> Somber Shade impregnates Twilight Sparkle > by Somber_Shade_09 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > In which Twilight contemplates > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight Sparkle sighed in frustration as she inspected herself in the mirror. Her body had recently undergone serious changes since ascending to royal alicorn status, and by all accounts she should be ecstatic. No longer was she a scrawny beanpole, now she was a stone cold BABE. Her long legs ended at soft, juicy thighs, her hips were nice and wide, booty with just the right amount of jiggle and muscle, her tummy was mostly flat with only the slightest hint of softness, her breasts had gone from a pathetic a-cup to now full-blown E's. She was tall, sexy, and she knew it... So why was she still struggling to find a mate? Sure, she wasn't the most social mare, but she did go out with her friends and they easily found stallions and mares interested in a roll in the sheets! Hell, even Starlight and Trixie got more guys than her and They were both more interested in each other! What was wrong with Twilight? Was it because she was royalty now? The purple mare pondered this, crossing her arms under her large breasts. Perhaps, but that shouldn't matter, she wasn't like Celestia and Luna. They were... Well Celestia and Luna! They were practically goddesses, who both dwarfed her in size and power. Twilight let out a frustrated sigh and flopped onto her new princess sized bed. Deep down she knew she was just over thinking everything, and letting her new bodies hormones push her into doing something stupid... But on the other hand her body had a natural breeding instict and she NEEDED it! Sure, Celestia and Luna kept their breeding activity out of the public eye and Cadence was married so her having foals was a-okay but all 3 Alicorn princesses confirmed Twilights suspicions: Alicorns are breeding machines. The Goddess of Equestria responsible for creating the 3 pony tribes had made it so when she created the first 2, Celestia and Luna, so that no matter who they were bred by the resulting offspring would be pure whatever the father was (that didn't explain Flurry Heart but then nothing did) and that they could increase the number per pregnancy if need be for emergencies. But most of all it seemed alicorns were almost always horny. Of all the things that can distract you from working on new spells or reading for fun Twilight would have to say being constantly horny wasn't that bad. She'd always been fascinated with sex, constantly researching different positions, males and females of other species, erotica, and in the human world Pornography. The act of procreation was a stimulating experience, at least it seemed to be. For all of the princesses newfound sex appeal she still only ever had sex once, but that barely counted. Twilight sat up and looked at the door to her room. She knew just beyond was the stallion who'd been frustrating her the most: Somber Shade. He was her personal royal guard, hand-picked by Celestia and Luna, a fiercely loyal solider, and a damn fine specimen of a stallion. He wasn't quite as tall as her, being half Zebra, but he made up for it with immaculately sculpted muscle (shown off deliciously in his light guards armor), a smokey grey coat so smooth and shiney, eyes like saphire, a playfully messy black mane with light grey streaks, and best of all the biggest cock she'd ever SEEN! Of course she'd only ever seen 2 in person, one of which was her brothers (a close second tho) and she'd only seen Shade's because she had been peeking in the stallions changing room... Maybe she was a pervert. But could you blame her? The member in question was a whopping 15 inches at full hardness (okay, she also peeked in his quarters while he was masturbating too...) With a thickness of a blasted soda can, his nuts were like large eggs, and he came BUCKETS!!! Not that it mattered since, sadly, the stallion of her affections was... He was dense. Very, very dense. All of Twilights attempts at flirting, innuendo, sexy outfits as casual wear, constantly bending over in front of him, nothing seemed to push him to act! He was like a brick wall. A very sexy brick wall Twilight wanted to make babies with but a wall none the less. 'How am i supposed to get him to fuck me when he doesn't even seem to notice me!?!' She thought to herself. As she stewed in her arousal and frustration her hands moved up and down her body, quickly finding her sensitive nipples and already leaking pussy. The princess did her best thinking when she came, so maybe a quick orgasm would get the brain juices flowing. As she started gently groping her breasts and teasing her outer folds she fantasized about Shade watching her, his eyes glued to her spread legs as her soaked pussy called to him. She imagined him stroking his monster cock gently as she slowly plunged her index and middle finger into her gushing cunt, the mare moaning softly as she continued to fantasize. Twilight gave her left breast a firm squeeze, letting out a light squeal as she imagined Shade watching her debauched display. Her fingers pumped faster and her back arched, her body already primed didn't take much to push over the edge. She bit her lip and imagined Shade finally entering her room, pinning her to the bed and ravishing her! Of course she knew it was just her curling her fingers to rub her sensitive inner walls, but in her fantasy she was being stretched out by her stud, ready to be bred like a proper little slut. Soon enough Twilight needed to cast a quick soundproofing spell on her room, as her moans grew louder, and she was more entranced by her fantasy. She began to cry out for Shade, begging him to do all kinds of naughty things. "Fuck me Shade, fuck your naughty princess , breed my pussy with your hot cum!!! I need it, i need you, please Shade, cum inside me, paint my womb white and make me yours!!!" She cried out as she finger-fucked her tight purple pussy. After a few more deep finger thrusts and a hard tug on her nipple Twilight let out a long, happy, scream as she came hard enough to squirt a little, her body twitching and tensing before collapsing on the bed in a heap, her body warm enough to steam in the cool air of the bedroom. The Princess of Friendship let out a deep breath as her mind began to clear and an idea popped into her head. 'What if i just... Ask him?' She thought. "Why didn't you just ask?" A voice asked out loud. Twilight froze, slowly sitting up, and froze again as in front of her was Shade... He wasn't a fantasy (because in her fantasy he's naked and oiled up) and judging by the tent in his armors front cover he'd seen everything... All this lead to the conclusion that her spell failed and she'd just revealed her kinkiest desires to her crush and there she goes. Twilight Sparkle fell back in her bed, passed out from embarrassment... "Oops." Shade said, now understanding just how bad this looked. > In which Shade laments > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Somber Shade stood outside the door to Princess Twilight's quarters in his light armor (that left little to the imagination), sword at his hip, spear in his hands, and a crippling case of blue-balls. Not to say his bslls were actually blue, or painfully swollen, that wasn't a thing as far as he knew. No, what Shade was suffering from was a bad case of "my boss is fuckin' sexy" syndrome and it had been days since he'd last had enough time to jerk-off. Even then it felt wierd, like someone was watching him, and he swore he could hear someone moaning. The truth was that, indeed, His boss was sexy. Twilight Sparkle... Someone Shade had grown closer too since his assignment, not intentionally, but The Princess had a habit of asking for his help in all manner of tasks. Sometimes it was helping orginize books, other times she needed someone to help with fixing this or that around town. It honestly wouldn't have been so bad if not for Twilight dressing in skimpy clothes , constantly touching his arms during conversation, and bending over to pick things up RIGHT in front of him! It was driving him mad, if he didn't know any better he'd say she was trying to seduce him... But there was no way that was true, not in a thousand years. How in the wide world of Equestria could a mare as sweet, kind, smart, funny, adorkable, and sexy as Twilight Sparkle ever want a half-breed like Somber Shade? Mares like that weren't into Stallions like him, a high school dropout who enlisted simply because it was the only option that didn't result in homelessness. He wasn't charming, or all that funny himself, really all he had going for him was his agile frame and surprisingly large cock. One of the few gifts his deadbeat father gave him was his "big dick gene" (according to what his mother said about him, awkward as that conversation was) ensuring that if he ever found a mare willing to give him a chance Shade could really leave an impression. He'd never measured it's exact size, figured it was big enough to require enchanted underwear all his life, but a big dick alone wasn't going to win Twilight over. Shade figured Twilight hadn't noticed her effect on stallions, and a few mares here and there, and was just being friendly. He knew that rumor about personal royal guards serving thr dual function of protector and consort was bullshit. Shining Armor was Celestias personal guard for years and he wasn't currently married to HER know was he? Flashback to one night when Shining Armor was Celestias personal guard "OH GODDESS YES, FUCK ME SHINING ARMOR!!! FUCK YOUR PRINCESS LIKE THE DIRTY WHORE SHE IS!!!" Celestia moaned happily as said stallion was plowing his fat cock balls deep into her royal cunt. Celestia was on her back in her royal bed, massive breasts bouncing in time with Shinings brutal thrusts. She knew he was close, so with a wicked smirk she said the onr thing she knew would instantly make him nut. "Knock me up... And I'll help you get Cadence." And now back to our regularly scheduled program Shade was about to fall asleep from sheer boredom when he heard a strange noise, like someone casting a spell, coming from the door. Turning to look he noticed that the door was open slightly, and he could hear Twilight making some kind of noise. Taking a peek Shades eye went wide as he saw The Princess of Friendhip was butt naked and eagerly masturbating. Try as he