an odd, heart-shaped areola upon it. All told, she was an exquisite creature. Standing there, buck naked, Sektiss was vividly aware of the look Cadance had. The fact that the Princess had idly begun stroking her tool only cemented her suspicions. Yes, there was no doubt; the toxin coursing through her Queen’s veins was taking hold. “Mmmm. You know, if I weren’t already married, I’d be tempted to take you as a mate,” Cadance thought aloud, eyeing the changeling’s foal-bearing hips. The notion immediately caused Sektiss’ marehood to clench, but she knew better. Cadance was happily betrothed to Shining Armor, and the couple’s love was spoken of far and wide. “Perhaps in another life, my Queen, but Sektiss is content to be your humble concubine,” she murmured, staving off the temptation to openly finger herself. “Concubine…” Cadance repeated, rolling the word over her tongue.  It did have a particular ring to it, and she was a Princess. She had kept Sektiss a secret from the world for quite some time, so perhaps a change was in order. After all, considering she was royalty, who would oppose her having a pet. Releasing her dick, she climbed from the bed, before strutting over to her dresser. “I think it’s finally time…” she intoned, digging through a drawer. “My Queen?” Sektiss inquired, raising an eyebrow in confusion. She watched, as Cadance turned and briskly trotted towards her. The Princess was holding something, although she couldn’t be sure what it was. “No peeking,” Cadance softly said, while holding her hands behind her back. Doing as she was asked, Sektiss closed her eyes. While she wasn’t sure what Cadance had up her sleeve, she was certainly curious. Given how worked up the Princess was, what with her fully erect marecock swaying about, it would likely be something deliciously naughty. In a flash, she felt something click around her neck. Slowly, her hands drifted upward, where she felt what could only be… “It’s a collar,” Cadance chuckled, wheeling around and strolling towards the closet. “After all, I can’t parade you through the castle, on a leash, without one…” The statement struck Sektiss like a ton of bricks. “M...my Queen, are you sure t...that’s wise?” she stammered, squirming in place. As badly as she’d like to be in an open relationship with Cadance, she couldn’t say how well the ponies of the Crystal Empire would take to the idea. “Mmmhmm,” the Princess loudly hummed, from within the depths of her wardrobe. “I’ll inform the staff and guards not to speak of you publicly, so you’ll only be allowed to stay in your true form here in the castle,” she clarified, donning a casual dress and her crown.  Yes, it was far past time that she cease her covert dealings with the girl; at least, in some capacity. Shining likely wouldn’t care, especially since having a buxom mare around meant he’d have some eye candy, not to mention she’d be willing to share. Trotting back out, now fully dressed, she lazily spun a leash in her hand. Truthfully, Sektiss still had reservations about the entire affair. Cadance was still under the influence of her venom, although she seemed totally lucid. That being said, her heart swelled at the possibility of no longer having to lurk in the shadows. Looking the Princess over, as she was lashed to the tether, Sektiss only had one question. “What should Sektiss wear?” “You’re wearing it,” Cadance playfully tittered, tugging on the leash.  Parading Sektiss through the castle, while nude, was actually a calculated move. If the sentries and various personnel saw that she was no threat, obediently following behind their Princess, it would likely calm their nerves. Also, some part of her wanted to openly flaunt the mare, showing off her mistress for all to see. “Come now,” she impassively said, leading her now fastened changeling towards the door. Sektiss gulped, but followed behind. At some point, Cadance had magically concealed her mammoth appendage, keeping it hidden from any onlookers. It was par for the course, while out in public, yet she was one of a very select handful who knew of its existence. It was a bit unfair, especially because she was utterly bereft of anything to cover herself. Still, she chose not to complain, because it was her Queen’s will. Walking up to a pair of guards, Cadance smiled at them amiably. The duo paid her little mind, since their attention was fixated on the bare changeling sauntering behind her. One of the stallions’ mouths hung open, clearly in awe of the sight, yet neither said a word. Why would they? She was their Princess, so they knew better than to question her. The ravenous gaze of the sentries caused Sektiss to blush, but she refused to cover herself. She