> I Get Off (On You) > by The Voice in the Water > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Ch 1 - Beautiful With You > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “…but, she says the fireflies Fluttershy gave her helped make up for the planetarium being closed. Honestly, she’s making a lot of progress. I’m proud of her.” Sunset’s eyes traced over the journal page for a moment before Equestrian letters began to form on the parchment. It sounds like it. Now, how about you? Didn’t you have a new… game you were interested in getting? How’d that go? Tapping her pen against her lips, Sunset considered her response. “Yeah, well, I didn’t get a copy. But, Pinkie managed to snag one, so at least I got to play it. Honestly, I’ll probably just buy a digital version instead. Kinda getting sick of dealing with these midnight release crowds.” From what you’ve told me about them, I don’t blame you. They sound almost as bad as the debut of a new Daring Do book. I still think it’s weird that the game has Tirek of all creatures in it. “I won’t lie, it’s a little strange. Just another inexplicable parallel between the worlds. Makes you wonder just how many more links there are between the two. With how many times Starswirl used this place as a dumping ground for things he didn’t want to deal with, I wouldn’t be surprised if there were far more connections than just Canterlot High. I think our geodes are proof enough of that.” Indeed. Speaking of your geodes, have you learned anything new about these… Mahou Shoujou forms? The base abilities you got are fascinating on their own, but your empowered states are something else entirely. Have you even been able to define exactly what they’re capable of? Sunset giggled at the name Fluttershy had given their empowered states. She suspected it had something to do with those Neighponese cartoons she liked. “We haven’t really learned all that much. The biggest problem is that we can’t really call on them at will. I think they’re this world’s version of the Elements: they have a mind of their own, and only come when they’re needed. I can’t speak for the others, but for me, it was exhilarating, like I had all my magic back again, not just the tiny trickle I get from my pendant.” You know, it's interesting that you say that. But, I wonder if they may be like an immune response than an actual manifestation of the elements per se.  “You’re going to have to explain that one a little Twilight.”   Well, think about it like Fractal Spire’s Third Thaumatic Precept: for every manifestation of magic, an equal and opposite force must exist somewhere in the world to create equilibrium. That world doesn’t have much in the way of magic, so if there’s a sudden influx it.  “Ah, I see what you’re getting at. Because there’s all this magic coming into the world, and there was nothing to balance it, the planet manifested a sort of magical antibody to counter the disruption. But they only form when needed because an immune response is reactionary.” Exactly! Princess Twilight replied. I’d love to analyze your pendant if I get the chance. Sunset smiled at that. Twilight’s nerdy, scholarly side was really adorable. “I’m sure we can work something out. Sadly, I’m going to have to call it a night. Tomorrow’s a school day.” I understand. Same time tomorrow? “Yea. Goodnight Twilight.” Sleep well Sunset. Slowly closing the cover of her journal, Sunset rolled onto her back, splaying herself out across her bed. Taking a deep breath, she closed her eyes and sighed. “Oh, Twilight…” Sunset whispered as she pictured the purple princess in her mind’s eye. Why? Why did the universe have to be this unfair?  Why did the princess have to be so smart? So perfect? So pretty? So wonderful in every imaginable way?  Why did she have to fall in love with her best friend? And why was it so painfully obvious that it would never work out?  Because Sunset was sure Twilight didn’t like mares. Her going all blushy and shy around Flash Sentry was the first piece of evidence, but she thought that maybe she still might have a chance. Their little midnight chat  during the Battle of the Bands was the point where she had begun to develop her crush on the princess, and had gotten her hopes up that maybe the princess swung both ways. After all, they just had such good chemistry with each other. But, she just couldn’t work up the nerve to ask at the time. Not when they had the Sirens to deal with. Not when Twilight and the others were still treating her like the enemy. It only got worse when Twilight offered her a hand and asked her to help them defeat the Dazzlings. It was the first time ever that Sunset honestly felt like she was needed. Like she mattered.  Sunset had originally allowed her crush to simply die down, only for it to spring back a thousand fold after Apple Bloom and her wretched little friends had pulled their Anon-a-Miss stunt. It had been one of the worst experiences of her life, and through it all, the princess had been the only one who believed in her and offered her succor. Twilight had given her enough strength to make it through. Yet, afterwards, she’d never been able to bring up any hint of her interest in Twilight, out of fear of scaring her off. The bond with her was too precious to risk. So she kept quiet, and simply accepted that she would have to watch Twilight from afar. And for a while, it worked. Then the human Twilight Sparkle came along, and her feelings started to get conflicted. Unlike the princess, Sparkle was present, and potentially available. But, she wasn’t the princess. And as much as Sparkle reminded her of Twilight, she wasn't just a replacement. She was her own person, and Sunset found herself starting to crush on her too. Unlike the confident princess, Sparkle was so endearingly innocent and shy. Whereas Twilight carried the beauty of a mare who had come into her own and was sure of who she was, Sparkle was bashful, awkward, and cute as a button. But, Sparkle had been through so much, and Sunset hadn't wanted force her feelings onto someone who was now counting on her to help recover from being a social pariah and undergoing a demonic transformation. So she'd held back, and hoped that one day, maybe, she could find the right time to confess. She hadn't counted on the events of Camp Everfree happening. All of her hopes got dragged out behind the house and shotgunned like a old, sick dog when Timber Spruce got his grubby hands on Sparkle. It had been so painful to watch her blush at Timber's cheesy flirting and stupid pickup lines. But try as she might, she just couldn't bring herself to ruin Sparkle's hopes. So she'd encouraged her, like a good friend should, and helped them get together. It had hurt her more than anything she had ever done. But, she was willing to push her own feelings aside for Sparkle's sake. She, at least, could be happy, even if it wasn't Sunset making it happen. But, in the end, it left her feeling bitter and cold on the inside. She’d had some small flicker of hope, but now… Now, every time she saw Sparkle, or heard about one of her dates with Timber, it just drove the knife a little deeper into her heart. Both because the flicker she'd begun to feel for her human friend had been violently snuffed out, and because it made her heart cry out for the princess that much more, while reminding her that the mare she loved could never return her feelings.  Ultimately, she couldn’t help how she felt.  Or who she was in love with.  Or the all too familiar ache that began to build in her body.  “Damn it all.” She whispered to herself, trying to ignore the painful tightness in her chest at the thought of Twilight. Of her adorable smile, glittering gemstone eyes, and brilliant mind. The warmth of her presence that made the world just feel a little bit brighter.  Of the long hours of magical research she wished she could do with her. Of all the sweet nothings she wanted to whisper in Twilight’s ears. And how she wanted to hold her in her arms, savoring the cozy feeling of having the princess pressed against her body, her sage aroma filling her nostrils. Or all of the sweet and tender things she wanted to do with the princess, and have the princess do with her in turn. “Argh!” Sunset snarled as she flopped onto her side, the pain in her chest becoming an irritating itch between her legs. Pressing them together uncomfortably and eyeing the nightstand next to her futon, she reached up, and yanked open the drawer. Feeling around inside, her fingers touched the glossy surface of a photograph. Carefully picking it up with her thumb and index finger, she brought out a simple photo of Twilight; the princess turned slightly away from the camera, her arms behind her back and a warm smile on her face.  Sunset studied the image intensely as she slipped her other hand between the waistband of her pajamas and began to stroke herself, the scent of peach blossoms beginning to seep out from beneath the cotton garments. Closing her eyes, she began to focus her thoughts on Twilight… Sunset strolled through an endless meadow of spring wildflowers, her yellow and orange sundress gently swaying in the breeze as she made her way towards a large, majestic oak tree growing at the summit of a small hill. Happily humming to herself, she kept the handle of the picnic basket she was carrying grasped firmly in her hands. Reaching the oak, Sunset set the basket down, before opening it and pulling out a large orange and purple checkered blanket. With a snap, she unfurled the cloth and laid it on top of the grass beneath the tree, smoothing it with her hands and placing the basket on the edge. From within, she pulled out a pie, a green bottle of wine, a pair of fluted glasses, a small cooler, and a couple of plates and utensils. Looking to the horizon, she smiled with satisfaction. This was the perfect place to watch the day give way to night. Sitting down on the blanket, Sunset pulled her legs up and wrapped her arms around her knees, her heart fluttering as she watched the sky. The setting was perfect. The dessert and wine she’d chosen was perfect. The only thing that was missing was the most perfect part of the whole thing… As if on cue, Sunset heard slow flapping to her right. Turning, she spotted her date as she slowly descended from the sky on a pair of large, lavender wings. Sunset’s breath hitched in her throat as her eyes traced down Twilight’s face, her angelic features framed by a silky cascade of purple and pink hair that flared out slightly as she descended. The princess's simple, armless, full length dress was held in place by a choker, the deep purple, almost black fabric shimmering in the light as it billowed in the breeze. Rising to her feet, Sunset made her way over to Twilight, reaching out and taking the princess's hands in her own. “Twilight…” Sunset said as she gently squeezed the princess’s hands, savoring the soft, warm skin pressing into her palms. “…I’m so happy you could make it” “Really now Sunset Shimmer, when have I ever missed on of our dates?” Twilight teased, a mischievous smile on her face, before letting go of Sunset’s hands and pulling her into a hug, not just with her arms, but with her wings as well. After a moment, Sunset returned the gesture, the warmth of Twilight’s embrace enhanced by cozy feeling of being wrapped in the princess’s soft feathers. Closing her eyes, she pressed her forehead against Twilight’s, their horns crossing as the two of them shared breath for a moment. Cracking her eyes open, Sunset met the princess’s own and smiled as she pulled back from the hug and took the princess’s hands again. “There’s a first time for everything. You never know when some crazy, world destroying evil will show up and interrupt our time together. Celestia knows it happens often enough.” Sunset said as she continued to stare into Twilight’s amethyst colored eyes. “True.” Twilight said with a sigh. “Hey, hey, hey. None of that now…” Sunset said as she rubbed her thumbs across the back of Twilight's hands, earning a smile from the other girl. “Right now, the only thing that matters is the beautiful girl in front of me, that blanket, and…”  “…a freshly baked strawberry-rhubarb pie with rose-flavored gelato, made with love.” Sunset said with a smile, emphasizing the last part by softly booping Twilight’s nose with a finger.  