> Raft Bonding > by RupertBlueFox > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > "I Guess We're Stuck Together..." > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- HISS! FWOOMP! SPLASH! After a few moments spent crawling and wiggling their way out of the tight and rubbery prison that was the magician’s caravan, Starlight Glimmer and Trixie had found themselves atop one end of the enormous inflatable raft which had dominated the wagon. But as they climbed to the top of the squeaky structure floating on the riverbank, they both immediately descended and smooshed down the middle (belly-first) and colliding against each other cheek-to-cheek. All the while, they were bouncing up and down the squishy raft in slow, steady increments. As the two unicorn friends were confined once again, this time with their bodies pressing against each other’s, the bouncing of the raft would leave part of it bulging behind them and barely brushing up against their flanks and nether regions. It wasn’t long before the bouncing would stop; yet, the two best friends were still adjusting to the new perspective of their already exciting road adventure. This also provided an excellent view of the path ahead as they made their way down the river they had inadvertently splashed into. Maybe Starlight’s raft did come in handy after all…. Soon, they both started chuckling and giggling at the rubbery ordeal that they were now in. For them, the tight feeling of being close to one another, both emotionally and physically, was a constant reminder of the chemistry the two unicorns shared for a few years. During that moment of their tour, it felt as if the rubbery feeling of the raft pinning them down the middle was correspondingly enhancing their deep and passionate bond. Seconds had passed, and on any other day, Starlight would just teleport the two of them straight out of their squeeze, deflate the raft and levitate the wagon back onto dry land. But… this moment was an exception. As the inflatable continued to consume the best friends in the squeakiest way imaginable, it became apparent; they both started to like their new hangout spot. Not only did it give a literal impression of bringing two ponies closer together, but also, a discreet and rather lewd sensation would soon come alive as a result of the rubbery mass caressing the unicorns. That feeling would go unnoticed… for the moment. Being the first to break the silence, Trixie happily stated, “Sure is great traveling with you, buddy,” as she was snuggling her purple bestie, causing the raft to barely vibrate outside of recognition. “You too, buddy.” Glimmer replied with a giggle, but not without rubbing both of their cheeks together and slowly gyrating the bloated raft that was encasing the unicorn pair. As they laid down on the bulging balloon-like watercraft with little room for movement, Starlight and Trixie snuggled on one another while taking in the sites of the calm and winding riverbank, carefree of what the rest of their road adventure would hold. They both knew that no matter what might lie ahead in their path, at least they were going through all of it together, and that was all that mattered. They didn’t even pay much mind that their flank cheeks were resting on each other’s, or that their hind legs were barely crossing over the other’s because of the tight, squeaky corridor that was keeping them and the wagon from sinking. At this point, they didn’t seem to mind much at all…. When Trixie was finished panning her lavender eyes across the two ends of the bulged-up raft between her and Glimmer, she asked out of curiosity, “Starlight?” “Hmm?” Glimmer replied as she was shuffling her forehooves for comfort, in spite of the tight squeeze. “I’ve just realized that the raft you gave me to inflate was pretty handy when we were just about to sink. And I’m very grateful that you brought it along for the trip. Yet, I couldn’t help but wonder: were you aware that we might end up in the water sometime during our tour? Hmm?” Trixie rubbed her cheek against her friend’s, waiting for a response. The purple unicorn only chuckled nervously as she rubbed her cheek back in return. “Well….” She managed to get out while swirling a hoof in the water. She was also unaware that while adjusting her stance, she briefly raised her flank a few inches before hesitantly slamming it down on the rubbery companion, causing it to vibrate a bit more than earlier. “Call it a fluke.” Trixie noticed the slight bouncing and cooed at her bestie. “A fluke? Is that so, Glimmy Glammy?” She sing-songed and giggled in an attempt to tease her friend, continuing her barrage of rubbing cheeks. Of course, this was accompanied by a glowing shade of crimson starting to appear on Starlight’s face. She saw that her friend was scrunching her face and looking away in embarrassment from the tease play. This told her that she was getting ahead of herself, so she pretended to cough before continuing. “Y-yeah. Definitely a fluke. Yep. That’s it.” Squee. “But... it’s not a bad fluke. I just… felt that it was necessary to bring along for the trip… JUST in