Busty Business

by Pegasus 25

First published

After a long day, Rainbow Dash heads over to Rarity's place to relax and loosen up a bit. But Rarity has a spell she wants to try, and it brings them together in a way neither could have imagined...

Rarity's been hinting about a surprise all week, and now that the weekend is finally here, Rainbow can't wait to go to her marefriend's house and see what all the excitement is about. But no matter what she had thought she was getting herself into, she certainly wasn't prepared for what would happen to her the day after... or that she'd enjoy it so much.

Contains: Rainbow Dash getting transformed into Rarity's giant honkers with a side of minor lactation.

Editing by SolidFire

Life in DDD

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It was well into the evening by the time Rainbow Dash finally made it to Rarity’s boutique. The autograph session with the Wonderbolts had taken much longer than she had hoped it would, but such things came with the job. Rarity was always understanding, at the least; she had her own schedule she had to maintain as the head of a swiftly-growing fashion brand, and designer conferences sometimes had her away from Rainbow for weeks. Still, Rarity had been very excited about tonight, though she wouldn’t tell Rainbow why when she had asked the day before.

Rainbow found the front door unlocked as she knew it would be, though she still knocked twice before letting herself in. The lights were on inside, though where Rarity was, Rainbow didn’t know. “Hey, Rares? It’s me!” Rainbow called out, setting her bag aside on the table. When Rarity didn’t respond, she frowned and looked around. That was when she saw it: a pair of skinny jeans draped over the stair bannister.

Grinning, Rainbow moved for the stairs and took them two at a time, wings fluttering in anticipation. That meant Sweetie Belle wasn’t home, and a great prize awaited her in Rarity’s bedroom. She could already see the socks lying on the top step, and a blouse hung from the handle of the bedroom door. Even still, Rainbow paused at the bedroom door, listening through the wood for any sound before throwing it open with a grin.

White arms reached for her neck as soon as she stepped through, and suddenly she had a giggling Rarity hanging from her shoulders, legs wrapped around her waist and lips pressed to her own. Rainbow threw open her wings to keep her balance, and her strong core easily supported the larger woman clinging onto her. Rainbow spun Rarity in a circle as they kissed, and when they separated, Rarity giggled some more and pressed her forehead against Rainbow’s. “Missed you, darling,” she said, sapphire eyes staring into ruby. “It’s so lonely in this room all by myself.”

Rainbow looked her marefriend over, eyes wandering over every curvy feature. Rarity hung from her in nothing but her underwear, the rest of her clothes scattered about the house to lead Rainbow upstairs. Her big breasts bulged from her chest, pushing outwards almost as much as her hips widened her hourglass figure, purple tail brushing the carpet beneath them. She’d done up her hair, though a few strands had already broken free in their whirl across the floor. Her eyelashes were full and thick, and even if it would just be the two of them tonight, she’d taken the time to do some light makeup.

That’s why Rainbow loved her so much; she always strived her best to look her best, even if only one other pony was there to see it.

“You don’t have to worry about that anymore,” Rainbow said, letting Rarity back down to her hooves. Rarity’s hands immediately flew to Rainbow’s collar, and soon her marefriend had stripped away her Wonderbolts formal wear and set it aside on the dresser with a neat fold of her magic. Rainbow let her hands have free range over Rarity’s soft and curvy body as she did so, and her fingers soon started to fumble about Rarity’s bra as she tried to remove it and let her favorite pillows hang free.

“So, what’s this surprise you were hinting at?” Rainbow said as she finally undid the latch. Rarity’s buxom chest seemed to relax and decompress as her bra slid down her arms. A tingle played at Rainbow’s crotch when she saw the pink nipples already perky and ready. “You know I’m not patient.”

“This,” Rarity said, and her magic picked a scroll off of the nearby nightstand and floated it in front of Rainbow’s face. “It’s a spell.”

“A spell?” Rainbow blinked, and her brow lowered a bit in suspicion. “What kind of spell?”

“Something to make this a night to remember,” Rarity said through a grin, her bra still hanging loose around her elbows. “It was something I found while helping Twilight clean out the library. She won’t miss it, I’m sure, and the runes are simple enough to figure out.”

“I’ve been a test subject for so many of Twilight’s spells,” Rainbow said. “I’m not exactly fond of strange magic being cast on me.”

