> Mlp: A Saiyan Among Ponies (anthro) > by The saiyan brony > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Night time in Equestria, the moon was a perfect crescent shape, shining its light upon the world below and on a city in the clouds, Cloudsdale where the Twilight and the Wonderbolts celebrate the anniversary of Rainbow Dash and her time in amongst the Wonderbolts. "Let give a big ol cheer for Rainbow." Applejack raised a mug of cider in one hand while the other was around Rainbow Dash’s shoulders. Dash blushed, and playfully pushed Applejack’s arm off. "Hehe thanks, guys. It means a lot that I get to share this night with you, and my teammates," she replied taking a swig of her cider. A Pegasus with a yellow coat and bright orange mane wearing a blue and yellow jumpsuit. She had an air that demanded respect when she entered the room, she walked up to Rainbow and gave her a proper slug on the shoulder in honor of her achievement. Spitfire had decided before the occasion to leave her uniform on along work the other members Fleetfoot, and Soarin attended the party Tonight was different though as it was a time to kick back and enjoy the company of friends and her fellow Wonderbolts. "You've earned it rookie! Not only have you broken academy records, but you've shown to be an excellent leader," She exclaimed leaving Rainbow Dash to blush again at the compliment from her superior officer. “Keep up the good work and I might just have somepony good enough to replace me someday eh?” “Hey wait!” Soarin called out from across the room after he had noticed Spitfire was starting to get a little chummy with his wingmate. “I wanted that promotion! I’ve been here way longer than her, don’t I deserve it?” “Heh, maybe next time.” Spitfire laughed. “Unless you two wanted to go outside right now and have a race. I’d possibly consider the winner when it comes time to choose my replacement.” “Wait, you’d only consider it?” Soarin exclaimed in dismay while Rainbow blew a raspberry at him from behind Spitfire’s back. “What about the last show we did for Princess Celestia…? Doesn’t that count?” “As I recall you bumped into Fleetfoot over there and wrecked the routine about halfway through the show.” Spitfire countered with a smirk, looking at Soarin like he was a naughty colt that needed some humility taught to him. “Still want to buck for a promotion for my job or can I pull out some other examples for you? I can think of a few more times can’t you Clipper?” “Ha! You hear that Soarin? Spitfire thinks I’m Commander material!” Dash declared pridefully before Spitfire turned on her as well. “Don’t think you’re off the hook Crash.” She chuckled to which Dash shuffled her hooves nervously and avoided the knowing gaze of her Commander. “I’ve got plenty to say about your performances. You’re good Dash, one of the best. Don’t let that go to your head though. You may be a Wonderbolt but you’re not Commander yet.” “Wha’, Dash lettin’ her head get too big?” Applejack laughed from outside the conversation. “Never!” Applejack was a earth pony mare who wore a red flannel shirt under a pair of blue jeans overalls and a seton hat at top her blond mane. Dash blew her a raspberry and stick out her tongue causing the farm pony to chuckle. Dash took the time to chat with all her friends and teammates. Attendings said party were the following. The princess of friendship Twilight Sparkle who wore a purple skirt a white button up shirt with a violet vest. The animals lover Fluttershy who had a green turtleneck sweater and tan pants. Next was the party mare pinkie pie who wore a light blue tank top with white stripes and blue Jean shorts. And finally the fashionista pony Rarity, she wore a black sweater with black shorts and leggings with a pink beret As the party went on a loud boom came from outside, causing the ponies inside to investigate the origin of the sound "Hey! Look everypony! It's a shooting star, let's make a wish," Pinkie said cheerly while pointing to a shining light cutting across the moonlit sky. As the ponies stared in awe. They couldn't help but notice the star was coming towards them at an alarming speed. "I'm no star geek, but I'm pretty sure that isn’t a shooting star, Pinkie," Rainbow Dash exclaimed as the star came closer and closer, causing the ponies to scatter as the shooting  start quickly went through the clouds, in a few more they heard it hit the ground below with a deafening boom. The girls looked over the edge of the clouds and saw a smoke rising from somewhere on the ground near the Everfree Forest. As the group made their way down to the crash site where the meteor had landed in the Everfree Forest, they soon saw the enormous crater that had been made by the impact. "Whoa. That must have been one big space rock to make a crater this big," Rainbow Dash exclaimed as she briefly looked from one end of the crater to the other. "With any luck the meteor could be huge, which means more to examine. Think of all the research paper I could write!!" Twilight squealed in excitement focusing her magic in her horn as it glowed and she summoned a quill and paper. "Ooh! perhaps, it may have some kind space jewelry inside," Rarity said, her eye sparkling as she imagined the different kinds of dresses she could make. “Or maybe it's some sort of huge alien monster sent from another dimension to conquer Equestria!!!" Pinkie yelled both half scared and have excited. "I hate to burst your bubble there sugar cube, but that seems a bit far-fetched, don't you think?" Applejack interjected waving a hoof dismissively. Rainbow Dash, being the “go-getter” type, flew down to the center of the crater, "Well, whatever it is, we won't know until we find out,” she had reached the center but couldn't see what lied ahead due to the large clouds of dust that had yet to clear. "Careful, Rainbow Dash! It could still be hot from entering the atmosphere!" Twilight yelled, trying to warn her friend from being reckless. "Relax Twilight. I'll be fine. Besides, it's just some old space rock. What's the worst that could happen?" She laughed as she used her wings to blow some dust away. "OR IT COULD ACTUALLY BE AN ANLIEN THAT OPENS UP AND GRABS YOUR FACE AND PUTS A BABY ALIEN THAT WILL GROW UNTIL IT POPS OUT YOUR CHEST!!!!!!!" Pinkie yelled as she began to take deep breath from speaking so fast. All the ponies looked at her with both confusion and concern "What? I saw it in a movie." she shrugged as she winked at the audience. "Pinkie, who are you winking at?" Fluttershy quietly asked pinkie who was looking the other way from the group. "Oh, nopony. Hehehe!" she giggled. As the group wondered whether or not to take Pinkie Pie’s, albeit weird, suggestion seriously, Rainbow Dash had blown away the remaining dust, revealing a dark, large lump. "Hey, Twilight. I think I found that meteor, and it is huge guess you'll be able to nerd out huh?" She grinned, turning back to her friend, but to her surprise, they all had a shocked look on their faces, Fluttershy and Pinkie's seemed a bit more paler. "Hey, what's the matter?I thought you girls were excited about this thing," she shouted pointing behind her. As she watched her friends as they continue to grow paler, until she noticed Applejack gesturing with her hand for her to turn around. "Geez, what's the matter with you guys. It's just a roooo.....ck." As she turned to make her point her eyes locked to where the rock had been earlier, and notice it was taller than before. Her eyes widen as she slowly gazed up seeing the rock was no rock, but a creature that stood almost a foot taller then herself. It's tall body was covered by the black dust that covered everything but its eyes. And as it moved to toward her, she could see it's eyes looking straight at her, its mouth open to breath showing a mouth with sharp canines. "I KNEW IT WAS AN ALIEN, EVERYPONY RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!!!!!" Pinkie screamed as she started running in the opposite direction of the crater. The creature looked up at the ponies at the top of the crater, and back to Rainbow Dash tilting its head. Rainbow Dash just froze as the creature crouch leaned close. "What are you?" Were the only words that escape from her lips before the creature push off the ground and started to take flight.As she watched, she noticed the mysterious creature had no wings to fly with, and questions raced through her brain "It can fly? How can it fly without wings?" She wondered as she saw two of the Wonderbolts flying after it. "Hey Crash, get it together! We need to see what this thing is and if it's going to be a problem." Spitfire yelled passing over the crater following the other two pegasi in pursuit of the alien. "Wah? Oh, right. I'm coming!!!" She said, snapping out of her daze, before getting her balance back as she took off in pursuit to rejoin her team. As Rainbow Dash quickly caught up to Spitfire and the rest of the Wonderbolts, she was able to see the creature flying a head of them "Any idea what that thing is newbie?" Spitfire asked while gaining speed. "No idea, but whatever it is, it's as tall as us and can fly without wings." Dash began to flap her wings harder as tired to increase her speed to catch up with Fleetfoot and Soarin. "Yeah,tell me something I didn't already. What I meant is what in Equestria is that thing?" Rolling her eyes as she and Rainbow Dash caught up to the other two Wonderbolts and began to fly in formation with her and Rainbow Dash in front and the other pegasi flying on either side of them. As they soon were gaining on its tail, the creature looked back and started to dart in a different direction, making a sharp left. Rainbow and the others couldn't react fast enough before they stopped in mid air ,and stared flying after it again. "Whatever that thing is it sure knows how to make sharp turns." Spitfire examined catching her breath while she and the others tried to get back on its tail. As they flew after the mysterious creature, they found themselves over a huge lake, that glistened under the moonlight. The creature flew low until its body was barely touching the water, causing the surface of the water to part ways. "Now's our chance! Everypony, dive!" The rest of the group nodded as they folded their wings in and made their decent. As the dove, they began to pick up incredible speed until they right on top of it. The creature looked back and saw the four anthropomorphic ponies gaining on it and started to pick up speed. In a quick movement, it dove under the water, causing the water to shoot up spraying the pegasi in the face. The water splashed with powerful force hitting their bodies, causing them to fall into the lake. Rainbow Dash, however was a bit higher up then the others and remained airborne. She watched as it had made another sharp turn this time going to the right. "Oh no you don't. Not this time!" She quickly banked to the right, leaving the group behind in hot pursuit of the creature. Soon she and the creature were above a patch of trees they had apples in them as far as the eye could see. "Woah, we must be over Sweet Apple Acres." Her attention had been brought back to the creature, once she saw how close she was, she flapped her wings hard. Once she was close enough she reached her hand out ,and was about to grab what she assumed to be a it's. "Is that a tail?" Before she could even ponder this thought, the creature turned body so it was facing her but still flying away. It raised its arms to its face and yelled "SOLAR FLARE!!!" A bright blinding light shined out of nowhere leaving Rainbow Dash blind. As she rubbed her eyes trying to relieve the spot she saw her vision came back only to see a red barn in front of her. "OH BU!!!!!!" She yelled unable to fly away as she crashed into the barn, pushing her head into a room while the rest of her body was outside. "What the hay, what's going on?!" A small filly yelled looking around her room only to see Rainbow Dash's head above her bed. "Rainbow what are doing up there?" Applebloom asked tilting her head. "Oh, hey Applebloom....did you see an...alien go by?" Rainbow muttered as her head spun, and all she could see were twinkling lights and stars. "Um are you okay Rainbow? Do you need a doctor?" Applebloom asked before helping the prismatic pegasus out of the wall only to have her pass out on the floor. > Chapter 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The sun rose across the horizon, shining its light down upon Ponyville. A beam of morning light passed through a window landing upon the unconscious Pegasus that was Rainbow Dash. The glowing light of the sun backed the plain painted hospital room. Her injuries from the previous night had been bandaged and cared for by the family she had startled in the middle of the night by literally crashing into their home. The bandaged blue Pegasus now dressed in hospital gown groaned, and shifted her body slowly as she cracked her eyes open confused as to what had happened. "Owww... Why do I feel like I got hit in the head by a barn?" She closed her eyes only to snap them back open again after the memories of last night events played in her head, causing painful memories flood into her head. Quickly, she sat up and tried to figure out what had happened only to lay back down, groaning in pain from her many injuries. She could already tell what was either broken or bruised. Fortunately, her wings didn't suffer much damage from the crash. "Okay...let’s see what happened. I chased it down past Sweet Apple Acres, and next thing I knew, there was a bright light and then...." She groaned again, clutching her pain filled head with her hands. "Oh...yeah. I flew into the barn and got knocked out. Ugh! So not cool..." She heard the door slam open and turned to see her friends filing into the room, circling her bed with looks of deep concern. Thankfully nobody else seemed to have been hurt by the alien which eased some of Dash’s fears, even though she would never admit she was scared of what could have happened. "Oh Rainbow Dash darling, are you alright? Applebloom said you took a terrible blow to the head! We have been worried, sick! Oh! I could faint!" Rarity said, using her magic to levitate a beautified ice pack against the large bruise on Rainbow Dash's forehead. "Yeah! That was one doozy of a landing, Rainbow!" Pinkie shouted, getting a bit too close for Dash’s comfort, and her loud voice was only making her headache worse. "I'm fine, you guys. It doesn't even hurt that bad." She lied trying to hide the pain, before looking over to Applejack with a look of guilt on her face. "Sorry about the hole I made in your barn, Applejack," "Aw, shucks