> Not Far From The Tree > by TheVClaw > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter One: Daddy's Little Coltie > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The sun was beginning to set over the Canterlot horizon, which gifted the skies with a beautiful array of varying colors from dark blue to burning pink. Since many of Canterlot’s citizens were already off work and back at their quaint little homes, the cobblestone streets of a nearby suburban neighborhood were fairly sparse with any activity. Fortunately, that meant that a particular stallion with a pearly-white coat and shaggy blue mane wasn’t met with much confrontation as he walked by himself. The neighborhood may have been a familiar setting to him from his youth, but any citizen of Canterlot would’ve recognized the unicorn as a resident of the Crystal Empire.  Or more specifically, the stallion who was the Prince Consort of the Crystal Empire.  “Aaaahhhhh…” Shining Armor sighed with a blissful smile of nostalgia while he walked down his old neighborhood road. Despite how successful the stallion’s life may have been, just like his little sister who was now one of Equestria’s mightiest heroes, Shining still looked rather happy to be back in the modest suburban landscape. His hooves made distinct clopping noises as they clacked against the stone street, but his voice could still be heard rather clearly as he said to himself, “Man… this all really takes me back…” As he walked, Shining didn’t seem to notice the odd brushes of wind that were moving around the leaves just a few feet behind his constant steps. Nor was he able to notice any strange anomalies from up above, like the faint refractions of light that just barely revealed a mirror-esque pony-sized shape behind him. Even though it would’ve been difficult for most ponies to notice the oddity, any unicorn with a basic knowledge of invisibility spells would’ve realized that a figure was hovering in the air like a looming shadow. Fortunately, since Shining was the only pony walking around the area, nopony else could take notice of the Alicorn silently looming behind her unsuspecting husband.  Mi Amore Cadenza, the Princess of Love and rightful ruler of the Crystal Empire, tried her hardest to stay silent with her invisibility spell intact, while also flapping her wings as discreetly as she could. She may have been born a pegasus before her ascension, that didn’t mean it was any easier for her to maintain such a tediously slow pace as she hovered so close to the ground. If she made even the smallest mistake, she was certain that her husband would take notice and catch her without any issue. And considering how she was supposed to be back in the Crystal Empire with their daughter, she did not want to try to explain to Shining why she was following him in secret.  Ugh… Cadance had her muzzle tightly pursed in trepidation, and she couldn’t help looking around with a looming feeling of regret. Darnit… I really should’ve trusted my husband… Just a week prior to this moment, Princess Cadance had started to grow suspicious about Shining’s plans for this particular weekend. He originally told Cadance that he wanted to take a short vacation away from the Crystal Empire, and spend a couple days in Canterlot to catch up with his family. Cadance did believe him at first, since she saw no reason to doubt him by any means. Unfortunately, her suspicions arose the instant she rechecked her schedules, and realized that Shining’s Mother was going to be at an Expo in Manehattan at that same time. She began to assume that something was amiss, and decided to let Sunburst look after Flurry Heart while she went to investigate. Sadly, now that she saw where Shining Armor was headed, Cadance began to feel guilty while hovering just a few feet behind him. Despite her shameful assumptions, it seemed that Shining really was going back to visit his parents for the weekend. That realization alone was enough to make the Princess feel awful, since she absolutely hated the idea of being one of those irrationally distrusting spouses she read about in magazines. Heck, considering all that the couple went through after their wedding (and especially right before it), the fact that she showed any distrust for Shining’s intentions felt nearly unforgivable.  Eventually, Cadance finally landed back on the ground when her husband reached his old childhood home. Shining and Twilight may have not been born into Royalty, but it was obvious from the sizeable two-story abode that their parents were pretty well-off. Even back when she was still Twilight Sparkle’s foal-sitter, Cadance carried a good amount of respect for her future Parents-In-Law due to their status in Canterlot; Night Light was a highly-esteemed judge in Canterlot’s Civil Court, while Twilight Velvet worked as an editor and proofreader for one of Equestria’s biggest publication firms. So even now, when their son was a literal Prince and the leader of an Empire, Shining looked right at home as he went up to the door with a smile on his face. Meanwhile, Cadance silently sighed in guilt while she stood on the lawn, and kept her invisibility spell in check. Her expression saddened even more as she watched the front door open up, and she saw Night Light appear with an equally elated smile as his son. The middle-aged stallion may have had a few wrinkles around his eyes, but his blue coat and darker blue mane didn’t show any greyness just yet. “Shining!” he shouted gleefully before he went in and gave his son a much-deserved hug. “Awwww~ It’s been way too long!” “I know,” said Shining while he hugged his Dad even tighter in response with his eyes clenched shut. Despite how much older Night Light was, it was obvious that Shining was a couple inches taller than him while they held each other lovingly. After they pulled away, Shining sighed while smiling back at his Father. “I gotta say, it’s really good to have a weekend like this again.” “Same here!” chirped Night Light before he stepped aside to allow Shining inside. “I’m sorry your Mother couldn’t be here though. She left for Manehattan a couple hours ago.” “Yeah, I figured she’d be off already,” Shining said while nodding back at his Dad. As he walked past Night Light to enter the house, Cadance could hear him add optimistically, “But still, at least now we can have a proper Guys’ Night~” Night Light grew a wider smirk while he chuckled under his breath, and then sighed with a nod before following his son into the house. “Yeah, I think both of us needed that for a long time…” As soon as the door closed behind him, Cadance fell back onto her flanks and groaned painfully. “Ughhh… Well, that’s just great,” she muttered to herself while sitting down on the freshly-cut grass, and shaking her head in shame. “Well… at least I know he isn’t cheating on me…” Despite how comforting she wanted that response to sound in her head, it didn’t change how guilty she felt for even contemplating such an idea in the first place. Not only was Shining Armor one of the most passionate and dedicated husbands a Princess could ask for, but his loyalty to the Crown as Head of the Royal Guard was as unquestionably sincere as his vows to Cadance. As she sat alone on the lawn with a heavy heart, the Alicorn tried her hardest not to cry from how awful she felt. She knew that her husband would likely understand if he found out what she did, but she was beyond grateful that he hopefully never will.  