> Secret No More. Romance Galore. > by Jhoira > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Painting Pinkie (June 7th, Friday morning.) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pinkie bounced up to Zecora's door with a pie on her back, banging on it and waiting, positively humming with anticipation for her and Zecora's plans today. Zecora opened the door and smiled. "Ahh Pinkie, I was expecting thee. Though I again ask, at the party?" "Of course Zecora!" Pinkie hopped into the other mares house, depositing the pie on the table and looking around. "Where's the paint?" Zecora smiled at her secret marefriend. "I again warn you my love. To dating this stands above. It is like your courting. A promise worth noting." Pinkie nodded enthusiastically. "I know! So like we're totally engaged!" "Not quite my pink girl. We're just in it for a serious whirl. Dating is just a focus upon having fun. Courting is planning until the end of the sun. You are not promised to marry. But breaking a courting causes one to be wary." Pinkie nodded. "So more serious than dating but not as serious as being engaged!" Zecorra nodded, and smiled. "Yes, you who came through my mire. I do not doubt your desire. But I must ask a third rendition. As is tradition." Pinkie Pie smiled and hopped over, nuzzling up against Zecora. "I say for a third time, I want to start courting. We've been doing this for... What, six months?" As Zecora opened her mouth Pinkie beat her to it. "I'm not complaining stripsey." Which caused Zecora to roll her eyes, Pinkie knew Zecora hated that nickname, but Pinkie only used it every so often to poke some fun. "It's your people's tradition to date in secret for half a year! But I'm just excited to get it out in the open! Do I need to confirm any more times?" Zecorra smiled affectionately at her impatient marefriend. "No more times pink one. Tradition's challenge is won. One upon the discussion of the event. And two upon the day of its fulfillment." Zecorra walked over with Pinkie hopping happily after her. "Here is the paint in grey and pink. Also for the dying of our manes, ink." Pinkie squeeed as she grabbed the paint and brought it over to the table, almost squishing the pie in the process. Having predicted something of this Zecorra spirited the pie away to a small side table just in time before Pinkie crushed it. She opened the pots of paint and ooed over it. "The pink is so pretty!" Zecora grinned slightly. "It is because it imitates you so. Who shall be the first to go?" "Ooh! Ooh! Do me first! Where did you get the paint anyway? I've never seen wood containers." Zecora smiled. "As is the tradition I mixed them up myself. You should listen to me more my little elf." Pinkie giggled and bounced as Zecora walked over to her with a brush. "Now stand still my spring. Or we will mess up this thing." Pinkie nodded and stood resolutely still. It took longer than Pinkie would have liked to be painted, but she wouldn't move and mess up Zecorra's painting. Zecorra smiled as she finished, she'd put a large amount of effort into the painting of her marefriend. She was used to it, she knew Pinkie would both have an easier job and probably not do it as well, but just so long as the intent was clear that was all that mattered. Her paint was purposely quick drying and water soluble. "There you are my gem. We just need to get your mane dim." Pinkie hopped over to the mirror while Zecora got the mane dye ready, examining herself in the mirror and grinning. "I look like my sisters now!" She looked herself over, grinning at the stripes and patterns she had. "Well, kind of! I look more like you Zecora!" "That is the point my clone. That we look as the other one." She walked over with the dye and started to work it into Pinkie's mane. "I wonder how everyone will act. When they see we have this pact." Pinkie was sitting still again but couldn't contain her excitement. "Oh, they'll be so excited! It will be great, we're courting, Rainbow Dash and Flitter are doing well, Minuette's flirting with Rarity all the time, and Coco and Applejack are getting engaged!" Zecora paused for a moment before returning to her work, she couldn't let the dye dry or else it would be useless and she'd have to make more. "What is this I hear? That did not come to my ear." Zecora moved onto dyeing the last pink on Pinkie, her tail. "Oh! Yeah, they're not telling anyone yet, that's what the party is for!" Pinkie