> Wing Tips > by takaneko13 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Windy Visits the Academy > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Being the mother of the most amazing… most incredible… most superspectacularlyawesometacular pegasus in Equestria had to be the easiest job in the world. Nothing to do but put in the regular 9 to 5 at the Cloudsdale Weather Factory, then return home to the adulation of fans and admirers begging for interviews and autographs. Well, they weren’t necessarily her fans and admirers, they were fans of who she was in relation to her daughter - and she would not have it any other way. For Windy Whistles, her daughter Rainbow Dash was the apex of all ponies in Equestria, save for Princess Celestia and Luna. Princess of Love? Princess of Friendship? Had they bounced a ball on their heads three hundred forty-eight times in a row? Can they demolish a barn with their bare hooves? Can they create Sonic Rainbooms at the drop of a hat? Can they even nap as well as Rainbow Dash can? No-no-no-no-no~ in the eyes of Windy Whistles, and her husband Bow Hothoof, there is absolutely positively nothing that Rainbow Dash cannot do. It would be impossible for anypony to name anything that she can’t do better than anypony else. Just try. Wing Tips written by TakaNeko13 Soaring high over the Wonderbolt Academy, Windy always found herself giddy with pride and joy knowing that THIS must be the airspace that Rainbow Dash flies in everyday to get to work. That cloud over there could have been kicked up or moved by Rainbow as she flew by. She thought to herself, I simply have to collect that cloud on my way back home. I’ll have to ask Mr. Shy for one of his coveted cloud collecting jars. I’m sure he’s got plenty to spare. She settled into a gentle glide as she touched down on the landing strip just outside of the Administrative Offices Building. According to Rainbow, this is where she would have to go first the next time she came to the academy if she wanted to be allowed on the grounds without getting in trouble with the disciplinary committee. The first thing to do would be to go to the main office and request a Visitor’s Badge. The badge would grant her access to certain areas at the academy, but she should not expect to be allowed near the barracks or the Wonderbolt Flight Training stadium. Those areas would be off limits to everypony except the Wonderbolts. Windy had found this bit of news to be a tad disappointing, as it meant she wouldn’t be able to see Rainbow during her visits. It was probably for the best after the fiasco that she and Bow orchestrated the last time they were here. To be fair, it was all Scootaloo’s fault for revealing that Rainbow was a Wonderbolt, and it was in turn Rainbow’s fault because she DIDN’T tell her own parents that she was a Wonderbolt. That was neither here nor there, and the whole incident was water under the bridge. Rainbow was more than willing to see her parents while she was at work, as long as they followed protocol. Spitfire’s words, not her’s. Speaking of Spitfire… um… maybe I should have asked where her office was to start with. She had flown in today to deliver some papers that Spitfire requested in order to complete her daughter’s enrollment process at the academy. Apparently, somepony left a coffee stain where Rainbow’s date of birth was supposed to be. It could have happened to anypony, and the team did not hold anything against her for the mistake. They sought to amend the document as long as Rainbow’s parents could deliver a bonafide birth certificate. However, the privilege to visit the academy could only be extended to one parent. Rather than go through some lover’s quarrel like a couple of fillies, Windy and Bow settled this decision as mature adults… with a game of rock-paper-scissors. Best out of twenty-five. May the best mare win. And she did. With Rainbow’s laminated birth certificate safely tucked inside her jacket, Windy wandered the halls searching room to room for Spitfire’s office. For some reason, there was nopony around to assist her, which was odd in itself. She could have returned to the help desk, but where’s the fun in that? After all, if she happened to wander somewhere she wasn’t supposed to, who could blame her? She was just a simple house-wife lost and confused. Oh woe is me! Where am I? Is this the Wonderbolt’s trophy room? I had no idea! Could somepony please find Rainbow Dash for me? No, maybe asking for her would be a bit on the nose… Windy giggled to herself, flapping her wings excitedly as she thought of the mischief she could get into walking around the academy unsupervised. She had