> A Dragons Lust > by Silver Butcher > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Cosmic Bullshit > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ember was not having a good day. She was unbelievably frustrated at the simple fact that nothing had been going right. First, she had to settle a retarded fight with two of the most stubborn dragons she had ever had the displeasure of meeting. They had wanted to walk past each other and both refused to fly over or walk around the other, resulting in a shouting match that, to her knowledge, was still going on, then she had been interrupted in the middle of trying to relieve herself sexually by a baby dragon that one of her maids brought with her and if that wasn't bad enough, the endless marriage proposals she got on a daily basis from every single male dragon who came near her home was starting to piss her off immensely. "No Skullcrusher, I must deny your proposal to be my mate, " Ember said as her frustration grew. "But Lord Ember, you must provide an heir to the throne, and who better to father that heir than me," Skullcrusher boasted as he flexed. "Just think of how easy it'll be with me around, since you could do all the cooking, cleaning, and get a child, and I can take over as Dragonlord!" "As...horrible as that sounds, I need not have an heir for a few hundred years, not to mention how open you are about being against every policy I have ever instated." "Come now my lord, we both know you just need a good male by your side to keep your decisions in check. Honestly, I'm doing you a favor, I mean declaring Pony hunting Illegal and making peace with them? You clearly need a male by your side to put you in..." "Alright you can just piss off, I'm needed for a diplomatic meeting in Equestria," Ember said angrily, "Guards, please escort Skull home, and first one to knock out a tooth gets a raise." Skull turned and ran as fast as he could as the fully grown dragon guards chased him home, more than ready to beat the shit out of him when they caught up to him. Still grumbling angrily, Ember got out of her throne, but she was stopped almost at once by the Royal Advisor. "This guy." She thought irritably as he began speaking. "Morning my lord, you have 214 more potential mates on the waiting list, shall I..." "No." She said angrily "I've told you nicely, and I've told you angrily, I am not, into Males." She shot a column of smoke out her nose. "yes well I'm afraid your opinion matters very little, so please sit back down and try and find one that..." Ember held her hand up and put her fingers together in a snapping position. "Who's the Dragonlord?" she asked, her advisor got on his knees at once. "You are my lady." "Who makes the laws?" "You do my lady." "Who can have you beheaded with a snap of her fingers?" "You can my lady!" Ember nodded. "Then shut the fuck up before I snap." Ember turned to leave before adding. "And call my father, I am going on a Diplomatic meeting and won't be back for a while, he is not allowed to make changes to the laws, other than that let him go wild." With that, she made her way up the stairs to grab a few gems as a snack before departing. "Good, I'll just have him decide on who you will be your mate then." The Advisor thought with a smile before raising his voice. "Former Dragonlord Torch has been summoned to hold the mantle of temporary dragon lord until such time as Dragonlord Ember returns." After a few minuted the large door opened and Torch walked in, he walked past the tiny throne that Ember had been sitting on and sat on the gargantuan sized one that was basically the entire back wall. "What is the current business?" He demanded. "we were going through the remaining 214 possible mates for you daughter my lord." "How many of them are male?" He demanded, the Advisor was dumbfounded at that "TELL ME NOW!" "All of them sir, you have a Daughter after..." "My Daughter does not like males in that way, they are all denied! What is the next motion!" "But sir, we can't just let your Daughter mate with another Female, there are rules, she needs an heir! The Dragon Council would never..." Without hesitation, Torch held up his large hand and a Snap sounded through the castle. " Guards, execute this sexist-ass Advisor," Ember heard the snap just as she finished her snack. "Dumbass should have kept his mouth shut." She muttered as screaming sounded for a moment before being cut off abruptly. "Oh well, maybe his replacement will be smarter...then again that was my 4th advisor this month." her snack finished Ember walked up to her room for the Equestria bag, as in accordance with Equestria Law she was required to wear clothing, witch