Twilight’s face grew a little brighter as she giggled at Sunset. “Of course. Sorry for killing the mood like that.” Twilight said. “Aww, you didn’t kill the mood at all. I know how crazy our lives are. But, we’re here. That’s what matters.” Sunset said as she let go of one of Twilight’s hands and began to lead her to the blanket.  Allowing herself to be led, Twilight took a seat on the blanket, folding her wings around her shoulders like a shawl. As the princess watched, Sunset cut and plated a generous piece of the pie, then added a scoop of gelato before handing it to her. Sunset soon joined her, her own plate in hand, and a pair of wine glasses filled with fragrant white liquid.  As Twilight accepted the offered glass, Sunset took a sip, the subtle taste of tangerine, rose, vanilla and honeysuckle teasing her tongue along with the acerbic taste of alcohol. Twilight’s own sip prompted the princess to smile, her appreciation clear on her face. “You like?” Sunset asked, “Its Viognier. Supposed to complement strawberry-rhubarb.” “It does.” Twilight replied happily as she followed the wine with a bite of pie and gelato. Resting against the oak tree, the two girls idly chatted as they ate their sweets and drank their wine. The sun was starting to sink below the horizon as they finished, filling the sky with blazing crimson and orange. Stretching her arms above her head with a contented hum, Twilight leaned over and draped herself across Sunset’s lap, her head resting on her arms as she watched the sun sink lower. Looking down at Twilight, Sunset brought her hand up and began to gently run her fingers through the princess’s silky hair. “Its beautiful, Sunset.” Twilight purred from Sunset’s touch. “Yes, you are.” Sunset replied dreamily, earning a giggle from the princess. “Flattery will get you nowhere, you know?” Twilight teased. “Sure it won’t.” Sunset chuckled as she drew her fingers out of Twilight’s hair and began to slowly run them up the crook of the princess’s wing. At her touch, Twilight inhaled softly, a happy hum escaping her throat. Smirking, Sunset began to run the back of her fingers along Twilight’s wing, as a coo to escaped from the princess’s throat. “Sunset…” Twilight whimpered as Sunset continued to caress her wing. “Hmmm, what is it Twilight?” Sunset hummed as she continued to watch Twilight's reaction to her petting, her smile getting wider as more cute sighs and moans came from the princess. “Something on your mind?” “Aaaah.” Twilight gasped as Sunset tickled the inside of her wing, causing her feathers to fluff up. Sunset chuckled warmly as she watched the princess melt into goo under her touch. “Really? Is that so?” Sunset tittered as she continued to pet Twilight’s wing.  Rolling onto her back, Twilight’s eyes met Sunset’s, amethyst staring into teal, both of their breaths slowing to a crawl. As the infinite time of a second passed, there was a moment of understanding between them. Acting on the unspoken invitation, Sunset slowly lowered her face towards Twilight, who reached up to wrap her arms around the back of Sunset’s neck. A jolt of electricity shot through Sunset’s chest as their lips met in a soft yet passionate kiss. It began slowly, tenderly and shyly as the two explored the sensation. Soon, their kiss evolved as they opened their mouths and allowed their tongues to dance with the other’s. Shifting her arms while keeping her lips locked to the princess’s, Sunset pulled Twilight upright and into a hug, the sensation of the soft body pressed against her own filling her with warmth. Breaking off from the kiss, the two girls pressed their foreheads against one another as their eyes met, longing and lust mixing together. “Twilight, I…” Sunset began, but was interrupted by Twilight pressing a finger against her lips. “Shh. It's okay.” Twilight said in a shy whisper.  “Are you sure? You’re really okay with me?” Sunset said, a touch of fear leaking into her voice. Twilight smiled at her, and Sunset felt her heart all but melt. “Yes, silly filly.” Twilight said as she closed those beautiful amethyst eyes of hers and brought her right hand up to the back of Sunset’s head, pushing their foreheads together, their horns gently rubbing against the other's. “I want you Sunset. I want all of you. The good and the bad. Don’t you ever doubt that.” “Sorry Twilight.” Sunset said as she leaned into their embrace. “I just… don’t feel like I deserve you sometimes…” “And who gets to decide that? I’ll give you a hint: she’s currently holding a silly filly who keeps doubting herself. I don’t care who you used to be Sunset. You’re not her anymore. You’re more than worthy of my love, and I’d hope that I’m worthy of yours.” Twilight whispered as she nuzzled her nose against Sunset’s, before pulling the fire-maned girl into another kiss. As Twilight pressed her lips into Sunset’s with renewed vigor, Sunset felt a single tear of joy trace down from the corner of her eye. As she returned Twilight’s kiss, her hands began to make their way down Twilight’s back. Reaching her waist, Sunset wrapped her arms around the other girl and tugged the princess into her lap, bringing their bodies even closer together. Slowly snaking her hands up Twilight’s stomach and to her chest, Sunset wrapped her fingers around one of her perky breasts and began to gently massage it. Twilight’s lips detached from Sunset’s with a soft gasp, which only encouraged Sunset to bring her other hand up and grasp the other breast to knead the warm, squishy mounds. Twilight closed her eyes and her breathing became shallower as Sunset continued to apply rhythmic pressure to her mammaries.  Uncrossing her legs and releasing her hold on Twilight, Sunset carefully maneuvered the princess in her lap so she was leaning against Sunset’s chest. Reaching under Twilight’s arms and wings, her hands gently wrapped back around Twilight’s perfect little mounds, joy spreading through her fingers as she squeezed the soft, spongy, cupcake sized breasts, the warmth of the princess’s body and the softness of her wings pressed into her chest driving her onward. Sunset felt her excitement spike every time Twilight gasped or moaned happily in her embrace. “Well, since the princess wants me sooo badly, I think it's about time I got this dress out of the way so I can show her how much I want her too.” Sunset whispered as she kissed Twilight’s ear.  “I think…” Twilight panted as Sunset squeezed her again, “that’s… a… ohhh!” “That’s a what? Wonderful idea? I’m so glad you think so too.” Sunset replied as she let go of Twilight’s breasts and reached up to the choker holding the silky fabric in place. Easily finding the buckle, Sunset’s fingers deftly undid the binding and pulled it off of Twilight’s neck, before peeling the garment down the other girl’s chest, revealing more of the princess’s luxurious amethyst skin. As the silk rolled off the curves of her breasts, Sunset leaned over Twilight’s shoulder to admire the princess’s beautiful twin hills capped in a pair of sexy, royal purple areolas. As her eyes drank in the lavender perfection before her, she felt herself smiling as she found an unexpected but wonderful surprise; the princess had inverted nipples. Twilight blushed fiercely as she felt Sunset looking at her bare breasts, bringing her arms up to cover them. “Don’t look.” She said with a touch of fear in her voice. “They’re embarrassing.”  “No they’re not. They’re perfect.” Sunset said as she eased Twilight’s arms off, allowing her to take the two lovely mounds into her hands and renew her massage, as she leaned down and began to press kisses onto Twilight’s neck and shoulder, savoring the warm, silky feeling of Twilight’s skin in her hands and on her lips. “They’re so cute [kiss], shy [kiss, kiss], and beautiful [kiss]… just like you.” “Aaaaahhh…” Twilight cooed as she began to wriggle happily in Sunset’s arms, the sounds escaping her throat becoming increasingly sensual as Sunset peppered her neck and shoulders with kisses. Stopping her massage for a moment, Sunset brought her index fingers up and swirled them over the edge of Twilight’s areolas. As her fingers brushed across the tips, she felt the princess’s nipples begin to poke out of their hiding spots. “Oh, why, hello there you two.” Sunset hummed cheerily as she softly pinched Twilight’s nipples and began to swirl her fingers around them, earning a sharp squeal of delight from the princess, “Did you decided to come out and play?” As Sunset continued to massage the princess’s chest, she felt Twilight’s hands slowly slide up her arms, before the princess wrapped her fingers around Sunset’s wrists, and gently pulled her off, much to Sunset’s disappointment. Pushing herself up off of Sunset’s lap, Twilight turned and offered Sunset a hand. She must have found Sunset’s grumpy frown amusing, because she giggled as she helped the topaz-skinned girl to her feet. Turning her back to Sunset, Twilight reached behind her head and lifted her hair out of the way, exposing the open back of her dress. “Sunset, be a dear and unzip this for me, please.” Twilight said with a provocative lilt as she glanced back at the other woman. Swallowing as she felt her excitement begin to trickle down the inside of her thigh, Sunset reached forward and pulled down the zipper holding the dress in place. Taking the edges of the fabric in her hands, Twilight slowly peeled the dress down her body, revealing the sensual curves of her figure, and a world of her luscious amethyst skin.  In moments, the dress was resting at Twilight’s feet. Stepping out of the pile of silk, the princess turned to Sunset as she clasped her hands behind her back, and spread her wings slightly, the setting sun creating a halo of light around her. Tilting her head down and twisting her body slightly away from the other girl, she leaned forward and bowed her right leg, subtly displaying the purple and pink striped tuft of hair above her womanhood. It was one of the most blatantly coquettish displays Sunset had ever seen. And it was driving her crazy. “Well Sunny, do you like what you see?” Twilight asked innocently as she met Sunset’s eyes. “Twilight… you are the most beautiful thing I have ever laid eyes on.” Sunset said as she began to approach the princess.  “Flatterer.” Twilight teased as wrapped her arms around Sunset’s waist. “I meant every word of it.” Sunset said as she returned the princess’s hug and leaned in to kiss her again.  