never visited the facility in earnest before, so it would be fun to learn about the place and maybe run into more Rainbow Dash memorabilia along the way. Like the treasure hunting mare from that book series Rainbow had told her about, Windy examined every trophy case and bulletin board extensively to find any news about her amazing daughter. “Best in Show”, “Second Longest Wingspan” (demanding of a second opinion), “Most Likely to Succeed”, “Best Impressions” (she could definitely do great impressions of all of her friends). Windy would have so much to tell Bow about when she got home. Except that one about “Worst Crash in Academy History”... We don’t need to talk about that one. She stepped out the double doors into an open airfield next to the academy barracks, marking the third time she had come out this exit. She was officially lost. Oh dear, what will she do now? Well, now that she’s out in the open, she can take a short flight and get back to the administrative building. Might as well start from the beginning. Windy turned around, letting the door close slowly behind her. “Mmnn~ Rainbow…” Windy’s wing snapped to the door, “I’m sorry, what?” With her curiosity at its peak, Windy dashed outside to find where that sound was coming from. She would recognize Rainbow’s name anywhere, even when it was being called out by somepony else. That was not the typical way of saying her name though. That tone and inflection! The subtle gritting of teeth before her name escaped through bated breath. Sweet Celestia, was her daughter having sex on the campus grounds? How absolutely shameless of her! She heard another odd sound coming from the barracks. She circled around the building and found that all of the entrances and exits were shut, save for a single window which had been left open. As she approached the window, the sensual sounds became more intense. She had not confirmed yet that her daughter was involved in any lewd activity at this point, but somepony was definitely enjoying themselves. She could only hear one voice… a stallion… “Don’t cum, Soarin. I’m not there yet…” And a mare! And not just any mare! Windy stood on her hind hooves to peek over the bottom ledge of the window, being careful to keep as quiet as possible. It was Rainbow Dash riding one of her stallion colleagues on one of the benches in the middle of the locker room, their bodies wet with water and sweat after a late afternoon shower. Rainbow’s matted hair bounced up and down as the stallion lifted his hips into her, his stallionhood stretching her wide, making splashing sounds as their bodies melded together. Rainbow moaned unashamedly, a soft and brittle sound that broke as her pitch went higher. Windy knew what to look for - a glance at the stallion’s dazed expression as he growled and she knew he was about to explode. That’s my girl! > Rainbow's Secret OwO > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “R-Rainbow! I’m cumming!” “H-hold on~ Aaah~ Ah… Ah… Mnnnn~~!” Rainbow’s mouth hung open as her body shook in spastic jerks as the stallion came into her. He held himself inside her as long as he could, and cum eventually spilled out, overflowing from Rainbow’s lips. When he dropped down, he let out exhausted gasps, praising how incredible she felt. “R-Rainbow... Dashy what’s wrong?” The stallion sat up to meet her, but she suddenly clopped him in the face. “Soarin, y-you idiot! I told you to wait longer.” Rainbow seemed to be fuming, not at all the reaction expected from someone who had completed a sexual act with her coltfriend. She lifted her hips, letting Soarin’s dick slide out along with the overflow of cum. She wobbled over to a locker with spaghetti legs, retrieved a towel and began to clean herself up. The Wondercolt, Soarin, a pale blue pegasus with a dark blue spiked mane cleaned himself up and followed her. “Rainbow… I… you didn’t... “ “No I didn’t! And it’s your fault!” She pointed an accusatory wing at him. He stamped his hoof, “My fault?! I held out as long as you wanted me to. You’re the one that won’t cum.” Harsh words don’t sit well with Rainbow Dash. “G-get the hell out of here! Get out!” The towel from earlier is the only thing available for her to throw at him and she hit her target right in the face. As if she didn’t have more to be embarrassed about, to be told by her coltfriend that SHE was the problem - that was unacceptable. “I’m out of here. Get your wings on straight, Rainbow. Maybe you’ll actually get that right!” Soarin turned to leave, and as soon as he opened the door- *WHAAM!!!