might, and he really tried, he couldn't look away. He had a pretty good angle, the foot of her bed faced the door and her room wasn't too extravagantly huge, so he could see her legs stretched wide and her soaking pussy being stroked by her delicate fingers. He could also see her breasts, mouthwateringly huge and capped with cute little eraser sized nipples, one of which was currently being groped and squeezed with her other hand. The sight alone was enough to get Shade to full size erection status, but the sounds were another story. Her voice, the way she moaned and squealed without restraint, the sweet way she shuddered every so often, it was all surreal. Even more surreal was what he heard Twilight moan next. "Fuck me Shade, fuck your naughty princess , breed my pussy with your hot cum!!! I need it, i need you, please Shade, cum inside me, paint my womb white and make me yours!!!" were the words he heard come from Twilight's soft, kissable lips. Compelled by some unknown force, Shade quietly entered the bedroom and closed the door behind him, sporting an actual tent in his armor's front covering from the enchantment in his underwear breaking, and standing by the bed as Twilight brought herself to blissful orgasm. Truly she was beautiful, her mane a tad messy and clinging to her neck and shoulders, her massive tits heaving with every breath, her legs twitching, and her eyes hazy and half closed as the alicorn baskef in the afterglow. It only took Shade a moment to find his voice to ask the first question that had popped into his mind. "Why didn't you just ask?" He asked plainly. Shade didn't expect the response she had to his question. Instead of freaking out and blasting his head off, or giving him a sultry invitation (admittedly the former was more likely). Instead she merely sat up to look at him, gave him a funny look, and then passed out. "Oops." Shade said, realizing this didn't exactly look good. Since there was no way of knowing when she'd be up he decided to pull up the desk chair and wait, knowing that Twilight would want to discuss this when she woke up. Or she'd wanna bang, that was an option. An unlikely one but hey, apparantly she wants to, at this point anything is possiblr. He just hoped it wouldn't take TOO long for her to wake up. > In which the two confess > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight The Princess of Friendship awoke with a groggy stretch to find it was early morning, she was still naked, and then the events of the previous evening played out in her mind. Being the calm and rational mare she was she took a deep breath before starting to hyperventilate for half an hour, her mind running a mile a minute with worry and regret, before she was finally able to snap out of it and stop Twilighting. 'Pull yourself together Sparkle!' She scolded herself mentally 'Let's just calm down and walk through what we know...' Twilight knew her personal guard stallion, Somber Shade, had walked into her room and watched her jill-off to a fantasy wherein the stallion in question was rutting her like the prized stallion he was. After she had given herself a so-so orgasm she was alerted to his presence, saw him standing there with a clearly present erection (if obscured) where he proceeded to ask why she didn't simply ASK for him to do just what she'd been fantasizing about. She then proceeded to pass out, leaving Shade to clean up her mess given the clean bedding she was in, and leave her awaken alone. 'Right. Now what? Do i talk to him? Do i confess my desire for physical and romantic activity with him? Do i ask to see his cock? What if he says no? What if he doesn't like me that way? What if he hates me now?' And down the rabbit hole she goes again... She's gonna be like this for a while, imma hop over to see what Shade is doing till princess Smarty pants gets out of her own head. Shade Shade awoke with a groggy stretch and yawn, hopping out of bed to open his curtains, and look out into the town. Perks of being a nightowl and having the night shift was waking up to the late afternoon sky. His usual high spirit was significantly... Less than usual. The previous evening had brought to light something Shade wasn't sure how to process. 'Twilight was masturbating, fantasizing about me apparantly, and seems to want me to... Breed her.' He thought to himself, the smokey grey half-zebra thought to himself, blushing a bright scarlet as the scene replayed in his mind. 'But why didn't she just ask? Sure, it's an odd request, and a bit ethically questionable, but there's nothing in the rules explicitly stating it wasn't allowed... Plus if Shining Armor and Cadence were anything to go bye most princesses are getting it FROM their personal guards. Wonder what that means for Wraith and Luna?' He wondered, thoughts briefly touching on his twin sister. Luna's personal chambers Luna found herself bent over her table, dress hiked up around her waist, panties hanging down around one ankle. Her legs were spread, one holding herself up on the floor, the other (with the panties hanging off them) lifted by the mare that had mounted her and was presently rutting the lunar monarch like a common street whore. Mournful Wraith was said mare, using a magically constructed futa-cock to roughly fuck her princess, and she was loving every minute of it. The smokey grey mare ran a hand through her sweat soaked black and pink mane with her free hand, the other was holding Luna's leg, and grinned wickedly before leaning down to huskilly growl in the princesses ear. "You better be ready to take my load, Bitch, cuz I'm gonna pump you full and knock you up. You want that Princess Cunt? You want my nasty futa jizz?" She spoke teasingly, giving Luna's plush rump a slap. "YES MISTRESS!!! Fuck my slutty cunt and breed me, give me your bastard child! I'll take good care of her i promise!!!" Wraith blushed deeply at that but kept up the act, pulling Luna's mane hard as she thrust balls-deep inside the alicorn's pussy and cried out as she came. Hot cum flooded the nights matriarch's womb, egarly submerging the royal egg in bastard seed. Back to Shade 'Meh, bet they just play video games and talk about nerd shit.' Shade thought to himself as he headed to the guard showers to wash up and get ready for his shift. After he'd finished washing up and dressing in his armor Shade made his way to the castle mess-hall, only to be surprised by Twilight waiting for him. She was dressed this time (damn) wearing a pair of Yoga pants and a baggy t-shirt. A bit more conservative than what had been her usual but she was still sexy as hell, but that didn't do much to ease his mind. After getting his food the monochromatic maned guard took his seat across from the purple princess and took a deep breath before making the first move. "So... Do you OFTEN think of me while masturbating?" He asked quietly, unsure who might be listening. Twilight, with a red face and in an embarrassed tone replied "N-No! Maybe... Yes." She finally admitted. "But it's not just because I'm in estrus and you're the nearest male! I-I do genuinely... You know... Like you." Shade stared for a moment, dumbstruck, his mind almost unable to comprehend her words. "You do? F-For real? I... Don't know what to say." He said, outwardly confused. Twilight gave a concerned look "Yes, really, i do. You're kind, loyal, honest, you make me laugh when i need it, and i know you're always helping those who need it. You're also exactly my type physically; a little short, super fit, and not too buff." She said with a soft smile and a chipper tone. Shade was blushing more than ever now, hearing Twilight say all these nice things about him, and invalidate his insecurities, it was almost too much. "Wow... I dunno what to say Twilight. I had no idea, honestly, otherwise... I dunno, i guess I'd of made my feelings clear sooner. Truth is i feel the same way, and i think you're gorgeous. Last night confirmed THAT much ay least." He said, ending with a teasing smirk. Twilight gave a slight pout, crossing her arms under her large breasts and looking away. "Yeah, well... You better return the favor tonight." She said with her own teasing smirk. Shade's eyes went wide at that, immediately hyper aware of what Twilight was doing. She was flirting, and making it clear that she wanted to fuck A.S.A.P Which suited Shade just fine. "Okay. Tonight it is. Lemmie know when you're ready and I'll take care of everything." He said with a stern confidence. Twilight blinked in surprise, she had only been half serious when she said that, but now? Now it seemed like The Goddess, Faust herself, was telling her to get some fat dick. Which suited her just fine as well. "It's a date. See you then." She said with her best impression of a saucy smile before lifting herself out of the booth and sauntering off to finish up her daily buisness. Shade grinned wide as he took a bite of his breakfast. Nothing could spoil his good mood at this point... Except for the fact that he was hard as steel, tenting the pants of his uniform, and he had to get to his post in 10 minutes. "Fuck." > In which Somber Shade and Twilight Sparkle do unspeakably lewd things to each other > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight Twilight took a deep breath and mentally went over her mental checklist. Shower? Check. Room clean? Check. Makeup? Check. Mane styled? Check Tail braided? Check Sexy lingerie Rarity gave as a gag gift? Check (but it's a bit... Small). Thigh-highs and elbow-leangth fingerless gloves? Check (thanks Luna) Mood lighting? Check. All that was missing at this point was Somber Shade's thick ass cock splitting open the Princess of Friendships' cunt and finally quenching the burning heat that had been driving her insane! Then, after a nice long nap and another shower, maybe the two can talk about the future. THEIR future. "Oh goddess this wait is killing me, where is that stupid, sexy, stallion!?!" She fumed aloud, glancing at the door. It was nearly 9:00 PM, when Shade's Shift starts, and soon he'd be there, in her room, ideally letting her teleport his armor off so they could just get to it. Twilight sighed as she let her mind wander, fantasies most lewd playing in her mind for just a moment before she heard it. The knock she'd been preparing the last 4 hours for. Quickly Twilight teleported onto the bed, lounging atop the soft blanket on her side to show off her ample assets in slightly too-small lingerie. "Come in..." She called out in a singsong voice Shade Shade gulped hard as he waited for Twilight to respond to his knocking at her door. Truth was he'd been standing in front of the door, wearing his usual work attire, while trying to work up the courage to just KNOCK! 