“It’s perfectly safe,” Rarity assured her. “I read through it and everything. Some of the specifics were vague, but I think I know what it does. Or what it’s supposed to do, at least. Trust me, you’re going to love it.”

Though worry about fooling with strange magic (in the bedroom no less!) made Rainbow uncomfortable, the look Rarity gave her made her yield. After all, Rarity had been teasing this Friday night all week, and she didn’t want to disappoint her now. Finally, she gave a smile and shrugged. “Sure, but only for you, Rares,” she said, winking at her marefriend.

Rarity giggled and unfurled the scroll. “I knew you’d come around,” she said, kissing Rainbow on the nose once. Then her horn began to glow brighter as she read through the runes and began to cast.

A glow appeared around both their bodies, and Rainbow looked herself over with a tinge of worry. The spell itched and tingled for several seconds, the sensation lingering on Rainbow’s skin. But she didn’t have too much time to think about that—Rarity had already removed her bra, the article dangling from an outstretched finger as she smiled at Rainbow.

“Do you feel it?” she asked her, eyebrow raised ever so slightly.

Rainbow flexed her fingers, watching the glow subside. “What is that even supposed to do?” she asked her, glancing at the yellowing scroll Rarity tossed aside. “That scroll looks old.”

“It promised to really make us remember tonight.” Rarity stuck out her tongue and winked. “But are you really going to ask me about that when I’m standing right here?” she asked, kicking her hips out to the side. The big white pillows hanging from her chest bounced with the motion, the pink nipples beckoning Rainbow onwards.

“You’re right. I’ve got more important ponies to do.” Rainbow barely had any time to prepare herself before Rarity was on her in an instant, lips pressed against hers, white fingers fiddling with the hooks on her bra. The smallish undergarment fell aside in a second, and soon Rarity’s breasts were firmly squished up against Rainbow’s smaller blue ones, smothering them as they stumbled backwards across the bedroom.

Rainbow’s legs hit the edge of the bed, and the two fell onto the soft mattress, firmly entangled in each other’s embrace. Rainbow dug her fingers into the locks of Rarity’s hair, and she felt one of Rarity’s hands move from her back to grab at something firmer much lower, slipping between her skin and her panties, just beneath her tail. Rainbow gasped slightly as she felt her marefriend’s fingers squeeze her ass, and she responded by flipping Rarity onto her back and placing the fingers of one hand between the cheeks of Rarity’s shapely behind, forcing her panties down around her thighs. The other began to paw at her right tit, fingers kneading the nipple between her knuckles. Rarity moaned into Rainbow’s mouth as their tongues fought and played with each other.

The tingling seemed to redouble over Rainbow’s body, and she hesitantly pulled away from Rarity’s face. “What exactly is this spell supposed to do?” she asked, freezing where she was with one hand on Rarity’s voluminous breast. “I feel… weird.”

“It says… oh Celestia… it says it is supposed to share the pleasure between couples… double it… make them feel it together…” She panted and moaned again, her fingers running down Rainbow’s cheeks. Her horn flared with ambient magic released from her ecstasy as pleasure ran through her body. “Do… do you feel it?”

Rainbow certainly felt it; her whole body felt like it was on fire, like she was melting down into a puddle of pony. Sweat beaded along her head, and she began to pant as well as want and need ran up her spine from between her legs. “I… I think I do…” She leaned forward to kiss Rarity again, their lips mashing with a wet sound, their legs tangling up on the bed. She tried to reach forward with her left hand to caress Rarity’s face—

Her left hand wouldn’t move.

Confused, Rainbow managed to summon some clarity through the wave of passion overwhelming her to look down at her hand. Only, her hand wasn’t there anymore. It had disappeared completely into Rarity’s breast, and her wrist seemed to be slipping in after it. “What… Rarity…!” she tried to cry out, but she could hardly think straight. Not that it would have mattered anyway; Rarity seemed too overwhelmed by sensation to react. The unicorn only lay on her back, panting and moaning and squirming as pleasure overtook her. The smell of Rarity’s sex was smothering.

Rainbow tried to pull away in desperation, removing her hand from Rarity’s ass and pushing away before Rarity’s rack absorbed any more of her. Instead, when she tried to push off of Rarity, her right hand became glued to Rarity’s left breast. Rainbow watched in shock as her fingers simply melded with Rarity’s breast before slipping into the tissue, and soon she was being pulled in from both sides.

