
by canonkiller

First published

In a world devoid of color, one young mare seeks her destiny...

I have been told that, at one point, there was color in this world. That the borders of our populace were not marked with deep trenches and walls of fog. That all races lived together, in harmony.

This is the fault of Him. He was the one who changed our lands.

But... He vanished. A thousand years into this limbo, when the sun and the moon vanished from the sky. That was when the last of the rebels vanished as well, eight ponies who had stood against him.

I will challenge the Eight to their honor, find Him and face Him. He will fall, and the world will become pristine again.

** This story was written when I was 15, and the quality and content reflect that. Please be aware that my position on topics contained within may have changed in the time between publishing and now, and I apologize for any offensive material that I may have condoned in my younger years. **


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I have been told that, at one point, there was color in this world. That the borders of our populace were not marked with deep trenches and walls of disorienting fog. That all races lived together, in harmony.

I have been told my fathers' name was Silver, for his coat was a pale gray - although that is not uncommon - and that my mother was Snow, a white unicorn. They were both killed for interracial interaction. I was spared.

I am an Earth Pony, as all in Terria are. My coat is black as night, as many are, and my eyes are pale as the few clouds that drift from Airtica. All of our eyes are white now. There is no change in emotion through them, for we have no pupils.

I wish I could say that the ponies did this, that some dragon or griffon or changeling invaded our land and cast us into eternal twilight, but it is not the truth. This is the fault of Him. He was the one who changed our lands.

But... He vanished. A thousand years into this limbo, when the sun and the moon vanished from the sky. That was when the last of the rebels vanished as well, eight ponies who had stood against Him.

The Eight divided the land through decades of shadow, splitting it into parts so the fighting would end. On the north side is Airtica, the land of the Pegasi. In the east, Arcana, the land of the Unicorns. The south is my homeland, Terria, where the Earth Ponies live. In the west is Haven, the land where most wildlife fled to, as no pony with malicious thoughts can enter. Around the very center is the Swath, a thick band of churning water that no pony of any race can cross.

Not that they'd want to. Despite the thick, rich soil on the outer edge, but the inner turns to dust and sand, and stretches as far as the eye can see. Some cartographers from Terria have walked the entire edge of the river, and proclaimed it to be a perfect circle.

They say that three of the Eight reside in the Badlands, and one in each other region. Two reside in Haven.

I will challenge the Eight to their honor, find Him and face Him. He will fall, and the world will become pristine again.

That is my goal.

For now, though, I have to bring water back to my colony.

The water jar is heavy on my skull, the bottom made to align with my skull and balance between my ears. I am cautious, more than I was on the way to the river.

Wildlife has claimed all but this path to the river. I can hear the lonely echo of a Timberwolf off in the distance, the churning growl of what might be a Splintercat. There is always the off chance that it is an Ancient, as well; one of the legendary monsters that were chased into the Badlands. I am close enough to the Swath for it to be possible.

The last time I saw an Ancient, it was a great Ogopogo; a massive swamp beast with a maw that could swallow a pony whole. It was not in any shape to do so, as it had lumbered through the forest, gills flapping uselessly, breath heavy and dry in the air. A pack of Timberwolves had followed it from the Badlands; waiting for it to falter. It died a flipper-length away from the river.

Our colony had taken the bones and created a display along the Arcana border, where the unicorns had begun advancing their territory.

Needless to say, they turned tail and fled.

As to what we do here, Terria is basically all farmland. Rows upon rows of trees and vines and bushes and crops. These paths are the only ground free of our farmland, until you reach the far south or the Haven border, which then returns to wild forest. The Everfree, I believe it was called once, and it extends into the deep of Haven.

I flinch as something moves to my right. Heading towards Haven, probably.

The underbrush shifts away as the proud muzzle of a Timberwolf enters the empty space beyond. It seems old, an Ancient in its own right, and is scarred with decades of weather and scarring. It turns to face me, it's eyes a strange not-gray, and then looks back to its' path. It must have noticed me, I am not making an effort to hide, but it simply moves it's bulk across the path and vanishes into the trees on the other side.

There is a fresh wound, dripping pale sap along its tail. No doubt it's the fault of the other two colts my age; Silt and Dust. They seem to enjoy hunting predators. Darwing's theory at its best.

The pair come crashing through the plants right on cue, Silt holding a small blade and Dust armed with a slingshot and a bag of rocks.

"Hoy, Bane!" Dust yells, as if he wasn't standing a pony-length in front of me. "Didja see a big ol' wolf pass through here?"