was her Queen’s, her lover and pet; if that meant she was to be displayed like some debaucherous trophy, so be it. She could sense the guards’ lust, as she walked by, and it made her pulse quicken. Fortunately, the throne room was only a short distance from the Princess’ bedchamber, so the two arrived in a matter of minutes. As early as it was, there weren’t that many ponies up and about. Having passed a handful of armor clad stallions, all of whom stared in shock, they reached their destination. Trotting into the room, with Sektiss in tow, the alicorn approached her throne. Walking down the carpeted path, Cadance looked back at her lover, before noticing a lone guard walking in behind them. “Aegis, I trust you are faring well this morning?” she called out.  The stallion, a captain amongst her soldiery, was one of the highest ranking officers at her disposal. It wasn’t uncommon for him to greet her, before beginning her daily duties, so she wasn’t surprised that he’d made an appearance. His presence, and unquestioning loyalty, would ensure that her impending orders were followed unconditionally. “Ma’am,” Aegis flatly stated, giving a slight bow, “I see you’ve brought a...guest.” “Oh no, Aegis, she’s far more than a guest,” the Princess corrected, seating herself. “This,” she continued, waving at the changeling, “is Sektiss. Would you be so kind as to inform the guards, as well as the staff, that she is my consort and confidant? Oh, and do be sure that the news of her existence doesn’t leave the castle…” Sektiss fidgeted uncomfortably, as the stallion glared at her. Without knowing what to say, she remained silent and stood beside the throne. She suppressed a squeak, as she felt a hand begin massaging her behind. Glancing over, she saw Cadance grinning up at her, soothing her tattered nerves. “My Princess…” Aegis began, choosing his words wisely, “are you sure this changeling can be trusted. After all, they did nearly topple the Equestrian Empire.” “Sektiss is loyal to a fault, I assure you,” Cadance boldly attested, barely concealing a steely edge in her tone. “That is, unless you doubt my judgement.” her gaze, tinged with menace, turned to the officer. Hearing Cadance leap to her defense made Sektiss swoon. The kind words from her lover moistened her loins, and sent a shiver up her spine. To think, she’d being brazenly revealed to the world, as the Princess of Love’s courtesan, would happen so unexpectedly! Never in her wildest dreams could she have imagined the day would ever come. Yet here she was, standing beside her valiant lover. “No, of course not, though I presume Shining is aware of this...development,” the stallion countered. “He will be, once he returns. Now, if there’s nothing else you need, you have your instructions,” the Princess proclaimed, plainly caressing the changeling’s supple thigh. “Ma’am…” Aegis grunted, before getting to his feet and marching out of the room.  While he was a bit confused by the strange turn of events, the captain wasn’t overly concerned. Cadance, as an alicorn, was one of the most powerful ponies in all of Equestria, so she’d surely be able to fend off a lone drone. Still, he’d be interested to see how Shining Armor took the news. Knowing he had orders to fulfill, he closed the door behind himself. As far as he was concerned, the fewer ponies that knew about this affair, the better. Now with the room to themselves, Sektiss felt a gentle yank on her collar. Looking over, her eyes widened in amazement. Seated on the throne, Cadance had lifted her leg over one arm of the chair. With her thighs splayed, a pillar of glorious flesh had arisen, barely concealed by the light fabric of her dress. Her mouth began to water, knowing what lurk beneath the garment. “Now that we’ve sent word to make it official, how about we make it official…” the Princess purred, sinful intent dripping from her remark. “B...but what it we get caught,” Sektiss stammered, her marehood practically drooling in implication. “Then they can watch,” Cadance sensually growled, pulling on the leash. The proclamation proved too much for Sektiss to bear. Her knees were already weak from the morning’s events, so the prospect of servicing her Queen did her in. As badly as she would have loved to fling herself upon Cadance, she restrained herself, settling upon a more modest course of action. Strutting forward, between the Princess’ legs, she slowly squatted to her knees. Licking her lips, she reached out and unveiled the prodigious length of Princess meat before her. Unlike Cadance’s fur, her equipment was a dark shade of magenta, giving an alluring contrast. Below the titanic rod sat a swollen pair of testes, each easily as