> Pie Sisters in Heat > by takaneko13 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Pie Sisters in Heat > --------------------------------------------------------------------------      Rock Farming is definitely not the cake walk everypony has pictured it to be for the last few generations. There is an art to it, a level of genius that is only captured once in a thousand moons. For who could see the value in lumps of sediment compressed together to make a singular mass? If any pony could do it, the value of such a find would be relegated to mere fractions of a bit compared to what it is worth in the eyes of true rock connoisseur.     Igneous Rock Pie had inherited a great gift from his grandfather, and his keen eye for rocks and business had brought many years of success for himself and his family. His works of stonemasonry had gone unrivaled throughout the region, with many monuments bearing the name “Pie” as their trademark signature. A humble and quiet stallion since he was young, Igneous was rarely one to ask questions or partake in philosophical debates over what he deemed to be mundane topics of everyday pony society. He very much kept to himself, and made sure to provide the best for his family and the few friends he had.     On this rare occasion, Igneous traveled into Appleloosa to deliver a new monument dedicated to the newfound prosperity the town had afforded after making peace with the Buffalo Tribe two years ago. A sturdy and unflinching statue of a Buffalo and Pony holding hooves would grace the plaza for decades to come - it would be one of Igneous’ finest achievements. The middle aged stallion stroked his chin contently as the stallions lowered the statue into place, finishing the delivery with a loud, THUD.    “That will do. Collect thy payment from the treasury at thy convenience.” His voice was gravelly and soft, but not without its stern tone.     The stallions who aided him looked at each other with puzzled expressions. Igneous knew all too well that ponies were usually unfamiliar with his dialect. He often had to correct himself to make sure he communicated more effectively.     “You have my thanks. Speak with the mayor about collecting your pay.”     With everypony sharing satisfied smiles amongst themselves, they parted ways to continue their individual agendas. Igneous eyed his monument closely and stepped forward. Deciding that it needed to be moved a bit more to the left, he pushed the statue a few inches into the correct position using a single hoof! Honestly, this would have been an effortless delivery if he hadn’t thrown his back out a few years ago. He could have also had his daughters’ help, but he figured the stallions needed the work anyway. Everypony has to eat, after all.     Speaking of eating.. After a hard day’s work, it was only natural for a hardworking stallion to seek sustenance to reward a job well done. The Bennigan and Jerimiah’s Ice Creamery was not far away, Mayhaps I shall quench my appetite.     The selection of ice cream behind the counter was adequate, though not as exhaustive as the selection described by his daughter in her letters. He supposed that a strawberry chocolate cone with a scoop of rocky road and fudge with a cherry flavored rock candy on top would have to suffice. One would not expect “Old Man Igneous” to be a fan of such a delectable treat ~ and he had Pinkie Pie to thank for that. His rambunctious daughter whom he had raised as Pinkamena Dianne Pie, was the apple shaped rock of his eye, a bubble of joy and energy that brought hope and happiness to anypony she came into contact with.     She was the one who opened the hearts of her family to the joys Equestria had to offer besides rock farming - as if such a thing were possible. The Pie Family had long been sequestered from society until she brought them out of their dull rut into the colorful light of the rainbows that stretched far overhead across the world. They would be nowhere without their treasured daughters, and Pinkie was the brightest of them all, figuratively speaking.     “That there Pinkie Pie is a real nuisance.”     Pardon me?     Igneous Pie, tugged on the brim of his hat, shielding his identity from passersby. Turning his ear slightly, he strained to focus on the disembodied voices behind him.     “Did you hear about the goings on in Ponyville? Some sort of pie related kerfuffle goin’ on between somepony or another. The town’s been overrun by pastries far as the eye can see.”     “What kinda pony does that?”     “I’ll tell you who, it’s definitely that pink philly from the Rock Farm.”     “The rest of the family ain’t all that bad when they keep to themselves, but Pinkie Pie is a little too rackety for my taste. ‘Weren’t for her, things with the Buffalo may not have turned out as good as they did.”     “Good thing she’s not around here. Our little town don’t need that brand of pony trottin’ around.”     