> A Pregnant Pause > by GloomyFace > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Whole Darn Thing > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The musky scent of passion hung in the air like a thick fog, as if dust stirred up in the aftermath of a grand battle. Moonlight streaked through the open windows, casting a silvery aura over the battlefield and putting all of its features into sharp contrast. The curtains fluttered, welcoming the brisk evening breeze inside to caress and cool down the bodies warmed by the fervor of the bygone struggle. Most, even the more metaphorical conflicts, were usually resolved to the benefit of only one of the sides. Here, though, there was an important distinction to be made: this time both sides were victorious. Two figures lay over the tangled linen sheets on a simple but sturdy bed, letting the sweat matting their coats evaporate freely. Chests heaving from the recent exertion, their panting breaths echoed in the room, and satisfied smiles curled the lips on their muzzles. Eyes half lidded, the two exchanged tender nuzzles and lazy kisses that perhaps only a couple basking in the afterglow of a recent romp would bother to engage into. The stallion was a hale hulk of a specimen, his body honed to perfection by years of hard work. The mare, similarly, wasn't a delicate flower liable to crumble when too much pressure was applied, which proved helpful in their bed-time interactions. Her body was an efficient mix of soft curves any male would find appealing, and rough, hard edges that allowed her to survive the everyday struggles with nary a complaint in mind. They reluctantly parted from their latest, lingering smacking of lips and twisting of tongues, exchanging smiles and satisfied sighs. The mare settled into her stallion's muscular embrace, rubbing her cheek against the furry tuft on his chest. He stifled a jolt of embarrassment, putting one of his massive forelegs over her withers and pressing her closer to himself. Mere weeks ago such a bold gesture would be unthinkable to both of them, but time and closeness had a peculiar way to change things one found fixed and unchanging in their lives. The mare's hoof snaked down to just past her belly button, caressing the slight curve of her lower belly, even more pronounced now thanks to what felt like half a gallon of her mate's warm, virile offering filling her womb. There was an ache in her marehood and hindquarters, a consequence of their recent, vigorous union of bodies and mixing of essences. Her stallion's thick, pearly seed seeped from between the flushed folds of her marehood, providing a soothing balm to her strained nethers. It was far from an unpleasant sensation, though; an intimate proof of her devotion and willingness to sacrifice a small part of herself to the betterment of their relationship as a unified whole. Natural with all things that seemed too good to be true, however, this peaceful picture of two lovers sharing their all with each other had one minor snag: it was a brother and a sister who occupied the same bed, who engaged in what society reserved only for those not sharing close ties of blood. It sometimes felt like a lifetime ago when Applejack and Big Macintosh had confronted the matriarch of their household, convincing her to accept their new sleeping arrangements. It had been a delicate procedure to do it without giving their beloved grandmother a heart attack, and without her immediately disowning them in a fit of anger and disbelief, but they had managed it, if barely. It was a struggle that cost them many a sleepless night and some strained vocal cords, but ultimately their combined stubbornness and perseverance prevailed. Apple Bloom had been a tougher nut to crack, conversely, and even up to this day she still didn't fully know what to think about the whole situation. She saw Applejack and Mac as siblings her whole life; the revelation must have turned the little filly's world upside down. She would make weak excuses and hastily scamper off if she happened to share space with both of them in the same room. Their shared family meals, a sacred rite carried on since time immemorial, became very awkward affairs because of that. They couldn't fault her for having doubts, though; some time would simply have to pass for her to figure things out and accept it. For the moment, though, neither Applejack nor Big Macintosh troubled their minds with such thoughts. It was not a time for uncertainty, but for celebration; a time to commemorate their fleeting moment of passion by letting the following peace cast it into sharp contrast, one that would let them appreciate both to an ever greater degree. As such, Applejack let her mind wander into the realm of idle fantasies, directing her mind towards decidedly more appropriate topics. She imagined as if a new seed of life had already taken root inside her fertile cradle, there for her to nurture and protect for the next eleven months. Part of her realized that the emotions she was experiencing just now--and why her thoughts were drawn towards this particular subject--were just the result of the post-coital euphoria setting in--a thick, hormonal cocktail clouding her mind with a hazy veil, promising her untold happiness if she only heeded its tempting, sibilant voice. Her biological clock was tickin' like mad, reminding her insistently of her body's desire in the only way it could. Namely, by making her heats longer and tougher to bear without a stallion pumping her full with a womb-ful of baby-batter. She chuckled at her own internal musings, prompting a raised eyebrow from her brother. She reluctantly leaned away from her brother's warmth so she could look him straight in the eyes. Her smile widened when their gazes met. "Ah want foals, Big Mac. Ah want to carry your foals in mah belly." The words came naturally, without shame or hesitation or undue nervousness. Warmth rose to her cheeks, though it was anything but embarrassment. It was a mare's right and sacred duty to bear and give birth to her stallion's offspring. It was the foundation of a successful, long-term relationship, the very cornerstone of a family. Applejack was nothing if not a family mare. That desire ran strong in an Apple's blood. It was a call that could not be simply ignored or denied. To refuse such a heartfelt request would be outright mad, a violation of the sacred virtues their ancestors had chosen to abide by since the forming years of ponykind. Big Mac stayed silent, unblinking, for all intents and purposes an unmoving statue bathed in moonlight. Applejack didn't let his impassiveness get to her, she knew him better than that. Better than anypony in the world. She waited patiently, drawing lazy circles on her brother's flank. As a mare, she was aware that stallions sometimes needed more time to realize certain things that mares simply felt in their very cores, and this was one such situation. She waited, and then waited some more. The quiet creaks of the house settling and the wind soughing outside the window stood