"Why? You looking to get killed?"

"Huhu, 'course nawt!" Silt replies for him, dropping the dagger into his hoof. "Dem wolves can give enough fi'wood to last all wintah!"

"And have enough teeth to not leave any remains of you." I started off again, flattening my ears as the two followed me.

"You saw t'wolf, Bane! Ah can tell!"

"Yeah! He can tell!" Silt added.

I groaned, rolling my eyes. "I saw it. How's that?"

"Thanks, Bane!"

"Hu, yeah, thanks Bane!"

I grumble to myself as they crash off through the forest on the other side of the path. I want to leave for Acres, the rumored living place of our One, but I am the only eligible young pony for the job; Silt and Dust are also listed for duties, but since they're going to get killed sooner or later, all the responsibility has fallen to me.

The next Rearing is almost upon us; the air has melted the ice and the buds are appearing on the trees. Five more Howls - what I have been told signify the change from awake-time to sleep-time - and then all the foals will be brought to the Caves.

Among them is my sister; a pure Earth Pony, unlike my half-breed mix. She was injured during my Rearing, or she would have completed it already.

The goal of the Rearing is to weed out the weaklings from our ranks. Rearings are held during every new-leaf - the old ones call it 'spring' - and every foal at or above the age of fifty Howls is brought to the Caves. They are placed in the main chamber - I remember it vaguely, the walls shimmered with not-gray crystal - and left there. The old ones know their way, and leave the foals behind in seconds. Then, we wait. The Caves are a natural wonder; every Howl, the old crystals begin to drip. The Caves are directly below an ancient underground lake, and it fills constantly from a spring on the mountianside.

If a foal does not make it out by the closest Howl, they are lost. There are no air chambers, no hidden pockets of oxygen.

The Howl comes, and you are dead.

A voice echoes from the direction of camp, loud and clear.

"Sire Raven!"

I pick up the pace, the fear and loudness urging me on. Water laps at the edge of the jar, running in cold rivulets down my neck and shoulders. A thick, metal scent fills the air, one that emanates from battle wounds and scraped knees. Blood.

The path widens suddenly, revealing the camp and its raw beauty.

In the center, there is a wide black splash, somehow darker than my own coat. It shimmers in the half-light the sky produces, reflecting and spreading. A pony lies in the middle, dark gray coat blending and splashed with this omnipotence of black. His white eyes are dull gray, his mouth frozen in a scream.

Another pony stands beside him, blood staining his chest and hooves. There is something... different, about him. He holds himself differently, placing his weight equally on his four feet. He turns to face me, the youngling with the water, and his eyes are a cold, dark black.

A Pegasus.

He surveys the ponies emerging from their houses, seeing their leader dead, the pony who called his name nowhere to be seen.

The Pegasus lifts his head, confidence and arrogance radiating from his being. "I am Frost." He announced, spreading his wings. "I have beaten you sire. This camp is mine to lead. The Rearing will be tonight." He stamps a hoof, blood splashing up his leg.

There are horrified gasps, but nopony moves to confront him. We have dwindled in the last hundred Howls, most of the remaining stallions being too old or too young. Many of the mares are akin in that status.

There's just Silt and Dust who can challenge him.

A loud howl echoes through the still air; different from the Howls of sleep and wake, steeped with pain and anger. Two screams follow, and then the forest falls silent.

Now, there's just me.

Chapter 1

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There is only half a between-Howl left. I don't know how any of these foals will escape.

The thick shackles bring their muzzles to the ground as the old ones lead them into the dark. My sister looks back, tears running down her face as the harsh metal scrapes along her shoulders.

Most Rearings, the foals would just follow, knowing it was for the best; at worst, getting a cloth leash to keep them close. Never chains.

I step forward, out of the ranks. "Stone!"

Almost instantly, a thick band slams over my shoulders, snapping closed around my neck. "Join the others, foal!"

"What?! No!" I scramble away, closer to the Cave, away from safety. "I passed!"

The Pegasus frowns, his wings flaring out as he rears up, kicking. One hoof strikes my skull near my ear, and I reel back, stumbling onto the slick floor of the Caves. The steep incline, paired with my momentum, sends me tumbling into the depths.

I recognize the sound of a bone snapping before I collide with a wall, the thump echoing in my skull before I lose consciousness.


I wake up to cold water running down my face.

"Snkt... ow..." I blink a few times, seeing nothing but darkness. "Is somepony - ah - there?"