* Rainbow Dash gave him a good back kick into the hallway. She couldn’t pack as much power as Applejack would have, but she hoped to Celestia that he had broken his face against the wall a hundred times over. She was not going to admit to being the problem. Soarin was a great lover… amazing even… but for some reason, Rainbow did not feel that she was getting the same thrill out of it in return. Nothing could beat a good romp in the locker room with the possibility of getting caught. It was the best thrill they had had since they had sex in Spitfire’s office. Then there was the time he ate her out while they were doing their evening sky patrol. It took a while, but she would come then for sure. So she wasn’t the problem. It had to be him. Lousy pegasus, can’t even get me off… I’m… dammit I’m so fuckin’ hot right now. Her legs quivered, as she briefly thought of Soarin doing her again. Any position would do, but the results would be the same as before. For some reason, Rainbow couldn’t finish like he would. She was left wanting. She was not one to brag (in this case) about her sex life, but it would be beyond embarrassing if anypony found out that she couldn’t get satisfied by her own coltfriend. *KNOCK* *KNOCK* *KNOCK* There he was again, thinking he could apologize after what he said to her. Rainbow growled under her breath as she marched to the door, “Soarin, if you think an apology is enough for me, I’ll kick you so hard, your guts’ll spill out all over the ground.” The door flies open and Windy meets Rainbow with a wickedly cheerful smile, “Oh my! That’s so graphic of you to say, sweetie.” Rainbow’s jaw drops to the ground, “M-M-M-M-M-M-OOOM!?!?!?!” She lunges forward and pulls Windy into the locker room, closing the door and locking it with every conceivable padlock and security failsafe available. Nopony could know that her Mom was back on the academy grounds or else she would be reprimanded by her superiors. She turned to Windy who was eagerly waiting for Rainbow to continue having her episode. “Mom! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!?! We talked about this. We talked about this so many times. I wrote it down for you, I had Twilight make a presentation, I had Scootaloo, Applebloom and Sweetie Belle put on a play- you CAN’T BE HERE without some real reason! You can’t just trot around and-” “Rainbow Danger Dash!” Whoa, pulling out the full name as it’s written on her birth certificate. Nice. She calmed down and Windy continued, “I do have a reason to be here at the academy. Spitfire asked for me to come here personally to deliver some papers from the house. I have a visitor’s badge and everything.” While the visitor’s badge seemed legitimate, Rainbow was not entirely convinced. “Yeah, but that still doesn’t make any sense. Spitfire’s office is two buildings over, what are you doing here at the barracks?” “Well, I heard the commotion and I knew I had to come see what was happening.” Windy admitted. “Commotion?” Rainbow’s ears twitched. OH FOR THE LOVE OF CELESTIA PLEASE LET THIS BE ABOUT THE FIGHT I JUST HAD. “Oh! T-T-T-T-That? That was just one of the little tiffs that Soarin and I, that was Soarin, my coltfriend, you don’t know him, but I was gonna tell you about him-” Windy’s eyebrow slowly rose up in disbelief. “Honest. You know how Dad would get if I came home with a coltfriend. ‘Grrr’ Hahaha…” No response. “Haha...ha? Please say something, Mom.” Rainbow couldn’t stand the silent treatment from her own mother. It was unlike her to not gush over everything she did. She figured that having a coltfriend would  be something to celebrate. Why was she being so quiet? “Rainbow I saw what happened back there.” OH KILL ME NOW. “S-Saw?” The hairs on the back of Rainbow’s neck stood on end. “Mhm… Let’s be frank about this sweetie, the way your voice breaks when you scream is the cutest thing I have ever heard.” Cat’s out of the bag now. “MOM, YOU SAW THAT?! How could you do that? How… how could you SAY that?! I’m your kid!” “No no no, Rainbow. YOU are an adult now. I could not be more proud of you. You’ve made a wonderful catch!” Windy sprung a couple of flags from her jacket and waved them around. “You can’t be serious. Mom, that’s so embarrassing!” She just wanted to die right here and now. It would take a hundred pitches of apple cider to forget this day ever happened! She could never go home again. Her life was officially over. “Rainbow Dash. It’s nothing to be ashamed or embarrassed about.” Windy placed her hooves on her daughter’s shoulders and their eyes met, one adult to another, “You have grown into a spectacular mare who deserves to be treated like a champion! Not just in competitions but in the sack as well. You’re Rainbow Danger Dash! The best lover in Equestria!” Rainbow