> Steeling Her Resolve > by RunningThroughTheAshes > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Slave in Shining Armor > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The doors to the throne room crashed open. Celestia watched coldly from her throne as King Sombra, the once-despot of the Crystal Empire, strode in, flanked on two sides by her own guards. They weren't in their right minds, of course; that much was made obvious by the green glow emanating from their eyes. "Hello, Celestia," he said. His voice haughty, and mocking. "King Sombra." "In the newly-restored flesh." Starswirl had been the one to alert the sisters that something was wrong—he'd told them when he burst into their chambers that he'd felt the Tree of Harmony cease to be. Celestia had felt it too; she'd been connected to the elements as well, once. But she'd also felt the presence of something—or someone—else. So, while Starswirl and Luna had gone to investigate the Everfree, she'd remained in Canterlot, just in case. It appeared she'd been right to. Celestia stood, her long white dress swishing around her feet. Her horn began to glow like the sun. "Release my subjects and surrender at once." "Hmm..." He made a how of considering the offer, tapping an iron-clad hoof against his chin. "No, I don't think so." Celestia wasn't prepared to take 'no' for an answer. Whipping her head around, she launched a blast of pure heat at the tyrant king. Sombra smiled as, in synchronized fashion, Celestia's own guards stepped in front of him, forming a living wall. Celestia's eyes widened; she dispelled the fireball just before it would have turned her ponies into ash. "You're a coward, Sombra," she said through clenched teeth. He just laughed. The guards fell back into their original positions. "How about a counteroffer?" he said. "Submit to me and not one of your precious subjects will be harmed. Not even your loathsome student. Don't, and... well, I'm sure you can imagine." "You've done quite enough harm to my ponies already," Celestia said. Still, she allowed her horn to go out. "A wise choice, princess.." Sombra's own horn lit, and a blast of magic shot out. Celestia flinched as it enveloped her, then sank into her horn, black crystals growing from its base a moment later. Her magic had been sealed. Another flick of Sombra's horn, and a shadowy force took hold of Celestia's limbs. She was lifted into the air, arms and legs outstretched, wings pinned against her back. "Leave us," Sombra commanded of his troops. "But don't go far. You know what to do if she tries anything." His branwashed soldiers turned and shuffled off. The door to the throne room shut behind them. Celestia and Sombra were the only ones left in the chamber, now. Celestia glared down at him from the air. The sight just made Sombra laugh. "Poor, poor princess of the sun," he said. His magic brought her closer. "This is pointless. Twilight and her friends will defeat you." "And how is that?" Sombra said. "I've already destroyed their precious Elements of Harmony!" "Don't underestimate my student. She can be very resourceful." "Oh, I'm sure," Sombra said. "But in the meantime..." He floated her down, so that she was even with him. "I have some revenge to take care of. A thousand years' worth of revenge." "What are you planning?" Celestia growled. "To show me my darkest fears again? To try and turn me into another one of your soldiers? Your magic won't work on me, Sombra. I've seen your tricks before, and I will never betray my ponies to you!" "Oh Celestia, you wound me." He cupped her chin, forced her head up. She continued to glare at him. "I would never turn you into just another soldier. You're far too valuable," he said. "No, I have much better things planned for you." He released her chin, let his shadows lift her back into the air. "You won't be serving in my armies, no," he said, gleefully. "You'll be leading them! I'm going to forge you into my loyal knight-commander, Celestia. For sealing me away all those years ago, I'll make you conquer the very ponies you've worked so hard to protect." Celestia's cold stare wavered only for a moment. "And how do you plan on doing that? I told you already, your tricks won't work on me." "I'm so glad you asked, princess." His horn glowed. A shadowy portal appeared beside him. From the shadows emerged pieces of metal—a suit of armor. "Every knight needs a set of armor," he said. "This will be yours. I've enchanted it just for you—and each piece will bend you further to my will." "And how do you intend to make me wear it?" Celestia asked, eyeing the armor. "By putting it on you myself, of course." His horn glowed, and the dress Celestia had been wearing burned away, leaving her naked, defenseless, and totally at his mercy. Now, she was beginning to look worried. He licked his lips. "And I am going to savor every moment of it." The first piece of armor floated over to her, propelled by the red aura of Sombra's magic. The tendril of shadow that was holding her right wrist guided her arm forward to receive it. The piece of steel settled onto her forearm. The cold metal pressed into her skin as the straps tightened, locking it in place. Celestia shivered. She examined the thing as best she could from that angle. It was clearly steel, but it seemed more decorative than practical; it only covered the outer part of her forearm. Sombra had clearly modeled it after his own. As she watched, however, she began to feel a very strange sensation, where the metal touched her skin. Something was moving. She gasped as something began pouring out from beneath the metal plates. A thick, shiny liquid the color of Sombra's coat began flowing across her arm, enveloping it in a smooth, latex-like material. It spread downwards, flowing on its own down her fingers and wrapping around them until her hand was completely encased. Where the latex clung to her skin, she began to feel... sensitive. Raw. Heat began to build in Celestia's cheeks. What was happening to her? "W-what is this?" she demanded. "That is a construct of pure dark magic," Sombra said, as he levitated another, identical piece of armor from the collection. "My dark magic. And it is going to make you mine." The new piece floated up and was affixed to her left arm. Celestia shuddered as she watched the same process begin again, her pristine white coat disappearing under the rubbery substance, that same feeling of sensitivity following it. Soon, both of her arms had been encased up to the elbow, giving the impression of a pair of latex evening gloves. There, the substance stopped. Celestia could feel her heartrate increasing, her breaths quickening. Why? The next pieces were a pair of grieves. They affixed themselves to her legs, first the right, then the left, buckling themselves in place. Like the pieces on her forearms, these were quite minimal—and after a moment, the magic began oozing out from them. It trickled down, slowly consuming her. She shuddered as it crept over the soles of her feet. Celestia began to feel a pressure against her mind—and a warmth in her nethers. "Are we enjoying ourselves?" Sombra asked her mockingly, as a new piece—a pair of shoulder guards, spaulders decorated with spikes, was lifted up to her. "I imagine you must be beginning to feel the effects of being encased in the physical manifestation of my will." Her eye twitched. "I will resist," she stated, through clenched teeth. "You can try," Sombra said, mirth in his eyes. The shoulderpieces fell onto her, strapping themselves down. Their weight felt... good. As before, Sombra's latex skin began pouring out, down her arms. Where it met the rubber on her forearms, the two merged, forming a seamless bond. Celestia bit back a moan. She could feel it now, tantalizing her. Pushing on her consciousness, whispering on the edge of her hearing. The heat in her nethers grew hotter as her sensitized skin betrayed her, the weight of the armor pushing on them enough to send waves of pleasure through her with every slight movement. Next came a pair of cuisse, which pressed against the upper half of her legs. The sudden cold in so sensitive of an area made her gasp, leaving her totally unprepared for the sensation of the straps binding against her thighs. She let out her fist moan as the latex began dripping down the insides of her thighs, squeezing them, taking an already sensitive area and increasing it tenfold. Just like before, where it met the rubber around her knees, it joined seamlessly. Celestia watched as the golden sun of her cutie mark, a symbol of peace and hope to all the ponies of Equestria, was the last thing to disappear under the latex as her legs were completely encased in Sombra's magic. She hung there, panting. The pressure in her body was building; the gentle squeeze of the latex against her skin, the tight pinch of the straps, the weight of the armor, all of it combined into one great, overwhelming sensation of pleasure which assaulted her will. Still, she fought to resist its pull, and for now, she was winning. But Sombra wasn't finished yet. "Only three pieces left, Celestia," he gloated. "How many do you think you can take before you break? One? Two? I guarantee you, you won't last through all three." Celestia said nothing, just grunted. Sombra laughed. His magic took hold of Celestia's head, forcing it up, exposing her neck for the next piece of the armor. "I think you'll like this one," he said, as he lifted up a shaped metal collar, a gorget, similar to his own. It hinged at the front; with a devious smile, he clasped it around her neck, tightening it down around her throat. His magic released her head. The collar was slightly articulated—she could still breath, and it offered her some movement—but it forced her head up and her gaze forward at attention. She shuddered as the magic began to pour out, sliding across her collarbones and melding with the coating on her shoulders. It stopped just above her breasts. Her torso and her head were the only parts of her body not yet encased. Her exposed cunt was damp; her fluids dripped onto the stone floor below. Celestia bit the inside of her lip, hard enough to almost draw blood. She had to hold on. There was no other option. Then she felt the metal press against her chest. Sombra smiled wickedly as he fit the breastplate onto her. Like the other pieces, it was minimal—it fitted well to her form, but its pointed edge stopped just above her navel, leaving her stomach and hips exposed. That wasn't all, however. A pair of carefully molded cups slipped under her breasts, supporting them and pushing them outward. She gasped as the metal's cool surface rubbed against her perked nipples. It fit her perfectly, like it had been made for her. Celestia knew what would be coming next. She just wasn't prepared for how strong it would feel. The gray latex began pouring out. It surrounded her breasts in a matter of moments, and she bit back a scream as their sensitivity spiked. She began to squirm as it flowed over them, pressing into them, squeezing them, but each movement only increased the waves of pleasure crashing against her mind. It flowed up, joined the collar. But that wasn't all. The latex began to flow down, down her sides, across her thin, delicate waist, and her eyes widened. It joined with the material encasing her hips, kept going, spreading down and down further until— Now, Celestia screamed, throwing her head back as far as the collar would allow as the cool latex flowed over her clit. Sombra's laughter was cruel as the rubbery material slid over her crotch, over her puffy, needy lips, already slick with their own fluids. Celestia squealed as new, impossibly intense sensations bombarded her. She had no control now; she twisted and spasmed under Sombra's hold as the latex continued to flow over her marehood, each jerking movement only adding to the pleasure that wracked her body, flooded her mind. After what felt like an eternity, the latex completed its journey. It had molded itself to her perfectly; every feature of her body was plainly visible. Her new skin was complete. Celestia was given a moment of respite as the magic completed its work. She hung from her magical bonds, panting, gasping for breath, her chest heaving. Every inch of her body ached with want under the latex's touch. She could barely think straight. A line of drool dripped from her mouth. But the torment wasn't over. "You've done well to hold out this long," Sombra said. "You impress as always, Celestia. But there's still one piece of armor left." Despite the sensations which swept her body, Celestia forced her gaze up. It was a helmet. Not like the other helmets, the ones Sombra had used to enslave her ponies, no; this one was ornate, and sculpted. It was lighter than the others, left less of the face covered. A metal visor hung over the eyes, and at the top was a hole to accommodate a horn. Celestia got the impression it had been designed especially for her. "N-no," Celestia forced herself to say, as the helmet came closer. "Please... don't..." The helmet paused, just above her head. "The mighty Celestia, begging me for mercy?" Sombra laughed. "Oh, this is a moment to savor." Then, slowly, the helmet began to descend. Celestia tried to wriggle away from it, but magic grasped her by the temples and held her firmly in place. She could do nothing as it was lowered over her horn. The visor covered her eyes, and she could no longer see. Her mane was swept through an opening in back of the helmet as it settled against her skull. Her vision was flooded with green light. Celestia felt her new, rubbery skin begin to move, shift. She moaned as it began to flow once again, over every inch of her body, caressing it. The latex around her marehood rippled as the walls of her cunt were spread apart. She could feel herself leaking into the suit. The moment seemed to hang forever, until... She