Shimmering Apples

by Drakalian

First published

Sometimes a small break to relax is all one needs after a long day working on the farm.

A long day at work can go many different ways. It can be a very proficient day, or a very lack luster one. Or it can get even worse and be one filled with mistakes. Shimmer Bolt has been having a rough time, working on the apple field and hitting all the bumps on the proverbial road, but perhaps some alone time with his marefriend is just what he is in need of.

A one shot of AJ and an OC, made for a friend.

Art made by the amazing NixWorld

Apple Sauce

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With a grunt of annoyance, Shimmer kicks against the last tree, knocking the last of the apples into the bucket. He wipes his brow of the sweat as he looks over the work. "About time something goes right." He huffs, hefting the buckets of apples onto his back as he carries them to the barn.

It has been a year since Shimmer Bolt arrived in Ponyville, in the hopes of finding a new start to his life. While he didn't have the worst childhood, he certainly didn't look back at it with fond memories. While he did find a new start here, he didn't expect it to be such a big change. Not only did he land a satisfying job, but he also made a bunch of new friends, and even got himself a marefriend, Applejack.

It was during his first week in the town when he ran into the local party planner, Pinkie Pie. After the expected (or unexpected) meeting that had a lot of gasping and talking, he soon discovered himself sitting on a chair as it was lifted up and he was carried to a sweet store where he was given a party just for arriving to Ponyville. It did take some getting used to, but he was more than happy to hang out with the others once he started to get to know them. During the party he got to meet the rest of Pinkie's friends, which is all the ponies there, but the one that really stuck to him was the farmer mare.

They hit it off rather well, mostly cause he was able to link the feeling of being a farm pony like her, his uncle owning a small wheat farm on the outskirts of Manehattan. They talked and danced together during that party, and when Aj learned that he was in need of a job, she offered him a spot at Sweet Apple Acres. Of course he quickly accepted and after a quick introduction and explanation with what he was supposed to do, he was working steadily there within the week.

As the months went by, he would spend more and more time at the farm, hanging out with AJ and her family, even during the time he wasn't working, but he enjoyed it nevertheless, each of the Apples reminding him of someone at home, especially Applebloom, who he looked on as his own sister. It was during these months that Shimmer slowly started to feel more for the orange apple farmer, the more he talked to her the closer he got. As he realized he was falling for her, he vowed to make an attempt to ask her out...even if it was a stupid one in his mind

During a big event when he was helping the Apples set up for a Heart's and Hooves festival, he decided to make his move. He wasn't really sure how it all happened, all he did remember was that it involved some pie, a pig, and the Cutie Mark Crusaders. Perhaps it was the last one that really made it all confusing. In any case, when the smoke cleared, he found himself together with his first special somepony.

To Shimmer, he felt like the luckiest stallion in Equestria. Not only is she the sexiest mare he has ever seen, but she is strong, courageous, helpful, and of course honest. She is always with him when he is down, and always there to support him even when he gets a silly idea, though she does make sure he stays grounded.

He smiles as he recalls the special times he spent with her, during work and out of it. They had a lot of fun time spent with each other, from hanging with her friends to just spending time alone with each other. He easily recalls their first times, their kiss, their sleep over...and of course the first time they had sex. He shivers as he recalls how she felt against him, her soft, firm rump against his hooves as he sank his-

"Shimmer! You awake!" He shakes his head and looks around for the source of the noise, to which he quickly finds Applebloom holding a small bucket of apples on her head as she looks at him curiously.

He gives an apologetic smile as he shook the daydream away. "Oh, sorry Bloom, just been thinking of things."

She smirks as she quickly figures out just what he was thinking off. "Oh yea, and would my sister be one of those things?" She asked. He just blushed lightly as she giggles, seeing how she was right. "Anyways, let's get these apples into the barn, I know you have some plans today, right?"

At this he sighs and shakes his head. "Not today. It's just me and my house for today."

She gives him a curious look. "Really? I thought you were going over for guys night to play-"

He quickly covers her mouth with a hoof. "Applebloom! You don't go blabbering that to everpony in ear shot!" He tells her.

She pushes his hoof away as she stares. "Why not? It's not like it's a secret what you do there."

"I know, but even so we still like to act like it is." He says. "Anyways, I'm sure you know Big Mac is busy helping Sugar Bell with her store, and plans on staying over there." She nods. "Along with that, Spike got rather sick with some sort of dragon flu, making him sneeze fire and all that stuff, so he's out. And Discord..."


"Get over here you clerk pony! I want a good reason as to why you increased the price to such a ridiculous level!" The draconequus said, chasing down the pony as he waved a pony staff.