was slightly confused about how she should feel about this, her parents had always been there to shower her with support, and this was the last thing she wanted to celebrate as some sort of accomplishment to hang up on a wall. But how could she stay upset with her mother over it? “Mom… it’s hard to take you seriously when your nose is bleeding like that.” Windy continued, despite the feeling of lightheadedness, “BUT! This business of you not being able to climax is unacceptable!” “MOM! Not cool! Keep your voice down!” “Not on your life. I’m here to help you.” She kept a firm hold of Rainbow’s shoulders. “Help?” Rainbow didn’t know how to feel about that thirsty look in her mother’s eyes. Windy nodded enthusiastically, ready to do everything she could to remedy Rainbow’s situation. OPERATION: FIND ALL OF MY DAUGHTER’S TURN ONS IS A GO! > Operation Find All of My Daughter's Turn Ons > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A few minutes later, Windy had successfully corralled Rainbow Dash to comply with her plans. It would take a special type of trust for Rainbow to have in her mother if she was going to find the secret to her inability to climax during sex. While some of the blame lay on Soarin for not knowing how to please his mare, a part of that fault lay on Rainbow Dash as well for not telling him about herself. Not in a social sense, but in an intimately personal sense. She never told him what she liked to feel. What she liked to hear. How timing would play such an important role in their love making. To learn this about herself, Rainbow would need an expert… a mother’s touch to be specific. “Sshhh… What you’ll want to do now is just relax.” Windy had Rainbow laying on top of her body with her head and neck cradled in the crook of Windy’s neck. In this position, she had easy access to every part of her daughter’s body. From her ears, shoulders, chest, tummy and, when necessary, her tender marehood. She had yet to climax since her time with Soarin, leading Windy to understand that this would be a slow and stressful process for Rainbow. “Don’t talk.” She would be whispering into Rainbow’s ears the entire time. Slowly and personally. The world no longer needed to exist for them. It was only the two of them here. Nopony else. “Tell me how you feel, in the most natural way you can.” Her ear twitched as Windy blew a burst of air into her ear that creeped all along the inner walls of her ear canal and into her head. Rainbow sighed and squirmed in place trying to get away, but it would be no use. Windy’s gentle hooves and wings were there to hold her in place. “How cute… wind can be as intimate as it is powerful. Have you ever sat back and just listened to it?” Rainbow shook her head, her eyes shut, and a gasp escaping her as her mother blew into her ear again. She followed a stream of air with a swath of her tongue, a deep and wet thrust that made Rainbow suddenly shiver in place. “Aaahhhh~~M-Mom~” “Ssshhhh… be natural…” Windy licked into her ear again, tracing the inside of her ear for every ridge and nook and cranny. When she had finished a thorough examination, she nibbled and on her helix at the tip of her ear. This sensitive spot made Rainbow gasp and mew in response to the tingling sensation spreading throughout her body. Her knees came together as she tensed up, much to Windy’s satisfaction. “Good. Your ears are sensitive. Let him touch them. Lick them. And when you want a real kick, he can nibble on them for you.” Leaving her hooves resting on Rainbow’s shoulders, Windy used her wings to trace her body. The feathered tips were perfect for finding ticklish spots on anypony. Pegasi wings also added versatility to the pegasus’ arsenal of tricks. Not only could they make gestures, they could also grab and reach for objects. And in the bedroom… they were invaluable. As Windy traced her collarbone, she simultaneously prodded along Rainbow’s back, squeezing her flanks for good measure and rounding her wide thighs. “Your wings are your greatest weapon, sweetie. Never underestimate what they can do for you.” Rainbow nodded her head, panting and turning a deeper shade of red. She may not have been ticklish, but with so many parts of stimulation being hit at once, she definitely loved how it all felt. Windy pinched her thighs, making Rainbow’s leg twitch. She whined, scrunching her nose and letting out another gasp. “And a few more carbs wouldn’t hurt either. Stallions love a bouncy flank on a fit mare.” “Mhmmm~” “Now about what’s happening down here…” Her wings snuck around Rainbow’s hips, positioning themselves against her inner thighs. She tugged, and met resistance against