screamed again as Sombra's magic began flooding into her, her eyes rolling back in her head beneath the visor. It pressed up, up, further, thoroughly violating her as it began to fill her, taking possession of her inside as well as out. She could feel it, reaching, seeping into her, corrupting her very being. Her back arched against her restraints. Her mind short-circuited, unable to bear any longer the immense pleasure that assaulted it. Any will she had left to resist was swept away in the flood of pure ecstasy that rushed through her, wave after wave after wave. She came, her juices spurting out through the suit, dripping into the puddle that was already spreading across the floor. Green light bored into her eyes. Voices whispered on the edge of her consciousness, telling her her role, her place, who she was loyal to. Telling her to obey. Her mind, fractured into pieces, took their words as gospel, let them put her back together, better, stronger, as her body came and came again. Sombra watched as she endured the throes of her lust, until at last the armor finished its work. Her body fell limp in his magical grasp. He released her, lowering her to the floor. She fell to her knees. Well, that wouldn't do. "Stand up!" he ordered. Dutifully, immediately, Celestia stood, her arms stiff at her sides, her back straight, her head forced forward by the collar. "Salute!" Celestia's right hand snapped to her forehead. Grinning maniacally, Sombra's horn began to glow. His aura surrounded Celestia's helmet; he lifted it off of her. The alicorn's eyes were pools of pure green. A purple haze drifted from their sides. Celestia held her pose obediently, no sign of emotion gracing her face. He had won. "Who are you?" he demanded of her. "I am Celestia, your loyal knight and commander of your forces, my king." "And who am I?" "You are my king, my king. Your will is my will." "And any who oppose me?" "Will be made to kneel at your feet, my king." His laughter echoed off the walls of the chamber. Celestia held her salute. Satisfied, he replaced her helmet. The crystals in her horn disintegrated. She made no signs of noticing. "Kneel before your king, Celestia." Dutifully, Celestia dropped to one knee at his feet, bowing her head to him. Sombra cackled. "Yes! Finally, Celestia, your power is mine! The very mare that sealed me in the ice over a thousand years ago is now my sword to command. The most powerful alicorn in existence obeys my every order! None will be able to oppose me now. Oh, what will poor Twilight Sparkle think when she sees that you obey me? Or that pesky sister of yours? Forget the Crystal Empire! Forget Equestria! Soon, the whole world will be—" Snrkt. Sombra paused. Blinked. "What was that?" Snort. He looked down at his conquest. She appeared to be shaking. "What is the matter with you, slave?" he hissed. "Snrkt—Pffthahahaha!" his newest slave laughed, doubling over at his feet. One of her latex-clad hand slapped the ground. Sombra watched, unable to process what was happening. "Oh," Celestia said, even though he had not commanded her to speak. She began to stand, chuckles still escaping her lips. "Oh, it's always the monologue that gets me. Every time. You're so predictable, Sombra." "W-what is this?" King Sombra demanded. Celestia lifted the helmet off of her head. She was smiling, and her now-revealed eyes were pure and free of his magic. "I'm sorry, it was just too funny," she said, letting the helmet hang from her fingertips. "Did you really think that would work? An enchanted suit of armor? Sensitivity-increasing magic? I've been around for millennia, Sombra, you're going to need to do better than trinkets and cantrips if you want to best me." She looked down, twisting her waist around so she could inspect herself. "I do like this armor, though," she said. "Can't say iron is really my color, but I can always get it plated. Hmm... You know, I never could understand Luna's fascination with latex, but I think I'm starting to see the appeal." She trailed a finger up her crotch, tugging at the shiny material that covered it, and mewled. "Mmmn, oh yes. Definitely seeing the appeal." She sighed. "Of course, it probably wouldn't do Twilight's mental state much good if she saw me wearing your uniform, so that'll have to wait until later." Her horn glowed, and with a flash, the armor teleported away, and an elegant dress appeared in its stead. "That girl has enough on her plate as it is." "This is impossible!" Sombra cried. "I had you kneeling at my feet!" Celestia gave him a look filled with mirth. "What is it about 'millennia-old alicorn' that you're having trouble grasping, Sombra? The millennia part? Or the alicorn part?" "Your magic was sealed!" he insisted. "You were at my mercy!" "Oh, hardly. I could have broken out any time I wanted," Celestia said. "Not that I was ever in any real danger. After all, Twilight and her friends are going to be here in about, oh, twenty seconds?" "Then you were just toying with me!?" Sombra growled. "This whole time!?" Celestia laughed again. "Of course I was, Sombra. Honestly, I'm surprised you didn't catch on for how little of a fight I put up. I mean, really, I sealed you away beneath the ice of the frozen north for over a thousand years the last time we met. You'd think that would have been a dead giveaway." "Why?" he demanded. "If you could have dealt with me so easily this whole time, then why the playacting!?" "Oh, it's quite simple, really. Two reasons. The first is that Twilight really needs the confidence boost from defeating you if she's going to become the wonderful ruler that I know she can be. Two..." Entwining her fingers behind her back, she leaned in towards him, playfully whispered into his ear. "Because being the object of someone else's conquest gets me very, very wet." She drew back, just as the door to the throne room slammed open. Twilight and her friends barged in, right on cue. 'Until next time,' she mouthed, as she stepped back to enjoy the lightshow. As Sombra was once again banished to the void, amidst the rainbow light, he couldn't help but wonder who exactly had violated who. > Bad End (Bonus 1) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Kneel before your king, Celestia." Dutifully, Celestia dropped to one knee at his feet, bowing her head to him. She was his. The door to he throne room banged open. Twilight Sparkle and her friends rushed in, leaving a trail of unconscious and otherwise subdued guards behind them. "Sombra!" Twilight shouted. "Your new reign ends here!" "Yeah!" Rainbow Dash said. "Time to give up the crown!" Sombra sat upon Celestia's throne. He gazed down at them, amused. "Here to fight the good fight with nothing but your wits?" he said. "Admirable... but foolish!" "Even without the elements, we're more than a match for a coward like you!" Rarity cried. "Yeah!" Rainbow Dash added, taking to the air with a flap of her wings. "When we're together, nothing can stop us! We don't need no stinking elements to take you down!" "Surrender, Sombra!" Twilight said, her horn beginning to glow. "I don't know how you managed to come back, but I'll make sure you never escape again!" Sombra chuckled. "My, isn't that sweet. You actually think you have a chance!" In response, Twilight sent a burst of magic racing towards the throne. It was batted away in an instant, but she wasn't planning on letting up, another spell already charging in her horn. The fight would be tough, but with her friends at her side and Sombra all alone, there was no way she could lose. That was what she believed. However... "Fool!" Sombra snarled. "Do not dare to disobey me, slaves! You will kneel before your king!" Suddenly, magic took hold of the ponies' limbs. Twilight attempted to discharge her spell, but found her magic cut off. How? She'd been watching Sombra, ready to counter any move he might make, but not only had this new magic overpowered her, she hadn't seen him cast at all! And the aura that now surrounded her was a golden yellow, not his deep red... Her knees buckled as she was forced towards the floor by an immense force, the rest of her friends behind her crying out as they, too, were pushed to their knees. Twilight forced her head up so she could look Sombra in the eye. He smirked down at her. His horn was unlit. "Nngh, how?" she grunted out, as the pressure tried to keep her head down. Sombra just smiled. A figure stepped out from behind the throne. They wore a peculiar sort of armor, and everything from their feet to their neck was coated in a thick, shiny latex bodysuit. A helmet covered the top half of the mare's face; a glowing green visor sat over her eyes. The figure stood stiffly at attention beside Sombra's throne. He ran his fingers through her long, rainbow hair. "No," Twilight gasped. "It can't be!" "Oh, but it is!" Sombra's horn began to glow, and the helmet lifted off of the knight's head. The sight of Celestia's cold, emotionless face, the purple haze of black magic leaking from her eyes, was enough to shatter Twilight's spirit. "P-Princess?" Twilight gasped. "Princess Celestia!" If the former princess had heard her, she showed no signs of it. "This has to be a trick!" Applejack said. "Another one of his illusions!" "Oh, I'm afraid it's all very real," Sombra gloated. "Isn't that right, Knight-Commander Celestia?" "Yes, my king," Celestia replied. "I hear and obey." "No!" Twilight yelled. "Princess Celestia would never fall to you!" "On the contrary; she was all too happy to kneel at my feet," Sombra said. "Who do you obey, Celestia?" "You and only you, my king. I am yours to command. Your will is my will." As she said the words, her body shuddered, and her thighs squeezed together for just a moment. He turned his attention back to Twilight, still struggling to stand. "You see? She's given herself up to me, mind, body, and soul." "Princess, please! You have to fight it!" Twilight begged. "You can't let him control you!" "Don't you understand yet, Twilight Sparkle?" Sombra said, laughing in his triumph. "There's nothing left of your beloved princess to fight with! Your Celestia is no more!" He turned to Celestia. "I have new orders for you, my knight." "Yes, my king?" "Force them to submit. Leave the princess." "Yes, my king." Celestia's horn glowed bright. Twilight flinched as her friends began groaning in pain. She whipped her head around, but all she could do was watch as Celestia's magic surrounded their skulls, forced its way into their minds. "No!" "Twilight... I'm... sorry..." Applejack managed to mutter out, before her eyes, and the eyes of all her friends, filled with a sickly green glow. Their struggles ceased as their minds were taken. Tears fell down Twilight's face. "No..." she whispered. Sombra grinned. "You five," he said. "Go join the other slaves in the courtyard for your assignments." They obeyed without question, their movements stiff, mechanical. Twilight watched them go, leaving her all alone with the mad king and her former mentor. The doors slammed shut. Biting back the tears, Twilight turned to look at Sombra, still mocking her from Celestia's old throne. Despair turned to fury, her muzzle twisting into a grimace. "What are you going to do to them!?" she demanded. "Oh, I'm sure they'll be put to use somewhere," Sombra said, dismissing the question with a wave of his hoof. He grinned. "If I were you, princess, I'd be more worried about what I'm going to do to you." "And what's that?" Twilight snarled. "The same thing I did to your mentor, of course. You, Twilight Sparkle, will be joining Celestia in my elite guard." His tail flickered, swirled. From the shadows emerged a set of armor, identical to that which now adorned Celestia. Twilight's eyes widened with fear at the sight, but then her gaze hardened once again. "I'll never let you control me!" she spat, through clenched teeth. "Do whatever you want, I won't fall! Not to you!" Sombra smiled. "Maybe not to me," he said. "But what about to your mentor...?" He turned towards his knight. "She's all yours." Celestia nodded, saluted him, and stepped forward, her glowing green eyes meeting Twilight's own, widening ones. Her magic took hold of the armor. "Thank you, my king. Hail Sombra." > Expanding the Ranks (Bonus 2) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Hail Sombra," Celestia said, as she stepped forwards, taking the armor in her magic. The latex that covered her creaked and creased with each step, sending little bursts of pleasure down her spine. "Break her utterly, Celestia," her king ordered her. "Turn her loyal." "Yes, my king." Saying the words felt good, sent a warmth through her encased nethers. She set her eyes upon the mare in front of her. Twilight Sparkle stared up at her from where Celestia's magic was forcing her to kneel, searching for any sign of her old teacher left in those green-swept eyes. There was none to be found. "As much as I would love to stay and watch," Sombra was saying, "I have preparations I must attend to. Bring her to me once you've finished." "Yes, my king." Another pulse through her nethers for her obedience. "Good. And Celestia?" "Yes, my king?" "Make it slow." And with that, he departed, leaving Celestia and Twilight alone in the throne room. The two mares stared at each other for a time, Twilight's panicked gaze meeting Celestia's cold one. Celestia contemplated how best to begin the task her king had set her. She decided it would be prudent to start by his example. Her horn sparked, and Twilight was pulled to her feet. Her clothes were torn off of her body and burned away; she would not be needing them again. Twilight stood there, shivering, eyeing her cautiously. Her hands moved to cover her breasts and her crotch, but Celestia took hold of them and forced them to the mare's sides. Twilight's breasts were smaller, perkier than her own. The sight of them, the sight of her, bare before her, naked and