Rally's Week Off

by Rally-Flag

First published

Short stories involving an OC!

Think of this as a "seven prompts in seven days" kind of deal. I'm away on holidays so I decided to get something done using my phone.

I got all seven done in the time frame I was hoping to, so I hope you all enjoy!

The New Principal - Celestia, crossdressing
Class In Session - Cheerilee, public vibrator use
A Private Show - Trixie, public-ish sex
Dream Night - Celestia, Luna, incest
Morning Ritual - Applejack, "incest"
A Good Girlfriend - Sky Pennant and Solaris (rule 63)
Snapgab Famous - Vignette Valencia, porn filming

The New Principal

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"Let me freshen up, and then we can begin." Celestia purred, one finger lightly booping Rally on the nose before she got up and left her room. Rally watched the principal go, grinning a little at the thought of not only his secret girlfriend in the shower but what they would share on her return. Figuring that he may as well get ready himself, the teenager hopped up from the bed and reached for the bottom of his shirt before something caught his eye.

Celestia had left her clothing for the next school day just sitting out on her desk, folded and pristine. He blinked, taking an unconscious step towards them. Her customary yellow jacket was on the bottom of the pile, presumably as the last piece she would put on. On top of that was her long purple pants and striped shirt, but what had really grabbed his attention was the underwear perched on top. She had picked out a lacy purple bra and matching v-string, the hips of which had an extra string. His hands gripped the bottom of his shirt a little harder, before he threw caution to the wind and acted on pure curious desire.

His own shirt, white with long black sleeves and a military style banner on the front came off, dropped on the floor in his haste. The white sneakers were next, being kicked off and the socks followed them just as quickly. Fiddling with his belt he didn't even bother to slide it out of the loops on his jeans, his thumbs hooking into his boxers and pulling everything down at once to leave him fully naked in her room.

Gulping, Rally shot a look towards the closed door to make sure he was alone. He could still hear the shower from the bathroom across the hallway, though he could hardly expect her to be finished in there so quickly. His hand reached out tentatively, pausing just before the lacy fabric. He knew he shouldn't... but the temptation was too great to resist. First, he plucked the v-string off the pile, taking a moment to enjoy the feeling of the lace in his hands. Bending over, the blue haired teenager held the elastic out and stepped into it, pulling them up over his green legs and up to his hips. He quivered a little at the feeling of the thin fabric as it slid into his butt, wondering if Celestia enjoyed it before he realised that the front would never accomodate his package. Taking the solution that made the most sense to him at the time, Rally pulled them up so that they held his balls while his cock hung out, his shaft stirring a little in guilty excitement.

Realising that may make things difficult later, Rally hastily grabbed the purple pants and pulled them on, feeling them tight around his legs and quickly stuffing his hardening cock into them before it became an issue. Buttoning them up, he knew it had been the right move as he could see the incredibly noticable bulge in the tight fabric. He couldn't help but rub himself a little through the pants, shivering with delight before his attention went back to the now smaller pile of clothes, picking up the bra and examining it. Fortunately for him it had the clasp at the front, Rally slipping his arms into the correct holes and bringing it around to do it up over his scarred chest. He snorted a little at how the cups came out so prominently, accentuating the difference between his flat chest and the generous bust of the principal.

Next was the striped shirt, Rally pulling it on over his head and the bra. He grimaced a little, finding that somehow that was the least comfortable part of her clothing in that the low cut front sat strangely on his chest. Experimentally he pressed the bra down, finding that it was in fact the shirt and not just because the bra let it sit out further. Finishing the ensemble, Rally grabbed her yellow jacket and pulled it on over the shirt, the weight of it holding the bra in a little. He let out a breath he had been holding unconsciously, before turning to look in her bedside table mirror.

Rally couldn't help but grin at the sight of himself in Celestia's clothes. His girlfriend was about half a head taller than him, and while the difference was only slight he could feel it in the jacket sleeves that touched the bottom of his palms and the pants legs that bunched around his heels slightly. He'd always thought she looked pretty in them, but it was clear that he didn't quite manage to pull off the look as well as she did. Still, Rally liked the feeling of her panties at least, especially the way they cupped his balls which only caused his shaft to twitch against its purple confines all the more. He was half tempted to look into getting a pair of his own, when he had the money spare at least.

"Well, don't you look cute." A voice from behind him caused the teenager to nearly jump through the roof, spinning around in wide-eyed shock to see Celestia closing the door behind her. The rainbow haired woman had a teasing smile on her face, wearing a fluffy pink dressing gown as she embraced Rally from behind, planting a kiss on his burning cheek to show she wasn't upset.

"No idea why I put your clothes on." He mumbled, Celestia giving him an affectionate nuzzle.