large as a small grapefruit. Even though they’d been emptied the night prior, the swollen orbs were already ripe with seed. Lovingly, having worked her hand towards them, Sektiss rested one in her palm. She sighed, more than satisfied that the morning had led to this. Reverently, she leaned in, bringing her snout to the proffered equipment at Cadance’s loin. With all the adoration of her newly acquired title, she rubbed her face upon the Princess’ shaft, before burying her nose in her Queen’s sheath. The barest traces of scent, from their lovemaking the night before, lingered there, practically begging to be licked clean. Sektiss’ serpent-like tongue crept past her lips, before being drawn up the meaty pillar before her. Frightfully enthralling flavors washed over her taste buds, pouring fuel onto the raging inferno of her lust. Salty, sweet, sour, and savory, all of the remnants from their prior romantic endeavor were lapped clean. Kissing her way up Cadance’s scepter, she ultimately reached its crown. Without preamble, she slipped its swollen head into her maw. “Mmmmm...Good girl,” Cadance cooed, graciously pressing the drone’s head downward. Steadily, delighting in the sensation of the fat tool in her throat, Sektiss fellated her queen. Her muzzle was slowly painted with saliva and pre-cum, wiping the shaft clean with each down-stroke, before retracting herself to breath. It was a ritual she’d enacted countless times before, yet this was different; now, with Cadance upon her throne, she was able to properly venerate her sovereign lover. With the changeling poison having taken full effect, the alicorn found herself growing impatient. Though fellatio was always a welcome appetizer, she yearned to sink her regal rod into a more fitting sheath. Tenderly, she reached down and patted her paramour’s cheek, causing the girl to peer up at her. “Up…” Cadance quietly urged. Quietly, the shapeshifter acquiesced; getting to her feet, and tonguing the pre-cum from her lips, Sektiss stood before her. “Now,” she tutted, grasping the hilt of her member, “fuck yourself on it.” With that, she leveled her spear at the woman, and unhitched her leg from the chair’s arm. Massaging her chest, and firmly twisting her teats, Sektiss turned her back to the Princess. She’d been given a command, one she’s be more than happy to follow, so she steadily bent over. Presenting her tush, she shuffled backward until she felt the blunt tip of Cadance’s prick prod her rump. Adjusting herself, making sure the alignment was right, she pushed back. Pressing between the plump cheeks of Sektiss’ ass, the alicorn’s tool bumped against the drone’s hot, succulent entrance. Cadance’s hips flexed, despite her prior orders, driving the first few inches of her dick into the girl. Both of them paused, gasping slightly, before Sektiss continued her downward plunge. With glacial speed, the changeling descended, not stopping until she was seated on her Queen’s lap. Glancing down, admiring the glorious slate blue globes of the changeling’s behind, Cadance smiled. Grabbing hold of the girl’s hips, she playfully thrust upward. Of course, she’d let Sektiss do most of the work, but that didn’t mean she couldn’t help. “Move…” “Yes, my Queen,” Sektiss whispered, eager to begin.  Placing her hands on the arms of the throne, she raised her ass, only to send it crashing back down. Methodically, she repeated the process, steadily impaling herself over and over on her lover’s shaft. The exquisite sensation of fullness, being packed to the brim with a living goddess’ marecock, was beyond reproach. Every plunge caused the blunt tip of Cadance’s tool to impact against her womb, sending bolts of pleasure through her frame. In short, she was in heaven. Sitting there, Cadance splayed her arms over the back of her throne. Peering down, with a satisfied grin on her face, she watched the changeling pleasure her. The sight of Sektiss’ sex, being dragged out with each backstroke, before engulfing her entirety, was almost hypnotic. The fact that the drone could handle all of her, every vascular inch, was an impressive feat. Warm, snug, and delightfully juicy, her confines truly were a fitting scabbard. Arching her back, Sektiss reclined between Cadance’s bosoms. Back and forth, in and out, she continually skewered herself on the Princess beneath her. “Does this please the Queen?” she giggled, glancing up into the alicorn’s eyes. “More than you know, my Princess,” Cadance muttered, wrapping her arms around the girl’s torso to knead and fondle her breasts. “Princess?” Sektiss asked, in confusion, her motions slowing. “Why, yes. If I’m your Queen, surely, you are my Princess,” the alicorn responded, delicately