The Bet

by mrmidnight

First published

Sometimes, a Bet can go wrong for the person who makes it

Spike has been living his life, away from Twilight going off on his own to Manehatten. His life seems to be getting better. than one day When he comes home, he finds That Celestia is there sitting in his living room, with only a chess board in hand. She wants to play a game, and soon decides to make a little bet.

Commissioned by Luna117

A game of Chess

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Chapter 1: A game of Chess

Spike strolled down the sidewalk in Manehatten. The bags hanged over the side by side. Swaying back and forth, while he felt himself sweating profusely. It had been a long day, and he wasn’t enjoying himself. The young Dragon was looking down for a moment, as he muttered to himself,

“Don’t worry Spike, the days almost over with.” Ponies walked past him, making their way home, or to wherever they might have wanted to be at the time. Spike didn’t care more, as he slowly made a quick turn to one of the many apartments that were around this noisy city, which never seemed to simmer down, It was definitely not Ponyville. He hadn’t been there in over a year. Sometimes he wished he could’ve been there, but he couldn’t Spike just couldn’t go back to Ponyville.

So over here, this place was his home. Sure, the rent was high, the neighbors were loud, and could drive him nut’s but, most of the time they left the dragon alone. Now Spike wasn’t the small runt of a dragon he’d been when he was a kid when he was still living at Ponyville. A place he uses to consider his old home. Where his friends were still at, and people he cared about.

But this place is nice and rather quiet. So, he didn’t have trouble at all being in this place, a place away from her. So, he did what he could, and for a dragon his age now. He felt he was doing just fine. And he never had to ask for anyone’s help. Sure, the dragon had to lay off the gem’s they were far more expensive; ‘I mean who would pay over a thousand bits for a single diamond that small!’

Though a small effect of not eating as many gem’s and other things was, he managed to slim down and get much taller, imposing in size compared to all the other ponies around him. He was definitely no runt. Work simply paid well, apparently having a Dragon who could organize materials in neat order, while being able to lift things far too heavy, for most earth ponies to lift. Well, he definitely was making a good bit of Bits for this. So, there was one thing Spike appreciate with Twilights Obsession.

Spike had been so lost in his own thoughts; He didn’t think much as he pushed open his apartment wide open. He moved past the side hallway and turned straight to the kitchen. The apartment was a one bedroom, one bathroom, Apartment with a living room and Kitchen. Nothing entirely interesting about the whole place.

Spike began putting the groceries away, starting with the cold stuff, and some veggies. His mind a complete Blank as he wondered what he might even try to do for the rest of the day, besides tomorrow was his day off so he had plenty of things to do, Though something he was planning was to clean this place up. Look at this place it was a mess, a complete pigsty. He was sure if Twilight was here.

“Oh well, I really should be getting some sleep,” Spike said his eyes getting heavier as he turned around and walked off towards the bedroom. Well, he would’ve if it wasn’t for the fact that something seemed to stop him. Sitting there on his old, rather lumpy couch sat a shadowy figure.

“Who’s there!” Spike called out as he looked around seeing if there was something, anything he could use just to defend himself. He couldn’t do anything till suddenly a voice called out to him.

“Spike I really don’t think you want to do something like that.” The soft misty voice seemed so familiar, Like someone, he hadn’t heard from in a very long time. As he looked back towards the couch, he watched as there was a small light beginning to glow revealing the spectrum, who seemed to have broken into his apartment tonight.

The figure that was sitting on his couch was tall, taller than most ponies as she sat there, front hooves crossed as she looked towards him with those soft, yet powerful eyes. The being was clearly female. She had white fur, with a long horn, longer than most unicorns than her wings that seemed to be majestic, there was only one pony it could be. It was the Ruler of all of the equestrian, Celestia.

Celestia just looked at him with the kindest eyes, as she seemed to relax, but for Spike, he seemed utterly confused, No surprised.

“Celestia, what’re you doing here?” He asked as he did all he could from taking a step back, his heart pounded looking to The goddess of a mare. She remained silent while levitating a small glass of wine. Taking a drink, without a care in the world. When the glass of wine, slowly placed down on the table she looked over to Spike and calmly said,

“Oh, I just figured I’d come by and see you Spike; It’s been quite a while. But do I really need to have a real reason to come visit my favorite Dragon.” She gave a small laugh, though Spike looked at her somewhat suspiciously.

‘What’s she planning?’ He thought carefully without saying a word. Though Spike walked over to the couch, where Celestia was simply comfy, and got in there, his claws reaching over to what appeared to be a second glass of Wine.

“Come on Spike just take a drink.” She offered her voice swooning softly. She wasn’t drunk, No spike couldn’t imagine her being drunk. Even over the years of seeing her, even when she drank, she never seemed to be affected by the alcohol. He was sure she had a limitless tolerance. Spike would take a slow drink as he leaned back on his chair.

“It’s been quite a while since we’ve seen each other Princess.”

“Yes, it has, I definitely miss getting Twilights letters from you, it’s something about the burning embers that appear from the letter appearing in front of me.” Spike just looked at her for second seeming rather suspicious. He simply let himself getting relaxed, when He took another drink.

“Well, it’s great to see you also Celestia. But I kind of wish that you had at least told me because the place is kind of a mess.”

“I’ll have to remember that. Though Spike, I’m wondering would you care to play a game?”

Spike couldn’t help but chuckle while looking over for a minute, as he gave a nod,

“Sure, I wouldn’t mind playing a game what do you have in mind? Mareopoly?”

Celestia couldn’t help but laugh hard when she moved across from the table and allowing her horn to glow even brighter, as she moved in summoning what looked to be a chess board. It was a standard chess board.

“Chess really?” his eyebrow raised as he got a little more comfortable. While watching as the pieces were being put in their proper places.

“Oh, come on Spike, I know you loved to play this game all the time with me.” She giggled, as she moved down and got nice and comfortable though Spike, just watched her some,

“Yeah, I use to like it, but it’s been years since I’ve played so I might be a little rusty.” He reached up picking the knight, or as some would refer to as the little horsey piece. His claw twirled around the ivory piece as Celestia looked at him with a chuckle.

“Well hey, it's best to get you to use to this than, Beside it’ll be fun like old times. But if you want I can go easy on you.” She smirked taking one of the pieces. Spike just watched her some read for a challenge.

“Oh come on, I’m much older, now. I think I can take you without a problem. He reached over and placed the piece right back down on its side of the board. Spike just nodded some, since he figured that nothing was going to happen.

“What's the worst that could happen?” Spike thought as he reached over, grabbing one of the pieces. It was the black pieces as he claimed the king and gave a nod.

“I’ll be Black than Celestia, so you go first.”

Celestia just nodded, her smile growing long. The Alicorn reached over and grabbed ahold of the pawn and moved forward two spaces. Spike watched as she placed it down. It was simply and Spike just watched her, as he reached forward and taking the knight and moving it ahead two pieces and one right.

The game was afoot, for the two as they began playing, each taking a different piece, Celestia managing to take Spikes knight, but then his pawn taking the others, as they moved back and forth. Spike watching the Alicorn closely making sure she wasn’t planning anything funny.

Her magic engulfed over the queen. Moving it over two spaces forward. As she smirked,

“It seems you’ve been doing well since you’ve moved here to Manehatten.”

“Thanks, though it wasn’t easy doing so. I was lucky I was saving some money before I left. But it barely gave me a month. So, I had to find work.” He moved over pushing his rook, forward, taking down Celestia’s

“Well, I’m sure you’ve found something, since your still here, But I have to ask you. Why didn’t you ask me for help you know I would’ve done so.” She Managed to take Spikes, queen, using the bishop. As she moved over and instantly said, “Check.”

Spike was shocked but tried keeping his mind calm before moving his last knight, over to protect the king.

“Nice move, and to answer the question. I just needed to get away, and I guess also I really don’t want Twilight to find out.” He went into the defensive position, as he watched Celestia using a knight to take one of his rooms. He got lucky and took out the queen.

‘Maybe but she’s still family, She really does Miss you Spike, I can tell it in her letters.”

Celestia’s voice was soft at this, as she felt bad for her favorite student, but Spike didn’t seem to be happy with this.

“She shouldn’t have betrayed me as she did!” He growled and moved the queen in position as he smirked.


Celestia sighed her head looking down some, as she moved her pawn forward one step,

“Spike, you need to let things stay in the past, I can understand that your hurting, but give it time and I’m sure that you’ll let it go. But with you being so bitter, you’ve lost focus. Checkmate.”

Spike was confused looking down at the board and watched the pawn. It had somehow made it to the other side of the board, on his backspace, and watched as Celestia, had taken the Pawn away and replacing it with the lost Queen piece. Spike’s king was trapped. He lost the game.

Spike grunted some, and said, “I want a rematch.” There was a fire in his eyes, as he definitely wanted to win a match against, her. He wasn’t fully focused, this time though he wasn’t going to give up or be tricked like this.

“So you want to play another game, Spike?” Celestia asked giving a simple smirk as she leaned in and began raising all the pieces and placing them back in their more respective position.

“Yeah, I’m sure I can win this time.” The eyes were glowing brighter, when Celestia just gave a simple chuckle, as an idea came in mind. Something that would be rather beneficial to everyone. If everything comes to plan, exactly.

“Fine, though how about we make it a little more interesting.” She motioned to the board some. Spike just watched her some, as he was curious.

‘What is she planning?’

“What's the bet?” Spike asked seeming rather curious, as he bends down looking at her eye to eye. His face smirked some, trying to keep a look of pure confidence. Even if it was a shadowing over a feeling of dread. Than Celestia just turned her head glancing over to the dragon.

“One more game, how about it. If I win you’ll have to do anything I want for a whole year, and can’t object to it. But if you win. Then I’ll to do anything you want for an entire year.”

Spike chocked some and he reached over taking one of the wine glasses taking a drink to clear his throat,

‘Is she being serious!’ He practically screamed in his head, while moving some. Spike could almost hear his brain flatline. As he wondered if she was serious, But Celestia seemed to give a cute giggle, her hoof reaching over covering her mouth, as she said,

“Are you ok Spike or are you too scared?”

“Yeah, I’m fine, But under one condition.” He gave a simple smile, as he looked down at the chessboard, simply Celestia simply gave a nod,

“Sure, anything, what would it be?”

“I want to be White.” Celestia would nod, taking the chess board and turning it around and allowing the White pieces to stand right in front of it.

There the game began, and the two would begin making their move. This time Spike would start by sending out his pawn, moving it forward two spaces. The game was afoot.

Spike hadn’t spoken much neither did Celestia, as the two were moving their pieces back and forth. Each taking a different piece, though with the two being focused. They were clearly in the game. As Celestia had managed to get away knowing out both of Spikes rooks. But Spike had gone on taking Celestia’s bishops, along with a knight. As they moved over.

“Check,” Spike muttered taking one of Celestia’s Rooks, with one of her pieces.

“You're doing amazing Spike, Not even Luna can get my In check half the time,” Celestia said praising the dragon who only gave a chuckle.

“Well thanks, though Speaking of Luna what has she been up to?” He proceeded to move his queen overtaking a pawn that looked to be getting to close to the king.

“She’s been going well, but it seems to be falling head over hoof for, Neightendo’s NES, and want’s a power horseshoe.”

Spike nodded as he gave a chuckle and moved over taking away, more pieces from Celestia. The Alicorn just watched as they seemed to move away but pushing on she had gotten to take away his queen. All Spike had left was his kinda few pawns and his Bishops. With a single knight. Celestia close, though keeping her king, queen and most of her pawns.

“This is definitely getting close,” Spike said as he moved his pawn forward and had managed to move it towards Celestia’s side and returned his queen, which gave him a smile he raised an eyebrow and gave her a cocky smile.

“Looks like another Check Princess.”

Celestia watched over and saw that she was trapped, Her eyes widened as her eyes were widening. She could only move her king piece She moved it forward one space. All she could do though Spike just gave a chuckle. As he reached over and taking his knight, and moved it to the center of the board, just laying it there. Celestia just watched as she realized that she wasn’t going to move anywhere else she was trapped in her place.

“Well Celestia, it looks like this is Checkmate. You lost the game.” Spike leaned back just relishing in just winning not even thinking about the implication of what was were about to happen. Slowly the Chessboard would begin glowing, bright. Almost too bright as Spike reached over slowly covering his eyes. Like the way, it shined imitated the force of the sun.

Celestia just stood there, taking a deep breath knowing exactly what was going to happen. If only she really saw what would happen beforehand maybe she wouldn’t make the exact moves that would lead to her imminent loss. Spike watched as she was taken by the light consuming around her glowing like the essence of her body had been covered. Then slowly the light dissipated, slowly leaving as the room dimmed down to a more reasonable radiance of light. As Spike watched He got a new look at the Alicorn who his leader was. The being who could control the very Sun itself and be like a god to those all around him.

She sad there for a moment a collar around her neck made of iron holding her tightly as a small chain was going down it looks like energy, as it slowly slithered over to Spike wrapping around his arm, till it vanished, Leaving tight till there was a gold bracelet.

Spike looked at it seems lost in its glory for the time, as he gave notice to it more. Then looked back to Celestia who just stayed there. She looked different, her long flowing hair that seemed celestial to most, had gone down returning to look almost like hair again. Her horn gently glowed but seemed significantly weaker than it had When she was in the room before.

“Celestia are you ok?”

She looked up to Spike and nodded,

“Yes Spike I’m fine it’s just the magic that the Chessboard had over me, is now Completed. From today on for one whole year, I’m yours to command.”

Her voice was calm, to Spikes' ear. No longer the motherly tone, he’d come to expect, and just looked at him. Seemingly begging for mercy, and just a sad look on her face. He watched her some jus thinking. What could he do now? He was now in control over Celestia! What would everyone think?

That was when an idea came over him a small simple idea as he moved over getting closer. His claws starting to move over caressing her side, his fingers moving over her muzzle gently as he got in closer.

“You mean I can tell you anything and you’ll do whatever I want.”

Celestia would only nod, as she felt herself getting nervous. ‘What have I gotten myself into?’ She thought some the way Spikes eyes looked at her the slits changing, as he only seemed to get bigger. The White Alicorn felt smaller than she ever had been.

“Hmm, I wonder what kind of limits I have.” He watched her some, his claws rubbing his chin as he tried to think of something anything that he could do since he was no in control. Did he run the country now? He’d have to ask later, but he just gave a smile about it moving in closer slowly.

Soon he pushed in giving her a soft kiss, against her lips as they held in slowly, as he gave a moan. Celestia though She didn’t know what to do there. She never expected that as she moved over softly. As she began to kiss back slowly doing what her master might’ve wanted.

His tongue slowly pushing in moving against her muzzle as his tongue slowly moved through and pressed against her tongue.

After a minute, or maybe it was two Time seemed to slow down for the two of them, but Spike pulled away gasping for air, as he gave a chuckle. Celestia though just watched the Dragon wondering what he might have in mind. But slowly he moved back going to the couch sitting there. His hind legs spreading. When he gave his first verbal command.

“Celestia Stand up please.”

Celestia tried to resist, though it was clear she couldn’t fight it the Collar moving her raising her up for such a time, as she moved to her feet, and looked towards the dragon standing on all fours.

“Yes, master.” She felt herself forced to say, Oh how if anyone had seen her it would be humiliating. She slowly walked over to Spike never thinking of how the situation was going to go. Spike watched her some, and it was there He finally made his decision.

“Princess I want you to give me a nice Sloppy Blow job.” He gave a hard laugh, as he reached down caressing his hips some. Celestia had a look of horror. Just seeming surprised by it also, as she felt the collar coming overtaking her mind as she moved over bowing her head,

“As you command Spike.” She gritted her tea. But she couldn’t help but notice the surprised look on His face. It was clear that he wasn’t expecting Celestia to comply with this demand. Spike must not have realized she would be compiled or forced to. Spike simply sat there, though Celestia moved in slowly as she used her magic, beginning to caress his inner thigh. She moved down slowly, as Spike began feeling himself getting harder. His cock slinking out as he was beginning to expose himself before the princess.

Celestia had to take a step back, and gawk in utter surprised looking upon this cock. It was large, No it was huge in her opinion. She’d seen some good endow stallions. In Playmate, when it was first started up. She was even comparing it to some Zebra’s who had their own special size But for the Dragon, he was just impressive. The princess couldn’t help but feel her heart skip a beat, as she felt the chain pulling her down, and her face was right against it.

She moved down slowly her tongue moving over slowly sticking out as she gave the base of the cock a nice long lick, her wet tongue slathering it with her saliva. Spike only giving a long moan as he held down onto the edge of the couch, as he watched her.

‘Holy fuck, holy fuck Celestia is giving me a damn blow job!’ He watched her moving down opening her mouth wide taking his cock in her mouth wrapping her muzzle around his huge head, which caused him to move in closer. Moaning hard, The way she moved down sucking slowly at first as she felt it slide deeper. The side of her mouth giving off a bulge as she moved back and forth. Her magic reached over fondling his balls as Spike gasped more moving his hips. Slightly with how Celestia was going down on him as she moved through as he was giving a grunt.

Taking Spikes cock wasn’t at all easy in Celestia opinion. She felt herself gagging as the hard-throbbing cock hit the back of her throat, managing to hit her uvula. She held it back as she moved back and forth moaning hard. She hated to admit it, but The dragons cock tasted so damn good as she moved down faster.

“Grhmm grr.” She gargled out moaning more looking up at Spike, her mouth sliming slightly as she sucked on him harder, as she went down. Spike moaning louder his hips moving not caring if his neighbors heard him. As he moved his hips harder. His body seeming more slimmer as the seconds go by.

“Oh, Sweet Celestia keep going suck my fat cock, you bitch.” She gave him a nibble from that response. She didn’t want to but somehow the collar made her do it as she moved down faster as Spike moaned his body feeling Blissful. His cock was giving off small bits of pre as it was hitting her tongue Lathering it, as she couldn’t help lapping it up. His pre-cum seemed to taste rather salty.

She just kept going, as she moved down more sucking harder. The way she was doing it she was sucking him completely dry, as Spike was heaving hard his breath was so heavy and he loved every second of it as he pushed in more his balls seeming to tighten. Her magic wrapped around his balls juggling it.

“Oh shit, gonna cum Celestia, sweet fuck.” He normally would hold his language back but at this point. He didn’t care he was in charge clearly. As he thrust his hips and reached grabbing ahold of her main and pushed her down. His member pushing down her throat. The way he pushed down his balls hitting the bottom of her mouth and top pressed into her noise booping her.

He was now beginning to deep throating her, as he thrust had face fucking her. When he called out.

“I’m Cumming Celestia here drink my fucking cum!” he claimed out releasing his seed deep into her mouth,

Celestia felt her mouth being filled as the cum shot down her throat. And groaned while being forced to drink the Dragons sperm. He just blew his load into her and it was so much Celestia was surprised she hadn’t begun chocking the cock. When she moved over some But she assumed that it was her Magic, that kept her from choking and gagging from the cum. She guessed that was a good thing about this magic.

She coughed some as she slid the cock out of her mouth and looked up at Spike but, It seemed that the world wasn’t ready to leave Celestia with some dignity at this point as Spike seemed to have one last burst as he gave her a facial Cumming over her face. But if no one was looking at her closely they wouldn’t have noticed anything. But looking closer, you’d definitely see the cum resting on her nose.

There was such a minute like this, as she groaned some. Spike smiles some looking at him, As he seemed much calmer more relaxed than before as he whispers calmly.

“Thanks, I guess I really needed this.” As he got up walking to the kitchen and handed her a rag to clean the excess cum.

“Well thank you, Spike, but we’ll definitely need to talk about this ok.” She was serious about it the two were going to need to talk about the situation. Especially with what he’d done. She never expected the young dragon who was born on the same day she’d met her student would become such a dragon like this.

“No problem I guess we can talk. Though it’s getting late, Come on let's go to bed.” Looking over to the clock she was surprised it was late the Sun should’ve started to set by that, Slowly she looked over to the sun and figured she’d lower it with great ease but when she did she found it, was much harder to move.

It appears the sun wouldn’t move at the simple idea of her will. As she had to start concentrating more. But eventually, it would go down for the night. He moved over going towards his bedroom and called out to Celestia.

“Come on Celestia the bed’s waiting for us.” And The princess sighed going off. She might as well call it a night. It’s been a long day.

She moved off following Spike to his bed, Going in slowly as she looked at his bedroom. It was simply kind of plan with some posters of mares, on the walls wearing too much makup and showing off their crotch breast. Revealing some some smaller than others. But it was clearly nice. His bed seeming big enough for too. But clearly lumpy but it would do for now as she slowly got in and joined the dragon who was laying there. It wouldn’t be long before she feel asleep with Spike arm’s around her.

Dreams and breakfast

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Spike was experiencing the same dream once again. It was the same kind of dream he’d been having over the last few months. The dream would begin the same way; He was slowly walking across a field of Apple trees, heading towards Ponyville. He felt his heart slowly pounding. No matter what he did, it was always the same. If he tried going a different direction, he’d end up going the same direction. If he tried just flying up somehow his wings would change direction against his will, and he would fly towards the town.

Nothing he did could change the dream. It was horrible. So, he would do exactly what he needed to do, since he didn’t have much of a choice. So, with a heavy heart, he started to walk towards the town. Moving along, passing the trees. The wind roaring past him, whistling into his ears. As he moved down, he couldn’t help but begin noticing some weird things surrounding him. The apples changed to oranges, and then pears till they returned to apples. Small bug bears skittering around, too small to do anything and passing away doing what they wanted.

“Well those are different,” Spike mumbled as he moved on towards the town. It seemed like another thirty minutes before he reached it. The place looked to be in a dilapidated state; The buildings were falling apart, window shutters were hanging by a hinge. Nothing seemed to be together or right. It was as if the town had been abandoned; This was the worst it had ever been with any of his dreams. As the houses changed, they at first looked normal. But slowly they began breaking down till they were ruined.

He slowly moved down the streets, passing every building. He could still feel as if he was being watched. Scanning the area, his eyes looked over towards a window, where he saw small, piercing yellow eyes watching him. The eyes were slit and only seemed to follow him. He just couldn’t see their faces.

Spike shuddered while still making his way towards the castle. His body was being pulled even closer, by what seemed to be some unknown force. His heart pounding harder as he got ever closer. Looking up towards the castle, he could see it was magnificent even at this point, it's shine never faltering. It was larger than life compared to how the town was looking at this point.

Moving to the entrance, he saw the doors open, letting out a loud creak. Spike definitely wasn't feeling comfortable, with his heart seeming to pound louder and louder. He didn’t want to go in. He decided to try and turn around and leave. His body moved away, trying to run the other direction. But as soon as he turned around he was still faced with the sight of the castle doors, wide open. Darkness consumed the inside of the room.

“You’re really not giving me much of a choice are you?” He said nothing as he moved on, walking slowly to the door. His head was down. Knowing he had no choice, slowly he made his way inside.

Spike moved inside the Castle of Friendship, getting in slowly. The place looked the same, never really changing. As he got closer, he saw the place was perfectly cleaned, ordered and just looked to be right with the world. But it was absolutely not. Spike had at one point considered it home, but not any longer. This place didn’t feel like home. How could it?

He walked on exploring the Castle. To say the least, he knew every nook, and cranny of this place, as he’d spent what seemed like years cleaning this damn place. How was it two people could live in a place this large and still managed to get the whole thing filthy? Spike just sighed and walked on, following a familiar path. He could’ve been away for a thousand years, but somehow, he was sure he’d never forget how to navigate these nearly endless hallways.

He could begin feeling himself being pulled towards a specific set of doors. That was when he finally heard something. Something that wasn’t just his own heartbeat. To Spike it sounded almost like moaning, creaking, and groaning. He could recognize one voice as he slipped in, getting closer to the door.

Spike slowly raised his hands, wrapped his claws around the door handle, and began pulling the door open. He wasn’t prepared for what could’ve been behind the door. He’d never gotten this far in his dreams before, and at this moment, he was traveling in uncharted territory.

He was soon consumed by a large accumulation of light that slowly consumed the area around him. Moving over as he screamed, Spike was blinded by the light, futilely raising his hands over the blinding, almost never-ending light. No there was something wrong with this light, it was green, it was fire. And it consumed him more as he continued screaming. Somehow he was feeling himself getting hotter and hotter. That was when he suddenly felt his eyes open.

When Spike opened his eyes he couldn’t help but feel comforted laying in his own bed, thousands of miles away from that town, and that castle. He was free to do what he wanted, but sometimes he wondered what it was that had consumed him in that fire, and why it was that it seemed so familiar. Spike just couldn’t put his finger on it. He slowly began looking around in his bedroom.

The Dragon found himself completely alone. He gave a long yawn while stretching his arms out.