Igneous had heard enough. He absentmindedly crushed his ice cream cone in his hoof, and quietly asked the pony behind the counter for something to clean up the mess. Nopony had been bothered by it, it was something of a gift he had. He was plain and still enough to avoid being recognized by anypony. He paid for his dessert, and left the creamery in a huff. * * *     On his way home, cart in tow, Igneous reflected upon the things he had heard, struggling to keep his temper in check as he stomped across the desert. A nuisance. Rackety! Nopony speaks of my daughter like that!     While these traits described Pinkie Pie quite accurately, he did not appreciate the tone in which they were said. They simply did not appreciate the type of loving and caring pony his daughter had come to be. She injected her own brand of laughter into every town she came to - and yet Appleloosa had seemed to miss the party altogether! The townsfolk should have been more grateful, more appreciative of Pinkie Pie’s efforts!     Yet I have nary a clue as to how to show them that… how could I restore the honor of my Pinkemina Diane Pie?     How indeed. She had been away from home for so long, he could hardly recall any of Pinkie’s new likes and dislikes. When she was his little “Pinkie Pebble Pie” he could dote on her with Rock Soup and Sediment Souffle (both edible treats), but she wasn’t such a “pebble” anymore. She was a full grown mare who expressed herself… quite differently.     With no time to make for a trip to Ponyville to ask her properly, Igneous spent the rest of the trip thinking of way to learn something about the new Pinkie Pie she had grown to become. He returned to his homestead, parked the cart next to the house and gazed wearily at the fields in the distance.     The gray clouds overhead were a normal feature of the landscape, not a single drop of rain in sight. With it being the weekend, the nearby quarry remained empty and quiet. Everything was peaceful this time of day… save for Marble humming from inside the house.     Marble… aha!     Igneous did not know why the thought did not cross his mind sooner. He would ask his daughters Marble and Limestone Pie for information about Pinkie Pie. They were more her age and better adapted to the modern life that ponies had accustomed themselves to. Though they both stayed close to the Rock Farm, they had their own social lives in the nearby villages, Limestone more so than Marble.     They had seen more of Pinkie Pie recently, so any information about her should be easy to recall. Igneous trotted into the house, hung his hat and made his way upstairs to Marble’s room. She hummed to herself while she was cleaning, much like his beloved wife Cloudy Quartz.     He brought his hoof to the door and knocked, “Marble, thy father wishes to enter.”     “Oh! C-Come in, Father.”     The door creaked open and Marble met her father at the door. Her long mane was draped over one eye, but this did not impede her vision in the slightest. Truth be told, Marble had an eye for the quality of rocks, but she did not share in any of her siblings’ traits of speed and agility. With time, she would eventually learn to be a marvelous appraiser.     “You’ve completed thy chores, Marble?” Igneous asked sternly.     “Yes, Father. I was going over my rock collection for a bit before you knocked.” She answered timidly, not out of fear, but simply out of habit. She was not a very sociable pony except around her family.     Igneous relaxed a bit, not wishing to make this a serious confrontation. “You may relax, daughter. I’ve come to remedy a simple quandary. I hope to depend on thy input.”     Marble lifted her head, a bit more relieved, “Of course.”     “I am perplexed by some rumblings I overheard in Appleloosa today. The townsfolk need to be reminded of the herald Pinkie Pie has been to them, yet I know not what to present to them.”     “The townsfolk are upset with Pinkie? That’s awful.”     “Hm. Tell me, Marble. What sort of thing does Pinkie Pie enjoy? How would she express herself for others?”     Marble put her hoof to her chin inquisitively, much like Igneous. “Oh that’s what you want to      know. I s-see why you came home to ask… Pinkie hasn’t been around that often…”     “Hmm.”     “I- I know that Pinkie Pie loves lots of colors and confetti. Lot’s of party stuff. R-Remember when she came here last time? All the l-loud canons she had with her?”     Igneous remembered the canons. Loud instruments of torture that rocked the house (no pun intended) every time they went off. Every time Pinkie brought them over, he would make sure to hide the fuses, but she would find them every time.     “Ah, that’s right. She is fond of those confounded things.”     “Uh-huh. But it’s part of her bombastic personality, and one of the ways she expresses herself the most. Streamers and confetti for everypony. They love that kind of thing.”     “Ye don’t say…”     Though procuring party canons like the ones Pinkie used so often would be a challenge, Igneous at least had an idea of something to incorporate into his plan to improve his daughter’s standing amongst the ponies of Appleloosa. Where to find such items in this season?     “Thank you, Marble. Thy council has yielded fine fruit. I’ll leave thee to relax the rest of the afternoon.” Igneous turned to leave, but Marble spoke quickly as his hoof reached for the door.     “Father!”     “Hmm?”     The atmosphere in the room felt different for a moment. Marble rocked in place, her mane swaying back and forth in front of her eyes. She seemed to be fighting an intrusively red glow in her cheeks.     Igneous inquired, “Marble, do ye not feel well? Thou seemst to be uncomfortable. Perhaps ye are in need of bedrest.”     Marble shook her head, “N-No father. I-I am not sick. I-I… well… maybe… I am.”     “Speak thy mind, daughter.”     Marble looked up at him, a fearful glazed look in her eyes focusing on Igneous through a flushed expression, “D-Dad… I’m in heat.”     The weight of the situation hit him like a boulder thrice his size. Sweet Celestia, is it that time again? Igneous counted to himself, calculating how long it had been since he heard Marble say those words. Had he not been so focused on his stonemasonry project, he would have known that it was that time of the month again. Cloudy would normally remind him of what was coming, but she was away on another delivery to Manehattan.     “Marble, sweetie, ye have all the reason in Equestria to be upset with me. I had lost track of time up to this point. Dost thou not have found somepony to-”     Marble shook her head.     “Ahem… Hmm.. I see.”     Of course Marble had not found a special somepony to express these harbored feelings to. Ever since she came of age, Marble had been experiencing mad waves of heat that hit her once a month. During this time, she could not focus, and she could not work. Every moment was filled with a lustful agony that came out in all kinds of inappropriate ways. Secrets better left unsaid now that the family has found a way to control her urges.     “Thy… Thy was not looking at thy rock collection when I knocked, was ye?” Igneous asked.     Marble shook her head. She let out a strained breath and a whimper. Igneous looked down to the floor, noticing for the first time that a small puddle had formed between her legs. The scent of her wet, dripping marehood filled the air, making matters worse for Igneous as his will to prolong this fell to the wayside.     “Sshh shh shh, forgive me, Marble.” Igneous stepped forward, hugging Marble close and letting her take in his masculin scent. He knew it would help calm her down. “Father’s here to help thee.”     “T-thank you Daddy…” Marble had slowly reverted back to childlike habits and mannerisms she had exhibited as a philly. She had not called him, “Daddy” in a long time.     Igneous trotted past her to a stationary chair on the opposite side of the room. He let out a sigh, turned around and sat down with his legs spread apart to make room for his cock as he  finally released it from its sheath. Though an older stallion himself, he had remained quite vigorous with the help of Cloudy and her home remedies. All of which had a trace of rocks in the recipe, one would imagine.     Igneous’ hard member had yet to disappoint any mare in his lifetime, and his daughter Marble was no exception. She loved his stallion cock, a firm and rigid muscle the size of her foreleg. It would most definitely put any other stallion to shame… except maybe Big Macintosh. She could not help but salivate as she crawled on all fours toward it, eyeing his balls and the base of his member as she drew closer and closer.     “Gently now…”     “Yes Daddy.... Mmmm~”     Marble stuck out her tongue licking his balls and nipping at them before taking in a deep breath, filling her nostrils with the strong scent of his member as she closed the distance. Igneous groaned as she licked and lapped at the base of his cock, coating him with drool and hot breaths as the heat inside her became stronger and stronger. Her tongue flicked at the tip of his dick, gently adoring and savoring every inch she could reach with her tongue. She suckled at the tip of his cock, tasting doleps of precum and quickly sensing that her father’s stiffened member was ready for more.     She released him with an audible, Pop! With his stallionhood now properly lubricated, Marble was ready for the next step. She climbed over him, straddling him with her legs on either side with his hard cock snuggled between her flanks. Her soaked marehood had brushed against his tip as she climbed up, and the heat in her body begged her all the more for sweet release.     Igneous held her close, embracing her as a loving parent helping their child through a rough experience. She needed that extra bit of reassurance, to know that her father would not harm her, that he cared for her. That at the end of the day, he loved her very very much.     “I love you, Daddy.”     “I know sweetie.”     Marble raised her hips, hovering her dripping marehood over Igneous’ cock and letting him slowly push aside her lips as he entered inside her. The subtle sound of his body entering inside her was dulled by her screams and yelps as her body accepted him entirely. With her full weight now up against his hips, this was the first time that Igneous had fit his entire length inside her.     