"If it makes you feel better, I've always wanted to see you wearing my panties." She whispered suggestively into his ear, causing the blush on his face to spread even more but a rueful smile to join it. "Maybe..." she started, one hand reaching down to find the elastic that had found its way above the pants. "You can keep those on tonight." Rally smiled, strangely interested in the idea.

Class In Session

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"Oh, Rally!" Rally Flag stopped at his name being called out, recognising the voice as belonging to his English teacher Miss Cheerilee. He turned to see her standing in the doorway to her classroom, her customary white dress shirt, brown vest and green flowery skirt as unchanging as the tides. She regarded him with green eyes as he approached, knowing that there was no point in pretending he didn't hear her when he was going to be in that class in five minutes anyway. "Could I get your help with something before class begins please?"

"Okay." He replied, the teacher stepping aside to let him into the classroom. Once he was inside she shut the door, Rally taken by complete surprise when she collided into him from behind. He threw his arms out to brace hinself against her desk, the teenager's eyes going wide as she felt her swiftly undoing his belt and jeans and yank them down to expose him to the empty classroom. Still in shock, he felt one of her hands snake around and begin to stroke his cock while the other one was fiddling with something on her desk. "M-miss Cheerilee!" He gasped, scarcely able to believe what was happening.

"We're going to have fun with this period, Rally." Cheerilee whispered provocatively in his ear, his jaw dropping as he felt her press something onto his shaft. Looking down, he barely had time to recognise the egg vibrator she was taping onto the underside of his cock right near the head. Stunned, he couldn't do anything to stop her taping the cord along until the motor was stuck onto his leg, Cheerilee completing her work by pulling his pants back up and making it so that no one would think anything had happened. "Now take your seat, class is about to begin." She winked cheerfully at him, striding over to the door and opening it. Rally hastily grabbed his dropped books and made for his seat as the class filed in, a couple of students giving him odd looks but no one saying anything.

"Good morning, Rally." Fluttershy said as she took the seat next to him, Rally shifting a little uncomfortably at his most innocent and sweet friend talking to him while he had a sex toy strapped to his cock.

"Uh, g'morning Fluttershy." He replied, trying his best to seem innocent himself. That was made all the harder when he felt the toy start vibrating, very softly at what he suspected was the lowest setting.

"Good morning students!" Cheerilee began, the class falling silent as the teacher began talking. "Today we're going to be talking about what I consider to be one of the best written novels..." Rally began to lose focus on her words at the omnipresent buzzing of the vibrator, the thing having got him hard again after the small gap between Cheerilee stroking his shaft and him sitting back down. Now, even at the lowest setting Rally was genuinely concerned everyone would figure out what was going on and no one would believe that the teacher was responsible.

As the lesson got into full swing, he started to get used to the vibrating egg enough to focus on what Cheerilee was saying. Rally shifted a little in his seat as he started writing notes, his writing a little messier than normal. He let out a quiet sigh, starting to think he may just be able to ride out the lesson even if the thing made him cum. At the front of the classroom Cheerilee's eyes fixed on his face for a second, a faint smile curling her lips as she kept talking. She reached one hand into her pocket and rested her thumb on the remote, sliding the control up a bit higher. Rally jolted in his seat as the vibrating got stronger, his earlier fears of being caught resurfacing. She watched as the realisation dawned on his face, his eyes meeting hers for a second before he glared back down at his page. Rally wasn't going to let it get the better of him, and Cheerilee was loving the challenge.

"Now, some of you may find it hard to understand quite what Ruby's relationship with Miranda was exactly." Cheerilee kept going with the lesson, noting that Rally seemed to be starting to pant slightly. Thumbing the control again, she saw him go rigid in the chair for a split second before realising that she had turned the vibrator off. His blue eyes flicked up almost questioningly at her, though she was too busy teaching to notice him. Once he looked like he had recovered she switched the vibrator back on, delighting in how he nearly jumped out of his chair at the return. He was still feeling sensitive from the initial pleasure, and returning to it so soon definitely didn't help his resolve.

"Bitch." Rally muttered under his breath, leaning forward slightly at the new level of pleasure assaulting his senses. Next to him Fluttershy glanced sideways at the blue haired teenager, wondering if anything was wrong. Fortunately for him Cheerilee waa directing them to read from the novel they were using for the class, and he stubbornly refused to let it get the better of him.

From that point Cheerilee thoroughly enjoyed the teasing, slowly ramping it up before shutting it off to let him recuperate just enough for the next round. For Rally the entire experience was torture, barely able to keep his composure from outing him to the entire class. He tried his best not to let on that he was relieved when she turned the vibrator off in the hopes she may give him more of a respite, but that didn't seem to pay off for him as the vibrations started up yet again. As the lesson neared its end he could barely hold on or keep his eyes from the clock on the wall, one leg twitching as he tries his best not to let the pleasure overwhelm him and make an absolute mess of his jeans.