Barb has been kind enough to deliver for her, she hadn't seen Barb in a hot while, but she remembered her being about as average as any of the other females Ember knew, altho her personality had grown on Ember rather quickly. She'd never say it aloud but she did have to admit to herself she had a small crush on Barb. Ember pulled the bag from under her bed and put on its content, the Underwear was itchy, the Bra was just the right size, much to her irritation as she covered her A sized bust with it. Something that was normal for most Dragons, the biggest she'd ever seen was a B cup Dragoness who had been the talk of the Dragon lands for quite some time. The Ponies she had met both had sold D cups, which just pissed her off more, she put on the Shorts and T-Shirt, they were both a dark shade of blue, the shirt had two large holes for her wings in them. once she made sure none of them would fall off or rip as she moved she walked to her balcony and began her journey to Equestria, as she flew away from her castle, she got a good view of Skull getting his face beat in. "Ha." Ember laughed as she flew over the scene and went on her way, it took her over an hour to get to the Equestrian border, once she landed at the preappointed meetup spot she didn't have to wait long for the Princess of Friendship to arrive. She saw the pony as she was flying down. "Ember thank you so much for agreeing to come." She said, Ember completely blanked on her name. "Yeah, no problem," Ember replied with a shrug before using an old Dragon trick to get her name "I, Ember, Ask permission to have access to the lands of Equestria for visiting purposes." "Oh!? well I, Twilight Sparkle, Grant you that permission to have access to the lands of Equestria for visiting purposes." "Thank you." Ember said, "Twilight something or other, just remember that first part and it should be fine." the two stood in silence for a moment "So why am I here again?" She asked. "Oh sorry! We just needed you to, you know, come on down, sign the Peace treat, and then we can talk about things like Ponies and Dragons immigration." "Can't think of any part of the Dragon lands that is Ponysafe, but we've been working on it, the Capital's kind of a castle now, and I'm working on pushing the idea of Make your cave a home, maybe get some actual cities built, not gonna happen for a while, but Dragons live a long ass time so, you know I've got time, baby steps and what not." "So." Twilight said awkwardly, a Question burning in her eyes "Why'd you agree to come?" "Wha's that now?" Ember asked absentmindedly. "Well I've sent you an invitation to come about 6 times in the past month alone and you've just ignored them all." "Oh Yeah, I just actually read one I guess," Ember said as she thought on the letter that she had been attached to Twilight's last invitation, she had opened it and found an invitation from Barb begging her to humor Twilight, adding that she'd love to see her again, Ember had announced she was coming and gone to tell her now deciesd advisor she was leaving, only to find Skullcrusher waiting for her. Jumping back to the present she said bluntly "Yeah the others just came at bad times, got burned to ash before I could really read any of em, Always got sent to me when I was in a Lava bath." Twilight seemed to buy that. "Alright, well now that your here if you'll just grab my hand I can teleport you back to the castle, Barb should have your side of the room ready." "My side?" Ember questioned. "Oh, she wanted to set it up like a Sleepover, since she hasn't seen you in almost a year." Ember thought on that for a minute. "So you're telling me, that me and Barb are gonna be sleeping in the same room, for a Week?" "Yeah, but she said if you didn't want to..." "Nope, Love the idea, sounds like a great way to spend some time together and catch up on each other's lives." "Great, hand please?" Ember took her hand and, after a very disorienting moment, they were in front of Twilight's castle, Twilight's hands became rapidly sweaty as she took a deep breath, looking exhausted. "Oh Sweet Celestia that was a Jump." As Twilight takes a few deep breaths Ember looks back at Ponyville, any and all mares she spies with her eye have at least a C cup, with the exception of most of the Pegasus having B cups. "Stupid Sex ponies and their fucking Genetics." She thought before turning to aid Twilight up the stairs, once at the top and threw the Door Twilight informs Ember where to go and the two walk into what Ember figured was a Kitchen, not something she really knew much about other than that it was where the Ponies stored their food but not where they ate it, Twilight got up