Twilight's hands soon began to rub Sunset's back, causing the fire-mane to flinch slightly when her fingers ran across a pair of long, sensitive stretches of puckered skin between her shoulder-blades. Feeling the princess’s hands slowly sliding up to the base of her neck, Sunset almost pulled away as Twilight's hands began to unbutton her sundress. Once she reached the end of the buttons, Twilight’s hands found their way back up to Sunset’s shoulders, and began to pull the cotton fabric off. Releasing her arms and lips from Twilight’s, Sunset mirrored the princess in pulling her dress off of her body, leaving her bare, topaz colored skin exposed to her partner. Sunset saw Twilight taking a moment to admire the curves of her body, her perked up, ruby-red nipples, and the fiery tuft of hair above her own womanhood. Even as she relished Twilight’s admiration, the creeping sense of inadequacy that burned in her heart whenever she was with the princess flared to life, and she blushed and looked away, rubbing her arm with a sigh. Through the fog of her melancholy, Sunset felt a hand on her chin as the princess turned her head and met her eyes. Her expression was firm but kind, and filled with nothing but love. “Stop that.” Twilight softly admonished. “You’re beautiful Sunset. Don’t ever think you aren’t.” “Sorry, Twilight. It's just, compared to you…” “No.” Twilight said, putting a finger over Sunset’s lips to shush her. “Don’t compare yourself to me, to Celesita, Luna, Cadance or anyone. You are you, and you are beautiful Sunset.”   “You say that, but I…” Sunset began, only for Twilight to put her finger on her lips again. “And I’ll keep telling you again and again, no matter how many times it takes to get it through that stubborn head of yours. You’re beautiful, you’re wonderful, and you are worthy of being loved. Please stop doubting that.” Twilight chided as she removed her finger from Sunset’s lips and booped her nose.  Sunset’s frown slowly turned up into a warm smile as a few stray tears of joy formed on the edges of her eyes. With a sudden and hungry lunge, she closed the distance between her and Twilight, planting a kiss on the princesses lips as she pulled her into an almost bone-crushing hug. Twilight squeaked in surprise, but after the shock had worn off, she returned Sunset’s enthusiastic embrace, matching the force of her kiss.  Sunset broke off from the kiss and muttered soft “thank you”s as she began to work her way down Twilight’s neck, placing light pecks the entire way. Twilight cooed as Sunset reached her collarbone, and continued down her chest until she reached her breasts. Cupping and lifting Twilight’s left breast with her hand,  Sunset dove in and latched onto the royal purple nipple, sucking on it gently before swirling her tongue around the edge of the puffy areole, savoring the sweet-salty flavor of Twilight’s skin. Sunset could feel Twilight arching her back in response to her suckling, and tightened her grip on the princess’s chest to make sure she didn’t escape. Releasing the breast she was currently pleasuring, Sunset swiftly seized the other in her mouth, drawing her tongue across the tip and earning another erotic moan from Twilight as she continued to apply tender suction to the soft flesh. Sunset felt Twilight’s center of gravity shift as her legs began to buckle. Bringing her right arm down Twilight’s back and onto her buttocks, Sunset gently eased the princess onto the blanket. Head lolled to the side, wings splayed out below her, Twilight simply allowed Sunset to continue her ministrations, every muscle in her body going nearly flaccid.  “Oh, Sunset…” Twilight moaned. Cracking an eye open, Twilight reached under Sunset and grabbed hold of her breasts. Sunset inhaled sharply through her nose as Twilight began to massage her in return. Sunset closed her eyes and moaned, even as she continued to suckle on the princess, only to gasp and lose her grip on the princesses tit as a soft, ticklish and warm sensation ran across her back. Cracking her eyes open, she saw Twilight slowly drawing her primary feathers across her back and sides, a triumphant smirk on her face. “What’s this now. Does little Sunset like my feathers?” Twilight teased as she drew her wings across Sunset’s back again, earning a happy shudder from the other girl, particularly when they ran across her scars. “Mmmmm.” Sunset hummed happily as she lay down, her head resting between Twilight’s breasts, allowing the princess to continue petting her with her wings, “Yea… they feel wonderful.” “Awww, I’m glad you like them.” Twilight giggled as she drew her primaries across Sunset’s back again. “I do, but…” Sunset said as she brought her left hand up and teasingly pinched one of Twilight’s nipples, causing the princess to stop her caresses and inhale sharply, “I’m not letting you get the upper hand here… princess. Right now, you’re letting me make you feel good. Okay?” Twilight cooed a “yes” as Sunset released her teat and drew little circles around the edge of her areola. “Glad we got that sorted out.” Sunset replied as she swirled her finger across the shy little tips of Twilight’s breasts one last time, earning another happy squeak from the princess. Sliding her hand down Twilight’s stomach until it was resting on her hip, she began to work her way down the princess’s body, peppering her skin with kisses. Soon, Sunset reached Twilight’s hips, and caught a whiff of the alluring scent of purple sage blossoms coming from Twilight’s special spot. Pulling her right arm out from under the princess, Sunset re-positioned herself to sit before Twilight’s closed legs. Reaching out and grasping her knees, she spread them apart. Keeping her hands firmly on Twilight’s knees, Sunset lowered her face and inhaled deeply, taking a moment to properly savor the scent as she admired Twilight’s flower. Twilight’s petals had already begun to spread open from her own excitement, and were already glistening with love juices, while her clit was standing at full attention below the pink and purple stripe of hair. But even more than that, the heady aroma of blooming purple sage hit Sunset fully, eliciting a happy sigh from the fire-mane. Sunset’s own excitement began to seep out as well, mixing peach blossoms into the erotic perfume. Peeking up, Sunset saw a shy blush on Twilight’s face as the princess looked her in the eyes, silently pleading with the fire-mane to continue. It took all of Sunset’s willpower not to just dive in and ravish Twilight there and then. But, she wouldn’t treat the princess like that. Twilight deserved better. “Your flower’s so pretty, Twilight.” Sunset sighed as she lowered herself to lay on her stomach and slip her arms under the small of Twilight’s back, bringing her face closer to Twilight’s precious blossom.  “And…” Sunset said as she pressed a quick kiss on Twilight’s flower before running her tongue down between the folds of her labia, earning a happy squeal from the other girl, “you taste like sage honey.” Twilight moaned and arched her back as Sunset licked her again. “Sunset…” Twilight whimpered as Sunset circled her entrance with her tongue.  “Mmmmm… you’re wonderful Twilight. So sweet, crisp and delicate.” Sunset said as she licked her lips, savoring the heady, floral taste of Twilight’s love juices. Her lust reaching breaking point, she dove back down and closed her lips over Twilight’s entrance, slowly dragging her tongue across the princess’s sensitive spots. Twilight’s back arched as she wailed from Sunset’s increased attention. Sunset allowed herself to drift into a hazy trance as she pleasured Twilight, allowing the princess’s soft moans of ecstasy to guide her. Peaking up, Sunset looked at Twilight to gauge her response to what she was doing. The princess was completely laid out on her back, her head lolling to the side and arms bent down to grasp the picnic blanket, her chest heaving up and down as she panted in ecstasy. Even her wings were limp, splaying out to her side. Smirking, Sunset resumed her oral affection, plunging her tongue into Twilight’s entrance and began probing the inside. Twilight’s euphoric moans rose in volume, as did her pants as Sunset teased her. “Sunset… please keep going… oh Harmony, don’t stop…” Twilight moaned. Wasn’t planning on it. Sunset thought as she brushed her tongue against a rough spot inside Twilight, earning another loud moan from the princess. “Aaaaah…Sunny… yes… that’s the spot.” Twilight plead as Sunset drew her tongue across the rough patch again. Looks like I found your weak point, princess. Sunset chuckled in her head as she attacked the same spot again, earning another vigorous response from Twilight. And if I’ve learned anything, when you find a weak spot… you attack it! Flicking her tongue across the rough patch again, Sunset felt the princess’s back vigorously arch off the blanket with a scream of ecstasy. To her surprise, she suddenly felt Twilight’s fingers run through her hair and roughly grab two fistfuls of the red and gold strands, holding her in place. Smirking, Sunset took the princess’s reaction as a sign that Twilight liked what she was doing. Returning her attention to the task at hand, she renewed her ministrations, licking the princess’s weak-point while gently massaging the petals of her vulva with her lips. “Sunny… oh… I’m… I’m almost there…" Twilight wailed as the walls of her flower spasmed and clamped down on Sunset's tongue. Knowing that she was seconds from pushing the princess to her climax, she intensified her attack, sending Twilight into a frenzy. "Sunny… Sunny… I… I… I… Aaaahh! Aaaaaaah!! Aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh!!!” Twilight screamed as she tipped over the edge, her back arching off the ground one last time as her love juices flooded into Sunset’s mouth. Sunset hummed as she merrily drank the sweet ambrosia that Twilight made for her. Sunset was practically aching in anticipation now, and she could feel the trickle from earlier threatening to becoming a full flow. But she could wait. The princess came first.  As Twilight’s orgasm slowly wound down, and her grip on Sunset’s hair relaxed, she reluctantly withdrew her face from between Twilight’s legs and admired her handiwork, wiping her mouth with a napkin from the basket. Limp like a rag-doll, Twilight lay panting heavily on the blanket, her eyes closed and head still lolled to the side, a thin sheen of sweat covering her skin, which in the slowly approaching dusk, made it twinkle like there were thousands of tiny stars dotting every inch of her figure. Slowly, the princess began to stir, a soft moan escaping her throat as she closed her legs and pulled her arms in to prop herself up and look at Sunset. Brushing a few strands of hair from her face, the princess gave Sunset a look of pure pleasure, joy and gratitude that filled the fire-mane with warmth. “Sunset, that was… wonderful.” Twilight panted as she sat up fully, before leaning forward and pressing a hand against Sunset’s cheek. “Anything for you Twilight.” Sunset said as she placed her hand over Twilight’s, closing her eyes and leaning into the princess’s palm.  “I just… wanted to show you just how much you mean to me. How happy you make me.” Sunset continued as she guided Twilight’s hand down to her mouth and kissed the princess’s fingers. “Hey now, this goes both ways, you know.” Twilight said airily as she leaned in and kissed Sunset’s forehead just below her horn. “Now it's your turn.” Sunset opened her mouth to speak, but was cut off by Twilight pressing her fingers against the topaz girl’s lips, shushing her. “Uh-uh, no you don’t. I’m not going to leave you hanging like that. You showed me your love, now let me show you mine.” Twilight chided. “You deserve to feel good too.” “But…” Sunset began. “Nope.” Twilight said as she reached down, her finger gently sliding across Sunset’s clit, eliciting a startled yet happy gasp from the topaz girl. “Turnabout is fair play Sunny. Now you’re going to let me show you my love, right?” “…right.” Sunset said as her head rolled back and her eyes slowly closed, her resistance rapidly falling away. “There’s a good girl.” Twilight said as she cupped Sunset’s breasts in her hands and leaned forward to kiss her neck. Sunset leaned back, propping herself up on her arms as Twilight’s lips kept pressing against her neck and chin, while steady, rhythmically pressure from a set of slender fingers sent ecstasy through her breasts. Warm happiness felt like it was radiating from any sport Twilight touched, causing Sunset to melt into a sea of bliss. Having Twilight touch her so lewdly, yet so lovingly, made Sunset’s heart soar.  