Inky Rose's Gift

by Nittany Discord

First published

Inky Rose has a gift for Cold Front for helping Rarity after the fashion show in "Honest Apple." Cold Front just doesn't know it yet. All characters are humanized. Contains crossdressing and sex.

Cold Front finds something enticing in Inky's room while helping Rarity clean up after the events of Honest Apple. Little does Cold Front know that he's walking into a trap. Little does Cold Front also know that this is his reward for being a good helper.

After Inky finds him wearing her dress, she shows Cold Front how much she loves a femboy in Gothic Lolita.

A humanized MLP fic based in the MLP-verse and not the Equestria Girls-verse.
Based on a NSFW sketch by Jon Fawkes.
Contains cuddly, romantic sex and crossdressing. Not every guy should get dominated by a woman for putting on a dress.
The dress Cold Front puts on in this story is the same dress in the cover art.

Inky Rose's Gift

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Cold Front hummed happily as he swept Rarity’s work room. It was a chance for him to see some of Rarity’s latest creations and designs in the making. Cold Front hoped that by helping Rarity clean up after her fashion meeting with Inky Rose, Lily Lace and Starstreak, he could see some of Rarity’s latest creations. He loved dresses more than any guy should including wearing and modelling them. Cold hoped that some kind deeds would make Rarity more willing to let Cold don her creations of feminine finery.

“Cold Front, I’m going out for an hour or two. Could you bring some boxes upstairs to my room?”

“Sure thing, Rarity. I’ll get on it when I’m done sweeping.”

“Don’t worry about sweeping, darling. I really need those boxes up there before I get back.”

“Alright,” Cold replied. Cold wasn’t sure why some boxes full of fabric and frills were so important to Rarity, but then again, this is Rarity. He set aside his broom and picked up a couple of boxes right as he heard the boutique door close.

Cold Front’s trip took him past the spare bedroom that Inky Rose was temporarily occupying. By chance, the door to her room was opened, giving a view of the entire bedroom. As Cold Front walked by the bedroom, what he saw on Inky’s bed made him freeze in his tracks.

Lying on Inky’s bed was her typical day clothing, which included Gothic Lolita dress made of black satin and trimmed with lace along the sweetheart bust line. The long sleeves and waist were trimmed with transparent black silk, and the same silk lined the dress from the skirt to the scoop neckline. The dress contained a sewn-in corset with black laces from below the bust to the waistline. A black stole complemented the dress, and made it a creation that Cold Front wished he could wear ever since he saw Inky Rose for the first time in that beautiful frock.

Lying next to the dress on the bed were a pair of panties and a padded bra, both made of black silk and trimmed with lace. The bra also contained a black bow between the cups. A matching garter belt lay next to the lingerie, and near that were a pair of nylon stockings, trimmed at the top with lace. A pair of beautiful heels lay next to the bed, and Inky’s bat necklace lay on the dress. The entire ensemble was a testament to Gothic beauty, and it pulled on Cold Front like a magnet.

Hypnotized by Inky’s clothes, Cold Front put down the boxes and crept into Inky’s room. Cold Front did not have to fear being caught as Inky was gone for the day and wouldn’t be back for a few hours. Cold ran his hands over Inky’s dress and immediately felt a wave of pleasure course through his body. It traveled to his groin, where he could feel his penis harden and push out his cotton briefs. He picked up the dress and held it close to his body; his nostrils were assaulted by a sweet smell of Inky’s perfume that had permeated the dress. The dress felt somewhat warm to the touch. Cold Front realized that Inky has just worn this dress and likely has just worn the other items as well. “Maybe she decided to change for her day out?”, he thought.

Either way, Cold Front desperately wanted to put these clothes on. He wanted to feel Inky’s heat and scent on himself and feel the dress hug him as if Inky herself was holding him all over his body. He wanted to become a Gothic beauty like Inky, but he also just wanted to satisfy his lust for wearing women’s clothing, especially those just worn by a beautiful woman. With Inky and Rarity gone for a time, and Cold Front a slave to his sex drive and fantasies, Cold Front quickly gave in to his body’s desires.

Cold Front put the dress back on the bed and started to unbutton his shirt as fast as he could. Cold couldn’t rid himself of his male clothes fast enough, nearly tearing his shirt off so he could get to his belt and unbuckle them. He unbuttoned his pants and threw them off; soon his underwear followed. His penis flopped straight out once they were free of his briefs and bobbed as he walked naked over to the garter belt and stockings. Cold Front wanted to dress slowly and savor every moment of Inky’s clothes sliding on his form.