After exhaling heavily, Cadance pulled herself back up to stand once more. She looked around for a moment while thinking to herself, wondering what she could do now that her worries were thoroughly debunked. The Princess considered just heading back home, since there was no reason to stay in Canterlot and leave Flurry Heart alone. However, after taking a few seconds to glance back at the Sparkle household, Cadance’s muzzle skewed before she decided otherwise. Even though she knew her husband was innocent, it wasn’t like she couldn’t sneak a peek of their “Guys’ Night” before going back to the train station; she already did one questionable thing that day, so it wasn’t like she could go much lower if she peered in on Shining one last time. With her invisibility spell still in check, Cadance carefully trotted up the front porch without making a sound. The curtains were already closed over all the windows, so she couldn’t exactly look through and see what was happening; however, she was able to hear Shining and Night Light’s voices through the door, albeit very faintly and muffled beyond understanding. But despite that small issue, Cadance knew that the front door’s mail slot could be opened up with just a flick of her hoof. So after looking around in paranoia, the Alicorn shrugged to herself before she kneeled down beside the rectangular slot, and opened the front flap to better hear the stallions conversing in the living room. “... Honestly, Shining? I know you’re worried about her finding out, but do you really think Cadance would judge you?” Her eyes shot wide open upon hearing that statement by her Father-In-Law. Even though she knew her husband wasn’t sleeping with some tramp, that question made her brows rise up in newfound suspicion. She leaned in even closer so her ear was right up to the mailslot, just as she heard her husband make an annoyed huff in response. “Oh, come on!” he exclaimed in an almost pleading tone back towards his Dad. “Are we really going to go into this again?” “I’m just saying,” Night Light continued as he spoke with a more compassionate-sounding voice, “if I were going to bet who wouldn’t freak out about it, I would assume that the Princess of Love would be one of them.” “Dad, she’s my wife!” exclaimed Shining, who was sounding increasingly upset from Cadance’s perspective. “I mean… if it was some other pony, she might be accepting of it, but… but this isn’t exactly something she’d look at with me and be like, ‘Oh, that’s totally fine, Shiny!’ I mean…” Cadance couldn’t hear anything during that brief pause her husband gave, except for the sounds of a couple of soft hoofsteps. “Shining…” Night Light’s voice became much softer, and she could tell that he was probably talking closer to his son as he said, “I promise, I’m not trying to make you do anything you don’t want to, okay? If you don’t want her to know, that’s perfectly understandable. I just… I don’t want you to get in trouble if she finds out herself...” She heard another long, painful-sounding sigh from her husband after that assuring statement was made. Cadance kept herself close to the door with her eyes wide-open, and tried not to get too worried over what the two may have been talking about. Unfortunately, the Alicorn then heard Shining say in a more defeated tone of voice, “Yeah… I feel like she’d divorce me in an instant if she knew…” Cadance gasped loudly as she covered her muzzle with a hoof. She wasn’t sure what the stallions were talking about specifically, but that statement made her blood run cold in absolute fear. But before she could do anything, she heard Shining and Night Light’s tones change the instant she made that involuntary response. “What the?” she heard Night Light say, before he added worriedly, “Is someone at the door?” Cadance froze in an instant, her eyes as wide as frisbees and her heart feeling like a jackhammer in her chest. Before she could think to teleport away from the porch, she heard several galloping hoofsteps coming towards the door. Even though she was still keeping herself invisible, the Princess scurried back a few steps from the door in a panic. Luckily for the Alicorn, as soon as Night Light threw open the door to look around, he didn’t seem to notice her directly in front of him; however, judging by how distressed the older stallion looked as he scanned the front porch, Cadance grew more fretful that something really was amiss in regards to her husband.  Shining came out the doorway as well, with both stallions standing at the porch and looking around with alarmed expressions. While the doorway was left open, Cadance quickly slid past the two so she could sneak into the house unnoticed. Her mind was throwing multiple cartwheels in her head, and she wasn’t able to even think about why she did such a risky move in the first place. However, if Shining Armor was really carrying a secret big enough to make him worry about divorce, Cadance would’ve never forgiven herself if she didn’t try to learn what it was herself.  She decided to stand in the dining room to catch her breath, since she didn’t want either of them to see her hoof imprints on the living room carpet. Eventually, Night Light and Shining sighed in relief as they reentered the home, and locked the front door tightly shut behind them. “Ugh… I think I need to re-oil the chains on that porch swing,” Night Light muttered under his breath.  “Yeah… totally…” Shining looked notably more worried than his Father did as he followed him back into the living room. Since neither of them were able to see Cadance standing just a few feet away, it didn’t take long for the younger stallion to sigh and say to himself, “Jeeze… I do not need a scare like that.” “Hey, I don’t blame you,” assured Night Light as he looked back at him with a befuddled shake of his head. “Jeeze… I can’t imagine how bad that could’ve been. Especially for you as a Prince…” Shining nodded his head with his lips tightly pursed shut. After breathing out through his nostrils, the unicorn motioned back to his Dad to say, “Hey, it wouldn’t just be me. We’d both be in huge trouble, and you know it. I mean… we’re both married men, so I’d be just as worried for you as you are for me.” Cadance wasn’t sure what was going on, and she blinked a couple times with narrowed eyes while trying to process any possible context. Meanwhile, Night Light looked back at Shining with a faint smile, and nodded kindly to that last part. “Thanks, son… It means a lot that you feel that way.” “Pbbt~ Why wouldn’t I feel that way?!” scoffed Shining as he grew a more playful smile back at him. “I mean, we’re kinda on the same boat here. It hasn’t toppled over yet, so we might as well keep rowing in it~” Despite how freaked out the two were just acting, it seemed that Shining’s statement was enough to put both of them back at ease. Since neither of them were aware they were being watched, Night Light looked back at his son with an amused smirk and asked, “Geeze, how long were you working on that euphemism?~” Cadance’s brows rose up in an instant, clearly not expecting someone as straight-laced as Night Light to make such a cheeky reply. But for Shining, who walked past his Dad to head towards the couch, he paused briefly enough to say with a coyer tone, “What, you think everything I say is a double-entendre? You need to get your mind out of the gutter, old man~” While Night Light scoffed with a light chuckle, Shining gave a teasing flick of his tail against his Father’s shoulder before he walked away. That action really made Cadance’s eyes widen, since her husband’s smile and tone looked almost… flirtatious. But before she could mutter anything to herself, she watched as Night Light followed his son into the living room and said, “Hey, you better watch your mouth, kiddo~” Cadance leaned her head to the side in to get a better view from the dining room. The moment she caught sight of Shining again, she saw him turning back towards his Dad to retort with a more teasing grin, “Heh… Is that supposed to be a threat?