> Closer To The Heart > by ClandestineWing > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1: Cadence Of Crinkles > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cadance leapt off the balcony at the sight of Shining Armor approaching the Crystal Castle. Her wings guided her down, gently planting her hooves on the ground before him. She gave a radiant smile and cheerily welcomed her returning husband home. Shining was slightly dismayed at the lack of his daughter being part of the welcome wagon, but kids have to stay in school for a good reason. Shining looked as if he was about to burst into tears at the very sight of his wife. The white stallion, without hesitation and with a magenta aura that matched the one on his horn, lifted Cadance onto her hind hooves, snaked his upper hooves around her and kissed the pink mare with a fiery passion that mimicked that of their first kiss on their first night alone after their wedding. After their lips pulled apart with a loud smack, Cadance took a deep breath and stared into her husband’s eyes with her pupils wide, her wings spread, and a hoof held to her heart. “Shining, I’m glad you’re home too~” She then gave a nervous chuckle in anticipation of an explanation for his sudden behavior, which Shining did manage to catch. “I’m sorry, I have so much to tell you.” “I don’t doubt it,” she said with a chuckle, “something big always seems to be happening in Ponyville these days.” “No, I mean about my trip to Canterlot. I wanted to tell you about it so bad, but…” Shining Armor’s head swiveled around at everyone around them; he promised to tell Cadance once they were inside, when they would be away from his guards and the flocking, royalty-loving, Crystal Empire residents. It didn’t take much effort for them to find a moment of peace. Shining Armor dismissed his guards for the day and led Cadance into their bedroom. Magenta light wrapped around Shining’s purple and gold Canterlot Captain uniform, shedding it and hanging it up while Cadance stared out at the Crystal Empire from their balcony. “I thought you said your trip to Canterlot was uneventful.” “The Tartarus escort didn’t go exactly as planned.” Shining Armor said as he joined his wife on the balcony, walking up beside her and staring down at the city below with her. “We took no risks with him; inhibitor on his horn and everything. I don’t know how he did it, but he escaped. He had control over all my old guards, and even Princess Celestia...” The white stallion took a sigh in hesitation then turned his head to her. “Believe me, you don’t know how bad I wanted to tell you; how afraid I was and I couldn’t tell you. I literally wasn’t able to. I’m sorry.” “Sorry for what?” Cadance asked, tilting her head. “I thought my love for you would’ve been strong enough to push him out of my mind, like with Chrysalis.” “Darling,” Cadance said while shaking her head, “you can’t blame yourself for that.” “I know, but… I guess blaming myself keeps me from feeling helpless.” He turned his head to gaze again over the balcony once more. “Truthfully, It didn’t seem like anyone could stop him. I don’t know what I’d do if he ever got to you or Flurry. I was really hoping that was what Princess Celestia called me over to Ponyville for, and I’m so glad it was.” “Typical of Celestia to summon somepony without giving details.” “She had to; if Twily asked me to come or if Celestia told me why, his control would’ve stopped me from going. Well, at least nopony else has to deal with him anymore.” “What happened to him?” “Twily told me he just disappeared without a trace, and there haven’t been any new victims in weeks. Nopony knows for sure.” His face suddenly lit up when he felt a pair of lips press against his cheek and release with a smack. “Well, at least it’s now over and done with, right?” She asked. He gave her a half smile and nodded. “But the really scary thing is that he told me he knew you.” Cadance gave him a courteous laugh. “Like, personally.” “I think I’d remember somepony strong enough to control minds.” “Mind Fission. Ring a bell?” Cadance wiped off her smile and had to lift one of her eyebrows, staring at her husband incredulously. “Wait, really? Him?” “Yeah, he told me he knew you, and he described you in enough detail for me to believe it.” “Yeah, he was in my group back in Ponyville. I can’t even imagine he’d be the type to do… To do all of that.” From down below, an alicorn with a coat barely tinted pink, her wings spread, and a saddlebag draped over a pink heart-patterned robe that somewhat matched Sunburst’s sense of fashion landed at the entrance of the palace, calling out to her mother that she was home. Sunburst himself came into view, barely able to keep up with the rambunctious alicorn. Her crystal blue eyes looked around and fixed their gaze on the balcony up high. She smiled wide and her horn glowed golden. “Anyway, I’m glad you’re alright, my love.” In a golden flash, the young alicorn appeared on the balcony before them. “Daddy, you’re home~” Shining Armor’s hoof reached for his daughter and embraced her closely, then his other one ran through her swirly purple mane. “Hey there, squirt~ Keeping Sunburst busy, I see?” While Shining Armor was thrilled to be back home with his family once more, one thing that mind-controlling pony said to him about Cadance put his thoughts in a vice. Flurry’s words about her day at school during dinner were a distant echo; he felt absolutely silly taking some unicorn’s word over his trust in his wife, but the way Mind Fission revealed it to him, and the precise details he used to describe his interactions with Cadance, even going so far as to describe her voice, just didn’t leave him much room to brush it off and think of it as horse apples. Cadance confessing to knowing Mind Fission made it clearer to Shining Armor that his wife was hiding something from him; something that had been a part of Cadance for a long time and that she’d been afraid to tell him, and that she would never work up the courage to. Shining had a moment alone in their bedroom that night while Cadance put their daughter to bed. It didn’t take much investigating for him to come across the evidence under their bed. Shining’s horn became wrapped in a magenta light that brought a thick white diaper crinkling out of a package before him. The garment was huge; even folded in thirds, it was larger than an open foal diaper. Shining wasn’t as shocked as he anticipated being; he had a generous amount of time to think over a situation like this. All those years at a “support group” all the way in Ponyville Cadance was very ambiguous about were starting to make more sense. ...But still, these diapers were huge, and they smelled rather foalish. They looked rather foalish, in fact; pink outlines of stars, rattles, and blocks adorned the landing zone. A pink trail laced around the leg gathers like clouds as well. The bedroom door opened to reveal Cadance with her horn glowing the same blue glow that wrapped around the doorknob. An involuntary gasp escaped at the sight of one of her diapers being telekinetically marvelled at by her husband. “Shining, darling, I can explain.” How could she leave her diapers under their bed? Never hide diapers under your bed; the first unwritten rule of being an adult foal. She had them under there for easy access while Shining was away, but forgot to move them upon his return. Every single horrible outcome ran through Cadance’s head: Awkward questions, shaming, maybe even divorce. Cadance kept telling herself that she was going to tell him one day, but her responsibilities always got in the way, or at least that’s the excuse she kept hiding behind. She wondered if this was how her life was going to end: Not at the mercy of some wicked evil trying to conquer Equestria, but because she just couldn’t let go of diapers. The thick fluffy pant shed its magical aura and fell onto the bed with a crinkling thump as Shining turned his head toward her. “Cadance, it’s okay.” He said with a smile. Three simple words like that have never before stricken her closer to the heart. “Close the door. Let’s talk.” Shining had thought about his first words for a long time, and telling Cadance something simple was what she really needed. The door closed behind her, and she tentatively took hoofsteps toward her husband. She was certain he had questions, but his charming smile and his calm tone made it seem like this wasn’t going to go quite so bad. But she couldn’t shake the apprehension; the fear that this would be the worst day of her life. “I swear, I was going to tell you, but-” “Cadance, it’s okay. Just talk to me, dear. I’m here for you.” “I- Okay- No, you’re going to think I’m a freak.” “Cadance~” He said with a few chuckles lacing her name and a couple of steps toward her. “You’re not a freak. I will never think that.” In absence of a response, he wrapped his hooves around Cadance and pressed his warm body against her in his embrace. “I’m sorry, dear.” “Sorry for what?” He then released her, his smile now vanished. “For making you feel like you had to keep this from me. After how I reacted to Flurry’s issue, I can understand if you thought I wouldn’t take this very well.” “N- No, Shining, it has nothing to do with that. I just- I didn’t want- Oh sweet Celestia.” Cadance said, fumbling about her words and frantically trying to console her “hurt” husband. She was played like a fiddle; Shining had to force himself not to smirk. “You mean the world to me, Shining Armor. I wanted to tell you that this was a part of me for such a long time. My heart would tell me everyday that you’d be perfectly okay with it and to just go for it, but another part of me screamed that I was going to lose you if I did. I just didn’t know what I’d do if I lost you, and I’d rather give up diapers than have that happen.” “Give them up? I couldn’t ask you to do that, darling. You don’t get to pick and choose which parts about a pony you love.” He then wore a cheeky smile. “You, as the Princess Of Love, should know that.” “Shining, I- I-” “I love you, Cadance. Not parts of you, I love you. And that’s why I want you to talk to me; this is clearly a part of you and I want to know about it.” “Even with how weird this is?” “I have a sister who’s afraid of quesadillas and ladybugs. Trust me, dear, I can handle weird.” Cadance poured out everything to her husband in that moment, starting her story all the way back from when she was a young filly fresh out of diapers. Even after potty-training, the young pegasus wanted to be put back into them. Her young foolish self admitted to it back at the orphanage. At the time, the age where imagination is at the peak of a pony’s life, the other colts and fillies saw it as innocent fun, and didn’t think much of it, especially since they were playing House when she confessed to it. The young Cadance didn’t think much of it either. After she was adopted by Princess Celestia, her young, ambitious, princess-to-be self didn’t even think about diapers for a while. Her life seemed laid out for her as soon as she got her alicorn horn, but it was also when the stress of responsibility started piling up, and she would need something to relieve it. It started with mere thoughts, assuming that a teenager trying to wear diapers wouldn’t go over well with her aunt. Sometimes she’d go through the day without thinking about them until that night, when she would think about wearing them until she fell asleep with a smile in her heart. Other times, she’d get an urge to wear so strong that she’d cry herself to sleep at the end of the day from all the guilt and shame she would place upon herself. Cadance then learned of a support group in Ponyville that held meetings once per week. Given her duties, she only attended once per month, but even with scarce attendance, it was probably one of the smartest things she could’ve done. Everyone in the group shared her desires and welcomed her warmly, and they helped her accept this part of herself; that it wasn’t something to repress to keep her life in order, but to embrace. Everyone in the group was a normal pony with a normal life who just so happened to like wearing diapers once in a while. Some were even into ageplay, “foal-at-hearts” some might call them, which was an aspect of AFDL life that was but a spark within Cadance at the time; her time spent with the group changed that. Pacifiers particularly stood out more to Cadance than other foalish items. One pony in the group was, indeed, Mind Fission; a unicorn with a unique ability to manipulate microscopic organisms and objects with his magic. Cadance still couldn’t believe what Shining Armor was saying about him. Mind was in college for nursing and wanted to use his abilities to save lives; he had his life figured out. To suddenly turn around and want to conquer Equestria with mind control just seemed so out of his character. She found some sense of self-acceptance through the group, which came in steps for her: The first was admitting that liking diapers and ageplay was a deeply rooted part of her, not just a quirk. This led to her realizing that it was perfectly okay to have this as a part of her life, side-by-side with her duties as a princess, then she found a perfect balance. The one part of the self-acceptance process that was left to gather cobwebs was, of course, telling her true love about it; someone who would still love her, and think nothing bad of it. Shining Armor listened to her without interrupting for minutes straight, keeping his face attentive and serious. When she had finally finished her long story, he gave a respectful huff and then leaned in to give Cadance a kiss on her cheek. “Thank you so much for telling me. Do you feel better now, darling?” “You have no idea.” Cadance wrapped her hooves around her husband, hugging him tightly. She didn’t want to let go. She didn’t even want the moment to end. “This moment turned out better than I could’ve ever imagined.” Cadance then felt a fluffy brush against her flank, and opened her eyes to catch faint magenta light reflecting off Shining Armor’s body. “Tell me more about this ‘ageplay’ part you mentioned. I’m quite interested in that.” Cadance widened her eyes and turned her head toward the thick padding telekinetically brushing against her. “S- Shining~ I- I couldn’t ask you to do that.” “How about you be a good filly and lie down, darling?” Cadance’s cheeks were enveloped in rose infernos. She did as Shining said with little hesitation, her pressed buttons forced her body to move upon his command and helped put her apprehensive thoughts behind her. She watched him conduct a crinkling overture, starting by unfolding the garment and sliding it underneath her, touching her plot softly as it found its place. She then watched Shining Armor’s horn light up to bring a bottle of foal powder before him. He coated his hooves with the fresh white powder. His practice with Flurry Heart really shone as Cadance felt his gentle hooves massage the powder into her pink coat. He cleansed his hooves with a wipe while his magic brought the wings around her flanks then taped them in place; bottom two tapes, then top two. His hoof pressed against the landing zone to ream out the tapes, finishing the diapering routine in a cadence of crinkles. It was a perfect fit, Cadance was a blushing smiling mess, and Shining Armor was tantalizingly smirking at it all. “I have a happy little foal~” Shining teased to her, which elicited a mortified squirm and squeak from her. “I can tell you wanted somepony to do this for you for a long time.” He said while making sure her diaper was just right; double-checking it for fit, using magic to properly arrange the leak guards, and wrapping it all up in some gentle crinkling pats. He then caught another uncertain expression from his blushing wife. “What’s wrong, dear?” “I’m sorry, I- This is all so much. I just want to make sure this isn’t bothering you at all.” “Bother me?” Shining gave a chuckle. “Nonsense… Seriously, don’t worry about it. Now, can you be a good girl and show me where your pacifier is?” Word after word continued to press the blushing alicorn’s buttons. She wanted to give in to the calling of her younger headspace, but this all still felt like it was too good to be true. “Wait, how did you know I have one?” Cadance asked with a raised brow. “You just told me.” His hoof then booped her nose. “Got you~” She squirmed and whined in reaction. “Come on, show me.” Cadance then stood herself out of their bed. The thick bulky diaper around her plot forced a gait in her hoofsteps, presenting another loud movement of their crinkly diaper symphony. Shining suppressed his laughter as he was amused by Cadance waddling into her walk-in closet. She retrieved a purple pacifier with a butterfly-shaped guard from a box stashed up high. It wore a pink heart on its button. She waddled back out with the pacifier bathed in her magic, suspended in midair, then it was enveloped by Shining’s own. She watched the clear silicone nipple rotate toward her and tried once more to tell Shining he didn’t need to do this for her, but the first word of her sentence couldn’t get past the pacifier plopping into her mouth. She instinctively gave the nipple a few suckles before a wide smile peeked out from behind the guard. “Good girl~ This should help keep you from talking yourself out of things you really want.” Shining said as his lips parted to show a pearly white grin. Cadance affectionately pushed herself up against Shining and soon found herself laying with her husband on their bed. The pacifier guard pressed against her muzzle with each suckle and her head rested on his chest while one of his hooves gently ran through her mane repeatedly. The whole thing was much more than she could’ve realistically expected the same way her happiness was to him. Neither of them wanted the moment to end, but an emotional climax was reached, and all they could do was lay cuddling each other in comfortable silence. It wasn’t until she came down from her emotional high that Cadance started to notice the aching in her bladder. Truthfully, she needed to go since she put Flurry Heart to bed. “I’ll be back, dear,” she said with her words lisping through the pacifier and a hoof pressing against their bed, “I have to go use the little filly’s room.” Cadance felt a hoof press on her back to gently force her back into Shining’s embrace. Her eyes widened at his hoof’s implications and his reciprocating machinating smirk, and it pressed her buttons just right; the moment felt like it was ripped straight out of her dreams. Her cheeks were ablaze in a glorious blush. “Oh, uhm… Okay.” She said with a meek intonation that rivaled Fluttershy’s, completely unable to suppress her smile and her blush. Despite the new circumstances that’d normally make one’s bladder shy, Cadance found it effortless to do what she needed to do. She felt her pant warm up drastically, the warmness spread around the diaper like the relief spreading through her body, quickly wicking all the moisture away from her coat. Her pacifier suckling grew more focused, and she had to close her eyes at all the feelings rushing through her. She was rewarded with a hoof planting itself on her padded plot. Light squishes served as a reprise to the orchestra her diaper was performing, and Shining’s soft tantalizing voice was a solo to it. “Good girl~” He said before leaning down and kissing her on her head. Cadance let out another squeam. “I’ll make sure you get a fresh one before bed.” He watched Cadance’s face light up even more. Every moment seemed like a more perfect ending to their night than the last. “In fact, I might be willing to change a filly who might be… More than just wet.” “Okay, hold on.” Cadance incredulously broke herself away from the moment and sat herself up. “Are you absolutely sure about that?” “Absolutely.” “Are you positive? Because that’s a huge thing to do.” Shining gave her a chuckle. “Sweetheart, it’d be no different than changing Flurry; when you truly love someone, the ‘gross’ things actually aren’t so gross. I promise you I’m perfectly okay with it. I just want to support this part of you and make you as happy as you can be.” “How in Equestria did I manage to marry someone so awesome?” “I don’t know, you tell me~” He replied with a wicked grin. “I’ll hold you to your promise, darling, but if you regret it, I’m going to feel really bad.” “You worry too much; I want to do it.” Cadance crawled back into Shining’s hooves and lay beside him, sinking herself back in. “Besides, there’s no way you can be as bad as Twily.” “Hahaha~ Yeah, she taught me to always breathe through your mouth.” “Oh, that doesn’t work every time; sometimes, it was almost like I could taste the stench.” The two shared another laugh together, both of them knowing first-hoof what messy diapers they’ve had to endure. “Hey, maybe we could ask her to foalsit tomorrow.” “Tomorrow? So we can do this? I mean, the idea of having Flurry off our hooves to do this for a day is pretty nice, but maybe-” “I was talking about her foalsitting you.” The two shared another flurry of laughter. “You’d look rather adorable doing your ‘Sunshine sunshine’ thing dressed like a filly~” After another chorus of laughter, Cadance felt herself drifting off into a peaceful sleep in her husband’s hooves; her being awake ever since Flurry went off to school that morning was starting to weigh on her. Her eyelids grew heavy under the steady percussion section of Shining’s heartbeat. “Sweet dreams, darling.” Shining said while his horn lit up with magic, and a fresh diaper from under the bed was being prepared. > Chapter 