out in sharp contrast to the silence that has descended upon them. She weathered through another eternity of inaction and quiet. Even the crickets seemed to feel the building tension, respecting it by ceasing their song, if temporarily. Somewhere between the eons the lull shifted into the realm of uncomfortable. Applejack frowned. "Mac?" Big Macintosh averted his eyes from his sister's intense stare, heaving out a sigh. It took a while, what with his prodigious lung capacity. "Ah don't know if it's a good ideah, AJ," he said at length, voice carefully devoid of inflection. Applejack jerked in place as if struck. Her first impulse was to open her mouth and give her brother a good tongue-lashing at the veritable blasphemy he was uttering in the sanctity of their home. Some rarely heard voice coming from a distant corner of her mind managed to pierce through the thick haze of her indignation, though, making her pause. Pause and think, instead of being puppeteered by the post-coital hormones. Applejack gave him a sad sort of smile after a moment of rumination. Their relationship already would be a taboo in the eyes of most ponies; to take that next step would be to invite even greater scorn when the extent of their intimate connection inevitably came to light. Applejack chose to spend another long moment in silence, ordering her thoughts. Her brother didn't speak often, or much, but he had a way with words that she couldn't compete with using just her casual gab. Deeming herself prepared, she rubbed his side in a way that she hoped was reassuring. "Mac, Ah know what you're afraid of," Applejack said, voice soft like velvet. "Ah know you've read all those wise, old books that say all manner of terrifying things. Things about what happens when kin get into the family makin' business." She paused, searching for words. "Ah can't judge whether they are right or just spewing outdated superstition, Ah'm not one of them scholars, but Ah can tell ya one thing." Mac's eyes shifted to focus on hers. When she spoke next he couldn't help being enspelled, if not by her words themselves, then by the certainty underlying her voice. "Ah can feel it in mah bones, in mah very blood, that even though Ah can't rightly explain it, everything will be fine. Our foals will be strong and healthy, and will give us lotsa grandfoals." She grinned at the last mention; she was going to be a pain in the flank to her kids after they enter adulthood, in that regard. "Plus, don't forget that we have an alicorn Princess of Magic as a friend, and with Twilight there's no such thing as 'no such thing'. She could surely whip something up." Under her breath, she added in a mumble: "Ah'd only have to mare up and actually confront her about the matter first." Mac regarded her with a long, contemplative look. Her smile lost some of its confidence when he spoke next. "That's not what Ah'm concerned about, sis... not the most, at least." She blinked, pursing her lips in thought. Another likely reason for his reluctance soon came to her mind. "Mac, you know that the farm is prosperin' just fine, right? We aren't wanting for nothin'." "Eeyup," he said absentmindedly. As long as they had the strength to work hard, and the dedication to see their plans realized, they would not have to worry about finances. AJ cleared her throat before continuing. "We could support a few more mouths just fine, even with me being temporarily absent from the more strenuous parts of farmwork because of mah belly getting in tha way." She chuckled at the thought of herself waddling through the orchards, her sides bulging and full udders bouncing with every step, and stubbornly trying to buck apples off the trees. She wouldn't return to work immediately after the delivery, of course. She'd need to give her body some time to let it properly recover after the bitter-sweet ordeal of pregnancy. Twins didn't run in the family, thankfully, so that process wouldn't take too long. She only hoped she wasn't jinxing it at the very moment. "What Ah'm getting at is that ya wouldn't hafta work a double shift because of mah indisposition, ya lazy lug of a stallion," she said it with a grin that belied the true nature of her remark. She paused, mentally wrangling with some sore subject, if her contorted features were any indication. "...and if help was really needed, then we could just hire a couple'a farmhands for a spell." Mac's eyes widened in mild disbelief. Such statement coming from his sister without her having a red-hot branding iron looming over her was a telling cue in of itself. It spoke of so important a matter as to make her swallow her pride--and the Apple pride was definitely bigger than some other, more tangible things she took a liking to swallowing recently. Mac shifted back, looking down with a creased brow. His gaze incidentally fell onto his sister's udders, with the nubs of her teats standing erect, peaking the soft, ample mounds like particularly impressive towers. Any other time such a sight would bring a tingle to his sheath, prompting him to take a juicy nipple inbetween his lips and suckle until his sister's heated voice reached a crescendo. Her teats, especially when she was aroused, were ones of her little known weak points, as he had had the pleasure to discover. Right now, though, he didn't pay the enticing view any mind, choosing to cast his gaze at something as if a thousand yards away. Applejack couldn't not take advantage of such juicy opportunity, though. She gave her brother and indecent smirk, a naughty idea forming in her mind. She could feel that he was teetering on the verge of yielding to her arguments. It was time to deal the final blow and seal the deal. He needed only a minor incentive. "Now, be honest and tell me, stud: wouldn't ya want to see yer sister all swollen-like, clumsily waddlin' around and dribblin' milk every step of tha way? Not to mention how them bloated milk-jugs would feel when smotherin' yer big, fat stallionhood when ya come back from a day of hard work?" She let her country drawl flow thick for this. Mac jolted, as if ripped from his internal musings by an angry dragon's claw, looking straight into Applejack's eyes. His ears swiveled, and he seemed to focus his entire being on what his sister was saying. The mare whooped internally; she had to strike while the iron was hot. "And do Ah tell yah, brother: Ah remember Granny sayin' that we Apples swell like them dairy cows when carrying a bun in tha oven." She wasn't necessarily looking forward to it, but if it meant her brother agreeing to start a real family with her, then it was more than worth it. "Wouldn't ya want to have yer own, personal slice of heaven at the reach of a hoof, eh, mah horndog of a stallion?" There was a certain look in Mac's now wide eyes, and Applejack could have sworn she heard a whimper. She knew she had him convinced now; hook, line, and sinker. He blinked and shook his head firmly, no doubt doing his best to banish the salacious visions that the words of his temptress of a sister had summoned. Her whispers