"I told you I'm sorry! It's just the fact that we had to increase prices and-please stop I'm sorry!"


"...Discord is busy, from what I heard, and I learned that when he is busy you just don't question it." Shimmer adds with a shrug.

Applebloom frowns at this. "Well that kind of sucks. I'm sorry about that Shimmer. If you want I can see if the other Crusaders are willing to have you join us for our gathering, maybe you can help us with some cutie mark things?" She offered.

Again the earth stallion shakes his head. "Thanks but again I'll pass. I just wish to relax and unwind today."

She frowns at this. "Does this have to do with that mean pony we met at the market?"

"No it has nothing to-" He starts to shout, only to realize he was just yelling at her, the yellow filly flinching back at the intensity of his voice. He quickly calms down and sighs. "Sorry Bloom, I just...that stallion brought back some bad memories. I didn't think I would ever seen him again to be honest."

"You should really tell Applejack about him. I don't see why you don't say anything about that guy to her." She says as they reach the barn door, the yellow pony opening it for them both.

He shakes his head as he walks into the barn. "Cause she has enough on her plate as it is, with making sure all the sales are being made and the deliveries that have to be done, I don't wish to distract her from that and make her worry even more for me." He explains, setting the buckets down with the others, Applebloom doing the same. He gives a wince as he stretches his back. "Geez, I can't believe you can carry these so easily, let alone carry one on your head like that."

"What can I say, I have a strong head from working on the farm." She says with a proud smile.

"Or perhaps it's from all those failed attempts at getting a cutie mark that every pony has talked about. I know any one of those would have given me a thick skull." He teases her, to which she just sticks her tongue out at him.

"You're just jealous that I can headbutt a tree empty of apples and you can't." She counters.

He relents and gives a solemn nod. "Indeed, I only wish to be as good as you, you amazing filly you." He says. They soon can't hold back and just burst out laughing, the mood a bit lighter. Once they recover, he takes a quick look around the barn. "Seems that there isn't anything else to do now, so I'll be heading back to my home. Tell AJ I love her." He says.

"Of course silly." She says back. They both wave at each other farewell as he heads out of the barn, though the little filly can't help but to frown at the leaving pony. She has known Shimmer long enough that she knows he is still hiding his pain, and that just isn't good for anypony. She isn't sure what to do, but she does know somepony who does, and with a nod to herself, she leaves the barn and heads to the house.

Shimmer, meanwhile, lets out yet another sigh as he leaves the farm, walking down the road and into the main town. He gives idle waves to a few of the ponies he sees, but otherwise he keeps to himself, his mind still locked with what happened that afternoon.

(Earlier that day)

"Apples, get your apples! Just five bits per bushel!" He calls out across the market. He looks over at Applebloom who was busy counting the bits they had collected so far. "Hows the count Bloom?"

She smiles as she tosses the last bit into the bag. "It seems we may set a new record today and beat Big Mac and AJ with how much we sold!" She says happily.

He smiles at this. "Great, and we still have a couple hours to go." He says, to which she nods. He goes back to shouting his sales pitch. "Apples! Get your apples here! Just five bits per-"

"Well look who it is!" He stops calling as soon as he hears that voice, his eyes going wide with shock. He slowly turns and sees a familiar azure pegasus pony walking over to them, his mane slick back with grease and the feathers on his wings sharpened to points. "And to think I would never get to see your stupid face again!"

Shimmer sighs as he takes a deep breath to keep himself calm. "Hello Iron Feather, what do you want?" He asks, keeping his voice monotoned.

"Oh nothing much, just walking around when I noticed my favorite punching bag selling some silly apples." He says. He looks the stand over a bit before his eyes rest on Applebloom, who was just watching the whole thing in silence. "And you even got another marefriend I see!" He adds with a small sneer.

This causes the filly to go a bit green as Shimmer just glares daggers at him. "She isn't my marefriend, she's my marefriend's sister." He states softly, again making sure to keep his tone in check.

Iron gives a fake apologetic smile. "Oh sorry, my mistake. I forgot you like them younger." He tells him, to which the filly nearly gags as she stares at the two ponies. They continued to glare at each other, neither of them saying a single word for a few moments before Shimmer breaks the silence.

"How's work at the mines? Still your dad's right hoof pony?" He asked dully.

Iron snorts and shakes his head. "No, that idiot told me I had to stop smooching on his bits and get another job, and when I said no he kicked me out! The nerve of him, kicking me out like that. When I take over the business, I'll make sure that he gets what he has coming." He fumes before slicking his mane back a bit. "Anyways, just heard you were here and thought I would take a quick stop to see how you were doing. Not being too happy I see?"