2: Flurry In Confidence > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Flurry Heart appeared to be a golden filly, whether or not her being an alicorn is the reason why was of no concern to her or her parents. Ever since she was a foal, Flurry had shown to be blessed with a high proficiency with conjuring magic and a razor sharp intellect, as well as shown a fierce determination and perseverance at everything she tried. Even though she was still young, she managed to have a long list of talents under her belt, and it was a list she strived to expand every day. Her only shortcoming crinkled underneath her robe every single second of every single day. It wasn’t until the age of four that Cadance and Shining Armor began to suspect something was wrong with their daughter. While being in diapers at her age sounded like something Cadance wished for herself to experience, this was a situation that called for her to be a mother and not a kinkster. Celestia forbid if Shining Armor ever found out about her foal-at-heart side. A four-year-old still in diapers wasn’t exactly anything to be skeptical about, especially since foals are such late trainers nowadays. While her still being in diapers at her age sounded normal, two straight years of having hit-and-miss experience with potty-training was not, especially not with a daughter so enthusiastic about it. After two years of helping Starlight run the School Of Friendship, Flurry’s crystaller was called upon. When Sunburst’s encyclopedic knowledge of spells failed to find a cure, they sought help from the best healers the Crystal Empire, Canterlot, and even Ponyville had to offer. Doctors prescribed impotent medicinal remedies, Zecora’s natural potions failed, and Twilight Sparkle juggled her duties to Equestria and multiple sleepless nights to turn her entire library upside-down fruitlessly hoping to find something Sunburst couldn’t. Flurry didn’t gather a solid understanding of her situation until she was in pre-kindergarten and most of her classmates were completely potty-trained, if not, at least in training pants. The following summer, she tried really hard to potty-train, being met with many different instances of failure. She didn’t know when she needed to relieve herself until the need arose, and when it did, it arose drastically, or sometimes had already been spilling into her diaper. Running or teleporting to the restroom sometimes put too much strain on her and walking took too long. She was praised whenever she did make it, even told she was making good progress, but to her, her many failures outweighed her few successful attempts, as well as outweighed her success at anything else. The crinkling in tandem with her hoofsteps seemed to grow louder every single day. Flurry Heart was homeschooled for her kindergarten year with Sunburst as her teacher and caregiver. Starlight struggled with him taking a long leave of absence so suddenly, but she said everything would be alright, not that that ever put Sunburst’s mind at ease. One day, Sunburst planned to take her down to the Crystal Palace’s library for magic practice; this was the day Flurry committed herself to keeping her diaper clean and dry. She woke up in a completely soaked diaper that morning, but that didn’t discourage her. “That doesn’t count,” she thought to herself. “Now Flurry,” Sunburst’s lesson started off with him taking out a children’s book about basic pony biology, particularly one about magic, complete with an illustration on every page, “performing magic is fun, but learning how magic works can be fun too.” He turned past the first page of happy unicorns on a fresh green field all demonstrating their magic in various ways, and onto one closed in on a horn alight in a shining magic aura. “When you use magic, your horn vibrates just a little bit. The vibrations make the energy you need so your horn can cast the spell you want.” He turned the page once more, this one with pegasi and earth ponies on the next two pages. “But unicorns aren’t the only ones who can use magic. Pegasi wings use magic to fly, and earth ponies’ magic lies in their incredible strength. Everypony has magic within them, and every one of them uses magic in their own unique way.” So far, Flurry felt fine. She felt that this was going to be an easy day; just learning magic with Sunburst. Perhaps a tiny field trip was all she needed to take her mind off of her problem. However, just as soon as she felt the most relieved, there was a calling just as sudden and unpredictable as all the others. She didn’t want to leave Sunburst so rudely, but she had to take her chance. The other issue was that the restroom in the Crystal Library was so far away; a floor higher and across the room, she had to risk teleporting. Today was the day. Maybe she could make it this time. Her horn flashed a bright gold. In that instant, she was no longer sitting at a table gazing at a book with Sunburst, but staring at a white porcelain toilet that contrasted with the washroom’s sky blue tiles, and her diaper was still untainted. This was the day. Flurry placed her front hooves on the toilet seat and her eyes widened with shrunken pupils when she felt the all too familiar feeling of herself losing her hold; the feeling of herself emptying - her body emptying itself on its own terms - and her crystal-blue diaper was filled up instead. Her fresh mess fully occupied the cavity first, gravity made her diaper tug on her waist, and what didn’t fit in the cavity pressed between her plot and the padding. This was supposed to be the day this didn’t happen. Her discouraging accident was topped off with a warm stream spreading throughout the front of her diaper so fast it took a while to wick from her coat; insult to injury. “Well… I tried...” The young alicorn said to herself, taking her hooves off the toilet seat and lighting her horn once more. She returned to Sunburst in a golden flash with a feigned smile. “Everything alright, dear?” Sunburst asked calmly. He was already used to Flurry taking off so suddenly and didn’t question why. Flurry’s smile waned, she sniffled, and then she collapsed onto the floor, then lay, resting her side on its cold surface. She wondered why she was even trying anymore. She wondered why she was even laying on her side; she didn’t even feel like she deserved the dignity of sitting in her own muck. She then threw her hooves into her watery eyes. Sunburst’s radiant horn acted to pull Flurry upright, holding her gently above the floor, to console her in his warm hooves. “It’s alright, Flurry.” Flurry returned his hug, leaving her tears in his coat. “How about we get you out of this thing, huh?” “I can’t do it. I want to potty-train so bad so I can prove to Mommy and Daddy that I can go back to school. I know I have a thing that makes it hard, but I still just want to be normal.” “Flurry Heart, you are anything but normal, and there’s nothing wrong with that.” Sunburst gently pulled her away and sternly looked into her bloodshot eyes. “There are other ponies who have the same condition you do whose lives are just fine, and you’ve mastered spells that most of them will never be able to even try to perform.” “I heard Mommy and Daddy talk about school one night. They said kids would be jealous of my magic and would make fun of my diapers to make me feel bad.” “Well, I know how to fix that one.” Sunburst replied with no hesitation, and with a smile and a cheery tone, not at all phased by Flurry eavesdropping. “We could pick out a nice wizard’s robe for you. A robe to help cover your diapers and make you look pretty stylish. Nopony asks what’s under my robe.” “Oh, okay…” “And if it makes you feel better, I can teach you how to change yourself.” “Y- Yeah. I’d like that, Sunburst.” Two weeks after that, Sunburst took Flurry to Ponyville to get her fitted for her cloak by one of the best fashion designers in Equestria. Flurry showed vigorous courage in waiting patiently for her to finally get something to cover her diapered self; not squirming or whining to be covered up by practically anything. It was kind of relieving to her to know it was the last day her diapers would be fully exposed in public. Rarity threw forth some ideas for the indecisive alicorn until she worked up the courage to say that she wanted a robe that looked like Sunburst’s. “You want one like that?” The white unicorn said, her words laced with her fancy posh accent. “Blue with teal stars and trims, darling?” “Yeah~ Wait… Actually, could I get hearts? And could they be pink?” “That sounds wonderful, dear.” Flurry stepped out of Carousel Boutique that day with a cloak she really wanted draped around her from her neck to her flanks, and with Rarity’s signature qualities. “It’s totally you, darling~” The white unicorn said to her. Flurry absolutely adored what Rarity cooked up for her. A baby pink velvet robe resting comfortably over Flurry Heart to cover the crinkling diaper taped around her flanks, almost completely concealed by how close to the ground the robe comes to, wrapping around the back of her hind hooves by fetlock length. The robe was adorned with fuschia trims and hearts around it. It was clasped together below her neck by a crystal blue heart-shaped broach that matched her eyes. She preferred to fold the collar down, instead of sporting it wide like Sunburst dd. A visit to the Castle Of Friendship was soon to follow, where Twilight said she’d meet up with them. Flurry always greatly enjoyed the time she spent with her aunt, and Twilight with her favorite (and only) niece. Twilight particularly was always ecstatic to see how Flurry’s magic practicing was going. After a gracious hug, she took Flurry into the library to encourage Flurry to show off her progress. But despite her enthusiasm to see Flurry’s magic in the works, Twilight was eager to get her outing started with Flurry. “I think that’ll do it for today, Flurry. How about we do something else now?” “Actually, aunty Twily, I want to play Hide-And-Seek.” “Oh, okay~ I’ll turn around and count to ten, then?” With a shake of her head, Flurry vanished in a golden flash. Her aunt wore a smirk. “She can’t trick me that easily,” Twilight thought in that instant. She disappeared from the library in her own magenta burst of light shortly after and began her search. Her practice with Starlight Glimmer and during many of her times babysitting Flurry helped her develop a read on where other ponies were going to teleport to. “Ah-ha! Too obvious!” Twilight proudly proclaimed as she burst into the kitchen, but no Flurry Heart. Twilight put a hoof to her chin; she was absolutely certain that was where she teleported to, most likely to raid the cookie jar. With another glance around the kitchen, Twilight discovered the small, white, porcelain jar already pilfered through, but no sign of her niece; she’d gotten much faster since the last time she visited. Twilight was then tasked with turning her castle upside-down looking for Flurry, with no success, and not even any golden flashes to indicate her switching spots like she normally did. Sunburst grabbed Twilight’s attention before she attempted to zap herself out of the library once more. Sunburst’s marigold-glowing horn levitated a book before her; opened to a specific page. Sunburst held a hoof up to his lips to keep Twilight from exclaiming reactionarily. Twilight read the page one more time before lighting up her horn. With her horn alight, she tentatively took steps around the library, stopping at one of the reading tables and looking underneath. She reached her hoof out toward thin air to boop Flurry on the nose, who giggled and materialized right there. “That’s a very advanced spell for somepony your age~” “How did you find me?” “Echolocation spell.” “You mean like a bat?” “Yes~ Such a smart cookie, you are.” Twilight replied ecstatically. “Any other spells you’ve learned since?” “I have one that turns books into ladybugs!” Flurry put on an innocently bright smile to her aunt, who held back a reactionary petrified gaze and veiled it with a smile of her own. “Uhm… Uhm…” Twilight looked as if she was about to break a sweat in that moment (or multiple sweats). “Yeah! Watch!” Flurry’s horn started to glow as she scrunched her face in concentration. “Flurry Heart, no!” Twilight shouted. Flurry didn’t seem to listen, continuing to ignite her spell for a few seconds before stopping abruptly. “Just kidding~” Flurry burst into laughter. Twilight blushed and scowled, turning toward Sunburst, who merely shrugged… Then let out a chuckle as soon as she turned away. “Very funny, guys.” Twilight quickly shook it off and put a cheery tone back in her voice. “Say Flurry, how would you like Aunty Twilight to take you all around Ponyville today?” Flurry took a glance back at her Crystaller, who gave her a confidence-filling nod. She was hesitant at first, but a glance down at the robe slung over her flanks put a smile on her face for her aunt. “That sounds like fun~” On their walk about, Flurry Heart, in her inquisitive nature, expressed her surprise at how Ponyville ponies behave much differently than Crystal ponies; with two alicorn princesses roaming the streets, she was surprised no-one approached them yet. Twilight explained to her that she lived in Ponyville for a couple of years before she earned her alicorn wings, and many years before she moved back to Canterlot. It’s easy to be comfortable with ponies in a position of power if one knew them before they attained it. Flurry sat at a turquoise table with her crystaller and her aunt. Before her, an excited pink pony placed a big bowl filled overtop with a gloriously flamboyant ice cream sundae. Vanilla with strawberry syrup on one half and chocolate on the other, whipped cream, sprinkles, caramel, and a cherry on top. Eyes wide, mouth agape, tongue hanging out, Flurry couldn’t wait to dig in. Sunburst didn’t even need to say anything past “go ahea-” to prompt her to do so. The young alicorn barely got a swallow in before the excited pink pony stood before her again, her face barely inches away from Flurry’s. “Well? How do you like it? How do you like it!?” Pinkie Pie’s mane bounced along with her giddy expressions. Flurry’s response was muffled. “Flurry darling,” Sunburst said, “don’t talk with your mouth full. Hold your hoof up to let other ponies know you’ll answer after you swallow.” Flurry gathered herself quickly in reaction to Sunburst’s words, dignantly wiping her mouth with a napkin bathed in her magic. “It’s very good, Pinkie Pie, thank you. I love it~” The pink bouncy pony gave a squeal before expressing how happy she was that Flurry liked her special concoction. Out of all of her aunt’s friends, Flurry connected with Pinkie Pie always right away; she was a filly in a grown-up’s body. She never really got to interact with other ponies her age, and this was the closest she got. The pink pony didn’t have the luxury of playing with Flurry Heart that day though, inhibited by her obligations at Sugarcube Corner that day. With her bowl stained by the melted remains and sprinkles of the sundae, Flurry was ready to depart. Twilight then suggested that they might have to take care of something, then promptly started to discreetly brush her hoof underneath Flurry’s robe, feeling the freshly warmed crinkling pant underneath. “Uhm, Aunty Twily,” Flurry said upon Sunburst raising his hoof and about to interject, “I can do that myself now.” Flurry kept a straight face about it toward her aunt despite her rosy cheeks. “Oh…” Twilight said, lowering the volume of her voice inconspicuously, “I’m sorry, Flurry. I forgot you’re not so little anymore. The bathroom is just over there, sweetheart.” “Oh, I don’t need to change yet, Twily.” “...But Flurry, sweetheart-” “Really, it’s fine. It’s conversation.” “Conver- Oh, conservation. Well you’re right, Flurry, you’re a big girl and can do this by yourself. But don’t be afraid to ask for help if you need it, okay?” “Don’t worry, I won’t need it.” She said with a cocky smile. A tiny bell ringing and a cacophony of clipping hooves captured Flurry’s attention, then Twilight’s, and then Sunburst’s. Three preteen fillies with matching cutie marks stormed in to fulfill a ritual at Sugarcube Corner they’ve had since they started junior high; root beer floats at the end of the school week. “Flurry Heart~” Two of the three fillies said, their prepubescent filly intonations still present in their voices. “Cutie Mark Crusaders~” Flurry said with a bright smile. Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo started cooing at her and remarking on how much she’s grown. Applebloom, however, was quiet and seemed to avoid staring at her, maybe even hiding a blush. Even though she was still pretty young, Flurry Heart quickly found admiration for the Cutie Mark Crusaders beyond just a bunch of ponies she played with when she would visit Ponyville. She admired what they did to make their mark on the world, and admired how they’ve been an integral part of many ponies’ lives since before she was even born. As a princess, Flurry knew she’d discover her destiny eventually and wasn’t in a hurry to get her cutie mark. She couldn’t imagine going through life without knowing what she was meant to be, especially when she was more worried about the possibility of not being able to be what - No - Who she was meant to be. She never received their advice directly, but through the stories she was told about them learned that everypony has problems, and that those who face them become stronger. She needed to be stronger, and with their help, she could do it without their help… But still, all the attention was nice. With a spring in her step, Flurry trotted around Ponyville with her aunt and guardian following (annoyingly slowly) behind her. She was on the verge of yelling at them to hoof it, but a cyan pegasus casting a shadow beside her caught her attention. She looked up into the sunlight-drenched sky with a hoof across her forehead to veil her eyes. The very instant she recognized her, she brought herself beside the pegasus in a literal flash. Flurry’s wings spread and flapped against the breeze. “What’s up, Squirt?” For a split second, Flurry tacked on a frown. The last time she called her “Squirt”, she didn’t take it too well; she was still insecure about her condition. But this time, it wasn’t really bad. It was endearing, in fact, funny even, and that was what she loved about Rainbow Dash; she was cocky and not intimidated by anything, especially not by being in the presence of a princess. Flurry wasn’t used to being talked to like that like anypony else. Rainbow Dash was so cool. Flurry thought to herself if she really changed her demeanor that much in such a short amount of time. “Hey Rainbow! No Wonderbolt uniform today? Is it your day off? Is this what you’ve been doing all day?” “Well, I slept in quite a bit. I got up about an hour ago and you’re looking at what I did after that.” “Rainbow Dash, it’s two in the afternoon.” She remarked with a chuckle. “That’s an early rise for a day off for me. What brings you to Ponyville, Squirt?” “Mommy and Daddy had to go to marriage counseling today, so I’m hanging out with aunty Twily~” Flurry replied with an undaunted smile. “Oh- Oh…” “Just kidding~ They’re in Canterlot on ‘royal business’” she said with a snide twinge in her tone, “and they asked if I wanted to hang out with Twily this weekend~” “Oh, well I’m glad your parents are fine, then.” Rainbow said with a nervous chuckle. Flurry giggled in response. “I thought you knew everything while you were in the sky~” Rainbow promptly flew into Flurry, holding her close and roughing up her mane. The young alicorn laughed loudly. “You’re such a stinker~” The alicorn’s laugher calmed as Rainbow pulled away. She was unphased by that comment as well. “That’s a pretty snazzy robe you’re sporting. You got that from Rarity, right?” “Yup~ How’d you know?” “I’ve known that mare for years. I may not be a fashion queen like her, but I know her style well enough. Buuut, you might not want to wear it in the summer.” “I plan to get a summer weighted one too. I got it all covered, Rainbow.” Should she make a joke about it? What would Rainbow Dash do if this was her? What if Rainbow Dash was the incontinent one? “I literally got it covered.” Rainbow Dash exhaled through her nose to suppress a laugh, then cracked a toothy smile. “You’re a tough cookie, Flurry Heart. Reaching as high into the sky as you can and letting nothing drag you down.” “The sky is blue above everyone’s head, Rainbow. Thank you~” “For what?” “For being twenty percent cooler every single day.” Rainbow flew off with a warm smile on her face and a golden flash right behind her. The day after Flurry’s thrilling weekend in Ponyville, she was on a train back to the Crystal Empire. Shining Armor and Cadance had come back from their business trip in Canterlot and awaited Flurry and Sunburst’s return. After settling in, unpacking, and changing herself, Flurry asked Sunburst to sit Shining and Cadance in the living room. “Is everything alright, Sunburst?” The pink alicorn asked him. “Did something happen in Ponyville?” “Oh no, there’s nothing to be concerned about. Your daughter simply would like to talk with you.” “I don’t quite understand-” Flurry entered the living room in her typical fashion. She appeared before her parents from a burst of light. Her chin was held up and she held a stern and serious expression the entire time. She thought it was the most formal and regal look she could muster. Sunburst, gesturing with his hoof and stepping aside, let Flurry have the floor. “Flurry Heart, what’s this about?” Shining