> Knights of the Silence: education is for everypony > by Kaliann25 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter I: Education for Everypony Princess Celestia, ruler of Equestria, could be considered a very sociable and open pony. Despite all her obligations with Court, and having to micromanage every single aspect of her Kingdom, at least once a week she spare an entire afternoon reading and replying every single letter directed to her. From fan letters, to suggestions, and complains. Celestia never mind criticism. As a matter of fact, a considerable amount of her policies came after she read a letter of a pony complaining for something. Of course, some of the requests were ridiculous, but in those cases she replied kindly, and moved to the next letter. Also, there were those anonymous ponies whose letters were full of insults and empty threats. In those cases, Celestia chuckled and dispose of the letters. And, from time to time, she found letters that caught her attention just for how original they were. The letter had caught her eye since the very moment she opened the mailbag was in a wrapped black envelope, with a strange seal that represented an unknown emblem. It was a gryphon’s head, with a stylized ‘S’ underneath. Celestia raised an eyebrow at this, and opened the envelope. The letter was written in a heavy piece of paper, headed with the very same emblem that the seal. Between intrigued and amused, the Princess began to read. Dear Princess Celestia, I would like to share my ideas with you. I’m not sure if this letter would ever reach you, but I hope it does. Also I hope that you take your time to properly answer my humble missive. I know what I’m about to say sounds weird, and fantastic, but it is true. I belong to an ancient order of knights. We don’t have many members left, neither political power. But what we do have is knowledge, and traditions that we transmit freely to those who seek them. It’s because of our rules that I cannot give you my name, so you’ll have to call me by my title: Great Master. I am the leader of our vanishing Order, the Holy Knights of the Silence. Celestia scratched her head at this. The more she read, the letter was getting more interesting. We, the Knights of Silence have a sacred creed: Education for everypony. And that’s what I came to question you. I have lived in Canterlot long enough to notice this is a city of students. The majority of the most prestigious universities are in Canterlot, the formation centers where most of the students dream of attending. This is a city of dreams. But, most of those dreams are crushed because of the exclusivity of those universities. The best universities are also the most selective ones. Tell me, Princess, who are those old academics to say somepony is not worthy of their schools? In many cases, they only admit those whose pocketbooks are deep enough to freely exploit them until the end of their formation. If you do not transmit your knowledge, sooner or later that knowledge will be lost forever. Please, do not misunderstand me. I fully agree that education is something you need to pay for. Teachers need a salary, and the buildings, maintenance. However, the selectivity must stop. All schools must admit everyone who wants to learn. And that’s the nature of my request. I want you to force all schools to change their selectivity policy. Knowledge isn’t something you keep for yourself. I humbly ask you to consider my request. From teacher to teacher, I think you can understand my point of view. Sincerely, Great Master of the Holy Order of the Knights of Silence. Celestia had to read the letter twice, and still didn’t know if this was some kind of joke or what. Whoever this ‘Great Master’ was, she had a point. In the end, it didn’t matter if Celestia believed or not that this ‘Holy Order of the Knights of Silence’ was real. The criticism to the education system and the request was serious. Celestia finally chuckled. “Sister, what is it?” asked Luna, as she walked in Celestia’s study. Celestia smiled. “Nothing Luna, is just that I received a very interesting letter. I don’t know, if they wanted to get my attention, they nailed it.” Luna read the letter, and raised an eyebrow. “Okay, this is really something.” She turned to her sister. “What do you want to do, sister?” Celestia shrugged. “I’m in a very good mood. I’ll answer this pony.” Dear Great Master: I had read your letter with interest, and, I am sorry if my answer is not the one you expect. I’ll be honest, I don’t know if I should laugh, or take this seriously. The criticism you are making is valid. I know that many talented ponies are rejected to study in the academy of their dreams. Also, I know that the exclusivity of the academies is a source of corruption to the old academics. But, your point of view is like a child’s, and you don’t understand everything that is implied in the change you are asking me to make. Despite all the contras, there’s a reason for the academies to be exclusive, and that is the nature of the knowledge they have. For example, in my own academy, we work with ancient spells that can endanger the whole ponykind if they are left in the hooves of anyone. The exclusivity policy is a measure to assure that all the ponies who are exposed to that knowledge are capable to handle it. The only thing I can and will do is to investigate the cases of corruption inside the academies, but nothing more. Sincerely, Princess Celestia. Ruler of Equestria. The Princess sent the reply to the address that was written in the envelope, and forget about the letter. She may disappoint the Great Master, but this pony had to see the big picture. But, Celestia did send a soldier to track where the answer went. And it ended up being and an empty hose, for sale for a few weeks. Of course, this move was really common among all the anonymous ponies who wrote her, so Celestia didn’t mind. When the soldier asked if she wanted him to stay and watch who would take the reply, Celestia shrugged. “Don’t worry about it. Despite the originality of the deliver, this was like any other letter I’ve received.” And, the reply stayed in the house’s mailbox without anypony noticing who took it. It was a young earth pony, in her early twenties. For most of the ponies, she was just another student, living in Canterlot as she attended college. But no, this pony was especial. Her name was East Wind. Two years ago, East Wind inherited a big mansion in Canterlot, from her beloved teacher. So she moved from her hometown to the big city, to turn her property into a residence for college students. And it proved to be a success. The mansion had big rooms, all with private bathrooms, an extra modern common kitchen, and a reasonable rent, that included an abundant breakfast. The residents enjoyed their stay, and, since East Wind was just about their age, they included her in their groups of friends. But, East’s very best friends were a unicorn who was always studying, called Emerald Horn; and a pegasus called Cream Cone, who was preparing to be a pastry chef. When the two of them weren’t studying or attending college, they spend their time hanging out with East Wind. They even had their own reading circle. But as close as they were, East still charged them for the privilege of living at her home. “Hey guys!” greeted East, as she entered the living room. “Reunion tonight?” “I’ve been waiting all week!” said Crem Cone, winking an eye to her friend. “I’ll bring the sweets we made in class.” Emerald Horn looked at East from behind his book. “At eight P.M. as always, East?” East Wind nodded happily. “It’s a date!” When the clock marked eight, the two ponies entered to East’s room. Once inside, the young earth pony showed them Celestia’s reply, and using her magic, she created a black tunic, a blue robe, and a black mask with an unnerving blue smile. The other two ponies, unicorn and pegasus, bowed before her, creating their own outfits with their magic. “Great Master!” they said in unison. The Great Master made a small nod to them. “Rise your heads, my friends. My Knights of the Silence. As you can see, we have lots of things to discuss.” “I can’t believe she rejected your fair request, oh, Great Master!” said Emerald. “So there’s nothing to do? Are the academics keep rejecting every single pony they want to? Fuck those mummies!” East Wind raised a hoof. “Peace, Emerald.” He calmed down, but he was still really angry. He was all ready to enter Celestia’s Academy for the Gifted Unicorns. But because he got nervous during his entering exam, he was rejected in the spot. And still couldn’t forget the old dean who didn’t listen when he asked for a second chance. “I know you are angry, my friend. That dean must learn the hard way he cannot keep denying knowledge forever. But, don’t get frustrated by the Princess’ answer. She is over five thousand years old, the ideas change with the pass of time. But she hasn’t changed. For her, the ideas that were valid in her times are as valid today. Elder people fear the new ideas. So, we must force the new ideas to them.” The two other ponies looked at their Great Master in disbelief. “Are you sure, my Great Master?” She nodded. “For years, our Order have survived by hiding inside the shadows. Specifically, the shadow of Silence. But that brought us to the point of extinction. Well, if we want to make a change, we must come to light and use our power to force it. Tomorrow we will make an appearance at Celestia’s Academy, and will show her the true potential of free knowledge. Tomorrow will be the day, where education exclusivity will end for good.” The pegasus and the unicorn bowed before the earth pony. “You can count on us, Great Master.” At the next day, at the famous Academy for the Gifted Unicorns of Princess Celestia, a huge line of young ponies were waiting for the moment of truth, their entrance exam. Most of the ponies left the building crying in silence, disappointed with themselves, or insulting dean Deep Knowledge. For the Knights, it was an infuriating thing to see. Then, two strange ponies walked inside the building. Each of them wearing a black tunic, a blue robe, and a smiling mask. Cream Cone extended her wings, the only part of her that wasn’t covered outfit, and she began to fly above the crowd. “WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE, TALENTED YOUNGSTERS? COMING IN HERE, WAITING TO DO YOUR BEST IN FRONT OF A DEAN, ONLY TO BE HUMILLIATED AFTERWARDS? WHO IS HE, WHO IS THE SCHOOL FACULTY TO DECIDE IF YOU’RE NOT TALENTED ENOUGH?” Then, the unicorn made a step forward. “No one has the right to decide if you are or aren’t worthy. Knowledge is for sharing, no matter what. They have no right to reject you, so JOIN US, AND TAKE WHAT IS RIGHTFULLY YOURS BY FORCE!!” A couple of security guards approached, too used to the students’ protests. “Please, leave the building or you’ll force us to…” Cream Cone landed in front of them, and with her magic, a black aura, she threw them both to the Academy’s windows. Inside the Academy, a very scared unicorn tried to do his best showing his magic skills to his future teachers, and the infamous dean Deep Knowledge. The old academic yawned. “So, this is all you have? Sorry, Mister Book Worm. But you don’t have the talent to study in this academy. Leave now before…” The two private guards crashed inside, interrupting the rejection. Then, two masked figures jumped through the broken windows, presenting themselves before the faculty. “Hi, dean. Are you enjoying yourself, rejecting those more talented than yourself?” challenged Emerald Horn. Cream Cone comforted the unicorn called Book Worm, embracing him under her wings. “Don’t worry, my dear. Once we finish with this elder, you’ll be free to study everything you want.” Deep Knowledge frowned. “What is the meaning of this? Are you coming to attack me because I rejected you in the past? In case you didn’t know, it is my duty as dean to choose only the best of the bests, and if you don’t have the talent, you shouldn’t waste our times. Also, you are so coward that you come here covering your face. Okay, I don’t care…” A black magic aura blocked Knowledge’s mouth, as the masked unicorn began to use his power to look deep inside the unicorn’s mind. Behind his mask, Emerald grinned. “Well, well, well… what do we have here? Nothing but a pathetic excuse for a unicorn trying to compensate the rejection he suffered in his youth by rejecting other more talented than himself.” The other members of the faculty looked at the masked unicorn. “What are you talking about?” “Oh, nothing. Is just that I can read souls. One of the many tricks my Great Master taught me.” A squad from the Royal Guard rushed inside the evaluation room. “Professor Knowledge!” they shouted, seeing the dean was being attacked. Emerald groaned. “Cream, you take care of them. I have to make sure this old fucker doesn’t reject anyone anymore.” The Guards approached to arrest the intruders, when Cream raised a hoof. Each of the ponies’ shadows, including the faculty members, raised against their owners, and forced them to stay down. The move took everypony by surprise, making them unable to react. “Each of the shadows have their owner’s strength. Resistance is futile.” explained Cream Cone. The shadows, armed with shadow weapons, subdued the Royal Guard with ease, as Deep Knowledge struggled against Emerald’s black aura. The dean’s eyes turned black, as his deepest darkest secret was extracted and before he could do anything to understand what kind of magic was this, the memory was shown for everypony in and outside the academy. The memory showed a unicorn colt, being rejected by that day’s dean. “Your name was Shiny Talent, you say? Talentless suits you better. You can’t even do a basic levitation spell, you have no talent. And without talent, you are nothing. Get out of my sight and don’t ever come back.” The colt escaped, crying. It was not fair! It was not fair! The worse student ever. But then, he decided to cover his Cutie Mark, and change his face to retake the exam under the name of Deep Knowledge… The memory stopped, and much to the dean’s horror, now everypony knew the horrible truth about him. Emerald horn laughed. “Talentless, he was right, pal, that name suits you. Now everypony knows what you really are: a fraud. Hahahaha, how can all of us be rejected by someone this PATHETIC!” Emerald released professor Knowledge, and kicked him on the jaw. “You are nothing, now that everypony knows you are a fraud, you’ll get fired. Have an ice life.” And again, Emerald held professor Knowledge with his black aura, and threw him out, right before the students waiting to be evaluated. The reaction was immediate, all of them began mocking professor Knowledge, making fun of him, even throwing stuff. This was the end for the dean. But the Knight’s duty was only getting started. Soon enough, a tremor shook the entire academy. “What was it?” asked a teacher. Cream Cone shrugged. “Nothing important. The Great Master have finished breaking all the magic barriers inside your library.” Emerald laughed happily. “This distraction was not only effective, but also, really satisfying.” “WHAT DO YOU MEAN WITH BREAKING THE MAGIC DEFENSES IN THE LIBRARY?!” shouted the teacher. But then, a powerful black aura blew up the library tower, as an earth pony dressed just as the ones in the evaluation room flew over all the students. “My fellow ponies, listen to the message of the Knights of Silence. No one haves the right to keep knowledge from themselves. If you don’t transmit knowledge, it’ll get lost, forever. That’s why I tell you: EDUCATION IS FOR EVERY PONY!” And with her power, she created several scrolls that she released over the applicants. One of them opened one, only to realize it was a thesis made by the Academy. An exclusive document, only available for those who studied there. And it was only the beginning. Every single one of the Academy’s exclusive books, thesis, experimental spells, research papers and such had been copied a thousand times, and now this pony was giving all that knowledge for free. “Take this, is rightfully yours!!” said the Great Master. It was only a matter of time before the applicants begin to take as many scrolls as possible, and then ran as fast as they could, happy to have all this for free. The Great Master landed proudly, in the middle of her mess. Then, she felt a powerful presence right behind her. The Great Master turned, facing an astonished Celestia. “Who are you?” “I am the Great Master.” Celestia gasped. “What?” “You could avoided this. Now it is time for us to take this matter in our own hooves.” East Wind’s disciples materialized from the shadows, and took their Great Master, only to vanish inside the shadows and escape before Celestia could recover from the initial shock. “Teleportation in the shadows? What are these ponies?” It had been a day and a half after the incident of the Academy, and Princess Celestia called to an emergency meeting. No pony understood this ponies’ actions, but it was unclear if this so-called knights were or weren’t a threat. “Their actions doesn’t have any sense.” said Luna, thoughtful. “First, they write a letter, and then, they break into the Academy, steal every exclusive document, copy them, and gave the copies for free. What are they thinking?” Twilight frowned, this whole thing reminded her of somepony. “This is pretty much that pony we faced long ago, Starlight Glimmer.” Shining shivered, still remembering the damn pony, and her horrible death at the hooves of those things… “What do you mean, Twily?” “They introduced their ideology to the Princess, but when she refused to do as they say, they go and force this idea into ponies.” “Yeah, the most I think about this, the most it seems like a child’s tantrum instead of a terrorist act.” agreed Cadence. Celestia sighed. “You may be right, especially considering that personal vendetta the unicorn had against professor Knowledge.” “But, in the end, you had no other choice than fire him.” added Luna. Celestia glared at her sister. “Yes, thank you for reminding me that.” “What about the damage to the Academy?” asked Twilight. “Can’t we recover all that was stolen from there?” “Yes, we can recover it, but the damage is already done. All the exclusivity of those documents is lost forever. For each copy we confiscate, the students make three more. Due to the nature of this attack, the amount of solicitants for my Academy declined in thousands. But that’s the least of my worries. No, the main issue here is the fact the three perpetrators used Shadow Magic during the incident.” “Shadow magic?” asked Cadence. Shining nodded. “According to the report, the unicorn who attacked professor Knowledge had a black magic aura. Never a good sign. Then, the pegasus used some kind of spell that solidified the soldiers’ shadows and used them against their masters. And finally, the earth pony also had a black magic aura.” “And, in the end, they fused with their shadows in order to teleport.” finished Celestia. “There’s no doubt this is no other than Shadow Magic. Literally the darkest of all magics.” “A pegasus and an earth pony?” asked Twilight. “That doesn’t have any sense.” “That’s why we need to find this Knights of the Silence no matter what.” said Celestia. “It won’t be easy.” She sighed. “If only there’s a way we know if this ponies will become a threat or not…” Twilight suddenly looked at her teacher. “Princess, there is a way. I knew that name sounded familiar. Remember the incident with Starlight Glimmer? When we met that corrupted and twisted version of ourselves?” Celestia shivered, of course she remembered. Starlight Glimmer was a dangerous pony, a unicorn obsessed with making everypony equal. To make such achievement, she developed a spell that stole Cutie Mark Magic from ponies. She was defeated by the Bearers of Harmony, and ran into hiding. Only to reappear months later, ready to take revenge on the girls. But something went horribly wrong… for her. Apparently she succeeded in her plan for revenge. She found the Bearers, stole their Cutie Marks, again, and destroyed them for good. Then, the girls wandered for over ten years looking for a way to defeat Starlight. They did, they sold their souls to the Devil, in a desperate attempt to get revenge. Their souls supposed to descend directly to hell, as their bodies transformed into horrid creatures called Undeads. Monsters without the ability to think, guided by the dark desire of murder, murder, and more murder. But, because of the Elements, their souls did not descended to hell, and got stuck in their bodies. Transforming in the first rational undeads, still with an insatiable blood thirst, but with enough self-control to target only the enemies of Equestria. The creatures leaded countless massacres, starting by their tormentor Starlight Glimmer. Then, they found a way to travel through time, back to the past. Right when they lost everything, when Starlight destroyed their Cutie Marks. The Undead Knights, as the creatures called themselves, saved their past selves, and killed Starlight with the hope they would disappear. But they didn’t, and had no choice but coexist with their others selves. The Undead Knights went into hiding, fighting in the shadows, saving Equestria by massacring the enemies of the ponykind. Twilight looked at the other Princesses and her brother, explaining herself. “Before they murdered Starlight, my dead-self mentioned something about the true preachers of Equality. The Knights of Silence.” Celestia shook her head. “Okay, they know something, but we’re not going to talk to those things. They are far too dangerous, if we contact the Undead Knights, who knows what will happen in Equestria.” “They’ll intervene, we want it or not.” said Shining. “And you know it, your Majesty.” “If they do, we’ll stop them.” said Luna. “And how exactly? Undead creatures are invincible. Our only advantage against them is that they cannot think. But they can. Also, they have unlimited access to magic.” “We’ll figure the way!” declared Celestia. “But I don’t want that anyone mentions the Undead again. That’s an order!” No, please stop!” begged the minotaur sorcerer, as he was firmly held by unicorn and alicorn magic. At plain sight, this creatures looked like normal ponies. A lavender alicorn, a white unicorn, a couple of pegasi, a cyan one and a yellow one. And two earth ponies: orange and pink respectively. But a closer look would reveal they weren’t nothing like ponies. First of all, they all had black Cutie Marks, long and sharp fangs, and the red eyes. The lavender alicorn smiled at him, showed her teeth sharp as knives to her victim. “Oh, but you were trying to take over Equestria for yourself, weren’t you, Prince Steel Fists? That we cannot allow.” The white unicorn smiled at her friends. “Your turn, darlings. Just make sure this one lasts longer than the others.” A crosscut saw was placed on the minotaur’s legs, as the two earth ponies took a side each. “No, please stop!!” cried Prince Steel Fists. Ignoring his pleas, they two monstrous earth ponies began to operate the saw slowly, but firmly, as the minotaur’s cries for mercy were heard all over. But there was no one who dared to approach. And just when the two earth ponies were about to finish cutting his legs, the two pegasi approached each carrying an axe. Without hesitation, they started to chop down his arms. When the minotaur lost all of his limbs, the four monsters left them right in front of them, as the pink earth pony, Pin-Kill-Die, ripped off his eyelids with a knife. “What was that for?” asked the minotaur. “We just want to make sure you witness the whole thing.” smiled the yellow pegasus, Fleshy Smile. A giant dragon appeared from behind the woods. He had purple scales, with black wings, and red eyes. The monster smiled to his victim, as he took a leg, and began to eat it. Prince Steel Fists tried to turn away from this horror, but the monsters forced him to witness how the dragon ate all of his limbs. “Exellent job, Night Terror.” congratulated the lavender alicorn. “Always at your service, Midnight.” smiled the nightmarish dragon, with blood dripping from his teeth. They left their victim to bleed until he died, and only then, the white unicorn cut his head with a spell, and proceeded to apply make-up and perfume to the head, as she replaced his dead eyes with beautiful gems. Maybe she was dead, but still considered herself an artist. An artist of death. “Beautiful as always, Gothic!” cheered the pink earth pony. “Oh, thank you for your support, my dear Pin-Kill-Die.” Suddenly, the alicorn Midnight turned to Equestria. “Feel that? There’s something in the air.” “This better worth it!” complained Undash. “I feel like I can massacre an entire town now!” “Be patient, dear.” said Fleshy Smile softly. “If there’s a threat to Equestria, we’ll make sure there’s enough murder for all of us.” “Yes, killing is so much fun. Fun, fun, FUN!” she laughed. “It is fun indeed!” grinned Jack the Reaper. “Do you have any idea what it is, Midnight?” “No, but we’ll figure soon.” said the dark alicorn. “Thank the Devil I’m dead, or I would be dying to know what it is.” Everyone except for the undead dragon groaned to this stupid joke. However, they headed to Equestria, ready to protect it from anything. After all, that was what they were there for. The Undead Knights, the Corruption of Harmony. > Chapter 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter II Uncertain Future Canterlot, right after the Academy incident: Cream Cone and Emerald Horn took their unconscious Great Master through the shadows, until they arrived home. Once inside, they materialized in East’s room, where they put her in bed. She was sleeping deeply and peacefully. The two knights smiled a relieved smile, she was in better form that they thought she would be after making that many copies, and breaking Celestia’s defenses. Emerald Horn smiled softly. “To this day I still find unbelievable that an earth pony haves this insane amount of magic power.” Cream Cone glared at him. “Shut up, Emerald. Remember we owe everything to this ‘earth pony.’” “If I wouldn’t respect her, she wouldn’t my teacher, moron!” said Emerald, angrily. But he relaxed after he saw at Cream’s expression. “Okay, sorry. Is just that I am a bit nervous. What we did today won’t be unnoticed. There would be consequences, and you know it. We challenged Princess Celestia in her face. And, if that wasn’t enough, we used unknown magic to her.” Cream Cone sighed. “Yes, I know. But, right now, we better go to sleep. I used too much magic, and I need to rest.” Emerald looked at the sleeping mare, and smiled. “You go to sleep. I’ll stay here with the Great Master.” “Emerald, you need to sleep too. That unicorn sealed his memories with a really powerful spell. You need a good rest after invading his mind.” “I’ll go to sleep right after the Great Master wakes up.” assured Emerald. “After today, one of us must stay in guard in case something happens. We must prepare for the worst.” Cream yawned as she nodded. “Okay, fine. But you better go to sleep immediately after, alright? And if something does happen, wake us. I think the Great Master would understand.” “Don’t worry.” said Emerald firmly. “Besides, I have no classes today, so I can sleep the whole day.” Cream left the room after she smiled at Emerald. She couldn’t help but notice the feelings the stallion had for his teacher. After she left, Emerald sat aside the bed, watching the Great Master. And, for the hundredth time or so, he wondered why he did to deserve to be taught by such and admirable pony. Not only an earth pony who could use magic like a unicorn, but a pony who fought for the noblest of all causes, education. “Great Master…” mumbled Emerald as he guarded East Wind’s dreams. East Wind was floating among her memories, thinking of what she should do now. She may have made a huge mistake by revealing the existence of the Order to the Crown. After all, according to the previous Great Master, the Knights of the Silence only survived because they were always hiding in the shadows. And, the most powerful of all shadows, was the shadow of silence. East reminded that time when she was a six-year-old filly, when she asked her teacher if earth ponies could do magic as unicorns. The other kids laughed at her, but her teacher asked them silence, as she answered East’s question: “Children please, is not good that you laugh at somepony who asks a question. And her question is as valid as any other.” Then, she turned to East Wind. Her answer was kind, but devastating for young East Wind. “And I am sorry, East Wind, but no. Earth ponies have their own kind of magic, directly linked to the power of nature and mother earth. Each tribe has its own gift.” The little filly felt bad for the answer, but she convinced herself that she would get used to it. Right? Adult East Wind smiled as she re-watched her past-self trying to adapt to a magicless life. At that time, East Wind ignored that all she had to do was to look for the right teacher. And then, he appeared. The Great Master. At that time, all the kids of the neighborhood were afraid of an old moody gryphon who lived there. They called him Mister ‘Rusty Feathers’. One day, playing hoof-ball, East broke Mister Feathers’ window, and had no choice but go talk to him. “Yes?” asked the old gryphon, irritated. Six-years-old East smiled shyly. “Ehem, hi Mister Feathers. I am terribly sorry, but my friends and I were playing ball, and I broke your window and then…” The old gryphon glared at the filly, and the rest of the kids around her. They all gulped and moved backwards as he threw them back the ball, and pulled East inside the house. “Your friend and I must discuss what to do to repay my window. You go back to your games, and don’t dare to bother me!” Then, he shut the door. East Wind began to cry. “Please Mister Feathers, don’t get mad at me! If you want, you can talk to mom so she pays you with my allowance! But please don’t get mad.” The gryphon extended a sharp claw to the window, releasing a black magic aura. The window was fixed immediately. East Wind forgot all her fears, as she looked at Mister Feathers in awe. “Unbelievable!” said the young filly. The gryphon nodded. “You don’t need to worry about my window, East Wind. But I do need to talk to you.” “I didn’t know gryphons could use magic!” said East. The old gryphon chuckled. “Do you actually believed you need an ugly pointy thing in our head in order to use magic? No, all you need is being willing to learn. You’ve caught my attention since I moved here. I’ve read your soul. I see that you are obsessed with learning some magic, and you haven’t given up on your wish despite that everyone around you is telling you to do so.” East Wind looked away. “I know it’s silly but…” “Are you even listening, filly? You don’t need an ugly pointy thing on your head. As long as you are willing to learn, you can learn. If you want to learn magic, if you really do, you can. With the proper guidance, with the right teacher, you can become the magician you dream to be.” East Wind’s eyes sparkled with joy. “So, you can be the one who guides me, Mister Feathers?” The gryphon nodded. “If you do not transmit knowledge, it’ll get lost. Forever. I believe that education is for everyone. But, before I teach you, are you really willing to learn magic?” “Yes, I AM!” “Then from now on, I am your teacher.” That evening young East Wind told her mother that she and Mister Feathers agreed that she would be helping him around the house for a week, and in exchange, he won’t make her pay for the window. The mother understood, and from that day East Wind ran into the gryphon’s house to begin her learning. When the week passed, she gave the excuse that she and Mister Feathers grew close to each other, so she could continue go to his house. And, part of that was true. She loved her teacher, like a grumpy grandpa. The gryphon showed her the secrets of Shadow Magic, and the secrets of all magics with that. “Ponies use to limit themselves to their Cutie Marks. Once they mastered their ‘especial talent’ they stop learning. There is no limit for knowledge. There is no limit for the talents you can develop.” With the pass of time, he also began to teach her the ideology of the Knights of the Silence. “Dear East Wind, we base our ideology in a single principle: education for everyone. Transmit knowledge, don’t be selfish. Share you knowledge or eventually it’ll get lost.” “Then, tell me, Mister Feathers, why do you call yourselves Knights of the Silence?” “Shadows are usually misunderstood, East. For most of the ponies, ‘shadow’ is the equivalent to ‘evil’. But no, Shadows mean ‘emptiness’. The beginning of everything, including both good and evil.” He looked as his student with a pleased smile. “And do you know what the voice of Emptiness is?” “Silence!” As the lessons continued, East realized that there was more about the Great Master’s speech than she thought. The ‘Shadow Magic’ proved to be incredibly powerful, as she discovered that once she mastered it, she easily master any kind of spell she wanted. The power of shadows, the power of emptiness, was an early form of magic which the other types of magic were based on. “But I don’t get it, Great Master. If the power you have is this great, why haven’t anypony else have heard about the Knights of the Silence?” The gryphon looked at the sky, sad. “Because, back when our order were at the Gryphon Empire, those with power feared us. We have great power, power that we share with everyone who ask us to. And once this power is mastered, it opens the doors to learn any kind of power you desire. They did not like it. They infiltrated between our lines in order to exterminate us so we couldn’t continue teaching to whoever who asks. We survived, but from that day, we must hide into silence and only transmit our knowledge those who clearly would never betray us. That’s why we learned to read souls. Sadly, it was already too late. I haven’t tell you this, East Wind, but I am the last of the Knights of Silence.” East Wind was shocked. “What?” “Betrayed and chased by our own people, we had no choice but running to Equestria. But only I could make it. The last Great Master named me his successor before he sacrificed himself so I could continue with our legacy.” East Wind bowed before him. “Pleas, Mister Feathers, you cannot give up. Here in Equestria there is so much potential for an Order like yours. Show your knowledge to others, with this tool, we can make possible that everypony learns what they want without any restrictions.” “Is too risky, East Wind, the system is made to protect the status quo. Those who stablished it, your Princesses, won’t allow any changes to be made.” “East, you are still too young.” said Mister Feathers. “You must become a real Knight of the Silence to understand what we are risking here.” East bowed even deeper. “Then, make me one. Great Master, please, allow me to become one of you. I want to be a real Knight of the Silence.” The gryphon smiled. “If this is what you want, I’ll grant your wish. My dear East Wind.” But she wasn’t initiated until she learned enough hoof-to-hoof combat, magic combat, the hierarchy, and the rituals of the Order. One of the basis of the Knights of the Silence was that they had to wear their robes all the time during their meetings, but it never made any sense to East Wind. But she would always obey her Great Master- But, in the end, East grew up to become beautiful and powerful, as the Great master grew old and sick. And, finally, the Great Master called East Wind to his side for one last time. “East Wind, I don’t have much time left. My dear, I want you to know that you were more than a disciple to me. You are the daughter I never had. Please, come closer, my daughter.” Cleaning off her tears, East approached to her Great Master, and bowed. The old gryphon put a claw inside his shadow, and offered her the solidified shadow of a book. “This is the Book of Shadows, our sacred text. Tell me, East Wind, do you remember our mission?” She nodded. “Make sure education is granted for everyone.” “Go, East Wind. Do what I never had the courage to do. Fulfil your dreams, you always wanted to give ponies free access to all their knowledge, so this is now your chance. Please, guide them with wisdom, Great Master…” “But, Mister Feathers, I don’t know where to start!” said East. “Go to Canterlot, the city of dreams. The city where most of the young ponies go to study and become the better versions of themselves. East, I have named you my universal heir. Everything I had is now yours: my residence in Canterlot, and my bank accounts. Use it as you wish, but be careful. An educated population is the worst fear of those in power.” “I won’t disappoint you, Great Master!” said East Wind. With that, the Great Master died in peace. East cried the lost of her beloved teacher, but not for long. She moved to Canterlot, and turned the old mansion into a residence for students. When the young earth pony woke up, she felt refreshed, and more sure than ever about her purpose. She must go on no matter what. Then, East turned to see the unicorn sleeping at her side. “Emerald? Did you stay here all day?” Emerald Horn yawned. “I had to, Great Master. I cannot help but feel paranoid after what we did.” East nodded. “My Great Master would feel the same. But don’t worry. I know it sounds crazy, but I know this is what we should do. Now go to sleep, now that I’ve rested I feel full of energy again. Unlike others…” “Yes, of course my Great Master!” said Emerald, stumbling because of how sleepy he was. Luna and Cadence walked behind Spike as he guided them to the Royal Sisters’ lost castle. That was the last place where the Bearers of Harmony found a sign of the Undead Knights. And even if the creatures weren’t there, they would leave a message from them. The situation with the so-called ‘Knights of the Silence’ was too uncertain to leave anything to chance. But, as usual, Twilight ended up siding with Celestia, and the other Bearers ended up siding with her. But Luna and Cadence were decided to talk to the creatures, and Spike was happy to help, as long they didn’t tell Twilight. They went through the forest really fast and then entered to the Castle. And most for their surprise, the first thing they saw was a minotaur’s head on a silver tray. It has been washed, perfumed, and its eye were replaced with beautiful gems. Cadence and Spike threw up at the horrible sight, but Luna’s stomach was stronger. She looked away from the head, and called the monsters as she destroyed the horrible gift with her magic. “Undead Knights! In the name of the Crown, I demand you to show yourselves!” Seven pairs of red eyes appeared from the shadows, and six monstrous ponies followed by a giant purple dragon with black wings bowed before the Princesses. Spike was scared, and tried to hide behind Luna, but his nightmarish version spotted him. “Don’t look at me like that, kid. You know that except for the red eyes, this is how you’ll look in a few years. The lavender alicorn glared at the dragon. “Don’t scare him Night Terror. We’re on their side, remember?” “I’m just frustrated, I don’t like when people interrupt