and headed to the Fridge to grab a drink, Ember was about to ask what she should do when a Squee from the door caught her attention, Barb ran in before Ember could fully turn and Pulled Ember into a Hug, who instantly felt something wrong. Barb hugged her tight for a moment before backing up, Excitement etched into her face, Ember stared dumbfound at her, Last she had seen her Barbs height maxed out just at Embers chest, now she was slightly taller than her, but that was not what caught Ember off guard, it was Barbs entire body, She had an HourGlass figure, her teeth sparkled white, her scales where shining and soft to the touch, and her chest, oh for the Love of the Lord Her Chest, She was Rocking a Pair of Double DD. One single thought ran through her mind as Ember looked at her Happy friend. "This is some Cosmic Bullshit!" "It's so good to see you again!" Barb sang out as she pulled Ember into another hug. "It's been so Long Since I last saw you! How are you!?" "I'm amazing," Ember said, amazed at how unangry her tones sounded. "How have you been?" "You Lord forsaken Super Modle." Ember mental slapped herself as Barb grabbed her hand and lead her out of the kitchen. "Oh so much has happened since I last saw you! Let me tell you about my friend Mesosoma!" > Stairs > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Barb led Ember to her room, all the while happily talking about what's been going on since she had last seen. "...and then Mesosoma became the new Queen of the Changelings, we haven't really talked in a while, since ruling a country makes it hard to stay in contact with old friends apparently." The tone and wording of that were not lost on Ember. "If it makes you feel better I've been changing a few things, been trying to weed out the racist and sexist way of Dragon thinking, I kind of have a Castle now, and I'm wearing clothes!" "I noticed," Barb said happily "I kind of stuck out in the Dragon lands, what with being the only one wearing them and all," Ember tried to respond to that, but her eyes lowered to Barbs chest as she walked up the flight of stairs, they bounced and jiggled with every step, something Ember had never seen before, she became lost in thought for a moment trying to figure out how something could look so jiggly when covered in scales, it took her a moment to notice Barb trying to get her attention. "Sorry what?" Ember asked. "I asked if you wanted to use a pair of my PJ's tonight? Or is there something else you'd rather wear?" "Can't I just no wear anything?" Ember replied "I'm wearing these clothes for cultural sensitivity, they are itchy as hell, there tight in places, and I do not appreciate this bra thing in the slightest," as she said the Ember pulled on her shirt. "I mean come on, don't you miss not having to wear these things?" Barb looked at Ember for a silent moment. "What?" "I was hatched and raised by ponies, I've been wearing clothes my entire life," "Why would you parents...?" "I don't really have parents, my egg was just kind of found and taken by ponies," Ember's reaction to that was less than tame. "You're a poached egg!?" She demanded "where's Twilight? Pease is off, war is on!" Barb only just managed to stop Ember from turning back down the stairs to declare war. "Twilight didn't steal my egg, some old crone at a university found it and used it for Celestia's school of Gifted Unicorns entrance exam." "I don't know what that is but that just pissed me off more, hatching dragon eggs for..." the look in Barbs eyes made Ember stop "What?" She demanded. "The actual test was to remove the embryo without cracking the shell, me being hatched was a complete accident." Barb shrugged "The look on Princess Celestia's face when she found out they had been using dragon eggs was apparently supper scary, at least that's what Twilight told me." Ember grumbled angrily at that for a moment. "Alright if miss big Princess didn't know about it and stopped it then I'll let it slide, but only casue you'd side with the ponies if I started a war, just making that clear." "I can live with that," Barb replied with a shrug, "I'm one floor up," She added as they made it to the second story, the two began walking, Barb smiling as she began talking about what she had been doing over the last week, her words died away when she noticed Ember staring down the hall, her eye's giving away that she was not listening and was lost in thought. "How is it even possible that there that big?" She wondered "I'm pretty sure that biologically speaking it's not really possible, maybe if she was fully grown and shrinking herself down, but I know that's not right, maybe she went through a Greed