case something like this may or may not happen. And yet…” Before finishing off her sentence, Glimmer gave a sly look as she reached her right hoof and slapped part of the raft underneath Trixie, unleashing a slightly bigger wave of vibrations, both on the water and all over their bodies. “Here we are!” She snickered from her initial reaction of giving the raft a good wallop. The vibrations were starting to get in Trixie’s head as she was caught in a momentary trance from the vibrating inflatable raft and the squeaking, echoey sounds that came with it. She closed her eyes and moaned quietly, trying her hardest to make sure her friend wouldn’t hear it. Now, it was her turn to blush. Before long, she snapped out of her short fantasy. “U-uh… sure! Yep. A-also, I… I just... wanted to thank you again for letting me take you on this journey to Saddle Arabia, Starlight. Seriously, what are the bestest of magically-gifted best friends for?” She bumped her rear against Starlight’s, causing her purple friend to squeak. “Eeep!” With her pupils shrunken from the mild plot play that was given to her, Starlight summoned the mock courage to reply. “Did… did you just bump rumps with me, Trix?” She questioned her friend with a half-embarrassed and half-annoyed tone in her voice, trying to hide her real emotions. She knew that she was enjoying the experience the two of them were in, but she didn’t want to show it. Not right off the bat, anyway. Trixie mounted her face against her friend’s once more and sing-songed in reply, “serves you right for making this raft of yours vibrate in the middle of our trek... Starry!” Ignoring the exasperated sigh from her friend, who was now blushing even harder, she felt the need to ask, “That reminds me. Have you always had this experience with rafts and whatnot before?” “Well...not exactly. This is the first time I’ve ever been on a raft. Especially one where you are bound together with somepony else, just like how we are right now.” Glimmer chuckled again from that thought. “I see. Not a problem.” “BUT… I have a number of times with other inflatable thingies, and… oh! I can’t tell….” Starlight covered her mouth right after this retort, slightly ashamed to let out what she felt would be a very embarrassing secret. Although with how long she and Trixie had known each other, it was clear that she trusted her friend, but it was also one of the moments that she wanted to poke fun of her, first. The magician instantly took note of this. “Oh! A SECRET? Well, the Great and Powerful Trixie will not rest until she knows that little secret my dearest friend is hiding. So come on, Glimmy Glammy. Spill the beans!” The magician accompanied this plea with another series of fast-paced cheek rubs, filling the air with audible, rubbery squeaks from the raft as a result. Starlight couldn’t help but giggle uncontrollably from this episode given by the blue mare. Almost in sync with the rubbing, she was starting to bounce in small, parabolic patterns up and down the raft, emitting even bigger waves and causing the entire wagon to briefly rock back and forth. Outside of Trixie’s awareness, Glimmer’s hiney was met with the bulging part of the raft caressing the purple unicorn’s glistening folds. From this, her giggle-fits gradually turned into barely audible moans. Eventually, she gave in and the bouncing slowed down to a stop. “Okay, okay! I’ll tell you. You win this one, Trixie…!” In the back of her mind, she thought for sure that she had felt the raft gyrating her naked basement. Once again, she had set her lewd thoughts aside. “Heh. I always do my best.” Trixie fluttered her eyes at her friend. “I’m all ears now, Glim Glam.” Taking Starlight’s hoof in hers, she awaited to hear the secret.  Out of the blue, Starlight’s heart started to beat a bit faster than normal from this hoof holding. Trying to ignore the extraneous feeling she was having, she took a deep breath and gave her blue friend the answer. “Well… It wasn’t always inflatables like this raft, or even bounce houses like those at kids’ parties. The thing is, for a while now I was... ‘borrowing’ some balloons from Pinkie Pie’s bakery. When Twilight and Spike aren’t giving me any friendship school duties or whenever school is out, I would make way for some… ahem… ME TIME…, if you would call it that way… to blow up some of the balloons and play with them. I’d tell Twilight or Spike about it, but they would probably not approve of my choice of past time.” She grinned in a shameful manner from the last part of her message. “And why is that? Why would they not approve of you playing with…? Ohhhhhhhhhh…!” Having a hunch, Trixie turned a sly look on her face and smooshed her cheek against Glimmer’s once more. “I see where you’re going with this. Do tell, Starlight.” She then resorted to poke at the raft a few times from underneath Starlight, giving away small vibrations. Ignoring the vibrations, Glimmer continued. “Okay. I guess we’re even now, Trix. Wait. Not exactly, because I believe it’s my turn to ask you something.” The blue unicorn stopped her poking and became curious with what