our precious moments of sexual depravation.” apologized Night Terror. “Please don’t say more.” asked Spike. “Twilight is my mom, how can you two…” “You haven’t hit puberty yet, kid. When it happens, let me introduce you to Oedipus complex, if you embrace it, you can start making new kinds of memories with mommy. “Mocked Night Terror. “SHUT UP!” Commanded Luna with her Canterlot Voice. “He did more than enough to bring Cadence and me to this place, do not upset him. Do you understand? Now, I need information about a possible enemy, but we’re not sure yet. You who are time travelers, do you know if a group of fanatics can make any harm?” The corrupted version of Twilight grinned. “Oh, did Starlight had adepts already? Undeads, we’re going to kill them now before they spread the word of ‘Equality’ even further!” The other six creatures roared in expectation. “Hey, but aren’t they victims too?” asked the yellow pegasus. “Fleshy Smile, darling, if the Princesses say they are a danger, we kill them. Period!” said Gothic, the white unicorn. “No, they have nothing to do with Starlight Glimmer!” said Cadence. “And, please, don’t kill them … for Faust’s sake… don’t kill them!” “Haven’t you see an Undead before?” asked a pink earth pony, bouncing. “Killing is what our species do!” “Pin-Kill-Die is right!” added Undash. “Is like asking you to stop loving. This is what we are!” “Also, if yer’ here, ya’re aware that we’ll go after any threat to Equestria.” Continued the orange earth pony with a cowboy hat. “Reaper is right, this is what is left from who we were.” said the alicorn. Luna made a sign a Cadence to calm her down, and glared to the Undead Knights. “Easy you, as Princesses we know the right spells to seal Undeads forever.” Pin-Kill-Die laughed. “The Undead you know are irrational things, who just kills everything around it. We still can think.” “And Gothic and I can use magic.” Said the lavender alicorn. “Oh, and as corpses, we cannot feel tired. That allows us to use as much as we need without rest. What can you do against us, Princess? Only delay our killing spree for a few hours.” Luna and Cadence looked to each other, in fear. But in the end, Luna shook her head and exposed the situation. “Knights of the Silence. What do you know about them?” Midnight, the leader, raised an eyebrow. “Oh, the ‘education is for everypony’ guys? They were a problem.” “They emerged during the ten years we wandered around Equestria without our Cutie Marks. If it wasn’t for them, Glimmer’s ideology would have spread all over Equestria. But the Great Master showed ponies another way.” “As a matter of fact, we tried to learn from them.” explained Gothic. “Somehow, they are able to teach magic to the three tribes without a problem. But because of our lack of Cutie Marks, we could never get as strong as we needed to oppose Glimmer.” “But the Great Master did.” said Undash. “She and Glimmer had a Tartarus of a fight, and were tied. Despite being an earth pony, the Great Master put Glimmer in her place multiple times. And her ideology were getting more adepts than Equalizers. Equalizers made everypony as equally weak; and the Knights of the Silence made ponies as equally strong.” “Also, the Great Master never imposed her beliefs to anypony.” said Undash. “She was just there, and if you ask her to teach you, she did it without hesitation. She made sure to teach her students everything she knew.” “And, that’s why they became a problem.” said Midnight. “Why?” asked Luna. “The Knight’s ideology says that you have to share your knowledge with everypony who asks.” explained the alicorn. “Even if you had bad intentions, the Knights are not allowed to deny you any kind of knowledge. As long as you don’t plan to tell the authorities where to find them, the knights will offer you all of their knowledge. So, many ponies got mad with power, always asking for more, and the Knights granted them with it. When we became this, we had no choice but chase them down.” “But the damage was done already, and their ideology had spread all over Equestria. To this day we’re not sure if we properly killed them all.” Jack the Reaper sighed sadly. “Stupidity is more dangerous than evil. We learned that the hard way.” Luna nodded, evaluating the situation. “A childish ideology and a great power combined, this doesn’t look good.” “If they have just appeared, we must stop them.” said Midnight. “That’s the duty of the Undead Knights.” Luna agreed. “As much as it hurts to say it, Tia is acting like an idiot. I know she fears you, and with good reason, but this is a resource that cannot go to a waste. Undead Knights, I know you’ll start killing as soon as we leave this castle. So all I ask is that you bring me the Great Master, alive.” The Undead Knights shrugged. “Just that? Easy enough.” “And when you capture her, you send her to the Crystal Empire, without aunt Celestia knowing.” said Cadence. The creatures bowed before the Royals. “The Undead Knights only exists to serve you!” said the seven in unison. The group left, but before they did, Luna looked at the monsters for a last time. “Before we go, I must warn you. The Royal Guards will attack you on sight. I hope you understand.” Midnight grinned. “Of course, this meeting never happened.” > Chapter 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter III Strikes in the shadows It was past midnight, inside the walls of the Royal Sisters’ Castle, where a strange and unnerving group of ponies, covered in black robes, prepared for battle. The only lights in the dark hallways came from their red eyes. The monsters, known as Undead Knights, were preparing their weapons, daggers, swords, ropes, knives, and even an iron rod where somepony have roughly mad a tip. In the back garden, a giant dragon with black wings and purple scales was sharpening his claws and teeth, also ready for battle. This rite was precious for the Undead Knights, as they enjoyed every second before tue upcoming massacre. Also, the capability of making preparations gave them a relief, so there was a genuine worry that they would end up losing their minds completely. Giving themselves up to their darkest side. The most worried of them all was Night Terror, who didn’t even had a direct connection to the Elements of Harmony like the others. Only his love for his mother kept him safe. Night Terror sighed, looking at the horizon. “And here I am, remembering those things again.” It was in that very same castle where, a long time ago, and after years of unfruitful searching, the young dragon have finally found them. His lost family. “Twilight, girls!” he cried in joy. The six hooded ponies turned to him. Spike haven’t changed that much during that years. He was just a bit taller, and his wings were starting to sprout. But he was the very same dragon. The lavender alicorn, who once were Twilight Sparkle, turned to him, and sighed in deep sorrow. She wished he have never found them. “Leave us Spike. Leave us and forget what you saw here. We are not ourselves anymore since a few minutes ago. The essence is there, but now that we are corrupted by evil, I’m not worthy or even using my old name. Leave us now, Spike, and do not talk about this with anypony. Especially Shining Armor.” The dragon stayed where he was, defiant until the end. “Fine, I’ll call you Midnight then, or however you want me to call you.” said Spike. “But I won’t go. It’s been ten years, Twilight. Ten years of looking for you endlessly. Most of the ponies gave up, but I didn’t. And I won’t go now that I’ve found you.” “Leave now Spike” threatened Midnight. “Leave now that you have the chance. I am trying to protect your innocence, try to understand.” Spike shook his head. “Sorry, wrong dragon. Do you think I’ll go now that I’ve found you? I am staying with you, my place is at your side, being your number one assistant! Do you have any idea of how much I suffered when you vanished?” The former Rainbow Dash tackled Spike, and put her hoof on his throat. Spike coughed, but didn’t resist. And on that moment, Spike noticed the red eyes. But he didn’t look away. The cyan pegasus glared at him. “Why aren’t you afraid, Spike?” “Why would I be afraid of you? Afraid of my own mother?” The dark alicorn rolled her eyes, and after she pushed the monstrous pegasus away, she kicked Spike on his back. But the dragon didn’t move. He only let escape a small tear. “I won’t let you go now that I’ve found you, mom.” said Spike. Midnight grinded her teeth. “I am not your mother. Stop bothering me, Spike.” “You hatched me, you raised me until I turned ten, if you’re not my mom, I don’t know what you are. Also, I spent ten years of my life looking for you. I’m not going anywhere!!” “You are, because mommy tells you to.” said this dark version of Twilight, indifferent. Spike grinned. “Sorry I am acting like a spoiled brat, but I will have to disobey mom for this time.” Midnight had to use all her self-control to not to cry. “Why can’t you understand that I am not the pony you show this devotion for? I have changed, Spike, for the worse. As you spent ten years looking for us, we spent those time looking for a way to defeat Glimmer. We have found it, but the price was too high. Leave Spike, protect the idea you have about us.” “Ehem!” said the yellow pegasus. “Why don’t you let him stay? So he won’t have to see what we’re about to do.” The dark alicorn agreed. “Fine, you stay, and we go. But you better not be here when we come back. Everyone who is an undead, follow me!” Spike stood there, watching as his friends walked away. Then, he noticed the open book on the floor, and took a quick glance of it. He sobbed. “Oh no… Twilight… what have you done? WHAT HAAVE YOU DONE?!” His roar of sadness was heard all over the Everfree Forest. It even made the Undead Knights to turn to the Castle, and for a fraction of a second, the lavender alicorn felt something different from bloodthirst. She put a hoof over her heart. “Spike…” “Night Terror, Night Terror…” called him Midnight, back to reality. The dragon shook his enormous head. “Oh, sorry my dear. But you know that getting lost into our memories is the closest thing to sleep for us.” The dark alicorn nodded. “Anyway, we are about to start the hunt, but I need you to stay behind until I call you.” “I know, we discussed this before.” She flew to meet his face, and kissed him deeply. “I also came to give you something to help you remember me.” Night Terror’s tongue invaded the alicorn’s mouth, cleaning each of the fangs. The other undeads looked away, too used to this spectacle. It was somehow boring at this point, always the same. … “Remind ma’ why the Princess is asking us to move to Canterlot for a little time?” asked Applejack, annoyed. “Ya’ know A’ can’t stand being separated from ma’ farm for too long!” “Yes, Twilight, why do you have to go for that long?” asked Spike. The other five Bearers plus Spike were glaring at Twilight. Finally, she sighed, and explained herself. “Sorry, alright? It wasn’t my idea, but the Princess is really worried for the incident at the Academy for the Gifted Unicorns.” “You mean the ponies who broke into, and stole a bunch of books only to give them away?” asked Rarity. Twilight nodded, as the unicorn face-palmed. “Come on! Their actions are quite unusual, but I don’t see what they have to do with us.” “Yeah, why is she taking u to Canterlot? Doesn’t she have a Royal Guard or something?” asked Pinkie. “Yes, the Royal Guard is going to take care of this radicals,” explained Twilight, “but she is calling us because she is afraid that they would intervene.” All the Bearers paled, remembering the monsters. “Back when they killed Starlight Glimmer, they mentioned this knights. I don’t know if you remember, but they mentioned they were the true preachers of Equality. That’s the Princess is so sure they would intervene. And she needs us there to stop them from massacring the knights.” The others finally started to pack their things. Spike too, but Twilight stopped him. “No, Spike, you stay!” “But Twilight, I want to help!” Twilight shook her head. “No Spike, this is too dangerous for you. If we are late, I don’t want you to witness another murder. Please, and, in my absence, I need you to take care of the library.” “And my animals.” asked Fluttershy. Spike sighed. “Okay, fine. For you.” … It was past midnight. A solitary unicorn was walking around the hallways of a large university library. His name was Star Shine, and he worked as a security guard. The security have dubbed since the incident at Celestia’s Academy, all the universities hired more security. And Star Shine desperately needed a job to pay for his studies. Why college life had to be that hard? “Hello? Is anypony here?” asked the security guard, using his horn as a lantern. “I’m calling the Royal Guard, show yourself!” But nothing, the library was silent. Too silent. He used his horn to illuminate the hallways, and everything looked perfectly normal. Except for a mare reading a book of advanced spells. Wait, what? She was wearing a blue tunic, and a long black cape with a hood. And the finishing touch was a smiling mask. “Hold it right there!” shouted Star Shine. “This place is enchanted with an alarm spell, and the Royal Guard is on its way. Put that book back where it belongs, and come closer.” The figure shrugged. “Poor Star.” “Do we know each other?” asked the unicorn. “I feel sorry for you, my friend. Your classes start at five p.m., finish at seven, and then you go eat something and prepare for your night shift. That goes from eleven to six a.m., am I right?” The unicorn raised an eyebrow. “Who are you?” “Isn’t it obvious? I am the one who did the little number at Celestia’s Academy. You can call me Great Master.” Star Shine gulped. “You… but, it’s impossible! Everypony has warned me against you. And why the Royal Guard isn’t coming?” The Great Master laughed. “Because I deactivated your alarm spells. Those were pretty basic if you compared with what I found at Celestia’s Academy. In fact, you wouldn’t have noticed me if I didn’t revealed myself to you:” Star Shine shivered. “And why did you revealed yourself to me?” “Because I know how to read souls, and I’ve noticed you are tired of your situation. I don’t blame you, the system shouldn’t work this way.” “Still I need a title if I want to be somepony in life.” The Great Master put a hoof on Star Shine’s shoulder. Despite the mask, the unicorn could feel she was smiling to him. “The system works in a way that a title only proves that you were able to pay for your education. Knowledge is something it should be available for anyone who asks for it. This universities work in a way that they refuse to teach those who are considered unworthy, or those who are unable to pay the high prices. They keep the knowledge unreachable in order to sustain this unfair system, and as a result ponies like you end up in this situation.” Star Shine looked at the Great Master unsure what to say. “The Order will make sure all knowledge is available for everypony. All you’ll need to do is ask.” “If I give you this books I’ll lose my job.” said Star Shine. “I already took their shadows, for us is as effective as having the book, and it won’t be noticed as first glance. Your job is safe, I swear.” “And why did bothered to talk to me?” The Great Master materialized a bunch of scrolls, and books to offer to Star Shine. “Here you go, I’m giving you the first copies of all the exclusive knowledge of this university. You are hungry for knowledge, and I am a teacher. Let’s start with this, and when I clean my schedule, I’ll teach you everything I know.” “For real?” The Great Master nodded slowly. “You want to learn, and it’s my duty to teach. When the time comes, I’ll come to find you and the others. Knowledge is meant to be transmitted.” With that, the Great Master fused in the shadows, leaving Star Shine with a treasure, and the promise that he would become as powerful as this earth pony. She materialized at her own room at her residence, where Emerald Horn and Cream Cone were already waiting for her. “How it went?” asked East Wind casually. “Pretty easy.” Said Cream Cone. “But, why bothering in taking all the secret recipes of Celestia’s Academy for the Gifted Confectioners?” “All knowledge is treasure.” said the Great Master. “Big or small, nothing haves to stay secret. Education is for everypony.” Cream Cone bowed before her East Wind. “I understand, my apologies, my Great Matser.” East Wind nodded, and turned to Emerald Horn. “What about you, Emerald?” “It went just fine, no pony would suspect a thing. Maybe a couple of ponies would notice that the books don’t project any shadow, but they may think that it’s an optical illusion or something.” “But they will notice when that knowledge begins to run freely.” pointed out Cream Cone. “The first move has been made.” said East Wind. “We need more knights in order to make things faster, but it’s a start. Canterlot is only the beginning, soon the Order will take its message to all Equestria.” “When we get more apprentices, it’ll be a piece of cake.” smiled Emerald Horn. East Wind smiled to her disciples. “Is not that simple. As Knights of the Silence, we must teach anyone who asks us, but those who are material for knights are only a precious few. Only those who are willing to teach without asking for nothing in exchange are worthy of the Title of Knights of the Silence. I chose you because that’s what I saw in your souls.” The two knights smiled, and the Great Master made a small yawn. “Glad everything went fine, now, if you excuse me, I’ll go to sleep. And I highly recommend you do the same. I need you to make copies of everything you took, and begin to distribute tomorrow. Understood?” “You can count on us, Great Master!” they both said in unison. … Princess Celestia was in a very good mood after she called the Bearers of Harmony to Canterlot. The Royal Guard would soon take care of the Knights of Silence, and the Bearers would take care of the Undead Knights. Nothing could go wrong. She was so happy that she invited them for brunch at her favorite restaurant. “You know, Twilight Sparkle? Now that you are here, I am finally able to rest since this problem started.” Twilight smiled at her mentor, but she couldn’t help but feel a bit uneasy about the whole situation. “But, I don’t know if we should celebrate in advance.” “This is no celebration, is only an early treat to motivate you. I promise.” They all arrived to the restaurant, where Celestia asked for waffles, with lots of syrup, whipped cream, fresh berries, and chocolate chips. Lots of chocolate chips. She took the first bite. “Delicious, sublime! The dough is just like the ones they make at my Academy for the Gifted Confectioners. Waitress, waitress!” A young earth pony approached smiling. She was pretty, with long blonde mane, and dark blue fur. “Your Highness?” asked the waitress. “Tell me, dear, have you hired a new cook?” The waitress shrugged. “Sorry, I can’t really tell. I’m here only to cover a friend who went sick. But I can call the manager. Mister Admin, Her Highness wants to ask you something” “Yes, Your Highness?” asked the manager. “Your waffles are better than ever. Don’t misunderstand me, I love your usual treats, but you got so much better in seconds. Have you hired a new chef?” “Of course not! Old Stinky is still with us. But recently we acquired a bunch of recipes that ponies said came right from your Academy or something. Apparently a group of knights came in, and made every secret recipe public.” Celestia stood there, frozen. When this has happened? East Wind smiled as she saw the Princess’ surprise. She was lucky that a friend requested her to cover her at work. Her face was priceless. But this was only the beginning. Education is for everypony, she thought. > Chapter 4 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter IV Shadows Vs. Darkness. Great Master East Wind always woke up early to take care of her residence. Her first chore everyday was to make breakfast for everypony in her home. Of course, her tenants helped her too, taking turns to help her. Once breakfast was ready, everypony got together and they ate breakfast. Again, East Wind’s residence was famous because it included an abundant breakfast every day. The group of tenants chatted happily among them, or simply read the paper in a corner without bother or being bothered. But despite that, everypony always get along just fine. East Wind didn’t tolerate fights at her property, so one of the basic requirements to live there was to get along with the other residents. That day the group was having a nice breakfast, when out of sudden, a pony jumped excitedly over his seat as he read the paper. “Hey, check this out! The Princess wants to set a dialogue with the Great Master!” Everypony turned to him. The so-called Great Master had become a celebrity among Canterlot. The authorities wanted to get her as soon as possible, but the people, mostly students, considered her a hero. An important figure who came to change the system, no matter what. “What does it say?” asked East Wind excitedly. Everypony turned to her, as she shrugged. “What? I am a fan!” The pony with the paper chuckled, and began to read: “Princess Twilight Sparkle published a letter to her. Ehem,” Dear Great Master: First of all, let me introduce myself. I am the youngest of all Princesses of Equestria, Twilight Sparkle. Surely you have heard about me as I’ve heard about you. Well, you and I have a lot in common. Both of us consider that there’s nothing more important than education. That’s why I think I am the most qualified to try to understand your cause. You serve to a noble purpose, but the way you’ve been doing things is simply not right. To come and challenge us to fight, trying to change the system by force is wrong, don’t deny it. You break into universities and steal the knowledge that ponies have fought for, those aren’t acts of a hero. But, instead of taking advantage of what you’ve taken, you give it to others freely, so I see there’s still hope for you. Great Master, I need you to understand the system works for a reason. Imagine that you put a dangerous spell to the reach of somepony with bad intentions. To the reach of somepony who can’t handle it, and hurts itself trying to replicate it? Also, all this knowledge you’ve given to everypony is worth nothing without a guide, a guide that can only be found at the universities you target. So, in the end, this fight of yours will be pointless. I think your intentions are pure, and I respect that. But your way to do things is far too dangerous for the students. So I’m asking you to talk to me front to front. I would love to finally meet you, without hidden tricks or anything. I just want us to talk like equals, and finish this battle of yours before anypony is hurt. For this entire week, from seven p.m. to ten p.m. I’ll be waiting for you, where all this started. The park in front of the Academy for the Gifted Unicorns. With no guards or anything, just me and probably my friends. I hope you show up, Great Master, no matter if we come to an agreement or not, I’ll be honored to meet somepony as passionate about education such as yourself. Sincerely yours, Twilight Sparkle.” East Wind smiled satisfied. Twilight Sparkle, why didn’t she go to her on the first place? Celestia was a lost cause, but maybe a young Princess could understand. The pony smiled happily, as she visualized a glorious future. This was the chance for her ideas to get listened, and change the damn education system for good. Maybe could even negotiate a place to teach Shadow Magic freely. East Wind wasn’t the only one who was happy. Princess Celestia had been worried since she realized how much she underestimated this ponies. They were able to infiltrate in more academies that she could imagine. Celestia sighed, she should have arranged a meeting after the first encounter. But now she and the Great Master were far from good terms. But Twilight was young, and she may communicate better with the Great Master. The conflict would end that night. “The direct approach was the best option from the very beginning. Now Twilight and her friends would handle the situation, and everything will solve. As for the Bearers, nopony would complain that their forced stay in Canterlot would end soon. They happily helped Twilight to think a quick solution to this problem with the Knights of the Silence. In the end, for everypony’s annoyance, the solution was the simpler one. “Let me see if I get this right, a meeting with them?” asked Rainbow Dash. “This was obvious from the beginning.” “I know, I know,” said Twilight. “But I couldn’t figure a way to approach to the Knights of the Silence. But now I have figured it. a letter on the newspaper.” “But are you sure isn’t this a bit dangerous?” asked Fluttershy. “Unlike the other foes we have faced, the Knights of the Silence are not evil, they are just followers of a dangerous ideology. Pretty much like Starlight.” The others nodded, and hurried to the newspaper office, when they bumped into Princess Celestia who was crossing the hallway. She smiled at the group as usual, happy to see them. “Twilight! I am so proud of you! You managed to find an easy solution for our current problem.” Twilight blushed as she bowed. “Thanks Princess. But how did you know?” “What you mean? I just read it on the paper this morning.” The girls exchanged a confused look. “Princess Celestia, I haven’t published the letter. Precisely the girls and I were on our way to the editorial to leave the letter.” Celestia shook her head, and showed the mares the letter. “Twilight, the paper published a copy of the letter, and I would recognize your hoof-writing anywhere. And Luna is about to rise the moon so I thought you were on your way to meet the Great Master.” “This doesn’t have any sense!” said Rainbow, looking at the letter. “This is indeed Twilight’s hoof-writing, but she hasn’t given the letter to the paper yet. Fluttershy gasped in fear when she put all the pieces together. “Who did this haves Twilight’s hoof-writing because she IS Twilight. Or, it was.” The girls froze when they finally understood too. They all ran outside he palace praying to stop this before somepony was killed. At East Wind’s students’ residence, the earth pony was putting on her tunic, he long cape, and finally the smiling mask. “I see you are ready, Great Master.” said Emerald Horn, as he got inside the room. “Yes, thank you.” said East Wind, looking at her disciple. “Why are you wearing your uniform? Are you coming too?" “Yes, and me too.” said Cream Cone. “Princess Twilight Sparkle is saying her friends will join her, right? So we’re coming too. As friends.” The Great Master shook her head in disbelief, but she smiled. “I think you are right.” Emerald bowed before East Wind, and then he hugged her gently. “Teacher and student. Master and disciples, but firstly, friends.” In the end, the Great Master smiled to her disciples. “Thank you guys. I was thinking that Sparkle is more accessible than Celestia, but you’re right. It is always a good time for the company of a good friend.” The three Knights fused with their shadows, and moved around the streets of Canterlot. But, halfway to the park, something gave the chills to Emerald Horn. Hey, I left my lucky charm at the residence. Said Emerald telepathically. So what, moron? Asked Cream Cone. Oh, come on! I always carry it the most important days of my life, and, it have never failed me. For example, the day dean Deep Knowledge rejected me. But then I met the Great Master. This can’t be a coincidence. Come on Cream. Come with me. Great Master, do you think you can handle this without us? The Great Master rolled her shadow-eyes, but sighed. Fine, that was my original plan anyway. But hurry guys. The two shadows separated from the main one, as she arrived to the park. It was seven with fifteen minutes. A bit late. The Great Master was nervous, but optimistic. However, there was nopony to be seen. “Princess Sparkle? Are you here? It is me, the Great Master of the Knights of the Silence.” A sound of hoofsteps called the Great Master’s attention. “I was waiting for you, Great Master.” said a sinister voice in the dark. The Great Master turned where the voice was coming, only to be received by six pairs of red eyes that glowed in the dark. Behind the eyes, there were six silhouettes that moved slowly, and threating. East Wind shivered, feeling the malicious aura from this creatures. In the meantime, Emerald unfused with his shadow, materializing a couple of blocks away from the park. “Dude, what’s up with you and the lucky charm?” asked Cream, materializing too. “I lied. I had a feeling that something bad is going to happen, and we need the element of surprise.” Cream Cone smiled warmly at her friend. “Emerald, do you actually think this is a trap? But the Princesses would never do something like this.” “I’m not sure if we’re dealing with the Princesses.” Cream didn’t say anything, but she trusted her friend’s judgment. “Fine, I’ll believe you. But how are we going to know when to join in?” asked Cream. Right at that moment, they felt an explosion of Shadow Magic. Not like a friendly demonstration, but a desperate attack. “Now!” they shouted, fusing into the shadows. … “You are not Princess Sparkle.” said the Great Master, walking backwards. “Yes and no, is a long story. I was, like three thousand years ago. I lost the count, right when I stopped caring. Still, that remains in the past. A past that would never be because of time travel. What you’re about to experience, is the result of changing history.” The Great Master threw her cape, preparing to fight. She was no fool, and clearly watched how the other five shadows moved around her, cutting her all the possible escape routes. “So, you are Twilight Sparkle from an alternate future, an apocalyptic future or something like that.” said the Great Master, trying to make sense to this monstrous apparition. “I’m not worthy of that name since I turned into his.” she sighed. “Anyway, I am getting tired of this nonsensical conversation, so I’ll get right to the point. Your stupidities will endanger Equestria at some point. I know, I was there. So we’re here to stop you before you and your little group become too powerful to be stopped.” “Less talking, more killing!” said Undash, pulling out a 40-centimeters-long needle and throwing it to the Great Master. East Wind teleported away right on the last second, and the needle went inside Midnight’s eye. The undead leader sighed, and pulled out the needle, and her eye. But a new one grew on its place. She was smiling. “What are you waiting for? There’s a nice carnage waiting for us.” The Undead Knights ran after the Great Master, who began to run as fast as she could, looking for a chance to fuse with the shadows. She did, but before she could get lost in the shadows of the city, who was Pinkie Pie forced her out of the shadows and tried to stab her with a giant knife. The Great Master solidified the knife’s shadow to block the attack, coming right at her throat. “Who taught you how to use Shadow Magic?” gasped East Wind. “You, of course, Great Master!” laughed the monster known as Pin-Kill-Die. “The Great Master always encouraged us to keep improving, until we died, of course.” She disappeared in the shadows, immobilizing the Great Master with her non-physical body. “Time to meet your Creator.” Jack the Reaper appeared from the shadows, taking a huge knife. “A’ would love to do this with mah’ own fangs, but yer’ nothing but an idiot. Not one of the real threats to our land.” The Great Master struggled against Pin-Kill’s hold, as the evil Fluttershy, Fleshy Smile, heated an iron bar with some help from Gothic, formerly Rarity. Usually, Knight Terror did all the heating stuff, but he was at the ‘headquarters’. Still, the idea was the same: to cauterize all the wounds that the Reaper would make to the Great Master. “But why?!” cried the Great Master. Midnight grinned. “In the not so distant future, your little ideology would bring us trouble. Have you heard of Blood Hooves? Of course you haven’t, because he hasn’t even born yet. But he was formerly known as Cotton Hooves, and worked as a cotton farmer. He was a stupid earth pony, an earth pony who never accepted that his kind couldn’t do magic. And instead of accepting his nature, he joined you. Then he took everything you taught him, and since now everypony was free to use magic, unicorns weren’t necessary anymore. He started a genocide that gained a lot of followers.” “He was just one of the many problems we’ll save to Equestria once we finish you.” said Gothic. “Shall we end this?” The Great Master struggled, but careful for not to use her full strength. This things loved to talk, apparently, and she wanted to know more. Still she had to figure out a plan, and soon. “Before you kill me, do you promise you’ll leave my Knights alone?” Jack the Reaper laughed happily. “Yer’ Knights? Don’t make us laugh, sugarcube. Every single one of yer’ kind will die, except for the Great Master. She haves to answer to Princess Luna.” “What?” asked East Wind, shocked. Midnight nodded. “And I quote, ‘As much as it hurts to say it, Tia is acting like an idiot. I know she fears you, and with good reason, but this is a resource that cannot go to a waste. Undead Knights, I know you’ll start killing as soon as we leave this castle. So all I ask is that you bring me the Great Master, alive’. The Great Master gasped. “What?” Midnight nodded slowly. “You are going to die, child. Blame your Great Master, Irish Coffee. She used you to protect her skin.” Jack the Reaper smiled. “Enough talking, just thank Faust yer’ dead will be quick!” The Undead walked towards the Great Master, who stared at her. Out of sudden, Jack the Reaper froze. “Hey, Jackie, what’s up?” asked Pin-Kill-Die. With her trademark agility, Jack the Reaper jumped over Midnight, slashing her throat with her knife. As she planned, the Great Master used the few moments of general shock to send a beam of shadows to her captor, forcing her back to her physical form, and finishing the monster with a kick to the jaw. Pin-Kill-Die laughed happily, as she licked the blood coming from her gums. It was black and rotten, just perfect. Then she took the iron rod she had to throw it to the Great Master. East Wind managed to solidify the weapon’s shadow to block the attack. Undash charged against the Great Master, when Jack the Reaper tackled her right on time. The Great Master nodded slowly. “Manipulate those who have dark hearts, one of the many tricks of our Order.” Without warning, Pin-Kill-Die found herself hold by her own shadow, as the Great Master looked at her to the eyes, with her great power. The dark version of Pinkie Pie laughed hysterically, and stabbed Fleshy Smile with a knife, over and over. The yellow pegasus didn’t seem to care, as she simply pushed away Pin-Kill-Die and chopped her head off with her own knife. “Useless.” said Fleshy-Smile. “You cannot win this, there is no way to defeat an undead.” The Great Master gulped, but she fused with the shadows to run away. That woke up the two undeads under her spell. It was a short-range spell after all. Midnight laughed cruelly, as she aimed a hoof, and threw a shadow attack to the Great Master’s shadow. “There’s no way to run. Surrender already.” The Great Master materialized, coughing blood. “You are dead, darling.” whispered Gothic, raising her knife. Gothic’s own shadow retained her hoof. Confused, the dark unicorn turned to her shadow that revealed to her and prevented that her to attack her opponent. “More Shadow Magic?” asked Gothic. “Don’t you get it? There is nowhere to run.” Cream Cone jumped, creating a flash of light with her magic. “Great Master!” she cried. “Guys!” smiled the Great Master, smiling to her students. “I told you, didn’t I?” asked Emerald Horn, sending several magic beams against the Undead Knights. “My lucky charm have never failed me.” The six creatures received the attacks with open hooves, seeming mostly bored. “Why don’t you surrender?” asked Midnight. “All you’re going to get is more blood spilled for tonight.” “We will never surrender, we will never give up!” cried Cream Cone. “We owe everything to the Great Master. She showed us that education is for everypony.” Emerald nodded firmly. “Whatever happens, we’ll be at the Great Master’s side”· The Great Master smiled to her students, and bravely stood in front of them. “You may be more, and a monstrosity unknown to ponykind. But no matter what, we’ll stay together.” The Undead Knights shrugged, and advanced against the trio of Knights, when a sudden trot called their attention. “HOLD IT RIGHT THERE!” shouted Twilight Sparkle. She and her friends, AKA, the living versions of the Undead Knights, ran toward the creatures, calling from the bottom of their hearts the Rainbow Power. “Dang it!” said Jack the Reaper, as the Power of Harmony hit them directly. The six friends, joining around the six undead, who were sleeping peacefully. “What we do now, Princess Celestia?” asked Twilight to her mentor. The Princess of the Sun stared at the group of Undead monsters, and sighed. “There’s a spell used to seal this creatures for undefined time. No matter how much they fight, they would never be able to escape.” “If that’s true, why are you looking so worried, Princess Celestia?” asked Fluttershy, unsure of the Ruler’s expression. Celestia frowned. “Because, the spell works only for regular undead. Creatures without the ability to think, guided by the dark desire of murder, murder, and more murder. But this things can think, and they have magic. One of them is even an alicorn. I don’t know if this is enough to stop them for good.” “Not to mention they are us.” mumbled Applejack. “Princess, what’s the spell?” asked Twilight. “I must use it back at my Castle, where the prison for undead creatures is.” She turned to the Knights of the Silence. “Are you okay, my little ponies?” The Great Master nodded. “Yes, thank you. I am not going to ask what are those things. However, you made very clear that none of you want a long-term change for education. As for us, we’re going not.” She turned to both of her friends, who prepared to fuse with the shadows. “Wait, Great Master!” called Twilight. “Midnight maybe outsmarted me, but I do wan tto discuss your ideology. Your goals, your ideology. Maybe we can come to an agreement, finishing this conflict once and for all!” The Great Master sighed. “My goal is simple: you have to change the education system, forcing every single academy to accept anypony without discrimination, without entrance exams, without questions. Knowledge is for everypony, period. You have no right to monopolize it.” Twilight shook her head. “Great Master, exams exist to determine if a pony is ready for knowledge.” Emerald laughed. “That’s not for you to decide, but for the apprentice. And what about us, who get nervous during the entrance exam?” “Yeah, but that …” began Twilight. “Not all the ponies are made for the same thing!” intervened Fluttershy. “When I found out I couldn’t fly…” “But you decided it for yourself, not because somepony told you that you weren’t capable of.” said he Great Master. “Entrance exams are bullshit, the decision should be on the students’ choices, not because teachers say so.” Twilight couldn’t answer the Great Master, realizing that she was speaking with truth. “But what if you use your knowledge for evil?” asked Dash. “That’s not the teacher’s duty. A teacher should limit to transmit knowledge, not judgement.