could sometimes worm their way into his mind and take root like the most persistent of weeds. His face suddenly took a decidedly more serious visage. "Ah'm not concerned about all that, AJ, there's just something Ah've been thinkin' about..." When he trailed off into silence again, Applejack couldn't hold back the exasperated groan that broke forth past her lips. There was a meaty slap as he received a slug to the shoulder for his less than effective communication. She could have forgiven his uncertainty five minutes ago--no stallion would be in his right mind the few minutes after busting a nut, especially one as plentiful as Mac's--but her patience had its limit. "Sweet Celestia on a stick! Jus' spit it out, ya big lug. Ah'm not gonna lay awake all night and keep guessin'!" The look Mac directed at her made her freeze in place. She felt an inch tall, like when she had been caught swiping cookies from the cookie jar as a foal. "Listen to me, AJ. Don't ever think that Ah wouldn't want to have a foal with ya--with the mare Ah have grown to love more than life itself--but it's not 'bout what we want." He lost that initial fervor for a moment, visibly holding in a sigh. "It never seems to be." "Mac?" she uttered in a tremulous voice. His demeanor snapped back to its raw fierceness as if with the flick of a switch, his features all hard lines and rough edges, eyes that you couldn't look away from. "This is not jus' about us, AJ. Me and you an' 'Bloom? We are tough ponies who could weather anything the society could throw at us. We strong-hoof through adversity and stomp down on any prejudice, plow through them like Ah plow the fields, and buck 'em right in the critical spot like you do with our trees." Applejack could only stare in awe. The sheer conviction and resolve in his tone was enough to make her knees weak. In moments like these any lingering doubts as to why she fell for him and not for another stallion dissipated like ash in the wind. It was no wonder why she had to beat mares away from him with a stick. Sometimes literally. Big Macintosh's fierce expression mellowed into something almost pained, vulnerable. Applejack didn't think she'd ever seen him in such a condition, at least not since their parents-- She squashed that train of thought like an overripe pumpkin. "You wouldn't want our child to live with a stigma, branded as completely as by any cutie mark, to be pointed out in the crowd and mocked as 'that hillbillies' incestuous spawn'. You wouldn't, it would be an insult to even ask. But there's nothing you could do about it, it simply would happen with ponies as they are now, as surely as the Sun rising in the morning." Every word seemed to hit him with a wave of nausea, like a physical blow to the gut. By the end of his speech he looked physically ill. "AJ, a child deserves to have a normal, happy childhood, without worrying about things that it cannot change..." Applejack's reaction was similar, in a way. It started barely as an ember, her brother's every word adding kindling and stoking the controlled fire of anger burning in her core. She couldn't help but envision Apple Bloom in the place of her future offspring, mocked and ridiculed and shunned because of things beyond her control. Her little sister's figure flashed in her mind's eye, tears running down her cheeks, posture slumped and wracked by sobs, despondent eyes staring down over the edge of a cliff... There was a snap inside of her, and the fire erupted into an inferno of rage. "You wanna know what Ah'd do? Ah'll tell ya what Ah'd do." Applejack's voice was tight and clipped, possessing an eerie quiver as if she were holding herself from shouting or outright descending into some inequine growls. The pit of her stomach was a hungry abyss, a bottomless maw thirsty for blood of those who would dare hurt the ones dear to her. An ugly snarl contorted her lips, and Mac couldn't help the slight flinch, even though he knew her ire wasn't directed at him. Her body was tense, wound up like a coil about to snap, and she gripped him with a strength he rarely attributed to her, and found himself at the receiving end of even less often. "Ah'd buck in the teeth of any poor bastard that dared to do that kind of thing to mah kin. Ah'd kick until they begged me to stop, and then kicked their wretched hides some more until they could only sip though a straw for the rest of their sorry lives." The very thought of her relatives getting hurt by a deliberate action of others awakened something primal in Applejack. Primal, and deadly dangerous for those sorry bastards unfortunate enough to happen to be at the business end of her ire. Zecora had teeth-regrowing potions, but they didn't need to know that. Mac put a hoof around her trembling foreleg, trying not to flinch from the sheer force of her grip. That was probably going to leave a bruise. "Calm down, sis." There was an infinite gentleness to his voice. "Calm down." A chaste peck on her lips pulled Applejack away from the world of violence she seemed to immerse herself in. She blinked rapidly, as if confused about the sudden change of her surroundings. "Oh," she intoned, focusing her eyes on her brother, and relaxing her unyielding hold. She regarded him with an apologetic look. "Sorry about that." When she seemed to fully snap out of her berserker rage, Mac continued his line of thought. "We can't be there to protect our foal every step of the way, Applejack. Ah'm just afraid that the burden will be too great to bear for such a small, innocent creature. And you know we can't simply isolate and deprive him or her of the chance of making friends." Applejack twisted her lips. She hated when her damned brainiac of a brother was right in matters she couldn't find a working solution to herself. She fell silent, deep in thought, eyes darting around as ideas came and were discarded in her mind, the metaphorical hamster in her head going a mile a minute. Long minutes passed. Applejack didn't notice when her brother embraced her, petting the back of her head and neck with slow, steady strokes of his hoof. Though it didn't help her solve the problem at hoof, she was thankful for the warmth and closeness all the same. Seeing Applejack struggle so hard to find a solution to a problem technically caused by himself made something twist in Mac's gut. He had to break the silence. "Ya know, sis. I have a solution." Her eyes snapped up to meet his. "We could keep our relationship secret, there's no need to stir up the hornet's nest if'n ya don't have to. As for the foal, Ah could find a stud for ya and hire 'im to seed ya." Applejack fidgeted in his embrace, about to respond to his half-baked idea. He though he knew what her answer would be, and so he was faster to counter. There was a small smile on his lips. "AJ, I wouldn't mind being an uncle, and I would love your child just like I would my own. It would not matter," he assured. The thought of their relationship staying hidden from the public and them having a foal of their own anyway didn't need to be