> Fun-filled Movie Date Night > by Israel Yabuki > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > What A Day > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I should probably start from the beginning. My name is Ulysses. I'm 19 years old. I have long, jet black hair and have mocha colored skin and brown eyes. Right now, I'm wearing a black, button-up shirt with blue jeans and blue shoes, nothing that's too flashy. Like most people, I am a high school graduate. It was like a living hell back then, but now I'm free. Of course, there was always something good about high school. High school is now an old memory and now I'm a full-grown, functional adult and am now working full-time at a pizza joint, delivering hot and spicy pizzas to people all around Canterlot city. It may sound like a typical job to most people who work for bigger companies, but to me, my job enjoyable. At one time, I delivered a couple of pizzas to this one really bitchy woman's apartment and this woman happened to be dating this guy back in high school I knew: Flash Sentry. And boy did he feel trapped when I saw his "girlfriend" dragging him into the house and he had that "someone help me" look on his silly little face. It... was... PRICELESS! Anyways, there were a few times when Sunset, my high school crush, turned loving girlfriend, called my work and asked for a pizza and soda. One time, she asked for 4 pizzas to celebrate her friend, Twilight, getting accepted into Canterlot University. Twilight had gone through a bit of a tough time ever since she found out about Timber being 29 years old when he "hooked up" with her. The bastard got himself thrown in prison for trying to take things further with Twilight and now he's spending 20 years in prison. Good riddance. I never liked him to begin with. But back on the subject before, Twilight was happy to be able to further her education. It was a shame I didn't get to stay and party with them, otherwise it'd be an even greater celebration. That all took place a little over a year ago and so far, I haven't heard from Twilight ever since. She's probably so caught up with all of her studying that she barely has enough time to talk to her friends and probably uses her breaks to do some extra studying. But... I couldn't hold it against her. This was something she wanted in her life and I just had to respect it. On the bright side, at least I still had Sunset and she's had my back for quite some time. Every once in a while, when work has gotten me so stressed out, she would give me a jump start. And I'll tell you this, she knows how to really jump start me. We've been dating for about a little over a year now and so far, I've lost count with the many times we've fucked each other. At first, I used condoms to avoid getting her pregnant, but just recently, she's been using pills and the only thing she regrets is not using them sooner. I should also mention that I live on my own. As much as I like the idea of living with my girlfriend, I don't think that this is the time to be moving in. I've been living in my own place for a year and  a half and it all started a week after my high school graduation took place. Today, it's a peaceful Friday afternoon and I'm out in the park taking a walk with my lady, Sunset. She and I were talking about the usual stuff, things we've done so far to ease our boredom. It was warm and sunny today, as expected with the summer weather. Sunset and I kept conversing, laughing up a storm from telling each other these terrible jokes. But I felt like the happiest when Sunset decided to wear one of her older outfits which was her sleeveless purple shirt and bright orange skirt. "Ulysses, did you hear anything from Twilight?" she asked, changing the subject entirely. "No, she's probably held back on her studying at the moment," I replied. "Why do you ask, did you get any calls from her recently or are you in the dark like I am?" "I'm in the dark as much as you are, babe. But I'm sure she's doing okay," Sunset said, slightly worried. "I sure hope you're right. Canterlot University ain't exactly a cakewalk, you know, even for a sheltered genius who's been groomed for success their whole life," I replied. "But anyways, changing the subject, do you have any plans this weekend?" "No, not really," Sunset said. "All the girls are busy doing their own thing or busy working overtime, so I might spend the weekend just gaming online." "Oh boy, I've seen how intense you get when you do online gaming. As funny and scary and adorable as that sounds, how about you hold off on the whole "online rage" thing and we can hang out over at your house for the weekend for a good old-fashioned