No Running Next to the Pool!

by Dark Tail

First published

Ocellus and Gallus get frisky at the pool. Shenanigans ensue.

Gallus was just having a relaxing day at the school's pool. It was just him and Ocellus with the pool all to themselves. After getting a bit frisky however, the pool soon is visited by their teachers and their frisky behavior has left them a bit exposed. Can they sneak past everyone and get back to their rooms unnoticed? Read on, dear viewer, and see for yourself! :)

Everyone is 18+

Kinks Skinny dipping, blow job, exposure (lots of it), convenient Pinkie,shower sex, and some shipping.

What a day...

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Gallus sighed with content as he floated on the water. His inner-tube was currently keeping his arms and chest out of the water while his lower half hung underwater. His paws barely touched the ground while his hands clutched the tube. He was leaning back, lost in thought but soon came back to reality as Ocellus swam up next him. She was wearing a two piece bikini. A green one that worked surprisingly well with her blue body. She gave the tube a small nudge as she stopped and began to tread water next to him. "Hey, what are you thinking about?"

Gallus blinked, his expression remaining neutral but content. "Just thinking about us and how lucky we got with this pool all to ourselves."

Ocellus let out small chuckle, "Lucky is one way to put it. Everyone is out on Spring Break but we ended up staying because we didn't feel like going anywhere or home for that matter. Instead, we chose to spend it here and the teachers were nice enough to let us use our rooms even though the school is closed for the week."

Gallus let a smile appear, "Which means places like the school pool which is normally pretty crowded is now all to ourselves. Our room too and we can spend all day doing whatever we want. Sure sounds like a good way to spend a vacation to me." Gallus leaned back a bit more, "Is there any way this could get any better?"

Ocellus' cheeks suddenly went red as a thought occurred to her. Glancing down at Gallus' swim-trunks, she smiled. "Well, I could maybe think of one way."

Gallus raised an eyebrow as Ocellus giggled and with a small blue flash, transformed. Her hooves were now a fish tale while her upper half remained the same, though she did give herself some gills along her neck. She then dove underneath the water, causing some small waves to push Gallus away from her and more towards the deep end. Gallus watched as Ocellus did barrel rolls and front flips under water.

Rolling his eyes, Gallus returned to his thoughts, no longer paying much attention to Ocellus. That is, until he nearly jumped out of the water when he felt her hand grip his ass for second. Gallus twisted his body around just in time to see Ocellus giggling under water. Gallus would normally not be amused but lately they had been getting closer. It wasn't too long ago the spent their evening in the janitor closet having a make-out session followed by some frisky business. So it also wasn't too surprising when Gallus felt Ocellus grip his swim-trunks. She slowly slid them down, soon revealing his rather large appendage. To Griffons, he tended to be more on the average side though to a pony it would probably be slightly bigger than average.

Gallus glanced down as the swimsuit went past his paws and was now floating slightly under him. Ocellus slowly wrapped her hand around his cock, her face coming just inches from it. Gallus couldn't believe it. This had to be the luckiest day ever.

Ocellus opened her mouth and slowly ran her tongue along his shaft. Her face was bright red and her eyes were hazy but Gallus could tell she was determined to do a good job. She closed her mouth around the tip, her lips pressed against all sides. She shot forward quickly, but then slowly drew her head back. She began to suck, like a straw in a chocolate malt. Gallus let out a moan, Ocellus may be new to this but she had certainly done her homework. She shoved her head forward and back, slow and at a steady pace. Gallus had never been so hard before. His hands were nothing compared to this.

Unfortunately, it had also been awhile. His stamina was usually pretty good but right now, he was already at the edge. He hadn't received anything like this before and the new sensations were making him extra sensitive. He slid a hand down till it was on top of Ocellus' head. He hoped that she could hear him as he shouted, "Ocellus, ah, I... Oh yeah... I think I'm about to..."

Ocellus shot forward and deep throated Gallus' hard rod. Gallus couldn't take it anymore.

"Cumming!" He shouted loud enough to echo throughout the pool room.

Gallus let his head fall back as pure euphoria hit him like a runaway carriage. Ocellus did her best but being underwater she hadn't heard him nor got the memo so instead was only able to catch some of it. The rest floated in front of her. Ocellus let out a sigh. She moved her hand over the white jizz trying to disperse it. She then took a deep breath and transformed back into a normal changedling.

Suddenly, another thought occurred. Taking a hand up, she pulled her top bikini free, then did a front flip and released her bottom as well.

Gallus had to lean back all the way as he suddenly felt Ocellus join him inside the inner-tube. He soon found his face close to hers while her body was snug against him. Her naked breasts were pushed against his chest while his cock came to rest against her stomach. "Hey," he said softly though somewhat surprised.

"Hi..." Ocellus said softly back. Her calm smooth voice was enough to send any raging beast into a hazy chilled state.

Her cheeks were red but then again, so were Gallus'. Ocellus smiled, "You know, since its just us. I realized that it might be silly to be wearing a swim suit."

Gallus moved his hands behind Ocellus, slowly stroking her back. "Well, I'm not going to argue. You do look better without it. Your body is one of the reasons I couldn't stop from finding you extremely attractive. Well that and the fact you are just too adorkable."