exposed, excited Celestia. Still, she kept up the emotionless visage, as she was meant to. Her prisoner opened her mouth. "Princess, please, this isn't you!" Twilight said. "It's Sombra's magic, he's taken control of you! You have to fight it!" "I know exactly who I am, Twilight Sparkle," Celestia said, her voice even, giving nothing away. "I am Knight-Commander Celestia, leader of the armies of King Sombra. I exist only to execute my king's will." No!" Twilight shook her head. "You're Princess Celestia, kind, benevolent ruler of Equestria! Alicorn of the sun! My mentor! Don't you recognize me?" "Of course I do." For a moment, Twilight's eyes grew hopeful. "You are the mare my king has commanded me to break." The hope fled as quick as it came. Celestia's magic sparked again; a force took hold of Twilight's skull, forcing her to look straight forward, her head up. Her back was straightened; her feet were brought together; her arms remained locked at her sides. Celestia had brought her to attention. "Please," Twilight begged, only able to move her mouth and her tearful eyes. "You need to remember! Can't you see that he's controlling you?" "Of course," Celestia said, striding up to her, her latex-lined hips swinging. "To be controlled by my king is my purpose. I would want nothing else." The pieces of armor floated over. These were smaller than her own, of slightly different proportions. Perfectly molded for their recipient, ready to convert her into a loyal servant to her master. The very thought of it filled Celestia with lust. Her thighs rubbed together, and she bit back a moan. She began with the arms, just as her king had. The twin guards separated from the rest, floating close enough that Twilight could inspect their surfaces before descending towards their place. Her king had ordered her to make it slow, and she relished the chance to show her captive exactly what she was doing. Celestia let them hang there, floating just off of Twilight's skin, just enough to brush the tips of her coat-hairs. Her captive gave her one last pleading look. "Please," she begged. "Don't do this!" Celestia fought the urge to lick her lips as she let the metal descend onto Twilight's skin, their cold edges making the mare gasp. Heat was beginning to build through her whole body, now. This was what obedience brought; her mind had been conditioned to feel pleasure when following her master's orders, and the tight, magical latex that covered her from her neck to her feet only amplified that sensation. The straps of the armor circled Twilight's forearms, tightening the metal into place. Within moments, the same grey substance that encased Celestia's body began to spread across her arms. "Nngh," Twilight grunted, as the latex consumed her. "What... what is this? Dark magic?" "Our king's will," Celestia answered. "It will be your new skin, a symbol of your total devotion to our king." A blush had come onto Twilight's cheeks. "W-what's it doing to me?" "Enhancing your sensitivity. Amplifying your lust. Molding you into the perfect, obedient soldier." Celestia watched as the magic reached its conclusion, ending around Twilight's elbows. The heat in her body continued to grow; she could feel herself getting wet under her suit. "Don't fight it," she said, absentmindedly trailing a latex-clad finger up her latex-coated thigh. "You'll love it when we're done." "T-this is what he did to you?" Twilight exclaimed. "He's a monster!" Celestia looked at her sternly. "He is our king. You will show him respect." "He's not... my king!" Twilight grunted. "And he's not yours, either!" In response, Celestia slapped her across the face. She wasn't sure why she'd done it, but it had felt right. She couldn't let an insult to her master go unpunished, after all. And punishing the mare in front of her for it had felt... Good. For the first time since her indoctrination, Celestia smiled. It wasn't a kind one. Twilight stared at her, shocked, as a welt appeared on her cheek. It took her mind a few moments to process what had happened. Celestia wouldn't give her the chance. The next two pieces rushed over, the grieves. Their straps pulled down tight on Twilight's legs, still held in place by Celestia's magic. She gasped as Sombra's magic began to spread across her calves. Celestia's breaths were getting heavier. Her crotch was soaking with her juices; her breasts felt warm, and her nipples had perked up, pressing through the latex and into the metal cups of her armor. Each breath made them grind together, adding to the pleasure building up in her body. But she had a job to do. She could lose herself to her lust later, after her task was complete. Twilight's breaths were getting heavier, too, as the latex finished encasing her lower legs. Then again, her king had told her to make it slow... Celestia stepped to Twilight's side, began to circle her, simply observing her. While not as voluptuous as her own, the mare's body was still... delectable. "How are you feeling, Twilight Sparkle?" she asked. "Guh... you're going to have to do better than that," Twilight replied. "I won't break... for the sake of my friends, my family, you... I won't—" Celestia's hand came down sharply on her thigh, right over the cutie mark. "Agh!" Twilight yelped, her muscles straining, but Celestia held her locked in place. "Our king demands your obedience," Celestia told her. "I'll... never..." Down came Celestia's hand again, in the same spot. "Ack... ngh..." "Our king's command is absolute. His will is our will." "N-no—" Again. Twilight didn't shout this time, just let out a sharp gasp. Her thigh had become raw, turning red where Celestia had hit her. Celestia ran one latex-covered finger up the welt, slowly. Twilight shivered. She leaned in to Twilight's ear, whispered: "Let's continue." Stepping back, she levitated the next piece of the armor over, showed it to Twilight, let her get a good, long look. This one was the articulated, sculpted collar. Celestia forced Twilight's head up, exposing her neck. The molded metal fit tightly around Twilight's throat; she locked it in place. Latex spread up her neck, down her collarbone, stopping just short of her shoulders and just above her breasts. The feel of it so close to her breasts made Twilight utter her first moan. Celestia came up behind her, whispered into her ear: "I told you you would enjoy this. Stop fighting it. Give in to our king's will." "N-nev—" Celestia's right hand snaked under Twilight's arm, sliding up her chest, the latex cool against her bare flesh. It was around Twilight's breast before she could finish her thought. Celestia gave her a squeeze, and Twilight let out a second moan. Cupping the breast in her palm, she took her thumb and began tracing circles around Twilight's puffy areola. "You'll what?" Celestia asked her, as the next pieces of armor broke off from the set and floated over. "N-N—" Celestia let the pair of cuisse hang in front of Twilight's face for a moment, then, slowly, lowered them down to her thighs. She let them fall into place gradually, touching first the bottom of the plates against her coat, Twilight shivering under her touch, then let them press slowly into her skin. The straps slid around , binding them in place, squeezing against the tender flesh. "Ah...ha..." The latex began to spread. Celestia reached down with her left hand, tracing a line down Twilight's stomach to her crotch as she did so, stopping just short of the mare's clitoris. Then, she dipped her fingers into the still-liquid material that was creeping up her thighs, ran them through it, helping it to spread. Twilight let out another moan at Celestia's touch, her loudest yet. Celestia now noticed that her cunt had begun to drip. Soon, Twilight's legs were completely covered, foot to hip, and Twilight's starburst had been forever sealed beneath its shiny, uniform surface. The mare had shuddered especially when the cool latex had covered the welt Celestia had given her. Celestia pulled her fingers away; some of the latex pulled with them, semi-solid, forming a sticky trail that eventually broke. She brought them up, pressed them against Twilight's lips, forced them inside. "Lick them clean," Celestia commanded. Twilight did nothing. Once again, Celestia swatted her on the thigh. This time, however, when her hand hit the latex, Twilight let out a moan. A spurt of her juices dribbled out of her. "Lick them clean, slave," Celestia said again. This time, Twilight did as she was told, her tongue running up and down the length of Celestia's fingers, lapping off every trace of the sticky substance that had coated them. Celestia was dripping now, too, through her suit. Each caress of Twilight's tongue pushed her further and further into her lust. She pulled her fingers out of Twilight's mouth, a trail of saliva following them. She turned her attention to the armor. There were only three pieces left, now. The spiked shoulder guards, the molded breastplate... and the helmet. She took the shoulder guards. They dropped heavily on Twilight's shoulders, tightened into place. The suit spread down her thin, delicate arms, melding with what had already coated her wrists. The breastplate was next. "Ss-stop," Twilight pleaded, barely able to get the words out. "Please..." Celestia paid her words no mind. "This was my favorite," she murmured into Twilight's ear, as the metal pressed itself against her torso, the molded cups supporting her little breasts, pushing them up, out. Twilight gasped at the cold metal on her nipples, already erect from Celestia's playing. Then, her gasps turned to moans, deeper and deeper, as her breasts were consumed by latex, squeezing the already sensitive organs all over, amplifying that sensation. Celestia remembered the sensation all too well. She also remembered what came next. As the latex above joined the collar, the latex below began to creep down her stomach, running over her belly button, continuing down, down. As she had with the cuisse, she let her hands drift down, began spreading the material down Twilight's body, until.... "Gah... AH!" Celestia's fingers pushed the latex over her clit. Twilight's body spasmed in place, but Celestia wasn't done. She continued to push the latex down, down... and then, curling her finger, she began rubbing it into Twilight's dripping marehood. "AH! AH! AH!" Twilight screamed, as more and more of the king's magic was pressed into her. Celestia pushed her own body into Twilight's back, letting their slick coatings rub against each other, each movement of one filling the other with overwhelming ecstasy. Twilight's eyes rolled back into her head. Her mouth hung open, a constant stream of moans and shrieks pouring out of it. As the latex completed its journey, sealing her from the neck down in a complete, seamless suit of gray, her mind was already on the verge of breaking. She felt as though she was going to burst. But there was one piece of armor left. She let the helmet hang tantalizingly in the air in front of Twilight. Celestia's left hand continued to press and stroke at the smooth coating over Twilight's marehood, while her right pushed under the breastplate and kneaded at her breast. "How do you feel, Twilight Sparkle?" Celestia asked. "A-a-amazing," Twilight struggled to get out, overwhelmed as she was from the waves of pleasure crashing through her body, battering her mind. "It feels good, doesn't it Twilight? Being encased in our king's magic?" "I-it f-f-feels... so good..." Celestia squeezed at Twilight's breast; the mare shuddered. "Do you want to feel this way forever?" "Ah... Y-yes!" Twilight moaned. "Please, oh..." "What would you do to keep feeling this pleasure?" "A-anyTHING!" Twilight squealed. "Would you become King Sombra's loyal knight? Even if it meant betraying your friends, your family? Betraying me?" "YES!" Twilight shouted. "ANYTHING! IF IT MEANS I GET TO KEEP FEELING THIS, I'LL DO ANYTHING HE WANTS!" Celestia grinned. "Swear your allegiance to your king." "I PLEDGE MY ETERNAL LOYALTY TO KING SOMBRA! I'LL BE HIS OBEDIENT KNIGHT FOREVER!" As the words were spoken, Celestia brought the helmet down over her head. She stepped back to watch the results. A bright green glow flooded out from under the visor; Celestia knew that Twilight's vision would be filled with it, the light consuming her mind as the helmet's magic pressed into her thoughts. The gray latex that covered her began to move, to flow, caressing every inch of skin it covered, flooding her with the pleasure she so desperately wanted. Twilight's shrieks grew to screams as the latex Celestia had pushed inside her began to move as well, flowing up through her, crawling its way around her insides, seeping into her core and corrupting her from within. Her body strained against Celestia's magic, her muscles jerking again and again under the onslaught against her body and mind. Watching this, watching her master's will being imposed upon this mare, was enough to finally send her flooding over the edge. She fell to her knees as she came at last. The pent-up fluids were too much for the suit to absorb, spurting and dripping through the strange material and onto the floor. Her head snapped back as her body shook and her mind finally gave in to the lust. One hand went to her breast, sliding under the plate and grasping it, kneading it, pulling on the nipple that poked against its latex covering. The other went to her marehood, smooth fingers disappearing into the latex-lined crevasse. She rode the orgasms, one after the next, moaning, coaxing them out with each stroke of her fingers against her impossibly-sensitive skin. Across from her, Twilight moaned in response as her mind finally broke, any remaining will to resist obliterated by the onslaught of sensations that had overtaken her mind. She didn't know who she was anymore; the whispers kindly informed her as the green filled her eyes. Their moans