grow," Ember thought over that for a moment "No, maybe they'd be a little larger, but to go across the spectrum from tiny to gargantuan is just impossible," Barb walked in silence for a moment. "You don't like it do you?" She asked, receiving no response "I know you don't the clothes but you seem a special kind of pissed off, is it the castle, the weather, I guess telling about being hatched by Twilight wasn't the best of ideas." Ember blinked, having just noticed Barb was still talking. "I stop paying attention what are we talking about?" "I was just asking if you wanted to sleep on the bed or in the Sleeping bag," Barb said sweetly. "Oh I don't know what either of those are, I'll just sleep on the floor," "That's basically what the Sleeping bag is." Barb replied, there was a moment of silence "Wait do you just sleep on the floor?" Ember's lack of response indicated she wasn't paying attention anymore. "Oh for the love of..." Barb grumbled silently for a moment "She's not use to pony culture, she's a dragon and unlike me, she was raised by dragons." Barb took a deep breath and put her arm over Embers shoulder, getting her attention at once. "Is this a pony thing?" she asked, "Why is it that you keep staring off into the distance?" Barb asked. "Shit," Ember thought before saying aloud "Just wondering what ponies do for fun," She said, hopping her bluff was sufficient. "Ponies do a lot of things for fun, and I do too, some read, some go outside and play sports, some make clothes, some throw parties, some play with and befriend animals, some just argue and compete with each other." "That last one sounds like a dragon thing," Ember noted "Seems there are some ponies I can get along with," "You'd have to befriend them first, there's a difference between showing off and friendly competition." The two made it to the second flight and made their way up. "Oh, maybe you and I should go out and do thing together!" Barb suggested, "I can take you to try some food, take you to a theatre, maybe play a game together!" Ember looked over at Barb, who had puppy eyes, her entire face just begging for Ember to agree, quite unintentionally She as she leaned into Ember in anticipation for her answer she began squishing her breasts into her, Ember's face began glowing a light shade of red. "Alright fine," She said irritably "We can go do friend things." Barb Squealed and Hugged Ember, the embrace about 20 seconds before Barb let go and turned to her room. "Oh, this is gonna be super fun! But first things first allow me to introduce you to my room!" Ember walked in and froze in the doorway, Barb had a comic book collection, a messy pile of pillows and blankets covering her bed, there was a poster on the wall featuring the Power Ponies, next to her bed a Sleeping bag had been set up carefully, then been partially kicked out to the side, Barb turned to Ember and held up her arms, doing Jazz hands "Pretty sweet digs right?" She asked, Ember walked in and Barb motioned to the bed, "I'll go get Twilight to order us up some food and you can chill on my bed and maybe read one of my comics, anything specific you wanna eat?" "Well I usually go for gems but I'll try some pony food," Ember said as she walked over to the object Barb had identified as a Bed, She turned over and fell back on it, her eyes shot open as she sunk into the blankets. "I'm getting a Hayburger and fries!" Barb replied before running out the door, Ember lay in the blankets when loud banging sounded in the hall. "I'm ok!" Barb called out "Just fell down the stairs!" She lay back in the blankets and rolled over as she picked up one of the Pillows. "So soft." She muttered, she looked over at the book rack and pulled one out "Power Ponies Ultimate" She said as she read the cover. "See what this shit is about," She opened to the first page and began reading. As she did this Barb rolled halfway down the stairs before Twilight caught her. "There's an easier way to go down," She said as she set her younger sister on her feet. "But that's the most fun way," Barb replied, "I'm here to ask you to order me and Ember food, Two Hayburgers with two Large fries!" She imediatly turned to make her way back upstairs. "Barb, did you add anything to the Invitation?" Twilight asked, Barb froze and Twilight nodded "Alright you did, what did you say?" "I just wanted her to come to visit, all my friends become world leaders and it's bullshit," Twilight shook her head. "Well, all I can say is next time, can you just do that the first time around, save me and you both the time." she waved her hand "I'll get you and Ember your meal, just no funny business." "Yeah, wait what's that suppose to mean!?" Barb