kissing the drone’s snout. Sektiss’ heart skipped a beat, and her movements stopped entirely. The thought that Cadance thought of her as a Princess caused her to lose focus. Her marehood, still wrapped around the thick tool delving its depths, clenched violently, as she nearly climaxed on the spot. Looking upward, she saw her Queen reach up and grasp her crown. “And as a Princess, you should have a crown…” Cadance continued, placing the diadem on the drone’s head. “M...my Queen,” Sektiss stammered, tears of joy forming in her eyes. Unsure of what else to say, she let her body speak for her. Surely, a physical expression of love would say more than anything. As such, with renewed vigor, she continued her efforts to please the alicorn. Pleased with her mate’s response, Cadance decided to up the ante. Embracing the drone, she busied herself with tugging at the girl’s nipples. Sektiss’ utter-like breasts, substantially larger than her own, had always been a sensitive spot for the changeling, so toying with them would usually result in… “Aaaaaaaaaaahn,” Sektiss loudly moaned, gyrating atop the Princess. “They would surely feed many foals, would they not...” she remarked, peering down at her tits. Now it was Cadance’s turn to pause. The notion of being a sire, as opposed to a damn, had always been a curious one. In that moment, the weight of the seed in her balls was painfully evident, telling of untold numbers of potential foals. Slowly, she twisted Sektiss’ nipples between her fingers, as the idea took root. “Be my broodmare…” “W...wha-” Sektiss wheezed, as the alicorn forcefully thrust into her. “Turn around,” Cadance groaned. Without explanation, or waiting for the drone to comply, she set herself to task. With the help of her magic, she was able to lift and rotate Sektiss, while keeping her tool within the girl’s clinging confines. Spinning her around, somewhat awkwardly, she moved the changeling to a straddled position. Now facing the Princess, Sektiss peered into Cadance’s eyes. The word “broodmare”, on top of everything else which had transpired that morning, triggered something within her. Beyond being worked up, the very fiber of her being fought to oblige her lover. Though she’d have no way of knowing it, her reproductive organs went into overdrive, forcing her to ovulate. Staring at the changeling’s supple curves, heavy mammaries, and wide hips, the withering remnants of Cadance’s resolve crumbled. Breast to breast, she wrapped her arms around Sektiss’ back, before driving her waist upward. Driven into a rut-lust, she began plowing the drone like a fertile field in spring. “Mine,” Cadance growled, clenching her teeth. Even if Sektiss could formulate a reply, words couldn’t properly express the feelings welling within her. She was being claimed, fucked senseless by the Princess of love. If mere moments ago, when she’d had some modicum of control, could be likened to heaven, this was nirvana itself. Being embraced by the embodiment of love, with the promise of being bred, was simply too much to bear. Squealing in delight, Sektiss’ was wracked with orgasmic bliss. Her marehood convulsed, lewdly squirting her nectar to the throne and floor, as she was used. The Princess bit down on one of her tender teats, causing her voice raised an octave. It was all she could do to run her fingers through the alicorn’s mane, clutching Cadance to herself. If a broodmare was what her lover wished of her, then a broodmare she would become. Feeling the velvety and snug interior of Sektiss’ canal spasm around her colossal member, Cadance persisted. With every thrust, her nuts slapped against the drone’s ass, causing the girl’s bouncing tush to jiggle. “You will mother our foals and serve at my beck and call. I may be Shining Armor’s wife, but you are mine…” “Forever!” Sektiss cried. Thoughts of her future danced through her mind; heavy with foal, swollen, leaking breasts, all while servicing her Queen. She would rear a hive for her, build an empire in Cadance’s name, nothing would make her happier.  