'I've fought Changelings, Dragons, Yacks, and a Hydra without even thinking twice but helping my Princess relieve her heat and possibly discussing how we feel about each other after is what's got me scared... Figures.' He thought, before hearing Twilight's singsong reply to come in. With one last deep breath Shade took the doorknob and quickly turned it open, walking through the door and heading to the bedroom, locking the door behind him. To say that Shade was Blown away at the sight of the Princess would have been an understatement. She was radient, laying upon the bed like an angel, wearing a set of matching dark purple lingerie, thigh-high stockings, and elbow leangth fingerless gloves, topped off with tasteful applications of eyeshadow and lipstick. Sure, the bra was a bit tight, and the panties looked liable to snap from the strain of wrapping around her wide hips, but that just meant it wouldn't be a problem if he ripped them off her. Hopefully. Twilight blushes and moves off the bed to greet Shade, smiling warmly as her breasts bounced ever so slightly with each step. "You like what you see, Handsome?" She asks in a teasing tone Shade nods dumbly, practically drolling over her, before finally managing to find his words. "You look stunning... Like something out of my dreams." He says, closing the gap between them and gently reaching up to cup her cheek. His dark blue eyes gazed into Twilight's dark purple orbs (in her head this time) and quickly locked his lips with hers. The two groan as they share their first kiss, their shared arousal quickly heating the exchange, and soon Shade found himself naked and teleported onto the bed with Twilight straddling his waist. The alicorn gave her half-zebra lover a lustful look as she started grinding her plush backside against his rod, the unseen pillar of flesh quickly growing between soft ass cheeks. Twilight As she was teasing the naked stallion beneath her Twilight realized she hadn't actually SEEN the endowment she was rubbing with her butt, so quickly glancing back she had to double take and then stop in her tracks. The average stallion in Equestria is 8 inches long, for Zebras is about 6, and Unicorns are a bit all over the place depending on breed. Somber Shade, now fully erect, was sitting pretty with a whopping 11 inches of near soda can thick cock meat hotdogging Twilight's bootycheeks. "Shade... Did you know you've got a fucking huge dick?" Twilight asked nervously, biting her lip as she continued to grind against him. "My father was a South Stafford Shire breed, Princess, from what I've heard we were bred specifically FOR princess breeding. This isn't even my full size though, I'm employing a size reduction technique my mother taught me." Shade Explained with a small prideful smile Twilight gave a nervous gulp before raising her hips to let Shade's cock flop onto his abs for a moment before raising it in her magic and holding it up aimed at her soaked pussy lips, and resting herself against it gently. The princess took a deep breath as she looked Shade in the eye, the royal guard (and i guess long-term booty call now, we'll see) looking back and moving his hands up to her waist and giving the little bit of extra squish a small squeeze. With that Twilight Sparkle took a deep breath and slowly pushed down to let the fat flare of Somber Shade's cock stretch passed the enterance to her tight pussy. Both groaned in a mix of pleasure and slight discomfort. Shade at the sheer tightness of Twilight's pussy, and Twilight at the sheer thickness of Shade's cock stretching her pussy... And this was just the first inch or so. The Princess took a deep breath and slowly began to rock her hips, relaxing so more of her lovers thick cock could slide into her soaked cunt, only stopping at the medial ring. "Fuck you're big... I-I don't think I can take it on my own Shade... I need you to take chaOHMYGODDESS!!!" Twilight began to say before Shade grabbed her by the hips, rolled her onto her back, and gave a quick back slide out before suddenly SLAMMING the rest of his cock balls-deep inside her royal pussy like a jackhammer. Shade had tried to remain calm and let Twilight do her thing, but the intense sensations surrounding his member drove him into a lustful frenzy, and for an instant he let his dominant instics take over. This suited Twilight just fine and she happily wrapped her legs around his waist, moaning happily as she began to push into his thrusts. Shade returns her lustful grin as he leans in closer, roughly kissing her as he plowed into her hard and deep. Their tongues would egarly wrestle for dominance, and Twilights fingers gripped Shades back as her sensitive body edged to it's first climax. Shade could tell she was close, and while he was still ways away from cumming himself, he was happy to make his Princess scream in delight. Using a bit of magic the smokey grey unicorn stimulated the purple princesses clit ever so slightly while also angling his inward thrusts upward to hit her g-spot, thus pushing Twilight into a powerful orgasm. Were it not for the soundproofing spell all of ponyville would have heard Twilight Sparkle, Princess of Friendship, soon-to-be ruler of Equestria, and general bookish shut-in scream the words 'Fuck me like the little whore princess i am Daddy!' And 'Make me your roal baby momma' at nearly midnight. In the crystal empire Princess Cadence suddenly sat up in her bed, eyes wide, panting softly. Shining Armor, her loving Husband, sat up with her as she had awakend him. "Babe, what's wrong, bad dream?" He askwd sleepily "No Shining... I just felt a disturbance in the Kink-Force... Someones slutty side Just emerged and it was big enough to wake me." She explained, shuddering and biting her lip. "Oh, okay... Wanna fuck before we go back to bed?" The blue maned prince asked with a smirk "Dude, get out of my brain." Cadence replied before pinning Shining to the bed, thankful she married such a stud, and that they both slept nude. Back with the title characters, no more detours Somber Shade slowed his thrusts to a slow rocking to let Twilight recover, having nearly lost his hearing to her loud screams for more. The Princess of Friendship herself was flat on her back panting heavily, eyes slowly focusing on her slightly embarrassed lover. "Oh... Goddess... That was incredible Shade. I-I'm sorry if i got too loud." She said breathlessly "I'm fine. Glad to know you can handle that much, most mares pass out by now. Wanna see something cool?" Shade asked with a lewd grin Twilight gulped nervously and gave a small nod, still somewhat dazed by the intense orgasm she'd just had, but she was curious what this stallion had in mind. Shade took deep breaths as he began to focus himself, at first the Princess below was unsure of what was going on, but soon the warm tingle in her lower belly signaled something was going on inside her. It took a few moments for her to realize it, but soon it was undeniable: Shade's cock was getting bigger! More and more his organ swelled inside her, an outline emerging from her lower abdomen, until it finally stoppeed. Twilight reached down and ran her hand over the bulge from just above her navel to her entrance where even more of Shades now massive fuckstick was left outside of her. The princess took a few shuddering breaths while her eyes took in the sight, before closing them, focusing her mind, and slowly squeezing her inner walls around the cock lodged inside her. "... 14 inches long, 3 inch diameter, 4 inch medial ring, 4.5 inch flare." She mumbled to herself before looking up at Shade, who looked at her with a perplexed expression. "T-Twilight... Did you just measure my dick with your pussy?" He asked, a blush spreading across his face. The purple alicorn nodded slowly "Uh... Yeah... I learned it from a book Rarity loaned me, I never used it on a stallion though... Is it too wierd?" She asked, already embarrassed "Weird? Twilight Sparkle? Hell no, that was the sexiest fuckin' thing I've ever seen! You're a naughty, nerdy, princess and I'm gonna pound your pussy till you're full of my cum!" Shade declared with a wide grin, pinning Twilight under him as he began to thrust his much larger cock into her. At first Twilight could only gasp and squirm under him, his size and hard thrusts easily pushing the alicorn to cum over and over from the sensations the wide head sent shooting up her spine, but soon she found her voice and cried out as a particularly stimulating climax hit her. "OHHHH FUCKING GODDESS YES!!!" She moaned as she clung to her darker hued stud. Said stud was on cloud nine as he plowed into what felt like the cunt of a goddess, his fat nuts bouncing off purple booty cheeks, and his wide flare kissed her cervix. Somber Shade fucked Twilight like a mad beast, grunting and groaning in her ear, loving the sound of her own high squeals. "I'm gonna bust the fattest fuckin' nutt in you Princess, you're not leavin' this bed till i knock you up!" He growled, reaching his hand up through Twilights mane to gently pull back. "Fuck YES!! I need your hot cum... To fertilize my egg... And make a genetically perfect foal!!!" The princess begged, eyes starting to cross while her tongue stuck out a bit. Hearing this seemed to set Shade off and the already energetic half-zebra briefly stopped to sit up while balls deep inside her, then lifted her legs over his shoulders so he could pin her in a true mating press, railing into her love-tunnel even faster and deeper. The flare of his onyx shaft battered Twilights royal cervix brutally, her inner walls clenching around it as she came over and over to the point of actually SQUIRTING all over the base of the shaft and balls. This rapid pace, along with the dripping, squeezinf pussy, as well as the constant nerdy/lewd moaning (at this point Twilight was mostly begging Shade to "release the billions of sperm cells inside his balls"), was bringing him closer to his own climax. Shade felt his flare widen, Twilight went full Ahego, Shade let out a loud groan as his heafty balls pulled tight and began to audibly churn, while Twilight began to feel a powerful stream of liquid heat fill her womb. Shade was cumming hard as he continued thrusting, literally fucking his seed inside her, the Princess feeling more and more thick fluid fill her to the brim before it started to leak down between her ass cheeks. It would be a few moments before the heavy flow of jizz began to taper off until Shades nuts were finally drained. Twilights belly was swollen from the sheer volume of seed that filled her womb, though that wasn't all that unpleasant. 