shot back, Twilight just walked away "Get overly attached to one mare and you're labeled for life." Barb said with a head shake before making her way upstairs. It took her a fair bit longer to get up than it had to go down, she opened her door to inform Ember that she had gotten the food order and found her reading one of the Power Pony comics. "You didn't tell me ponies knew how to be violent," Ember said as she looked up "These ponies seem like a real threat how is it that I've never heard of them before." "well, there superheroes from a comic book." Barb replied with a chuckle "They're not really real." "But I can see them in these pictures," Ember replied waving the comic book at her. "those are just drawings," "What's a drawing?" "Oh for the love of Celestia." Barb facepalmed "Ember what is it that Dragons do all day?" "We do as these Ponies do and prove who is the strongest, then rub it in the losers face," "And?" Barb asked, motioning for more. "I mean we eat, sleep, reproduce, and so on," Barb stared at Ember before crossing her arms and sighing, Ember must have seen something fly past the window casue she turned to it sharply. "I'm so happy I wasn't raised as a dragon." she thought before saying aloud "Ember allow me to tell you about what Ponies do with their days." > The Chapter that came third > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "...and then Ponies read them for entertainment," Barb said with a slight head nod and she handed the comic to Ember who looked at it in silence. "So Ponies, instead of being violent, make pretend pictures of violence?" "Something like that," Barb replied as Ember put her comic back on the shelf, during the hour that it had taken to fully explain what art and comic books where There food had been delivered and teleported in by Twilight, Ember was already halfway through her food and Barb hadn't even gotten around to touching her's yet due to Ember being difficult during her explanation. Even in the end, she hadn't really gotten the idea fully through her thick skull. Even now Ember seemed to be pondering what had been said in an attempt to understand it. "I Wonder what they feel like?" Ember thought as she absently thought about Barbs chest. as Barb began eating Ember began looking around the large room, she hadn't really noticed on first entry, but it was fairly empty, one corner had Barbs bed and her Comic collection with a poster next to the bed, but then entire rest of the room was empty save a desk with a few things on it and a chair. Ember looked around for a short while more, attempting to be a little polite as she waited for Barb to finish her bite before asking the question on her mind. "Why is your room so...empty?" Ember asked. Barb looked up at her for a moment before saying happily. "So I don't outgrow my ability to live comfortably with Ponies," She replied simply "The Birthday before I met you I ended up Greed growing and I trashed the town, so I try to keep my possessions to a low number, the only things I really hoard are my comics." Barbs took a hand full of her fries and stuffed them in her mouth. Ember thought on that in silence, Pondering if maybe that was the reason or at least one of the reasons for her gifted physique, Ember took another bite of her meal as she ponded over the idea, after a moment she decided to ask, "What the hell happened to bring on a Greed Growth? Better yet, how did you shrink back down? The growth tends to stick for at least a few months," Barb shrugged, "My Friend Rarity helped me shrink back down by reminding me, however unintentionally, of a recent act of generosity," "Ah, guess that would undo the growth," Ember replied absentmindedly as she tried to unravel the mystery of Barbs gifted chest, Barb meanwhile had been pondering on what to do with her friend during their time together the next day. "So what time you wanna get up tomorrow?" she asked, "We have a fair number of things we can do, go out to eat, visit the animals, go for a walk around the town, maybe just relax and laze about, we could play some board games..." "Bored games?" Ember asked, "The hell would I want to play a boring game?" "No not a...it's not a 'bored' game its...oh for the love of, Ember I am not taking an hour to explain the history of board games to you, let's just say they are more interesting than they sound and some result in you arguing with your friends and hating the game but still enjoying it at the same time." Ember sat in silence as she stared at Barb, "I'm willing to give that a try," she decided "Sounds like a rather...interesting thing to experience," "Oh, I can't wait!" Barb cheered as she finished her burger