He was as surprised as she was, and all the more shocked when she lifted herself up with her own strength and lowered herself down on him again. The sudden jolt made her back arch in surprise. She let out a spine tingling cry that Igneous silenced by pulling her toward him and placing his lips against hers. His tongue subdued her and the only sounds she could make were pleasured moans muffled by his deep kiss.     Marble continue to revel in blissful torment as Igneous thrust his hips inside her. With her hooves on his shoulders for aid, she heaved herself up and down to meet his thrusts with her own. Their bodies met each other with sharp slaps as they became more earnest with one another, enwrapped in lustful wanting for a final release that would send them both over the edge. Her moans grew higher in pitch teetering off until all she could do was gasp and groan sweet obscure and vulgar phrases to egg her father on.     “Buck me harder, Daddy. F-Fuck my pussy haaaaardeeeeer…”     “Marble… I’m going to… finish!”     “In-in-in-in-insiiiide me...nooooowwww…”     With a final thrust, Igneous dropped his hooves to Marble’s hips and held her in place as his cock released its entire load all the way inside of her. She clung onto him, letting out a final amorous cry as she came and he sent jets of cum inside her one after another. His cock twitched furiously sending waves of pleasure through Marble’s body that left her in a state of near suspended animation. She froze with her back arched, her eyes rolling slightly into her head, and mouth open wide, drooling ~ an expression of carnal bliss upon her face.     Igneous huffed and puffed as he finally laid his daughter to bed. He wobbled slightly on his way to the door, a small side effect after having had such an intense encounter with his daughter. He turned to look back at her, happy to see a content smile on her face as she slept happily. Igneous let out a sigh of relief and shut the door quietly as he left to go downstairs. * * *     Now that he had finished helping Marble through her episode, he could continue to gather information about Pinkie Pie. His next stop required little thought: Holder’s Boulder. No doubt that he would find another one of his daughters there, a certain pony obsessed with protecting the Pie Family’s most prized heirloom.     “Limestone Pie?” Nopony answered. “Limestone, this is thy father speaking. I have an important inquiry for thee.” If she did not respond at all, obviously, Igneous would have to search elsewhere. “Geez, Dad. You sound so lame. Can’t you just say, “I gotta ask you something?” Limestone called out from the top of Holder’s Boulder. Igneous knew that he would have to change his manner of speaking if he wanted to get through to Limestone. She was the more stubborn, hotheaded pony out of the family, a trait she had picked up from Igneous himself. Though she was a lovely mare in her own right, she had a rebellious mane offset to one side and a near permanent scowl on her face. Needless to say, she was difficult to approach in any situation. She was no stranger to Pinkie Pie’s influence, and she had learned to smile and be kinder to other ponies… when she felt like it. “AHEM… Forgive me, Limestone. I was only trying to get your attention.” Limestone hopped down from the boulder, “Well you’ve got it. What’s up?” “I am in need of your council. Your sister’s honor has been called into question by the patrons of Appleloosa. I have taken upon myself to remedy this slight against her.” Limestone raised an eyebrow, “Sounds like something Maud would get herself into.” Igneous corrected her, “I speak of Pinkie Pie.” “Oooooohhhh, that actually makes a lot more sense.” Limestone turned her attention to Holder’s Boulder, retrieving a rag on the ground and commencing to spit shine the beloved heirloom. “Tch, why don’t we just teach ‘em a lesson or something by halting our deliveries for a while. That’ll shake ‘em up.” “That is not how we do business, Limestone.” Limestone tossed the rag over her shoulder, “To hell with business! They insulted Pinkie Pie - so they’re insulting us. I won’t have it!”   Despite her rough exterior, nothing was more important to Limestone than her family and the Rock Farm - Holder’s Boulder was a close second though. Were she faced with the same situation that Igneous had been placed in, she would prefer to let Appleloossa suffer without their services before she forgave them for belittling her family. This is why Igneous was the proper stallion to lead this particular project. Limestone still had a lot to learn about compassion and consideration for others besides her own kin. “Let me worry about the townsfolk. I am trying to put together a plan of a sort. Something to inspire more positive thoughts in correlation to Pinkie.” Limestone let out a disgruntled grunt. “And that of the entire family in fact.” Her ears perked up. Igneous had hit the sweet spot, “Yessir, Appleloosa seems to be taking the Pie Family for granted. I suppose it’s high time we reminded them who to