Starlight could be inquiring. “And what would that be?” “Why would you want to know about this part of what I do? Even if it is a secret that you know now.” Trixie paused for a bit while a faint shade of crimson had beamed across her face. “Huh? Oh, right.” She pondered for a moment. “Because… I have a confession to make. But it’s a GOOD confession. I swear.” “I’m listening, Trix.” “Well… after hearing now about you and balloons, AND now that we’re stuck in this tight raft together...” Trixie sighed before resuming. “It’s just… this moment of our tour feels... really special to me, and… I… kind of want this to last. I mean you, me, and this big yellow blob.” She then resorted to bounce a couple of times, rubbing their flanks and causing Glimmer to squeak again. Then, it was Starlight’s turn to close her eyes and enter a lusty trance due to the vibrations of the raft paired with the audible squeaking. In addition, she started moaning in low and rhythmic patterns, unaware that she was slowly gyrating both the raft and the side of Trixie’s flank in a circular motion. A bit surprised from what was happening, yet also secretly enjoying the makeshift butt massage, Trixie blurted out to get her friend’s attention, “Hey Starlight. Starry!” Instantly falling out of her naughty episode, the purple mare hesitantly shook her head and came to her senses, but not without colliding their heads once again. “Oh, heh! Sorry, Trix. I guess I got a little carried away there.” “A little? My gosh, it seemed like you were really going at it! Although, you could’ve given me a bit of a label warning so this wouldn’t turn awkward.” She started with a giggle, prompting Glimmer to blush even harder. “Wait. You’re actually okay with me doing this, right next to another pony…?” Starlight began to cower in supposed humiliation; however, with the fact that the two of them are virtually alone on a riverbank while floating down a densening forest, she pondered for a bit. “Then again, we are in the middle of a forest, and it’ll be awhile before reaching our destination, so….” “Then there’s no reason to be ashamed, my bestest friend.” Trixie cut her off while caressing her purple chum in an attempt to ease her worries. “Plus, there’s nopony else around to watch. We are in the middle of a jungle, and I doubt we’ll be at Saddle Arabia for a hot minute, anyway.” She wiggled her eyebrows, aiming to get her message across. “If you… say so… Trix.” “Oh. Before I forget, I wanted to say this before. This whole part of our excursion; you, me, and the raft. Think of it as… hmmmmmm… oh! I know! A raft bonding experience!” “Raft bonding, eh? Hmm…! I think I can see your picture.” Starlight smirked and smooshed both of their cheeks harder in response, followed by a short chuckle from both mares. “That’s right!” Trixie then decided to emphasize each word while mashing their faces in a heart-pounding display of adorable cheek-shoves. “You and me, bonding in this big old RAFT that belongs to a CERTAIN dear friend of mine, who had decided to bring SAID raft along for the tour in the event of the OBVIOUS circumstances that Trixie is SO GLAD to have happened, THUS giving the two of us a chance to inflate it, saving my wagon and everything inside from flooding, AND getting tangled up in this rubbery goodness TOGETHER... side by side, just like peas in a pod…!” With that last sentence, she giggled and reenacted the one line in their music number from earlier, set to her teasingly sing-song voice. In response, Glimmer could only roll her eyes and she scrunched her face, trying her hardest not to melt in the cute display staged by her friend. Obviously, she failed. Please, Trixie. Stop. You’re gonna make me crack. She thought, pretending she was not giving in to her pal’s tease play. Also, with that display you’ve just put on, if I didn’t know any matter, I’d say you might someday compete with Pinkie Pie. Not that it’s a bad thing, of course. With another wave of embarrassment filling the air, the blushing Glimmer felt that she would need to get back at her blue friend once more, albeit in a rather charming and unpredictable way. Before she could hatch up an innocent scheme, however, both unicorns looked down the river ahead and they noticed a large tree trunk that was blocking their path. “Uh, S-S-Starlight…?” The rather concerned Trixie questioned as she pointed out at the tree and its… well… unfriendly features that the raft was floating directly towards. Slowly, anyway. The undeterred Starlight Glimmer reasoned with her friend, “Not to worry, Ms. Great and Powerful.” As if she would know the answer to any possible questions Trixie could have asked, she readied her magical glow and she proudly proclaimed, “Consider the prickly danger… avoided!”