· Celesia sighed. “You don’t understand, right?” “No, it is you who don’t understand!” said the Great Master. “Here you are, defending an unfair system, and that’s something we cannot tolerate. You either change it, or we will.” “At our own way!” said the Great Master! They fused with their shadows, and teleported away. “How could they survive this long?” asked Celestia, still in shock. > Chapter 5 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter V: The expansion of the Shadows The first one to open her eyes was Midnight, as she let escape a moan of satisfaction. “Aw, sleeping, one of the simplest and more enjoyable joys of life.” She giggled. “Maye we should provoke our counterparts more often.” “I had a dream about Angel.” said Fleshy Smile. “I was his pet, and he was feeding me with little Diamond Dogs. Alive. I chased them to kill them before eating them alive, as I made the others watch. I loved it. It is a shame that we can only sleep when we are hit by the Elements of Harmony.” Jack the Reaper yawned, snapping her neck left to right. “They wanted to stop us A’ guess. Where are we anyway?” They turned around, only to see an interesting group of ponies. All of them were moaning, and groaning, hitting a wall with hooves, horns, wings, and heads. Every impact was so strong that the monsters’ limbs got destroyed each time. But all the damage was instantly restored, and they continued as nothing happened. Even a few unicorns charged against the wall, in an effort to stab it with their horns. Under the group of monsters there was a growing mass made of rotten blood, flesh, fur, hair, and other fluids. So thick and old that some of the ponies had their hooves stick to it, but they didn’t care as long as they could continue hitting the wall. A repulsive sight. All of the monsters shared the same features that the Undead Knights: red eyes and long fangs. Midnight rolled her eyes. “So, we are in our little suite in Canterlot.” Pin-Kill-Die giggled happily, as she bounced around, greeting the other Undeads. “Hi there, Bright Eyes! Have you lost weight? Looking great! Hey, isn’t that you, Bubble Bath? I see you have a new haircut! Oh, and Sunflower, I just love your new perfume, is it imprisonment and rotten meat? One of my personal favorites, but I like Fearless’ more. It is like coagulated blood, and infected feathers. It’ll put any mare at his hooves, especially after you beat her to death, hahahahahahahahahaha!” Gothic sighed. “Darling, shall I remind you that we traveled to the past? Our ‘old roommates’ doesn’t know us yet.” Pin-Kill-Die shrugged. “It doesn’t matter, they don’t care.” Undash stretched her limbs and wings, as she looked around. “Whatever, as comfortable as our suite is, we still have a lot to do.” “Yes, the ‘Pest of the Silence’” said Midnight. “Let’s focus, and get out of here.” The Undead Knights got together, concentrating their magic. Ironically, it was Shadow Magic, or Magic of the Silence as it would be known all over Equestria. In the surface, in Canterlot Castle, the Bearers of Harmony were eating something light, along with Princess Celestia, who seemed to be really tired. “Princess, if you don’t mind me asking,” said Fluttershy softly. “How can you sleep so calmed knowing that there are a bunch of undead creatures under the castle? I would move as soon as I could.” Luna entered to the room, as she smiled to the yellow pegasus. “You don’t understand, Fluttershy. The reason we sleep calmed is because we know that if the creatures manage to escape their cell, we would be near to react on time. Luckily those things can’t think, and they are easy to lead to a trap.” “Is that true?” asked Rainbow Dash. “How?” “Undead creatures are sensitive to life, and they’ll go wherever they feel It.” explained Celestia. “You always know where they’re going. But that’s the only advantage we have against a monster who can regenerate from all kinds of damage.” “Unfortunately it won’t work with Midnight.” said Twilight, remembering her other self. “She is really powerful, and, remember the army of skeletons she summoned to keep us busy as they killed Starlight?” Celestia sighed. “Yes, I seriously doubt her knowledge of necromancy would help her in the current situation. However, I’m sure they would find a way out. What scares me the most is that they’re still able to use the Magic of Friendship despite their condition of monsters.” The girls felt a chill, when suddenly Spike ran inside the room, and hugged Twilight. “Spike what are you doing here?” asked the alicorn, hugging back the little dragon. “I received your letter, you said that you had an encounter with the Undead Knights.” Said the dragon, refusing to let go his adopted mother. “Are you okay? Didn’t they hurt you? do you need my help with something?” Twilight smiled at Spike, and let him hug her for a little longer. “Easy, easy partner” giggled Applejack, gently slapping Spike on his back. “Remember those things respect pony life.” Spike nodded, a little ashamed. “Yes, I’m sorry. But I can’t help but worry.” “Ehem, Spike.” called Twilight. “You can release me already.” The dragon gasped, and slowly separated from Twilight, when out of sudden he embraced her back, and kissed her deeply, with his long tongue invading Twilight’s mouth and throat. “SPIKE!” shouted Celestia, using her magic to separate the dragon from the smaller alicorn. “What are you doing? SHE’S YOUR MOTHER!” “Also is too early for you to have a heat!” mumbled Rainbow Dash. Fluttershy flew toward him, using the Stare. “Tell me, what are you thinking?” Spike laughed cruelly, and grinned. “I was comparing. And I’ve decided that I prefer the temperature of a dead body.” Fluttershy looked at the dragon, astonished, as Twilight shot a magic beam to Spike. A hole appeared on the dragon’s chest, but the wound closed immediately. Night Terror laughed, and deactivated his illusion spell, revealing his true self. A monster five heads taller than Celestia, with big muscular arms, giant black wings, and red eyes. A cruel laugh was heard all over the room, followed by the sound of hoofsteps. “Glad to see you are having fun, Night Terror. What are you doing here anyway?” said Midnight, tilting her head. The undead dragon took a letter from inside his shadow. “I intercepted a message that your living-self sent to mine, and I thought you may need reinforcements. But I see you’re okay.” “Yes, they gave us the usual suit, darling!” exclaimed Gothic. “As cozy and charming as always. It is a shame you can’t fit in there, maybe you should try to do some exercise, and maybe a diet.” Night Terror smashed the white unicorn, turning her into a red paste. Gothic laughed, as she regenerated completely and smiled to Rarity, her past-self. “Can you believe that he used to have a crush on me? Now he crushes me entirely at least once a day!” The dragon groaned. “If you weren’t so insufferable, I wouldn’t have to!” Gothic laughed. “Nighty-Tighty, you are so cute when you do this tantrums, like a child!” The dragon roared, and smashed her a second time. And at this point Midnight better blew up Night Terror’s head with her magic. “Stop it you two! Seriously!” The two monsters regenerated, and shrugged. “Let’s go already!” protested Undash. But before they could even turn to the door, a combined blast from Celestia, Luna and Twilight reduced them to ashes, but they regenerated instantly. “Seriously?” asked Jack the Reaper. “See? This happened because of your stupid fights!” said Fleshy Smile. “Yeah, let’s go already. We still have to kill the Knights!” said Midnight. Night Terror destroyed a wall with his tail, and allowed Midnight to climb on his shoulders. “It was nice to see you, let’s meet again sometime!” said Midnight With that, the Undead Knights escaped, The Bearers and the Princesses looked at the monsters leave. “Shall we go after them, and use the Elements again?” asked Twilight. Celestia shook her head. “No, I wanted to measure their power, and now I have a general idea. And I must say, I am impressed. Also, Twilight Sparkle, maybe you should stop using Spike’s flame channel, it isn’t as safe as it used to be.” In the meantime, Night Terror looked at Midnight. “So what? Shall I return to headquarters?” “Yes, but I’ll call you any second now. Unfortunately, because the interference of our other-selves, the Knights are now aware of our existence. Things are only going to get harder.” Undash, flying aside Midnight and Night Terror simply shook her head. “It is a shame, I really wanted to kill that pony since it wasn’t the Great Master.” Midnight raised an eyebrow. “Now that I think about it, maybe our living-selves did the right thing by stopping us before we killed that pony. We were about to make a huge mistake, and kill the Great Master instead of capturing her for Princess Luna.” “What? But that pony was not the Great Master Irish Coffee.” said Fleshy Smile. “No, but remember we traveled back to the past.” said Midnight, thoughtful. “And Irish wasn’t always the Great Master. This pony was her predecessor. I wasn’t sure until the other two came to rescue her.” Jack the Reaper, on Rainbow’s back, nodded. “Okay, she is the Great Master. So what?” “I think we may need a plan to keep our other selves busy, you know, to avoid being hit by the Elements of Harmony and sealed again.” said Night Terror. “It can’t do anything to us, but it’s a huge waste of time every time.” “You are not that stupid all the time, right?” said Gothic from Fleshy Smile’s back, impressed. “You do have moments of smartness as unbelievable as it sounds!” Night Terror moved fast, biting her upper half and chewing it, to then spit it to the ground. Midnight rolled her eyes, but let that pass. “Anyway, Night Terror is right. We must prepare a new strategy. In the meantime, we must stay hidden. Night Terror, you go back to the headquarters. We will stay here to observe.” “Understood, my lady.” Next day, at East Wind’s residence: The Great Master East Wind smiled to her students, but she seemed really tired and scared. It was only logical after their encounter from last night, but she did her best to offer her best smile to Emerald and Cream. “After what happened last night, I came to a conclusion, my Knights of the Silence. I have nothing left to teach you. Each of you had come far enough to walk for your own in your path to knowledge. Also, you proved you are brave and ready for everything when you saved me last night.” Emerald Horn frowned. “Still, we didn’t do anything in the end. It was the Bearers of Harmony who saved you.” “I know.” Said East Wind sweetly. “But still you jumped to the face of danger despite the overwhelming advantage they had over us. That is called compromise, that’s why from now on…” She made appear two new robes for Cream and Emerald. The pegasus and the unicorn took the robes, and looked at them. They were slightly different from theirs, but still pretty much the same. They looked at the Great Master, who nodded. “Yes, my dears. From now on, you are not novice apprentices anymore. No, you are now official Knights.” They both bowed to the earth pony, who smiled pleased. “Raise your heads.” The knights did as they were told. East Wind made a small approving nod, and asked, “Tell me, young Knights, do you swear to expand knowledge, teaching everypony with no exception?” “We swear!” they said in the unison. “And what if you meet with a pony who you can’t teach? What would you do?” “To improve our teaching methods until we find an answer for this pony!” said the two knights. The Great Master nodded again, raising a hoof, surrounding the robes with her shadow aura. Emerald and Cream got rid of their old robes as the Great Master dressed them with the new ones with her power. Finally, she put them their masks. “You have finished your training, and pronounced the oath. Now, I name you real Knights of the Silence. “What shall we do now, oh Great Master?” asked Cream Cone. “We must move.” said the Great Master. “As long as she was setting us a trap, Princess Twilight’s doppelganger haves a point. Without guidance, the knowledge we have provided to the youth is useless. The problem would be that we cannot use the same place twice. As Knights of the Silence, we are willing to risk our lives, but we cannot risk our students’.” “And, what we must do, Great Master?” asked Cream. “Cream, I need you to teach magic to the non-unicorn population. Start by the Magic of Silence, and then move to basic unicorn magic. Emerald, you must teach advanced spells to the young unicorns, and with time, Cream will send you her most advanced students. Are you up for your tasks?” They nodded. “Whatever you ask us, Great Master.” East Wind sighed. “As for me, when the right time comes, I’ll teach those who are willing to become real Knights of the Silence. Those who are willing to teach everything they know no matter what. But in the meantime, I must leave.” “Great Master?” asked Emerald. “I must find information about those creatures who attacked us.” explained East. “What they are, and how to stop them. They won’t get us off-guard again. It is my duty as Great Master to protect my Knights, and the students.” “And how shall we proceed to start teaching?” asked Emerald. “You have the skills, the magic, the intelligence to figure out for yourselves.” Said East Wind firmly. “The only advice I can give you is to read carefully the souls of everypony who comes to you. I don’t want to become exclusive but…” “We must make sure it isn’t a spy from the Crown, or the monsters who attacked us, we understand.” said Cream. “So, where are you going first, Great Master?” … Young Star Shine was patrolling the hallways of the library, as he tried to practice the spells that the Great Master have gave him. But he still had trouble mastering them. “If only I had some help or something!” sighed the pony. A shadow moved right behind him, and Star Shine turned excitedly. “Great Master!” “Sorry, I’m not.” said the shadow, revealing itself as a male unicorn, about Star Shine’s age. “Are you Star Shine?” “Yes, I am. Are you a Knight of the Silence?” Emerald nodded. “Yes, and, I can see why the Great Master chose you, your soul is hungry for knowledge. Anyway, it is time to move. Do you have a shift tomorrow?” “No, thanks Faust!” said Star Shine. “Neither classes. I can sleep the whole morning, and get ready for the night. Because the Great Master will teach us, right?” Emerald nodded. “Yes and no. Yes, tomorrow night, the teaching will begin. But the Great Master won’t intervene until you are ready. Until then, I’ll be your teacher.” “Okay, fair enough. Where?” “Do you know that small forest at the end of the residential district?” “The one right behind all the luxury condos? Yeah.” “That’s the place, we’ll start at ten o’clock. Education is for Everypony.” Said that the unicorn fused with the Shadows, leaving Star Shine really excited. Cream Cone’s approach was gentler. She moved around the academies that had nothing to do with magic, like the Academy of Superior Musicians, the Military Academy, or her own school, the Academy for the Gifted Confectioners. Cream liked to move around inside the shadows, reading soul by soul, and when she detected a potential apprentice, she dropped a letter in their saddlebags or their clothes. She looked for those non-unicorn ponies who desired to learn magic, and those that she knew that won’t call the Royal Guard on her. In order to avoid unwanted attention, she and Emerald decided to split. As he would teach at the forest near Canterlot, she would do it at the abandoned industrial district. A place that once was a group of successful and productive factories reduced to a memory after an economic crisis. A place avoided by many as a symbol of shame, the perfect place for those who depended on the shadows. That night in her Castle, Celestia woke up with a shiver. It was a feeling, from deep inside her heart that warned her that something have changed. “The Knights have made their move. The Shadows are expanding.” Cream Cone finished her duty, proud of herself. She located a few ponies with potential to become great Knights, including a member of the Royal Guard. A pegasus, bodyguard of Prince Shining Armor, determined to learn how to make the very same shield as his boss in order to impress a certain lavender Princess… Or an earth pony whose name was Irish Coffee. Cream felt great potential in her, the future of the Knights could be in her hooves one day. > Chapter 6 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter VI: The Magic of Silence A group of ponies shyly approached to the meeting place, the abandoned industrial zone. A complex of offices, storages, and factories of all sizes and shapes. Not so long ago it was an important area for the economy of Canterlot. But after the stock market collapsed ten years ago, ponies simply gave up about that place. Even there were rumors that it was haunted by the spirits of those who killed themselves after they lost everything. In normal circumstances, ponies would simply avoid the place. But the invitation they received said that they had to go there if they really wanted to learn magic. And they did wanted it. Being born as non-unicorns, the probability to learn magic was too tempting for them. But none of the assistants were as half as excited as a young earth pony called Irish Coffee, and a member of the Royal Guard. A pegasus called Flash Sentry. Suddenly, a pegasus spotted a shadow moving by its own around them, and a warehouse opened its doors all by itself. Flash, as a trained soldier, jumped in front of the group, ready to win as much time as he could. But then the shadow solidified, revealing itself as a pegasus with a black tunic, and blue cape with a hood, and a black mask with a blue smile. The stranger raised a hoof, asking for peace. “I’m glad so many of you came here despite the location. Allow me to introduce myself…” She removed her mask. “My name is Cream Cone, and it’s a pleasure to meet you all. Well, not all of you. I already knew one of you, right Suzette?” A golden brown earth pony, with orange mane smiled at Cream. “Cream Cone! Are you really a Knight of the Silence? That’s so cool!” “I am. I studied under the guidance of the Great Master herself, and many of you will do it as well, when you are ready.” Then, she materialized a bunch of chairs with her magic. “Come on, take a seat. From now on we are together in our search for knowledge, and as long as you want to learn, I’ll be your unconditional support and guide. I’ll be your teacher.” One by one the ponies sat on the chairs offered by Cream Cone. There were fifteen ponies present on that meeting. A couple of them were afraid, other two seemed to distrust her, but the majority looked at Cream expectantly, and with a hint of adoration. Pretty much the way she looked at her Great Master. And then Cream understood that for those ponies, she was the Great Master. Cream made a small nod, and began. “Just like many of you, ponies laughed at me when I was little only because I wished to learn how to use magic since I knew of its existence. I asked my teacher, my unicorn friends, and all I got was mocking, and eventually a condescending smile. Do you know how frustrating that was?” The ponies began to mumble among each other, sharing similar experiences. “That’s why I dedicated myself to make desserts. And I’m not bad at it but…” “Your ice-cream is the best of the academy!” said Crepe Suzette happily, making everypony chuckle. “I appreciate your support, Suzy.” said Cream Cone with a smile. “But anyway, my true dream was to learn magic. And I thought I would never be able to fulfil it until I met the Great Master. She is really powerful, and unlike most of the teachers of this world, she will teach you everything she knows and expect nothing in exchange. And I follow that very same path. I won’t ask you for anything except that you are willing to learn. So, tell me, are you willing to learn?” “More than anything!” shouted Flash Sentry, and then took a seat, with his face red. “Do not feel embarrassed for wanting to learn!” smiled Cream Cone. “That’s why we’re here. Now, this is my very first time teaching so you will forgive me because I have no idea how to proceed.” An earth pony made an annoyed groan. “See? That’s why I wanted the Great Master!” Cream stared at him. “What is your name?” “Bushroot. What do you care?” Cream made a dismissive movement with her wing. “Tell me, Bushroot, does it make you feel good to mock others? Is that your especial talent?” Bushroot smirked. “No, my talent is to be a gardener. A hell of a gardener if you ask me!” Cream nodded, happy that it have worked. “Okay, how you do it?” “My work?” asked the pony proudly. “Is something that a confectioner like you would never understand. But you start with a bunch of soft soil, I put my hooves inside, right to the bottom and remove it, to make sure it breaths. Then you add up a bit of chemical fertilizer mixed up with organic, and finally you put on the plant. As a finishing touch you put a cape of dead leaves and fruit peels, and then you have it, a small life ready to grow big and strong.” Cream nodded and turned to her friend from the academy, Crepe Suzette. “What about you, Suzy? How is that you make your famous crepes?” Suzette giggled. “Oh, is the best thing ever. You start by sieving the flour, making a small volcano over a bowl. Then you make a hole on it with your hoof, and carefully you add up a cup of milk deluded in three cups of water, eggs, a teaspoon of olive oil, sugar, and just a little salt. You remove it carefully.” Cream smiled at her friend and turned to another earth pony. “How about you? What is your name and what’s your talent?” “My name is Irish Coffee and I’m a bartender. My specialty is the Irish coffee.” “And how you do it?” asked Cream. “Oh, well, you start with a high-quality espresso, made with fresh grains directly form Saddle Arabia. Then I make whipped cream, by hoof, and pour it on the espresso. Then I add brown sugar to the mix for consistency and flavor…” Cream Cone indicated her to stop, and turned to the rest of the group. “There is magic inside of any of us, our Cutie Marks are proof of that. And did you see that enthusiasm when I asked them about their especial talents? That enthusiasm, or spark, is the manifestation of the essence of the ponykind. What makes us what we are. It is our desires, our individuality, what define us. Not the race. We have been taught that the essence of pegasi manifests exclusively through flying. That the essence of the earth pony appears only by their strength, and the unicorns through magic. And our especial talents must be based on our capabilities of members of a race. But it is wrong. Our individuality is what makes us, not our race.” Flash tried to make sense of what this pony was saying. “So, according to you, our talents are our ways to manifest our souls to the world.” “Yes!” answered Cream. “And since your soul is yourself, isn’t only logical that you are who control how you manifest your soul? Your bodies are not your limiters, only vehicles to manifest your soul. So, what is magic?” “A way to manifest our souls!” said Irish, getting the idea. A pegasus raised a hoof. “If it’s that simple, why spell books are so thick? Why don’t we simply use our soul to manifest our desires and only that? I mean, what about the spells that use recitation in order to work?” “You are right, controlling your soul is the key of everything. However, to concentrate in order to make it work is a real challenge. Easy spells require less concentration, but the most power the spell requires, the most you need to concentrate. Recitations, rituals, and such, are meant to keep you focused in the result you want.” Cream looked at her students, they all seemed to get the idea, but still they needed guidance. “Okay, I need you to concentrate in your especial talent, or passion, and think about it with all you have. Focus.” They obeyed, as Cream began to walk among them, reading each soul. They needed to concentrate more in order for her to help them. Then she met Bushroot, with his eyes closed, and smiling. Cream smiled too, feeling the strong connection between him and his talent. This is what she wanted. “This is what I meant. Bush, keep focusing in your talent, and your love for what you do.” Bushroot closed his eyes, trying harder to focus. He had been the first to get the idea of what Cream was trying to teach them, and she knew that because she read his soul. She could see a deep love for what he did, and a strong soul. “You are ready.” Said Cream. “Bushroot, I’ll touch your soul with mine, only a small touch. The rest is up to you.” The gardener nodded, and Cream concentrated her power in her shadow, just like the Great Master did to her when they first met. Bushroot was surrounded by pure power, but he continued to focus only in his own ‘soul’. Then, felt it, the small touch from Cream’s soul. It wasn’t much, but more than enough for Bushroot to be conscious about the magnitude and versatility of his own soul. He found it malleable, and as willing to do his will as any other organ of his. Because he was his own soul, and it answered only to his true desires. If he wanted to learn magic, he will, because his soul was there for him. “Now that you’ve mastered your magic, let’s start with something simple.” said Cream. “With the most basic ability of the Knights of the Silence. To see as clearly in darkness as you see in light.” It wasn’t too much to ask now that he was connected to his soul. Slowly Bushroot focused on this desire, and when he opened his eyes, he could see as clearly as they were in daylight. Bushroot was delighted, he, an earth pony, have successfully casted his first spell! “Impossible!” he gasped. Maybe the others couldn’t feel Bush’s soul, but they clearly saw the magic spark on his eyes when he made that spell. He have made it. “That’s why I need you to really focus.” said Cream. “If you focus enough, I can take a glance of your soul, and then, give you the push you need!” Irish Coffee focused in her delicious cocktails, of how much she enjoyed making them, and the smiles on her costumer’s faces when they tried them. All of her drinks, but her favorites would always be the Irish coffees. She loved what she did, and because of that she was great. How does it feel to do what I love? Well, pretty good actually. Each time she made them with all her heart it was like learning about the magnitude of her soul and how powerful she really was. Everypony gasped when they felt the enormous power coming from East Wind. Even Cream Cone was speechless. “Wow. As you can see, there are ponies who don’t need the extra push. They just haven’t realized they had this ability all this time.” Suddenly, Irish opened her eyes, smiling. “I can see! I can see!” Cream smiled excitedly. “This is not a quick process, and not all of you would be able to do it at first try, but I’ll guide you until you want me to. Do not forget: what’s important here is the desire to learn. As long as you have it, you can do it. If a teacher fails teaching you, is because his/her failure. Not yours. Magic does not depends on something ugly growing from your head. It comes from your own soul.” She smiled at Bushroot and Irish. “What are you waiting for? Explain them what you felt.” “Is not that complicated, just think in what you love to do. Your passion.” said Irish. “And if you need help, Cream Cone is here.” added Bushroot. The other thirteen ponies separated, and tried to make it by their own. Cream was satisfied, knowing that none of them would give up without trying. The fact that two beginners could make it at first try motivated them all, and she felt quite optimistic about it. The hours keep passing, and some ponies got the idea faster than others. But it didn’t matter. Cream would make sure everypony make it, maybe not that night, but the next one. “Hey, teacher!” called her Flash Sentry. “Yes?” asked Cream. “Do you think you can teach me how to make a shield just like the one Shining Armor does?” he asked. “I don’t know, yes, maybe. If you believe in yourself, I can teach you everything. But remember you have to work on your own sometimes.” “I’m aware of it, thank you, teacher.” “I’m just glad that you don’t invited unicorns. They would rub in our faces that they can do magic easier than us!” complained somepony. Cream Cone shook her head. “Hey, that’s not nice. The system makes them learn magic from birth, and they master it easier than you guys, but if you work hard enough, you may be able to get to their level. Even surpassing them. At this moment, my partner is teaching magic to the unicorns who joined us. And once you get the basis, you’ll have the choice to join my friend who teaches advanced magic.” “But is not fair! They are learning advanced magic as we are stuck on the basis! We’ll take ages before we get to their level!” “Hey, don’t blame them for how the system works!” scolded Cream Cone. “Besides, you can get to their level if you try hard enough. All of you can. For example, I took only two months to get to my friend’s level, and he is a skilled and strong unicorn.” “Hey, isn’t he the one who humiliated Deep Knowledge?” asked Flash. “Yes. Emerald is a bit impulsive but not bad. A bit vengeful, only.” “I heard that after Knowledge was fired, he continued to stalk and bully him until he had no choice but move away from Canterlot. He even convinced several ponies to do the same, until it was too much for him to handle.” Cream Cone sighed, unfortunately, it was true. Emerald made sure that everypony knew about Deep Knowledge’s secret. And since he had rejected so much students, they did not rest until he left the city in tears. Irish Coffee smirked. “He was a parasite of the education system. He laughed at me only because I went to the Academy to ask for the free courses. ‘No miss, without a horn, you shouldn’t think in even cross the door. We don’t need unskilled ponies here’. I hate that moron, and I’m glad he left the city.” Cream rolled her eyes. “I do not approve what Emerald did. But, as Knights of the Silence, we limit to teach. Judging is none of our business. What you do with what we teach is up to you.” They continued for the night, and as Cream thought, the ones who got it helped their fellow students in order to achieve the goal. At the end of the night, everypony knew how to see as clearly in shadows as in daylight. “I work differently from my partner.” explained Cream Cone. “I try to teach you the basis in order for you to learn easier the spells that will come. I mean, the Magic of Silence or Shadow Magic. This is the very basis of the rest of magics. If you master the shadows, the beginning of everything, you’ll be able to master the other spells from the other elements.” The sun started to raise in the horizon. “Okay, we’ll reunite in three days. I don’t know where yet, but I’ll make you know as soon as I find a place. We cannot risk to be captured.” And she disappeared in the shadows, as the others began to walk back to their homes. Cream was satisfied, everypony was advancing really fast. As for Emerald, he waited in the forest near Canterlot, when the group of new students approached. “Good evening, everypony. Are you ready to begin? Are you ready to learn?” “Yes, we are ready!” jumped an overly excited pony. “What’s first on the curriculum, teacher?” Emerald laughed. “Curriculum? If there’s something that the Great Master have showed me, is that structures in education doesn’t work. There’s a saying, the worse places for education are prisons, and classrooms.” The ponies mumbled among each other, and Emerald walked to the enthusiastic pony from earlier. “You, what do you want to learn?” “Me? Advanced magic.” Emerald face-hoofed. “I know, what kind of?” “Huh, well, advanced teleportation!” Emerald nodded. “Okay, that’s your starting point.” “What you mean? Isn’t there a general plan for all of us, teacher?” asked another unicorn. Emerald shrugged. “Guys, if I focus in making an specific plan for all of us, the only thing I’ll get is that a lot of you end up feel frustrated and abandon your studies halfway through. But if any of you dedicate to the specific thing you want to learn, or to improve, I know you’ll dedicate your life to learn it. And, maybe some of you have some common interests and you can help each other. I am a guide, and if what you want are specific basis and an structure, it is my duty to give it to you. But always basing in what you want.” The ponies exchanged a look, and then they nodded. It had sense. What did they want to learn? “I may not be as gifted as the Great Master, but I’ll do what I can. You chose me as your teacher, and I have to guide you with all I have. This is the way of the Knights of the Silence. The first night was dedicated to annualize what did they want to learn, and how to achieve that goal. With that they prepared the basis for their studies. Most of the goals needed a lot of effort, and to reanalyze the basis, so Emerald would have to practice with them until they had the proper level. And those who had common interests, exchanged opinions about their goals, sharing their points of view. And just like that it was the beginning. That night marked a new era, the era of the Knights of the Silence. > Chapter 7 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter VII: Being useless it’s a sin After the first disturbing encounter with the Undead Knights, and speaking with her closest students the Great Master East Wind took the last train to Ponyville. The midnight express. East felt guilty about having to abandon them in the darkest hour. But she knew she had no choice. Cream Cone and Emerald Horn could defend themselves and protect their new students. And as the Great Master, it was up to East Wind to find the way to fight the creatures. The train arrived to Ponyville earlier than East Wind thought. Now all she had to do was to register at the town’s hotel, and wait until it was time to open the local library. She had broken already into all the libraries of Canterlot. Both public and private. Including the Archives of Canterlot. And none of them had any information about the undead. The only library in Canterlot where East Wind haven’t broke into was Celestia’s personal. But breaking into the Castle and avoid being detected was impossible. Her last hope was Celestia’s student. If there was a pony who had any information concerning the undeads it had to be Twilight Sparkle. A very well-known academic and a guardian of Equestria. She had to have some information about a creature as dangerous as the undeads. And if Twilight didn’t have anything, East could still go to the library in the old castle. All of East Wind’s moves had been carefully planned. She told her tenants that she would go visit some relatives and told them that Cream Cone was in charge of the residence. And since the two of them were so close friends, everypony considered it normal. The library opened at eight o’clock. And since Twilight was still in Canterlot it was Spike who attended the front desk where he spent most of the day reading comics and graphic novels. “Hey, good morning!” greeted East Wind. Spike smiled from behind his comic. “Oh, hi there! What can I do for you?” East Wind shrugged. “Oh, you know, the usual. Legends, myths, fairytales. Everything you have of local folklore.” Spike raised an eyebrow. This felt familiar. When Twilight was studying a new subject she also collected all the books available. “Hey, are you an academic or something?” asked Spike. East Wind nodded. “Yeah, something like that. I have this important research about folklore but I had read already all the books in Canterlot. And didn’t find what I needed. So I came to the largest library in the surrounding area.” Spike chuckled. Yes, his home was one of the largest libraries in Equestria. Twilight had made sure of that. “Well, it seems like you went through a lot of trouble just for a research.” “That’s how college works, kid. You have to go big or go home.” Spike nodded. “I guess so. It sounds tedious.” “It doesn’t have to be. If you love what you’re studying it is quite fun!” The dragon hatchling shrugged. “I believe you. But studying like this is not for me. I guess I haven’t find something I’m passionate about.” “What you haven’t found is the right teacher. Somepony who show you your own passion.” said East Wind as she started with her research. Spike watched the earth pony as she began to read book after book. Sometimes she gasped in delight. Every time she read the words ‘death’ or ‘resurrection’ East Wind had a glimpse of hope. But each time it was just a religious metaphor. She had nothing to start with. But she had to keep trying for her students. She couldn’t let them at the mercy of the Undead Knights. After three hours, East Wind gave up as she threw away the last pile of books. “I know that look.” said Spike. “You can’t find what you’re looking for.” East Wind glared at him. “Thank you Captain Obvious.” “Sorry, I just wanted to help.” explained Spike. East sighed. “Sorry. Thank you. Don’t take it personal kid. Is just that I’m in a hurry.” “I know, Twilight acts like this when she has a dead-line too. Don’t worry about it and tell me what you’re looking for.” East Wind smiled. “Oh, well. I am interested in the undead. Can you tell me where can I find something related to them?” Spike’s eyes widened. “You mean horror stories right? Like Countess FlutterBat or Coltkenstein?” East Wind shook her head. “More like zombies. But no actual zombies but something else.” Spike froze remembering the day when he guided Luna and Cadence to the seven monsters. “Who are you, really? Are you one of those knights the Princess are looking for?” East Wind nodded. “Yes I am.” Spike frowned. “You are an enemy of the crown.” “Not the crown. The education system. And even if I was, I’ve never do anything to harm Equestria or the Princesses. All I am doing is giving free knowledge to the masses. Is it really a bad thing? Fight for fixing an unfair system! To help ponies to get their dreams…” Spike shook his head sadly. “I know you are not the bad guy. But I can’t help you. According to Twilight, the Princesses kept the existence of the undead creatures as an Estate Secret and there isn’t any source of information about them.” “There must be something!” “I know that the normal undeads are brainless creatures. Monsters without the ability to think guided just by the desire of murder, more murder and also murder. They just want to end with all the living creatures in the world.” East frowned. “See? That’s something. Tell me more.” “Undeads are impossible to kill. The only way to deal with them is to seal them under powerful spells. And as brainless monsters they are, they cannot escape. All they can do is to keep trying to go through the barriers receiving damage. Damage that they regenerate immediately.” The Great Master nodded. “What about the monsters who attacked me? They look