"Alright, you all have your homework assignments so I will see you next lesson!" Cheerilee's voice sang out, slightly before the bell rang and the students gathered their belongings to leave. "Rally Flag, I'd like to speak with you before you go please." She added, Rally not even having been able to get up due to the barely suppressed orgasm. She had the remote hidden in her hand, having been switching it from off to full in the last minute in five second bursts. Once everyone else had left the classroom Cheerilee pointed to the spot in front of her desk, Rally getting up on shaking legs to make his way where she said. He gave her a filthy glare every step of the way, the teacher smiling sweetly back though there was no hiding the mischievous look in her green eyes.

Much like the start of the lesson she moved before he could react, unbuckling his belt and pulling his jeans and boxers down. His cock sprang free and rigid, a very damp spot in the front of his boxers betraying the pre he had been leaking from the constant pleasure but denial of release. She shut the vibrator off, pulling the tape off him and getting a groan of relief as he tasted freedom from its touch. Eyes closed, the first Rally knew what was happening was the feeling of her lips as she wrapped them around his cock, sucking along the length without teasing him in the slightest. "Ohhh, Miss Cheerilee!" He groaned as he finally let the pleasure get the best of him, hardly able to hold back even if he had wanted to. Barely ten seconds of her sucking on his dick pushed him over the edge, the teenager blowing his load straight into her greedy mouth where she swallowed as much as she could. After several spurts of cum Rally felt his strength leave him, falling back slightly so that he was sitting on the edge of her desk. Half of his length had left her mouth in the movement, Cheerilee pulling back to release his shaft from her mouth covered with a mix of saliva and cum. As he panted she started cleaning him off with her tongue, the teenager panting too much to really notice.

"So, can I count on you to behave in class more Rally?" Cheerilee winked, Rally too tired to do anything more than nod his agreement.

A Private Show

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"The Great and Powerful Trixie... did not mean for this to happen." Trixie grumbled, pressed against the inside of her magic box. She had been in the middle of a show on the beach and had drawn in a moderately sized crowd, so to have messed up the trick was doubly embarrassing for her even if she herself had vanished from their sight. Mostly because that was supposed to be the finale.

"Not like that helps us now." Behind her, Rally Flag retorted. He had volunteered for her disappearing trick, had got into the magic box only to find the limited room even more cramped when the bikini clad magician had suddenly taken up even more of it. Enough light trickled in for them to see each other dimly, the blue haired teenager almost having his face shoved into her long white hair while he tried to keep his hands to himself for modesty. Unfortunately for them the limited space had them both pressed relatively close to each other, and soon enough he realised that his white board shorts were going to make his hands the least of his concerns.

"Listen, Trixie can open the box but not while your lechery is on display for all to see!" She hissed, the result of their proximity pressed firmly into her backside. "Not that you can help that when pressed against someone as luxurious as Trixie." He was about to retort when the voices of his friends started calling his name out from the beach, realising that even if they did just exit the magic box he would definitely be pitching an impromptu beach tent.

"Yeah, well can't help biology." He muttered into her ear, the pair falling into a sullen silence. Rally's face was burning, mostly in embarrassment since he wasn't one to be so forward with girls even though all his best friends were girls. It was probably down to the teachings of his late parents, or at least he was trying to think of reasons rather than focus on the feeling of his cock pressed into Trixie's soft butt.

"Well we can't stay in here forever!" She whispered, her face heating up at a combination of the two bodies pressed against each other in a small box put in the sun and the thought of what she was about to propose. The voices calling for Rally were getting further away, but that didn't mean there wasn't still people out there. "So, Trixie is very generously going to help you with your problem." She said, one hand reaching down to shift her sarong to one side and rest on her crotch as she pressed her rear back to rub against his own bulge.

"Trixie, are you ser-" He began, before her head turned slightly to look at him with purple eyes.

"You're not going to get another chance like this, believe me." She said dryly. "Just, let's get on with it." He gulped, nodding as he felt her rubbing against him again. Rally let his hands move to her hips, leaning his head down to kiss at her neck and shoulder. Trixie let out a shuddering breath, her fingers working at the front of her bikini while the other one fiddled with the knot on her sarong, letting it fall down to the sandy bottom of the box. His hands rubbed along her hips sensually, thumbs hooking into the waist of her bikini bottoms and sliding them down as far as he could reach. Her free hand reached back for his board shorts, getting them down as much as possible while she played with her clit. His cock sprang free, slapping against her ass with the head lodging itself into the crack to make her even more aware of just how hard he was.

