
by CrimsonEquine

First published

The demon lords Beelzebub and Lucifer find themselves in Equestria trying to figure out how the two realms fused. Updates once or twice a week, maybe.

Beelzebub, lord of flies and second in command to Lucifer himself was meandering in the hellish dimension when an unusual human begins to dance. Suddenly, a light appears throughout the dimension and now Hell and Equestria are fused. Read on as they try to figure out how this happened and where they can stay for the night.

Updates once or twice a week, maybe.

Chapter 1: What the Hell?

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And from the ashes of hell, Beelzebub came forth. His large stature and many wings were incomprehensible to the mind of a human being. He flew through the dusty air. His gigantic fly eyes monitored the hellish earth. Then, a human being cursed to live an eternity in hell danced.

He looked at this quandary with his demonic senses and felt confused since a millennium of time had passed.

“Mere human, what in hell are you doing!?”

The cursed forever more human just danced to his imaginary beat. He did the Charleton and dosiedoed to his heart's content. This caused the king of flies to grind his sharp demonic teeth together.

“Hey hey you, I have dominion over you, answer or I will send you to an eternity of having your balls ripped off if you don’t answer me back mortal”

The human all naked from head to toe still danced but now moved to have swung his arms around.

“Is this some kind of prank? Am I being trolled as those human worms say, is that you Satan?”

He still danced as if not a single care in the world to his mental beat.

“If that's really you Satan, you could have just sent a messenger that you were coming, oh god, why are you still dancing, answer me!!”

The very earth shook and Hell began to quiver. Everything shook into a violent tremor. Beelzebub for the first time in many years, maybe even in the beginning when he was sent here, actually felt fear. The human pointed a finger gun at Beelzebub to which he then disappeared which left a blue light behind him that dissipated into thin air.

“Oh dear god, what in hell is happening!?”

Beelzebub saw a bright light that enveloped the realm. It started to spread across Hell in fast speeds. The demon lord then scrambled and flew as fast as he could. This light followed him to the ends of any crevice in hell. No matter how fast he went, the light trailed behind him. As he flew through the hellish crevices, many demons were enveloped by the light and disappeared.

Without a choice, Beelzebub overstepped and went to the garden of eden. It’s once productive amounts of vegetation now a decayed mess of dead life. Skeletons of ancient animals riddled the area and many plants were grey and dead. At the cusp of the garden came the tree of life. Lucifer Morningstar sat on it like some child. His giant bat-like wings were odd to his human body.

“Lucifer, hell is being turned into something bright and shiny, do something!!!” he said.

The demon king took a bite of the apple and then vomited from the disgusting flavor. A thing he had done many times to get a semblance of what good food tasted like. He dropped the useless apple and opened a dimensional mirror into the hellish realm. The demonic realm now became bright and was slowly being enveloped.

“See, this all happened because of that human!”

Lucifer dropped from the decaying tree and wiped his black pants off of decade-old dust.

“I’m well aware, Beelzebub, if such a thing is possible, we might be dealing with a fusion of realms”

The king of flies flew up a little from his previous height. The corruption of light started to spread into what was left of the garden.

“A fusion of realms, how is that possible, well do something!?”

Lucifer Morningstar raised his human-like arms up in defeat.

“Nothing I can do, this is beyond even me of all demons…”

“Oh shit, we're really fucked now aren't we?”

“Yup, let's just see what happens”

They both looked on the black hole in the sky and saw a bright light everywhere. It then consumed them and everything. They screamed at the light as they vanished.

Beelzebub felt weird, his usual bug-like form now felt different. Instead of a horrific visage of sin and monstrosity, now he had hooves and bug-like eyes.

“Hey, is anypony there?” said Beelzebub. “Wait, what did I just say!?”

Lucifer Morningstar stood up, his hooves clopped against the street. His eyes were bat-like and he had bat-like wings.

“Oh great, looks like we're in Equestria, this is a pretty good prank if I ever saw one”

“Equestria, you mean that backwater dimension where equines ruled instead of humans?”

He looked around, a visage of Ponyville except there were many demonic stone protrusions and monstrous design throughout. From afar, the mane six came forth to them while the crowd of ponies dissipated. They watched beforehand and left without a word. The mane six angered and ready to fight, they had their Elements of Harmony worn on them. Twilight went forward first to see them.

“What have you done to Equestria!?” she screamed. Discord along with Celestia and Luna came forth through a dimensional portal. “You’ll undo what you’ve done, now!”.

“You do not talk to us like that worms!” said Beelzebub. With his jagged horn lit, dark shackles appeared on all of them. Any spell that Twilight or any of them did, would not dissipate the black shackles on them. “On your… pony knees” he demanded.

The shackles around their hooves slammed them down to the ground. Twilight and the Mane six then levitated in the air with magic that surged through them. Their Elements activated, they blasted them both with it. A rainbow of harmony went straight at them. Beelzebub went forward and deflected the blast with his horn. The magic flew through the air and hit the sharp mountain that cascaded over Canterlot Castle. The two demons laughed at their effort with a deep hearty chuckle. This laughter shook the very foundation around them.

Still shackled, everypony fell back to the ground. Discord looked at them and realized what just occurred.

“Stop!” screamed Discord.

“Oh, I’m so sorry my lieges, we didn’t know it was you,” he said. “Do you not recognize me by chance?”

“Who?” said Twilight.

Discord then magically put some tape on her mouth.

“Sorry about that, she has a big mouth and doesn’t know where her honor goes too”.

He bowed to them, everypony else watched this surprised.

“It is I, Discord of the first battalion, do you recall…?”

Beelzebub and Lucifer Morningstar looked at each other.

“Ah yes, you were the one who defected I believe”.

Beelzebub released his magic to which the demonic shackles melted from their hooves and then it approached Discord.

“I apologize my lieges, to tell you the truth it was a losing battle, no one can defeat god”, said Discord. He bowed even deeper. “Though it was an admirable battle, to say the least, the dimensions crackled with your feats of strength”.

“I see, so Discord of the first battalion who defected, this is where you disappeared too, that thought always rummaged through my mind through the infinite time being stuck in hell, how entertaining”

Discord went to the ponies and gave them an angry stare.

“Bow, you all are embarrassing me,” said Discord.

They all nervously smiled and bowed from the prospect of what just happened.