exactly like the Bearers of Harmony and they can think and coordinate. Even used my Magic of Silence against me! There must be something about them.” Spike sighed. “Take a seat. It’s a long story.” For the next hour Spike told East Wind everything about the Undead Knights. Of how they showed up in Ponyville, defeated the Bearers and revealed themselves as the dark future that would happen if they didn’t exterminate the pony known as Starlight Glimmer right at that moment. “I’ve never seen something as horrible in my life.” finished Spike. “Starlight was a bad pony, and deserved to be punished. But not like that.” “She was the responsible for what happened to them.” reasoned East Wind. “That wasn’t about justice. It was a personal vendetta.” Spike agreed. “I know.” “I can understand that! But why are they attacking me and my group? We haven’t done anything yet. All we do is to teach, we are defending a noble cause. Then why are they against us?” Spike frowned. “Princess Cadence and Princess Luna asked me to guide them to their lair. They asked what would happen with you and your group in the future. They said that even if it was truth that the Knights of the Silence never did anything against Equestria, they made a lot of future threats possible. By making public forbidden knowledge lots of ponies would get mad with power and defied the Princesses over and over. All because of you.” East Wind shot a magic blast from her hoof. “HOW DARE THEY?! ARE THEY SO AFRAID OF FREE KNOWLEDGE THAT THEY SEND THOSE MONSTER AGAINST US?” “They didn’t know what would happen! They were just scared!” tried to explain Spike. “They are afraid their beloved system would be no more. But if they think they can intimidate us, they are wrong. Maybe you don’t have anything here. But there’s another library not so far away. Thank you for talking to me kid, you really helped me. But I must go explore the Royal Sister’s castle. I need answers and I need them now.” And with that the Great Master fused with the shadows and disappeared. Spike shook his head in disbelief. “Shadow teleportation? Whoa…” But then he shivered when he remembered something. He paled. “Oh no! Wait, there’s something you need to know!” And he rushed through the door praying that it wasn’t too late. Spike ran as fast as he could but he froze at the edge of the forest. What could happen now? He wasn’t powerful or anything like it. The Undead Knights would spare his life for sure. But could he be able to save the Great Master? He shook his head. “No, I am at least capable to reach her and warn her about them. I can do this!” And with that he entered into the Forest with his eyes open for any shadow that moved on its own. He had to get the Great Master and that was all that mattered. But he was getting closer to the Castle of the Royal Sisters and still he haven’t found any sign from the Great Master. When he was at the entrance, Spike gulped. Put his hands together and sent a pray to Faust. “Please let the Castle be empty. Please!” And with that he entered the Castle straight to the library. Twilight and he had explored the Castle’s library for countless times until the Undeads decided to turn the Castle into their headquarters. Spike entered into the library, startling East Wind who had her nose under a massive book. “Kid! Why did you followed me?” “You are in danger! I tried to warn you but you left. The monsters use this place as their headquarters. We must escape now before they notice your presence.” East Wind looked at the little dragon, reading his soul. When she found truth in his words she nodded. “I’ll listen to you. Thank you Spike.” “You are a good pony. Also no one deserves to die at the hooves of the Undead Knights.” East Wind smiled at Spike. “Okay, just let me borrow this book and let’s go before they find us.” “Too late.” A powerful green flame reduced the book to ashes, making both Spike and East to turn around. It was a large dragon, at the size of a small hill. Muscular, purple and green like Spike. But this one had big black wings and red eyes. “That book belongs to the crown. Unauthorized ponies are not allowed to read it. Especially traitors.” East prepared to fight. “An undead I suppose.” The monstrous dragon grinned. “Yes. I used to be this kid when I was alive. But this form corrupted by darkness is not worthy of his name. Now I am known as Night Terror.” “I thought the castle was empty.” said Spike, trembling in fear. “It was. But I sensed you two.” “What?” gasped East and Spike in the unison. “Undeads are sensitive to life. Every living creature left when we moved so imagine my surprise when I felt two intruders when I was patrolling the area. Only a pony would be that stupid. And a dragon but he knows he has nothing to fear from us.” Spike shivered but bravely stood before in front of East. Night Terror laughed. “Aw, aren’t you the sweetest thing? What do you think you can do to me, kid?” “I don’t know but I’ll make sure that you don’t hurt my new friend!” shouted Spike. His dark-self began to laugh uncontrollably. “You laugh now but you’ll see!” said Spike even it was an empty threat. East Wind put a hoof on his shoulder and shot a magic blast to Night Terror’s eyes as she pulled Spike by the claw and the two of them began to run away. The dragon continue laughing despite the annoyance, and sent a magic blast from his claw, blocking their escape route. “Didn’t I tell you already? We are sensitive to life. Blind me or deafen me wouldn’t help you. I cannot be damaged by anything. What do you expect?” He trapped Spike and East in his claws. East Wind tried to fuse with her shadow and then escape. But she couldn’t. Night Terror’s own aura of shadows forced to stay solid. “Leave her alone!” shouted Spike. “Please, let her live!” Night Terror glared at Spike and smirked. “I admire your courage kid. I am glad to confirm I had it before I turned into this. But you cannot do anything with just courage. You can shout all you want but in the end it won’t change anything.” Spike glared back at Night Terror but he couldn’t say anything back to him. Finally Night Terror chuckled. “You know? All this years as an undead have taught me a very important lesson. Being useless it’s a sin.” “I am not useless!” cried Spike. “I help Twilight with the library, with her studies. I keep an eye on her so she doesn’t overwork or overstress herself!” “You cannot help where it counts, am I right?” laughed Night Terror. “There’s nothing you can do in the middle of a fight. You fool yourself by saying that you’re just a kid and that you’ll eventually grow big and strong and will be able to protect her and your friends. But they need your help now and you know it. Yes you are a kid, but that doesn’t change the fact that you are useless.” Spike sobbed. “No… it can’t be!” “You are useless kid. If something happens and you are near the danger but unable to do anything, what does it make you? A nuisance that needs to be protected.” Spike sobbed louder. “You are right! I am a sinner!” East Wind looked at the kid with worry. “Don’t listen to him! You are valuable at your own especial way Spike! Don’t listen to him!” But the two versions of Spike ignored her as Night Terror released Spike. “Midnight knows there is no way to stop the Knights of Silence. We all know it. But agreed to hunt them down only because we love killing. Imagine how disappointing everything would become if we kill her before she gains all the power she had in our timeline.” With that Night Terror released East Wind. “We are still on time to stop everything by cutting off the head. But I won’t do it. This chase would be funnier and longer if I pretend you never came here Great Master.” “We will fight you!” assured East. “We know you will. We hope you will. Besides the Crown have ordered us to bring you alive to them and I don’t know if I can control myself if I bring you to Canterlot. Get out and let’s pretend this nothing happened.” He showed them the way out. “Go on.” Then he stared at Spike. “Remember my words. Being useless it’s a sin. You are on time for stop being a sinner. Do something about it instead of keep glaring me like that.” Night Terror extended his wings and left the two of them alone in the castle. “I can’t believe I ended up playing this monsters’ game!” complained East. “And the worst part is that he burned the book I needed!” Spike made a face-claw. “Seriously you are as stupid as Twilight when it comes to books!” “I needed the book for my research!” “That wouldn’t change anything! Not even the Princesses know how to deal with the Undead. If they know, they would ended up with their misery ages ago instead of burring them under a ton of Sealing Spells and dirt. What do you expect?! You are unable to protect your knights, ACCEPT IT ALREADY!” He cried. “You are a sinner as big as I am!” East hugged him. “Don’t listen to that monster! You helped me today remember? And you said it you are still a kid. You shouldn’t carry the weight of the world on your shoulders.” “Thank you I guess…” said Spike still unsure about himself. The Great Master noticed and smiled gently at him. “Spike, I can read souls and I can tell that yours it’s a beautiful soul full of generosity and good will. I respect and admire that. But also I see potential. You are still a kid and that makes you more than capable to learn whatever you want.” “So what?” “You want to learn how to protect your friends, go and do it. In three days, my friend Cream Cone will celebrate a learning session at nine o’clock in the surroundings of Cantelot Station. I’ll be staying at Ponyville hotel for a full week so if you want, I’ll take you.” “You mean I learn magic?” “Any kind of magic you want. You are anything but a sinner Spike. But if you feel like you can do more, let us help you.” And with that the Great Master vanished in the shadows leaving Spike thoughtful and scared. Still scared after the close encounter with his dark-self but mostly considering the offer. Three days later: Everypony reunited in the agreed location to learn from their teacher the pegasus Cream Cone. But gasped when they saw the dragon hatchling advancing proudly toward them. Twilight Sparkle’s assistant? What was he doing there? Had they been found by the Crown? But walking aside him was an earth pony dressed in a black tunic, blue cape and a black mask with an unnerving smile painted on blue. And from the powerful aura she emitted, everypony could easily tell that she was the Great Master. Spike approached to Cream Cone and offered her a few scrolls. “What is this?” asked Cream. “These are copies of the research Princess Twilight have made during all this years. Most of them are variants of several popular spells. But some of them have knowledges only known by Twilight, like the ability to jump into an alternate dimension called Canterlot High.” Cream Cone looked at her Great Master who nodded. “He has my approval. Just take a glance to his soul.” “I already had Great Master. But why are you doing this Spike?” “Because being useless it’s a sin. And I refuse to be a sinner for much longer. Twi would kill me if she figures I gave you this knowledge but I don’t care. You fight for a good cause and I want to help you.” Cream Cone smiled at him. “It was not necessary but we gladly accept your gift young Spike. It would be an honor to be your teacher.” > Chapter 8 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter VIII: Your true motivation Two months had passed since the beginning of everything but there had been no progress. In fact everything was getting worse. Large groups of soldiers patrolled every single corner of Canterlot, especially at night. Desperately trying to find the Knights of the Silence or a clue that eventually lead to them but it was impossible. Each time they stopped a group of ponies wondering in the middle of the night they ended up being a bunch of drunk students who were on their way home after a night of partying. Those things were common in a city full of universities. That was the main reason why the Knight’s sessions were always on Friday nights. So their groups of students go unnoticed among the other students. To make thing worse the Undead Knights vanished from the land after the encounter with the other group of Knights. “They are up to something. The undeads.” said Twilight Sparkle. “I feel it in the air.” Celestia nodded. “Yes, they won’t give up that easily. And I’m afraid that they will turn against you.” “You think?” asked Twilight. “Yes. They won’t kill since they are you. But I’m worried that they’ll try to put push you out of their way since you bear the power of Harmony. The only thing that can stop them.” “Unfortunately is not enough to seal them forever.” Twilight looked to the darkness of night and sighed. “Princess Celestia, I know you brought us here because of the urgency of the situation. But we are stuck in a dead end and we must return to our homes and to our lives in Ponyville. Please let us return.” Celestia nodded sadly. “You are right, Twilight Sparkle. Any chance of negotiation is gone after their first encounter.” Twilight frowned. “Yes, I wish I reacted before the Undead Knights scared them away. We’ll think about something soon. But from our homes. And don’t worry, we’ll let you know if something happens.” “Go on Twilight Sparkle. I thought the Magic of Friendship would help us but I see it’s too late for that now. Rest in here for tonight and take the first train tomorrow.” “Thank you, Princess.” And with that Twilight went to tell the news to her friends. The girls were really excited about returning to Ponyville. But also they were relieved that they didn’t have to confront the Undead Knights. Behind a cellar in the middle of Canterlot Cream Cone said good bye to all her students except for Spike. She used to walk him to the train station night after night since he was the youngest of her students. “See you later teacher!” “Don’t forget to tell us when our next session is! I’ll bring a friend!” Cream Cone said good bye to everypony and then she made Spike a sign to follow her. “Okay Spike, let’s go.” Spike smiled happily. “Thank you as always Cream Cone.” Cream nodded as they started walking. Spike felt ridiculous with having to have an escort but he had to admit it was for his own good. Canterlot was a big city and he could get lost between the endless streets. A danger that increased when he had to find the most hidden spots since those were the ones the Knights used for their lessons. They walked for a while when Cream noticed Spike was worried about something. “Hey, is something on your mind, kid?” “Yeah sorry.” sighed Spike. “Is just that I may not be able to keep attending to our sessions.” “Let me guess. You spent all your savings in train tickets.” Spike nodded. Cream smiled gently at him. “I am quite surprised you managed to attend three sessions in a row. But it’s okay kid. You did your best and learned a lot.” Spike smiled happily and used his newfound magic to levitate a trashcan in an alley. “Yes, I’ll have tons of fun with my new powers. And I wish I could learn more.” Cream smiled at him. “Don’t worry. Is only normal for one of our students to skip a few sessions.” She sighed. “You know Spike? I wanna help you, I really do. But I’m a bit worry for your motivation to learn.” “I don’t want to be a sinner anymore!” “You are not sinning!” exclaimed Cream Cone. “Spike, you are doing this because of what a pony-eating monster told you who also fucks his own mother! Think about it, the only good thing those monsters have done was to prevent you to follow the same path they followed.” Spike didn’t know how to answer this. Luckily they had arrived to the train station so there wasn’t more time to keep discussing the subject. Cream winked an eye to Spike as she approached to the ticket office and paid for his ticket. “Save the last of your savings. Tonight’s trip is on me!” “Thanks Cream!” “And I may have an idea for you to continue your learning but first I need you to reconsider your motivation. I don’t want you to do this because of what a monster told you.” “Understood. I’ll send you a letter when I find my answer.” She waved at hoof at him as the train went away. “I hope you find your true motivation, kid.” smiled The trip to Ponyivlle was short and pleasant. The train was mercifully empty at that hour, and in just forty five minutes Spike was back on his home, and went to sleep. It was strange how things have changed in such a short notice. He had been sleeping until 10 am, but a gently hoof woke him up at 7. Seven! “Who the…?” Twilight smiled at him. “Good morning Spike.” “Twilight? What are you doing here? I thought you will be staying at Canterlot for a while.” Twilight shook her head. “Well, that time is over. I just knew I had to come back.” Spike smiled back at Twilight as he slowly got out of the bed. “I see. And what happened? Were you able to stop the Knights of the Silence?” Twilight shook her head. “No Spike, they know what they’re doing. And we must consider that they have the people’s favor. Especially students. And I’m fairly sure that they are hiding the Knights.” “The people protecting the Knights? But why?” “Because they’ve convinced themselves and the people that the Crown is wrong and that they are fighting for the best interest of all ponies. But let’s not speak about them. Tell me, how was the library?” “Pretty boring. Some ponies came to borrow some cook books, a few bedtime stories for foals. You know, the usual.” Twilight nodded, she knew all too well that reading was not a very popular hobby in Ponyville. “Also, continued Spike, I met a student who came to make research about folklore according to them. She borrowed some books and asked me about local myths.” “Oh Spike! I am so glad you made a new friend!” Spike continued telling Twilight about the daily life in Ponyville as Twilight listened. She really have missed Spike. Canterlot Castle: It was Day Court. Princess Celestia listened to the Nobles and the people who needed to speak with her and she did her best to help her little ponies. Luckily it was a slow day since she was distracted thinking about the Knight of the Silence. A fascinating group who just wanted to help but with questionable methods. And still they somehow managed to get the support from all the city. Suddenly two guards interrupted her thoughts dragging a young earth pony. She had light golden fur and sky blue mane. “What’s the meaning of this?!” asked the Princess. “That’s my line!” complained the earth pony. “What’s wrong with your guards?” The two soldiers bowed to the Princess. “Your Majesty, we were patrolling the streets when we found this pony doing some suspicious activity near the marketplace.” The earth pony glared at them. “Explain to me moron, what do you find suspicious about doing my groceries?! It’s insane!” “You were doing magic!” “So what? A lot of ponies were carrying their bags with their own magic!” said the earth pony angrily. “Those ponies were unicorns!” The earth pony rolled her eyes. “And? There’s no law against doing magic if you are not a unicorn, or is it?” Princess Celestia shook her head. “Of course not my little pony! Because no other pony race can do magic!” “Anypony can learn if you find the right teacher!” said the earth pony. “And what’s the point of learning something if you don’t practice it.” Celestia looked at her. “Don’t you see how strange it is to see an earth pony doing magic?” “You don’t need an ugly thing on your head to do magic. Anypony can learn.” Celestia looked at the earth pony to the eye. “What is your name my little pony?” “Crepe Suzzette.” “Crepe Suzzette, who taught you to do magic? It was the Great Master?” “Of course not! I’ve not reached the level to be under her tutelage. But I was taught by a Knight.” The two guards glared at her. “Tell us the name.” “What? I don’t know! We call her teacher and that’s it! She always uses her black robe and mask so we can’t identify her. All I know is that she is a pegasus.” “Are you a knight?” asked the other guard. “NO! I just wanted to learn and they offered to teach me. That’s it, I am innocent!” The two soldiers turned to the Princess. “What should we do with her Your Highness?” The Princess frowned. “Take her home and help her with her groceries. Understood? She clearly does not know anything, but bring every non-unicorn doing magic to me for interrogation. But that’s all we can do.” “But Your Highness…” “She didn’t break any law. She is free to go. But young Crepe Suzzette, we’ll keep an eye on you.” Crepe Suzzette glared at the Princess. “You know that we don’t know when the next meeting is going to be, right? And that the Knights know how to read souls. You will never catch them.” “Out of my sight!” commanded Celestia. Crepe Suzzette gave a smirk to the Princess and then she left with the two guards carrying the grocery bags. But they were in bad mood. The earth pony was right, it was nearly impossible to catch the Knights of the Silence. They were too careful and too smart. … Spike was having a good day. Despite being woke up so early he was glad to have Twilight back. Seeing her reminded him how much he have missed her. The dragon asked if the others would come too but Twilight assured them it would be later since the girls also wanted to spend the day with their families and that they had the whole day together. And it was at that moment when Spike finally understood his true motivation to learn. “Twilight wait! I just remember that I have a letter to make! I’ll be right back!” Twilight nodded. “Okay! Remember to use regular mail and not your Messenger breath, okay?” Spike nodded and went to put the letter into the mailbox. She would not get it as fast as he wished but he had to keep this a secret from the knights and his terrifying other self. At the next day Cream Cone received the letter, and smiled at it. Dear Cream, my true motivation is my family. Spike. “Okay kid. You asked for it. I’ll prepare a strategy for you so you can keep coming to learn magic. And I hope it works.” > Chapter 9 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter IX: A strategy for Spike Spike was checking the letter from Cream Cone over and over. It was an elaborate plan and he liked it. This will allow him to keep attending the lessons from the Knights of the Silence with ease. Also, he was happy that the Great Master herself thought in this strategy for him. He would thank her next time they see each other. The downside was that he would have to separate from Twilight for a while but this was for the greater good. He would become strong and protect her in the future. “Okay, let’s go! I can do this!” said the dragon. “I’ll ask her right away!” “Ask me what exactly Spike?” said Twilight entering into the drake’s room. Then she smirked playfully. “Or have you finally decided to ask Rarity out?” Spike smiled awkwardly as he took a deep breath taking Cream Cone’s letter on his claws. “Twilight, lately I’ve been thinking that I would like to… you know, I want to ask you something…” Twilight smiled. “Ask me what Spike? You know you can ask me anything! Don’t be nervous. Do you want me to buy you a especial gem or something?” “What? No! I was thinking, I would like to go to school.” Twilight blinked surprise. “What do you mean Spike? I thought you were happy with me homeschooling you. And your level is above average for your age.” Spike shook his head. “You don’t understand Twilight. Is more than just education itself. I would like to have the whole experience. Waking up early, going to school, share with other ponies and making new friends. Even doing homework at a friend’s house or just hand around when school is over.” Twilight looked at him in awe. Where did this came from? Then she looked at the letter. “What is in this letter?” “Remember the pony I mentioned you came to study folklore to Ponyville library? She is a college student, and she keeps telling me about her life in campus and all the experiences she had before. It sounds great and I would like to give it a try.” Twilight smiled warmly at him. Spike was growing up so fast. “Okay. I think you are already beyond the level of Ponyville school, but we can talk to Cheerilee and make an arrangement for you.” Spike shook his head and shyly showed Twilight a brochure he had. “About that, I’ve been researching schools and I would like to go here. The admission exam may be tricky but you can help me with that! Also the fees are reasonable, and I really want to go here.” “Is this the same school your college friend attended?” asked Twilight. “No, she went to school back at her hometown.” Twilight nodded and examined the brochure. It looked like a good school. It wasn’t too expensive, but as a Princess money was not a problem. Most of the students were able to get into good colleges after graduating from there. Maybe Spike would never attend the Academy for Gifted Unicorns for obvious reasons but if he worked really hard he could get the grades to be accepted at the Manesachussets Institute of Technology. There was only one problem. “Spike, this is in Canterlot. I can’t let you go there, not until everything goes back to normal in Canterlot.” “Of course you can! These Knights are not violent. Maybe annoying for the Crown, but aside your old headmaster they haven’t hurt anypony. And he kind of deserved it.” Twilight shook her head. “The Knights of the Silence are not dangerous. But the other Knights surely are.” “The Undeads would never hurt me and you know it. We are one in the same with Night Terror. Also I wouldn’t be that careless to wander around at night.” Twilight was in a difficult position. Divided between her desire to protect Spike and her desire to please him. What she could do? But Spike had the solution already. “I can stay with Princess Celestia. She wouldn’t mind, and you can check on me regularly. She’ll keep an eye on me and make sure I am safe in Canterlot.” In the end the lavender alicorn nodded. “You worked hard to convince me, right?” Spike nodded shyly and ran to hug her. “Twilight thanks!” Twilight returned the embrace but out of sudden she froze and pushed Spike with her magic. “Twilight?” asked the dragon. She shook her head. “Sorry Spike I just had a flashback of a traumatizing experience. Let me hug you again.” Spike seemed confused but at least he wasn’t hurt. “Okay let’s change the subject. Do you have any idea when you have to do the exam? Have you studied enough?” “Yes, I have three months. Can I count with you to teach me?” “I’ll do my best. We better make sure you get accepted!” Canterlot, East Wind’s student residence: It was Cream Cone’s turn to do the dishes of breakfast, when East Wind approached and gave her an envelope. “Hey, you got mail from Ponyville.” Cream’s eyes lightened and used her magic to open the letter. A few students turned to her but then they looked away. At this point everypony knew about the Knights of the Silence and that they had been teaching magic to unicorns and non-unicorns alike. “Oh, it sees it worked! Spike would be attending school here in Canterlot and staying with the Princess.” “Glad your idea worked. He really wants to learn and our duty as the teachers is help the students as much as we can.” Cream nodded. “By the way Great Master, now that this worked, can you please test the defenses of Canterlot Castle? We need to find our protegee a way to go to our sessions without alerting the Princesses.” The Great Master nodded. “I know, and we’ll find the way. I promise. He haves great potential and we’ll be happy to help him in his journey for knowledge.” … Three months later, Canterlot: The Six Bearers of Harmony and Princess Celestia were waiting anxiously in a waiting room along with lots of parents. The Superior Academy of Magic and Science was one of Canterlot’s finest schools. Not as prestigious as the Academy for Gifted Unicorns or Star Swirl Magical Institute but a lot of ponies wanted to enroll their children on it since it opened the doors for the Manehattan Tech, or the MIT. Finally the doors of the exam room opened and lots of fillies and colts exited the room with a mixture of emotions. And certain dragon was among them, looking very excited. “I passed! I passed! I got 71 out of then, approved!” Everypony congratulated Spike. “That’s wonderful!” “I knew you’ll make it!” “As expected from our Spikey-Wikey!” Everypony said something except for Twilight who was crying in joy and hugging Spike and Princess Celestia who seemed astonished at the result. “Seventy-one? But I though you needed Seventy-five in order to be approved.” A teacher glared at her. “Tell that to the ponies who you’ve been unable to stop. A lot of ponies stopped applying after they realized they can get all of our knowledge almost for free.” Celestia frowned, but decided to ignore this at least for now. Everypony was too happy for her to ruin the mood just like that. “It’s official, I am in!” announced Spike. Twilight hugged her as she cleaned her tears. “Of course you can stay Spike. I’ll miss be your personal tutor, but I understand this is something you need to do.” Rainbow simply gave him a friendly punch on his shoulder. “Good for you buddy! I guess it’ll be good for you to get some friends of your age. We’re gonna miss you pal.” “Promise us you’ll write often.” said Fluttershy. Pinkie was crying like crazy. “I promised I won’t cry but, WAAAAAA! SPIKE TAKE CARE! HAVE A GOOD TIME AT SCHOOL AND WITH THE PRINCEEEEES, WAAAA!” Rarity smiled at him and gave him a beautiful backpack she just made for him. “I took the liberty to make a little something for you. I made it water-proof and Twilight made it flame-proof so it last all of your school life. What do you think Spike?” Spike looked at the backpack and hugged Rarity happily. He would always treasure this gift. “Keep all your notebooks safe, okay?” added Twilight. Twilight turned to hug her too. “I love it! Thank you Twilight!” “Good for ya’ partner!” said Applejack. “Work hard, and when ye’re done work harder. Okay?” Out of sudden Pinkie ran and hugged the Princess’ legs. “TAKE GOOOD CARE OF HIIIIIIM!” Celestia smiled at her and nodded. “I will Pinkie Pie. Don’t worry.” Twilight smiled at her mentor and bowed before her. “I can’t thank you enough Princess Celestia. Thank you for taking care of him, especially in times like these after we failed…” “It’s okay Twilight, my pleasure to help the two of you. Consider this my way to make it up for you after forcing you to stay in here for over a month with no results.” Twilight nodded, smiling. “Let me walk you to the train station.” said Celestia. With that Spike and Celestia said goodbye to the Bearers on the train station and the two of them went to the Castle. “Thank you Princess.” said Spike shyly. Celestia nodded and smiled warmly at him. “I prepared you your old room. The one you used to share with Twilight.” The dragon smiled happily. “Thank you, Princess! I promise you I’ll pay you back one day!” “Oh nonsense. I’ve watched you grow up Spike and you are very dear to me. I am glad that you decided to make this step in your life. But you better study hard. 71 percent is good but it can be better.” Spike nodded. “I know, this was one of the conditions that Twilight set for me to stay.” “I’ll help you with homework and to study. Okay?” “Thank you!” That night after a light dinner along with the Princesses Spike decided to take a walk around the Castle. This would be his home for a while and he wanted to know it better. Not only to feel more comfortable but also because he wanted to look for an escape room. He was in an excellent mood, humming to himself. But he froze when he sent a presence. “Great Master!” he greeted. East Wind materialized from the shadows and smiled at the dragon. “Pst! Not so loud kid! We don’t want that the Princesses realize I am here.” “So, tonight?” “No not tonight kid. The Royal Guard is constantly over our heads, following and questioning every non-unicorn they spot doing magic. Sending undercover agents to the universities to see if they can get the date for our next session.” “They haven’t get anypony?” “No, we can read souls so they are not able to fool us. But we better be careful. Relax, you haven’t miss any sessions. Honestly I could use a rest.” “So what are you doing here?” “Same thing you’re doing. Looking for a weak spot on the defenses so you can sneak to our sessions. Also to congratulate you for entering into your dream school, Spike. I’ve never agreed with formal education but I have to admit this would open lots of doors for you.” Spike bowed before her. “Thanks to you Great Master. You gave me motivation to follow my dreams.” “I encouraged you, the motivation came from yourself. Don’t forget that.” said the Great Master winking an eye at him. “And don’t worry, I’ll come to find you when it’s time for our next study session. In the meantime do your best at school, okay?” “Thanks Great Master! Also, can you please thank Cream Cone for her idea?” The Great Master nodded and disappeared on the shadows waving to Spike. In the meantime Princess Luna opened the door of her balcony when she felt that strange aura. Powerful and dark but somehow benevolent. “Who is this? Show yourself!” But nopony showed up. Luna frowned. “Great Master?” Royal Sisters’ Castle: A white unicorn with purple mane, and a triple-diamond Cutie Mark entered, as she looked around. She grinned exposing her fangs. “Oh my! What happened here?!” The giant undead dragon looked at his visitor and shrugged. “Nothing, an intruder.” “Oh, and what happened?” “I ate him. What the fuck do you want, Gothic?” Gothic sighed and looked around. “Such a mess! It had to be a big fight. Right?” Night Terror grinned. “No, I was just teasing the poor bastard.” Gothic giggled. “You never change Nighty-Tighty! Such a playful kid. Anyway, Midnight have finally thought in something, and it is time for regroup.” “Oh great! I was getting bored of waiting.” “All of us darling. But it is finally time to kill some knights! I can’t wait!” Night Terror extended his black wings and offered a claw to Gothic. “Are you coming?” “You are such a darling!” said the dark unicorn jumping into the clay as the dragon placed her on his back. With this, the two undead monsters flew to the horizon. “Nighty-Tighty, when did your crush on me disappeared?” “Don’t know. Don’t care.” They didn’t say more and continued flying. > Chapter 10 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter X: Distractions from hell The two undead monsters, Night Terror and Gothic were flying under the moonlight. “Okay you can leave me here!” said Gothic as they landed in the middle of nowhere where to more undeads were waiting for them already. Fleshy Smile and Undash. The dragon nodded at them and was about to ask what happened with Midnight when Gothic guessed what was on his mind and smiled at him. “Oh dear I almost forgot! Midnight said we should divide in two groups. She is waiting for you on the Crystal Empire with Pin-Kill-Die.” The dragon rolled his eyes annoyed. “And you couldn’t tell me that on the beginning?! Damn it we are too far!” “Oh dear if I told you before you wouldn’t be so kind to take me here. And a lady…” Night Terror squashed Gothic under his claws and then he flew away. Undash and Fleshy Smile just looked at the unicorn as she regenerated. “Seriously why do you keep insisting in provoking him? You know he is bigger than you!” “Oh come on! What is he going to do? Kill me? I’m already dead. Now don’t we havesome work to do? We have a job to do!” “Whatever!” sighed Fleshy smile as she began digging. There were in an abandoned farm rock. Many years ago the farm rock was booming, and the business was better than ever but then Celestia condemned the property and close it for everypny. Only a few ponies knew what truly happened but they didn’t ask and just went ahead with their lives. Then with the pass of time everypony forgot about the farm and just avoided the place when they saw the DANGER signs all over. But the Undead Knights knew all-too-well what was there. After all they had been inside several times. Finally they arrived. It may seem like a regular granite mountain. But in reality it was a prison for the world’s most dangerous creatures. Monsters from the pits of hell that could not be destroyed and with no ability to think guided by the desire of murder, murder and more murder. Undeads. But not like them who could think, but regular mindless bests sensitive to life. They did not wanted to get to do this but their other selves were getting on their way. They were tolerant at first but they had a job to do so they decided they’ll keep them busy. If their living selves wanted to fight the undead so bad, they will fight the undead. “Let’s go ladies!” Fleshy Smile and Undash started to fly and charging against the rock as Gothic was sending a constant magic beam to the entrance. But they had superior endurance and could not get tired. Night Terror finally arrived to the Crystal Mountains where he was greeted by Midnight and Pin-Kill-Die. He looked around. “Where’s Reaper?” “She is on a mission on her own. We’ll join her after we release the undeads trapped under the Castle.” Informed Pin-Kill-Die. “What?” asked Night Terror looking at Midnight. “You know that’s dangerous. We are supposed to protect Equestria not endanger it!” Midnight nodded. “Our living selves would take care of them. But this is why I called you. Before we free them, I need you to evacuate the city. Just show yourself, do some destruction and scare the hell out of everypony. Can you do that?” Night Terror grinned. “It’ll be my pleasure my lady!” Midnight nodded pleased. “Good!” Then she looked at his claws. “Hey did you kill something on your way here?” “I squished Gothic. She doesn’t count.” Midnight rolled her eyes annoyed. “Get along you two! We are friends, aren’t we?” Pin-Kill-Die bounced excitedly. “Enough of the chit chat already! I can’t wait to infiltrate the castle!” The group exchange a few evil grins and then Night Terror extended his wings and went into the city roaring and breathing fire all over. Seeing the rampaging dragon made all the citizens to drop what they were doing and evacuate the city. They have practiced this move in case King Sombra freed from his seal. But as the citizens were escaping, Captain Shining Armor lead the Crystal Guard to face the monster. Night Terror roared to the guards who aimed their weapons at him. His roars were so powerful that he shattered all the windows around him, making the evacuating ponies to run faster. Shining made his horn glow and sent a red lighting to the sky. That was the Empire’s emergency signal. The ponies were escaping relatively fast but Night Terror needed them to go faster. Also he had to deal with the annoying Royal Guard. “Oh, whatever!” He ripped off a piece of the streets and flew around houses destroying everything and sending more flames over the ponies’ heads. This time it worked and everypony was able to escape except for the Royal Guard. Night Terror groaned in frustration as the soldiers were moving ready to counterattack. He did not wanted to hurt them but they were leaving him no choice. What a pain! The Air Force, lead by commander Sentry flew to the dragon and started to throw their spears to his weak spot, the belly. This was basic