and gasps formed a chorus, coming quicker and quicker until— "AhH!" Celestia cried out, coming one last time, harder than she ever had before. Her entire body shook. "GyaH!" Twilight echoed, coming for the first time, a waterfall of pent-up lust draining from her marehood. It dripped to the floor, puddled beneath her. Celestia's magic disappeared; Twilight fell to the floor, her chest heaving, unable to catch her breath. Still on her knees, Celestia did much the same. They stayed there, for a time, as their breathing slowed and their bodies recovered. Celestia was the first to stand. A strand of marecum dangled from her crotch, connecting to the puddle on the floor; she wiped it aside, placed her fingers in her mouth, ran her tongue over them, savoring the salty taste of her own juices. She looked to Twilight Sparkle, still on the floor. "Stand," she ordered. Twilight's limbs shook, but she obeyed, coming to attention. "Salute." Twilight's hand snapped to her forehead. Gently reaching forwards, Celestia removed the helmet from Twilight's head. Her eyes were twin pools of green, a direct mirror to her own. "Who are you?" Celestia asked her. "I am Knight Sparkle, loyal servant of King Sombra." "And who am I?" "You are Knight-Commander Celestia, leader of his armies," Twilight told her. "My commander." "And who is King Sombra?" "My master," Twilight replied. "His will is my will." "And his enemies?" "Will cower at my feet." Celestia, still caught in the afterglow of her obedience, allowed herself a smile. But, of course, her orders weren't quite complete. "Come," she said. "We must present you to the king." "Yes, Knight-Commander." Celestia wrapped her arm around Twilight's waist. Their bodies pressed together, their smooth hips rubbing against one another, sending a fresh wave of heat through both of their bodies. "Hail Sombra," Celestia said. "Hail Sombra." > Total Eclipse (Bonus 3) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The doors to the throne room flew open, nearly breaking off their hinges. Luna stepped inside, purpose in her eyes, her sandals clacking against the stonework. Her clothes were dirty and torn. A day had passed since Sombra had marched on Canterlot, and he hadn't left the palace unguarded. She'd had to fight against her own subjects—even some of her own guards—to make it here. But even two platoons of soldiers wasn't enough for the power of an angry alicorn. Celestia had remained at the castle, and she'd heard nothing from her. The Element bearers had gone ahead... and she'd heard nothing. Something was wrong, and she and Starswirl had both known it. He could tend to the forest on his own. She needed to be here. She looked around as she entered. She'd expected to find Sombra here, seated on one of the thrones, ready to gloat at her. Perhaps her sister and the Elements of Harmony would be there, chained and muzzled as trophies. The stallion was certainly vain enough to try it. But the throne room was empty and unlit. There weren't even any guards. So obviously it was a trap. "Show yourself, Sombra!" she demanded, her command echoing off the walls. As if in response, the doors slammed shut behind her, sealing her inside. Definitely a trap then. Well, that was fine with her. "Coward!" she roared. "Come out here and face m—" Twin beams of magic lashed out at her from the shadows of the rafters. She spun about, threw up a shield—but she wasn't fast enough, and the magic that assaulted her hastily-erected barrier was overwhelmingly strong. It broke through after only an instant. She leapt out of the way as the beams bit into the stonework, firing back one of her own. She saw a flash of white feathers, a glint of something metal, but they darted out of the way too quickly for her to get a good look. Something was up there. Snarling, Luna launched her own shotgun-blast of a magic volley, multiple bursts of magical energy in an arcing pattern that burst as they hit the ceiling. "Reveal yourself, fiend!" she shouted up, readying a second. She could hear them moving, whoever or whatever they were, up in the rafters where the shadows were long. Another blast of magic lanced out at her from the side. She swiftly dodged it, turning to face her assailant. The power she had been charging up unleashed itself, a bright spear of moonlight that blew away the darkness as it passed. There her opponent was. Now revealed, the armored figure dove towards her, horn charging. Another brainwashed guard... but this was different from the ones outside. This one wore a uniform, with a differently-shaped helmet, and had wings... and a horn? How could that... Luna faltered as she recognized who it was under that visor. "...T-Twilight?" That single moment of hesitation was her undoing. She heard the quiet thud of something landing behind her just a fraction of a moment too soon to react. Something swept her feet out from under her, and she grit her teeth as she hit the ground. Before she could recover, she felt something in her horn. She glanced up. Black crystals had sprouted from its base, nullifying her magic. In that one instant, she'd already lost. Magic took hold of her limbs before she had the chance to get her bearings, lifting her up into the air. Golden-yellow magic took hold of her right wrist and ankle; bright magenta magic wrapped around her left. She strained against it, but to no avail. Whoever or whatever it was that was casting it was just too powerful. The armored mare—Twilight landed gently before her. She had the posture of a soldier, and now that Luna had the chance to properly observe it, the armor she wore was bizarre. What she had originally assumed to be a full body of plate armour was, instead, a set of smaller, more decorative plates, and... Was that latex? Whatever it was, just looking at it set off alarm bells in Luna's mind. There was something wrong about this armor. And not just the way it covered almost every aspect of the pony who had once been her savior. "Twilgiht," Luna said. "What are you doing? What is that thing?" Twilgiht made no move to answer. Instead, the pony behind her began to move, their footsteps echoing through the chamber. As they did, the sconces that lined the walls lit, one by one, bathing the dim room in light. The figure crossed into Luna's field of view... And she wasn't wearing a helmet. "No," Luna gasped, as her eyes locked with the twin pits of green and purple smoke that had taken over her sister's. "Hello, sister dearest," Celestia said, but there was no warmth in the words. Her voice was cruel, twisted, a mockery of her formerly gentle tone. "I've missed you ever so much..." "C-Celestia?" Luna stammered. "What has he done to you?" Celestia looked at her sternly. "Now, sister. That's no way to address your king." "Sombra... Where is he?" Luna demanded. "Where is King Sombra!?" "Our king is supervising the expansion of his kingdom," Twilight said. "But don't worry, Luna," Celestia said. "He left the two of us behind in his place, just for you." "To do what?" Luna spat. "Imprison me? Execute me? You'd never." "No, sister" Celestia said. "You're far too useful to our king for that." The magic posed her, arms fully outstretched to either side, legs slightly apart. "Instead, you will serve him." A flash of yellow, and a set of armor appeared in the air beside her. This armor was different from the ones worn by Celestia and Twilight. It was lighter, more elegantly sculpted, and made of a darker metal. It also lacked a helmet. "You have been chosen to become our king's knight-assassin," Celestia said. "Rejoice, and embrace your role as his servant." She took part of the set in her hand, held it so Luna could see. A metal mask, smooth and devoid of any features except for a pair of open eye-holes and a pair of openings to accommodate the nostrils. No mouth. "Take a good, long look, sister," Celestia said. "Soon, this face will be yours." "Sister, please!" Luna begged. "You must fight his influence!" Celestia laughed as she approached, the mask floating away and another piece taking its place—a vambrace, to go on her forearm. "Why would I fight it? His will is my will. His pleasure is... mnn... my pleasure." Her hips rocked together in time with the groan. She came closer, gingerly holding the vambrace, and Luna's eyes followed it as it came closer, closer— "Please, Knight-Commander," Twilight said, suddenly. "Forgive my insubordination. May I have the honor of dressing her?" Celestia raised an eyebrow, not looking back at Twilight but from her peripherals. She considered it, relishing as her subordinate squirmed behind her. On the one hand, making such demands was unbefitting of a Knight. On the other... She'd get to watch as her conquest took her sister. Celestia licked her lips. "Request granted, Knight. Put on a good show for me." Twilight's posture relaxed slightly. "Thank you, Knight-Commander." The subordinate stepped forward, and the commander stepped back. The vambrace was passed from one to the other, slipping from Celestia's magic and into Twilight's waiting hands. Twilight's horn lit, and her helmet was removed, giving Luna a full view of the face of the mare who had once been her savior, and those deep, green holes where once there had been beautiful lavender eyes. "Twilight," Luna gasped. "Don't do this. You are a princess of Equestria! The Element of Magic!" "I am my King's servant," Twilight said, stepping closer, the pieces of armor, now aglow with magenta instead of her sister's gold, floating along behind her. "His will is my will. And soon, you will serve him, too." Twilight's horn glowed. One piece at a time, Luna's clothes were ripped from her body, first her dress, then her jewelry, her sandals, her undergarments. The small black crown on her head was taken last, cast aside like a piece of common trash, sending it bouncing across the castle floor. Luna, naked, thrashed against her magical bonds to no avail as Twilight came closer, closer... Twilight stopped, so close that Luna could hear her breathing, see the slow expansion of her chest. The outfit Sombra had put her in didn't leave anything to the imagination— if anything, the latex extenuated her curves, the metal breastplate pushing her bust up and out... If Luna hadn't been so terrified, she might have been turned on. She wrenched her eyes away from Twilight's chest and fixed her gaze on her captor's face. "Twilight Sparkle, listen to me," she said. "You're stronger than him. You have vanquished him in the past, and you can do it again, I know you can. You must fight his influence. You must res—" Twilight placed a single latex-clad finger over Luna's lips. "Shh," she said. "There is no reason to resist. Resistance brings nothing but pain. Only through complete devotion to the King will you experience true...." Her voice turned husky on the last word. "...pleasure." Her hand withdrew, and she moved over to Luna's right arm, held straight out from her side at the wrist. "You're going to love being King Sombra's loyal knight," she said. "I promise." With that, she brought the vambrace up and held it against Luna's forearm. The dark, cold metal almost made her shiver. Working slowly, gingerly, she wound the leather straps of the armor piece around, threading each through its respective buckle. She used her hands, not her magic, and the gentle brushes of her gloved hands and Luna's arm brought a strange heat into her cheeks. Twilight wrapped her fingers around Luna's wrist and braced her arm as the first of the straps was pulled tight. "Twilight, please," Luna begged. Twilight just smiled, as she slowly, so slowly, pulled the second strap into place... As the vambrace was pulled against her skin, she felt something in the plates begin to move. As she watched, eyes widening, the grey substance that covered Twilight's and her sister's bodies began to spread across her own. She squirmed and grit her teeth as it spread out from under the metal, inching first around and then down her forearm. Everywhere it touched began to prickle and heat up, the sensation of the material moving over it suddenly becoming ten times what it had been at first. "Our king's magic is generous," Twilight said, as the latex slid down Luna's fingertips, making her shudder. "Your body will be encased beneath his will, and you will experience fully the pleasure of total servitude to him." That explained the heat building in her cheeks. Luna swallowed as the movement stopped, her arm encased fully up to her elbow in Sombra's gray. She'd worn latex before—she'd experimented quite a bit, upon her return from the moon, and the rubbery substance had been one of her favorites, but this was different. Her own latex gloves had never felt this good. Twilight walked around behind her, out of Luna's view. Luna looked up at Celestia, who was watching closely... and smirking, one rubbery finger pressed between her lips. "Sister, you have to remember!" Luna said. "One thousand years ago—we fought through Sombra's enslaved legions together! We confronted him at the top of his palace, and we banished him beneath the ice of the Frozen North for his crimes against the Crystal Empire!" "Remember?" Celestia said, lowering her hand. Her smirk remained. "Of course I remember, sister." "Then—" "I remember what fools we were." Luna cut off, mid sentence, her lips parted still but no sound coming out. Celestia laughed. "Defying King Sombra was pointless. I should have thrown myself at his feet then, instead of having to wait a thousand more years for him to show me my place. I am fortunate our king was so generous as to give me a second chance to serve under his brilliance, to remake me into his loyal Knight-Commander. To show me the ultimate pleasure: submission to his will." Luna just stared at her sister, open-mouthed, as the hope drained from her eyes. "And now," Celestia said, as the next plate pressed itself into Luna's left