Rainbow. Don't worry abou’ it. It was an accident, after all. B’sides, Applebloom has been wantin’ anotha window fer sometime now," Applejack chuckled giving her a dismissive wave of her hand and a wink. "You just saved me half th’ trouble, sugarcube." Dash smiled, feeling a little bit better; she saw that Spitfire was standing behind the group with a look of defeat, one she knew all too well, though she would never admit that. But considering how well Spitfire was well known for keeping her cool and having a good poker face, so that could only mean something happened while she was unconscious. “Something wrong, boss?" She asked after sitting up slowly to better look at her. Spitfire’s frown deepened. "Well, after we managed to get out of the lake and found you knocked out, we lost track of that thing, and haven't found a single trace of it anywhere," Spitfire admitted, looking to the side as if to save a bit of her dignity at having to admit defeat. The room was silent by this news. All the ponies soon began to wonder. What kind of creature could out fly the Wonderbolts, and disappear without a trace? Soon more questions danced around in their head, why was it here? What will it do next? Is it a threat to Equestria and all who live in it? Twilight could see that everyone was a bit nervous and decided to try and gain as much information about this mysterious being. Summoning a quill and parchment paper, she turned her attention to Dash. "So Dash, since you were the closest one to it, did you happen to get a good look at what it was you were chasing?" Dash closed her eyes, folded her arms in front of her chest, and tilted her head trying to remember the details through the haze of pain throbbing in her bandaged head. "Hmm...well he stands on two legs like us and has two arms too." She closed her eyes, trying to remember when she how tall it was. "It was just as tall as me if but maybe a few inches taller. And it could fly without wings." Twilight furiously wrote down every word that Dash spoke not wanting to miss any details that could give her a better understanding of what it is they were dealing with. "Uh-huh, and is that it? Were there any other features that stood out? Anything that you can remember will be able to help us." Dash tried to think of everything that happened before she crashes into the barn. Then the last thing she remembered seeing before the flash of light. "Oh! And it had a tail." Twilight quirked a brow hearing this. "A tail? You mean like ours?" Dash shook her head. "No, it was long and thin; it reminded me of a monkey's tail." She could see that her friends were giving her questionable looks. "Hey, I'm just telling you what I saw." She held out her hands defensively. "Hmm, I feel like I've heard or seen something like this before, but I can't seem to remember from where." Twilight paced back and forth as she held her chin on her hand as she was deep in thought. Everything about the situation was bizarre to the scholar alicorn. She had checked and rechecked and rechecked her astronomy notes from the previous night and was positive that she had not seen any signs that a meteor was anywhere near hurtling through space bound for Equestria. With her enchanted telescope, she could see far enough to the other planets, by this logic she should have seen this mysterious meteor days ago if not months ago. No...it had somehow appeared out of nowhere, but that wasn’t logical at all now was it? Twilight found this whole situation odd when it came to astronomy science had never failed her, now she had to admit defeat as it has passed and something new was in Equestria. Decide that she had enough of the topic and could easily see that it was making everyone upset Rarity voiced her thoughts.  "Well, there's no point wondering about that dreadful creature," Rarity said, fluffing Rainbow’s pillow with manic, and helping her lay back down. "For now darling, you should get some rest until the doctor says it is okay for you to leave," Rarity placed the custom ice pack back on Rainbow's head. The others nodded and left the room so Dash could rest. "I'll see you when you’re feeling better Dash. Till then, relax, and we'll worry about that thing later," Spitfire smiled as she left the room along with the others who bid their friends farewell. ==================================== Soon the daylight began to fade as the sun was slowly setting across the mountain, casting shadows down onto Ponyville. Rainbow Dash was now left alone in the room staring up at the ceiling in sheer boredom. From time to time, she would adjust the ice pack to fit more comfortably on her head, but otherwise had nothing else to do to keep her occupied. She regretted not asking Twilight for a Daring Do book to help her pass the time. All she could do was watch as the lights that was slowly fading caused the shadows of objects to move until finally, it was night time. As she laid there, awake and unable to sleep due to the pain, she realized that she had left out some crucial details that Twilight should have known. The first was the way the creature looked at her when it was in the crater, and just before she was about to grab it by the tail. It looked at her with curiosity as it tilted its head, and a bit worried when she nearly had it by the tail. Then she remembered that just before she could grab it by the tail that it moved its hands over its face and closed its eyes before it shouted 'SOLAR FLARE!!' And then seeing the light so bright it had been like Celestia sun had appeared right in front of her. She could still see the bright light burned into the back of her eyelids. It was a miracle she hadn’t gone blind. “Solar flare?" She repeated the words it had spoken. What did those words mean? Where did the light come from? And what the heck was that thing? She began to wonder again in silence but quickly stopped when she felt the pain in her head throbbing once more. The ice pack had lost its coolness not too long ago, rendering it next to useless. Reaching up, she took it off her head and placed it on the table next to the bed, but as she did so out of the corner of her eye, she could have sworn she had seen something move by her window. She stared at the window for a good minute before shrugging her shoulders. "Must have been my imagination or something," She shrugged again, leaning back against her pillow and started at plain white hospital room wishing for something, anything to help take her mind off the throbbing pain in her head and body. Soon seconds turned into minutes and minutes into hours, all the while, the pain in her head still throbbed, causing her to wince in pain. She called for the nurse by pressing the button by her bed but received no answer. She knew they kept medicines and painkillers on hoof for ponies just like her who needed them. Heck, she had gotten them the last time she was here, why not now? "Oh, man. This headache is going to be the death of me,” She moaned as she tried to rub the pain away with her hand, only for the pain to increase from her touch. Her eyes scanned the room in a desperate attempt to try and get her mind off the pain. “Wish I had have asked Twilight for a Daring Do book." With no signs of her falling asleep, she looked around, decided to take in the little details of the hospital room seeing as she had nothing better to do. She took in every little detail, but nothing helped her escape her boredom. From the plain sky blue paint on the wall to a poster of a cat hanging off a branch with the words ‘Hang in there!’ in bold words underneath it. "Heh. Bet Fluttershy would like that poster." She chuckled, continuing her scan of the room. As she did, her eye had locked onto the window for the second time today when she thought she saw something move by it. This time she could have sworn she saw something at the window again. She turned her attention back to it, yet again, there was nothing there to see. "Geez. The thing I hate about hospitals is how creepy they can get...sheesh..." She muttered, shivering at the idea which was reasonable since the sun had already gone down and the lights for the room weren’t on at the moment. "Heh, look at me all scared for nothing! It's not like that thing is waiting by my window." In her imagination, she could see it now. That the alien was at her window looking in from the outside within the shadow of darkness the perfect time to be all sneak through the town and creep its way over to her window, it was a classic horror movie cliché after all! There was always at least one scene in any of those movies where the killer body could be seen in the frame of the window as all you could see was its silhouette with some scary music playing in the background trying to add more suspense before the jump scare. 'Rainbow Dash doesn’t get scared. Maybe taken by surprise and forced to...advance in another direction away from what surprised her but never scared.' She boasted, knowing her pride would never allow it. "Next thing you know it’s going to decide to open the window and let itself in, ha-ha!” She chuckled to herself, laying back in bed and looking back at the ceiling to occupy herself once more. She continued to laugh at how ridiculous the idea was. The idea that it would track her down when she was alone and vulnerable in the dark was too far-fetched. Dash whipped her brow as she was starting to feel warm being covered by the sheets, and her aching headaches was burning as well. 'I wish Rarity's ice pack were still cold; it is way too hot in here. Dash soon felt a cool breeze wash over her, bring her overheated body some much-needed relief. For Dash, feeling this gentle breeze was almost like a good friend, one that she knew anytime she would fly. Even now, while she was cooped up in her hospital room neglected by the nurse who was supposed to be taking care of her, the breeze still found a way to her make her feel better. "Mm, that feels nice, it was getting warm in here. Good thing the window was open already, or I just might have died of a heat attack or whatever they called it." She sighed, enjoying the cool evening breeze that lightly touched her face and cooled her skin. As she closed her eyes savoring this blessing, she remembered that she hadn't opened the window and that no one had come in to check on her since her friends had left some hours before. So how could there be a breeze coming through a closed window? Slowly she looked back to the window only to see it was open, and that something was standing directly on the other side. The moon's light created the shadow of a tall silhouette. Dash felt her heart racing as her eyes never moved away from the window. She could only watch as whatever was outside her window stood there. But then she remembered something; her room was on the third floor, there were no ledges for someone or something to stand or climb on. Her heart sank as the silhouette move, and she could see what she imagined to be the head moving down, looking inside. She watched as it stared at the door that was on the right side of the room adjacent from the window, and slowly it turned its head until it was directly looking at her. Even though it was dark outside Dash could still see its eyes, a chill went down her as she saw that both its iris and retina are black. Her heart nearly slipped a beat as she watched it slip its head inside, and soon, the rest of its body followed. Its hand gripped the inside of the window frame as its legs slipped in until it was standing in the room. Dash wanted to yell for help, but her fear overtook her as the alien slowly walked towards her, she couldn't even hear its footsteps as if it were a phantom. Dash wanted to get out and run for help, but her body wasn't responding to her commands as the creature slowly made its way closer to her. Many questions plagued Rainbow Dash's mind as she watched the alien make its way to her. 'Why is it here? Why is it in this room? Why is it in my room?!’ Again Dash tried to move her body but to no avail. Within seconds the tall figure stood over her staring down at the injured pegasus. The creature slowly crouched down until it was eye level with the cyan mare. Dash, in her fear-driven state, was able to take in more of this mystery aliens features. It had broad shoulder and spikey hair, due to how dark the room was she couldn't see its face, only its dark eyes. The figure eyes slowly scanned her body and turned its head until it stopped, and was looking at something at the side of her bed. Dash took a quick look to see what it was that it was staring at and saw the ice pack Rarity had made for her. She glanced back to see that the alien was looking at her again. As the questions raced through her mind, it approached her bed and bent over. With a swift movement, it was now at eye level with where she laid unable to move. As she looked it in the eyes, unable to break its gaze, she noticed it turning its head to look back at the ice pack and then back to her again. Watching she noticed it tilting its head looking at the bruise on her head. To break the eerie silence and to figure out why it was here, Dash summoned up all the courage her to speak. “What...d-do..w-want?" She stuttered her as her body was shaking. As if in response to her question, she saw it turn its head to the side, and saw its arm move down to what she could only imagine was a...pocket? It had pockets? She wondered before seeing that it pulled something out of it. As it raised the object out, so the moonlight from outside shined on it casting it in silvery light and revealing… "A… a bean?" Even in her fear-stricken state, she was caught off by this. To confirm her question, it nodded its head and then brought one of its hand up and made a gesture of putting the bean into it then quickly pointing to her. Rainbow Dash’s eyes widen as she could see a row of incisors and sharp canines in its mouth. She found her voice weakening as she tried to ask her next question "Y-you want me t-to eat t-that?" It nodded once more, "Why?" The alien didn't respond immediately, as it stood there crouched down staring elsewhere as though it was thinking leaving Dash to wait in silence to receive her answer. The silence didn’t last long as she could hear it breathe in. "It will heal your injuries." Rainbow Dash's jaw dropped. It could speak. It could talk! It was deep, giving the impression that it was male. Before she could say else, it inhales and spoke again "This will remove any pain you feel and restore you to full health." Hearing it speak yet again helped her confirm that it was male, and judging the tone she could tell that it was young