> Angel of Darkness > by Mensonge Singer > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Angel of Death > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ...I only want to protect my friends...they can never see this side of me... I think as I stare at myself in the mirror. I watch my reflection take a form of my demon, Mensonge glaring at me as I hang my head. Suddenly, the image changed to a dark figure of shadow and terror. I let out a scream as I stumbled back in fear, knocking into my dresser, hitting my head. "Ow!" I cry out rubbing my head. I then slowly looked back up in the mirror, finding the same shadow pony there, staring at me with her haunting demon eyes, staring into my soul... I stare at it in horror, unable to look away as I hear whispers come through my mind. "You're such a bucking screw up..." "You're never good enough..." "You don't deserve to live..." I shook my head when I heard a knock on my door, bringing me back to reality. "Script, are you alright?" I hear my friend Ellie call out from behind the door. "I thought I heard you scream." I shook my head again as I spoke up to answer. "Yeah, I'm alright, just...thought I saw a spider or something..." I mumble in reply. "I'll be out in a second..." "Alright, if you say so." Once I heard her walk away, I stared at my reflection once more, finding my normal self staring back at me. I let out a sigh as I grabbed my mask from my table and walked out of my room. --- I walk along with my friends down the street, putting on a fake smile as we talk and joke around about our day out for dinner. I stare at the ground slightly, making sure not to cause too much attention to myself as I walked along. I tuned out most of the conversation after a while, the image of that... thing popped into my head again... I couldn't get that image out of my head...it's...like when you have a really bad dream, and you see your worst fear come true...and you can't get it out of your head...it's always there, and you can never get rid of- "Script?" I shook my head, finding Ellie tapping me on the shoulder. "Did you hear what I said?" she asked. "Sorry, I spaced out for a sec I guess, what was it?" "I was asking if you still wanted to hang out tomorrow?" I stared back at the ground walking up to my door. "No, I'm not feeling too well, I just want to be alone right now..." I say quickly shutting my door behind me. I hate doing that to my friends, but I just wanted to get inside before something happened...that monster almost reminds me of... I felt my heartbeat suddenly speed up as I felt my breath grow faster. I stumbled a bit for balance as I put a hoof to my wall. ...oh, no...not another panic attack...not now, not again, please... I'm so tired of the flashing images from before, I just want them all to stop... I think panicked to myself. I fell to the floor curling up into a ball as my body shook uncontrollably and everything just felt heavier. My ears started to ring loudly as memories from a year ago came to my mind. I felt like I couldn't breathe as the ringing grew louder, causing me to grow light headed as I blacked out for a moment. I must have passed out for a few minutes, because the next thing I knew, I was laying on something cold, and it was quiet. I slowly open my eyes, finding myself surrounded by nothing but darkness. I look around, finding somepony tied up to a pole with a gag in her mouth. Tears fill my eyes when I realize who it is. I run up to Bella Singer as I try to help her before all Tartarus broke loose, but I was already too late. I tried to untie her from the pole despite her struggling and trying to push me away. Then I heard it. The most terrifying scream anyone could ever hear. I looked up slowly, finding that monster I saw before staring down at me, it's neck backward grinning down at me. I let out a petrified scream as I tried to run away as it dropped down toward me, but I found my hooves stuck in the ground, unable to move. I struggled, trying to get out until I felt a warm breath down my neck. I gulped as I turned around slowly finding myself face to face with the monster, staring into me with her demon eyes. I feel myself suddenly sink into the ground as I watch her walk over to Bella, I stare at Bella, helpless, her eyes filled with tears as she lets out muffled screams of terror. She stares at me as if she was giving out a silent plea for help, but what could I do? I was stuck... I stared back at her as tears filled my eyes, knowing what her fate has come to... Bella stared into the eyes of the creature before her, refusing to believe it was a part of herself in a way. There was no way this thing was created by the same pony. She let out a whimper as tears filled her eyes, watching the monster walk closer toward her. Bella's scream echoed through my ears as I watched in horror, all of my joy and happiness die in an instant. It almost felt as if a part of me vanished... The monster turned back at me, blood dripping from her face as she just stared into my soul. I suddenly felt something sharp stab through my chest as I gasped for air. I looked down, finding a blade made of shadows coming out of me as if I had a knife inside of me... I struggled for air as I began coughing up blood and everything went fuzzy. The monster let out a loud screech of triumph as I felt myself slipping away into darkness...