movie night?" I suggested. "Well, I guess I could take a break from my games every now and then. And I did purchase this old movie I'm sure you're gonna love," Sunset agreed right before feeling a loud rumble in her stomach. A small, adorable blush appeared on her cheeks and her eyes shrunk. She giggled and rubbed her empty tummy just as she turned to me. I chuckled and hugged my precious bacon-haired girl. "Not to worry, sweetheart, I'll make sure you eat soon. I know of a nice restaurant where we can go to. I know the way, follow me," I said, taking Shim-Shim by the hand and walked her down the path. Sunset has never been more happier to see a restaurant with so many options to choose from. I think I just made her life a living paradise. We arrived at this restaurant called Canterlot Grand Buffet. It's a huge all-you-can-eat buffet restaurant which got finished some time around a year ago. I paid for the both of us and got us a table by the window. Sunset and I also went and got our plates of food and boy was she hungry. When we went back to our seats, she started eating like there was no tomorrow and quite frankly, I thought it was so cute. Her cheeks were so stuffed like a chipmunk. I couldn't stop thinking how lucky I felt to be dating her. I ate at my own pace, watching my girl stuff her face silly. "My my, what big cheeks you have, my sweet," I said, teasingly. Sunset's face turned bright red when she realized what she was doing. Sunset took it easy and gulped down her food little by little. Once her mouth wasn't full, Sunset spoke. "Sorry about that, I just like the food here, it's so delicious I couldn't resist stuffing myself." She grabbed one of the napkins and wiped her pretty little face before eating her food at a much more steady pace. Then, out of nowhere, she burped so loud, the entire restaurant probably heard her. Her eyes widened and her cheeks turned bright red. "Uh, hehe, excuse me," she said, smiling nervously. "Hah! That was so cute," I replied, stroking her cheek. "You're definitely my kind of girl if you were able to let out a big burp like that." Of course, Sunset playfully shoved me, giggling and still blushing. "Anyways, what kind of old movie did you get for our movie date?" "Trust me, you'll love what I have in store for us, babe. But for now, let's keep eating. I'm starting to get a bit uncomfortable with all these people staring at me." "Aww, I thought you loved the attention, Shim-Shim," I teased. That was when she jabbed me in the shoulder and I kept on chuckling, despite that. She shook her head at me, still smiling. "You're lucky you're cute, Ulysses," she then reached out and flicked my long, jet black hair.  "You should talk, cutie pie," I flirted with a wink. After that, we went back to eating our food. I can't wait to see what movie Sunset has in store for us. I'll bet it's something REALLY funny! Or maybe it's a horror movie, no no, maybe something that's action-packed or possibly a drama movie. Either way, I'm definitely gonna be surprised once we get to her house. My mind was blown when we left the restaurant. I still couldn't believe Sunset ate 5 whole plates of food and I only about two plates. She's like a bottomless pit. As we were walking to her house, she burped even louder. "Dang, Sunny. You sure know how to pig out when it comes to good food. Are you sure you're not related to Applejack? Because let me tell ya, that girl can REALLY eat, if you know what I'm saying." She rolled her eyes at me while patting her belly. "Hey, don't blame me because their food was so tasty. I haven't had a meal that good in ages." I shrugged and pulled her in close to my side, stroking her hair locks. She hummed adorably. "Well, now that you're full, you can rest easy at home. Woo, I am stuffed." And so, another few minutes went by and then we finally arrived at Sunset's humble abode. We walked up to the front door where she unlocked it and stepped inside, then closed the door after I walked in. "Alright, so what movie did you buy?" "Follow me up to my room and I'll show you." And so, I followed her upstairs and entered her bedroom. I had been inside her room a few times before, so I know the layout of it. She had a big flat screen to my right with these huge speakers and a soft couch with beanbag chairs on each side and a coffee table. She had both an Xbox One and PS4 and a Blu-Ray and DVD player. To my left, there was a staircase leading up to this extra floor where her bed was at. We headed over to the TV where she sat me down on the couch while she opened up one of the cabinets. She took out a DVD case and showed it to me, quickly making me beam like a cheshire cat. "Looks