seeing as its voice pitch was much lower to Big Mac’s but slightly deeper than Soarin's. For the next few moments Dash considered its offer, she was, of course, skeptical about the whole thing, but then she remembered that it hadn't done anything to harm her or her teammates. True it did knock her teammates into the water, but all that happened was they got wet and had to dry off. And it only flashed that bright light to get away from her, and though she hated to admit it she could have stopped flying when she knew she couldn't see, but she was reckless and did so anyway. She decided to take a leap fate and to pray to Celestia that she wouldn’t die, Dash closed her eyes and opened her mouth and waited. She felt something enter her mouth and inspected it with her tongue first; it was small and smooth. “Now carefully chew and swallow." She heard the alien speak once more; she couldn't get over the way it sounded, almost like it a normal pony and not some weird techno voice like in the movies. Listening to the alien's words, she carefully began to chew the bean and noticed that while it did make an audible crunch, it had no particular flavor. Once she believed that she had chewed it thoroughly, she slowly swallowed and waited for a reaction. For a moment, she felt no different than earlier. She patiently waited for something, anything to happen. Feeling rather annoyed that nothing had happened Dash was about to voice her questions when she had finally noticed that all the pain in her body was nonexistent. She dared to tempt fate Dash raised her right hand to rub the bump on her head that had been the source of her pain earlier. The moment that her hand came into contact with her head, she flinched on reflects. However, there was no pain whatsoever. Tempting fate, she rubbed her hand harder half expecting the pain to return quickly, but to both her surprise and delight, there was no pain to speak of. Next, she moved her body a bit to see if the pain in the rest of her body was gone, and once again to her delight, it was and as if it never existed. "Hey, the pain! It's all gone!" She cheered, opening her eyes ready to thank the mystery alien, only to see that it was gone. "Where did he..?" She looked all around her and drew her attention back to the window, but she found it closed. 'Did he go out the window when I had my eyes closed?' She could hear the sound of hooves clopping on tiles from the other side of the door, and soon a nurse with snow white coat and light pink mane walked in and turned on the light while pushing a little cart. "Sorry Miss Dash for keeping you waiting so long, we're a bit short staffed today." Dash had nearly forgotten that she had called for a nurse. She looked back at the window half expecting to catch a glimpse of the alien one last time. "So Miss Dash, shall I change the ice in your ice pack for you?" Red Heart asked, pulling a bucket of ice out from her cart. "No, thanks. I'm feeling a lot better now." Without looking away from the window, Dash answered the nurse. 'Why did he help me?' > Chapter 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As the sun rose over the mountain to signal the dawn of a new day, Rainbow Dash had immediately checked herself out of the hospital.  Much to the doctor's surprise and confusion on how her injuries had healed on what should have taken three days, rather than one night. With the events of last night still fresh in her mind and the chance the alien was still in the area, Dash bolted down the path that led to Twilight's castle. Not caring about being polite, Dash quickly crashed through the doors and navigated her way to the throne where to her delight all her friends were gathered. The looks on her friend's faces were both of shock and confusion, the shock that she was up and moving so soon, and confused was from how. "Rainbow Dash, how come you're out of the hospital so soon, didn't they say you would need a few days to rest?” Twilight asking what was ok everyone else's mind. Dash nervously scratched the back of her head as she tried to think carefully about how she would tell her friends about the night she had. "Eh yeah, that's a bit of a story to tell?" =================================== (30 minutes later) After making sure that she left no details out from her encounter with the alien, Dash could see that her friends were still processing this bit of information, Twilight specifically as she had been writing down Dash story furiously. After writing everything down, Twilight tried to see if she had heard her friend’s story correctly. "So not only did it come into your room, but it also gave you a magic bean that healed your injuries and then just vanished?" While happy for her friend recovery, Twilight couldn't shake the sense of unease from her mind, if this alien was indeed friendly, why did it run away from them before? "That's pretty much what happened Twi; also I think that ‘it’ is a ‘he’ since its voice sounded like a stallion’s." Everyone was rather baffled by this. Twilight leaned back into her chair to think on her next action. This was the first real encounter with intelligent life that was from beyond the stars. Slowly she stood up and began to pace around in a circle with her eyes closed as she went over all that had happened over the last day and a half. After five minutes of this, Twilight took a breath of air and breathed out with her mind made up. "I think the next course of action is simple..." The rest of the mares looked to Twilight, waiting for her to finish, "We must extend a hand of friendship to him and induct him into our society." Everyone seemed hesitant for a while, wondering whether or not to go along with it. But seeing as it did help Dash instead of doing more harm, the mares nodded their heads in agreement and made their way out of the castle to begin the search for him. As they made their way out, Twilight princess instinct took control and turned to her friends, “Alright, girls let's split up into groups to cover more ground.” “Right!!” The five mares spoke in unison. ==================================== Each of the girls split into three groups, Twilight, Applejack and Rarity took the north side of Ponyville, while Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy took the Southside of town. Rainbow Dash decided to scout from above to get a pegasus’s eye view. She flew high just before the clouds as she scanned the town. She made sure not to miss even a single inch of the town, in the hopes, she may find a clue as to where the creature may have gone to — flying past Sugarcube Corner to the schoolhouse where she could see the CMC playing together with other foals in a game of hoofball. Dash would continue to stay airborne for the next hours hoping to catch a glimpse of the alien. She had done at least ten laps around the whole town, but there was still no sign of him. ‘Maybe he left and isn't even around here anyone.' She thought. Just as she was passing along the edge of the Everfree Forest, Dash could easily see the castle of the two sisters; something caught her eye. Carefully flying back, she could see a small pillar of smoke rising from the forest that wasn't there earlier. 'Nah it's probably just Zecora's tree.' Just as she was about to continue, on her way, she quickly remembered something, looking back to where she saw the smoke again. 'Zecora's tree isn't near any lakes. It's on the edge of the Everfree.' Making sure what she was seeing was correct Dash focused on where the smoke was coming from. The smoke was indeed coming from the edge of a lake, and if anything, it could be the alien she was looking for. Seeing as this could be a possible lead to find it, Dash altered her course and flew for the lake. Slowly, she made her descent through an opening in the forest canopy, and walked toward the smoke on hoof, not wanting to lose the element of surprise if the creature was there. It would be best that she not to be seen coming from above after all. Rainbow Dash carefully walked through the dense foliage of the Everfree, careful not to make any noise should her target be near. Within minutes, she was in a clearing that opened up to the edge of the lake. The water glistened in the sun's shining light, making it sparkle as it reflected the solar rays. As she stared out into the lake, a smoky and salty aroma passed her nose, causing her to sniff the air. 'Is that?' Turning her head, she found the source of both the smoke and the aroma along with, to her surprise, the very being she was looking for. Sitting on top of a fallen tree, in front of the open fire was the same creature from last night. Its back was turned towards her, and she could see its tail slowly swaying left to right. Dash and remained silent in hope not to scare him off. Slowly and carefully, she made her way closer, watching her step for any twigs, or leave that could give away her position. With every step, her heart raced, and her mind thinking of what should she do once she's close enough? 'Do I just walk up and introduce myself, or do I wait until he notices me?' Each step she took made her more nervous as she drew nearer, ‘I mean, not like I'm scared or anything. After all, I am a WonderBolt, and one of the most awesome Elements of Harmony.’ Dash internally monologue. Only a few more steps until she's right behind him. As she drew even closer, her nose picked up the same aroma from before. Tilting her head ever so gently to the right, she saw what was emitting the smell. There, roasting on a few sticks, were a couple of fishes near the open flames. 'If he eats fish, does that mean he would also eat other kinds of meat?' She gulped, quietly, as she was right behind him. While it was common that ponies such as pegasi could eat fish, and even chicken for nutritional reasons, the fact that this creature ate meat made her even more nervous. Stealing her nerves, Rainbow Dash took a quiet breath, and quickly closed the distance between her and the unknown creature. "Ahem," clearing her throat taking a step back in response, she noticed that the creature's tail jolted for a second before slowly wrapping itself around its owner's wait. In response to Dash making her presence known the creature slowly turned its head to look over its shoulder spotting Rainbow Dash. For what felt like hours it stared at Dash from over its shoulder, examining her as if surprised that she was there, to begin with. Turning forward, the alien raised one of its legged and twisted its body, so the leg swung over the tree, and soon the other leg followed. With its entire body turned to face her Dash could now see the alien. "Um, hi. I'm Rainbow Dash, and you are?" she gulped, smiling, trying to stay calm and collected. The mystery alien stared for a few moments before slowly opening his mouth to speak when. "RUN!! TIMBERWOLVES!!!!" A scream from across the trees. Turning their heads towards where the scream came from, they listened as the sound of ponies yelling and crying out in fear could be heard. "That’s coming from town!!" Rainbow Dash took off without a second thought quickly making a beeline back to the town. As she flapped her wings with all her might, she soon found herself over the town. To her horror, Timberwolves were running amok in the streets of Ponyville, chasing the citizens. Some ponies were screaming and running in fear into their homes, slamming them shut to get away from the wooden wolves. "Everypony, get inside and barricade your doors!" Twilight was on the ground shouting as she blasted some charging Timberwolves that were about to pounce on Lyra and Bon-bon, who quickly made it into their house yanking the welcome doormat inside as they slam the door closed. The rest of the Elements were down on the ground fighting off the carnivorous beasts as ponies ran to their homes, following Twilight’s orders. Rainbow Dash turned to see that a pack of them were chasing Derpy and one of her daughters, Sparkler. Tucking her wings in, she dove, down heading straight for the wolves chasing Derpy and Sparkler. "Hey, moss for brains! Heads up!" The Timberwolves turned to see Dash diving straight for them. CRRRAAACK!!! With a swift punch, Rainbow had smashed through them, sending the wood that made up their bodies flying across the ground. Landing next to Derpy and her daughter, Dash turned to them, "Are you two alright?" They both nodded, smiling up at her. 'Good they're safe....wait I know Derpy has two foals?' Dash thought looking around for the second foal. "MOMMY!!!" Before Rainbow could ask about the second foal, a scream came from across the square. It had come from the schoolhouse. Rainbow took off in the direction of the scream with Derpy, and Sparkler right behind her. "You two need to get to safety right now!" Dash yelled, turning her head to them as she ran. Derpy shook her head, "That's my other daughter, Dinky," Tears flowed down her face as she began to pick up speed in hopes of saving the filly. "I won't leave her!" Dash could easily see the determination and desperation in her eyes that only a loving mother could give. "Fine, just stay behind me and don't get separated!" Derpy and Sparkler nodded as they ran alongside her. Soon, Rainbow and the other two made it the schoolhouse, where they saw Ms. Cheerilee, the schoolhouse teacher, getting the foals inside. But, by the side of the schoolhouse, one of the fillies was chased into a corner. The young unicorn filly with grey fur and yellow mane dressed in a white shirt and green skirt was being backed into a corner, surrounded by Timberwolves. Tears filled her eyes as she tried to climb up the wall, but to no avail. Before Rainbow could charge in to rescue her, another group of wolves blocked her path and began to snarl as they came closer to her, and the ponies behind her. "MOMMY, HELP ME!" Dinky cried out, seeing her mother and sister, as the wolves were ready to pounce, their glowing green eyes fixated on the helpless filly. Soon another pack of Timberwolves charged from the forest and stood in front of Dash and the others. They snarled and made mock lunged forcing Dash, and the others to back away. "DINKY!!!!!" Derpy and Sparkler yelled as they were forced back by Rainbow, who was trying to keep them from the snarling wolves in front of them. One of the Timberwolves that surrounded Dinky let out a ghostly howl and darted forwards towards her. The terrified filly was frozen in fear as the timber wolf jumped in the air towards her. Teeth bared, its glowing green eyes fixed on its next kill. Rainbow Dash looked away, knowing she couldn't do anything more than to keep the filly’s mother and sister away before they were