~” Since his back was still turned towards Night Light, the younger stallion kept a sultry glance on his Father while he gave his firm, full-bodied rump a teasing wiggle. Cadance tilted her head as her expression slowly morphed into something more akin to a shocked-looking gawk. Meanwhile, Night Light just chuckled with a playful shake of his head, acting like what his son just did wasn’t completely inappropriate. Instead, the older unicorn walked up closer to Shining’s inviting stance, and waited until placing one of his hooves firmly against his son’s cutie mark to say, “Well, judging by how you’re acting… I have a feeling you want me to give you a threat~” Shining narrowed his eyes towards his Dad’s unrelentingly piercing gaze, and then slowly veered down to glance at the rest of Night Light’s waiting form. His sultry smile widened as he chuckled in response to that comment, before he looked back up at his Father and said, “Honestly, given how long it’s been since the last time we had a moment like this… I think we both know what I want you to give me~” Cadance’s jaw dropped, but she was fortunate to not have anything audible escape from her gaping maw. Even though she knew that Shining was hiding something big, the suggestive actions unfolding between those two stallions was not what she would’ve ever predicted. But at the same time, despite how horribly shocked she felt to see her husband acting so unfaithfully (especially towards his own Dad, which was a whole different can of worms for her to handle), the Alicorn couldn’t move an inch while frozen in her invisible state. Instead, the Princess could only watch as her Father-In-Law leaned in closer beside Shining’s inviting form. “Well, if that’s the case,” he said with a deep and lustrous-sounding purr, “then how about you look in that drawer in the end-table~” “Mmmm… Did you really have something waiting for me out here?~” Shining asked with a curious smirk, before he slowly leaned his head in towards Night Light’s muzzle. The older pony did the same as a small blush started to appear across his cheeks, with an identically vibrant hue of red as the one his son had “What can I say?” he asked while shrugging his shoulders at Shining’s cheeky demeanor. As the inches between their muzzles decreased with each passing second, Night Light waited until his breath brushed against his son’s lips to say sweetly, “A good Daddy always knows what his colt wants…” With that, Shining and Night Light closed their eyes as their muzzles locked into a deep, and very sensual kiss. Meanwhile, Princess Cadance gawked at the sight with her pupils the size of pin-pricks, and her gaped muzzle quivering in stunned silence. The Princess wasn’t sure what she expected to see from her husband when she decided to follow him out to Canterlot, but the deeply taboo sight before her was beyond anything she could’ve comprehended. Although, compared to some of the horrible scenarios she had running through her head, she wasn’t sure whether this was better or worse than any of her assumptions. But alas, since the Princess remained silent and out of the way, neither of the stallions stopped their lewd makeout session as their tongues began to come into play. Shining turned himself around to get in a better stance before his Dad, and held him in close while their incestuous debauchery grew even hotter. The Father and son gripped each other tighter as the meshing of their lips grew sloppier, and their tongues could be seen slathering between their moaning muzzles. But even with how enamored the two were getting throughout their kissing, Night Light’s horn lit up to open the nearby drawer with his bright blue aura.  “Mmmmm…~” As soon as their lips finally broke apart, the older unicorn hummed with a satisfied smirk while floating out a peculiar item he had stashed for the occasion. Cadance’s appalled stare on the two intensified as she caught sight of what Night Light had gripped in his magic aura: a bright pink collar with a matching leash, which was studded with metal spikes along the outside. “So, Shining… Is it okay to bring this out tonight?~” Shining merely scoffed back at him playfully, looking like his Dad just asked if two plus two equaled four. “What, did you really think I’d say no this time?” he asked while taking the collar from Night Light’s magic. Cadance blinked a couple times in pure befuddlement, never having expected to see him agree to such a thing. The married couple may have done more than their share of kinky things in bed, but pet-play was never really brought up by either of them; of course, neither was Patricest, so she doubted this should’ve been that much of a shocker. “Hey, I just wanted to clarify, you know?” asked Night Light as he gave a more sympathetic shrug of his head. His expression also skewed slightly in awkwardness when he added, “I mean… given what you went through with Sombra returning like he did, I was a little worried…” Upon seeing the fretful frown his Father gave upon mentioning that horrible night, Shining closed his eyes and sighed with an equally unsettled look of his own. “Well… honestly, I have no problem with this, Dad,” he said genuinely before he looked back at Night Light, and gave a reassuring smile. “Seriously, it’s fine. I mean, I’m not gonna say that it wasn’t traumatizing or anything, but it seriously wasn’t as bad as you’d think.” “Hey, I just wanted to make sure,” Night Light clarified with a hint of concern in his voice. If it wasn’t for the shocking amount of incestuous infedelity Cadance was witnessing before her eyes, she might have had some more appreciation for her Father-In-Law showing so much care for his son’s well being. However, considering what she just saw them doing a minute ago, any amount of respect she could’ve had was thoroughly muted while hearing him say, “I mean, I know Twilight saved you guys and all, but still.” “It’s perfectly alright, Dad,” repeated Shining with a reassuring hoof on Night Light’s shoulder, which happened to be the same one holding his collar. From her vantage, Cadance covered her mouth with a hoof as she caught sight of the metallic tag on the front of that collar, which had the words ‘DADDY’S BOY’ inscribed in bold letters. While the Princess looked away from the two in shock from seeing that addition, Shining said with a more optimistic tone, “Like, seriously though? That whole ‘invasion’ thing Sombra tried literally lasted twenty minutes. He didn’t even leave the Throne Room after holding us hostage. It was seriously pretty weak compared to what other enemies tried in the past.” “Well, it’s not like you can blame me for worrying whe--Seriously, twenty minutes?!” asked Night Light as his response immediately turned befuddled, and he had to do a double-take back at Shining. “Wow… I’m not gonna lie, I’ve ordered pizzas from up the street that took longer than your sister did.” “Exactly!” Shining said with a more casual smile, before he leaned in to give Night Light a much-deserved hug. “Although I will say, it means a lot that you considered my feelings about this. Thank you.” Cadance couldn’t help looking back at the two, almost feeling a little better that her husband actually wasn’t that traumatized by that night. Even though he may have told her the same things he said to his Father, it was nice knowing it wasn’t just a lie to cover any insecurities. Meanwhile, the blue unicorn smiled as he hugged Shining back just as tightly. “Hey, it’s what any parent would do. You know that.” “Mmhmm,” nodded the Prince before he pulled back with a randier grin, and dangled his collar in front of Night Light’s face. “Soooooo…” Shining’s tone immediately went back to being unsubtly alluring as he asked, “You up for doing something most parents wouldn’t?~” Despite that cheekily taboo remark, Night Light was able to scoff with an accepting smirk before taking the collar back with his hoof. “Jeeze, you really are riled-up, aren’t you?” he asked as he narrowed his eyes on Shining, before leaning in to add teasingly, “You miss being Daddy’s Little Colt that much, eh?