“Hrrnngg… Rarity!” Rainbow squawked, but it didn’t seem to matter. Nothing could shake Rarity from her spell. Rainbow grunted as her shoulders sank into Rarity’s body, and then her face was wedged between her marefriend’s boobs. But the pull didn’t stop there; she felt herself being pulled even further in, now headfirst, and soon all her vision was gone.

The last she had in her was a squeak as frightened as it was aroused, and then all sensation was gone as her head slipped into Rarity’s chest.


Rainbow wasn’t sure how many hours had passed before she came to again. She groaned inwardly as she tried to recall what had happened last night. Something about a… spell? She remembered kissing Rarity and getting excited for some fun together in bed, but beyond that…

Well, that was certainly Rarity’s bed she was laying on. The whole world had turned sideways, and her vision was smothered in the sheets. But where was Rarity? It wasn’t like it for the unicorn to get up early after getting laid the night before. Rarity was always a diva for her beauty sleep, and after a night of pleasure, it was usually hard to get her out of bed before noon. Maybe she should go look for her?

Rainbow tried to move, but something was wrong. No matter how much she tried to lift her head from the sheets, her vision remained glued to the bed. She tried to reach out with her hands… but she couldn’t feel them. Shock ran through her as she realized she couldn’t feel any of her limbs. Where were her hands? Her legs? Her wings? Why couldn’t she move?!

She froze as she heard Rarity sigh softly from somewhere above her. She tried to crane her neck back to see, but again, she found she couldn’t move an inch. What had that spell done to her? She felt completely boneless. Why couldn’t she feel any of her limbs? Why did she feel so… fat and heavy?

Then suddenly her vision shifted and she found herself staring up at Rarity’s ceiling. Even more confusion ran through her. She hadn’t tried to move that way. What had happened? She tried to take a deep breath and say something… but she couldn’t breathe, and she couldn’t feel her face. Just what was going on?

She heard Rarity take a deep breath—again from somewhere above her—and she seemed to rise and fall with it. Then her vision abruptly shifted once more, and she found herself staring out at the far wall of Rarity’s bedroom, her marefriend’s smooth, white legs stretching out below her. She tried to look around again, left and right, but her vision was fixed to only what was in front of her.

“Nnngh… Rainbow Dash?” Rarity sleepily murmured, and her voice made Rainbow hesitate. Rarity’s soft voice almost seemed to make her vibrate and tremble, and when her marefriend inhaled again, Rainbow once more found herself rising and falling with Rarity’s breath. “Where are you?”

I’m right here! Rainbow wanted to answer, but she simply couldn’t. Why can’t you see me?!

Rarity slid off the bed, taking Rainbow along with her. A bouncing, swinging sensation filled Rainbow with each motion, and she jiggled when Rarity stood up. She found herself looking down at the floor, where her clothes remained in a pile. When Rarity bent over to pick up her abandoned bra, Rainbow felt gravity pull down on her, like she was hanging from something she couldn’t see.

“She wouldn’t have run off without her clothes…” Rarity mused, her voice again making Rainbow vibrate. “Rainbow? Are you in the bathroom?”

Rarity dropped the bra to the ground and pivoted about, sending Rainbow swinging from her anchor. Smooth, ladylike steps set her bouncing from side to side as Rarity approached the closed bathroom door. She knocked on it and raised her voice again. “Rainbow, darling? Are you in there?”

I’m not, I’m right here! Rainbow tried to shout at her, but without lips or lungs, it was a pointless endeavor. When nopony answered her, Rarity gingerly turned the knob on the bathroom door, seemingly surprised when it opened without resistance.

“Rainbow?” Rarity asked, wandering into the dark bathroom. Her magic hit the light switch, and sure enough, the room was completely empty. Humming in thought, Rarity walked ­­into the middle of the room and looked around. “She’s not here… where could she have gone?”

Sighing, Rarity turned to face the mirror, and that was when Rainbow Dash finally understood what had happened.

Somehow, she’d been transformed into Rarity’s breasts.

Her memories came back to her of the night before. It had to be that spell Rarity had cast. ‘A spell that would share the pleasures of a couple, double it, make them feel it together.’ Only, neither she nor Rarity had any idea just how literal that description had been.