"Thanks Trixie." He murmured between kisses, pulling his hips back enough to let his shaft spring up higher, the length resting comfortably between her ass cheeks so he could rub between them. Next he reached up to squeeze her breasts, his thumbs running along the silky fabric of her bikini top searching to tease her nipples. A ragged breath from the magician told him when he found his prize, tracing little circles so that they grew stiff and sensitive, her hand working along her dampening slit a little more furiously. Feeling his cock wedged firmly in her ass was making her want it inside her all the more, her panting becoming even more prevalent as she worked two fingers inside herself to test how ready she was. They slipped inside with little resistance, stroking the sensitive nerves inside her womanhood and setting her on the edge.

"Hurry up and put it in!" She breathed, Rally obliging and bending his knees as much as their confines would allow.

"Dammit, can't find where you are."

"Stop being ridiculous! I'm right here!"

"Where's here? Can't see what I'm doing!"

"Hey! Don't you dare stick it in there!"

"I'm not trying to- Trixie, hold it steady!"

"This is rid-ahhh!"

Rally clamped his hand over Trixie's mouth as his tip finally found the target, sliding into her slick pussy and elicting the surprised moan from her. Her eyes were wide, fearful that someone outside the magic box may have heard them. They held still for a moment, listening intently for any sound out of the ordinary that may have betrayed their activities. For a tense moment they listened, finally both breathing a sigh of relief that they hadn't been revealed. "Ready?" Rally whispered. She nodded, the green skinned teenager taking his hand away from her mouth and resting both on her hips again. Slowly he eased his length out of her until just the tip was inside before thrusting smoothly back into her tight pussy, Trixie letting out a long breath as she felt his hard length fill her.

"It feels so good..." She breathed, all pretense of arrogance forgotten in the face of the fact that they were having sex while surrounded by people in a very public place. Anyone could open that box from the outside, revealing their debauchery for the world to see. It made her so excited, the pleasure she was feeling heightened by the fact that all it would take was one overly curious person to open that box... one person to over hear them and she could be forever branded as that slut who craved dick so much she would take it in front of a crowd of people.

It made her tremble with excitement.

"Your pussy is so good!" He grunted, trying his best to keep his knees bent and just to thrust with his hips, similar thoughts going through his head. Part of him wanted to reach forward and open the box, to show everyone what they were doing, to go down in Canterlot High School history as the guy who got laid in front of everyone with a hot babe. All the closeness, Trixie's quiet whimpers of pleasure and the rough sex were all too much for both of them however. The white haired girl stuffed her fist into her mouth as she neared her orgasm, Rally thrusting so hard into her that it was a miracle the box wasn't shaking like an earthquake.

"I'm cumming!" She cried out, trembling as her inner walls tightened around his hard cock and a powerful orgasm rocked through her body. He wasn't far behind, burying his mouth into her shoulder to stifle a groan of relief as he came into her welcoming body, her pussy milking him for every drop of cum he had to offer. Soon enough their shared climax started to settle, leaving them both feeling weak and fulfilled. He could feel a drop of cum sliding down thr underside of his softening shaft, letting his cock slide out of her and pulling her bikini bottoms up to keep any more from leaking out of her. "Trixie... is not disappointed..." She panted, looking back with an embarrassed grin. He nodded his agreement, both listening quietly for any kind of sound outside of the box before Trixie opened it slightly, Rally grabbing his board shorts back up to cover himself properly.

The crowd had largely dispersed, having lost interest with both the magician and her subject having disappeared. Relief spread through both of them as they went their separate ways, Rally turning back to grin at her. "Great show, Trixie." He laughed, getting a soft giggle from her as well.

Dream Night

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"Rally Flag, what do you have to say for yourself?" The green skinned student blinked, shrinking a little under the twin stern gazes of Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna. They were in Celestia's office, the usual calendar and bulletin board full of seemingly nonsensical squiggles.

"What? What'd I do?" He asked, his tone rising a little in protest.

"You know exactly what you did." Luna said, pacing around the desk to stand imposingly over him. He frowned at her before he noticed that Celestia was on his other side, her hands resting on her hips. His mouth opened slightly, still not sure why they were accosting him thr way they were. Sure, he had occasionally played up in Cheerilee's class but that was only because she would always send him to Celestia's office who was at the very least happy to see him. But that was the extent of his troublemaking, so whatever they were talking about was beyond him.

"Sit." Celestia demanded, Rally completely taken aback since he was already sitting down. After a second he noticed that she was pointing at her own chair, the teenager sheepishly getting up and moving to where she was indicating. Once he was seated Celestia and Luna each grabbed one side of her desk and moved it away from him, Rally still perplexed until they moved closer. In unison principal and vice principal got onto their knees in front of him, their accusing looks not wavering for a second even as their hands moved towards his belt. "If you are not going to own up to what you did, Rally." Celestia said, almost threateningly even as she undid his belt.