thank for some of their prosperity.” “Yeah… Yeah, you’re actually startin’ to make sense, old man.” Limestone’s frown had turned into a wide mischievous grin. Her father’s eyes narrowed and she quickly took back what she said, “Urh, I mean, Dad.” “Better. Now, about my inquiry. I wish to know something about Pinkie Pie. You have spent time with her alongside your sisters. Pray tell, what is it that she likes to express herself by?” Limestone rubbed her chin, pondering on her latent memories from the last time Pinkie Pie came by the farm to check on things. She was as loud as the last time, and the time before that, and the time before that. She usually came bearing gifts and stories that stretched deep into the night. Honestly, the best thing she appreciated about Pinkie was her vast memory and ability to recollect almost any tale real or fiction. She used to fall asleep listening to her sister ramble on and on about friendship lessons and adventures with her friends, and even managed to pick up a lesson or two along the way. But if there was one thing she knew Pinkie loved to share with others it was… “I can’t think of anything.” Limestone said bluntly. “Pardon me?” She suddenly became distant when responding to her father, “Really, nothing comes to mind. I think you came by barking up the wrong tree.” Igneous did not really understand the metaphor, “Is that something you picked up from your Apple Family cousins? What’s gotten into you?” “Nothin’ Dad. I’m being totally honest.” A father would know when his own child is lying. “Limestone Pie, ye are withholding knowledge of thy kin. Speak truth to me, daughter..” Limestone sneered, “You get all old-timey when you’re mad. That’s cute.” Igneous groaned under his breath. He was losing his patience. “Okay okay, jeez. I do know something I can tell you about Pinkie Pie… BUT… I want something in return.” Clever girl. “I suppose ye would prefer an exchange of goods for information, am I correct?” “A trade. Yeah.” Ever the cheeky mare, Limestone knew that her own father would not turn down a chance to trade something for a simple bit of information. It was the one weakness she knew about him. Some ponies liked to gamble. Some ponies liked to play sports and games. For Igneous Rock Pie… it was all about the trade. A businesspony through and through. The stallion played right into her hooves, “And what would ye wish for in exchange for thy bounty?” Limestone bit her lip, anticipating her father’s reaction to her request. “Well… judging by what I heard going on the house… I’d say Marble is sound asleep right now, eh?” “She is.” “Hee hee, good. Cause I want some of what she just had.” Limestone made her offer. Igneous countered, “I’m afraid thy offer is unfairly weighted against you, daughter. Information for carnal pleasures is bad business.” Though it was an easy trade, he hoped he could avoid it if possible. His legs were still recovering from the last time. Limestone was wise enough to know that it would not take much to tip the scales in her favor. “I can sweeten the pot then. I’ll tell you something about Pinkie Pie… and give you an extra blow for no charge.” “Limestone…” As much as he wanted to resist her offers, he was already having trouble holding back his libido. He staggered a moment, shifting his legs to keep himself from being uncomfortable. She could already tell that he was aroused by her offer. He was not used to hearing lewd language like that. He would never admit that it was one of his turn ons. After listening to her parents on the other side of the wall all those times, she’d picked up a thing or two. “Don’t you wanna fuck me silly?” Igneous’ face blushed red. He swallowed the lump in his throat, fighting privately against the butterflies in his stomach. His member stiffened a little more as Limestone’s question echoed inside him. His legs moved a little, parting enough for his horse cock to dangle unashamedly between his legs in full view. His daughter smiled from ear to ear, captivated by his strong stallionhood. “That’s more like it. Do we got a deal?” She edged closer to him, closing the distance and taking in the scent of musk in the air. She rubbed herself against his body much like a cat would. She mewed playfully as she circled around him, baiting him with her exposed marehood already wet and waiting to be violated. “D-Deal.” “Sweet.” She kissed him on the cheek, and rolled onto the ground presenting herself to him. She was not intent on giving herself to him just yet - first she wanted to taste that cock for herself. Limestone shimmied her way between his legs until she positioned herself right under his large member. It twitched and throbbed as she blew against it, her mind spinning as she realized how big it was now that she was this close. She trusted that he would not fall on top of her, especially since it would ruin the mood entirely. Her hooves grasped him on either side and she gave him a couple of pumps, earning a strained groan from her father as he shifted his posture above her. Drops of precum oozed from the tip, and she darted her tongue