like I found something we both like," Sunset said, still showing me the DVD case. Said movie case was an old classic comedy called "Home Alone." I haven't seen this movie in a long time, not since that one time back in high school during my junior year. "Then, this should be a real blast from the past. Make yourself comfortable while I play the movie. I'll even go and make the popcorn and grab some sodas." After putting in the movie and turning on the TV, Sunset walked over to me, kissed me on the cheek and then walked out of her room. I did as she told me and sat down on the couch, waiting patiently for her to come back with the refreshments. It's strange... even now, I still can't believe what's happened after all was said and done. To think that Sunset was once this mean bully who acted like a bitch to everyone and then redeemed herself with the help of Princess Twilight. I still recall when I was the first out of the many students who actually got to know her more. By the time the Friendship Games were about to take place, we were becoming so much more than just good friends. Some people thought that I was crazy to be dating her at first, but overtime, they started to accept that she and I were inseparable. Well... except for one guy, but he's got his ass stuck with that one bitchy-ass lady I saw that one time. Yup, life has certainly turned around for the better for me and Shim-Shim. Speaking of which, I can tell she's coming back up. I can smell the scent of melted butter and popcorn coming from the stairs.  I figured she must have her hands full, so I got up from the couch and walked over to the door, opening it up. There she stood with a huge bowl of popcorn and a 2 liter bottle of soda. I took the snacks out of her hands while she closed the door. "Thanks, babe. You're a real lifesaver. By the way, thanks for not starting the movie without me. I'll be sure to give you something special tonight after the movie's done." Sunset winked. She and then sat down on her couch and she went and pressed play. Once the movie started, Sunset and I cuddled with each other. Even now, I still remember how funny Home Alone was when I was just a little kid and it’s nice to see that it didn’t lose its humor, even after all these years. “So what do you think of the two stooges Harry and Marv being outsmarted by a kid?”  “How can anyone be that painfully stupid?” Sunset replied as the two stooges got hit in the head with paint cans and we watched it as we laughed out loud. “It’s just how they made the movie, plus it is a comedy after all. Also, you gotta admit, that headshot in the doggy door was darn-tootin' hilarious. That's one hell of a way to give a guy a "heads up," get it?” I asked before we both chuckled a bit. But as the movie was progressing, Sunset's smile suddenly disappeared. “Why?” She asked. “Why, what?” I replied. “Why did you choose me out of all of my friends?” Sunset asked with a serious look on her face. “You know what I did and you still went and talked to me after the whole school hated me until recently, but you still wanted to hang out with me. Why is that?” "Because, deep down... even though you were a bully, all I saw inside you was a girl going through her own personal issues and you were still soul searching. It's like my mom always told me: everyone deserves a second chance and I was willing to give you that 2nd chance. And plus... I've sort of had a crush on you for quite some time during the Fall Formal. That's why I chose you... and why I asked to dance with you that night." I explained. “Really?” Sunset placed a hand over her chest, flattered by the fact that I had my eyes on her and was able to open up her heart more. “Yeah, so despite everything that went on that night, I was still attracted to you. And even now to this day... I still love you very much,” I said, stroking her cheek. "Thanks babe." Sunset told him as they nuzzled into each other’s faces. As that happened, the movie got to the scene where Kevin cut the rope and made Harry and Marv hit the brick wall. "Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the Fools of the jungle," I commented, gesturing to the two stooges laying in the snow looking shocked. Sunset starts laughing when they lifted their faces and showed some of the damage that they sustained. Sunset would soon take a sip of her soda as the movie on continued and when it showed the two stooges being arrested, she let out the biggest burp I've ever heard. This time, she didn't blush and instead, she just went and giggled. "Okay, that does it! Come here, you...!" "Hmm?" Sunset asked, turning to me. I grabbed her cheeks and pulled her in for a big wet kiss on the