voiced. Applejack was simply too honest a pony to keep a secret like that. She couldn't lie her way out of a paper bag if her life depended on it. It would be a twisted kind of torture to subject her to, a crushing burden which she would have to carry every day for however many years it took to be lifted, if ever. Mac would rather geld himself than do something like that to the love of his life. Applejack's eyes narrowed. Her brother could be mighty perceptive if he wanted or needed to be. What he wasn't consciously aware of, though, was his tendency to completely drop his country accent when his heart wasn't in what he was saying; thus his speech became crisp and sharp as if that of a city-dweller. Applejack didn't have to be the Element of Honesty to see through her brother's paper-thin deception. A working pair of ears would suffice. "Ya know you can't lie to me, big bro. Honesty is kinda my thing, if'n ya didn't get the memo yet." Mac averted his eyes. He heaved out a long sigh after a moment, grumbling under his breath about the Apple family's hereditary inability to twist words to their benefit. "Ah just want ya to be happy, AJ. Ah see how ya glance at mares with baby bumps or those with small fillies or colts by their side at times, when ya think nopony's looking." Merely the thought of seeing his sister positively radiating with such gentle affection put a smile to his lips. "Woulda hafta be blind not to notice it." Applejack's cheeks colored pink, and she scrunched her muzzle into a pout Mac couldn't find anything but adorable. "It ain't that obvious!" She fixed him with a pointed look. "And Ah want ya to be happy, too, ya big lug, and to carry a child of somepony Ah love, not some random stud who'll just stick it in an' go wham, bam, thank you m'aam! There is only one pony for who Ah would be willing to go through all the joys of pregnancy and endure labor pains." She sharply poked him with the edge of a hoof for emphasis, glaring into his eyes. A playful glint shimmered in Mac's eyes. "Tell ya what, sis, Ah'd be mighty surprised if ya had any problems with squeezing out a foal, what with them motherly hips and applebuckin' thighs of yours." There was little doubt among the male community of Ponyville that Applejack possessed some generous assets. Applejack regarded him with a flat look. "What's that supposed to mean, buster? Izzit some weird, elab-oh-rate way of telling me Ah'm fat?" she asked with a raised eyebrow. Her tone suggested that his next words might very well determine if he'll have to go to Zecora's for a teeth-regrowing potion in the coming days. Mac snorted, shamelessly--and tauntingly, in her opinion--flashing her a grin. Her hoof was beginning to itch for some teeth-busting action. "Yer rear is mighty fine, AJ." He gave her a squeeze on the mentioned body part for emphasis, earning him a stifled gasp. She glared at him, putting on the best irate expression she could muster, but her tail betrayed her true feelings on the matter, hiking up and flicking back and forth from the small rush of pleasure. His hoof strayed down to her thighs, honed to perfection by years of applebucking and healthy diet, then back to her firm but grope-able ass, possessing just the right amount of fat to jiggle alluringly when smacked. "Ah like myself a mare with some nice, foal-bearing hips and plump ass to cushion me when Ah pound her inta the bed." His voice was a low rumble, making the hairs on the back of her neck stand on end and her hooves start to sweat. A body wide shudder rocked Applejack's frame, and her face seemed to suddenly engage in a contest to out-red her brother's. Flashes of their earlier activities flickered in her mind. They weren't limited to simple images, though. She could acutely feel his great bulk bearing down on her back while he mounted her, wrapping his strong hooves around her barrel, and pounding away until she saw stars. The sensation of him filling her so completely, stretching her so delightfully, of his swollen ballsack smacking her clit with every powerful thrust that stuffed her up to the cervix... the mere memory made her want to indulge herself again, even if her pussy still ached from their recent session. "T-then whut are ya doin' here with me? G-go git and shag Pinkie Pie!" she bit back with a huff, averting her eyes from him. The pink party pony was perhaps the only mare in Ponyville who could hold a candle to Applejack in the rear department--as the male community was prone to say. To her chagrin, Applejack forgot that Mac could usually turn her attempts at distraction against her. Especially when it came to less than innocent banter. Mac cast his gaze to the side and hummed in thought. He lifted his hoof from her shoulder and massaged his chin. "Now that's a good question, sis. Ah had mah eye on that pink gal fer quite some time--that's one prime class ass Ah'd like to see jiggle." What Mac received in retaliation wasn't hard to predict. Applejack's hoof approached the speed of sound as she slugged him in the shoulder. "Jackass!" The stallion only rumbled out a chuckle. He stifled a hiss after rolling his tender shoulder. Hopefully this bruise won't form into another horseshoe shape; the bar patrons were getting quite suspicious. He was also growing tired of the questions of domestic abuse. One thing was clear: Applejack was no mare to be taken lightly, in more ways than one. A kind of stillness descended on the two lovers, but contrary to the previous stretches of silence, it was a lot more bearable. They snuggled into each other's embrace, instinctively seeking to find a comfortable position to fall asleep in. Applejack still had something she had to get off her mind, though. She brought her hoof to his cheek, prompting him to look at her. "Mac, hear me out and listen closely to what Ah have to say, ya hear?" He nodded, it was his turn to be awed by the conviction and resolve in his sibling's tone. There was something unearthly flickering behind her eyes, a flame burning strong and bright that spoke of absolute seriousness and adamant will. "We will find a way, we'll figure out a solution to get outta this mess. We'll have to think long and hard about it--definitely not after havin' a roll in the hay when our minds are all hazy--but don't ya ever think the answer is too far away to grasp." Tears were shimmering in the corners of her eyes, though the wide smile stretching her lips was all but one born from sorrow. Mac couldn't help but mirror it. "Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but we will find a way. That's a promise." She spoke with an absolute certainty. Her tone was soft like velvet, but wrapped around an edge of unyielding steel. A tear ran down Mac's cheek. When his sister set her mind on something really close to her heart, then come hell or high water she will see to its resolution. At moments like this he was glad for her bull-headedness and stubborn nature. Both of them leaned in, drawn towards each other by some cosmic force. Their lips met halfway in a kiss. It was anything but an