"Then we are going to have to take matters into our own hands." Luna continued, her own hands working the button and zip of his jeans. He watched, dumbfounded as they grabbed the sides of his jeans and pulling both them and his boxers down to leave him exposed from the waist down. They didn't let up on their accusing stares for one second, even as they both lowered their heads down to bring themselves so close to his crotch. Celestia grabbed his flaccid cock while Luna's hand snaked between his legs to gently cup his balls, their expert hands teasing him to fully erect in barely a few seconds. His hands gripped at the arm rests of the principal's chair, watching with fascination as they leaned in closer, their lips parting to let their tongues lick up each side of his shaft. Rally let out a quiet moan as the older women licked along his dick, Luna moving to the top to part her lips wider and lower her mouth to take the whole shaft into her warm, slick mouth.

"Do you feel like talking yet?" Celestia asked imperiously, the teenager barely able to speak at all. Taking his silence as defiance Luna released his cock with one strong suck and allowed her sister to take her place, her pale lips parting seductively to envelop his shaft just as deep as the vice principal had. He could only watch, mesmerized, as they took turns sucking his dick as though choreographed. Every so often they would take a short break to kiss each other lustfully, their hands grasping his cock together and lovingly stroking it to make sure he was never left out of the action. Sometimes when they kissed, they would do so around the head of his dick which made him all the more excited for the unspoken promise of what was to come.

"Rally, if you will not admit to your transgressions we will have to resort to more drastic measures." Luna threatened, both of the sisters stepping back to be in his full view. Celestia moved behind her younger sister to grope tenderly at her breasts through her purple shirt, kissing at her cheek and neck while Luna unbuttoned her pants. She moaned suggestively as her sister removed her pants, the vice principal stepping out of them to leave her already damp slit exposed to the blue haired student. She climbed onto the seat to straddle him, rubbing her pussy along the underside of his rigid cock as the principal moved around to stand behind the chair, kissing his head and rubbing his chest as Luna lowered herself onto him, her blue lips parting in a moan of pleasure as he filled her tight, wet passage.

"I hope you understand the gravity of the situation." Celestia said sternly as Luna began to ride him, Rally barely able to focus on the words at the feeling of Luna's pussy wrapped around his cock. She was riding him expertly, leaning forward just enough to press her soft breasts into his face. Her perfume filled his nose, a subtle scent of vanilla that mixed with Celestia's own strawberry perfume intoxicatingly. Rally could barely focus on anything but the silky wet heat enveloping him. Luna's moans of pleasure were like music to him, one of Celestia's arms snaking around his chest in a surprisingly comfortable way.

"You-ah! Y-you will confess!" The vice principal moaned in his ear, all pretense of interrogating him gone as she reached her climax, shaking from the intense pleasure even as she continued to ride him. Rally closed his eyes, moaning into her breasts as he came...


Rally opened his eyes, only to be greeted by a pitch black bedroom. He could hear Celestia quietly breathing in his ear, the principal sound asleep with her arm draped loosely around his chest. Shortly he became aware of the reason he was now awake, his face rapidly heating up at the slight wet feeling on his leg and penis. Afraid that he had embarassingly wet himself while sleeping with his girlfriend, he realised that it was a slightly sticky feeling as well as a little wet, more consistent with the feeling of cum than urine. He breathed a sigh of relief, closing his eyes and trying to get back to sleep.

Morning Ritual

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"What the hay?!" Rally blinked in confusion as his still waking up mind tried to make sense of what he was seeing, namely Applejack standing naked in the bathtub. One of her hands had been on the shower tap when he had pulled the shower curtain back, now hastily trying to cover her modesty as she glared at the half asleep teenager who was also standing there in the nude. Both of their clothes were piled on the opposite sides of the bathroom counter while their pyjamas were in a pile on the floor, Rally finally realising that he wasn't alone in the bathroom.

"Sorry!" He yelped, turning around to try and spare her any more embarrassment. Now fully awake and aware, he just couldn't believe that he had walked in on her like that! She was a long time friend, someone who had taken him in when he had nowhere else to go and was practically a sister! His eyes wide, he couldn't help but notice that he could still see Applejack in the mirror. Panicking he covered his eyes, not quite enough to lose the mental image of having seen her completely nude which was not helping to prevent a second source of embarrassment from appearing. Still glaring, Applejack also noticed the mirror which was giving her a decent look at his semi-hard penis, a blush spreading over her face as she finally realised that she wasn't the only one without clothes on.

"Rally, why are you in here?" She demanded, the thought of closing the shower curtain again not having crossed her mind. Instead she was a little transfixed at his hardening length, slowly letting her hands down and stepping out of the shower. Applejack could feel another heat starting between her legs, her fingers unconsciously tracing along her outer lips as she approached Rally, the blue haired teenager searching for his clothes with his eyes shut to spare her his staring. Screwing up her courage Applejack made the last step forward to embrace Rally from behind, his whole body going rigid in shock from the unexpected softness of her naked body pressed against his.