He just sighs and shakes his head. "Honestly, I'm not in the mood to deal with you Iron, so either buy something or leave." He politely says.

Iron snorts as he glares at him. "Well then, not in the mood? How can somepony not be in the mood for these feathers?" He says, flashing his wings a bit. He walks a bit closer, soon getting snout to snout with him, both of them staring at each other down, one with a neutral expression while the other was with a confident smirk. During this a decently sized crowd started to form around them, the ponies muttering amongst themselves as they watched on.

Applebloom just looks at the two ponies, her head swinging between them as she is unsure what to do. Finally, after a few long minutes of silence, she speaks up. "Um, I-I'm not sure you're wanted here, so could just-" She tries to say as she goes to try and motion for Iron to leave. The pony glances down at her before he just pushes a hoof against her, hard, making her fall onto her rear with an omph.

This causes Shimmer's eye to twitch. "Don't you dare touch her."

Seeing he hit a pressure point, Iron smirks. "Oooh, somepony didn't like that, did they? Well what are you going to do about it?" He asks. Shimmer once again glares at him as he falls silent, and after another few moments, Iron just shrugs. "Ok, I guess I can leave..." He says as he starts to turn around. However, at the last second, he turns back, his attention on Bloom as he aims a punch at the yellow filly.

Shimmer was well on guard with this though, and quickly blocked the attack before pushing him back. Iron takes a moment to realize what just happened when he grins. "There's the little devil you were trying to hide. Well, come on, hit me. Hit me and show all these ponies just how much of a beast you really are." He taunts, the crowd falling silent as they waited for what would happen next.

Shimmer glares full blades at the taunting pony, and is about to do just that when a rainbow streak lands right between them, a cloud of dust bursting around them. After a few moments of coughing and clearing the cloud, they both see a rather pissed off Rainbow Dash staring at Iron.

"And just what the hey are you trying to do?!" She demands, wings flared open as she is ready to charge the offender.

Now Iron is a rather simple pony. He takes advantage of those he knows he can, and never fights others on even terms. This mare, who is very much known around the world, is clearly out of his league, leaving him in a cold sweat. "N-nothing ma'am I mean Dash I mea-I was just trying to buy some apples and then-"

Dash was having none of that as she takes a step forward, making him wince. "From what I saw it seemed you were about to hit a filly for no reason, which is one of the lowest blows I have ever seen." She states, getting another wince from him and a murmur of agreement from the crowd.

Iron wilts at the staring eyes from everypony. "B-But I-"

"No! No buts! Now you get on out of here, and if I see you so much as glance back here so help me I will beat your flank black and blue!" She tells him, to which he just nods. He knows when to cut his losses, and with that he just turns tail and flees, running as fast as he can as far as he can.

With the pegasus gone, Dash sighs as she closes her wings, looking around at the crowd before them. She takes a moment to soak it in before waving a hoof at them. "Ok shows over. Go on back to your normal day everypony!" She tells them. After some soft talking and general confusion, the crowd disperses, leaving only the three of them standing at the apple stand.

Dash sighs as she turns and walks on over to Shimmer, who had been keeping his attention to the apples the entire time, eyes closed. "Hey, you ok Shimmer?" She asks, reaching a hoof over to comfort him. However he just pushes the hoof aside as he takes another deep breath before speaking up.

"I...I'm fine Rainbow." He tells her.

She isn't buying it. "You sure? I mean it seems you two have some history and-"

"I said I-" He turned to yell at her, only to catch himself and take a deep breath. Both mares looked at him in shock, having never seen him so upset before. "Sorry Dash, I'm just...he brought some bad memories." He sighs as he looks back at the apples before looking at Bloom. "Hey Bloom, mind taking over for a moment? I need to get some fresh air."

She gives a slow nod. "Um, s-sure, but we are already outside." She says. Her words land on deaf ears as the stallion walks away, the two girls looking at each other, unsure with what just happened.


He quickly shakes his head, trying to clear the bad memories away as he looks up and sees his home. It isn't that much, only a single floor, but it suits him just fine, since he prefers being closer to the ground. How those pegasus can stand flying so much he will never understand. Opening the door, he closes it behind him as he lets out a groan, stretching his aching limbs.

"Perhaps I should take a shower before lounging about." He says to himself, and with that settled he heads to the back where the small bathroom is. After a bit of fiddling with the water controls to get the right temperature, he enters the shower and sighs happily, his fur matting down as the warm water washes the dirt away. He just stands there for a few minutes, soaking in the water before he gets to work soaping his coat and mane. Of course doing this just gives him more time to think, including about the incident.