Rarity frowned as she stared at her reflection—at Rainbow’s reflection. Rainbow could see Rarity’s eyes fixated at her rack, the rack that she had unwittingly turned her lover into. “That’s not right,” Rarity muttered, and her hands cupped around Rainbow’s new form. A wave of bliss and pleasure rolled over Rainbow at the touch, and it was all she could do to keep her thoughts straight. Rarity must have felt it too, because she shivered and let her hands fall away. “So sensitive…”

Rarity put her hands on the edges of her sink and leaned forward, taking a closer look at her breasts. Rainbow found herself getting a closer look at herself as well. She’d gotten awfully familiar with those breasts over the past few years—well, not as familiar as she was getting with them now—but she immediately noticed that they seemed bigger than usual. A pang of silly jealousy hit her. Of course, Rarity’s boobs already made her own seem small, but now they were even bigger. Why couldn’t the spell have worked the other way around?

“That’s not right,” Rarity murmured again. She frowned into the mirror some more, then pushed back off of the sink. “Maybe it was the spell,” she reasoned. “They’re certainly very… very sensitive.”

Her fingers brushed over her left nipple, and Rainbow Dash squealed in her mind. Even Rarity’s breath hitched at the sensation, and she let her hand fall away.

“I wonder how long this will last,” she wondered aloud. “If this is permanent…”

If Rainbow had eyes, they would have widened in shock. Permanent? She prayed to Celestia that the spell wasn’t permanent! If she had to spend the rest of her life as Rarity’s boobs…

“Maybe she’s in the kitchen. I’m sure she’ll come running when she hears the shower.” Rarity smirked at her reflection. “She never can resist a fun shower with me.”

Rarity turned away from the mirror, once more swinging her helpless prisoner from her chest, and walked toward the shower. Her magic turned the water on with a thought, and soon, steam began to fill the bathroom. All the while, she idly rubbed and touched her sensitive breasts with delicate fingers, humming and panting lightly to herself. Rainbow Dash’s mind was awash with simple pleasure, ecstasy like she had never experienced before. Everything seemed magnified and ten times as intense as she was used to, and when Rarity’s fingers squeezed around one of her nipples, Rainbow felt like she was on the verge of climax. Of course, being a pair of breasts, that climax never came.

And then the shower. Showers were nothing special, but a shower as a pair of inanimate boobs was something else. The warm water heated her to her soft core, and the patter against her skin left both her and Rarity trembling. Rainbow Dash swayed back and forth as Rarity turned this way and that to take care of her hair, and then she practically shivered in delight as Rarity gave her extra attention with the bar of soap. She jiggled and bounced as Rarity moved her oversized breasts this way and that, running the soap bar over every inch of her buxom chest. She heard Rarity sharply inhale and her knees wobbled to the point where she had to lean against the wall and catch her breath.

“This has to be the spell’s doing,” Rarity mused. “A shame Rainbow isn’t here to share it with me… where did she run off to?”

The irony wasn’t lost on Rainbow, despite how hard it was to think straight with the sensations overwhelming her. If only Rarity knew…

The long shower finally came to a close, and by the time it did, Rainbow’s world was a hazy mush. But the cooler air finally found her as Rarity stepped out of the shower, and she felt her nipples harden in response. Rarity shivered as she magicked over a towel and began to dry herself off, taking extra care around her breasts. Rainbow Dash could feel the hormones running through her blood—Rarity’s blood—at every touch, and she knew Rarity had to be struggling hard to not give in and work those passions out of her system. Rainbow had no say in the matter; breasts didn’t exactly have any agency of their own. But what she wouldn’t have given to get some sweet release from that pressure building inside of her…

And then Rarity was back in her bedroom, rummaging through her drawers. Rainbow’s mind wandered aimlessly, consumed by the sensations of swinging and bouncing with each of Rarity’s steps, until Rarity slipped her arms through a bra and tried to fasten it tight. Suddenly, Rainbow felt herself squished up against Rarity’s chest and her vision shrouded by a black fabric, like somepony had put black sheets over her eyes. She didn’t know how she could see or be blinded, breasts as she was, let alone hear, but there were some things a pony just had to take for granted when they were stuck to their lover’s chest. And right now, Rainbow was more concerned with how uncomfortable the obviously too-small undergarment was as Rarity tried to hook it closed.