Armor asked with a raised brow. With a deep breath and a slow blink, Flurry began her speech. “Mom, Dad, I have something to say, and I need you to listen and wait until I’m finished.” The two looked at each other, then back at their daughter. Shining perched forward and Cadance leaned back within the couch, both of them giving her their complete captivated attention. “I’m a big filly. I’m a princess. I’m not sure what being a princess is all about, but I know I’ll learn with time. But I’ll only learn if I’m treated like everypony else first; being around everypony else. “I know you want me to stay home for school because of my problem, and I know you think it’s probably better that way, but… But I’m a stronger pony than that. I can make it sometimes, and I can - No - I will change my own diapers by myself if I don’t. “I’m growing up. If I want to do something, I will work hard to do it. If I run into a problem, I’ll deal with it. And if I ever need any help, I’ll know who to come to… So I want to go to a normal school like everypony else… And… That’s it…” Her parents gazed at each other, and both of them wore a very proud smile. “Yay, my favorite dragon!” Flurry quickly embraced the little purple dragon opening the door in both her front hooves. She had just arrived in Canterlot that evening, riding a train with Sunburst. While Flurry grew a couple of inches, Spike didn’t seem to grow at all since the two years she walked around Ponyville with Twilight, and since she started going to school. “It’s great to see you too, Flurry Heart.” Spike replied with his claws gently hugging her back, but only briefly so he can show his guests inside. “Twilight’s in the library; she should be finishing up with her guest about now.” “I wasn’t aware she was having other ponies in her castle today.” Sunburst tilted his head in place of putting a hoof to his chin, still following the young dragon. “You know how princesses can be. There’s always something going on, especially since Celestia and Luna retired. I’ve lost count of how many times Equestria needed saving a long time ago.” Faint voices emanated through the stairway as Spike led Sunburst and Flurry down toward Twilight’s library. One of the voices was well-presumed to be Twilight’s, but the other belonged to a stallion. “Oh, I know where she is!” Flurry said with a wide smile. Sunburst urged her to wait, but by then, Flurry was already gone in a golden flash, followed by brief startling echoing through the stairs. Another voice was thrown into the mix, which Sunburst was sure he recognized as Starlight Glimmer’s. With a sigh, the orange stallion continued to follow Spike to the library. The unicorn thought he’d recognize the male voice as it became clearer, but it only grew more unfamiliar to him. “I mean, it takes a lot of practice to really get a feel for neural oscillations, but like I told Twilight before, I can’t teleport to save my life.” “So are you psychic?” An enthusiastic Flurry voice boomed. “Can you read minds? Can you see the future? Can you tell what I’m thinking right now?” The stallion gave a short chuckle to all of Flurry’s questions. “No, technically no, no, and you’re thinking that I can tell what you’re thinking right now.” “Aunty Twily, he’s good~” Sunburst found the ponies congregated at one of the study tables; Flurry, Twilight, Starlight, and a male unicorn he didn’t recognize, his mane red-orange with contrasting red eyes. “Well, I think I’ll take my leave for the day.” The red-maned unicorn said. “No wait, don’t go!” Flurry said. “Try to find me first!” And in another golden flash, Flurry was gone. “Flurry, come on out.” Twilight said. “I don’t think he has enough time for-” “It’s okay, I can find her.” The stallion only took a couple of hoofsteps around the library before crouching down and pressing his hoof against an invisible Flurry’s nose. “Here she is.” Flurry reappeared before him. “How did you know?” “I feel other ponies’ emotions, remember? I just had to follow where yours were coming from.” Mind prepared again to take his leave before Twilight stopped him to whisper in his ear. “I suppose I could, if that’s alright with her.” Twilight turned to her niece with a smile. “Flurry, could you let Mind try another trick?” Flurry enthusiastically nodded, then remained still upon Twilight’s command. Sky blue magic radiated from Mind Fission’s horn. The overwhelming amount of bouncing brimming life within her magic almost distracted him from the task given to him by the princess. After almost a minute of magically examining Flurry, the magic around Mind’s horn faded as he cracked a smile. “Well, you certainly are special. I’ve never felt anypony with magic as vivacious as yours; not even Princess Celestia.” “I get told something like that a lot~” Flurry said, still smiling. Her attention was then drawn toward Spike calling her name and saying he wanted to show her something. She eagerly followed the young dragon. Twilight cleared her throat before she dared to ask the question. “So… What do you think?” “Well, I assume she was diagnosed with stress incontinence, correct?” Sunburst confirmed with Mind’s inquiry. “The fascia in her pelvic floor is incredibly weak. There really isn’t much that can be done about that.” “Not even with your magic?” “Even I can’t create muscle tissue, Twilight. I’m sorry.” “It’s not your fault,” the purple mare replied, “I just figured I’d ask. She’s been taking it well lately, but she did have a hard time with it a couple years ago.” Another burst of gold light flashed before the three ponies. “So is there a cure for me?” Flurry asked enthusiastically. “That was what you were talking about, right?” Mind was hesitant to answer, looking at Twilight and Sunburst in hopes of a response from one of them first. It didn’t take a pony with the red-maned stallion’s abilities to tell their tongues were stayed by rampant nerves. “No cure yet, I’m afraid.” Mind said, nervousness completely masked. Twilight and Sunburst gave him a skeptical gaze. “What? I didn’t say I was done honing my skills. But no, no cure yet, Flurry.” Flurry’s eye-contact broke to the floor and her lips pursed for a very brief moment before she looked back up at the red-eyed pony with a warm smile. “That’s okay~ I’ve gotten over it. I’m not my disability, I’m Flurry Heart~” “Well then, I’d say you already found your best cure; confidence.” “I am very confident~ I’m confident because my life is my own.” Mind gave a chuckle as he turned and started to let himself out. “Well Flurry, I have to be going. Dazzle me if we ever meet again.” “I’ll practice hard~” “And hey, if you’re my patient in ten years, I can recommend some good brands.” “But I like my robe.” Mind halted himself at the stairs up. “I wasn’t talking about the robe, dear.” Flurry blushed, but chuckled at the notion. “Anyway, I better not miss my train back to Ponyville. Mantra has been aching for me to come home this weekend.” “I thought you go home every weekend.” Twilight asked with a raised brow. “I do.” “We should probably be getting ready too.” Sunburst said. “The Canterlot Theater’s quite a walk away from here.” Crinkles were hidden within the congestion of voices throughout the theater as Flurry took her seat, her pink robe concealed the source. The stage below the balcony was well lit and barren underneath a giant banner with a logo for the Ponyville Philharmonic String Quartet. Starlight Glimmer started talking about dinner plans for after the concert, mentioning that her and Sunburst went to a nice steak restaurant the last time they were in Canterlot. Before they could decide, the lights dimmed, and strings started fading in within the sudden darkness of the pitch black theater. > Chapter 3: Barstool Dash > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rainbow streaks zipped through vigorous gusts and raining rocks. The multicolored trail faded from its tail; serpentines and zig-zags prefaced a sharp nosedive into the deep canyon below. Try as she might, the cyan pegasus lay collapsed in the dirt with both her wings broken and a sprained left hind hoof. She narrowly escaped being crushed by a falling boulder, tripping over her own hooves, then finding herself unable to stand once more. Even her screams felt crippled, and then completely silenced. She wanted to cry. She really wanted to cry. After a lengthened blink, the blue pegasus felt her wounds dissipate. She gazed up at a suddenly materialized indigo ceiling. She then looked down to see herself lay cradled in a pair of dark blue hooves with silver slippers as radiant as moonlight. Her voice and her embrace was familiar, but Rainbow couldn’t put her hoof on who they belonged to, but they seemed bigger than she remembered- No, the mare wasn’t bigger. She suddenly noticed a thick fluffy diaper snuggly wrapped around her groin, spreading her hind legs apart. She would’ve been waddling if she actually had to worry about walking. But why wasn’t she worried about walking? She gratefully accepted a bottle of warm milk finding its way in between her lips, the bottle being wrapped in a sky blue aura. “Now be a good filly. Relax and drink up.” The taste of the sweet warm milk splashed her tongue. What did she want to cry about? There wasn’t a reason to cry. There wasn’t even a reason to keep her heavying eyes open. A scratchy voice let out a huge yawn. With one of the best dreams she ever had and the sun fully risen, the blue pegasus, refreshed in body and mind, was ready to start her day. Silence was broken by a very noisy crinkle elicited by her hind legs, staying them from kicking off the covers. She smiled gleefully and rolled onto her belly, enticed by the noise of the thick garment grasping her plot; a noise that reminded her that everything was okay, that everything was just fine… Until she felt a relaxing release spill into the awaiting pant, the thick diaper between her hind hooves warming and swelling; now everything was just fine. She closed her eyes again and promised herself five more minutes; five more minutes of loafing around in her bed with her eyes closed and her brain alight with thoughts of... “Oh. My. Gosh!” Rainbow Dash couldn’t have sprung out of her bedsheets any faster even if she were sleeping in a toaster. “I have to go to Canterlot for the Special Premiere Wonderbolts Derby tonight!” Rainbow Dash said, her feathery wings flapping as she paced around the room. The special premiere of the Wonderbolts derby was a newly introduced nightly event to be held in Canterlot that was meant to kick off an Equestrian Wonderbolts tour. “At night! Do you know what that means!?” The tortoise she flew down toward gave a slow stretch and a long yawn in response. “It means that Princess Luna is going to be there, and she’s going to be thinking about the dream I had about her! I can’t race with her thinking about that!” Tank slowly retracted into his shell with his eyes closed. “Are you for real?” With her pet exhausted of her meanderings, she readied herself for the day ahead, saying to herself that she didn’t want to be late for Wonderbolt practice. Although she retired her Equestrian reign, ponies have claimed to have had Princess Luna perusing through their dreams, still adamant about helping others with their inner demons and to help preserve the integrity of their psyches. Rainbow Dash soared with much discipline, knowing she had the post-derby routine down like the back of her hoof, but it only served to exacerbate the thoughts of the dream plaguing her without much to take it off her mind. Rainbow Dash’s friends had already known for a while, some were wily enough to figure it out on their own before she came out to them. Rainbow Dash always had a soft sensitive side to her that was often masked by her dominant extroverted personality; a side of her that was exposed only to her friends, and very rarely. Being an adult foal could easily manifest within a pony of her traits. The last locker slam of the day echoed in the pegasus’ head alongside the wind whistling in her ears as she made her way to Canterlot. Although practice went well, and with no complaint from the other Wonderbolts to prove it, the pegasus didn’t feel completely in her zone. Rainbow’s first consult for her situation was the Princess Of Friendship herself, and ruler of Equestria. The blue pegasus surmised that Twilight Sparkle, with her insight and intuition, would’ve had to have read something helpful to her situation at one point in life, or at the very least have some signature sage advice. “Yikes,” the purple alicorn said, “that is a little hard to swallow. But I still don’t think it’s likely Princess Luna knows or even remembers with how many dreams she walks through every night.” “Please, Twilight, you don’t think out of all the dreams Luna decides to watch, she would pick out any other dream?” “Rainbow Dash, Luna sees odd dreams all the time. And I’m sure she’s even seen sex dreams about her many times. And there’s a good chance she probably didn’t even see your dream last night. It’s not a big deal.” “‘Twilight, it was an AF- A foal-” Rainbow took a hard swallow at what she was about to admit. “It was that kind of dream, and it was about Luna. What if you had the hottest sex dream in the world and it turned out it was with Princess Celestia?” Twilight stumbled over a response to her, nearly hyperventilating at the very thought. “And then you had to perform one of your magic exams in front of-” “Okay, I get it, I get it.” Twilight hastily replied, still collecting herself. “Well, her and I would both know that it wouldn’t have meant anything. Dreams usually don’t. You really don’t have anything to worry about.” The cyan pegasus gave a nervous hum, unconvinced. Twilight had to hold back a sigh as she spread her wings to place her hoofs on the pacing pegasus’ shoulders and gently lower her to her hooves with a sincere gaze into her eyes. “Rainbow Dash, I care about you, I really do, and I want to help you, but you have to be willing to help yourself.” “Twilight, I-” “And I know you want to help yourself, too.” The purple alicorn said upon releasing her. Rainbow couldn’t help herself from breaking eye contact and her eyes being drawn toward the floor. “Twilight, it just seems like ever since I started getting into this foal thing, I’m just not who I am anymore.” “I know; it’s a big adjustment. I just want you to know I’m here for you if you need anything.” Rainbow Dash, while truly grateful for Twilight’s words and friendship, she didn’t have any first-hoof experience with having a fetish until recently, and neither did Twilight. The alicorn never thought being a shoulder for her friends after their experience facing three of their fiercest nemeses would’ve been a breeze compared to helping Rainbow Dash come to terms with accepting a part of herself. In her defense, this part of herself was something anypony else could perceive as the antithesis of the daring, brash, confident badass the pegasus was well-renowned for. Moonlight paled in comparison to how festively lit Canterlot was that night. Lines to the concession stands trailed into the streets. Racing bets were being made within the generous amount of time until the actual derby. Naturally, Rainbow Dash was compelled to take a look at it all from a bird’s-eye view. She swooped down and called out to her five favorite ponies as soon as she spotted them. “Hey, you all made it!” “You didn’t expect us not to come, did you, darling?” Rarity said to the blue pegasus, who was gesturing a hoof up to politely refuse a bite from an enormous baked pretzel three times her size clutched in Pinkie Pie’s hooves. “You guys really are the best friends a pony could have. You know that, right?” “Goodness, we wouldn’t miss this for anything in the world.” Fluttershy said with a smile. “You know we always have your back, girl,” Applejack said in her usual southern droll, “you got this, Rainbow Dash.” “Well girls, we should probably go find our seats.” Twilight suggested. “Do you want to tag along, Rainbow?” “Twilight, the race isn’t for another two hours.” Rainbow, putting trust in one of her best friends, naively dejected off Twilight trying to have her accompany them to find their seats; where all the princesses sit. “I know, but it’s been a while since I caught up with Princess Celestia.” “Well, don’t let us stop you, dear.” Rarity said. “We can all just meet up at our seats just before the race starts. I owe Fancy Pants a much needed reacquaintance myself.” “I can try out more festival food in the meantime!” Pinkie Pie then harshly swallowed the salty treat that was muffling her words. “I hear there’s a popcorn stand that gives you a bag of kernels that actually pop, but only in your mouth!” After nodding and agreeing, the six ponies and purple dragon all went their separate ways. Once their hooves started making tracks, Twilight turned around and wrapped her hooves around Rainbow Dash. “I know you got this.” The blue pegasus smiled as her friends walked on ahead. The smile faded fast from her muzzle. “Am I really that terrified of facing Luna?” In the very corner of her hearing, she heard ice clinking in a glass and a familiar voice call out to her that snapped her out of her thoughts. “Long time no see, Rainbow Dash.” The pegasus turned toward the source of the voice; a white unicorn with a red spiky mane sitting at the bar with a purple drink cusped in his sky blue magic. A half smile creeped below his red eyes. “Mind Fission.” “The one and only.” “What are you doing here?” “It’s a bar, what do you think?” The pegasus flared her nostrils and rolled her eyes with a smirk. “I’m here to cheer you on, of course. I’ve never been to a Wonderbolts Derby before.” “Are you sure you didn’t come here all the way from Ponyville for Canterlot Cocktails?” She asked as her wings carried her over to the barstool next to him. “Well yeah, that’s a bonus, the drinks here are divine, but I actually go to school in Canterlot now, so it’s not that big of a journey. Hey, if you want a drink, it’s on me.” “Thanks, but I need to be able to fly straight tonight.” “Just figured I’d offer. Some ponies like to harden their nerves before going on stage, others prefer a bit of liquid courage to calm them.” “Well, you know my nerves are made of steel. The Wonderbolts derby is great; you’re gonna’ love it. I’ve done this plenty of times. Tonight’s going to be cake.” “Rainbow Dash, have you forgotten who you’re talking to?” “I don’t know what you’re…” Why was she lying to him, of all ponies? She stared down at the bar, leaning her hooves on it. “Let me help. Tell me what’s bugging you.” “This isn’t exactly the best place to talk about it.” “Hmm… ‘Dear Mind Fission, I know it’s short notice, but here’s a ticket to tonight’s special premiere Wonderbolts Derby. Blah blah blah blah blah. Sincerely yours, Twilight Sparkle.’” “She told you!?” Rainbow said with an incredulous gaze toward the unicorn. “I think she figured it’d be easier if you talked to somepony else with first-hoof experience. I’ve had a few dreams like that, and Luna has seen them.” “I mean, I usually just brush off these dreams too, but Luna is going to be here tonight.” “I see.” He said as his magic lifted his glass to his lips, sending another rush of the purple concoction down his throat. “So you understand my problem?” “Mhm,” he swallowed while nodding, “your problem is that you still don’t accept yourself.” “What? No! My problem is that Luna knows what ponies dream about and when I perform tonight, she’s only going to see me as a freak.” “Exactly, you haven’t accepted yourself.” “What are you talking about? Of course I have.” “No, you haven’t. You’ve accepted that this is a part of you, but you treat it like a curse; that’s not true acceptance. And maybe Luna entered your dream last night because she knows this is what you’re struggling with and she wants to help you. And clearly if she’s walking into your dreams and creating these scenarios to help you cope, then the only pony here who thinks you’re a freak is yourself.” Rainbow Dash couldn’t even come up with a response to that; she hadn’t even thought about the possibility that Luna herself was in her dream. Twilight probably didn’t even think about that. Luna herself giving Rainbow Dash a bottle feeding in her dream; it never crossed her mind because it sounded impossibly absurd, but was it truly impossible? “Honey, I found her!” Rainbow’s ear flicked at the familiar voice referring to her. She had to hold back a reactionary grimace; she wanted to be annoyed at them showing up, but she learned long ago not to take them for granted. “I can’t believe it was so hard to find the greatest Wonderbolt of all time!” Rainbow turned in her barstool, and there they were; Windy Whistles with Bow Hothoof trailing behind her. “Mom, Dad. I’m, uhm, glad you could make it~” “Wouldn’t miss it for anything in the world, dear.” Windy replied. “Best Wonderbolt ever! You got first place in the bag.” That was the third time that night; nopony telling her “good luck”, just that she had this. At the sound of ice clinking around in a glass, Windy turned toward the pony sitting next to her daughter. “I’m sorry, dear. I didn’t mean to interrupt.” “No, it’s okay, Mom~” Rainbow almost felt an actual lightbulb over her head. “I was just about to leave.” “Rainbow, you never told me your mother was a gem.” Mind said. Rainbow had to question herself if he had telepathy too; the lightbulb she thought she was feeling burned out, and all she could feel then was the unicorn’s toothy wiley grin. “Who’s your friend, Rainbow?” Windy said with a flattered intonation. “I’m Mind Fission, ma’am.” “Well,” Bow chimed