at his opening lapping furiously and waggling her tongue repeatedly to stimulate his sensitive head. She capped the head of his cock, suckling and taking it into her mouth inch by inch. Limestone hacked a few times, relaxing her advance and releasing him to catch her breath. Each time she withdrew from him, his cock became slick with saliva, wet strings of drool connecting her mouth to his member even as her hooves continued to pump him with more effort. She licked up and down his length while caressing his balls, earning herself another stifilled groan from the stallion above her. His cock was slick and wet enough for her to try deep throating him again. She took a deep breath and started taking him into her mouth a bit at a time. His cock was so long that she could hardly reach the base like she wanted to - a personal failure on her part. She would have to settle for a consolation prize. Settling herself into a comfortable rhythm, she continued with suck and pump away at Igneous’ member with everything she had. The sopping sounds of his cock going in about out of her mouth were coupled with her moans and cooes as she wordless begged him for more and more. Igneous found the willpower to speak before reaching his limit, “Li-Limestone. I’m going to cum.” She popped him out of her mouth without ceasing the slick and calculated movements of her hooves, “Go ahead and cum. I’ll swallow it whole. You know I’ll do it. Come on, cum, cum, cum!” She engulfed his member again, sucking at the tip and adding a playful nibble to the swollen head. She cupped his balls one more time and stroked him with the intent to make have him burst- With a final grunt, he released himself ramming his horsecock into Limestone’s throat as he shot jets of cum inside her. Each laborious thrust ejected a stream of cum that she welcomed into her throat. Limestone could hardly keep her eyes from twitching madly, a feeling of sheer bliss and satisfaction washing over her as she drank everything the stallion offered her. Igneous finally relaxed, taking a few steps back to remove his softening member from his daughter’s mouth. The wet and slippery POP made his ear twitch, and he looked down to see his handiwork. Limestone slurped and licked at the cum that overflowed from her mouth after Igneous’ climax, refusing to let any of it go to waste. It was a taste she had become accustomed to. The smell, the texture, the fierce joy she got from getting face fucked was all kinds of wrong - and she loved it. She rose up on all fours, her equilibrium slightly off as she reached her full height. “Fuck that was amazing. Can you… can you go again?” Limestone craned her head down, trying to see if her father’s cock was still stiff enough to continue. Igneous groaned, knowing full well that he had enough left in him for one more round. This time however, he would be in charge. “Limestone… turn around.” “Um… okay.” She turned around, wondering if he was getting her to look away for some reason. “Place thy hooves against Holder’s Boulder… and present thyself.” “Oh… oh fuck… yessir!” Limestone eagerly trotted to the foot of Holder’s Boulder, placing her hooves against it and presenting herself just as Igneous instructed her. She whipped her tail aside showing her dripping lips to him. A brief glimpse of his hardened cock made her all the more excited. “Ready, Dad.” “Good. Brace thyself…” Igneous gave her a good slap on the flank as he approached, earning a satisfied coo from her as he circled his hooves around her cutie marks. With her tail flipped over her back, he had a perfect view of his daughter’s quivering marehood. She was soft as velvet and flexible enough to accommodate any stallion she chose. However, he wasn’t just any stallion. He bore a scent that drove her wild, and it made her all the more aroused on days like this. As he had suspected, Limestone was in heat as well, accounting for her vulgar behavior and business tactics. He would make sure to make note of her behavior to better prepare for next time. Right now, he had a job to do. And what a job it was going to be. With is hooves on either side of her, he stood on his hind legs, aiming the swollen tip of his cock and rubbing it against her wet lips. Taking a step forward, he entered inside her, pushing past her taut muscles and letting her engulf him as he inched closer and closer. She shouted vulgar obscenities as he finished putting himself all the way inside her, a mix of four letter words and lewd moans that he had no hoof in teaching her at all. She was always the loudest and crudest one of her siblings. The eldest, Maud Pie, was quiet but not without her fierce sense of  adventure. She was a hard mare to tame indeed. For now, Igneous would need to focus on fucking his daughter senseless, asserting himself as the patriarch of the family despite his diminishing role as the caretaker for the farm. His daughters had everything under control, but it was still his house, and under his roof, they would follow his rules. “Clean out thy mouth, Limestone. Your obscene language lights a fire in my ears.” “Oh