lips, thrusting my tongue inside her mouth. She yelped, but then pulled me in deeper. It lasted for at least 15 seconds before I broke for air. "What was that for, handsome?" "For making those cute sounds, baby," I replied before booping her on the nose. “Hehe.” Sunset would then walk over to the TV and turns it off and looks back over to her lover. “Come outside, I want to show you something. You're gonna love it." Oh boy, she's always full of surprises and I can't wait to see what she has in store for me. I followed her out of her house and outside into the backyard where the swimming pool was. "Okay, what'd you want to show me, love?" I asked. She didn't say much and just stared at me while she started undressing herself, starting with that sleeveless shirt. She then swayed her hips slowly left and right as my precious bacon head stripped right in front of me. When she finally got her shirt over her chest, I watched as her braless D-cup boobs bounced and jiggled beautifully. She then removed her skirt and her boots until only the red panties were left. But those were quickly taken off shortly afterwards. "Care to go for a little skinny dipping, babe?" Sunset asked, cupping her breasts and posing all sexy, staring at me with her bedroom eyes. "Oh-ho, HELL YEAH, BABY!!!" I hollered. I removed all of my clothing and laid them down on the ground away from the pool until I was now in my birthday suit. I caught Sunset staring down at my shaft while she caught me staring at her pussy. I went up to her and then lifted her up off the ground, growling and grinning. She giggled at my "viciousness" and soon, I took my naked beauty into the pool with me, ready for a fun-filled night. > Fun-filled Kinky Night > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The sun was nearly out of our line of sight and we were enjoying the time of our lives. Sunset and I swam around in her large pool, wearing nothing at all, except for our birthday suits. At the moment, we were just splashing each other, having such a fun time, laughing our asses off. Then later, we started getting more up close and personal, but not in a bad way. But it was getting hard for us to keep our hands to ourselves. As the water danced around our wet, naked bodies, we pressed against each other, Sunset and I were in a liplock while she was stroking my hardened cock. God, my body was getting chills from those soft hands of hers working their magic so well. But I was making sure she got just as much pleasure as I did by playing with her breasts, groping and fondling them in different directions. Sunset's lewd moans filled my ears and I was certainly enjoying what I was getting. I moved one of my hands down under the water and grabbed her soft, squishy booty mounds. She truly was my lovely little "Bunset Shimmer" and no one was gonna tell me otherwise. Our fun ended for a short while when she giggled and moved away from me a little, but kept her arms wrapped around me. "You know, Ulysses, it's been a long time since you asked me to dance at the Fall Formal." she said before biting her lip. "Well if that's how you feel, then would you like to do a little... skinny dipping dance?" I asked. Sunset immediately got a bit close to me and we started dancing gracefully in her pool. I've always loved Sunset, but she was really turning me on even more with this new trick. "Nice to see you haven't lost your touch, handsome. I can still remember the day when you asked me out and you made me feel like the happiest girl ever. Where would I be without you?" she rubbed my cheek, staring lovingly into my eyes as we continue to dance. I also rub her cheek and lean in for a short kiss. She accepts it and then leans into my chest. "You'd probably still be walking down the path of guilt and regret." I leaned back in, only this time, I nuzzled my little cutie nose-to-nose, making her giggle. Suddenly, she decided to change the subject. "By the way, do you recall the time when Rainbow Dash and Blazing Waters was over here?" Oh man, I couldn't stop myself from snickering when she mentioned those two lovebirds and for a very good reason. "I'll take that as a "yes." I still can't believe how pissed off Dash got with him when he..." Sunset couldn't finish her sentence and snickered a bit. "Oh-ho, I remember it like it was yesterday." And it was hilarious. Sunset had invited me, my buddy Blazing Waters and Rainbow Dash over for a little swim that day. Everything turned crazy when Blazing had to give his mom a call to let her know he was okay. But his cell phone was dead and didn't bring his charger, so he asked Dashie if he could use her phone. She didn't mind him using it at all, so