Ocellus grew more red, "This coming from Mr. Closet Egghead."

Gallus put his forehead against Ocellus, "This Closet Egghead found out just how amazing you are because we got good at sharing notes. One thing led to another and I guess, I just couldn't stop making private study lessons with you."

Ocellus chuckled, "You know it was obvious to all our friends that you were starting to crush on me."

Gallus' hand traveled down until it found her lovely soft rear. "Well, Gryphons were never really known for being subtle."
His hand squeezed her, causing Ocellus to release a small 'meep.'

Ocellus took a deep breath, his face was so close and Gallus was so warm. "Well we Changedlings have always been good about picking up on love as well. Call it genetics or something but even though our bodies have changed, our instincts have not."

Ocellus looked away for a moment. "Even though I knew how you felt, I couldn't believe it at first. I mean, a changedling and a gryphon? Usually we only took part in relationships for the love harvest. When we stopped doing that, it really only became other changedlings."

Gallus ran the tip of his clawed hand slowly down the middle of Ocellus' back, causing her to shiver slightly. Gallus smirked, "Gryphons are odd when it comes to relationships. Its either one night stands or open relationships, never anything in between and even then it seemed like any relationship at all had become more rare lately. So I may be bit different than most gryphons."

Ocellus turned back to him and put hand on his cheek, "Well I'm glad you decided to be different and try this out with me. I've been learning more about myself and changelings than I ever had before. Such as what kinds of things we are into. I will admit, its not uncommon to be just males. Our relationship instincts are something I'm still trying figured out."

Gallus leaned in closer, his beak almost touching her lips. "We can discuss the specifics later, right now, I think I have something else in mind."

With that, Gallus brought his beak up and kissed Ocellus passionately. Her hands gripped Gallus' lower back as she kissed him back, their tongues dancing against each others mouth. Gallus wrapped his wings around them, covering the two lovers in a warm embrace. They stayed like that, locked, ready to spend the next few hours in each others arms. But unfortunately, today was just not meant to be.

Gallus perked up as voices suddenly reached his ears. Ocellus heard it too and broke from him. They sounded close.

Gallus removed his wings and both glanced over at the locker room door. Now that they were paying attention, they could hear someone speaking from the other side.

"Ah gotta say Pinkie, I can't believe you managed to talk us into ah pool party. But gosh darn it, I think I am starting to like tea idea more and more."

"Is that... Professor Applejack?" Gallus whispered.

Another voice louder than Applejack's could also be heard. "I told you, we needed something like this. And think about it, with all six of us getting stuff ready and only us six to have it, the party will be quick to setup and get started. Rarity and Twilight are on their way here with some snacks, Fluttershy with the drinks, while Dashie is looking to get some music set up in here. All we have to do is get some stuff ready for their arrival!"

Gallus glanced down at Ocellus who was looking very worried. He quickly lifted the tube off of them then grabbed her hand, "Come on. Lets find our swimsuits and then just try to act natural!"

Ocellus nodded and then turned to grab her swimsuit. Only one problem...

"Gallus? Where is my swimsuit?"

Gallus glanced around the pool, suddenly realizing that the only things in the pool were them and the inner tube. "What the... How?"

The doorknob was starting to turn. Gallus looked around frantically and saw a table with an umbrella on its side. It would just large enough for the two of them to hide behind. "Follow me!"

Gallus quickly swam over to the side of the pool but stopped and waited for Ocellus, quickly helping her out before jumping out himself. Both made a made dash for the table and just as they both made it, the door opened.

"Huh, that's weird."

Gallus dared not to look over the table for fear of being spotted. Instead he did is best to stay hunched over so Ocellus had a bit more room.

"What is it AJ?"

"I could 'ave sworn I heard somepony else in here."

Gallus did his best to hold his breath while Ocellus just turned into a rock. Gallus wracked his mind. But currently it was blank due to panic.

"Well it could be one of two things. It was either your imagination, or it was Gallus and Ocellus."

Gallus nearly gasped but managed to hold it back. The eyes on Rock-Ocellus glanced up at him worryingly.

"What makes you say that sugar cube?"

"Well they are both still here, remember? I wanted to invite them but they weren't in their room. I told Dashie to keep an eye out for them but I got a feeling that they are close by. In fact..."

Gallus heard Pinkie shuffle towards them. Gallus shut his eyes, getting ready for her to find them any second.

"Pinkie, why is your tail twitching like that. I've never seen it do something quite like that before."

Gallus opened his eyes but held his breath.

Pinkie paused, "Oh... Oh... I understand. Haven't gotten this twitch in a long time. Almost didn't recognize it."

"What does it mean?"

Pinkie paused again before Gallus heard her shuffle back over to where he last heard Applejack. "It means um... We need to go use those tables over there!"

"Uh what? Why not those tables over thar? Why use the tables on the other side of the pool farthest from us when 'ave these just a few hooves from us?"

"Applejack, haven't you learned to trust the twitchy tail yet?"

Applejack let out a long sigh, "Fine whatever. Probably about to break or something if I had to guess. Alright, help me move these."

