> Fulfilling Royal Duties > by Joshiah > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > A Reminder of Royal Duties > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- To have such a close sibling that you could confide your deepest concerns in them was a blessing that Shining Armor didn’t take for granted. How long it had been since he was last able to take advantage of that fact, he wasn’t sure, but he could already tell by the half-lidded glare that it had been far too long since their last meeting. “Is it really that hard for you to find a babysitter?” her voice was judgmental, as if he could tell that she didn’t believe his efforts were sincere. “I’m starting to think that you’re forgetting all about the family that you came from for the family that you’ve made, big brother.” If not for the tiny hint of a smirk at the corner of her lips, Shining Armor would have been genuinely concerned, but his sister wasn’t quite the actor she fathomed herself to be. “You’d be amazed at how many people aren’t up to the task of babysitting a baby alicorn,” his response came with a quick roll of the eyes; everyone was aware of the chaos that came along with a visit from Flurry Heart. “And communication is a two-way street, Twily. It feels like you’ve forgotten that.” “Well, some of us have an entire country to run.” “And some of us can’t teleport.” The cold, judging exterior melted away from both ponies as Twilight and Shining embraced, each lifting a hoof to wrap around the neck of the dearly missed sibling. “If it were really that simple, I’d teach you how to do it in a heartbeat, just so I could see you more often,” Twilight offered. “If you couldn’t teach me, I can’t imagine anyone who could,” Shining replied, brushing his cheek along her own with a tender crook of the neck. Those days, in such a busy and chaotic world, such moments were precious and rare to the royal siblings. Even though a plethora of adventures kept them intertwined, the tender moments shared between brother and sister seemed to be a thing of the past; peaceful, tranquil afternoons spent catching up over tea and reminiscing of days past were all but a distant memory. That day in particular, Twilight offered to put her crown aside for a while, and for his part, Shining agreed not to answer even the most terrible distress signals. No one even knew that he was sneaking around the castle of friendship, lead on by his sister, as the afternoon sun brought everyone else outdoors. “I’d hate to jinx it, but it feels like the stars aligned in our favor for once,” Shining walked close behind his younger sister, following her through the wide, grand hallways of the castle and heading toward her bedroom. “Discord is playing nice, there’s no threat from beyond Everfree, and everyone has their own lives to worry about…I can hardly believe that a day like this is even possible anymore.” Twilight smiled at the thought of genuinely relaxing with her brother once more. “If anyone could jinx this for us, it’d be you and your big mouth,” she teased, pausing for a moment to giggle behind her hoof. “You’re not wrong, though. Feels like the only time I do see my friends is when there’s some sort of crisis anymore…I never would have imagined that we’d all be so busy, one day.” “I guess it’s just part of growing up and having your own life to live,” Shining offered her a brief console as he closed the door to her bedroom behind her. “Sometimes we don’t have as much time for the people we love as we’d like to.” “A critique on yourself, perhaps?” she asked. A familiar smile dipped into a frown at that. “Being a father is a full-time job, especially when you’re practically a single father,” he explained. “Toss being the leader of the royal guard in there and, well…duty calls, right?” He was sure that he noticed a brief lift of her multi-colored tail before a brilliant flash of electrifying pink blinded him. He raised a hoof to his face and tried to block the sight of her teleportation, but it wasn’t the momentary blindness that caught him by surprise. It was the feel of her muzzle against the side of his neck as she teleported right to him, and the tender kiss against his shoulder that left him speechless. “And what about when your little sister calls, hm? I feel like you haven’t answered that call nearly as often as you used to.” He shivered, knowing goosebumps were running all the way down to his flank. “Twily, t-that…it’s not like that; you know it isn’t!” “Then why does it feel like you’ve been avoiding my affection lately?” she asked, carrying the trail of kisses from his shoulder up to his neck once more. The smooth, white fur was so pleasant against her lips that she couldn’t help leaving it slightly damp with her affectionate touch, and in her heart of hearts, she knew