Through the haze of her euphoria, Sunset felt one of Twilight’s hands leave her breast. Before she could voice her dissatisfaction, Sunset inhaled sharply as something cool and wet dripped onto the sensitive skin of her nipple. Opening her eyes, she saw Twilight holding a spoon with a small amount of melted gelato in it, slowly dripping the cool, creamy liquid onto her exposed breast. “Twilight, what are you…” Sunset began to ask, before inhaling sharply as the princess brought her face down and latched her mouth onto the gelato topped nipple and sucked gently. Sunset’s eyes rolled back in her head as Twilight’s tongue slowly worked its way around the sensitive nub. Sunset once again felt the cool sensation of the melting dessert being dripped onto her other breast, which was quickly followed by Twilight licking the sweet liquid off, sending a happy thrill up Sunset’s spine. Moaning Twilight’s name, she closed her eyes and let the princess flavor and taste all the sensitive spots on her chest, peppering her skin with licks, nips and kisses. Her mind lost in its blissful euphoria, she thought that this was what heaven must be like. Twilight’s ministrations slowed and eventually stopped, and much to Sunset’s chagrin, the princess’s lips and hands vanished. Leaning her head forward, Sunset looked at Twilight, who was now standing before her, a hand outstretched. “You’re not done, are you?” Sunset said with a disappointed pout.  “No. But, there’s something I want to try.” Twilight said with a giggle, as she wagged her fingers. “Let me show you.” Reaching up, Sunset gingerly took Twilight’s hand, and allowed the princess to pull her to her feet.  “What have you got in mind?” Sunset asked. “You’ll see.” Twilight said as she lead Sunset to the trunk of the oak. Once they reached the grand old tree, Twilight released her hand and pointed to the trunk. “Could you please bend over and lean against the tree?” Twilight said with a smirk. “Um…why?” Sunset said, not sure what Twilight was planning. “You’ll see.” Was all Twilight said in response. “Please, Sunset.” “Alright, if it's what you want.” Sunset said as she complied, bending forward till her torso was almost horizontal with the ground, her breasts swinging freely below her, before crossing her forearms and resting them against the rough bark. “Like this?” “Almost.” Twilight said as she knelt behind Sunset, “Could you spread your legs a bit. I can’t really do much with them like this.”  A fierce blush worked its way up Sunset’s face. Hanging her head between her arms to hide her embarrassment, she took a few steps to the side till her legs were spread apart enough for Twilight to have an unrestricted view of her own flower, the aroma of her peach blossom scented excitement wafting into the air. Sunset could practically feel Twilight examining her, the embarrassed flush of her face becoming more scarlet by the moment. “You’re really pretty down here too Sunset.” Twilight said as she draped her right arm across Sunset’s well toned backside and brought up her left hand, spreading Sunset’s petals to gain an unrestricted view of the ruby-red skin inside. Hearing Twilight inhale deeply, she shivered as a small breeze passed over her vulva. “And… you smell so good.” A jolt of electricity passed through Sunset as she felt Twilight rub the pad of her thumb across her clit, causing her legs to buckle slightly as a moan escaped her throat. Another small trickle of warm liquid oozed out of her flower and down her leg. Twilight was looking right at her most private place, and said she liked what she saw. Sunset’s heart fluttered with joy even as her neithers throbbed with hungry anticipation.  “I’ll bet you taste amazing.” Twilight said as she removed her hand and brought her arm to join the other on Sunset’s back. That was the only warning that Sunset got before Twilight drew her tongue up between the petals of her flower and swirled it around the sensitive hole. “Twilight…” Sunset moaned as she reflexively rose up onto the balls of her feet from the rough, slippery surface of Twilight’s tongue running along her vulva. “Mmmm…” Twilight said as she licked Sunset again, eliciting a sensual moan from the redhead. “You’re really tasty Sunset. Sweet, with just a hint of sourness. In fact…”  “Ahhh” Sunset cooed as Twilight went in for another taste, her hips flinching again. “… I’d say…” Twilight said before licking Sunset again “…you remind me of fresh gold dust peaches.” Sunset gasped as Twilight threw caution to the wind, and dove in with earnest, thrusting her tongue fully into Sunset’s depths and swirling it around, making the fire-maned girl cry in ecstasy. “Mmm…” Twilight hummed as she pulled back for breath and licked her lips. “Yummy… you’re so yummy Sunny…” “Thank… you…” Sunset stuttered between moans as Twilight continued to lap at her, the feeling of the princess’s tongue and lips accented each time her horn pressed onto the gap between Sunset’s buttocks and gently stimulated the scar over her tailbone. She wasn’t sure why, but the thought of Twilight enjoying the taste of her nectar made what she was doing feel a thousand times better. Under Twilight's ministrations, Sunset realized that it wasn’t worth trying to speak. Instead, she relaxed her neck, allowing her head to hang down between her arms, her eyes pinched shut and her mouth hanging open as she gasped for breath. Cracking her eyes open, she caught the wonderful sight of Twilight kneeling behind her, the princess’s chest gently heaving as she continued to work Sunset’s special spot, a thin line of her juices running down Twilight’s chin to drip onto her breasts. Closing her eyes once again, Sunset gave in completely, letting the princess have her way with her. “Twi…” Sunset moaned as her legs all but gave out as Twilight drew her tongue around a particularly sensitive spot inside her. As Twilight lavished Sunset with gentle affection, the fire-maned girl began to lose her grip on the tree. She tried to focus on digging her nails into the wood to hold herself up, but she couldn’t get her fingers to respond, most of her muscles having long since begun the process of turning to jelly. Just as she thought she would fall down, she felt something warm wrap around her sides and hold her up. Cracking her eyes open, she saw Twilight’s wings wrapped around her, supporting her body. Long feathers tickled her ribs, the pinyons of Twilight’s primaries flicking across the tips of Sunset’s breasts. The sensation made what the princess was already doing even more wonderful, mixing the feeling of the warmest hug she’d ever had with the jolts of pleasure radiating from her crotch. “Its okay Sunny…” Twilight said as she momentarily pulled her face back and wiggled her wings, tickling Sunset with her feathers, “…I’ve got you.” “Twi…please, don’t let me fall…” Sunset moaned as the princess dove back in, her wings continuing there soft caresses. She could feel the warm spot between her legs building up faster and faster, the heat gathering to the point where it would burst as her flower spasmed and clamped down on Twilight’s tongue, as though trying to pull it further in. Twilight’s wings gently tightened around Sunset, as if to reassure her that she wouldn’t let her go.  A new jolt filled Sunset as she felt Twilight slide her right hand down her hip and to her clit. Without warning, the princess gently rubbed the sensitive nub with her finger.  That was the final straw, as Sunset’s dam finally burst, her orgasm exploding out from her hips and spreading through her body. With a moan, Sunset arched her back and squeezed her eyes shut as she felt a flood of liquid rush from within her, and directly into Twilight’s mouth. She vaguely heard Twilight’s squeak of surprise as her entire world turned fuzzy and warm, her legs finally giving out. But Twilight's wings held firm, and kept her from falling. Twilight slowly lowered Sunset to the ground as she pulled her face from her spot between the topaz-skinned girl’s legs, a few strings of love juice still connecting her to Sunset. Leaning forward, she pressed herself onto Sunset’s back, wrapping her arms around the other girl’s waist and kissing the scars between Sunset’s shoulder blades. Through the haze of her climax, Sunset felt the warm flesh of Twilight’s breasts pressing into her and the comforting safety of the princess’s arms holding her. She didn’t let me fall. Sunset thought as she bent her knees and leaned back, her body sliding through Twilight’s arms until the princess was sitting upright and her head was resting between the Twilight’s luscious breasts. “Well Sunny, how was it?” Twilight coyly asked. Cracking an eye open, Sunset’s teal eyes met Twilight’s amethyst ones. There were so many words that Sunset could have said at that moment. That it was wonderful. That it was the best she’d ever had. That it was cosmic. That she’d never felt like that before. But all of those things felt shallow. Like they were lies. That they were only half truths. Instead, Sunset reached under Twilight's arm and wrapped her hand over the princess's shoulder. Sliding up the princess’s body slightly, Sunset pulled Twilight into a soft yet passionate kiss. She vaguely could taste herself on Twilight’s lips, and she knew that the princess was getting a similar taste of herself on Sunset’s. As she closed her eyes and felt a few stray tears of joy leak out from the edges of her eyelids, Sunset poured everything she was feeling into this one kiss. Her love. Her joy. Every ounce of the happiness she felt when she was with Twilight. All of her, she gave everything to Twilight, so that with this one kiss, she could tell the princess everything she wanted to without the need for words. Slowly, the world began to fade to white, until it was only Sunset and Twilight, lips locked in a kiss that spelled out all of the things that she couldn’t convey with such paltry things as words, as she melted into the warm embrace of her lover’s wings and lips. ***** Sunset bit down on the hem of her shirt to stop herself from making too much noise as she came, her fingers ending up soaked in her love juices. As the orgasm passed, she spat the fabric out of her mouth and slowly pulled her fingers out of herself, a small squeak escaping her throat as she did. Cracking her eyes open, she looked at the picture of Twilight still gripped in her fingers. As she slowly extracted her hand from her waistband, Sunset wiped her fingers against her pajamas, the odor of peaches wafting into the air. Again. I did it again. Sunset thought with self-loathing as she rolled onto her back and stared at the ceiling of her modest loft. The warmth of her orgasm had passed, and left a shallow coldness in its wake.  