'Thank the goddess for Alicorn physiology...' She thought to herself. Shade held himself up over Twilight, panting heavily as he let her legs fall onto the bed and he slowly began to withdraw his slowly softening cock. The unicorn stallion grinned sheepishly as the flare literally popped out of her and cum began to leak out more before a seal was put in place by the alicorn princess. With that done Shade gave a heavy sigh of relief after flopping down onto the bed next to Twilight. They were quiet for quite some time before, finally, the princess broke the silence. "How did you make your dick that big?" She asked Shade blinked in surprise before snorting and replying. "Pff haha! Okay then, that's fair. Technically it's supposed to be like this, but most mares can't handle it at all, especially Zebra mares back home, so i asked the village elder, who taught me the art of cock-control. Now, how did YOU learn to measure dicks with your cunt?" He askec with a teasing grin. Twilight blushed and chuckled nervously. "I-I practiced with toys... And fruits... And vegetables... And other things... But yours was the first real cock i used it on. It's bigger than my biggest toy, and that one was cast in a mold of Big Macs." Twilight admitted, biting her lip. It was Shades turn to blush, though he did give a slight smile to possibly being the biggest in Ponyville (though Snails did have him beat in terms of leangth), and after a long yawn he'd pull Twilight close and gently kiss her lips. The Princess kissed back softly, loving the feeling of his hard body against her feminine curves, their tongues lazily caressing each other as they drifted into a post-coital slumber... Little did they know someone WAS watching the entire affair, a pair of someones, from a far away place, who very much enjoyed the show... > In which there is a morning after > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was early morning when Twilight awoke with a stretch and yawn, her large bed empty save for her, and a fullness in her bladder signaling a swift exit to the bathroom. After concluding her business she starts her morning routine by stepping into the shower and letting the warm water wake her up gradually as she washed her surprisingly worn out feeling body, after which she set to washing her mane and tail, and once clean she would turn off the water after one last rinse and step out of the shower to dry off. Twilight was quick about drying off and clearing the steam from her mirror, giving herself a quick once over, and promptly double-taking when she finally noticed something VERY unexpected. Just below her navel, seemingly tattooed into her skin, was a... Cutie Mark? Not hers of course, this one was a shield. Navy blue lined with silver with a white stripe running diagonally down from top-left to bottom-right and a sword crossed with a spear behind it. Twilight knew that in equestrian biology, when a mare is with foal, the Cutie Mark of the father appears in just that spot on the mothers lower abdomen. Which would mean that last night wasn't a pleasant sex-dream, she did in fact have her personal guard Somber Shade fuck her brains out, and she was now 100% pregnant with his foal. Naturally, being that Princess Twilight Sparkle was a mare of science, logic, and reason; her immediate response was to calmly wrap a towel around her waist, step into her bedroom, and scream as loud as she possibly could. The sound of his princess/crush/and possible baby-momma screaming instantly summoned Somber Shade, who appeared with a 'Pop' sound effect wearing sweatpants and not much else. Fearing Twilight may be hurt Shade charged magic into his hands to form a sword cobstruct, ready to strike any villain or would-be assassin down instantly. Fortunately that was unnecisarry, since Twilight was physicslly in no danger, but the clearly frazzled look about her suggested she was freaking out (or Twilighting, as her friends would say). Shade sighed in partial relief and knelt beside Twilight after dispelling his magic. "You okay Princess?" He asked, wrapping an arm around her shoulders. Twilight looked over to see Shade giving her a worried look. She couldn't help but smile and pull him into a tight hug, feeling so safe in his presense. After a long silence between the two they both were able to relax and let go enough to look each other in the eye. The princess smiled softly at her protector, her friend, and finally spoke. "I was scared last night was just another dream... But then i saw this, " she Said while opening her towel to show the mark on her stomach. " and i knew it wasn't, at least partly... I guess you being gone made me freak out a little... Sorry." She admitted the last part sheepishly, blushing as she knelt there baisically naked with the shirtless stallion. Shade listened, eyes only looking down to see his Cutie Mark was indeed magically tattooed on her stomach, and couldn't help but let the biggest smile spread across his face. "So... I guess this means you DO like me." He said. Twilight rolled her eyes while giggling softly "yes, you dork, if course i do. I really meant what i said last night. Even if this does mean we've done things way out of order." She said with a genuine smile while stroking Shades cheek. The two shared a tender embrace for a bit before shade suddenly realized something. "I forgot breakfast!!!" He said with a jolt as he stood up and once again 'popped' out of the room. Twilight blinked in surprise before letting out a soft sigh as she stood and got dressed. On the way to the kitchen the purple alicorn was greeted by the pleasant smell of fresh pancakes, coffee, the sounds of a few friends laughing and talking, and the sight of Somber Shade (now also wearing an apron as well as a tank top) serving up breakfast to the only other two full time residents of the castle: Spike the Dragon and Starlight Glimmer. Spike was wearing a pair of loose basketball shorts and an over-sized t-shirt over his wiery teenage frame, and currently filling his belly with fluffy disks of cake covered in maple syrup and butter. He acknowledged Twilight with a wave and a muffled 'Mornin' before taking several gulps of Orange Juice Starlight, ever the morning pony, was already dressed for the day in a powder blue t-shirt and jeans, her breakfast consisting of a cup of coffee, and greeted Twilight with a knowing smirk. "Sleep well Twilight? You're positively GLOWING!" She said while glancing at Shade. The stallion in question was currently plating two more helpings of pancakes (so warm and fluffy) onto two more plates, floating one to Twilights spot at the table, before taking his own spot and digging in. Twilight gave Starlight a nervous look as she answered the other mare. "I-I slept fine, why do you ask?" She replied, trying and failing to play it cool. Starlight gave her friend/mentor a shit-eating grin as she responed. "Well i assumed you must have had a serious nightmare after that loud scream, not to mention how fast Shade sprang into action, what happened?" She asked in faux concern, loving to tease the easily frazzled princess. "... There was a bug. Shade got it. Nothing more." Twilight answered quickly before starting to eat her breakfast. "Mmm, Shade these are so good!!!" She said upon actually tasting them. The charcoal grey stallion beamed with pride at the compliment. "Thanks, The Cakes gave me the recipe after we helped them move into the bigger place down the road, glad to know they came out alright." Starlight was about to make another witty innuendo but the chiming of the clock sounding stopped any farther teasing. "Shit, I'm gonna be late to meet Trixie at the Train Station!" The unicorn mare said before bolting out of the kitchen. Spike finished up his plate and cleared his spot before heading back to his room to do who knows what ((authors note: he's gonna play Vidya Games till it's time to meet the CMC for some smoochin' coming soon. Maybe.)) for who knows how long. Twilight sighed in relief, now alone with Shade as the two ate, the latter smiling as he looked at the former. "You busy tonight?" He asked casually. "No... Why?" Twilight asked curiously. "I wanna take you on a date. So we can do this, " he gestured to himself and Twilight. "Properly. I was actually gonna ask you out before the whole... Y-You know." He said with flushed cheeks as memories of the last two nights played in his mind. Twilight thought about it for a bit as she finished up her breakfast. Not that she needed to, since she'd already decided the moment he asked if she was busy. "Sound like fun, when and where are we going?" She responded happily. "I'm thinking that new Neighponiese place, the Golden Dragonturtle, and I'll pick you up at 6." Shade says. Twilight nods and floats her empty plate and silverware over to the sink. "It's a date then. But what to do till then..." She says with a slightly mischievous smirk. Shade smiles and floats the rest of the dishes to the sink, not quite catching the hint. "I dunno, i was gonna hit the gym for a quick workout, then check out the guard reports for the town, and if i have time to kill maybe some light reading. You wanna hang out a bit before then?" Twilight smirks and stands before coming around the table and leaning down to whisper in Shade's ear. "Meet me in my lab in five minutes... And don't bother changing clothes." With that she quickly teleported away with a flash and a naughty giggle, leaving Shade to sit there with a stunned look and sudden hard-on. "Oh boy... I'm in deep." > In which Twilight has some fun. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Somber Shade sighs as he lays, naked smd strapped down, to an examination table in Twilight's lab. The Purple Alicorn herself was currently checking the straps to ensure they weren't TOO tight, but that Shade wouldn't be able to break out of them either, At least not yet. She wore a long white labcoat, buttoned up only half way to show plenty of cleaveage, her mane was done up in a bun, and she wore thick frame black glasses (sans lenses). Naturally this was more than enough to get Shade hard as steel, his brave and not so little solider standing at attention, as well as throbbing for it. "Tell me again why I'm strapped to the table? Just so I'm sure i understand the idea here." Shade asked, slightly annoyed "It's for the game silly! I'm the brilliant mad science mare, you're the monster I've created to be the perfect stud, and once I've teased you inadvertently enough you'll break free from the table, tear my lab-coat off, then proceed to use me as a flesh-light until you're satisfied." Twilight explained in a chipper tone. Shade nodded as he replied with; "Okay, that sounds fun and all but it's kinda elaborate, ya know? Did Rarity give you this idea?" He asked curiously. Twilight nervously laughs before suddenly grabbing a bubbling pink potion and starts pouring it down her Boyfriend's(?) Gullet. "By the way you're gonna need this, and not those silly questions, hahahahaaa..." The charcoal grey stallion was surprised by the sudden taste of honey, citrus fruits, and cheese but didn't question his girlfriend's (?) Intentions. He should have though. See, the potion in Somber Shades system is a prototype hybrid Lust and Berserker potion, the effects of which our favorite sexy nerd didn't really test outside of some lab mice... And their population quintupled... Oh boy. Twilight took Shade's silence as her moment to get into character, taking a deep breath, before letting out a maniacal cackle with her hands raised to the ceiling. "BWAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!!!! At last my creation is perfected, this once normal stallion will soon become the ultimate warrior, imperious to both physical and magical attacks, and best of all He'll be able to breed an army of equally magnificent soldiers!!! I shall call this beast... The Insatiable STUD!!!" She exposited to herself, making plenty of manic gestures to make her breasts jiggle enticingly. What the mad doctor failed to notice was her subject's changing body, his muscles began to bulk up, straining his bonds, his eyes began to glow red, and his cock went from an impressive 11 inches in leangth to a positively astounding 16 inches! With a diameter of 5 whole inches and a half inch more in the medial ring any mare on the recieving end was sure to be utterly ruined for other stallions. With his creator the only mare in sight It's only natural that she be the first to taste the lust of the Insatiable Stud. Twilight gasped when she turned to look at her creation, now escaping his bonds, and covered her mouth. He was.... Gorgeous! Towering over her now, rippling muscle, massive cock... It was like she made him in a lab! Okay, she technically DID do that but he turned out perfect. Well, almost perfect, she didn't plan on the glowing red eyes... Twilight nervously stepped back, realizing she may have miscalculated something in the mixture, only for her labcoat clad ass to bump into the counter. She was trapped, alone, with a suped-up stud ready to fuck a mare so far passed stupid she becomes a genius. Shade took a heavy step closer to Twilight, his breathing heavy with power, his glowing eyes scanning the sexy mare before him. "You made me horny, Doctor, you'll love me when I'm horny." He said in a deep, smooth voice. It was at this very moment Twilight Sparkle, Princess of Friendship, protector of Equestria, realized: She fucked up. With surprising speed the altered stallion was upon the mad scientist, tearing open the mares labcoat to reveal her bare breasts, his large hands sinking into the soft titflesh as he groped and squeezed. Twilight whimpered and moaned in lust, her body already betraying her, as she writhed under the relentless assault. This was exactly what she needed, the absolute dominance of her enhanced lover left the alicorn soaking wet between her legs. "Fuck, Shade, don't tease me... I need that monster cock in me now!" She whimpered as the stallion mauling her tits began biting and suckling her fat nipples. Taking the hint Shade tore the rest of the lab coat off of Twilight and lifted her into his strong arms so he could aim his cock head dead center with the princesses dripping snatch. The enhanced stallion only took a moment to savor the anticipation before suddenly ramming Twilight down onto his obsidian shaft, the purple alicorn crying out in pure ecstatic bliss, the sheer level of stimulation triggering a mini-orgasm. Twilight Sparkle was lost to the pleasure of being well and truly fucked to notice any prying eyes, or an audience, or even think about who might walk into the lab to find her getting fucked like a common whore by her temporarily super-stalion special somepony. For his part Shade was of one mind, with a single goal, and a rather simple one at that: Fuck Twilight stupid. Deep and hard the smokey grey stallion thrust into the purple mare's sodden snatch, his hips smacking into her supple backside as his fat cock drove into the princesses cunt like a piston making slightly obscene squealching sounds. Not that one could hear that over the high-pitch squeals of Twilight Sparkle. "FUCK!!! ME!!! UP!!! YOU!!! MONSTER!!!" she screams. Shade obliges, of course. Both ponies are lost to their shared lust, gazing into each others eyes and clinging to each other for dear life, both bling and deaf to the world around them. Twilight yelps and rocks her hips harder to match Shade's rough thrusts, her inner walls gripping his cock like a velvet vice. The beastly stallion groans a deep rumble as he feels the tingle of an impending orgasm slowly bubble. His heavy balls began to churn between his legs, shaft swelling, and head flaring as it kissed the princesses cervix. That was enough to set Twilight Sparkle into another mind-numbing orgasm, her usual restraint out the window as she let out another ear-piercing scream (nothing coherent sadly), while her pussy began to gush and grip around Somber Shade's cock. These sensations and signals trigger Shade's altered libido to go into hyperdrive, resulting in his thrusts to come faster as he pins the mare under him to the desk, hips hammering into her before suddenly he slams balls deep. Twilight could feel the liquid heat of her lovers ejaculate suddenly flood her entire reproductive system. You think shes being hyperbolic, I know, but she's 100% literal. She can FEEL warm seed flood her womb, fallopian tubes, and ovaries. As well as over-flow up her vaginal canal before spraying out from the thick, rope like, volleys firing from Shade's baby-maker. If she weren't already pregnant Twilight was certain she'd be full of enough baby batter to impregnate all of Equestria... and possibly Saddle Arabia... and half of Zebrica. Shade's mind was currently unavailable because his nuts were currently draining what must have been a few months worth of backup into the mare he loved. But needles to say he was on cloud nine. As was Twilight, as both anthro ponies were slowly coming down from their climaxes, the stallion on top of hero's flow was beginning to taper off after nearly a minute, and the Alicorn mare was starting to get her vision back. After several minutes of holding each other and panting for breath both Shade and Twilight were able to think straight and disengage from each other. The stallion slowly sliding his deflating member out of the mares gaping, and oozing, vagina before he took a seat on the table he'd been strapped to. Twilight was able to sit up and give Shade a love-drunk smirk, giggling softly at how he'd gone back to normal size, mostly. "Wow Shade, that was amazing. You really gave it to me." She mused as she examined her pussy. "Heh... yeah... let's never inject me with wierd cocktails ever again, cuz for a while there I wasn't even thinking. Was kinda scary. Hot, but scary." Shade replied with a slightly nervous, but happy look. The two shared a quiet moment before they were interrupted by somepony making their presence known. "Now that you two are done playing doctor or whatever, you wanna tell us how this all started Twilight?" Came a stallions voice from across the spacious lab. Twilight and Shade turned to see who it was and both paled at the sight before them; Shining Armor (Twilight's older brother) and his wife Princess Cadence were both standing in the doorway of the lab. Cadence was wiping away a suspicious substance from her chin and licking her lips, and clearly was clearly enjoying herself. Shining was trying to look tough, but that's kinda hard when your dick is out and slowly going flaccid. "Lighten up Hun, I told you I felt something, now we know. Twilight is finally getting herself some and Shade is the lucky stallion, it's perfectly natural alicorn biology." Cadence said with a calming tone. It was at this point both Shade and Twilight passed out from a mix of shock, exhaustion, and embarrassment. Leaving the Princess of Love and her Husband with nothing to do but teleport the two to Twilight's bed while they older couple sneaks off to find a lucky 3rd partner for the evening. > In which Twilight tells her friends > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Assembled at the map of Equestria and beyond, in the crystal palace in Ponyville, were the 6 Elements of Harmony; Rarity, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy; as well as Spike the Dragon, Starlight Glimmer, and Trixie. Sorry, I mean THE GREAT AND POWERFUL TRIXIE!!!! None present were aware of just what was going on, the group idly chatting about their week so far, when finally Twilight Sparkle entered the room. The Alicorn was nervous, to say the least, but calmed by the presence of her coltfriend (kinda sorta, they're still figuring things out) Somber Shade, who stood beside her with a somewhat nervous expression of his own. The first to speak up was Rainbow Dash. "So, what's the big announcement Twilight? You made it sound like something big had gone down." The pegasus athlete asked, curiously. Pinkie Pie giggled to herself and tried not to attract attention to herself, but couldn't help but say "Oh it was big alright." Thankfully no one heard that as then Applejack chimed in. "Is it some kinda big bad we gotta take care of, er a new friendship problem?" The farmer asked. The others began to make similar inquires before Twilight finally stood to