forearm from behind. "It is your turn to be remade, sister." Twilight, still out of Luna's view, pulled the straps tight. The latex began spreading, a mirror to what had happened only moments ago on her other arm. Soon, both forearms had been encased in rubber. Her tormentor stepped around to her side, fingers intertwining with Luna's own freshly-covered ones, the latex of their gloves squeaking together. Twilight leaned forwards and took the ends of Luna's fingers in her mouth, sucking on them and running her tongue across their tips. Luna bit back a groan at the seductive gesture. She could feel her nethers beginning to dampen, unbidden. Twilight pulled back. She stepped around to Luna's front, putting her back in full view of her prisoner. "What piece should I apply next, Knight-Commander?" Celestia tapped her chin. "Hm... The greaves." "Yes, Knight-Commander." Another piece of armor floated into Twilight's hand. She knelt (bringing her head and the tip of her horn oh-so-close to Luna's dampening folds) and began to strap it to Luna's left calf. The buckles bit tight into her muscle as the latex began to spread, but just as quickly Twilight took hold of the other greave and strapped it into place on her other leg. Luna bit into her lip as Sombra's magic spread down, across her calves and her ankles. It slipped over her heels and down the soles of her feet, slowly forming into a pair of soft-soled boots. Even as she tried to resist, however, Twilight distracted her with a trail of kisses up the inside of her right thigh. She got so close that Luna could feel her warm breaths against her folds as the latex completed its work and she drew away. "The cuisse, next," Celestia said. "I want to watch her squirm." Twilight smiled. "Yes, Knight-Commander." She remained on her knees, between Luna's restrained legs, and retrieved two more plates from the floating collection of armor, which was growing smaller and smaller with each passing minute. Luna eyed the mask wearily. She was running out of time. If she could interrupt Sombra's hold over Twilight, then maybe... "Applejack," she said. "Rarity. Pinkie Pie. Fluttershy." Was she wrong, or had Twilight hesitated, just for a moment? "Rainbow Dash," she continued. "Cadance. Shining—" She gasped, as the cold metal pressed against her thigh, and the straps wound across her inner walls. "S-Shining Armor. Spike. Starlight Glimmer. Twilight Velvet. Night Light." She had to be getting through. She just had to. "Don't those names mean anything to you, Twilight Sparkle?" Twilight paused. Luna's heart did a flip. "Remember them, Twilight!" she insisted. "Remember who they are!" "I remember," Twilight said, slowly. Luna cheered inside. "Then—" "They are all servants of King Sombra," she said. "As am I." Despair filled Luna as Twilight pulled the second strap on the cuisse tight, eliciting another short gasp from her captive. This turned into a moan, quickly bitten back but still very, frighteningly real, as the latex began its march down her leg. Luna's leg twitched as the cold material crossed the inside of her thigh. This wasn't helped as Twilight slid her finger up along it, making a trail through the semi-solid gray and helping it spread upwards, stopping just barely an inch from her crotch. There was no hiding her wetness now. Twilight moved to the other leg, repeated the process. This time, Luna couldn't stop the moan that escaped her lips. "It sounds as though you're finally beginning to enjoy yourself, sister," Celestia said, and Luna could just hear the smirk in her voice. "Not... fair..." she panted out, as Sombra's gray permanently eclipsed her moon. Both legs were now coated in solid gray from the hip down. The heat building in her was intense, and her cheeks were brightly flushed. Get a grip, Luna, she told herself. You just have to endure until an opportunity presents itself. Just... endure... Her thought trailed off as Twilight began to stand, trailing her fingers up along her insanely sensitive latex-covered thigh and— Luna shuddered as Twilight's finger slid along her lips and brushed, just briefly, over her clit. "Nnngh..." "The shoulders now, Knight-Commander?" "Excellent idea, Knight." They floated over. These differed in design from the ones that adorned Twilight and her sister; they were more rounded, less bulky. Clearly designed for lightness and freedom of movement, rather than intimidation. They fit onto her shoulders perfectly. Twilight leaned in as she strapped them down, the cold front of her breastplate pressing into Luna's own bust. She grit her teeth, tried to take her mind far, far away from what was happening. The latex began to spread across Luna's collar and down her arms. "I saw those looks you gave me." Twilight whispered. And just like that, Luna was wrenched back to the present, even as the rubber merged with that on her forearms. "W-what?" It dripped down, just over the top of her breasts, and somehow that was worse. Twilight pushed forwards, pressed herself into Luna, forcing her breasts forwards, and as heated up as she was, Luna couldn't help but look... "Give in to it," Twilight said. "Embrace your new life as our King's servant. Embrace your place at his feet. Embrace the pleasure." She drew back, and part of Luna was sad to see her move away. The rest of her, the part that wasn't taken over by need, began to panic. "Forever..." "Nnn... no," Luna said. Twilight didn't ask for the next piece. Whether Celestia minded, she made no indication. The collar was plucked from the air, unlatched and pulled open. Twilight placed her hand under Luna's chin, forced her head up. Luna tried to resist, but magic took hold of her temples and there was nothing more she could do. The collar fit into place snugly around her throat. Twilight latched it shut, then released her head, not that it made much difference; though it seemed to offer more flexibility than those worn by Twilight and her sister, it still forced her head up and forward. That wasn't the only difference, though. As the latex crept down between her wing joints, she felt something else begin to move behind her. With the limited mobility afforded by the collar, she could only barely see as a cloak unfurled over her shoulders and behind her, falling over her wings and stopping just shy of the ground. It was pitch black, matching the metal of her armor, and light as a feather. Judging by the weight around her shoulders, there was a hood component, too. "That's... nnn... new," she managed to wisecrack, somehow, even as the latex crept down, stopping just at the top of her bosom. Perhaps it was one last-ditch effort to hold herself together. "You are a Knight-Assassin," Celestia told her. "A creature of shadows. Executor of your king's will. Your king saw fit to give you an armor better suited for your purpose. Be grateful for his generosity." There were only two pieces of armor left. The breastplate... and the mask. Twilight took the breastplate. She did not take it in her hands, however, as she had every other piece; instead, it remained floating in her magic. She trailed a finger down Luna's bare front, starting at her collar, running down between her breasts and across her stomach. Part of Luna wanted her to keep going, to reach her puffy, neglected clit and her wet, dripping folds, but Twilight's finger pulled away just fractions of an inch too soon. Luna's breaths were haggard, now. Her pussy ached, and long strands of marecum dripped out of it, pooling below her on the stonework. What parts of her still remained bare were soaked with sweat. Her ethereal mane billowed out behind her, agitated. "You're going to love this, Luna," Twilight said. "It's what broke me." Luna steeled herself. She knew what would be coming. But once again, Twilight did something unexpected. She slid down to her knees. Her face crept agonizingly close to Luna's snatch. Each warm breath heated her puffy folds, made them ache harder, demand release. Her hands grabbed two fistfuls of Luna's ass, squeezing them. At the same time, the breastplate levitated over, floated just in front of Luna. "N-no," she begged. "Twilight, please, you can't—" Twilight's tongue slipped between her folds just as the breastplate pressed itself against her skin. "AHAaaaah," Luna half cried, half moaned. The twin molded cups slid under her breasts, raising them and propping them outward. It conformed to her curves perfectly. Twilight's tongue danced around inside her, seeming to find every perfect spot as the straps on the breastplate tightened, pulling it tighter around her chest, pressing her sensitive nipples into the cold steel. And then the armor's magic activated. Luna threw her head back as the rubber spread across her breasts. She strained against the magic holding her in place, shuddering and twitching, but all that served to do was amplify the insane pleasure as her perked nipples ground into the plate and the latex continued to spread, consuming her breasts totally, merging seamlessly with the collar. Then, once her top had been fully sealed beneath its electric embrace, it began its path downwards, across her chest, her stomach, until— Twilight continued playing with her, even as the latex descended over her marehood. It flowed around her tongue, Twilight lapping it up and pressing it deep into Luna's folds, and she shrieked as the pleasure overwhelmed her, stronger than anything she'd ever felt in her thousands of years. Her hips betrayed her and thrust forwards into Twilight's ministrations, trying to push her tongue deeper, deeper in. "Haa! Haa! Haaaagh!" It was so good it was painful, and it was so painful it was good, and Luna felt more and more of her start to slip away as the latex continued, covering her pussy entirely, running down her back and across her buttocks until her entire body from the neck down was encased in one seamless swath of rubber, her entire body so impossibly sensitive that every slight movement was a jolt of pure pleasure, and still Twilight kept on... Luna, crying now, forced her mouth shut, squeezed her eyes closed. She had to regain control. She had to. For Twilight. For her sister. For Equestria. If there was any hope of escaping this, of stopping Sombra, she had to endure. And endure she did. Soon enough, the latex settled in place, and Twilight withdrew from her crotch, Luna's fluids dripping down her chin. "It seems," she heard Celestia say, distantly, "that little Lulu is more resilient than she seems." Twilight began to stand. "She will need more work, my Knight. What will you do?" In response, Twilight brought her face towards Luna's. Her fingers wrapped around Luna's chin and, without much resistance, forced her mouth open. Twilight pressed her lips against Luna's, forcing her into the kiss with a firm grip on the sides of her head. As they kissed, all the foul rubber that Twilight had lapped up from Luna's crotch flowed into Luna's mouth and slithered down her throat. Twilight's tongue chased it, forcing its way past her lips and playing with her own as she felt Sombra's magic seep down into her core, coating everything it touched on the way, taking her from the inside as well as the out. Twilight's knee lifted, grinding her thigh into Luna's latex-coated marehood and eliciting a moan into her mouth. Their encased bodies slithered over each other, each tiny movement sending waves of overwhelming pleasure cascading through them both. The kiss was long, and deep. When Twilight pulled out of it, Luna's gaze was foggy and unfocused. Twilight caressed her cheek. "It feels wonderful, doesn't it? Being smothered under your king's will?" "Y-yes..." "Submit," she said. "And you can experience this pleasure forever." "Y-y-y—" She wanted to. She wanted to so badly. "N-no..." she moaned. "No?" "I... will not... be broken... yet..." Luna panted out, her cheeks flushed, her body shaking with each breath. Twilight turned. "Knight-Commander?" Now, Celestia stepped forward. "You've done well, Knight," she said, striding forward, hips swinging. "But I will finish her off. At ease." "Yes, Knight-Commander." They swapped places, Twilight stepping back to spectate and Celestia stepping close. She observed her sister for a moment, like a butcher appraising a slice of meat. "You have proved far more resilient that I had expected," she declared. "Your will is strong." "Sis...ter..." Celestia circled around her, trailing a finger across her latex skin and making her moan from the touch. "We will make sure to put that to good use in our King's service." Her hand came down on Luna's ass, right where the cutie mark would have been, and a gush of fluid bubbled out of her snatch and dripped slowly down to the floor. "Haaaaa...!" The latex even made the sharp, stinging pain of the strike feel amazing. "But why resist?" Celestia asked, sliding in close to her. Her hand slipped under the cup of Luna's breastplate, pressing into her tit and squeezing it. "Doesn't it feel good?" Her other hand slithered up, her gloved fingers pressing into Luna's lips and forcing their way inside her mouth. "Doesn't it feel good to wear your king's armor?" Luna's tongue ran over the tips of her fingers. Celestia smiled. "The pleasure will only grow if you submit to it," she said. "It's unlike anything else, sister. The pleasure of giving yourself up... obeying his commands... being reborn as his loyal knight, his will your will, his pleasure your pleasure..." She gave Luna's breast another squeeze. "It's simply intoxicating. You want it, don't you? Your body certainly does. Why continue to deny it? Why deny what you know you want?" Luna couldn't even speak. She just shook her head. Tears and sweat dripped down her cheeks. Celestia withdrew, pulling her fingers from around Luna's breast and inside her mouth, a trail of drool following them. "Then perhaps," she said, "You just need a more thorough demonstration." She circled