her daughter’s legs. This would not do. Windy already knew what she was going to find. Rainbow was beet red, hot and squirming more so than when they had started. The subtle sound of dripping was starting to become more evident. She wasn’t ready to show this side of herself to her own mother. The base part of her that yearned for release more than anything now. As her mother, she would not let her suffer like this much longer. “Rainbow… relax…. Let mommy take care of you.” Her wings tried to move again, and Rainbow’s legs slowly parted revealing her wet quivering lips. She shivered as the cold air blew up against her, but Windy quickly shielder her and started to caress her gently. Her soft feathers rubbed against her body, gently tracing her vulva and around her clit. Anything too strong would set Rainbow off too soon. Windy wanted her to savor something special. Using the tips of her wings, she spread Rainbow’s lips and began to rub the inside of her body with slow circular movements. Her voice became caught in her throat before she let out a high pitched moan. She attempted to jolt up, but Windy held her in place. Exercising precise control of her wings and feathers, she prodded and pushed her way into Rainbow’s body making for a more arousing and intense experience. “Aaah! Aahn! Mmnnn...nya!!” Rainbow had no idea things would go this far. Soarin was adequate in pleasuring her, but she had no idea that adding more elements to this experience would have such ecstatic results. With her mother licking inside her ear, her hooves cradling her body, and her wings moving inside of her~ it was simply awesome! “M-M-M-Mom. I’m gonna cum. I can- I can’t hold it!” Her body was throbbing, just a little more and she would finally have that sweet release. Windy continued to stimulate her, “Do one thing for me, Rainbow…” “W-What?” “Kiss me.” “Wh-Wha~Mmnn!” Windy and Rainbow’s lips locked in a passionate kiss, their tongues instinctively trading back and forth without a second thought. She focused her attention of Rainbow’s clit, stroking her with the tips of her feathers with fierce intent. Rainbow squeezed her eyes shut and moaned into her mother’s mouth as she finally climaxed, her body suddenly arching and twitching in successive spasms. In order to keep her voice down, Windy kept her lips over Rainbow’s, letting the fire burn as long as necessary until both of them needed to take a breath. “”Mnaaaaaa~~~~ Mmmnnnnnn~~! Ah… ah… ah… ah…” Rainbow continued to ride her orgasm for several minutes, all the while receiving attention from her mother as she kissed her cheeks, neck and bit into her shoulder. As she lay there gasping for breath, she shielded her face from the bright light overhead. She could hardly believe what had just happened. Her own mother brought her to orgasm like it was nothing. How could she possible replicate this with Soarin? Her senses had finally begun to crawl back, and she spoke to her mother when she felt more in control of herself. “Mom… that was awesome. How did you learn to DO all that?” “Sweetie, I was a young mare once. Your father and I did all kinds of experiments. One time he-” “Nope nope nope, not what I needed to hear. Never mind.” Better that she saves that story for another time. Like never. Never sounds good. This did not quell Rainbow’s curiosity, however. “I mean… how… can I get that to happen again?” Time for Phase 2. > Mother and Daughter Bonding > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Well, if you want to know what it’s like with your coltfriend, don’t you think you should figure things out with him?” Rainbow scoffed, “Heh, yeah right. Soarin’s not going to come back after I kicked him like that. He’s probably not even in Cloudsdale anymore.” “Rainbow…” The sound of the stallion’s voice made Rainbow turn around so fast she nearly gave herself whiplash, “S-Soarin!? What the hell are you doing here? I-I kicked you out! T-The door’s totally locked!” “Actually, there’s a window open over there. I told him about it.” Windy explained. The color drained out of Rainbow’s hair, “A-And how long has he…” Soarin gave her the most serious stare he could muster, “The. Whole. Time.” “Aaaarh! Moooom!” They were having such a wonderful and touching family bonding experience, and now she would have to commit murder and matricide. She tried to lift herself up… on second thought… nevermind. Her body was so weak after that orgasm that she could barely move. “Well don’t just stand there, help me up.” Soarin trotted up to Rainbow, kneeling down to rub his muzzle against her’s, “Rainbow, I’m sorry I snapped at you back there. I think… I feel I know a lot more about you