next. The world seemed to slow down and become silent. SMASH!! CRACKLE!! The sound echoed through the air, breaking the silence, followed by a yelp of pain. Rainbow Dash opened her eyes and dared to see what happened to the unfortunate filly. Her eyes widened as the Timberwolf that had jumped at Dinky was now on the ground scattered in pieces. What once was its head was now under the foot of something else, something larger — standing there in an orange sleeveless shirt and pants with a blue undershirt. With its leg crushing what's left of the skull from the attacking Timberwolves stood the creature. The rest of the small group stepped back as a member of their pack was now dead beneath this new creature that they've never seen before. Lifting its foot, the creature kicked away what remained and turned to the filly who was still cowering in fear. "Are you okay, little one?" Kneeling, the alien stretched his arm out to her, causing her to flinch and closed her eyes. In a slow and gentle movement, it placed its hand on top of Dinky's head and gently began to pet it. Dinky opened her eyes and looked up to her savior who wore a warm, caring smile upon his face. Dinky's fear faded away at sight. Slowly she nodded to answer his question. "Alright, now what do you say we get you back to your family?" Still wearing the same smile, the alien scooped the filly up in his left arm and stood up. The remaining wolves snapped out of their daze and started to growl and snarl at the intruder, angered by the sudden intrusion on their hunt, and the loss of one of their own. Slowly, the group began to circle him, each on either side of him ready to pounce. Their wooden stake like fangs barred and their claws were scratching into the ground like a bull ready to charge. Without warning the Timberwolves pounced simultaneously at the intruder that held their next meal. The alien quickly leaped into the air causing two of the wolves to slam into each other with a loud crash, scattering their bodies to the floor from the collision. Rainbow Dash looked up and watched as the creature landed in front of her and the two ponies behind her. Its back was turned to the Timberwolves that once stood in front of her. Slowly, he kneeled, placing the little filly on the ground, allowing Dinky to run to her mother and sister. Derpy hugged her daughter in a warm embrace, as tears of joy flowed down her cheeks while Sparkler joined in, happy that her sister was safe. The remaining wolves started to growl and snarl, making their presence known once again. Once again another Timber wolf had launched itself at the creature while its back was turned. “LOOK OUT!!!” Dash yelled. Before the wolf could come within an inch closer, the alien turned its body and swung its arm straight into the Timberwolf, knocking to the side and flying straight into a tree, where its body smashed into pieces. Dash and the other pony’s jaws dropped by his quick reflex. Without warning the group that had attempted Dinky's life ran in front of the group leaping at the alien while its body was turning from the swing. However, the unknown alien was prepared and use the momentum of his body to swing his left leg, smashing into the first Timberwolf while continuing its speed causing the body of the first wolf to move with its leg as it smashes the other wolves in the air. Both the ponies and the Timberwolves were in shock as a single kick from this unknown being managed to destroy three wolves. A single Timberwolves, whose body was much larger than the rest with scars across its body let out a long, loud howl that ponies could hear throughout Ponyville. In response to the howl of the alpha, more Timberwolves began to make their way from the town. Rainbow Dash jumped to Derpy and her kids ready to intercept the wolves that were coming from behind. But to their surprise, they ran past her and gathered around the Alpha. With another more menacing howl, the Timberwolves started to glow and float into the air. Soon they began to separate and reform around the alpha's body. Part of dead trees floated from the nearby forest, adding to the already large pile of wood, along with the remains of their fallen comrades. "We need to get going before that thing finishes!" Rainbow Dash yelled, pushing Derpy and her kids away as they started to run. As she ran, she turned her attention back to the creature. "Hey, come on! You should run too!!" She started as it stood there arms crossed 'Is he...? No, he can't be dumb enough to wait till it’s over?' But he was, she watched as he carefully observed and the Timberwolves body began to take from. Before Rainbow Dash could utter another word, the ground shook as a now giant timber wolf stood in front of them. Taking a deep breath, the giant Timberwolf let out a loud bellow that made the very air itself shake. The giant timber wolf now towered over them, teeth as large as a fence post, the eyes glowed with menacing emerald green. It dug its claws into the ground and began to make a mad dash towards him. "I never got the chance to introduce myself earlier?" Dash's head turned back to him, still standing there as if he didn't have a care in the world. Turning his head ever so slightly so that he was looking at her. "I am Son Goken, and a Saiyan never runs from a fight." Getting into a fighting stance, Goken faces the approaching beast, “We run towards it!” Dashing forward the Saiyan punched the beast as it reached with his range. The impact upon collision caused the giant wolf to stagger as it shook its head from the pain. Not wanting to allow it any time to recover Goken quickly darted behind the beast, grabbing one of its hind legs, began to lift its body and started to spin it. The Dash, Derpy and her daughters could only watch in amazement as they watch this being who was much smaller than the Timberwolf easily lift the beast body, and spun it around as if it was nothing. Once Goken could feel that he had built up enough momentum, he thrust the wooden beast into the air. Holding his arm up and aimed at the beast as it started to walk back down to the world below. Soon a yellow ball of light began to form in his palms still aimed at the Timberwolf. "Get out of my sight you overgrown piece of firewood!!" The orb of light grew double in size. And with a flex of his hand, the ball of light shot forward towards the falling beast. The moment the ball of light touched the beast, a large explosive burst with a bright light and powerful shockwaves throughout the air followed. Bits and pieces of bark and wood rained from the sky. As the light faded, Rainbow turned and saw all that remained of the Timberwolf was falling from the sky. "No way!" Her mouth hung open as she stared in awe. Goken turned to the four ponies and started to walk towards the prismatic pegasus. Stopping in front of Dash, Goken smiled "So, Miss Dash, did I make a good impression?" He gave her a wink as he used one if his finger to close Dash’s mouth shut. "U-uh…I guess so?" She stammered her muzzle red with a blush. 'What in Equestria was all that?!' > Chapter 4 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 4 As all the commotion from the battle started to die down, the residents of Ponyville started to peak out of their homes to see that all the Timberwolves were gone. Slowly, everypony made their way to the schoolhouse and noticing the unknown being stand next to Dash, Derpy, and her daughters. They were hesitant of this strange and mysterious creature. It looked similar to them but without fur and had ears on the side of its head. Was it friendly, or could it be worse than the Timberwolves they all wondered? "So, umm... Dash was it? What now? “Goken asked, tilting his head, not sure what to do now that everyone could see him. He felt a sense of unease as anthropomorphic equines were slowly drawing nearer and watching him. Before Rainbow could answer his question, the crowd behind them parted, making a pathway as Princess Twilight along with the rest of the Elements of Harmony made their way to them. Twilight eyes locked onto Goken as she approached him, her face was expressionless but carried no ill-will towards the stranger before her. Once she was close enough, Twilight took a deep breath and exhaled before speaking. "Hello, I am Twilight Sparkle, Princess of Friendship." She lowered her head to give him a small bow, causing the citizens to gasp as a member of royalty had bowed before the unknown being. "We thank you for helping our friend and saving Derpy's daughter." Raising her head, she looked at Goken to see how he would respond. For a moment, the atmosphere was quiet with a bit of tension in the air, as everypony waited with bated breath to see how this stranger would react. Goken broke the silence as he took a breath in. "It is an honor to make your acquaintance, Princess Twilight." With a swift movement, Goken shifted his right foot forward, and his left leg back as he kneeled. He moved his right arm over his chest, with his left arm behind his back as he bowed to Twilight. “My name is Son Goken, and it is my pleasure to meet you all." With those words alone, Goken broke the ice. The mood had shifted to a calmer and relaxed environment from those words. Twilight exhaled, loudly, as if she averted a major war. Slowly, she regained her composure and straightened her posture and stepped forward towards Goken. “It's nice to meet you too, Goken, and we welcome you to our home." Twilight extended her hand as a sign of friendship. Goken stood back up and carefully grasped her hand and shook it. "I feel honored, you’re Majesty, by both your kindness and your welcome." He lifted her hand, Goken gently placed a kiss on Twilight's hand, causing a blush across her muzzle, as well as the other Elements of Harmony. "O-of course. There's n-no need to be s-so formal." Her voice cracked as she stuttered to get her words out. “And you can just call me Twilight, no need for the whole ‘Princess’ or ‘Your Majesty' hehe." Twilight's face was now crimson red. "Oh. Well, if you say so," Standing up, Goken gave everypony a warm smile. "It's nice to meet you, Twilight, and everyone else." The air went from being tense, too cheerful in a matter of seconds, as Goken's formal attitude changed to a more relaxed and loose one. ------ ----- ------ ----- ------ ------ ------- ------ ---- ------ (Castle of Friendship) Goken marveled at the inside of the crystal castle, turning he looked all around him trying to soak in every little detail. From the purple crystal walls to the green and yellowish stained-glass windows that shimmered in the sunlight. "Man this place is huge and so...crystally,” Goken chuckled as he walked down the halls with Twilight, and friends behind. Rainbow leaned over to Twilight as she spoke in a whisper so that Goken couldn't hear her. “So what do we do now, since well you know him being here and all?" "For now, let's just let him get comfortable before we start asking questions," Twilight whispered back while keeping an eye on him.  Dash nodded and turned her attention back to Goken as he walked through a set of doors that lead to the map room. "Whoa. Check out this table, it's huge, “Goken marveled as he ran up to a table in the center of the room, that had seven crystal chairs around it, each with a symbol above them.” So what's this room for?" He gently glided his hand along the flat surface of the table as he admired it. "This is the cutie map; it tells them when there's a friendship problem that needs to be solved."  A small yet scratchy voice answered, from nowhere. Goken was caught off guard and looked up. "Who said that?" Turning his head left to right, he scanned the room, but couldn't find the source of the voice, until he felt a tug at his pant leg. "Down here." Once again, the voice answered. Turning his attention down to where he felt the tug originated from, Goken saw a creature by his feet; it had a purple shirt, green pants, and green spikes at the top of its head. "Um, hello there?" Goken said a bit confused by the sudden appearance of this creature. Kneeling to get a better look at it, “So what are you? A lizard?" He asked, gently petting his head. "Hey, dragon. DRAGON!" He said, raising his arms to look intimidating. "Not lizard, I don't do that tongue thing." He folded his arms across his chest and stuck tongue. "And the name is Spike." "Oh sorry, little guy... I mean Spike. Didn't mean to upset you." Goken let out a small chuckle as he watched the little dragon act tuff. Spike snorted causing smoke to emit from his nostrils. “Well, so long as we made that clear." Spiked hopped off the table and walked over to Twilight who was covering her muzzle as to hide her smirk. Leaning against the table, Goken folded his arms and looked to his new friends. "So I take it you guys must have several questions that you want to ask. So I'll answer any that you may have." Spike facepalmed as he looked over to Goken "Famous last words, dude.” Spike did a little salute. "It was nice knowing you." Before Goken could ask what spike meant, he immediately had Twilight mere inches away from his face. “I HAVE A TON OF QUESTIONS. OH, WHERE DO I BEGIN!!!!?” Twilight moved closer to Goken, causing him to lean back further by the sudden purple alicorn in his face. With a glow of her horn, Twilight magicked up a quill and parchment, and began her barrage of questions. “How old are you?! Where did you come from?! How did you get here?! What's your favorite book?!?!" Twilight asked each question a higher pitch than the last. Goken found himself lying on the table now as Twilight bombarded him with questions, "Whoa there, Twilight. Take it easy." Placing a finger to Twilight’s muzzle. Goken carefully pushed the over-eager alicorn back before slowly rising and continuing. "If I'm going to be answering your questions, I'd like to keep my hearing, thank you very much." Twilight let out a squeak as she realized the position she was in and stood up with a light blush. "Heh, sorry about that. I get excited when it comes to learning new things." Twilight friends all started to giggle at this truth and made their way to their seats. "Okay to make this fair I'll answer any questions you have, in return I'd like to have mined answered first if that's okay with you guys?" Goken looked to the ponies that had now been seated. Twilight looked to her friends who all nodded in agreement to this request. "That seems fair enough, just make sure you stay true to your word buddy," Rainbow Dash commented, pointing to him while easing back into her chair. Goken nodded as he composed himself and looked towards twilight once more. "I only have three questions so far." Holding up three fingers, Goken looked to the ponies who nodded for him to continue with his questions. "First, where am I? Second, who are all of you? And thirdly, what's up with the weird butt patched?" He asked, pointing to the symbol that was right around the pony’s hip areas. The last question caused everypony in the room to blush, while Spike was trying to suppress a snicker. Cleaning her throat Twilight trying to keep a straight face from the last question, looked to Goken giving him her full attention. "To answer your first question you're in the land of Equestria ruled by Princess Celestia and Princess Luna." Goken simply nodded and waited for the rest of his questions to be answered, though he knew later on that he would have more, but the three he asked were the ones he had to know. "As for your second question,we are the Elements of Harmony. We represent the Elements of Friendship. Honesty, Loyalty, Generosity, Kindness, Laughter, and Magic." Twilight pointed to each of the corresponding elements that the ponies represented. Scratching the back of his head Goken felt like he had more questions than answers. ‘That still doesn't tell me who they are, but hey I'll figure it out later I guess.’ Twilight muzzle once again became slightly  red as she ready to answer his last question. “And as for your last question, well, these are called cutie marks." Twilight pointed to the mark on hip of her skirt, her muzzle was a deeper shade of red having to point to that practical area of her body, especially to a member of the opposition sex. Goken quirked a brow in response."I'm sorry… cutie marks? So what are they, some kind of decoration or something?" This question causes some other ponies to snicker a bit. "No they're... um...well, they represent individual talents. See, when a pony finds their calling in life, they get their cutie mark based on whatever that calling may be." She began to point to the individual ponies around the table starting with Applejack. “Whether it be farming apple's,” next was Fluttershy, “helping animals in need,” next, she pointed to Rarity, “finding gemstones,” her hoof moved to Pinkie Pie next, “planning parties for others and making them happy,” finally she reached Rainbow Dash, who was leaning in her chair more with her hind leg on the table trying to look cool, “or being really fast." Dash gave him a smug grin. "Everypony has their own unique set of skills." Goken simply leaned against the wall taking the time to process all the information that he had gotten. Breathing in, he moved away from the wall and back to the table. "Well, I'm a man of my word, so now I'll answer any and all questions that you have for me. I'll answer to the best of my abilities that is." Twilight's eyes sparkled as she levitated a quill and an abnormally large stack of parchment. "And please one question at a time, otherwise I won't be able to give you a proper answer." With that said, Twilight lowered the large stack and picked up one piece. "Hehe. Sorry, force of habit." That earned a chuckle from both Goken, and her friends. "Okay first question is, what are you exactly? I've seen a being like you before, but they didn't have the abilities that you have." This question had the whole table's attention as they all stared at Goken, waiting for his response. Raising his hand to his chin, Goken took a moment to word his answer. "Well, see, now that's a bit complicated, but for now, you can refer me as a Saiyan." Looking at the ponies, he waited for their response. "A Saiyan? What the heck is a Saiyan?" Rainbow Dash blurted out without a second thought. Twilight gently nudged her with her wing trying to get her to check her attitude. "Sorry, Goken we didn't mean for that come out rude or anything." Rubbing the back of her head, Twilight apologized to Goken in hopes not to upset him. Raising his hand, he waved it to let her know he takes no offense. "It's fine, don't worry about it. Now then as for the whole Saiyan thing." Clearing his throat, Goken continued to explain. "The Saiyans are a warrior race built and designed for battle. They carve battle and live for the thrill of it, and with every battle, we get stronger. However, I am only half Saiyan." Twilight raises her hoof to which Goken nodded for her to ask her questions. "What's the other half then?" The scratching of a quill on parchment paper echoed the room as she asked. "The other half is human or earthling if you want to be more accurate. Now to under that part, I must go over my origin for this to make sense; I'll be starting with the homeworld of the Saiyans and its destruction." The room was silent as everypony was caught off by those last words. "A long time ago, Saiyans used to thrive on a planet they called Vegeta, the king of this planet, and his heir to the throne was also named Vegeta." Looking at ponies Goken was making sure they were still able to follow along. "The kingdom was home to the Saiyans. Now the Saiyans weren't a race of heroes, no far from it. They would travel to different planets and destroy all life on them, and once they had done so, they would sell the planet for profit." By these words, some of the ponies gasped and covered their mouths in shock. Never before had they heard of such cruelty. "What the BUCK!?" Dash,slammed her fist onto the table in an outburst. "So what, they just went around ending innocent lives and then what? They sell it for money like it's no big deal!?" Rainbow eyes flared by these words and glared at Goken with a hint of disgust and rage, Goken nodded in shame at her question. Before she could continue her rant, Twilight placed a hand onto Dash's shoulder trying to calm her down. “Rainbow Dash, please let him finish. I'm sure that there's more to this story than that." Dash had taken a deep breath and slowly sat back in her chair with her front hooves crossed, glaring at him. "I'm sorry if my history had struck a chord with you Rainbow Dash, but believe me when I say I don't enjoy it anymore than you." His words were sincere and honest as he gave a gentle bow to show her that he meant no harm. Dash only grunted and looked away, still listening but half-hearted. Twilight sighed and looked back to him. "Please continue, Goken,” Her quill ready to write once more, Twilight gave her full attention to him again. Once again he started to continue."The method in which they choose who goes to what planet is decided based on that Saiyan's power level." Before he was able to finish explains Twilight raised her hand once more. Only now she looked like a child would if they had a question in school they really wanted to know. "Um, yes Twilight?" "What does that mean? Power level?" This question seemed to have peaked the ponies mind as they looked curiously. "Oh, wow, um, okay. Well, a power level is what the Saiyan's used to detect the strength of each individual or in some cases  there ki energy.” Twilight raises her hoof again only to have Goken held up his to signal her to wait. “Before you ask, ki energy is the life force that flows through all things living, and every living thing has it.” Twilight lowered her hand and started to write everything down. "The  method in which they did this was through devices that they would wear, that could tell them what their opponents power level was at. By doing so they could accurately determine how much power they could use when fighting." Twilight's quill continued to scratch along the parchment paper as she listened to Goken species origin. "Anyway before a Saiyan is sent to another planet to conquer it, two things happen first. One, they measure the strength of the inhabitants of the planet to determine its difficulty." "And two, depending on the difficulty of the planet is what decided which Saiyan would go there. Now if the planet has a high difficulty they would send a full-grown Saiyan to conquer it. But if it's a weak planet,  they should send an infant saiyan instead." "They would send their own babies?!" Fluttershy yelled abruptly before covering her mouth  by the sudden outburst she made. "Yes, they would. It was a terrible thing they would do, but Saiyan's come with an instinctive survival senses. Either they would use said instincts to survive to re-join their fellow Saiyans or…" He paused for a moment. "Or what?" Twilight asked, eagerly, for him to continue. "Or they would die from being too weak." The ponies in the room let out a collective gasp of shock. "I know. That was my initial response, as well. But that might have been how my story could have begun. You see, the Saiyans sent my father to a planet called Earth due to his low power level when he was born.  And in doing so, my father, along with a handful of Saiyans, was spared the fate that befell planet Vegeta." "And um…what would that be darling?" Rarity asked, feeling a bit worried. "Planetary destruction." He answered in a cold tone, which had everypony's full attention, even Rainbow Dash snapped her attention back to the conversation. "The planet along with the Saiyan race had been destroyed in one fell swoop, by the hands of king’s once known ally, Lord Frieza." "Wait. If they were allies, why would he do such a thing? The Saiyan would have proven to be powerful allies." Twilight asked baffled by this. "Well, you're right about that Twilight, for the Saiyan had fought for Frieza with unbridled loyalty. However, at some point, Frieza started to notice that more and more Saiyan children were being born with tremendously high power levels. Within a few years, a single Saiyan could have possibly overpowered his army." "Frieza knew that if this continued that the Saiyans that he ruled over would eventually try to overthrow him. So he decided that he would put an end to the Saiyan race once and for all." Many of the mares seemed terrified as Goken described the villain’s actions. "So he called King Vegeta for a meeting, and an order for all Saiyans to return to the planet, little did the king of his subjects know that this would mark the end for them and their race. When King Vegeta arrived for his meeting had believed Frieza had wanted to discuss something of importance, but in actuality, he walked to his execution. Without so much as a warning, Frieza killed the king, and proceed into the planet's atmosphere. With no idea, their lives were about to end the Saiyans treated it as nothing. Once Frieza was in position, he summoned a massive ball of energy and sent it towards the planet below and upon impact destroyed it in its entirety." The room became incredibly silent. For the ponies, the idea of a being who could destroy an entire planet with no sense of mercy sent a chill down their spines. Everypony remained silent until Applejack broke the silence. "But ya did say some of them Saiyans survived, right?" Goken expression shifted from one of dreads to a pleasant smile. "Yes. You see there were a few Saiyans who were off-world at the time, one of which was the prince Vegeta and his fellow Saiyans Nappa and Raditz. And of course, there was my father Goku who had left the planet as a baby. And where our story truly begins. For the next hour, Goken told Twilight and her friends of the adventure his father and the friends he made along the way. From the day he met Bulma to when he defeated King Piccolo and his son. The day he learned of his Saiyan original from his brother to the battle with Kid Buu. To the most recent events such as the battle with Beerus the God of Destruction, to the universe survival battles that was The Tournament of Power. And with each story, the ponies hung on every word in anticipation. With every story of his father's adventure, the mares around the table and spike were either amazed by the adventures that the Z Warriors had, to the tears from the loss that his friends had suffered. And when he regaled them of the epic battle that his father and brothers had faced, they were on the edge of their seats as he described the fights that took place in his universe. As he finished telling the last of his friend’s adventures, he smiled at the reaction of all the mares in the room. From Twilight’s who eyes sparkled as she wrote down every little detail, enough that she had a foot of papers written down. And then there was Rainbow Dash who looked like she came down from an adrenaline high. "That is awesome ...I mean, I've lived through some pretty awesome stuff myself, what with being an Element of Harmony and all, hehe." Dash said trying not to sound too impressed but failed. "And I must say I do envy that Piccolo fellow. What with being able to make clothes with just his mind,” Rarity trailed seeming only to take that part from the story. "I never knew Saiyans had such a rich history or that they would be capable of such feats, first space travel and transformational and even ascending to a level of a deity!! Oh, I can't wait to tell the princess." Twilight added reviewing her notes in excitement. Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes. “So, I've got a question that I've meant to ask," Rainbow asked, looking past Twilight. "Shoot." Goken smiled, waiting for her question. "So, like, how come your dad decided to have you, if you don't mind me asking?" When Rainbow asked the question that caused the room to go quiet, and everypony looked to her as if that question was a taboo. “What? It's a legit question. I'm only asking because from what he told us his dad didn't seem like he would ever have another kid? And he hardly spent time with the ones he already had." "RAINBOW DASH!!!!" Applejack yelled from across the table irritated by the very thought of thinking such a thing, let alone saying. “It's none of our business whether his father seemed or didn't seem to want more kids. That was the rudest thing you could ever say." She slammed her fist onto the table, glaring at the rainbow mare. Rainbow looked down, feeling ashamed, not only by her question but by the fact it made Applejack upset as well. "Whoa! Easy there, AJ! It's fine. I get it, and to be honest. I get where she's coming from.” Goken raised his hands to calm the farm pony down. "I take no offense at all, and to answer your question, Rainbow," Goken turned his head so that he was talking directly to Dash," My dad decided that our universe needed a more capable fighter in case something like the Tournament of Power came up again. He thought that maybe if he, along with his friends, were to train someone with all their might, then maybe that person would be part of the next generation of warriors to protect the earth." "I see, that's fascinating. Oh, now I have even more questions." Twilight squealed happily causing her wings to flutter a bit. "Alright next, I was hoping to ask some questions in regards to your biology and culture, more specifically about the Saiyan portion if possible?" Twilight noted trying to find out more about the warrior race. "Oh yeah, ask away. Anything you want to know, ask away." He answered, coolly, as he placed one hand on the table leaning on it with his legs crossed. "So how do you Saiyans reproduce?" Twilight asked with a straight face, causing Goken's hand to slip and fall to the ground with his legs in air twitching. Goken wasn't the only one who was affected by Twilight's quest as all the mares in the room had a deep blush across their muzzles. Quickly getting back up Goken glanced at the lavender alicorn with a face as red as an apple. "Whoa, whoa! I know I said I'd answer any question, but that is a bit...." Before he could finish, he saw that Twilight was trying to hold back a fit of giggles by covering her mouth with her hands. "That was payback for when I gave you that kiss on the hand earlier, isn't it?" He added, dryly, as Twilight nodded soon bursting into laughter by both Goken's and her friend's reactions. The rest of the ponies started to laugh as well, making the mood in the room much lighter and more relaxed. Finally, after she and her friends had finished laughing, Twilight was able to collect her composure. "So, back to my real questions. My first question is, how old are you Goken?" "Oh well I'm 19 years old, my birthday had just passed in May." For some reason, Pinkie had let out a loud gasp. Goken shrugged it off not knowing why she did that. After writing down her first question, Twilight moved on to her next question. "Okay, and what is your diet like?" This caused the room to feel a bit uneasy. "Well I'm an omnivore if that's what you're talking about, I do eat meat, but I can also eat fruits and vegetables, along with nuts and berries." This caused a few of the elements to look a bit worried, more specifically, Fluttershy. Dash, on the other hand, seemed unfazed, mostly due to her seeing his eating habits before. Twilight resumed her writing, taking in any all details." Okay, that makes sense, a few creatures in Equestria do eat meat some pegasi eat chicken and fish, mainly for the nutritional reason." Goken nodded, feeling a bit more relaxed. "Next question, what purpose does that tail serve?" She pointed to the tail that wrapped around his waist. "I've seen some humans before, but they didn't have tails, so I assume that the tail comes from your Saiyan half." While a bit confused as to how Twilight knows about humans, he focused on the question that she asked. "Oh um well it's rather simple, it's just a tail you know. It's great for grabbing and holding stuff." Moving his tail from his waist Goken, moved it around with great dexterity. "Oh, I see. So it's prehensile?" Twilight commented while writing in her notes. "Yep. Pretty much nothing special." Goken let out a small chuckle. 'If I told them about what its real purpose is, they'd flip a lid.' Goken couldn't notice that Applejack was staring at him intently. From out the window, they could see that the sun will soon set over the mountains. Twilight, along with the other elements, let out a collective yawn. Seeing that it was almost nightfall, Twilight prepared her last question.  "Okay my last question, for now, is probably the most important one so far." Looking away from the window and over to her notes. "How did you get here?" Goken had been anticipating that this question would eventually come up. Folding his arms across his chest, Goken tried to answer her question as best as he could.  "Well, I think it has to do with the work that I was doing with Bulma. Remember when I told you girls about how Vegeta made friends with one of the Saiyans from Universe 6?" Twilight and her friends nodded. "Well, Bulma thought she could make a portal that would allow Vegeta, and everyone else to travel to different universes. And with a little bit of guidance from Whis the angel of our universe, she was able to figure a way of doing so, all she needed to do was build the portal itself. And since I am good friends of hers, I decided that I would try and help." "Now I'm not as smart as her, but I was more the muscles when she needed it. Considering that Vegeta was always off training anyway." He rolled his eyes, remembering all the times Bulma asked him for help because Vegeta was out. "That's amazing; she must be really intelligent to build something like that," Twilight exclaimed with a twinkle in her eyes. "Yeah, she is hehe. So as we were working on the final pieces of the portal when something happened. Without warning the machine started to activate and shorting out, next thing we knew, the portal started to collapse in on itself." "Everything within a mile radius started to get sucked in. Thankfully we had been conducting our test in an open field where no bystanders could get hurt. I had managed to get Bulma secured onto a nearby rock that wasn't getting pulled in by the portal. However, I was not so fortunate. I had used a good amount of my energy trying to fly Bulma away from the portal, that by the time she was safe, I didn't have enough energy for myself to pull away. No matter how hard I tried, I was too weak to escape the portal's pull. I remembered Bulma trying to reach her hand out to grab mine, but it was too late. The last thing I remember was everything going to black, and I lost consciousness. After that...well you already know what happened after that." All around the ponies at the table had looks of either pity or sadness, for they could not imagine the feeling of being separated from their friends and family like the wayward traveler. Standing from her seat, Twilight walked over to the Saiyan half breed and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Don't worry Goken. I'm sure we'll be able to help you find a way back home. Right girls?" The mares, without hesitation, nodded their heads. "But for now we welcome you to our world as a friend." Feeling a bit touched by their kindness, Goken smiled feeling a bit relieved. "Thanks, girls. That means a lot." Looking out the window, Twilight saw that the sun had nearly disappeared behind the mountains.  "Oh wow, it's gotten pretty late already. Maybe, we can continue with our questions another time?" Yawning Goken nodded his head in agreement. "Yeah, that sounds good to me." He raised his arms above his head as he stretched. Soon the others began to yawn knowing it was getting late, and they too needed to get some rest. "We have a spare bedroom you can use if you like Goken. Just until we find a place for you to stay, that is." "Thanks, that's much appreciated." With that everyone made their way home while Goken followed Twilight to the guest bedroom he would be using for the night. > Chapter 5 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The sun slowly rose from across the mountain, shining its rays on the town of Ponyville. Soon, ponies who had to prepare to open their businesses began to exit their homes to greet the new day. Following the ponies, the early morning birds chirped happily, welcoming the morning’s light. The sun's golden rays shone down on the castle of friendship, reflecting lights of purple and blue like the crystals that made up Twilight Sparkle's home. Inside, Twilight had awoken early on this beautiful morning and walked down along the hallways of her castle. Her destination: the spare bedroom where her special guest was currently staying for the time being. Upon reaching the door, she gently knocked on the door three times and waited for any kind of response, but when no response was given, she carefully gripped the door handle, slowly opened the door, and peeked inside. "Goken, are you awake yet?" she whispered, moving her head further inside. When her head was fully inside the room, she looked over to the bed to see that her guest was still fast asleep. Quietly and carefully, she slipped into the room and tiptoed over to the sleeping Saiyan. Goken was sleeping with the covers barely covering his body, his left leg hanging off the edge of the bed. Twilight tried to suppress a snicker at the humorous sight. 'Guess he must have been really tired from all the questions last night,' she thought. As she got closer, she felt something heavy at her feet, causing her to nearly trip over it. "Eeep!" She let out a small squeal as she tried to regain her balance, using her wings to push off the ground and glide back before carefully landing back on the ground. She turned to see what it was that her foot had gotten caught on. When she looked down on the ground, she saw a blue shirt and wristbands next to one of Goken's boots. "Weird. It felt like I had tripped on a rock or something." Quicky, she covered her mouth and looked back to make sure she hadn’t accidentally woken up her guest. Much to her relief, Goken was still sleeping with his head on the pillow. She watched as his chest rose up and down with each breath. 'Phew, that was close. The last thing I want is to wake him up before I could study what a sleeping Saiyan looks like…I mean, it's not every day you have a visitor from another universe.'  She turned her attention back to the clothes on the floor and focused her magic into her horn, which glowed with a purple aura, and the same color aura started to envelope the clothes on the floor. 'I'll just move these someplace where no pony can trip over them and......' Twilight found herself trying extremely hard to lift the clothing off the floor with her magic. However, no matter how hard she tried, the clothes hadn't budged so much as an inch off the ground. Her horn glowed brighter as she focused more of her magic and arched her head back to try to lift the clothing off the floor, but to no avail. Soon, her concentration started to dwindle until her horn had stopped glowing. She leaned down and placed her hands on her knees to support herself as she panted in exhaustion. 'How in Equestria can these clothes be this heavy?!' As she stepped back, her foot had accidently caught on the other boot she had missed, causing her body to fall backwards and land on the bed, right on top of the sleeping Saiyan. ‘Oh no! I need to move before.....' Twilight slowly tried to get off the Saiyan and out of the room, but just before she could get up, an arm warped around her waist, pulling her closer to Goken's chest. 'Oh no, oh no!' Twilight tried to gently pull away, only to barely budge an inch within Goken's grasp. 'Wait, is he awake!?' Her eyes slowly looked up to see that Goken's eyes were closed and his breathing hadn't changed. 'Well, that's just great. Not only am I stuck, but he's a deep sleeper. At least this can't get any worse.' Before she was able to move again, the door to the room slowly creaked open. "Hey, Goken, it's time for breakfast. You coming.......?" Spike's eyes widened at the sight he saw before him. There on the bed, Twilight was laying atop Goken's chest with his arm around her waist and her chest pressed against his own. A grin slowly spread across the young drake’s face, which spread from ear to ear. He slowly moved his head out of the room, quietly closing the door. "I'll just give you two some privacy. Hehe." With a grin still plastered on his face, Spike closed the door. "Wait, Spike, help me, please!" Twilight whispered, trying to get help from Spike, but before she could finish her sentence, the door had already closed, leaving her still in the firm grasp of her guest. Five minutes have long since passed, and Twilight was still laying down on the Saiyan with arm still wrapped around her waist. All attempts she had made to break free from his grasp have proven fruitless. She tried a large variation of possible solutions, but each one ended in failure. First, she tried to use her magic to slowly remove Goken's arm to free herself, but similar to her attempt to move the clothing on the floor earlier, it had no effect. Second, she used her magic to pluck one of the pillows’ feathers out and tickle his nose with it so that he would use his hand to scratch the itch, thus freeing her. However, Twilight had forgotten that the arm around her waist wasn't the only arm he had, and he scratched the itch with his free hand. It had been about ten minutes now, and Twilight's last idea was to simply wake him up. However, she needed a way to do so and explain why she was in her current predicament. 'I could say I came in here to wake him up for breakfast, and how I tripped over his clothes and fell on him.' As she began to piece together her alibi, a thought occurred. 'Well, that's technically true. And I can just leave out the whole wanting to study a sleeping Saiyan. Hehe.' All of a sudden, Goken began to toss and turn, making his arm loosen its grip around the mare’s waist. Without even thinking, Twilight tried to break free of his grasp. Her body was now able to move enough that she could slip out.  'Yes! I'm finally free!' As she tried to get up and move out of his grasp, her legs started to wobble and felt all tingly. 'NO NO! My legs are asleep!' She could feel the unmistakable sensation of pins and needles that ran along her legs. Her body wobbled some more before her balance was lost once more. Her body slowly slumped over until she fell on top of the Saiyan’s chest with her cheek pressed against his. Her face burned as her muzzle turned a light shade of red as she can now see how close they were. And as if fate wasn't cruel enough already, Goken's arm swung around and gently wrapped around her waist once more, pulling her chest much closer to his than before. 'DAMN IT! NOT THIS AGAIN!!!!' she mentally screamed, her current position she was in much more awkward than the last. 'For Celestia’s sake, why!?' Slowly, she tried to arch her back so she could raise her head off his shoulder. Much to her embarrassment, she was only able to raise herself high enough so that her face was just inches above his own. From this position, Twilight not only got a better, closer look at the Saiyan, but among other things as well. The first thing that caught her attention was his scent. It wasn't unpleasant to the princess; on the contrary, it had a practical odor that seemed rather familiar. 