Gallus couldn't believe his luck. Glancing quickly out, he could see his professors, both wearing shorts and bikini tops, were now heading towards the other side of the pool. Farthest they could get. It was going to be now or never.

Gallus patted Rock-Ocellus, "Come on, this is our chance to make a break for the lockers. We can grab some towels and hopefully make it back to our rooms."

Ocellus changed back, "Ok, lets go."

Gallus glanced over the two professors and could see that both of their backs were turned away from them. Gallus took a deep breath, grabbed Ocellus' hand and ran like he had never run before. His paws struck the ground with a soft pat pat as he ran with Ocellus, who half skipping, half hovering with her wings in tow. Gallus made it to the door, opened it shuffled Ocellus inside before turning quickly back to his professors. Both of their backs were still turned. Gallus let out sigh of relief, jumped in and softly closed the door behind him.

Gallus then sat where he was, suddenly remembering to breath again. "Oh gosh... Huh-ah... That was close."

Ocellus held out her hand and Gallus took it. Now back on his paws again, he could help but noticed Ocellus looking perplexed. She shook her head. "I'm not so sure. I swear, it almost seemed like Pinkie knew we were there."

"What makes you say that?"

Ocellus shook her head, "I don't know for sure, but I could have sworn Twilight had a lesson that had to do with Pinkie and her twitchy tail. But its been awhile. And she only brought it up once for some reason."

Gallus looked around and began opening lockers, "We can ask her about it later. Right now, we need to find some towels."

Ocellus nodded and started looking as well. They searched for several minutes but soon realized that there were none to be found. "Well this isn't good. We've got 4 professors still on their way. Any one of them could walk through that door right now. And its going to be hard to explain why we are naked with no swimsuits. Doubt they would believe us if we told them they disappeared. Also we walked down here in those so nothing to change back into here as well."

Ocellus thought for a moment before shrugging her shoulders, "Guess we just have to try and sneak back up to our room as is. I don't like it. But... Nothing we can do for now."


Gallus and Ocellus looked at the door on the other side of the room and saw the handle was moving. Gallus rushed towards a locker, pushing Ocellus into the same locker and quickly shutting it behind them. Now in very close quarters, Ocellus did her best to not gasp as Gallus' rod shoved against her stomach while his claw was now pushed against her breast.

"Applejack, I found the towels, they were in the..."

It was professor Twilight's voice.

"Huh, hello? Is any pony in here?"

Gallus' body was pressed against Ocellus, facing towards the back of the locker, his head unable to look back. But he could hear professor Twilight and the ruffling of bags walk to the middle of the room.

"That's weird."

There was a pause before he heard her walk past him. After a few seconds, the sound of another door opening, this time the pool room judging by the sound of rushing air.

"Hey Applejack, Pinkie, I found some towels. Also got the snacks!"

Gallus heard the door shut. Ocellus reached forward and lifted the latch, causing Gallus to fall out of the locker.

"Sorry, I was having trouble breathing in there." Ocellus held out her hands, hoping her lover was alright.

Gallus let out a small cough, "Its ok, I didn't mean to shove you in like I did, I just sort of panicked."


Gallus went wide eyed as he glanced at Ocellus, "I'll take a different locker this time!"

Ocellus quickly closed her locker while Gallus jumped into the one across from her. He made sure to face forward this time and could just barely make out Ocellus' eyes peaking out from her locker through the vent lines of his.

"Darling I hope you don't mind but I forgot to change into my swimsuit before I left and..."

There was a pause as Gallus watched professor Rarity come into view. She was wearing a sundress with a satchel over her shoulder.

"Weird, I thought I heard somepony. On well, I'm sure no pony will mind if I change here."

Gallus' jaw dropped as Rarity casually set her satchel aside and after taking the straps off her shoulders, let the dress fall from her body, revealing herself to be naked underneath. To say students fantasized something like this would be an understatement. The way her breast bounced as she bent over, her ass facing Ocellus. While not able to see her well, Gallus could just make out a hot shade of red between the cracks in lower vent on her locker.

Rarity took out a white bikini and was about to start putting it on when she paused and sniffed the air.

"Hmm... Interesting. It seems some students may have been up to some questionable stuff in here recently."

Wait, could she smell their arousel?! Gallus glanced down at his erect member. There was no denying they were still wet from the pool, but to be able to smell them as his member began go rock hard again. That pony had some nose on her.

Rarity took a step forward, cocking her head slightly. She put a hand on the locker, Gallus held his breath. Getting caught naked while she was naked was not going to look good to anyone. Just as she was about to lift the latch, Gallus heard a door open.

"Just going to see if Dashie needs help with the music. I'll be back in a minute."

Gallus watched as professor Pinkie suddenly burst in. "Oooh. Hey Rarity, thinking about doing some skinny dipping? Want to go all natural for this party?"

Professor Rarity put her hand down, "No Pinkie, I was just in the middle of changing and got side tracked. Seems that somepony decided to have some sexy fun times in locker room. I was just checking to make sure they didn't leave something behind."

"Oh... Are you sure you want that question answered?"

Rarity seemed to think for a moment before shaking her head. "You're right darling. Curiosity got the better of me. Let me get into this bikini and then I'll see if Twilight needs help getting the food out on display."