He huffs at the memories, both recent and past. He can't help but feel that once again Iron was right, that he's just some sort of anger filled pony just waiting to be unleashed if somepony even looks at him the wrong way.

I just...I just want to be left alone, is that too much to ask? To be with the mare that I love, the friends that I made, and not be picked on. Why do ponies like that have to exist? He thinks to himself. As he washes himself down a bit more, he can't help but to think about how Dash of all ponies had to save him. It isn't that he dislikes her, in fact they got along rather well, just that both of their hot tempers tend to butt heads more often than not. In fact he found himself in contests with her and AJ quite a bit, and he got the feeling that she was going to brag about how she saved his ass after today.

As he gets out of the shower, he starts to wipe himself down with a towel when he hears pounding on the door. He groans as he hangs the towel over his back and walks out of the bathroom. "Hold on, I'm coming!" He calls out. He walks to the door as he opens it. "Someponies just don't know when to-" He starts to mutter to himself, only to stop when he sees just who is there.

The familiar orange mare raises an eyebrow as she sees her coltfriend just talking to himself about something. "What was that now Shimmy? Some ponies don't know what now?" She asks. She knew he wasn't going to answer, and just smiled at the surprised expression on his face.

"A-Applejack! What...what are you-" He tries to ask, only for her to shush him with a wave of her hoof.

"A little birdy told me that somepony ran into some trouble at the market and seemed to have let it bother them the rest of the day." She says, letting herself in. He just watches her for a few moments before closing the door and following her. She quickly finds her normal spot on the couch and sits down. Shimmer finishes drying himself off with the towel before tossing it aside and taking the spot right next to her.

He sighs as he looks at the floor. "Applebloom told you?"

She shakes her head. "Naw, though she did tell me later. It was Rainbow who told me first."

He blinks and looks at her in surprise. "Rainbow?"

She nods. "Yessir. She was mighty worried about what may have happened with you after that incident in the market. The fact that you nearly lost it with a customer worried both of us, though after what he tried to do it's understandable." She pauses before giving him a more genuine smile. "And...thanks for standing up for my sis."

He can't help but to smile back, his heart a bit lighter after that compliment. "It's not a problem. I just did what was right." He says. Even as he says that, Applejack just raises an eyebrow as she looks at him.

"That's not how you feel though, is it." She states.

He chuckles weakly as he looks back at the floor. "Sometimes I hate how that honestly power of yours can see through me like that."

She chuckles back. "Not this time. This time it's just cause I know you so darn tootin well." She replies, patting his back. He gently leans into her pats for a few moments before leaning back, the mare giving a concerned look. "So, who was it? It couldn't have been just some random pony. From what Dash told me you two have some history together." He remains silent for a good while, not saying a word as he looks away, Applejack just taking this moment to lean in and nuzzle him lightly. "Come on Shimmy, you know you can tell me."

He exhales lightly as he nods. "I...I know. It's just that...this one was a lot more personal." He says. He then gets up as he walks over to the fridge, and after a bit of searching he finds a couple of apples, tossing one over to her, which she grabs out of the air and starts munching on it. As they eat their small dinner, she waits patiently for him to speak. Seeing how she wasn't going to let this go without him saying anything, he just huffs and nods. "We used to work together back in the day."

She tilts her head, but remains silent as he continues. "We worked in the crystal mines close where the Crystal Empire was, before it returned of course. We were both miners, but his father owned the mine, and he used that to his advantage, getting anything that he wanted. He was popular among some of them, but others like me...we knew he was rotten down inside. He spent his time picking on the others, and for some reason he spent the most time making sure my life was miserable for whatever reason. I don't know if it's cause I did or said something he didn't like, but the next thing I know he is always butting in and ruining my life."

"Anyways, one day when I was working in one of the deeper parts, I found a kid, young filly, who was lost and crying. At the time I had no idea how she got there but I knew she was hurt something fierce. After calming her down I helped to take her out of the mines, but that was when he showed up. Turned out he had taken the filly down for his own...reasons..." He falls silent as he just cringes at the thought, and Applejack is quick to understand just what he means, letting out a small gasp.

"You mean..."

He nods. "Yea. Anyways, we got into a scuffle when I resisted to give him the filly, and soon some of the higher ups came after hearing the commotion, including his father. Long story short, he accused me of fillynapping her and being a fillyfooler." AJ's eyes are wide in shock as he continues. "I don't know if they believed Iron or not, but at the time tensions were high and his father was the doting parent who didn't want his son to get in he fired me."