'His scent is similar to a stallion after a good workout: slightly smelly, yet somehow alluring,' she noted as she continued to take in more of his form. The second thing she quickly picked up on was the gentle rhythmic beating of his heart. Due to the fact that her own bosom was pressed against his chest, she noted that the beating of his heart was no different from that of a pony's. Afterwards, her hand tentatively ran along his abdomen and arms. While she hasn't seen what Goken looked like without his upper garment, she could easily feel that he was sporting a decent four pack. And though his arms weren't as muscular as somepony like Big Mac or Bulk Biceps, his arms were incredibly toned. The last and final thing she wanted to examine was the Saiyan's hair. The hair was spiked and defined gravity as it remained standing up. 'Does he use some form of gel?' she thought as she raised her hand to take a few strands of his hair between her thumb and index finger and rubbed it between the two. Much to her surprise, his hair didn't feel like it had any form of gel or other substance that would have kept it in such a state. When she let go of the hair, she watched in amazement as the strand moved back into place as though it hadn't been moved. 'Is his hair naturally spiked like that?' Without so much as a second thought, she gently placed her palm on his head and gently rubbed it. 'Wow. It's surprisingly soft.' Pulling back her hand, Twilight watched as the hair moved back to retake its former shape. 'Huh, so it goes back to how it looked before, even after being moved around so much.' She moved her hand back onto the Saiyan's head to gently pet it. "Twilight, what are you doing?" Twilight's heart nearly stopped as she slowly looked down. When she did, her eyes immediately saw that Goken's were open and staring straight at her. Twilight’s heart began to beat rapidly, her cheeks turning a bright shade of red as she stammered to get the words out." I-I...well, umm, y-you see..." She watched as one of Goken's eyebrows raised up, still waiting for an answer. "I was coming to check up on you is all, haha." Finally, she was able to speak. "Okay, then why are you rubbing my head like I'm a puppy?" he asked in a deadpan tone as Twilight still had her hand on top of his head. Realizing that she did indeed have her hands on the Saiyan’s head, she quickly pulled back and laughed nervously. “Oh, w-well, you see, I thought I saw a bug in there, and wanted to get it out. I mean, you wouldn’t want to wake up with a bug in your hair, right?” With an eyebrow still raised, Goken’s lips slowly curled into a grin as he stared up at the lavender alicorn. “Uh huh. And is that why you’re currently laying my chest like we’re a pair of newlyweds on their first night together?" he asked with his grin growing wider. Twilight's face was now a deep shade of crimson as she slowly craned her head to look back, taking in the position they were in. Her mind fumbled for a logical answer that would hopefully defuse this situation with her dignity intact. Finally, she quickly remembered her previous plan and hoped that, if she played her cards right, the tables would turn. Taking in a deep breath, she collected herself in the hopes to weasel out of this most embarrassing situation. "Well, when I tried to get it out of your hair and wake you up, someone decided to grab a hold of my waist, pulled me down, and hugged me like I was some kind of plushie," she said with a cheeky smile, trying her best to keep up a poker face. The tables had quickly turned as Goken was now the one blushing. He finally noticed that his arm was indeed around her waist. "Um, well...I guess this one is on me then, heh." Slowly turning his head away and releasing Twilight from his grip, Goken allowed the princess to roll off and proceeded to get up. "Boy, I'm starving...How about we go get breakfast?" he asked while quickly making his way out the door. Twilight giggled as she watched him vacate the room. 'THANK CELESTIA THAT WORKED!!!' she mentally cheered as she wiped the beads of sweat off her brow before collapsing onto her knees. (Later in the dining room) Sitting within the dining room, Twilight, Spike, and their guest had remained silent as they ate their breakfast, with the occasional hum of delight. For breakfast, Spike had decided that pancakes would be a tasty choice for this morning. He had prepared four pancakes for Twilight, along with two pieces of toast, two eggs sunny-side up, and milk for a drink. For himself, Spike had three pancakes that had gems sprinkled on top, hash browns, and a cup of orange juice. And then there was of course Goken, who had a far larger meal. Twenty pancakes with both blueberries and strawberries on top, eight hash browns, six eggs, five pieces of toast, and a gallon of apple juice. Both Spike and Twilight watched in both shock and awe as the Saiyan made quick work of his meal in such a short amount of time. They both leaned back to get a view of the Saiyan's stomach, expecting it to be slightly extended, but much to their surprise, that wasn't the case. "Mmmm. Man, the food was really great, Spike." Goken complimented as he stretched his arms out and gave his stomach a pat. "If I'd know you were such a great chef, I would have asked for more." Both Spike and Twilight's jaws dropped at that comment. "M-More?!" Twilight asked, completely bewildered. "Goken, you ate all that and you still want to eat more?!" The Saiyan chuckled and moved one hand to scratch the back of his head. "Eh heh, yeah. I guess you can thank my Saiyan half for that. Both my dad and brothers can eat maybe twenty times this amount." Twilight and Spike's jaws dropped even more as they tried to imagine such a sight. "So, Goken, what do you plan to do now since, well, you know...you don't know how to get back?" Spike asked, trying to change the subject in the event he might be asked to cook a mountain of pancakes, something the poor little drake didn’t want to do. "Good question." Goken leaned back into his chair, crossing his arms to think while staring up at the crystal ceiling. “Well, if I know Bulma, she's probably trying to figure a way to bring me back or find me." Raising his hand to his chin, he began to think of other ways he can get home. "When I think about it, it's possible I'm in another universe. Maybe my dad can ask Whis if the other angels can help find me. Who knows, really? But for now, I guess my next goal is to find a place to set up a temporary home." Twilight quirked her brow, seeming rather confused by Goken’s next course of action. "What's wrong with the castle? You know you're more than welcome to stay here with us." Twilight quickly noticed that Spike was wearing a rather cheeky grin on his face. "I-I-I mean, I am the Princess of Friendship, after all. What kind of friend would I be if I didn't help out? Hehe..." Spike only snickered while rolling his eyes. "Well, while I do appreciate the offer, I’m gonna have to decline. The only reason I spent the night here in the first place was because it was dark out by the time we had answered all of your questions." He gave a playful smirk that made the book lover blush a bit. "Besides, all I need is to find a plot of land to set up my temporary home." Both the princess and her assistant looked at each other rather confused. "So, you got a tiny house inside your pocket or somethin?" Spike playfully teased, getting a small giggle out of Twilight. Standing up, Goken walked over to the door that led outside, then looked over his shoulder with a confident smirk. "Yep, sure do." With a grin, he walked outside. "What?!" Spike and Twilight asked in unison as they ran after the Saiyan. Twilight and Spike caught up with Goken and led him to an open field that was next to the lake where they would all have picnics. The area was simple enough: green grass, nice even ground, and a few feet away from the lake. As Goken inspected the area, the rest of Twilight's friends had started to show up after she sent them word of Goken's possible new home. "Afternoon, Twilight," Applejack greeted as she walked up to Twilight. She watched as Goken continued to inspect the ground. "So um, what's he up to way out here?" "Truth be told, I'm not sure myself. Goken said he wanted to set up a home till he can find a way back to his world," Twilight answered while still waiting to see what Goken would do. "But, um...wasn't he staying with you in your castle? Did something happen to make him want to leave? Not that I blame you or anything," Fluttershy sheepishly asked while hiding behind her mane. Twilight's face flushed slightly as the events of the morning had quickly rushed through her mind like a stampede of buffalo, whereas Spike was suppressing a fit of giggles. Not wanting to start up any gossip, Twilight tried to think of a good excuse or reason he would want to move out. "It could be that our beds in the castle aren't well suited for him, or maybe he just wants some privacy with a home of his own." Her friends nodded, seeing that as good of a reason. 'Nailed it! Crisis averted.' Her posture relaxed as Goken started walking back toward them with a smile on his face. "Yep, this seems like the perfect spot to set up shop. So, would your girls mind taking a few steps back a bit?" He motioned with his hands for them to take a few steps back a few. Twilight and her friends did so while looking rather confused. Slipping one of his hands into his pockets, Goken pulled out a small rectangular metal box. Everyone looked at this mysterious item and wondered what it could be. Goken popped the lid of the box, revealing small cylinder-shaped capsules with numbers on them. Reaching in, Goken pulled out one of the cylinders with a yellow label and the number 1 on it. "What's that for, Goken?" Rainbow Dash asked, hovering over him to get a better look at this weird item. "This, my little ponies, is called a Hoi-Poi Capsule. And inside is a house for me to live in," Goken answered while looking up at Rainbow Dash with a smile. The ponies gave the Saiyan looks of either disbelief or concern. “Um, darling, I don’t believe you would fit in a house that you could fit into something that small,” Rarity piped up, voicing the opinions of her friends. “Perhaps staying in Twilight’s castle for the time being would be the best option. Just until you can find a home of your own that you can fit inside.” “Heh, trust me, girls, you’ll see what I mean in just a moment.” Goken gave them a reassuring smile before turning his attention back to the open area. Moving his thumb over the top of the capsule, he pushed down on the button. *CLICK* Quickly, he tossed the capsule to the center of the field where he once stood and watched as the capsule hit the ground. The mares and Spike stared at the small capsule as it laid on the ground. Seeing that nothing was happening, Rainbow Dash leaned over to the Saiyan and nudged him. "Um, I think it was a dud, Gok..." *BOOOM!!!!* Before Rainbow could finish her sentence, a large explosion came from the capsule, followed by a massive cloud of smoke. As the ponies and Spike coughed from the dust that was kicked up from the explosion, they slowly began to open their eyes and were in awe. What once used to be an empty field now had a larger structure in it. The structure was unlike anything the Equestrians had ever seen in their life. The structure was dome shaped, and upon further inspection, they could see that there were four of them and connected to each other. "Ponies and dragon, say hello to Capsule Corp’s mobile home.” Goken smiled as he gestured to the buildings. “This bad boy here was personally designed by the head of tech Bulma Briefs herself." The ponies and young dragon looked at the marvel and were in awe once again. "This puppy here comes with all the basic essentials and then some. It has one bedroom, one bathroom, a living room/kitchen with a fireplace. And the piece de resistance: a gravity room for training." "What's the gravity room for?" Rainbow asked, quirking an eyebrow by the mention of the name. “Don’t worry, I’ll show you guys as I give you the grand tour.” Gripping the door handle, Goken turned it and opened the door. “Well, what are you waiting for? Come on in.” He stepped inside while gesturing for them to follow him inside. Once inside, the ponies and dragon could see the first room was very spacious. The walls inside were painted a light blue, and there were two large couches on either side of a large flat screen T.V with a round coffee table in the center. Across from the living room on the other side of the room was a square dining table next to the kitchen. “Holy cow, it’s huge in here,” Rainbow Dash spoke in amazement as she turned her body to look at every inch of the first room. “How in the world did you manage to fit this place in a tiny capsule?” “Well, it’s hard to explain, but from what Bulma told me, the capsules use nanotech to break down items built by her company and stores them,” Goken tried to explain. “I would have set this place up yesterday, but we spent a long time with all those questions. Oh, speaking of which.” Goken turned to Twilight, only to see that she had her eyes fixated on something in the corner of the room. Near the flat screen television stood a bookshelf filled to the brim with books. Raising a shaking hand, Twilight pointed to the massive bookshelf. “A-Are these books from…?” "From my world, yep. Some of these are either hand-me-downs from my big brother Gohan, while the rest were gifts from my mom and Bulma.” Walking beside the lavender alicorn, he pulled a book from the shelf and showed it to the ponies and dragon. “This book here is on human biology. See, my brother is a professor full-time now, and teaches all kinds of subjects.” Goken handed the book to Twilight, who happily took it in her hands as she quickly began to flip through the pages with a smile of pure joy. "Oh my gosh, oh my gosh! Books from another world!!!" Her voice started to become a higher pitch than normal, and she began to bounce up and down like a child opening a gift on Christmas day. Smiling, Goken had an idea. "How about a deal, Twilight? Seeing as neither one of us know much about each other's history or culture, how about I let you borrow all the books here, and in exchange, you let me read some of your books on Equestria’s culture and history?" Those words caused Twilight’s eyes to grow wide and sparkle with a look of pure joy. The chance to not only learn the history of a new world and its culture while also sharing her own was too good to pass on. "You’ve got a deal! Ooh, I can't wait to get started! I'll be back in a minute with the proper books and scrolls!" In a flash of purple, Twilight had teleported away. "Great, Goken, now you went and gave Twilight a nerdgasm." Rainbow teased, causing everyone to laugh. Goken smiled and let out a nervous chuckle while scratching the back of his head. "Heh, my bad. Oh, hey, I forgot you guys wanted to see the gravity room, right?" he asked while pointing to a nearby hallway. Rainbow Dash's ears perked up and she nodded, still curious by the name of it. "Yeah, so what? Does it make it so it's zero gravity?" she asked, thinking she nailed it based on the name. "Nope. Actually the opposite." Turning toward the hallway, Goken gestured for the ponies and Spike to follow him. As they walked down the hallway, some of the ponies noticed the pictures along the walls, some were of other people. One had a photo with a tall man next to a woman holding a baby in her arms, and there were two more males: one had short hair and glasses who was almost as tall as the older male, while the other looked almost identical to the older man, but was shorter and younger. Under the photo, the words “Son Family” was engraved in the wooden frame holding the photo. "Is this your family, Goken?" Fluttershy asked, pointing to the picture on the wall. She, as well as the rest of the Equestrians and little drake, gathered around the photo.  