grinned. "But I know what all parties are for! It's one of my special talents!" Zecora smiled as she finished up with her die job, before reaching up and removing her necklaces, as much as they looked permanent there was a very fine clasp on the back. Her people used to use permanent ones but they hadn't been used for decades. Then frowned. "I do not believe this will fit you my mare. Perhaps you have an idea of where?" She held the necklace out to Pinkie who examined it then grinned and secured it to her upper leg. "There ya go Zecora!" She frowned. "Oh... But I don't have pierced ears..." "No worries there. I have made no error." Zecora took off her own earrings and put them aside, pulling out two she'd ordered from Rarity with clasps and a small hinge. "I would say these fit there. On the ears of my mare." Pinkie grinned wide and nodded, grabbing them and securing them on her own ears before looking back in the mirror. "Oooh! I'm Zecora!" She started making funny faces in the mirror, causing Zecora to smile and laugh gently. "When I think back of how you first thought of me. I never thought you might willingly visit my tree." Pinkies ears went down and she turned around, nuzzling at her marefriend. "Sorry about that..." "It is nothing to worry about. It is old hat." She gave her marefriend a kiss on the cheek. "Perhaps it is time you try the brush. But make sure not to rush." > Painting Zecora (June 7th, Friday morning.) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pinkie hopped up to get her own brush and grabbed the pink paint and ink. "Wait my excited tart. Just one at the start." Pinkie nodded and put down the ink dye, hopping over with the large pink vat and putting it down next to Zecora, starting to paint her with Pinkie style of flying paint and whipping brush, though somehow all of it got onto Zecora and none onto the interior of her house. "How long will this paint last for Zecora?' "Oh, it will come off with the next rinse... So for you when you become a prince." Pinkie giggled and was about to lean in for a nuzzle but backed away as she remembered the wet paint, it dried quickly, but not instantly. She smiled, continuing her painting. "Aww, but I want to look like you for longer! I'm adorable like this!" Zecora grinned. "You always are. The most by far. If you wish to look like this again. I can brew some paint that will last rain. But this batch had to be exact. Tradition had to be tracked." Pinkie smiled and finished painting Zecora a lot faster than Zecora had taken to paint Pinkie, but that made sense since Pinkie was just completely pink, no symbols or stripes to paint. Pinkie then pulled out the ink to start dyeing the other mare's mane. "Hehe, I can't wait to see everyone be confused when we show up! Do you think they'll confuse us at first?" "Only at a distance. We're different in our stance." Pinkie nodded. "You're right, I mean, that's why I couldn't wear your necklace and everything!" Pinkie finished up with the other mare's mane and tail, bouncing happily. "You forgot one piece my lark. I still need your cutie mark." "Oopsie!" Pinkie giggled and pulled out the small pots of paint that Zecora had made for her, dipping the small brushes in and starting to paint her three balloons on Zecora's flank. She bounced around Zecora, grinning at the pink zebra. "You look even cuter as me than I look as you!" "Thank you my mare in gray. You have made my day. But I am concerned. Will our party hosts feel spurned?" Pinkie had to stop for a moment, she had gotten used to translating Zecora but this one was a little harder to parse out than usual. "OH! Do you mean will Coco and Applejack be sour we announced our thing at their party?" Zecora nodded, smiling, coming from anyone else calling their courting a 'thing' would likely be downplaying it, but from Pinkie, it was just Pinkie. "Nah! They'll be happy for us no doubt! Applejack'd never want us to put it off!" She giggled. "She sure as heck didn't." Zecora grinned and nodded. "Indeed, a month alone. My people could never condone." Zecora saw Pinkie starting to frown and raised a hoof to waylay her. "Peace under this steeple. I am not my people." Pinkie blinked in confusion. "Good! But why then did we need to do the secret dating thing?" "I was raised with these things in mind. But to expect others to obey would be unkind." Pinkie grinned again and nodded. "Ah! So since I'm dating you I do need to obey your