Another drop hits my muzzle. It's the ceiling. The flood is starting.

"No!" I lunge forward, before pain slams through my chest and I fall. "Augh! Stone?! Stone!?"

"Bane! Help!"

I jerk upright, ignoring the pain. She needs me, I repeat, she needs me.

"Bane! Are you there?!"

"Coming!" Just one more step, just one more step, just one more step, just one more step...

"Quickly! The water!"

A part of me wants to scream that she's my age, that she can handle it, but she can't. While I was working she was pampered and cared for. She doesn't know how to survive.

I am suddenly aware that there is blood pouring from my head. I skid to a stop, vertigo washing over me. "S-Stone!" I yell into the dark. "Stone!"

"I'm here, sister!" I feel a supporting shoulder beside me, and I lean on it. Her bare neck rubs along mine, seeking out the collar. With a quick kick, it disengages and clatters to the ground. I choke in a mouthful of air, straining to figure out which way the sky is.

"How many are left inside?"

"The old ones were shackled to us, Bane! They're down there with the others!"

"Follow the smell of metal, Stone." I stepped away from her, spitting blood. "And don't come out until the Howl is over and everypony's gone, and don't go home. Go straight to Haven. Do not, under any circumstances, come after me. Do you understand?"

"Yes." She left my side, following the smell of my own blood up the tunnels. I hoped she was smart enough to listen to me.

Shaking my head to clear my eyes, I continued down the tunnels. The dripping water was now a steady stream, slowly pooling at my hooves.

"Hello? Anypony there?"

Something moved beside me, the water sloshing up against my legs. "Hello."

"Where are you?!" I swung a hoof through the air, trying to find a solid form. Instead, a shimmering mist began to congeal from the floor, spreading like steam from the surface of the water. It began taking the form of a pony, a unicorn with wide wings. It was only a few heads taller than me, and many of the grown mares were that size.

"Are you lost?"

It had a soft voice, one that I could believe would inhabit an enemy. "N... no. I need to find the others."

"There are more of you?" It replied, turning away to walk down the tunnels. I followed. "That is a shame."

"Wha- who are you?"

"I am Cadence. I have decided I should my afterlife to save the lives of others."

"You're... dead?"

She slowed, her ghostly ears drooping. "Yes. I... died... here."

"Oh." She picked up the pace again, "I'm sorry."

"Do not be." She replied softly. "I have forgiven her."

I didn't press the matter.

She continued anyway. Apparently not many stopped to talk. "The Queen of the Changelings trapped me down here once. She didn't know about the lake, you see, thought I would be fine for a couple days if she brought me food. After my... demise, she left a Changeling here in my guise to complete her plan. They failed at taking Canterlot. The Queen left, I think. My impostor remained for as long as she could stand. My fiance is gone as well; and though I have sought out his spirit, I believe he has passed on fully."

"Oh... I'm sorry."

"No need." She repeated. "We are entering the main chamber."

"Thank you."

She nodded, gently. "I do not wish to enter that room, if you may spare me the journey. I will wait here to guide you out."

I trotted past her, scanning the cavern. "Hello?"

Silence, save for the rush of water now pouring in from the roof.

The shackles... Cold dread filled my chest. Without a second thought, I jumped forward, using the muscle built up from seasons of running and bucking and working.

The water enveloped me with a loud splash, and I opened my eyes. The faceted walls of the Caves were beginning to shine their bright not-gray as the water enveloped them. Light sparkled from them, illuminating the floating bodies, each bound by the metal on their necks. Their eyes were screwed shut, and they drifted back and forth in the current in a haunting dance.

Trying not to be sick, I swam over to them, desperately hoping at least one would have a pulse.


I surfaced, taking heaving breaths. "Cadence! Cadence, where are you?!"

Her spectral form was gone, replaced by the rapidly-rising water. Hundreds of tunnels branched out from this cavern, hundreds of dead ends that could only end in death.

I swam for the edge, getting a hold on a jagged crystal and heaving myself up to the next tunnel. Water was pouring out of it, cascading down to the pool in a fashion that would have been breathtaking, had it not been deadly.

I kept climbing, faster than the water in my desperation. Near the top of the cavern, a tunnel had ceased its drain, as good of a chance as any that there might be a way out.

I kept climbing.

The tunnel loomed closer.


My hoof hooked on the edge of the entrance, and I hoisted myself up into the relative safety of the tunnel.