Goken smiled, nodding his head. "Yep, that’s my family." Raising his hand, he pointed to each of the people in the photo. "The one in the orange and blue Gi is my dad. Next to him is my mom. On the left is my big brother Gohan. He's the one I told you guys about earlier. And then there’s my other brother Goten. He actually looks more like our dad than me or Gohan, hehe." He chuckled as he pointed out how much they look alike. "Aww, and is that baby you? You look so cute, all small and innocent," Pinkie said while pointing to the baby that was held in the woman’s arms in the photo. Goken couldn't help but blush a bit.  “That's me alright. I was maybe a year old when this picture was taken." As Goken looked at the photo, he wore a faraway gaze, as if he had remembered something upsetting. "You alright there, sugarcube?” Applejack asked, placing her hand on his shoulder to try to comfort him. Goken eyes widened as he realized that he zoned out. "What? Oh no. Yeah, I'm fine. Just thinking is all." Goken leaned on the wall opposite of the photo, staring at it. "I just hope my family isn't too worried about me is all. Mom can get very emotional when it comes to her kids.” Everyone looked to Goken, feeling sorry for him. They could only imagine what he must be going through. Fluttershy walked up to stand beside him and leaned her head against his shoulder to comfort him. "I'm sure you'll see them again soon, but for now, you should relax and enjoy your time here." She looked up to him with a warm smile. Goken’s expression slowly changed to match Fluttershy’s own smile. He moved his hand to her shoulder and gave it a gentle pat. “Thanks, Fluttershy, I needed that.” The yellow mare’s smile grew as she helped her new friend smile once more. "You're very welcome, Goken." Slowly, she placed her free hand on one side of his shoulder and moved in, giving him a hug. A gentle blush grew on Goken’s cheeks as he slowly raised his arm to return the hug. The ponies around all smiled as they could feel the mood become lighter. After a few more minutes, Goken cleared his throat and slowly stepped back. "Alright then. Let's check out that gravity room." With a bit more pep in his step, Goken led the ponies and Spike down the hall until they reached a steel door. As the Equestrians gathered around the door and inspected it, Twilight suddenly reappeared in the living room with a large stack of books and scrolls. She saw that the rest of her friends were down the hall. Placing the books and scrolls down on the table in the middle of the room, she hurried after the group. "Now, this is the gravity room. Inside, I can manipulate the gravity so that it can become stronger than Earth’s normal gravity," Goken began to explain as he watched Twilight rejoin the group. "But why would you want to do somethin’ like that? I mean, wouldn't that put more strain on yer body?" Applejack asked, tilting her head while scratching her chin. "Yeah, wouldn’t that make your body heavier or something? I'm no egghead like Twilight, but even I can understand that," Rainbow Dash questioned, shrugging her shoulders. "That's the point. By making the gravity stronger, it adds more weight to your body, making it difficult to move." The ponies and young dragon still couldn't understand why Goken would want something like that. “This method was first discovered by my father when he trained in Other World with King Kai. The gravity on his planet was ten times that of earth, which gave my father a hard time at first. But with enough training, his body acclimated, and he was able to get stronger. Through this kind of training, my father was able to fight against the Saiyans who came to Earth. Attributes like strength, speed, endurance and Ki power can be increased.” Dash’s ears perked up when the Saiyan warrior brought how one’s speed could be increased. "So, by increasing the gravity, you’re essentially making your body stronger for when it returns back to normal," Twilight easily deduced and began to clap her hands together when she saw him nod his head. “Oh wow! Who would have thought someone would think to multiply gravity to train?!” She summoned a quill and pad as she quickly began to jot down this new information in her notes. "Exactly. My father and Vegeta often used this method to get stronger when they trained. So I asked Bulma if she could make me my own personal gravity room.” Gripping the handle, Goken slowly began to open the door to the room. When the Equestrians glanced inside, they could see the room inside was three times larger than the living room. As they walked inside, they could see that there was a large metal cylinder machine in the center of the room. The ground beneath their feet was lined with brick red tiles, and closer to the machine, they could see white circles engraved into the tiles. Placing his hand against the machine, Goken began to explain the workings of the room. "This machine here is where I input the setting to manipulate the gravity within this room. Now, if you guys could stand inside the circles over there, I'll get this baby running and set it to, mmm... five times Earth’s normal gravity." He pointed to the engraved metal circles that were closest to the machine. They all nodded and made their way into the circle. Turning back to the machine, Goken began to power it up as he started to type in the key code. A digital 1 appeared on the black monitor. *CLICK CLICK CLICK * After pressing some more buttons, the machine began to make a humming sound and the room itself started to vibrate as the digital 1 turned into a 5. "Alright, we are now at five times Earth’s normal gravity…or in this case, five times Equis’ normal gravity." Turning to the ponies, Goken smiled as he raised his hand up and started clenching and unclenching his hand repeatedly. The girls and Spike looked around, lifting their hooves, as if expecting something to happen. "Um, Goken, nothing is happening. Are ya sure that contraption of yours is working?" Applejack asked while raising an eyebrow. "Heh, that’s because you’re still in the circle, remember? Fair warning: once you step out, you'll feel the effects right away." Rainbow Dash was the first to try because she didn’t fear the unknown. She moved her hand outside of the circle, only to have it suddenly slammed down to the ground, bringing her body down along with it. "Woah! What the hay!?" Pulling her hand back in with a little difficulty, she looked at it with surprise. "It felt like I stuck my hand under a strong waterfall, but with more force and pressure." “Yeah, that’s exactly how I described it when I first experienced it.” Goken watched as the ponies and Spike all started to try stepping out of the circle. Each of them slowly began to walk outside of the circle and were starting to crouch down as if a heavy weight had been dropped upon their bodies. As Goken watched them, he noticed that two of the seven were having a very difficult time staying up. One being Fluttershy, which didn't surprise him since he knew she wasn’t the strongest. The second was the one that really caught him off guard. It was Rainbow Dash; she was red in the face as she struggled to stay up. Soon, he could see that all the ponies and Spike were struggling to stay on their feet. Without a second to spare, Goken turned to the machine and pushed on a big red button labeled "IN CASE OF EMERGENCY". The two Pegasi fell to their knees, panting heavily. Goken quickly moved over to the two on the floor and looked them over. "Are you two okay?" Goken looked back at the other five, seeing that they were faring better then their friends, however, they too were out of breath, but not nearly as much as Dash and Fluttershy. Slowly, the two Pegasi got back on their feet, breathing much easier. "We're fine, Goken, but that was way more intense than I thought," Rainbow said, still panting. Twilight walked over to the two, examining them to make sure they were indeed fine. "I don't understand. Why did they have it harder than the rest of us?" Twilight asked, placing a wing on Fluttershy to comfort her. The Saiyan warrior examined Rainbow and Fluttershy, then back to the others. He repeated this process until a thought occurred. "I may have a theory on what it might be, but like I said, it's just a theory." "What is it, Goken?" Twilight asked, tilting her head along with the others. "Well, I haven't read the books on pony biology, but are Pegasi skeletons similar to birds? Like lighter bones and hollow?" "Yeah. Why?" Rainbow Dash asked on behalf of her and Fluttershy, looking at him while wondering what their biology has to do with anything. "Well, your bones probably can't handle the stress that Earth ponies and Unicorns can since their bodies don't need to fly and their bones could be stronger by comparison.” Twilight's eyes sparkled at Goken’s almost flawless deduction. "Wow Goken, I didn't expect you to pick up on pony biology so quickly." Twilight said with an impressed expression still on her face. A slight blush appears on his face by the sudden compliment. "So, what you’re saying," Rainbow started. "Is that I can't train with you because I'm a pegasus?" Goken saw an expression on Rainbow’s face that he didn't think she could make. It was a look of defeat, and a lack of hope in her eyes. Though Goken had barely known her for more than two days, he felt like she was the kind of pony to never give up. This sight was unsettling for Johann. "Well....um, maybe?" Goken scratched the back of his head, trying to think of a solution. Crossing his arms in thought, he came up with a solution as he looked back at the machine. "Well, I did have the setting on level 5, so maybe that was four levels too much for you." Rainbow’s ears perked up as she looked up to him with new hope. "Well, can we try it, please?" She slowly started moving closer to him. "I'm not sure, Rainbow. You could get-” Before Goken could finish, Rainbow Dash moved in closer with pleading eyes. "Please, Goken?" she asked while giving him puppy dog eyes. Goken began to clench his chest as he stared into the pony’s adorable eyes. He could feel his heart start to melt at the sheer sight before him.  "Alright, fine! We'll give it a shot! Just put the puppy dog eyes away, please!" Moving to the machine, Goken motioned the Equestrians to get back in the circle again. He heard Rainbow cheer, and what he thought was her throwing a fist in the air in success. With everyone safe within the circle, Goken activated the machine once more. The digital 1 turned into a 2 as the room hummed and vibrated once more. Before Goken could speak, Rainbow Dash walked out of the circle. However, unlike last time, she was able to move her body with a bit more ease. “Hey, this isn’t as bad as it was before, but I can definitely feel a difference than what I’m normally used to.” She slowly started to walk around the room with faint hints that she was doing her best to not trip and fall to her knees. "Well, I'm glad about that. You guys want to try, too?" Looking back, he watched as the rest of the Equestrians walked out of the circle and started to move around. Even Fluttershy was having it a bit of an easier time walking. For the next hour, they spent time walking around inside until they had their fill and slowly made their way out of the room. Goken turned the machine off and made his way back into the hallway where the ponies started to notice the difference of their weight. "My word, I feel as light as a feather." Rarity started to prance about. "I feel as if I lost ten pounds! Hehe! Oh, this may be a good way to trim down my figure." Everypony smiled in agreement. "So, Goken, what’s your limit so far on this thing? " Twilight asked, pointing back to the room. "You know, since you weren't having as much trouble earlier like the rest of us?" The rest of the ponies and Spike leaned in closer to hear his response. Seeing that he was put on the spot, Goken hummed to himself as he gave the question some thought. “Let me think..." Scratching his head, he took a minute to remember. "Well, my limit is 15. 20 if I lose the weighted training gear." Both the ponies and Spike’s jaws dropped as they could only imagine how much that amount could feel like. "20?! Really?!" Rainbow Dash yelled as her wings stretched out. "And what do you mean by weighted training gear?" Twilight asked, curious by what he said. "Oh, well, that's what these are." Goken tugged at the blue undershirt that was beneath his orange Gi, along with the blue wrist bands and boots he wore. "These have a certain weight to them. My dad used the same method when he was my age to get stronger." "Well, how much do they weigh then?" Twilight asked. He tapped his chin as he tried to remember. "About 40 kilos each. Why?" Twilight's jaw dropped and her eyes were almost ready to burst out of her head. "40 kilos?! But if all five of them weigh that much, then your clothes altogether weigh 200 kilos!!" Goken simply nodded as if it was casual as someone asking about what color socks he wore. "Um, Twi, we don't know what a kilo is. So, mind telling us what it means?” Dash asked. “‘Cause 200 pounds is a pretty big number.” "It's not 200 pounds, Dash! 200 kilos is about 440.925 pounds!" she stated, causing everyone to snap their attention back to Goken in awe. "So that's why your clothes were so heavy. No wonder I couldn't lift them this morning," Twilight blurted out, then quickly covered her mouth. "Why would you be trying to lift his clothes off the floor, sugarcube?" Applejack asked, raising an eyebrow. The others stared at her, waiting for her response. Goken, however, was blushing and looking away, trying not to get involved.