~” Shining gave the older stallion a very enticed shiver while nodding enthusiastically, and then lowered his head to give better access to his bare neck. “Oh, you know I do, Daddy~” For some weird reason, even with all of the other stuff Cadance just saw with her own two eyes, hearing her husband call his own Father “Daddy” was the thing that got to her the most. She may have known that Shining was bisexual before they became a couple, and even gave him permission to persue other males with her consent in the past; but at the same time, the fact that he was acting this way with his Dad threw her through a loop she never would’ve predicted being in her flightpath. Although in retrospect, it did explain why he never took her up on bedding any of the Royal Guards back home, as well as the conversation she overheard outside the door earlier.  “So, you remember the rules, Shiny?~” he asked with a more relaxed-looking grin. As he unlatched the collar to wrap around Shining’s neck, he paused to hear his son’s answer before doing anything else. “Yeah, yeah,” Shining replied with a casual nod of his head. “As soon as you put the collar on, I won’t be able to take it off under any circumstances.” “Aaaaaaand?~” asked Night Light as he leaned in with a coyer smirk on his muzzle. Upon hearing his teasing tone, Shining meagerly looked up at him as his smile grew more notably blushed.  “A-And… And while I’m wearing Daddy’s collar, I’ll be a good colt and do whatever Daddy says~” “That’s right~” Night Light then latched the collar around Shining’s neck, much to the younger unicorn’s perverted delight. Cadance was already growing unnerved by all that was happening, but her worries really intensified when she saw Night Light give a small zap of his magic to the back latch of that collar. Her cheeks grew a blush as heavy as her husband’s, as she realized that was a magic-enabled collar that can only be removed by the magic-bearer. Even with the Prince’s level of spellmaging, he wouldn’t be able to undo the collar himself; and judging by Night Light’s wide and lustrous grin, it was doubtful he was gonna take it off Shining’s neck anytime soon. “Now…” The Father’s grin was accompanied with a low and domineering growl as he got in close to Shining’s face, and caused his son to shudder with a deepening blush across his cheeks. As the younger unicorn grew more timid and antsy before his Dad, Cadance could barely recognize her husband from how he was presenting himself. Even when King Sombra had both of them in muzzle guards and forced to kneel at his hooves, Shining didn’t act a fraction as submissive as he was for Night Light. Despite how authoritative the stallion acted when he upheld his duties as a Prince and Head of the Royal Guard, Shining had his head bowed sheepishly for his Dad like he was his natural bitch. And as Night Light’s muzzle got in close to his son’s ear, Shining Armor let out a shaky breath before hearing his Daddy say in a lustful purr, “... I want you to mow the lawn~” Cadance’s head reeled back in confusion from that order, and almost felt like she stumbled into a skit. Meanwhile, Shining’s eagerness quickly dampened as he groaned with a strong roll of his eyes. “Ugh, DAD! Do you have to do that every time?!” Night Light pulled away from Shining to laugh by himself, clearly finding some humor in his little joke. Cadance may have still been rightfully disturbed, but that corny Dad joke was enough to make her cover her muzzle tightly to keep from giggling too. “Oh, come on!” jeered Shining’s Dad while he smirked at him with a raised brow. “I do that same joke with your Mother, you know that!” Shining grimaced with a flatter stare back towards Night Light, not appearing too happy with that reminder. “Yeah, but did you make HER mow the lawn for real?” “Hey, I only made you do that one time, and that was only for the backyard, remember?” While Shining groaned from that memory, Cadance had to look away from them to keep from snickering. Even if her husband and Father-In-Law were a couple of straight-up perverts, their banter was a good reminder that they were still Father and Son. Unfortunately, that reminder only made Night Light’s slyness all the more taboo as he eyed the unicorn and added, “Besides, you can’t say that chore wasn’t worth it afterward~” After a quick huff, Shining regrew a faint smile while blushing hotly to that remark. He eventually giggled to himself giddily before saying, “Heh... Yeah, that was a fun night~” “Indeed it was…” Night Light brought the mood back on track as he gripped his end of Shining’s leash tightly, and pulled it hard enough to make the stallion step in closer towards him. With each reluctant step he took, Shining’s muzzle quivered sheepishly while it was pursed shut. Of course, as Cadance watched her husband’s treatment from just a few feet away, she was able to see a meek-looking smile behind his intensifying blush. Meanwhile, Night Light’s stare on him grew sterner while he grinned from ear to ear, and said with a lick of his lips, “And guess what, little coltie? We have a full weekend to ourselves this time~” A wide and excited smile cracked across Shining muzzle as he giggled in anticipation, before Night Light pulled him in by the leash for another deep kiss. The Prince instantly accepted his Father’s gesture as he wrapped his hooves around Night Light’s head, and made out with him just as passionately as they were doing before. But this time, the younger pony’s submissive demeanor was easier to spot as his Dad used a hoof to grab the back of his hair painfully tight. But aside from a brief and muffled grunt, Cadance couldn’t spot any discomfort on her husband’s face while he shivered in Night Light’s embrace, and he continued to sloppily taste the inside of his mouth.  Night Light didn’t seem to hear Cadance’s hoofsteps as she carefully trotted past the two incestuous stallions. Even though she knew how wrong it was to stay in the living room while her husband got busy with his ‘Daddy,’ the revelation of what was occurring caught her curiosity too much to walk away from it now. Not to mention, considering how nervous Shining sounded when she overheard his conversation through the front door, seeing him act so content and happy now made her want to understand this better. How long had this relationship been going on? How did the Father and Son grow to become so infatuated with one another? How would Night Light’s wife react if she learned about the two? Heck, what would Twilight Sparkle say about it? Despite knowing that she wasn’t likely to receive those answers from the two directly, Princess Cadance was intent on learning what she could as she sat herself down in one of the armchairs at the corner of the living room. She may have remained in her invisible form, but she could feel how much her cheeks were burning while she settled into the cushions slowly. And even as her hind-legs squirmed a little while tightly clenched together, the mare tried her hardest not to act like she had any ulterior motives for staying in the room. As far as she was concerned (or willing to admit to herself), this act of voyeurism was merely her way of hoping to learn why her husband hid such a secret from her. “Nnnnphhhh… Mmmmmmmmm~” As his Father’s tight grip on his hair and leash kept him in check, Shining’s eyes rolled back in absolute pleasure while he allowed Night Light’s tongue to slather along the inside of his moaning muzzle. His fur was standing on end for his blushing wife to see, and his blue tail flicked around excitedly while raising up out of instinct. Meanwhile, Night Light continued his lewd makeout session for only another moment before he yanked his son’s head back by his hair. The younger stallion may have winced with his teeth tightly gritted, but his Dad’s randy grin remained while he narrowed his eyes on him.  “Open your mouth for Daddy~” he growled intensely enough to make Shining shiver in his grip. Fortunately, the leashed stallion showed his obedience as he looked back at his Dad, and opened his muzzle wide with his tongue lolling out. Without much warning, Night Light caught Cadance by surprise as she heard him snort audibly, and then saw him spit inside of Shining’s mouth. Even though the briefest gasp could be heard from the corner of the living room, Night Light was too enamored with his son’s response as he saw that white muzzle close in an instant, and he heard Shining make an enthusiastic gulp in front of him.  “GLK~” Shining quivered in his Father’s grip as he sighed with a blushed and blissful smile. When he finally looked back up at Night Light’s grinning face, Shining openly squirmed in perverted pleasure while saying meekly, “Th-Thank you, Daddy~” Well, that’s a new one, thought Cadance to herself while she sat and stared at her husband’s disturbing behavior. She may have not been the type to kink-shame any pony for their interests, but learning that Shining had a thing for being this subby for his Dad was definitely an idea she needed some time to adjust to. But at the same time, the Princess had to try her hardest not to give any notice to the shiver that crept up her own spine, which she felt the moment Shining revealed that clean, open mouth for his Daddy after he swallowed. “Gooooooooood boy~” Night Light may have kept a tight grip on Shining’s leash, but he used his other hoof to gently pet the top of his son’s shaggy mane. Even though he literally just had his mouth used as a spitoon, Shining still carried a bashful smile while embracing his Father’s touch. Night Light’s hoof eventually moved down to grace the side of Shining’s face, before he narrowed his eyes on him even more and said, “I gotta say, you’re quite the little slut to be Head of the Royal Guard~” Despite how insulting that remark could’ve been interpreted, Shining merely giggled with a deeper blush as he nodded his head. “Y-Yeah~” he muttered apprehensively, even though his trembling smile made it clear he liked how his Father was handling him. “Th… Thank you again, Daddy~” Princess Cadance had to reposition herself in her chair, and she tried her hardest not to make the springs under her cushion squeak while she got in a more perched stance. Without even thinking about it, the mare’s front hooves ended up being right beside her crotch while she leaned forward against them. Of course, since she felt like her cheeks were on fire from her intense blush, it was hard for her to take notice of the heat that began to ruminate from her nethers. Because of that, the Alicorn wasn’t able to realize how she may have been feeling subconsciously by the time Night Light moved his way towards the couch.  “Come on!” he barked while tugging on Shining’s leash, pulling him closely in tow with each step he took. And like a proper Sub, his son showed the utmost obedience as he walked behind him with his head hung low, and his smiling face carrying a very intense blush. From Cadance’s point of view, the sight of her husband acting so complacent as Night Light’s bitch was beyond different from how she usually saw him. But despite how jarring it may have been to witness him acting so differently (especially compared to how strongly his resolve remained around Sombra), the fact that he looked so blissful under his Father’s control kept her from feeling too judgemental about it. Instead, the Princess kept any opinions about her husband’s behavior at bay while she watched her Father-In-Law sit himself on the couch.  “Aaaaahhhhhh…” Night Light splayed out in the middle of the couch with his hind-legs spread far apart, exposing his bare crotch and the half-flaccid stallionhood peeking from his sheath. Much like his mane, Night Light’s cock carried a shade of blue that was darker than his coat. The flesh along his thick, veiny shaft was also marbled in a few areas, just like his son’s did. Speaking of which, Cadance bit her lip upon noticing how rock-hard Shining’s cock had gotten, as it stood rigidly between his legs and repeatedly smacked against the underside of his barrel. But much to the Alicorn’s surprise, despite how well-endowed the Prince’s thick, pearly-white stallionhood may have looked as it dripped precum against the carpet, it seemed that Night Light’s cock was growing significantly larger in comparison. And as he sat on the couch with Shining’s leash firmly in his magic, he pulled the chain back so his son was kept just out of reach of his crotch; Night Light also carried a lustrous smile up at him, absolutely loving the sight of Shining’s eager, wide-eyed stare on the very equipment that made him.  “Mmmmmm…” Night Light stared up at his son while he brought his hoof down to his cock, and began to slowly stroke it himself with a teasing grin. Since he wasn’t given any orders from his Daddy just yet, Shining could only squirm with a weak groan while he stood before him in wait. From the way he was looking at his Dad’s cock with a heavy blush, he almost looked like a starving pup gawking at a tempting piece of meat. Meanwhile, his Father just chuckled in delight while eyeing him intently, and asked, “You want your Daddy’s cock, Coltie?~” Shining didn’t hesitate for a second as he instantly nodded his head, and exhaled with a strong shudder before answering with a nervous smile, “Y-Yes, Daddy~” His hind-legs buckled a little as he struggled not to touch himself, even though Cadance could see how hard his cock was twitching underneath his stoic form. While Night Light kept stroking his thick, meaty cock in an almost taunting manner, Shining took a breath before he added meagerly, “I… I really want your cock~” “Mmmmm… such a naughty little slut~” purred his Father as he grinned even wider in response. His hoof’s grip strengthened around his shaft, and he began to give more profound pumps to his cock for his blushing son to watch enviously. Eventually, a thick glob of precum could be seen seeping from the tip of the stallion’s cockhead, and lingered at the edge of that crowned ridge to make Shining shiver. As the younger stallion gulped with a clenched muzzle, his eyes didn’t veer away from that tantalizing sight while hearing his Dad ask, “You wanna taste your Daddy, big boy? Mmmmm… I bet you do~” “Y-Yes, Daddy!~” Shining blurted more direly as he shuddered in growing need. He tried to pull himself forward to get a little closer, but Night Light’s magic held onto that leash tightly enough to keep Shining at bay. His hooves clenched tightly against the carpet, and more droplets of his own arousal trickled down his untouched length before dripping down between his quivering legs. Even though he wasn’t in his Royal Armor, it was easy to see how well his years of Guard training paid off; despite how obviously he wanted to give in, Cadance was almost impressed that he wasn’t trying to lunge in towards his Dad’s cock just yet. But alas, she could see just how badly her husband was yearning for Night Light’s waiting piece of cockmeat as it was being dangled so teasingly before him, and he couldn’t resist biting his lips to keep from drooling for it. Night Light relaxed his grip on Shining’s leash the tiniest bit, which allowed his son to lean forward with a needy groan so he could get in closer towards that cock. The scent of his thick, heady musk was wafting about strongly enough to make Shining’s nostrils flare out, and he moaned shakily as soon as it hit his senses. The son knelt down to get closer to his Father’s stallionhood, but he tried to keep himself from indulging without Night Light’s approval. But judging from how badly his blush was leaving his face with a deep shade of crimson, Cadance wouldn’t have been surprised if his Dad was able to feel the heat against the underside of his shaft. Just like how in her seated position, the Princess tried not to squirm from the heat she could feel brushing against her forelegs while they were so close to her crotch.  “Smell it~” growled Night Light with an amused grin, even though he could tell his horny son was doing that already. Nevertheless, Shining clenched his eyes shut as he sucked in that musk deeply through his nostrils, and breathed out with a blissful moan from that first hit. Cadance blinked a couple times while she stared at him with an engrossed expression of her own, and heard every deep sniff her husband gave for Night Light’s cockmusk. Small trickles of drool could be seen seeping from the corners of Shining’s mouth, but he paid no heed to them while giving his Dad’s cock the proper worship it deserved. All the while, Night Light groaned to himself in pleasure while he continued to stroke his length slowly for Shining to marvel at upclose.  