“So what's going to happen today?” Spike wondered as he began getting out of bed. He had an urge running through him if his bladder was accurate, and that urge was to take a good piss. Pissing seemed to be a universal thing everyone needed to do, and it was unavoidable. So in many ways, it could temporarily change people minds. Which for Spike might’ve been a good thing.

‘Well better go and make some breakfast. I really don’t need to be late for work.” When he finished taking his piss he walked over to the kitchen, figuring he might make some eggs, and maybe a few pancakes. He even had some bacon on a special occasion. No one knew about it, which he couldn’t help but feel as a good thing. Imagine if his neighbors found out. He’d probably be in a whole heap of trouble.

But how could he resist it? Ever since going to the badlands, and meeting other dragons who gave him some to try, he had became somewhat addicted to the juicy morsel. He was moving into the kitchen, his claws reaching over for his backside as he scratched his butt, when he suddenly felt his nostrils invaded by a sweet scent. A scent that reminded him of eggs. Pancakes, even the sizzling cracking and popping of bacon. It smelled amazing.

“What in Tartarus?” Spike asked himself, as he began jogging towards the kitchen, trying to figure out what was going on. He stumbled in there, barely keeping his balance as he nearly tripped on his feet. The only reason he managed to keep his balance was grabbing ahold of the door's archway and gripping it tightly as he jerked back.

When he looked into the kitchen he was met with an interesting sight. It was a large round white flank that seemed to stare back at him with two glowing yellow suns . Celestia there was standing on her hooves, using her magic to flip the pancakes, while giving a slight whistling tune.

Spike looked in there and knew it was only the one being in there, one he knew oh so well. His eyes widened as he was realizing something.

“It wasn’t a dream,” Spike whispered softly to himself as he felt his hands trembling to remember what happened last night. He could hardly believe it. As he remembered the blow job he forced the princess to give him, and how good it was forcing his cum down her throat.

Spike was standing there, watching as the princess moved while humming softly. Soon she turned around with a plate floating in her aura that was filled with pancakes. She took one look at Spike and moved over to the table, placing the plate down.

"Good morning Master Spike."

Spike was simply awestruck hearing that. He simply couldn't believe she even said that; 'Did she just call me master?'

"Good morning Princess. Um, how'd you sleep last night?" Spike cautiously asked, stepping into the kitchen while expecting the worst to happen. After all, she could toss the Sun as if it was nothing more than a planet as far as he was concerned.

Celestia looked back, giving a bush brow smile as she grabbed the eggs.

“I slept fine, though I will admit your bed is rather uncomfortable.” Celestia moved her head back and forth, giving it a nice hard crack. Spike was feeling uncomfortable in this conversation, though he tried to hide it. Celestia didn’t seem to notice this as she went on and got comfortable for the minute.

“So last night actually happened?” Spike asked as he took a seat. Celestia sat on the ground without worry. She still looked to be comfortable at the table, as she grabbed the two of them forks by magic.

“Yes Spike, what happened actually did. For the next year, I am under your control. Whatever you want I must do, within my abilities.”

“Well, this is something kind of surprising. I mean, I really thought of last night as a dream.” Somehow when he said it out loud, Spike couldn’t even believe it. Last night seemed just way too real, and the dream was still burned into his mind as he tried thinking of something else, anything at all as he looked around.

“So with this control is there any limitation?” Figuring that was the safest question as he reached over taking a bite of pancakes. Enjoying the warm soft feel in his mouth, as Celestia nodded,

“There is some Limitation, you can’t force me into doing something that’s against the Natural order. Like say, never lower the Sun. I can be allowed to temporarily break your control and lower, or raise the sun. But after that I’d be force back into submission.”
Spike only nodded, not really talking with his mouth open before he swallowed.

“Are there any side effects?”

“Well, there's a couple of things. My magic has been hugely reduced.” She pointed to her horn, and Spike looked up and noticed her horn’s light had diminished greatly even flickering on and off. He’d seen it a few times on young fillies learning how to use their magic for the first time. Though she continues to eat.

Spike didn’t say much as everything seemed to be hitting him, as there was more of a realization. He has full control of Celestia and it's very interesting, that's for sure. He was probably in a situation where colts would cut off their left hoof and right hoof for a chance to be in Spike’s situation.

The two continued eating for a minute. Spike’s mind just wandering some, though he suddenly stopped eating mid meal. As he was thinking more, a thought suddenly occurred to him.

“Wait... why did you use the spell on me?” Spike asked seeming to be rather confused and curious. He felt himself pulling up from the table as he watched Celestia carefully. Somehow, in his gut he knew that the princess wouldn’t lie. No, she couldn’t lie to him. He was guessing the magic would stop her from actually doing that.

“I was going to use it to try and get you two to actually talk, Spike. Twilight does miss you a lot, even if she doesn’t say it. I see it in her letters.” She sighed and looked over to him, “I was never planning to keep you as a slave, or anything, my main goal was to use the spell to send you to Ponyville to try and talk with her, maybe get you guys to being friends again.”

Spike couldn’t help but feel an overwhelming amount of annoyance build up within him at hearing that. She was going to do that force him to go back to Ponyville just to talk to her.. Spike felt his hand tighten some, but before he did anything an idea came to mind as he loosened his grip and began to take another bite of his meal.

When Spike was finished eating, he took his plate over to the kitchen, then he looked over to Celestia and felt a cheshire grin slowly spreading across his face. Looking over at her fine ass cheeks swaying back and forth, her hips moving more even with her tail down. Though he couldn’t help taking a peek at her crotch boobs, swollen and large. Larger than any mares he’d ever seen as he moved in closer. As the Dragon began licking his lips, he said “You know Celestia, I never would’ve imagined being able to have full control of such a beautiful mare.” His heart pounded as he moved in closer, as he was imagining what he would do next.

“I know it is Spike, though I would insist that you be responsible with this kind of power. But I know you’re a good drag-on!” She gave a loud scream as she was caught off gaurd feeling Spikes hand reaching over grabbing ahold of her ass.

“Spike what are you doing!?” She called out, her face turning rather red. She didn’t know this would happen! She looked back to see Spike’s smile, his eyes widened as she noticed how his emerald eyes were big and his iris’ was slited, as he moved in closer giving her butt a bite.

“I figured since you’re mine, i might as well enjoy such a fine firm SunButt of yours.” His claws moved around, scratching her ass, as she blushed knowing that there was nothing she could do about this. His tongue moved down slowly, swirling, as Celestia looked behind her watching it, she was amazed by how his tongue looked so long and thin as it moved from his mouth. She gawked at it more as Spike’s eyes were closed, just enjoying himself.

“Raise your tail up Princess.” Spike ordered and Celestia did almost reluctantly but the collar glowed and she felt her tail raise, slowly revealing her pussy. She bit her lip as she felt so embarrassed. Never in her thousand years of living had she done anything that seemed so humiliating. But here she was.

‘What are you doing Spike.’ She thought, though she had an idea, of what the Dragon was going to do. She tried not to move, but the next thing she knew she felt something long, slimy, and wet invading her slit. It shot into her, then began to wiggle. At first she shuddered, but began to moan. His tongue moved inside her, twisting and turning. There seemed to be no end to the ways it wiggled.

Celestia couldn’t help but imagine that his tongue was like a corkscrew the way it moved clockwise but chanced counter clockwise.

“Oh-Oh sweet creator!” Celestia moaned as she felt her hooves holding tight onto the table, while her hips moved back and forth as she moaned. Spike couldn’t help giving a chuckle as he moved his tongue in deeper, his finger slowly rubbing her clit. Spike could feel her slowly getting wet as he was eating her out, his mouth opened wide and lapping up her hot juices. She tasted so damn good. As Spike moved in closer, he moved, grabbing ahold of her hips and slowly raised her up from the ground and put her legs over his shoulder.

“Mhmm!” Spike moaned harder, as he was enjoying himself. Slowly he raised his hand up and gave Celestia’s ass a hard slap.

“Spike!” Celestia called out as she felt herself moaning, moving her hips harder. While she moved in, feeling her hips rocking back and forth. Celestia’s rear stung from the hard wack from Spike’s hand making contact with her but she just grunted more. As he suddenly did it again.

He did it once,


Three times

As she screamed more, her voice getting louder as her head went back, she called more, and Spike felt her tighten around his tongue as she seemed to be getting wetter. Her head rocking back. The one thing she did do was pray to herself that no one was able to hear them.

“Please, please don’t let the walls be thin!” Her hips moved in closer as she felt herself being pulled into Spike’s face as he was eating her out. When suddenly he stopped.

She looked back, ‘What the hell why are you stopping I'm getting closer!’ She was thinking when suddenly Spike pulled himself up and there she saw his cock, and was surprised.

‘Wait is it bigger than last time?’ She really couldn’t believe it. As he suddenly pulled her hips back. He was so strong, and she couldn’t believe this was happening. His cock pressed against her. He slowly pushed his head in as she moaned hard, beginning to slowly spreading her pussy apart as he pushed down deeper into her. As she gasped her hooves pushed against the table.

“Fuck, Princess are you so damn tight. How long has it been since you last fucked?”

Celestia didn’t want to say she, felt so embarrassed. In all honesty she couldn’t even remember the last time she was with a stallion, or even a mare. Spike seemed to not like how long she took to even give an answer as he reached over giving her another smack on the ass.

“Oh shit that hurt.” She moaned hard as she felt herself quivering with want and desire.

“Come on Celestia, tell me when was the last time you had a good dick up your little cunt.” As he pulled her back, his cock plunged deeper into her, causing her to moan even harder. The way he moved thrusting into her, she was feeling him move into her in more ways than she could remember, and a small part of her was loving it.

“Come on answer me! Tell me the last time you let your mane down and had an old fashioned fucking like the dirty bitch you are.” he growled. Moving his hips harder into her as she screamed out,

“Over eight-hundred years ago!”

Celestia looked over at Spike revealing this, revealing something she hadn’t talked about in such a long time. Her face was so beet red. She was so embarrassed but Spike just smiled and whispered in her ear,

“Such a good girl telling me, and for being truthful. I’ll give you a reward.” He reached, jerking her back and began thrusting, thrusting his hips into her, his cock thrusting deep down, as Celestia head rolled back,

“Fuck!” Celestia called out to the heavens as that thick lengthy dragon cock was managing to spread her pussy apart as he took her. His hips thrusted in her like a jackhammer. Spike raised his hand and smacked her nice and hard.

Spike was feeling amazing and loved just how she felt around his cock. Her pussy seemed so damn tight, as if she was milking him for all he had as he thrusted harder. Celestia just moaned harder as she had her tongue hanging out. As she clung down to the table, it rocked back and forth, creaking every time.

The table moved back and forth holding onto Celestia’s weight as Spike pounded her down into it, his breathing getting heavier as he looked down at her and moaned more.
“You like that Celestia! You like my big fat cock in your little cunt?!” He moaned more giving a hard growl, as his tongue began flicking out snake-like. As he jerked himself forward his chest pressed against her tail and he was covered by the long rainbow mane, as he groaned harder. That was when the table seemed to give out, unable to take their weight.

The two fell down, hitting the ground with a massive thud. Spike still kept fucking her, his hips moving harder as Celestia looked forward. She was hurting some when she hit the ground and Spike’s weight was right over her.

“I’m going to cum Sweet Celestia I’m gonna cum deep in your fucking cunt!” Spike called out. Celestia eyes widened. She didn’t want that, not at all.

“Oh god I’m going to cum also! Fuck, please pull out!” She screamed, but it was clear that Spike was ignoring her as he didn’t care. As he thrusted in her with all he had, he looked down at her and reached over to grab ahold of her mane, and pulled it back, watching her head move back as they screamed in pure orgasmic bliss.

Spike began cumming into her pussy, his cock expanding as he shot his hot liquid into her womb. As they laid there, Spike breathed heavily, as he could barely move, Celestia felt so weak in the knees.

“Oh wow, Celestia that was so amazing.” Spike smiled as he snuggled in, and somehow Celestia couldn’t help but giggle. Though she sighed, since it was finally over with.

“We’re going to need to make an announcement soon, and help get your stuff over to the castle. It’s definitely going to be a hell of a year.”

Spike nodded before pulling his cock out of her pussy, and simply muttered.

“I’ll have to take a shower, and we’ll get ready, take a shower after me ok.” He walked away, though Celestia would sit there and couldn’t help but think this,

‘Spike what am I going to do with you?’

This seemed to be the very beginning of it though. Celestia couldn’t help but wonder what this year was going to be in for. Sometimes she wished she’d be able to see the future.

Spike would spend a good bit of time washing his body, the water moving over his body as he was there all alone, the soap slowly covering his body, as a thought came to mind.
‘Spike what were you thinking? You just fucked Celestia? I forced her to to have sex with me.’ He slowly washed his body more, as he tried to convince himself he did nothing wrong.


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Spike had to admit, a shower was something truly magical at times. The way the water glided over his scales getting him wet washing off the grime. Enriching his tired body. Just making him feel more awake than he had just a couple of hours ago seemed amazing. Sure when he was younger he hated them.

He even remembered a time when Twilight had forced him into a tub just to give him a bath. He tried fighting it. Though it had been a losing battle anyway, with the way her unicorn magic had engulfed him. Those had been good times. Now the Dragon felt himself needing to take a bath once a day at the very least, and at the highest setting Just to get the fullest extent the hot water could give him.

Even if it meant that he didn’t have hot water for later. But at the moment. It was like nothing. He didn’t need to think about what he’d just done. As he could let it flow right off him. For a minute he felt like his old self. Or as close to who he was before. His claws slowly going through his scales getting every inch leaving nothing untouched, as he let the soap run through him. As he moaned. It was light yet soothing.

His Mind wandered back to when he was with Celestia. That moment they shared where he fucked her. Took her for what he had, At first, he was ashamed he let his instincts take over. His mind not there. But as he was thinking about it more. How she tasted how she felt. The way the table rocked back and forth. He had to admit it but he loved it, just a little. His cock dripping with the hot water stilled hanged there but began to slowly twitch with life. Clearly getting excited.

Then there was how she moaned, how she did it. It seemed to lustful so erotic. The Dragon wanted more. His tongue slowly slipped out of his mouth wiggling. As if replicating a serpent as his mind continued thinking about it. What could stop him? He was Celestia’s master, he had pure power over her. As he laughed.

That was when the water began to get colder, distracting as he looked around some, while it seemed like it was bringing him back into reality. He reached over to the tabs and began turning the pressure down till there wasn’t any water left.

The stood there surrounded by the steam that filled the room. When he reached over grabbing ahold of the towel. He began walking out. He couldn’t help but shiver when he walked outside the cool air wrapping its claws around him. He continued walking over towards the door. Grabbing a pair of pants and placing them on.
Normally he never had to worry about wearing pants but on a special occasion, but at this moment. He couldn’t help but find his cock hanging out just for the world to see. Now he might’ve been considered well endowed. He didn’t need to be exposing himself to every mare, or stallion around.

He began pulling on his pants feeling slightly snug, though no wonder with how large he grew the last time he wore one he’d have to make sure he let it out The next chance he did.

‘Thanks Rarity for showing me how to sow.’ Spike flinched a little before he walked back out towards the kitchen. Celestia was still there standing, though clearly cleaning up the mess they’d made not that long ago.

“Hey, Celestia is everything alright?” Spike said rubbing the back of his head, watching her as she managed to hold the broom up though it was clear her horn was flickering by this. He wondered how much magic she really had. Especially from what she had told him. Once she heard her master voice Celestia looked back giving a small smile. It seemed natural. But Somehow Spike felt that it was a little bit forced.

“I’m doing fine Spike just cleaning up. Though I think I’ll be needing a bath you kinda took a number out on me.” She indicated by showing her backside. No longer the pure innocent white but rather red, and covered with trickles of the white stuff. But he knew what that was.

She placed what remained of the table. Putting it into the corner. Spike sighed since he would have to replace that table. What was it Spike could do? As he just stood there for a second. Celestia stood there seeming to keep a straight face how she managed to do this. Spike didn’t know but she looked over.

“Well, I think I should go and take a quick shower. The Royal guards will be here to pick us up.”

Spike just Stood there his heart racing and he began sweating bullets. The royal guards were coming, He hadn’t seen that coming. Though he imagined that was how they got here. But how would they react seeing the place like it was now? He just hoped that they wouldn’t show up while Celestia was covering in some dragon baby batter all over her flank.

Then again… It wasn’t like most of the royal guard would do anything a lot of them seemed to be incompetent about things and probably would think it was frosting. Really the only one that Spike knew who could do his job and whoop some ass had been his big brother Shining Armor.

“It’ll be fine, Besides. I’m pretty sure Celestia wouldn’t let them hurt me I mean she was so calm back there when he was walking away. So I’ll be fine.” He took a deep breath feeling himself relaxing a little more now. What was the worst that could happen?

Spike felt something caught in his throat. His breathing was harsh, as he tried catching his breath. He didn’t know what was going on. Then he felt himself give off a belch. That caused a puff of green flames to fly from his mouth. Spike began watching it go off for a short minute till what would appear but a letter.

“What the?” He reached towards the scroll snatching it Before it hit the ground. Looking over the scroll he recognized it. He recognized scrolls like these often. As they were the same kind that Twilight would have him send Celestia. Though why would one of these scrolls be coming straight to him. Especially since he hadn’t received one in over a year. Not since the last message Celestia had sent to Twilight before he left Ponyville.

Spike opened the scroll up and began reading it. He figured it might’ve been for him.

I wanted to check on you, and see how everything's going. I remember in the last letter you wanted to talk to Spike, I was wondering how that went. I hadn’t seen him in a long time since that night. I’m sending the letter to see how that conversation went? Well, when you get a chance send me a letter letting me know what happened.
-Yours truly Princess Twilight Sparkle.

Spike just looked towards the letter in pure Silence. He had read the letter again, and again. Before rolling it up. ‘Of course it hadn’t been addressed to her it never was meant for me. It was never him. It was just for Celestia. But she didn’t even mention me.” He growled some before taking in a deep breath. He had to calm down before he did something he would’ve regretted it.
Spike, began walking towards the bathroom, figuring he might as well put the letter on his desk when she got out. That was when there was a knocking on his door.

“Great who could that even be?” He mumbled to himself and walked off towards the front door. Nothing about it ever seemed simple, always someone wanting to bug him. That was the creator's honest truth.

Ge walked on towards the front door. The knocking seemed to continue on, with what seemed like no end. “I’m coming I’m coming!” Spike called out his voice seemed to be less enthusiastic at this point. Though who wouldn’t be It wasn’t even noon, at least that’s what he guessed.

Spike began opening the door. There stood two guards white fur, golden armor wrapped around their form. They were muscular. One of them A unicorn had a spear attached to his back. But it was clear he would be able to pull it out faster than Spike could even react if he wanted to. There was a long moment of silence while the three of them stared at each other.

“So are you guys here to see Celestia?”

One only nodded while the other one seemed to look off into space without saying a single word. Just doing what they did. Spike sighed his expression dulled.

“Well come on in don’t mind the mess.” He leads them in and taking them straight to the living room. The guards as vigilant as ever just stood there even when Spike offered them a seat. Spike just stood there with them in awkward silence. For most things.

“Is there anything you guys want to drink... Or?” He tried to see if they would respond but like always they stayed completely silent the serious look on their faces just never knew when to change. This left Spike with a feeling of annoyance as they could’ve easily been able to get talking but nope they just remained quiet.

Spike could almost hear the sounds of the clock ticking, going slowly as if there wasn’t any time in the world… Tick...Tick...tick. Spike looked around some finding something- Anything that might be able to take the Awkward Silence away. That was when a soft humming came from out of nowhere as he looked over. Standing there with her mane dripping wet, Celestia stood there humming using her wings to dry her body off, mainly focusing on her main, as it dripped soaking wet.

“Oh hello, Officer Stonewall, Officer Grant. I’m glad you two were able to make it back.” She smiled to them seeming so calm, like the motherly figure she’d always been. Spike watched as Celestia was doing her best to hide the collar for now using her mane to hide it. The rainbow mane wrapped around her neck.

“That we are Princess. Is there anything else you might need.” One of the officers remarked to her. It seemed his stern look remained calm. While giving a nod. To his ruler. Not knowing how the situation was at this point.

“Well there are a few things, I’ll need you to pack up some of Spikes thing’s he’ll be going to the castle for a while. Have some of the other guards come over to pack up whatever he might need.”

The guard on the right. Nodded by that, and looked over to his brother in arms as they began walking over to the side. Spike on the other hand just took a deep gulp at everything that was going on.

The next thing the purple Dragon knew he was loaded up to one of the chariots with Celestia right by him, as they were flown from Manehatten the wind blowing against him as he watched another set of Pegasi guards dragging them off, flying off to the great castle in Canterlot.

The ride there was much faster than it would’ve been if they’d taken the train, and for Spike. He loved the view. It made moments like these made him wish that he should go out for a fly more often. While he looked on. He couldn’t help but look over towards Celestia who sat back there relaxed.

There was a long time as they slowly made it off towards the castle. The way it glowed in the distance. The wind rushing past them as the pegasus began going for a dive, they aimed for the castle, as Spike remained calm. But his heart speed like a locomotive. Somehow the drop was the one thing he found that he never used to. How would anyone use to something like this, as one wrong move and book there goes his life? The Pegasus began pulling back their wings slowing down. As they went on preparing themselves for the landing.

Spike hadn’t realized it but his body took over grabbing onto Celestia almost like a child as he braced for the impact his eyes widening. While Celestia just giggled some, as she thought of how adorable it was her ‘Master’ held on her for the second.

Her hair whipped back from the air pushing her back as she gave a laugh. Unlike Spike, she loved the decent as she moved along, the rush and small bits of adrenaline it seemed to get her even more excited with each passing second.

Soon the two landed down hitting the ground. The carriage rolling as the guards began slowing down. Spike took a sigh of relief. While they started to make their way out of it. Soon beginning to head inside the castle, The guards stood in place perfectly while waiting for anything to happen.

Spike just watched them more, and couldn’t help but imagine what they did on their free time. But he couldn’t help but imagine some of them just fucking each other, or wanting to fuck Celestia. The way their eyes moved watching them pass. He could imagine them looking at the ruler's Plot. he’d had to remember this for later.

They continued walking on, while Spike looked over the palace. As the place had changed over the last year. It had gotten more. Small bits and pieces but the place looked as majestic as it had always been. He couldn’t help but look over as Celestia just walked on her hips swaying, while her hair flowed. It was just a calming moment. Though that was when they suddenly heard an all so familiar voice calling out.

“Sister?!” Which followed by the sight of the one, and only Luna, the ruler of the night. The dream walker. She slowly moved over. Giving off the calming stone demeanor. Her hair had matched Celestia before the course of yesterday long and flowing. It reminded him of the midnight sky on a clear evening.

She quickly approached them

“Guards you're dismissed, I’d like to speak with my sister there and the lord Spike.” She said elegantly but her voice was so demanding in Spikes opinion. The guards didn’t bat an eye. Once the order was given to them. They turned around leaving the three of them all alone to themselves.

There the three of them stood there watching each other for the longest time. The tension around seemed to be so thick that you could cut it with a knife. Luna just looked over at the two of them, though her attention seemed to only focus right on Celestia. Her attention went straight over towards her neck.

“Sister? Is that what I think it is?” She raised her horn causing it to glow brightly. Celestia tried fighting off but it was clear on this there was nothing that she could do about it, as she felt her hair unraveling revealing the collar. The Chain slowly glowing as it swayed back and forth. Showing its true Nature. Luna stared at it for a second before looking to Spike. Her expression was truly that of an angry, and overprotective sister.

“What did you do?” She exclaimed looking towards Spike, at this point the Dragon was surprised the moon hadn’t been rained down upon him, just the shrilling anger in her eyes blazed hotter than anything he could imagine.

“Stop it, sister,” Celestia exclaimed getting right between the two of them, She stood there firm at this point.

“But sister he-”

“Sister I know the risk and I took it even you know the rules of the magic I used, after all, you’re a master of this particular Spell.”

Luna just sighed some as she looked away. When she looked over to the painted glass window. It was the depiction of the first fall of Discord, bringing back memories from long ago. She even remembers the Spell and how she created this thing, and how in many ways she regretted it.

“Very well, then I guess I have no choice than.” She popped her neck

“Spike, I challenge you for control over Celestia.” She exclaimed using the Royal Canterlot voice with a confident smile.

“Wait, sister? What are you?” Celestia was flabbergasted by this. Spike was equally confused by this as he looked around and right towards Celestia,

“What the hell's going on? Why is she challenging me, and for what?”

Celestia just looked back to Spike some, but before she even had a chance to reveal it Luna took over.