act of lust or physical desire; a reassurance, the sealing of a sacred contract whose conditions will be met even at the cost of their very own lives. There was not even the smallest speck of doubt present in neither of them. Brother and sister embraced, placing hooves on each other's backs and pressing their bodies together. Their tails intertwined, wrapping up into an unbreakable coil. An eternity passed, and their vow was complete. Applejack smiled and scooted lower to snuggle her head into the tuft of thicker fur on his chest. The strong, steady beat of his heart lulled her into a sense of serene calmness, as if nothing could ever be wrong with the world. She absentmindedly traced the contours of his chiseled muscles, vaguely wondering about what she had done to deserve such a caring and dependable stallion in her life. A lingering moment of silence followed, all but awkward or uncomfortable, though both of them felt there was one more thing to be said yet still. This pregnant pause, as every other before it, had to be broken, too. "Ya know, Mac, when that happens, Ah won't be satisfied with only one or two... or three." Something hot, hard, and throbbing slapped against her thigh with a meaty smack. Applejack grinned wolfishly, all notions of rest forgotten, and flashed her stallion a sultry look that wouldn't be out of place on a succubus from Tartarus. He didn't protest as she pushed him onto his back and straddled his thighs, pinning his hind legs down. It offered her a pretty delectable sight. "Well Ah'll be, just lookie here, brother." Her voice was like the purr of a cat. She hooked her fetlock around the base of his rapidly hardening shaft, a veritable tower of virility for her to feast her eyes upon, and began to pump up and down. Her other hoof cupped his ballsack, fondling the heavy orbs hidden within in just the right way. Mac let out a deep rumble of a moan, and Applejack saw the first bead of pre squeeze out to crown the tip of his cock like a shiny pearl. She licked her lips at the prospect of a late-night snack--or rather a full-fledged meal, judging from her brother's usual output. She was in for a feast. She gave his tip a swift lick, swiping the offered appetizer. She hummed in approval at the taste, slightly salty with a fruity undertone. "Looks like ya won't be goin' sawin' logs yet with this here mighty peacock sticking up all eager and proud-like, big bro." "Eenope." He shook his head in a daze. A predatory grin split Applejack's face practically in two, her eyes glinting in the moonlight. Mac shuddered, both excited and a little bit intimidated by her eagerness. She gave her helpless prey a last up and down glance, shuffling her body back to get better access to her prize, and spread his legs. A certain tingle began to make itself known under her dock; she let it simmer for the moment. "Let me handle that for yah!" "Eeyu--" Mac bit back a shout that would have rattled the entire household as his sister descended her maw upon him like a ravenous timberwolf. Without preamble, she swallowed more than a half of his cock, stopping just shy of his medial ring. Wrapped around his sensitive flesh, her lips felt at the same time like a soothing balm, and like a searing ring of branding iron. Her mouth was a furnace, tongue lashing and swiping over the underside of his shaft as she slowly withdrew it form her gullet, leaving a glistening trail of spit in her wake. She stopped when just the wide tip of his stallionhood remained in her mouth, letting out a breath through her nose. Then she sucked hard, making him jerk from the sudden surge of sensation. She wasn't even truly started yet. She popped him out of her mouth, not ceasing to stimulate his length with her right hoof, the other placed on his thigh for balance, and squeezing affectionately. Her hoof was a blur, squeezing harder when going over his sensitive medial ring. She planted a wet smooch onto the flared, flat head, following it with a lick. Soon enough she was practically making out with the tip of his cock, trying in vain to wedge her spit-slick tongue into the tight hole in the middle inbetween licks and kisses. Saliva mixed with the remnants of his semen from their recent rutting session ran down her chin and dripped onto his rod, trailing down to glaze his ballsack. Thrusting into a tight, slick, velvet-smooth pussy was great, but the sensation of the fine hairs of his sister's foreleg stimulating his shaft was something else altogether. Not better or worse, exactly, it was as different as comparing an apple cobbler to a candy apple--both had their own advantages. Her Prench cock-kissing technique, on the other hoof? That was something else altogether. Mac was as stiff as he would be, hard as a diamond and throbbing with what felt like the force of three hearts. He watched her sister lavish his staff with eagerness that took both their breaths away. Her eyes were glazed over, mind lost in her own personal world of pleasure as she inhaled his potent musk with every panting breath, gyrating her hips and grinding her pussy on the sheets. He could feel her sweet arousal start to suffuse the air. Their eyes met in a rare moment of clarity, and Mac could feel his sister grin. He was honestly surprised by her next, obvious move. He blamed it on half the blood from his brain currently going to supply his member. Applejack placed a final kiss on her brother's tip, getting a hard throb and a rope of pre splashed onto her face as a reward. She swatted his wayward shlong with a hoof, giggling as she licked what she could of his slimy present off her muzzle. She took him into her mouth again, sliding down inch by enticing inch towards the base of his shaft. Applejack looked straight into Mac's widening eyes as she slowly, but inexorably continued her descent, choking slightly as she fought her gag reflex from triggering. She gave him a wink when her mouth went past his medial ring, and she lunged all the way down. Mac's drawn-out moan as Applejack took his cock to the hilt was music to the mare's ears. The feat she treated him to wouldn't have been possible without hours of practice and sheer, dogged determination on her part--considering her brother's well above-average girth and length--but when Applejack set her mind on something, she sure as shootin' got it done, or choked trying. She stayed still, lips pressed firmly into his loins as his balls tickled her jaw. Tears welled in the corners of her eyes; she felt as if somepony shoved their entire foreleg down her gullet, but she persevered for the sake of her brother's pleasure. She swallowed convulsively, letting out her own muffled moans. The vibrations of her mouth and the rippling of her throat made Mac feel like he was in sexual heaven. To his half-delirious mind it almost felt like a cunt mid-climax, squeezing him and begging him to spill his seed to quench its wanton desire. Mac visibly restrained himself from putting his hoof on Applejack's head and pushing her even deeper. His effort would have been in vain, but most