now… I mean… about how to make things better for us. You wanna give it another shot?” She blushed and turned away, “You are SO UNCOOL. Not in front of my mom, you idiot.” Soarin met her the rest of the way, knowing that she had definitely forgiven him. “Okay, let’s get outta here and- Hhhnnnn!” Rainbow panicked for a moment as he grunted, “Soarin, what’s wrong?” She looked past him and quickly realized that Windy’s lesson was not quite over yet. “Mom, what are you doing?” Windy had a firm grip of Soarin’s cock which had been exposed the entire time and finally come within reach as soon as he crossed the room to help Rainbow. Her wings circled all the way around his girthy member, forcing him to groan after giving him a few strokes. “Rainbow Dash, you haven’t officially introduced us yet. I only just met him in the hallway before I dropped in.” She snuck a terrifying glance up at Soarin, “Hello again. My name is Windy Whistles. I’m Rainbow Dash’s mother.” Soarin gritted his teeth as he tried to control his aroused groans, “H-Hi Mrs. Whistle. I’m S-Soarin. Mmnnn… I guess you could say I’m your daughters coltfriend.” “Oh you two seem to be so much more than that. Now what’s this I’ve heard about you insulting my daughter’s ability to climax? I’ll bet you’re not all that impressive, are you?” “W-Well I-” He froze as Windy gave his balls a quick squeeze. “Hyyynnnnn~~” “Uh-uh-uh… No talking.” She turned to Rainbow Dash, “Tell me Sweetie… just how good is he?” Rainbow knew better than to argue with Windy’s mother hen mode. It’s just like with her dad, though she would say this is an entirely different situation. She would have to play along… “He’s more than good, Mom. He’s… he’s awesome.” With what strength she had been able to muster, she started to crawl toward her mother, while quietly assuring Saorin that everything was going to be okay. “Mmmnnn… I really want you to show me, sweetie. Show me… if this stallion is worthy of you.” Rainbow gulped, realizing what she would have to do, “Sure thing.” She outstretched her wing, her eyes focused on Windy’s icy stare. She could never take her mother on in a fight, could she? She had never tried. Then again, this was not exactly a battle that needed to happen at all. With Windy, there was a reason for everything. If she was being defensive of Rainbow now of all times, it was because she did not like the way Soarin had treated her earlier. She would need to show that Soarin could be tamed… in more ways than one. Rainbow’s wing finally grasped Soarin’s cock alongside Windy’s wings. He let out a satisfied groan as the couple of mares stroked him simultaneously. His legs buckled and he fell onto his back. His eyes went wide as Rainbow and Windy settled down between his legs, each with a wing wrapped around his stallionhood. Despite Windy’s cold expression, her feathers were surprisingly soft and her technique was beyond excellent. With a bit of practice, Rainbow could be just as good or better. Rainbow grinned, “See Mom, I can tame him.” “With my help, sweetie. Look at that expression on his smug face. How often do you blow him?” Her wing flicked the tip of his cock, and he winced. Rainbow’s expression fell flat, “Every time before we have sex.” Windy squeezed him, “Reeeaaally?” “Whoa whoa whoa, Mom. It’s okay. I really like it. You should… Umm…” Rainbow beckoned Windy over and whispered something into her ear. Windy pulled away, her eyes wide and suddenly full of wonder, “Oooh… Are you sure?” Soarin had become worried after that uncomfortable squeeze, “Sure about what? R-Rainbow if this is about what I said earlier-” “Shush…” Windy reconsidered what Rainbow said to her again. With her mind made up, she continued, “Well, if you insist, sweetie. Don’t let me have all the fun though. Show me how you work your way around a cock too.” Soarin’s mind went blank, Too? With a deep breath, Windy went down to the base of Soarin’s cock and ran her long velvety tongue all along his length, ending at the tip and giving his head another wet flick. The stallion tossed his head back and moaned out loud in surprise, “Oooohhh buck!” She came back to the stiffened muscle, licking it again and circling her tongue all around her length before going back to nibble on the sensitive tip. Rainbow made sure to join in as well, teasingly licking at his balls and running her feathers underneath each one. She went to work around his cock, running her tongue along his length and adding the occasional dolip of spit around on his head before licking his length a few more times. She didn’t mind at all that Windy’s tongue would sometimes meet with hers, they even took a moment to kiss one