"Okie Doki Loki!"

Pinkie rushed like a bullet out of view and out the door. Rarity quickly put on her bikini, glanced around one last time and then quickly left. As soon as she was out and the door was closed, Gallus quickly exited the locker. Ocellus followed suit.

"Ok, now I am sure Pinkie is helping us Gallus."

"It could have been pure luck but I have to admit, the timing on that was almost too perfect."

Gallus and Ocellus shrugged their shoulders. Gallus glanced down, realizing he was still rock hard. Ocellus followed his eyes. Gallus flinched, "Sorry, but she freaking hot. I couldn't help it."

Ocellus put hand on his shoulder, "Don't worry, I have to agree with you. That ass is something else."

Gallus let out small chuckle while Ocellus did her best hide the fact that she was dripping not just due to the water covering her body.

"Come on, we can cut through professor Fluttershy's class room, then its just up the stairwell, past the lounge room and our nice private rooms."

Gallus held out his hand and Ocellus took it. Gallus went over to the door, opened it slightly, peaked out and when it seemed the coast was clear, he casually walked right out. He made sure to keep his steps light; he didn't dare say a word, trying to keep an ear and eye out for anyone coming their way.

When they finally reached Fluttershy's class, Gallus was relieved to see the lights were off. Gallus quietly opened the door and Ocellus quietly followed, they were about half way across when they heard someone's voice coming their way.
Gallus glanced around and saw some large rocks in the back. Fluttershy was using them to show just how strong certain creatures were. Unfortunately, all of them were too small to hide behind properly. Gallus turned to Ocellus, "Quick, turn into a large rock, just big enough for me to hide behind!"

Ocellus nodded and stood next to a medium sized rock. She transform and Gallus stood behind her. Both waited and soon, Fluttershy walked in talking to her pet rabbit Angel.

Ocellus seemed to shift slightly as Fluttershy walked in. Gallus hoped that his professor hadn't noticed the slightly shaky rock as she entered.

"I hope the others are as open minded as Pinkie said they were. I know she said we could wear anything to this pool party but I doubt she had this mind."

Curiosity got the better of him as Gallus glanced over the side and caught a glimpse of professor Fluttershy wearing a white almost see through gown. She wasn't wearing anything underneath it either. Gallus jaw dropped once again, "When did some of my professors get so kinky?!"

Angel chattered in some strange way but it sounded like a question.

"Yes, I suppose Rarity did make it and she did say she hoped to see me wear it to a special occasion but I doubt she had this in mind. Oh why did all my clothes, swimsuit and even underwear have to up and vanish? I still have a sneaking suspicion this is Mr Bearington trying to get back at me for not letting him go off with the other bear but I told him there was something off about her. Those green eyes just rubbed me the wrong way."

Fluttershy rummaged through her desk for a moment. She bent over at one point opposite side of the desk giving both him and Ocellus a view down down her dress. Her breasts wobbled as she moved. Gallus did his best to look away but for the love of Celestia, those were hard to look away from. No way a pony that small should have C-cup breasts but there they were. A drop of sweat fell down Gallus' face as he finally managed to tear his eyes away.

Gallus had to remove his hand as he suddenly realized Ocellus-Rock was dripping sweat as well.

"Nope, no spare clothes here either. Guess we'll just have to hope Rarity is pleased enough to cover for me when I walk in."

Gallus let out a breath he hadn't realized he been holding as he heard the door shut. Ocellus quickly changed back and turned to him. "Ok, is it just me, or is the universe playing with us today?"

Gallus did not have an answer, he just grabbed Ocellus' hand and silently lead her out the other door. Having to walk with a rock hard member was tricky but he had to make due for now. The short hallway lead to a stair well. The stairwell exited out into another small hallway that led into the lounge and just past that, the communal showers and finally, their room. They were almost home free.

Gallus cautiously led Ocellus, occasionally stopping to listen but both didn't here anything. That is, till they reached just outside the lounge. Gallus was just about to walk in when a voice caused him to freeze. Standing in the middle of the room, looking through a box, were professors Pinkie and Rainbow Dash. Gallus glanced at the wooden rafters. He pointed to them and Ocellus, who had gone deer in a headlights mode for a second there, managed to notice. Both quickly flew up and perched on the wood beams. Down below, they could hear professor Rainbow Dash complaining about something.

"Ugh, Pinkie, where is all the good music? You know, all the dubstep, trance maybe some club?"

"Should be towards the bottom Dashie."

Professor Rainbow was wearing shorts and a sports bra. Pinkie was still in her shorts with bikini top.

"Well I don't see them..."

Professor Pinkie cocked her head slightly then suddenly pulled out three Albums, seemingly from nowhere. "Would these work?"

Professor Rainbow looked stunned for a moment before shaking her head. "And why couldn't you do that sooner?"

"Had to stall for some time."


"I mean, had to figure out where they were silly."

Professor Rainbow looked really annoyed but let out a sigh. "Fine, whatever Pinkie. Let's just get these downstairs. The speakers should already be set up. We just have to put these in and we are good to go."

Professor Pinkie jumped up in the air, hovered for longer than what seemed possible before dropping back down without a sound. "Yes finally, get to do some swimming soon!"