Eventually, Shining’s lustful gaze went down towards his Father’s balls, which draped over the edge of the couch cushion to hang down loosely. The older stallion’s balls looked tremendously thick and heavy, and easily overshadowed the coinpurse his son had hanging between his own legs. The loose, wrinkly skin that carried Night Light’s lineage seemed to be unbelievably tempting for Shining to be so close to, since his blush grew heavier each time he moaned between the deep sniffs he gave to those plump orbs.  “Thaaaaaat’s right~” growled Shining’s Dad from up above, his eyes narrowing on him with a wickedly pleased smile. “Smell those balls that made you, Coltie~” “Y-Yes, Daddy~” moaned Shining as he did just that. Night Light relaxed the tension of his leash a little more, which allowed his son to press his snout against the sac to snort directly between his Dad’s heavy balls. Shining’s tongue was lolling out while he moaned and drooled in response to that rich scent, which was causing his tail to flag right up and make his tailhole pucker needily. From Cadance’s angle, she didn’t need to look into the future to know that his backside wasn’t acting that way for no reason. If he was growing that antsy to get his Dad’s cock in his mouth, then she was willing to bet good money that he wanted it in another orifice as well. And strangely, as Shining Armor’s moans grew shakier with each deep breath he took of his Dad’s junk, his wife started to feel less apprehensive about whether or not her assumption was correct.  Fortunately, even as the nearby chair made a couple of odd squeaks from the invisible Princess’ brief squirming, Night Light kept his piercing stare on his slutty son as he finally said in a domineering voice, “Give them a good taste~” By the time his Dad made that demand, those thick and low-hanging balls were already draped over the top of Shining’s muzzle and covering his snout. And as Shining moaned out from between Night Light’s legs in pure elation, the reverberation of his voice was titillating enough to make his Father shiver in pleasure on the couch. However, that fur-raising shudder the stallion gave was quickly followed up with a hefty moan, which came out intensely enough to make Night Light throw his head back against the couch. From Cadance’s perspective, it seemed that her Father-In-Law’s response was fairly justified as she saw how deeply Shining Armor dragged his tongue along the underside of his Dad’s heavy ballsack.  “Aaaaahhhhh~” Shining’s eyes were shut as he carried a blissfully blushed look on his face, and his mouth was wide-open to properly taste his Father’s balls. The loose and wrinkly skin clung against his taste buds as he gave that first slow, teasing lap, which caused Night Light’s balls to finally pull off from the bridge of Shining’s muzzle. Fortunately, despite being tightly leashed and collared by his Daddy, Shining’s horn was uninhibited as he used his magic to carefully grasp those heavenly orbs. While his hooves wrapped around his Dad’s hips to pull himself in closer, his heavy moans became muffled the instant he got one of those pump balls inside of his drooling maw.  “Nnnnnghhh!!~” Night Light’s teeth were as tightly clenched as his eyes while he writhed on the couch, but Cadance was able to see the pleased expression on his face while he gripped his son’s head to keep him in place. “Aaahhh!!~ Th-That’s right, son… Mmmmmm… Suck Daddy’s balls like a good Coltie~” Shining didn’t need to be told the obvious, and savored each heavenly suckle his lips made around the base of his Father’s ballsack. Even though Night Light’s equipment was far too large to cram both of his balls into Shining’s mouth, the slutty son was determined enough to continuously take turns sucking each of those orbs as much as he could. Each time his lips broke away, with strings of his saliva connecting his muzzle to those glistening balls, he let out a deep and shaky moan of rapture before he went right back in. All the while, Night Light was shivering like mad as he sat above him dominantly, and continued to jerk himself off with his hoof. That growing bulb of pre that was lingering at the tip of his cock finally poured over the crowned ridge, and trickled down the underside of his shaft to leave a tempting trail of his clear, viscous secretion.  Even though he was given the order to suck on his Daddy’s balls, Shining’s eyes eventually reopened to gaze needily at that gooey drop that was traveling down his Father’s length. With each tentative jerk Night Light gave with his hoof, that glob of precum traveled down even closer towards his son’s flaring snout. Cadance could only imagine how strong the older stallion’s rich, heady musk must’ve smelled from her husband’s position, and involuntarily groaned under her breath while repositioning herself in the chair again. But alas, despite how much she tried to get herself in a more comfortable position, it didn’t seem to change how badly her marehood was burning up between her quivering legs.  After giving his thick and meaty cock a couple final strokes, Night Light finally took notice of his son’s yearning stare while one of his balls was stuffed in his mouth. As his stallionhood twitched in perverted approval, the older pony grinned more notably while he paused his jerking motions. “Ooh, you want this, you little bitch?~” he asked as he was still gripping his rigid cock with one hoof. Before Shining could give an enthusiastic nod from between his Father’s legs, he let out a surprised grunt while Night Light smacked the side of his muzzle with his member.  “Aaaahhh!!~” Shining pulled his Dad’s balls away from his muzzle with a wet pop, and moaned out needily while he endured Night Light’s teasing smacks with his cock. Cadance’s jaw dropped as she tried not to shiver too audibly, and she didn’t seem to notice how tightly her forelegs pulled back to press against her crotch. Instead, her eyes were glued to her husband’s subby face while he continued to allow his Father to tauntingly smack around his open mouth with that cock. While Night Light kept a tight grip on his son’s hair, flicks of precum spat out to cling against the pony’s white fur, which still stood out due to his radiating blush.  Night Light eventually smacked his stallionhood against Shining’s stuck-out tongue, which made his son shiver with an even deeper moan while hearing him say, “Who’s Daddy’s little slut?~” “Aaahhh!!~” His eyes struggled to stay open while peering up at his Father’s devilish grin, but he was able to moan out after a curt shudder, “I… I’M Daddy’s little slut!!~” “That’s a good Coltie!~” cooed Night Light with an affirming nod, before he gave his son’s tongue a couple more teasing slaps with his cock. Shining tried to lunge in and get it into his hungry muzzle, but his Dad was quick enough to pull on his son’s leash and say, “Ah, ah, aaaahhhhh!~ You don’t get to suck off your Daddy until you beg for it. You know the rules, don’t you?