dragon combat. The spears pierced his belly. This would infuriate any dragon but Night Terror didn’t mind. However he’ll have to do something about this ponies. Taking a deep breath he sent a smoke cloud over the Crystal Guard who covered expecting flames. Flash Sentry flew in front of his troops and used his wings to ventilate the smoke and the other counterattacked with spears aiming to his belly and ears. Shining Armor in the meantime was teleporting between roofs to finally get close enough to the dragon and send a magic beam right to his eyes. The monster roared as he lost his balance. This was what the captain was expecting. “Now!” A group of unicorns aimed a catapult and threw a stone at the monster, making him fall. The rest of the ponies operated heavy war machines designed by Shining himself. Between them a giant harpoon with a steel cable that pierced the dragon on his legs and magically tied him. Other machine trapped one of his arms in a giant steel cage as a group of unicorns harpooned his other arm. Finally several unicorns threw a magical net to the dragon that automatically wrapped around his mouth forcing him to keep it shut. “Do not struggle!” said Shining Armor. “The only way to free your arms is ripping them off and you don’t want that. Am I right?” Night Terror laughed at this and he quickly pulled his body apart ripping his arms in the process. He also destroyed his own jaw to get rid of the magic net. “What?!” And then most to everypony’s horror, the monster regenerated his severed parts. “It is you!” said Shining Armor. Night Terror smiled at Shining Armor. “I must say these traps are impressive. Any normal dragon would be doomed.” Shining Armor just glared at Night Terror. “I thought that you protected Equestria! Why are you attacking us?” Night Terror grinned. “How about a game? If you manage to take me down one more time, I’ll tell you everything!” … There was a large labyrinth of tunnels under the Crystal Castle that worked both for an evacuation route for Royalty, but also as an extra layer of protection for what was on the lowest level. A magical prison to keep the most dangerous creatures of the world locked. Undead monsters were sensitive to life so it was impossible for them to get lost in the tunnels but they were so long that it would give the Crown time to evacuate the city. Surface: Twilight Velvet and Night Light were having a very nice weekend with their oldest son and daughter in law so far, but then the whole dragon attack ordeal happened and they were forced to evacuate. Cadence guided them to the main salon where she pulled a torch. The floor trembled and revealed an entrance. “Let’s go to the evacuation tunnels! Shining would be joining us soon!” “Is he going to be okay?” asked Twilight Velvet. Night Light placed a hoof on his wife’s shoulder. “Shine knows what he’s doing dear. He is a capable soldier.” With that they entered in the evacuation tunnel and the three of them lightened their horns so they could explore with ease. Suddenly Night Light felt a chill and turned to the right. “There’s something here!” They prepared for the worse. They weren’t Shining or Twilight but they still could give a decent fight if they needed to. Then it slowly revealed itself. It was Twilight. Or at least it looked like Twilight. “Twily? What are you doing here?” asked Night Light. The alicorn looked at him with her red eyes, making Night Light move backwards. “Twily what have you done to yourself?” “Nothing especial. Just a satanic ritual and a time travel spell. Don’t worry, your daughter is safe in Ponyville. I made sure of that. You can say I am her other self, you can call me Midnight.” Cadence stepped in front of her parents in law to protect them from the creature. “What are you doing here?” The undead monster did not answer. In fact she was like frozen staring to her parents. This reminded her of something that happened so many years ago, back when she have just became an undead monster. Flashback: It was right after the Undead Knights had an encounter with Cyclone and Gust. Storm King’s twin children. The two Storm heirs didn’t have a chance, when they were executed by the Knights in front of the Storm and the Equestrian army. Basically they ripped their stomachs and then strangled them with their own intestines. But as usual the Princesses subdued them with a spell and went thrown inside the especial undead cell under the castle. But they could escape with ease since they still had their magic, and they could think. They escaped just in time. The invasion was far from over. Now that they were without their leaders, the Storm Army ran around randomly trying to kill as many ponies they could, and the Crystal Empire was under evacuation. Twilight Velvet and Night Light were staying with their son since the death of their daughter, so they were running through the tunnels when they bumped into the monsters. They instinctively sent a magic beam to the creatures, but they regenerated instantly. Then they recognized their daughter and her friends. “Twilight? Is that you?” asked Velvet. Midnight took a look on herself. “Not anymore.” “What have you done?” She shrugged. “I became an undead.” Night Light shook his head on disbelief. “So you are part of this army of death that have been massacring the enemies of the ponykind. YOU KILLED ALL THOSE CREATURES?” “We protect Equestria. This is what we are, the guardians of Harmony.” “You took so many lives!” “Only from those who deserved it!” The two of them could only see at this monster who looked like their daughter but it wasn’t. “Twilight please! I know you’re in there! You have to return to your old self!!” “Please! Twilight, dear! Come back to us!” The Undead monster shook her head as she turned her back to her parents and joined her undead companions. “This is a one-way ticket. I am sorry but what has been done can’t be undone. Good bye. Please don’t make the same mistake Spike made and stay away from me.” Present day: “Next thing I knew you two killed yourselves after you realized what I’ve done. Seeing you in this place brings back some memories. Not pleasant ones but memories are still memories.” Cadence moved forward facing Midnight. “What are you doing here? Does this rampaging dragon have something to do with you?” “Oh it’s only Night Terror. I sent him to evacuate the city. Believe me, you want to be as far as possible from him. Pink-Kill-Die is about to open the door of the secret chamber.” Cadence paled. “No, you can’t!” “I’ll do everything to protect Equestria, but I can’t because my other self keeps getting in my way. Oh well, I had no choice but gave her something to keep her away from Canterlot. She better blast the Undead with the Elements of Harmony before they start their killing spree.” “Cadence, what’s going on?” asked Night Light. The alicorn Princess paled and she teleported her parents-in-law right before Shining Armor and the army who was fighting with Night Terror. The dragon looked at them smiled. Cadence’s face told him everything that he needed to know. He suddenly extended his wings. “Where are you going?” asked Shining Armor. “We’re not done yet!” “But I am done.” said the dragon. “You have five minutes to seal the city with your most powerful spell before they escape.” He turned at Cadence who nodded. “They freed the undeads. The real undeads!” Shining’s jaw dropped as he trembled in fear. “No… no… EVERYPONY RUN! WE CANNOT FACE THIS THINGS! RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!” The guards did as they told and ran as fast as they could to the top of the mountains as Shining Armor created a powerful shield to keep the creatures inside. “The only thing that can stop them are the Elements of Harmony.” Said Cadence. “They’ll put them to sleep allowing us to seal them again.” Shining Armor frowned. “And Twilight and her friends would be too busy stopping this things to take care of their other selves in Canterlot. Is a bad time to be a Knight of the Silence in Canterlot.” Cadence sobbed. This was her fault. Her and Aunt Luna’s. They asked for their help, and now the Undead Knights would not stop until they massacred the last Knight of the Silence. Yes it was a bad time for the Order. > Chapter 11 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- XI: The final statement Dear Great Master, I know that after the incident with the creatures known as the Undead Knights you have no reason to trust the Crown. But considering the current situation I need to meet you in person, we must discuss this before this gets any worse. I will be waiting you on the Throne Room at 9:00pm. My sister, my nice and my faithful student Twilight Sparkle will be joining me since the matter to discuss compels us all. Unfortunately our recent mistakes have endangered us all, but you and your knights the ones they want. Please, I want to do anything in my power to avoid this to become a bloodshed. Please Great Master come to this meeting! If not for you for your Knights’ sake. This is urgent. PD. You have my word that nopony would follow you or arrest you, but only for tonight. Sincerely, Princess Celestia Ruler of Equestria. “Have you looked at this, Great Master?” asked Cream Cone when she finished reading the letter on the morning paper. East Wind took a sip to her coffee and nodded. “Yes, and I will go. Something tells me I cannot miss this.” Cream Cone shook her head. “Great Master, we cannot allow you to go all by yourself!” “And this is why you’ll come with me. Cancel tonight’s meeting, I need you at my side when we see the Princesses. She says she won’t follow nor arrest me but we can never know. I need some backup.” Emerald Horn shook her head. “No Cream. I go you stay.” “What? Are you out of your mind? Emerald the Great Master may need the two of us in case something goes wrong!” But Emerald frowned and shook his head. “Cream, think. The Great Master is very powerful and she knows the castle like the point of her hoof after picking up Spike for our lessons, it is unlikely they catch her. But in case something happens and we cannot escape, somepony must continue the legacy of the Knights of the Silence.” “Emerald, stop being an idiot already. We’re all coming.” “Cream, seriously. You are more powerful than me, and ponies trust you because you are a pegasus who can do magic. If something happens only you can continue keep the Order alive!” protested Emerald. Cream Cone rolled her eyes annoyed. “Great Master say something!” East Wind hugged her student. “You are incredibly powerful too Emerald. You can easily beat an A-Class unicorn with your power, but you are right. If something happens we need to keep an agent away so the Order don’t fall.” “But Great Master, we are in this together!” “Cream, do as I say. Remember, education is for everypony. If they get us everything we’ve done would mean nothing without somepony to continue. Emerald and I will meet the Princess and you stay. But this time I have a feeling the Princess will keep her word.” Cream Cone looked at their Great Master and then at Emerald. She sighed in defeat. “I hope you are right Great Master, because Equestria cannot afford to lose you.” The rest of the day felt really slow for both parties. They both tried to focus on their regular duties but it was nearly impossible considering the situation. Nighttime, Canterlot Castle: In the Castle, the four Princesses and Shining Armor were waiting patiently since the clock marked nine o’clock. But she didn’t show up. All the ponies sighed in defeat after fifteen minutes of waiting. “After what happened with the undead knights, this was expected.” said Twilight. “I wouldn’t, those things are terrifying.” “But they are yourselves, right?” asked Shining Armor. “Yes and that’s the most frightening part of them.” assured Twilight. Nopony argued with her. “We’ll give them fifteen more minutes.” said Celestia. “If they don’t come, we’ll have no choice but dub our efforts to stop them for their own protection.” Suddenly they heard a fuss outside the Court Room, when suddenly a couple of guards opened the door letting pass two ponies dressed in a black robe, blue capes and a black mask with blue smiles. The Knights of the Silence have finally arrived. The guards stared at the Knights, and then to Celestia. The elder Princess nodded. “Leave us. We need to make this easier for them.” “By your command!” said the guards bowing and leaving. “Wait!” called the Great Master. The guards looked at her, as she extended her hoof and made a small gesture. Much to everypony’s surprise, their shadows raised and materialized in front of them and stand behind the Knights of Silence. “Now leave us.” The Guards looked at Celestia who ended up nodding. “It is fine!” “They have their reasons to be on guard. Let them.” added Twiligth Sparkle. “I’ll release your shadows when we leave.” assured the Great Master. And finally the Guards left but they were looking angrily at the two Knights of the Silence but they obeyed their Princesses’ command. “That type of magic is really interesting, Great Master.” said Celestia to break the ice. The Great Master made a small bow. “I am more than willing to teach you, as long as you are willing to learn. This is the way of the Knights of the Silence.” “It is a beautiful ideology, but they ways you are using are not right.” said Celestia. The Great Master just frowned. “Yeah, I’m not going to waste my time trying to explain you my point of view now. We are beyond the point this can be solved by discussing our ideologies. If you wanted to meet me it means that I can get some answers.” Emerald Horn nodded. “Yes, because we have lots of questions. What are those things that almost kill us? Why do they look alike the Elements of Harmony? And how do we stop them?” The Royals exchanged looks in an uncomfortable silence. Finally Twilight Sparkle sighed, and begun. “It’s a long story. But you deserve to know. Everything started with a unicorn called Starlight Glimmer who wanted to make everypony equal…” Both Emerald and the Great Master sat as they heard the story of how the Undead Knights came to their lives from an alternate future and their mission to massacre every menace to Equestria. Including them. “But we are not a menace, we are teachers! We fight for education, a fair cause!” said Emerald- Cadence let escape a small tear. “I am sorry Great Master. At the beginning they ignored your presence, but when you started this, aunt Luna and I went to ask them about the future and the impact you had on their timeline. And you changed things a lot, we needed to stop you before it was too late.” Princess Luna lowered her head. “We asked them to bring you alive, Great Master. But in their twisted minds that doesn’t apply to your Knights.” The Great Master’s jaw dropped. She was wearing a mask and no pony saw the anger in her eyes, but her magic aura release. She was livid. “What? And what kind of future came from our intervention then?” “A lot of ponies who wouldn’t have access to forbidden knowledge in normal circumstances got it. It started a new era of heroes, but villains as well. With magic and forbidden knowledge available for everypony you shattered the basis of our society!” The Great Master looked at the two regretful Princesses and then at Celestia. “You knew about this?” “Until yesterday when they told me what they’ve done. But believe us Great Master all we wanted to do was to stop you, not killing you!” The Great Master shook her head in disbelief. “What? Capture us? But as Emerald told all we want that all knowledge is free! Make everypony equal!” “You sound like Starlight Glimmer.” said Twilight. Emerald kicked stumped the floor. “No, that idiot forced everypony to not to highlight in anything. Because knowledge is a right not a privilege. Why is everypony so afraid? Also we never wanted this to escalate like this! All we wanted was for you to change the education system to not so elitist and they accept all the ponies who apply. Period.” Emerald continued with his gestures getting more and more aggressive. “If a student is worthy or not that’s up to the student, not to the teacher. We fight to change the system for good! Our only goal is our motto, education is for everypony! EDUCATION IS FOR EVERYPONY!” The Great Master called him back to his senses. “EMERALD!” The young unicorn looked down but he was still angry. “Please be civil!” asked Celestia. The Great Master glared at her behind her mask. “You sent those creatures to kill us and have the nerve to ask us to be civil?!” “You stole from us!” “We never keep the knowledge, we gave it for everypony. We did not sell anything, we just proved our point that the secrecy is nonsense. Are you actually this afraid of an educated population n?” “Your goals are noble but your methods are criminal and dangerous. It was only logical for us to be suspicious around us?” “And considering what the undeads told us…” The Great Master’s eyes twitched behind her mask. “So you trust those killing machines more than a group of ponies who haven’t hurt anypony yet! Those things were looking for an excuse to kill! They are undead monsters! The fact that they are self-aware just make them worse than the regular undead monsters!” The Princesses looked away unable to refute the argument. “You are right, we were fool to trust the Undead Knights. But we can make it right, we can protect you and your group if you turn yourself in.” “No deal!” said Emerald defiant. The Princess of the Sun ignored the knight and stared at the Great Master. “We made the biggest mistake by trusting the monsters, but you broke the law in a childish attempt to force us to embrace your ideology. We promise to be benevolent with you all, and we will implement some of the changes you suggest to our educational system. But you have to pay for the crimes you’ve made.” The Great Master made a small bow. “When the time comes, we will accept our part of the guilt of this mess. Maybe a ten percent. Fifty percent goes to that things, and twenty to Princesses Luna and Cadence for sending them against us.” Princess Luna could not see the face of the Great Master thanks to the mask, but she had to admit she would like to do it. Despite being in opposite sides, she liked this pony. “So does this mean you won’t turn yourself in?” asked Celestia. The Great Master shook her head. “No, I won’t. And if you honor your word, you’ll let me and mi Knight to leave without being disturbed.” The Royals sighed, but this was to be expected. “We will honor our word but only because we owe you for sending those creatures against you.” said Celestia. “But if you choose to leave, we won’t be able to protect you and you’ll have to respond for the lives of your fallen Knights. Are you aware of this, Great Master?” “And I will take all responsibility. This is my duty as a teacher.” “Understood. Captain Armor.” Shining Armor walked and gave a scroll to the Great Master. “Here, this is the spell to seal those things. But it only works temporarily with those six, if you choose to do be on your own, at least have this with you. Take this knowledge and transmit it to your Knights, but there’s no guarantee it will protect you. Please, reconsider.” The Great Master accepted the scroll. “Thanks but no thanks. There’s no guarantee you can protect us from then neither. Let’s go.” Emerald gave a last disapproving look to the Royals and then disappeared inside his shadow along with the Great Master. “What do you think?” asked Twilight after she watched them leave. “We all knew they would never turn themselves in. They are too committed to their cause.” mumbled Luna. “And this made them more dangerous, they are convinced they are not doing anything wrong and they would die defending their cause.” Twilight nodded. “Yes, this is getting out of hoof. And now to make things worse, the Undeads are releasing the other undeads making us busy. But this was a trap far too simple to be planned by us. This is only half of the distraction. What are they actually planning?” A drunken pony was getting out of one of many bars on Canterlot, tripping around the streets when a firm and powerful hoof came from darkness and forced him to turn around. “Huh?” Two red lights and an unnerving smile greeted him. “Howdy! And good bye!” Next thing the pony knew was that the monster cut his neck and left him to die on the street. Then the monster took the pony’s wallet and left. What was left of Applejack did not agree with this tactic of executing ponies and make it look as robberies. But she made sure she chose her targets wisely. She only killed corrupted nobles or their equally corrupted kids. Out of sudden she saw to twin unicorns she haven’t seen in a very long time. “Hey! Aren’t you Applejack Apple?” “What are you doing in Canterlot? I though you were busy on the orchard you took away form us.” Jack the Reaper grinned evilly making Flim and Flam realize she wasn’t the pony they knew. “Oh, ma’h favorite part of scammers! It’s been a while. Ya’ know? A’ was having slow night, but you just changed that.” The two unicorn twins looked at the monster who looked like Applejack, and tried to run away. But it was already too late. She took them by their shirts’ neck and dragged them to the sewers where her laugh sounded too loud that completely covered their cries for help. > Interlude > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Interlude: Fragment from Jack the Reaper’s Diary Here I am, writing foolish stuff to kill time. Ah’ wish our other selves’ hit me with the Elements of Harmony to make me sleep for a while. Just for a change ya’ know? But that would mean to get locked on our suite, and A’m on ma’ own so it would take a while. All A’ do all day is wait to the night so A’ can assault some drunken morons. At least A’ have Flam to play during the day. Flim died after the first week even if A’ do mah’ best to keep him alive as much as possible. A’ think he died out of fear. Today somepony threw the newspaper to the sewers and looked at the date for the first time in centuries. March twelve, from the very same year we escaped from Ponyville and joined the Knights of Silence. Now A’ realize how much we changed things when we traveled back on time. A’ remember as it was yesterday. Or it was today? It was an event that changed history in our timeline. The fight between the bitch of Starlight Glimmer and the Great Master. We were hiding on Canterlot for a month after Glimmer took our Cutie Marks and turned them into the = Mark. The mark of our failure. It was painful, we were hiding as pariahs since we did not wanted to see the Princesses to the eye. Even A’ decided to hide from my own family. How could we fail Equestria and leave it to Glimmer’s mercy? We felt pity for ourselves. Then we joined them. The Knights of Silence. We thought that they would give us the power we have lost in order to defeat her. But Glimmer took all our strengths and qualities with our Cutie Marks. We would never be able to fight her no matter how hard we try to learn from the Knights of Silence. Damn Glimmer. A’ wish she was still alive to make her suffer for what she did to us. Again. It began at noon. We recognized her and ran to hide. We were afraid of her! And A’ swear she smiled at us. Glimmer have recognized us! But then she did not have the time for us. She made her way to the main plaza and then she began talking. A’ really hate her voice. “Ponies of Equestria! The Equalizers claim this city as ours! Nopony haves to be especial. Nopony is better than anyone. Join us and we’ll show you the way for true happiness! Lots of you think you are happy, and won’t let us show you the way. I understand. The lies of modern life have corrupted your minds. This is why I came to save you, I’ll show you the way even if I have to force this lies out of your heads!” She tried to stole the ponies’ Cutie Marks and destroy them on the spot as she did with ours back on the day. But this time something stopped her. A black shield made of shadows as strong as Shining Armor’s. It was Commander Flash Sentry. Looking back at what happened, she was not shocked at all by seeing a pegasus doin’ magic. Maybe she have heard about the Knights of Silence. “What are you doing pegasus? Back off and accept Equality!” Flash Sentry was about to say somethin’ to the mare but he went silent and moved away as the Great Master walked toward Glimmer. Everypony bowed to the Great Master as she bravely faced Glimmer. “Greetings Starlight Glimmer.” “Who are you?” “Somepony like you. Somepony who fights for equality. I am the Great Master of the Knights of the Silence.” Glimmer looked at her with anger. “Oh yes the Great Master! You better than anypony should know I do this for everypony’s sake. Come on, try Equality!” Starlight Glimmer tried to take the Great Master’s Cutie Mark but she easily blocked the spell with her power. “We share a goal Starlight Glimmer. But our ways are different. I make everypony equal not by weaken them but by make them all equally strong! Education is for everypony.” “I’ve heard about you and your little group. You may believe that your way is the way of equality but in the end…” “In the end everypony is offered the same opportunities to develop their own talents. I do not make them weak and put them below me. I help them to reach my level and beyond! This is what true equality means!” Glimmer attacked the Great Master again, but she fused in her shadow and appeared right before Glimmer. A’ yelled in excitement when I saw her kicking that bitch in the jaw! Glimmer shot more magic beams but the Great Master simply went back inside her shadow and disappeared. More ponies joined the fight sending magic beams to Glimmer. Black beams with all the power of shadows. “What is this?!” “This is twhat happens when everypony is given the same chances. Everypony in Canterlot is as strong as I am! You have no power here Starlight Glimmer. This territory belongs to our Knights!” “All of these ponies are your knights?” “Not my Knights. Only the ponies who I’ve given the same chances I had. You are surrounded by my students. Everypony that I’ve made equally strong. You have no power here.” Starlight lost her crap and started to shot magic beams but none of her attacks affected the ponies. They joined to create a shadow force-fiel. Suddenly her own shadow bucked her in the jaw. “Eyes on your opponent. Always.” “You cannot do this! I am as strong as my convictions!” “This is why you’re weak.” Starlight lost her crap even more and continued attacking randomly trying to get Starlight. But the Great Master was more powerful than her and she had the whole city at her side. In a matter of seconds the bitch escaped as everypony was still shooting magic beams at her. Back on the day A’ kinda’ wished one of them actually hit them but A’ guess we were lucky. Otherwise we would not be able to kill her the way we did. Ah, A’ still remember how great it was. But back on that day the girls and A’ decided we could not stay any longer in Canterlot. Without our Cutie Marks we would not be able to be strong enough’ to defeat Glimmer. If we wanted to defeat the fucking bitch we had to find another way to become strong. And we did a few years later. We found the book that sealed our destinies. The Bearers of Harmony were no more. From that day we became the Undead Knights. Forever. > Chapter 12 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- XII: The expansion of shadows, four years later The Academy for Gifted Unicorns of Princess Celestia was known for the most prestigious and exclusive of all Canterlot. But things have changed a lot during the last four years. The Academy was still the most exclusive but it wasn’t as prestigious as it used to be. Potential students turned their backs to the Academy because of a group of masked ponies who would teach everyone who asked and wanted to learn. As much it hurt to admit it, the Knights have changed the educational system for good. Selection exams were suddenly lower their standards, elite academies lowered their prices because of a new law. The Princesses said that their actions were made for the good of ponies, and of course it benefited ponies. But in the bottom of their hearts everypony knew they were changing the law because the Knights of the Silence were winning the battle. One day the young mare Irish Coffee was whistling a cheerful melody as she walked to the front desk. “Hey! I would like to sing up for the free course of History of the Magic!” The receptionist looked at the earth pony and shook her head. “Sorry dear but even theoretical courses have some magic lessons as part of the curriculum. And because of this only ponies who are able to do magic can…” “So you mean you have to be ‘horny’ to enter this class?” joked Irish Coffee. The receptionist frowned at this pony, and was about to leave when a powerful magic aura held her on her place. She turned only to see the earth pony mare extending her hoof to her direction. She tried to free herself with her own magic but the black aura was stronger than hers. “As you can see, I am a very powerful magic user. I am at the level of A-Class unicorns. Now, would you like to sign me up for this course or would you like to duel me? Because I’m going to win.” The receptionist didn’t say anything. Instead she signed up Irish to the course and she left happily. Scenes like that were really common those days. Non-unicorns who mastered A-Class spells were seeing everywhere, especially in Canterlot. “You know? You shouldn’t treat ponies this way. Isn’t what why you ended up in this situation? Let’s face it the only reason you still have applicants is because the streets of Canterlot had become really dangerous at night.” The receptionist glared at Irish, who shrugged and left, this time for good. Irish was in a very good mood, not only she humiliated a representative from the system she hated but she managed to get into the course. When she arrived to her bar she realized someone was waiting for her to open. It was a teenage dragon, with purple scales and green belly along with two small wings starting to grow on his back. “Hey Irish! Just in time! Is your bar open? I was about to leave.” called Spike. Irish giggled at this. “Excuse me? You don’t have the age to drink kid. Also the place is empty at this hour” “But you make some great coffee, right? Also I wanted to talk, if you have the time.” Irish smiled. “I get it, I get it. You’re nervous because of the graduation party, right? Are you about to become a bachelor? What exactly?” “Bilingual secretary. Is my especiality!” assured the young dragon. “Cool. Come on in kid, I’m always available for my friends.” Spike smiled as Irish opened her bar and prepared him a drink. Spike accepted the cup of coffee he received, only to realize it was not regular coffee. “Irish? Are you crazy?! You know I’m underage!” “Come on kid, I cannot sell you this but I can always give it to you as long as no pony else knows. If you realize I haven’t change the sign from CLOSED to OPEN.” Spike just smiled and started to drink his especial coffee as Irish joined him with one of her own. The two of them sip their beverages in silence until Irish smirked at Spike. “So, are you nervous about your graduation party, or because of the Investment?” Spike winked an eye to her. “What do you think? Aren’t you nervous?” “Are you crazy? I never drink in work hours but look at me. Having a drink with a minor against my best judgement. This is how nervous I am.” The two of them laughed and made a toast. “For the Investment!” “Because we proved to be worthy!” And after hugging and promise they would meet at night, Spike returned to the castle. “Hi Spike! Did you leave school early?” asked Celestia happily. “Yeah, today we were only fitting the togas for the graduation party. Mine fit like a glove!” “Unlike others, we had to order a custom made one just for you.” reminded Celestia. The two of them chuckled, and out of nowhere Celestia hugged Spike. “Princess?” “I am so proud of you Spike. You decided to come here to finish your studies on your own and look at you now! Only a few days before graduation with the highest grades of your promotion.” Spike blushed. “Well, you helped me a lot with homework.” Celestia shook her head and smiled warmly. “It was the least I could do. You came to me when you decided to chase your dreams. Somehow it reminded me the time when I took Twilight under my wing. It was like having my own daughter. And now I feel like I have a grandson.” Spike just smiled awkwardly but happy. “And speaking of Twilight, are they coming today or tomorrow?” “Tomorrow. They say they have lots of preparations to do. Get ready for a big party, okay? Pinkie Pie just sent me the budget and it is going to be wild.” “What? We have to tell her to stop.” “I don’t mind Spike. Twilight is paying half, sadly this is the kind of party planned for the parents more than the kids.” Spike laughed imagining what was coming, and then returned to his room. It had been four years. Four years living in this room, and in a few days he would go back to Ponyville. But he wouldn’t be the kid he was when he left. No, instead he would return as the kid with the highest grades in school and also something else. As much effort he put in his daytime studies, in the end those were nothing but a cover for his real studies. And tonight, he would be invested. The moment he had been waiting for a very long time. The end of an era in his life, and the glorious beginning of a new one. But he was also tired. He have worked really hard in his real goal and in his cover. And he had to work extra hard to keep the best grades and not being forced back to Ponyville. And it was about to happen several times since the city had become extremely violent. Ponies were found murdered in what was presumed as aggravated robbery and the Royal Guard was still unable to identify the culprit. But the Great Master had her own ideas, since lots of the victims were her students. Still today was a happy occasion and Spike didn’t want to think in worrying things. He only laid on his beds waiting for the night where he would make the final step on the path he started four years ago. And finally it was night time. As each of his especial nights, Spike walked to the ‘bathroom’ but in reality he created an illusion with his power, and he fused with his shadow and went to the meeting spot along with several ponies hiding on their own shadows too. They ended up meeting at an abandoned land right behind the Academy of Gifted Unicorns as a symbol of rebellion against the system they all hated. All the ponies have gathered in a large circle around their leader standing over a rock. The Great Master stood there proud as six shadows materialized in front of her. Five ponies and a dragon. They chose not only to learn but become teachers as well. The six novices bowed before the Great Master as the crowd was mumbling. Finally two new figures materialized behind the Great Master. East Wind smiled proudly to her students and raised a hoof. “Raise your heads, my new Knights!” The six figures raised as the crowd of went silent watching them. East Wind did not liked this part of the ritual but she had to follow the tradition. She lowered her hooves as the new Knights could kiss it. One by one they approached to kiss the Great Master’s hoof and finally bowed again. “Last time I invested new Knights it was four years ago. I only had two novices and no public. But looking at the six of you and the ponies who came to witness your investment as Knights tells me how we have changed things in the last four years. We are already transforming the system, and the Princesses know there is no way back despite how hard they try to tell themselves otherwise. However, our actions have brought consequences against us. Some bigger than the others.” “And when the Crown being after our behinds is the less of our worries that means we are in big trouble!” said one of the novices, Irish Coffee. “And precisely this is what makes your decision so valuable on these times. Tell me dear novices, are you sure you want to go to the very end? Is a dangerous path where we are chased by the Crown and very dark forces. Do you want to continue with our legacy from the bottom of your hearts? Do you want to become official Knights of the Silence?” “We want!” said the novices in the unison. This time it was the Great Master who bowed before her students. “I said it before and I repeat it. I am immensely proud of all of you my young novices. Irish Coffee, Bushroot, Flash Sentry, Eternal Wings, Dark Mercurius and Spike the dragon.” The Great Master nodded and asked. “Do you solemnly swear to expand knowledge through the world, teaching everyone who asks you?” “We swear!” said the novices at the unison. “Do you solemnly swear find new ways to help your students to improve each time they come looking for your advice?” “We swear!” “And what would you do if you find somepony you cannot teach?” “We’ll improve until we get the answer!” responded the new Knights in the unison. Then Cream Cone and Emerald approached. As veteran Knights it was up to them to dress the novices on their new tunics along with their masks. Then the new knights put on their hoodies and bowed before their seniors. Cream Cone and Emerald bowed before them too. “You have completed your training and swore your hearts to the cause. From now on I name you our new Knights of the Silence. Let’s spread the shadows together, and remember. Shadows shall not be confused with Darkness.” With this they bowed before the Great Master one more time and then the ponies gathered cheered for the new knights and began to celebrate. “Go on, it’s your party!” smiled the Great Master. They joined the festivities happily. It was so great to be able to expand the shadows. The Great Master wished that Mister Feathers was there to look how she managed to expand the Order beyond his wildest dreams. Except for the blood-thirsty monsters, everything was perfect. “But I won’t let them defeat me Mister Feathers. We’ll prevail!” > Chapter 13 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- XIII: For the Great Master, from Spike. A goodbye present Princess Celestia was happily waiting in front of Canterlot Station. Finally the train from Ponyville arrived, with Twilight Sparkle and her friends on it. The group of friends walked off the train headed by a certain over-energetic pink earth pony bouncing around. “Hiya Princess Celestia! Sorry the delay, but we have a little situation in our hooves. Nothing to worry about, we only have problems taking Twilight out of the train.” Celestia was surprised at first but then she chuckled and went to help Twilight get off the train. Celestia couldn’t help but chuckle. “She got emotional, right?” Pinkie Pie nodded and Celestia entered the train where the others were trying to move Twilight away from a mountain of used tissues as she continued to cry. “I am so HAPPPPYYYYY! Spiiiiiike, my Spiiiikie! Is he graduating? Oh I’m so happyyyyyy!” Celestia rolled her eyes as she smiled and hugged Twilight under her wing. “Oh Twilight I’m very happy for the two of you as well. Would you like a cup of tea or something?” Twilight looked at the Princess confused. “Princess Celestia? So we’re on Canterlot? Oh I see… Oh my Spiiiiike, he is