“I’m challenging thee, for control over my sister, this, but a back door in case someone ever won a challenge a second being could challenge that winner for the controller.”

“Wait but if you lose, what would stop you from challenging me again?” Spike asked simplifying questioning the logic in this as it seemed rather odd. But Luna only rolled her eyes.

“It’s quite simple Spike, We would have to wager something important. Since thou are wagering my sister in this competition. I must wager something of equal value, and So if you were to win. I would become the servant for as long as you desire.”

Spikes eyes widen, as everything hit him like a ton of bricks. It was one hell of a bet. His jaw just dropped at this realization. Luna was really doing this, she was actually wagering her own freedom for Celestia. But this was if he won.

“I suppose we could do this. But what's the game. Is it another game of Chess?” He was imagining the game board, and if they had even brought it with him.

“No my great advocacy it’ll be a true game, a game of Skill… A game of will, A game of legendary proportion.” She turned around pulling her off right towards the opposite direction. Spike looked towards Celestia who just walked on. Spike just felt so damn annoyed by this. When would any of these things actually make some fucking sense? But he went on and followed the Princesses. He apparently had a bet to win.

They walked on going to the highest tower. The farthest from sight that could be seen just by the edge. Climbing those stairs had been a complete nightmare, which resulted in half way up there a tired and winded Spike finally gave the order to have Celestia use her magic and teleported them up. When Spike had given her the order it seemed her magic returned giving life to her horn

They had made it up there and Spike was utterly amazed by this. As the place was a spectacular sight. Instead of it being like how the rest of the castle looked classy and elegant. It reminded him a little of a teenagers room. A teenager going through his goth phase, All black. From the bed sheets to even the wall. One of those older thirty-inch televisions. That looked like a giant box. That was glowing static. Luna just smiled profusely.

“Now we shall play my game.” She looked over to what looked like a small grey console. It was quite old, around twenty years old Spike suspected but it looked rather relaxing. It took him a minute to realize what it actually was.

“Is that a Nightendo entertainment system?” He exclaimed checking out the old tech. Luna nodded,

“Yes it’s the finest game, and we shall be playing, the best game in the world. Mario!”

She began pulling out the grey cartridge with the familiar image a red earth pony with magic coming from his hoof with a goofy mustache, plastered on his face. It looked like an adventure. Spike watched it some as he couldn’t help but ask.

“So are we just going to see who beats the game first or who last longer?”

“No we’ll be seeing who makes it first to level four, and I’ll have you know I shall not lose.” as she placed the game in the counsel she reached over and began pulling something out, it looked like a glove with a horseshoe stuck at the end of it. With buttons around.

“Wait is that the power horseshoe?” Spike muttered his eyebrow raised looking at the strange ideal for tech, but Luna just nodded,

“Yes, and now you’ll see I have the advantage for I’m playing with power.” She exclaimed excitedly with a passion in her eyes. She pushed the turned the game system on, as it began to play the classic tune. While she motioned over setting it up for the power horseshoe. The black boxes hanging over the television. Barely able to keep it right up right. Spike thought this would overly be a piece of cake Since he knew about the power glove. He remembers Shining having one when he was younger.

Oh, the stallion was one angry video game nerd when he learned how it actually was. Then a thought came to mind. Why not just lose on purpose, and return Celestia. This way he wouldn’t have the hassle of being in charge of her and Luna if he managed to win this. So he decided to ask.

“Luna, what’s stopping me from letting you win this?” Luna would only look back at him for a calming second. When she decided to take a deep breath and gave her answer.

“It’s quite Simple Spike. The Spell won’t allow you, As it was created mainly for the wager of breaking out of the bet and being of great Honor. It forces the players to play the best that they can. It was designed from letting one or the other from cheating. So In other words.”

“I’ll have to give it my all no matter what I do.”

“Quiet my good Dragon. Now let’s begin who shall be Player one.” Luna said her excitement raising as she watched over some, clearly overconfident. Though Spike just took in a large gulp He had no choice on the matter.

“I guess I’ll go first, though would you prefer to use a regular controller? I mean just so we’re even.” He tried being kind about this. Luna just shook her head.

“Oh No with the power Glove it shall bring forth my ultimate victory. I shall save my sister.”

Spike just nodded, “Well it looks like the game is an afoot.” As he hit start.

There he began moving, Jumping and dodging. Even with his rusty skill’s he was able to pass and dodge. Getting hold of one of the mushrooms. The dragon kept pushing on as he hit the gumba’s along with Koopa's as he examined it. He pushed on passing over hitting the blocks. As he got ahold of the second component he needed the firepower. He kept mashing the button firing away. It took him a minute maybe two before he passed level one.

It wasn’t exciting or exhilarating. But for Luna, she was impressed watching it.

“Good job Spike. I see you managed to memorize the pattern at one point but I’m sure I’ll beat your time in a matter of seconds.”

Then it made it towards the underground tunnels, which was where the real game began, and Spike had to be careful. He felt his fingers move on his own, as his knowledge of the game had flowed on as he began breaking blocks dodging the Koopa's, those were the more annoying of this part of the level. As he bit his lips. He saw them the two rising bases as he chuckled.

He pressed the jump button and made it hit over the screen. Luna was shocked by this as he heard her say.

“What sorcery is this? Are thou cheating?!” As she watched the appearing of three warp tubes. While Piranha plant’s left them revealing 2, 3, and 4. Spike fingers motion and jumped into the fourth one. The screen would go black as it continues on saying 4-1.

“Impossible. You made it towards the fourth level without even going through the other levels this has to be cheating no!” She was freaked out as she hadn't expected this to happen. She’d spent her time memorizing the patterns, She didn’t even know something like that even existed.

Spike pushed on as he walked a few feet before allowing himself to die Since he made it to level 4.

“It looks like it’s your turn, Luna. Good luck.” Luna only bit her lip at this realization, but she took in a deep breath as she had a chance, after all, she was playing with power she’ll be much faster. Especially now that she knew about this little trick.

There the game began saying ready player two. She motions on and began to try moving to the right. Then it started getting weird. Mario just kept bouncing and bouncing. He didn’t seem to start. But she had managed to jump over one Goomba. Though She found herself stuck at a tube. For a minute, maybe two. But she moved on but was killed by another goomba. The game reset she had two lives.

That was just practice. I swear.” she exclaimed. Before trying all over. But the way it looked it happened all over again. She had lost another life. This was her last chance.

“Shit shit! No this is the chance I will win this no matter what!” She called out as she began using her one and only life. The console started to glow, as though readying itself for what was about to happen.

When Luna tried going towards the first Koopa, it seemed as though Mario stopped bouncing, and was walking. Luna tried raising her hoof but the device ignored her.

“What are you doing you fucking machine!” She screamed but it was too late, as Mario ran into a Goomba, and that was it. It was game over. Luna had lost. The console began glowing brighter, and brighter. As the spell began to provide its power, hitting the Princess of the night.

Luna screamed as she tried fighting it. Doing her damndest but it clearly didn’t work as a black collar almost matching Celestia wrapped around her, along with the same chain. It was too late.

“Oh, shit.” had been all she said as she fell to her hooves. She looked at the Power hoof, and did the only thing she could think of and was pulling it off her with the best of her ability tossing it out the window.

“Well, I guess this makes me your master also Luna,” Spike said his eyes glowing and it seemed like his body was being filled with more energy, his mind-expanding as he groaned his eyes changing color, as they looked different gone was his beautiful emerald green eyes. They had gone on to become gold and silver each eye.

“Yes, it looks to be… Master Spike.” was all Luna could say’s. Her head falling down feeling humiliated she was the Princess of the Night now, a servant and follower of a dragon over a thousand years younger than her.

“Well Come on I guess we’ll need to talk to Celestia, we have some business to take care of.”

Then the two of them left. As the sounds of Super Mario played on looping, till they were too far away to hear the joyful music.

Sister, Sister

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Spike and Luna began slowly moving towards Celestia’s room. Which had been on the other side of the castle. The long walk slow, and nothing helped much as it was clear that Luna wasn’t talking to him. Her hips are swaying some. While it was clear that she was staying as far away from Spike. When she moved onwards leading the way. Spike just watched her though it was clear Luna was noticing this.

“Refrain from looking upon my buttocks. Or I will force you to not look at it.” She turned her head saying this and Spike gave a small gulp at the thought of it when he began to think of something and muttered.

“As your master, I order you not to break me.” He said, feeling his heart race knowing that if it failed, it could fail some. When Luna sighed her eye twitching as she walked on. The collar seemed to be glowing brighter, using its power to make sure that Luna would obey him with all she could.

“Very well, Master.” She spat out, the bile in her mouth as she walked on, leading him towards Celestia’s room even if he didn’t need her to lead the way. He just enjoyed the view, Reaching over to rub his noise every so often to make sure that there wasn’t any blood coming out of it. Which he somehow managed to do when he looked like Luna’s tail was swishing back and forth without a care in the world.

Spike honestly wondered if she was doing this on purpose or not, but it was hard to tell with all that was going on. Moving off, they passed over as they seemed to be getting close to Celestia’s room. Two guards were standing there perfectly perched doing their duty spears right by them while they waited on till Luna moved on and allowed them to step to the side.

“Thank you, Officer Lee. Keep up the good work.” She said as The alicorn and Dragon walked into the Princess of the sun’s room. She’d kicked the door in, with a case of pure annoyance as the two swung open. Spike followed behind.

Celestia was sitting there right on her bed, as she seemed to be getting more comfortable. The blankets scrunched up as she looked like she was getting warm. Celestia raised her head. The way she smiled at the two was calming, though when she saw her sister the way she was. She gave a small giggle.

“Well, it looks like you lost the bet sister.” Celestia snickered as she watched Luna growl.

“Shut it Sun butt. I’ll rechallenge him and win.”

“Well, I’d be careful. If you lose once more time sister, you’ll have to be his servant permanently.”

Celestia laughed as she brought over a couple of drinks. Spike blinked a few times. So there was a chance to free them, but only once If they challenged otherwise, they would be his forever. It’s insane.

“So what are we doing now guys?” Spike asked, feeling rather curious moving onto the bed as the two sisters just remained right there. We are taking a drink.

“Well, you’re the one in charge. Though remember we do have that meeting to announce ourselves stepping down till your control over us is finally at a close.” Celestia said as she took another swig. Of the cider. While she is just going along with it, her chain bugged her though she watched Spike seeing what's going on.

“Enough of this sister. Seriously shouldn’t thou be angrier by this I mean think of it, our fate, our life! Now controlled by a dragon. It’s utter madness!” Luna exclaimed as she looked towards her sister. As she was feeling anger overwhelm her, though Celestia just looked over to her sister at this point.

“I’m a sorry sister, but the fact is, I lost the game, and I’m following the end of the deal while you’re having a temper tantrum like a foal. You shouldn’t have challenged Spike if you were so worried about losing the game. But we’ll deal with what we have to.”

Celestia said, feeling more annoyed by how her sister was acting. Though Spike was standing there feeling much more annoyed at this point. He felt his hands reached over, slowly balling into a fist as he took in a deep breath. As all of this was coming over him. Just the argument, and all over this bet. He decided he needed to put an end to all of this.

“Enough!” Spike began yelling out, which caught the attention of the celestial Sisters who looked over at the purple dragon who stood straight and tall his eyes glowing at this point as he observed them.

“I said enough, you two. I want you both to kiss and make up now!” He began huffing and puffing by this point while the two sisters would turn their heads towards each other and back at him.

“Are thou fucking nut’s I shall not do this with my sister that’s insane!” Though it was clear that Luna’s rejection of this was thrown out the windows for when she began speaking about this and much to her disdain It seemed that the collar started glowing brightly.

“What the what's going on!” Luna screamed forced into her sister, who was doing the best she could to resist the collar but is shown to be no use. They began glowing a bright color, Luna’s dark blue while Celestia burned yellow as they suddenly felt pulled together and started to hug each other.

Spike could only do but smile, knowing that the two of them would calm down by this. But he was wrong very much wrong as this was only the beginning to everything that was in store for him, and them. The sisters suddenly felt their head pushing against each other, their muzzles pushed on, and the next thing they knew the sisters were kissing each other. It was slow, as they were trying to fight the kiss. Though slowly, passion began ignited as they continued sharing their saliva.

“Wow, I wasn’t expecting this I swear. I mean It wasn’t like I just commanded to fuck yourselves.” Spike blurted out, though before he could react, he could hear Luna call out.

“Oh, thou has to be fucking kidding me!” As the collars began to glow even brighter. The two of them began rolling on their back. Spike couldn’t believe what was going on. The two sisters, fighting more moving on the bed as though they were fighting for dominance. Their tails raised, revealing their pussies. For a moment Spike couldn’t help but notice that Celestia looked a little wet down there.

In the end, it looked as though Luna was on top of this.

“Thou shall feel thy tongue, sister. Since you got us in this mess.” Spike groaned finding them annoyed, though decided to ignore it and let them continue. Simply enjoying the show as he pulled up a chair that happened to be in the corner.

Spike leaned back his arms wrapped around the back of his head as he got comfy watching the two sisters. As he noticed Luna using her magic seeming to be a little bit stronger forced her sister back, as Celestia’s legs forced apart. Celestia’s face beet red. While she looked down at her sister, she couldn’t believe it as she saw her sister.

Luna began going down on her sister slowly the collar pushing her influencing her as she began kissing her sister’s body towards a specific part of her body as she wiggled her tush. The vast movement as she felt the warm body. When Luna reached the bottom half, she looked at her sister’s crotch tits. Large and perky. Her head moved down slowly kissing them.

“L-Luna!” Celestia called out as she moaned as her sister's kisses were tender against her breast as she seemed to begin licking her nipples slowly. Over the last few days they seemed to be more delicate than usual, and what Lulu was doing didn’t seem to help much as she grabbed ahold of one of her tits and began sucking and nibbling on them. Celestia laid there while moving her hips, feeling her breast move back and forth down there while her sister sucked on it, reminding her of a foal.

“Wow.” Was all Spike could say watching his cock hardened as he watched it even in his position. With passion but he dared not touch himself. Luna would slowly wiggle her ass, Being so tempting. Spike felt his jaw drop slightly mesmerized as Luna growled.

“I’m gonna eat your dirty little pussy.” She called out, though it was clear she wasn’t wanting to say that the collar is making her do it. Somehow, she enjoyed it somewhere in the back of her mind. Luna moved down and slowly began giving Celestia’s hot little cunt a slow lick. Luna’s wet tongue was running up the slit, as she could nearly taste Celestia’s damp pussy. How long could she have been liked this? Was this all for Spike? It was one of those things Luna never truly knew as she gasped more. Her tongue moving back and forth before it finally, slinked its way inside her sister.

Celestia laid back moaning hard her hooves were reaching down caressing Luna’s head pushing her down, breathing harder while bucking her hips. She gasped for air moving back and forth.

“I hated it- No, I loved it! I want more!”

Though she couldn’t tell if it was from her will or was it the Collar, she didn’t care; she felt lost in the moment. As she raised her head looking off right towards Spike. As he sat back admiring the show his cock popping out hard as a rock. She needed it she wanted the dicking. As she felt her pussy twitch.

She moved back and forth, letting the bedrock with her movement as she ground into her sister’s face. She was feeling herself getting wetter while she pushed down panting.

“Oh shit, shit! Keep going, Luna!” Celestia called out panting more filling the room, with her moaning while. Luna’s slurped. Onwards as Spike watched Luna’s pussy twitched moving back as He licked his lips. Spike wasn’t able to think of anything else. As he couldn’t hold it back, his hand reached over, grabbing his cock jerking it.

His cock was hard. As Celestia screamed in unbridle lust as she began Cumming. She cummed hard, releasing her nectar all over Luna’s face who groaned pulling back as she looked up towards her.

“Thou think we’re done. Not close dear sister. So, It’s my turn.” She pulled herself up, flapping her wings as she floated over, landing down Tia’s face. The white Alicorn barely saw what was going on when she felt the pussy pressed against her nuzzle. Her hooves reached over, grabbing her hips and began licking her hard. Spikes eyes widened at how her hips were spread his cock pulsing hard as he wanted more. His cock is hard as he watched Celestia eating Luna out.

Celestia wasn’t expecting it though she pushed on her tongue swirling just going for it not fighting it or even resisting. Her tongue dived deep into Luna’s cunt as she tasted it. Celestia couldn’t help but imagine that it was almost like raspberry. Celestia moved her tongue clockwise as she moved excellent and quick. Celestia pushed on while Luna moved her hips back and forth, holding onto the wall. Her hooves are pushing against it, causing cracks as she growled bouncing some.

“Shit though are good at this though move more the other direction.”

She called out as she practically humped her sister. Spike is biting his lips while jerking faster gasping as he found himself getting closer to Cumming, his balls tightening. He was sure he would blow his load at any moment as he growled louder. Luna is just gasping; it was clear she wouldn’t last as long as Celestia had. It’s been quite a while since she got her rocks off. And at this point the way Celestia had been stimulating her. It almost became too much even for her.

“Fuck Celestia you’re gonna make me cum!” She cried out as she began feeling her pussy tighten. Celestia couldn’t move her tongue as it was snuggled up trapped while her sister started cumming all over her sister. Luna just squirted all over her, as Celestia felt covered as she groaned hard.

Spike couldn’t hold it back as he began cumming himself releasing his shot. His seed flying off into the air before it landed off to the side. He panted hard leaning back on the couch his cock slowly shrinking. It would wait till the next time it had a chance to come out for some more personal fun.

The Alicorns moaned panting hard as they pulled away from each other. And fell down onto the bed. Worn out from the quick fuck. Though Spike smiled more. As he pulled himself up from the couch. Just getting a feel of the situation.

“Now then, I’m sure you’re both feeling much better after that?” He hoped that he was correct. As he got closer climbing onto the large comfy bed. The Alicorn sisters raised their heads looking over at the Master for some time, giving a sigh.

“Yeah, it seemed to calm us down some Spike. But we really should be getting ready for the announcement it’s going to be set in an hour.” Celestia stated her body tightening some at the thought of letting everyone know that she’d soon be stepping down for a year, and for Luna almost as long. What would her people think? Though she tossed it out knowing. That everything would be ok in the end.

All she had to do was play the long game. She motioned up, figuring that a shower would do her some good. Luna chiefly as she rested her head down on the pillow. Her eyes covered in bags as though she hadn’t slept in days. Which with her job. Celestia was sure that she hadn’t. In many ways. Though that was a question for another time. She pulled herself out, heading towards her personal shower. Getting ready.

Spike sat there all alone, in thoughts the idea of everything when a smile ran through his mind of something he could do. Something that would come to mind when the announcement was sure to come.

When everything was well and done. Celestia had taken a nice shower feeling much more rejuvenated. She couldn’t help popping her neck as she got herself ready. Spike had done the same thing, while he moved off taking a shower. It was definitely comfortable. When they moved over. They would soon head on towards a balcony.

The crowd down below watched up towards the leader, some of them stirring around as it was clear that they hadn’t expected this kind of announcement.

“Everyone I’ve come to announce that for the next year I will not be your princess.” She was interrupted by a large gasp as they looked up some of her lovely pieces had a gasp and the look of panic. Celestia looked over to them some and shook her head,

“Don’t worry, I’ll still be around and leading you, but I am at the moment will not be able to hold the title. For you will have a new Prince.” There was a time that everything had come over to dead silence. It was clear that everyone was absolutely confused as they wondered who this new prince could be? As Celestia allowed the Silence to fill the room.

“Well, our newest Prince who shall be helping me lead Equestria is none of other than the champion of the crystal empire. Spike Dracolus.” Spike felt nervous as he pushed himself up, revealing himself. As there was a moment of Silence before cheering began, Spike was utterly shocked by this as he gave a wave. The mares are swooning over him. The stallions are cheering. It was all weird, especially with how his life had been.

“Is everyone watching this?” Spike asked Celestia leaning over when Celestia whispered.

“Very it’s being broadcasted to everyone why?” Celestia seemed honestly confused by this as she looked over but soon a Cheshire smile, spreading across Spikes face as he whispered into her ear. She was trying to be as quiet as possible.

No one could tell what Spike was saying to their former princess. When Celestia began to have a look of horror on her face but slowly she felt the collar glowing forcing her on as she bent over and began mooning the audience her pussy exposed out for the world to see. Everyone gasped. Celestia had been showing off her body. Many stallions could feel their breathing getting more substantial. Even certain mares did as they watched this. Nothing beyond a reason. Though it was clear that everyone was either horrified by this or overly excited.

“Thank you, citizens, though we shall be leaving carry on your days. If you may.” Spike would lead Celestia off going forth to who knows where leaving the crowd.

“Spike, what were you doing? That was so embarrassing.” Celestia called out her tail reaching down covering as she wanted to make sure no one was looking at her shame. She had just done that exposed herself off to the world.

“I just wanted to make a point and a small example. But I want to see how she’ll react.”

“Wait who are you are talking about?” Celestia quickly called out somewhat confused. But soon Spike began to give off a massive belch his face twisting as he released a large scroll. Spike unraveled it for the two of them to read, and it only said this.

“Princess Celestia, Spike Please come to Ponyville as Soon as you can. We need to talk.’

Sincerely Twilight.

It was clear about this. Spike got what he wanted in some cases. While chuckling. It was clear that They would soon be heading off to Ponyville. He couldn’t wait to see the look on Twilights face when they made it there.

Past Sins

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Spike was sitting in the back of the chariot Riding through the sky. It had been Him and Celestia. Luna had agreed to stay behind to maintain order for a while. Especially with the show that Spike had caused Celestia to perform. There had been an apparent outrage from some of the Nobles. Spike would have to deal with them later. But right now, Spike had a date with his old friend.

“So this is it, huh? You’re finally going to talk to Twilight now Spike.” Celestia asked, looking towards her Dragon Master. She watched the sad expression on his face. He seemed to be lost in thoughts though she wondered what Spike might’ve been thinking about right then. Spike just looked off in the distance just lost in his mind, while the caravan was pulled onwards.

The mountains continued on as they passed them, giving off a look of serenity. Nothing more breath taken. Spike just watched around as he imagined what it was like being down there in the mountains. The place was so much different from Manehatten. Spike had almost forgotten about how clean the air was while he took it all in. So much different while in the haze of the city. He probably would return here more often.

Oh in the Distance Spike would admire the town small and straightforward, though they were no ponyville he was sure they wouldn’t be there for another hour. He sighed, feeling bored by how slow everything was going. The Pegasus seemed to be taking their time tonight. It was such a spectacular evening. So he figured that it wouldn’t be too harmful.

It was just the fact the dragon was so damn bored by what was going on. Spike wished that he actually brought something with him maybe something to read, just to keep him entertained. Spike looked over to Celestia who seemed to be sitting there without even thinking. He wondered what she might’ve been thinking. That’s all, but while he looked down, he had a small smile spreading across his face.

Spike was getting an idea, His tongue slowly sliding against his mouth, when he looked over to Celestia,

“Celestia, you know I’m feeling a bit hungry. Do we have anything to eat?” He asked without much thought, while Celestia looked over,

“I don’t think so, but I’m pretty sure we’ll be in ponyville in no time so we can grab something to eat as soon as we land.” The white Alicorn said, not thinking a chuckle on her face as though she didn’t realize what was going to happen; She would soon begin feeling her collar rumbling against her. Celestia’s mind is clouding up slowly as she fought it, as she was having thoughts as Celestia felt herself pushed against the edge of the carriage as she was looking down at the ground starting to fly right over her tail in the air.

“What the heck! Spike, what are you doing?” She was utterly surprised by this, she never heard him give a command or an order, but somehow Spike was actually able to control her without a word. She looked back at him his tongue slowly sticking out as he licked his lips more. Celestia was under his mercy, and his eyes glowed brightly.

“Just having a snack before we reach Twilights castle.” He grabbed Celestia’s flank, grabbing ahold of it firmly and even giving it a slight smack. Celestia could only react with a moan. She couldn’t believe this was happening. Spike started to kiss her ass. Her eyes widened as she stirred around Spike snickered some,

“What's wrong Princess don’t you normally enjoy ass kissing.” The dragon giggled while he continued on moving down till he reached her cunt and began giving it a slow lick. Celestia moaned hard as she couldn’t do anything, as she watched the land passing by as she moaned hard feeling the dragon eat her out.

‘Oh sweet me, I hope the guard isn’t noticing this.” As she felt Spikes tongue invading her inner circle moving around in circles, tasting her juices. She’d been feeling wet for a while since she had exposed herself to her subject’s, and the teasing her sister had forced upon her thanks to spike.