Cold Front wrapped the soft garter belt around his waist and hooked each hook into the clip, fastening the belt snugly. The dangling garters tickled his thighs as he picked up the first stocking, sat down on the bed, rolled up the stocking, and slid his left foot into the nylon donut. He murred as he slowly pulled the stocking over his toes and foot before rolling it on over his ankles and calves. The nylon felt heavenly falling onto his smooth legs, climbing over his knees, and resting on his thigh. Cold ran his hands down his stocking-clad leg and smoothed out the wonderful legging, moaning as he became more aroused. He then fastened the two garters to the stocking, clipping each clasp and adjusting the tension in the belt until the garters lay perfectly over his thigh as he stood up. He repeated the same motions with the other stocking, going just as slow as with the first stocking to savor the moment. Once the garter straps were clipped to the stockings, Cold Front stood up again and smiled, loving the look of the lingerie on his body and his penis sticking out between the straps of his garter belt.

Cold Front picked up the soft panties and blushed as he held them against his belly. He could feel Inky’s warmth in them and smell her sweet perfume and body scent. He lowered the panties, stepped inside of the dainty garment, and slowly drew them up his legs. Cold loved watching those panties drag up his nylon limbs, and as he continued to pull them on, he moaned as they slid over his butt, hips, waist, and genitals. A firm tug pulled the panties into place over his balls and penis and brought the soft crotch up to his. He did everything not to spurt into those wonderful panties as they caressed the tip of his penis.

Next came the bra, which Cold Front held up by the straps. Cold pulled each strap up his arms and over his shoulders and blushed as he pulled the padded bra over his chest. He pulled the ends of the bra around his back and expertly clasped each hook and eye into place. The bra was a perfect fit once fully fastened, and a quick adjustment of the shoulder straps pressed the cups against his nipples and pecks. He loved how the bra hugged his chest, how the straps felt on his shoulders, and how cute the little bow looked nestled between the bra cups as he looked down on his lingerie-covered body. He felt so beautiful and aroused, and he was ready to don the dress he yearned for.

Cold Front picked up the beautiful dress and slid open the back zipper. The inside of the dress looked so inviting with the transparent silk lining. He even noticed padding in the bust of the dress, no doubt once cradling Inky’s pert breast and would soon press against his own chest. Cold lowered the dress and stepped inside of it before slowly drawing the dress up his body. The dress felt wonderful as it slid over his hips, and he wiggled his pantied butt into the skirts with ease. Cold then slid one arm after the other into the long sleeves of the dress, murring as he slid each arm down those silk and satin tunnels and pulled the shoulders of the dress over his own and the bra straps that sat on his collarbone. The soft dress slid around his body and enclosed it; the breast padding pulling itself over his padded bra. Cold Front blushed as the dress moved over him and covered him as he pulled it on his body. Finally, Cold Front reached behind his back for the zipper and slowly moved it upward. The zipper moved with ease as he fastened the dress, and Cold Front moaned as the soft silk pressed against his lingerie and naked body underneath. Cold looked behind himself in the mirror and watched the dress close up, coming together over his bare back and closed bra straps as he drew the zipper fully up. He then fiddled with the clasp in the back of the dress and fastened it, locking the dress to his body, and he adjusted the laces of the corset until the dress lay snugly against him and gave him subtle curves that made him feel womanly. Cold took a deep breath and smoothed the dress over his body, shuddering with arousal. He slid his arms into the matching stole and pulled that on, smiling at it also fit him perfectly.

The only items left for Cold Front to put on were the shoes and necklace. Cold Front made quick work of the shoes, sliding his lovely feet into them and fastening the clasp around his ankles. He then slid the cute back necklace over his bust and around his neck, fastening the clasp and completing his outfit. Cold Front took one look in the mirror and blushed hard. He looked stunning in his new clothing despite his lack of breasts, and he could feel the dress’ pads press against the pads of his bra and chest. The dress felt warm and wonderful along with the other clothing underneath, and the smell of Inky’s perfume and a bit of her sweat wrapped around Cold Front like the dress he wore, filling his nostrils with sweet feminine delight. He swayed a bit back and forth and delighted in the skirt twisting and lapping against his body, and he blushed seeing his penis wobble under the dress. He looked down at the dress covering his body and loved it, blushing at the tent his excited penis made in the skirt and his dark legs extending from the skirt of the dress and filling out the beautiful shoes on his feet.