Eventually, the fashionista gave up with a grunt and tossed the bra aside. “You two definitely are bigger,” she muttered at her breasts, at Rainbow. “And I swear my nipples won’t go down. I don’t think I have anything big enough to fit… oh! What am I saying? I’m Rarity, I live in a clothing store!” Happily humming to herself, Rarity left her bedroom behind and went to her workstation, clad only in her towel around her waist to keep herself from being completely exposed to the elements. Rainbow, on the other hand, swung free with each step, the left-right, left-right sway almost like a hypnotizing trance.

As soon as she stepped inside of her workshop, Rarity gathered everything she’d need in her magic and set it out in front of her. Rainbow had the best seat in the house as Rarity set to work, and before too long, Rarity had fashioned a new bra, two or three sizes larger than what she had tried before. “That’ll do splendidly!” she cooed, slipping her arms through the bra. Rainbow feebly protested as the black fabric enveloped her being, and then once again, her vision dimmed as she tried to peer through the fabric. An undershirt and a blouse followed shortly afterwards, and Rainbow Dash soon found herself cocooned beneath layers of fabric, held firmly and snugly in place by the bra supporting her new form, her vision completely gone.

“That will do,” she heard Rarity say, somewhat muffled through all the fabric. She swayed slightly as Rarity pivoted about, and then they were going down the stairs. The bounce from each step made her inwardly moan in sensitive pleasure again, and Rarity paused to shift her around with her fingers. “If only the spell would leave me be long enough to take care of the day’s business… I will have to find where Rainbow ran off to and have her help me get the most out of it tonight.”

Rainbow Dash could only resign herself to her fate, trapped for the foreseeable future as the tits of the mare she loved, tormented by a torrent of bliss and need with every little move Rarity made.


If Rainbow Dash had thought being Rarity’s breasts for an hour was a bizarre and bewildering sensation, being her breasts for the better part of the day, smothered beneath her clothes and constantly being jostled as Rarity took care of errands around Ponyville, practically rewrote those definitions.

It had started out simple enough, for as simple as being your marefriend’s boobs could ever actually be. The jostling and swaying, now controlled somewhat by the bra holding her tight, soon became a lulling rhythm, something that made Rainbow feel comfortable and safe even as every little jiggle seemed to tease at her marehood that simply wasn’t there. Distracted by other things and the need for common decency while out in public, Rarity stopped exploring every curve of her Rainbow-enhanced bust, though occasionally her hands would pinch at her bra through her blouse and try to shift things around to get more comfortable. And then she had sat down somewhere for lunch with Fluttershy, with Rainbow an unwilling eavesdropper to their conversation.

“Are you sure she just left?” Fluttershy was asking her. “That seems unlike her.”

“That’s exactly what I thought!” Rarity exclaimed, throwing her shoulders back and her arms out to her sides. The motion sent Rainbow flopping up and down, and when she came to a rest, she inwardly winced at the wire of the bra digging into her tender breast flesh. “But I looked high and low, and there was no sign of her! I even tried to pay her house a visit, but nopony was home! She didn’t even answer her phone! Did I do something wrong? Did I scare her away?”

No! Rainbow wanted to cry out, wanted to reassure her, but boobs can’t talk, so she didn’t. Still, that didn’t stop her from screaming her thoughts as loud as she could, as if that would get Rarity to hear her. I’m right here, Rarity! I’ve been hanging from your chest all day, you just haven’t figured it out yet! As an afterthought, she added, I’m sure Twilight could have put two and two together if you’d gone and seen her… or maybe showed her the spell before you took it!

“Whatever it is, I’m sure she’s fine,” Fluttershy said. “Maybe… I don’t know. Maybe whatever you did had some side effect that embarrassed her?”

You’re half right about that, Flutters, though I don’t think this is supposed to be a side effect. Rainbow honestly didn’t know how she was going to explain this to Rarity when she turned back… whenever that was going to be. How do you tell your marefriend that you spent a whole day as their boobs and every little jiggle made you feel like you were about to cum? How do you explain that you were the reason her breasts were so sensitive and every time she fondled them she was touching you?

“Maybe… but it’s just so unlike her!” Rarity sighed in defeat and crossed her arms underneath Rainbow, propping her up some. “Do you think something happened to her?”