her brother didn’t mind. “Have you really been that busy, or is your better judgment starting to catch up with you, finally?” “I’d be a damned fool to turn you down,” Shining admitted, “But that doesn’t mean I can just sneak off whenever I want, especially to do something that I shouldn’t be doing in the first place.” “And yet,” she drew her tongue along the tender, velvety flesh of his ear lobe and waited there, letting a warm breath roll over his sensitive skin, “You keep coming back to me whenever you can, desperate for the best lover that you’ve ever had…” Their forbidden games started well before there were so many responsibilities in life to keep them apart, but they always had to be careful and covert about their secret meetings. Care was thrown out the window this time; Shining Armor never had a chance to lock the door, but Twilight wasn’t stopping her assault, as she lifted a hoof from the floor to hook around his neck, keeping him from escaping her teasing voice and sensual warmth. “You’re n-never gonna stop trying to get me to say that, are you?” he stammered quietly as a deadly skillful tongue tickled up to the very tip of his sharp, sensitive ear, forcing it to flatten. She was grinning wide as she finally eased her assault. “You don’t have to,” she claimed. “Words could never say what your body already tells me, big brother.” “That so?” he tried to remain defiant, matching her smirk the best that he could as she leaned down from his neck and stood to face him. “And what is it saying right now?” “It’s saying that Spike is gonna have to mop the floor in here again.” Her gaze captured his own but looked right past it in the next moment, focusing eagerly on the slowly erecting flesh of his cock. Precum was already dripping in such a volume that a small puddle of warm, clear juice was collecting on the floor. The quick, pink flash of her tongue over her lips spelled out the depth of her need; she didn’t hesitate to expand on that as she stepped right between the legs of the taller pony, making sure that her horn teased through the soft field of snow that was his fur. “That poor little guy works so hard, though,” she continued, able to feel her brother shivering above her as he tried to stand still, but couldn’t deny the pleasant tickle that ran through his form as she drew closer to her favorite oral fixation. “Let’s see if I can save him a little effort…” A fresh spurt of the mess graced her lips before she had a chance to part them around the flared tip of Shining’s cock, but a quick lash of the tongue cleared her treat away, and a brief giggle that followed was easily silenced by her efforts. She knew full well how impressive her brother was in every sense of the word, and no matter how many times she took it, she couldn’t get used to just how wide she had to open up to handle the flare of his equine member. “You’ve n-never been able to swallow it all,” Shining couldn’t help tripping on his words as he felt the probing, explorative touch of a smooth, warm tongue over the head of his length. “What makes you think it’ll be any different when I’m all pent up?” “Who said anything about swallowing?” she shot right back at him, wishing that he could see the defiant smirk on her muzzle before it was stretched around his flesh. Dark, throbbing flesh ­just managed to fit in the front of her muzzle, and only the last minute courtesy of her brother’s love kept Shining from dropping his front legs over her backside and mounting her face. She’d made plenty of efforts to take the whole of his length orally before, but she’d already made her intentions clear, and he wanted to last as long as he could for her. This was just a preview of the main event, and a few warm, pulsing inches on her tongue would be more than enough of a sample to satiate her. “If you did that more often,” he paused, panting to try and keep his breath, “I’d come to visit you more than once a month…” He knew he was digging his own grave when the blessed feeling of her early throat disappeared, but he could just imagine the sight of her saliva dangling from her tongue and spilling to the floor as she pulled back. “You know, I was gonna let you pound me over the side of the bed,” she murmured, sneaking back out from under her brother’s haunches and greeting him again with a narrowed glare. “But just for that…I’m gonna take what I want, instead of giving you what you want…” She could see aggression in the pits of eyes that were once such a soothing shade of blue: she knew all too well the strains of his duty as the leader of the royal guard, the stress of raising a young child, and the sexual frustration of being in a marriage that so often left him unfulfilled and seeking out his own sister for comfort. She was more than happy to oblige his needs, but his