she handed it over to him. After he explained to his mom about it, he hung up and tried throwing it back to Rainbow. But... he accidentally threw it in the pool. Sunset found it so funny, when she lost her temper that she recorded the whole thing. I still have that video saved on my phone to make me smile. She was so mad, she started strangling him and then threw his ass into the pool and then came after us. Just the thought of that day was too much for us to handle and we laughed so hard. "Man, I have never seen Blazing look so scared of his own girlfriend before. She was seriously out for blood," I said. "I'm more shocked with how and where she got that freaky brute strength of hers." "I can only tell you this: Get on Rainbow's bad side and she'll really let you have it. Besides, what she did to Blazing would be like an act of mercy compared to how she'd REALLY flip her lid if you know what I mean." Sunset only giggled at hearing my joke as she and I start splashing around in the pool, just splashing water into each other's faces and fooling around. We laughed and laughed, making big splashes, trying to see which of us can out-splash the other. About 5 minutes after that, both of us were exhausted and were hanging onto each other, panting a little bit. "Okay, I will admit, you're quite persistent when it comes to stuff like this," Sunset said. "You're not so bad yourself, babe.” I added. I then began to get closer to Sunset to where our bodies began touching and I could feel Sunset’s breasts onto my chest.  "You know... with all this splashing and cuddling we've been doing... I'm getting a bit... horny. Are you thinking what I'm thinking, hot stuff?" she asked, circling her finger on my chest. "As if you even need to ask," I whispered in her ear. Both of us looked smug and she quickly jumped into my arms, locking her legs around my waist. While I had her in my arms, we locked our lips together, dancing our tongues as much as we did back at the Fall Formal. I would caress her wondeful bosom while her hands were sliding up and down my back as we continued our make-out session. Her fingers brushed and caressed against the wet locks of my long black hair. She would let out a few moans as my hands groped and massage her fleshy orbs and give her ass a few good smacks and she would shudder in pleasure. I was getting really turned on from those sexy noises she was making. After a few minutes of fooling around in the pool, we finally broke away from each other to breathe and soon she smiles at me. “Still the best kisser ever.” she teased as she continued to rub her gorgeous figure against mine. My boner throbbed and poked at the surface of her wet pussy. Sunset would get more aroused as she felt my boner poking her entrance. "Why don’t we continue out of the water stud?” I smiled at hearing this as I agree with Sunset’s plan. I carried her out of the pool and set her down gently. "So, what do you have in mind, hot buns?" I asked. "Lay down. I'm feeling horny for wanting to do the sweet ol' fashioned 69 position. I know you've been wanting to get your hands on my ass all day. Well, now's the time to get your prize, baby," she teased, shaking her ass and bending over, caressing her sexy, soft buns. "Yes ma'am," I said, smirking. I obeyed her commands and laid myself down on the ground, then watched Sunset straddle herself on top of me. Her sweet, sensationally wet pussy was now facing me directly and she was now face-to-face with my erect member. I stared up at "Bunset's" soft, jiggly ass and grabbed both butt cheeks, spreading them apart a little. Her pussy lips opened up, her lady juices trickling out of her entrance.  "Mmm, enjoy it while you can. Because when we get back inside, I'm gonna make sure you fuck me so hard, neither of us will be able to get out of bed tomorrow. Now then... down the hatch," Sunset said before she took in almost every inch of my cock. I moaned before grazing her pussy entrance with my tongue. She moaned even louder as she was sucking me off. I just hope she doesn't alert the neighbors. But jeez, she's driving me nuts. I can feel her making lewd sucking noises, switching it up by mashing her boobs together on my meat stick. She rubbed them up and down while slurping and sucking on the tip. I wasn't about to let her have all the fun. I had a little bit fun myself, diving my tongue hungerly into her pussy, slurping her inner walls. She let out a sultry growl and pressed her ass into my face. I groped her ass cheeks harder and spanked her, which made her yelp. I smacked 'em again, getting the same reaction from her.  