Silence falls among the room as she just stares aghast at what she heard. Soon she finally finds her voice and starts to sputter some rather intense words. "Why, that two face, no good...rotten...sticking pile of-"

"Jacky! Calm down, it's the past." He tries to calm her.

She nods and takes a few deep breaths. "Still, the nerve of him to just put the blame of his own actions on you. Just...Just don't sit right at all!" She says. "What about the filly? Didn't she try to speak up?"

"She did, but nopony would listen to her. They thought she was in denial."

She growled at this. "Those sons of a..."

He nods. "I know. Once I lost the job, he kept on badgering me over and over, trying to get me to fight him and such, just to get me riled up. The worst part was that it worked most of the time.." He sighs as his story is finished, leaning back and closing his eyes. "Anyways, cause of that I decided to leave, so as to not always lose my temper whenever I saw him."

"And now he's back here." She finishes, to which he nods.

"Yea, and I have no idea how he found me. Perhaps he really is stalking me to make my life horrible. Maybe...maybe I'm just not meant to have a happy life-"

"Now wait just a gosh darn moment!" She interrupts, moving his head so they were looking at each other. "Just what makes you think you deserve to be unhappy?"

He hesitates as he looks at her, but the intensity with her gaze makes him speak. "Cause in a way...he's right. I get angry so easily, and it just pulls me in and makes me go crazy. I lose control and just...just..." He tries to find the words, but when they can't be found, he just shuts his eyes and turns away, moving himself from her hooves.

Applejack looks at her coltfriend for a good while, a frown on her face as he does so. She slowly reaches over and pulls him into a hug, and when he doesn't respond to it, she pulls him in tighter. She nuzzles his cheek as she turns to make him face her, hugging him close as she lets him rest his head on her shoulder. Slowly he starts to respond, wrapping his own hooves on her back as he holds her back.

After giving him a few minutes to calm down, she finally speaks up. "Now, you listen here and listen well, ok?" He says nothing for a while before giving a small nod. "You are a great pony. That anger filled one that you think you are? That's just in your head. Sure you do have a temper and that can sometimes get in the way of things, but that doesn't define who you are. It's what you do with that temper that makes you a better pony than somepony like him." She nearly spits at just mentioning him, but continues on. "You used that anger to protect my sister, and you used it before to help that small filly be safe."

"But I-" He tried to reply, only for her to shush him.

"Now hold on, I'm not finished." She tells him. "Anyways, it doesn't matter that they think you're some pony with a temper. The fact that he tries to goad you means he's the worse one, and even when you do lose it, it just means he's a rude jerk who takes advantage of others. Don't let what he says run how you live your life." She leans back so he is looking into his eyes. "Trust me, I know you way better than that punk pony ever could."

He tilts his head. "Oh?"

She nods. "Yessir. You are brave, helpful, caring, loving...need I go on?" She says

He finally lets out a small chuckle and a smile, leaning in and nuzzling her nose with his own. "Jackie, I'm not sure that should count cause-"

"The fact that I AM your marefriend means it counts double." She counters. "Now what else...Oh yes, willing to do double work on the farm, willing to do more than just apple bucking-"

"Ok, ok. I get it." He laughs, to which she just smiles back.

"Of course there is one more thing." She says with a smirk.

He tilts his head, now rather curious. "Oh? What is that?"

"The fact that you are the best darn coltfriend a mare could have." She replies with a rather serious look. "And the fact that you are my coltfriend just makes my heart soar whenever I look at you. Sometimes I don't think that this is real, but one glance at you proves that you are way too nice to be anything but real."

He remains silent as he looks at her, his breath shallow as her words touch his heart. They both stare at each other for a long time, the minutes ticking by. Finally he just does what comes naturally, and that is to lean in and kiss his marefriend deeply.

She sighs as their lips meet, hooves wrapping tighter around each other as she kisses him back without hesitation. His heart flutters as he feels those soft lips against his, and when he opens his mouth to deepen it, she does the same thing. The taste of apples flows onto their tongues as they dance first in Shimmer's mouth, then in Applejack's, each one just playfully wrestling with the other, not trying to win, but just playing for the sake of it.

The kissing goes on for some time, their hooves gently roaming over the other, smooth, clean fur against rough, sweaty coat, the heat of it all rising. Soon, Shimmer is the first to break the kiss, gasping for air as she does the same thing, both of them panting. He looks at her eyes, both of them filled with love as he smiles. With all said and done, he knew she was right. Who he wants to be is who he decides to be, and what he wants to be is with her, here and now.

"Jackie, I just...I don't know what to say. I just...I just love you so much." He tells her.