No time to catch my breath. Had to run.

I ran.

The tunnel branched out in a network of spiderwebs, the twists and turns of a labyrinthine morgue. I kept going, ignoring the holes, ignoring the pits, ignoring the roar of the water behind me.

There was only my hooves against the ground.

A rush of warm air billowed down the tunnel from ahead, a wraith of smoke twisting and transforming as it matched my speed. Cadence.

"You're almost out"

The voice shook and leaped, but I could vaguely understand her speech.

I sped up again, my canter turning to virtual leaps and bounds as I stretched out to maximize my speed. The breeze was so warm and hopeful.

And then the floor ended.

I plunged like a stone, instinct angling my body for a graceful entry; assuming there was water below. A quick second to seriously regret not drowning, and I splashed into the water. There was a strong undercurrent, pushing me away from my landing point, from the Caves.

I surged to the surface, scanning the cliff walls for Cadence. She stood at the tunnel exit, waving down at me.

"Thank you!" I yelled up.

"Good luck!" She replied, flickering out of existence.

I bobbed on the surface of the churning river, the warm air and strong current leading me to believe that this was one of the drains.

"Well." I muttered to myself, shaking the water from my eyes. "At least it can't get any worse."


Cadence re-materialized in the empty chamber, watching as the last of the floodwater siphoned away. She waited, silent, as the crystals dimmed back to a uniform darkness.

"I have completed the task you asked of me."

Yes. Another voice replied, echoing in the empty room. You have.

"May I go now?" She looked around slowly, trying to find the source. "I did everything you said."

You did.

"I need to see him! I need to see Shining!" Cadence shouted, stomping a phantasmal hoof on the crystal facets. "You told me I could die once I did what you said!"

I did say that, didn't I? The voice paused, contemplating. Fine. You may pass on now, if that is what you wish.

"Thank you." She dipped her head in farewell as an invisible burden left her shoulders. She steadily faded away, until the space where she had been showed no sign of her existence.

The chamber was silent again, the steady gurgle of the water draining having stopped through the conversation.

A sigh echoed through the tunnels as a form materialized beside the drowned ponies, crouching over them and undoing their chains. Such a shame. It lifted the heavy metal with ease, tossing it across the room to crash into the far wall. I'm sorry you had to die.

It stood up, shaking the water from it's feet. But I'll make sure the afterlife is nice, just for you. It laughed, a mirthless, dry sound. Just for you, my pawns.

It snapped a claw, and was gone.

Chapter 2

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I awoke to a warm body beside mine. For a few moments I thought it was all a dream; that I had never left the bed I shared with my sister, that I had never met a ghost pony, that the foals and the old ones had not been killed.

But then I felt the chill of wet fur and was filled with thirst and hunger.

The warmth beside me shifted as whatever was emitting it moved away. "You are awake."

I jolted and rolled away, panic setting in as I considered my options. The pony that had kept me company sat patiently, her pure white coat bright against the pale gray of the hairs running down her neck and sprouting at her flanks. She shifted to look at me, and I saw she had wings and a horn, just like Cadence. Her eyes shone a gentle not-gray.

She - at least, I believed it was a she - seemed to notice that I continued staring at the longer hairs. She laughed and smiled, tossing her head. "You do not seem to have manes and tails anymore."

I blinked. Manes sounded vaguely familiar, while I knew other creatures had tails. I looked at my own rump, seeing nothing out of the ordinary. Of course; we got our manes and tails pulled out when we were young. They would only get tangled and slow us down in the forests.

"My name is Celestia, little pony."

"What's a Celestia?"

"I am, of course." She smiled, but worry flickered through her eyes. I noticed her pupils - what I believed they were - were shaped like little wavy stars.

"No, what did you get your name from?"

She took a deep breath, her smile turning fake and plastic. "What's your name?"

"I am Bane, like the plant that keeps the Timberwolves away. What is a Celestia?"

"Call me Sun." She replied, annoyance leaking into her voice.

I considered telling her I didn't know what that was either, but she looked irate, so I left it. "Are you a ghost-pony like Cadence?"

"You met Cadence?" Sun questioned.

I nodded. "Are you a ghost-pony?"

She laughed again. "Somewhat. I guess I must be dead, but I don't feel like it."

"Why are you here? Did you die here?"

She winced, and got up. "...No. I... died... a long way from here."

"Why are you here?" I repeated. She seemed to be practiced in avoiding questions.

"To guide you." She answered vaguely. "My sister sees a great destiny before you, Bane."