Spike licked her, hungrily his hands holding down onto her ass, giving them a hard smack as he pushed his tongue deeper as he growled louder. He wanted to make this Alicorn moan and groan for more. Spike could get used to this. He closed his eyes holding down onto her as he whispered his tongue around while enjoying himself. Celestia began moaning a louder. Clearly enjoying herself, the Mare bucking her hips harder, moving back and forth.

All while the two were acting like horny teenagers, the guard who was flying tried to keep an overwhelming straight face keeping his eyes on the sky’s, but it was clear he was sweating bullet’s his breathing getting heavy as his chest moved back and forth. The smell the two were emulating invaded his nostrils as he felt something pop out. He could only hope the two of them would stop their action before they landed. If not.

The stallion would probably end up going to the local brothel and find a mate. He is taking care of this fine specimen. Sometimes being a guard was indeed a hard time.

Celestia gasped more trying to fight off the dragon's tongue feeling it penetrate her wings sticking up in the air as she bucked her hips the collar pushing into her as it demanded her to cum, wanting her to feel so good. Do it for her master as she gasped harder. Celestia only moaned louder.

“Oh, good lord!!” Celestia exclaimed her voice is getting louder, almost matching the Canterlot voice as she Howled. Her pussy is clenching onto Spike's tongue holding down. But the dragon didn’t mind as he wiggled it around the best he could just smirking as she slumped over on the side, breathing hard. While looking tired, Celestia’s body is quivering, and hooves are shaking.

She just laid on for the whole trip as Spike pulled his tongue out,

“Wow, Celestia you taste even better than before.” He would give a quick wink as the white mare blushed utterly shocked that this was happening, not even three days as Spikes servant and this was happening. How much had Spike changed since the last time she’d seen him? What happened to him?

She was sure to find out soon enough. While the two were sharing an intimate moment. It lasted long enough as the guard turned his head back and giving a long grunt.

“We’re in Ponyville, Princess Celestia, Prince Spike.” As they landed, Celestia couldn’t help but notice the stallion flinch like something was being hit wrong by the landing.

“Thank you sharp wing, and please take a break, I’m sure you’ve deserved it.”

“That I will.” He let his brace going down, and began running off to a random direction. If Celestia actually looked closer, she thought she might’ve seen something dangling and flopping all around the place while he was running around.

“I’m sure he’ll be fine.” Celestia shrugged it off, as she turned back towards Spike, as they looked towards the castle.

Ponyville had definitely changed since the last time either of them had been to this small town. It was much more updated. The buildings are having some mild updates and looking much finer. Sugar cube corners looked the same though some of the ponies around whispering and gossiping. Though it was pretty clear that their eyes were on Spike and the princess moving on.

The one thing that seemed surprising and out of the ordinary was the fact that the two hadn’t been pounced on by Pinkie Pie. She hadn’t been seen. Spike sighed some since she might’ve been one of the few people he actually wanted to see from the old group.

They simply ignored the two; they walked on heading right towards the castle and looking on as Spike looked ahead, for such a while. The castle stood over the town as it had always had been since its creation. Spike shuddered as he was thinking more about how he didn’t want to be there. There was no way he could. But Spike pushed on. His eyes adverted some as he looked away from a few shops. He is just focusing on getting over there and trying to keep a stone face.

They got closer to the castle while watching onwards the place sparkled even brighter than usual. Spike couldn’t help but wonder who was keeping the home up after Spike left. Since usually, Twilight wouldn’t clean, she was always busy reading and studying. He suspected the purple Alicorn was using Starlight to keep the place going. Or probably the mirror pulls, and there was an army of clones running around.

Spike wasn’t sure about it while thinking, ‘I’m so going to regret this.’

But he looked back seeing Celestia there in her glory even with her mane looking like the average pony, and the collar branched over her neck showing signs of his control the Dragon smiled knowing he wouldn’t be going here all alone.

The two slowly began heading in closer, to the castle.

The castles doors began opening slowly for the two, even if no one was at the door, the work of magic. Spike had seen this happen many times, and honestly wasn’t surprised by it, at this point. There was no telling what this castle could do on its own. The one thing it couldn’t do was clean itself.

Spike stood there right outside the door, frozen not knowing whether he could head off and go back to Canterlot, or should he go in? Spike felt his heart skip a beat even now, but then his nerves hardened for the last time, ‘It’s now or never.’

Spike proceeded to walk inside Celestia followed right behind him, without so much as a sound. They walked inside and found the place seeming to be completely spotless; everything was perfect almost too perfect as the two moved on getting in deeper.

For some strange reason, they hadn’t run into anyone, not even Twilight, Celestia just looked on and called out,

“Twilight we’re here,” Celestia called out, as She was feeling unnerving, she hadn’t expected her student to be like this, The place was quiet, Celestia usually figured the young Alicorn would appear as soon as she entered the home. This was rather uncharacteristic.

Spike groaned some,

“She’s probably just stuck in the library, Maybe covered in a mound of books.” But upon saying that Spike was stopped in place, as he felt frozen. Spike couldn’t even move his head down. The best he was able to roll his eyes around. Spike eyed down to his hands that hang in front of him was a light purple outlining him, a color all so familiar. It was something he’d seen most of his life.

It was none other than Twilight's magic wrapping around Spikes body and held onto him tightly.

“Spike I am not always in the library, and it’s Friday you know I reshelve book’s on Friday.”

Twilight made her appearance walking out from behind the door, as she looked over towards the two, Twilight had indeed changed since the last time Spike had seen her. She was taller hair waving on almost reminding Spike of how Celestia had looked before recent events had changed Celestia

She looked at Spike with anger in her eyes as she looked onwards. Till she looked back at Celestia and giving a long smile,

“Oh Princess it’s good to see you again, I’m glad that you’re here, could I offer you some tea, before we have a discussion with Spike about his actions.”

“It’s fine Twilight and please release Spike will you,” Celestia asked, looking towards her student and Spike. Who was not able to move at this point though she could see it in the dragon's eyes that he was utterly frustrated by this action.

“Very well, Princess, Now please let’s meet in the map room.” She leads the way walking on as Spike popped his neck, giving a light growl, as he moved on. He looked around slightly as he was preparing to head onwards towards the friendship map, following behind as he was in the back.

It wasn’t long before they moved into the Map room. An extended look at the place and the room was changed from how it looked the last time he was there, instead of there being seven thrones there was now six. That stood all around, and two of them had been rearranged sitting next to each other at this point.

“So, Spike? What was it I saw it I heard that you'd be helping Princess Celestia ruling Equestria?” Twilight asked as she took her place on her seat. Both Celestia and Spike took a position in one of the other seats, trying to get comfortable. Spike could barely fit in any of them at this point

“It’s somewhat of a long story, Twilight, How are things going on your end?” Spike asked bitterly trying not to look at her as he gave a light growl.

“I have all day, though Please elaborate why Celestia exposed herself to the country?” She growled, looking annoyed even more as she looked over seeing the collar. Spike was about to explain what happened when Twilight screeched out.

“Celestia you didn’t?!”

“I did Twilight.” Was all Celestia said keeping a calm demeanor though Twilight looked over towards Spike, and right back to her former teacher,

“Spike managed to beat you, while you used that Spell. Why did you even try to do making a bet like that and using such magic?” She called out in complete shock. Her eyes are widening, and eyes are shrinking. Spike couldn’t help but think he saw a bit of her hair pop out of place.

“I have my reasons. That I figured would the benefits would be worth the risk. I don’t regret what I did.”

She remained calm and with everything like that. Spike was surprised by this, even then. Though Twilight being the ever-studious one looked over to Spike right than and stated,

“And why didn’t you free her or not give her orders.”

“I didn’t think about releasing her. I didn’t even know that was an option.”

“Of course Spike like normal you didn’t think Why didn’t you just contact me and I would’ve told you what you needed to do,” Twilight said basically interrupted him, which made Spike growl more, As he wanted to finish what he said but to make her assumption.

“We weren’t talking Twilight. Why didn’t you just call me?” He growled more as he looked over to the side, as he huffed hard But Twilight just watched her more,

“I Tried, but it seemed like someone refused to respond to me,” Twilight responded, looking at Spike. But it was pretty clear that she was getting annoyed.

“Well if you didn’t keep bringing up that subject, I probably would’ve tried responding, but you wouldn’t get off my back!” He snapped out as he stared Daggers at the Purple Alicorns. Twilight took this back.

“I was trying to talk to you about it. Spike what the heck is wrong with that.”

“You know why!” Spike called out. He was about to pull himself off the throne when suddenly there was a call from behind him, and the doors opened.

“Twilight Honey, I’m home! You won’t believe what happened in the store today.” Celestia was the first one to turn her head around and there a white unicorn mare walked in long dark purple hair with diamonds as a cutie mark came right by. She seemed to have a generous smile while she walked past. It had been none other than Rarity. The other thing Celestia noticed was how Spikes claws seemed to dig into the grand throne that he was sitting in.

Especially when Rarity moved and gave Twilight a kiss on the cheek. Spikes eyes began turning into a tint of green, as Rarity looked over,

“Oh Spike It’s so good to see you, It’s been such a long time since we’ve seen you, Since… that night.”

“Yes, it has been. How have you been?”

“I’ve been doing fantastic Darling, me and Twilight. We’ve really been enjoying ourselves.” She smiled as Spike sat there,

“Well, that’s just good.” He commented, just looking annoyed. Celestia was just watching the whole situation where the three of them. The tension between them was so thick she could’ve cut it like a knife to hot butter.

The pure anger coming from Spike just grew by the second, and it seemed like Twilight was having enough of this.

“That’s it Spike what the hell’s your problem.” She pointed her hoof at the Dragon as she looked so tired of everything.

Spike must’ve been the same feeling. While He growled even more,

“You know what’s my problem it’s you Twilight!” He pointed his claw at him while growling more,

“What did I do, ever since that one night you’ve been so Childish and you moved sometime in the middle of a night one day and never even tried talking to me!” Twilight growled, even more, getting onto her hooves.

“What did I do, you’ve refused to even talk to me, and now you’ve embarrassed Celestia in front of the entire country. I’m hearing people snicker, and you have her under her control!” Twilight screamed even louder,

“You shouldn’t have fucked her!” Spike screamed back growling as he pointed at Rarity, who just stood there blushing profusely.

Twilight and Celestia seemed to be taken aback by this as they stepped back, Twilight falling back into her chair, as the Dragon raised his voice.

“Spike, You still haven’t gotten over that it was nearly a whole year since that happened.”

“What’s he talking about Twilight?”

“Yes Tell her, Twilight, tell your favorite Teacher what you did! She’s the only one you've ever actually tried and tell the truth to.” Spike growled as Twilight fought the urge to blast him with a spell, but she sighed,

“Fine, me and Rarity, have been seeing each other. In fact, we’re engaged.” She pointed over to the bracelet around the white unicorns white hoof. Spike had noticed this, and somehow it only caused his blood to boil even more.

“That’s not the whole truth; you stole her from me.” He exclaimed as he looked at her.

“I didn’t steal her Spike, and She isn’t a possession.” She looked back to Rarity with a smile Rarity blushed in return.

“You know what I mean, Twilight! You know I’ve cared for her. She had even agreed to go on a date with me!” He growled in response as he looked towards her, His eyes beginning to glow his pupils turning into slits.

“Spike I tried talking to tell you but you wouldn't listen!" Twilight tried saying, but Celestia just looked over,

“Wait I want to hear him out some more, Please Spike could you explain what happened.”

Spike nodded as he began telling what happened.

“It happened over a year ago. I had finally gained the courage and walked towards Rarity’s store, which I had walked in, Rarity was standing there in her glory, just working on some dresses. When I walked to her, she smiled when I blurted out and asked her on a date for that night. Now I admitted I was dorky, but Rarity said ‘Sure,’ She ultimately accepted it with a smile.

I told her that we’d meet for the night. I went off getting everything ready doing all I could to make that night special. Later I decided to head home just because I wanted to tell twilight; I figured she would be proud of me.” Spike would quickly give Twilight a scowl before returning to his story.

“I was heading inside and What do you think I couldn’t find her, So I explore, did I mention I got flowers for her that night Red Roses her favorite. Well while I walked around looking for her, I hear a thumping sound and figured it was Her Starlight had left going off to help Trixie out with a show. I open the door, and who do I see it’s Twilight, and Rarity in bed. They were fucking. They were Fucking like animals right in front of me. I guess Twilight saw me, which made her scream. I did the only thing I could do. I ran, I’ve never looked back.”

He was spitting venom out at this literally his heart pounding harder, and faster. Celestia looked over at him and felt a ping of sympathy for the dragon it was a sad story and definitely something that would suck for them, as he looked over at Her student and Rarity. The way they looked Twilight looked at him trying to keep the stoic and calm look, and Rarity, she seemed ashamed of herself.

“Rarity what do you have to say?” Celestia asked hoping to try and actually fix the situation at least let Spike forgive them.

“Spike I didn't mean to hurt you. I was going to tell you that night.” She said as she walked over to him reaching to grab his shoulder, but It was clear Spike wasn’t having any of this, as he slapped her hoof away. Pretty hard as he growled,

“You could’ve told me then that you were seeing someone! I probably would’ve understood, but no you said yes you got me excited!” he screamed at her his voice getting louder, as he stood tall. His mouth was filling up with flames.

“Spike I’m sorry I really am I never meant to, but I thought you got over it cause I saw you hanging out with Sweetie Belle you two dated for a bit.”

“Please stop Rarity, just stop.” He growled more as he turned around.

“Spike will you just stop and grow the hell up you’re not a baby Dragon you should be able to handle rejection,” Twilight said as she got out of her throne and moved in closer to the dragon, It was clear she was getting tired of all this crap and just had Rarity move out of the way. Not much else.

“Twilight go away, I'm tired of hearing your bull shit and you pushing me around!” Spike growled more, his temper raising he realized he needed to get out of there. Even Celestia knew this was coming; she also called out,

“Twilight I think you should listen to him.”

“No, I’m Tired of this Spike need’s to grow up and get out of this childish act, I love Rarity, and not ashamed of it. He’s been trying to pull this guilt act, and it needs to stop. Come home, and just try and move on with your life. Spike, are you listening to me?” She called out her voice getting louder. But Spike, who was standing there his eyes changing, even more, looking more like a sun in one eye and a moon in the other just looked bigger.

GO AWAY!” Spike called out as he turned ready to send a wave of fire his mouth emulating it growing more significant than ever before as he was prepared to take it all out on the purple Alicorn.

Celestia tried stopping using her magic to put a barrier around the two of them in order to prevent this. But As her horn flickered, Nothing happened as she stood there watching her student, and her assistant looking like they were about to fight.

“What the hell is going on?” A voice called out; this seemed to distract the group as standing right there in the Hallway stood a blue dragon who was watching them a wand with a giant ruby on top placed in her hand. It was none other than Ember the Dragonlord.

Dragon's rage, Alicorn's mistakes

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“I said what the hell is going on?” Ember said as she looked curious her arms crossing. The Dragonlord just watched the two, in this rather strange situation. Spike and Twilight were almost facing each other nose to nose until they were close to touching. Spike was distracted, the flame that had once emulated from the side of his mouth. Seemed to smoke out.

“Hey there, Ember,” Spike said, trying his best to keep a smile, the same for Twilight, who just gave a smile. It appears the two of them were trying to keep their emotions relaxed. Upon seeing the turquoise dragon. She looked at them even more,

“So what is happening here?”

“Spike and I just have a slight argument.” Ember only nodded,

“Fine then. Though It seems like a rather off argument.” As she walked in the doors behind her began to close behind her, with each step she took, the staff hit bottom. Celestia smiled some and bowed in respect.

“Dragon Lord Ember it’s good to see you this evening.”

“Same for you Princess Celestia, and interesting collar your wearing,” Ember stated looking at the collar not knowing what it might’ve been. She pushed on some, but Spike even looked curious,

“Ember So is there a reason you’re doing here?” He was curious as he looked over to the Dragoness, who just looked on.

“I was asked to come here. It was under short notice, but I had received a letter from Twilight who requested my help for something.” Twilight nodded

“I appreciate you coming here.” It was all Twilight said as she moved on and walked away from Spike like the whole conversation hadn’t happened before. Ember would take a seat sitting down on the throne that sat under Rainbow Dash’s cutie mark — just looking over to them right then.

Spike just walked on. But he couldn’t help but wonder ‘What is Twilight planning?’ Spike really couldn’t tell but decided to try and keep his guard up. Just a long moment. Ember was getting comfortable.

She began crossing her legs at this point. While she did that, she looked onwards.

“So, Twilight what was it you needed me to do? It must be something involving Spike since you requested me to bring the Dragon Lords Staff specifically.” She looked over towards the glowing gem that seemed to be shining slowly in the presence of the two dragons.

“It’s simply I need you to use the wand and force Spike into releasing Celestia from her bonds to Spike. Besides, it seems like he’s been a little reluctant.”

Spike looked over at Twilight for a minute shocked, that Twilight was doing this.

“Twilight I am getting so sick of you telling me what to do and take control over my life. You keep telling me to grow up, but when I try and make a life you keep pulling me down!” He growled more feeling annoyed,

“Does Celestia want to be free?” Ember asked, watching the two noticing the anger between them, especially from Spike, she attended the hatred the madness in his eyes as he looked over to the purple alicorn. Celestia just watched over being noticed and sighed,

“I made a bet with Spike, and I really should uphold my end of the deal. So I don’t think it’s a good idea. These two need to talk more, though.” Celestia called out more,

“Celestia what are you even talking about, he’s taken your freewill he forced you to do stuff, expose yourself to the country Exposed your mare part. It’s wrong, I’ve heard people talk about you!” Twilight cried out as she looked over,

“Ember please I need your help we need to get Spike under control and calm down, but we need to get him to release Celestia,” Twilight said as she looked back,

“Twilight honey, I think we should try and calm down here, Spikey- Wikey looks angry.” Rarity said as she looked over to the drake, she considered a friend. Her heart ached, as she looked over, finally looking at the dragon. She looked at him for the first time in a long time. She saw his anger his pain. The way his eyes were filled with, it was sorrow, but also Hatred

“Rarity, it’ll be fine, we’ll be able to get Spike back to normal, and everything can go back to how it use to be.” Twilight smiled as she seemed to be feeling slightly relaxed at the thought. Spike couldn’t help but stare at her in disbelief at what she was saying,

‘She wants everything to go back to normal like everything was before, as none of this would happen. Does she think that swinging a wand would make everything better.” Spike just felt like it was one of that moment he wished he could go through her mind.

It seemed like Ember was thinking the same thing, as she stutters,

“W-what? You mind repeating that?” Ember seemed more confused as she watched

“I need you to make Spike release Celestia from her binds and have him come back. Bring him home, Spike been acting odd, and I want to help him.” Twilight said giving a Smile, though if anyone looked closely, they would’ve seen a few hairs turning out of place, while she looked at the Dragonlord.

Ember somehow felt a little more uncomfortable, by this. Somehow the Smile looked off, and She just turned her head looking off at Celestia.

“Could you explain what’s going on?

Celestia just looked over, as she looked around being noticed, as she wondered if it was her that was being referred o and being realized.

“It seems the two of them are having family issues, and I tried Helping them out, though it seems like it’s not helping. Twilight did you bring the Dragon Lord in here to try and Get Spike to release me?”

“Well, of course, Spike doesn’t seem to be in his right mind, and I’m sure after we bring him out of this situation we can work and get him back to his old self. I’ve got a plan listed out.”

“Darling honey, Was that why you were writing that letter last night after we saw the broadcast? I can’t believe you.” Rarity said, looking thoroughly annoyed. While just looking at her fiancé. She wished that the Alicorn had told her about it.

“It was dear, but I wrote it on the spot. That’s not the point, and Spike is acting like a wild child. He needs to be reigned in.”

“Twilight I am not going to repeat this, I’m getting tired of you wanting to control my life.” Spike was getting even more annoyed and was about to walk out, he was tired of the bullshit, and he wasn’t going to stick around here and deal with it.

“Celestia, let’s go, Really I should’ve figured she would try and do something like this.” He was about to walk out, but before he took a second step, he found himself unable to move, Spike raised his foot when he felt himself freezing in place.

“You’ve got to be kidding me!” Spike growled as he was trapped in place once again. It was starting to get old.

“Twilight, you will put Spike down now. He’s trying to leave the situation, let him go your making it worst.” Rarity called out as she put her hoof on her fiancé's shoulder. Celestia moved over also,

“Twilight release Spike now.” Celestia raised her voice, giving a stone voice. She was feeling her patient strain with her former student.

“I will not, Princess Celestia. Not till he releases you. I want him to go back to the way he was before, and he's so infuriating.” Twilight said as she looked back to Ember,

“Please, Ember I want to stop this madness, use the wand to have Spike release the princess. It’s all I'm asking.”

“Twilight you know that you can’t do that, the Spell wouldn’t release me if you forced him to release me under a spell or mind control it just wouldn’t work at all.”

“Don’t worry Princess I’ve been researching Dragon’s and the Dragonlords scepter isn’t a form of mind control, it just Allows the Dragonlord’s will to be placed on the dragon. The Dragon agrees with the leader and does it. It does not affect the Spell. I thought of everything.”

“Twilight, I’m not just using my authority, like that. I must serve my people for the better not be a damn tyrant.” Ember called out, clearly annoyed with the Alicorn and the display she was acting. She had talked with the princess of friendship and had never seen her like this.

“I think you might need to talk to someone. Might I suggest a psychiatrist? I can’t believe I came all this way for this.” Ember was turning around while Twilight looking more frantic, as she looked back seeing the still bound Spike, her teacher looks and even the worried expression of Rarity.

“No I can’t let that happen, I want everything to be normal. Wait, I know.” Twilight hair moved around some as she unbound Spike and proceeded to look at Ember who was about to walk out the door and started casting a Spell, aiming it right at her. Twilight didn't think as she hit Ember with a spell.

At first, no one knew what she did, Ember never saw it coming, she felt surrounded and overwhelmed her mind truly was clouding up as Ember screamed in anguished before she stopped standing in place, her eyes looked glassed over with a smile.

“Is there something you wish Mistress,” Ember said seeming almost robotic.

“I’ll make sure to release you after everything's done Ember I’m sorry, but it looks like I don’t have much of choice. But please will you use your staff and tell Spike to release his hold over Celestia.” Twilight smiled, Rarity, and Celestia looked a gasped by this Spike watched it his expression changed from annoyance and horror.

“As you wish,” Ember stated as she raised the red gem and called forth.

“As Dragonlord Ember, Spike I order you to release Celestia from your binds.”

Then it happened the bloodstone scepter began glowing brightly, it’s light shining as it consumed Spike He tried getting away, but soon he was being consumed by the red lights. It felt like fire, his mind straining, as he heard voices calling out to him,

“Release Celestia, release Celestia, release the princess!” Over and over again, the thoughts ran through him as he groaned harder. He tried fighting this. They were overwhelming him as he wanted to scream, but a voice a small one called out whispering,

‘Why is it she has to put her will on you. She betrayed you, yet she wants to control you!’

‘Who the heck are you?’ Spike thought to talk to the voice, as he couldn’t help but find it familiar, though more groggy.

‘Fight this, you’re not a slave, fight it, we will not be bound, we will no longer be betrayed!’

‘How It’s too strong, I Should agree. Twilight gets to be happy. She gets to control the situation?’ There was small comfort in the voice his heart pounding, while thoughts of surrendering, be a good dragon do what he was told. It seemed like he was only ever good at serving anyway.

‘Get over it, you tried leaving you tried letting them be happy! But Celestia pulled you back in, and now Twilight wants your freedom! She doesn’t deserve it, Look what she did to Ember, She demanded you grow up. She took away someone else will cause they denied her.’ The voice seemed to be getting louder, trying to tell Spike more, but the thoughts of Ember order was overwhelming him.

“I can’t fight it, and it’s too strong too strong!” He called out, his voice echoing as everyone watched this Twilight Smiling gleefully, as she felt like everything would go back to normal. Order would be restored, and Harmony would be brought over. She imagined that she would hug the dragon when he was back returned to his right mindset.

‘You are a Dragon, not a Diamond dog! You saved the Crystal Empire, and you helped her become who she was, you’re more than a servant you’re your dragon, you are a Dragonlord!”

Spike heard those words, as he growled his voice roaring, as he listened to those his mind racing as he raised his head and there. The fire was released consuming the ceiling. It seemed everyone was shocked the power the emulation of madness, as the flames around him the staff caused that, slowly vanished changing from it’s scarlet red to Green.

“I will not be controlled!” His hand reached opened as the Scepter was pulled out of Embers hand and flew into Spikes' hand. Spike felt his body glowed as he could feel his power moving over him, as he felt his wings unfold widening as Spike slung the staff down its bottom hitting as he called forth in a deep intimidating voice.