Pinkie seemed to pause before leaning in towards professor Rainbow Dash and whispered just loud enough for anyone in the room to hear, "Just make sure not loose any parts of your swimsuit!"

Professor Rainbow rolled her eyes and chuckled, "I doubt any of our friends would care if we happened to show some tits or ass."

Pinkie grinned, "Oh, I'm not worried about that. Trust me, Fluttershy is going to be proof of that."

Professor Rainbow opened her mouth to question but professor Pinkie continued, "Twilight put this new filtration system in the pool, sucks up anything small that doesn't belong there. So lose a swimsuit and it will magically get sucked into filtration system."

Gallus and Ocellus jaws dropped as both struggled to stay balanced.

Professor Rainbow leaned in and whispered to Pinkie, "I see... So... Maybe you might end up having an accidental loss of your top. Maybe bottoms too." There was something in her voice that made Gallus want to whistle if he could.

Professor Pinkie leaned in till her cheek was touching Rainbow's, "Or maybe both of us might have a little swimsuit accident. Who knows?"

Both ponies separated but their grins remained. Without another word, both ran out of the room, leaving two very confused creatures watching them go.

Gallus jumped and glided to the bottom with Ocellus in tow. Both stared as their teachers bolted through the door and down the stairs. Neither said a word till the doors stopped swinging.

"So... Where they implying...?" Ocellus asked.

Gallus slowly nodded his head, "I've learned more about my teachers today than I would ever care to know in an entire life time."

Ocellus turned and started walking, "What do you say we hit the showers and call it a day?"

Gallus turned and watched as Ocellus walked across the room, her hips swaying while her ass jiggled slightly with each step.

"Sure, I could use a good shower... Maybe we could share a shower?" Gallus couldn't help it. His gryphon sword was starting to hurt with how long it had been forced to stay hard.

Ocellus turned and gave him a wink, "Sure, after a day like today, I could use a good, hard scrubbing."

Gallus followed her in. The floor was tiled and nice. There was a ceiling fan slowly blowing air around. Ocellus turned on the hot water and quickly, steam began to fill the room. Ocellus stepped in and water began to run down her smooth body.
Like a bug to a bright lamp, Gallus did his best to keep his jaw from dropping as he moved up behind her. He grabbed the soap and was about to pour some on Ocellus but she held up a hand. She turned to him, cheeks red again.

"Gallus, after everything today. I am skipping the formalities. I have seen more tits, ass and crazy situations than I usually see at home. I am beyond horny right now. Please, just..." Ocellus locked eyes with Gallus, "Fuck me already!"

Gallus didn't need to be told twice, he felt the same way. He pushed her up against the wall. Ocellus grabbing onto him, and locked her legs around his waste. Gallus' dick had spent all day in a rock hard limbo. Finally, it was time to do something about it. Gallus lined up and shoved his meaty sword into her soft soaking lower entrance.

Ocellus cried out and gripped Gallus tightly. Her breast pushed against his chest. Water cascaded onto them both. Water fell from his face. Ocellus cried out, "Please, just don't stop!"

Gallus reared back and shoved his way in again. Ocellus hit her back against the wall again and again she felt a pleasure enter her system. She cried out as he pushed out and back in again. His Gryphon dick was filling her with every thrust. Her rock hard nipples scrapped against his fluffy chest. Gallus held on tightly as he plowed her over and over. Each time, Ocellus would moan or just open her mouth in a silent scream.

"Yes, Gallus, keep going. I... I am so close. Don't... Don't stop!"

Gallus obliged, her walls were so tight, it was like a massage, each time he would enter her, it felt like she was sucking him in. He knew he had the stamina, and he was going to use it.

With a crack in her voice, Ocellus yelled, "I'm almost... There.... Yessss. Oh yessss. Ahhhh...

Gallus slowed for a second, "Did you just...?"

Ocellus let out a breath, "Yep... Now please, I want to make sure you cum as well. Keep hilting me until you do!"

Gallus nodded, adjusted himself, then pressed her against the wall again. His hips moved in a steady rhythm. After having deal with so much, his dick could barely stand it anymore.

"Ocellus... I... Goddess, you're tight! I think I'm... About to..."

Ocellus grinned hugged him for all he was worth, "Yes, do it Gallus. Fill me up with your seed!"

Gallus closed his eyes and felt his orgasm hit him like a train. White jizz gushing into Ocellus, filling her up with some spilling back out again. Gallus released his grip on Ocellus, out of breath. He just stood there for a second before slowly collapsing onto the floor. The shower rinsing his body off as he lay there.

Ocellus collapsed just off to the side of him, more cum leaked out as she did so.

Gallus laid there, the sound of the shower being the only thing he heard. After a long silence, he glanced over at Ocellus who had managed to pass out. Her hand was holding his though. Gallus smiled.

He quickly did his best to clean both her and him up before carrying her over to their bedroom. He laid her quietly on the bed. Just as he was about to settle in himself, a thought occurred, but then was quickly dismissed. "I don't need to worry, she told me herself that only the King/Queen of their hive can get the changedling factory going. I should be fine."

Gallus got into bed but still something nagged the back of his mind. It took him a few minutes before he realized, "Wait, just how much did Pinkie know what we were getting up to?"