silence her friends before taking a deep breath. "Everyone... I have an announcement to make. I'm pregnant." She stated with a serious face. There was a silence for a good ten seconds before almost every mare in the room, save Pinkie Pie and Twilight herself, began to freak out with excitement, surprise, or in Fluttershys case curiosity. Rarity immediately summoned her sketch pad and pencils to start designing maternity wear, the spark of creativity exiting the mare with new possibilities. "Oh this is simply divine! A whole line that mixes style with comfort for the expecting mother!" The fashionista said excitedly Applejack laughed heartily as she looked at the embarrassed look on Twilights face. "Haha, fer real Twi? Damn, guess I owe Big Mac 20 bits." The farm mare said with an amused look. Pinkie grinned wide and began bouncing in her chair. This also had the unintended consequence of making her ample breasts bounce in her shirt. "Ohhhh I KNEW I sensed a Doozy, but I had no idea why I was planning a baby shower! This is gonna be so much FUN!!" The party mare exclaimed. Rainbow dash sat in her chair with an angry look. "Who's the dead stallion who just pumped and dumped you like that!?!" She said, certain she was right. Fluttershy placed a hand on the rainbow mane mares shoulder and calmly answered. "I think it's pretty obvious who the father is. Hes standing right next to Twilight." The soft spoken mare said, gesturing to Shade. Starlight and Trixie both gasped in shock, before Trixie gives a triumphant laugh. "I, the Great and Powerful Trixie, fucking called it!!!" "Ignore her, she lies, and she owes ME 20 bits too." Starlight said with an annoyed look at the cape wearing showmare. Spike, who'd been uncharacteristically silent simply sat in his seat with a slightly nervous look. Twilight was concerned by this, but decided now wasn't the time to ask. The room was a buzz of conversation before Twilight finally stood to address her friends. She smiled and rested a hand on her stomach as she spoke. "I'm happy you're all so excited, this news is quite a shock I know, but you are the people I trust most, and you deserve to hear it from me personally. You're my best friends, my family, and there's no group of people I trust more in all of Equestria. Thank you for being here, it means the world to me, and I know Shade appreciates it as well." The princess of friendship said, nudging her guard/baby daddy. Shade cleared his throat before speaking to the gathered friends. "Ahem... I know I haven't been around that long, I've only known you all for a year, but I really do appreciate the friendship you've all extended to me. I do genuinely love Twilight. I know this is all backwards, but it's how things are today. All I can do is take responsibility" he says, a bit nervous but otherwise the stallion spoke with conviction and certainty. Rainbow Dash shrugged and leaned forward to glare at Shade before leveling a half joking threat "You break her heart I'm gonna break you in half." Shade, chucking nervously, nods in acknowledgement "U-Understood!" Hours later Somber Shade was in bed with Twilight cuddled up against his chest, her finger tracing the faint stripes in his coat as the two relaxed in silence before sleep took them "That went better than I expected." Twilight said softly as she gazed up at Shade. "Yeah, though Dash looked like she was gonna kill me. Other than that it seems everyone was expecting us to end up together." Shade mused quietly. The purple alicorn merely shrugged and closed her eyes, falling asleep, with Shade following soon behind. The two slept peacefully, their bodies holding each other unconsciously. They looked happy, in love, and ready for anything that came next. This was true however, neither would be ready for what the next several months had In store. But that's a story for another day. > In which Shade and Twilight meet with her parents > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Canterlot, a few months later It was a cool afternoon in Canterlot, the birds were chirping musically, and in the home of Twilight Velvet and her Husband Night Light it was a special day indeed. The two parents were busy making sure their home was warm and welcoming to their soon to arrive guests, Their daughter Twilight Sparkle and her boyfriend Somber Shade. When they had heard the news Velvet and Night Light had been concerned, but after Twilight assured them everything was fine they knew to trust their daughter. Twilight Velvet was busy setting out some snacks while Night Light finished tidying the living room before checking on his wife. "Almost ready Velvet? They'll be here soon." The navy blue coated stallion asked Velvet looked back at her husband with a smile as she nodded. "Just about, as soon as these muffins finish cooling they'll be ready. Guess we have some time to kill..." the white coated mare said, finishing with a teasing purr. Despite both being in their early 40s, having busy professional and social lives, decades of marriage, and 2 children Velvet and Light never seemed to lose interest in each others bodies. They both kept fit, were always trying new things in and out of the bedroom, and occasionally indulged in swinging. All this to say: They be fuckin' like crazy. Night Light grinned and moved up behind his wife, wrapping his arms around her waist and nuzzling her neck. He loved when she wore the white sundress, the way it showed her ample cleavage, and the fact that she never wore panties with them. Velvet pushed her plush backside against her husband's crotch, feeling the familiar sensation of his contained erection, while looking back at him with a 'come and get me look' "We only have time for a quick round Honey, and I'm already wet." Velvet said with a naughty smirk while reaching back to undo her husband's trousers. As his pants were undone Light yanked up his wife's skirt and began to stroke her soaking pussy lips. "Naughty girl, Velvet, getting all worked up before we have guests... I'll have to punish you later tonight." He said as his rather large member was freed by his wife. Velvet spread her legs, bent forward over the kitchen counter, and guided her husband inside her soaking snatch. The stallion groaned softly as he sank into the velvety smooth embrace of his favorite pussy. They didn't have long to savor the sensations, and Light knew he had to work fast, so with both hands on Velvets hips he began to rut hard and fast. The sounds of hips smacking together filled the kitchen as Velvet and Light groaned and panted, the excitement of only having a little time to fuck quick to push them near the edge. "Ohhh goddess Night Light, you're always so big and rough... I love it! Fuck me like the little whore I am!" Velvet squeals in delight, looking back at her husband with a lustful gaze. Light grit his teeth as he fucked his wife fast and deep, always amazed at how good it felt, even after so many years together. The navy blue stallion gave the pale ass cheeck of his wife a firm smack while giving her a wicked grin in return. "I'm gonna pump you full, have you dripping while we have brunch with our daughter and her boyfriend, then I'm gonna pin you to the bed and really give you what you want!" He says before leaning down and kissing her deeply for a few moments, breaking it to go back to roughly thrusting into Velvet. As the twos bodies crashed together in ecstasy neither Night Light or Velvet were aware that down the road their daughter, Twilight Sparkle, and her boyfriend (officially now) Somber Shade were lazily walking up to the formers childhood home. They were hand-in-hand, smiling and chatting about nothing in particular, blissfully ignorant as to what was happening in the house. Velvet was first to cum, being as sensitive as she was coupled with Night Light being an expert at getting the MILF off, and as she cried out in bliss while clutching the counter her horn would spark from the intense orgasmic bliss. Night Light followed soon behind Velvet, groaning deep in his chest as he slams balls deep inside his wife's cunt, unloading thick ropes of jizz that paint Velvets inner walls white. It would be nearly half a minute before the finally finished, cumming enough to fill Vlevet to the point that one might notice a slight bump in her stomach. The pair pant heavily as they bask in the afterglow, grinning as they look at each other with a loving gaze. The moment would last longer but then, right then, the doorbell rings. "Shit!" Night Light grunts as he pulls out of Velvets pussy, quickly pulling his pants up and making himself presentable. Velvet shudders and bites her lip as she adjusts her dress, hoping that no one would notice the small splatter of cum on the floor. Outside Twilight and Shade wait for the formers parents to open the door, while the latter tries his best not to appear anxious. "Don't be nervous Shade, they're gonna love you, I promise." Twilight Sparkle says with a reassuring smile. "Easy for you to say Twi, you're not the one about to get castrated when they find out you're pregnant." Shade said with a nervous shudder. "You've fought a gang of Minotaur, the Changeling Horde, Tirek, and dealt with my morning sickness and hormones but my Dad is who you're scared of?" The Princess of Friendship asked with an amused eyebrow raise. "Yes." Shade answered plainly as the door opened to reveal a slightly out of breath Night Light. "Daddy!" Twilight says as she hugs her father. Night Light hugs his daughter tightly before letting go to look at her. She was wearing a simple yellow dress, likely made by that stunner Rarity, and radiated a glow the navy maned unicorn couldn't quite place the familiarity of. "Hey Twily, long time no see, you look great!" Night Light beamed before noticing Shade. "And this must be that Boyfriend you mentioned in your letter..." the older stallion said with narrowed eyes. Shade cleared his throat and gave a curt nod as he made his introduction. "Somber Shade, head of the Ponyville Guard, pleased to meet you Mr.Night." he said as the two stallions shook hands firmly. Night Light gave Shade a once over, analyzing the younger males white button up shirt, black slacks, and slightly uneasy expression. The boy was clearly uncomfortable and slightly intimidated... Good. "Well it's nice to meet you too Shade, come on in I'm sure Velvet has lunch ready, you two must be hungry." Night Light said