“Ember stop. I command you to return to your old self.” His voice echoed, sounding like two Spikes were speaking at the same time.

Ember did so, and her glassy eyes began fading away as she feels down to her knee’s taking long deep breaths.

“What the? What happened?!” Ember called out, While She looked around seeing how everything went, She looked over seeing The shocked look on Twilight’s face, the look of horror on Rarity, and Celestia’s face, and Spike his rage, his anger, the way he held himself as he looked over some.

“Twilight I’m leaving, I don’t want to see you again! I don’t want to hear from you again unless you quick trying to control my life. Celestia, I order you to stay and Help Ember. I’m going back to the chariot.” Spike just growled his head hurting, while he walked out.

Twilight tried taking a step.

“Spike, please don’t go We can talk about this!” But before she could do anything, Spike turned back and sent a ball of fire at Twilight landing right down in front of her feet, as he scowled at her, when he shook his head and walked out. This time he made a vow.

“I won't look back. I’m free.”

It seemed as though Twilight was awestruck while watching Spike walk away. She was trying to think about what was going on. What could she do, while feeling guilt run through her? That was when Rarity, walked up to her and flat out screamed,

"What the hell were you thinking Twilight! Why did you do that!" She looked angry at Twilight as she forced her around looking her in the eyes.

"I was trying to bring Spike back, and He wasn't thinking straight. He needed to stop."

"So you used that kind of Spell on Ember to get what you want Twilight? No, there is no excuse."

"You saw him before he was going to roast me alive. I had to stop him. If he lost his temper again."

"But he stopped When Ember came in, and you were edging him. You saw he was getting angry by the moment, but you kept probing him over and over again." Rarity said as she looked annoyed.

"I was doing what was best for him, and He needed to learn he can't control people."

"Twilight! How dare you, say that when you just did that to Ember." Celestia called out as she looked flabbergasted by how hypocritical her student was acting. She was feeling ashamed and angry.

"Princess, I'm sorry, But I did what I had to do, he wasn't listening to me, He was just out of control."

"Twilight did you try and listen to him, from how I looked at him you were talking to him like a child, and not showing respect. You saw him getting angry but chose to ignore him."

"He wouldn't listen to me! I tried telling him that he should get over it, Should've moved on and tried and enjoy his life."

"Twilight, you're still young, Love and desire are complex, it's not something you can ever truly analyze, You're not the only person to blame. It's all our fault. Especially mine." Celestia said as she looked away, clearly ashamed.

"Princess it's not, you had no control Spike's been making you do these stuff."

"Twilight, I made a bet with him, I was hoping to get him to come back and reconsider, but what you did it was wrong. I made a chance, and I knew what I did but what you did to Ember it might just have destroyed the current relationship between Ponies and dragons."

Ember stood there in shock shaking as she was taking in what was going on, Twilight watches she did seeing what she did and felt overwhelmed with guilt. She did do something horrible. She felt like a monster no better than Spike was controlling her teacher.

"Oh Celestia, what have I done!" She feels down to her knees as she felt an urge to cry guilt running over her, as she began to cry.

"You made a mistake and made it worst. These things happen. You'll have to face the consequences." Celestia said feeling bad for her student but knew she needed to learn. Twilight would learn, but this time, it was going to be the hard way.

"Rarity, if you want to leave me, I understand I'm so sorry, I'm such a monster," Twilight mumbled, but Rarity looked at her feeling pity but looked to her,

"Twilight, I'm mad at you, but I'll never leave you. I still love you, but your sleeping on the couch for a while." Rarity joked as she pulled the Alicorn in for a hug, She wouldn't leave Twilight, She cared for her too much. She considered Twilight her other half.

"Oh boy, I'm fucking happy for you two, especially the purple one!" Ember said, looking furious, as she knew what was going on. She looked pissed, while she brushed her hand and walked over towards her almost stomping her feet.

"Ember I'm sorry I was trying just to get Spike back I didn't mean to hurt you." Twilight bit her lip slightly as she was feeling nervous about such an idea through the Dragon didn't have any excuse.

"Well next leave me out of it, You could've just talked like civilized being's, and you ponies called us Dragon's barbaric. seriously stealing a dragon's chosen High Gem, really shitty move!"

"I didn't steal her! She's not an object."

"Dragon's consider someone they desire their's we consider them the most precious Item in their hoard. We don't like losing something we like the most."

"But People aren't objects; it's barbaric."

"Well blame our DNA, it's etched that we mate for life, we find someone we desire we want, we love, and we claim them. You're honestly lucky Spike fought his instincts He could've killed you for the right to take her as a mate."

"What do you mean he could've killed me before you came in here he was about to fire at me." Ember heard that and was close to laughing her smile coming over her as she was giving a slight grunt.

"Oh please, the way it looked it would've been some warning shot. But listen here if you bring me into this meddling again and try and take control of my mind. I'll roast you alive. Now, where is the scepter?" Ember said her threat was severe. Twilight couldn't help but look scared and imagined her getting more prominent.

"Spike took it," Twilight said though that brought it back to her as she soon asked.

"How was Spike even able to resist the dragon Lords command?" This was an excellent question.

"Spike took the scepter, Oh shit..."

"What do you mean by it Dragonlord Ember?" Rarity asked seeming rather curious as she wrapped her hoof around Twilight.

"It means that Spike has retaken the title if something causes the Dragonlord to be inconvenient like a 'mind control' Spell. The previous Dragonlord can retake the title, so they're not affected as badly and can fight it." Ember said annoyingly.

"But wouldn't it just go back to you after you were released."

"It's up to the old Dragonlord to decide whether or not I can be the Dragonlord. Now if you excuse me, I have to talk to the new lord of Dragons." Ember said as she walked out of the room, leaving the three behind.

"I really should return to Master Spike," Celestia said sadly, as she heads off. Twilight couldn't help but worry about the future and what might be in store.

Dragon's Deal

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Spike began walking down the streets his blood seemed to boil, as he moved on his heart pounding as he felt like Spike could fight the world, His hands shaking as he grunted more. He just wanted to let his anger out; he was trying to fight it do everything he could. However, it was so hard. Spike looked around more, trying to find something anything that would let him feel calm.

He looked over seeing the officer who had come out, standing over by a small shop that seemed to be called — changelings pleasure. The guard was looking around, just hoping no one noticed him as he snuck in slowly slipping in. Spike sighed and had a feeling he knew what he was going to do. The way he went on to pleasure himself.

“What am I going to do? I burned my bridges.”

However, you don’t want to be controlled, you're indeed your dragon, and you're not alone. The small voice called out to him, giving a light growl. He felt confused; he wanted revenge; he wanted to scream and call out to the heavens. He didn’t know what he wanted to do. He just wanted the day to end.

Without warning the sky seemed to darken slowly, the sun setting down, while the moon raised, everyone around him seemed to be freaking out, as it was far too early for that. They ran into their home’s.

“What the hell!” Spike called out also. Everyone ignored him too busy trying to get out of the way. The moon began revealing itself shining brightly. Somehow, it looked different.

“Never mind just I should wait till Celestia comes back,” Spike muttered while he walked towards the chariot, never noticing how his eyes were slowly glowing even in the dark — shining silvery. He couldn’t help but sigh while remaining right there, Wishing he had a gem to munch on — something to keep him busy.

“Spike! Spike!” A voice called out; Spike would turn around wondering whom it was, hoping to any deity that it wasn’t Twilight after what she did he was somewhat hoping that he wouldn’t see the mare for a long time- No it wasn’t Twilight. Instead, it was none other than Ember who was moving over with a hefty move. Just the way she swayed her hips and pushed on.

“Ember what is it you want?” Spike asked rather curiously as he felt his hand tighten on the blood gem scepter. He didn't even realize he was doing it while looking towards the former dragon lord. From when he saw her just a few minutes ago, he remembers that she was under the control of the purple alicorn.

“I wanted to check to make sure that you’re ok, Spike.” She asked watching him as he sighed,

“I’m fine, though I’m mad, I am.” Spike began taking a seat against a wall.

“So Twilight she’s been acting nuts rather.” Ember tried coming up with a conversation feeling somewhat awkward while she sat back.

“Yes she has, She’s always been a control freak, but it seems like she’s getting more out of control.” Spike sighed as he moved the staff around, slowly rolling in his hand while leaning back.

“Yeah, I wouldn’t be surprised you hadn’t snapped but Spike, even with your Dragon instincts overwhelming some of the shit you did was fucked up. I mean Forcing the princess to expose herself. I mean, come on. Even if it was kind of funny.” Ember said, giving a laugh and hitting Spike on the shoulder.

Spike found that he couldn’t help but give a laugh as he looked over.

“Oh yeah, but in truth, I don’t know why I did that, I mean I think I did it just to hurt Twilight, make her mad. However, Somewhere in my I just thought it would be fun, to see how far I could push it.” Spike groaned while leaning back looking up at the sky, the stars slowly showing themselves.

“Life’s rough, that’s for sure, but you should apologize to Celestia cause it was a dick move. Though If you ever plan to release Celestia before this whole shit store comes to an end or not, remember I still respect you.”

“Well, thanks, Ember heh.” Spike would laugh, giving a smile looking towards the blue dragon. She seemed so calm to relaxed while she looked onwards.

“Well, I think some things are going to change. Since I’m ruling Equestria.”

“Oh, how so?” Ember asked curiously giving a slight laugh,

“Well, I’ll have to figure that out, though what am I going to do with this.” Spike would add bringing light to the staff, holding it up while it seemed to illuminate crimson in the moon lite night.

“You could return it to me if you wanted Spike. Sometimes there is a thing about having too much power.”

Spike sat there thinking about it just looking over, remembering what happened not that long ago giving a simple sigh, as he would look over at Ember.

“I don’t think it would be a good idea, especially with Twilight, how do I know that she won’t pull that stunt again.” His grip was tightened tightly, while Spike couldn’t give up the scepter. Ember looked over at him.

“It’s not a good idea; you know how greed can go, once you start its nearly impossible to stop. I’ve seen some… Ok dragons lose themselves to their greed once they begin.” Ember seemed calm though Spike just watched her, his head pounding demanding he claimed her requesting he grabbed her even use the staff, he stopped himself Spike pushed those thoughts away, as he took a deep breath sighing.

“I still don’t know, but maybe we can make a deal.” Spike looked at her while she looked towards him rather curious. She couldn’t help but wonder what Spike might’ve been planning, But she decided to hear him out a little more with his small plan was.

“I’ll return the staff, but in return you’ll work for me, be my Captain, we work together. With this, we’ll benefit the dragons and ponies. Where Dragons will protect the people around her, I won’t force you to do anything you find horrible; Like say if I told you to destroy a town of orphans you’d be able to say no.”

“I’d probably set you on fire if you did.” Ember snickered at his Poor tasting joke. Spike snickered even more,

“I’d be fine with that, though we might be able to do well together. If you keep your word.”

“I honestly can see that happening, try and benefit us more, even better than what was before. Though maybe we’d have to ask the other dragons if they want to.”

“Well, it seems perfectly reasonable. I’m pretty sure that we could be able to work things out.” Spike nodded, raising his hand to shake on it though Ember just looked at him out of curiosity. Spike felt curious as she seemed to reject his handshakes.

“um, we’re going to seal the deal, right?” He asked, having a feeling it was going to be like the hugging incident all over again.

“No it’s not that, it’s dragons seal a deal in a much different way.”

“How so?” Spike raised an eyebrow just curious this was something in dragon culture he was curious about as he never really learned about it, though Ember sighed,

“we’ll have to get out of public though Unless your keen on doing it in public.” Spike didn't really like this idea, especially in public with his little incident from before he could feel eyes on him even from the building as he agreed.

“Come on; I know a place that’ll give us some privacy.” He turned and began leading her off. Somewhere completely private where no one could catch the two dragons. They headed to the apple trees in sweet apple acres.

The two dragons roamed heading in deeper as it was clear that they were lost in the trees while they got deeper no one could see them till they were lost from anyone’s sight even if thestral’s tried looking in there. There was a chance that none would see them.

It was a good few minutes before the two of them stopped, and Spike asked.

“Is this far enough Ember?” More curious what was it that they needed to do in private.

“I’m sure it is No one could see us,” Ember said watching on while getting more comfortable; Spike stood there seeming more curious, as She soon moved in. I walked towards him, slowly pulling the male dragon in for a long kiss. Spike was shocked by it when he decided to push her back.

“What the heck!” Spike called out looking confused even more,

“I’m sealing the deal Spike, an old Law for Dragons is that if we make a deal something this big, we must seal it with a kiss or even sex. It’s something the first Dragonlord, had created.” Ember said while looking around Admiring the trees even for a minute.

“Well if you insist, I’m not going to fight. I guess a deals a deal.” Ember seemed to smile at Spikes words and nodded as she had pulled Spike in her claws wrapping around his head, and she kissed him with more vigorous intent.

Spike did the same in responses as he grabbed back as they fought for dominance, their tongue swirling around as they wrapped around each other. However, Spike slowly moved in pushing her into the tree, His claws holding the bark of the trees.

The tree, shook back and forth when it began to knock some of the apples off. They didn’t care as it was clear they were lost in their little world, Gasping hard as they felt the other one.

“Hmm, are you ready Spike? Ember asked her claws slowly reached down between Spikes legs as he gasped. She managed to bring out his smaller half. It seemed erected and ready to go while looking over towards the Dragoness. Ember watched with a smirk. Her eyes glowed lightly blue as she grabbed his member tightly and slowly raised one of her legs.

“Now are you gonna show me, a good time my lord?”

“I’m sure I will,” Spike exclaimed smirking more his smile widened looking almost menacingly as he felt his instincts taking over calling demanding he took Ember, which he planned to. He wouldn’t hold back; there was no reason for it. His heart seemed to slow. In many ways, he seemed overconfident.

Spike began feeling his cock pushing down deep into her pussy, going in tight when he found himself gasping. Ember was extremely tight. He couldn’t help but find himself barely able to move as he plunged deeper. Ember was hot. Also, She moaned while he thrust in deeper, giving a hard moan. Spike began thrusting not caring his hips moving back and forth while watching Ember take it to her; eyes widened almost surprised by Spikes sure size.

“Shit, I wasn’t expecting it to be this rough from you.” She growled while feeling him thrusting hard his hips moving with great strength. Each time he moved the apples on the tree seemed to be moving back and forth, quickly falling.

They continued thrusting like no tomorrow, almost like teenagers. The passion the lust their own hidden desired and wants to overcome and to take over while they roared. The sound of beastly style for the dragon’s mating and overwhelming need. Spike had felt before he needed to hold back. His mind tensing,

He thought of the other times, the times with Luna, the times with Celestia. As it rushed him. However, he held back slightly But now he felt like he could let loose. While he fucked her pussy fucked Ember like the dragon he was. His mouth overwhelmed with the flames. However, it was clear that Ember was the same way,

Oh, great dragon gods! Oh, Alduin! Oh, Spike Ember screamed in his head, while taking it. Her pussy spreading, while taking it, taking it all her dragon instincts wanting her to fight him for more to dominate him. The strength of her dragon blood. She wanted his Dragon balls to release into her.

Spike gasped more while pushing on faster and harder as he growled more his heart beginning to race, as he thrust faster, Embers wrapping around him, while her scales are scratching and dragging against the bark. Slowly rubbing and scraping the wood. They seemed lost to their pleasure. They are never noticing that someone might’ve watched them.

It might’ve been a few minutes between the two fucking like teenagers, and just showing a need sealing their deal. However, in a way, it felt like hours. As they looked towards each other mouths overwhelmed with fire, filled and they began blasting it towards each over. Their fire’s met each other blasting with a long strived. Blue, and green as they consumed each other, and soon it changed from their color to pure gold.

Spike didn’t know why but every bit of his instincts was telling him that his contract had been written and would remain that way. He couldn’t break it. However, she couldn’t either. The inner flames wouldn’t allow it.

Spike gasped hard and called out.

“Gonna cum, fuck Ember I think I’m going to cum, should I pull out!” He called out. Embers eyes closed as she arched her back and called forth.

“No Cum in me it has to be this way fuck!” She called out; Spike wouldn’t deny it as he began cumming into her releasing his loads as hot cum rolled into her hot pussy, as they shared this moment. He gasped hard and looked at her while she slowly opened her eyes in return. She is clearly showing a light smile. They’re breathing heavily looking much more comfortable.

“Fuck that was…”

“Something?” Spike said finishing Embers sentence and she could only do a nod while giving a light smile as she slowly uncurled her legs from his waist.

“What in the tarnation are you doing in my apple field!” A voice called out which only caused Spike and Embers to look over surprised, almost shocked; Spike jumped out his cock beginning to turn more phallic It swayed back and forth. Ember stood there, shocked.

“Applejack!” Spike screamed while trying to cover himself, but the orange pony walked over hooves, hitting the ground as she walked towards Spike.

“What were you doing!”

“Um, we were settling a deal.” Spike gulped looking to the Apple pony who looked mad as she looked around seeing the scarred tree and apples Lying all around.

“In my apple field. Have y’all not heard of a hotel, or a bedroom, Why my field, and these poor apple’s.”

“Um, you could send me a bill if you want just send it to the Canterlot castle,” Spike said, rubbing the back of his head looking embarrassed clearly while being caught right after the act had been completed. Applejack just watched him.

“Oh, you will that’s for sure… Though it’s good to see you again Spike, it’s been a while.” She added, turning around while she seemed to be going over the damages and ready to pick up some of the apples for later the ones she could salvage back up.

It seemed almost too calm, though he looked over towards the earth pony.

“Is that is? Aren’t you going to tell me off for what I did to the princess or leaving twilight?” He had expected more of a fight of a screaming match from running into the girls, but she looked over,

“Nah not much of a point. I mean, yeah fucked up making the Princess show her hooch off. Had to cover Big mac’s eyes, from seeing it. Though you’re a grown-up, you’ll suffer the consequences… As for Twilight… I haven’t talked to her much.” Applejack sighed, looking down some.

“Why’s that?” Spike said looking curious, since the two of them usually got along, normally good friends, He figured she would’ve been on her side more than anything.

“After that fight and you are leaving, Twi told what happened, let’s say it caused some troubles for us. I felt what she did was wrong, Betraying family and doing something like that. It’s one of the things the Apple family strives for Not hurting family and doing something like that.

Rainbow Dash. She felt offended on for her being the element of loyalty felt Twi Betrayed you. They talk sometimes; The girl sticks with her friends but, she’s still mad at Twi for doing that. Fluttershy took Twilight’s side though you know her. As for Pinkie…” Applejack would sigh and look back.

“Pinkie’s on neither side, saying your both big lug-heads, and needs to talk things through, but she feels you’ll come around. After all, ‘Friends never say goodbye’.”

“Do you guy still sees each other?” Ember asked the curious. She wanted to tell the Cow pony what her friend tried doing to her but remained silent. She didn’t want any more drama, though Applejack just smiled some,

“We see each other, but our friendship is strained, by that but we got over it mostly. Though Rainbows stubborn, Starlight, tried staying away, mainly hanging with Trixie. Haven’t seen Fluttershy, for a few months, I guess her and Discord got hitched and exploring the universe, what she said at least. Now if y’all excuse me I got some cleaning to do. Get out of here before I change my mind.”

She brushed her front hoof, telling them to go off. Which Spike and Ember did going off to where they needed to go, they never looked back.

When they reached Ponyville again, Spike looked over and remembered what he needed to do, and quickly handed a blood staff to Ember, who gave a small smirk,

“Well thank you for returning this Dragonlord. I’ll see you later, but you know I think I might’ve made a choice.” She flapped her wings and flew off.

“Wait. What? What choice?!” Spike called out oblivious. However, she was gone before he could say anything. Celestia finally arrived and looked over,

“Spike it’s good to see you, I guess you’re ready to head home. I’m glad that you’re feeling better.” She looked at him, seeing the confused look on his face. He couldn’t help but wonder what he might’ve been thinking.

“I’m fine yeah, we better head back to the castle. I think it’s time I head home.” Spike sighed and got in the chariot. The guard returned, looking more relaxed.

“I’m ready to go to my highness.” He called out, looking back. Spike nodded and pulled Celestia in. His head is looking over as they flew out of the town. However, in many ways, He felt a weight lifted from him. However, when he went back to Canterlot. There was going to be more changes. He was in charges. He had some idea’s in mind.

Spikes reign

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It’s been four months since that incident. Life had changed, especially with him now ruling Canterlot. In those last few months, life had changed ether for the better or the worst. Depending on which side you were on. For the rest of the land of Equestria, nothing changed. Sure there was the rumor’s of Spike and what he was doing with their princesses.

If you were a noble pony in Canterlot, the world had changed most likely not for the best. They felt like they were walking on eggshells. People were still talking about the Blueblood incident. They talked about it in the shadows and kept quiet rumors roaming through the city. Worry about who might be listening to them.

The story goes that around the time when Prince Spike had returned from his trip to Ponyville. The dragon returned and prepared for the first day of a long work evening going through visitations and request — the usual duty for the Royalty. Spike had been sitting on the throne Celestia right by his side.

From those who witnessed it, seemed to think that everything was going fine, Spike seemed to be calming, kind to those especially the young who were curious. People gave a laugh, especially how nervous he was. They would never have expected what happened next.

That was when Blueblood. Once the white stallion walked in, it was clear the unicorn prince wasn’t happy. The way he looked at Spike almost sneering at him with a growl. Blueblood is doing it in a way that kept for his royal status. However, in many ways, this was a bad idea,

“I demand you drop your royal status you ingrateful lizard. Taking our glorious leaders and using them as your fleshlights! I demand you bow down to us or I take you by force.” From those who witness this, it was quite something, the white stallion, looking towards the dragon who sat there watching him. At first Prince Spike attended Blueblood curious not as interested. Celestia looked towards her former subject concerned, at the inept stupidity, as he called forth.

“Are you listening to me, As prince and decendent of Princess Platinum, I order you to drop this charade.” Blueblood was looking annoyance there was a fire in his eyes, as his horn glowed his might showing, while his tie was uneven. Blueblood seemed like he’d be willing to fight. The guards stood there; not moving, they didn’t show any emotion.

Spike watched Blueblood as he sighed wrapping his hands around each other,

“Is that your demands Blueblood, to have your ruler sit down and follow your demand.”

“It would make everything so much easier Lizard. If you will do so kindly.” Blueblood smiled, giving a long smirk while seeming more concern while just getting more comfortable though Spike pulled himself up.

“Well you insist, that I could bow or fight,” Spike slowly walked in after what he was dealing with, and now the utter disrespectful, this unicorn was doing. Blueblood closed his eyes and feeling more comfortable. Cocky as most could tell. While Spike walked in closer. Celestia watched this and looked concern. She was about to get up and intervene, but Spike looked over saying,

“Please Celestia, sit down I would like to take care of this.” Blueblood quickly opened his eyes with Spike standing before him. Looking like a giant of a stallion. His eyes are glowing brightly. Blueblood was ready to send a spell. However, before he could do anything. Spike reached over, wrapping his claws around the stallion's horn and pushing him down. Blueblood screamed in pain, as the way Spike was pulling it and trying to bend it. If Spike tried using any more Strength, he probably would’ve broken that horn.

“Ahh, what are you doing!” Blueblood screeched trying to fight away, but Spike just smiled.

“Well, you said If I didn’t bow, you’d take it by force. I choose the latter.” Blueblood looked shocked as Spike just motioned and swung him using his dragon strength practically slamming him down on the ground as he wailed in pain. Spike ignored him and began picking him up by the horn and slammed him even harder down into the ground on the other side before stopping. Most would’ve been surprised that the White prince, now covered in dirt, still had his horn attached to his head.

Spike walked over and placed his foot down on the stallion's chest pushing him down, Blueblood gasped hard in pain, as Spike looked down.

“Now, you said that you were going to make me bow by force. I consider this treason. What should I do with you, Blueblood.” Spike growled as he watched the white stallion barely able to move as it seemed like he was close to pissing himself.

“Please Let me live; I have children!” Blueblood begged, asking for mercy.

“Yet you came here and chose to challenge a dragon into bowing to you. Your children must be very proud.” Spike said as he looked down towards Blueblood his eyes cold and unmoving. However, Before Spike did anything, he felt a pang, and sighed,

“I’m feeling merciful So Prince Blueblood. I won’t kill you. I won’t let your children lose their father. Though let this be a warning. Try and come back here, and pull that stunt. You won’t be so lucky.”

Blueblood tried raising his head as he coughed out,

“Thank you… Prince.” Blueblood sighed as he waited for Spike the Dragon to release him, but Spike stayed there.

“But actions should have consequences, So before you leave, let’s make a small change.” He reached down, grabbing Bluebloods horn. The stallion's eyes widened as he begged, screaming,

“No- No- No Don’t!” However, it was too late. Spike broke it off her snapped it in half, leaving jagged edges and making it nearly worthless. Prince Blueblood was now considered hornless. His magic is taken away permanently.