in, “you’re a lucky stallion to have the raddest awesomest pony in Equestria as a friend~” “Can I buy you a drink, sir? A round of shots on me.” Mind proposed. “Haha, I like your thinking, but no thanks. We’ve been sober since Windy gave birth to our awesome daughter.” “Dad,” Rainbow said while the unicorn sent more of the purple liquid down his throat, “we all know that’s a lie.” “Yeah,” Mind, while swallowing, concurred with his horn’s magic seemingly cusping his glass, “your wife, yes. But your hair markers tell me your last drink was twenty-two days ago… Way longer than I could go for. But yes, your daughter is quite amazing, indeed.” “She is, isn’t she?” Windy said, Bow confirming despite Rainbow’s cheeks practically bursting into flames; the unicorn’s chuckles didn’t help either. “You know, she did fly around the world a couple years ago.” “Mom, no!” Rainbow said with widened eyes. “I mean, uhm. Haha. No, Mom, you’re too much.” “Isn’t she so humble?” “The humblest pony of all time.” Mind said with a cheeky grin and his glowing horn carrying two brimming-full shot glasses, gesturing with them. “To Rainbow Dash?” “To Rainbow Dash!” Windy and Bow shouted. Rainbow only wondered when in Tartarus he ordered the shots. “Huzzah!” Mind said still gesturing the glasses. “Somepony take one of these~” He urged half conspicuously, which captured a shrug out of Bow Hothoof. “For our daughter (and because you’re buying).” Mind’s magic handed a shot glass to Bow and the two stallions sent their pinches of clear hard liquor down the hatch. Bow winced and exhaled reactionarily in front of the undaunted unicorn. “My- Whoo! Rmph! You sure can handle your drinks, son.” “Well, dear, we have a whole festival to see and a daughter with a big night ahead of her. We’ll see you on the track, Rainbow. Make us proud~” “Yeah…” Her parents didn’t bat an eye at the apprehension in her tone. “Have a good time.” Rainbow Dash bid her parents a fond farewell with a smile before turning toward Mind Fission again. “I am so sorry about that.” Rainbow said. “It’s whatever,” Mind replied, “it’s a chapter in my life that I’ve accepted a long time ago, among other things I’ve come to accept.” Rainbow gave a heavy sigh. “Look Mind, I get what you’re saying, and I appreciate it, but I don’t exactly have the luxury of indulging in this as much as you do.” The unicorn flapped his lips with a roll of his eyes. “Everypony who’s into this has their own lives. It’s not a contest to see who’s the best purger or binger, and it’s most certainly not a contest to see who can swim fastest upstream.” “Mind, I-” “Hey, Rainbow… This is going to sound random, but I’ve been aching to play on a Tennis court in Canterlot since I was a colt.” “Are you challenging me to a sport?” “Only if you think you’re up to the challenge.” “Again, you’re challenging me to a sport.” “One set. Two games.” The unicorn replied, undaunted. “You down?” Mind dribbled the neon yellow ball firmly with his hoof, then clutched it with his sky blue magic as he stared down the court. The cool night breeze contrasted with the warm court lights. The pegasus wore a confident smirk while spinning her racquet in her wing. The facts didn’t lie; she was an all-around athlete and he was a nursing student; an “egghead” as Rainbow Dash would put it. “Go Rainbow Dash!” Said a high-pitched voice from the stands. Rainbow turned her head to smile at her pink friend with a bag of popcorn kernels. She heard another mare’s Canterlot-posh voice murmuring as she turned her head back to Mind. “I say, what’s this about? Isn’t that one of the Wonderbolts?” “Yup! Rainbow Dash versus Mind Fission in an epic, hang-on-the-edge-of-your-seat, game of Tennis! Well, the game hasn’t started yet, but when Rainbow Dash is playing, you know it’s going to be good!” The red-maned unicorn tossed the ball into the air, and his hooves barely left the ground as he sent the ball flying into the pegasus’ court. Rainbow watched Mind’s racquet grace the ball. She blinked and the ball was bouncing in her court in that instant. The ball reached to dodge her forehoof swing. Her wing mightily reached for it, the ball cracking against her racquet and sending it back over the net in a high lob. Her composure was heavily rattled; he almost aced her on the first serve. Almost. She still hit it back, typical for somepony as awesome as her. Her pupils shrank as she watched an undaunted unicorn casually walk toward the ball’s landing spot. Mind’s telekinesis gave his racquet a mighty overhead swing to send the ball crashing deep into the advantage corner of her court. A rainbow streak desperately went for a ball that already passed her, and even though she hit the ball, it ended up soaring off to the side and into the stands. “Good attempt,” Mind said, “but nopony would’ve been able to hit that back from where you were, not even a pony with your speed.” She growled, mostly at herself, then continued breathing heavily through her nose. “Sometimes you have to accept that you’re going to get balls that will force you into impossible situations, and you need to just let them pass by to avoid unnecessarily straining yourself.” “What’s that supposed to mean?” “15-Love.” Mind said as he tossed the ball into the air once again. His racquet sent it into her court, almost straight down the center line, barely crossing into her box. Rainbow made a desperate lunge to return a ball that most players wouldn’t have even attempted to from where she was standing. Her lunge carried her over to the end of her deuce side in a rainbow streak. The unicorn made another deep corner shot that sent the ball back as far away from Rainbow without it going out. In another rainbow streak, she returned the ball weakly, but successfully. Mind’s racquet faced the ground and barely grazed the ball back over the net. The ball bounced over in Rainbow’s court, its backspin carrying it back into the net on her side. Rainbow zipped up to it fast enough to watch it all happen and to hear the astonished reaction from the crowd, now bigger than it was before. “What in Equestria was that?” “Your speed and reaction time are impeccable, Rainbow, but you need to maintain more control over center court to keep yourself from tiring out, and it’ll help make shots more possible.” Rainbow Dash’s nostrils flared as she turned away. “What a plothole.” She thought to herself. “Hits it deep to the right. Hits it deep to the left. Drops it and spins it back into my own net. ‘Why didn’t you stay in the center?’ He asks.” She gave a sigh. The two returned to their starting positions, Mind stood particularly close to the center mark. He sent another ball flying at a remarkable speed. The ball cut deep into the service box and fast too; it could’ve been missed in the blink of an eye. She reached for the ball, only to have it soar past her faster than a sonic rainboom with no contact. “40-love.” “What!? That was wide, Fission!” “I can show you the fibers on the line, Rainbow.” The pegasus huffed, knowing she had no room to argue with him there, even though she really wanted to. “Game point.” Rainbow tried to regain her composure. She steeled herself for another lightning bolt for the unicorn to throw at her. She stood far back from the base line and reminded herself to watch the left side; odds are if she’s far back, he’ll try to go for that wide gaping opening; if she predicts it, she’ll have time to react. “You got this, Rainbow Dash!” Pinkie yelled from the stands. Both of the players had to smile at that. Rainbow watched Mind toss the ball in the air, then send it crashing down. It seemed slower that time, or maybe she was just better prepared for it. She almost smirked at how proud she was to predict where he was going to serve it, but the unicorn wasn’t going to let her smirk for free. Despite a good return from the cyan pegasus, Mind inched himself closer to the net to go on the attack and finish her off. Rainbow zipped her way up to the net, returning the ball back to him once again. Mind had to keep himself from wiley grinning as he put the face of his racquet toward the ground and lobbed the ball high. Rainbow couldn’t let this one soar over her head, and she reacted perfectly in that instant. A lob shot like that would’ve went over a unicorn’s reach, but not Rainbow Dash’s, who was able to send the ball straight into the ground from up high. Mind watched as he was helpless to stop the ball from scoring a clean point for the pegasus. He couldn’t hold back his toothy half smile, and the audience couldn’t hold back their applause. While Equestrian Tennis rules prohibited players from flying higher than the height of the net, they also prohibited unicorns from levitating their racquet out of their physical reach. Pegasi had a big advantage over unicorns for reaching for balls higher up, and it was at this moment the unicorn started to feel as if he actually had to adapt. Now the game was fun; now a game point was in jeopardy. Mind reconvened to his deuce side and stared down the court at the blue pegasus, utterly surprised she was focused and not gloating up a storm, especially over such a magnificent shot. The unicorn flapped his lips in a heavy exhale and prepared his next serve; he was so caught up in his winning streak that he overlooked that there was much more to this match- No, this game than in a simple sparring match with his Tennis partner. “40-15.” The unicorn swung his racquet down, sending the ball straight into the net. A twitch then a sudden stop came out of Rainbow Dash in reaction. A sky blue glow wrapped around the ball and floated back over to the unicorn, who flapped his lips once more, his nostrils flaring and his composure rattled at such a silly fault. On his second serve and on game point, he threw the ball in the air and sent a very predictable serve down Rainbow’s court. She returned it swiftly, sending it back just as fast as he served it. The unicorn sent the ball back at a speed that contradicted the idea of keeping ball speed controllable to keep it in the court, and it most certainly would’ve gone out if it didn’t crash into the tip of the net. The ball’s speed decreased drastically and where it would land was unpredictable, other than the fact that it was most certainly in. Rainbow flew swiftly toward the ball and returned it with a loud crack. Mind was able to hit it back with the same speed he did before, the ball clipping the top of the net once again. The pegasus couldn’t believe he did that on purpose twice in a row, but her adrenaline dejected it off and she sent the ball past the unicorn and deep into the back corner of his court. Mind lunged for the ball, only having it graze his racquet before it fell fast and weakly on the ground just before him. “Fantastic shot, Dash.” The unicorn managed to say before his voice was swelled over by another roar from the crowd. “Let’s go Rainbow, let’s go!” Stomp stomp stomp! “Let’s go Rainbow, let’s go!” The pink squealing pony stomped her hooves into the bleachers three times more. Mind stood behind the back baseline of his advantage side and gave another flare through his nostrils to tighten his focus. “40-30.” He tossed the ball up in the air before him, and upon reaching its apex, he already saw when, where, and how he was going to strike this ball. This serve was going to be perfect. The ball was slammed over the net at a speed that was a lot for either player to keep track of, touching the back service line. Rainbow Dash held her racquet in a spot she hoped it would travel; swinging at it would cause the ball to go out of control, and simply blocking the shot would give the unicorn a wide open opportunity. But at that point, Rainbow Dash didn’t really care anymore, and not from apathy, but inspiration. This unicorn’s performance wasn’t deterred at all despite the fact that she knew that behind the scenes, he wore diapers for fun. He did even more than just wear them for fun. Why was he being so awesome while she was worried about racing; doing something that she really loved to do regardless of what ponies thought of her? Why was she so afraid of this side of her? She’s Rainbow Dash, and she’s the epitome of awesome. And Luna didn’t walk into her dream to watch her be pathetic at the Wonderbolts Derby. Mind Fission returned the slow high lob back into the ground and sent it to the side, out of anypony’s reach. The unicorn received respectable applause from the crowd but only a roar from the pink pony spilling popcorn kernels all over the stands. “You gave me that, didn’t you?” “I didn’t think a single game would last as long as it did.” She said with a smirk. He quipped back to that smirk with a quick roll of his eyes. “I guess we’re done for the night, then?” “Yeah, I don’t want to overextend before the race.” “That’s fine, I think I made my point.” They both started walking off the court beside each other, the audience proceeding to disperse as well. “We should play again at a better time; playing a pegasus is a whole different game than playing another unicorn, or Twilight for that matter.” “Twilight played Tennis with you? How’d that go?” “She had good form, good strategy, and knew all the rules, but she couldn’t score a single point against me, and I even let her teleport.” Rainbow Dash gave a spackle of laughter. “You know, if you’re ever down to play any other games, you and I could play Barstool Warrior sometime.” “What in Equestria is that?” “A padded drinking contest to see whose…” he brought his voice down to a hush, “you know what lasts longer.” “I don’t know if I’m as good a drinker as you.” “I wouldn’t doubt you being able to hold your apple cider.” “Well,” Rainbow Dash said with a chuckle, “I can hold my apple cider.” “Besides, alcohol turns you into a super soaker even if you’re stone-cold sober.” “I’m surprised Mantra lets somepony your age play a game like this.” “Please, you’d be clocking out faster than she did.” “Is that a challenge, Fission?” “Two warriors, two diapers, one supreme soggybutt.” The unicorn proudly proclaimed, knowing nopony else wasn’t any longer in earshot. “The Impenetrable Fission versus Barstool Dash! Who will come out on top (of the changing table first)?” The two shared a good laugh. Rainbow Dash meekly opened her eyes before a bright celestial path that expanded into the darkness of a star-scattered cosmos. She veiled her eyes with the shade of her wing. Her narrowing pupils helped her adjust to the bright path. “Congratulations on your victory, Rainbow Dash.” The pegasus merely blinked and the source of the voice appeared; the dark gray alicorn with the majestic flowing azure mane she saw in her last dream standing off to the side before her. “Beating Soarin by the tip of a hoof.” Her hooves clipped along the path as the princess walked toward Rainbow. “I hear a lot of ponies were actually betting on him. I remember being the underdog once.” The pegasus said snarkily. “You? The underdog? Since when?” The two mares laughed it off. “I’m glad to see that dream I gave you last night really paid off; I felt kind of bad putting you in a twist, but it seemed to have all worked out well.” “Uhm yeah…” Rainbow said with a hoof behind her head. “I didn’t expect you to… To get so saucy with it.” “‘Saucy’?” Luna replied with a chuckle. “I didn’t think ageplay was that intimate to you.” “It isn’t!” Rainbow replied with widened eyes. “I mean, it is, but- I mean- Oh my gosh, I don’t know. It’s like- It hammers buttons, but not in a kinky way.” Her cheeks flushed pink and her eyes darted off. “Maybe a bit in a kinky way, kinda’.” Princess Luna gave a hum, respectfully listening to the pegasus’ words. “You know, Luna, I didn’t have any of these feelings until I met a diaper-wearing mind controller.” “Mind Fission isn’t the reason why you were unable to accept those feelings, Rainbow Dash.” “I know… I know…” She said while shaking her head then glancing off into the darkness. She couldn’t look the princess in the eye again until after she felt she had a good answer. “I mean, I’m not worried about anypony else finding out… Not anymore… I’m not letting it shape who I am in front of anypony else. What Mind said just makes so much sense; I just feel silly now, for worrying about it like I did. Why is accepting this so hard when he makes it sound so easy?” “He started having these feelings at a very young age, Rainbow Dash. He spent years treating this like a curse.” “A curse… Yeah…” In that moment, Rainbow Dash felt a spark, something to help her feel more optimistic. “Well, I don’t really have a problem accepting it anymore.” Luna hummed again. “Just… Understanding it… But… Maybe that’s okay.” Luna then cracked a smile, waiting patiently for the pegasus to expand on that. “Maybe I don’t really need to understand something to accept it - to enjoy it, even.” The pegasus then turned herself toward Luna with a confident fire in her eyes. Luna then didn’t want to stop smiling. “And I have the greatest friends in the world. Everyone pushing me to be my best and helping me feel awesome even when they don’t understand parts of me that I don’t understand myself. I’ll always have a pony who has my back when I need it. Thank you very much, Princess Luna.” “My pleasure, Rainbow Dash.” “It’s funny. I kinda’ wish I had more to say.” The flustered cyan pegasus remained awake only briefly. Why did she have to wake up? She didn’t want her heart-to-heart to end, and she attempted to fall back asleep, rolling onto her side with crinkles. Her eyelids flew back up upon her doorbell chiming throughout her cloudominium. A guest at this ungodly hour!? ...It was quarter after noon, but it didn’t make waking up after her eventful night any less a task. “I really REALLY don’t want to take this off right now.” Rainbow thought to herself while she scrambled to find something to cover her diaper. Her interaction with Mind Fission left quite an impression on her; yesterday’s Rainbow Dash would’ve frantically ripped her diaper off and wiped herself thoroughly to avoid any sort of suspicion from anyone, usually ending with her answering to no-one at the door from taking so long. Now, if whoever was at the door was a friend, they wouldn’t judge, and if it was just a courier, they wouldn’t be nosy enough to suspect a diaper underneath somepony else’s pants. The front door to the cloudominium swung open to reveal the cyan pegasus in a pair of average navy flannel pajamas. Before her was Twilight Sparkle, with saddlebags by her sides and looking bushy-tailed, closing in for a hug. “Congratulations~” Rainbow Dash felt all warm and cracked a smile, wrapping her hooves around Twilight as well. As they pulled away, Twilight caught a glimpse of the crinkling garment peeking from under Rainbow’s pants, no thanks to her short shirt. “You congratulated me last night, Twi.” “I know.” “Let me guess; Pinkie’s throwing a party?” “No- Well, yeah, but not until later tonight. I came over because I have a present for you.” “Oooh, what’d you get me?” Rainbow asked enthusiastically, unintentionally breaking out a yawn from her abrupt awakening. Twilight’s horn glowed its signature magenta, and a purple flash barely peeked in through the doorway. With wide eyes, Rainbow peered around her front door frame to find nothing where the flash came from. “Behind you~” Twilight said to her with a smirk. The purple alicorn proceeded to let herself in, closing the door behind her, while her pegasus friend ripped the sky blue cloud-covered wrapping paper off a medium size box. Twilight briefly used her magic to peel off the end of the long strip of packing tape sealing the box, which Rainbow finished ripping off with her teeth. Rainbow’s heart was aflutter. Mixed emotions plagued her as she stared down at a pink plastic package. In bold white letters circling around the design of a foalish looking garment, it read “Foal-At-Heart” toward the upper part of the circle, and “Filly Fun Diapers” underneath. The garment displayed on the package was mostly white with pink trails lacing the leg gathers, and the landing zone had foalish outlines of stars, blocks, and rattles. Rainbow Dash’s face lit up in a bright inferno. “I figured after your ordeal yesterday, you could’ve used something to unwind, and I wanted to get one of my best friends a gift that really meant a lot to her.” Twilight tried to retain her composure, but she was genuinely nervous at how Rainbow was going to take it. “Ohmygosh~ I didn’t expect…” The purple alicorn was relieved when Rainbow Dash turned to her with a smile. “Thanks, Twilight.” “Do you want to wear one right now?” The question came out a little bit more enthusiastically than Twilight thought it would. Why did she even ask that? Why did the pegasus’ tone feel... Feel wanting? Rainbow’s pupils turned into small dots. Twilight recalled being told that a good caretaker imposes, not asks. For the moment, Twilight realized she had to treat Rainbow not as an equal and to assert the rules to the game she was about to play. “I can do this, it’ll just be like taking care of Spike when he was a hatchling.” “Twilight, I uhm…” Rainbow Dash was at a complete loss for words. She just woke up from a wonderful dream to be brought into another. “How about we head into the living room to try these things out?” Before she could say anything, an impulsive flash of purple put Rainbow right in her living room before her couch. Twilight’s saddlebags were being set on the floor next to them, clearly not with the intention of putting them off to the side. “But Twilight, are you sure you-” A purple hoof was put up to her lips, Rainbow’s pupils shrunk even more. “You don’t have to say anything.” Rainbow Dash