traditions. But..." Pinkie burst into a small fit of giggles before continuing. "Since Applejack and Coco aren't dating us you don't expect them to follow your traditions. Makes sense." Zecora grinned and gave an elegant shrug, she would have some fun with her marefriend. "Well if you wished to invite them in. I would not mind having Applejack for kin." Pinkie flushed brightly so that it could even be seen under the grey paint now layering her face. "Y-You mean... Uh... Zecora... Er... I mean... I... I might... If you really wanted... But I dunno..." Zecora chuckled, taking pity on her flustered companion. "Peace there my mare of the red cheek. That is not a tradition of which I seek." Pinkie sighed in relief. "Hehe, that was mean Zecora!" "Tit for tat my cutie. You did call me stripsey." Pinkie let out a bark of laughter, grinning again. "Okay! Okay! You win!" She giggled and looked around, now curious since it wasn't directly involving her. "But... You said that's not a tradition you want... Does that mean...?" "Among my people, it is not forbidden. But it is not undertaken with abandon. Like with yours it is hard to find. But for it you will not be fined." "Hey, isn't that cheating?" "The words are not the same. It does not detract my fame." Pinkie giggled and shook her head. "I still say it's cheating Zecora!" Zecora gave a mock hard look to Pinkie. "Be careful there Pinkie. Lest I send you to the party without me." Pinkie grinned and pulled a bent arrow toy out of... Somewhere. Placing it over her heart she fell backward dramatically. "Oh, my love! You have wounded me so! I cannot go on without you! Please forgive me!" Zecora gave Pinkie a measuring gaze. "If I let you die... I will get the entire pie..." Pinkie gasped loudly, placing her hoof over her mouth. "You would let me die for pie! I knew you were just going out with me for my baked goods." "What you say is true... Though the future will hold more if I save you..." Zecora put in a dramatic pause for effect then nodded. "Very well my mate. In this party I will participate." Pinkie grinned, standing up and tossing the bent arrow away, wiping fake sweat from her brow. "Whooo! That was a close one! Well, I guess I had better bring you some pie right quick before you change your mind!" She grinned and grabbed the pie from the side table, putting it on the main table before looking around for plates. "Allow me to get the plates." Zecora grimaced slightly. "Last time I almost lost you to pirates." "They weren't pirates! They were treasure hunters!" > Telling Dash (June 7th, Friday evening.) (Overprotective Marefriend Crossover.) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pinkie hopped into the party looking about to spy two of her friends, Flitter and Rainbow Dash, staring off into the small crowd of people. With Zecora following her closely Pinkie hopped over to the pair. "Hi girls!” "Oh hey, PINKIE!?" Rainbow Dash couldn't control her voice as she turned to look at the Zecora painted Pinkie Pie. "What in the world are you two doing!?" Flitter looked at the two and giggled a bit as she saw the two uniquely decorated mares. She smiled a bit, she wasn't sure how she felt about what Minuette had just pulled, but before that bit the weirdness was fun, and now this promised to be more fun. Zecora walked up next to the bouncing pony. "Do not fear Rainbow Dash. We have done nothing rash. We are announcing our courting. Our resistance to parting. We have been preparing for six months. So are not just cutting our teeth." Flitter snickered again at a private joke of hers as Rainbow Dash simply garbled some nonsense. Pinkie took the opportunity to explain more fully. "Well, you see I expressed to Zecora that I kinda liked her and wanted to see if she wanted to do something. She said that with her people to do something you secretly dated for six months so that you could form your own opinions of the other person without outside influence. You then if you decide to take the next step start courting and to announce that you paint each other's stripes and such on each other. But since I'm not a zebra it was more involved! I got painted all over and so did Zecora! But don't you worry I'll be pink again because it washes off with water! But I might get Zecora to make some more that'll last longer because this is really cool and I am adorable like this! And Zecora's adorable looking like me too so I like this a lot!" Rainbow Dash blinked