~” Shining closed his eyes to recollect himself while he moaned with a strong shiver. Luckily for the Princess watching them, that response was loud and lingering enough to cover up the shuddering noise she made as well. Her knees couldn’t help clenching together tightly to trap her forelegs in against her; and because of that, her hooves weren’t able to pull away from Cadance’s marehood as it grew wetter from her husband’s behavior. She knew how wrong it was to feel any kind of enjoyment from this scene, but she couldn’t deny how shamefully hot her husband looked while he acted like a complete slut for someone like Night Light. By the time Shining lowered his head to collect his breaths, Cadance was trembling in her seat while impulsively writhing her hips against her hooves. “P-PLEASE, DADDY!” Shining belted desperately while he nuzzled his Father’s ballsack in dire need. Considering how pathetically submissive the Prince was acting, Cadance couldn’t help but feel a little relieved that he was doing this for Night Light, and not for King Sombra a couple months back. Meanwhile, Shining kept going as he defeatedly moaned out, “I… I need your cock so bad, Daddy!! Mnnnghh… Ca… C-Cadance keeps trying to get me to sleep with stallions up in the Crystal Empire, b-but I… I can’t imagine having any cock but yours!! I… I love you too much to take any other, so PLEASE!! PLEASE GIVE IT TO ME!~” Cadance clenched up tightly upon hearing that needy plea, with her brows raised up in genuine surprise. Even though she knew that her husband had some difficulty accepting her offers for him to explore his bisexuality, she had no idea it was because he was so closely connected to his Dad. Despite still feeling rightfully unnerved by everything that was happening, Cadance could kinda appreciate the strange sentiment the two had for one another. Of course, that may have had more to do with her guiltily aroused state than anything else.  And sadly, the Alicorn’s lust only grew stronger the moment she saw Shining looking back up at his Dad, and he saw the approving grin on Night Light’s face. The stallion finally pulled his hoof away from his waiting cock, which allowed it to stand rigidly and twitch just a couple inches from Shining Armor’s face. With his free hoof, Night Light let go of his son’s mane so he could naturally move in closer. The Prince let out a shuddering breath while smiling dreamily up at him, and waited in anticipation before his Father asked, “So of allllll the cocks you could’ve gotten in Equestria… With permission by a Princess nonetheless… you’d still go after your Daddy’s?~” Shining nodded his head in an instant, and blushed more profusely as he answered with the utmost sincerity, “That’s right. I… I’ll always be Daddy’s Little Coltie~” With the wide and genuine smile Shining gave towards his Father, Cadance had to purse her mouth shut to keep from making an audible “Dawww~” from her husband’s response. Incest or not, the Princess of Love could sense how strongly her husband meant that answer. And in a weird kind of way, that really helped the Princess to feel more comfortable with whatever happened next. So as Shining Armor licked his lips in preparation for his Dad’s order, Cadance did the same as she took a deep breath, and pressed her hoof tightly against her glistening marehood. “Prove it~” Night Light said as he leaned back, and let go of Shining’s leash to give him free reign. “Show how much you want your Daddy, Coltie!~” Shining didn’t need to be told twice, and instantly lunged in with his mouth open wide. He groaned in utter bliss as he dragged his tongue up the underside of Night Light’s shaft, and finally collected that thick glob of salty pre which made his own cock twitch elatedly. He then took a hold of his Father’s shaft with both hooves (which still allowed plenty of free space for the remainder of Night Light’s shaft), and sunk his lips around that thick cockhead with a needy moan. His tongue swirled around the crowned ridge to gather up as much of the stallion’s pre as he could, eager to get a proper taste of his Dad after so much relentless teasing. The bitter, salty taste set Shining’s heart ablaze as he groaned even deeper in pleasure, and his eyes rolled back with a look of pure contentment. Cadance could see how suddenly the fur along her husband’s back stood on end the instant he got that first taste, and the sight was pleasing enough to make her feel even less guilty as she began to rub herself with her hoof.  “Nnnnnn…” The Alicorn gritted her teeth while she squirmed in her chair, and struggled to keep her voice restrained while she slowly played with her aching pussy. Meanwhile, Shining Armor looked like he was in absolute heaven as he tried to cram as much of his Dad’s plump, meaty cockhead into his mouth. His hooves vigorously began to jerk up and down that lengthy shaft, which was intense enough to cause Night Light to shiver and moan from up above. The older stallion leaned back against the couch with his forelegs stretched apart, and sighed with a relaxed smile as he savored how diligently his son was pleasuring him. Shining Armor’s lips tenatively suckled around the thick girth of his Father’s cock, and slowly tried to slide their way past his head to reach the shaft. Meanwhile, his nostrils repeatedly flared while he let out muffled moans with each breath he took, and his tongue swirled around more of that hot cockmeat Night Light possessed. He could feel every throb his Dad’s cock made as it twitched in his hooves’ grip, which drove him even further into depraved pleasure while he tried to stroke his length even harder. But even as that thick cockhead began to reach to the back of his throat, Shining soldiered on without paying any heed to how rigidly his own cock was throbbing and slapping against his stomach. If she wasn’t trying to be incognito, Princess Cadance would’ve considered sneaking down to tend to her husband’s stallionhood herself. But despite how tempting that idea may have sounded, the mare was more focused on keeping herself silent as she dug her hoof in deeper between her dripping folds. The Alicorn’s hips writhed and thrusted involuntarily as she rubbed at her pussy with growing elation, not seeming to care how much her juices were starting to soak into the chair’s cushions. Fortunately, Cadance was able to pull her free hoof up so she could bite on it tightly, hopeful that it could muffle any aroused noises she couldn’t control while watching her husband sucking that cock like a pro.  The leashed and collared stallion didn’t seem to overhear his wife’s weakly whimpering groans, nor could he catch the scent of her arousal as it grew stronger from a few feet away. Of course, considering how his face was deeply nestled between his Dad’s legs while he sucked on that meaty cock, it was doubtful he was able to smell anything over Night Light’s rich musk. Not to mention, his Father’s satisfied moans covered up any other noises while his hooves continued to pump that shaft for all it was worth. So as he felt that cock pulsating harder in his tenacious grip, Shining felt absolutely nothing holding him back as he clenched his eyes shut, and put his lack of a gag reflex to proper use.  “Nnnnnghhhh!!~” With a strong and diligent push of his head, Shining’s blushed face clenched up as he shoved his Father’s plump cockhead down his hungry gullet. Cadance tried her hardest not to gasp in shock the instant she saw that thick bulge at the top of her husband’s throat, which stuck out from his neck quite prominently. One of the stallion’s hooves pulled away from Night Light’s shaft to tend to his own cock needily, but the other kept jerking his Dad off as the mood got more lustrous between them. And with the added space provided with only one hoof stroking Night Light’s rigid cock, Shining Armor was able to properly start bobbing his head up and down as much of that length as he could cram inside of his slutty maw.  