graduating! I can’t believe it! I feel like I hatched him just yesterday! Oh, my son is a grown dragon now!” Princess Celestia nodded understanding. “I know, is always hard to accept that our children are fully grownup now. But come on, you wouldn’t want that Spike sees you crying, right? Let’s go to the castle and clean yourself up before meeting Spike.” Twilight looked at the Princess and nodded slowly. “Yes, you’re right. We have to be ready for Spike’s graduation party! My Spike is graduatiiiiing…” With this they finally managed to get Twilight off the train. “Thanks Faust the Princess arrived, because I could not stand her anymore!” complained Rainbow Dash. “Ya’ must understand how Twilight is feelin’ partner. Is a very especial moment for her.” said Applejack. “But the Princess is right! Let’s prepare ourselves for the big night!” added Rarity. “I’ve spent two weeks in making the perfect dresses for all of us!” They went to the Castle, as they discussed Spike’s future plans. “So what does Spike want to do now?” asked Fluttershy. Princess Celestia smiled. “He plans to go to college, with his grades he can apply wherever he wants to go.” “But not in Canterlot!” said Twilight firmly. “The city had been getting more dangerous during the last years.” Celestia sighed. “Yes, unfortunately I have to agree. Because of the Knights of the Silence and the increasing crime rate, Canterlot is no longer Equestria’s educational metropolis. But let’s forget about depressing themes. Today we are celebrating Spike’s achievements!” The six friends agreed and they finally arrived to Canterlot Castle. Spike was on the school practicing the events with his classmates so Twilight had time to shower and drink a cup of tea to relax and get dressed for the big event. As always, Rarity’s dresses get stares from all the attendants making her smile proudly. “Hey Twilight!” greeted somepony. She turned and smiled happily. “Cadence, Shine, you came!” “Hey, I wouldn’t miss my nephew’s big day for anything in the world.” said Shining Armor happily. “And we brought company.” added Cadence. Twilight Velvet and Night Light arrived to join Twilight and her friends. “I can’t believe that my grandson is about to graduate!” said Velvet happily. “I am so proud of him!” “Yeah, we also brought him a graduation present!” said Night Light showing a big box he carried with his magic. Twilight hugged her parents happily. “I’m glad you could make it! So what did you guys get for Spike?” “It’s a surprise dear, we have to wait until Spike opens it.” And with the help of her family, Twilight was finally able to hold her tears and walked into the school to witness Spike’s big day. The Academy of Magic and Science had become second most prestigious school of all Equestria, and unlike the Academy for Gifted Unicorns it accepted all races and species. All the Sparkle family was happy that their dear Spike was able to graduate from such a prestigious school. “I wish he could graduate from Celestia’s Academy like you and your brother, but they do not accept dragons.” sighed Twilight Velvet. “I think they should start accepting other races now that everypony can do magic thanks to the Knights.” Celestia frowned. “Miss Velvet, I do not negotiate with terrorist. I would not change the rules on my Academy because of them!” Velvet did not insist more. And finally the act begun with Spike’s class coming to the podium as the headmaster waited the parents to sit and start with a small speech. “Welcome everypony. As always it is a great honor to say goodbye to a new generation of students to go forge their destiny. Despite the difficult times we are living, their thirst of knowledge and wiling to improve is what makes this Academy big. I am and always will be proud of all their effort and growth.” The attendants clapped their hooves at the speech. The headmaster let them finish, then he continued. “Now a few words from the class president of generation #245 of this prestigious school!” Spike walked in proudly, wearing his custom-made toga with proud and a huge smile. After making a quick wave to his family, he took the microphone. “Thank you headmaster.” He then took a deep breath, and began. “Parents, teachers, and especially classmates. Today I would like to thank you for the opportunities that you have given us. It is true that we went this far because of our own efforts but is also truth that we wouldn’t make it without all of your unconditional support and you being there for us when we needed you the most. It could be dark times, but thanks to you we did not let that stop us. On the contrary, it gave us the strength to continue.” Some parents nodded approvingly. Twilight could just stare at Spike, realizing how much he have matured during this time. Spike continued. “If this experience have taught us something is that darkness is not the end, but the beginning. Because when everything that surrounds you is darkness it means you have to find the light and the strength inside yourself and use it to teach others the way. Because of this I want to thank you for everything. My dear teachers, and classmates.” The parents clapped their hooves at Spike who blushed and went back to his classmates. But Shining Armor seemed worried. What was with that speech about darkness? He couldn’t help but think that there was some kind of hidden meaning. But nopony else seemed to notice. “Thank you Spike!” said the Headmaster. “Now let’s continue…” The rest of the ceremony consisted in the headmaster calling the graduates alphabetically and giving them their diplomas and honor mentions. Finally, it was over. The whole group headed back to the castle. Twilight was happy-crying over Spike’s shoulder who was simply smiling and accepting the embrace from her. “Come on Twilight! This is not the time for being sad! This is a party!” cheered Pinkie Pie. So they started a big party on the castle’s garden. “I want to propose a toast!” said Twilight suddenly, raising her glass of champagne. “For Spike! Who have always honored us with his unconditional care and kindness. He is now starting a new stage on his life and I couldn’t be prouder. Cheers!” “CHEERS!” said everypony, making Spike blush but he was really happy. The party continued, with Spike opening his presents. Miss and Mister Sparkle’s present was a writing machine much to Spike’s delight. “Oh this is great! Thank you!” “We heard you graduated as bilingual secretary, and every good secretary needs one of these!” said Velvet. “I love it!” said Spike. “See Twilight? Next time you dictate me letters I will use this, no more handwriting for good old Spike.” Twilight just laughed so loud that she fell on her hooves. “Whoopsie! Sorry guys…” Celestia sighed. “I guess somepony drank a little too much. Oh well, I was planning to let her borrow a few documents from my private archives, but I guess it’ll have to wait until tomorrow.” “I can go for the documents if you want.” said Spike. “I was about to go to bed anyway so I can pick those up and take them to Twilight’s room. No worries.” “Are you sure you want to leave? This is your party.” said Celestia. “Yes, I’m sure. You see, the girls are a bit drunk and this feels uncomfortable. Also I’m tired.” Celestia smiled. “You are a life saver Spike. And I’m sorry you had to leave. I don’t know who thought it was a good idea to bring alcohol to your graduation party, but I’ll have a talk with them tomorrow.” “It’s okay, no big deal.” Princess Celestia made appear a small piece of parchment and signed it. “Give this to the guard on my library and he’ll let you pass. Okay? You are looking for document number 12-CC-1” “On it! Good night Princess Celestia.” “Good night Spike!” The young dragon said goodbye to everypony and then headed to Celestia’s personal library. After showing the authorization to the guard on the door he began to scoop around the shelves looking for the document. Then he found it, and take a peek. His jaw dropped. “Wait! Is she seriously planning to give Twilight this spell? What the…?” Then he noticed he was checking on document 12-C-1, not 12-CC-1. “Damn library codes, why do they have to be so complicated? Oh, whatever.” Spike was about to place the document back on the shelf but he stopped looking at it. It was knowledge and knowledge belonged to everypony. He had a duty as a Knight of the Silence. “Sorry Princess Celestia, but I have to do this.” Spike took the document’s shadow and hided it on his. The shadow itself was as good as the real document for someone who have mastered the power of Shadows. And Spike did mastered it a long time ago. Then he found the document he was looking for, and after the soldier on the door checked everything was okay, he went to Twilight’s room and put it on the desk. “Here you go Twilight.” … Once in his room Spike hurried to lock the door and took the document’s shadow. After reading it carefully he copied all the details on a piece of paper, and then put it on an envelope. He would mail it to the Great Master tomorrow. He wished he could use his messenger breath but he could not risk Night Terror intercepting the letter. Also, he made it look it was a regular letter for a friend in case somepony decided to check his mail. At the next day Spike was on his way back to Ponyville with Twilight and her friends, but before they arrived to the train station he rushed to the post office to send the letter. “Hey Spike! Hurry up!” “On it!” said the dragon. “I just wanted to make sure my goodbye letter is mailed.” “Oh, who are you writing to?” “The student I met four years ago on the library. The one who inspired me to go to school.” Explained Spike innocently. Twilight nodded. “Yes. I should thank her too, anyway, let’s go Spike. Your old room is waiting for you!” “Okay Twilight!” East Wind was reading on the living room when one of her tenants gave her the letter. “You have mail East!” “Thanks Star Glaze!” said East Wind taking the envelope. “Oh, it’s from Spike!” She began to read the goodbye message, when she found the other piece of paper, the spell. Her jaw dropped. How in Equestria did he managed to get this piece of knowledge? How was this even possible? “Hey! Are you okay East?” asked Emerald Horn seeing how shocked she was. She looked at him really nervous. “I am fine, is just that… we have to reunite all the Knights. This cannot wait. What are you waiting for? We have to hurry!” > Chapter 14 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- XIV: A little story between mother and son The train arrived to Ponyville after a quiet forty-five-minute ride. Spike was extremely quiet and nervous as he wondered if he have made the right thing by giving such knowledge to the Great Master and the Order. As a Knight of the Silence he knew he had a duty with the Order, and the Order said that every piece of knowledge had to be shared. But he may overdid. That spell was kept as a secret to the public for a reason. Luckily for him nopony asked why he was so quiet and thoughtful. Everypony just assumed that he was just considering his options now that he graduated from high school. “A’ bet ya’ feel weird returning to Ponyvill after four years, don’t ya’ parner’?” asked Applejack,. Spike looked at her startled because how abruptly was taken out of his thought but just nodded silently. Applejack did not insisted, she understood the kid had a lot on his mind. They started to get off the train as they helped to carry Spike’s luggage. During his stay on Canterlot Princess Celestia insisted in buy him lots of clothing. Also he had lots of books from the academy, and his comic book collection. “You won’t believe how much Ponyville have changed in the last four years.” said Twilight. Spike chuckled. “Twilight you know I spent almost every weekend here, right?” Twilight giggled ashamed. “Haha, you’re right, silly me! As I told you your old room would be waiting for you. There’s enough room for you to put your books and your writing machine. Unless you want to have your own study room, and that’s not a problem! We have lots of spare rooms in the castle. You also need a desk and a brand new chair, right?” Spike laughed as he hugged Twilight. “Twilight, take it easy!” said Spike. “Why are you this nice out of nowhere?” The lavender alicorn looked away and cleaned a tear coming from her right eye. “Don’t laugh okay? Is just that I am relieved and happy to have you at my side again. I know that you spent almost every weekend here, and all of your summer vacation too. But I missed you very much Spike. Also, I was very worried about you living in Canterlot with all the crime rates raising and the Knight of the Silence still making public every piece of knowledge they get their hooves into.” Spike felt really guilty after that. What would Twilight say if she knew what he did, and the true purpose for him going to study in Canterlot? He shook his head to scare the dark thought again. “Is good to be back Twilight. And I’ll be at your side as long as you need me!” “No Spike, I understand you have to live your life. And if you want to go to college you can go!” Spike hugged his mother. The others just watched them in silence as they enjoyed their little moment. They didn’t say more as they walked to the castle, and the girls said goodbye as Spike went upstairs. “Okay Spike, would you like me to help you unpack?” “Sure, let’s do it together!” In the end the two of them had a great time placing everything on Spike’s room. It was good to be back. A new day began, and Spike went downstairs. He had something important to do. He had to speak with the person who have inspired him to become what he was now. “Morning Spike!” greeted Twilight. “I made some scrambled eggs. And you already have plans for today? I was thinking we could…” Spike smiled. “Whatever you have planned for us it’s okay. But I want to take a walk around the town first. I have a lot in my mind, and need to think about what I’m going to do now.” “Want to discuss it with me?” asked Twilight. “Later, let me think about on my own first, okay?” Twilight did not insisted, and just smiled at Spike. “You’ve change Spike. I can’t believe how mature you’ve become.” “Thanks.” After having his breakfast, Spike walked out of the castle. He took a walk around the town, greeting old friends and noticing the small changes on the town, like the entire Cake family attending the family business. Or noticing that Mayor Mare finally retired and the one in charge was her granddaughter. Then he finally headed to his true destination. The Everfree Forest. He headed directly to the Royal Sisters Castle and walked into. He shivered. Spike felt how seven shadows were approaching to him. He shivered again and stood in the center of the room. “Hello Spike!” said a voice right at his ear as he felt a hoof on his shoulder. It felt like his mother’s hoof, but cold and dead. “Is so nice to see you dear Spike! What do you want from us? A threesome? I am intrigued by the idea, and Night Terror won’t mind. Are you a virgin, Spike? Not for long!” Spike closed his eyes in disgust but did not gave Midnight the satisfaction of an answer. “I want to speak with Night Terror. Alone.” Midnight looked at Spike and then she turned to her friends. “What do you say girls? Shall we give him what he wants?” Pin-Kill-Die shrugged. “We serve the Crown, don’t we? And he is your son.” “And you are Royalty, darling. At least your living self is.” added Gothic. “What makes him a prince too.” thought Jack the Reaper. “So we can do this little favor for him. It’s a shame doesn’t imply killing anypony, but whatever. We’ll kill those who deserve it soon enough!” laughed Fleshy Smile. “Yeah, aren’t we leaving? I want to be in Canterlot before it gets dark!” complained Undash. Spike gulped. “What are you planning to do in Canterlot?” “As much as I love you Spike, there are some things I can’t tell you or you’ll make our other selves stop us. Just be happy I am doing what you asked me, and let you talk to Night Terror alone.” And the six creatures left leaving Spike alone with the undead version of himself. As big and fearful as he was. “What do you want from me, kiddo? I have lots to do in Canterlot. “What do you mean?” asked Spike. Night Terror smirked. “The Knights of Silence and their apprentices have multiplied faster than in our timeline, and they are extending their shadows beyond Canterlot, but you already know that, don’t you?” Spike remained quiet. “But still, Celestia’s patience is running out. That in normal circumstances would be more than enough to end this, but the Knights’ strategy to make everypony as strong as them would be a problem. And also the knight’s patience is about to run out too. This would be interesting, don’t you think? Being chased and killed in the shadows, in apparent failed robberies.” Spike gasped. “You are behind this! You started this way of series of murders!” “Started, continue and will finish kid. This is about to blow up in everyponys’ faces. But the crown haves us to make sure it ends up in their favor.” Spike grinded his teeth but he remained calm. “Thank you for keeping me informed about your plans, I’ll make sure to tell Twilight and the Princesses. But I did not come here for an update, I came here to thank you.” “Thank me?” laughed the undead dragon. “Thank me for what?” “For give me the motivation to find my strength, and be ready to protect the ponies I love.” Night Terror nodded and smiled. “Yes. Is like I told you, being useless it’s a sin. Soon you’ll find the perfect opportunity to show your loved ones you are not a sinner anymore. But choose wisely kid. You chose to play a dangerous game.” Spike noticed that despite the smile, his other self was in pain. Sadness was present on the edge of his dead eyes. He looked at Night Terror, noticing what was behind the bloodthirst. “I’ll be careful I promise. So this is why you turned into an undead? Because you couldn’t bear the guilt? This is why you decided to turn your back on your life and embrace the unlife?” Night Terror’s smile disappeared as he glared at the dragon. “When we met you told me you were forced to change for the pony you loved, right?” continued Spike. “You didn’t change because you loved Twilight, but because you couldn’t protect her and decided to become her equal because you did not deserve to live after she destroyed herself.” “Leave.” Mumbled Night Terror. “What?” “LEAAAAAVE!” shouted the undead dragon. Spike felt that he should stay and comfort Night Terror, but decided escape since his he could sense that the undead dragon was about to explosed sooner than later. He waved and disappeared inside his own shadow, as the dragon fell on his knees and let escape black tears from his dead eyes. Being useless was a sin, and the worse part was that he did not paid for his own sin but his loved ones. His mother and closest friends paid with their lives and deaths respectively. He punched the floor over and over, as the memories he worked so hard to repress came back to him. He was about to destroy the entire castle, when Midnight appeared in front of him. “What are you doing?” Night Terror looked at her confused, but then he came back to his senses. “The damn kid brought back some memories. But why do they hurt so much? I AM AN UNDEAD! I AM NOT SUPPOSED TO FEEL ANYTHING BUT BLOODTHIRST!” Midnight let him scream and nodded. She looked around with a blank expression and looked back at her dragon. “It all happened right here. The day you demonstrated how much you loved me by becoming a monster as I did.” Night Terror grinded his teeth. “Yes. Time travel must erased the marks of what we did here, but it was right on this room.” Midnight sighed. “For countless years you were nothing but a pain in my flank. No matter how many times I commanded you to leave, you stayed here. I could finish you right there and forget about you, but I couldn’t. I looked at you right into the eye, and I knew I could never kill you. This is why I tried to reason to you, but you were convinced that you needed me to be happy.” Night Terror nodded. “You told me you were monsters, and someone as pure as me would never be happy with the six of you. Not anymore.” “Do you remember what you did next?” asked Midnight. Night Terror smiled. Of course he remember. Alternate timeline: “I am a monster! Get out of my side Spike!” shouted Midnight as she tried to push the now adult dragon out of her lair. “Then make me go! If you really ant to get rid of me, kill me. That’s the only way.” Spike looked at the undead who was his mother, waiting for a reaction. He knew he crossed the line, but he hoped that by saying that the real Twilight would come to the surface. Midnight just glared at the dragon. “You can’t. Now I now my mom is still there. And I am not leaving without her!” “STOP CALLING ME THAT! I am not your ‘mom’ Spike. Not anymore.” The rest of the undeads came to see what was going on. They were used to the exchanges between Midnight and Spike, but this time it was different. Most of the time they argued until Midnight lost her patience and knocked him out. But today, she seemed angrier than usual. Also it seemed like Spike took a decision. They could see the resolution in his eyes. “We are monsters Spike. You have no place between us.” Spike punched a wall. “In that case all I need to do is becoming a monster myself, right?” Midnight sighed. “If you are capable to prove to me that you are a monster just like us I’ll accept you at my side. But you are Spike, the purest soul in Equestria. You demonstrated it by staying here in a desperate attempt to save us even if we are beyond salvation now.” Spike nodded. “I will prove it to you.” He turned around and started exiting the castle for the first time in months. Midnight smiled, when he comes back they would be gone already. The better way to deal with this was to get as far as possible from him. But out of sudden Spike turned around and pinned Twilight to the floor. “I am a monster too. Showing what I’m capable of won’t convince you, so I’ll let you feel it. Tell Twilight, what kind of depraved bastard would do this to his own mother?” “I am not your… AAAAAAAAAH!” She could feel no pain, but this got her by surprise. To everypony’s surprise, Spike’s masculinity penetrated Midnight over and over as she struggled. But the dragon was bigger and stronger than her. “You are a virgin don’t you Twilight? Not anymore, and neither do I.” The dragon continued raping Twilight until he finished. “Now I’ve claimed you as mine. Tell me, was this enough to convince you I am a monster too, or shall we go for round two?” He threw Midnight to the other side of the room, and jumped over him again. “I am curious, did you regenerate your hymen too?” He lifted Twilight’s tail, when he was pushed suddenly smashed against the wall by Midnight’s magic. Spike shivered as he noticed she was furious. “You are dead Spike. You are so fucking dead.” She created a knife and aimed to the dragon’s neck. He closed his eyes resigned to his fate. He knew this was a possibility. “Go on.” Midnight was about to cut his neck. Spike was not even struggling against her magic, he was just waiting for the inevitable. Finally she dropped the knife. “I can’t.” Spike looked at her. “I knew it.” “Shut up! You proved your point, you are as sick as the rest of us so you can stay. One one condition.” “And what is it?” “You’ll take responsibility for what you did. First you’ll finish this here an now. Then you’ll become into an undead too, and will change your name.” “Why?” “Because I would never forgive myself if I push my son to become what I am now, so you can’t be my son anymore. From now on you are my undead lover.” Spike nodded. “Understood. From now on my name is Night Terror, a creature of nightmares just like you six.” Current timeline: “I do remember what I did. And as twisted as it was I feel no remorse.” “I don’t know what your other self wanted to talk you about, Night Terror. But I never blamed you for our failure. You were a kid and could not help us, and I understand. I want you to stop blaming yourself for something you could not control.” The dragon sighed. “And also, I want you to know that I couldn’t be happier to be at your side. I am a selfish creature, and having you at my side for eternity is the greatest reward I could have. I love you Night Terror.” The undead dragon smirked. “Shouldn’t we head to Canterlot?” “We have some time to enjoy ourselves before we go. Would you like to revive the moment that change our unlives forever?” > Chapter 15 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- XV: Breaking point Bushroot, gardener of Canterlot Castle entered to the residence with a sandwich on his hoof. “Sorry for the delay. Do you mind if I eat something? I only have on hour for lunch!” “No worries pal, same here!” said Irish Coffee showing her half-eaten sandwich. “It’s everyponys lunchtime! Right guys?” Flash Sentry from the Royal Guard and a another pegasus called Eternal wings nodded as they were still eating their respective lunches. Bushroot sighed in relief and sat between them and started eating. Nopony said anything. They were very confused and worried. Something extraordinary had to happen for the Great Master to summon all the new knights in the middle of the day. And to her residence. They were exposing themselves. Then the Great Master appeared along with Cream Cone and Emeral horn looking worried. Twice as worried as they were. “Hey guys, sorry for calling you out of nowhere. I know we had things to do, and we are risking too much by coming here in the middle of the day.” “Something happened?” asked Irish Coffee. The Great Master showed them the letter from Spike. “Before returning to his hometown, Spike managed to send us this spell. Right from Celestia’s personal archives. I don’t know how he got it without being noticed. Right now she doesn’t know we have this but once she finds out, we’ll get into more trouble that we already are.” Flash Sentry raised a hoof exasperated. “Great Master, please! We have other things to do, can you please tell us what on Equestria are you talking about?” East Wind sighed. “Yeah, sorry guys! Is just that I’m extremely nervous.” She presented them the spell Spike copied for them. “This is the Alicorn Spell. A secret known only by the Crown… until now. With this we can turn anypony we want into an alicorn.” The entire room went silent as the others began to examine the spell and then looked at the Great Master in disbelief. Even Irish Coffee began to choke with her sandwich, and Emerald had to go help her. “The power to grant unlimited power.” said Cream Cone with a shiver. “How did the kid got this? I mean, I know he is close to the Princesses but I don’t think she would let him check into her personal documents just like that. And how’s that nopony have realized?” “We were lucky nopony have found out!” said Eternal Wings. “Can you imagine what would happen if they realize? We are in a lot of trouble already, when this comes to light we’ll have to be as twice as careful as we are now.” Flash just looked at the spell. “So, this was the magic that was used on Princess Cadence and Princess Twilight. Wow, I know that this will cause us lots of trouble but Spike deserves a prize! This is big, really big!” Eternal Wings checked at the spell “I must say this is a really elaborate spell. It looks complicated and dangerous.” She looked at the spell, trying to figure all the implications. “Whoa, this is crazy! This spell is very powerful, but there are a few complications.” “Which type of complications?” asked Emerald. “Is it deadly?” The Great Master, who have studied the spell beforehand, nodded. “Yes, it could be deadly. Both the pony casting the spell and the pony being transformed could die in the process. It drains all the energy of the spellcaster, and take a huge amount of lifeforce. Also the spellcaster should be a hundred percent focused in the process or it could kill the pony they want to transform by magic overdose.” “For real?” asked Bushroot. “Yes, not to mention the moral implications of granting a pony unlimited power.” added the Great Master. “You have to make sure you’re giving this to the right pony, otherwise it could be a disaster.” Emerald Horn nodded. “I know it’s dangerous and all but in my humble opinion we must try this. All of us have the power of an A-Class unicorn thanks to the Great Master. Also, if we work together we can avoid being drained from our lifeforce, and we would help each other to stay focused.” The Great Master didn’t seem convinced. “Yes that’s a possibility, but what about the moral implication? You are granting somepony with unlimited power and immortality. I don’t know anypony who can get such a gift and not let the power get over his or her head.” Emerald smiled. “What are you talking about? You, Great Master are worthy of bearing the power and eternal life of an alicorn. After we turn you into one, you’ll inspire more ponies that the one you already had!” East Wind blushed but declined. “Thanks, but no thanks Emerald. I am an earth pony capable of teaching magic to others. If you turn me into an alicorn I’ll lose what connects me to the students who think they would never be able to learn magic.” Emerald nodded. “I understand Great Master, you are way too humble to accept such an honor.” “Still you are the best option to become an alicorn, Great Master!” insisted Irish Coffee. “I can’t imagine using this spell on anypony else.” “Yes you are the best choice not because you are the Great Master, but because you are you, East Wind.” added Cream Cone. The other ponies nodded in agreement, but the Great Master still declined. “Guys don’t put me in a pedestal, I am a regular pony and a criminal. I am not becoming an alicorn and that’s final!” They saw that they would not convince her to use the spell on her but they were clearly disappointed. But the Great Master was sure that she was not worthy of becoming an alicorn. And also this would gave them more problems than they were already in, and at this point the Great Master knew this would blow up in everypony’s faces soon and she had to start making preparations for damage control from now. As for the rest of the Knights now they were extremely nervous and worried about this as well. They were very excited about having this piece of knowledge on their hooves, but they also knew that they had a timebomb. And their worries reflected on their daywork. Bushroot the gardener found peace in taking care of his plants, and Flash used the tension to his favor to stay more focus on his patrolling. But the pegasus Eternal Wings was having a hard time at work. She was a professor’s personal secretary, and she was called out by her boss by making several mistakes in a letter he was dictating. “Eternal! You made three typos in this letter, not to mention you had to re-make it twice because of the letterhead. Are you sure you are okay?” Eternal gasped. “Oh I’m terribly sorry Professor Thesis! I’ll fix it right away!” And she used her magic power to correct all the typos. The Professor nodded. “Are you sure your night classes aren’t affecting your performance?” “Sorry Professor Thesis. Is not my night classes. It is related, but it has nothing to do with my magic lessons. Not directly anyway.” Professor Thesis nodded. “Do you have to meet them tonight?” “No Professor, not tonight.” “Good. Take the rest of your shift off and take a good night of sleep, okay? I am not going to forbid you to attend your lessons with the Knights, I can see how the magic usage have improved your performance at work. But I need you to focus when you’re on the clock.” “Thank you for your understanding Professor. I’ll follow your advice and sleep for tonight.” “Take care okay Eternal? See you in the morning!” Eternal waved at the Professor and walked happily back home. But before she went home she stopped at the store to buy something for dinner. When she exited she realized it was dark already, so she decided to take a shortcut by going through a nearby park. It was very dark but all the Knights had the ability of night vision. Usually she kept her eyes open, but today she was too distracted thinking on the meeting they had. The Alicorn Spell. How on Equestria did Spike was able to put his hands on it? A voice in the dark called her back to reality. “Pst, money!” Eternal turned only to be tackled down by a pony in a black rove who put a knife on her throat. “I said money!” Eternal remained calmed and used her magic to threw her bag of bits at the pony’s hooves. “There you go.” Then Eternal Wings noticed the red glow under the pony’s hood and she fused with her shadow right before the knife cut her neck and she materialized right behind the pony. The pony in the red hood smiled revealing her fangs. “Well, well, well, what do we have here? Are you a Knight?” asked the undead pony, Fleshy Smile. A second shadow materialized behind Eternal and pushed her right to the yellow undead pegasus. Fleshy Smile was about to stab her but Eternal raised a hoof and shot a magic beam to Fleshy’s face, and she turned right on time to create a magic shield to protect herself from the second attacker, Pin-Kill-Die. “What are you? An apprentice or a Knight?” asked the pink undead pony. “Well it doesn’t matter! We have a mission to kill them all!” Eternal Wings frowned. “What kind of hypocrites are you, using our own magic against us?” Fleshy Smile tilted her head. “What do you mean? You are the ones who say that knowledge its free to use it however you want? We want to use it to kill you all!” Eternal extended her wings and flew away, as lots of knives made of shadows were thrown against her. With all her power Eternal created a powerful field, but she underestimated the power of the attack and several knives pierced her wings. Crying in pain, Eternal fell to the hooves of Pin-Kill-Die who forced her to keep her eyes open. “This will hurt only for a bit!” laughed Pin-Kill-Die. “No promises!” said Fleshy Smile taking a spoon. “I always wanted to try this you know?” Eternal concentrated her magic on her hooves but did her best to not let the monster notice. She had to take them off-guard. Then Fleshy Smile’s spoon got too close to her eye, and she took it away with a precise move. “AAAAAAAAAAHRGH!” The Undead Knights watching laughed cruelly as they approached to Eternal who was squirming in pain and fear. Gothic smiled and inserted a gem where the eye was. “There you go darling! You look divine.” She looked at the rest of her friends. “Isn’t she a masterpiece? The blue of the sapphire combines with the red of her blood. It’s a shame she’ll die before she could appreciate the true beauty of my work.” Eternal finally gathered all the power she needed and screamed with all her strength, releasing her magic aura pushing the monsters away. “HEEEEEEEEEEELP!!!” Her cry for help was heard over a mile, but Eternal knew she had to get time. The six Undead Knights charged against Eternal with all their might. Eternal used her power to generate four walls and a roof to create a small bunker to keep the six creatures away. The walls were cracking as the undead monsters started to charge against the walls, but it gave Eternal the time she needed to reunite power for her next spell. In the meantime the Undead Knights continued punching the walls destroying their hooves in the process, but regenerated immediately after. “Look, one of the walls is about to break!!” announced Pin-Kill-Die. They all charged at the wall at the same time, breaking into Eternal’s bunker, but she was not in there. “What?” Eternal Wings materialized from the shadows and recreated the wall trapping them inside. Then she used the remaining of her strength to use the spell the Crown gave them. The spell to seal the undead. “Here you go! Try to escape form there!” The walls began to crack again, and Eternal ran for her life. She have saved enough time to run into safety, but she was running out of strength. Luckily, the Lunar Guard was on their way and she fainted right when they rescued her. “Oh for Faust sake, we need an ambulance! This pony needs help!” They did not say anything and send Eternal to the hospital and informed Celestia. “A survivor from the robberies? I’ll go immediately!” said the Princess. The Princess of the Sun flew to Canterlot General. She had to speak with the survivor to clear her doubts. In the hospital the doctors told Celestia that the pegasus was too weak and couldn’t get any visitor. But when the Princess offered to use the most advanced healing spells to heal her, they let her pass. But when she crossed the door she realized the pegasus was not alone. She was surrounded by four figures dressed in black tunics, black hoods and black masks with blue smiles. An earth pony was right over the pegasus raising a hoof, healing her using the same spells Celestia was planning to use. “Thank you, Great Master!” said Eternal weakly. The Great Master nodded, and stroke Eternal’s mane. “Now rest, you need to recover.” Then the Great Master turned to Celestia. “I know why you came here. And I just confirmed it, this was done by the undeads. Just like the rest of the robberies. They are behind everything.” Celestia frowned. “This has gone too far, and you know it Great Master.” “Yes, but this is all your fault!” said Emerald angrily. “We could avoid this if you wouldn’t be so interested in capture us. Oh, and did I mention that this started after your sister and niece send those things against us?” Flash Sentry glared at his boss, knowing that she would not recognize it. “Do you think we are going to let this go? Now that we know who is behind this, people will know. No more fallen brothers and sisters! We demand to be left alone.” Celestia sighed with patience. She only refrained herself from yelling at these ponies because they were in a hospital with a pony in critical condition. “You are playing a dangerous game. If it wasn’t because this pony who is in critical condition, I would make you pay for the years you have defied me here and now. I am running out of patience; this whole situation is getting off hoof!” “You have no idea how strong we actually are!” said Bushroot. Irish hit him on the head. “Shut the buck up moron.” She turned to the Princess. “Do you think you’re the only one who is running out of patience? Do you think we like to be targeted by the Crown and these monsters? We’re just a group of teachers and students. You have no right to go after us!” The Princess was about to respond, when the Great Master raised a hoof. “Enough! We made sure Eternal it’s okay, so we can leave now. But you are right Princess, this is getting off-hoof. We need to find a solution soon, and hopefully we can come to an agreement. But not tonight, everypony is too upset.” And with this they fused with their shadows, and disappeared out of sight. Eternal was now alone with Princess Celestia who smiled at her. “I know you had a difficult time my little pony. But I need to know what happened. Please.” Eternal shook her head. “I will not talk to you.” “But…” Eternal was too weak, but still she managed to summon her Knight of Silence outfit. Celestia understood and left her alone. … In the meantime Emerald have made a decision. This had to end now. The whole situation was about to blow up, it only needed a spark. And he