"Applejack, we can't." He protested, though he made no move to stop her from turning him around to face her. Her green eyes looked curiously into his blue eyes, both of them leaning in slowly. "I... we're practically brother and sister." He murmured, their breath on each other's lips, her breasts pressed against his chest, his cock pinned between them as their lips met in a soft kiss. Slowly their arms wound around each other, their kissing only spurring them further into each other.

"Well, if I gotta do my brother, I'm glad you're around." She teased him as they broke apart from the kiss. He couldn't help but let out a short laugh, Applejack leading him back over to the shower and turning the water on. The hissing stream had the room filled with steam before long, the teenagers barely noticing as they went back to making out. "Hop in, you wanted a shower too right?" She said, Rally obediently doing what she said and joining her under the hot water.

Applejack stood with her back to the water as Rally got onto his knees, the water streaming down her toned body and falling over onto his head to cover him as well. He leaned in to kiss at her belly, trailing his lips down until he found her slit, his tongue coming out to lick along her inviting entrance. She let out a moan, encouraging him to continue to explore her with his tongue. She rested her hands on his head, her fingers entwining his blue hair as his own hands came up to grope her firm ass, one even giving her a quick smack. She gasped at the impact, the wet flesh letting out a loud smack as his tongue found her clit, tracing lightly around the sensitive nub and making her want him even more.

"Why don't you get down here then, sis?" Rally grinned, lying back in the tub as she squatted over him, her fingers spreading her pussy as she lowered herself towards his cock. Rally held his shaft upright as Applejack lowered herself onto him, both teenagers letting out a shared moan as she took his tip into her. Slowly she eased herself down until his cock was fully inside her, resting her knees on either side of him and lying down to kiss him passionately once more. His hands rested once more on her ass, her wet hair falling around both of them while they stayed still, content to enjoy their closeness for the moment.

"Ready?" She said, getting a nod and another kiss from him as she raised herself back up only to smoothly go down again, getting an appreciative moan from him as she took his length into her tight pussy once again. He couldn't decide whether the water running over them or her pussy around his cock was hotter, but both were immensely enjoyable as the cowgirl got into a rhythm, riding him as expertly as she would ride Lonestar around the farm. "Nnngh, ohh Rally!" She moaned, feeling as though she was nearing her peak, her hips rocking all the harder in an effort to enjoy every inch of his hot shaft inside of her, wanting it as deep as it could go. His tip was brushing against the most sensitive nerves inside her, any chance of coherent speech lost as she felt her orgasm rock through her body, trembling as she let out one final cry of pleasure.

"Applejack, I'm gonna cum!" He groaned as her pussy gripped his cock and tried to milk it for everythingit had to offer, the teenager not disappointing her as he blew his load inside her, the cowgirl collapsing on top of him where he held her close, the pair twitchng against each other at their shared bliss. For a minute they simply laid under the shower, panting as they recovered from the sex, feeling some of his seed leaking out of her to get washed down the drain. "Thanks, sis." Rally grinned, getting a soft kiss from her.

"Thank you, bro." Applejack replied, not wanting him to leave her just yet.

A Good Girlfriend

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"Awww, what's wrong Solaris?" Sky Pennant asked, closing the office door behind her and walking over to kneel next to the principal. He didn't look up to acknowledge her, brow furrowed as he concentrated on the paper work strewn over his desk. "Oh wow, that's a lot of stuff to do." She said aloud, resting one hand on the arm rest of his chair and the other one on his leg, careful not to bump his arm and disturb him.

"Sorry Sky, I have quite a bit of work left to do." Solaris replied, not taking his eyes off the paper as he scribbled down more notes on one sheet before looking back to the print out on the other side. The green skinned girl pouted slightly, knowing it wasn't quite that simple.

"C'mon, I know what you're like." She said, getting up to stand behind his chair. She rested her hands on his shoulders, giving them a soothing rub. He closed his eyes, stopping writing for a short period and just letting her massage him. Leaning his head back Solaris felt her soft breasts like a cushion, the student pressing them forward a little as added comfort. "What's wrong?"

"I submitted an idea I had to help streamline communication between principals of local schools to the board two months ago." He started, Sky planting a soft kiss on his forehead and letting him talk. "Today I found out that one of the admins for the board had deleted my email and taken the idea for herself." She let her hands drop down to his chest, softly hugging him as he sighed in resignation. "It is so disheartening that people can still be so low as to steal credit for the ideas of others."

"Awww, I'm sorry Sol." She murmured into his rainbow hair, kissing him again. He could feel her hands rubbing his chest, relaxing back into his chair and letting her soothe him. "Y'know that working yourself crazy ain't gonna help though." Nodding, the principal opened his eyes slowly as he realised Sky was making her way around to kneel in front of him this time, pouting up at him more suggestively. "Let me help you relax." He didn't respond, relaxing back in his chair and letting the student do what she wanted. If nothing else, she was right about him working harder just because he'd had his idea stolen.