around to Luna's front. The mask, the only piece for the armor remaining, drifted along with her. "Rejoice, sister," she said, reaching towards Luna's throat. "You're going to be completely smothered by your king's will, head to toe, completely and utterly consumed by him." Her fingertips brushed the metal of the collar, even as her other hand wrapped around her own breast. "The pleasure will be... unimaginable." Celestia's horn began to glow, and magic flowed from her fingertips into the collar. Luna tried to focus. What was she... Then, she felt the latex around her throat begin to move. Her unfocused eyes widened. It was moving up. The latex flowed up her face. It crawled over her chin, crept up her cheeks, slid right over her drooling lips, sealing them beneath a layer of smooth, featureless latex. She tried to cry out, but speech was impossible. Her eyes rolled back in her head as the grey rubber flowed over them, sealing her in darkness. The ethereal starfield of her mane was swept back as the latex continued its journey upwards, covering her forehead, her horn, her ears, until, finally, every inch of her had been consumed. All traces of her identity had vanished beneath the suit. It didn't stop there. She squirmed as it began to force its way into her, gushing past her lips and down her throat, tendrils of it creeping into her ears, pressing into her eager pussy and her tight ass. Claiming her womb. Every hole, every entrance into her body was sealed, violated, and taken from her. She couldn't see; she couldn't breathe; she couldn't think. She loved it. She couldn't deny it anymore. She loved it. She struggled against the sensations, pulled against her bonds, but every movement just sent a fresh wave of impossible pleasure crashing over every inch of her being, inside and out. She had no control, now; her body tugged and shuddered and twitched all on its own. The king's magic continued to pump into her, filling her utterly from every entrance. She could feel it sliding deeper into her pussy as her womb was filled, full to burst. Its corruptive influence seeped into her from within. She needed air, her lungs demanded it, but it was withheld from her as more and more latex forced its way down her throat. Her body tried to gasp for air, but that just pulled more of it into her. The complete darkness seemed to grow even darker. There was no escape from the latex. It was inside her. It was encasing her. It was consuming her. The last of her conscious thought was pushed aside, both by the instinctive need to breathe and by the throes of her lust, or maybe they were one and the same. The whispers that had been dancing around the edges of her conscious mind rushed to take its place. She felt something press against her temples. The mask, the whispers told her. Your mask. The mask pressed into the rubber on her face, bonding with it and affixing itself permanently in place. The pressure only sent more pleasure through her, and if she could have, she'd have screamed. She was right on the edge of orgasm, being held there, needing to come but forced not to by Sombra's magic. The pleasure built and built, her juices practically pouring out of her now, seeping into the suit, and still the floodgates were held excruciatingly closed. The tendrils of rubber forcing themselves into her ears pushed deeper, deeper. She felt a pinch, somewhere in her skull, and the whispers became a chorus, drowning out all other thought. Who are you? they asked her. She tried to remember, but she just couldn't recall. What was her name? Luna, they told her. Servant of King Sombra. His loyal Knight-Assassin. That sounded right. She let the voices rebuild her fractured mind, tell her who she should be. A creature of the shadows. Her king's left hand. His will was her will, and his will was good. Trapped in her latex prison, there was nothing she could do but listen as the heat in her body built to a fever, perpetually on the edge of losing consciousness as her lungs strained for breath. Obey King Sombra. Obey King Sombra. Obey King Sombra. And suddenly, the voice was her own. I will obey King Sombra. I will obey King Sombra. I will obey King Sombra! The latex muffled her screams as she finally came. It was a waterfall, the pent-up juices of what felt like an eternity gushing and bubbling out of her. The material of the suit seemed to accommodate her, absorbing the sticky fluids, taking them into itself. To what end? She didn't have the capacity to wonder. Her body twitched, twisted, struggled and spasmed as she came, and came, and came again, her needy cunt contracting and squeezing around the rubber phallus that had taken her. As it did, the latex there—and all across her body—seemed to settle, to thin, coating the walls of her body but leaving them open for use. The magic holding her in place vanished, and she collapsed to the floor, still twitching, still coming. The latex retracted into her nostrils, clearing the passages and allowing her to take her first, gasping breath. As she rode out the last of the orgasms, the area surrounding her eyes split and peeled back, revealing twin pools of deep, bottomless green. She had broken. She lay there, her chest heaving as she recovered from the ordeal. One shaking hand moved to her face. She felt the smooth metal of the mask that covered her, making her faceless, sealing her expression beneath cold, unfeeling steel. A faceless, unfeeling executor of her king's will. His loyal Knight-Assassin. Under the mask, she might have smiled. Calmed enough now to take stock of her surroundings, she sat up. The first things she saw were her Knight Commander and her fellow Knight, embraced, pressing their armored bodies into one another. A thin trail of spit connected their lips. Celestia pulled away from Twilight, strode over to her. "Stand up, Knight." Luna did as she was commanded, struggling quickly to her feet. "Attention!" Luna's heels snapped together. "Salute!" Her hand snapped to her forehead. The cloak on her back billowed out behind her. "Who are you?" "I am Luna, Knight-Assassin of King Sombra. His will is my will." Her voice was muffled, distorted beneath the latex and her metal face. That did not concern her; assassins did not need to speak. They only acted as their king commanded. "And who am I?" "You are Knight-Commander Celestia, executor of our king's will. My superior. I will obey your words as if they were his." "And your master?" "King Sombra. For the rest of my eternity." "And his enemies?" Luna held up a gloved hand. Her fingers curled into a tight fist, as if she were crushing an object in her palm. Celestia grinned. "Welcome to the knighthood, sister. Hail Sombra." "Hail Sombra." > Heart, Broken (Bonus 4) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The throne room of the Crystal Empire was normally a very serene, peaceful place. Today, it was chaos. "Sixth Platoon!" Shining Armor commanded his men. "Reinforce the southern side defenses! Sombra could be coming from any direction, so stay vigilant! Report anything, no matter how small!" "Sir!" The crystal guards saluted and departed, armor clanking as they moved. Shining Armor paused for a moment to gather his breath. His appearance was haggard, long wrinkles sitting under his eyes. It had been three days since Canterlot had fallen. With no word from the princesses, nor from Twilight and her friends, they had been forced to assume the worst. Their fears had been justified when the first of the refugees arrived by train. The situation in Equestria was dire. Sombra's armies had taken much of the continent, with what pockets of resistance remained slowly dissolving under sheer numbers as every captured fighter was added to Sombra's forces. It was likely that the kingdom would be under his complete and total control before the week was through. Shining Armor was not going to let that happen here. He'd worked tirelessly around the clock, strengthening the Empire's defenses and readying its soldiers for battle. Unfortunately, after three days of stress and forced insomnia, he wasn't at his best, and so he failed to notice the shadow that flitted between the columns of the throne room overhead. With his soldiers dismissed, he was left alone in the room with only their personal guard and his wife. Cadance wasn't holding up much better than her husband. Her task was different; while Shining directed the soldiers, it was her job to ensure that the barrier that surrounded the empire remained intact. She sat on her throne, eyes closed, horn alight with energies both her own and of the Crystal Heart, floating in its shrine somewhere below them. The court's best mages were down there as well, channeling their own energies into the spell. They'd learned from the first time Sombra had tried to take the empire that a single shield spell maintained by one alicorn would only buy them time. Now, they were more prepared. This spell would buy them considerably more. Still, her hands wrung themselves in her lap. Shining approached her and placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. Her eyes opened, and she smiled, weakly. "Any sign of him yet?" she asked. "Still nothing," Shining said. "And that just worries me more. The Empire was his first target when he came back the first time, so why is he taking his time getting to us now?" "I feel the same way," Cadance said, placing her own hand over his. "But at least it gave us time to evacuate the citizens... and Flurry..." At this, her expression faltered. "Hey," Shining said, putting his other hand on her other shoulder and kneeling down so he could look straight at his wife. "Sunburst and Thorax will take care of her. They'll keep her safe until all of this is over. She's in the safest hooves she could possibly be in right now." "I know," Cadance said. "But what if—" "Sir!" A scout burst through the doors of the throne room, galloping at full tilt across the crystalline floor and just barely skidding to a stop in front of Shining. "Corporal. What's happening?" "Sombran forces sighted, sir!" the scout said, snapping into a salute. "Forty miles southwest of the border!" Finally. It was almost a relief.. "Numbers?" "Hundreds, sir! Maybe thousands! Pegasi, unicorns, and earth ponies, sir!" "And Sombra?" Shining asked. "No sign, sir!" Shining's eyes narrowed. "Very good, corporal. Send the fourth, seventh, and eight platoons to gather behind the shield to meet them, but do not engage. And tell them to be weary; we don't want to be tricked into a flank." "Yes, sir!" The colt saluted again and dashed off. Shining turned back to his wife. "Will you be alright?" "I'll hold the shield as long as I can," Cadance said. "Go." Shining's horn glowed, and his helmet lifted off of one of the survey tables scattered haphazardly across the floor. "I love you." "I love you, too." And with that, Shining bolted out of the throne room. The doors slammed shut behind him. Cadance furrowed her brow. She closed her eyes once again, to put all her focus onto the spell. The barrier would be coming under attack, soon, and it would take everything she had to maintain it once it did. Several minutes passed in relative silence. And then... Thunk. Cadance's eyes snapped open, just in time to watch as one of her personal guards collapsed to the ground, hands clutching at his throat. Thunk. Thunk. Two more guards dropped. Cadance saw a glimmer of steel jutting from their windpipes. The other guards drew their weapons, swords and spears. "Protect the princess!" They moved quickly, backing up to form a protective barrier around the throne. Cadance, meanwhile, had leapt to her feet. Her eyes darted about, trying to spot where the attacker was. Her horn sparked, surrounding them in a weak barrier; she couldn't afford to take anything away from the larger shield that surrounded the Empire. "Above us!" one of her guard shouted. Cadance's head snapped up, and she saw them: a cloaked, hooded figure hanging off the top of one of the pillars. She tried to make out their face, but all she got was a glimpse of steel before the figure leapt off the pillar, sailing down towards them. The guards raised their weapons to meet the assailant. It did very little good. Something sparked under the intruder's hood, and Cadance's shield shattered instantly under the force of the counterspell. The attack knocked her to her knees, and her horn flickered. A moment later, a rain of daggers dispatched the rest of her guard. Cadance coughed. She couldn't understand it; even weakened, even with her diverting most of the energy into keeping up the barrier that surrounded the city, her shield spell had the power of an alicorn behind it. Who could have possibly had the strength— A sudden cold took her horn, and she glanced up. She watched in horror as the black crystals sprouted from it... and the light of her magic flickered and died. "No..." she whispered. The shield was down. Something took hold of her wrists and lifted her into the air, arms outstretched above her. Her feet were similarly taken a hold of, held in place in midair by a dark blue aura. She forced her head up, got her first real sight of the intruder. The figure wore a long hooded cloak that extended to the floor, obscuring most of their body. However, as they turned towards Cadance, the cloak parted and was swept behind them, revealing light armor fitted over a shiny bodysuit, and sculpted around their very feminine body. The figure reached her hands up—gloved hands, the same cold, grey, rubbery material that seemed to encase the rest of them—and grasped both sides of the hood, pulling it back. Cadance gasped. What lay under the hood was more of the strange latex, which seemed to wrap totally around their head. A metal mask, devoid of any expression or features save from a pair of holes for the eyes, took the place of their face. But there was only one mare that billowing starfield