She just chuckles as she nuzzles and kisses his cheek. "I know, I'm a great marefriend. Now shut up and keep kissing me."

He smirks and just does as she asks, kissing her back. They moan as their tongues get twisted together, and she presses her body harder against his. His hooves slowly start sliding down, and once they reach her flanks, they give them a good squeeze, making her gasp as she pushes her rump against those roaming hooves. Soon she is pushing so hard against him that he is pushed down on the couch, the orange mare resting on top of him as she presses herself against him, lips still stuck together.

This time when they break it was AJ first, gasping as she smiles back down. "Seems my words did get to you." She comments.

He just smiles back. "What can I say? When a sexy mare is resting on top of me, it's kind of hard to be mad." He says, giving her rear a small slap.

She jumps at the impact, giving a devilish look at him. "Oh really? Well the same could be said for you." She teases back, gently grinding her mound against his swelling sheath, making them both moan.

He just grins as he grinds back, his hooves massaging her ass as she rests herself against his chest. Their eyes stay locked together, and slowly he can feel himself getting more and more aroused, his cock peaking out from the sheath. Seeing this, AJ stops her grinding and slowly starts sliding down, giving him a sultry smile as her fur rubs against his groin. His eyes stay on her face as she soon reaches his crotch, and leaning down, she starts to nuzzle it, rubbing his sheath against her cheek.

"Mmm...a-are you just...trying to use sex to...m-make me feel better." He shutters, his cock throbbing a bit as it slides out some more.

"Depends, is it working?" She asks, her tongue lashing out and flicking against the pink flesh that was snaking its way out.

"I-I don't know. I think you may need to try a bit harder." He teases back, to which she snorts and presses a hoof against his balls, making hims squirm. "N-Not that hard!"

She giggles and loosens up a bit. "Just making sure." She says with a wink. She then lowers her head and fully focuses on his cock, tongue lapping and licking along the shaft. Her hooves remain on his balls, though they only lightly massage them, easing those orbs to relax. He moans as she gets him to slowly reach full mast, and soon his cock is throbbing hard in the open air, all nine inches pulsing with need.

He still gives a blush when she sees his cock, despite it only being an inch below the average, she would always assure him that she loved the size no matter how big or small it is. Before he can even retort, she gives the head of it a kiss, licking the tip lightly, her tongue flicking over his urethra. He shudders as she teases him so, knowing that she wasn't going to stop till she got some sort of reaction, and after a rather hard lick he finally shudders, a spurt of pre landing on her nose.

She blinks, her eyes going cross as she stares at the drop of liquid before using her tongue to lick it off. Smiling, she gives him a wink before slowly taking the head of his cock into her mouth, his flared tip swelling ever so slightly as he whimpers from the pleasure. "F-Fuck are you so damn good?"

She just giggles, the sound vibrating his cock as he reaches her head with his hooves, stroking her mane lightly. She suckles his head, eyes staying locked on his face, and his staying on hers, neither of them able to look away. Shimmer pants, his breath starting to get ragged as he just enjoys his marefriend's treatment.

Slowly, she turns her attention back to his cock and stops sucking as she starts bobbing her head, taking inch after inch into her muzzle. He moans and tries to thrust into her mouth, but a hoof to his hips stops him from moving. He gives her a pleading look to let him thrust, but she doesn't relent, sucking him off at her own pace. She knows that he may like it a bit faster, but her slow and steady pace was something he still loved. He soon gives up and just strokes her mane, watching as she does all the work. The minutes slide by, the sound of her mouth sucking his cock filling the room, the mare letting out a small hum every so often. After a good while she gives a small gag as he hits the back of her throat.

He catches his breath as he looks down at her, realizing she was already at her limit. To his surprise, however, she takes a deep breath and pushes down on him even more. He gasps as the last couple of inches slide into her mouth, his flared head pressing right down her throat. "FUCK!" He cries out, this time unable to hold back as he just pushes her head down, holding her there as he starts to throb hard.

Applejack grunts and gags some more as she is held down, not fully expecting such force. She gives him a warning glare, but upon seeing the look of bliss on his face she softens the look, slowly doing her best to relax herself. She starts to remember some of the things Rainbow told her, and starts trying to swallow.

It works, and the cyan stallion gasps as he pulses even harder. "Fuck, Applejack!" He cries, and before he can give out any more warning, he hits the edge and tips over. Bursts of his seed flow out, pushing right into her throat and straight to her belly. She gags and coughs a bit before she starts to swallow, easing the way for his loads. As he starts to relax, she finally pulls her head out, panting and coughing a bit of seed as he sprays the last of his cum onto her face.