slowly, taking in Pinkie's long and quick explanation. "Well... Pinkie... That's... Good." Rainbow Dash shook her head to clear it of the long explanation. "Sorry, didn't mean to sound so hesitant! That is good Pinkie." Rainbow Dash chuckled a little. "Seems everyone's putting work into finding themselves a special somepony these days." She backed up and put a wing around Flitter, pulling her a bit closer than usual, causing Flitter to meep slightly as she looked up curiously at Rainbow Dash. Pinkie didn't seem to notice and nodded encouragingly. Zecora seemed to notice that there was something off. "Does something trouble you Dash? What would darken your mind during this bash?" Rainbow Dash waved a hoof, clearing her throat a bit nervously. "Oh, nothing for you to worry about there Zecora, just..." She glanced at Flitter who's narrowed eyes said 'don't you dare' more clearly than a sharp stick would have. "Uh... Just Rarity being weird and wanting a dress fitting is all, not like I'm going to need a new dress or anything any time soon!" Pinkie grinned widely. "OH! That'd be a great idea to go anyway Dash! You never know when you could use a new dress!" Pinkie knew that with the upcoming announcement of the engagement they'd all need new dresses, so having such an idea beforehand would make Pinkie look very clever. Rainbow Dash, in turn, smirked at her friend and nodded. "Ya know you're right Pinkie. You never know when you're going to need a new dress. Like sometime next month or something probably." Rainbow Dash grinned a little wider, now Pinke and Rarity would think about how clever their rainbow maned friend was for forseeing the need of a new dress. Flitter squirmed a bit, having been distracted by her own cleverness Rainbow Dash hadn't noticed when it started but smiled at her in apology, releasing her marefriend from the winged prison. Flitter ruffled her own wings in annoyance at Rainbow Dash but still sat next to her marefriend. "So, you two have been secretly dating for six months and are now courting? That's quite the accomplishment to keep secret, especially for Pinkie Pie." Pinkie bounced, nodding vigorously. "I KNOW! I wanted to shout it soooooo many times!" She hopped around a bit. "But then Zecora would be mad and that wouldn't be good to have my marefriend mad at me, but now I can tell everyone and Zecora will be happy!" Zecora chuckled gently and shook her head a bit. "My precious pie pony. You are ever so funny. You can tell whoever you wish. But if they don't listen, do not push." Pinkie giggled. "Oh I know I know, but my friends will want to hear every detail right?" Rainbow Dash paled slightly. "Uh... Actually Pinkie I don't think I need all the details of six months... But you know who is really into romance and is at this party? Applebloom!" Pinkie nearly jumped a foot in the air a the suggestion. "Ooh! You're right! I need to go find her!" SHe waved at the two and sped off. Zecora chuckled and got up leisurely and started after Pinkie. "She certainly always has energy. It brings great joy to me." When they were gone Flitter and Rainbow Dash looked at each other, but Flitter was the first to talk. "Your friends are crazy." "My friends are crazy!? They're your friends too now!" "Oh no, I'm friends with Fluttershy, and she's per... Mostly normal! But your friends are the ones getting engaged after a month, and dating in secret for half a year, and then the ones who are swingers!" Rainbow Dash snorted. "Should I apologize?" "No, but please tell me that Twilight is normal! Next thing I know she's going to be dating my sister!" Rainbow Dash snorted again. "Ok, now that's something I can most certainly guarantee is not happening!" Flitter giggled slightly. "I dunno, maybe you should go get that to happen, being sister in law to the princess has to have some benefits that come along with it." Rainbow Dash let out a bark of laughter and nuzzled into Flitter. "See? You're already feeling better." Flitter grumbled but couldn't deny that being around Rainbow Dash's friends was usually a good experience. "Fine, you win, thanks." Rainbow Dash grinned victoriously as they started to head towards the refreshments tables, the grin growing a little wider when Flitter rewarded Rainbow Dash with a kiss on the cheek. > Rhyming Minuette (June 7th, Friday evening.) (Time To Model Crossover.) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pinkie pointed her hoof at a very well dressed pair of ponies. "Ooh! Ooh! There's Rarity and Minuette! Let's go tell them!" Zecora smiled at Pinkie Pie. "Ahh, I missed them at first pass. Lead on to the pompous..." "Zecora!" Zecora leveled a gaze as Pinkie. "...Lass." Pinkie flushed, though it couldn't be seen under the paint, and stuck her tongue out at Zecora. "Well, you still shouldn't call her pompous." "I mean it in fun. My beloved one." Pinkie giggled a bit and hopped over to Minuette and Rarity, waving at them wildly to grab their attention. Though Rarity stared at her previously pink friend Minuette had no such reservations. Throwing her forelegs around Pinkie in a greeting hug. While Rarity continued to gape Minuette smiled. "So what's this all about Pinkie Pie?" Pinkie began to hop happily, grinning at her two friends. "Oh, me and Zecora are courting!" Minuette nodded like this was the most reasonable explanation she'd ever heard, but Rarity blurted out. "Courting!? But you're not even dating!" "Au contraire. One who is rare. Long have we been together. We just told no other," Zecora said as she walked out of the slowly forming crowd. "Goodness, I must say. I hope they have enough hay." Pinkie nodded happily. "I know! Coco invited a third of Ponyville!" Rarity and Zecora looked at Pinkie questioningly and she just grinned. "Special talent!" Minuette took a sip of her drink, the drink she hadn't had a moment ago. "Really you'd think that you two would be used to Pinkie by now." Zecora blinked in surprise, taken aback by the fact that Minuette had somehow gotten her hands on a drink. "Pray tell friend of blue. Who got that drink for you?" Minuette grinned, inordinately proud of herself. "Special talent." Causing Pinkie to burst into giggles. Rarity had to groan. "Don't encourage her darling! She will just start showing off." Zecora grinned. "Showing off is it? Could she take a rhyming bet?" Minuette grinned widely and passed Rarity her drink, rubbing her hooves together as Rarity sighed in resignation, taking a sip of Minuette's cider as she watched the events transpire. Pinkie slid over next to Rarity and grinned. "Isn't Minuette fun?" Rarity sighed and nodded. "Oh yes, a little too fun at times." Pinkie gasped loudly and grabbed Rarity by the cheeks, pulling her muzzle over to press against hers. "You two are having trouble!? Tell me! I'll help you fix it!" Rarity pushed Pinkie off of her, scowling at her friend for a moment before smiling. "No worries dear we're fine. Just she likes to show off a bit." Pinkie giggled and nodded. "Definitely!" Rarity and Pinkie returned their attention back to their mare friends, who seemed to have struck some deal while they were talking. "The deal is struck! Talking like this I am stuck!" Minuette said as she grinned proudly at Zecora. "Indeed, if you can do this all night. I will get you that... bug," Zecora said. "And if I do unable. I bring you an edible. You be careful there. You escaped by a hair," Minuette grinned, she'd almost won the bet in the first second. Rarity let out a loud groan. "Zecora, Minuette! What is this going to prove?" Minuette looked at her and grinned. "That Minuette can do anything! I have never felt failure's sting!" Zecora smiled and shrugged. "My ego is not that size. I just seek the... winnings." Pinkie snickered and hopped around the two. "Ooh! Ooh! I like this competition! Do we get to ask you questions and you have to answer them properly?" Minuette smiled. "That would speed this up. I will take that cup." Zecora gave Minuette an appraising look. "You are better at this than I thought. Perhaps those bugs will get... Captured." Pinkie giggled while Rarity just shook her head, then stood up, speaking first. "Alright, then you two. What is your favorite color?" Minuette looked at Zecora. "If it pleases you. I shall say blue." Zecora smiled. "I would have to say pink. Just like my... Love." Minuette snickered a little. "Well, this doesn't seem fair. All she must do it not pair." Zecora smiled a bit. "Well, you who wished to fight. It is not my fault your challenge is... Hard." Minuette snickered and looked at Pinkie. "Well, I shall have to win. Pinkie slip the next question in." This contest stretched out to ten minutes until Rarity let out a loud exasperated sigh. "Okay, okay, I have a challenge for both of you!" The two raised their eyebrows but nodded. "I challenge you both to remaining silent for the next minute!" Two nods again, eyeing