Why couldn’t she get over this. Twilight was her best friend. Nothing more. Yet, here she was, hopelessly pining over her like some school filly. And fantasizing about her to get off. Bringing an arm up over her eyes, a quiet sob forced itself out of her throat. It just wasn’t fair. Why couldn't Twilight love her the way she loved Twilight? Why did she have to encourage Sparkle to get together with Timber? Why did she have to be such a coward?! As her arm slid down her face, she brought up the picture of Twilight, the amethyst-skinned girl’s smile causing her to sigh pitifully. Slowly reaching up and caressing the photo tenderly, a steady stream of tears slid down the side of her face. “Oh Twilight…” Sunset sighed as her eyes danced across the effigy of the woman she loved. > Ch 2 - Conflicted > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- …but, she says the fireflies Fluttershy gave her helped make up for the planetarium being closed. Honestly, she’s making a lot of progress. I’m proud of her. Twilight’s eyes traced across the page, a twinge something passing along the edge of her consciousness that she was all too familiar with. A mix of jealousy and annoyance. Why was Sunset still going on about her counterpart’s date. Huffing, she brought the quill over.  “It sounds like it.” Twilight wrote, doing her best to steer the conversation back in the right direction. “Now, how about you? Didn’t you have a new… game you were interested in getting? How’d that go?” As the journal glowed yellow and transmitted her message, she hoped Sunset would take the hint and let the subject of Sparkle drop. Yea, well, I didn’t get a copy. But, Pinkie managed to snag one, so I at least got to play it. Honestly, I’ll probably just buy a digital version instead. Kinda getting sick of dealing with these midnight release crowds. “From what you’ve told me about them, I don’t blame you.” Twilight replied, happy the conversation was turning away from irritating subjects. She wasn’t sure what Sunset meant by digital version, but it didn’t matter. “They sound almost as bad as the debut of a new Daring Do book. I still think it’s weird that the game has Tirek of all creatures in it.” I won’t lie, it’s a little strange. Just another inexplicable parallel between the worlds. Makes you wonder just how many more links there are between the two. With how many times Starswirl used this place as a dumping ground for things he didn’t want to deal with, I wouldn’t be surprised if there were far more connections than just Canterlot High. I think our geodes are proof enough of that. Twilight’s mind went in two different directions. On the one, her inner scholar squealed at the thought of all the potential magical research she could conduct on the convergences between Equestria and the other world. On the other, she knew that Sunset was right. For all of his amazing accomplishments, Starswirl really seemed to have a bad habit of banishing things that he couldn’t deal with. If she for some strange and improbable reason ever met the old mage, she’d probably have words with him about it. But for now… “Indeed. Speaking of your geodes, have you learned anything new about these… Mahou Shoujou forms? The base abilities you got are fascinating on their own, but your empowered states are something else entirely. Have you even been able to define exactly what they’re capable of?” We haven’t really learned all that much. The biggest problem is that we can’t really call on them at will. I think they’re this world’s version of the Elements: they have a mind of their own, and only come when they’re needed. I can’t speak for the others, but for me, it was exhilarating, like I had all my magic back again, not just the tiny trickle I get from my pendant. “You know, it's interesting that you say that. But, I wonder if they may be like an immune response than an actual manifestation of the elements per se.” You’re going to have to explain that one a little Twilight.   Twilight considered her response for a moment, tapping the rachis of her quill to her chin. “Well, think about it like Fractal Spire’s Third Thaumatic Precept: for every manifestation of magic, an equal and opposite force must exist somewhere in the world to create equilibrium. That world doesn’t have much in the way of magic, so if there’s a sudden influx it.” Ah, I see what you’re getting at. Because there’s all this magic coming into the world, and there was nothing to balance it, the planet manifested a sort of magical antibody to counter the disruption. But they only form when needed because an immune response is reactionary. Twilight smiled. Even with her incomplete training, of course Sunset would catch on. “Exactly!” Princess Twilight replied. “I’d love to analyze your pendant if I get the chance.” I’m sure we can work something out. Sadly, I’m going to have to call it a night. Tomorrow’s a school day. “I understand.” Twilight wrote with some disappointment. “Same time tomorrow?” Yea. Goodnight Twilight. “Sleep well Sunset.” Closing the journal, Twilight huffed through her nose as she flopped her chin down onto her pillow, her wings fluttering in irritation. “Sunset… why do you do this to me…” Twilight whispered to herself as she eyed the journal again. She knew that her fire-maned friend was just telling her about what was going on in her life. So why did she get so upset when Sunset brought up Sparkle? Oh yea, it was because she was painfully jealous. It just wasn’t fair. She wanted to spend more time with Sunset. She wanted to be the one that Sunset would talk about. She wanted Sunset all to herself. But with Sparkle there, Sunset didn’t write nearly as often as she used to. On an intellectual level, Twilight understood that with everything Sunset was dealing with, she probably just didn’t have enough time. Celestia knows how busy she herself was with everything going on. But it still annoyed her. After all, somehow it felt like Sunset was cheating on her with her counterpart. It was silly. Sunset didn’t like her like that. It was obvious that she didn’t swing that way since she’d been dating the other world’s version of Flash Sentry. Sure, she’d admitted that she’d done it for status, but she could have chosen a girl or a guy, and she’d gone with the latter. There was a chance that Sunset swung both ways, but even with all of her interactions with Twilight, both in person or through the journal, she never let on that she was interested in mares. Sighing, Twilight thought back to the moment she’d developed this one-sided crush on Sunset; the night that they'd run into each-other in Pinkie Pie's kitchen. The connection they had at that moment, they just clicked so well. Yet, it was the day that she had stepped up and saved her and the Rainbooms from the Sirens that had cemented things for her. She’d showed such courage and determination, and a willingness to put herself in harm's way for ponies… people that had made it clear they still hated and distrusted her, which, as Twilight guiltily had to admit, had included herself. It was such a selfless and brave act, that it made Twilight realize just how far the fallen unicorn had come. How much she’d grown as a pony… no, as a person. And, frankly, how beautiful she was. And as the weeks of correspondence went by, she came to appreciate Sunset even more. Sure, there were gaps in her knowledge, given she’d never finished her studies. But the mare’s mind was sharper than any non-alicorn Twilight had ever met. It was so refreshing to be able to actually talk to somepony about magical theory on the same level as she could with her. Even Starlight didn’t compare. She had the raw talent and power, but not the arcane curiosity and grasp of fundamental magic theory as Sunset. And for a time, she could live with the situation as it was. Then Sparkle showed up, and she felt like her chances with Sunset plummeted like a rock in a lake. Unlike herself, Sparkle could be with Sunset in a real way. She'd been dreading the day when Sunset wrote her saying that she'd gotten together with her human counterpart. She was almost relieved when Sunset wrote that Sparkle had started dating a boy. That relief was then poisoned with dread, because even if Sunset might like both mares and stallions, she could conclude that if Sparkle wasn't into girls, then Twilight wouldn't be either. It was so irritating. The two of them just meshed so well. And there she was, a pony that she had real, actual chemistry with, and yet she was out of reach, like a perfect Elberta peach hanging from a branch behind a window. She could admire it all she wanted, but she’d never taste it. Growling in frustration, Twilight realized that she was getting heated up again thinking about her friend. Her sharp mind, her courage, her hair that framed her beautiful face like a halo of flame. She could feel her crotch starting to heat up, pictures of Sunset and her doing all sorts of sweet and sexy things racing through her mind.  “Ugh! Fine!” Twilight whined as she cast a privacy spell on her room, sealing the chamber to prevent any sound from escaping. Now assured her solitude, she reached out with her telekinesis and grabbed a small, wooden box from below her bed. The box itself was made of smooth, white ash, and bore ornate carvings of hearts and lilies on its surface. Twilight regarded it for only a moment before opening the lid and snatching its contents in her magic: a small, cloudy, ocean blue crystal sphere no bigger than a walnut. Twilight remembered when she got this particular item. It had been the spring of her first heat, just before her 12th year. She’d nearly panicked when she started having the most outrageously lewd thoughts about the other colts and fillies in her classes, and could barely contain her desire to wrestle the nearest one to the ground and ravish them till she passed out. It was Cadance that came to her rescue, explaining to the young mare what was happening to her, and giving her a way to deal with her almost out of control cravings. Cadance had called it an orgasm orb. Whenever Twilight needed to “get off”, as Cadance put it, she could put the orb inside herself, and it would transform her erotic energy into physical sensations with a vivid fantasy to accompany it. Twilight knew from experience that it wasn’t as good as the real thing, but it was enough to keep her from tackling some random stallion or mare to the ground when it was her time of year. But lately? Lately she found herself relying on it a lot more often. And with few exceptions, it was because of a certain fire-maned mare. Spreading her hind legs slightly, Twilight lifted her tail and pressed the orb into herself, whimpering as the cold crystal penetrated deeper into her. Once she was sure it was deep enough, she released her telekinesis and sent a spark of magic into the orb, triggering its enchantment. All at once, the crystal flared to life, and Twilight’s mind was spirited away. ***** The slow, staccato click of her boots echoed through the halls of the Castle of Friendship as Princess Twilight made her way towards Archmage Sunset Shimmer’s chambers. Chancing a glance into one of the reflective crystal surfaces of the hall, the princess smiled at what she saw. Tall, dominant and confident, she wore a snug corset that pushed her breasts up seductively, with her arms and legs sheathed in full length, black, silk gloves and thigh-high boots, all of which were adorned with small purple and pink copies of her cutie mark. The whole ensemble was rounded out by a long, purple, feather lined cape that fell down her back and trailed on the ground behind her, while her crown was set on her head, the amethyst Element star sparkling in the light. Her hair, normally straight and free, had been tied into a long Prench braid.  