“I don’t know,” Fluttershy admitted. “But I’m sure she’s fine.”

“She was always a boob mare, though, so I would’ve loved to share this little boost I got with her before she took off…”

You’re sharing it much more than you could possibly imagine, Rainbow thought. She didn’t know if she could ever look at Rarity’s boobs the same way again, knowing what it was like to be them.

She knew from the awkward pause that Fluttershy was definitely uncomfortable. Their friend was never good at discussing girl talk and private matters, at least not in a way that both she and Rarity were. Unfortunately, with Rainbow indisposed as little more than fatty tissue hanging from her chest, Rarity had nopony else to talk to about this other than Fluttershy. After all, Applejack and Twilight would hastily change the subject if Rarity tried, and there was no way she would share any of her escapades with Pinkie Pie. That was a good way to let all of Ponyville know what she and Rainbow got up to after hours.

“I’m… I’m sure she’ll explain what happened when you see her again,” Fluttershy tried to say in a vain hope to close the topic and package it away. “Maybe you should keep magic away from the bedroom in the future?”

That, Rainbow could agree to.

“I just wanted to try something different,” Rarity pouted. Rainbow shivered as she inadvertently brushed the table when Rarity leaned forward, and she felt her nipples trying to poke through the fabric of the bra. A finger pushed one back down, and a wave of bliss dashed away any thoughts Rainbow had at the moment. By the time her mind cleared again, Rarity and Fluttershy were already going their separate ways, back to tackling the day’s errands.

Unfortunately for Rainbow, the next thing on Rarity’s list was exercise.

A quick stop back at the boutique saw her change into more athletic gear, and once again, Rarity had to fashion a workaround for her Rainbow-enhanced bust. Then it was down to the boutique’s basement where Rainbow knew she had her treadmill set up facing a television so she could take her mind off of running while she exercised and hopefully burn more calories.

For Rainbow Dash, however, there was nothing to take her mind off of what she had to go through.

Though the sports bra did its best to keep her restrained, she was simply too large and too heavy for it to effectively do its job. As such, Rainbow bounced and bounced and bounced with each of Rarity’s strides, so much so that she couldn’t even remember what it was like when Rarity had lay still on her bed that morning. Her mind was a confusing whorl of uncomfortable ecstasy, each bounce sending another shock of pleasure through her simple form and rubbing perked nipples against fabric. Rarity’s panting coupled with the thudding of her shoes on the treadmill to create a pervasive percussion that seeped through Rainbow’s round bodies, drowning out whatever program that may have been on the tv. And the sweating. Rarity went hard when she jogged (all the better to keep her figure, she’d explained once), and her runs were long. Sweat soon poured down her body, and that included Rainbow, who quickly found herself drenched in Rarity’s sweat. Thankfully she couldn’t exactly taste or smell in this form, but she could feel the sweat work its way between her two halves, soaking through the sports bra and causing it to stick to her. The beads running through her cleavage tickled, and there was no way for Rainbow to scratch that itch. It was maddening, bizarre and maddening, and Rainbow felt like her grasp on reality weakened with each passing minute as the overwhelming sensations fought for dominance in her mind.

At some point, Rarity finished her run and returned to the shower to wash the sweat off. Rainbow didn’t even realize she’d left the treadmill until Rarity took her clothes off and suddenly she could see again. Rarity’s hair was matted in sweaty strands and stuck to her face and neck, and her mouth hung slightly agape as she panted. Rainbow Dash glistened in the mirror, the sweat making her shine like she was drenched in oil, and Rarity winced as she put a hand to the small of her back and bounced Rainbow a little higher.

“Oh, my poor back,” Rarity moaned, looking over her rack in the mirror. “This spell was not designed with a lady’s comfort in mind.” She put a hand under one of her breasts, lifting half of Rainbow up while the other half still dangled from her chest. Rainbow quietly moaned in pleasure as Rarity shuddered between panting breaths, feeling the weight of her enhanced tit. “I’m not sure how much longer I can carry you around, darlings.”

I’m not sure how much longer I can take this, Rainbow thought back. She missed having fingers and wings and, you know, being an independent woman again. At least when Rarity touched herself, the pleasure almost made her forget about her hapless situation for a short while. It made it almost tolerable… maybe even enjoyable, but Rainbow refused to let the thought cross her mind, no matter how true it was.