Rarity suspiciously. "But tell me my mare. What do we get for this dare?" Minuette smiled, still proud of her rhyming skills. "Well, I'll make Zecora and Pinkie new dresses if she remains silent. And your reward will be a cake." Minuette nodded, she liked cake, and Zecora nodded, she wasn't hugely into dresses but Pinkie liked cute things. "However! If you make noise, you not only lose our bet, but you lose each other's bets, got it?" Zecora nodded. "Agreed on that rule. When shall we start this... Challenge." Rarity smiled. "Right now darling." Both the challenged mares nodded while Pinkie watched on curiously. Rarity first smiled at Zecora. "Do forgive me darling but watching you two compete was not exactly what I had in mind for my party experience." Zecora raised an eyebrow when her eyes widened and she felt her own tailed being raised up and tickling her belly, only able to fight it a few moments Zecora burst into laughter, causing Rarity to grin. "I noticed that when I measured you last time darling." Minuette, on the other hand, grinned as Rarity defiantly, despite Rarity's best efforts she'd found out that Minuette wasn't ticklish. Rarity, however, had a different plan for her marefriend, sashaying over to and leaning up to Minuette's ear she whispered something for only her ears that caused Minuette to grin wide and say without thinking. "You bet Rarity!... Gah! Dang it! You tricked me!" Rarity smiled and trotted back over to sit next to Pinkie. "Well, darling that's what happens when you promise to be serious Minuette and start that little contest." Minuette sighed and walked over to Rarity, giving her a kiss on the cheek. "Fine, you're right, my apologies my lady." Zecora laughed gently. "Then our bet is done. We both have won. I will catch what you wanted. Bring to me the dessert so vaunted." Minuette nodded, smiling as Rarity gave her a small nuzzle in return for the apology. "Sure thing, it'll be probably Tuesday evening, that good with you?" "It is indeed my friend." Zecora looked over to Pinkie, now that the game was over they could see her bouncing and looking expectantly at where Fluttershy and Twilight were chatting. "Shall we call this to an end? Pinkie and I have news to spread. We should pick up our tread." Rarity nodded in return. "Of course darling, you have a good party." "YAY!" Came Pinkie's outburst. "I'll talk to you girls later! I gotta go tell Twilight and Fluttershy!" And with that, she shot out towards her two friends with Zecora following her at her own pace. "Well, they're cute together," Minuette observed, grinning at Rarity. "Not as cute as us though." "Heh, well, shall we talk to more ponies? That game took a while." "I'm still holding you to that offer." "Darling you can't have seriously thought..." "So you lied?" "Uh... Well..." Minuette grinned widely. "So you're not going to break your word." Rarity groaned slightly. "We can talk about it later Minuette." Minuette nodded, getting serious. "Very well, I won't hold you to it. But if you don't then you can't legitimately say you won, because that'd be cheating." "Well that will require some careful consideration then darling, now won't it?" > Dinner Plans! (June 8th, Saturday morning.) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Zecora, still in her pink paint, walked up to the counter at Sugar Cube Corner and smiled at Pinkie Pie. "Good morning my heart winner. Have you any plans for dinner?" Pinkie, also still in the grey paint grinned as she shook her head. "Nope! Do you wanna do something? Oh! What about going fishing!?" Zecora chuckled gently but shook her head. "I was thinking more traditional. My hyper little rascal. I would surprise you darling. I won't say where for your hearing." Pinkie grinned as she nodded excitedly. "Ooh! Sounds like fun! Do I need to dress up? Will my friends be there? Is it going to be a party!?" Hopping up onto the counter she grinned. "Ooh! Is it going to be one like Apple..." The questions were interrupted by Mrs. Cake as she passed by. "Don't stand on the counter, dear." Pinkie snickered as she hopped down. Zecora took the opportunity to answer before Pinkie started to her questioning again. "Dressing up will be needed. But no others will be invited." Pinkie grinned as she slowly lowered her hoof behind the counter. "Oooooooooh! So it'll be all romantic then? Just us?" She raised her hoof back up and pushed a cupcake across the counter to Zecora. "You