of a mane could belong to. "A-Auntie Luna?" The figure—Luna, or whatever remained of her—said nothing, merely stared at her from behind the mask with those brilliant green eyes, expression completely obscured. Then, they turned, and from a pouch within the cloak she retrieved a black crystal, about the size of her palm. Turning away from Cadance, she crossed over to the center of the room. Luna placed the crystal on the ground and backed away from it. After a moment, it began to glow a sickly purple. Smoke of the same color began to seep from it and into the air, forming a swirling disk; a portal. And from that portal emerged a figure, sneering, his head held high. "Hello, 'Crystal Princess'," King Sombra said. Cadance's eyes widened, her fear showing—but then she forced it down, her eyes narrowing into a look of hatred. "Sombra." Sombra stepped further out of the portal. As he did so, two more figures followed him—and Cadance had to fight her fear instinct a second time. These two were dressed in more aggressive steel armor, and each also wore matching bodysuits like the one that adorned Luna. However, where Luna wore a mask, these two wore helmets—and after they emerged from the portal, they removed them, revealing two familiar faces. "Auntie Celestia?" she gasped. "T-Twilight?" "Yes," Sombra said. "Although, not quite as you knew them. As you can see, they have chosen to serve me now." As if to demonstrate, the two snapped to attention. "Hail Sombra." "No," Cadance said. "No, this is a trick. Celestia and Twilight would never—" "Oh, but they have," Sombra said, chuckling. "And your 'auntie' Luna, too. They've all pledged themselves to me as my knights." He turned to Celestia and Twilight. "Strip her. I want to see the totality of my conquest before she is... broken in." The two of them saluted, and approached her, their helmets left behind. Celestia's hands went to the neck of Cadance's silken dress, grabbed a fistfull and ripped it off of her. Her undergarments were a dark crimson; they too were torn off with little grace, leaving her shivering in the cold castle air. Sombra stepped forward, slipped his hand under her breast. Cadance grit her teeth as he surveyed his prize. "My, my," he said. "You are just as luscious as I imagined." "What do you plan to do?" Cadance spat. "Have your way with me?" "Yes," he said. "Among other things, my Crysssstal Princess." He stroked his hand across her cheek. "Or should I say... my Queen?" "Queen?" Cadance spat. "What are you talking about?" "That will be your royal title," Sombra said. "Once you've given your mind—and your body—over to me." "I'll never become your queen," Cadance growled. "Or anything else of yours!" "Oh, but you will," Sombra said. "By the time I've finished with you, you will be totally, utterly devoted to me. You'll want nothing more." "Now, my knights," Sombra he said, settling onto Cadance's throne. He rested his head against his hand, smirking down at her. "Prepare my Queen." "Yes, my king," the three chanted in unison. As one, they turned on Cadance. As they stepped towards her, Cadance's teeth grit. "You mustn't listen to him!" she said, as they came closer. "He's corrupted your minds! Please, fight it!" "Oh, my dear, sweet, naive little niece," Celestia purred, reaching out and stroking Cdance's cheek. "We know he has," Luna said, as she removed her metal mask, the grey latex flowing back and away from her face, stopping only when just her cheeks felt its touch. "And we love it," Twilight finished, kneeling at Cadance's feet. "The power." "The purpose." "The pleasure." "No!" Cadance cried, struggling against her bonds. "Yes," Celestia said, stepping to Cadance's right, her sister mirroring her on the left. She brought her lips close to Cadance's ear. "And you will too." At some unspoken signal, the three moved in as one. Celestia and Luna both pressed their bodies into Cadance, the cold, flat metal of their armor and the cool, slick latex that coated their bodies grinding into her sides. Celestia's hand traced its way up her stomach, across her chest, and up to her breast, while Luna's slid down, past her navel. She shivered under their touch. This was nothing compared to the reflexive jerk when Twilight kissed her marehood. "Gah!" she gasped, as Twilight's lips brushed against her own. "T-Twilight, what are you—" Her mind blanked as Twilight sucked a little of the sensitive flesh between her teeth and gave it a gentle nibble. Celestia's hand wrapped around her breast, squeezed it. At the same time, her lips pressed against Cadance's neck, and she kissed her way up along its length before gently biting her ear. "Ngh... Auntie, please, don't—" Luna's fingers began to massage her clit, even as Twilight's tongue delved into her pussy. Cadance's back arched, her head tilting upwards as her teeth grit. "T-Twilight, stop!" But Twilight didn't stop. Her tongue plunged deeper, probing and rubbing, feeling for her reactions. It quickly settled into a rhythm, running up and down, up and down... She could feel her body betraying her, her nipples hardening, her slit growing moister with every pass of Twilight's tongue. A heat began to build in her cheeks. And the whole time, Sombra looked down at her from his throne, with that same, damnable smirk, and she knew there could only be worse things in store. "There's no one coming to save you this time, princess," she said, gloating, having noticed her eyes flick towards him. "The alicorns have fallen. Twilight Sparkle has fallen. The Element Bearers have fallen. Equestria is mine. There's no one left. I've taken them all." "You'll never... win," Cadance spat past gritted teeth. "Never!" "Oh, but my poor, poor Cadance..." he said, smiling, fangs on full display. "I already have!" Luna's gloved fingers ground into her little puffy nub, and she had to fight to keep down a moan. Celestia continued to play with her tits, rubbing and massaging them. And Twilight kept working her pussy, now fully wet, dripping. And all she could do was watch... and hope to whoever or whatever was listening that she didn't let herself start to enjoy it. She was a mother. She'd made it through that. She could make it through this. All she had to do was get through to one of them. "Twilight, please," she gasped out. "I'm your sister-in-law. I foalsat you when you were just a little filly. Your brother, Shining—I know how strong your bond is. Sombra is going to hurt him, or worse. You can't side with this monster over your own famil—AGH!" A sharp pain surged through her rump, like a slap—Celestia had slapped her, just behind the cutie mark. "You will treat your king with respect," she growled. "Auntie," Cadance said, switching targets. "You took me in. You practically raised me. I know I meant something to you. Please, focus, try to remember!" "Pleading will get you nowhere," Luna whispered, into her ear. "We have all sworn our eternal allegiance to King Sombra. We are his down to our very cores." She punctuated the statement with another rough grind of her latex-coated fingers into her clit, and this time Cadance couldn't keep the moan down. No, she had to fight—" "I think she is ready, Knight-Assassin," Celestia said. "I agree, Knight-Commander," Luna replied. They both turned to look to their king, giving Cadance a brief respite, at least from their ministrations. "You may begin, my servants," he said. "Begin the final breaking of the so-called princess of love." The two seemed pleased at this. "Hail Sombra!" "W-what does he mean?" Cadance stammered. "Shh," Luna said, once more taking Cadance into her embrace. "Just relax," Celestia said, doing the same. "Bask in the pleasure as your will is bent to our King's..." She trailed a gloved finger across Cadance's belly... and it left behind a trail of gray in its wake. Cadance's eyes widened as the same substance that coated Celestia's body began to creep onto her own. Where it touched her, her skin seemed to prickle, to heat up. And it was spreading. "What?" she breathed. "Your king's love," Celestia replied. Her hand trailed back up, to her bust. "Embrace it." "N-No!" Cadance squealed, as the strange stuff spread further along her skin. It traveled slowly, agonizingly, and as more and more of her pink coat began to disappear under its surface she felt herself getting hotter and hotter. Celestia squeezed her breast, digging her fingers into it, and Cadance shrieked as latex began to flow down Celestia's hand and spread across her skin. The pleasure of the celestial alicorn playing with her tits before had been moan-inducing, but this was excruciating. Luna's fingers drifted to the back of her neck, trailed down her spine, leaving more of the latex behind in its wake. The rubber on her front had reached her naval, now, not flowing over her belly button but into it, coating every surface and hiding nothing. And still it crept down, down... Celestia seized her other breast and Cadance shrieked a second time as the latex began to flow across her raw, already sensitive nipple. The shriek turned into a long moan as it spread across both breasts, the shape of each nipple perfectly preserved. The others were wearing suits; she was getting a second skin, in every sense of the word. Her eyes rolled up in her head, the sensations wracking her body becoming just too much to bear. She panted, and the substance kept spreading, consuming more and more of her. It was reaching down, now, and she could feel it getting closer, closer to her clit, two inches, one inch— She didn't need to count. Luna's gloved hand pushed into her clit, drowning the wet, needy nub in latex. Cadance screamed, her back arching, arms and legs pulling against their restraints. She thrashed, and moaned, and kicked and shrieked as the most sensitive part of her body was squeezed, pressed, and molded by the all-consuming latex, spiking her sensitivity and utterly blanking out everything else. Luna worked it into her, rubbing it against the clit, and she kept shrieking and moaning as it continued its path down. Most of Cadance's torso had been covered now, with just a few, slowly disappearing spots of pink remaining. Celestia's hand moved down to her buttocks, rubbing and squeezing them, spreading the accursed substance across their tight surface. At the same time, she leaned over, pressed her lips against Cadance's and forced her tongue into her mouth. The latex dripped further down, across her thighs, her cutie mark, but—most mind-numbing of all—it also spread around her marehood. Luna continued to work her clit, but once the fleshy nub had been completely passed it was Twilight's turn. Her tongue worked magic, lapping against her slit even as the foul rubber sought to encase it, pushing more of it deep into Cadance's passage with each lick. She could feel it, pushing past her defenses and into her dripping snatch, coating the fleshy passage as it reached towards her womb. Behind her, Celestia's fingers began to piston into her asshole, doing much the same there. She began to thrash, reduced to base animal instincts by the onslaught from all sides as the last of her torso disappeared and the crystal heart on her hips began to be swallowed. Celestia was forced to retreat from her mouth, but no sooner had she done so than Luna had moved to take her place, grasping both sides of her head firmly and forcing her lips over Cadance's. Cadance moaned into the kiss as the last of her cutie marks, her birthright to the Crystal Empire and the symbol of love, disappeared under Sombra's gray. Luna's tongue darted between her lips, pushed them open. Cadance became dimly aware of something else pushing its way into her, through her mouth, and realized that Luna had had more of the latex inside her, that it was now slithering down her throat, coating and seeping into her from the inside. More and more of the latex slipped down her throat, pumped into her through Luna's kiss, a deluge. She wanted to gag, spit it out, but she couldn't. Luna's hands held her still. Cadance's arms were now covered. The latex dripped down, submerging the tips of her fingers, and the feeling made her twitch. Twilight continued to lap at her cunt, Celestia continued to play with her asshole, and Luna continued their kiss. There was nothing she could do; it was invading her from every orifice, flowing deep into her, corrupting her very being from within. No escape. She felt it pouring into her womb, her core, coating it, taking it in Sombra's name. No escape. The stuff bubbled from her asshole, Celestia still playing with it, trying to force more in. No escape. She moaned into Luna's deadly kiss as more and more of Sombra's magic poured into her. No escape. The last of the latex flowed down her ankles, over her feet, forming into a pair of heeled boots. She was now coated from the neck down, every detail, every curve on exhibit. Her chest heaved. Her cheeks burned. Her body longed for release. Sweat dripped down her forehead, tears dripped down her cheeks, drool dripped from her mouth, and her juices dripped from her pussy, now outlined in skintight latex. The three knights pulled away from her holes, instead opting to play with her body. Twilight wrapped one arm around her thigh while the other pressed two fingers into her rubbery snatch, while Celestia and Luna each lowered their heads to their respective breast and began to tease her with their tongues and teeth. The loss of their intrusion in her holes was almost maddening... but it only mattered for a second, because then the suit came alive. Its surface began to ripple, to twist, to flow across her body once more, filling in every pore. She felt the latex inside begin to squirm, to fill and coat her, to seep into her and turn her, every inch of her, into Sombra's plaything. The pleasure was unbearable, her hips bucking, her arms thrashing, a constant mix of screams and moans leaking from her mouth. The