Cold remained entranced by his reflection in the mirror for some time, murring as he kept running his hands over his dress. He couldn’t get enough of that silk pressing against him. Soon enough, his left hand drifted his body, where he started to rub his cock through his dress and panties. His other hand pulled on the dress more, moving that soft and warm satin against him. He felt an orgasm building inside of him as he more firmly gripped his penis and tugged on the laces. He felt himself climbing closer to a climax, but his ascent was interrupted by a noise at the door.

Cold looked in the direction of the noise and froze in fear seeing a naked Inky Rose at the bedroom door. Despite her blank expression, Cold felt as if she was boiling with rage. As she started slowly walking over to Cold Front, Cold panicked and started to reach behind himself to unzip his dress.

“Don’,” Inky said sternly. Cold froze again and shook. He could feel his heart beating in his throat as Inky inched closer and closer. Inky then lower Cold Front’s arms to his side before wrapping her arms around him and giving him a deep kiss.

Cold Front’s eyes widened in confusion and surprise. Inky soon broke the kiss and put a finger on Cold’s lips.

“Don’t be shy. Kiss me back, cutie boy.”

“’re not mad at me?” Cold managed to stammer out.

“Why would I be mad at you trying on your new clothes,” Inky replied in an unusually cute and soft tone.

“ clothes,” Cold Front stammered again.

“Mhm,” Inky cooed as she dragged a finger down Cold Front’s body, making him shiver as his dress and lingerie pressed against him under his finger. “I could make this dress again. In fact, I have another one like this at home. I altered this one for you, and I must say, you look gorgeous in it.”

“Th..thank you miss Rose,” Cold Front replied, blushing again.

“I always love a cute boy in a nice dress, and you are very cute. A little makeup on your lips and eyes,” Inky cooed again as she touched Cold’s lips and eyes, “and you’d look like a Gothic princess.”

“Hehe...well to tell you the truth, that would be very lovely,” Cold replied, calmer now.

“Now, will you let me make love to you?” Inky seductively said. Cold gently nodded, prompting another deep kiss from Inky. Cold melted into the kiss this time as both of them moved to their bed. Inky gently laid Cold down and crawled on top of him, making him smile meekly.

Inky slid up Cold’s skirt to reveal his panties, straining trying to hold in his erection and wet with pre. Cold moaned and smiled as Inky worked her hand into Cold Front’s panties and pulled out his sensitive member. Inky and Cold lock eyes and smile before Inky lowers herself onto Cold’s shaft. Cold moans as her warmth engulfs his penis.

“See how long you can last in me, cutie,” Inky teased while running her hands down Cold Front’s body. Cold struggles with all of his might to hold his orgasm back as he feels her hands rub his dress. Inky leans down on Cold and kisses him, and Cold wraps his arms around her beautiful, naked form. “Do you want to take charge?” Inky whispers in his ear.

Cold grins seductively and kisses Inky back deeply as they roll over in bed. Cold then starts thrusting into Inky as Inky explores his feminized body with her hands. Cold responds with kisses down her neck to between her breasts. As Inky’s dress slides and tightens over Cold’s body with Inky’s touch, Cold reaches climax and moans. He fills Inky’s beautiful body with his seed, prompting Inky to moan as she’s filled with wave after wave of Cold’s cum. After about a minute, Cold pulls his spent penis out of Inky’s womb. Inky lays next to Cold and helps clean his shrinking member before tucking it back into his panties and adjust his dress back down over his body.

“So, how do you like your gift?” Inky cooed while running a hand down Cold Front’s satin-clad chest, making Cold shiver. Cold smiled and kissed Inky while running his own hands down his dress.

“I love it,” Cold replied, murring softly, and loving his new clothes.

“I have more things for you to try on if you want tonight. I’ll even gift you more clothes if you help Rarity more,” Inky teased, her wondering hand now on Cold’s butt.

“I would love that. Does that mean I have to stay tonight?,” Cold replied with a smile, feeling his panties tighten again at the prospect of wearing more soft and beautiful clothes for Inky. Inky nodded and smiled at Cold, and both of them kissed again and started to rub each other, already getting in the mood for another round.

Rarity smiled and giggled softly as she looked through the bedroom door. “Glad you love your gift, Cold Front,” Rarity softly said. She picked up on Cold Front’s interest in her clothing and designs and knew he wanted to get more in touch with his feminine side. She also knew Inky wanted a little bit of relaxation with a feminine goth boy after the drama leading up to the fashion show. Their plan worked to perfection to both make Inky happy and Cold happy.

“Have a good night you two,” she said quietly while closing the door to Inky’s room and leaving them to their night of fashion and passion.