quip cost him the chance to mount and ride her with the ferocity he’d need to go back home a calmer husband and a gentler father. “Seems quite the underhanded tactic for the Princess of Friendship to employ.” Knowing she was full of those kinds of surprises didn’t help Shining adjust to the taste of his own precum as Twilight stepped in close and stole a deep, thorough kiss from his lips. She could have swallowed the last of the tasty morsel on her own, but he could feel her grinning against him as he was forced into the affectionate, incestuous gesture. He’d merely been pushing her buttons with his teasing claim, but he didn’t realize that he’d pushed her so far; he’d learned a very long time ago not to do so given the strength of her magic, but that was only when she was a unicorn. As a full-blooded alicorn, Twilight was capable of putting her brother through whatever kind of sexual ringer she desired, and he knew that only dumb luck and lustful urgency would keep him from experiencing the deepest of her corrupted fantasies. “You think you’re safe…don’t you?” Twilight’s kisses were always so passionate, but so delicate that Shining often found himself moving his lips at the air for a moment after she was done with him. Normally, she would have giggled at the sight of it, but the sparkling amethyst of her eyes was washed over with a need that only her brother had ever been able to awaken in her. The sight of her brother’s clumsy lips only inspired one other thought in her, but she wasn’t quite tall enough to make it happen. It might have been a perversion of her magical abilities, but the swirling, pink energy that gathered at her horn was decisive as it leapt forth and ensnared her brother, like a leash around the neck of a disobedient pup. “If you ever want me to swallow again…you’d better start returning the favor, big brother.” Magical force pulled his head closer. His eyes widened in shock as the strength of his sister’s energy caught him off guard, and for only the briefest, heavenly moment did he see the strands of liquid arousal touching against the underside of her tail, before it was lifted from her womanhood. The warmth she denied herself was quickly replaced by the tender heat of her brother’s tongue against her pouted, eager petals, and no more quips were to be had from Shining, who couldn’t possibly find the words to tease her when his tongue was so busy with something else. “You’ve come a long way from your first attempt,” she reminded him, content to tease him back for what he’d started. “I can still remember the first time you w-woke me up this way…couldn’t even find my clit back then!” Her taunting attitude was always sure to bring out the best in her brother; she was immediately rewarded with a deep, probing stretch from his tongue as he slurped up the eager, plentiful juices from her folds. “Now you’ve got glorious technique…I’m gonna have to thank Cadence for whipping you into shape, one of these days!” Shining knew that Twilight would never do something so foolish, but even the idea of such a threat was enough to leave him panicking. “Y-You can’t!” he shouted, fighting back against her magical energy and flinging tiny droplets of her spilled moisture from his lips. “Your sister can do whatever she wants,” she claimed, and she put an exclamation point on her statement as she rolled her rips, gliding the natural moisture of her sex over the bridge of his muzzle and marking him with a stain that she’d force him to leave with. “But if you really don’t want your wife knowing what you’re up to…you’d better get on your back and take your role as the leader of the royal guard seriously.” Until that point, Shining hadn’t given up on the idea of pinning Twilight down and thrusting into her with all of the pent up stress and emotion that he held inside. Even when he knew they were just teasing each other and both playing a part, he couldn’t help honoring the concept as a real, credible threat. Pretending that the idea of being shared by his sister and his wife wasn’t a recurring fantasy in his mind, Shining leaned back and felt the magical energy around his neck easing up. He fell to his haunches and rolled flat onto his spine, kicking his hooves up in the air and resting as evenly as his body would allow, complete with the shaft of his cock throbbing upright and enticing Twilight to take her seat. “This is a direct exploit of your power, you know.” “A complete and utter royal scandal if there ever was one,” Twilight scoffed at the idea. “But you said it yourself that duty calls, big brother…and it’s gonna call your name so loud, the ponies in Canterlot are gonna know how bad I need you….” He recognized the shift in her tone and felt his stomach drop in the most wonderful way. Memories flooded the back of