. She squeed, and as she finished warming up her magic, she held Trixie’s hoof and started to concentrate. Just before they would even reach the sharp branches of the fallen tree, the entire wagon began to lift itself into the air, carrying the raft and the ponies on it. All the while, Starlight made sure that she and her visibly shaken friend were still contouring into the squishy behemoth as they were up to this point. “Yipe!” The blue mare squealed as she was consumed by the sensation of the raft that was now floating on air rather than on water. Unbeknownst to Starlight channeling her magic, the magician was beginning to note the two of them squishing into the raft slightly deeper than they were while in the river. This even made the “bulge” behind her press even harder against the lady parts betwixt her flanks, exerting a tiny moan from her muzzle. She was frozen in place, not from the thoughts of the bursting raft, but instead, from something special that had occurred. Her mind soon became lost in a sea of wondrous bliss, and it was made more potent by the fact that she was lying right next to the very pony that made her feel this way. It was spectacular and amazing to her. Nopony else had ever given Trixie the amount of emotional freedom that she held on to, but that all changed when she and Starlight first met some years ago. Now that they were both tangled up in this gigantic balloon-like prison together, side-by-side at least, something deep inside her was starting to spark. She wanted this method of bonding to last for as long as possible, even in the middle of their tour. Moments later, the wagon slowly descended back into the river away from danger, and they were now in the clear… for the most part. As they carefully splashed, the two ponies were slowly bouncing on the raft again, and as a result, the “bulge” had found its way to both mares’ private areas for a brief second. Ignoring the familiar sensation, Starlight reassured her blue comrade, “See what I mean, Trixinator? Huh? I told ya I’d get us out of harm’s way, and look! The raft is still as safe as ever!” They both met with another episode of unrelenting cheek squishes, but Trixie was slowly reeling from all that had happened just moments ago. Seeing this picture from her buddy made her a bit concerned, yet somewhat playful. With this notion, an idea came into mind. “Hey, Trix…?” She said while channeling her magic again, making the entire wagon airborne for the second time. This time, they were hovering just a few inches over the water. No danger was in sight, but Glimmer wanted to take this chance to playfully tease her magician friend. Snapping out of her episode of unbridled ecstasy, Trixie managed to answer back. “H-huh…?” Before long, she noticed that they were in the air again, and the raft was still caging the unicorns with its undeniable squishiness. “How would you feel about staying like this for the duration of our river trip? You know, to avoid any more hazards coming our way?” Starlight squeed again, awaiting an answer. “Ummmmm…” Said the unassured Trixie, who was starting to feel the effects of sinking into the raft from being airborne the second time. “Uhhhhhhh…” She puzzled for a chunk of a while, and without much caution or thought, she started rubbing her flank against Starlight’s. Feeling the effects of another plot play from her friend, this forced the purple unicorn to work harder with her levitation spell, barely keeping the wagon stable above water. The rocking of the raft didn’t help matters either, as the “bulge” was now beginning to seek revenge on Starlight’s basement. Now it was even more challenging to focus on her magic, but she stayed determined to keep everything above the current. “You... g-got an... answer... f-for me, Trix…?” She struggled to ask while keeping her spell in check, amid the rubbery ride combined with the ass play given by Trixie. The magician, in another fit of moans caused by the rubbing of the balloon-like beast, was able to study her buddy’s struggling to keep the levitation spell active, especially in unison with her butt rutting. A few moments of posterior massaging had passed, and Trixie came up with a devilishly playful idea. “I got an idea, Glimmers…!” She reached her free hoof in front of Starlight’s figure and waited for the right time to make her next move. “How about we play a little… BOUNCING GAME!” With that last phrase, she flicked her hoof against Starlight’s horn, immediately abrupting her friend’s magical concentration. Then, before Glimmer could react, both mares felt a tiny sense of free fall, followed by them repeatedly caving into the bloated raft and bouncing off of it. Following the horn flick, Starlight found herself in another trance, which was made potent by the raft’s “animal” erratically bouncing on and off of her outer walls. This in turn invited a tiny stream of love to flow outside, making a barely noticeable mess between the balloon and her pelvic area. The bouncing had come to a halt, but not without Starlight finding herself in a state of inflated ecstasy, moaning ever so loudly for Trixie to take note of. “Tr… Trix…” She managed to get out while struggling to compose herself, but the sensation was too great. It left her blushing even harder than before, and her focus on her friend was flowing in and out of her lust. Despite this, she continued, “Did...did you just… do what I... think… you did?!” She put on an annoyed face in an