Once more, Rainbow found herself scrubbed down in the shower, practically bursting at the seams as Rarity ran her hands around her soft, jiggly form. Rarity couldn’t help herself this time; her fingers explored every inch of Rainbow’s new form, pinching and pushing and rubbing, and Rainbow felt a tremendous pressure building up inside of her as Rarity panted and moaned. The hot water from the shower streamed down her sloped tops, brushing past perky nipples before pattering to the floor. Rainbow howled in delight in her quiet confinement, and if she still had her marehood, she knew it would be sopping wet right now. Rarity wasn’t much better; Rainbow could feel the hormones flowing through her, the blood pumping with Rarity’s elevated heart rate, the way her body trembled and shook as she played with herself.

Then Rarity slid down the wall of her shower, sitting down on the floor of her porcelain tub. Her hooves kicked out at the far end of the tub, and she rested her back against the sloping side of the other, tail a purple silk stuck to the porcelain. The water streamed directly onto Rainbow Dash, the pattering of droplets feeling like a million tiny fingers poking and prodding her all over. “Oh, Rainbow, darling,” Rarity moaned as her left hand began to play with Rainbow’s left half and her right hand darted between her legs.

Thrill like Rainbow had never experienced ran through her entire being, swelling inside of her like a balloon about to burst. If she had a mouth, she would be drooling; if she had her wings, they would have risen straight up from her back, as stiff as a board; if she had a voice, it would be screaming Rarity’s name at the top of her lungs. Instead, she could only howl in her mind as bliss assaulted her from all sides, and she raised goosebumps on Rarity’s skin.

Faster and faster Rarity’s labored breaths came, and faster and faster Rainbow lost all sense of the world around her. Her identity slipped away, her thoughts replaced with want and need. She wasn’t a pony anymore, she was just a pair of tits, a pair of breasts attached to the most beautiful woman in all of Equestria. She wanted to be played with, stroked, held, smothered. She wanted somepony to nip at her nipples and kiss her soft flesh. Higher and higher and higher the pleasure rose, until it was all Rainbow could experience, all she could ever know, all she could even think about. Yes! Yes! she screamed in silence, and she felt something inside of her begin to clench. Her nipples stood out harder than ever, and something warm and white began to stream down Rarity’s breasts.

Then the balloon finally burst.

Rainbow had never experienced an orgasm as much as she did Rarity’s. Rarity moaned and threw her head back as her body shuddered and her vagina clenched tight around her fingers. Endorphins and hormones saturated her blood, filling every vessel snaking through Rainbow’s boneless form with pleasure. Unimaginable ecstasy washed over Rainbow like a tidal wave, sweeping her out to an ocean of bliss where she completely lost herself in Rarity’s climax. The muscles inside of her clenched tighter, forcing more milk out of her nipples to run down Rarity’s curves, nearly as white as her pearly body. Rainbow gasped and gasped and gasped with every twitch of her bodies, her nipples now so rigid she feared they’d snap off at the slightest touch. And through it all, Rarity only hung her head back and moaned, shivering with delight as wave after wave of orgasms rushed through her from horn to hoof, magnifying each and every time they passed over her breasts.

The water continued to rain down on Rainbow, stimulating her for minutes after Rarity’s climax. It seemed like the pleasure would never go away. There was simply no comparison for it when she was a pony. Nothing she had ever experienced could come remotely close to that ecstasy, and she doubted anything she’d ever experience in the future could top those few minutes in the shower. Even if she was completely and utterly helpless, fully dependent on Rarity for everything, a thought finally forced its way to the forefront of her addled mind and stayed there as if it had been glued in place:

She liked this spell.


The afterglow of Rarity’s orgasm stuck with Rainbow for the rest of the night. There was scarce a coherent thought that made its way across her mind from the moment Rarity stepped out of the shower to the moment she finally stripped down to sleep again. Rarity must have felt it, too; she seemed much too distracted to focus on anything for the remainder of the day, drifting from one task to the next without accomplishing anything. Even dinner had been a difficult affair for her; she’d barely managed to heat up leftover pizza, and every time she accidentally bumped Rainbow into something, she shuddered and squeaked and rubbed at her breasts, further ruining any chance Rainbow had of thinking straight. Thank Celestia that Sweetie Belle was with her parents for the weekend, otherwise things would have been much, much more awkward for the fashionista.