“Guards take Blueblood to his family,” Spike muttered under his breath as some of the guards walked over, picking up the Prince and carrying him off, as he reached over, holding where his horn was groaning in pain.

It’s said Blueblood never left his home, remaining in silent while being with his children. His wife is going off to doing the work. No one knows what became of him. The prince well it’s hard to tell what the prince was doing, in truth, when they seem him they seem him atop the throne watching and listening. Though the Noble ponies who heard and saw what he did to Blueblood refused to go near him, and if they did, they remained silent. Doing what they could not to anger the Dragon Prince, and earn his wrath.

The princess would be a scene and would do their duty’s. It seemed they hadn’t changed much, just doing as Spike told them. They followed his commands without a problem. Nothing could be harder from the truth. Most would wonder what they were doing now.


“Oh fuck me, Spike!” Screamed Celestia her head arching back faster as the dragon pulled back again and thrusted deeper, his cock into the princess ass. Spike groaned hard as he thrust faster and harder. His balls are swaying back and forth as he felt himself getting close too cumming. He gave a light growl.

“Hmm so fucking tight like always, I bet you love it when I fuck your tight little ass.” He growled while Celestia looked at him blushing hard with a long moan, her face was so crimson, while trying to do the best she could to hold her. He was so wide in her anus. She groaned hard.

“Yes, please master, fuck me fuck me like you mean it.” She was embarrassed to admit, after the last few months of sex, and spending time with Spike she was beginning to enjoy it a little more. The bed rocked faster, creaking louder, with no regret while Spike moaned harder the sound of their hips clapped loudly echoing louder. Spike moaned hard with a gasped.

“As you wish Celestia.” He groaned thrusting harder, looking down with a slight growl. As he thrusted with a good bit of force. Spike was basicly insatable, as he roared loudly beginning to unleash his load into Princess Celestia’s anus, Cumming hard. Somehow this action caused Celestia to scream in pleasure, when she began cumming in extasy. Celestia panted as Spike slowed down and pulled his cock out of her ass, as it slowly leaked with a smirk.

“Hmm definetly been a nice day.” Spike pulled himself out of the bed and walked towards the window looking out there, giving a long sigh watching off into the distance. Nothing seemed perfect, He looked on towards the sight before him. In many ways Spike found his life interesting. But how it came was quiet odd.

“Spike do you think you’re being a little hard on them?” Celestia asked as she got out of the bed fixing herself up as she looked onwards towards the dragon. Who just seemed to be focused over the sight of the kingdom infront of him.

“Maybe though they really should know who’s in charge now. They demand that I bow down before then they have another thing coming.” Spike smirked some as he popped his neck getting more comfortable. He was feeling like life was getting better. He wasn’t being pushed around or controlled. As he growled some.

Celestia sighed and somehow, she wondered what she could’ve done to prevent this. Where did she go wrong but she couldn’t fight it. She had a few months left, and maybe all of this would be over with.

Though you could end it now, let it all end just challenge him Celestia. It was a small voice passing through her She shook it off.

I don’t need to challenge him, I’m free to do what I want. She told the voice as she got onto her hooves and looked around her ass feeling sore. But she walked on fine. Her heart racing as she wondered what she could do.

But you could beat him just challenge him to a fight, you’d be able to crush him, He’s strong but we could move the sun! The voice added, but Celestia pushed it While sighing, some But Spike looked back at her,

“You ok Princess?” He asked seeming rather calmly. While he walked back towards her. His claws caressed her cheek some. But Spike just kapt a relax look over him as Celestia looked back,

“I’m fine just thinking alright. I should head over maybe visit Luna.”

Celestia would go over and walk out of the tower leaving Spike there alone. As he watched her leave. Spike stood there, giving a long groan as he bent over. His hand reached over covering his face. Spike felt conflicted with what he could do, but just doing what felt right. He groaned as he slammed the fist down onto the wall.

It was clear that he didn’t hold back as the wall cracked, and he groaned holding his first just like that he bit his lips hissing in pain. He simply groaned when he looked down noticing something else, A figure was coming in closer, a figure from the air flying in closer. Who was it, Spike wondered taking a minute seeing who it was, But there he realized it was none other than Twilight Sparkles.

Twilight Make's A Bet

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Spike moved down the stairs and towards the entrance of the castle. Twilight was coming soon. He hadn’t expected this especially with what he had said to her last time he saw the purple Alicorn. The Dragon was waiting there, Since who knows what Twilight was planning. The Alicorn probably went through her vast array of books in her Library.

Spike needed to keep his guard up. His body pushed up, trying to look even more significant than he had before. However, his heart was racing, pounding, while just trying to figure out what would happen. There was a loud pounding on the door. The guards around him looked towards the door, for a good minute before spike called out.

“Please open the door.” With his command, the door’s began opening. It was slow at first, but standing there, was none other than Twilight Sparkle Standing before him, and next to her was Rarity. Spike could only suspect that she was coming here from her shop that wasn’t far from here. He sighed some and looked towards them,

“What are you doing here, Twilight?” Spike asked, just sighing as he turned around not wanting to view the alicorn in the eye, as he decided to listen to what she wanted to say.

“Spike I’ve come to bargain with you. I want to end all of this.” Spike almost wanted to laugh some,

“So are you, Doctor Strangehooves?” As he was reminded of the line, from that movie over a few years.

“Spike that’s not the point. I’m here to stop you, and I’ve got an idea.”

“What would it be, and Rarity what are you doing here?” Spike asked, seeing the White unicorn standing there. She looked scared, not knowing what she was going to do. While only standing there, but Soon she answered Spike.

“I’m here to make sure nothing happens. I’m here for Twilight.” She looked over at her lover, and Spike was beginning to notice the ring around their horn. It looked like they finally tied their not and sighed, before looking away from the two of them.

“Didn’t I tell you I no longer what to see you Twilight, You really should leave.” He wasn’t in the mood; he didn’t feel like being angry; Spike felt as though he couldn’t hold anymore.

“I won’t be leaving, not after hearing what you did to Blueblood, I mean you broke his damn horn.”

“I don’t think Rarity minds. You know she hated the guy.” Spike said giving a simple answer

“That’s not the point you hurt someone, and He’ll be lucky even to use magic.” It was surprising, but Rarity said that as she moved in over.

“Spikey, You need to stop this, give up this power I’m begging you,” Rarity asked, looking scared, as Spike tried not looking her in the eye.

“I can’t.” it was all he could mention as he looked around.

“Why not? I mean all you have to say is, ‘Your free.’ Moreover, boom its all over.” Twilight intervened with this as Spike just growled rubbing his temple.

“it’s not that simple. Please drop it Twilight, Like I said before I don’t want to deal with it.”

“Is that so, you’re going to hide, and be a coward, You wanted to be the prominent leader, prominent and bad. However, now that you get a simple question, you run like a child.”

“I’m not running, Beside Blueblood came here and was making demands or he would force me to bow to him. What was I going to do? Just be walked over. I won’t be walked all over anymore.” Spike growled while standing there the guards standing there as they watched over.

“Well, I think we’ll be changing that. Moreover, there isn’t any excuse for you crippling Blueblood. That’s something Sombra would do.”

“Twilight Please calm down and not bring it up. I have the stuff to do.” It wasn’t a full lie he had some business to take over with while ruling the kingdom. He just gave a long groan as he looked over.

“You said you wanted to bargain what do you want…?”

“I’m here to make the Bet with you Spike,” Twilight said, which shocked Rarity, as she dropped her mouth.

“Um, Twilight dear. Shouldn’t we have discussed the idea of you wagering into becoming a slave? I mean, I am your wife.” Rarity said, looking shocked, annoyed, and just wondering what the hell was going through this mare's mind.

“It’s fine Rarity, and I won’t lose. I know I’ll win.” Twilight said Arogantly while watching Spike. Who just groaned.

“I’m not going to take this bet Twilight. It’s kind of stupid.” He was going to leave, just feeling a headache coming over. He wanted only to let things go through Twilight called out.

“Come on; you’re such a big Dragon. Taking this bet with Celestia, and Luna, but not me. Just chicken.” Twilight called out, her smile on her face, as he looked back.

“Listen, I mean listen don’t just go off to Lala land, while I’m talking when I say this! When It came to that bet I had with Celestia. I didn't even know what The bet was so get off my ass!” Spike yelled back as he was getting annoyed with it.

“Well, Spike I’m still challenging you. I won’t leave until you agree to do this.” Spike groaned he didn’t want to get violent. In fact, at this point, it was the last thing he wanted to do. He was tired of that; he just wanted some peace. So he just looked over and said,

“Fine, I’ll take this bet. However, under a few rules. You’ll agree to.”

“What would that be?” Twilight added while watching him. Rarity standing there looking more surprised and annoyed like she just wanted to bash her head into the wall for what her spouse was doing and she could only say.

“This is happening? Oh, sweet Celestia!’ Rarity exclaimed as she didn’t want to watch all this. She was stuck in this room the doors behind her closed. While Spike just nodded. Spike was thinking of what he wanted but decided to say it.

“I want to come up with the rules. My rules or It doesn’t happen, and I get to pick the challenge. If I win, you are my servant for a year, one whole year. Moreover, what do you get if you win?”

Twilight would stand there as she nodded, “Very well. I think that’s fair. Moreover, if I win, you’ll give this up, and just come back home. Make life how it was before all this stuff happened. We’ll be a family again.” Twilight said just wanting a long smile, as she was getting more comfortable. She acted like the ramifications of her actions might not backfire on her. However, she didn’t care.

Rarity only groaned more, as she looked over to the guard and raising her hoof, pretending to stab herself. Since Spike and Twilight weren’t watching this, the guard snickered as it was funny in his eyes. Though he went back to the stone face look as his fellow guards watched everyone in this argument.

“Fine, let’s meet in the library.” Spike Would turn around and walk towards where the library, was as He does. Twilight and Rarity began following him, curious though Twilight was giving a long smile as she walked on Her wife walking right in front of her. She just wondered what her wife might be planning.

However, in many ways, She wanted to know what Spike could’ve been planning? This was something she was worried about, and Twilight moved on as they finally reached the doors of the Library. They walked inside without a single word.

There was only one person in there a unicorn mare, with a black mane, and white fur. She was wearing a pair of oval glasses while sitting over at her desk.

She raised her head and looking towards the royal family while keeping the calming look.

“May I help you, my prince?” She stated while Spike nodded,

“I would Ms. Raven if you can would you please go and grab random books from the library.”

“Is there any, in particular, you might need Prince Spike,” Raven asked, looking bored, her eyes raised as she was more curious as to what the dragon might want for the time being, just as she was pulling herself up from her chair. Spike smiled and stated,

“None in particular just all around the Library. None of them should be too close.” Spike smiled as he looked on, as Ms. Raven nodded and began walking off her hips swaying as she began finding a group of random books.

“So what will the challenge be Spike?” Twilight asked looking towards her former number one assistant, though at this point she considered him number three right behind her owl and Starlight Glimmer. Who was number one she really couldn’t tell?

“Well, Twilight, it’s straightforward. We’re going to be reshelving these books. We find their right location, and putting them back in place.” Spike looked confident right there, just remaining more of a smile. He just popped his neck there, but Twilight looked like she was on fire, her body shaking with utter giddiness as she wanted to dance. She felt victory was in her hooves at this moment.

“Um Spike, you think you could win, wouldn’t Twilight have the advantage I mean she has some magic.”

“Well, it’s simply Rarity. We’ll be doing it without any form of magic. No wings, no magic. We’ll be doing it, plainly on our strength. Restocking and putting all those books back in place. The first person to put away all the books in their right place on time, Wins or whoever can do it within the next hour.”

Spike remained calm, while Twilight stopped in place as she looked around,

“Wait for what! However, that isn’t fair.” Twilight looked annoyed as she called it out, but Spike shook his head,

“You did agree to my rules, and this will be the only way I agree to this damn bet,” Spike said as he seemed frustrated, for the time being. As he reached over and writing down a small letter, and blowing it with his fire burning it to a crisp.

“What was that for Spike?” Rarity quickly asked as she seemed curious, though hanging in the background.

“Just making sure we have someone watch over us so neither of us would even cheat,” Spike added while watching over to the purple mare.

“Plus I need to have someone set up the spell. Someone I can trust.” He added glancing at the purple mare. Twilight didn’t seem to notice this but still went on as she sighed, but soon, the door’s to the Library opened one more time again. Standing there was the two princess Luna, and Celestia walking in side by side. Luna was keeping her intense look trying to look powerful as her chest pushed out. Her collar wrapped around her for the time being.

“Did you call for us Spike?” Luna asked while looking over to the small group standing before them. Celestia thought, on the other hand, looked shocked. She was looking over to her student and exclaimed,

“Twilight what were you thinking?” Celestia walked over to her student at this point when she raised her hoof over her mouth. Beyond shocked by the realization of her student. Someone, she could’ve considered her daughter. Making a bet and Risking everything.

“I’m trying to stop all of this. I’m taking Spike down, and making sure that this won’t happen again. She gleamed at Spike at this point as she waited for what he might’ve been planning.

“Celestia, Luna I want you to come over and watch us when our competition begins, you’re both are not to interfere or help us in this competition, that way Twilight doesn’t think I’m commanding either of you to help me out and put these books away. However, you can use your magic to stop either of us if we cheat by using any magic or wings to flying them onto the shelves faster.”

Spike looked over towards the two princesses, who are collared glowed brightly, as they watched over, Luna nodded while Celestia stated,

“It’s fine, but if you mind, I’d like to watch Twilight.” It was a simple request, but Spike just gave the nod,

“Yes it would be far, Just don’t help her as I said, and make sure that she doesn’t cheat.”

“I’ll make sure of that, Master,” Celestia said while looking at her student, who nodded with agreement.

“It seems like a fair deal. However, you better keep your end of the bargain.” Twilight muttered as she would raise her hoof. Spike looked over and of course took it in a tight squeeze, as they shook on it, and Celestia began the spell sealing the deal right then and there.

Ms. Raven walked in with two large cart’s of books and holding them out, only doing what she could, and motioned over.

“I’ve brought enough books I believe Lord Spike. Is there anything that might need from me?” She asked calmly.

“No, and please take the day off, completely paid.” Spike gave a calming smile since he felt it was somewhat fair than, fucking her over a day of the page just for this competition. Raven seemed to appreciate this as she motioned over and left for the day. There appeared to be a small spring in her step for this. As he looked on towards Twilight since it was clear the competition was about to begin. There was going to be a battle, and Spike was ready to win. However, he could only hope that luck was on his side; after all, Twilight had taught him how to catalog a library and put books away.

So Twilight might have the advantage in this. However, in some cases, Spike hoped that taking away any use of magic or even wings might be able to give him a heads up. It had been over a year, But Spike never could remember a time that she hadn’t used magic to put books away.

“Luna you’re with me, make sure that I don’t cheat I can’t use my wings or any form of magic,” Spike told Luna very carefully who nodded,

“Very well, if I feel you might be cheating at anytime Master Spike. I’ll hit you over the head with this stick.” Luna reached pulling out a three-yard ruler. Which she grabbed from the desk.

“Sounds fair,” Spike said as he turned around, though before he knew it. Spike felt hit over the head with a said ruler. He looked over at Luna. Who seemed to be giving off a more innocent look at this point whistling on as Spike grunted rubbing the back of his head.

Spike imagined he would get his revenge for that later on. When he had some time, That was if he won this competition. Spike was more curious as to what could happen. Purely it was a match between the two, like the Dragon, the Alicorn stood over the stands of books. They were separated about perfectly even for the two of them all thanks to Celestia. Who stood between the two of them. She gave a grunt clearing her voice as she began calling out.

“Are you both ready?” the two of them would nod, Spikes fingers twitching ready to try and get this ready. Twilight nodded her head looking towards the book pile. She would’ve used magic, but she had no choice but to do something else instead of to win.

“All right, On your mark… Get set, Go!”

The game was afoot. Spike reached over and grabbed the first pile of books in his claws Looking over them. He went forward Running straight to the fiction section — the first book he grabbed the count of monte Cristo. The story of a stallion betrayed by people he considered friends and the love of his life taken away but had revenge in the end.

“All right fiction section. I just got to figure out where you go.” He looked around and thinking about it as he ran towards the section, and with a small amount of luck found the classic fiction section. He moved to put it right inbetween Frankenmare, and Dr. Jekylla, Mr. Hyde. That was one down, a whole case of them to go.

Spike would begin running around trying to think and remember where each book would belong. He could only wonder what Twilight was doing at this moment with her pile of books.


Twilight wasn’t having too much trouble, as she walked around in a light gallop a book in her muzzle as she moved on and was two books ahead even if Twilight had to go on back and forth Since she could only take one book at a time. She wouldn’t risk harming these lovely pieces of treasure. Nothing could be better as she looked over them — Celestia just behind her watching her.

“Twilight it seems like your not taking this seriously.” She was concern watching her student moving on placing book upon books on the shelves. Celestia looked around as she watched Spike running around his hands carrying piles of Tome’s and pushing on.

“I’m a fine princess. Besides, I know this Library like the back of my hoof.” She smiled on Celestia Just watched her,

“Icarus felt that he could fly too close to the sun, and He still fell,” Celestia muttered softly looking even more concern.

“It won’t be a problem, and besides I’m not flying at all. It’s just putting books away what's the worst that could happen.” Twilight placed another book away, but something stopped her before she walked away. She thought she saw something and walked right back towards where she put the book away.

“What’s this?” She looked over the book and found that it was titled, 50 shades of Hay.

“Why is this doing here! It should be in the fiction section. What is that Librarian even doing!” She screamed out and began taking it off towards the right section. Though Rarity stopped her right there, she was standing right in front of her wife, quickly trying to warn her.

“Twilight, focus, you’re in the lead. You can’t let yourself get distracted right now, with how far you are. The book can be put away later.”

“Rarity, please it’ll only be a second. Beside the match is supposed to be putting the books in the right part. So it should work out just fine.” She began galloping off towards the fiction section. Spike moved on and placed another book away, while Twilight since it was clear she had something else to do. However, Spike was catching up for the small mistake.

She went over and found the correct section and placed it in, finding it right, as she walked on the back and grabbed another book.

“See it wasn’t that big of a deal Rarity.” She stated with a small chuckle, But Rarity sighed,

“If you say so, darling. However, Spikes caught up with you.” She pointed out as she showed the book cart’s where it was clear that their piles were neck and neck. Spike is running back, grabbing a large pike of his books by this point. His cart was empty. As he moved on.

Twilight’s eyes widened upon the realization as she ran towards the desk pile,

“No- No – No!” Twilight muttered as she looked over towards it. As her hair went out of place and grabbed all, she could nearly be filling her mouth. She began running over. Though having a glance at it. Rarity and Celestia behind her.

“Darling you can do it I believe in you.” Rarity said while Celestia pushed her own words of encouragement.

“Twilight You’re close, I trust you.” However, it was clear on her face; she was more worried than anything for her student. Twilight was getting stressed by this as she was having more thoughts coming to her.

What if I lose? Oh, sweet Celestia! I shouldn’t have made this bet. I might be Spikes Slave. He could do what he wants with me. I can’t lose. I need to do something.

She wasn’t even paying attention as her horn began to glow gently, seeming to shine up as the books came out of her mouth. Celestia saw this and looked at her student in horror. The collar glowed at this as she began activating her magic and without any control. Celestia felt herself grabbing ahold of the books and tossed them off the opposite direction.

“Celestia what are you doing!” Twilight screamed, looking over to her teacher, who was shocked by just what she was doing right there. However, there was a look of shame,

“I’m sorry, Twilight, but you were using your magic. I’m under the rules of the bet, to stop you. I never meant to throw them that way though.” Celestia felt tears in her eyes as a realization of what she was doing by throwing those books. Twilight, felt herself wanting to go into tears but she turned and galloped faster her hooves hitting the ground as she ran straight towards the general location of where those books went. She went In deeper into the Library.

“I can’t lose, I can’t lose!” She called out, her heart thumping faster. That was when she saw the books; her eyes widened even if it took a few more seconds for her to get towards them. She wasn’t out of the race yet. She was getting giddier.

“You hear that, Spike! I won’t lose!” She reached over and grabbed ahold of them in her mouth, getting ready to gallop. She was holding what looked to be called Beautiful disaster.

“Where the heck would you be.” She looked over them and realized it was supposed to be in the fiction section. She moved over, ready to run. It was clear that twilight’s heart was close to exploding from how scared and nervous she was as she ran towards the fiction section.

She was making one last turn when she came face to face with the book section and grabbed the ladder; she began climbing. However, when she was climbing up, She looked over next to her seeing Spike. Who was holding only one book, a single one? That read, Of mice and Mare. A small skinny paper that probably wouldn’t even have noticed.

Spike looked towards Twilight. He looked at her dead in the eyes while Twilight wanted to scream to the heavens.

“Spike,” Twilight muttered still holding about three books left. It was all she had left. However, Spike looked at her and pushed it is saying.

“I’m sorry. You left me with no choice.” He pushed the book in and pulled his hand away, as the library around them glowed. Shining brighter like the effect of the sun around them. It began to close in surrounding Twilight as she screamed. She screamed louder than anything else in her life as the light consumed her.

When all was said and done, when the light vanished and leaving the room looking dimmer. Spike stood there looking towards Twilight. She was sitting there; a collar latched around her neck shining brighter, as she was moving her hooves over trying to remove it. She was fighting away.

“No, No!” She screamed not believing this could happen; it was a nightmare some cruel joke, from an evil god, or goddess that this was her fate. Rarity and Celestia walked on in looking toward Twilight.

“Oh, dear.” Rarity felt tears running down her face smearing her make up as she ran over hugging her lover. Celestia stood there, as she was shocked. She felt guilty. She could only stand there, while Luna was standing there, Looking towards her sister at this point.

“It looks to be over with Sister; it seems that your former student has lost.”

“It looks like it. Though what happens next I’m not sure.” She tried imagining what Spike might do, But he stood there, his expression not changing. It wasn’t of pure glory, for the victory, or even sadness that he won. It just looked like it was just over. He seemed neutral.

“So what are you going to do with me Spike, Force me to break up with Rarity, force me to jump off a cliff what are you going to do?” She asked almost begged to know just to let it go, as she looked more annoyed than anything. She was feeling Spitefull at this, knowing she had lost her freedom.

“Or are you going to try and have me for sex use me like some fucking toy!” She screamed angrily. However, Spike stood there remaining calm but said,

“I won’t be doing either of those; I won’t force you to break up with Rarity, or have sex with you. However, stay the night I will have work for you. Luna, Celestia, please take her to one of the spare rooms. I’ll see you guy’s later. I need to think.”

Spike would turn around and walk out of the room. He needed to clear his head in some ways. Spike was feeling empty inside. He won another bet; He had the chance to control the person he was most angry at. However, in many cases, Spike was empty Inside. He decided he needed to be alone. So he went off and went up towards the highest towers, Sitting on top of it and just looking off into the distance.

It was a peaceful night; He didn’t even bother to grab dinner, he just watched the world move around him. While just sitting there It wasn’t long before Luna had shown up sitting there next to him as she said,

“So you won another Princess. I’m surprised you didn’t fuck her for Dominance.”

“I wouldn’t do that. I never wanted any of this.” Spike responded with a sigh his arms crossed while sitting next to Luna.

“Well sometimes you get things you never wanted, But you could’ve lost on purpose.”

“Maybe but like you said, I couldn’t if I tried the game forces you to give it your all.” Spike just sighed more while just looking towards the star’s as he groaned.

“What should I do, really I don’t know what I’m supposed to do?”

“That’s something I can’t answer, but really. It’s all up to you; we all have a choice. However, in the end, it’s what we do that gets us seen as a monster or a hero. I made my choice once and became a monster. However, don’t make the same mistakes I did.” Luna said being more calm more relaxed as she seemed to give the dragon the smallest bit of advice before she turned around.

“Please have a good night sleep, Spike.” It was all she said before she flew off. Leaving Spike there, he would eventually get off the bases of the roof and head to bed. Celestia wasn’t there, but he didn’t mind he just wanted to sleep. When he hit the pillow, he eventually went to sleep, going off into a deep, dreamless slumber.

Twilight's plan, Spikes Order

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Twilight Sparkle woke up early in the morning, yawning as she looked around. It came as a shock to her for a second, when she realized she wasn’t in her room. Till she remembered what happened last night, she groaned while she felt over the collar. Her first reaction was trying to remove it. Her hooves are grabbing ahold of it while she tried pushing it off.