yeah, how about you focus that fire and fuck me, Dad? You want me to shut the fuck up? Make me! AAah~!” He smacked her flank, “You will not speak to your father like that.” He grunted and doubled his efforts, thrusting and slamming into her with more resolve. She mewed and groaned under him, readjusting her legs now and again to keep herself from falling over. When Igneous had enough of her complaints, he reached out and lifted one of her legs up against him, spreading her marehood wider, even exposing her clit as he continue to fuck her. “Oh fuck yeah, Dad. Now you’re cooking with~ OoOOohh FuUuUuuCk!!! Aaahn! Ahn!” Igneous would not be a fool to miss his opportunity to stimulate his daughter’s clit directly. With his libido now in full control, he was thrusting at near full force creating a slight distention in Limestone’s stomach as he drove himself all the way inside her. She was lost for words, her voice melting into primal mews and yelps that resembled Marble’s subdued wimpers. Whether she was aware of it or not, she had fully submitted to her father’s dominance, leaving her body at the mercy of his sexual carnage. Her body began to pulse rhythmically, her mind going blank as she reached her climax. “AAAaaaAaAaaaaahhhh!!!” With a final curdled scream, Limestone came, her muscles convulsing and tightening around Igneous’ cock suddenly trapping him inside her. With a final thrust, Igneous damn near commanded himself to finally release and his body reacted instinctively - a wave of electricity overcame him and he shot streams of cum into Limestone’s body. He jerked and bucked, keeping himself planted all the way inside her as they both rode out their orgasms. When Limestone was able to relax, her body dropped against the boulder and Igneous’ cock slipped out, still gushing vigorously. With his daughters ass still in the air, Igneous rubbed his own cock releasing a few more spurts of cum onto her body. He was claiming her, completing his ritualistic effort to dominate her after she forced him into this situation. Celestia help any stallion who tries to tame this one. Twenty minutes later, Limestone was back to cleaning Holder’s Boulder after Igneous had shot his cum all over it. She was feeling a lot better, so much so that her attitude seemed to be surprisingly mellow. “Pinkie expresses herself through candy nowadays. She’s all about giving ponies treats and what not. They really love that about her.” Not a hint of sarcasm or spite in her tone. “You don’t say…” Igneous rubbed his chin. “Mhm. If Maud was here she’d say something like, ‘Pinkie likes rock candy.’ And then she’d button up for the rest of the afternoon. That’s just like her.” Igneous finally had an epiphany, “Rock candy. Rock candy of course!” He trotted off toward the house to get Marble. “I will go fetch Marble from her bed, Limestone, you will also accompany me to the kitchen with a fresh batch of sugar from the mill.” Limestone raised an eyebrow, “What do we need so much sugar for?” “I have an idea that will remind the folks in Appleloosa about Pinkie Pie every day, and they will only ever be able to think of nothing but sweet things about her. Come on!” The three Pie Family members argued and planned for the rest of the night, putting together Igneous' master plan to remind the ponies of Appleloosa just how much Pinkie Pie meant to everypony. * * * Appleloossa had started to see a boost in activity ever since the infamous Pie Family strolled into town earlier that week for the commemoration of their new monument. Not only had Igneous Rock Pie given a keynote speech ( albeit a brief one) about the monument, but he also had a public invitation for everypony to join the Pie Family at Bennigan and Jerimiah’s Creamery for a party. Igneous, Limestone and Marble Pie did not know much about parties so their decorations about the creamery were amateur at best. They set out grey tablecloths on all of the tables and purchased balloons of different shades of gray and brown. Essentially, rock colors. Not all hope was lost aesthetically thanks to some of Pinkie Pie’s leftover confetti and streamers which the family had tossed about haphazardly around the creamery. At least they tried. The focus of the party was not meant to be on the decorations anyway. The main star of the party was Pinkie Pie after all ~ or rather the new dessert inspired by her and hoofcrafted by the Pie Family themselves. From this day forward, thanks to a healthy supply of pop rock candy from the local rock farm, Bennigan and Jerimiah’s would be selling a new sensational dessert that would always put a smile on ponies faces: The Strawberry Banana Ultraspectacular Pop Rock n’ Road Pinkie Pie Sundae ~ A pink fortress of strawberry ice cream with a banana scoop in the center, glazed in chocolate fudge, a scoop of chocolate rocky road, topped with homemade Poppin’ Rock Candy! Igneous and the girls enjoyed their sweet and delicious victory, conquering the minds of the townsfolk not through complicated words, but as Pinkie Pie might have done in their stead ~ through their stomachs! The End.