with a more friendly and welcoming tone than Shade expected. As the trio made their way inside both Twilight and Shade notice and odd scent, the latter writing it off as just being in an unfamiliar place while the former grew suspicious. Twilight didn't have time to dwell on it since they arrived in the kitchen where Twilight Velvet was finished setting the table for the four to eat. "Twilight, honey, come here!" The older mare said with glee as the two rushed to greet one another, hugging and complimenting one anothers outfits. "And this must be him. Goodness Twilight, it seems like only yesterday you were a little filly saying colts were smelly." The mature mare said with a fond sigh of memories. "Mooom!" Twilight says with an annoyed eyeroll. "Somber Shade, its nice to meet you Mrs.Sparkle." Shade said with a warm smile as he shakes Velvets hand gently. "And so well mannered, I like you already Shade. Everyone take a seat, I am famished!" Velvet said as the four sat to start eating and partake in idle conversation. Some time after their lunch had been finished the conversation moved to a particularly interesting topic. "So, Shade, how long have you and our little Twilight been dating?" Velvet asked. Shade and Twilight shared a slightly nervous look before the stallion answered. "We only started officially dating a few months ago, but before that we were just friends outside of the whole Princess abs Guard thing." Shade started to explain. "We would often spend late nights talking, usually about our favorite books, he'd help me with my research, made sure I took plenty of breaks to avoid burnout, and made sure things were running smoothly in the castle. One night we just kinda... realized we had stronger feelings than mere friendship and the rest is history." Twilight Sparkle finished with a blushing smile, her hand finding Shades. Velvet and Night Light shared a knowing look before the older stallion spoke "You both seem very happy, very much in love, and your mother and I couldn't he happier." Night said. "Just make sure you use protection, you're both far too young for kids of your own." Velvet said, half joking. Twilight's face flushed deeper as she gave her mother another embarrased look. "MOM!!! That is none of your business! B-Besides... we haven't even done that yet..." the alicorn princess fibbed, but hoped it was convincing. The room was quiet for a moment before the silence was broken by the two parents bursting into laughter. Shade gave Twilight a confused look that the mare returned before Velvet was able to speak. "Honey... Cadence told us about what happened." The older mare explained. "We're not mad, you're a grown mare, and clearly have good taste in stallions. But the look on your faces is priceless." Night Light chortled. Shade let out a deep sigh of relief. "Oh thank Faust, I thought you'd be mad about Twilight being pregnant." This caused the two older ponies to stop and stare at the young couple in shock. "Oh no... she only told them about us having sex..." Twilight said, facepalming and sinking into her chair. Shade sat there with a look of profound realization on his face. "... oops." > In which Night Light and Velvet give too much information > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The immediate aftermath of Night Light and Twilight Velvet finding our their daughter Twilight Sparkle was pregnant with her personal guard/kinda-sorta coltfriend Somber Shade's foal was unexpected to say the least. Both older ponies looked at the younger couple, then to each other, before bursting into a fit of laughter. This caught Shade off guard, though Twilight merely sighed and face palmed. Velvet would go on to explain. "Goodness, I never would have guessed Twilight would take after me in that way..." she said with a sigh before continuing. "You see Shade, back when I went by Black Velvet, my then soon-to-be husband was a Royal Guard assigned to Celestia and I was a..." Velvet searched for the right words "My mom was a Stripper." Twilight said bluntly. Shade merely blinked as he processes the information. Then he began to blush as very not wholesome things ran through his head. Mostly involving Twilight Sparkle in Lingerie dancing on a poll. "Anyway, as I was saying, Night Light was my first regular customer. He was always asking to have private dances from me, I'd always say no, but only because I couldn't trust myself around such a hunk." Velvet continued. "But you eventually said yes, and that was probably the best night of my life up to that point." Night Light said while hugging his wife. "I'll bet. Well, to make a long story short, we ended up breaking the number one rule of the establishment and I ended up pregnant with Shining Armor." Velvet admitted with a light blush. "When she told me I knew I had to take responsibility, and so I asked her to marry me that day. I've never looked back, Velvet and I are happy, we have two amazing children, and soon two grandchildren as well." Night Light said proudly. Twilight sat in her chair wishing the earth would swallow her up in embarrassment. Shade merely smiled and wrapped an arm around the princesses waist. "That's a great story. Remind me of how my parents met, kinda, and if it's okay with you two I'd be happy to marry Twilight. If she'll have me." Shade said, looking to the purple haired mare with a slightly sheepish smile. "I uh... I dont have a ring though." Twilight merely rolled her eyes and hugged Shade tightly. "You idiot, of course I will! You think I'm gonna raise this kid by myself?" She says, eyes watering. Shade and Twilight shared a longing look while Velvet and Night Light watched with warm smiles. It was a touching moment, only broken when the young couple leaned back into their chairs. "I'll have to make an official announcement, and tell Celestia and Luna, but for now I'd like to keep this between us." Twilight said with a nod. "Whatever you two decide. By the way, Shade, you mentioned your parents. Where are they?" Night Light asked. Shade seemed a bit sad at the thought. "Well, my mom is here in Canterlot at her alchemy shop, but she lives across town so I was gonna bring Twilight to meet her tomorrow. My father is... well he disappeared when I was little. I don't really remember much about him." The charcoal colored half-zebra said simply. Twilight gently places a hand on her lovers shoulder comfortingly, offering him a warm smile "I'd love to meet your mom, she sounds nice." She said After that the conversation moved on for a bit to what the two had been up to and how things were going, how Twilight was handling pregnancy, and more embarrassing stories about when the Princess was a little filly. All the while, and unbeknownst to the four, a figure was watching the house from the shadows, cloaked to conceal their identity, and seemingly unseen by passersby. As night fell, and all but Twilight had been drinking some of the Sparkle Familys wine selection, Velvet began to feel tired and so she and Night Light retired for the evening, which left a tipsy Shade and a Sober Twilight alone. "You're real pretty..." Shade said as he and Twilight sat on the couch watching the fireplace crackle. Twilight giggled and gave the stallion a nudge. "You're not bad looking yourself." She teased back. Shades hand began to gently stroke Twilights side as his arm was around her back. He leaned in and began to gently kiss her neck. "Mmm, you smell good too." He mumbles into the mares neck. Twilight let out soft moans as her neck was kissed, her body turning and climbing onto Shades lap to straddle him as they began to make out. Tongues slide along one another, languidly wrestling, while Shades hands continued to stroke and gently squeeze Twilights waist and hips. It was at this moment Night Light trugged down the stairs to get a glass of water, and as he made his way back up the stairs he merely told the two. "Mind taking this up to your room Twi, your mother and I can hear you and its awkward since we're being quiet about... you know what." He said before returning to the master bedroom. Twilight and Shade looked at each other before softly laughing at the situation and in a flash teleported to the bedroom at the far end of the upstairs hallway. After a quick noise-canceling spell on the walls the two were right back to passionately kissing and pawing at one another. "You're parents are really nice by the way." Shade added as he unbuttoned his shirt and tossed it to the floor. "They're so embarrassing... I wish they'd be less open about sex sometimes..." Twilight said as she slipped out of her dress. "Let's change the subject. You're not wearing panties." Shade said with a sly smirk. "No, no I'm not, because someone decided to steal them whole we were on the train, after he spent most of the trip between my thighs." Twilight said with her own naughty look. Shade merely scooped the princess up and set her on the bed while he undid his belt and pants, letting them fall to reveal the outline of his growing hard-on. Twilgith bit her lip as she watched, undoing her bra and tossing it aside to reveal her breasts, so perky and soft, gravity defying, and capped with soft pink nipples. That was definately enough to bring Shade to full mast, fast enough to cause his rather large cock to tear through his boxer briefs. "By the Goddess... that was one of my favorite pairs... that's it, now you're in for it." Shade growled playfully as he ripped the ruined garmet off his waist and climbed on top of Twilight, kissing his way up her long and slender legs before reaching her already aroused and puffy cunt. Wasting little time the stallion began to dig in, licking every inch of Royal Pussy, sending ripples of pleasure up Twilight Sparkles spine. "F-Fuck! Stop teasing me, I need it bad babe..." Twilight moaned with a needy look. Shade, unable to resist her plea, reluctantly broke off his makeout session with Twilights flower and began to kiss his way up his lovers stomach, breasts, neck, until they were face to face. Both smiled at each other as Shade lined up the flared tip of his cock with Twilights sodden entrance. Slowly the charcoal grey stallion eased his way inside the princess, both moaning softly as they gazed into each other's eyes, while inch after thick inch of Shades' stallionhood stretched Twilights pussy just right. "Fuck... you feel so good inside Twilight..." Shade groaned as he began to slowly work