Smiling happily up at the principal, Sky started rubbing his thighs through his purple pants, sparing a moment to lift her shirt and bra up to sit over the top of her breasts. His purple eyes eyed them as she gave them a couple of quick squeezes, feeling his shaft begin to stir in his boxers. Her hands moved back to his pants, unbuckling his belt and unzipping him to show off the beginnings of his bulge, licking her lips suggestively as she found her prize. Springing free of its confines his cock was at full attention now, the green skinned student leaning in to nuzzle his rigid length affectionately. Her blue hair fell around his tip, tickling him lightly and getting a quiet breath from the older man. She smooched the underside of his cock, lightly trailing kisses up and down the considerable length and even leaving a few tender ones on his balls before her tongue poked out to lick along the same path.

"What did I do to deserve a girl as wonderful as you, Sky?" He asked, the teenager beaming at his praise before returning to her task. One hand wrapped itself around the base of his shaft as her lips made their way to the tip, planting a few loving kisses on his tip before they parted to take it into her hungry mouth. Her kisses and licking had left faint trails of saliva on him but that was nothing compared to the warmth he was experiencing now, letting out another quiet moan as he surrendered to the pleasure she offered. Solaris gently rested one hand on the back of her head, scratching her as she took more of his cock into her mouth. Reaching about half way down to start with Sky looked up at him, her blue eyes meeting his purple as she pulled back until just the tip was left. She let out a moan of her own as she went back down, sucking lightly once she started pulling back up.

Working into a rhythm, Sky used her hand to jerk him off as she bobbed her mouth up and down his cock, Solaris grunting a little at her attentions. She may not have had the experience of a woman his age but she more than made up for it with enthusiasm and a seeming innate understanding of just what he liked. Releasing him for a second she rested the tip of his dick on her outstretched tongue, stroking him with her hand and getting him to shiver slightly at the pleasure coursing through him. Pausing Sky took a deep breath before taking him into her mouth once more, this time not stopping until she got her lips down as far as she could.

"Solaris, I have that book you wanted." The principal nearly jumped out of his seat at his sister's voice, Luna opening thr office door and walking in. Under the desk Sky's eyes went wide, now stuck deepthroating Solaris' big dick until the vice principal left the room.

"Oh! Uh, thank you Luna." He said, trying his best to remain composed with a student performing a sex act on him right in front of his sister. She eyed the papers on his desk, blissfully unaware of what was happening.

"I hope you're not working yourself too hard, Sol." She added, pausing at the small stack of papers in his inbox. He felt a tapping against his leg, knowing it meant that the green skinned teenager was running out of breath. No doubt she would gasp for air when finally free, and Luna would definitely hear it.

"I have hardly any left, and some of it can wait until tomorrow anyway." He responded, smiling at Luna even as he busied himself with his pen to finish the sheet he had been filling out.

"Alright. Don't forget to pick up milk on the way home." She said, leaving the office and shutting the door behind her. His hand quickly rested on the back of Sky's head, thinking she may just release as the door closed while Luna was still within earshot. Sky tapped his leg again, more urgently this time and after a few more seconds he released her, the teenager predictably gasping loudly for air as she tasted freedom. He rubbed her back gently as she coughed, nearly having gagged completely on his cock.

"Sorry, Sky." He whispered softly, leaning down to kiss her head. "Luna might have heard you if you went too early." She nodded, still gasping for breath but understanding his point. One hand found its way back to his shaft, jerking him off even while still recovering, clearly still interested in getting him off. He relaxed back into his chair, knowing it would be useless arguing with the headstrong girl especially when she was determined. Before long she was sucking his dick again, not ready to go deep like before but still willing to suck him off. Going faster and sucking harder, it wasn't long before Solaris began to feel the pressure build up to its peak in his balls. "Sky, I'm going to-ahhh!" He moaned as he flooded the young teenager's mouth with his cum, Sky clamping her lips around him in an effort to make sure not a single drop escaped her. Gulping greedily, she loved the salty taste of his seed as it rested on her tongue, making sure to lick all of his shaft completely clean. After a moment she released him, opening her mouth wide to show that she had swallowed it all.

"Hope you feel better, Sol." She purred, pulling her bra and shirt back down and giving him a warm hug.