another, making sure that Soarin was able to see the whole thing. His aching member throbbed and twitched while inside the grasp of their wings, and the occasional stroke put him back in his place. His head started to leak precum, and Windy was the first to lose herself once she had a taste. Her mouth came down around his tip, licking all around it before lowering herself down to suck on him. Her head bobbed up and down, gently taking him into her mouth and releasing him to lick and let Rainbow have her turn. With his member already slick with precum and saliva, she was able to take him further into her throat as she attempted to deep throat him. Her eyes rolled into her head slightly, and with each time she took him into her mouth, there was a subtle squelch. She had to let him out a couple of times to regain control of her gag reflex, and that was when Windy would take the reigns. The spectacle was a marvel to behold, two beautiful mares blowing a stallion from base to tip, stopping only to catch their breath while licking and slobbering all over his cock and kissing each other to trade spit. As they pulled apart, a trail of saliva connected their lips and then they each licked and lapped at the tip of his cock at the same time. This would prove to be the final straw, but he wouldn’t be able to cum until Windy had imparted one more lesson. Her wing tightened around his member, bringing everything to a standstill. “One more thing, Rainbow.” “Hmm?” The sudden shift to normal Windy was a bit of a shock. “Let me show you your secret weapon. I call it the Wing Tip.” She exposed on of her wing feathers and showed it to Rainbow. Her daughter nodded, understanding that there was more to this technique than meets the eye. “If you want to make him come like a REAL stallion. You give him, the Wing Tip.” She explained this as if it was the single greatest discovery made in all of ponykind. As far as she was concerned it very well could be. What is the Wing Tip? Well... with Soarin on the verge of an orgasm, Windy exposed his most sensitive area… and she inserted the tip of her wing inside him. “R-RAINBOW!!! OOOOORRRRHHHHH FUUUUUUCK!!! CUMMING!” The sudden intrusion turned him into a blank slate as everything disappeared around him and his orgasm hit like a lightning bolt. Realizing what was happening, Rainbow capped his cock and mewed in surprise as Soarin’s hot cum started to fire like a hose of hot cream into her mouth. Unable to keep up with the sheer load he was squirting into her, she finally had to release him and allowing him to unleash the rest of his seed onto their faces. Windy and Rainbow presented themselves with open mouths and lolling tongues as Soarin came, squirting jets of cum onto their tongues and all over their manes, cheeks, and chests. They kept themselves open to him like ponies waiting for a doctor to place a treat in their mouths, “Aaaaahhh…” As his orgasm ebbed and the flow of cum began to subside, the couple of mares started to swallow their prize. *Gulm* *Slurp* *Gulp* *Gulp* *Gulmp* Whatever either of them could not clean off themselves, they happily licked off each other. One more long passionate kiss for good measure, and they were nearly clean. “How was that, my little Dashie?” “That was fuckin’ awesome, Mom.” Windy blushed, having come down from her mother hen mode from earlier. While she had fully intended for all of this to happen as part of her Phase Two, she had no idea that she would be hostile toward Soarin at the start. It must have been some sort of subconscious response to wanting to defend her daughter. She would have to be careful in the future. One look at the stallion before them, and Windy knew things were not quite done yet, “Oh dear. What do we do about him?” Soarin was knocked out completely. The only sign that he was actually alive was that his leg was twitching in his sleep. “Yeah, I think even that was way too intense for him.” Rainbow grinned nervously. He would need to wake up soon if they were going to shower and leave inconspicuously. “Yes ma’am, that’s the power of the Wing Tip.” Windy held her wing up. “Uh yeah, about that Mom, let’s get that and you washed. When we finish, you can go home and I’ll take care of Soarin.” She went to her locker and collected a couple of towels. She tossed one to Windy. “A shower? Together?” They hadn’t bathed together since she was a little fillie. “Well it’s not gonna be a normal shower. I want to…” Rainbow fought to say the most embarrassing thing she had ever said to her mother, “I want to make you come too.” “AAAWWWWW!!! Rainbow Dash! You are the best daughter anypony could ever ask for!” “Mom~” The End.