It takes a few minutes as Shimmer enjoys his afterglow and she cleans her face and airways of his seed. Once he is more aware, he blinks his eyes as he looks down at his marefriend in surprise. "I...I thought you hate deep throating..." He said in surprise.

She takes a few moments to finish cleaning her face before giving a nod. "I do, but I thought I would give it a chance with you. Besides, I know how much you hold back from nearly plowing my mouth." She pauses before adding, "Plus...I did kind of enjoy it."

He gives a grin upon hearing this. "Perhaps you enjoyed it enough to make it a regular thing?"

She gives him a small punch to his thigh. "Don't push it." She tells him in a serious tone before adding a wink.

He laughs as he strokes her mane. "I guess I owe you now, huh?"

She ponders on the offer before grinning. "If you're so inclined..." She says before pushing him back so he was laying on the couch. Once laying down she crawls over him, muzzles inches from each other as her marehood rubs against the head of his cock. "Then how about giving me a similar treatment."

He raises an eyebrow upon hearing this. "Really? You know I already love doing that. Why not ask for something else?"

"Cause your tongue is amazing and I can't get enough of it." She says, giving a peck to her lips. "Now just stay there and use your magic." She crawls up him, soon having her groin hover over his face.

"Wait, I still need to-" He says before she stops him with her pussy, sitting down on his face, wet folds dripping on his lips.

"Mmm, nope." She simply says. "You can recover as you lick me. Now get to it sugarcube~"

He mumbles something that makes her raise an eyebrow, but soon he just opens his mouth and gets to licking, slurping her juices and rubbing her petals with his oral muscle. She gasps and grinds herself against his face, feeling that amazing tongue of his once more. "Oh yes, I needed this..." She says softly, leaning back to look down at him, hooves resting on his stomach.

He looks up at her, eyes locked on her face as he keeps on eating her out. His tongue traces random patterns against her mound, flicking her winking clit every once in a few licks. He holds her rump with his hooves, massaging them gently as he presses his lips a bit harder to her own lower pair. AJ sighs, grinding on him even harder as she just melts to his ministrations.

"Oh Celestia, how are you so damn good at this?" She asks breathlessly. She can already feel herself getting rather close, unsure if she can hold back. "G-Go a bit slower darling, I'm getting too close."

Darling? If she was starting to use Rarity's words than he knows she was very close. He just grins at this and instead of slowing down, pushes even harder, his tongue wiggling faster against her. She lets out a small gasp as he amps up the power, and is about to scold him when he touches her clit again, making her nearly scream, her hooves moving to his head and pushing him hard against her. She grinds against him as her juices flow, giving Shimmer a good fill on his mare friend's flavor, apples (cause what else would it be.)

He laps it up eagerly, tongue tracing her outer lips for a few moments as he lets her relax. She sighs and is about to get off when she feels his hooves holding her down. When she looks down at him he just winks and quickly pushes his tongue right inside of her, making her really scream this time.

She starts to hump hard against him, eyes screwed shut as she melts even more, each thrust into her wet tunnel making her leak more juices for him to drink. She can't really stop herself now as he closes his eyes and just focuses on really eating her out. He slurps and drinks her juices, hooves massaging her flanks as his tongue pistons in and out, wiggling against her inner walls.

She can feel her mind slowly slipping a bit, and knows that she doesn't want to get too lost in the pleasure...not yet at least. Before she can dive too deep, she is able to collect herself and a few minutes of some of the best oral she has ever received she finally presses his head back. "O-Ok, I yield!" She cries out.

He gives her one last lick before pulling his tongue out, smirking so hard that she nearly hit his head...nearly. "So does that mean I get a reward my dear?" He asks cheekily.

She scoffs at this, but relents. Slowly, on shaky legs she gets up from off of him, looking back to see him staring at her ass. Grinning, she gives her rear a small shake, seeing his cock jump up to attention, fully awake once again. "Perhaps you do..." She says seductively, and before he can so anything, she is sprinting off, quickly running to the bedroom that she has been to many times now.

It takes a moment for him to realize what just happened and when he does he grins, quickly getting up and rushing forward. Once inside, door closing behind him, AJ jumps onto him, kissing him passionately. They stumble a bit before she falls down onto the bed with him on top of her.

Moaning, they taste each other on their mouths, not giving a damn for their own juices as they just enjoyed one another. Finally, after what felt like forever but was still not long enough, they parted, gasping for air as they look at each other.

Shimmer is the first to speak up. " we are or you want the usual position?" He asks.