"Your sister?"

"Yes. Lun- Moon."

Sun and Moon. I assumed they were opposites of each other. "Where is she?"

"She'll be around." Sun replied. "Come on, we have ground to cover."

"Huh?" She stood up, tossing her head for me to follow. "Where are we going?"

"To Haven."


"You'll be safe there."

I frowned, trotting after her. She was taller than Cadence too, double her height maybe, and her legs were as long as I was tall. She slowed down slightly when she noticed I was having trouble keeping up.

The silence stretched for a couple moments. "Who are you?"

"I am Sun." She replied, snorting softly. "I told you."

"No... like..." I frowned, pinning my ears back. "Who are you?"

"You want to know about me?"

"I guess."

She sighed, fluffing her wings. "I was once very high-ranked. Ponies looked up to me as a teacher, a mentor, a mother. They found me perfect. I protected them; probably too much. They couldn't stand up for themselves like the first of their kind could. Whenever something bad happened, I would fly in and fix it.

"It was too much for me to handle, so I decided to seek out ponies with close ties genetically to the first ponies. I formed groups for them, groups that I could command to protect the people as I had. Foals, stallions, mares, all clambered to be regarded as special.

"There were four main groups, later divided between myself and Moon. There were the Wonderbolts, which were the fastest and bravest Pegasi, my sister had the Shadowbolts, the same Pegasi of the Wonderbolts that enjoyed the night; my own Royal Guard, made up of Unicorns and Pegasi; my sisters' Guard, Earth Ponies enchanted to with night magic so they could fly.

"The workload was lifted then. Moon and I still ruled, but we had split the power. We made the law, we kept control, we took care of the large problems, but Equestria was one step closer to being a true nation again."

She fell silent. I wondered how long it had been since she had talked to somepony. "What's Equestria?"

"This la... the lands I used to rule." She half-closed her eyes, sorrow welling up in them.

"Oh." The silence fell again.

The bushes ahead darkened as a deep black smoke blew through them, congealing in a small ball on our side. It expanded quickly, taking the form of a pony my size, a winged unicorn like Sun.

"Moon?" I guessed.

"We are Luna!" The shadow pony proclaimed loudly. "It is a pleasure to meet you!"

"Luna? But Sun said-"

"Luna, please let this pony call you Moon."

The other pony frowned. "If that is what you wish, sister."

"Thank you." Sun nodded gratefully. "Moon, this is Bane."

Moon was only slightly taller than I was, her pupils shaped like sideways hoofprints. Her mane and tail sparkled like crystal, and were the same not-gray as her irises. She seemed much more excited than Sun, but it was obvious the two shared a close bond. I wonder how old she was; if she died alongside her sister.

"Oh, we have heard about you!" Moon smiled, prancing over to Sun's side. "We have been watching over your sister!"

"Stone?! Is she okay?"

Moon nodded happily. "She is only a few hours walk from here, as she has stopped to rest."

I turned to Sun. "Can we go now?!"

She laughed. "Of course. You can go ahead with Moon, I'll be right behind you."

The dark mare galloped ahead, waiting at the treeline for me to follow. "Come on, Bane!"

"Coming!" I looked back at Sun, grinning. "Thanks. For helping me."

"It was my pleasure." Sun replied softly. "Run along now.

I took off after Moon, leaving Sun alone.


Something shifted deep in the Badlands, under layers upon layers of sand and stone. A pendulum of dusty diamond swung down from it's place in the ceiling, striking into another crystal ball. The object rolled down the track it had been placed on, knocking away eons of dust and grime.

It came to a rest against a solid pillar of not-gray crystal, a single crack running up the side of it. It sheared perfectly in two, revealing a single pony suspended by a magical aura, the same color as the crystal around her.

Slowly, she floated down, coming to a rest on the chipped crystal.

She opened her eyes, the star-shaped pupils shining white.

The mare lifted her head, small crystals lighting up along the leather armor on her head and shoulders. She stood up, two arcane wings spreading from her shoulders. She moved into the pinpoint of light filtering down from the surface, her eyes shimmering not-gray in the sun.

"She has come."


A mare in the center of Terria lifted her muzzle to the sky. "She has been."


A Pegasus stood up, her many-shaded mane billowing in the wind. "She is young."


An elegant monarch sat upon her throne of riches, smiling gently. "She is strong."


Two mares awoke from parallel slumber, their eyes the same not-gray. They smiled as one.

"We are ready."