felt herself being lifted up in magic and turned onto her back to be gently lowered to the floor. The cyan pegasus felt like she was seeing new colors, her heart pounded in her chest, and she didn’t want to complain about any of it; it all felt so right to her, to be treated the antithesis of the independent badass that she normally was. She wondered if this was that magical feeling Mind mentioned to her before; little space. The unicorn told her about it right before she went to the locker room, but shrugged it off in the face of a newfound light and a race to win. She actually forgot he mentioned it until she found herself laying on the floor before a mare using magic to pry off her pants. Twilight loomed over her with her horn still glowing. Rainbow’s pajama bottoms slid off and completely exposed her crinkling rear. Taped across Rainbow’s waist was a plain white medical adult diaper with a yellow stripe down the center of the groin. She hoped it wasn’t noticeable, but Rainbow gazed down at the obvious yellow splotch that contrasted with the white pant and the yellow stripe faded to green within the spread butterscotch tint, and she knew it was clear as day. If Twilight weren’t right above her, she would’ve squirmed much more than she did. No words, only a smile laced Twilight’s lips. No, Rainbow swore she saw it become a smirk in a split second. Her flannel shirt was lifted well above her waist in Twilight’s magic. Her magic also opened one of the saddlebags, then proceeded to retrieve a bottle of foal powder and a sample pack of adult sized wipes. “I’m going to get changed! I’m going to get changed!” It was sweet enough for Twilight to offer to diaper her, but changing a diaper, a used adult diaper, was another level, another level that it seemed she planned, even. Rainbow’s plot was lifted by her hind legs within the alicorn’s magic while one of the pink foalish diapers slid underneath. Magic wrapped around the four tapes, and with a loud rip, the sodden garment was carefully undone. Rainbow felt the draft strike her bare plot right away and watched Twilight prepare one of the appropriately huge wipes. The cold wipe ran swiftly and gently across Rainbow’s plot, then her privates. She learned first-hoof in that moment that adult wipes were infinitely better than actual foal wipes; an investment she would definitely need to take. With her area now cleansed, Twilight scooped away the soggy garment, rolling it into a ball and setting it aside. A bottle tilted in her magenta light and sprinkled white foal powder over Rainbow’s area. Twilight’s magic lifted her up by her hind legs. The purple alicorn leaned in and Rainbow felt her gentle hooves massage the powder into her coat; another technique she was going to have to remember, not that she used powder too often. The intoxicating scent made her contemplate getting into the habit of powdering every diaper, or at least powder more often. With crinkles significantly louder than Dash’s usual diapers, the foal-at-heart diaper was sealed. “There we go~” Twilight said. Rainbow marveled at the foalish looking diaper, complete with two-tape glory, then gazed up at Twilight’s warm smile. Rainbow fumbled about trying to get up, realizing this diaper was much thicker than the ones she was used to; it seemed like her hind legs couldn’t touch each other even if her life depended on it. Her friend just changed her diaper, even wiped her and rubbed foal powder into her plot; she deserved a hug of some kind. “Oh wait, one more thing~” Twilight said as Rainbow’s shirt flew off of her. Out of the same saddlebag came a foal snap-on onesie. No, it was for an adult. An adult sized onesie with a snap-on crotch, like foals wear. It was short-sleeved, and baby pink with a hot pink collar and leg and arm cuffs, and it was being slipped on Rainbow Dash. Her wings fit swimmingly through the holes on the back. She wanted to squirm some more, steam from her blush was practically pouring out of her ears, but she didn’t want Twilight to think she didn’t desperately want it. The snaps made tiny pops as they secured into place. Twilight said that she needed to take care of one more thing before she took her other saddlebag out of the living room with her. She made her way toward Rainbow’s kitchen and encouraged her to take a brief moment to take in her new attire. She was going to need more than a brief moment, though. Her first time wearing a onesie; it fit snuggly, yet it was stretchy at the same time, and given how thick AFDL diapers usually are, the stretchiness was completely justified. All the extra thickness she felt from the extra fluffy diaper seemed to compress into her like a bear hug around her rump. A hug that would never go away. Twilight returned with a clear bottle levitating in her magic. Just when Rainbow was starting to get used to it all, there she was staring at a foal bottle decorated in pink hearts and a pink cap. She was so entranced by it that it took her a moment to realize she was being lifted off the ground again, and into Twilight’s lap with a bottle nipple inching toward her muzzle. Cradled onto her back and her head resting against Twilight’s hoof, Rainbow gazed at the white liquid that started to empty from the bottle, feeling the sweet taste of cold whole milk pour onto her tongue. The only sound in the room was Rainbow faintly suckling from the bottle, and occasional crinkles suppressed by her onesie. A new string of thoughts, or rather one thought, was on Rainbow’s mind the entire time: “Suckle… Suckle the sweet milk…” She was compelled to think of nothing but working on the bottle nipple in her muzzle. Every single doubt about the moment was sidelined before the thought was even complete every single time she sucked, and it was a hearty guzzle every time. The bottle was levitated away promptly upon being emptied. Rainbow was lifted upright with her head over Twilight’s shoulder. “Oh come on, Twi, you’ve already done so much~” Rainbow screamed in her head while Twilight firmly patted her back. “Changing a wet diaper was more than enough, in fact. This is all just so-” Rainbow Dash, in her typical tomboy fashion, let out an obnoxiously loud belch. “Good filly~” Those two words sent a chill through the cyan pegasus, and then she was lowered back into a cradled position in Twilight’s lap. “Twilight, thank you so much… But why?” “Because you’re one of my best friends and this is a part of you, and I want to know more about it.” “Twilight, I barely know anything about it.” “Well, for what it’s worth, you are pretty adorable like this.” “Adorable or weird?” “Adorable~” Rainbow gave an unsure sigh in response. “Twilight, you don’t have to lie. I’m a grown mare dressed like a foal, and acting like a foal.” “Rainbow, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that.” “I know, but… I don’t know.” “I get it, Rainbow. This is something new to you, and it’s something that’s so personal, but you don’t understand it, and even though Mind helped you realize not understanding it is okay, it still troubles you to not know.” Rainbow didn’t have a response. Her head started to hurt, even. “How about we understand it together? You know you can tell me anything, even if it’s something really hard to admit.” Rainbow only continued to nuzzle in Twilight’s comforting care without a response. “How about you tell me all about it again? With a new perspective, you might get some new answers. How about we start with when you started feeling this way?” “Uhm…” From the start; an inviting, easy start. “I guess it started a couple of years ago when Rarity told me about that shop, which just opened at the time. I kinda laughed at it at first, and laughed even more when she told me she heard Fission was being pushed around in an adult sized stroller. I thought it served him right. “I thought about how silly it was to want to be a foal again. While we were joking about it, Rarity said that foals had certain advantages, and that part of our conversation kept playing in my head over and over. And that was when I thought back to a time when my mom was cheering me on for potty training; my mom and my dad told me I graduated from being ‘best foal ever’ to ‘best big girl ever’. “And then that one day when I went to the park with Rarity and saw Mind and his marefriend dressed up and acting like foals, it was actually kind of creepy, but they looked like they were having fun, and they even had another pony babysitting them… And I wanted to be them so badly. But I knew I was a Wonderbolt, and couldn’t really do something that silly. I have a rep to maintain. “I tried to keep it all inside, but some days I would get urges so strong I’d cave and go buy some medical diapers. So yeah, that’s why I’m a freak, Twilight.” “You’re being silly fretting over something that doesn’t harm anypony else.” Rainbow, again, didn’t have a response. “So you just wanted to experience the advantages foals have again.” “Yeah, I guess I do.” “And that makes perfect sense.” “But even the parts of it that aren’t really advantages are kind of fun too, like… Being put in clothes you would never have picked out yourself.” “Do you not like the onesie, Rainbow?” “NO, I love it. I usually don’t like pink, but… Pink does look so cute on me, and the diapers you got me are so gosh darn cute too.” Her face was a rosy inferno. “Me calling pink things cute doesn’t leave this living room, by the way.” Twilight gave an amused chuckle. “But yeah, things like that and being put down for a nap and whatever. I don’t know, just being given the entire foal treatment just sounds like fun.” “That makes sense. Strict-ish supervision comes with the territory after all. Rainbow, if you could do anything as a foal-at-heart right now, what would it be?” “Anything? Gosh, Twi, there are a lot of anythings right now. I guess if I had to choose right now, I’d want to cuddle with a giant plushie and sleep in a crib. But really, I think I want a whole day with full-on foal treatment.” “I’d be willing to spend a whole day with you like this. I can’t really give you a crib, but still.” “Heh. Maybe I should hunt down a special somepony with a foal mansion like Mind’s marefriend.” “You know, you could probably get an appointment with Mantra if you really wanted. But fair warning; she’s the ‘go hard or go home’ type with foal-at-heart treatment… If you know what I mean.” “I mean, I wouldn’t mind her being strict.” Twilight then tentatively snaked her hoof down to Rainbow’s groin, eliciting crinkles from underneath her onesie. “I meant she would expect you to use your diaper… For everything.” Red swiftly swallowed purple cheeks. Was she really enjoying putting her hoof on the pegasus’ diapered crotch? Did she really take that much joy doing something so personal for her? To her? Twilight waited for her friend to apprehensively brush her hoof away, but Rainbow let it press the comfy diaper against her, feeling its soft inner core touch her in ways that were true magic. Twilight loudly asked herself in her head whose buttons were truly being pressed here… Rainbow, logically, and downright obviously; the alicorn wasn’t the one in a diaper and onesie. “Oh yeah,” Rainbow said with accepted embarrassment lacing her voice, “that. Yeah, that isn’t exactly something I’m eager to do.” “Yeah,” Twilight said with a chuckle, “I get that it’s what actual foals do, but yeah.” What was the least offensive way she could say this? “I guess it’s kind of extreme to me.” “Well yeah, messing is pretty gross, but I’d do it if I didn’t have to clean up… I kind of want to try it at least once, actually.” Rainbow’s eyes slammed shut in embarrassment and her nose wrinkled. “No judgment here at all, Rainbow.” Twilight replied unhesitantly, half-expecting such a response. “It comes with the territory, I guess.” Rainbow opened her eyes and looked back up at Twilight with a smile. “Well, one day. Not in front of anypony else or anything.” The two had a short laugh together before Rainbow wiped her smile off. “Uh, Twilight… I haven’t really gone yet this morning.” Twilight’s horn lit up, and a pink pacifier found its way in between Rainbow Dash’s lips. The pegasus gave a muffled squeak, but found herself suckling on the nipple contently, and swiftly finding peace of mind. Twilight gently pet Rainbow’s head. “Good thing these fancy diapers aren’t just for decoration.” Rainbow Dash felt her heart slamming against her chest. > Chapter 4: Apples May Bloom > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “I kinda’ figured you’d be the only one who truly understands my dilemma. Everypony else has been treating me like I’m crazy. To tell ya’ the truth, I’m mighty shocked; I feel like I’m the only one who isn’t crazy.” “You know you can always talk to me about anything, Applejack.” Twilight Sparkle said as she descended the stairs from her throne. The throne became bathed in orange sunlight upon the purple alicorn stepping down from it. “So what’s the problem?” “Meeting adjourned, Cutie Mark Crusaders!” Apple Bloom’s young southern voice proudly declared from her podium, stamping her hoof into it in place of a gavel. She claimed before it made their meetings more “official” that way. “But Apple Bloom,” an orange pegasus objected with her hoof raised, “we didn’t do any diaper practice.” The white unicorn standing next to her concurred and objected as well. “Yeah, Brightside and Clover Petal can’t expect us to be foalsitters if we can’t even change their foals’ diapers.” Apple Bloom’s smile faded shamefully. Two earth pony parents with earth pony twins, both parents had day jobs, which was uncommon for a simple town like Ponyville, therefore the opportunity to babysit foals who didn’t have a stay-at-home parent was rare. “I’m awful sorry, girls.” Apple Bloom replied. “I didn’t tell Applejack yet. I promise I’ll get her to show me soon. Promise~” The young earth pony let her pearly whites show with that last statement. “Hopefully soon. I don’t want to try asking Rarity again.” Sweetie Belle dreaded the very thought of sitting through another one of Rarity’s fashion ramblings; once Sweetie told her sister who the foals were, Rarity had a tsunami of ideas. Sweetie learned a lot about picking out diapers matching and contrasting with coats, as well as adding colorful diaper covers and accents on matching booties and onesies, but learned zip about actually changing a diaper. “Relax, Sweetie Belle.” Scootaloo chimed in. “We have plenty of time to learn. Apple Bloom always pulls through for us.” The orange pegasus then leaned into Sweetie and placed a hoof gently on her. “You worry too much.” “I… I know.” Sweetie Belle said. Apple Bloom let her smile wipe away again and placed a hoof nervously behind her head as her eyes trailed to the floor. “Next time, right Apple Bloom?” “Uhm, yeah.” Apple Bloom bravely put on a smile. “Next meeting, I promise.” The young earth pony had a roller coaster of emotions on her walk home after watching Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle fight over who’d walk whom home. She had to feign a smile and keep her feelings reserved, like she normally did. She had to be happy for her friends because that’s what good friends do, right? No matter how isolated she grew every time seeing them peck or hug each other, no matter how much more of a third wheel she felt being around them, they were all best friends, and she wouldn’t want that to change for anything. But regardless of her two best friends dating one another, she let them down; she was afraid if she started teaching them how to put on a diaper, they’d find out about something Apple Bloom never told a single soul and planned to take to her grave. Most opportunities to express herself throughout her life were thwarted by the fear of being found out. She was deathly afraid of babysitting the foals in the first place; when Sweetie Belle proposed them to do so, Apple Bloom could only think about being stuck in a moment of weakness and getting caught gawking at diapers. It was always diapers it came back to. “I’ll lose my friends if they find out about my diaper fetish. My family will disown me if they find out I like to act like a foal. Why am I like this!?” Apple Bloom stared down at the folded foal diaper that lay before her on her bed. She was dismayed, tempted to put it right back in her drawer and just put it out of her head for the rest of the night. She gave a heavy sigh through her nostrils, but the sigh helped her remember the pacifier inhibiting her ability to flap her lips or anything of the like reactionarily to the silly notion of putting on a diaper. The baby pink pacifier bobbed back and forth with her suckling. She felt more relaxed as she wrapped her tongue around its nipple, and every suckle reminded her that she was incomplete. The fluffy white pant stared back at her, decorated in cute little prints of balloons and sailboats with smiley faces, tantalizing her. She unfolded it and lay on it back-flat, then let her hooves pull it over her groin. She couldn’t keep from smiling, feeling the diaper warmly wrapping around such a sensitive area. It felt like it was protecting her more than it was protecting the obvious from the obvious. With the diaper now taped around her waist, she lay flat on her bed. Crinkles tickled her ears and made her squeamishly kick her hind legs. Every suckle of her pacifier and every crinkle of her diaper helped her into her self-induced hypnosis. She felt like a little foal. All her reservations about diapering up disappeared because in the moment, it felt natural to her. Like this was how she was meant to be. Apple Bloom glanced at the mirror on her door, but never had it called out to her to look at herself while in her special space. Crinkles shuffled out loudly from beneath her as she stood herself out of her bed. The mirror was small and only showed her face and a light peak of the diaper around her flank. She usually dreaded looking at the mirror while indulging herself in this, but orange eyes contrasted with her pink bow and matching pink pacifier. She looked cute. She felt cute. It then conveniently occurred to her that the outhouse was a whole story down and outside, and she would need to take off her diaper to get past her family to get to it. “Shoot, already? I just put this thing on. I really shouldn’t be doing this. Not while they’re all home.” She thought to herself as she turned away from the mirror. Despite her mind not quite agreeing, her pupils shrank and she felt herself release with minimal effort. Silently, she let her diaper fill. She was genuinely surprised she was messing so easily, and so fast; as easily as it came to her, so quick was it to be over as well. A light crinkle gave way to the warm mulch finding its place in her diaper. A smile peeked out from behind her pacifier and she crawled up onto her bed. Her suckling grew stronger in response to her fresh deed shifting around with her movement. She began to gently lower her diapered rump onto her bed. She felt small enough messing a diaper, but she wanted to assure herself that she was as small as she felt. It was a fantastic feeling, the fresh mush pressing against her plot, but she couldn’t bring herself to sit down fully, like she was slightly scared of it. She threw herself into her pillow and lay on her back upright against the head of her bed; the mush didn’t press against her, but lying comfortably like that was fine enough. She probably could’ve had a nap like that. She almost did… She did… From black to suddenly blurred vision, Apple Bloom hoisted herself out of her sleep and she scrambled onto her hooves, but her door was already opening and her older sister was walking right in. “Apple Bloom, didn’t ya’ hear the bell?” Applejack stood stiff upon seeing her little sister frozen with wide eyes and a fierce blush peeking from behind her pacifier. “Is that diaper… Used?” Apple Bloom felt too paralyzed to even speak. Applejack gave a deep inhale through her nose to calm herself, realizing it was a mistake and coughing at the mild stench. “Change out of that, wash your hooves extra good, and come down for dinner.” Apple Bloom practically sprinted back up to her room after dinner. Sitting at the table with her family, utterly mortified, wondering if Applejack told Granny and Big Mac too. All the speculation taxed the poor preteen filly. She felt like she was thinking about everything but thought about nothing. Dinner was agonizingly slow, and she couldn’t even taste the food. She went to bed that night feeling like her life was all over. Granny Smith and Big Mac sat on the living room couch before a pacing Applejack who had just told them what she saw. The initial ambiguity of Applejack calling them together made Granny worry about Apple Bloom, but she was relieved soon after; her preteen grandchild wearing diapers for fun was a little silly, but kids will be kids. The old coot wasn’t stupid though; she knew this was going to rub Applejack wrong. “...So what?” Granny Smith said, wanting to know where Applejack was going with this, almost with a bit of scorn in her tone. “‘So what’? Granny, this ain’t good! It ain’t right! Not right at all!” “Ah hooey, Applejack. So what if it’s a little weird? She’s gettin’ older. Who are we to stop her if she likes to act like a foal once in a while?” “We’re her family, Granny!” Applejack said. “We gotta’ do something because we’re her family! This ain’t something we should be condoning!” “We’ve raised Apple Bloom right. We’ve raised her to be a hard-workin’ Apple, and we’ve raised her to keep a good head on her shoulders, and gosh darnit, you can’t say these things makin’ it sound like we’ve