She ponders for a moment, thinking her options over. "I think as much as I want you now, I very much love the usual." She says. "I know you do as well." She adds with a wink. He gives a sheepish smile as he moves off of her, and once free of his weight, she gets up and turns around before leaning forward, her butt raised and shaking lightly. "Come and get it sugarcube~"

He nearly growls at this as he mounts her, hooves quickly on either side of her rump, his cock resting against her ass as he holds those amazing cheeks. "AJ, I have never seen a better pair of flanks. Not even Celestia's rear can compare to you." He says, grinding ever so slightly, her supple rear taking his cock easily, sandwiching it between those cheeks.

She smirks as she turns to look at him. "Oh? And how would you know? Have you been staring at Celestia when nopony is looking?"

He realizes he made a tactical error and tries to retreat. "N-No, I mean yours are better, not that I don't know what Celestia's are like which I don't, I was just-"

Thankfully she relents and pushes her ass back, getting him silent with a groan from them both. "I'm just kidding Shimmy. I know what ya meant."

He lets out a sigh of relief as he smiles, grinding harder against her ass. "T-Thank goodness..." he says before grunting as she tightens her ass around his shaft, his thrusts getting harder. "Fuck, I'm not sure I can last. I may cum just by hotdogging your rear."

She raises an eyebrow at this. "Oh really? That will make it rather hard for me to clean out of my fur. The mess that it would leave, all that white plastered on my rear. And your cock just grinding it over and over, spurting your load as you-" She teases him, only to blink as he does cum. "Whoops, too much?"

He shivers as he recovers, his seed spurting over her rear lightly before he settles. "No...I-It's fine. You're just too damn good." He says, to which she giggles.

"If I'm that good, then perhaps you should reward me instead." She counters.

Seeing the game she was playing, he just chuckles as he leans over her, pulling his hips back. "I got a better idea. Instead let us both reward each other." He whispers into her ear before nibbling the tip.

She moans and nods in agreement. "I can get behind that."

Smiling, Shimmer aims his cock, rubbing her wet folds a bit, making sure to get the aim right. Once he is pressing a bit against her, he grunts as he gives a small thrust, pushing half of his cock inside of her mare hood in one thrust, both of them gasping in delight.

She shivers as he stays inside of her, nice and snug deep in her love tunnel, and he moans lightly as he stays still, just enjoying the first few moments of penetration. Soon he pulls back and thrusts forward, making her gasp as he does it again and again. With a rhythm going, they both finally let themselves go, getting lost into the pleasure of each other.

She moans happily as she feels her coltfriend humping away, her rear lightly pressing against his groin as he soon bottoms out, the flared head pressing nice and deep inside of her. Shimmer wraps his forelegs around her trunk, getting a better purchase as he thrusts away. His hooves keep them locked together as his head rests next to her own, the farmer grinning lustily as she thrusts back.

However, they were teasing each other so much that they weren't likely to last for long. The minutes slowly ticked by and they could feel the impending end for them both. His hips moving at a blur as he hammers away. "A-AJ, I'm not sure...I can last..."

"J-Just a...a bit more Shimmy!" She cries out, her tunnel squeezing his shaft with each thrust and pull. He grunts as a rather hard squeeze makes him nearly spurt, but he holds it back, just for her. Wanting her to cum soon, he finally relents and moves a hoof down, finding her winking clit and giving it a small stroke.

She moans loud as she cums, her walls constricting his cock so tight that he can barely move. He just grinds against her ass, his cock flaring as he lets himself finally hit his own peak, the orgasm washing over them both. They cry each other's names as they lock up in utter bliss, his cock staying stuck inside of her as her walls squeeze his shaft tight.

Finally, after what felt like ages, they sigh and sage against each other, the mare under her stallion, both ponies exhausted. Shimmer is the first to open his eyes as he looks down at his mare, who soon looks back at him. They both smile as they kiss each other lightly.

"Mmm, that was..." Shimmer starts to talk, only for AJ to shush him with a kiss.

" talking, just...just rest and enjoy." She tells him, to which he nods. Kissing her again, he gently turns them so they are spooning each other, his cock staying nice and deep inside of her. He rubs her belly, making her giggle lightly before they both fall silent, neither of them saying anything. As the silence takes hold, his eyes closing, he whispers two words to his mare.

"Thank you."

She just smiles as he falls asleep, giving his nose one last peck before she leans her head against his, closing her own eyes. He knows that he isn't perfect, that he has his own faults and flaws, but she sees past those and to his strengths, and what she sees makes him really shine for her. Out of all the ponies that could approach her, he was the one to do it first, and she was ever so glad that he did.

For her...he was the only shimmering star in her night sky.