> Barb's Oral Assistance > by MrWriterWriter > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Making It My Business > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight's shoulders slumped further down the more she looked over the stack of papers in front of her. "Come on...noise complaint because Pumpkin Cake was crying?? He's a toddler! Wanting the fountain in the park turned...because the statue's profile offends them...denied! A petition to make...to make jelly a mandatory part of breakfast, lunch, and dinner...denied! Again, dammit!" She crumpled them up, one after another, throwing the wadded papers in various directions. "More petty crap, Twi?" Barb asked from her spot on the other side of the desk. A screw up at the weather office cause the rain they were supposed to have today delayed till the day after tomorrow, leaving them with near-hundred degree weather. Right now both of them were almost to their bikinis because of it. although Twilight still had on a skirt for some measure of professionalism. Granted, Barb wasn't quite as affected by the heat, being a dragon, but the atmosphere just flat out sucked. Thankfully the palace floor was nice and cool, so she was currently resting against the desk. "Yeah...what is with these ponies!?" She groaned in exasperation. "Look at this one; 'Derpy Hooves took the last muffin...again! Tell her to stop!'" Twilight made an inarticulate sound of anger and ripped it in two. "Are they serious!? It's like the heat is turning everyone into jerkasses!" The desk vibrated when her head collided with it. "Somepony, let it stop. please...!" Barb sighed in sympathy; her friend had been like this for the last few days, letting the workload get to her. She wasn't the only one either. Because of the heat lately, the Apples were running themselves ragged trying to collect as much of their crop as they could before it went bad on the tree. Fluttershy was a wreck thanks to a batch of animal feed having gone bad, and now nearly half her animals were sick to their stomach. Even Pinkie looked like her smiles were a little forced lately from the heat and worrying about her own work going bad. 'Everyone looks flat out miserable.' She thought, laying down to let the cool crystal help her think. 'Wish I knew a way to perk them up' "Say, Twi-" She turned to look Twilight's way, and her voice caught in her throat. She could only see the alicorn's legs from where she was, but it was the fact that her vantage point gave her the perfect view up Twilight's skirt. Apparently she'd been more preoccupied than usual, because she was unknowingly going commando, and Barb now had a clear view of her marehood. Barb's eyes widened. 'Oh my Faust...' She gulped, already finding herself start to salivate at the sight. She knew she'd always been attracted to mares as much as stallions, though she was never sure how to tell Twilight. And at that moment, the sight of her oldest friend's pussy was just too damn tempting! It was then that it hit her. She remembered a sleep over with the CMC a couple of years back, during some of there antics, they'd gotten to making wagers during a video game. She was so confident she'd win, she said she'd eat all three fillies out if she lost. And she did. Despite how nervous they all were about it, she kept her end of the wager. And she loved it; the way they smelled, their taste, the way they squeaked and squirmed as she devoured them. But it was the relaxed and satisfied expressions they had afterwards. A wide grin formed on her face and she licked her lips hungrily. Ever since then she'd have a love of giving oral, but chances were few and far between. Now though, she saw a possible answer to helping her friends out AND satisfying her hunger. Her eyes never leaving her target, Barb crawled towards her under the desk. "No, I will NOT ban pastels! That's just..." Twilight threw the petition away and was looking at the next when she felt an odd sensation on her legs. It was almost like her skirt was bunching up. "Great, please tell me I'm not chafing." She muttered to herself. She squirmed in her seat a little and turned her attention back to the papers. Before she could though, she felt another sensation hit her. This time it was far different from bunching fabric. It felt more like a pair of lips on her inner thigh. She immediately looked down. "!!" Her eyes widened when she saw Barb between her legs. "WHA! B-Barb, what are you--!?" She squeaked before the spade of Barb's tail gently silenced her. "Shh...just relax, and enjoy." Looking up at her, Barb slowly pushed the skirt up, her kissed alternating from side to side the higher she went. "Barb!" Twilight's voice cracked some at the sensation. 