failed at that!” “Granny, you don’t understand-” “You don’t understand, missy!” Granny stood herself off the couch and against Applejack. “This is your little sister you’re talking about. There ain’t nothin’ wrong with her and you’re actin’ like she needs a doctor or some-” “No! No doctors!” Applejack said, strongly waving one of her front hooves. “No doctors, no nurses, no nurse practitioners! She just needs our help to get her over this- This diaper phase!” “I’d say the best thing to do is to just leave her to it.” “Granny, we can’t just do that. If we leave her with this, she’ll be trying on diapers until she’s your age. We need to do something now to help her!” “Applejack, I’ve been around the block for a long time. This kinda’ thing ain’t something you can take away from somepony; it’s harder than buckin’ a tree out the ground. But Apple Bloom is still Apple Bloom, and ain’t nothin’ gonna’ change that.” “No Granny, you don’t understand and you can’t understand because you never met him!” Big Mac was originally planning for them to start arguing over each other before interjecting. He was taken by surprise at Applejack and Granny Smith just glaring into each other’s eyes with furled brows, but he was taken by a greater surprise at Applejack’s vitriolic mention of him. The stallion was forced to break the silence. “Applejack, that’s just plain wrong.” “Big Mac, you know I’m right.” Applejack stared at her older brother, her eyes practically pleading for him to see things her way. “You know first hoof what he’s capable of. You know he tried to kill me and my friends. And you know he had this very same fetish!” “You should be mighty ashamed of yourself comparin’ your little sister to Mind Fission!” “Big Mac, just listen to me. He was alone. He was alone for a long time-” “Apple Bloom is perfectly normal and perfectly fine, and this conversation’s over, Applejack. Good night.” Applejack didn’t want the discussion to end there. Despite having much more to say, she felt too defeated to say any of it. Big Mac and Granny Smith made the stairs creak profusely on their way up, doors opened and closed, and Applejack was standing in a silent living room with a sea of noisy thoughts. Apple Bloom creeped down the stairs and peered into the kitchen, her eyes darting around, catching no sight of anyone other than Big Mac at the dining table and Granny Smith at the stove. Granny Smith turned from the stove and greeted Apple Bloom with a very pleasant “‘Morning, Apple Bloom”. “Where’s Applejack?” “She’s been apple buckin’ since sun-up.” “You guys think I’m crazy, don’t you?” “Nnnnnope.” Big Mac said with a trusting gaze and smile. “If ya’ ask me, your sister’s the crazy one around here, but don’t tell her I said that.” Granny Smith said, reaching out a gentle caring hoof toward Apple Bloom and placing it on her. “As far as we’re concerned, you enjoy your day at school and worry none about this. I understand it’s not as simple as I’m making it sound, but there ain’t really none to fret about.” “Thanks, you guys.” Apple Bloom reached for a slice of toast on the table. “You don’t know how much I appreciate that, really. I’m meeting the girls early, so I’m gonna’ head out to school now.” With a piece of buttered toast halfway into her muzzle, she headed toward the front door, which opened before her with an orange earth pony standing before her. Applejack’s eyes were darkened by a rough early morning and a bucket full of apples dropped beside her. “Headin’ out a little early, ain’t ya’?” Apple Bloom attempted to shove the rest of the toast in her already full mouth. “...Have a good day at school, sis.” “Y- Yeah, I’ll try.” She said while covering her mouth to keep crumbs from spewing out and ran past Applejack. Applejack closed the front door behind her and clipped her hooves along the living room floor into the kitchen. “You finally came to your senses, did ya’?” “No, Granny. I’m just letting her off the hook until I can figure out what we should do with her.” Applejack only received disapproving silence in response, to which she gave a heavy sigh. “I think I’m gonna’ lie down for a bit. That early morning apple bucking got me more sideways than a cat in the bathtub.” “Oh, uhm, hi Applejack. I wasn’t expecting you.” “Yeah, I’m in a bit of a conundrum at the moment. I hope I ain’t botherin’ ya’.” “Oh no, not at all.” Fluttershy proceeded to let Applejack into her cottage, shutting the door behind her. “I have a date with Discord in a bit, but I’m always here for my friends.” “So, you’d agree that if you thought your friend, more particularly your family, was going down a bad path, you’d do your best to steer them off from it?” “Oh definitely.” “I just don’t know what I’m gonna’ do.” “What happened?” “Apple Bloom’s about to ruin her life and Granny and Big Mac are acting like I’m crazy for wanting to do something about it.” “Well Applejack, fillies are more impressionable, especially at her age. Sometimes, we can’t just tell them what to do and expect them to listen, they need to be shown what to learn so that they actually remember it.” “That… Plumb makes sense. I never thought about it before, Fluttershy, but I reckon all that animal experience of yours is well-suited for more than just animals.” “Mind Fission really helped me connect with my animals better. I didn’t think he’d know as much about animal psychology as he did. “Advice from Fission on how to get creatures to do what you say; fitting.” Applejack forced a smile, a smile that in turn forced a chuckle out of Fluttershy. The pegasus was appalled at herself for that; she didn’t find that funny at all. “So, uhm, what kind of trouble has Apple Bloom been getting into?” “I mean, there ain’t no real trouble yet, but when you stumble upon a girl Apple Bloom’s age in a soiled diaper, you know somethin’s up.” “Oh dear~” Fluttershy said with a hoof to her muzzle. “Yeah…” “Well, that is a bit odd. But phew,” Fluttershy said in relief, “I’m glad Apple Bloom is alright. But still, I don’t know what I’d do if I got caught doing something like that.” “Exactly Fluttershy. See, I can’t help but fear the worst about it. The last pony we knew who liked wearing diapers for fun put all of Equestria in jeopardy.” “Now Applejack,” Fluttershy replied, her tone firmer, “I don’t think you’re being fair.” Applejack then blinked a couple times. “Oh come on, not you too, Fluttershy.” The orange mare then recoiled from a white flash from behind Fluttershy. “Have you been spying on us!?” Applejack flared at Discord. “Oh, I’ve been listening the whole time, but my ears didn’t prick up until that jab at Fission earlier. Oh, I just love juicy gossip. Hey Twilight, did you hear Applejack wants us to start turning our enemies to stone again?” “I never said anything like that!” “There’s no need to say it,” Discord said as two black markers with wings appeared from a white flash and started scribbling on Applejack, “it’s written all over your face.” Applejack quickly flailed her hoof to shoo away the markers and wiped her face clean. “Now listen you-” “That’s enough, you two!” Fluttershy interjected. “Discord, we talked about instigating. And Applejack, I have plans with Discord today. We can talk about this another day, but I suggest you seriously adjust your attitude before you talk to your sister about this.” “Why is this even a discussion when it should be a straight-forward decision?” “Please come back when you’re a little calmer, Applejack.” Discord said, pressing his middle and thumb claws together. “I’m not done-” Applejack blinked in reaction to a reverberating snap of Discord’s fingers “talking yet!” Applejack found herself in the middle of Ponyville’s town square. Her family being unlike themselves, Fluttershy being assertive toward her, which she usually reserved for when it was necessary. She shook her head as popping springs in her mind gave way in her trying to make sense of it all. “I’m going crazy just telling you all this. My family’s against me and Fluttershy’s all confrontational about it. I figure if anypony knows where I’m coming from, it’s you, Twilight. Please don’t tell me I’m wrong.” “Applejack,” Twilight responded, trying to be as neutral as possible, “you’re right to be concerned; this is something we still don’t know a lot about. But I can assure you that Apple Bloom is in good hooves. If you assure her that she is still loved and that it changes nothing between her and her family and friends, she’ll grow up to be a fine pony, just like her sister.” “Maybe that’s what Granny Smith was tryin’ to tell me. You really think she’ll snap out of this phase if we just treat her like we always have? Just forget this thing?” “Well, I don’t know if she’s ever going to stop being a foal-at-heart, but yeah. Just trust her, and just trust yourself. She’ll be fine.” “But Twilight, that doesn’t solve my dilemma. What’s it going to take for her to get past this foal thing?” “Applejack, this isn’t something she needs to get past.” “Twilight, the last pony we knew who liked wearing diapers for fun tried to take over the world! I don’t understand why I need to explain this to everypony!” “But the other three we knew did everything they could to stop him and succeeded.” “Wait, three!? Who in tarnation were the other two!?” “Not important. I don’t know why you’re being stubborn about this. It’s not right to generalize all foal-at-hearts as bad just because one pony made a mistake years ago.” “After what he did? After what SnowBlitz put us through to stop him, it’s not right for me to be concerned? Twilight, why did we turn Tirek, Cozy Glow, and Chrysalis to stone? Because they threatened Equestria. Because they threatened our home. And most importantly, they threatened our friends and family; they threatened who we love most. Where is the line drawn, Twilight? “The line is drawn when reformation doesn’t work. It’s always been that way. That hasn’t changed.” “It’s clearly not as simple as that, Twilight.” “What do you want me to do, Applejack? Turn everypony who made a mistake into stone and never give them a second chance?” “Now you’re just twistin’ my words.” “And you’re just not listening to reason.” “I’m not listenin’ to reason!?” “How do you think Apple Bloom would feel if she heard you saying all this stuff? She’s struggling to understand this herself.” “There’s a lot we’re all strugglin’ to understand, Twilight. Like how two varmints who also have the same fetish doesn’t add up to anypony else.” “Applejack, what part of this don’t you get?” “Twilight-” “I’m serious. You’re one of my best friends. I take your opinions very seriously, especially since I’m running a country now, I have to take into account that you might not be the only pony who feels this way. Let’s help each other come to an understanding.” “The thing is” Applejack said, breaking eye contact with Twilight, “I thought you already understood. That’s why I came to you. Before, I wouldn’t have had to explain it to you, but you’ve changed, and now I don’t think you understand me at all.” She turned and started to let herself out. “Applejack, wait-” “I’ll see you later, Twilight.” Twilight watched her friend walk out into the orange sunlight and close the loud reverberating front door behind her. It would be on her mind for a while, but at the very least, Twilight could take solace in what she had planned later that evening. “Hey Rainbow, you ready to get settled in?” “I was actually about to ask if you wanted to go out for something to eat.” “Rainbow, I’ve been on my hooves all day. Is it alright if we order in?” “Pizza? I’m down for that too. Half pepperoni, half pepperoni and bacon?” “Two pizzas this time, actually. Oh, and a box of breadsticks. It was a pretty long day today.” Twilight said while shutting the door behind her. “You want to talk about it?” “Maybe later. But right now, I just want to decompress,” she actually hoped she could avoid talking about it the whole night, “and we can start with that by getting your little filly plot in a diaper. Something pink tonight~” Rainbow Dash tried not to laugh; Twilight was still a little nervous about talking like that, like she was trying to put Rainbow Dash in her place, but she was getting better. Rainbow Dash didn’t have much opportunity to protest, not that she would anyway. She embraced her fate and took Twilight into her room. Twilight had to smile at watching Rainbow walk up to her with all of her changing supplies and her pink onesie in her wing, and a matching blush enveloping her cheeks. Rainbow Dash lay back-flat on the floor, and let Twilight have at their usual diapering process. Twilight had gotten better and faster at the ritual, and even gained the courage to lightly tickle the pegasus with her magic. She had been visiting Rainbow to help her indulge in her AFDL side for longer than she originally intended. Rainbow stared down herself still blushing, too bashful to make eye contact with Twilight while she did it, but Twilight found it cuter that way. The alicorn’s purple hooves were coated in foal powder and massaging it into Rainbow’s area, which was then swiftly veiled by a thick white diaper with baby pink wings and leg gathers taped around her flanks. The pegasus let Twilight’s magenta magic take hold of her, and she was levitated to be slipped into the same pink onesie she’d been slipped into almost every time. “Hmm, the onesie is a little bit more snug this time.” Twilight gently stretched the foalish attire to secure the snaps. “Did you wash it?” “Oh uhm, yeah, I washed it earlier today.” Rainbow Dash said with her nose scrunched, still blushing brightly. “I, uhm, wanted to make sure it didn’t stink.” “Oh~” She hoped Rainbow didn’t catch that much enthusiasm slipping out and cleared her throat. “You want to talk about it?” “...You sure you want to know about that, Twilight?” “Well, I don’t need to know all the details. It’s just that it’s a huge thing to do, and I’m curious on how the thrill outweighs… You know…” Rainbow then stood to her hooves and cracked a smile at the crinkles produced. “Let me just order the pizza first.” The pegasus kept smiling; she was actually more thrilled to talk about it with Twilight than she anticipated. Twilight made herself comfortable on Rainbow’s couch, sprawling herself and resting her head on the arm, still trying to keep her conversation with Applejack out of her head, but she did wonder what Rainbow Dash, as a foal-at-heart herself, would feel about it all. She had to remind herself that this was Rainbow’s drama-free time, or at least that’s what Twilight respected it as. A gust of wind splashed Twilight as Rainbow flew over the couch and lowered herself onto it. Despite her soft landing, a roar of crinkles elicited from her diapered plot upon pressing against the couch cushion. Twilight sat herself up next to the pegasus and gently lowered Rainbow’s head into her lap. “So how did the first attempt go?” “Not gonna’ lie, it was pretty awesome. I was laying on the floor and just scribbling with crayons and sucking a pacifier. I wet my diaper a couple of times, which is already pretty awesome, especially when I’m in the little filly mood, like I’m completed or something. Messing was that times eleven. Cleaning up wasn’t fun, but honestly, it was worth it.” She finally looked up at Twilight, then back down at herself blushing. “I’m sorry, Twi. You probably think it’s gross.” “Rainbow, you’re fine. When you put it that way, and if you pretend it doesn’t smell bad, it’s actually kind of cute.” “Messing? Cute? You’re just saying that.” “No, I’m not. Fillies are cute, and it’s perfectly normal for them to do that. Who’s to say it isn’t normal for a foal-at-heart too?” “Well, when you put it that way.” “Mind Fission once told me the only gross thing about being a foal-at-heart is demonizing this part of yourself.” “What did Mind say about his first time?” “His first time messing? I never asked him about that.” “You didn’t? I thought this was part of your research.” “Well… I thought it was a bit too personal a question.” “Too personal? You’re already asking him questions about his fetish.” Rainbow said with a chuckle. “Well… That’s actually very true.” “I wonder how he’d react to you saying messing diapers is cute, though.” “What? I never said that~” Twilight said with a sudden blush. “You said exactly that, Twi.” They both shared a laugh, then Rainbow pushed herself off of Twilight’s lap, sitting herself up. “But seriously, Twi. I don’t think this is ‘research’ for you anymore.” “Oh, uhm…” “What’s going on, Twi?” “Well- No, it’s just- Okay, you caught me. I mean, you know how much my friends mean to me. I mean, I- I’m sorry. I’m in a million places right now.” “Hey, you told me before it’s okay to like this. Now I’m telling you: It’s okay to like this. And it’s okay to be confused about it.” “Well…” Twilight said with a blush. “Okay, I do like this a bit, but that’s not really what’s troubling me right now. Applejack was being really stubborn about something earlier today.” “What’s she being stubborn about this time?” “Applejack thinks her sister is ‘turning evil’ for lack of a better way of putting it.” “Why?” Rainbow said with an incredulous tone and a raised eyebrow. “Because Apple Bloom is a foal-at-heart too, and I tried to assure her there was nothing to worry about. But she’s convinced Apple Bloom is going to grow up and be so miserable that she’s going to end up doing what Mind did.” “Hmm…” Rainbow Dash leaned back into the couch. “I’m sorry, Rainbow. I didn’t mean to upset you.” “I’m not really upset. I mean, I didn’t choose to have a diaper fetish, you know. I wanted it to go away as soon as I found out. There are a lot more rough feelings that went into it than you think, Twi.” “I… Gee, Rainbow. I really don’t know what to think anymore. I guess I don’t know you as well as I thought I did, even after all our sessions.” Rainbow Dash turned her head toward her with a raised brow. “It’s not that big of a deal, Twilight.” “But it is to me.” “...Why?” “Because… Because… Rainbow Dash…” Twilight shied her gaze away. “I really like you, and I think we’re meant to be together.” Twilight blushed again and made eye-contact with the pegasus again. She was astonished it came out so fast. “Well, we have been spending a bit of time lately, and I love how much you’ve done for me. You’ve really helped me feel better about myself with this, and I don’t think there’s anypony else more awesome than you for that… But Twilight, I just don’t feel that way about you…” Rainbow Dash scolded herself in her head; she should’ve waited until the night was over. No, she should’ve just agreed to be Twilight’s marefriend just so Twilight would keep babying her. No, what was she thinking? She couldn’t do something so dirty to one of her best friends. She did the right thing, but she dreaded seeing Twilight hurt… But why did the thought of deceiving her even cross her mind at all? Has being a foal-at-heart really affected her that much? Or was she just overthinking it? “O- Oh…” Twilight said then cleared her throat. “I’m sorry, Twi. I mean, I love all this time we’re spending together, and I really love it, and you’re one of my best friends, but… I just don’t know about us…” “...Well, that’s okay.” “That’s okay?” Rainbow said skeptically. “Yeah. I just figured we could give us a shot since we’ve been spending so much time together, but I care about all my friends and care about them doing what they feel is best for them.” “...Well okay then, if you say so… So, Applejack?” “Right… I mean, Applejack’s just- I mean, I tried to be neutral with her, but when I offered her an olive branch, an attempt for her to explain her side to me, she slapped it from my hoof.” “‘Offered an olive branch’? That’s not a real saying, is it?” Twilight gave a light chuckle in response. “Are you sure you’re okay, Twilight?” “Huh? Yeah, I’m fine.” She replied calmly. “Like I said, I have a lot on my plate right now. It wasn’t like Applejack was just being stubborn, she was just not acting like herself at all.” “Well, you haven’t been acting like yourself lately either. I mean, weird sayings, trying to solve your friends’ problems like a ruler, wanting a foal-at-heart relationship; does any of this sound like Twilight Sparkle?” “I… I guess not.” “Talk to me, Twi…” Rainbow actually had an idea on how to resolve Applejack’s issue, but in that moment, Twilight was the matter at hoof. Her diaper crinkled as she inched toward her. She was a bit hesitant after rejecting her, but shrugged it off and brushed up against her. “It’s really hard to make something of it, Rainbow. I’ve just been thinking about these past couple of years; these past couple of years since Princess Celestia and Princess Luna retired. I see everypony else trying to tie the knot, or at least get something going; Fluttershy and Discord, Starlight and Sunburst, Pinkie and Cheese, Mind and Mantra… I think about Princess Celestia; she never even concerned herself with all this; her duty was to Equestria, she didn’t think about relationships, and she was perfectly fine with that. And here I am, ruling Equestria in her stead, things are going much smoother than I imagined, I still have my friends, but our lives have grown more separate since then, and I just… I just feel so alone.” “Look, Twilight, you’ll find somepony one day.” Twilight had to keep herself from rolling her eyes, somewhat in disappointment; that was an answer everyone would’ve given. “I mean, hey, I’m not looking for love right now. There’s nothing wrong with being single. I already know I’m going to find somepony else as awesome as I am.” The purple alicorn then drew a smirk; that remark sounded more like something she wanted to hear from Rainbow Dash. “And I’m not in a rush to find it, and trust me, Twilight, you are awesome. You’re beyond awesome. If you’re awesome enough to help me out with this, then anypony would be more than lucky to have you. Plus, dating a Princess has its perks.” The two shared a laugh. “And really… Thank you.” “Well, I’m glad you really appreciate it all, Rainbow. I really do.” There was then a gentle rapping at the door.