Though as expected, it didn’t come off. The collar glowed bright while it pulled itself down around Twilights neck. It is keeping itself held closely. Twilight even tried using magic. However, nothing worked as she used any spell. She groaned while moving around, trying to find a way to get the damn thing off.

“Get off you bastard!” She yelled out in annoyance. She didn’t even notice the stirring from across the room. Twilight wasn’t paying attention. Her focus is staying on the damn collar. Who was stirring in the bed? Well, it had been none other than Rarity. Who pulled herself up with a soft moan, as she looked overseeing Twilight struggling and fighting with herself. Rarity couldn’t help but sigh. Thinking about what happened last night, she called out softly.

“Twilight Honey are you doing ok?” Twilight looked back at her wife for a second having a look of annoyance as she was on her back head initially bent over trying to chew the collar off, with little to no effect.

“No, does it look like I’m ok?” Twilight struggled more, as she focused on the collar, Rarity sighed as she walked over towards the bathroom, fixing her hair up and getting cleaned up.

“Honestly, It’s not going to be that bad, at least he promised not to do anything to you, dear.”

“How can I trust him? He’s taken my freedom, and Spike’s able to do what he wants to me! He could make us get a divorce!” Twilight called out forgetting about the collar for a second while pacing back and forth.

Rarity sighed but smiled, walking over towards Twilight’s head, rubbing it gently. The passion and care in her eyes for the Alicorn blazing still.

“Honey honey, I promise you even if Spike ordered you into Divorcing me I wouldn’t leave you. You’re too special for me to do that.” She booped her noise against the Alicorn while just sharing a smile.

“Fine, you might be right. Though what am I going to do, what’s Spike even planning?”

“I’m sure it won’t be wrong, I’m sure of it though it’s only going to be a year. Plus for all you know, Spike might have you head home after tonight. Twilight, I think we should leave him alone. It’s clear Spike didn’t want to see you.”

“I want life to come back to normal; he’s family. Why is he so angry at me?” Twilight asked as she looked back to her wife. It was clear she wanted some answer something to give her an idea of what she could do to fix this. There needed to be something she could do to get out of the situation. She could probably fix this. Of course, she had it.

Maybe if we spend more time like the good old days, we’ll be returning to how things were, and he’ll come home. I’ll have Spike again, and life would return to normal!

Twilight couldn’t help thinking about it more while Rarity just looked towards her wife quietly sighing, she shook her head and just said,

“Twilight you honestly need to relax. However, I’m sure. Things will get better.” Twilight didn’t seem to fully pay attention, because as she took in a deep breath, there was a knocking on the front door. Twilight walked over, opening the door when she did standing in the doorway the dragon standing there in the doorway.

Twilight was sure she didn’t recognize the dragon. He was a grass green dragon with blond scales going down the back of his head. The dragon was wearing the royal guard armor, clinging around his body as he looked down towards Twilight simply exclaiming.

“Lord Spike wishes to speak with you, Princess Twilight.” He said in his deep groggy voice, while Twilight looked at him for a minute.

“um Excuse me before we head out might I ask who you are?” Twilight asked somewhat curious as Rarity walked over joining her wife just being there for the time being while the green Dragon in the golden uniform.

“The names Emerald Isle, I’ve become the first Dragon Guard in Canterlot. Now please follow me.” Emerald, stated with a calming yet intimidating voice. He turned around as he grabbed ahold of his spear that wrapped around his claws while walking off. Rarity looked over to Twilight merely saying,

“I’ll be here when you get back I’m sure it won’t take long.”

Twilight sighed and began following Emerald, just heading off, as they were going back towards the throne room. Spike was sitting on the throne looking over some paperwork just sighing, looking exhausted lacking any sleep. He did all he could focus on the paper while looking down at it for the time being just groaning.

“You wished to speak with me, Spike?” Twilight stated, giving a simple smile. Spike ignored her for a minute before signing one of the documents. It would take a minute as he went around checking things off as he groaned more and looked over, finally taking notice of Twilight.

“Oh yes, Well I’ve been thinking about what I was going to do with you last night.”

“What are you planning?” Twilight asked when she looked over towards the dragon more curious as Spike smiled,

“Well I’ve requested that you leave me be, and told you I didn’t want to no longer talk with you but since it’s clear that you weren’t listening or just refused. I figured since you’re so stubborn you can stay here.” Spike said sounding groggy but focused. Watching over towards the two when Twilight gave a gulp.

“You’ll be needing you’re new uniform Since you’ll be working here,” Spike said, there was a long smile while looking over towards twilight as he snapped his finger. There was a momentary pause when Twilight gave a long gulp.

“O-Outfit? What for?” She seemed curious yet nervous while she tried getting back, but when she looked back, it was clear that one pony guard and dragon guard standing behind her — just looking towards her. Spike nodded,

“I still remember your fit. So don’t worry about getting a fitting.” Spike chuckled as two mares came in holding what looked to be a maid outfit. Simple and showing off as they walked over and gave it to her. Twilight picked it up with her magic looking over it while she looked back towards Spike.

“You’ve got to be kidding me.”

“Twilight I am certainly not kidding you, you’ll be wearing it while you're working here. It’s an order.” Twilight’s collar glowed as she heard the voice going over her saying,

‘Wear a dress, wear a dress, wear a dress!’ The collars influence is taking over her mind even when she tried fighting it, giving it her all while she looked at Spike. However, even the greatest of will’s would break as she resigned to her fate, merely nodding.

“Very well.” She took the maid outfit and began putting it on her moving carefully out of the way, making sure that no one would even notice her while she got dressed changing into the outfit.

She was standing there clearly wearing the maid outfit. Though it was slightly smaller exposing her back rear with the tail holder almost forced her to present herself to the guard standing behind her. Though it was clear, the guards didn’t say anything, just keeping a neutral face.

Nothing much could’ve kept Twilight from blushing profusely. Spike watched her and stated,

“I’ve decided for the time being you can start cleaning the castle make sure everything Is prim and proper. I don’t want to see a single mess. Otherwise, you’ll be forced to do it all over again.”

Twilight looked over at him shocked and offended,

“But I'm the Princess of Friendship I have royal duties as well as personal projects to complete.” She looked over at him while he didn’t bat an eye. While stating,

“Well, for the next year, you’re the princess of cleaning, and I expect you to get started as soon as you can. You’ll be having Your breaks at six, eight, and eleven tonight, and once it hits midnight, you’ll be allowed to go back to your room. One other thing.” Spike stated not showing off much emotion, though Twilight looked at him in utter curiosity.

“What would it be?” She finally asked after a minute as Spike seemed to be thinking or finding the right words.

"You'll be forbidden from using any Magic at all. If you use magic..." Spike continues his explanation, but Twilight was no longer listening. She had entered into a state of Shock and Horror; he expected her to complete this great taste by herself without magic.

“You can’t do that it isn’t right Spike we’re family!”

“I can do it Twilight, and you brought it on yourself, I had one request, and you never listened, you barely tried listening to me. So now you’ll understand how I feel. It’s time for you to go to work.” Spike stated not giving a smile just watching off as Twilight walked off the guards following behind her. She had much work, more than she might’ve expected as Twilight went on where she might start.

Twilight walked on towards one of the room and began cleaning it. The place was a mess, completely in shambles like no one had cleaned it in weeks or even months. While looking over it, she sighed,

“Ok, this shouldn’t take long I just have to use some magic.” She seemed like she forgot about the no magic rule. When she did so pushing her horn up, allowing it to glow. It was there when she reached over grabbing one of her dusters. When her magic grabbed ahold of it. It seemed as though her magic began to flicker on and off.

Twilight sighed as it seemed like it wasn’t working though she went on and decided to clean. Taking the feather duster, she went off to clean. Moving on, she dusted away and moved stuff around, putting them in their place neat and adequately.

Making sure they were where they belong even double-checking. It seemed like hours, doing it all without magic. However, she managed to get things done, giving a hard huff, and puff. She was frustrated, and it was only the first room! How many more did she have that was like this. What were the other staff members even doing! She couldn't help but find them and whip them into shape though she hadn't seen any yet. But when she had a second Twilight was going to give them a piece of her mind.

“Oh my goddess, I'm going to be doing this for a year! Without magic! This would be much easier with magic. I've got to figure out how to get out of this.”

She grumbled under her breath while getting more of an idea as she thought clearly when a smile ran over her face a wide, smile as some thoughts came to her as she began walking towards her room. She had to make sure it was clean after all it was apart of her job.

She walked into her’s and Rarity’s room while the purple-haired mare looked over and was somewhat surprised.

“Twilight you finally made it back… Wait, why are you wearing such a ghastly dress?” Rarity asked as she looked confused though she admitted Rarity liked the view as she looked around checking out the dress, especially with how well it fit her even if it was smaller on end.

“Something Spike thought would be funny. He’s ordered me to clean without using my magic!” She complained loudly, though Rarity watched her giving a small giggle.

“It’s not funny Rarity! I need your help!” Twilight screamed while she was compelled to clean the room, the collar forcing her while Rarity watched her wife do so.

“What do you need my help? Is it for cleaning?” Rarity seemed curious about what her wife might be planning. It was strange, but Twilight looked back at her.

“It’s not for cleaning. I want you to do something specific. I need you to go over towards the library, and look for a book specifically called Ancient Spells and forbidden Rituals.” She watched Rarity who seemed curious for the time being as Rarity seemed confused but asked

“What are you planning Twilight?”

“Well, I’m going to be looking over the Spell Spike used on me, and Find out if there are any loopholes for this.” She pointed towards the collar using the feather duster, while she began pulling the bedsheets off.

“Do you think that’s a good idea? I mean It could backfire on you? Wouldn’t it just be better to go through the year, than it’ll be over with.”

“Rarity, Rarity. Please, it wouldn’t be a good idea, at all what if Spike does something crazy. Besides I want to find some loopholes, to get out of certain situations and keep control over myself.”

Rarity was somewhat conflicted would it be a good idea to do this. Twilight looked over and watched the need for help. Just the pleading in her eyes. Rarity would only give a long sigh as she finally made a discussion.

“Fine. I’ll help you, dear, but if you screw up, It’s on you. I swear sometimes I think I’m turning into my mother.”

“Oh, you’re not turning into your mother, honey. You’re even more beautiful.” Twilight flirted with Rarity as they were close to sharing a kiss. As their lips were tight to meet The collar glowed brightly, which began pulling her away.

“Oh shit, this fucking collar! I’m sorry honey I got to go clean the rest of this place. Remember what I told you.” Twilight called out, as she began being pulled away, heading off to the next room. Twilight was heading off to do something else, what she might’ve done who knows. However, she moved on to clean the rest of the castle.

Rarity sighed as she looked over, trying to decide what she should do. Would she find the Spellbook, and Help Twilight find a loophole around The Bet, and get around of it though she remembered what she said in her vows. In sickness and health, till death do us part.

Those words ran through her mind. However, she would hold those vows and decided to go for it. She just had to look for a book while she could. She would Help her wife. Giving a long sigh, she whispered under her breath,

“Please, Celestia don’t let me be wrong about this. Please, goddess, Don’t let my wife suffer for any mistakes she might make from now on.”

She just began walking towards the Library, getting ready for what might be the best move to Help Twilight or the biggest mistake that either of them could make. However, only the future would tell. However, in many cases, Rarity felt the urge to take a drink. After she finished her mission, she might slip into the kitchen and fetch a bottle of wine.


The long movement as Spike walked down the Hallways of the castle. He looked around the place, not even knowing where he was going or what he could’ve done. Finishing his work for the evening. Spike just felt bored. With his duties as rulers finished and dealing with one particularly annoying segment of taxes on Carrots, and other vegetables. Spike was ready for a long night of sleep. It was just getting to his room.

He somewhat wondered how long he could’ve last, but he had given Twilight something to do. He figured the collar would keep her busy, without much to do, she would be exhausted and sleep the night, which would allow him to avoid her for the rest of the year? There were moments he was wondering why he didn’t just force her to sit down, and listen to him, and he meant Listen to him or use the magic of the collar to leave the castle.

The thing was that came down to it, was his anger. Spike was getting everything he ever wanted. However, somehow, Spike didn’t feel content. He didn’t know what he wanted. Spike had power, and Spike could control three of the most powerful princess in the world. He could fuck two of them.

Spike was living the dream any stallion would kill for just the ultimate goal. I am living a life that something of unimaginable wildness. Spike felt nothing. Just pure emptiness.

Spike. Spike.” A voice began calling out slowly pouring over to him with a soft, tempting voice, as he began taking a turn down the hall. He couldn’t tell who it was. Alternatively, what was going on, but he looked over the corner. There Spike saw nothing, No one around as he shook his head,

“It must’ve been the wind.”

Spike tried ignoring it as he walked on down, just a sigh as he was ready for good night sleep. His eyes are getting heavy. At this point, he was tempted to take a nap here in the Hallway. Though while walking down, the candles behind him began snuffing out, with the voice calling out,

“Spike, I’m here, Spike!” The sound was getting louder as Spike realized it was coming right behind him. Slowly he looked around, and there he was met with two glowing eyes, bright blue with a horn generated by what looked like magic. He couldn’t tell much of the figure. Spike wasn’t able to understand more, but suddenly there was a growing white smile that looked sadistic.

Spike reaction was to run but found his body unable to move. Spike felt frozen in place. He honestly didn’t know what to do. That was when Suddenly the figure jumped at him, Slinging itself at him with a growl. Spike shut his eyes.

Spike suddenly opened his eyes and gasped for breath. Looking ahead of himself, realizing one thing, and one thing only. It had been a dream. What he had seen was a dream. Spike was sitting in the throne room with a sigh,

“Thank god it was a dream…” Though in some cases, it felt way too real.

In many cases, he couldn’t help but wonder. Was it more than that? Spike pulled himself from the throne. He figured it was time for him to head to bed. Though there was more hesitation in his step as he walked up towards his, and Celestia’s room.

Twilight would continue cleaning till midnight, only managing to get half the castle. Tomorrow the purple Alicorn would get the rest of the castle, but tonight Twilight would head to bed. While she walked in, her hooves worn out. She felt like her hooves were on fire, as she pulled herself into the room. Though she tried keeping herself as quiet as possible Not to wake Rarity up. However, as she came inside, she couldn’t help but look over onto the desk table seeing a small book bound in thick leather, with the cover saying,

Ancient Spells and forbidden rituals.

She squeaked in delight as she placed the book down ever so carefully. There was plenty of time to read tomorrow. Tonight was a night to sleep and dream. She was sure of one thing. She would dream of good things, of life like it had been, where she had Spike doing the cleaning the work and spending time with her. Rarity by her side, the three of them a big happy family.

She would dream, and it was sweet. Just what she wanted.

Spike Rises, Midnight falls

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Spike was laying in bed feeling as comfortable as he'd ever been it had been a month since he made won the bet against Twilight and life seemed to be more relaxed. The dragon was feeling good about himself, even the weird dreams he'd been experiencing had come to an end.

Yet something still seemed off. If you asked Spike. Though he ignored all those feelings. Spike's eyes were closed as he was enjoying a slow blow job all thanks to Luna. He never asked for it, but he woke up to it with a chuckle. Watching the dark blue mare wrapping her muzzle around his hard cock sucking him off.

Her tongue sliding back and forth while he moaned with great delight.

"Yeah just like that Luna." Spike groaned his hips thrusting up as she gave a long gulp and gag. But she took his impressive length. It was clear that Luna knew what she was doing as she bobbed her head back and forth. Flank bouncing behind her showing off her stuff while Spike gasped. It was clear the young Dragon was close to firing his load.

Though before he could even try to when suddenly Spike was blasted off the bed flying off as his dick was forced out of Luna's mouth who looked over somewhat surprised seeing the dragon-shaped hole.

"What the?" Luna said as she began walking over, checking over the dragon. Though there was a soft chuckle coming behind the dark blue mare.

It was slow, getting louder, to the point Luna couldn't help but take notice of what she saw shocked her to her very core. It was Twilight Sparkle. At least who she thought was Twilight Sparkles. The mare floated there with glowing purple eyes, dark blue wrapped around her eyes. They looked almost like glasses. Her skin looked like it’s purple shade, though clearly darker.

Than Twilight’s horn was longer glowing brightly as it was shining a deep blue, as it shimmered more though she was clearly not using magic. But then Luna saw her wings, which was the most different. Instead of the angelic wings most would see on the alicorn these looked dark almost like the wings of a Raven.

The expression on This twisted Twilight's face was demented filled with madness as she looked down towards Luna. The Alicorn of the moon looked up towards her and exclaimed,

“Who art thou?! How dare ye attack the prince of Equestria!” Luna watched pulling up her horn allowing the magic to pull through her collecting as much as she might’ve been able to even if it wasn’t much cause of the collar, but she was sure she could handle it.
Spike slowly pulled himself out of the hole seeing the figure. Who was cackling?

“You don’t recognize me, Luna, my, oh my. It’s kind of sad.”

“Twilight?” Spike said, looking stunned while looking over though Twilight would begin looking back towards the dragon. A simple smirk as it spread wider, it was like a Cheshire grin,

“Not quite, though I was Twilight Sparkles. You may call me Midnight Sparkle” She stated with a smirk as she landed down onto the ground her hooves clopping, as she walked on in. Suddenly Celestia began running into the room as she had heard the noise and looked towards seeing her former student.

“Twilight, what did you do?” Celestia stated, looking shocked, but this seemed to be what Twilight had been waiting for as she looked over towards her teacher with a smirk as she walked around.

“I found a way to get around the bet. It’s quite simple, isn’t it just wonderful. I can get you out of this. Return everything back to normal.” She cackled more, reaching over as she pulled out what looked to be the collar it was broken in half. This came as quite the shocker while Spike looked up at her.

“How is that even possible?” It was something that seemed to shock them while Twilight simply smirked.

“Well, it’s quite simple, really.” The mare started with a simple chuckle. She was walking back and forth while getting more comfortable her wings standing straight up as Luna was taking her chance, as she shot a beam of light at her, it was close to hitting Midnight, but than a shield appeared out of nowhere shaped almost like diamonds.

“Darling, Darling, Darling.” A quaint, yet seductive voice called out as she began strolling with a simple smirk, the mare before she looked like Rarity, The only difference. Was this Rarity was pure black, her mane flowing off in a long-distance as if it was a dark night Sparkling like Diamonds.

“Rarity?!” Spike said completely surprised by this as she seemed to be smirking more leaning into her beloved. Giving Midnight a kiss on the cheek.

“Please call me Nightmare. It far suits me now Spikey- Wikey.” She said with a spiteful smirk for the longest time giving a simple chuckle as she stood next to her wife. Nuzzling softly, Celestia looked on towards Midnight Sparkle.

“What did you do to Rarity?”

“Well, Princess Celestia, I made sure that she wouldn’t be affected by the bet. But let’s start at the beginning. You see I was working through cleaning the palace during that first day. I realized I wasn’t able to use any magic, not as strong as I use to have. But when I thought about it. I figured there has to be a way out. So I had Rarity get ahold of this.”

There Midnight tossed over towards Spike a leather-bound book which read Ancient Spells and forbidden rituals.

“Open to pages 394, The spell for the Bet.” Midnight smirked while Spike would take the book worried he might accidentally destroy them. The long moment as he began reading the passage.

The Bet
A binding spell Considered to be old magic believed to have been created by the Lunar Princess, Though few scholars believe that it might’ve been made before her, though she is the first recorded use of the Bet. To complete the bet, there is a competition that would allow for the two who have made this ancient bet will bind it down by their very names. Once the chance is made it’ll never be broken until the deal is made of the winner has died.

The loser of the bet must be required to follow the orders of the master or winner. Very few have managed to thoroughly study the effects on the bets or the limitation; some believe that the bet isn’t able to force a being into doing something that they wouldn’t secretly desire. Rumors have it that the master will gain a piece of those that have lost power that will remain with them. Securing a bond between the participants.

Spike looked over this, finishing it since the rest had been the process of making a bet, and creating the process.

“What did you do, and how does it explain this whole situation?” Spike added pointing towards the two twisted versions of the mares he once knew.

“Well Spike as normal you refuse to see the big picture, I’ve been looking over it, over and over again. Then I had an epiphany, It binds us by our name. So guess I looked more into it, and when we’re given our names, it’s basically our true name, binding us to who we are, it’s connected to our very cutie mark. Now Spike my number one assistant, please go to page 259.”

Spike didn’t stand there and looking towards his former sister, the mare who raised him and caused him problems for the past couple of years. Seeing how crazy she was though Twilight didn’t seem to notice this, Soon she called out,
“Spike I said to turn to page 259!” She called out her horn glowing brighter as Spike was suddenly feeling his hands forced wrapped around by magic as he was feeling the magic run over and he was turning to the page that Twilight had demanded.

Changing one's name.

Changing one’s real name, the very essence that helps create the cutie Mark is tough, most are unable to do so. But in many cases, it is possible if given the right amount of time. Though if one wills it and pulls as much of their energy, their desire, and will, they can change it though by doing so would change their lives. Almost into someone else. With slight lingering thought of who they were. It is considered very dark magic to try and do it and can cause dangerous side effects. In may cases cause the darkness within them to reveal out towards others.

“Twilight you didn’t” Celestia looked shocked. She couldn’t even believe her student would do something relishing in dark magic and became something like this.

“Celestia, it’s Midnight now, remember that I am not Twilight, at the moment but after I take care of Spike and free you both we’ll be back to normal.” Midnights Smile twisted even more,

“Did Rarity even agree to this?” Luna asked at this point. Looking towards the mare who was once a Rarity,

“Well I was worried that you might use her against me, So when I took this form and could regain my full power, I decided to make sure she went on to take on a more powerful form.” She smiled more and looked towards her beloved. The way they looked at each other with want and lust. But the hint of madness and insanity that Twilight had brought back upon themselves.

“So you damned your Wife Soul, Twilight I’m disappointed in you, I thought I taught you better,” Celestia said the pain in her face as she looked over at the two as they smiled more,

“But I did this for you, Princess, I’ll be freeing you, we’ll stop Spike and return everything back to normal. It’ll be like the good old days when Spike was my assistance, and we’re all happy, happy, you hear me!” Her horn started glowing brighter.

"I just got to take care of one small thing." She smirked her horn began forming symbols shaped in different ways Spike was barely able to recognize and perceive, but the Princesses could. Celestia tried pulling up a shield to defend herself, but she was unfortunate that her magic failed her horn tried constructing it but flickered out. Luna's doing the same.

Spike tried doing something running at them to push them out of the way but before Spike could even reach they were hit by the spell. The alicorn sisters raise from the ground ascending trying to fight the period but clearly unable to.

Luna was the first to change her body, mixing twisting as she looked darker. Her Mane becoming more transparent her collar cracking ready to shatter as it flew apart. Once Luna opened her eyes, they were no longer the passionate night blue. No, they were cold serpent slit with anger.

They were the eyes of Nightmare Moon.

Celestia body changed, forming and giving more life a fire growing more substantial as her rainbow main caught fire bursting off with wild passion. Her armor changing as she looked as deadly as she was beautiful. Her teeth sharpening ready to rip and tear. As she took on her own form though she had at first screamed in agony. But as she landed down upon her hooves, she cackles quiet evily.

"Finally, free," Daybreaker said with a long sadistic grin. Spike watched this his heart racing faster the princess Celestia, and Luna were gone and all the remained was these twisted abominations of them. What could the dragon do?

Daybreaker looked towards Midnight Sparkle merely staring for a second as she spoke with hot bated breath.

"So why have you brought me here, child?"

"I wanted to help you, princess! And hopefully, in turn, you both would help me get everything back to the way it should be." Midnight Sparkle exclaimed her eyes shrinking in her madness and smiling like crazy as Daybreaker watched her with a small laugh.

"Is that it? You want my help. You pathetic fool!" Daybreaker said giving a long laugh Nightmare moon joining her in unity. While Midnight Sparkles seemed shocked by this.

“What do you mean by that?!” She called out in anger as she walked in closer,

“I’m the one who got you out of there, I freed you from being imprisoned So Help me stop Spike.

“Oh, but that’s the thing you are demanding my help. Well, Midnight Sparkles The one thing I respect more than anything Is power, and you need my help. Just shows how desperate you are, How can I respect that. It just shows how pathetic and weak you really are. Even my foolish Sister here, Nightmare Moon was willing to try and take what she wanted all by herself.”

“Hmm yes, my firey bitch of a sister is correct. Since your so desperate for our help, why should we do to help you out?” Nightmare Moon said with a small chuckle.

“I mean we could just take you down, and once I destroy my sister, I shall rule Equestria and bring forth eternal night!” Nightmare Moon laughed louder as she raised her horn, ready to attack. Midnight Sparkles watched her, eyes twitching while she was clearly annoyed.