When Rarity finally slipped into the covers of her bed and lay on her back, Rainbow Dash had recovered some of her ability to think straight. She once more remarked on how strange it felt to be splayed out on Rarity’s chest, two heavy mounds of flesh and fat deforming under her own weight, the night air of summer slipping in through the open window and tickling the tips of her nipples. But now there was less panic and worry about what she was. That orgasm in the shower had completely flipped the narrative upside down. Now she couldn’t wait until the next morning for Rarity to wake up and play with her again. She wanted it more than anything else in the world, that feeling of utter bliss and thrill she couldn’t get from anywhere else. Even flying seemed dull in comparison to what she had been through.

The spell had claimed to allow a couple to share their pleasures, double them, and experience them together… and Rainbow certainly felt like she’d orgasmed enough for four mares in the shower.

So it was a strange disappointment to her when she raised her head the following morning and looked on at Rarity’s sleeping face.

Rainbow blinked once, then immediately gasped and inhaled, spluttering as her body remembered to breathe after not doing it once the day prior. She sat bolt upright, arms extended, fingers wiggling as if she doubted they were really there. Her hands flew to her shoulders, where they clenched tight around strong wings sprouting from her back. She even ran them down her chest, feeling the small mounds where her own tiny breasts poked out of her athletic figure.

She felt her face and muzzle once more, jaw hanging open in astonishment. It didn’t seem like it was real. Was yesterday… was yesterday all a dream?

Rarity felt her bed shaking around as Rainbow checked herself all over to make sure she was really back to herself, and one sapphire eye cracked open. It focused on Rainbow’s face for a moment before widening in surprise, and soon Rarity was sitting upright as well. “Rainbow?” she asked, sleepy and surprised. “What are you doing here?”

“I, uh…” Rainbow paused and looked at Rarity’s bare breasts, back to their normal, if still voluminous, size. “I’m not… not quite sure, Rares.”

“Where were you yesterday?” Rarity asked, grabbing onto Rainbow’s arm and pulling her close. Her lips met Rainbow’s before she could respond, and their kiss was long and passionate. Rarity hummed when they separated, and her hand brushed over her now normal-sized boob. She blinked and looked down at it in confusion. “It’s back to normal… oh, darling, you missed out on the spell while you were gone! You would have loved it!”

So it wasn’t a dream. That just made it all the more astonishing. “I, uh, I didn’t miss out on the spell,” Rainbow finally admitted, eyes transfixed on Rarity’s rack. Just a few hours ago, she was Rarity’s rack.

“What… do you mean by that?” Rarity said, interrupted by a yawn. “I didn’t see you once yesterday!”

“Oh, you definitely did,” Rainbow said, and then she began to explain to Rarity what had happened: her confusion at waking up and being unable to move, to her revelation, to accompanying Rarity throughout the day until her second shower. Rarity blushed fiercely at that part, but there was no doubt that Rainbow was telling the truth, she recounted the day so vividly. Rarity’s fingers kept moving back to her exposed breasts as Rainbow told the story, and Rainbow saw her squeeze at her nipple once, no doubt remembering right alongside her marefriend.

When it was done, they sat in silence for a few moments—until Rainbow cracked a goofy smile. “So I guess what I’m trying to say is… it was a good day.”

“Oh, I’m sure it was for you,” Rarity said, laughing. Her hand flew to the small of her back. “I was the one who carried you all day! You have no idea what strain that put on my back!”

“Guess I was the one who got off easy,” Rainbow said with a smirk. “We should do it again!”

The words came tumbling out of her mouth before she could stop them, and the hand to her lips was too slow to stop them from blurting out. Rarity gave her a queer look, and Rainbow feared what she was going to say next, until she smiled as well and put her arms around Rainbow’s neck. “I don’t have any more plans for the weekend,” she whispered huskily into Rainbow’s ear. “It can just be the two of us… in any way you want.”

Rainbow grinned from ear to ear. “You know I would love that,” she said, hand already reaching for the yellowed parchment on the nearby nightstand.

But Rarity slapped it away with her magic. “Nuh-uh,” she said, shaking her head from side to side. “Not yet. First, I want you just the way you are… then maybe we’ll figure out what to do with that piece of paper, hmm?”

Rainbow had no complaints about that as she tackled Rarity back onto the bed.