Her body spasmed, as she was struck with a second spontaneous climax. Drool crept past her lips, down her chin, and dangled from her muzzle. Her wings crept forth, buzzing fitfully, while she tried her damnedest to pleasure her lover. Her cervix hungrily kissed Cadance’s glans, with each stroke, eager to be filled with. Feeling her testes beginning to retract, Cadance knew the time was growing near. Giving it everything she had, she thrust into her paramour, hellbent on seeing the task to fruition. Sektiss’ whorish moans, paired with the wet Plap Plap Plap of their lovemaking, pushed her to the brink. With one final, herculean plunge, she fully hilted herself. Sektiss’ eyes flew open, as the flaring head of Cadance’s cock ground against her womb. It was a singular moment, nondescript and beyond mortal comprehension. Her entrance stretched incrementally, driven open by the rhythmically throbbing shaft plumbing its depths. Hot, virile seed surged into her, erupting within her. She howled, screaming in rapture, as her body embraced its role. Despite the writhing changeling within her grasp, Cadance held firm; ensuring every drop of her potent cum was deposited within her mate. Her physical ecstasy, while undeniable, was overshadowed by the act of impregnating her paramour. Locked together, they rode it out together, just as a proper couple should; after all, it would mark a new beginning for them both. As Sektiss wailed in delight, a flood of seed was filling her. Her canal and womb steadily filled, yielding to the influx of jizz, while her abdomen slowly began to distend. Literal pints of thick cream gushed into her, erupting from Cadance’s marecock. With nowhere else to go, a weak dribble crept from her entrance, even though she clenched down for dear life. All of a sudden, the changeling’s cries ceased, as the Princess pulled her face to her own. Clasping the back of Sektiss’ head, Cadance hauled her face to her own. Opening her mouth, the alicorn deeply kissed the drone, worming her tongue past her mistress’ lips. Sloppily making out, they moaned into one another, further feeding the flames of passion blazing within them. It was an act of infatuation only surpassed by what was transpiring within the shapeshifter. Billions of sperm, all on a singular quest, swam about the Sektiss’ womb. Her ovaries, each having gone into high gear, pumped out multiple ovum. As a changeling, she was more than capable of bearing a clutch; a clutch which Cadance was sure to fully inseminate. What would have normally taken hours transpired in mere seconds, as multiple eggs were fertilized. Embracing one another, with their climaxes drawing to a close, Sektiss and Cadance heaved air into their chests. Queen and Princess, pony and changeling, the two had achieved the apex of love. Slick with sweat and juices, they wearily eyed one another, the unspoken bond between them saying more than words ever would…But it wasn’t over… Cadance’s insatiable thirst demanded more. Ponderously, she began to move again, sluggishly driving her dick into her devotee. To Sektiss’ credit, she did her best to reciprocate, even though she was lost to the abyss of sinful delights. Cum and nectar squelched and squirted from her abused entrance, making a mess of the Princess, though it mattered not.  As they endured, kissing, fondling, and fucking one another, the ritual began again. They would continue until they were both to weary to do so, until they were a lethargic heap of carnal satisfaction; yet fate had other plans. Lost to the moment, neither of them heard the door of the throne room bust open. “Cadance, what is…” Shining Armor trailed off, taking in the sight before him. Entwined together, on her throne, Cadance was sat with a changeling. The alicorn’s member was firmly entombed within the drone, meaning only one thing. Closing the door behind himself, he strode forward. Though he hadn’t known what to expect, it surely hadn’t been this. Loudly clearing his throat, as he approached, the two turned to him. The crown fell from Sektiss’ head, clattering to the floor below, shattering the silence. Even in a post-coitus stupor, she realized the situation was bad. Shining wasn’t supposed to be back for another day, so she wasn’t sure why he had returned. Before she could say anything, the stallion spoke. “Prima Nocta?” Shining flatly asked, staring at his wife. Dreamily peering over at him, Cadance shrugged. “You got me,” she wheezed, chuckling lightly. Sektiss gulped, unable to quell the mounting fear within herself. There she was, impaled on a monarch, filled beyond reasoning with cum, between a wife and her husband. Strangely, the stallion’s stony expression softened. “Couldn’t have at least asked first, could you? You know I like a good show,” the snow white unicorn laughed. Now utterly confused, the changeling looked between the couple. “Sektiss loves her Queen. She will do anything for her,” she possessively grumbled, clinging to the alicorn. “Sektiss, huh?” Shining asked, leaning closer. “Well, I’m going to love hearing about how my wife managed to tame one of you, especially since your kind nearly toppled an empire,” he added. “For now, let’s get you two, as well as the throne, cleaned up. You can tell me all about how the two of you met, in the shower. After all, you’re part of the family now…”