Snapgab Famous

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"I'm glad we got Rares to come in here first." Vignette Valencia looked around the barn loft that served as Rally's room at the Apple Family home, nodding to herself as she inspected the furnishings Rarity had spruced up the room with. He just watched her walk around, smiling at the set up they had chosen. Mostly everything had been covered with silk curtains reminiscent of what a sultan might have to obscure all the modern furniture, a veritable mountain of pillows in the middle of the floor that Vignette was rearranging slightly. The Snapgab model herself was wearing clothing reminiscent of an Arabic princess, a silky pink cropped top and matching poofy silk pants along with a jewelled crown and see through veil. "After all, B.Y.B.B! Be yourself, but better!"

"I look ridiculous." Rally grumbled, himself wearing an open white vest and poofy pants with a turban set with a large sapphire and royal blue feather on the front. Beside him Rarity rested a hand on his shoulder, the other holding a video camera.

"Nonsense darling, you're the very image of royalty!" The fashionista said approvingly, Photo Finish too busy checking her camera and tripod to add her opinion.

"And very shortly, you're going to be the envy of three million Snapgab users!" Vignette grinned grabbing the front of his open vest and pulling him over to the pillow bed. Indicating for him to sit Rally did so, shrugging in acceptance of her point. Photo Finish rushed over, frowning as she busied herself getting the green skinned teenager in just the right spot for the cameras. "Okay, quick recap. I dance a little over here, come over to Rally and give him a good riding, then he busts all over my face and tits and voilà! Très fantastique!"

"Rarity, you stand here and move around this way." Photo Finish added, indicating the areas that she had lined with a purple silk scarf to keep it in character. "That will keep us both out each other's frames." She nodded her agreement, flipping the video camera open and readying to record.

"Shall we?" Rarity asked, everyone nodding as they got into position. She held up three fingers for the countdown, lowering one at a time until they were all down and hit the record button.

"Bonjour all you séduisant people on Snapgab and Haydonate!" Vignette said, blowing the cameras a kiss and striking a pose. "Je vous remercie to you for all your support, we hit the big goal! So now you all get to enjoy this very special reward!" Winking, Vignette began to dance, her hips rolling around seductively as Rarity kept her camera steady and Photo Finish clicked furiously to get as many photos as possible. Rally just watched, enjoying himself in spite of how silly he thought his clothes were. Before long she strutted over to him, laying down at his side and massaging his chest with one hand. "Are you ready for my service, master?" She purred, her voice as silky as her clothing.

"Of course." He replied, trying to give the commanding presence that he had been told to do. She seemed satisfied, leaning in to give him a passionate kiss while rubbing along his bare torso. The camera girls made their way to the sides as Vignette made her way down to the wais of his pants, Rarity zooming in to make sure that Photo Finish wasn't in the frame. The Snapgab star pulled his pants down, his cock already rock hard at her dancing display as well as the anticipation of what was to come. She looked up at him with her bright blue eyes, planting a kiss on his shaft and licking along it teasingly.

Rally played the part of the sultan well, merely relaxing back into the pillows and allowing her to continue to pleasure him. She didn't waste any time before taking his cock into her mouth, expertly pleasing him as the concubine she played would be. On either side Rarity and Photo Finish caught every moment, watching with a mix of fascination and professionalism as Vignette sucked his dick. The model herself snuck a hand into her pants, rubbing along her pussy both to prepare for the main event and to give the video some muffled moans.

"Please master, allow me to fulfill your desires." She said, her voice seductive as he nodded his agreement, standing up and teasingly pulling her pants down to reveal her perfectly shaved slit to the cameras. Rally leaned back a little as the cameras moved around once more, allowing them to get the perfect angle watching Vignette lower her wet sex down onto him, the tip pressing inside her and getting an even louder moan from her. He let out a quiet moan of his own as her heat surrounded him, her tightness incredible. "Is this to your liking, master?" She asked, her voice quivering a little at how much he filled her.

"It is." He said, having quickly composed himself for the question. Leaning forward to kiss him once more, Vignette then got herself upright and started riding his rock hard shaft. She tossed her head back, her short pink hair bouncing slightly as she moved up and down. Above him Rarity and Photo Finish went for straight on angles, Vignette pulling her top down slightly to show off her soft breasts to the cameras, giving both a sultry look and moaning as his dick stroked against her sensitive inner walls.

"Oh master!" Vignette sighed as she felt her own climax approaching, sparing a quick glance at his face to see how far along he was. Rally was frowning slightly, a sign that he was holding on alright but also getting close. Surrendering herself to the pleasure Vignette let out one last moan as she came, shaking a little and even squirting on his belly. Keeping to the script she got off him, staying on her knees as he got to his feet and aimed his cock at her, jerking himself off until he came. She moaned appreciatively, looking up at him for a second before closing her eyes, feeling his hot seed landing on her face in thick spurts. She opened her eyes again in time to see him squirt more onto her breasts, one hand coming up to cup his balls and bring him over to kiss his tip. As the cameras got in close for the shot, Vignette winked at them and blew a kiss to end the video that would be online in a few days.