would provide that spark. He broke into Celestia’s Academy for the Gifted Unicorns and with a can of spray paint, he painted the Knights of Silence emblem on the wall. Then he began to write a manifesto about how the Crown’s persecution forced them to stay hidden on the shadows. And because of this a group of murderers were targeting both Knights and students in a desperate attempt to prevent them to provide knowledge freely. FREEDOM FOR THE KNIGHS! He displayed the message right on the front wall, visible for everypony. “We’ll not let this go. This would have consequences. FOR THE KNIGHTS OF SILENCE!” > Chapter 16 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- XVI: Student Demonstration Dear friends, students, and apprentices of Silence. Through this letter I am letting you know that our night sessions have to be paused indefinitely. Not because I don’t want you to keep helping you improve, but because the current circumstances gave me no choice. Yesterday one of our most valuable Knights, now under the custody of the Crown, was brutally attacked by these supposed robbers. During this time we’ve suspected that there was something else going on, and now it is confirmed. I cannot tell you exactly what we’re dealing with, but what I can tell you is that this is a very dark force that won’t stop until the Order is annihilated. Shadows had been our allies from the beginning, but now going out at night had become too dangerous for us to continue. Until this situation is fixed, or we are not pursued anymore by the Crown we would have to stop. I cannot let you expose yourself to this force just because of my ideology. Please forgive me, I wish there were another way, but we have no choice. I will not carry any more of your deaths on my conscience. Sincerely yours, The Great Master. The open letter on the morning paper left a sour taste on the mouths of the ponies who had read it. The Knights of the Silence have just quit? Why? What was this dark forced they claimed they were protecting their students from? No! This couldn’t happen! Lots of ponies have gone improved a lot because of their efforts! They couldn’t just abandon them after all this time. The day haven’t started properly, and lots of ponies were having a hard time after this news. This group of ponies disagreed with he Crown and stole several documents, so that meant they were alone at the mercy of this dark force? It wasn’t like they were selling this knowledge! This seemed so unfair. The whole city of Canterlot was under an atmosphere of tension. And everything exploded at Celestia’s Academy for the Gifted Unicorns. Ink Heart was a humble unicorn from a humble town in the north who only made it to his dream school because of the Knights of the Silence, and he was a regular on the night lessons. So, after reading the open letter on the paper put him in an unbelievably bad mood. When he entered into the Academy, he noticed the cry for help on the wall, and nodded approvingly along with most of the students in the Academy. But then she noticed the janitor carrying a bucket of paint to cover the message. Ink Heart didn’t like it. “Hey what do you think you’re doing?” asked the unicorn walking menacingly to the janitor. The janitor, still half-asleep, looked at the unicorn. “Huh? Somepony broke in here and painted this on the wall. I’m covering it up!” Ink Heart kicked the bucket of paint away, and pushed the janitor. “I like how it looks. The graffiti stays here.” The janitor looked at the pony, and the circle the ponies who were surrounding him, half of them were just curious. But the other half were on Ink Heart’s side. One of them even kicked the bucket of paint even further. “Hey I’m just trying to do my job!” said the janitor. “Yes, and you do a magnificent job!” said a young mare. “Your floors spark and you can see your reflection! So why don’t you go to clean the floor instead, huh?” “Hey I was told to cover the graffiti!” “The graffiti stays!” said a third student. “The Student Body supports the Knights of Silence. Lots of us wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for them!” The janitor finally took his paint roller and escaped from the angry students. A few moments later, a security guard walked in seeming angry. He did not want to start his day like this. “What the hay is happening here?” Ink Heart faced the guard. “Yes. We like the new decoration and we want to keep it. Is that a problem?” The security guard looked at the graffiti and the angry students. “Please be reasonable mares and gentlecolts. This is Princess Celestia’s Academy, and this group is openly defying the Crown and…” The students moved toward the security guard, some of them charging attack spells on their horns. The security guard looked at the students, and decided it was not worth it. He returned to the main door. The students exchanged smiles when they heard more hoofsteps coming toward them. All of them recognized the aura, and they could tell she was pissed. But they had to stay firm. They were determined to defend their cause. The Knight’s cause. “What is the meaning of this?!” asked Celestia with her Canterlot Voice. “Go to your classes. NOW!” “And we will! As long as you promise us to not to touch the new decorations! The Student Body is with the Great Master and the Knights of Silence!” shouted Ink Heart. “I can’t do that. Now go back to your classes or there would be consequences.” Celestia turned to the janitor. “Proceed.” The janitor took his paint roller and his bucket of paint and went back to cover the graffiti when a pony threw a rock with such precision that overturned the bucket of paint and all the content spread over the floor. “Who did this?” asked Celestia. Another pony threw a rock that took the crown of her head. “Hey you have no right!!” she said trying to find the culprit. “You have no right to pursue the Knights of Silence!” shouted another pony right behind her. “We are with the Knights!” The student body moved toward Celestia menacingly. The Princess frowned, she could easily put them on their place but she did not wanted to hurt her little ponies, and peacefully retired. Then the unthinkable happened. The Student Body forced all the professors out of the Academy and then they closed the Academy using chairs and desks as a barricade, and improvising signs with their notebooks. “This school is closed until the Crown stops pursuing the Knights of Silence!” shouted Ink Heart, the leader of the rebellion. Celestia frowned. “A student demonstration! Just what I needed!” Celestia knew what was coming. Years of experience have taught her that the news would spread like wildfire, and all of the schools in Canterlot would be forced to close their doors by their own students, and they would join the demonstration. And effectively in less than an hour all the schools have closed its doors, and three fourths of the students reunited at the main square holding signs and demanding the Crown to stop pursuing the Knights of the Silence and to do something about the dark forces menacing the Knights. “KNIGHTS OF SILENCE DESERVE PROTECTION TOO!” “No more pursuing! JUSTICE FOR THE KNIGHTS OF SILENCE!” “The Knights are not the problem! The system is the real enemy!” Etc. Some students at Celestia’s Academy even dressed up her statue like the Great Master to show who they were siding with. “We bow before you, oh Great Master!” Celestia watched this from a balcony at her castle, frowning at the events. Luna just listened to all the shouting from the ponies and sighed. “To be completely honest with you Tia, this was to be expected. I am surprised it took this long though.” Celestia shook her head as she punched a wall. “Stupidity is more dangerous than pure evil, and this group of idiots have managed to get a large group of equally idiotic followers.” “Tia I know you’re upset, but you have to understand this was inevitable, also we have to admit defeat. The only way to stop this for good is to change the educational system for good, we cannot let schools to be selective anymore. Education is for everypony.” Celestia glared at Luna but didn’t say anything. Instead she opened a book to forget about the commotion in the outside. But Luna was right, this was to be expected. The Knights’ actions would have this impact sooner or later. “Besides this is a pacific demonstration.” continued Luna. “Ponies have the right to protest against the Government as long as they do not get violent.” Celestia sighed. “I guess you’re right. I’m just worried what the Knights would do now.” “Tia! You know they are not the problem!” “I’m not talking about them! I am talking about the others… those are unpredictable and unstoppable.” … From the mountains surrounding Canterlot, a group of seven undead monsters looked at Canterlot and the commotion on the streets. “So finally the time have come! Idiots protesting for other idiots’ rights.” “JUSTICE! JUSTICE FOR THE KNIGHTS OF SILENCE!” shouted Pin-Kill-Die, mocking the studens. “Can you believe these idiots?” “Faust made all ponies, but the Knights made us equal.” recited Undash. “That’s my favorite.” Gothic seemed thoughtful. “Do you realize if it wasn’t for us, this demonstration would not explode until two years later? It seems that no matter how hard we try we cannot fully change the course of history.” “We haven’t change crap!” said Jack the Reaper. “We were supposed to disappear when we traveled back to the past but here we are!” Midnight rolled her eyes. “I told you there was no guarantee that it would work. Instead of crying over spilled milk, let’s focus on the what’s important. You all know what would happen next, we’ve planned this for four years pushing them to their breaking point.” Night Terror grinned. “Yes, the Great Master would have no choice but to reveal herself.” “And when she does…” “She’ll come to an end, along with her group of idiots.” “We just need to spill a bit of more blood.” The Undead Knights laughed in anticipation. > Chapter 17 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- XVII: Final resolution Spike and the girls were having breakfast together. One of their favorite traditions whenever Spike came to visit. A bump on the door called everypony’s attention. “The morning paper is here, I get it!” said Spike. “Thank you Spike!” said Twilight as she fixed herself a secund cup of coffee. After saying hi Dinky, the delivery girl, he checked the headlines, and smiled widely. ─ Wonderbolt Academy and MIT join the protest. They announce their doors would be closed indefinitely until the Crown stops pursuing the Knights of Silence. We demand freedom of knowledge. We demand justice for the Knights. ─ “What’s with the smile Spike, did you read some good news?” asked Pinkie Pie. “Oh, or did you see an announcement for something cool you want to buy?” “Great news!” said Spike as he showed her the paper. “The Knights of Silence are getting support from all over Equestria. The two largest schools outside Canterlot have joined the protests. Princess Celestia would have no choice but see the light and stop going after the Knights.” Twilight frowned. “How can you call these good news? Are you telling me you support this group, Spike?” The lavender alicorn looked at Spike to the eye, as he felt really awkward and guilty, but he ended up nodding. “Yes Twilight, they have my full support. Maybe they crossed a couple of lines but they also did some great things for Equestria. Just check this out!!” He extended his claw, and the biscuit basket flew toward him surrounded by a black magic aura. Twilight couldn’t believe this. “How could you Spike?” “Twilight, I just wanted to learn magic, be like you!” said Spike. “I get that, but how could you abandon the safety of the Castle and join their night lessons?! You heard about the murders on Canterlot! Did you realize you were exposing yourself to danger?!” The others looked at Spike with clear disapproving on their eyes. Spike wanted to tell them that he did all this to protect them and not fail them as Night Terror failed on his timeline, but he couldn’t find the right words. “Spike you could get killed!” “I could not! The Knights just proved that the Undead Knights were behind the murders all along! And they would never hurt us! Besides, I did not attended the night lessons. I’m not crazy! A couple of friends taught me, on daytime.” “Still it was very dangerous! The Knights of Silence are dangerous people!” said Fluttershy. “I have no idea if they are knights or not.” said Spike defensively. “How could you not know?” asked Twilight frowning. “I did not ask! I knew you would go ballistic over this, and I don’t want to lie to you, and I don’t want to betray my friends. So I did not ask.” They couldn’t believe Spike. This was something they could expect from any other pony, but not from Spike. Twilight just couldn’t believe it. “Okay, and tell me Spike. Who are them and what did your so-called friends asked you in exchange of teaching you magic?” “Nothing! They are just owners of small shops in Canterlot, and they just sell ice cream and coffee. All they asked me is to buy them a cup of coffee or a cone and that was it. They are not ashamed to be full supporters of the Knights of Silence, and so I am.” Twilight sighed. “Okay, I will not discuss ideologies with you. At least you did not endangered yourself and that’s all that matters.” Spike smiled relieved. “I knew you would understand.” “I don’t want to discuss with you about this. Anyway, what can you do? Which spells you master?” “Oh just the basics. Shadow magic, to see as well in darkness as in daylight, shadow teleportation, shadow control and regular pony magic like telekinesis, normal teleportation and some transformation spells.” The others didn’t say anything. What could they say anyway? Canterlot: The demonstration had continued for three days straight. The students have organized shifts to make sure nopony tried to reopen the schools, and to continue the protests in front of the castle simultaneously. Even a bunch of business who supported the Knights closed their doors, or simply refused service to anypony who worked at law enforcement, or for faculty members. Professors and soldiers were suddenly banned form supermarket, restaurants, home improvement shops, etc. “FREEDOM FOR THE KNIGHS!” “WE ALL DESERVE THE SAME OPORTUNITIES!” “LONG LIVE THE GREAT MASTER! OUT WITH THE CROWN!” “WE JUST WANT TO LEARN!” “REPLACE FACULTY MEMBERS WITH KNIGHTS!” The yelling continued day and night, the Princesses could not rest at peace because the students’ yelling was getting under their skin. They tried to use anti-sound barriers, but those were immediately unmade by the members of the Royal Guard who have joined the night lessons and supported the Knights as well. Most of them were apprentices of Silence, who improved on their guard duties because of the spells they were taught, and they were forever grateful with the Knights. Of course, the culprit was never caught. In the meantime the Crown was in constant debate to decide what to do regarding the situation. It hadn’t been easy because of the constant yelling coming from the outside but they knew there was only one solution. Celestia did not wanted to give in, but Luna, Cadence and Twilight showed her there was no other choice. It was Luna who walked to the balcony to confront the angry crowd. “Ponies of Equestria!” she said with her Canterlot Voice. “We have listened to your demand and have decided to give you what you ask. The Knights of the Silence would not be pursued anymore, and they would not have to hide in the shadows anymore.” The entire crowd went crazy celebrating their victory. They defied the system and they have won. Princess Luna raised a hoof, making everypony went silent. “However! The Knights should stop their criminal practices, like stealing documents and breaking in highly restricted areas. Also, in exchange for the Knights’ freedom, the Great Master should turn herself in and answer for her crimes, and the Orders’.” There was a death silence after she finished speaking. But in only lasted for thirty seconds. Then the crowd started to protest and even threw a couple of rocks to the Princess. They didn’t reach the balcony but was enough to annoy Luna. The Princess went back inside the castle, as the crowd continued demanding her to go out and face them. “HEY! WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? COME ON, FACE US COWARD!” Princess Luna closed the door and looked at her sister. “These ponies are truly insufferable. They know they somepony have to pay for what the Knights have done.” “They’ll see reason. And if they don’t at least the Great Master would. For what I can see, she is the most level-headed pony of the whole Order.” “I hope she sees the light before nighttime! Watch the ponies’ dreams had become really difficult with all this noise outside.” In the outside, the students continued with their protests, when the shadow of an adult dragon placed over the crowd and roared, scaring everypony. Six ponies dressed in black hoods jumped from his back, who charged to random ponies and stabbed them with their knives. That was enough to start a panic and make all the ponies to escape. The Undead Knights looked at the injured ponies and left them there as they started to look for their real targets as they ran among the crowd, waiving their knives randomly hurting ponies and make them run faster. Finally one of the protesters turned and shot six magic blasts to the creatures. She was a light-brown earth pony with cream-colored mane and brown eyes. The six creatures received the attack fully. One of them even lost her hoodie, revealing the face of Undash. “I should have known!” said the earth pony. Undash laughed. “Well, well, well, well, well, what do we have here? The Great Master herself!” The pony put herself in a defensive position as the six creatures advanced toward her with their knives on hoof. “I am not the Great Master! I’m just a Knight!” “Yes, you are not the Great Master. yet. But you’ll get the Title after the original turned herself in and died in prison.” “We didn’t do it, we swear!” said Jack the Reaper. “Yeah, a shame. She escaped from our hooves that time.” sighed Fleshy Smile. “But you didn’t though.” said Gothic. Finally Midnight smiled at hear. “And it’s a shame but it seems that you won’t live enough to fulfill your destiny, Great Master Irish Coffee.” Irish gulped and raised her hoof. The undeads’ shadows raised and charged against their owners, pushing them away and giving Irish time to run as far as possible from the creatures, and get lost among the crowd. Soon other ponies followed Irish’s example, and started attacking the creatures with their magic. Unicorns and non-unicorns. One pony managed to remove the hood from one of the undeads and looked at her in disbelief. “Princess Twilight?” asked Minnuette. “No, try again!” said Midnight stabbing the unicorn. “Sorry about this, but we have to force the Great Master to come to light.” Nopony knew when the Royal Guard joined the confusion, only that out of sudden they came to protect the crowd from the rampaging undead knights. They started to throw their spears to the creatures. They did not even bothered to dodge the attacks. One of them managed to get one of the monsters right on the forehead, but she just laughed. “Hey, isn’t that Pinkie Pie’s laughter?” The hooded creature removed hood revealing her face. It was Pinkie Pie, but different. Her mane was straight, her eyes red and her smile was full of giant fangs. The monster laughed hysterically. A young soldier tried to pierce her heart with his spear but he was so afraid that he missed. “Here let me help you!” chuckled Pin-Kill-Die. She pierced her own heart, then she took another soldier’s spear and pierced her own throat. He took as many spears she could and put them all over her body much to everypony’s horror. And then she laughed. “Look girls! I am a pin cushion!” A magic blast reduced the creature to ashes, but she was as good as new in less than a second. She turned to the attacker and bowed. “Hiya Princess Celestia! Don’t you think is a bit rude to treat your allies this way?” Princess Celestia landed ready to fight. “You are not my allies! You are hurting my little ponies!” “Didn’t you want them to shut up? We shut them up!” said Midnight approaching. “Also we didn’t kill anypony this time, we just stabbed them but they’ll be okay as long as you take them to the hospital.” “The only one we were actually going to kill was the future Great Master but she ran away.” said Fleshy Smile. Princess Luna joined the battle sending a new blast against Midnight, that she received and regenerated. “Even you Princess Luna?” “Go away Midnight! Your help is not wanted here!” “Our help is never wanted, we always saved Equestria from the good of our hearts, not because we’ve been asked to. We are not the Bearers anymore but still want to protect our land.” “This vicious killing from the last four years was not protecting the land! You were acting like what you are, undead monsters.” “We only killed those who would become a problem in the future. You have no idea how easily let the power go over their heads. Every pony we have killed in the last four years tried to take over Equestria one day because after they got the power from the Knights of Silence. We chose our targets, those were not random killings.” Celestia just glared at the creatures. She wanted to destroy them so badly but know she couldn’t. “OUT OF MY SIGHT!” demanded Celestia with her Voice of Canterlot. The Undead Knights bowed before Celestia and left. “Just like that?! Aren’t you going to stop them?!” shouted a pony from the crowd. Princess Celestia shook her head. “As much as I wish to do something, my little ponies, those things are more powerful than me. And we cannot stop them.” The ponies complained, and shouted but Celestia could only retired in shame and silence, as the Royal Guard hurried to help the ponies who were stabbed. The Great Master witnessed the whole thing in silence along with Cream Cone and Emerald, and she finally sighed. “What is it, East?” asked Emerald Horn. “I know what I have to do Emerald. I knew I would have to do it sooner or later, and now is time. Before anypony else gets hurt.” … At the next day, Day Court was full of ponies wanting to complaint with the Princesses and shout on their faces how they failed their subjects by not stopping the creatures. Now everypony was sure what was the dark force the Knights were facing. Finally, after a non-stopping line of ponies wanting to yell at them, a young earth pony mare came to the audience room. She had navy-blue fur and a blond mane. She bowed before the Princesses, the first sign of respect somepony have shown her in the whole morning. “So what are you going to yell us about, my little pony?” asked Princess Celestia tiredly. “I am not going to do such thing, Princesses. What happened yesterday made me realize I need to do something. As you said, the Great Master must answer for her crimes. The creatures are after her, not the other ponies. I came here to tell you where to find the Great Master.” The two Princesses exchanged a surprised look. “What?” The earth pony nodded. “Her real name is East Wind. She owns a students’ residence on the center of the city.” Celestia looked at the young mare. “How can we trust you’re telling us the truth?” “Because it is the truth.” Princess Luna looked at the mare in the eye. “What is your name, young mare?” “My name is East Wind.” And with that the Great Master released her aura. Nopony could say anything. > Chapter 18 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- XVIII The train of nightmares The Great Master looked at the Princesses to the eye. “Here’s the deal, I’m turning myself in. And in exchange, you’ll stop going after my Knights as you promised. And give them full protection from those things. Do we agree so far?” The two Princesses looked at the young earth pony still not believe that she was the Great Master. East Wind looked at them and raised her hooves. “What are you waiting for? I am turning myself in. I know I have trained my Knights well. They are ready to continue with the Order’s Legacy when I’m gone.” Luna came back to her senses first. “It is an honor to finally meet the real Great Master.” East Wind bowed. “The honor is mine. I’ve always wanted to meet you as myself. Not as the Great Master.” Celestia just looked at the earth pony in disbelief. “But you are so young! How old are you, thirty?” “I’m actually twenty-four. I became the Great Master when I was twenty, back when I sent you that letter.” “Twenty years! But how?” East Wind shrugged. “Hey, Princess Twilight was more powerful than me back when she was my age. Right?” “But… you seem too young to lead one of the most powerful Orders in Equestria. How?” “I trained from a very young age, right after the original Great Master showed me that it was possible for an earth pony to learn magic. He showed me how important it really is to spread knowledge for those who ask.” She smiled apologetically to the Princess of the Sun and lowered her head. “First let me tell you how sorry I am for what I did, and for my actions have brought to Equestria and my Knights. Those were the actions of a child who didn’t know what was getting herself into. I never wanted any of this.” Princess Celesetia looked sternly at East Wind. “Before I accept or reject your apology, can you tell me what you were thinking?” East Wind sighed. “I only wanted to change the world for good. Back when I sent you that letter I knew that you would no change the educational system, but I wanted to feel better about what I was going to do. My plan was to force you to change the system the way I wanted it by taking away everything that made the Academies exclusive and give it for free to everypony. That way they would no longer have any students willing to apply and have no choice to open their doors to anypony who ask.” Celestia face-hoofed, sighing angrily. “I do not accept your apology! Your story summarizes everything that is wrong with your Order. You don’t realize how your actions have larger consequences that what you think!” “I know, I was being an overpowered child throwing a tantrum.” “You’re still a child!” scolded Princess Luna. East Wind sighed. “I know! And I didn’t know the real impact of my actions until those things almost killed one of my best friends. Not to mention what happened yesterday. This has gone too far, I should have turned myself in when you gave me the change four years ago, but I refused to see danger because I was blind thinking everything would fix when everypony shares my ideology.” She sighed. “This is why I turned myself in no. The Great Master’s duty is to sacrifice for the sake of the Knights. My Master’s Master sacrificed everything so he could escape and continue with the legacy of the Knights. It is my turn to sacrifice myself for my friends to be safe.” “What do you propose, East Wind?” asked Princess Luna. “Yes, what are you planning?” asked Celestia. East Wind sighed. “We have a common enemy, your Majesties. Those things have to be stopped. We cannot kill them, so we have to work in a solution together. The enemy of my enemy is my friend, right? Or at least frenemies. I have… a quarter of a plan.” “A quarter of a plan?” asked Princess Luna. “Yes. Now that I’ve turned myself in, those things are going to come after me. That’s for sure. So, I am offering myself as bait. The rest is up to you because I have no idea how to defeat the undead.” “Are you out of your mind? You know this is suicide!” said Princess Luna. “I am the Great Master, and I have a duty with my Knights. During these four years I’ve proven that even if I was acting like a child I am willing to go above and beyond for my cause. We have to work together.” “The Crown and the Knights of Silence…” reasoned Princess Luna. “And the Bearers of Harmony, the Princess of Love, the Royal Guard. Everypony we could get.” added the Great Master. “It’s risky.” East Wind sighed, resigned to her fate. “Only the Knights and me would be in danger. If it was for me only I would expose to danger, but my friends insisted to face the danger with me.” “I have an idea, but I don’t like it!” said Luna thoughtful. “What do you suggest?” asked East Wind willing to everything at this point. “I don’t like it, they would kill you for sure.” “That’s a sacrifice I am willing to do and you know it.” said East Wind. “Go on.” “Yes Luna, what’s on your mind?” asked Celestia. The Princess of the Night sighed sadly. “We would announce to the world that your trail will take place in the Crystal Empire. You’ll be put on a train escorted by the Bearers and ourselves. With our power, and the power of Harmony we will stop those things for good.” East Wind nodded sadly. “Yeah, I like it. But we have to act carefully. We only have noe shot. But allow me to make a small change to the plan.” “What is it?” Two shadow materialized into Emerald Horn and Irish Coffee as civilians as their Great Master. “We will be escorting the Great Master too.” Luna nodded. “This was to be expected. Despite all you’ve done, you are truly noble warriors, Knights of the Silence.” Celestia agreed. “If this is not the magic of friendship, I don’t know what it is.” “We would never let the Great Master expose herself like that!” Assured Emerald Horn. “Just like her we are willing to sacrifice ourselves if that means save the Order!” said Irish Coffee. “This is suicide, but we can try to save the Great Master.” smiled Emerald sadly. Celestia and Luna exchanged a look and nodded. “You are an idiot East Wind, but we can learn a couple of things from you. You are naïve and childish, but also one of the noblest ponies I’ve ever met.” smiled the Princess of the Night. “I agree with my sister. You are a kind and admirable pony. I wish I have met you in different circumstances. Thank you for your sacrifice, I promise we will do anything in our power to prevent you from dying.” “We all know that I’ll die no matter what. But thank you for trying.” “We need to prepare ourselves for the incoming battle.” said Princess Luna. “Guards! Escort the Great Master and her Knights to their rooms.” “You mean the dungeons, your Majesty?” asked a soldier. “No, to one of the guests’ rooms. Is the least we can do.” The two guards bowed before the Princess, and took them to a very comfortable room. It was a small consolation prize since she was practically sentenced to death. Finally, Celestia took a scroll and prepared to send it to Twilight through Spike. “Tia, are you sure? The Undead Knights would intercept it.” “I’m counting on it.” “They’ll know it’s a trap.” “No, they’ll know its an invitation.” Celestia sent the message with a huge sigh. “You know what the worse part is?” asked Celestia. “What, sister?” The Princess sighed again. “That in the end, the Great Master won. What she did forced us to change the educational system the way she envisioned because now all our little ponies think the way she does. And now that she is voluntarily sacrificing herself to the Undead Knights, she’ll become a martyr. Her cause would be stronger than ever.” Luna agreed with a smile. “And she knows it. Great job Great Master, great job.” Four days later: Twilight and the others were at the train station ready for what they hoped would be the last encounter with the seven creatures. Spike came with them but only to say goodbye. “Take care. Especially you Twilight.” said Spike hugging the lavender alicorn. “You too Spike. Be careful, I don’t know what I would do if something happens to you.” He hold his mother against him for a while until the train whistled announcing it was time to go. “Bye Twilight. Bye girls.” “Bye Spike!” said the girls in the unison. They were afraid, even if they knew their other selves would not harm them seeing their alternate future self was very frightening. The girls hoped on the train, ready to face the Undead Knights. They have prepared a plan to seal the creatures, this time for good. And they were praying for this to work. Luckily they will have more than enough support by having Cadence, Luna, Celestia and Shining Armor at their side. Finally, the train left with no pony noticing the large reptilian shadow that moved on its own and hide until they arrived to Canterlot Station. The girls jumped from one train to another. A train controlled exclusively by military personnel where the Princesses, Cadence and Shining were already waiting for them. “Shine, I’m so glad you’re here!” said Twilight hugging her big brother. “Twilight is so good to see you too. I just wish it wasn’t on the current circumstances.” “Where are the Knights of the Silence?” asked Pinkie Pie. “We are protecting them, aren’t we?” Princess Luna pointed a hoof to a door. “They asked for their private wagon. It is obvious they have their own plan, but they assured us it is against the undeads.” “Can we trust them?” asked Twilight, frowning. “Yes we can, now that we get to know the Great Master we can tell she is a trustworthy pony. All she wants is to protect her Knights.” “Also they are the only ones whose lives are in danger are them, they deserve the to have their own backup plan.” Twilight nodded, as the train started to move. Everypony was in silence, mentally preparing for the incoming battle. On their own wagon, the Knights of Silence waited as well, nervous but ready to give it all for the final showdown. Eternal, Flash, Cream Cone and Bushroot decided to stay out of this, and nopony could blame them. But Emerald Horn and Irish were ready to face death to support their Great Master, and they had planned the perfect strategy. East Wind did not like the plan they came up with, but she was aware this was their only chance of survival if there was any. After an hour, Irish Coffee went to make some drinks for everypony. East Wind looked boringly to a corner and moved her hoof, forcing Spike to come out of his shadow. “Hey!” “We are too far from Ponyville already. Is far too late for your mom to ask the engineer to go back to Ponyville.” said Irish Coffee, offering him a cup the beverage that had her name. “Thanks.” Emerald smiled at him. “Noble and all but be careful, okay? You’re still a kid! We don’t want to send you to your death.” “If there’s something that they would never hurt that’s me!” said Spike. “I know!” sighed Irish. “This is why I didn’t expose you to your family. And I appreciate the extra claw, but again be extra careful Spike. You know this is no game.” Spike nodded. The Knights finished their drinks and dressed themselves with heir black tunics, and hoods. But not their masks. If they were going to die, they wanted to die as themselves. And then the train stopped out of sudden. Twilight opened the door. “Get ready! Somepony threw a huge boulder on the trails, we cannot move!” Then her eyes looked at the tallest knight, and felt how her heart sank. “No… no, no, no please! This can’t be real!” Spike hugged her. “I know we have to talk, but not right now.” The train shook violently. “EVERYPONY BEHIND ME!” commanded the Great Master. The three Knights stayed behind their Great Master, and Twilight extended her wings trying to cover Spike. They could heard the hoofstpes walking on the roof. A roar made everypony jump when a giant claw ripped off the wagon’s roof allowing six figures to jump inside facing the Knights of Silence. “Hey! Did somepony invited us to a trap? Because we are dying to assist!” laughed Pin-Kill-Die. Everypony got ready, the final showdown had begun. > Chapter 19 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- XIX: The greatest sacrifice of a Great Master Four days earlier: The dark alicorn looked annoyed at her lover. “What are you doing Night Terror? Why did you stop?” asked Midnight. “You know I don’t like when we stop halfway through our especial moments.” Night Terror separated from her, and showed the message he just intercepted with a smirk. Midnight raised an eyebrow when she recognized her mentor’s writing, and started laughing. The other five undeads turned their heads to her. “What’s up with you?” asked Undash. Midnight showed her the scroll. “The Great Master have been captured, and her trial would be on the Crystal Empire. They would transport her in four days to face justice.” “So… this is a trap for us?” asked Gothic. “Considering they already know what we would do, I think on this more like an invitation.” grinned Midnight. “Who wants to take a train? We have lots of fun ahead of us!” “I’m in!” giggled Pin-Kill-Die. “Fun, fun, fun! I live for fun! Or I die for it? Anyway, I am ready to join the game. “And whose gonna join us?” asked Jack the Reaper. “Everypony would come! Our other selves, the Princesses and even our silent friends!” said Night Terror. “I guess they want to stop us for good.” said Midnight thoughtful. “I really don’t know what they think they can do to us, but I’m curious!” “We’re all curious darling, but if we’re going we need a plan!” said Gothic. “Why?!” protested Undash. “Is not like they are able to do anything with us!” “Maybe not but we have to make sure we are able to kill the Great Master before they try anything.” said Midnight. “Not only her but all the Knights who are on that train.” corrected Fleshy Smile. “We have four days to plan our strategy, let’s relax and prepare our weapons. You know how we enjoy the preparations before carnage!” Midnight nodded. “Just remember that the Great Master is our priority, if the others survive we’ll kill them later. It doesn’t matter. As for the Great Master, she would be a difficult target since she’ll be protected by everypony. We have to think the way to lure her to us.” “Considering how she is, she’ll do it on her own. She won’t risk any other life but hers. And the idiots who follow her would do everything in their power to protect her. Idiots protecting idiots, so we will have the chance to kill them on the spot!” grinned Fleshy Smile. “Yes but our other selves would do anything to prevent us from happening, this is why we have to plan our move carefully!” said Midnight. “This is a trap designed for us.” They began to argue the best way to approach the train. Finally after what it looked like non-stopping arguing for four days straight, it was time for carnage. Night Terror extended his wings, as Jack the Reaper, Gothic and Pin-Kill-Die climbed his back. Undash, Fleshy Smile and Midnight all had wings. They went into a mountain right between Canterlot and the Crystal Empire knowing that on their spot they would see the train any minute now. They finally saw it coming at moderate speed like waiting for them to attack. “Undash and Fleshy Smile, do your thing!” commanded the dark alicorn. The two undead charged against a large boulder that dropped on the trail for the impact. The train stopped almost immediately as the undeads jumped over the roof and began to walk on the roof searching for the Great Master’s aura. They stopped over a wagon on the middle of the train, and at Midnight’s sign, Night Terror ripped off the wagon’s roof allowing the six undeads to jump inside. “Hey! Did somepony invited us to a trap? Because we are dying to assist!” laughed Pin-Kill-Die. The Great Master East Wind faced them. “I’m glad you accepted our invitation, Undead