himself in and out of the Alicorns quim. Twilight bit her lip and gently nudged the half-zebra to roll over. "I... I wanna be on top this time." She said with a shuddering moan. Shade grinned and happily rolled onto his back with Twilight in his arms so the mare could take the lead and ride him. The purple hued female sat up on her lovers lap and began to rock her hips to grind the stallions cock against her inner walls before rising up a bit and dropping down to properly fuck herself on his cock. Somber Shade loved the view, Twilight Sparkle's full breasts bouncing especially, as well as her eyes gazing down at him. His hands would run up and down her sides as she rode him, his hips gently rocking to stimulate her innermost depths more, and occasionally give her a surprise thrust up as she was coming down. "Goddess above Twi, you're so damn sexy..." He would groan as they made love. Twilight simply rode faster, her hips smacking into his now as they really got into it, thankful she sound proofed the bedroom. Her hands gripped her lovers shoulders as they both neared a gradual climax. The mares moans filled the room as she slammed her self down on the stallion, her pussy gushing as she lost herself to her own arousal. The half-zebra stallion groaned as she held Twilights hips and guided her up and down his cock, grunting as his heavy nuts began to churn as he neared his own orgasm. He gazed up at his royal lady love as she neared the edge with him, both exchanging a wordless command: Do it. Cum for me. Finally the dam had broken, the Princess of Friendship was first, slamming herself down on her loyal knight and lovers lap one last time and letting out a long, drawn out, moan of pure orgasmic bliss. The feeling of her inner walls gripping and milking his cock pushed Shade over the edge as well and he groaned with Twilight as his thick seed began to flood the mares womb with liquid heat, in turn intensifying her own orgasm. Together they would cling, panting and moaning softly as their respective orgasms were rode out, until finally they relaxed and fell asleep in that position. The morning would be slightly awkward and sticky for the pair, but for now they were content in their lovemaking, and rested in one anothers embrace. > In which Twilight meets Shades mom > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was nearly noon when Twilight and Shade made their way into the center of Canterlot to meet the latter's mom. To say The Princess of Friendship and her soon to be fiancé were nervous would have been an understatement of the highest caliber. At least Twilight was nervous, squirming in the seat of the taxi carrying the couple. Shade, by all appearances seemed calm, cool, and collected on the outside. "How can you be so calm, you were jittery all day before we met my parents?" She asks, having shared her partners nervous feelings about the meeting. Shade merely smiled and held Twilights hands in his, looking into her eyes. "Babe, it's okay, I know my mom. She's been begging for grandkids since I turned 18, she's gonna be over the moon!" He said with a reassuring tone and warm smile. Curse that smile of his, It seemed to always calm her nerves as well as Cadences breathing exercises. Almost. But even with such reassuring words Twi couldn't help but be a little on edge. What didn't help was the cabbie driving them finally announcing their arrival. Stepping out of the cab the Princess and her lover looked up at the sign of a shop that read: 'Madam Ziva's authentic Zebrican remedies.' The building was unassuming enough, just like any other in Canterlot, and even when the pair stepped inside it was just a simple shop providing various tonics, potions, and other mixtures. What was unusual was the owner and proprietor of the shop, the eponymous Madam Ziva. Twilight was fairly tall for a mare, taller than Shade who wasn't exactly short himself, but Shades mother was TINY! When the zebra mare saw her son and his partner her eyes lit up and she leapt over the counter to run up and hug him... where her head barely came up to his stomach. "My baby boy!" Ziva cheered as she wrapped her arms around her sons waist. She may have been short but she was anything but small. Her hourglass figure looked even more exaggerated given her stature, and the fact that she wore a simple green top and shorts did little to hide her curves. Twilight was caught staring when both Shade and Ziva gave her an amused look. "Thist must be Princess Twilight, I gotta say she looks even cuter in person." She said, her voice a bit husky and a slight accent coloring her words. "Twilight, this is my mom, Ziva. Mama, this is my marefriend Twilight." Shade said with a wide grin and wrapping an arm around the Alicorns waist. Twilight gave a small wave, blushing deeply as she'd been caught staring at Ziva, but tried to remain polite. "It's nice to meet you Miss Ziva, I've heard a lot about you." She said with a nervous chuckle. Ziva merely smiled and ushered the pair deeper into the shop, insisting they take a seat in the lounge while she finished up with a very patient and embarrassed Filthy Rich. Once the Zebra matron closed her shop for the afternoon she would sit with the couple and excitedly ask them all sorts of embarrassing questions. "So, when were you gonna tell me she's pregnant? Did you think I wouldn't notice just by looking? She's positively glowing!" She probes her son excitedly. Shade rubs the back of his neck as he explained the situation, how the castle seemed to bring them together after months of the pair having a working friendship. Twilight explained how she'd been neglecting her needs since becoming a princess, and that Shade kept her from going overboard with her studies while her other friends and little brother Spike were otherwise unavailable. "He was more than a body guard, from day one he took care of me, and I guess the magic of my castle realized how we felt about each other before we did." The princess explained with a warm smile aimed at Shade. Ziva nodded and placed a hand on Twilights, smiling as she gave the two a reassuring look. "I can tell you both care for one another deeply. It reminds me of how I met my late husband." She says with a twinge of sadness. Twilights eyes widend as she realized something rather important. "Oh yeah, thats right, Shade... you never mentioned your Dad. What happened to him?" Shade sighed and looked to Ziva, who gave him a nod, so the half Zebra stallion took a deep breath while searching for the right words. "His name was Ghostly Wail, he was a spiritual medium, and we don't really know what happened to him. One day he was there, the next... gone. We searched for months, had the royal guard looking high and low he just vanished. We held a funeral after two years, but I'm still not sure he's gone." He explains. Twilight gave a sympathetic look and pulled Shade into a gentle hug, which he embraced, the two only breaking away when Ziva wrapped her arms around the pair. "Now now, that's enough of that. I'm sure wherever Ghost is he's proud of the stallion you've become." She said to her son. "And you, princess? He'd like you. He was a curious soul himself, always studying and reading about anything he could get his hands on." She said to Twilight, cupping the mares cheek. After that the trio discussed how Zivas business was going, the Zebra mare happy to report how well her shop was doing. "It took time for word of mouth to get out, but now I've got a steady stream of customers looking for all manner of concoctions." She said with a hint of pride. "I'll admit I'm curious what you sell, my friend Zecora never really talks about the things she makes." Twilight says with a curious energy. Ziva grinned as she stood and led the pair back into the shop for a little demonstration. "I have all manner of mixtures, potions, salves, incense, and what have you. Natural Zebrican remedies to help sooth aches and pains, promote restful sleep, and even help a stallion perform in the bedroom." She added the last part with a sly wink. "Not that my boy needs it, obviously, I remember walking in on him more than once in the shower." She began to recount an embarrassing story. "Mama!" Shade hissed, cheeks flushed as he stopped any more information to be leaked to his lover. Twilight merely giggled and kissed Shade on the cheek. "Oh, I know, Shade is more than able to keep up with my needs." She teases, the two mares laughing at the very embarrassed stallion. Later that night Shade and Twilight retired for the night after a hearty dinner at Zivas house, the trio having spent the rest of the day getting to know each other and preparing said dinner. The pair went up to the guest bedroom that was prepared beforehand, quickly undressing and curling up together in under the covers, where they would quickly fall asleep with Shade spooning the princess, who pressed her body back against his. Elsewhere in the house Ziva finished cleaning up dinner when she felt like she was being watched. Quickly she turned to find... nothing. There was no one else in the shop, or the living area, but still she felt uneasy. That unease followed her into her dreams, where she found herself in a familiar place: The village where she grew up. She saw herself, younger and barely of age, so innocent to the world. She also saw a coal black stallion with a glossy black mane and light blue eyes... Ghost. Ziva was subject to relive the first time she and her husband made love, in her tent, the day before they both left her old home. Ghost was just as beautiful as she remembered, his body toned and firm, those eyes... they peered into her soul. His hands were gentle as he groped and stroked her body, their lips locked and tongue wrestling as she impaled herself on his shaft. The rest was a blur of moans, groans, and pleasant sensations, causing Ziva to moan in her sleep. It wasn't long before the dream ended in the usual fashion, with Ghost thrusting himself deep inside Ziva and unloading inside her. The Zebra always loved how it felt to be creampied by Ghost, and every dream seemed to end with Ziva cumming in her sleep as well. When the mare awoke to find her thighs coated in her own juices she groaned in frustration as she laid there, looking up at the ceiling. "I appreciate the thought my love, but I'd prefer to have you here to make love to me in person..." she said softly before going back to sleep.