his thoughts of how exhausted, how satisfied, even how bowlegged he’d left her company when she took that tone with him, and as usual, she didn’t wait for him to acknowledge her statement. She was already trotting over to the platform of his lap and guiding his wide, flared tip to her winking sex as hind legs struggled with their quivering excitement. “L…let them know,” his voice was wavering, but certain as Shining finally replied to her lustful decree. “Let all of them know just h-how much I love fucking my little Twily…” “Even if it means you’d get discharged from the royal guard?” she asked, easing her wet, tender folds over his flare and accepting it graciously. He nodded, but when she tilted her head back and let her eyelids droop in content, he knew that wouldn’t be enough. “Even then,” he offered breathlessly, feeling no shame in his confessions. “Even if you got banished to the Everfree Forest?” she continued pushing the issue as she pushed her hips down, enveloping the first few inches of his pulsing shaft and wiggling atop of it. “Y…Yes…” his voice was getting weaker as he resisted the urge to cry out with earthly delights, ever fearful that someone could be on the other side of the door, and yet, so pleasured that he couldn’t deny his incestuous crimes. “Even then, Twily!” Nipping at her lower lip and squatting fully onto the base of his impressive length, Twilight sat in her brother’s lap and rocked from side to side, teasing him with the promise of a hard, firm buck if he answered her final test correctly. “Even if Cadence found out…?” There was so much gravity to the question that Shining could almost feel the weight of it on his ears as they flattened shamefully, but there was almost none in his voice as he told her just what she wanted to hear. “Even if she walked through that door r-right now, Twily…I’d still fulfill my ‘royal duty.’” Halfway up his cock was as far as Twilight would lift herself, but her rump slammed back down on her brother with such force that she nearly took the wind from his lungs. “I w-wish she would,” her voice trembled with hints of gasping pleasure, a muted estimation of just how much delight she was feeling. “I want to see the look on her face when she sees your cum pouring out of me, big brother…I…I wanna see just how much it turns her on!” Not exactly what I thought you were gonna say, Twily, he thought, making a mental note to bridge the gap of that fantasy later on. At the moment, he was too busy clenching his stomach tight and doing his absolute best to hold out for his little sister, but she’d ridden him this way even more times than his beloved Cadence. When she wanted his seed, she’d take it from him…and the uneven clench of her inner muscles as she milked the base of his shaft was more than he’d ever been able to resist. “You’re…f-fucking evil,” was the response Shining finally did manage for his sister as her skillful womanhood stole the show, and ultimately, the peak of her brother’s pleasure. Her rapidly bouncing backside and thrashing tail were signs of how close she was to her own climax, but after all of her domineering bravado, she was quite the selfless lover. She knew better than almost anyone else how stressful life could be on the royal stage, and her brother deserved the break, perhaps more than anyone else she knew. “And don’t deny that you love every second of it, big brother,” she did all that she could to keep her composure as a sudden and violet gush of cum spilled up through the passage of her sex and barged at her womb, flooding the tiny chamber and overflowing her body in a matter of seconds. “Especially when I…c-can feel that love pouring…i-inside…yes…yes!” Momentary though it was, Twilight’s dominant streak was broken by the hint of an orgasm; it was all just enough to keep her off balance as she slumped forward onto her brother’s chest, rolling her hips and dragging out the last of his own release to completely drain his swollen, tender orbs. She needed to keep moving if she was going to reach the highest heights of her peak, but just moving on her brother’s length was an effort unto itself; a labor of love that she was happy to continue working through when she caught her breath. Knowing that she’d sacrificed her own pleasure for the sake of his relaxation, Shining would never leave his sister before properly returning the favor, but in the aftermath, he crossed horns with her and rested his front legs around her wings, holding her close and milking the afterglow for all that it was worth. A slowly deflating length sprung free from her sex and cast a new mess of seed onto the floor, creating a bigger puddle for Spike to clean up later…but they shared a playful grin as Twilight caught his gaze once more. Their afternoon reunion was just beginning.