attempt to mask her actual feelings, but Trixie saw through this and decided to take her chance. “Yes I did… BEST FRIEND…! Consider this... our new game!” With nothing to hide at this point, Trixie put on another episode of cheek rubs, accompanied by booty bounces and intense flank-to-flank massages, all the while rocking the raft and the wagon ever so softly, but not too hard. “Let’s see how far you can keep us in midair without losing your magic touch. And don’t think I won’t go easy on you.” She giggled from this notion and then finished off, “plus, it’s another great way to kill some time. What do ya say, Starry?” As the blue pony happily waited for a response, Glimmy had an idea of her own. “So that’s what it’s gonna be, huh? Well, game on, Trixinator!” She put on a sly appearance in front of Trixie before channeling her magic for the third time and raising the wagon just inches above the river. “And keep in mind, Trix. This may be MYYYYYY raft, but don’t think I won’t use it as a weapon of our FRIENDLY bond time!” She bounced her eyebrows, signaling the blue mare to initiate her squishy grind. Starlight soon followed after. Both mares were now in midair, contouring into the yellow companion once more, and they used this time to play their ”game”, in which there were no winners or losers...or so they thought. The unicorn mares soon found themselves lost in an on-the-fly contest filled with butt grinding and moaning to virtually no end, with Starlight straddling the raft in an upwards motion, and Trixie moving her flank from side to side, slamming her ass against her buddy’s and the pool-toy in rhythmic patterns. It wasn’t long before a steady jet of precum started to exit their hidden folds, and they did their best to keep the orgasms in their mind in check. As this “game” went on, the bulging part of the raft was now in full swing as it was gliding against the vulvae of both mares in unison of the gyration. While Trixie was glad she didn’t have to focus on keeping the raft airborne during this episode, Glimmer was less than fortunate in that regard, but she didn’t give up on making sure the water never touched the wagon or the raft. Of course, being in the air proved to be more of a challenge, as both unicorns were careful to not have too much fun or they will lose balance and fall overboard. Still, they were glad to be enjoying this moment with one another, and they couldn’t have asked for anything better. As the shore of another plot of land was in sight, Trixie’s fantasy-blurred vision was slowly turning back to normal for a brief second and she noticed some walls of flame in the distance. “Hey… Starry!” I… I think… we might be… heading… for shore soon…!” She exclaimed in between pants and moans from their “contest”. Starlight hesitantly snapped back to reality due to this news. “Well, in that case... game over, Trix…!” Trying to exhaust her lusty waves inside her mind while still channeling her magic on the wagon, she motioned to begin their descent… until Trixie interrupted. “NO!!” Trixie waved her hoof frantically in protest; yet, it didn’t stop her wave of love juices from escaping her hidden treasure from behind, resulting in a round of panting from current events. Starlight grew curious from the recent outburst and kept the whole lot in the air with her magical hold. The magician, still shaken from her “game”, quickly checked to see if they were still airborne. Much to her delight, she turned to her purple buddy, intending to keep the fun going. “I mean… why disembark right now… when we’re… having… quite a lot of fun… with this BIG OLD… RAFT…!” She chuckled nervously, which made Glimmy more curious about her friend wanting to prolong their road trip… especially for an unnecessarily lewd act of bonding in a raft. Glimmer summoned the strength to question her pal, “Uh, Trix…? I know we’re having a lot of fun with this beast engulfing us right now… but, why do you want to stay a bit longer? We’re on a trip, right? And I doubt I’ll magic us the whole way over to Saddle-” With another wave of want coursing through her blue form, Trixie interrupted and brought a hoof to her friend’s snout. “BECAUSE WE’RE STILL NOT FINISHED WITH OUR GAME! Err… I mean ...” Slowly composing herself, she sighed in a belief that their fun on the raft was over right then and there, and then she slumped over on her end of the watercraft in supposed defeat. “I guess you win. You may now deflate this raft so we can get on with this tour ...” The suddenly saddened Trixie sighed, which caused her friend to reevaluate their situation. “Well, actually. You were right about something. Nopony here has won the game yet, so… if you like ...” Still using her magic to keep the wagon airborne, she then levitated them to the nearest patch of dry land and slowly descended to a landing, making the unicorns bounce up and down in the process. This in return caused the raft to gyrate the pony pair’s marehoods in a circular motion. “You… you mean it?!” The now starry-eyed magician excitedly asked. Glimmer nodded, motioning them both to readjust to their previous comfort