Gallus, suddenly feeling tired, decided to question it later. Just a little ways away, a certain Pink pony felt a smile cross her face, happy to help a couple get through a pretty crazy day.

Pool Party (Bonus Chapter)

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"Ah gotta say Pinkie, I can't believe you managed to talk us into ah pool party. But gosh darn it, I think I am starting to like tea idea more and more."

Applejack sighed, she had just finished up a decent amount of chores and was in need of a nap. But Pinkie insisted that a party was what she needed to more. And not just any party, but a fun pool party with a few surprises sprinkled in. So after changing into some shorts and a bikini top, she followed the swimsuit clad pony to the schools pool room. She hoped to maybe get some relaxation in somewhere during the party though.

Pinkie, who was bouncing beside her all the way to the school and into the locker room, stepped in front of her just as she was about to open the door to the pool room. "I told you, we needed something like this. And think about it, with all six of us getting stuff ready and only us six to have it, the party will be quick to setup and get started. Rarity and Twilight are on their way here with some snacks, Fluttershy with the drinks, while Dashie is looking to get some music set up in here. All we have to do is get some stuff ready for their arrival!"

Applejack let out a sigh and gently pushed Pinkie out of the way. She began to turn the knob and was surprised to hear what sounded like voices on the other side. "That's strange, spring break meant no pony else should be here.

Applejack opened the door and glanced around. She had expected to see somepony but aside from the ripples in the pool, the room appeared empty. "That's weird."

"What is it AJ?"

"I could 'ave sworn I heard somepony else in here."

Pinkie appeared beside her and looked around.

"Well it could be one of two things. It was either your imagination, or it was Gallus and Ocellus."

Applejack looked at her quizzically. "What makes you say that sugar cube?"

Pinkie eyed the rippling water and noticed a trail of water leading from the pool to just behind one of the over turned tables.

"Well they are both still here, remember? I wanted to invite them but they weren't in their room. I told Dashie to keep an eye out for them but I got a feeling that they are close by. In fact..."

Pinkie began to shuffle over. She wasn't sure but it seemed like they were here, but why were they hiding though?

"Pinkie, why is your tail twitching like that. I've never seen it do something quite like that before."

Pinkie stopped and glanced back at her tail. It was twitching straight up and down. Also her nipples were going ridged.

Pinkie paused, "Oh... Oh... I understand. Haven't gotten this twitch in a long time. Almost didn't recognize it."

That's the 'couple currently stuck in an embarrassing situation' twitch. Haven't had that since I discovered Limestone naked with...

"What does it mean?" Applejack asked now walking towards her.

Pinkie scratched her head internally, Oh no, they don't want to be seen by me or Applejack. As much as I would love to tell them that they are OK and all, I don't want them feel awkward around us. I gotta try and make sure they feel alright first. I'll maybe ask them about it later. But for now, time for operation: sneak nude love birds away.

Pinkie quickly blocked Applejack from getting any closer. "It means um... We need to go use those tables over there!" She pointed to a set of tables on the other side of the pool room. The complete opposite and farthest away from their location.

"Uh what? Why not those tables over thar? Why use the tables on the other side of the pool farthest from us when 'ave these just a few hooves from us?"

Pinkie shoved her tail into Applejacks stomach.

"Applejack, haven't you learned to trust the twitchy tail yet?"

Applejack let out a long sigh, "Fine whatever. Probably about to break or something if I had to guess. Alright, help me move these."

Pinkie removed her tail and followed Applejack over. She made sure to have Applejack face away from table that the two were now currently hiding behind. She did her best to act like she couldn't see them but it was pretty obvious to anypony if they were keeping an ear out. The way Gallus sprinted, he was surprisingly light on his paws and Ocellus barely made a sound as they went. However, they still weren't the most stealthy of creatures. Thankfully, Applejack seemed too focused on trying to find the perfectly largest table to notice two nude creatures run across the pool room. Pinkie looked away and continued to do so till she heard the door close.

Ok, they should be able to make it back... Oh no.

Pinkie's sixth sense was kicking in this time and it was telling her that all her friends were going to be coming across them one way or another. Looks like this side quest is going to be my main quest while I try to get this party setup.

Pinkie sighed, "Hang on Applejack, I think I just realized I forgot something. Be back in a sec!"

OK, mental note, after this is all over, they are absolutely coming to my next party.


After many close calls, including Pinkie having to get Rainbow out of a room quickly with the promise of frisky fun later, Pinkie had just beat her back to the pool room. Rainbow made up several excuses as to how she lost as she began to get the music system started. Pinkie just nodded her head and glanced around the room. "Food, check. Music, check. Two love birds safely back in their room, check."

"What was that last one Pinkie?" Applejack asked as she glanced up from her chair. Her hat was covering her eyes.

"Nothing Applejack, you can go back to your nap now."

Applejack shrugged and soon returned to her sleeping position. Twilight was currently talking to Rarity about the swimsuits she had made for all of them. Also apparently about something she made for Fluttershy. Pinkie glanced around, Rainbow was currently jamming out at the turn-table she set up but Fluttershy was nowhere to be seen.

