A Hybrid Tale

by MaxsDesoto

First published

The story of a land of ponies hybrids and magic creatures and the lives of some of them

The land of Equestria was a land of peace and harmony, but then ponies grew fearful of hybrids and magic creatures for they were more powerful than the ponies, war broke out and a battle zone was planted on the opposite side to ponyville of the everfree, this story follows some very special hybrids of which you will soon find out.

A Major Star

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Chapter 1: A Major Star

For a long time, the land of Equestria was in a state of Peace.

Ponies Magical Creatures and Hybrids lived in Harmony, but recently war has started to return to the land of Equestria.

ponies have started to fear hybrids and magical creatures, they feared that the Hybrids being a mix of ponies and magic creatures would make them far more powerful than the ponies.

they fear the hybrids would turn against them and overtake Equestria for themselves.

It was a rainy day and Twilight Major was reading a book to herself under a tree.

“Water water everywhere, and all the boards did shrink.”
Twilight read a line from a book called “The ancient Mareiner”.

As Spike was peacefully sleeping next to her, his face covered by a comic book he had been reading before he fell asleep.

Twilight realized it was getting dark, so she decided it was time to go home.

Twilight sighed closed her book and stood up, she nudged spike so he would wake up from his nap,
“come on Spike, we need to get back home before it gets too dark.”
Twilight said, putting the ancient Mareiner back into her saddlebag.

Spike asked grabbing his comic book and placing it under his arm.

“Sorry spike but i don’t want to stay out too late, tomorrow we need to get up early and go to Sugarcube corner, remember?”

Spike nodded in acknowledgement and followed behind twilight as she walked.

while they were walking in the rain Twilight noticed a shivering and wet rabbit hiding under a tree

“Oh, poor thing.”

Twilight murmured and proceeded to walk over to the soaking wet rabbit.

“C’mon buddy you can come with us; our home is warm and dry and tomorrow we can bring you to see my friend Flutterbat.”
Twilight whispered to the rabbit.

however, when the rabbit looked at her and saw her horrifying appearance its face went whiter than seemingly possible and then the rabbit hopped away.

Twilight was confused and went to follow the poor rabbit but while going after the creature she stopped when she stepped in a puddle, she glanced down at the puddle and saw the distortion of her reflection stepping in the puddle caused, when the water once more settled ignoring some small raindrops she saw her elongated muzzle, sharp fangs, her hooves which were littered with stars and the bright blue 8 pointed star on her forehead.

“Oh.... Right.”

She mumbled sadly to herself to which Spike came up to her and gave her a comforting look, Twilight sighed and continued on her walk home, spike following behind her the whole way.

After a bit of walking Twilight and Spike finally returned home to their comfy cave, Twilight carefully took the ancient Mareiner out of her saddlebag and placed it back in its place in one of her bookshelves, Twilight sighed and sat down on her mossy Bed.

“Hey spike, why do ponies fear us hybrids so much?” She asked sadly,

Spike was silent while trying to figure out the answer to her query, but no matter how much he thought the answer did not come to him.

“I don’t know, Twilight.” Spike quietly said

Twilight sadly laughed

“Well I know, according to the books I’ve read by other Hybrids and Ponies Alike that the ponies seem to fear us due to our higher magic skill levels and the fact that we aren’t like them!”
She stated both proud of herself for knowing the answer and sad because what she speaks was the truth, hybrids are feared and misunderstood by RegularPonies, and said ignorance on the pony part led to the ponies ignoring the suffering they caused when fights and wars broke out.

Regular ponies would call hybrids horrible names like “Freak!” Or “Natures Mistake!” And more, it was horrible.

Twilight decided it was time for her to go to bed, after all she had to help pinkie at sugar cube corner tomorrow and that always got messy with the mix of slime and pastry ingredients.

“Goodnight spike” Twilight called to her dragon companion

“Goodnight twilight” spike called back.

And so, the two went to sleep to dream of a world where hybrid ponies and regular ponies lived in peace and harmony, but no matter how hard or how much they dream it is unlikely such a dream will come true.

Somewhere else not too far away on the opposite side of the everfree there was a battle zone, ponies and hybrids were fighting and among those ponies and hybrids was a Tall grey Unicorn Stallion with bright red iris’ a bushy white beard a blue unicorn horn and tornado cutiemark.

he wasn’t really doing much to help mainly causing “accidents” to turn the tides of battle back and forth between the sides, you could say he liked the chaos of it, on this particular day he was enjoying causing chaos by giving the teams the same weapons much like the flimflam brothers did, however he was not doing it for the money he would get from it in fact he wasn’t even selling the weapons he was just giving them to each side which would turn the tides for a while before he gave the opposite side the same weapon.

Soon he grew distracted and when he was not paying attention a hybrid took out its bow and arrows and shot an arrow aiming at the stallions’ head.

The arrow hit and knocked the stallion out cold, a hybrid pony in cahoots with the hybrid that shot said arrow then came from out of a nearby bush and dragged the stallion into the everfree forest, leaving him to die inside a nearby rotting and hollow log, What the Hybrid did not know was that this hollow log was the home of a family of bunnies and that shoving an injured stallion inside some creatures home without permission was not very nice.

A family of rabbits were returning to their home but when they got home, they were surprised to find a stallion inside their house! So, they freaked out and went to get the one creature they could think of that would help them out.