Cadance shivered upon seeing the thick sheen of her husband’s saliva that coated the top third of Night Light’s shaft, as well as the sight of Shining’s lips continuously sliding across his veiny flesh so lovingly. Even though the younger stallion was antsily jerking his own stallionhood like mad in his hunched-over position, it was obvious that Night Light was receiving the better hoofwork while he moaned contently from up above. Unlike his son, who was doing all of the work for both of them, the Daddy Dom sighed with a widening smile while he laid back and enjoyed his Coltie’s mouth. “Mmmmmm… That’s a good boy…” One of Night Light’s hooves eventually came down to grip the top of Shining’s head again, which caused his son to moan out blissfully around the girth of that meaty cock. Before too long, the stallion started to push his son’s head down even harder, which allowed Cadance to see that bulge cramming its way further down Shining’s throat. Aside from how tightly Shining’s eyes clenched shut (as well as the notable tears that began to stem at the corners of them), Shining didn’t give any resistance to his Father’s pushing as he continued to suck that cock like a good little Coltie. However, by the time Night Light was able to shove Shining’s muzzle down past half of his length, the younger stallion pulled his other hoof away so his mouth could do all of the work. Luckily, from the way his Daddy’s moans started to strain with each rapid breath he took, it seemed that Shining’s tight lips were all he needed to help finish the job.  “Mmmmphh!~” Night Light brought down his other hoof to get a better grip on his son’s head, and his hips began to thrust inward so he could better use Shining’s mouth. Even though it was unclear how long Shining could last without any oxygen, the Coltie didn’t try to resist while his Daddy used his face like a fleshlight. Instead, he merely let the tears of restraint flow down his cheeks while his head was being brutally bobbed up and down that rigid shaft. His throat could be seen convulsing with each hard motion of Night Light’s cockhead sliding through it, which made that sizeable bulge continuously move about for the masturbating Princess to see. But despite how audibly Cadance was starting to pant while schlicking herself to no end, Night Light’s lustrous grunts kept him from hearing her as he face-fucked her eager husband. “Nnnffff… You… You better be ready, Coltie! I… I’m getting close…” Shining couldn’t exactly moan out in elation while his Daddy kept rutting his throat, but he stroked his throbbing cock even faster in response to hearing those wonderful words. Fortunately, Shining wasn’t the only one to intensify their masturbation, as Cadance squirmed even harder on the couch while kneading against her dripping cunt. As her fetlocked hoof dug even deeper between her winking folds, she had to bite down on her other hoof to keep from straight-up moaning to the perverted sight. But even with how amorously the married couple enjoyed themselves in the middle of that incestuous debauchery, Night Light was the first to reach his peak as he thrusted into his son’s muzzle as hard as he could, and writhed against the couch while shouting, “Aaaahhhh!! Here… Here it comes!! HERE IT COMES!!! NNNNNGHHHHHHHH!!!~” Night Light’s hips convulsed wildly from the intense throbbing his cock made between Shining’s pillowy lips, and the constant titillation that muzzle was giving was more than enough to make him climax. Shining felt those distinct pulsations of his Father’s shaft clearly enough to make his fur stand on end, and his own jerking motions froze up the instant that first load shot straight down his gullet. The older stallion pulled Shining’s head in as tightly as he could, and he bellowed out an intensely strained cry of pleasure as he unloaded into that slutty mouth. Spurt after spurt of Night Light’s hot load shot out for his son to instinctively swallow, which allowed the very seed which created him to eventually settle down into his satisfied stomach. And despite his strain, Shining Armor stayed true to his Daddy as he swallowed every drop like the good Coltie he was. “Mmmmphhh!!~” Shining was the second to reach orgasm, and his hips buckled continuously as several ropes of his own shot out of his spasming cock. Cadance may have known how potent her husband’s cumshots could get, but it clear how much his Father got to him as an obscene number of gooey strings landed across the carpet underneath him. A couple of strands even hit the bottom of the couch Night Light was sitting on, but it was doubtful either of them would’ve cared about that anytime soon. Instead, Shining’s Dad groaned hard as he felt how tightly that throat was closing up around his cock, which caused him to pull out earlier than expected.  While Shining continued to shoot his load, his Father did the same the instant that thick cock slipped out of his mouth with a wet pop. The son gasped deeply with his mouth wide open, clearly needing some air as he tried to suck in as much oxygen as he could. However, that action also provided the perfect target for Night Light’s last remaining loads. As the older pony’s cock continued to twitch and throb in completion, Cadance couldn’t hold it in anymore as she watched his thick, gooey strands of cum landing all over her husband’s face. As Shining moaned out weakly in post-orgasmic bliss, he managed to keep his mouth open while ropes of his Dad’s seed draped all across his tongue, mane, and even the bridge of his muzzle. An especially gooey strand ended up hanging obscenely from the tip of his snout, which was the perfect image for Princess Cadance to witness before slipping off the precipice herself.  “GNNNAAAAHHHHH!!!” Cadance’s back arched inward from her chair as she succumbed to her own shamefully intense orgasm, with her horn finally flickering off to reveal herself for the first time. The pink Alicorn convulsed wildly in her seat while she moaned out freely, and rubbed at her throbbing clit without any mercy. Her marehood was winking like mad as she squirted multiple times through her hoof, and made several rivulets of her syrupy secretions dribble all over the front of the chair. Her climax lasted considerably longer than the Father and Son she just witnessed, and the carpet in front of her seat was thoroughly coated in her juices by the time she slumped back in her chair, and relaxed with a dopey grin. “Aaaaahhhhhhhhh~” The Princess needed a few seconds to collect herself as she shivered with a heavy blush, and then breathed out with a deep sigh of elation. Unfortunately, by the time Cadance finally reopened her eyes after that nirvanic bout of pleasure she just experienced, her content smile didn’t remain for very long. In fact, the Alicorn’s expression quickly turned to that of immense worry the moment she looked back at the two stallions.  Shining Armor and Night Light were frozen in absolute fear, their eyes as wide as dinner plates while they stared directly at Cadance. Since neither of them knew that she was there until that lengthy orgasm she gave herself, her very presence was enough to make both of their faces turn a deathly shade of white. Shining looked especially mortified at seeing his spouse in that moment, since his face was still messily bukkaked with a good amount of his Dad’s milky white jizz. Meanwhile, Night Light couldn’t even blink as he gawked at his Daughter-In-Law with utter dread, undoubtedly looking like he was about to be executed for what he was just caught doing to his own son. Neither of the three ponies said anything for over a minute straight. Since the Father and Son weren’t exactly in the best situation to talk (not to mention, Shining’s throat was extremely sore after his Dad’s merciless throat-fucking), it was up to Cadance to give the first statement. However, due to her own orgasm that rocked her body like nothing before, the Princess had to take a moment before she slowly raised her hooves. As she breathed in deeply to collect herself, she tried not to cringe upon noticing how heavily coated her hoof was in her own juices.  “Ummmm… I-I-I…” Cadance had no idea what to say in that moment, since she wasn’t sure whether or not to apologize for what she did. Yeah, she may have snuck into their house and secretly watched them in such a private moment, but she also knew that they were doing much worse than she did. So after finally exhaling with a faint and shaky breath, the Princess looked at the two stallions with a meek expression before finishing her statement. “... I… I promise I won’t divorce you, Shining… B-But, ummm… Would it be alright if I stayed and watched you guys some more?~”