Nightmare Moon raised her horn ready to attack Midnight Sparkle prepared for the kill, but as she was about to attack. Suddenly a shield formed around Midnight Sparkle causing the blast to fly off as Nightmare Rarity walked over between the two mares.

"Not my wife, you bitch!" It was clear this version of Rarity was ready for a fight. The look of murder filled her eyes as Nightmare moon looked over with a gleeful look.

"Very well, then." She positioned herself to a fight when Daybreaker walked by her.

"I might as well join in I'd hate to lose a dear sister. If anyone is going to destroy you, it's going to be me."

"If you want to try you flaming bitch."

There the three began fighting to move against each other. Nightmare Rarity managing to hold her own against the two sisters. The three seemed like they were ready to fight to the death

They each seemed to be fighting for something. Spike stood there face to face with Midnight Sparkles. The way she watched him was uncanny. Cold yet at the same time looked like Twilights when she was in a nasty mood.

“I’m going to end this Spike even if I have to rip your wings off one by one.” She stood tall as she walked over towards Spike, who was pulling himself up as he positioned himself. Midnight's horn glowed as she reached a column when she moved to pull it over slamming it towards Spike, Who at this point had managed to dodge it. Spike looked over as he spread his wings while Midnight Sparkles moved in going slow, as each step echoed around them.

“So this is it, Huh Twilight? You’re going to kill me?” Spike exclaimed as he was standing there ready for a fight. If he was going to be killed, he figured he might as well keep swinging. His eyes began glowing once more

“Oh I don’t plan on killing you Spike, after all, You’re my number one assistant! She suddenly started shooting bolts of magic at him slamming into him as Spike began staggering back, he winced in pain as he moved forward.

“You want me to come back just to be a dog, after all this! Why should I?” Spike growled as he walked on, pushing past the pain as Twilight kept firing at him. This would’ve taken down most ponies, but Spike wasn’t he was a dragon, and his body burned in rage.

“Cause we’re family, and We shall be normal!” She called out sounding childish Clearly not in her right mind, but Spike was taken aback by this.

“You want us to be normal. I hate to break it to you, but we are far from normal. We’ll never be normal.” Spike exclaimed his stomach burning with the fires of hell. Just the rage of this with the final Stunt Twilight had been performing he carried on While Midnight started firing more stronger blasts.

“Stand down Spike, Me and Rarity will return the world to its a clean place, think about it. We’ll organize books together, we’ll hang out with the other girls. You’ll even be able to help Rarity collect stones for her dresses.” Twilight exclaimed as she pushed in closer Clearly not realizing Spike was ignoring her.

“I am not a child! I will not be helping you with your books or being Rarity gem gathering partner. I want my own fucking life, but you’ve basically taken that away from me, Like everything else in my life!” Spike screamed as he ran at her his hands, turning into tight fists. Spike just ran towards her and slammed it into her chest.

Midnight tried changing her tactic summoning a shield. But once Spike made contact with it. His rage increased his strength. It caused the attempt of a buffer to shatter... There was a second of shock while Midnight was surprised by that.

This was a minor inconvenience, however, as Midnight went on back fighting. Midnight flapped her wings, faster as she raised into the air. Her magic flying down at Spike. Spike responded by pulling himself into the air as he flew towards her, ready to strike again.

The two of them would exchange blows, Fighting as if their life depended on it. In many ways, they were. Spike used everything he could fighting Midnight, and Midnight seemed to be giving her best.

“Why won’t you go down!” Midnight screamed as she rammer her horn into Spike's chest.

“I’m not done yet,” Spike started breathing getting heavy. His emerald green eyes began glowing and changing its form returning towards the gold and Silvereyes. His mind clearing out, as he felt energy returning to him as he was tapping into something else. He few at Midnight as she began flying back. She wasn’t surrendering yet. She just needed to think of her next plan. While she looked around. She watched Rarity flighting against the sisters, holding her own. Her shield holding up against the sister's attack.

“You can’t last Spike forever. I’ll keep going, I won’t stop.” There Midnight Raised her horn. Spike thought she was going to make another attack ready to strike, but no.

It was an attack something flashed ontop of her head, It took him a minute to realize something. What was on top of her head was none other than the element of Magic?

“What are you planning to do with that?” Spike called out, his confusion. It was only one piece of the six, yet she was confident.

“Oh, Spike you know what's going to happen. You see, I remember that project I was talking about over a month ago. I was thinking about it more and found an interesting way to get the elements power to work without the others. In case there was an emergency or something happen to the girls.”

“So you hacked into the elements!” Spike screamed as he was watching her horn glowing. The tiara burning with her.

“Not really hack so to say, more like. Made the elements of Harmony more efficient. You know magic has to advance and get stronger over time. This was one of my contributions!” The Tiara on midnight Sparkles head began to change. Twisting and forming into something that could be considered the opposite of how it had before. The stone turning black, the tiara itself twisting looking more like a crown. Indeed converting into a representation of Midnight over how Twilight had seemed all those years ago.

“What the hell, How is that even possible?!” Spike called out, as he was surprised by that his eyes glowing brighter. Even mixing with Purple at this point shining brighter, as Midnight smirked more

“Just some more powerful magic but now. I’ll be able to access the other elements even when they're not here.” She began raising the horn, while it was clear that she was about to fire the rainbow at him. The long movement that would change Spike. His mind spinning, as he watched the beam ready to send at him. Spike quickly responded and began flying towards the side, but it was too late. The beam of light coming from the element hit his wing slamming through as he screamed in pain.

Spike looked over towards where his wing was and saw it was gone. It was shrinking till it finally reclined down back into Spike body as he screamed in pain. The other wing could barely hold Spike into the air. Spike began falling. He fell hard down into the ground.

“Umff!” Spike groaned as he was down for the moment, and Midnight landed down, with a smile as she looked up towards her, with a long jetted smile as she simply stated,

“This is the end of this rebel phase Spike. It’s time for you to come home.” The element was glowing brighter ready to Strike Spike When Spike had an idea and thought to himself, an idea that was so stupid it could’ve worked or failed at the same time,

“Oh please let this work.” His hand reached up moving weakly, as he pushed up Midnight never noticed this her mind focused on the element, but Spike was focused on something else. He grabbed her horn. Even with how the dragon was positioned, he pushed on and pulled it as he tossed her off him.

“What the!” Midnight screamed. She was sent off a few feet away, the element was tossed off right between the two of them. Spike pulled up as he struggled to get onto his feet, as Midnight did the same. She was watching the element. Spike began running straight towards it.

The dragon pushed himself to his brink. Adrenaline was running through him. It was clear that he was running on it by this point. Midnight pushed on as she was much stronger. But Spike made one last push, as he jumped at the ground and grabbed ahold of it.

“Oh Spike you’re so foolish, you could’ve used your fire why grab it. It’ll never work for you.”

“Twilight for the first time, I think you’re wrong.” There Spike began glowing his body raising into the air, as he started morphing the crown cracking changing once more mixing, as it was no longer black but green.

“Twilight, this is the end!” Spike screamed as his eyes glowed white, his body feeling much more drained as he poured whatever was left of his power into the gem, Not just his magic but what He took from Celestia, Luna, even Twilights. As he looked at Midnight. Midnight was shocked by this and flat out screamed,

“Don’t you dare you weren’t chosen by the element, it’s not bound to you!” Midnight screamed, finding what she saw impossible. It had to be there was no way this could be happening, But Spike simply smiled.

“I might not be, but you are!” Spike sent all the power the element had contained down upon Midnight. The mare stood there, Spike could only assume at this point she could fight it, or the magic wouldn’t hurt her. But once the beam of light hit her glowing green, purple, blue, and yellow.

Midnight seemed to laugh, laughing as if it wasn’t affecting her. It was a maddening look as she was feeling herself being the victor. But soon she looked over, watching her body morph turning more mist-like, as she screamed,

“No, this is impossible, what are you doing.”

“Sending you to the one place you won’t cause harm! A place where you won’t have any worry’s! The moon!” Spike said as he gasped more his heart racing as he watched Midnight trying to fight this, trying to escape but there was no use.

Than Midnight was gone. Spike huffed heavily while he looked overseeing the two Alicorns and Rarity fighting. They were going at it till suddenly they stopped and fell to the ground. Collapsing down onto the ground, it was clear they passed out, as they turned back becoming their old selves.

Spike took one last look into the sky, towards the moon, and watched as the image of A pony was there once more. Twilight had gone to the moon. Then slowly, everything went dark.


It would be hours before Spike began waking up, his vision blurring as he came into sight of Celestia standing over him watching her. Celestia’s eyes were darkened and depressed. What could he even do, while he pulled himself up and groaned till he laid back down?

“Don’t move Spike, You’re still too weak from that fight. I’m sure you’ll be able down for the next few days.”

“What happened?” Spike said, barely able to move, while he looked around.

“We were fighting Twilight or Midnight as she called herself, and somehow you managed to send her to the moon using the element of Magic. Though It looks with what happened with the element they’ve returned to stone.”

Celestia showed this by revealing what looked to be the element of Magic, which was now a stone rock.

“Whatever happened it’s been drained and might take another thousand years before they’ll be able to be used again.”

“What about Rarity?” Spike asked feeling concerned since she was effected at this point.

“She’s refused to leave her room. She won’t let anyone in.” Celestia said with a sigh barely looking Spike in the eyes. Spike looked over and saw the collar was broken but remained silent. She got up and walked off towards the room Rarity was staying at.

“Spike!” Celestia called out which The young dragon looked over towards the mare.


“She’s in the room her and Twilight, stayed at and After that, I want to make the bet again, a small game.” She simply went quiet while Spike looked over,

“Why you’re free isn’t that kind of stupid?”

“I was forced into freedom. It wasn’t right, a bet was a bet. So we’ll be having a bet, though I think it’s a good idea. I’ve been a terrible leader, I really just don’t deserve the title. I think it’s also time I step down.”

Spike was shocked by it, not knowing what the right words were. He didn’t know what to say. Just biting his lips but didn’t say anything.

“We’ll do it when I get back if you want. Bring Luna back also if she wants.” He sighed and walked over towards Rarity room.

They walked on towards her room, taking the time, as he felt his heart racing faster. He didn’t know what he was going to even say to her.

He pushed the way forwards and knocked on the door. Moving on as slowly, the door opened. The room was dark.

“Rarity, are you ok?” Spike asked, moved inside. Just looking on towards the place as He heard the small sounds of sniffling. He couldn’t see her, but Spike was able to listen to her.

“Rarity I’m sorry I had no choice, but I had no choice I really didn’t.” Spike felt his guilt running over him as he heard the soft voice call out.

“It’s my fault, I caused all of this.”

“It’s not your fault Rarity, it’s mine. I want to apologize please anything I’ll do it for you.” But before Spike could do anything, he felt himself pushed away and watched Rarity running off. Spike watching her running away, off down the corner.

“Rarity don’t go!” That was the last words Spike said to Rarity.

Rarity would run off into the night, running away to who knows where. She never looked back.

The end of a Bet, a beginning of a life.

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For Dragons, time always seems slower. One minute they’re a baby dragon, and the next they come to realize they’re an adult, and finally have to leave the nest. So when Spike had realized it was five hundred years since the Midnight Sparkle Event. It really came as a surprise for him. It was in the midsummer when even the thought came to mind all those years ago.

The older dragon was standing in castles Garden moving on. His form changed. No longer the teen dragon he was there. He looked to be an adult, or as close to an adult as he could. He had shot up past Celestia. Spike began reminiscing around his past, just thinking about how he ended up there.

It was when he came back, Rarity had run off when he saw Celestia standing there in their bedroom. Just a simple smile on her face as she simply gave the nod.

“How did the talk go?” She asked, though Spike just looked at her with a frown.

“She ran away, though I guess I don’t blame her what she went through, and turning into her nightmare side?” Spike sniffled for a second though Celestia sighed and walked over,

“It’s not your fault, or her’s. She’s still shocked, but hopefully, in time she’ll be able to move on. Time heals all wounds.” Sometimes Spike couldn’t help but give the nod especially with how her hooves move over caressing his cheek.

“It’s still hard. I mean what I did to Twilight. She might’ve been trying to kill me, but she was still my sister. I never thought it would turn this way. Was this how you felt when you had to banish Luna?” Spike would ask feeling guilty. He remembered the good times, they shared even the bad times. But he didn’t know how to feel.

“It was hard, but I had to do what I needed to do. You did the same, though the pain will go away, sometimes something will rip it open. But it’ll heal up and just repeat. But the guilt never goes away.”

Spike only nodded as he understood what she was talking about as he looked up towards the sky. Towards the moon where he saw the new Mare on the moon. In some ways, He wondered, was Twilight looking back at her.

“Now Spike I believe we had a bet to do. Don’t worry it’ll be simply” Celestia would pull out a bit, and held it up with her magic.

“I’ve placed the Spell back on this coin, Heads, you win, tails I win. It’s simple.” Spike gulped some though nodded,

“Only if you want to Celestia. We’ll make this bet hopefully it’ll be the last one.” Spike said while Celestia nodded,

“It will be.” She flipped the coin up in the air, the way it moved back and forth. Time seemed to slow down for them as it landed on the ground. It rolled around in circles taking its time as it would begin moving on, when the coin drove off, as it landed down. They walked over and revealed that it was none other than heads.

Celestia body began glowing changing her form as chains flew towards her, wrapping around her as the collar formed though it was different as it seemed to sink into her. It looked like a tattoo. It was clear at this point this was permanent. Spike choked and coughed surprised by this.

Celestia had made the Bet permanent, allowing herself into servitude to Spike. Though When Spike asked she never really gave an answer other than what she told him before. In many ways, Spike understood.

When Spike ran into Luna well, she decided to stay and never really thought it. She seemed to accept Celestia’s choice and fate. Spike suspected she just didn’t want to fight her, She stayed around just being with her Sister. Though the Dragon admitted, he liked waking up some morning with his dick in the moon mares muzzle.

Then there was the issue with Twilight vanishing. Spike had a time explaining it. Eventually, Spike had to do the only thing he could do. The one thing that felt right. He lied to the people. He claimed that Twilight had an accident while experimenting with magic, that resulted in her going mad. She went on a spree that could’ve hurt people and caused destruction, Till Spike sent her to the moon. It was a half-lie, a half-truth.

It was the only thing he could do. Of course, there was the few that didn’t believe him. But the rumors renegaded in the shadows. Talked among others in the shadows or in the dark corners of Taverns. When the moon was bright.

Spike even managed to gain word of mouth of a new legend involving the princess of friendship the new mare in the moon. Spike just sighed and let them off. After all, sometimes a Legend was better than anything.

Dragons in Equestria had been a slow process, but after a hundred years or so, they became so common no one really noticed anymore. The power scales of the country got stronger, thanks to them, and barely any conflicts, especially with yak yakastan.

The school of friendship eventually closed down. Starlight kept trying to run it through eventually. It just couldn’t get admissions anymore, since the disappearance of Twilight. So Starlight would move on taking what she had learned. But at the most, she went on to hang with Trixie. Last Spike had heard back then she and Trixie got together with Sunburst and were raising three kids together.

The mane six, in many ways, they never forgave him. Sure Spike talked to Applejack and Pinkie pie. But the others, they went on with their lives. Rainbow dash, lived for nearly a hundred years, being the oldest wonderbolts. Happily, the first mare to give the position of Wonderbolt lead to a Dragon named Firestar.

Applejack ran the farm, and some joked that she was still there. Calling herself the Granny Jack, though when she lived on towards her own passing in her sleep, Surrounded by 12 children 6 sons, 6 daughters and 42 grandchildren between them. She joined her husband off in the sky along with her sister and brother.

Pinkie Pie. Spike will say this, Pinkie Pie went on for the longest time and died in a blaze of glory, She died as she lived partying her heart out. Though sadly she was the youngest to leave the world. Spike attended her funeral, which was a surprise. Instead of a sad fest, it was filled with clowns, Balloons and music, even in the corner a game of pin the tail on the donkey.

It was just one hell of a going-away party for the party mare.

Then there was Rarity. Spike never really saw her again, Rarity returned to Ponyville. Never telling anyone what happened that night. She never married or found someone else. Some said whenever someone asked her on a date. She denied them saying,

“I can’t, I’m married.” Though No one would ever see the spouse. Rarity had a child, though no one knew who the father was. But when they saw the child, they claimed that it looked so much like Rarity. Yet somehow, more purple with dark purple eyes. Spike once visited the town, when Rarity was gone and saw the child with her Aunt Sweetie Belle, Spike couldn’t help but think it looked like a perfect match of Twilight, and Rarity.

Spike never really talked to the child. He never knew what became of them. Though in many ways it was best he stayed away.

“Daddy!” Screamed a small voice as Spike couldn’t help but snap back to the present, there he saw a small Dragoness. Running over it was none other than Barb. A little purple, and blue Dragoness who smiled more her spines hanging out while giving a grin.

“Barb, honey what are you doing out here so late?” Spike asked, looking towards the little dragon. Who seemed to be hugging her Papa, holding Spike tight as she was close to dragging him off.

“Momma Celestia told me it was dinner time, and Momma Ember said you needed to get your butt in.” She smiled widely, as Spike nodded.

“Fine, Fine, I’ll be there. Just let me have a second.” He said with a small chuckle as he watched the Purple Dragoness run off to her mom’s while Spike just sighed and looked back up in the sky towards the moon.

Spike knew Twilight, or Midnight as she called herself would return. But when that time came. Spike would be prepared. It was only a matter of time.

Spike would take a final look towards that glistening moon his eyes Glowing, as he allowed it to move on for it nightly rides through the sky. The Dragon would walk on towards the Castle never really looking back. For the first time in his life. Spike finally felt at peace.

The End

Before the bet (Prequel)

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-Over a year ago-
Spike was smiling nervously, as his claws fumbled over the bouquet. Red Roses as the young Dragon had saved up for this moment. He would finally ask Rarity out. Oh, how excited he was. He had enough money thanks to helping out at Sweet Apple Achers, and sweeping the floors of the Spa. But he had enough money. He would finally ask Rarity out.

"Oh, boy, this is going to be the best day ever!" He thought a skip in his step as he walked down. Such a Bright eye child. He looked onwards towards Rarity's Shop. His suit felt snug. His tie being adjusted. If Spike wasn't a Dragon, he imagined he would sweat like a pig in heat. Instead of a pig happy in the mud.

"Hey, Spike, what are you up too!" Rainbow Dash called up towards Spike as she flew up in the air,

"I'm visiting Rarity, and I've finally decided to tell her how I feel." The smile plastered over him as Spike was feeling proud. Rainbow Dash, on the other hand, looked shocked, though it lasted for a millisecond.

"Oh, that's... Great Spike. Though um, why not ask Sweetie Belle. I mean, she's close to your age," she looked around more though Spike laughed.

"Oh come on you know me and Sweetie Belle are just friends Nothing more nothing less," Spike said as he walked off, Rainbow dash looked over the full eye and sighed some,

"Well, you could try. I mean, you might find you have more in common than with Rarity." But Spike walked off; Rainbow dash just looked towards the young Dragon.

"Don't get hurt kid," She looked over and saw Sweetie Belle, who wasn't far off behind Spike at first, stood there. A basket of Gem's in her hand a Dress that looked cute. And a crushed expression on her face as she ran off Dropping the basket. Rainbow Dash gave a long sigh as she followed the young unicorn, to console her on the massive heartbreak.

Spike walked onwards into the Shop, seeing Rarity there, working on a dress. Her magic is working wonders as she made sure it was form-fitting, White with a long veil. A wedding dress, to be exact. As Spike, the Dragon moved in calling out,

"Rarity!" He jotted over, admiring the work she was doing.

"Oh, Spike, it's good to see you. Oh, what are those?" She asked, looking towards the vast array of flowers. Her favorite, after all. Red Roses with the thorns cut them off.

"A special occasion, Rarity. Um, I wanted to ask you something..." Spike felt nervous alike his stomach had turned to lead as it sank in more in-depth. He wasn't sure what would happen next, but he sure was going to ask her.

"What would that be Spike," the white mare said with a long smile while she looked at him generously.

"Would you go on a date with me!" He Practically shouted out. Though he reached over covering his mouth. When he realized that he was a little too loud, Rarity looked at him, almost shocked for a second, while using her hoof to push her bottom jaw up. After all, a lady never catches fly's in her mouth.

"Oh... Spike... I'd love to go on a date, but-" Before she could finish, Spike jumped in the air, a child's nature as he was overwhelmed with happiness and excitement. He barely let her finish anything.

"That's great! I'll see you tonight, and I've got the perfect place to have dinner, it's that Prance Restaurant run by that Griffin. I'll meet you later. I've got to get ready." So the young Dragon moved on, running out the door and leaving Rarity sitting there. Realizing Spike had Dropped the roses, she picked them up with her magic.

Rarity felt a pang in guilt. She wished Spike had let her finished.

"I have got to talk to Twilight..." Rarity mumbled as she looked towards the Wedding Dress. It was something she'd have to work on later. Right now, She needed to let her Marefriend know what was happening. Otherwise, their little Secret would get out—something neither of them wanted out for the moment.

After all, what was the worst that could happen?

"You said what!" Twilight said as she was in her library, putting away ancient texts. While looking to Rarity,

"It was an accident. I was going to let him down gently, but before I could get to It, Spike got overly excited." Rarity said, looking guilty. While barely looking at her Marefriend in the eyes. Such a passion for them.

"It's fine, It's fine- Spikes a big Dragon, we'll just sit him down tonight and just let him know what's going on, He'll understand- I'm sure of it. Besides, we're all adults." Twilight gave a nervous laugh, imagining how much of a shit show this might end up. Her breathing was getting heavy. Her iris was shrinking as she took deeper breaths.

"Twilight! Twilight, baby, please relax. It'll all be okay." Rarity moved in, slowly giving her a soft kiss. Twilight seemed to relax as she looked over towards the white mare,

"Okay, I'm Fine... I'm Fine," Twilight lied as she was having more of a freak out session in her head. She was leaning in, kissing her Marefriend in return.

It started as one kiss... Than two.

Then there was the third one, and so forth.

Before they realized it, the two mares were up in Twilight's room. They were making love throughout the day and sharing each other, loving every second like the stars on a night. That only they could see.


Spike was walking home, Confused, Rarity hadn't been home. The only one there was a crying Sweetie Belle who refused to talk to the Dragon, let alone even looks at him. his heart Panging hoping the mare was okay.

M-maybe, she got a last-minute call and had to leave town. Yeah, that's it- She didn't ditch me at all.

Spike held back a trembling voice, his eyes burning fighting off tears. While walking inside. The castle was so large, sure it was filled with people he cared about- but at times it just felt lonely. Nothing about it felt like home—only a pure state of Hollowness.

Well, we can always talk to Twilight, she's normally in bed, and she makes everything better. Spike imagined as he moved on, heading to Twilight's bedroom. Though it was a long walk, He felt calmer, and Twilight normally made things better. She was his sister- his only family in this world. But as he got closer, he heard a creaking sound, which turned to the thumb and even moaning.

Maybe she got into the brownies again? Spike imagined remembering the last time it happened. But still, maybe some chocolate would help. He grabbed the door pulling it in...

What he saw next was something he would never forget. He looked seeing Rarity, laying on the bed her hooves wrapped around Twilight's head as her face was muffled between her legs as they were having sex. Spike felt his heart shatter into a million pieces. That was when Rarity looked overseeing Spike as she called out.

"Oh, Shit, Twilight Darling stop... STOP!" Twilight raised her head, looking overseeing Spike. The Expression on her face had grown extra wide as she pulled away. She was bringing the blanket over with their magic Covering the lesbian couple.

"Spike! We can explain!" Twilight called out. But before She could, Spike slammed the door, using all his strength. Nearly breaking the door, as he ran down the hallway. Some said you could still hear his crying while he ran away from the castle, not taking a single item with him. Simply running away.

"Oh dear, I hope he doesn't stay mad; I mean when he comes back We'll explain everything, Darling," Rarity said looked towards her love.

"Yeah, I hope so, I mean how long he could stay mad at me for..." Twilight said, getting out of bed. She needed a drink, something substantial. for both her and Rarity.


Rarity looked towards the night sky, Staring at the moon. the sight of the Mare plastered on her made the young mother heart weep with sadness.

"Mommy! Mommy! Whats wrong why are you crying?!" A small colt said as he moved over nuzzling her. While Rarity just cried a small tear.

"Nothing Dusk Shine, Mommy was just thinking of your mommy, and how she missed her." She kissed her child on the head,

"Will you tell me what happened to other Mommy and why I don't get to see her?"

"Maybe when your older, but for now, let's head to bed, I'm very tired." Rarity let out a sniff as she walked off with her son, heading back inside.