Pinkie raised an eyebrow, "Could have sworn she was on her way."

As if to answer that call, the door to the locker room suddenly opened a crack. Pinkie rushed over excitedly, just in time to see Fluttershy open the door enough so that Pinkie could get an eyeful of her body. That almost see through gown was leaving nothing to the imagination. "Hey Fluttershy, interesting choice, but I have to say... I'm not complaining."

Pinkie gave Fluttershy a friendly nudge, causing her to look away, her cheeks turning red.

"Well come on out silly, the party just started but its not officially starting till you join us."

"But Pinkie... Do you think... This is alright?

Pinkie smiled in a wholeheartedly kind of way. "Don't worry, I know how this party is going to go and trust me, you're only just helping us reach that point sooner. Besides, I've known about your awesome fetish for awhile now. Go strut your stuff!"

"Oh um... If you say so Pinkie." She paused, "Did Rarity tell you or...?"

"Nope, I just pick up on stuff like this!" Pinkie beamed.

"Oh... Well... Ok."

"Just head right for the pool Fluttershy, I know someone who will be happy to see you finally show of." Pinkie gave Fluttershy another friendly nudge before stepping away from the door.

Fluttershy took a deep breath and walked in.

If there was a way to slow down time, Fluttershy would have just managed that feat. Rarity and Twilight stopped talking as both glanced over at Fluttershy. Rainbow's jaw hit the table as Fluttershy casually walked to the side the pool with the steps leading into it. The way her body moved, almost seductively; her breasts twitching slightly with each step. Rarity couldn't help but raise an eyebrow while Twilight did her best not to keep staring for too long.

"My darling, I have to say, I did not expect to see you attempt this here of all places."

Fluttershy stiffen a bit but continued her walk towards the stairs. "Y-yes. I was told I could wear anything by Pinkie and this was really all I had. So I decide it was now or never." Fluttershy stopped once she reached her destination and put her hoof in the water to test the temperature. Once she was satisfied, she removed her gown and casually tossed it off to the side. She did her best to not look at anyone and just focus on the water. On one hand, she was very nervous but on the other, she hadn't felt this excited in a long time. It was really wasn't known to anypony other than Rarity (and Pinkie apparently) but she had a bit of a exhibitionism fetish. She had really only done something like this late at night near her own home but recent events and a nudge from Rarity had convinced her it was time to try something different. The fact that her clothes had vanished being the main catalyst though.

Fluttershy felt her face go darker red while her breath quickened. She was naked, for all the world to see. Well, at least for all her friends to see. She slowly walked into the water. The warm water felt good as it closed around her legs, then hips and finally just under her breasts. Her D-Cups breasts somewhat floated on the water as she leaned forward and took a few careful strokes in the water. She made sure to raise her ass into the air on occasion as she swam for a bit. Only after coming to rest in a deeper part of the pool did she glanced back up at her friends.

Rarity's eyes were shining as she watched her friend move. Twilight was unashamedly staring now. Rainbow was trying to keep from drooling. Applejack gave a half smile and returned to her nap.

Pinkie sat on the edge, watching with a proud look on her face as Rarity stepped over to the pool. She untied to bikini as she walked, letting it fall from her form. Carefully and slowly, she sauntered down the steps of the pool. Each step was with grace as the water seem to barely move around her body. Her hooves practically danced around the bottom while her hands helped to push her forward as she strutted over to where Fluttershy was standing.

As Rarity neared, Fluttershy seemed to tense up a bit. Her eyes were locked on Rarity's body but she did no move a muscle.
Rarity continued to walk until she was right in front of Fluttershy. So close that there breasts were slightly pushing against each other. Rarity moved a loose hair out of Fluttershy's eyes. "I must say darling, I did not expect to see this side of you so soon. You've told me in many conversations about your fantasies lately, but this is still surprising coming from you. May I ask what finally prompted this?"

Fluttershy took a deep breath, "I... Uh... My clothes got taken by one of my animals and... Well... I was walking over here in so very little clothing I just... I started to feel more motivated until finally I got here and well..."

Rarity cupped her hand around Fluttershy's cheek, "Well I'm proud of you. And not going to lie, I hope to see this side of you more often."

Rarity closed the gap, brought her face forward and locked her lips with Fluttershy's. Fluttershy closed her eyes and accepted the kiss. Both wrestled their tongues against one another for a solid minute before breaking away. Both ponies were now breathing heavenly, their eyes locked on one another.

Rainbow realized she was holding her breath. She let it out quickly before glancing over at her friends then at Pinkie Pie in particular. "Oh heck no, I am not gonna be the last one to start this thing."

Rainbow jumped over the table, marched right up to Pinkie, grabbed her bikini top and ripped it off. "Pinkie... Get in the pool."

Pinkie grinned and held up her shorts that had already somehow come off her body. "Way ahead of you Dashie."

Rainbow quickly ripped off what little she had on and jumped into the pool with Pinkie following close behind. Rarity rolled her eyes as the water splashed her but decided to ignore it and continue to make out session with Fluttershy.

Twilight watched as Rainbow Dash pushed against Pinkie, pinning her to the wall as she began to love bite Pinkie's shoulder. Her hand was reached down, and it was obvious what she was doing to Pinkies exposed crotch. Pinkie just smiled as if this was just a normal walk in the park as Rainbow went to town on her.