spots on the raft and resume the bouncing, meeting with another barrage of adorable cheek plants. “To be fair, Trixinator… I’m still in the need to finish up this game with you. And I don’t know how we’re gonna determine a winner here. But you know what?” Glimmer raised a hoof and slapped the raft, emitting another wave of vibrations to them both. “I don’t care. I’m very happy that I get to share this rafting experience with my bestest-best buddy in all of Equestria.” She rubbed her cheek against her blue pal’s. “So how about it? One more round?!” Trixie, taking in what was happening, happily agreed. “Oh, you bet it’s on, Starlight! So, come on! This balloon isn’t going to please itself! Let’s get rutting!” With that last command, both mares were gliding her bodies all across the raft for the last time, encouraging the “bulge” to play with their basements even harder than before. Not too long, more moaning and the scent of each other’s affections have filled the air, with the fire geysers accompanying them in the background. They noticed where they had ended up in general, but they didn’t care. They soon found themselves lost in another sea of rubbery heaven bliss, feeling each other’s playful nature that came with the audible sensual moans and squeaking sounds from the constant rubbing of the inflatable behemoth. The balloon-like object was giving the two best friends their biggest treat ever during their “game”, and every passing second was worth it to them. With their eyes shut and their constantly spelling out each other’s names, they found this to be their most unusual yet ecstatic bonding experience ever, and it was made better by the fact they were playing it, together. A couple of minutes had passed, and as the heat rose, not just from their unorthodox location, but from the gliding and rutting of the raft, they both found to be very close to their crescent. Starlight, the owner of the raft being used as a make-shift oversized sex toy, became the first to announce her impending climax. “T….Tr… Trixie…!” “Y… yes… Starlight…?” Trixie replied, as she too was dangerously close to her own curtain call. “I’m… I’m getting… c… close…!” Glimmer tried to break out in between thrusts, and they both knew it wouldn’t be long before they could spread their love all over the rubbery companion. “So… so… s… SO AM I!” She squealed as she rubbed their cheeks some more, followed by some more ass playing, which Starlight repeated. Even more moaning was filling the atmosphere of the heated swamp-like venue they were in, and they didn’t seem to notice that some flares were getting closer. “No… way… I’m losing… this… game... with my... closest… buddyyyyyyyy…!” Starlight exclaimed as her finish was right around the corner, and Trixie would soon follow after with her own release within her squishy ecstasy. “Oh… yes… y… you… a… arrrrreeeee…!” Trixie was also super close. At this point, both mares were already dripping from their love holes onto the raft behind their sunken bellies, and they were about to let all of the rubbery heaven bliss take over their minds. Without them knowing, more flares were now just feet from the raft and wagon. They were too preoccupied with their “game” to notice, however. They did take note of the rising temperature all around them, and assumed it was the heat of each other mixed with heat transfer onto the bloating raft mixed with their bonding episode being exported onto it. “Trixie… I… I’m... I’m close….!” “M… me too… b... buddy...!” With one final push in bound from both mares, a bigger flare from the swamp-like place was now caught underneath the balloon-craft, and the heated sensation was greatly amplified. This was the final push needed for both unicorns, as they gave out the loudest sex cry they had ever given since the moment they were both caught in a loving squeeze. It was not only perfect, but it was also great and powerful… and so was their finale. This finale gave the two magical mares the loudest call they could muster the strength to let out, in light of their peaks. “OOOHHHHHAAAAWWWWWWWWWWWUUUHHH,,,!” As wave after wave of their unbridled love poured onto the raft behind and underneath them, Starlight and Trixie were still grinding and bouncing gleefully, with Starlight biting her lip in an attempt to squeeze out her affectionate juices. Now, they were both soaking wet from their lewd activity, and yet, the heat was still rising for both mares. This promptly Trixie to wiggle her flank ever so softly, followed by her last set of moans. “At… last…. my...curtain… c… call!”  