gonna surprise me with a big present too?" Pinkie made no attempt to hide her obvious prodding. Batting her eyelashes at the other mare. Zecora chortled at that. Pinkie certainly did like getting presents. They didn't even need to be real presents. "Well my pink mare. You will have to see there." Pinkie gave a loud, though obviously fake, groan. "But I am so cute Zecora! You can't not tell me!" She grinned as she gave her best puppy dog eyes to her marefriend. "Do not think I am so weak. Do not pretend to be meek." Zecora smiled and pushed a small piece of paper to her marefriend. "Also I need these things if you please. I'm sure you can provide them with ease." Pinkie looked over the list and nodded. "Yep yep yep! I can throw in some cupcakes too!" She grinned as she took a few minutes to grab the cake and throw in a few extra cupcakes for good measure. "Why do you need a cake though?" "Mayor Mare is having a book club. It is my turn to bring the grub." She gathered up the cake and turned to thank Pinkie. Before frowning a little. "What is the matter my love? You look upset my dove." Pinkie hadn't realized she was broadcasting her emotions so clearly but it was too late to hide it now. "Well you just never asked me go to the book club." Zecora tilted her head slightly. "I never thought of it. Forgive my lack of wit. But my precious one. I do not think you would have fun." Zecora grinned as she brought out the book and set it on the counter. Pinkie grinned and grabbed it up looking at the cover. "The Implications of Cultural Normative Similarities of Ponies, Zebras and Hipogryphs." Pinkie blinked for a few moments before snickering. "Sounds more like a study group than a book group. Did you invite Twilight?" Zecora smiled and nodded. "I did not invite her. She was already there. I had joined only recently. Long did they meet without me." Pinkie smiled and slid the book back over. "You're right that doesn't sound so fun. But I just realized something Zecora! Since we always hung out in secret during our dating we don't know that much about each other's public lives!" Zecora smiled and nodded slightly. She thought it was over stated, but not wrong. "You are right. Our time together was tight. We should go more over our timeline. Perhaps some we could combine." Pinkie clapped happily and nodded enthusiastically. "That will be great! I'll bring my calendar to dinner and we can see! We can go shopping together! Oh! And we need to go get dresses from Rarity! We can do that together too!" Zecora smiles and raised a hoof to Pinkie. "Calm my special gal. We need not do it all. We can do things apart as well. All our time together is swell. But do not forget to be you. I like my own time too." Pinkie grinned and nodded. "Right right right! I just an excited that we can do things together now! We'll need to get used to each other, isn't that the plan?" Doing her best imitation of flirty Rarity Pinkie batted her eyes at Zecora. Zecora smiled at Pinkie. "You are quite right. You who make my world so bright. After dinner is done. Would you like come home with this one?" Pinkie grinned and nodded vigorously. "Oooh! I'll get my stuff! Hm... I'll bring it over before dinner ok? I don't wanna wall around with filled saddle bags all night!" Zecora nodded and gathered up her items. "Right you are. I will see you later." Zecora headed towards Mayor Mare's house. Grinning when she thought of how surprised Pinkie would be when they went to Pâturage De Fleurs. Pinkie was bouncing excitedly on her hind legs as she leaned up on the counter. Mrs. Cake smiled as she walked up behind Pinkie. "You two seem quite happy dear." Pinkie nodded vigorously, grinning widely. "I thought there was something up. You always started to act a little odd when Zecora came in." Pinkie giggled and waggled her eyebrows at her boss. "Oh, like how you act with Mr. Cake?" Mrs. Cake grinned and nodded. "Just like it, yes. You two have any further plans?" Pinkie shook her head. "Not for a while. We're using Zecora's schedule. Her folks have a very exact schedule for marriage." Mrs. Cake couldn't help but chuckle at Pinkie's word choice. "I think you mean her people." Pinkie nodded. "Mhmm! That's what I said!" Mrs. Cake just shook her head and chuckled. "Of course you did. Now will you go help in the kitchen? I'm expecting a visit from Dr. Whooves so I want to be out here." Pinkie nodded heading back to the kitchen. "Okie dokie lokie!"