My moaning and humming was getting to her. I witnessed her wet, naked body shivering all over from the vibrations coming from my mouth. My body was reacting the same way as she was moaning onto my shaft. Neither of us were gonna last long if we kept this up. She would finally stopped sucking on my cock and then looked back at me with lust in her eyes. "You like that, don’t you stud?” She asked still rubbing her bust against his tip. I respond by giving her a good slap on the ass making her jolt up. "You know me all too well, sexy," I confirmed as I counter attack by sticking my fingers into her butthole and she shudders feeling them sliding in and out. Sunset bit her lip, trying not to moan to loudly. It worked, but she squirted her pussy juices right into my face. I saw her cute little love button poking out from her womanhood, like it was playing peek-a-boo with me. “Oh really? Well, guess what, two can play at that game.” She followed up as she began to massage his balls all while sucking onto his tip. I threw my head back in surprise when Shim-Shim took it all the way in, deepthroating me like the pro she is. I remember the first few times we did it, she had trouble fitting my cock all the way inside on the first try, but ended up almost suffocating. Now her throat is as loose as a goose. Though, sometimes, I like to mess around with her by thrusting further down her throat. Sadly, all good things must come to an end. I felt my climax ready to blow at any second and Sunny wasn't too far behind with her climax, either. I sucked on her clit while she deep-throated me. Both of us were on the edge, ready to blow. We poured on the pleasure as much as we could. Sunny's pussy was leaking like crazy, my dick was throbbing every time her tongue circled around the base. We gave each other everything we had and after a few more minutes, we both climaxed. Sunset’s cheeks would puff up slightly as she felt the rush of my semem flooding her mouth. I also had to brace myself as her juices flood out of her pussy like a waterfall and I greedily drank what she offered. I could hear Sunset swallowing, but I figured she was struggling to gulp it all down her throat. Sunset would later pull up from me after I stopped cumming and would clean up my dick, which was still a little bit wet with her saliva and then she turned back to face me while licking her lips. “That was delicious.” She said with lust in her voice. “You weren’t bad yourself, baby.” I added with a smile as Sunset turned back around to look into my eyes. “How sweet of you... but, I think we should go back inside.” Sunset replied. “The weather is starting to get a little bit cold out and I'm ready to relax.” "Yeah, that's true. We should also wash off the chlorine from our bodies. Come on, babe," I said as Sunset gets off of me and I stand up. I would then pick up Sunset from the floor and carry her back inside the house to warm up and get ourselves all squeaky clean... then dirty again. After some showers and putting on our sleeping clothes, I followed Sunset up to her bedroom, then up the stairs to where her bed was. I was ready to get into bed, but Sunset wound up stopping me. "Ulysses... wait..." Sunset said. I turned back to see what was up. My face flushed when Sunset, who was in her cute bright purple pajamas, was slowly taking them off. "I need you... please... fuck me." Damn, she knows how to set the mood in here. Well, no use in denying my lady. "Well, since you said it so nicely, I'll grant you your request," I whispered before undressing myself. After I was fully naked again, Sunset was just getting off her panties and then walked up to me, hugging me, pressing her huge boobs onto my chest. I stroked her hair and then laid her down on the bed. She rolled over onto her stomach and got on her arms and knees. My dick got hard from watching that plump, bright yellow ass jiggle in front of me, begging to get fucked hard. "Fuck me... right now, baby," Sunset begged. I didn't keep her waiting, I just got on the bed and lined up my cock with her wet pussy. Then, I grabbed her ass cheeks and slammed my cock all the way inside, making her scream and moan loudly. It wasn't long before the room was flooded with moans of pleasure and wet slaps. I pounded Sunset hard and fast and she was loving it. I've lost count of how many times we did it and no matter how many times we fucked, she's still tight, maybe even tighter. I kept looking down at her fat ass cheeks, watching them jiggle every time I slam inside her deep. Every 10 to 15 thrusts, she'd squirt her juices. "Nnngh! Jeez, Sunset! Could you get any tighter?" I grunted. She quickly squirted even more of her juices out of her pussy while I kept fucking her. "I... I can't help it! You're