three knights began to speak, Celestia and Luna whispering into each ear. "Do you feel this pleasure?" Celestia asked. "Yes! Agh!" Cadance shrieked. "Do you love this pleasure?" Luna asked. "Yes!" "Do you want more of this pleasure?" Twilight asked. "Yes!" Cadance cried. "I need it! I need to come! Give me more, please!" The three's ministrations increased in vigor, and her eyes rolled up into her head, her tongue lolling out as the pleasure destroyed her, leaving her totally, utterly blank. "Only King Sombra can fill you with this pleasure." "Only King Sombra can satisfy you." "Only King Sombra can give you what you crave." It was too much. She couldn't take it. "Yes!" she shrieked. "Yes!" "Obey King Sombra." "Worship King Sombra." "Love King Sombra." "I will!" she shouted. "I will—" "Hail King Sombra." "Hail King Sombra." "Hail King Sombra." "Hail King Sombra!" Cadance screamed."Hail King Sombra! Hail King SombraaaAAAAAA!" She came. Her pent up juices flooded out of her, dripping down Twilight's fingers and hand. She threw her head back, mouth twisted into a raucous smile. He twitched and spasmed as more and more of her juices sprayed out of her, sliding down her legs, puddling on the floor. The magic holding her disappeared and she slumped to the floor, the last of her orgasm draining out of her as she lay, chest heaving, on the cold crystal. "Haiiiillllllll..." Cadance choked out. She was given a minute to recover, no more, before Sombra opened his mouth. One, singular command. "Rise." At this, Cadance, stumbling, got to her feet. Her eyes turned towards the king. They had not been totally consumed by the green of his magic, not like the others, but wisps of purple smoke drifted from their corners all the same. Sombra had, at some point during the proceedings, removed the majority of his armor, particularly around his muscular chest and his groin, though his ostentatious cape remained. His cock was fully erect and on display, a massive pillar of black flesh that made Cadance's heart flutter. "Who are you?" Sombra asked. "I don't... I don't know," she said, her vision fuzzy. "Who am I?" "You are my king," Cadance said. That she was certain of. "Would you like me to tell you who you are?" the king said. "Yes," Cadance said. "Please, my king." Sombra smirked. "You are my queen," he said. "I... I am?" "Yes," Sombra said, looking down at her from the throne, his cock throbbing. "My love, and my lover. Bearer of my heirs. You love me with all your heart... Queen Cadenza." "I... I do," she said. "Yes..." "Come, my queen," Sombra said. "Let me remind you of our union." He shifted in the throne, spread his legs, letting his member entice her. "Well?" Cadance licked her lips. She was already growing wet again, looking at her king's shaft. "I want nothing more, my king." Sombra smiled. "Good. But first, let's get you in something more... fitting to your role." Sombra's horn lit, and the suit came to life once again. Cadance moaned as it shifted, changed color, fading to a deep, dark crimson. Windows opened up over her breasts and her stomach, leaving her naval exposed, their edges seductively curved and pointed like licking flames against her bosom. She recovered quickly, admired herself. "I love it, my king." "I know you do," Sombra said. "Now come; pleasure your king." Cadance strutted up to the throne, hips swinging, latex creasing as it moved and adjusted to her walk. Sombra watched, amused, as she approached him and knelt at his feet, her face just inches away from his cock. His musk filled her nostrils. Cadance was awed by the size of the thing; truly, fit for a king! She crept forward the last few inches on her hands and knees, then, slowly, kissed the skin above his ballsack, right at the base of the shaft. The smell was intoxicating, and she was already beginning to drool. Caressing it with both hands, she slowly kissed her way up its length, past the medial ring, until she reached its head. It throbbed with arousal, but her king was calm, watching her intently with that same amused smirk. She ran her tongue around his head, and then, her new skin giving her an affirming burst of pleasure down her spine as she did so, took him in her mouth. She began to work her way down his thick shaft, slowly, letting it push further and further back into her throat. She had vague memories of doing this before—of doing it a lot, actually—but she couldn't remember who it had been with. It must have been the king. Who else would she have given this kind of treatment? With practiced ease, she fit him down her throat, bobbing up and down slightly, slowly making progress down the shaft, until her throat bulged against the collar of her suit and she couldn't fit any more. As she slowed down, Sombra shook his head. "No, dear Cadenza, that just won't do." He grabbed her by the hair on the back of her mane and yanked down, forcing her further onto his cock. It should have hurt—but all she felt was pleasure at having served her king better. She moaned into his cock, then began running her tongue around it, tasting the salty, meaty exterior. Her hands went to his testicles, rubbing them, cradling them as Sombra forced himself deeper down her throat. It was getting hard to breathe, now, but she didn't dare let up. It wasn't until her cheeks started to turn blue that Sombra released his grip on her hair, and she was able to pull up enough to breathe again. Then, she went down again, pushing herself until she felt tears in her eyes, and she felt his cock throb in her throat. She slid back up, running her tongue along the edge of his member on her way up. Up and down. She started to get into a rhythm, as natural as breathing, and with each successive push she felt an electric tingle run down her spine, into her nethers, which she knew were starting to drip again. She wanted him inside her so badly. Needed it. After one last lick up his shaft, she pulled off the tip of his head, a strand of pre stretching from her tongue. "Why have you stopped?" he asked her. Demanded of her. She kissed his shaft one last time. "I need you, my king. Please, fuck me. Use me. Fill me. I am yours." His smirk deepened, and every second he didn't answer was agony. "Very well, my queen," he said. She smiled, ecstatic, and rose to her feet, fighting the urge to leap upon him with all the dignity of a hungry lioness. No, she was his kitten. His pet. His queen. She swung one leg up, then the other, kneeling across his lap. His member poked into her backside, she could feel its warmth leaking over the cool latex and it filled her with anticipation. Slowly, she rose, giving him room to work. His large, muscular hands grasped her ass, guiding her into place over his cock. He held her there, his head grinding into her lips. "Beg for it, my queen," he said, looking sly. "Please, my king," Cadance said. "Please use me like the whore I am. Rut me until I cannot stand." Sombra's fleshy head plunged into her latex-lined crevasse. It was slow, at first, but Sombra was not a patient lover. Her vagina already stretching to accomodate his girth, he thrust upwards until he had hit the medial ring, then pulled back, thrust again, and again, and again, pushing deeper into her each time. Cadance's tongue lolled out. Her eyes had rolled up in her head with the first thrust. Drool trailed from her gaping, smiling mouth as Sombra fucked her senseless. "Ah! Ah! Yes!" she gasped out. "Yes, my love! Fill me! Harder! Harder!" Each thrust felt like a spike of pure pleasure being driven into her brain. It was impossible, indescribable. Her hips ground into it, matching his rhythms and doubling their ecstasy. Her entire world was the cock that was penetrating her, filling her, inching closer to her womb with each thrust. His hands clenched harder on her hips, pulling her down further onto him. Cadance cried out as his monstrous cock struck her cervix, but the corruption that had taken her turned the intense pain into even more pleasure, and it sent her over the edge. She cried out again as she came for her king for the first time. The first of many to come. Her fluids bubbled out around Sombra's girth, dribbled down his balls. He didn't even slow down. "Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah!" Cadance cried out, consumed by the ecstacy. For the second time that day, her mind broke. All that mattered was her king's cock, filling her utterly, completing her. She never wanted it to end. Her back arched as she came again. "Ah! My king!" "My queen," Sombra said back. "My crysssstal princess. And only mine." "Yes!" Cadance gasped out. "Yours! Only yours! Now and forever!" "Then let us seal that pact." His thrusts redoubled, his stamina apparently limitless. Cadance's mind once again blanked as she rode him, thrusting into his thrusts, grinding her hips, screaming his name. And then, after what felt like an eternity, she felt him stiffen and relax as he climaxed, his cock twitching as it pumped her full of cum. Sombra's seed flooded into her womb, and the euphoria was indescribable. Her king had bred her, and just the thought alone made her cum again. Her wings flared up as she ground her hips into his member, riding out her own orgasm and milking every drop of cum out of Sombra's cock. She was in heaven. Eventually, the jets of seed slowed to a trickle, and, spent, she let herself collapse onto his chest, her breathing heavy. As the head of Sombra's girth pulled out of her, she felt the walls of the latex that encased her seal behind it. Her crotch became a smooth, featureless expanse, locking Sombra's essence inside her in its totality. She felt bloated and full, her king's seed sloshing around inside of her. She purred. "It seems you have enjoyed yourself, my queen," Sombra said. In response, Cadance reached a hand up to his jaw, caressed it, and pulled herself up into a deep kiss. Sombra's long, dexterous tongue played with her own, and she melted into him. Eventually, he pulled out of it. "Let us try this again," Sombra said. "Who are you?" "I am Cadenza," Cadance said. "Queen of the Crystal Empire. Lover of King Sombra. Bearer of his heirs." "And who am I?" "You are my love, my king." "And what is your role?" "To please you," Cadance said. "To be rutted by you." "Good," Sombra purred. "And them?" he added, gesturing at the three knights who had turned her. Her auntie who had raised her. Her other aunt, who had shown her nothing but kindness. And the filly she had helped to guide into a strong, powerful mare. "Our knighthood," she said. "Our servants. Your servants, just as I am your servant, my king." "And Shining Armor?" Cadance smiled. "Your future slave, my king." Sombra laughed, and sat on his chest as she was, she could feel the deep reverberations, and she never wanted to get up. "Cadance!" Shining shouted as the doors to the throne room burst open. He was in a bad way. His armor was scratched and burned from mana blasts. His coat was dirty, and cut in half a dozen places. But his eyes were the worst of it. His eyes were full of fear. He'd been at the front lines when the shield had dropped. He'd known what that might mean. They'd held out as long as they could against Sombra's forces, but in the end, without Cadance's magical protection, they hadn't been enough. They'd been forced to retreat as more and more soldiers fell, and more and more soldiers were turned. In the end, Shining and the few who remained had turned back to the castle, hoping to fortify that position... only to find it had been taken over, the guards and mages left behind already wearing Sombra's accursed helmets. Desperate, Shining had fought his way back to the throne room. He knew he might well be the only loyal pony left in the Empire. At this point, he didn't care. The Empire was lost. All he could do is try and save his wife... or whatever might be left of her. But as he stepped into the throne room, chest heaving, strength beginning to fail him, his eyes grew wide, and his spirit shattered. He hadn't been prepared for this. "Hello, Shining Armor," King Sombra said, from atop the crystal throne. But it wasn't the dread king of shadows that Shining's eyes were drawn to. Her legs sat draped across his lap. She hung off of him, like a piece of jewelry. Her had traced down his chest, gloved fingers caressing his skin. She looked at him, eyes smoldering, as the crimson bodysuit that encased her creaked and twisted, accentuating every familiar curve. "Hello, Shining," she said, a twisted, seductive smile on her face. "C-Cadance?" he whimpered. "Allow me to introduce my new queen," Sombra said. "But I think you two may already be acquainted." Cadance wrapped her hand around Sombra's neck and pulled herself up to plant a kiss on his jaw. Her eyes slipped sideways, watching the beaten soldier. Shining collapsed to his knees. The sight sent a fire up her nethers. Sombra's fingers ran through her hair. He nodded to the side. One of the other slaves brought him one of the accursed helmets which had twisted the minds of Shining's comrades, breaking them to Sombra's will. The dread king took it in his hands. "Would you care to do the honors, my queen?" Sombra asked, with a devilish smile. "I'd be honored, my king," Cadance said, smile matching his. Just saying the words made her breath quicken as her suit rewarded her. She slipped off of Sombra's lap and strode down the steps from the throne, hips swinging, heels clicking against the crystal, latex creaking with every step as it wrinkled around her hips. The helmet swung from her gloved fingers. He watched, numbly, as she approached, stood over him, her legs slightly apart, enough that he could see her sex... and the traces of fluids leaking around it. "Cadance, please," he pleaded. "Don't... don't do this." She laughed. "Oh, Shining... don't worry." Her smile was cruel as she lowered the helmet over his ears. "You'll make a wonderful slave."