stallions rarely think clearly during the heights of passion. A sudden need for air seized Applejack and she reluctantly pulled away, leaving only as much cock as she could comfortably put in her mouth, and taking a great gulp of air. Mac didn't have to wait long for the action to resume. Applejack bobbed down, the stallion's shaft vanishing in her gullet up to the medial ring. She immediately rose up, leaving only the tip of his shaft in her mouth and giving it a quick swipe of her tongue. Up and down she went, her lips gliding over his warm, sensitive flesh, steadily increasing her tempo as Mac gazed at her in wonder, as if she were an angel that descended from heaven to bring him pleasure. Applejack's free hoof keep fondling his sack, feeling his balls pulling up, churning with pent-up seed. He was close, throbbing harder and more frequently. Her tail had a mind of its own at this point, hiked up and fanning from left to right, spreading her scent about the room. The heady scent of a mare needing to be rutted. She increased her tempo, eager to taste her stallion's seed as if her mouth were a pussy in heat. He was mesmerized by her fluid motions, not believing this was happening for real. A delightfully sexy mare, his beautiful marefriend, his dear Applejack, his own sister, repeatedly taking his member down her throat and smiling all the while. At this very moment he could not imagine a sight more captivating. A familiar tension rapidly welled inside him like an inexorable tide. He tried to hold back with all of his might, to let the divine ministrations of his sister continue for a few moments longer. He was merely a stallion, though, and so he let himself be consumed by bliss. The last thing he saw before his vision dissolved into motes of light was her smile. Mac called out her name, giving her a quick warning, ever the gentlecolt. She went into overdrive, rapidly swallowing no more than half of his shaft, humming and moaning as she jerked the other half of his stallionhood with her hoof. His shaft stiffened and jerked hard, and a jet of warm seed splashed against the back of Applejack's throat. She clenched her eyes shut, swallowing as fast as she could, feeling that thick, slimy essence crawling down her throat. It wasn't her first or dozenth rodeo with her brother, but his output never seemed to fall below prodigious levels, always managing to catch her by surprise. She frantically gulped down his virile gift as if it were the last ever meal she were going to get, not willing to waste a drop. Her mouth flooded with her brother's cum, and she felt that salty-sweet tang from before, only raised tenfold in intensity. There was no end to his generosity. He stiffened and throbbed, delivering surge after plentiful surge of his essence for her to gulp down with gusto. Her eyes watered, and just before she thought she could take no more another gulp actually freed her mouth of cum a little. He continued to throb as she swallowed dutifully, but it was no more than a trickle compared to the earlier flood. Applejack felt what seemed to be a gallon of cum settle in her stomach. Panting through her nose, she continued to suckle on Mac's softening member, trying to get every last drop of her brother's tasty seed out, slowly gliding her lips along the upper third of his shaft. Big Macintosh groaned as the dazzling rush of climax came to an end. He felt spent and exhausted, but at the same time infinitely satisfied and content. He glanced up, gazing on in wonder as Applejack continued working his stallionhood with great care. He could see her throat working to swallow his thick release, although he was pretty sure he didn't have anything left to give right now. Applejack could feel her brother's gaze on herself. She popped his member out of her mouth, giving the flared head a last messy kiss, before regarding him with a smile. Absentmindedly, she continued to slowly stroke his shaft. "Enjoyed that, bro?" He mirrored her smile. "Eeyup," he replied cheerfully, giving her a nod. He sniffed, taking in her inviting aroma; it made something stir in his family jewels. "Need a lil' help? Ah can tell ya must be dyin' for some action yerself." Her cheeks warmed up. "Ah'd be much obliged if ya gave me a helping hoof, or a tongue." She chuckled, rising up on shaky hooves and turning around to present her sopping need. Mac licked his lips at the prospect of tasting his sister. Her nethers were soaked through and through, puffy, engorged folds standing out against her coat, slit weeping her juicy arousal and clit winking like mad. If his nose didn't know better, he'd say she were in heat. She was about to lower her rump onto his muzzle when he heard her make a small gasp. "What is it, AJ?" There was a mild note of concern in his voice. He looked around frantically. Was somepony spying on them? Getting their rocks off by violating their privacy? He wouldn't put it past AJ's prismatic pegasus friend to stick her nose where it didn't belong. "My oh my, big brother, yer an insatiable beast if Ah've ever seen one in mah life," she said in a sultry tone, licking her lips. She teasingly slid her straw-colored tail under his jaw, giving him an even more powerful whiff of her scent. He had to give her a taste or sink himself inside her velvety depths or he'll go mad with lust. Something hit his belly with a meaty smack. Something big, throbbing, and raring for yet another round. Applejack reached down with her hoof, poking and prodding and rubbing his mostly-awakened member. It pulsed stronger with every passing second, as if aroused by the prospect of burying itself into some luscious, needy hole. "Does the thought of putting a litter of lil' uns in ya sis rile ya up so badly?" She gave him a sidelong glance, an eyebrow raised questioningly. He couldn't respond with anything but a sheepish smile. "Ah've got a remedy for that, Ah reckon." She turned back around, her hooves dancing around his barrel, and plopped her rump into his loins. Her divine mounds sandwiched his hot rod, and he could feel her erect teats digging into his coat. His eyes couldn't help but be drawn to the alluring sight in front of him. She smirked the smile of a succubus, and shuffled forward to give him a peck on the lips, then immediately scooted backwards. Mac let out muffled grunts of pleasure as his sister's divine udders slid back and forth on each side of his cock, smothering it in their heavenly softness. Her teats raked on the sensitive coat of his underbelly not unlike a pair of smooth, warm nails, sending shivers of delight up his spine each time she completed a full round. She didn't seem to be unaffected by her own actions, panting and looking at him with the unabashed, undisguised lust of a mare needing to be stuffed full of her stallion's thick, throbbing meat, and needing it to happen right now. "Ah'm gonna take ya inside, Mac," Applejack said, breathless. It was not a request. As much as Mac would like to sink into his sister balls-deep and lose himself in their frantic trance of bodies until he flooded