so big, Ulysses! Thrust your dick deeper!" She hollered. I gave this horny bitch exactly what she asked for. While pounding her pussy, I smacked her ass hard. Sunset threw her head up and tightened her inner walls around my cock. Her enthusiasm wasn't showing any signs of letting up and that's just how like my precious Sunny. I got handsy and leaned in to grope her boobs. I made sure to keep my rhythm, stirring her insides and making her body tremble in bliss. Her inner walls got tighter around my cock and I was on the verge of cumming soon. I held out for as long as I could for the duration of this moment. Her legs were beginning to shake violently, ready to buckle. I groaned, throwing my head and and finally hilted deep into her love cave, blasting my love milk inside her pussy. That moment, I felt her pussy spray my cock with her nectar as she screamed as loud as a banshee. Each spurt went deep into her womb, filling her up to the point where my cum would leak out of her pussy. Once I was finished, I realized something that scared me out of my skin... something serious... "Crap! I forgot to put on a condom!" "No worries, Ulysses. I took some pills after I got out of the shower. So it won't matter how many times you fill me up down there, you can fuck me all night," she turned around and faced me. I sighed in relief just before she helped get my cock out of her and then pulled me down onto the bed. She straddled on top of me and I was now face-to-face with my horny girl. She and I knew we wanted more. I wasn't the type of guy to stop her when she's this hungry for some cock. "Fasten your seatbelts, because I'm about to take you for one hell of a ride tonight, baby." "Yes ma'am!" I responded. The horny bacon head on top of me began her erotic performance. Her pussy, yet again, squeezed me tight. We moaned and held hands. Her skin was so soft and smooth. Her eyes sparkled from the light emitting from the moon's rays. Compared to the stars, she shined even brighter. My lady let go of my hands and then cupped her own breasts, biting her lower lip as she was riding me. She gave me a sultry giggle, staring at me with her seductive gaze, causing me to blush. I wanted nothing more than lean upwards and kiss her. I was about to get up, but she shoved me back down on the bed. Next thing I knew, her pussy squeezed my cock even tighter, almost to the point where it felt pretty painful. "Mmmph!" I grunted. "Oh no you don't. As long as I'm on top, you're gonna do exactly as I say. So keep your hands to yourself, or tomorrow, I'll get the whips and chains on you, you naughty boy," Sunset said, grinning. Man, if anyone knew about how merciless Sunny was at bondage, they'd be begging for mercy. Even the thought of the whip cracking against my ass sent some serious chills down my spine. I'd rather save the whole "Mistress Sunset" thing for a later time and focus more on the Sunset that was right in front of me. "P-P-Point taken," I stuttered. "Good boy... very good boy," she said seductively. I kept my arms on the bed and then let Sunset come down to me and kiss me right on the lips. She dominated me in the kiss, then moved her tongue towards my neck. I felt powerless right now, but for some reason... I liked it. I loved it when my girl takes charge. I feel my body shivering in pleasure while she licks my neck and picks up speed, riding my cock. I can feel the little guy down there twitching and throbbing, ready to blow once again. Sunset continues to please me with her amazing bed skills. I couldn't find the strength to hold it in any longer, so once she slammed her hips down one more time and squeezed my member, I groaned and shot more of my cum inside her pussy. Her moans were muffled by biting her lips while squeezing together her bountiful boobs, using her arms and boy did she look sexy. "Mmmm yes! Fill me up, baby! I love how much you cum inside me!" she growled seductively. Her hands pressed against my chest for support. I lost count of how many times I've climaxed right now and can feel some of it leaking out of her nethers. But I could care less because it felt so good. "Come here, you..." I'm not sure where she got this strength, but I felt her pulling me up off the bed and then planted her lips on me again. I went with the kiss, but also used this chance to show her how I can REALLY take charge. I pull her down and roll us over so that I was on top of her. I had her right where I want her. "Baby, you have been a very bad girl, tonight. Now you're about to be punished," I grinned. "Mmmm, I love a man in charge. Then punish me, baby. Punish this bad girl," She said with her bedroom eyes staring into my own. She