"Can you believe those two Applejack? They are acting like a bunch of horny teenagers. No class at all."

Applejack lifted her hat a bit and eyed Twilight, her expression seemed slightly perplexed.

"Ah don't think you ave a right to talk, sugar cube."

Twilight raised an eyebrow, "What do you mean?"

Applejack let out a small grunt, "Well for one thing, they did wait a least a little bit before getting frisky and not to complain but... You didn't wait that long either."

Twilight let out a grunt as she smashed her moist flower into Applejack's, causing some juices to go flying and spread across her leg. Her swimsuit was on the ground as was Applejack's shorts. "Yes but at least I didn't make a big show about it. I feel like these get together's Pinkie has been doing lately has only lead to an orgy between us. Surely we have at least some tact."

Twilight moaned and thrust hard against Applejack who winced as sweat began to pour down her face.

"I think you're putting too much thought into this Twi." Applejack said, amused.

"Oh YES Darling, deeper!"

Both ponies turned as saw Rarity now sitting on the edge of the pool. She was was fondling her own breasts with one hand while other held Fluttershy's head in place as she worked on eating her out. They could also see that Fluttershy was pleasuring herself as she did so.

"Dammit Pinkie!"

Applejack and Twilight turned to Rainbow.

"I should be hearing moans like that from you right now!"

Pinkie shrugged her shoulders, "Sorry Dashie, you're going to have to do better than this if you want to hear this party pony scream."

Rainbow gritted her teeth, "Fine!"

The now enraged Pegasus grabbed Pinkie from under neath her shoulders. She unfurled her wings and took off, splashing some water as she did so. Pinkie look surprised but interested as Rainbow flew her over and set her on the diving board.

She then quickly flew back to the turn table, reached under it to find a satchel. After rummaging though it for a second, she produced a double ended dildo. She then flew back and positioned herself a foot away from Pinkie, on the side closest to the ladder. "Lets hear you make some noise with this deep in your cunt!"

Pinkie clapped loudly, "Now we're talking."

Rainbow grinned, "Oh we aren't done just yet. Get up." Pinkie did as instructed and Rainbow made a motion for her to turn around. Pinkie did and was now just inches from the edge facing the pool. Rainbow pushed her forward but grabbed onto her arms so that she was now hanging over the edge with just the blue pegasus keeping her from falling.

Rainbow used her wing to position the dildo deep inside her. She then lined up her shot and pushed her hips forward.

Pinkie let out a small gasp as Rainbow Dash entered her. "You like that? Then you better hold on."

Rainbow gritted her teeth and began to move her hips in a stead rhythm. Juices began to leak out onto the diving board as Pinkie began to moan long and hard. Rainbow beat the dildo into Pinkie like her life depended on it. Sweat quickly forming over her body as juices began to leak down her leg.

"So... AH. Pinkie... AH. How's... Fuck yeah... How's that?" Rainbow asked between each thrust.

"Oh Dashie, screw me harder!" Pinkie cried out as sweat began to pour down her body. Her face was stuck in a stupid grin as Rainbow plowed into her. Pleasure entering and exiting her body so quickly she could barely keep up.

"Now that's what I like to hear" Rainbow panted.

Twilight and Applejack looked away before locking eyes and letting out a small laugh. "Well, that escalated quickly," Twilight said casually she began to smash her sex against Applejack's again.

"At least you can say Rainbow and Pinkie like to keep things interesting. You know how they can get when they start adding us in."

Twilight moaned and laughed at the same time. "Are you kidding? I was sore for days after their little romp underneath the Sugarcube Corner. Who knew Pinkie had a sex dungeon?"

"Don't surprise me none, that Pinkie sure is one strange Po-... PAH... AH... AHNnnn" Applejack could finish her sentence as a an orgasm came crashing through her. "Ah... That's the stuff."

Twilight leaned back and admired her handy work, "First to cum again Applejack? And here you were telling me it was going to be my turn this time."

"Ah was tired..." Applejack muttered.

Twilight smiled, "Sure... Anyways, I'm gonna see if anypony wants a water."

The purple pony got up and sauntered over to the table with the drinks on it, juices dripped down her leg as she walked. Applejack grinned and watched Twilight's hips and ass move as she went. But Applejack wasn't the only one.

Just across the pool room, the door was open just a crack with two sets of eyes peering out.

"Gallus, I may be new to pool parties but I don't think this is how they are supposed to go."

Gallus and Ocellus had returned, having remembered that Pinkie was going to invite them.

"Should... Should we go in Gallus?"

Gallus, whose eyes had not left Twilight's wonderful behind shook his head, "Nah, lets just hang back and watch. I don't want to interrupt them..."

Gallus watched as Twilight casually walked over and knelt beside Fluttershy and Rarity who were now cuddling next to the pool. She handed them a water and seemed to be casually chatting with them.

Gallus glanced between the three of them before turned to Ocellus, "But lets make sure to not miss the next one!"

Ocellus turned back and watched as Pinkie came, her body twitching as juices fell from her and into the pool. Ocellus grinned, "Agreed."