“Oh, pizza’s here. Can you get that?” Rainbow Dash looked down at herself, then back at Twilight with a dull stare and trying to hold back a slowly growing smirk. Twilight then chuckled and disappeared in a magenta flash to reappear before Rainbow Dash’s front door. At that point, Twilight was starting to regret not ordering a whole pepperoni and bacon, since she now only felt like filling up on breadsticks that night. What was supposed to be the beginning of a fun-filled weekend started in controversy within the Cutie Mark Crusader clubhouse. “What do you mean we can’t babysit them, Apple Bloom?” Scootaloo asked with an incredulous stare. “Babysitting is overrated. We can do so many other great things.” “But Apple Bloom, we promised to babysit the twins, and you promised to get your sister to show us how to change diapers. What happened?” “Well I’m sorry, but Applejack hates me now, and I can’t ask her.” “What!? She hates you? Why?” “She’s hated me this whole time, and I thought it’d blow over by now but it hasn’t.” “What? Apple Bloom, why didn’t you tell us this before?” “I didn’t want you to worry.” “But we’re your best friends. I mean, me and Sweets talk about everything.” “‘Sweets’? Is that what you’re calling her now?” “What’s that supposed to mean?” Scootaloo furled her eyebrows. “It’s easy for you two to talk about everything.” “So you couldn’t tell us because you’re jealous?” “Jealous!? How do you expect me to talk to you about everything when you don’t know me at all?” “Girls, that’s enough!” Sweetie Belle interjected then turned to the orange pegasus. “Come on, Scootaloo, you didn’t mean that.” “I…” Scootaloo then gave a sigh. “Yeah, you’re right, I didn’t. Sorry, Apple Bloom.” “How can I be jealous of that?” Apple Bloom said. She was very relieved to see Sweetie Belle come to her defense despite it meaning to be confrontational to her marefriend in front of someone else. She was grateful, in fact. She felt that gratitude flow through her as she continued to speak. “I’m happy for you both. I just get very lonely; it just feels like I’m not as close to you two as we used to be. It’s why I haven’t been able to tell you about… About…” She was ready to tell them; after both of them proving they value their best friend as much as their relationship, she finally had the courage. “I can’t ask Applejack about changing diapers because she found out about me… Wanting to wear them myself.” “Oh…” Scootaloo said. “Makes sense.” Sweetie Belle said with a shrug. “You never told us about this before.” Scootaloo said with a hoof to her chin. “I never had it before. After that whole thing with Mind Fission, something sparked. I try to fight it, but the urge is just too strong sometimes. I just wish there was an off switch for this. If I just wasn’t so careless and didn’t do that in a diaper, it probably wouldn’t have been as bad as it is.” Apple Bloom shook her head and swallowed. “I’m sorry, I never really talk about my problems that much.” “Well yeah, you always hold things in; this isn’t really new to us.” “I know. I guess I got that part of me from Big Mac; keeping quiet and to himself so he can listen to others’ problems and keep himself from burdening others with his own.” “Apple Bloom, there’s no way you can burden us for talking about your issues.” Scootaloo said, approaching her and putting a gentle hoof on her. “Yeah,” Sweetie Belle interjected, “we’re here for you, and we won’t judge you for anything. But hey, can you do us a favor and just come to us if there’s something going on? We’d rather listen to you talk it out for a day than see you miserable holding onto it for a second.” “I know…” Apple Bloom said. “I know… It was silly of me thinking you’d both see me differently. And I know it was silly the whole time, but I did it anyway. I’ll be better about it. I promise.” “Apple Bloom. We’re here for you. Any time. No matter what.” “Hey, chin up, Twilight. You told her how you feel, she didn’t feel the same way, that’s that.” Spike said to a deflated purple alicorn in her throne, her body sprawled across the arm rests. “And how is that supposed to cheer me up?” “Because you don’t need to worry about it anymore. And maybe just telling her will go a longer way than you think.” “You think maybe there’s still a chance with her?” “Maybe. And if there isn’t, you’re still close friends. Wishing the best for each other and telling each other how you really feel; that’s what friendship is. You should know that.” “Spike, have I not been myself lately? ...Like in the last two years?” “What makes you say that?” “Rainbow Dash did. She implied I changed a lot since the Mind Fission incident.” “Do you think you’ve changed?” “Thinking about it now… I guess I did. After being entrusted with Equestria, I felt like I needed to be more like Mind Fission, after he reformed, of course; methodical, collected, objectively decisive, and just plain smart.” “But Twilight, you’re already all of those things. I think you’re just scared of making decisions the way you would make them.” “What do you mean?” “Well, ruling Equestria wasn’t something you truly wanted; it was something Princess Celestia planned for you. You’ve lived in her shadow for so long, she’s ruled Equestria for so much longer, and you’ve spent so much of your life trying to please her that you can’t imagine ruling it as Princess Twilight Sparkle. “Princess Celestia wouldn’t have given Equestria to you if she knew it was going to mean you being alone. You’ve overcome so much and you’ve made so many friends, not as a princess, not as the ruler of Equestria, but as Twilight Sparkle. And Twilight, the traits that define you are the reason why you have such great friends. The traits that define you are why everyone trusts you as Equestria’s ruler. And the traits that define you are the reason why you will never be alone.” “...You’ve really come into your own as my royal advisor.” Twilight then sat herself up in her throne. She felt like a phoenix reborn out of the ashes of her misery. “You really think so?” “You definitely have.” Twilight said as she pulled the purple dragon in for a warm embrace. “Thank you, Spike.” “Hey Twilight,” a voice with a southern droll echoed from her throne room door, “I hope you don’t mind me being a tad early.” “Not at all, Applejack.” Twilight said with a smile. A confident flap of wings sounded off the entrance of a blue pegasus after her. Apple Bloom’s heart pounded in her chest. She had a whole afternoon after telling her friends her secret. She assured herself in her head that she was ready to show her friends what she brought in her saddlebags, but her body didn’t agree. She was anxious sitting at the podium watching the golden sunlight shining through the window turn into a clementine orange. The door to the clubhouse creaked open. Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle let themselves in and closed it behind them. “Hey Apple Bloom.” “Let’s try this meeting again.” Apple Bloom said with a smile. “Should we get down to business right away?” “Well, we just have one more thing to say about… I feel like- No, I think-” She sighed at herself. “Sweetie put it in much better words than I can.” “Apple Bloom,” Sweetie Belle said, “well, how about I just break the ice with this?” Sweetie Belle’s horn, already glowing in its signature pale green aura, magically pulled out a plush toucan from behind herself and levitated it to Apple Bloom. Apple Bloom held it in her hooves, pink feathers with rainbow extremities. “What’s this for?” “Well, we really appreciate you being our best friend, and that includes appreciating the fact that you trust us enough with something so close to you. The toucan is a token of our appreciation, and a reminder that you can trust us, and a reminder that you mean as much to us as we mean to each other.” “Oh girls, I really appreciate that.” Apple Bloom said with a bright smile, the light reflecting off her eyes getting washy and blurry. “Come here.” Scootaloo said as she pulled her friend in for a warm embrace, Sweetie Belle jumping in with them. Apple Bloom, after breaking from the group hug, pulled a thick crinkling garment out from her saddlebags. A rosy flame warmed her cheeks. “And if you girls still wanted to babysit the twins, I could show you how these things work.” “Only if you want to, Apple Bloom.” “One hundred percent.” Apple Bloom said with a bright toothy smile. Applejack stared off into the marigold sunset. She felt her values dwindle along with the fading light, her heart sink along with the sound of flapping wings and hooves rustling in the grass upon landing. “Look, Applejack, I never told anypony else this- Well, Twilight yeah, but yeah, well… Yeah.” Applejack didn’t even take a glance at the blue pegasus. Rainbow Dash forgot what she was going to open with. “Trust me, if anypony knows what you’re going through, it’s me.” “Nopony knows what I’m going through. It’s like I’m the bad guy, and at this point, I’m startin’ to believe it myself.” “You’re not the bad guy.” “Well yeah, that’s what everypony would say.” “You’re not. You’re just going through an adjustment period, and it’s rough, trust me. It was rough for me too.” “I just don’t get how it was so easy before.” Applejack said as she turned her head toward Rainbow Dash. “Tirek, Cozy, and Chrysalis were easy; they were the bad guys, we stopped the bad guys, we saved Equestria, the end. Sombra and the Storm King, same story. Stygian was different, and we learned a lesson we needed to learn handling him the way we did, but he didn’t change us the way Fission did. You’re different, Twilight’s different, all of our friends are different, and now my family’s different. It’s like we beat Fission, but we still lost.” “But you feel like you’re still the same.” “I’m not sure if I can even say that anymore. Am I the one who changed, Rainbow?” “Applejack, trust me, I get you. Have you noticed Twilight seemed a little better today?” “Well… She kinda did, yeah, now that you mention it.” “I think she just needed somepony to remind her who she was. I couldn’t put my hoof on it before, but I guess I was scared of losing her, just like I was scared of losing all of you when I discovered this foal-at-heart side of me. I didn’t feel like myself for a long time.” “It was like losing you to Mind Fission all over again.” Rainbow Dash was about to respond but stumbled on what she was going to follow up with. “That was the closest we ever came to losing it all, and it was the most terrified I’ve ever been, and it was like all those feelings were coming back, and when I discovered Apple Bloom wearing those diapers, it started staring me in the face every single moment. That night I discovered her, having dinner with my family, tryin’ to pretend I was okay, and I let it fester into something I never wanted it to.” Applejack’s voice started breaking. “Maybe you’re right. I wasn’t myself… And I just snapped. But even after realizing that, I still can’t get over Apple Bloom.” “Applejack, trust me. I know. It wasn’t easy getting over myself.” “So… How do I get past it?” “Same thing with Twilight, same thing with me; we have a bunch of awesome friends who love us enough to help us remember who we are, and even if we do change, our friends will be here for us, no matter what. But Applejack, I’m still me, and I’m still here for you.” Applejack felt her heart race as a tear rolled down her cheek and she looked into the pegasus’ magenta eyes. In that moment, Rainbow Dash’s smile became something Applejack was more grateful to see than anything else. > Chapter 5: Reservations > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “So, Princess Twilight Sparkle, tell me what brings you to my lovely mansion.” Twilight couldn’t believe her, let alone believe what she was about to do. All the pink mare had to do was utter a sentence, slowly pacing in a circle around her, her clipping hooves echoing in the foyer, and Twilight’s heart was practically pounding out of her chest. She was smiling out of a princess’ courtesy, or at least that’s what she would tell herself later. “Miss Mantra, you know why I’m here.” “I do know. I just want to hear Princess Twilight herself say- Oh, listen to me being so regal~” The pink mare said, her voice now coming from behind Twilight and her magenta tail scurrying out of her sight. “I’m just so excited.” “There’s nothing wrong with being formal, Miss Mantra. I’m quite used to it, especially these days.” Twilight’s gaze followed Mantra’s scheming marigold eyes, the unicorn making another round before her. “How many foals have you met who understand formality?” Twilight was surprised Mantra wasn’t smirking while saying that. “Well… Valid point, Miss Mantra.” Mantra ceased her circling and her pink hoof firmly pet Twilight on the head. “You’re going to have to put that big brain of yours away for a bit and let your feelings guide you, cutie.” Twilight wiped her smile away briefly and gained it back along with a pink blush swallowing her cheeks. “We’ll see, Miss Mantra. Right now, I’m just a little curious.” “‘A little curious’? You’re about to try a day being babysat. I think you’re a little more curious than you’d like to admit.” Mantra’s hoof stroked through Twilight’s azure mane a few more times. “Don’t worry, Twily, Mama’s going to treat you well, and if you end up liking it so much, you’re welcome to stay the night.” “Hold on, Miss Mantra. Let’s just take this a step at a time.” “Okay, let’s start with step one.” Mantra’s horn lit up to reveal a thick fluffy diaper levitating in her magic. White at the core with pink swirls laced around the leg cuffs. Twilight heard a vase clunking on a table and her head swiveled to the sound’s source. Mantra really kept that diaper underneath a vase by the front door. Was it specifically for her special guest? Was she going to diaper her right there in the foyer? She took another glance at the floating poofy garment and nervously crossed her front legs. “Already? I don’t know, Miss Mantra.” Twilight said as her eyes trailed to the floor and a blush grew bright on her face again. “Aww, that’s cute, you say that like you have a choice.” Twilight’s eyes widened and a pink hoof rested on her shoulder. “It’s okay to be nervous, dear.” Twilight’s horn lit up as she stared into Mantra’s sincere pink irises, which quickly darted toward the magenta glow emanating from atop Twilight’s head and started changing back to yellow. “What are you doing?” “Just touching up a spell to help me adjust to this. I said I want to get the full experience, and I don’t want to deal with- Uhm- ‘Lockdowns’.” “Oh right, shy bladder. You should’ve come by on the weekend and asked my fiancé to do that for you, silly~” “Oh, it’s not a problem, it wasn’t a hard spell. It’s not like I stayed up all night trying to find it.” Her horn then went dim. “Okay, I think I’m ready now.” A question nagged at Twilight: Was Mind Fission okay with his fianceé having a foal-at-heart date with somepony else while he was away? Twilight already asked her that question a while back, though; Mantra’s response then was an invitation for her to visit on the weekend while Mind was home from Canterlot Medical School, and that he would love to have another foal to play with. Twilight doubted her answer would’ve changed. Mantra led Twilight out of the foyer and into a foalishly decorated living room. A half open toy box sat in one corner, the changing area in another, and a pile of papers with crayons on a table off to the side. The center of the living room was wide open with a soft animal puzzle mat on the floor. Mantra reminded Twilight of her rules as she escorted her: No flying, no magic, and she was only allowed to call her “Mommy” or “Mama”. She even offered to bind Twilight’s wings, but respected the princess’ polite decline. Mantra, still smirking, tapped Twilight on her head with the crinkling pant and told her to lay down. Twilight, still blushing, complied and lay herself back flat on top of the soft blue changing pad. She felt Mantra’s magic grip her hind hooves and the freshly unfolded diaper slide underneath her plot. The inside felt soft right away, but it was too soon to judge… No, it wasn’t too soon to judge; it was like a cloud. A plume of white powder coated Mantra’s hoof. Having another mare touch her groin area so intimately yet not-so-intimately was exhilarating to the young princess, then Mantra moved onto coating her plot in the fresh smelling powder as well. “You sure you don’t want me to help? It’s not crooked, is it? I’m not making it crooked, am I?” “Shhh,” Mantra’s clean hoof pressed lightly against Twilight’s lips, “you’re Twilighting.” “You know about that too?” She said with a light whine. “No helping.” Mantra’s tone felt fitting to the blushing squirmy alicorn. “Relax, Twily, I got this. Now hold still.” She still felt like she had to help her out somehow, but with the no magic rule in place, there was little she could do, however, having Mantra take care of all the work was another charm on top of it all, and she let her have at it. The diaper was folded over her groin, the wings were wrapped around her waist, and the tapes were planted into the front. But Mantra wasn’t even done; Twilight watched her use her magic to do some final adjustments on the fit of the thick padding. Twilight held back almost involuntary squirms from Mantra’s meddling with her diaper… Her diaper. She ran that idea through her head a million times in that mere moment. The pink crinkling pant became part of her once its tapes were firmly secured. The leak guards wrapped around the base of her legs in Mantra’s magenta magic. The pink mare drew herself closer, face-to-face, with Twilight. “All done~” Mantra said with a cheeky smile and raised herself to tower over the freshly diapered alicorn. “You look so cute.” Twilight instinctively shifted around, hearing crinkles and smelling powder accompany her every move, and a soft warm brush against her private area. A fiery blush filled her cheeks, and her pupils darted into the corners of her eyes. “Still have any reservations, Princess?” Twilight was only silent; she was feeling so much, but she didn’t know for certain what she was feeling. She expected wearing a diaper for the first time to be nothing but foreign to her body, the fluffy pant was so soft and inviting. Even the lack of ventilation around her groin and plot was incredibly comfortable to her. “So much blush. We haven’t even really started yet.” Mantra then let her horn light up once more, propping the princess onto her hoofs in a thunderstorm of crinkles. She hadn’t been hoisted around like that in a long time, and it felt right. “Toddle around a little and get a feel for it. I’ll be right back~” The pink mare ran her hoof through Twilight’s mane as her hooves started clipping out of the room. Twilight Sparkle couldn’t fathom why she felt such strong feelings of joy from being told to toddle around, or from being encouraged so much by Mantra in general. One hoofstep elicited a crinkle that cut loudly through the silent room; a crinkle that exacerbated her helpless blushing, and a thick layer of what felt like a plastic cloud that came with it. It all ached to remind her that she was a foal, that she was the one toddling around in a crinkly diaper that she was placed into, and for reasons that further cemented her foalish place. It all fought her initial feeling of being a grown mare trying something out for “science”. She was in a circle of thought from which there was no escape, and it was bliss. The pink unicorn returned with a bottle levitating in her magic. Twilight’s pupils shrank as she saw herself lifted off the floor in the same magenta aura. She floated toward the couch and was settled into Mantra’s lap. Twilight squirmed, but welcomely opened her mouth to let the nipple slide right in. Rampant thoughts and new feelings forced her to hesitate from suckling right way, but the nipple started squeaking after the first couple of drops from the cold white liquid splashing her tongue. Twilight lay in Mantra’s lap at an angle, embraced in Mantra’s warm hooves and enjoying a bottle held up telekinetically. She closed her eyes and just felt it all; felt Mantra’s embrace grow warmer, felt the milk fill her belly, felt kind of… giddy. “That’s it. Relax, Twily.” Mantra’s gentle voice cooed to her. An abrupt gust of wind forced Twilight to scrunch her muzzle and then open her eyes. The bottle only had drops slowly climbing down to the nipple. Mantra pulled the bottle out of her mouth and gazed into Twilight’s eyes with a smile. “Want another?” Twilight only gave a pondering hum in response. “That means ‘yes’. Just stay here and I’ll be right back.” Twilight stared up at the ceiling, feeling her lips forcing her to smile. Having another mare hold her so close for so long and do so much for her was something else. She looked down at herself and made her diaper crinkle with a front hoof. She wondered why she liked the feeling from the outside as well, and in a reactionary squirm, watched her hind legs produce more crinkles from the pant. Mantra returned and cradled Twilight in her lap once more, and once again fed her a bottle. Twilight kept her eyes open