Regarding herself for a moment, she pondered why the Orb would always put her in her human form when she thought about Sunset. She suspected that it was due to her mental picture of the fire-mane being human, but she dismissed the thought as unimportant. She liked either body, and, frankly, she thought that Sunset was sexy whether she was on two legs or four. The exoticism of the whole thing got her extra heated up. Nodding to her reflection with approval, she continued on her way, a predatory smile beginning to stretch across her face as she neared her destination. She’d asked Sunset to meet her in her chamber after they’d finished dinner, saying that she was in the mood for a little peach flavored dessert. The archmage, for her part, had smiled knowingly to her princess, saying that she was sure she could oblige her late night cravings. Of course, Twilight wasn’t just going to Sunset for a midnight snack. No. She was going to make absolutely sure that her Sunny-delight wasn’t being sampled by a certain other person. Finally reaching her destination, Twilight lifted her hand to the topaz and ruby colored door, before gently rapping her knuckles against its surface. She could hear the sound echoing through the chamber on the other side. “Yes?” She heard from the other side of the door. “Sunset, it’s me.” Twilight replied in a sing-song voice. “Please open the door.” “Of course princess. Come in.” She heard as ruby light wrapped the portal and pulled the door open. Stepping inside, Twilight heard the door swing shut behind her and lock. Sunset was nothing if not thorough when it came to keeping Twilight safe, even in her own castle. Archmage she might be, but it still paid to be extra secure when her princess came to visit. Looking around the room, Twilight couldn’t find a trace of Sunset. Walking through the fourier, Twilight peeked into the first room she came on, which was Sunset’s lab. Unlike her own chamber, which was filled with towering bookshelves, Sunset’s lab was devoid of books, instead being set up for more experimental magical examination. Benches filled the space, each one neatly organized and covered with artifacts and equipment, some in the process of being enchanted or examined. Others were covered with various herbs and gems that Sunset would need for her alchemical and thaumic experiments. “Sunset, where are you?” Twilight called. “Bedroom!” Sunset replied from deeper in the chamber.  Chuckling to herself, Twilight made her way deeper into the chamber. Of course Sunset wasn’t in her lab. Not when she was expecting Twilight this late at night. Reaching the door to the archmage’s room, Twilight gave herself one final inspection, adjusting her corset to hike up her breasts slightly. Grasping the doorknob, she pushed the door open and stepped into Sunset’s room.  Unlike the organized chaos that was her main lab, Sunset’s room was large yet sparsely decorated. One wall was dominated by a large bookshelf, while the other had doors leading to her walk-in closet and washroom. The far wall was dominated by large windows that lead to Sunset’s west-facing balcony. And right next to the largest window was Sunset’s large, four poster bed, made up with white and orange satin sheets and pillows. And on the bed, posing seductively, was Sunset. Twilight took a moment to admire the stunning creature reclining on the mattress. Wavy hair cascading around her face like a halo of flame, the archmage was not wearing her usual robes, but instead was “dressed” in a thin, nearly translucent gown of red-dyed dream-widow silk that hung over her nubile and well toned body like a shroud of crimson mist.  Spotting Twilight, Sunset smiled warmly and twisted herself slightly to face the princess before closing her eyes and bowing her head. “Princess, so good to see you. To what do I owe the pleasure of this visit?” Sunset said coyly, clearly not even trying to keep the smirk off her face. Smiling herself, Twilight strode up to Sunset. “Really now Sunset? You don’t need to play that game when its just the two of us. We’re alone, so you can drop the formality.” Twilight said as she sat on the edge of the bed. “Oh come on Twi, let me have my fun.” Sunset pouted as she scooted over to the princess, before reaching out and taking Twilight’s gloved hand in her own. “But you’re right, my shining star, we don’t get enough time to ourselves these days.” Bringing her free hand up to Sunset’s cheek, Twilight cupped the redhead’s face and rubbed her thumb along her cheekbone. In response, Sunset closed her eyes and sighed before leaning into the princess’s hand. “I suppose it can’t be helped, can it, my precious sunstone? You’ve been so busy with your research at the academy, and I’ve been caught up dealing with kingdom politics.” Withdrawing her hand, Twilight’s expression became dark as her smile morphed into a tight frown. “Then again,” She said in a flat, low tone, “you have someone else keeping you company, now haven’t you?” “What are you talking about Twilight?” Sunset said as she tried to figure out what had caused such a sharp change in Twilight’s mood. “I’ve been hearing rumors lately Sunset. Disturbing rumors.” Twilight continued as she continued to stare at an increasingly flustered Sunset. “What sort of rumors?” Sunset replied, her face now twisted with concern. “That you and my twin sister are fooling around behind my back.” Twilight hissed as her eyes became flinty and hard. “That you’ve been having plenty of ‘late night research sessions’ with her at the academy.  “…that you two are involved.” The look of sheer horror on Sunset’s face as she recoiled as though struck didn’t lessen Twilight’s resolve.  “Twilight, how could you believe that? How could you even say that?” Sunset gasped, hurt etched on her face. “…I thought you knew me better than that. That after all this time, you trusted me…” Standing and crossing her arms across her chest, Twilight glared down at Sunset. Inside, her heart was breaking at the hurt on her beloved’s face, but she couldn’t waver now. No, she had to be absolutely sure that her precious sunstone was her’s and her’s alone. “I want to trust you Sunset, but with everything I’ve been hearing, I had to make sure.” Twilight said. “So, I’ll ask you now: have you been cheating on me with my sister?” Sunset’s eyes became harder, though still filled with pain before she hissed in reply. “No, Twilight, I haven’t. And I never would. I respect your sister’s abilities, but I’m yours. I would never betray you like that. Not after everything you’ve done for me.” “Sunset, I want to believe you. I really do. But…” Twilight said. "Then let me prove it." Sunset interrupted. “What?” “You heard me. Let me prove it.” "And how are you going to do that Sunset?" Twilight watched as Sunset leaned back, propping herself up with her left arm before taking the bottom of her gown in her right hand and lifting it up and over her knees and letting the fabric fall to her stomach. Still not meeting Twilight’s eyes, she spread her legs apart, a slight blush coloring her face, and giving Twilight a clear view of both her neat and clean flower, and the patch of gold and orange hair above it. No matter how many times she saw Sunset’s special blossom, Twilight felt like she’d never stop marveling at just how pretty it was. How the golden topaz of her skin slowly transitioned to ruby red on her inner petals, or how the bud topping it was slightly bigger than the average mare’s.  "Please, come over and inspect me, and see for yourself." Sunset said with a pout as she blushed heavily. Nodding slowly, Twilight reached up and undid the chain holding her cape in place, allowing the garment to fall to the floor. Stepping forward, she crawled onto Sunset’s bed. As she approached the other girl, she caught a slight whiff of peach blossoms coming from Sunset’s direction. Smirking to herself, Twilight reached out and ran a finger up the length of Sunset’s womanhood, causing the redhead to gasp sharply at the sudden, aggressive contact. “Twilight, what’s the meaning of…” Sunset began, but was cut off by another gasp as Twilight aggressively swirled her finger between her petals. “You asked me to inspect you, right?” Twilight said with a smirk. “I just meant look… how does feeling me …ohhhh!” Sunset began to protest, before Twilight rubbed the pad of her thumb against Sunset’s clit. In response, Sunset arched her back and threw her head backwards, inhaling through her teeth as she tried to avoid screaming. “I’d like to think that I know all your special, happy spots by now, my precious sunstone. So, how about we make sure they all still work, and see how honest you are when you mind’s elsewhere, shall we?” Twilight chuckled as she rubbed her fingers across Sunset’s clit, causing another vigorous outburst from Sunset, followed by a muttered 'yes princess'. The floral scent coming from the fire-maned girl became even stronger as Twilight could feel her glove getting damp from Sunset’s nectar. Twilight’s own panties began to feel moist as she continued to tease Sunset. “Hmmm. Well, your petals don’t feel any different than usual.” Twilight said as she leaned in to get a closer look. “But… I’d better do a thorough inspection.” Bringing her left hand up, Twilight placed it on the patch of hair above Sunset’s flower, her thumb and index finger gently squeezing the skin below the fiery tuft to raise up Sunset’s precious bud. The archmage’s breathing became heavier as Twilight began to gently rub the sensitive nub. “And your bud doesn’t seem different. But, oh dear, it looks like you’re getting turned on, my precious sunstone. Hmm. What could be the cause?” Twilight hummed as she continued to tease Sunset. “Twilight…” Sunset plead as Twilight continued to stroke her, which seemed to goad the princess on, increasing the intensity of her caresses. Soon, Sunset’s arms gave out and she fell to her back, panting from Twilight’s touch. “Looks like somebody’s enjoying herself.” Twilight teased as she slid next to the limp archmage. “Are you enjoying yourself Sunset?” “Yes, princess.” Was all that Sunset could say as her chest puffed up and down faster and faster. “And why is that?” “Bec…because you’re teasing my flower.” Sunset panted. Smirking, Twilight began to run her index finger around the edge of Sunset’s entrance, getting a vigorous thrust of Sunset’s hips and a sharp cry of pleasure in return. “Hmm, is that so? So you’re feeling good because I’m touching you? So, if anyone other than me touched you, would it feel this good?” Twilight asked, making sure to keep her fingers in constant motion. “N…no, it wouldn’t. I… it would only feel good if it's you Twilight.” Sunset gasped between her moans. “Really?” Twilight said before placing her index and middle fingers against the entrance to Sunset’s special hole, slowly poking them into the orifice. “So, what about my sister? Does it feel good with her?” “She’s never touched me there. Nobody but you has.” Sunset said. “So, do you think it would feel good?” Twilight asked as she pushed her fingers into Sunset. In response, Sunset groaned, her breath becoming even shallower. “If dear Sparkle was the one doing this to you?” “N…no, it wouldn’t” Sunset gasped. “Why wouldn’t it feel good?” Twilight asked as she slowly began to thrust her fingers in and out of Sunset. “Aaaaah.” Sunset moaned, her eyes closing as she arched her back again. “Hey, hey, stick with me now Sunny. I asked you a question. Why wouldn’t it feel good if my dear twin sister was the one touching you?” Twilight said with a smirk as she continued to thrust her fingers into Sunset.  “Bec… because I wouldn’t want her to be doing it… because I don’t love her. I love you…” Sunset managed to say, despite her mind clearly becoming mushy by this point. Smiling, Twilight stopped her thrusting and slowly withdrew her fingers from inside Sunset with a soft, wet pop. Feeling a sudden lack of stimulus, Sunset’s breathing began to return to normal as she propped herself up on her elbows, giving the princess a doleful, disappointed look. “Twilight, why’d you stop?” Sunset whined.  