off in a series of fast and ravenous bites, sucking the sauce off on her fingers as she did so, Ember watched in silence as she sucked and licked on her fingers, "Yeah use your tongue," she thought as she watched Barb do just that, she herself dug into her food and finished what little she had left as Barb shoved the remainder of her fries into her mouth. Barb got up and walked to her closet after she finished her meal, pulling out a set of PJ's and tossing them to Ember before pulling out a pair for herself, Ember looked down at it for a moment and was about to complain, her disapproval died before it could be made noticed as she looked back and got a full view of Barb taking her shirt off, she sat in silence as Barb slid her pants off as for a few seconds Ember thought she was gonna get a good view of her goods, then Barb pulled her PJ's on and the excitement turned to disappointment, "Hu," She thought "Guess clothes are good for something, they do make nudity more exciting," Ember has been interested in a few dragons before, but Barb was really getting her going, hiding her goods just made Ember want them more. "Sorry" Barb said, interrupting her thoughts, "But no sleeping in the nude, none of the doors really lock and they all look the same, don't want somepony to walk in and get an eye full," Ember muttered as she took her clothes off, she glanced over to see if Barb was checking her out, instead she found Barb looking through her closet, picking out clothes for the morning, muttering she pulled the PJ's on and sighed, not enjoying the extra room in the chest, which resulted in the shirt falling well past her waist. Ember grumbles angrily as she tugged at it. Barb walked into the side room she had referred to as a bathroom, several noises sounded from the room for a moment, Ember looked at the sleeping bag that had been set up for her and then crumpled into a ball as she and Barb had started their talk on comics. she decided since she was already abiding by the clothes rule she could try out this sleeping bag, Ember picked it up and lay it on the floor before crawling inside, she wanted to hate it, but while it wasn't as warm as a hot rock, it was way more comfortable. Ember lay silently as she let the comfy fabric rub against her scales, she lay back in silence when the light was extinguished and Barb jumped over her and the sounds of springs ran threw the room as she flopped onto her bed, she burrowed into her blankets and tossed out a pillow to Ember. "Night," She said before retreating into her pile. Ember placed the pillow behind her head and looked at the ceiling. "Alright this I can live with," She decided as she waited for sleep to take over. Ember was flying over large crystal hills on her trusty rubber ducky that Barb gave her for hearths warming...or was it their anniversary she couldn't remember as it was eons ago over at burning bush lane, The bubble sun passed by overhead as the Brimstone trees filled the lands below her, suddenly her destination could be seen, a Beautiful Ocean of Lava with a Crystal tree, beneath the tree Barb was waiting for her, the Duck landed and she made her way to her, "Ember," She said seductively, "Yes," she replied as she came close, Barb leaned forward, and just as they where about to lock lips her tone changed. "WAKE UP!" Ember shot up and blinked her eyes open, looking around she noted that Barb was wearing a bathrobe that had come slightly undone when she had gotten down to wake Ember up, her girls only just not popping out. Ember blinked at her as she stared at the marvelous sight, afraid that is she spoke Barb would move, Barb got up and tightened the robe before waving at her, "I let you sleep in a little, but Twilight needs to talk to you about the peace treaty before we can go about our day together, Just wait for her at the bottom of the stairs on the first floor," Barb flashed a peace sign before heading back into the bathroom, the sound of rushing water followed by splashing telling Ember that a bath was in progress as she got up and made her way to the first floor, it took forever but once the bottom was reached Twilight was waiting as promised. "Alright, let's get this over with," Ember sighed, prepared for a long boring speech or something. "Oh I lied to Barb," Twilight said without hesitation, "I just wanted to tell you that if what your doing here is trying to get into my sister's bed for a one night stand I'm going to kick your ass back to the Dragon lands and destroy your fucking country," Twilight smiled "And if you're actually trying to start something I suggest you take a quick pit stop at Rarity's and get some tips, just ask Barb about