In her last statement, Trixie gave out a few more hard thrusts into the large yellow beast, which gave Starlight some encouragement to thrust into it herself, one more time. “You.. y… you said it… Trix…!” Glimmer stated between pants, followed by her own entrancing thrust. “POW!” An explosion was heard, and before the unicorn pair could even know it, the raft was rapidly deflating, causing them to sink even deeper into the rubber beast. It wasn’t long before the duo would find themselves on the ground with the now-flat raft placed around their vicinity. Still lying down prone inside the yellow flat beast on the swamp ground, they would catch their breath and reel in their thoughts from the rather sexy episode up to this point. “That…” Starlight managed to get out as they both stood up to take in all that had occurred, not realizing yet where they had ended up. She continued between pants, “... was amazing…!” She then took it upon herself to give the magician a tight and intimate embrace. Trixie giggled from the hug and she returned it. It wasn’t long before they found out what the “game” had left behind… two unicorn friends soaked in their own bodily fluids. This also made them wonder about their “contest”, so Trixie became the first to put this in focus. “You know, Starlight. I see that we were both enjoying that game so much, we didn’t even consider a winner from a loser.” With that in mind, Starlight considered in light of the recent ordeal, “Yeah. I guess you’re right.” Just as the duo were about to stand up and over the rubbery pad below, Starlight put on a sly look and gave one last butt bump against her chum, forcing both of them to flop down on the yellow mast below and causing the magician to squeak. “Hey Trix. We both know now that my thing is these giant inflatable things, but what caught me a bit by surprise is that you took this quite well. And I must say, I’m impressed. You put up one heck of a fight.” Sharing another tender cuddle with her pink buddy, Trixie replied, “Why thank you… ‘best friend’. No doubt that playing with this giant yellow water vessel would be a great and powerful bonding experience, but the whole thing was made even better, because you and I get to share that experience… together.” With that, both of their cheeks met once more, and the mares were falling into the affectionate atmosphere again, not realizing their current environment… for merely twenty seconds. Soon after their cuddle, they both finally stand up and away from the deflated raft. Then, another flame geyser appeared just feet away from their hooves, finally getting their attention. “Whoa…!” Starlight alerted, as she developed the presence of mind to neatly fold her now-ruined raft and place it inside Trixie’s caravan. “Well then, Trix. Game’s over for real-sies. Let’s say we should continue on our way, yes? A bunch of time might have passed already, thanks to our little game. And those ponies in Saddle Arabia aren’t likely the patient ones, I take it. What do you say, buddy?” Starlight elbowed the blue mare. “Uhhhhhhh….” Trixie exclaimed, still shifting her mind from the inflatable raft, while they were still on it, and their current fire-filled location. “We still get to keep the raft, right? You can fix it up and use it for later, right? It’d be a shame for it to go to waste, right?” Trixie then found herself blushing profusely and failed to hide it. Giggling at this line of questioning, Glimmer chuckled. “Oh, you don’t need to worry about that right now, Trixie. There’ll be PLENTY of time for that after the tour. And yes, it’ll be just like new before you can say ‘BALLOONS!’ And yeah. Let’s call it a draw this time around.” She winked as the two unicorns readied the wagon before beginning to cautiously trekking along the swamp ground, avoiding the flames. “Oh. Sure thing… Glimmy Glammers.” Trixie gleefully teased at her pal before racking herself onto the wagon saddle with the pink mare walking aside. “Just… don’t tell anypony about what just happened. Okay?” Starlight bounced back with a wink. Then, she lit her horn, followed by a subtle cyan flash. One second later, both mares’ lady parts and inner thighs were clean as a whistle and no scent of musk was detected. Even the raft inside, while folded up neatly and stored away, had been patched up and its punctured spot was sealed tight, making it like it was brand new again. It was as if nothing sexual had happened between the two unicorns. Trixie took a hint and replied slyly. “Your secret’s safe with me.” She winked back. ”Also, wow! That was a fun way to pass time on our journey. I wonder what the rest will bring for us next, Starlight?” “Well, aside from these flame geysers, who cares? We’ll both go through everything together, no matter how dangerous, or bouncy it is. I’m glad to be a part of this already amazing trip! With you by my side and vice versa, nothing is impossible! You know why?” “No. Why?” “Because… spoiler alert. We’re friendship bound!” Starlight once again planted the sides of their cheeks in another cute display as they careened their way down a mildly dangerous path through the swamp, and all the while, the two unicorns had found themselves in a leap of giggles. It was almost as if they could feel like breaking into song for the umpteenth time on this trip. How exactly did they end up in a dangerous place like the Flame Geyser Swamp via the river bank and still be in good spirits amid the danger? In the long run, none of it mattered, for whatever their tour would bring, they were enjoying every bit of it. And one thing was absolutely certain…. Starlight Glimmer’s raft REALLY DID come in handy, after all!