latched onto me just as I started humping away. Sunset moaned softly into my ear as I ravaged her soaking womanhood mercilessly. My eyes gazed down from her horny smile to her jiggling boobs, which were powerful enough to attract just about any man or woman. I let my predatorial instincts take control as I latched onto one of her breast nipples. Sunset gave out the cutest yelp. "Yes! That's it, baby, I've been such a bad girl! Punish your slutty girlfriend!" she hollered. "Oh, I am, baby!" I said between my teeth before latching onto her breast nipple again. Sunset's entire body felt so good, I felt my member poking at the entrance to her womb. My heavy panting and ferocious growls were loud enough for Sunset to hear and get wetter. Her moaning got more throaty and spouted out pleasurable gibberish. I removed my mouth from her nipple to look at her gorgeous face. Her eyes were shot up, tongue was lolled out and had a deep blush running across that adorable, slutty face of hers. Now that's a vision of beauty. Now to really send her over the edge, and I know exactly what trick I can use. This time, I leaned down and sucked on her vulnerable neck. She moaned, spouting more gibberish and squirted her juices all over my cock. Her soaking vulva tightened around me even more. I was enjoying every moment of this. Every nook and cranny of her love dungeon was getting hit, even her sweet spot. And when I hit home on her sweet spot, she burst out with a very loud, throaty moan, climaxing on my cock. I was almost ready to cum, too. And I have a feeling that this next climax is gonna be really big. I picked up speed and pounded her pussy faster and slammed the tip of my penis against her womb. She was powerless to stop me. Her body had went limp after she came. She was at my mercy. I took my mouth off her neck where I left a hickie and kissed my lady right on the lips. Now I was the dominant one. I pinned her tongue down with mine, leaving her even more vulnerable. Within another minute, the pressure in my balls became too much to handle, causing me to plunge deep enough to actually enter her womb where I let loose my last climax of the night, making her scream into the kiss. My dick throbbed and pulsed with every large spurt of cum. She came once more and soon, the blankets were now covered in stains of our combined love juices thanks to the semen leaking out of her pussy. After what felt like forever, I felt my cock getting soft, allowing me to pull out of her. Afterwards, I got off of my worn-out girlfriend and laid next to her, cuddling her. "Mmm, oh wow," she said between breaths. "That was the best sex I've ever had." Sunset turned over to me with her tired, yet beautiful smile. "Thanks, babe. I really needed that. You have no idea how stressful my entire week has been while I was out working. I was so stressed out, not even my sex toys were enought to satisfy me, you would not believe it, Ulysses." Poor Sunset. Feeling sympathy, I nuzzled her cheek-to-cheek, causing her to giggle softly and nuzzle me back. "At least I can always count on you." "You're welcome, Sunset," I said softly. We continued cuddling each other, saying nothing. Until something came to my mind all of a sudden. "Hey, Sunset. This might sound crazy but, have you ever considered starting ourselves a nice family?" "Hmmm... now that you mention it, I have, but not now," she said. "I still feel like we're too young to become parents and I still have lots of stuff I want to do before settling down. Maybe in the near future, when we hit our mid 20's and we're both married, I might want to have kids. But now's not the time." "True. I mean, there's still a lot of things I haven't done and I want to enjoy my life for little while longer, but there is one thing that I know," I said. "Oh? And what's that?" I smiled and then brought her in for another kiss on the lips. She didn't object to it and kissed me even deeper. After we broke the kiss I told her straight up. "When we do have kids, you're gonna be the best mom and wife ever." And soon enough, tears of joy filled her eyes and soon she hugged me. "Thanks babe, that's really sweet. And I have no doubt in my mind you'll make a great dad one day. No doubt, you'll even make a handsome husband." And so, after we spoke out thoughts on that, we both gave out tired yawns and then got ourselves under the blankets. "Good night, Ulysses. I love you so much." "Good night, Sunset. I love you, too," I replied. Soon, I can hear her letting out cute snores. I smiled and cuddled with this bacon-haired cutie and kissed her on the cheek before heading for snoozeville with her. Man, this was possibly the best night ever.