her," Twilight turned on the spot and waved goodbye "We can get to work on signing the treaty the day after tomorrow, I wasn't expecting you to actually come so my Schedule is a bit of a mess," Twilight began heading off to do Twilight things before calling back, "Oh and you might want to change your clothes before heading out, that shirt looks like it's fly off you," "Thanks," Ember muttered, having appreciated the treat and treat before the insult, she made her way back up the long stairs and sighed as made her way back into the room, she found Barb, Dressed up in Jeans and a Black Hoodie, with a huge pile of clothes next to her as she dug through her closet, "Hi," She said with a wave as she pulled out a Plain Grey shirt that was much smaller than her other shirts, "Here we go, this should prove to be a better fight," Barb tossed it to her and Ember looked at it, it took a moment to figure out why she felt like she had seen it before, it was the same stained shirt Barb had been wearing when they had first met. Ember pulled it one and frowned, it was too small for her and reached her stomach barely, one wrong move would probably make her girls, however small they where, burst through the fabric, while that would probably get a rise from Barb Ember was less than willing to destroy this small memento of their first meeting. Ember sighed as she went with Twilight's plan, "So I heard tale of a pony named Rarity..." She started, the stars in Barbs eyes told her she had struck gold. "Ember you genius! Rarity can make you a good shirt and we can head out on the town!!" Before she could reply to that Barb rushed out the door. "Let's grab some Breakfast and head out!" Ember watched as she disappeared and the sound of hard rapid thudding sounded as Barb once again flopped down the stairs, "Ok once I get some clothes I'm trying that," Ember decided as she head after her friend. > Clever Chapter name > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ember and Barb left shortly after breakfast, saying goodbye to Starlight and Twilight in the form of a note as, according to Barb, they were having there before breakfast blast which just meant they where having morning sex. "So when did they become a couple?" Ember asked as they flew over ponyville. "Oh they aren't a couple they're just friends with benefits due to Twilights husband lives in Canterlot and Trixie is always on the road," Barb said as casually as if she were talking about gems. "You say that like it explains something but it just raises more questions." Ember bluntly replied. "Political marriage." "Ahh," Ember said, they flew in silence for a moment "With who?" "Prince Blueblood," Spike replied "They hate each other, but there was some bullshit, and they had to do it or something, something war," Barb shrugged "There openly cheating on each other, Even the press doesn't care anymore," Ember looked over at her for a moment. "Something, Something war?" she asked. "Yeah I wasn't listening," Barb replied, "I got bored and started reading one of my Power Ponies comic, then Twilight told me she was getting married to Blueblood and I was like, alright, and went back to reading," Before Ember could ask another question Barb pointed down "where here," Ember lagged behind as Barb flew to the building she had pointed out. The time it took Ember to land was all the time Barb needed to walk inside the Boutique. Ember looked around the town, the ponies ignoring her as they walked past her, every mare in her line of sight was at least twice as big as her, several of them being as gifted as Barb and one of two being bigger, "Ponies," She muttered as she joined her friend in the shop, She recognized the White mare as the Pony who had been with Barb and Twilight, she was much larger than Barb, no contest. "...we just need an outfit or two she can properly fit in, all my shirts look like poncho's on her, oh?" Barb noticed Ember as she walked in "And here she is now," the White mare looked up at her and gave her a once over as she began walking around her, "This won't do at all," She decided as she hooked her arm around Embers and began dragging her along with her "Come with me Darling we'll get you some clothes that properly highlight your figure." Ember was about to protest when Barb grabbed her other arm to help her keep up with Rarity, resulting in one of her girls being pressed hard into Embers side, Ember found she was suddenly comfortable with the situation she was in until Barb let her go. "I'll wait out here," She said as Rarity pulled Ember into the next room "Call if you need any help," "Don't worry Barby Warby I will," Rarity called back. Ember suddenly