her womb with his cum again, he held Applejack in a much higher regard than simply a sexual object to sate his carnal needs and desires. He managed to claw through the thick layer of lust and sexual excitement covering his mind like a shroud, coherent thoughts and logic returning to the forefront of his consciousness, if temporarily. His features flashed with concern. "Aren't ya a bit sore from before? Ah could just lick you off, if yer not feelin' like takin' it all in." He wasn't called Big Macintosh for nothing, though his prodigious dimensions were sometimes as much a curse as a blessing. She snorted at his overprotectiveness, but could't help a smile from curling the corners of her lips. "Ah'll manage, Ah'm a big filly. There's an itch Ah need to have scratched, and a tongue jus' won't reach deep enough. Besides, Ah'm gonna get fat if Ah keep chugging yer apple-cream down all the time without some exercise." She winked flirtatiously, snapping her tail like a flail and giving his balls a playful swat. "If yer sure..." Applejack lunged forward suddenly, lips abruptly stopping mere inch from Mac's muzzle. His eyes widened, mouth parting. She immediately took advantage of his brief confusion, drawing him in for a steamy kiss. He stayed still at first, as if put in stasis, but started reciprocating her ministrations soon enough. Her lips were smooth like velvet and her tongue was as though liquid metal wrapped in silk. They mashed and brushed their lips together, their tongues twirling and dancing as they explored and mapped out each other's mouths. Wet smacking and muffled moans slipped past their heated oral skirmish. Applejack put her hooves onto his shoulders, grinding her pussy on his hard rod with an ever increasing urgency, painting it in the transparent sheen of her arousal. He put his hooves at her sides, caressing her barrel and flanks with wide sweeps that sent her body aquiver. They parted for air, panting, eyes locked with one another's. Their breaths mingled, stoking their desire to unite in a perfect fusion of bodies and emotions. Applejack gyrated her hips, bouncing lightly in his lap, repeatedly pinning Mac's shaft into his belly with force any other stallion would find unbearably crushing. He didn't remain idle, squeezing and fondling her supple buttocks. An eternity seemed to pass as they dared the other to make the first move, engaging in a sensual rivalry where the one with superior restraint and resolve would be the victor. It was the mare who lost the contest of wills, caving in to her urges. "Buckle yerself up, partner, and get ready for a ride. Oh, and try to keep up," she said in a husky purr that was more than a little short of breath, her grin flashing white in the moonlight. It sent a shiver down his spine and a rush of delight through his member. She heaved herself up, standing on her hindhooves. His member sprang up, free of her smothering embrace, slick juices glinting with a silvery sheen in the dim lighting. Their forehooves met with a soft clop, allowing Applejack to brace herself and remain upright. She wrapped her tail around the base of his dick like a snake, giving a few expert strokes. He throbbed from the unusual stimulation, tip flaring briefly and spitting a wad of pre on his chest. She chuckled, aligning her opening with the broad head of his shaft. Her clit gave a wink, and a drop of lubricant dripped down, connecting her fleshy pearl with his erect pole by a thin string of her arousal. She pushed her vulva onto his crown, feeling the heated folds part and accept the overdue offering. She bit her lip, slowly untensing the muscles in her legs and allowing the pressure at the entrance to her tunnel to mount. She made a sound in the back of her throat, an equal moan and a whine. She was torn between recklessly plunging down and taking that thick, juicy cock for herself as was her right, or taking her time and making sure she didn't strain herself needlessly in her pursuit of carnal fulfillment. It was hard to reconcile those two conflicting desires. She bounced on just the tip of his dick, spreading her lips wider and wider with each small movement of her hips. Mac couldn't pry his eyes away from the erotic spectacle, staying as still as he could to not disturb her efforts. Something had to give eventually. Applejack took in a sharp gasp, followed by a yelp, eyes going wide, when the wide mushroom-head popped inside. Nearly half of her brother's great spire vanished into her slick depths before his hooves snapped under her knees with the speed of lightning, seizing her rump and halting her abrupt descent. She hissed in mixed pleasure and pain from being spread so quickly and completely. The wide tip of her brother's monster of a cock was the biggest hurdle to overcome during their intimate affairs; after she got that taken care of, it was smooth gliding, so to speak. She wisely clenched down, squeezing a muffled moan out of her brother. She gave him a thankful look. If not for his fast reflexes, she'd most likely be walking funny for the next few days, sore and grumpy. She uncoiled her tail from his rod, letting it freely wag back and forth behind her. Applejack pushed her hooves into the bed, sliding up on her brother's shaft until the wide crown started spreading her lips open from the inside. She sank down slowly, letting gravity do most of her work, and squeezed her muscles just before she approached the lowest point of her first, reckless penetration. She repeatedly lowered herself onto her brother's shaft, letting out low moans of pleasure as every iteration brought her a sliver closer to sitting on his loins, delightfully spreading her foal-tunnel to prepare her to take him in full. Mac's eyes were riveted to the wonderful scene playing out just before his eyes. His sister sliding up and down on his hard member, her face contorted into a bliss-stricken grimace as she let out low moans of pleasure. Her silky passage rippled and clenched around him in an exquisite way, sending small surges of delight up his spine. He migrated his hooves from upholding her rump to her hips, drawing circles on her cutie marks, squeezing and fondling that juicy piece of ass for all it was worth. She rewarded his efforts with cute squeaks and gasps, increasing her tempo and gobbling up more of his dick with each succulent descent of her hips. "Ah!" Applejack let out a short cry as her hips suddenly met with her brother's and a firecracker of pleasure seemed to go off in her core. She paused, panting for breath. She looked down at her brother's grinning face, then much, much lower. There was no more for her to take; she had every inch of her brother's prodigious length crammed up her vagina. The realization brought an indecent smirk to her muzzle. She put a hoof to her lower belly, feeling the visible bulge of his cock. "Well," she drawled, "now that Ah'm stretched right and proper, let's get to the real fun!" Both of them moaned as Applejack all but jumped up, then let her rump crash into her brother's loins with a wet slap of