A predatory smile flashed across Twilight’s face as she scooted even closer to Sunset. “Well, I was thinking that it makes me happy that you love me so much. That you’re such a good girl. And good girls…” Twilight said before summoning her magic and pointing a finger at Sunset. In an instant, the gauzy garment Sunset was wearing vanished, leaving the topaz perfection that was Sunset's limber form on full display. Slinking forward, Twilight used her magic to pull Sunset against her body, resting the fire-mane’s back to her chest as she leaned against the headboard for support. “…Good girls get special treats.” Twilight whispered into Sunset’s ears as she reached between her legs and slowly pushed her middle and ring fingers into the redhead. Sunset’s moan of pleasure was sweet music to Twilight’s ears. Withdrawing her fingers slightly, Twilight resumed her steady rhythm of thrusts into Sunset, savoring the sound of her ecstasy. “Twilight… yes, right there.” Sunset moaned as the walls of her flower beginning to clench down on Twilight’s fingers. Sunset was completely limp, her eyes half lidded and her head resting in the crook of Twilight’s neck as she cooed happily from Twilight’s ministrations. Reaching up with her free hand, Twilight seized one of Sunset’s breasts, squeezing the soft mound before rolling the ruby-red nipple between her fingers. At this, Sunset’s eyes rolled back in her head, and her breathing became even shallower. Turning her head towards Sunset’s neck, Twilight began to press kisses into the soft, silky topaz skin, before latching on with her lips and sucking hard. Sunset gasped as Twilight left her mark on her neck, the muscles of her flower clamping down with increased force on the princess's fingers. “Are you close, my sunstone?” Twilight whispered to Sunset. “Are you ready to cum? Do you want to cum?” “Y…yes…” Sunset managed to gasp. “Well, in that case.” Twilight said with a smirk as she stopped her fingering. “Twilight, why?” Sunset plead as she looked at Twilight. “Well, I was just thinking, maybe you’d rather my sister be the one to do this instead of me…” Twilight said casually as she pinched Sunset’s nipple and pulled on it slightly. “No, I don’t! I only want you to do this to me Twilight! Nobody else!” Sunset all but yelled, her voice husky and frantic. Twilight knew that Sunset’s frustration at being denied was reaching its limit. “And why is that, Sunset?” “Because I belong to you, and only you. Nobody else!” “Really now? So, what exactly belongs to me?” Twilight asked as she flexed her fingers inside Sunset, eliciting a gasp from the other girl. “Everything…” Sunset whimpered. “Oh? So, do these belong to me?” Twilight asked as she squeezed one of Sunset’s breasts. “Yes.” “And this?” Twilight aggressively thrust her fingers into Sunset, grinding the tips against the deepest parts of her flower. “Absolutely!” Sunset gasped. “What about these?” Twilight asked as she kissed Sunset’s lips. “It all belongs to you.” Sunset moaned. “All of me. My breasts, my flower, my lips and neck. My whole body. My mind. My soul. They’re yours Twilight. Yours and yours alone.” “Well, I’m glad to hear that.” Twilight declared happily. “And since this beautiful sunstone is all mine…” Twilight’s fingers began to thrust into Sunset again with renewed vigor, bringing Sunset back to the edge of climax. “…I only think its fair that I treat her like she deserves.” Twilight whispered into Sunset’s ear. “Y…yes, please do Twilight.” Sunset whimpered as her breath became even more ragged. Twilight could feel Sunset’s body beginning to tense as she rapidly approached the precipice. Releasing her grasp on Sunset’s breast, she reached up and turned Sunset’s head towards her own, before tilting her face down and pressing a deep, passionate kiss on Sunset’s lips. That was the final push Sunset needed. Moaning into Twilight’s mouth, Sunset’s whole body tensed as her orgasm erupted out of her, coating the princess’s gloved hand with her special peach juice. Twilight continued to finger her while keeping Sunset’s mouth occupied, slowing her pace down to give her sunstone as long a ride on the wave as possible. Slowly, Sunset’s orgasmic spasms calmed down, and she went completely limp in Twilight’s arm. With deliberate gentleness, Twilight slowly withdrew her fingers from inside Sunset, the flood of love juices that soaked her gloves trailing threads as she cast a quick cleaning charm to tidy up the bed sheets. Whimpering as the fingers were withdrawn, Sunset pulled her lips away from Twilight’s, her eyes still closed as she panted to regain her breath. Twilight took a moment to admire the warm afterglow of Sunset’s orgasm, some of her earlier worry having been burnt off by Sunset’s declarations. Lifting her still wet glove to her mouth, Twilight savored the peach flavored love juices soaking the silk as she waited for Sunset to recover. Slowly, Sunset released a satisfied sigh. Cracking her eyes open, she looked at Twilight. The princess had expected to see joy or warmth in those beautiful teal pools. Instead, she saw something that made her heart break a little: sadness and hurt. Twilight was at a loss for words, her mouth falling open a little as she took in Sunset’s expression. As Twilight tried to say something, Sunset slowly extracted herself from Twilight’s grasp and slowly scooted away from the princess, sitting on her knees a foot from her, her back turned and her shoulders and head slumped. Twilight’s heart broke a little more when she heard Sunset sniffle. “Twilight, how could you possibly doubt me like that? Accusing me of… infidelity while you were making love to me.” Looking over her shoulder, Sunset’s eyes welled with tears. “I thought by now you actually trusted me. That you believe in me.” At Sunset’s accusation, Twilight turned her head away and lowered her eyes, unable to bear seeing Sunset so pained. “I’m sorry Sunset. I guess… I got a little carried away.” Twilight said numbly. “Why? What in the world got into you? Why would you even think that I’d betray you.” Sunset said, her voice still full of pain, but now also carrying a hint of anger as she turned to face Twilight, her hands balled into fists and resting on her knees. “I… I was jealous, okay?” Twilight admitted. “What? That’s it? You were jealous?” Sunset hissed as she pinched her eyes shut and curled in on herself a bit. “Why in Celestia’s name were you jealous? Of what?” “Of my sister!” Twilight finally managed to yell. “I'm jealous of my sister!” “You’re jealous of Sparkle?” Sunset growled before turning her face away and sighing. “Why in the world would you be jealous of her? She’s with that mossheaded ranger.” Twilight could only look down at her own hands as she replied, her voice morose. “It's just… ever since she transferred to the academy, you’ve been spending so much time with her. And whenever we talk, you always go on about how she’s doing. Tartarus, we don’t even get to see each other all that much anymore. So when I heard those rumors going around about the two of you, I got jealous. I couldn’t stand the thought of her taking you away from me.” A painful silence stretched between the two women as the weight of that declaration sank in. Twilight found herself unable to look at Sunset, her fear that she may have ruined things up with her precious sunstone eating at her. She felt a small tremor through the bed as Sunset scooted closer. *thunk* Twilight yelped in surprise as she finally looked up at Sunset, noting a sizable and familiar journal in her hands. A journal that Sunset had just used to gently bonk her on the top of the head. “Twilight… you’re an idiot. You absolute, complete, and totally adorable little idiot.” Sunset said softly as she lowered the book to the bed and let it go. Lifting her arms, she wrapped them around Twilight’s arms and chest and pulled her into a firm hug, the sweet smell of peach blossoms filling Twilight’s nose. “Yes, I love your sister, but just as a friend. Just like I love all of our friends. As friends. But that’s it. That’s all.” Twilight found herself tearing up a little as Sunset held her and gently petted her hair. Sighing, Twilight snuggled a little bit deeper into the archmage’s embrace. “I don’t know who the idiot is that started spreading those stupid rumors, but they’re not true. I’m not interested in Sparkle, and I never will be. She’s not you.” Sunset said as she stroked Twilight’s hair. When she next spoke, her voice was a soft whisper. “Do you remember what I was like when we first met? How angry and hateful I was?” A timid “Mhm” was all Twilight could say in reply. “Do you remember how you saved me? It was you, when I was consumed by darkness, that freed me. You could have easily left me to rot, but instead you gave me a hand and told me that there was another way. You gave me a chance. You saved me from my darkness.” Sunset continued, “Twilight, you are the light of my life, and you’re the one who makes my world shine so much brighter.” Twilight felt a soft hand on her chin, which slowly turned her head until she was eye to eye with Sunset. “Twilight… you are my world. You make me complete.” Sunset said as she pressed her forehead to Twilight’s, her teal eyes locked with Twilight’s, her voice still soft and low. “You don’t have anything to fear. I’m yours, and I would hope that you’re mine too. Please, don’t doubt that. Ever…” “…I’m sorry Sunset.” Twilight whispered as she finally returned Sunset’s hug, pressing her forehead into Sunset’s. “Its okay, my shining star.” Sunset said, before her voice shifted slightly, and taking on a harder edge, one that was filled with a dangerous amount of mischief. “But… I’m afraid you’re not off the hook just yet.” Gulping slightly, Twilight shifted a little in Sunset’s embrace, realizing that the archmage had her arms pinned.  “Oh, really? And what’s it going to take to earn your forgiveness, mighty archmage?” Twilight replied, trying to match Sunset’s tone. Sunset didn’t reply with words. Instead, she lunged forward and pressed her lips into Twilight’s hard enough that the two tumbled to the mattress, the archmage wedging the princess below her as she aggressively pressed herself into the amethyst-skinned woman. Twilight squeaked like a frightened mouse as Sunset all but crushed her into the mattress, one of her hands grabbing Twilight’s braid and using it to press the princess’s lips into her own. Meanwhile, her other hand wrapped around Twilight’s back and held her tightly against Sunset’s own body. Separating their lips with a gasp, Sunset flicked her tongue out and licked Twilight’s lips and the tip of her nose. Her face hovered over Twilight’s for a moment, her hungry look making her look utterly predatory. Twilight knew that expression, and it both excited and terrified her. The phoenix was loose, and she was on the hunt. “You’re going to sing for me.” Sunset said with a sultry growl as she continued to stare Twilight in the eyes, eliciting a small and excited ‘eep’ from the pinned princess. Releasing her hold on Twilight and sitting up, Sunset lifted her hand and held it out to her side, palm up. Ruby light flared around the outstretched appendage, and an object materialized in it a fraction of a second later. Twilight’s eyes traced across it, excitement and trepidation fluttering through her stomach: it was as a set of panties with a pink gemstone set near the crotch. “Sunset, is that a…” Twilight gasped. “Yup.” Sunset said, her voice smug. “I finished it last week. It was going to be for our anniversary, but I think that maybe I should break it out early. After all, a certain purple princess needs to be taught a lesson tonight.” With stunned excitement, Twilight watched as Sunset stood and deftly slipped the garment on. Lifting her hand and pointing her index and middle fingers at the princess, Twilight saw a surge of magic erupt from Sunset. Moments later, Twilight felt her bodice unlace and unwrap itself from her body, only to be pulled away by Sunset’s telekinesis. With a flick of her wrist, Sunset sent the garment to the other side of the room, before shifting her mystical grasp to lift the princess into the air, holding her by her ankles, hips, wrists and shoulders. “Sunset, what are you doing?” Twilight gasped as Sunset magichandled her into the air. “Getting you warmed up…” Sunset said as she sat on the edge of the bed. With a gently wave, Sunset levitated the princess over to her, then with another flick of her wrist, Twilight’s panties came off and slowly fluttered to the floor. Twilight’s heart was racing with nervous anticipation as she felt the telekinetic pressure on her legs pull them open, revealing her soaking wet womanhood to Sunset. Slowly, Sunset levitated the princess over to her until Twilight’s crotch was at eye level. Reaching up with both hands, Sunset cupped Twilight’s buttocks, then used her thumbs to spread Twilight’s petals. Twilight’s blush suddenly became even hotter as Sunset inhaled deeply through her nose, obviously savoring the sweet smell of the princess’s black sage scented excitement. “Hello pretty little Salvia.” Sunset lilted as she admired Twilight’s special spot with a happy smile. “Are you ready to have some fun?” Twilight didn’t have time to respond, instead letting out a startled gasp as Sunset pressed her lips into the princess's flower, softly licking and kissing the sensitive flesh. Twilight let out a happy sigh as Sunset continued to gently stimulate her. Soon, she could feel her body warming up, and her flower's petals relax as Sunset's ministrations left her feeling soft and tender. “Mmmm…spicy. And now, my shining star…” Sunset said as she pulled her face back with a satisfied smirk. As she did, she focused a bit of her magic into the gem over her crotch, causing a fourteen centimeter long, four centimeter diameter shaft of polished pink crystal covered in small studs to manifest itself. Sunset maneuvered Twilight till her entrance was floating over the tip of the crystalline phallus. Twilight’s pulse spiked and her flower began to throb as she stared at Sunset and the crystalline shaft, her love juices dripping down onto it.  “…I want to hear you sing.” Sunset growled. Twilight felt her body slowly being lowered as the warm crystal began to slide into her. A throaty groan escaped her mouth as Sunset slowly pressed her onto the shaft. It was a snug fit, and Sunset stopped about a third of the way in.  “Twilight, relax.” Sunset said as she gently nuzzled Twilight’s cheek then pressed a quick kiss on her lips. As the warmth of Sunset’s kiss spread through her body, Twilight could feel the tension slowly seeping away, allowing Sunset’s crystal to slip deeper into her. After a few seconds, she was resting on the archmage’s lap, the shaft fitting perfectly insider her and gently tapping the deepest part of her flower. Releasing her telekinesis, Sunset wrapped her hands around Twilight’s butt, her slender fingers sending pleasure into her cheeks as she gave them a gentle squeeze. “Ahhhhhh.” Twilight sighed as she savored the feeling of Sunset holding her coupled with the pleasant feeling of the warm crystal buried deep in her flower. “Is that all? C’mon Twilight…” Sunset said as she lifted the princess, sliding her up the shaft and eliciting a sensual groan from her.  “…sing for me.” Sunset said as she pushed down, driving Twilight back into her lap and shoving the crystal into her. Twilight’s head rolled back as a cry of ecstasy erupted from her throat. Reaching up, she latched her hands onto Sunset’s shoulders to anchor herself and avoid falling backwards. “There’s my girl.” Sunset hummed as she repeated the lift and press maneuver, making Twilight squeal and shriek erotically, her breasts bouncing from each impact. “Sing me a song.” The room was soon filled with the floral scent of Twilight’s love juices and the sound of wet squishing as Sunset repeatedly drove the crystal deep into her womanhood. Head thrown back, eyes shut, and wailing sensually, Twilight’s mind began going blank from Sunset’s relentless attack on the sensitive spots inside her. Normally, Sunset was gentler with her, but Twilight found herself enjoying the novelty of Sunset’s increased aggression. Yet, below it all, there was still the same tenderness and care the archmage always showed her when they made love. Even at her most aggressive, Sunset made sure that Twilight was actually enjoying what she was doing. Feeling herself losing her grasp on Sunset’s shoulders, Twilight shifted her body forward and pulled herself up and against the fire-mane, pressing their breasts together and bringing more of their skin into contact. Now resting against Sunset, Twilight wrapped her arms and legs around the archmage as she snuggled her chin on Sunset’s shoulder, her cries muffled as she pressed her mouth into Sunset’s hair. “Are you having fun princess?” Sunset asked in a sultry whisper as she pressed Twilight down with a little extra force, the sound of the wet ‘slap’ echoing through the room, the princess releasing a deep, groan of pleasure from the impact stimulating not just her vagina, but her clit and vulva. “Yes…” Twilight muttered, her brain barely able to form coherent thoughts through the fog of euphoria. “I’m glad to hear that.” Sunset said as she nibbled on Twilight’s neck, causing the princess’s flower to tighten even harder on the crystal penetrating her. “But, I’m not sure you’re really feeling good enough yet.” Twilight felt a pulse of magic erupt from Sunset’s hands. Instantly, the crystal inside her began to vibrate. Twilight’s brain began to go blank as the new stimulus began sending even stronger euphoria into her neithers. Twilight found her vision blurring as she went momentarily cross-eyed from ecstasy as she bit her lip to avoid screaming directly into Sunset’s ears. She even felt a string of drool begin to leak out of the side of her mouth as she grabbed onto Sunset even harder, her moans growing in volume as the archmage renewed her attack. “There we go.” Sunset said as she resumed bouncing the princess in her lap. As Sunset shifted the angle of her thrusts, Twilight felt the vibrating crystal grind against a particularly sensitive spot, causing another vigorous squeal to escape from the princess. “Sunset… please keep doing that!” Twilight panted through the haze of pleasure. “What? Oh, you mean…this?” Sunset asked coyly as she drove the vibrating crystal into the previous spot. A sharp and erotic shriek erupted from Twilight’s throat, and Sunset’s smirk became even wider.  “Yes… that…” Twilight whimpered as she wilted back into Sunset’s embrace. “Well… okay… I suppose I could do… that…” Sunset said as she repeated her attack. The focused assault began to take their toll on Twilight, and she felt her dam about to burst. She was close. So close. But she needed just a little more to push her over the edge and into the sky. And she knew exactly what would do it. “Sunny…” Twilight whimpered in Sunset’s ear between moans. “Please… kiss me.” Lifting her head from Sunset’s shoulders, Twilight met Sunset’s eyes, her pleading look boring into the archmage. Sunset’s smile became kinder before leaning forward and pressing her lips into Twilight’s, her hands sliding up the princess’s back, gently wrapping her fingers around the base of Twilight’s head to press their lips together, while her magic kept the princess bouncing in her lap. It was the final straw Twilight needed. Squeezing her eyes shut as she melted into the kiss, her back arched as her orgasm exploded from within her, a muffled moan escaping her throat as Sunset pressed their lips together even tighter. A flood of warm liquid erupted from within her and soaked the inside of her thighs as she came all over the crystalline shaft, the scent of black sage blossoms filling the air. Pulling back from the kiss, Sunset sent a pulse of magic into the crystal to stop its vibrations. As she did, she maneuvered Twilight’s head so she was resting in the crook of her neck, rocking the princess gently as she slowly came down from her climax. In response, the princess snuggled back into the redhead’s embrace, savoring the post orgasm glow and the warm feeling of Sunset’s skin on hers.  Once Twilight had calmed down and her breathing returned to normal, Sunset slowly leaned back and rolled to the side, resting Twilight on the mattress. Gently, she unwrapped her arms and pulled her hips back, sliding the crystal out of the princess. Cracking her eyes open, Twilight was greeted with the beautiful sight of Sunset leaning over her, her face a coy smirk as she looked down on the slowly panting princess. “Well, princess, are you satisfied now?” Sunset asked as she lowered herself to the mattress and snuggled up against the princess. “I hope that was more than enough to prove that I love you, and you alone.” “Sunny…” Twilight breathed as she slowly panted for air. Reaching up, Twilight moved a few locks of hair out of Sunset’s face before kissing her softly on the lips. “I don’t think there was any greater proof than if you derived the entirety of Clover’s Universal Thaumatic conversion formula step by step.” Chuckling, Sunset laid down next to the princess, then pulled her into a warm hug, resting her forehead against Twilight’s. “Dork.” Sunset giggled with a smile. “Yea, but I’m your dork. And you’re mine. So there…” Twilight giggled in reply before their lips met again and the world faded away. ***** Twilight slowly opened her eyes as the orgasm orb’s enchantment powered down, leaving her to bask in the warm afterglow of her illusionary lovemaking. Lethargically, Twilight got to her hooves. Magenta light flooded the room as she lit her horn and pulled the orb out of her body, a small gasp escaping her throat as it came free. As the orb drew in the remnants of her love juices to recharge itself, Twilight slipped it back into its box and slid it under her bed. Flopping back down, Twilight looked forlornly at the journal and sighed. Why wouldn’t the universe let her and Sunset be together? Why did she have to rely on a sex-toy to have the gorgeous and fiery redhead? It hurt so much that she couldn’t tell Sunset how she felt. That she wanted the fire-mane to be hers, and be Sunset’s in turn. But she couldn’t, because she was too afraid that if she told Sunset, it might ruin their friendship. It was so unfair. She couldn’t tell Sunset how she felt out of fear of losing her, and she couldn’t even be around her enough to figure out if she’d even be interested. Not with her on the other side of the mirror. Not with her being around Sparkle all the time. An ugly flare of jealousy spiked up in her again. No, she couldn’t think like that. Sparkle wasn’t a threat. She’d stopped being a threat when she got together with that Timber Spruce guy. But it still grated that Sparkle could be with Sunset all the time, but she couldn’t. “Sunny, why do you do this to me…” Twilight sighed as she used her magic to pull her blankets over herself and snuggled into her pillow. Stealing one last glance at the journal, Twilight whispered one final thing before shutting off the firefly lamp and drifting off to sleep.  “Sleep well… my precious sunstone.”