felt a distinct dislike towards Rarity, and it grew larger when she noticed the look of admiration of Barbs face before it was lost from her view. Barb waited for about 20 minutes before being called into the back. "Barb can you help me for a moment?" Rarity called, Barb was rushing threw the door before the request had even been finished, Ember was in her Bra and Panties and was in the middle of an argument with Rarity. "...in a thousand years will any creature on this planet get me to wear that!" Barb cleared her throat and Ember looked over at her "Ok maybe one creature," She mentally amended to herself. Rarity had pulled out a frilly top with short sleeves and a long skirt, both of them were a light blue with white frills along the sleeves, neck hole, the bottom of the skirt and along both the top and bottom of the skirt. A few flames around the room told Barb that Ember had tried and failed to torch the outfit. "Whoever designed that should be executed for making such an atrocious design," Ember said angrily, "Barb's ordered this," Rarity shot back, Ember's shot open as Barb avoided eye contact, her face glowing "I thought I'd be a nice surprise," She muttered before adding "The frills where Rarity's idea tho," The Trio stood in silence and Ember let out a long breath, "I'll wear the stu...the over frilly outfit that has no problems past the frills," She said in defeat, worried that further denial might make Barb cry, and she didn't what the Marshmallow queen to be the first one to comfort her. Barb gave her a weak smile, the damage had been done and she at least appreciated the attempt to repair it. Ember slid the skirt on and pulled the top on with ease, Barb began talking about paying it off and Rarity declined her from doing so. "Barb honey it's fine, all the work you help me with the least I can do if cloth your friend, now why don't you go grab you and her a drink before you leave, Barb gave her thanks and ran to do just that, Ember went to go wait by the door when Rarity said simply. "Break her heart and I'll be helping Twilight trash you," she said turning to leave before adding "And don't get mad when she kicks your ass at chess, she's a sore winner but a somewhat violent loser," Rarity waved goodbye and, after a few words of farewell, Barb came out of the kitchen as Rarity entered and offered Ember a Cherry soda, Ember took the drink and the two made their way out of the Boutique. "She seems rather important to you," Ember noted as she popped the top of her can and drank the sweet liquid in one go. "Close friends...or maybe you two are..." Ember was cut off at once. "Oh no, trust me I tried but she doesn't bark up the wrong tree," Barb looked over to see that Ember was, once again, staring off into the distance in silence. "Oh not again," She groaned as she took her friend's arm, "Alright let's order some Sweets and drink for delivery to the castle and set ourselves up with a board game," She said to herself as she led Ember to Sugar cube corner, "So she's in mares," Ember thought "That could mean I have a chance in theory but...well...." Ember eyed her flat chest in disgust "...I'm lacking the most interesting parts," Ember began grumbling angrily to herself and Barb sighed, taking her anger to be at the outfit. "You don't have to wear it if you don't want to," She said, repeating herself a few times untile Ember reacted to the words. "What?" she asked in shock, realizing she must have been grumbling out loud she switched to panic mode "No, no, no!" She said frantically "I like the outfit, it's fine," as Ember said this they passed the park entrance Ember noticed it and got a very weird thought I wonder if she has taken any creature on a date here. Because the only creature she should date is ME "Ember if you want to visit the friendship academy I can take you there it's just through the park," Barb said as she noticed Embers gaze at the park. Shaking her head quickly Ember quickly replied. "I'm fine just some stray thoughts about the upcoming talks you know?" Barb looked back at her "About the peace treaty stuff," She added, "Look Ember, It's alright if you don't like the..." "I said I liked it!" Ember snapped back "Let's just get some snacks and go play one of these board games," Barb looked back in silence as Ember fumed. "Dammit," Ember thought "I've been through to much shit today," Ember looked into Barbs eyes for a moment before Barb looked away. "Is she still mad about the dress!?" Ember was still fuming over the impossibility of understanding a dragon raised by ponies when they reached Sugar cube-corner. "After you," Barb said politely, and with that, the two entered the Sweet shop.