this time, watching the milk empty from the bottle as she suckled, watching Mantra gaze into her eyes with a comforting smile. After the feeding, the purple alicorn was sat up to lean over Mantra’s shoulder. Twilight felt a gentle hoof patting her back, continuously blushing from it, but not feeling the gas build up. She unexpectedly released a loud belch, and the pats on her back turned into gentle rubbing. “So calm and well-behaved. Such a good little filly.” Twilight felt her nose scrunch up on its own then felt herself being cradled in Mantra’s lap once more. “Let’s get you toddling around in something else. You want a onesie or just a shirt?” “Oh.” Twilight said. “Tough choice. Maybe I should go with what makes the most out of the experience. So I guess maybe the- Oh, but on the other hoof-” A hoof gently pressed against her lips. “Onesie or shirt?” “...Onesie.” Twilight felt Mantra’s tone again; a tone that told her not to think, only choose. Had Mantra given her the moment to think about it, she would’ve weighed the pros and cons. If she were at home, she would’ve prepared a whiteboard and made a venn diagram. Twilight wanted to get the most out of the experience; the most she felt comfortable with, or at least that’s what she told herself in her head. The onesie would’ve added more to that experience than a shirt, would’ve made her feel and look more foalish. But would just the shirt really make her look less foalish? She’d be wearing her diaper rather proudly in that case, but on the other hoof, a diaper would still be obvious underneath a onesie; she’s seen Rainbow Dash’s diapers play peekaboo through her onesie many times. For a brief moment, Twilight couldn’t see anything past a pink blur. She didn’t even know Mantra brought clothes with her last time she came back. She had to have brought both options with her, though. Twilight watched an aura of magenta magic place her on her back beside the pink unicorn and lift her rump up by her hind legs. Twilight watched magic stretch the groin of the onesie, and she heard the snaps locking in. “Sweet Celestia, you’re adorable~ Or maybe the expression should be ‘Sweet Twilight’ now?” Twilight giggled and squirmed her hind legs slightly, finding the crinkles of her diaper slightly suppressed. She wasn’t used to the feeling; having clothes over her lower section but her hind legs completely exposed. “You seem unsure about the onesie.” Twilight felt like her mind was being read. She didn’t want to be rude, but she asked for this. “How about you play around for a bit and let it grow on you? And don’t be afraid to let Mama know if you need anything. I’ll be right here.” Twilight blushed as she watched a magenta blur lift her and set her down gently next to the toy box. She knelt before it and peered inside, not sure which toy to start off with. She partially wanted Mantra to put a toy in her hooves for her. A magenta glow caught her periphery, and her head turned toward a bead maze and a puzzle cube being lifted out. Her attention turned toward the bead maze; a classic foal toy that Twilight, even at older ages, found herself playing with during visits to the doctor. Her purple hoof dragged a red sphere across a blue line. A sharp turn horizontal, three loops around a yellow line, and a soft incline to the end of the track. She felt immediately encapsulated by it and kept running the beads along their tracks. Mantra giggled at the big foal she dressed up playing with her toys. “The bead maze gets all of them.” “It’s just for science.” Twilight said with a blush. “Mhm,” Mantra replied with thick skepticism, “and I suppose that milk in your tummy and your pretty pink onesie are for science too?” Twilight couldn’t believe how bad the mare was hammering her buttons. She didn’t even think she had buttons in that department to hammer. She couldn’t even come up with a fitting response. “I won’t deny the diapers being for science, though. Something tells me you might have already looked into the science of these things.” A pink hoof snuck up from behind Twilight and promptly patted her padded plot. The purple mare gave a squeak in response. “Okay, as much as I know you secretly love being blushy, you’ll never get immersed into this if I keep doing it. Play around for a bit. Be an innocent little foal. Like I said, I’m here on the couch if you need anything.” Mantra wasn’t wrong. Twilight had done a hint of research on diaper science; SAP, curvature on adult diapers versus foal ones, typical things someone first discovering their foal-at-heart side would learn about, even Rainbow Dash, who Twilight wouldn’t have pegged as one to do such. It showed as a testament to how close being an AFDL can be to ponies. Twilight kept playing with the bead maze, and occasionally shifting about and looking down at herself. The onesie kept her diaper close to her and snug, but she didn’t feel like she was getting full exploration of her padding. She shifted her right hind leg to hear what little crinkling she could get. Her attention was taken away from the bead maze and she brought her hooves to the groin of her onesie to get a peek at the diaper underneath. “Everything alright, Twily?” The alicorn nervously stared back at Mantra, then glanced back at her diaper. “I think somepony wants to try the shirt instead. What do you think, Twily?” She meekly nodded. “Do you know how to ask for it like a good filly?” “May I…” Her voice was soft, shy, and timid. “May I have the shirt instead, please?” “‘Please what’?” Her tone and her devilish smirk sent sparks through the purple mare. “...Please, Mama?” “There you go.” Twilight gave a startled yelp and was promptly lifted in Mantra’s magic, which also worked to undo the onesie’s snaps. “Still dry for now, I see.” Twilight actually hoped that would change soon. Her diapered rump rested against the floor with a crinkle. Twilight’s vision was obscured by a pink blur twice. The pink shirt that now donned her was plain and only long enough to barely cover the tip of her diaper’s waistband. “Sorry, Miss Mantra.” The mare towering before her cleared her throat roughly. “I mean, sorry, Mama.” “Step one: Say ‘sorry’. Step two: Don’t do it again, Twily.” “Well, I meant sorry about the onesie.” “No need to be sorry, well, not for that.” Mantra sat herself down by Twilight and pet her head. “Mind isn’t really into onesies either. Every foal is different.” “Why do you think that is?” “Reason number one.” Mantra said as her magic lay Twilight on her back and lifted her shirt to expose her belly. Twilight only had a split second to realize what she was about to do before she was thrown into a fit of uncontrollable laughter. Her wings spread as vibrations from Mantra’s lips coursed through her belly. “I mean,” Twilight took a couple of breaths to compose herself, “aside from that, I think-” another loud outburst of lips blowing against her belly had Twilight flailing about in laughter once again. “Mama, wait~ I just think I like the shirt more because-” Twilight was thrown into a flail once again, more vibrations surging through her. “I’m going to keep giving you zerbies until you put that big girl brain away.” “‘Zerbies’?” Twilight wished she hadn’t asked. Her inquiry earned her an obvious answer, to which she could only respond with another fit of hysterical laughter. “Yep, zerbies. Although, I did hear a rumbly tummy. I think it’s time for lunch.” Twilight didn’t even notice she was hungry. Twilight was both terrified and glad that Mantra was taking things so far with her. The purple mare could only watch Mantra from behind, and watch her magic work on the cupboards and drawers. She looked down at herself, sitting in an adult sized high chair with a bib freshly tied around her. It was cloth, so it could endure a very messy feeding, since it was meant to be put through the wash anyway. A plastic bowl tapped against the high chair tray. Mantra magically stuck an orange spoon into the pink and bumpy goop that lay within it. Twilight backed into her high chair when the spoon was lifted up, not because she wanted to be a “fussy foal” but because she was genuinely apprehensive of what Mantra was about to put in her stomach, apprehensive of what was about to be in her system. “Open up, little filly, special delivery~” Her words were encouraging in a way, encouraging enough to make the blushing alicorn oblige. Twilight was surprised to discover it wasn’t foal food, and it was actually sweet; it was strawberry applesauce. Twilight gladly opened her mouth for more. “Yummy, right?” Mantra chuckled, glad she was able to get a childish nod out of Twilight. Twilight felt a familiar pressure building up in her bladder, and it felt more impending to her more than usual. Once lunch was over, she’d get a chance to see how wetting a diaper exactly worked. Twilight had a lot of extensive reading sessions that trained her to hold it in pretty well, but in this particular case, she grew more troubled by a full bladder than she usually did. Perhaps she touched her spell a little much. Growing from little tickle to squirm-inducing discomfort, another spoonful of applesauce entered her mouth, and she felt herself give in. So much for waiting until after lunch. Her diaper really did its job, which took the princess by surprise, despite being told about this before by both Mind Fission and Rainbow Dash. She didn’t even feel wetness, only warmth and relief. Her releasing bladder didn’t want to stop; she didn’t think the spell she casted on herself was going to be so strong, or was it her immersion into the foal-at-heart routine that was responsible? Mantra was ensnared in a fit of giggles. Twilight realized she had the same spoonful of applesauce in her mouth for several seconds. “I wish I had an incontinence spell the first time I wet a diaper. You look like you enjoyed it quite a bit~” “I didn’t think it would wick so fa-” Another spoonful of applesauce stopped her mid-sentence. Mantra didn’t need to say anything; Twilight already heard her voice in her head. No more big girl talking. Twilight was surprised she finished the bowl so fast. All that remained were traces the spoon couldn’t pick up. “I think Twi’s a little hungrier than Mama thought.” Mantra said with a smirk. “Want another, dear? Maybe Mama should surprise you with something else? And no, I promise there won’t be any ‘special ingredients’ in it. What do you think, Twi? Should Mama surprise you?” Twilight hesitated a bit; she figured the “surprise” would be the foal-at-heart food which she was initially apprehensive about, but Mantra’s assurance to not adding laxatives made her feel more welcome to it. She gave Mantra a nod, the pink mare’s smile turned to a devilish grin. A new bowl with a light orange mush sat on the tray just before Twilight. A spoonful of it levitated before her, which she accepted, allowing it to splash onto her tongue and bless her taste buds; peach-flavored foal-at-heart food. She knew Mantra promised she didn’t add anything, but she knew the sweet peachy treat had natural laxatives in it, but she didn’t mind, she actually somewhat looked forward to it. Twilight Sparkle at the front door didn’t plan on messing, or at least not on her first day trying diapers, but Twilight Sparkle in the high chair was singing a different tune, a tune in a completely different key signature. Mantra levitated the empty bowl back onto the kitchen counter, untied Twilight’s bib, and cradled the alicorn in her magic. Twilight ate very cleanly for her. As she floated through the rooms, Mantra praised her for being a good well-behaved little filly, and she absolutely adored it. She had so many thoughts swimming through her head and she ached to get them all out. But she was committed to the full treatment, and she knew Mantra was as well. Twilight found herself lowered onto a soft mattress. Mantra became a duplicated blur and bars came into full focus, which widened the princess’ eyes. She didn’t think she’d be put down for a nap already. Or did so much time pass already? She hadn’t recalled seeing a clock since she stepped into the mansion. Did she not notice, or did Mantra do that on purpose? So many questions the alicorn had for her. She never anticipated how much of a fight it’d be with her thoughts about all of this. It was going to take more than a soft purple bunny plush floating into her hooves to get her to fall asleep. “I know that face; the ‘I’m not tired, but I really want to sleep in the crib’ face.” If she didn’t know any better, Twilight would’ve thought Mantra’s fiancé wasn’t the only one in this mansion who could magically replicate nearly psychic abilities. “Don’t worry.” Mantra said while her horn lit up. “Mama has ways to make you sleepy.” Twilight clutched the bunny plush in her hooves and peered up at Mantra’s smirk and her glowing horn. Twilight fully accepted a well-anticipated pacifier to float into her mouth, but no pacifier appeared, making her more eager for it suddenly. She pondered why she suddenly felt so strongly wanting to sleep with a pacifier in her mouth, and where it was floating in from; Mantra was sure taking a long time with it. Was it to keep her in suspense? Twilight’s pupils widened once more; she realized what was happening, but by then, her initial resistance was on the brink of melting into acceptance, and it swiftly crossed the threshold. Hypnosis; it came out left field to the alicorn, as it wasn’t a spell any ordinary unicorn could perform. She felt her grip on her inhibitions slip and the questions fade away. They were replaced by the desire she had in that moment; to cement herself into the role of a foal, which included taking a nap in the crib. Her eyelids grew heavy and her view of Mantra towering over her blurred. A blackness overtook her and she heard crinkles accompany her rolling onto her side. Twilight felt the hypnosis-induced nap pass by in a flash. She still felt the tender care when Mantra wished her pleasant dreams. Or did she dream about her saying that? Was she still under the hypnosis? She still had her rampant questions, but they seemed underscored by her brain nagging her to prepare for more fun with Mama- With Miss Mantra. Her hoof reached for the diaper snug against her groin, still only mildly wet. She was disappointed by that. She lightly kicked her legs, happily crinkling her diaper while waiting for Mama. Twilight then felt her stomach rumble again; dinner time was soon, she hoped. Maybe Mantra should’ve left her a bottle. No wait, this was a different kind of rumbling. She knelt on the mattress and supported herself with her front hooves on the crib bars; if she didn’t do this on her own, it would’ve been forced out. She didn’t question why she was doing this, she only gave in to the logic that if she didn’t soil her diaper on her own, the spell casted on her would make her do it. No questions, no reservations, no apprehension, just logic to encourage an act that she really wanted to do. After another rumble from her stomach, Twilight felt herself give a light push, and it only took a light push for her to get it all out. She felt it fill up the seat of her diaper and occupy the cavity between the back of the base of her hind legs. She gave a reflexive sigh when she felt herself finish, and she felt a great relief suddenly overcame her. She couldn’t believe she just did that, and she was happy she did. Her front hoof reached for the rear of her diaper, giving it a like poke, the mess within lightly poking her plot upon so. She didn’t want to sit directly on it, but she did want to make herself more comfortable. She flopped herself down on her belly and clutched the bunny plush again. The mess in her diaper shifted about until she grew extra comfortable and still, but she wanted to keep feeling the sensation. She crooked her head up and looked back at her now filled diaper, then rested it back down on the pillow, peering at the bars… She then felt like she just fell out of the sky during a nice breezy flight. Did she just crash from the hypnosis? Why did she like doing that so much? Why was she so happy now when her date with Mantra wasn’t even halfway done? Why had she never explored this before? Her eyes watered up, she sniffled, she blinked hard, she cried. Mantra found a sulking purple alicorn in the crib she left her in, and caught a faint familiar stench. Her magic lowered the dropside and the pink unicorn climbed in, placing her hooves around Twilight and pulling her into a hug. “Let it all out, dear.” “I’m so sorry.” Twilight said while streams flowed off her cheeks into Mantra’s coat. The pink unicorn gave a frown and her usually marigold eyes started to fade into a light empathetic turquoise. “It’s okay. Big girl brain on. Let out what you need to, all of it.” Twilight felt control come over her tears and comfort from Mantra’s stroking hoof. Her thoughts were a hurricane and she didn’t know where to start. There she was, being coddled in a crib, crying while wearing a soiled diaper. “I just have so much I want to talk about. I love this so much. You’ve already done so much in such a short time, and I’m just so grateful for it all. It’s just that it’s all so much.” “Did I push you too far, Twilight?” “No, you’re fine. I wanted you to push me; I wanted the legendary Mantra treatment, I needed it, in fact.” Mantra gave a light exhale through her nostrils with a smile in response to her routine being referred to so highly, and by Princess Twilight Sparkle no less. “I just didn’t think I’d enjoy it so much.” Twilight felt the storm in her head begin to subside. “I got you, Twilight.” Mantra said as her eyes began to return to their default color and position Twilight to coddle beside her. “You had so many thoughts stored in that big girl brain of yours, but you wanted to respect my routine too. But Twilight, it’s okay to tell me if I’m pushing you too hard.” “I thought I’d just casually enjoy this, but when I got thrown in deep, I just- I just-” “I think you just realized how close to your heart this really was to you.” “Yeah. Exactly that, Miss Mantra. I loved everything that happened today, Miss Mantra, even…” Twilight’s eyes drifted to her diapered plot. “Even the… The that.” “C’mon, you can say it, be a big girl.” “The…” Twilight didn’t have the opportunity to laugh at the irony of being a big girl and admitting to doing the ultimate foalish behavior. “The diaper messing.” Mantra gave a chuckle. “Good girl, Twi. Mama is very proud of you. And honestly, Twilight, to tell you the truth, I haven’t really babysat someone doing this for their first time and diving into so much at once. I’m kind of aching to hear your thoughts about it. Mama would love to hear what your big girl brain has to say, Twilight.” “Maybe that’s just what I need, Miss Mantra. I really wish I would’ve started doing this a long time ago, but now I run a country, time is scarce and… It’s just not fair, Miss Mantra.” Mantra placed another heartfelt hoof on her head. Maybe I just need to let out all the feelings I have right now, then I can go back to strict little foal mode. Can we do that, Miss Mantra?” “How about this instead, Twilight?” Her hoof snaked down toward Twilight’s plot and she blushed upon feeling her not-so-fresh mush press against her plot. “Mama gets you changed into a fresh diapee, and from then on, you’re in middle space mode.” “Middle space?” That was a thing she never heard Mind Fission mention. A pink pacifier doused in Mantra’s magic floated into Twilight’s accepting muzzle. She gave an instinctive suckle to it, and found herself enjoying it instantly. “Yup. There’s big space and little space, but there’s also middle space. This is like casual mode; if you want to be a little filly you can, but you can also get those big girl brain thoughts out if you need to. But of course, I know how hard it is for fillies to say ‘yes’ or ‘no’, so how about you keep that paci in if you want to be little, and take it out when you need to talk to Mama. Does that sound good?” Surprisingly to Twilight, she gave a nod while still suckling strongly on the pacifier. “Good girl~ Since we’re all happy again,” Mantra gave another light brush on her crinkly rump before collecting herself and lifting Twilight out of the crib. “Let’s get you into a fresh diaper, Princess Mushyrump.” “Mmph!” Twilight said with a blush, then placed the pacifier in her hoof. “Something that’s been on my mind this whole time; you can levitate other ponies. You’re stronger than you look, Miss Mantra.” Twilight promptly put the pacifier back in her mouth. “Mama loves magic too. A lot of ponies don’t think I studied magic as much as I did. That hypnosis spell I did earlier, it doesn’t make anypony do anything, it only helps you want to do what you really want to do deep down.” Twilight was slowly laid upon the soft changing table mat. “Also, on another note; you’re not the only alicorn princess who I appropriately labeled ‘Princess Mushyrump’, Twilight.” Twilight’s nose scrunched when Mantra’s hoof lightly pressed her nose. She gazed at the hoof pulling away from her as she heard magic loudly rip tapes off of her well-used diaper. Her eyes trailed toward the ceiling, then back toward a pink mare smiling from behind purple hind legs. The princess replicated the smile coming from the mare who was softly and firmly cleaning her rear end, wipe after wipe. Twilight Sparkle smiled with a smile well-reflected from within her heart. She smiled knowing she was closer to a new side of her. Closer to something she never knew she loved. Closer to Mantra, to Mind Fission, Rainbow Dash, and her sister-in-law. And most importantly, she knew she was closer to herself.