Knights.” “A great detail on your behalf!” smiled Midnight analyzing the surroundings. This would be fun. She started to analyze her potential targets. She recognized the second Great master, who she killed on her timeline. An unknown unicorn and… “Wait a minute, Spike?” The door opened suddenly, letting pass the rest of the Bearers, the Princesses and the rulers of the Crystal Empire. They all looked at the tallest of the Knights of Silence in awe. Spike made a quick nod looking at Midnight to the eye. “Is like Night Terror says. Being useless it’s a sin.” Midnight grinded her teeth. “Night Terror! New mission, keep Spike as far as possible from the fight! I don’t want him here!” The adult dragon nodded. “By your command, Midnight!” He looked at Spike. “I warned you, remember? You decided to play a dangerous game.” Spike charged the power of shadows on his claws as he looked at Night Terror. “I’ll cross any line to protect the ponies I love.” The undead dragon tried to catch Spike with his large claw, but the smaller dragon fused with his shadow to escape. With that the fight had begun. The Undead Knights charged against the rest of the Knights of Silence, who bravely charged against them too. The four alicorns shot a powerful magic beam to them, making the creatures explode. The pieces of dead meat were through everywhere on the wagon, only for the undead to regenerate. “Seriously, you trying to destroy us is getting old! You know we are already dead, right’” “Yer’ right but don’t stops from tryin!” shouted Applejack tackling Jack the Reaper. But it was like hitting a wall of bricks. Applejack was very strong and muscular mare, so the rigor mortis had hardened her muscles beyond imagination. “Ya’ think ya’ can stop me like that?” laughed the Reaper before grabbing Applejack by her braid and threw her over Rarity. Rarity had to push her friend away with her magic, and shot several weak magic beams against Midnight. The dark alicorn received a couple on the flank, and turned to Rarity. With a shrug the dark alicorn fused in the shadows and appeared right behind the white unicorn and proceeded to kick her on the gut. Rainbow Dash noticed this, and charged against Midnight. Midnight noticed and smiled, ready to receive the impact when Dash turned at the last second and instead what she received was an attack from Shining Armor at full power. The attack sent Midnight all the way back to another wagon where several guards received her with their spears to embed her on the wooden floor as they ran to backup the Knights of Silence. In the last wagon of the military train, the undead dragon Night Terror was fighting with his living counterpart. At first he thought he could dominate the smaller dragon with ease, but he was way stronger than he imagined. He was fast and agile, disappearing inside his shadow over and over and reappearing randomly and shooting powerful beams to the older dragon. Finally Spike appeared right in front of the bigger dragon, and charged his power on his claws as an unicorns would do in their horns, and shot the most powerful beam he could cast. It caused a huge explosion that sent Night Terror all the way back to the wagon where the rest of the ponies were fighting the Undead Knights. The impact left everypony silent and turned to Spike in awe. Night Terror laughed, amused. “Whoa, you are strong kid!” “I owe it to your advice, Night Terror. I am at the level of an A-Class unicorn. Not even Starlight Glimmer would have a chance against the new me.” Night Terror got up as large as he was, looking at the huge hole in his chest with a smile. “I believe you.” said the dragon as he regenerated. One more time Night Terror jumped over Spike, who disappeared inside the shadows and materialized behind Gothic and blasted her so hard that he destroyed all her body except for the head. “Hey I thought you liked me!” said the head. “Not a kid anymore, sorry!” said Spike as he threw the head out of the window. The rest of the Undeads looked at Spike between surprised and amused of the audacity of the dragon. After looking at Midnight they jumped over the little dragon. Not to kill him but to put him out of combat so they could continue with their mission. East Wind and the rest of the Knights created a wall of shadows to keep the monsters away from Spike, as each of them created a small dagger of shadows with their magic. Including Spike. “Spike what are you doing?! Drop that knife now!” shouted Twilight. “Twi, as a Knight of Silence I am trained in both magical and physical combat. I know how to use it, and I’ll help to finish this!” assured the dragon. The lavender alicorn looked at Spike as not knowing what to think, but he smiled at her. “Twilight I joined because I wanted to become strong to stay at your side and protect you. We will defeat the Undead Knights.” “Defeat them or die trying. But at least you don’t have to worry about the last part buddy!” joked Irish smiling. But her eyes reflected how scared she was. The Undead got up and attacked the Knights of Silence. Each of them responded by stabbing them with their knives, and released a magic blast sealed inside that sent them away right to Celestia’s and Luna’s hooves. The two Princesses send a magic blast on their own that turned them into ashes. But as expected, the creatures regenerated. “Seriously, do you actually have a plan or what?” asked Midnight. “This is nothing we haven’t been through before.” “And is extremely unfair dears!” said Gothic. “We gave everything to protect Equestria! Why are you treating us like this?” Twilight faced the creatures. “You know why we are doing this! You may had been us in the past, but now you are nothing but soulless killing machines! Something that shouldn’t exist!” “Soulless?” asked Fleshy-Smile offended. “Oh my! You are misjudging us Twilight! Our souls are right here inside our dead flesh, and sees everything we do. And how we do it.” “What?!” asked Twilight horrified. Pin-Kill-Die sighed sadly. “When you make a pact with the Devil your soul is supposed to descend to hell directly, as your body turns into this unkillable creature. But the Elements of Harmony protected us, and instead of going to hell we must stay inside our bodies. We have to find a balance between who we were, and our new dark nature.” “These bodies force us to give in to our darkest desires, like our inner bloodlust. Is not that bad, we could be burning in hell.” said Gothic jumping through the window with body completely regenerated. Night Terror shrugged, as he slapped Shining Armor away. “Either if its because of the Elements or the Power of Love, we are stuck. We cannot go back or go forward. We are out choices.” Undash grinned sadly. “You didn’t hear this from me, okay? But if I’m completely honest, if it was for us, we would had gone to hell a long time ago.” The Princess of the Night looked at the creatures. “We do feel pity for you, Undead Knights. No pony deserves a fate as yours, but you must understand you cannot prevail! We must stop you one way or another.” Princesses Luna, Celestia, Cadence and Twilight combined a powerful attack that made the entire train blow up completely, as part of their plan. They knew the creatures would regenerate immediately but everypony needed the fight to end in the open to make their final move. But as soon as they found themselves in the open, they realized they were surrounded by the undead. Dozens of undead creatures held by chains and shackles, trying to get them with all their power. When the train was destroyed, the monsters roared and tried to jump over the living to kill them. Because that was what the undead did. They had no capability to think or to feel anymore. They were must unkillable creatures guided by the dark desire of murder, murder, and more murder. The members of the Royal Guard were terrified looking at the creatures. They raised their spears but were shacking in fear. The six Bearers, the Princesses and Shining Armor raised a shield, and looked at the Undead Knights who have finished regenerating. Midnight smiled at them, but her smile fainted. “Sorry we had to do this, but since you prepared a trap for us the least we could do was to prepare a trap on our own.” Undash looked at the Knights of Silence, and grinned at them. “We have some unfinished business with the Knights of Silence, and we couldn’t let you interrupt us!” “Yeah, you should had let us kill her.” Gothic and Midnight shot a beam to the chains and shackles, releasing the undead monsters who started to attack every living thing they could find. The Princesses shouted and started to shot magical attacks trying to keep the creatures in line. The soldiers did their best to keep up as well, but they were terrified. Some of them started to use Magic of Silence to defend themselves, making the undeads’ shadows to turn against their owners and slowed them down. In the meantime the Undead Knights charged against the Knights of Silence, each of them generating a dagger of shadows only to tease their rivals. The Great Master decided to take on Midnight. Midnight laughed at them and opened her hooves to receive all the attacks from the Great Master. East Wind’s knife went through Midnight’s chest, and released an attack at full power that destroyed everything. Organs, flesh and bones. As expected, Midnight regenerated, and she lifted the earth pony with her magic. East Wind tried to break the hold, but Midnight was too powerful for her. “It’s useless Great Master. You are stronger than me back when I was your age, and a unicorn. But I am an alicorn now and a corpse. I cannot feel tired. But you will eventually. Just let me end your misery.” Midnight release a magic attack over the defenseless East Wind, who cried in pain. “You know? I prefer physical torture but I think this would be enough for you. I know you’re not evil but your carelessness have brought enough problems to Equestria already. So I would finish you as fast as possible.” She sent a new attack to East Wind, who cried in pain again. “Great Master!” shouted Spike sending a shadow beam to Midnight. But the attack was intercepted by Night Terror, who grabbed him with his tail. “Enough is enough kid!” Spike tried to release his aura. “You told me, remember? Being useless it’s a sin! I’ll protect my loved ones, including my Great Master!” Night Terror rolled his eyes. “Noble but stupid. Wanna fight the undead? Okay, fine. Be my guest!” Night Terror threw Spike in the middle of the main fight. When noticed a new life force, the real undead ran toward Spike who barely had time to create a magic shield. “Dang it!” Twilight flew to the rescue destroying the undead monsters and landing aside Spike. “You and I will have a very serious talk when this ends, understood Spike?” “Figured as much!” said Spike sending his own magic beams to the creatures. On the sky, Cadence was flying in circles trying to get the full picture of the battle. “Do not destroy them! Hold them back!” Shining nodded and used a chain spell he had been developing after the fight with Night Terror four years ago. The chains wrapped around the creatures’ legs and made them fell. They tried to squirm and to get to the creatures but could not think how to freed themselves. The others understood the strategy and started to wrap the creatures in chains, or creating craters and push the creatures inside and then cover the crater with heavy rocks. It wouldn’t work forever but would buy them some time. “Dealing with those seven made me forget how stupid these things actually are!” sighed Luna in relief. Celestia nodded and turned to the Knights of Silence and the Great Master. “No!” East Wind looked at Midnight walking toward her, raising her knife. “You fought well, both for your cause and against me.” “I never intended for this to happen; you know it right?” asked East Wind weakly. “I know, this is why this would be quick and relatively painless. Undeads!” Undash immobilized Emerald and forced his eyes open. Fleshy Smile did the same with Irish Coffee. “Any last words East Wind?” asked Midnight. The earth pony looked down. “I hate myself for doing this. NOW!” Emerald and Irish fused with their shadows to get off the undeads, and materialized right in time to sent a combined spell to Midnight. The dark alicorn laughed and used the Great Master as a living shield. East Wind had a small grin on her face as the spell impacted her fully. The two Knights fell on their knees as they have used all their remaining power. East Wind was surrounded by a white light that caught everypony’s attention. They could feel the Great Master’s power increase exponentially. “Shit!” said Midnight. Celestia’s eyes widened when she recognized the spell. “YOU HAD NO RIGHT! WHO GAVE YOU THIS KNOWLEDGE?” Luna was surprised too as she looked at Celestia with fear. “How did they…?” A horn appeared on East’s forehead as two wings sprouted from her sides and landed in front of Midnight. Midnight roared in anger and charged against the new alicorn, who moved her hoof and the monster was cut in half. Then with her new horn she shot a new magic attack that took care of Undash, Fleshy Smile and Midnight at the same time. “Wow… I am stronger than I expected!” Emerald smiled weakly. “I knew that the only pony worthy of getting this power was you, Great Master.” “Emerald…” The green unicorn smiled at her. “East, if we make it alive I wanted to tell you that I like you. Not as a Great Master but as a mare. Please go out with me when we rgo back home!” And then he fainted, the Alicorn Spell had taken everything from him Irish giggled. “What a cliché scene! But it was funny.” Then she fainted as well. East Wind hugged her two Knights of Silence, and why not? She kissed Emerald, who smiled, before facing the undeads. Midnight was not amused. “How did you got that spell? You never figured this in our timeline!” “You are the ones who came to alter history, you tell me!” said East charging her power on her hooves and horn. Midnight shrugged. “You may be right, but one more alicorn doesn’t change anything!” Spike overheard this and smiled. “Hey Midnight!” The undead alicorn turned to him. “WHAT?” “What about two alicorns?” Twilight looked at Spike in awe, as he charged the spell on his claws. “SHINING!” The spell hit the older of the Sparkle siblings, as Spike fell on his knees as the spell drained him completely. Shining Armor looked at himself as two wings sprouted from his sides, and his muscles gained the strength and consistency of an Earth Pony. He looked at his younger brother, who smiled before fainting as well. Midnight sighed, this battle had been going for far too long. “Night Terror, let’s finish this!” The enormous dragon sent a powerful stream of fire to the Great Master, who blocked with with a shield, but it was enough to distract her since he actually wanted to smash the mare under his body. Shining flew to create a shield just in time. But the impact over the protective sphere was so strong that it created a huge crater. East Wind was intact, but Night Terror was angry. It wasn’t time to hesitate, she sent a new magic beam to the creature’s belly. The new attack only made Night Terror to lose his balance half of a second, but it didn’t matter since the rest of the undead jumped over the crater to get the Great Master. She flew away to escape from them, but then she looked at Twilight and waved her hoof. “Do it.” Twilight gulped but nodded when she saw the resolution in East Wind’s eyes. East Wind turned her attention to the Undeads, and raised her hooves. The creatures’ shadows separated from them and turned against their owners immobilizing them against the ground. They struggled against their own shadows’ hold, but with her new alicorn powers East Wind was more than a match for them. Night Terror and Midnight were their strongest elements, and they were able to fight the Great Master as an alicorn, but they were immobilized by Celestia, Luna, Cadence and Shining Armor. They could not move. Twilight and her friends approached as the creatures struggled to get free. East Wind took a look at her surroundings and smiled. It was a beautiful place to be buried. She landed in the middle of the Undead Knights creating chains made of shadows to keep them down as the Elements of Harmony prepared their move. “ARE YOU SERIOUSLY TRYING TO MAKE US SLEEP AGAIN?” shouted Undash. “Yes, and this time we’ll make sure you stay that way!” declared Twilight revealing her secret weapon. A branch from the Tree of Harmony. “Great Master!” Twilight threw the branch to East Wind who grabbed with her hoof and raised it over her head. She was smiling but crying at the same time. Still she did not hesitate, she knew this had to be done. “Hey! Tell Emerald I liked him too, okay?” “We will!” said Twilight waving a hoof. She did not know the Great Master for too long but she liked this pony. Noble until the very end. Twilight and the girls cleared their tears as they concentrated their power over the branch…that created a huge rainbow explosion as the branch absorbed the power slowly turning into a sprout of the Tree of Harmony. Its roots began to expand all over the Undead Knights, and also the regular undead. The Harmonic effect was almost instant. All the undead creates yawned and stopped struggling from their temporary holds as they surrendered themselves to the bliss of sleep. A pleasure only for the living. “Harmony created you, Harmony will keep you under control!” declared Twilight looking how the roots of Harmony swallowed all the monsters in the area. Midnight looked at her to the eye, before she fall asleep with the rest of the undead monsters. “We’ll be back and you know it. We are the shadow of Harmony… this only bought you tiiiimmm…" The last of the Undead Knights was foever trapped under the roots of the new Sprout of Harmony. It was over. > Chapter 20 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- XX: The end of the Silence Emerald and Irish opened their eyes first, looking around. They could see what was left of the trails and the train. And of course, the Sprout of Harmony glowing mysteriously and beautifully. It would be a wonderful show, if it wasn’t for the roots tangled under the tree and the creatures trapped inside. Five alicorns and five Bearers of Harmony were looking at the Tree with relief on their eyes. “So it worked…” said Irish sighing. Emerald didn’t say anything, just held back his tears for his Great Master. Why did it had to be this way? The ten ponies turned to them. “So you’re awake. Good for you.” The two Knights nodded as they approached the Sprout of Harmony. Spike was the last to open his eyes, as she looked at the Sprout of Harmony. He was exhausted, twice as his companions since he performed the Alicorn Spell on his own. But he was satisfied with the result. The Undead Knights were finally defeated and sealed forever. Just the way it should be. “Keep them sleeping forever! A good deal if you ask me!” Irish Coffee giggled and hugged Spike. “Victory is ours, thanks to our teamwork!” “But with a price!” said Emerald Horn, kicking the roots angrily. “Why East? Why did you do it? SINCE WHEN OUR CAUSE WAS MORE IMPORTANT THAN YOUR LIFE?!” Emerald Horn fell on his knees crying. Spike and Irish joined him in silence. Remembering their Great Master, who have given up everything for them. The others looked at the Knights, giving them their space. But after a while Celestia approached to them slowly. “I am so sorry for your loss. East Wind was a good pony, and in other circumstances I think we would become friends.” They looked at the Princesses but didn’t say anything. They stayed there looking at the Sprout of Harmony. “The bravest pony I’ve met!” said the Princess. “Childish and caused lots of trouble, but her heart was in the right place. East Wind, I hope your students make you proud.” Emerald turned to her. “So are you going to keep your promise? You won’t chase us anymore?” Celestia nodded. “The Crown will honor our word, young Emerald Horn!” She sighed, letting escape a small tear. “When I said she would have to answer for her crimes this is not what I meant! You didn’t have to pay with your life!” “She would do anything for us!” said Emerald Horn still staring at the Sprout of Harmony. “She knew it would come to this.” Celestia couldn’t resist as she began to cry in silence. In the end the Great Master’s sacrifice have touched her deeply. Irish started sobbing as well as she hugged Emerald. The only one who was not crying was Spike, still staring at the Sprout of Harmony, when Twilight joined him. “Are you okay?” “I’ll be okay. But she was my hero, Twilight! I haven’t seen braver pony… so dedicated to her cause and now…” Spike kicked a rock. “I know there was not another way! But… I really miss her Twilight! She was my inspiration during this last years!” Twilight looked away, hurt. “I thought I was your inspiration Spike.” “You were… but the Great Master was the Great Master! You should have know her! Her passion to share every single piece of knowledge she had! She was the best!” Twilight sighed but nodded. “I know, this is the kind I would have followed back when I was your age.” Spike smiled at Twilight but her mother was not smiling. “And speaking of sharing knowledge, Spike I need to know. Who else maste the Alicorn Spell?” Everypony turned to the dragon except for the Knights who were too busy crying for their Great Master. Spike sighed. “All the official Knights know how to use t the spell. Emerald, Cream, and I along with other three. Why does it matter anyway?” “Because we are talking about one of the most dangerous spells in the world. The power to gran unlimited power, and eternal life!” scolded Luna. “You are playing with fire, Knights of the Silence.” “So do you plan to spread this knowledge too?” asked Princess Celestia glaring at Spike. The dragon shook his head sadly. “No, we were about to but then the Great Master told us we should not share this. She didn’t even want to use it but the Alicorn Spell was the only thing that could buy us enough time to seal the Undead Knights.” Emerald kicked a rock. “And I was stupid enough to believe that would give her enough power to survive to the battle with the Undeads.” Irish just hugged his friends along with Spike. They stayed there looking at the Sprout. Spike smiled sadly to his mother. “Twilight, do you mind leave us alone to say goodbye to our leader? Please! We’ll catch up with you later.” Twilight looked at them and then nodded. “Okay. Now that the danger has passed I guess it’s okay. We’ll wait for you in the Crystal Empire. Is not far from here.” “We’ll teleport.” said Irish Coffee. Twilight and the others nodded at they began to leave. “But Spike we’ll have a long talk when we go back home! Understood?” “And we may have a private talk as well!” said Princess Celestia looking at him sternly. The young drake nodded but didn’t say a word. With that the Knights were left alone with the Sprout and their Great Master buried inside along with the seven creatures from nightmares. They stared at the Sprout just letting escape a few tears and whines but not words. Just saying goodbye in silence, as their Great Master would do for them. It was when Spike noticed something with the corner of his eye. “Hey guys! Look at that!” The other two turned to him as Spike walked to a small object forgot in the middle of the battlefield. It was a small mirror with the Knights’ emblem on it. Spike looked at Emerald and Irish with stars on his eyes. “Guys look at this! I can feel it, the Great Master’s signature!” “Wait, what?” asked Irish examining the mirror too. “No way!” Emerald couldn’t help but smile. They hugged and exchanged smiles before teleporting to the Crystal Empire. They had a long way ahead of them now that the Great Matser have left them. … The Great Master East Wind was buried with all the honors of a true hero. An empty coffin was buried on her behalf on Canterlot Cemetery in the especial section reserved for heroes. Her grave was placed between Clover the Clever and Smart Cookie along with several historical figures. Even Princess Celestia herself made an eulogy during the ceremony. “East Wind, the Great Master. a young pony who always fought for everypony. She never used her knowledge or power for selfish desires always willing to share everything she knew with those who ask. And even if her actions weren’t always correct she was brave enough to accept the consequences for her and for her Knights. An idiot who sacrificed her life to defend her ideology. And this is why I admire her so much. If somepony deserves to be called a hero that’s the Great Master!” “Great Master!” shouted a pony in the crowd. Everypony joined. “GREAT MASTEEEEER!!” Celestia sighed, happy to admit defeat. East Wind fought the system and won at her own strange way, and her ultimate sacrifice made Celestia respect her even more. In the end all she cared was to save her Knights. In the end she had to admit that if there was a pony worthy of becoming an alicorn that was her. “Because of this my little ponies… I’ve decided to honor her sacrifice by giving the Knights what they’ve always wanted. The educational system would change from now on. No more exclusivity, no more selection exams. Everypony who wants to enter to any school would be more than welcome. And in exchange the Knights would stop stealing knowledge since it is finally free!” The ponies cheered at this announcement. “And it is an honor to announce you that from today the Academy of Silence is officially open, and recognized by the Crown and the authorities as the greatest school to learn magic!” “EDUCATION IS FOR EVERYPONY!” celebrated the crowd. Also a statue of her was placed in the middle of the Academic Area of Canterlot right in the middle of all the universities as a tribute from all the ponies who were taught by her. The Great Master have made it, she changed the world. After the ceremony and a long day, Spike was tired and just wanted to rest but Twilight wanted answers and he knew it was time to tell the truth. “Start talking Spike. Why did you become a Knights of Silence?” Spike sighed. “Remember the pony I told you who came to study myths and legends to Ponyville? Well that was only her cover. Her true intention was to find all the information she could about the undead and how to stop them.” “So she was… The Great Master?” Spike nodded, remembering his fate encounter with East. “When she couldn’t find anything here she went to the Royal Sisters’ castle to get more information from their library. I tried to warn her but she have teleported in shadows before I could say anything so I had no choice but follow her. We ended up facing Night Terror and he said something that changed my life forever.” “And what was that?” “Being useless it’s a sin. He became an undead monster because he couldn’t save you our the girls from that fate so he better shared it instead of fight against you. I decided to become strong so I can protect you when the time comes.” Twilight looked at him. “You are not useless Spike and you’ve never been!” “Not anymore. I am no longer a child, and now I have great power that I’ll use to teach others and also to protect you and the girls when the right time comes.” Twilight hugged Spike with her wings. “If only you’ve told me how you felt I would make sure you could enjoy your childhood a little bit more. I am glad that you became this noble warrior for us Spike, but do you realize you put your life in danger?” “I was never in danger. The Undead Knights would never hurt me.” “No, they wouldn’t but you were going to the streets of Canterlot at night all by yourself!” Spike looked away, ashamed. “You’re right…” “Not to mention you lied to me and everypony!” said Twilight. “Don’t do this again please!” Spike nodded. “I promise.” Twilight looked at her son in silence and hugged him. Spike returned the hug and the two of them stayed like that for a while, when Twilight turned to her. “Spike, I know you were the one who gave them the Alicorn Spell.” Spike nodded. “And I’m pretty sure Celestia knows it too.” “Why?” “I wasn’t thinking at that moment. I just wanted to… you know, I was possessed by the ‘education is for everypony’ spirit. I didn’t think in consequences until it was too late. But in the end, it helped us in battle.” “Yes, it did. You know? Celestia did not wanted to teach me that spell saying it was too dangerous and that it could change the course of the world, blah-blah-blah.” Spike raised an eyebrow. “Are you asking me what I think you’re asking?” “Teach me how to do it, please!” Spike laughed. “You know our motto. Education is for everypony.” The two of them sat in silence, when Spike suddenly winked his eye to Twilight. “This was not the only secret spell I shared. Remember the mirror portal you use to travel to the other world?” Twilight looked at him in awe. “What? You shared that with them?” “Yes, back when I joined the Order.” Twilight frowned. “Thank you for your honesty I guess. Why are you telling me this?” Spike smiled and showed her the mirror he found on the battlefield. “Because… Twilight let me tell you a secret. The Great Master lives!” > EPILOGUE 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- EPILOGUE 1: Where the nightmares came from Alternate timeline: In the Royal Sisters’ castle library everypony was in dead silence. Interrupted only by an isolated sob. They had reach their breaking point. Since Starlight have destroyed their Cutie Marks they spent countless sleepless nights looking for a way to recover them and be able to face Starlight. But nothing they have tried have worked so far. Not even joining the Nights of Silence gave them the power to get back what they’ve lost. At least the Knights of the Silence were powerful enough to fight against Starlight’s Equalitarians. Their last hope was to find the nature of the spell Starlight have used to take away their Cutie Marks. They found the information they needed… but that also crushed all their hopes. The spell she have used it was a powerful curse made for criminals, to make them talentless and helpless for the rest of their lives. It was an ultimatum. There was not going back, “Then what should we do?” asked Rarity sobbing. “We cannot let her win!” shouted Rainbow Dash. “I won’t let her defat me!” But she was crying already, knowing there was no hope. She extended her wings and tried to fly to Ponyville, but her speed was only a sad memory and she stopped halfway through and cried in desperation. Twilight began to cry as well. “We’ve failed. We tried to fight until the end not realizing it was the end already!” Fluttershy joined to the cries as Applejack looked to the wall, crying on the inside. Pinkie Pie was only drawing sad faces on the ground with her hoof. It was the end. Equestria’s greatest protectors had given up. Or maybe not. Pinkie took the closest book and looked for a solution. But couldn’t find anything, and threw it again, then she repeated the process over. She refused to give up, there had to be a solution. Then she found it. Pinkie threw the book to Twilight. “Here you go! We may not have our Cutie Marks back but we can have some revenge!” “Pinkie?” asked Twilight in disbelief. “Revenge, yes revenge! Don’t you get it? We are useless now. I am done being good and being a hero! I don’t care about Equestria anymore I just want to kill that bitch!” Pinkie’s mane have gone straight, and her fur darkened. She was not okay. And the worse part was that Applejack joined her. “A’m with Pinkie in this one Twi. It’s been a while since A’ cared about savin’ Equestria. A JUST WANT TO KILL HER!” The pink pony showed Twilight the spell she had find. “See? A pact! We cannot be Equestria’s heroes anymore, so we can do this.” Twilight read the steps of this ritual and gasped horrified. “You realize we have to kill ourselves in order for this to work?!” Fluttershy sighed sadly. “To be honest, I’ve been wanting to kill my self since this started Twilight.” Rainbow Dash nodded. “Yes, and if this doesn’t work at least we could end this once and for all.” “But our lives would descend directly to hell if we do this!” tried to reason Twilight. “We are already in hell!” cried Rarity. “Please Twilight, we wouldn’t mind just stop this once and for all! Most likely it wouldn’t work so please at least give us the try to die trying. I just wanna die!” cried Fluttershy. Twilight could see the desperation on her friends’ eyes. And that broke her. Yes, this was the end. They have fell and there was no way they could recover from this. Twilight was just trying to fulfil her role as leader and set up an example. But she was lying to herself, she knew it was the end and also wanted to die so hard. But she wanted revenge too and if there was a small chance to get revenge, she’ll do it. “Okay let’s do it!” The others sighed relieved. “We need black candles and a sharp knife.” They got what they needed in less than a day. They covered themselves in large hoods and went to Ponyville to get what they needed, then returned to the castle to complete the ritual. Twilight set up the candles as the book indicated and looked at her friends. “There’s no way back. “We know.” “Hurry up Twi!” The girls held hooves and lighted one of the candles, praying to the fallen Angel. A lonely tear came from the corner of their eyes when Twilight took the knife and cut her veins. She gave it to Rarity, who did the same and then she passed it to Rainbow. Rainbow completed the ritual and passed it to Applejack who then passed it to Fluttershy and finally Pinkie Pie. They prayed together one last time as their were bleeding. It was painful, their vision was getting blurry and they fell how life abandoned them as their blood continued to burst out of their cuts. Then it happened. When they were about to die the blood started to form a pentagram. Their prayers had been listened. “You have called me. What do you want from me?” asked a cold voice in their minds. “Give us the chance to revenge! Starlight Glimmer took everything from us so we want to give her a painful end! Please, let us fulfil our revenge!” “And in exchange…” “I only accept one thing. Yes. Six pure souls who have dedicated themselves for the greater good is a rare opportunity. Your souls would descend to hell now and in exchange your bodies would become my messengers of death.” The girls smiled as they continued to weaken. “So be it!” The last drop of blood abandoned their bodies as they embraced death. The Devil extended a hand to take what it was rightfully his, when a golden light surrounded the six bearers stopping him. “What is this? WHY I CANNOT TAKE WHAT IS RIGHTFULLY MINE?” The Power of Harmony forced Him to retire. How could this be possible? He wanted those six souls more than anything but they were so close and so out of reach at the same time. Damn it, no! “But one day I’ll come back and take what is mine! Listen to my words, you cannot cheat the Devil!” Six pairs of red eyes opened. They looked around confused. “Is this hell or are we still alive?” asked Fluttershy. “I wouldn’t say we are alive darling” said the white unicorn, examining her new Cutie Mark. Black diamonds. “As a matter of fact… I want to kill. Yes, kill! I want to kill somepony so badly!” The six grinned, noticing their fangs for the first time. “So I propose Starlight as our first victim! Who’s with me?” “Mee!” said the other five in the unison. They felt cruelty filling their minds, and they smiled at the anticipated carnage. Yes this would be so much fun. > EPILOGUE 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- EPLIOGUE 2: On the other side Sunset and her friends entered to the university chatting happily and planning what to do when they finished classes and their respective clubs and jobs. They were second-year students and wanted to make sure their experience in college was unforgettable. Then they noticed a new student. With navy-blue skin, green eyes and blonde hair. She was wearing black jeans and a gray tank top. Oh and a black silk shawl around her neck as she was covering some horrid scars. The girl noticed they were looking at her and gave them a small nod as she smiled. The girls returned the gesture and the girl continued walking. Another new student passed by, when his backpack ripped open and all his notebooks and materials spread all over the floor. With an annoyed look, the boy started to get everything together. The girls gasped and hurried to help him, but the girl was faster than them and with a simple gesture everything went back into the backpack. Also, the backpack was instantly repaired with a flash of black light. “Wait, what? How did you do that?” asked the boy. “Magic. I am a true expert.” The guy shook his head. “Magic? Like real magic like they do?” He aimed a finger to the Rainbooms. They were fairly well-known for their strange abilities all over the town. The girl shrugged. “Kind of. Why, would you like to learn? “Yes I do! It sounds really cool!” cheered the boy. “What is your name?” She bowed. “My name is East Wind. A pleasure to meet you, Emerald.” “How do you know my name?” “Oh, I know you my friend. From the other side. Now, would you like to become my student?” “Of course!” Finally Sunset decided to step in. “Hey!” “Yes?” asked East Wind. “What do you mean from the other side? Do you mean…?” “Yes, exactly what you’re thinking.” said East Wind. “Don’t worry I don’t plan anything bad like take over Equestria or anything. Is just that after all that happened, they are better without me. Now, would you like me to teach you some of my own magic too?” “In exchange of what?” “That you are willing to learn. Trust me, my intentions are pure. I believe that education is for everybody.” Sunset looked doubtful at first, but then she accepted. Only to know what she was planning. East Wind read the mistrust on her soul, but didn’t mind. This was to be expected. “Let me be your teacher.” … The Caribous walked toward their objective, Equestria. They were a race of misogynist creatures who despised females and considered them as property and objects. They hated the idea of a country ruled by females, but that was about to be fixed. They would subdue the Princess and then the whole country would learn what was the rightful place for females. Under their owners’ cocks. Halfway through they felt how the earth trembled. “What was that?” asked a General. “Nothing moron, is an earthquake. We are in the open so we are safe here!” But then the earth trembled again, and they could see how an enormous figure of a dragon emerged, followed by six ponies who were looking at them with red eyes and smiles full of fangs. “Oh finally some fresh air! Just what a’ needed after a long nap!” cheered one of them, with a cowboy hat. The others grinned in agreement as they approached to the astonished caribou army. “Oh, hello there! We couldn’t help but listening to your plans and we find them disgusting so we would have to kill you. Just a little.” “Yeah, nothing like some exercise to help you wake up!” joked a pegasus. “Let’s have fun!” The caribous tried to fight, but after five minutes they were running for their lives. They realized that they couldn’t fight these creatures. But the Undead Knights won’t let them escape, every single one of them should die. It was good to be free!