'C-Celestia, why does this feel so gooood!" She squealed when Bard began to hungrily, and passionately kiss her netherlips. "Heh, someone's enjoying herself." Barb purred, giving her slit a long, slow lick. "Don't worry, Twily, I'm nowhere near done. Now don't look away, I want you to watch." Barb made sure they had eye contact as she opened her mouth wide, and her tongue, all fifteen inches, snaked out and lathed around Twilght's defenseless pussy. "Omigod!!" Twilight squealed, her hips bucking at the feel, along with Barb's hands sliding up to grip her buttcheeks, squeezing them slightly. The action had caused Twilight's legs to settle over Barb's shoulders, which gave her even more access to her target. "Mm...you're a yummy lil mare, you know that, Twi?" She grinned as her tongue began to slowly slide in. "I could enjoy your tasty little pussy all day." "Oh..oh yeah..." Twilight moaned, gripping the dragoness' head on reflex. "D-don't you dare stoooop!" She writhed and squirmed the deeper she went in, squealing when the appendage coiled around against her pussy walls, pressing on multiple sensitive spots. Barb let out a cute little growl before finally wrapping her mouth around the quivering mound, sucking and licking with a relish. The air was quickly filled with Twilight's squeals, squeaks, and shrieks of pleasure as her sex was pleasantly assaulted. This was what really turned Barb on; the taste/smell of her partner, the way a pussy or cock felt in her mouth, the looks of sheer pleasure plastered on their faces...it was intoxicating. "Barb, I think...ahhh I think I-!" She let out a wail as her orgasm hit, her honey washing over Barb's tongue, who gulped it down greedily. "S-Sweet Celestia!" Her voice quavered some, still reeling from her climax. "W-where'd you learn toooohhh!!" Her back arched when Barb showed she wasn't done yet and resumed attacking her still tender flesh. Of course, still feeling the aftermath of her first orgasm, Twilight couldn't last long against the second round. She also proved she was a screamer since she let out another shriek as she came before slumping into her chair with a goofy, but very happy smile on her face. She squeaked and fidgeted some when Barb pulled her tongue out, and lick her mound clean before sitting up. "Hehehe...heh" "How do you feel now, Twi?" Twilight just giggled between pants. > Business is Good > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''Haa...hahh...oh wow..." Twilight panted, finally coming down from the unreal orgasm she'd just had. Her skirt was hiked up and Barb was sitting nearby, licking the last bit of something off her lips. "That was...I..." Twilight flushed when her head began clearing. "B-BARB, the heck??" She squawked, looking at her assistant/oldest friend/unoffical little sister in a mix of shock and confusion. "You just...me...tongue...eep!" She blushed even harder as it sunk in. "Twilight, calm down." Barb replied. "I'll explain as soon as you settle, all right?" She waited as the mare did her 'cool down' breathing exercise, finally relaxing a little. "You ok now?" "I think so, just..." She gestured from her, to Barb, then to her still exposed mound. "When do you...??" "Twi, I'm Bi." "...come again?" "I like stallions and mares." She smirked at the squeak Twilight let out. "I have no problem with the idea of going down on either." It took Twilight a moment to say anything really articulate. "Huh...didn't know that...guess that explains a couple things, but..." Barb's smirk turned into something Twilight couldn't quite describe, except it was making her sex quiver a little. "Well, since everyone's feeling pretty crappy from this weather right now, I thought I'd smack two birds with one shoe. You, Twilight Sparkle, were customer number one in a little...I guess you could say business, but service sounds better." "You...you're wha?" Twilight's jaw slackened slightly. "To put it bluntly, I love oral." She started slowly moving closer to Twilight. "Mostly giving it. I love how a mare's pussy tastes, how they feel in my mouth, the way they squirm and moan while I'm between their legs..." By then, their noses were almost touching, and she was once against positioned between her 'sister's thighs. "Granted, I haven't given a blowjob yet, but...I've practice a little. Anyway, I figured 'why not help take everyone's mind off the heat, and I get to indulge myself. It's a win-win." Twilight gulped. She had not expected to be encountering this today, or at all. Especially from Barb of all people! Admittedly, Barb was old enough to make a choice like that, but she had reservations about the whole thing. "Are you sure about this Barb?" She asked. "I mean, if word gets out, you may attract some unwanted....'customers'" "And to them, I say 'I reserve the right to refuse service." Her grin widened. "As for being sure...your brother's birthday is in a week, isn't it? You think Cadance would be cool with him getting my first suck?" Her tongue snaked out to its full length. "I can already picture how he'll taste when I wrap around that fat-" "Tmi! TMI TMI!" Twilight flailed. "Do NOT need to have that image in my head!" She shuddered slightly. "Ok, ok. I'll go along with it...just one thing." "Yeah?" Her cheeks pinked as she bit her lip. "Um...is...it just one to a customer? I need something to get that out of myyyyyhhaaa..." She fell back against her seat when Barb slid down and she felt the dragon's tongue snake back over her pussy.