flesh on flesh and an indecent squelch of a stiff, fat horsecock invading a thoroughly soaked, spasming marecunt. There was an animalistic glint in their eyes as they regarded each other, drinking in the other's sweat-slick bodies. Mac's gaze roamed over his sister's frame, taking in her pleasure-stricken visage, the disheveled mane, and the soft curves and hard, strong edges he so loved in her body. He stared at her ample udders jiggling in time with her motions, and the visible bulge his cock made on her belly--it was a sight he could hardly pry his eyes off from. It filled him with a vague feeling of pride and satisfaction, to see his sister taking him without issue. Her gaze was all but glued into his, piercing his eyes with a startling intensity. It was as if she silently urged him on, demanded him to do something. Mac grinned; if she wanted him to cum and quench the inferno roaring in her core, then she'd need to earn it. He clenched his teeth from the overload of pleasure as she clutched hard on his length, riding him as if he were a wild bronco on a rodeo. Applejack clamped down on Mac's rod each time she shot up, and relaxed when she sent herself hurtling down, bouncing in her brother's lap like a mare possessed. Grunts and groans and moans of pleasure mingled with the vulgar sounds of their bodies repeatedly meeting in an oldest dance known to ponykind, echoing off the walls of their room. The bed creaked and groaned under their constant motions, adding its own desperate note to the noisy melody of procreation. Distantly, both of them hoped they wouldn't wake anypony up, but it was not a notion worth paying attention to at the moment. The mare impaled herself on her stallion's fleshy stake, not drawing his sword out from her soaked scabbard by the mere virtue of her muscles contracting with the force rivaling a steel vice. The stallion shoved his hips up along with his mate's violent plunges, burying himself balls-deep with a resonating slam. They were an efficient machine, a myriad components properly oiled and working smoothly, a union of contrasting parts joined together in order to reach the desired goal. Pleasure ramped up with every moment, every movement. That electrical spark between them grew stronger each time their bodies shifted and jerked and gyrated, rising each time their chests heaved and they gasped for breath, swelling each time their hot, engorged genitals mashed against one another, producing sparks of bliss from the intense friction. The charge built up rapidly, soaring on wings of rapture straight towards the Sun, pressure welling up like a volcano about to erupt, like an unrelenting tide about to swallow up all in its wake. There was no limit to how powerful the spark could get, but the machine could only hold it back for so long, could only hold so much before it disintegrated into motes of bliss and joined it in rapture. The spark imploded with a last, all-powerful surge of energy; emotion, sensation, and passion combining into one and being squeezed into a point smaller than a single thought. A violent, ecstatic cascade went off, consuming all it encountered on its path and bringing eternal harmony in its wake. The siblings-turned-lovers crashed into each other with a final slam that reverberated through their very bodies and souls. They embraced one another with strength normally reserved for bending steel, Applejack biting down onto Mac's shoulder to muffle her cries of ecstasy as the pressure welling up in her core finally reached a critical point. A dam burst inside of her and mind-eclipsing ecstasy flooded her system. She convulsed and writhed in her brother's arms, her pussy clenching and spasming and rippling repeatedly to coax the shaft buried deep into her core to yield its virile payload, begging him to soothe the desire raging in her womb. Mac couldn't keep her call unanswered for too long. He grunted, the pain from Applejack's teeth digging into his shoulder mingling with the surge of ecstasy rushing through his very nerves. He jerked his hips sharply, trying in vain to bury yet another sliver of himself inside his sister. His tip flared wide, making a tight seal against her cervix, balls pulling up to prepare to unload their precious cargo. A moment passed, and he was one with bliss. Applejack let out a muffled cry as the first gush of hot, sticky seed flooded her womb. She felt her brother stiffen and throb inside her again and again, each time followed by a rush of warmth in her core that made stars explode in her vision and a shudder rock her entire frame. Waves of pleasure washed against her body, flushing away all her worries and concerns. They shuddered in each other's embrace as their ecstasy ran its course, merged into one, perfect being, connected in the most intimate way two ponies could ever hope to be. The storm raging between them passed as soon as it had come, steering them towards a soothing afterglow. Mac took deep breaths through his nose, gently holding his sister as she still shuddered in the throes of her own sweet pleasure, thankfully no longer biting down on his poor shoulder. That was definitely going to leave a bruise. He sometimes felt jealous of mares for having both longer and more frequent orgasms, but he guessed it was an appropriate compensation for the ordeal of having to carry foals and give birth to them. Not that the romps they went through today would result in their family getting any bigger; any stallion could smell a mare in estrus from a mile away. The siblings let out quiet whinnying and neighing noises as they cruised through their shared afterglow, cuddling close to one another and exchanging tender nuzzles. His shaft softened gradually along with his calming heart, letting the buildup of his release flow from Applejack's nethers and stain the bedsheets. Those were all sweaty and would have to be changed tomorrow, anyway. Minutes passed, and quiet and calm descended upon them like a soothing veil. Mac stroked his sister's mane with a hoof, feeling the gentle, rhythmic expanding and compressing of her chest, and listening to her barely audible snores. He was about to lay her down and tuck her in when she stirred weakly. "Ah love you, Big Macintosh." Her voice was a faint whisper. Mustering up her remaining strength, Applejack leaned away from the crook of her brother's neck and weakly pushed her muzzle against his, her eyes closed. It wasn't really a kiss, more like a lazy exchange of breaths. Her nostrils flared with each inhale, taking in his scent and drawing his hot breath into her nose. A smile blossomed on her muzzle. "Ah love you too, Applejack, more than anything in tha world." Applejack's cheeks dimpled as her smile widened. She slumped against him, finally succumbing to the weariness the day has piled up on her. Not all of it was unpleasant, she had to admit. Mac gently lowered them onto the bed, letting Applejack claim his chest as her own, personal pillow. He quickly followed her into the ephemeral realm of dreams, where they dreamt of a better tomorrow.