> Determination's Fury > by HeartfireFirebrand > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1: Megalomaniac > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight growled weight pressing down upon her whole body, her friends chained together by magic as hundreds of changelings escorted them through the gilded halls of Canterlot Castle. Twilight was angry, no furious her ‘friends’ had decided that she was in the wrong because of some mare they hadn’t met. Everything they had was now coming to an end because a stupid trick, everypony who she new was so easily fooled. Twilight had come into this world, she thought she had a second chance. A family who loved her, she had found her place but it was not to be. Now her world was going to brought down the stupid bug bitch, no she was done with the foolishness and hiding. She was so sick of hiding the killer within, she looked at her so-called friends as they were all put before the mastermind behind the whole plan, the Changeling Queen Chrysalis descended with a grin “None of you listened to little miss bookworm and thus you are all here.” Twilight was furious, this wedding a moment that she thought was meant to be full of tremendous joy was now a horrifying disaster that threatened to bring a nation to it’s kneed. Twilight however wasn’t willing to let this end the same way it did last time, The Queen raised an eyebrow as Twilight had gripped the her right foreleg firmly “That was foolish of you.” She was going to wipe out these parasites if they didn’t leave, Twilight in singsong voice “A friend of mine always told me to give my enemies a warning, so leave now before you all die.” A pitch black rectangle began to materialise behind her as she closed her eyes “The choice is yours, choose wisely.” Queen Chrysalis scoffed “As if you could, I took out your precious Princess Celestia. What could you possibly have that would even give you the idea you could win.” She was too caught up in her own ego, she didn’t notice the faint red glow around Twilight as she continued “We’ll destroy you, you arrogant mare!” Twilight grinned, all the changelings holding her ‘friends’ instantly were crushed into paste while every pony in the room was pinned to the walls. She tapped the Queen sending her barrelling into the wall, she reared up onto her hind legs her fur retracting her skin turning a yellow colour. Her tricoloured mane shrunk back into a light brown mop of hair, her hind legs elongated forming feet at the bottom while her front legs got slightly longer developing into hands at the end. A blue and purple striped shirt materialised on her upper body, a pair of brown shorts and boots formed on her lower body. Her grin grew malicious “You see, I am powered by Determination and a lot of LOVE but not the Love that you know of. It stands for Level of Violence, and Queen Chrysalis” her face turned dark as she scowled as her eyelids lifted revealing red slitted eyes “I will kill you!” Chrysalis felt the air grow heavy with power, she felt a dark feeling in the air. Not to mention what the strange creature that was once a pony said, it was not something to reassure her friends. Ponies were soft creature but there was something dark within this one, she screamed as before she could even move a red power fueled slash destroyed one of her wings. Twilight frowned “I hope my old friend doesn't mind if I am using some of their techniques” she shrugged “It’s not like I’ll ever see him again.” Chrysalis’s eyes widened as she saw the red glowing knife in Twilight’s hands. The Queen screamed a she tried to get away “How did you get so much power? It should be impossible!” Twilight shrugged not feeling like explaining herself again, especially to a stupid and soon to be dead bug as her knife glowed before sending an explosive wave of energy at the downed Queen. Twilight then runs toward the bleeding Queen and lifts her up into the air her red eyes glowing fiercely “Now I have one simple easy question to ask, do you want to have a bad time?!” Chrysalis spits on the former mare’s face “You are a pathetic weak species trying to be greater than us mighty Changelings, why can’t you just submit to us like prey should.” Twilight shrugged “Well it’s not the first time I’ve chosen Genocide, I guess I have to it again.” A powerful red blade formed in her hand, the same hand that held the Queen’s throat. She casually tossed the Queen’s corpse onto the ground, she pulled the sword out of the Queen’s body as her LV increased to 20, Twilight turned back to see her former friends, her former foal-sitter, her former mentor and her brother watching her in absolute horror “You all better have a good reason for turning on me, especially you Princess” her eyes narrowed at Celestia “If you don’t, I may not stop when I get back.” Twilight then turned to the horde of Changelings who were ready to get vengeance for their monarch. She growled “COME ON THEN BUGS, TRY TO KILL ME I DARE YOU! YOU SHOULD KNOW I HAVEN’T HAD TO USE A LOAD IN A WHILE, MAYBE YOU CAN ENTERTAIN ME!” The crowds watching Twilight were stunned as changelings dropped out of the sky in bloody heaps. Fluttershy whimpered as he hid behind Applejack “I’m scared.” Cadence growled as she turned back to the group “I require some answers, what caused Twilight to go crazy like this?!” Applejack raised an eyebrow “From what she said, it appear as she was always like this?” Cadence’s voice boomed “How dare you swear that sweet filly, that I knew was capable of this without a push explain yourselves!” Twilight’s ‘five’ friends were unsure who was going to give it to them worst, Cadence or Twilight. Before any of them could answer Twilight had already returned, her eyes looking between the ponies in the room “I am waiting for an apology!” They had all gulped as they clearly knew who was worse. > Chapter 2: Apologies and Explanations > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight was glaring at her five ‘friends.’ Applejack looked at Twilight “Ah’m sorry, Twilight we…” Twilight snapped at her five friends “Call me Frisk, you don’t have the right to call me Twilight!” She then turned to Celestia with a scowl “That goes for you too, don’t you think I have forgotten what you have done!” Applejack took a deep breath “Frisk, Ah’m sorry we just thought you were overreacting. Mares at a wedding can be very stressed and with it being a royal wedding doubly so. We didn’t consider that there was something wrong, we’re sorry.” The other four nodded, Pinkie was watching Twilight/Frisk with a weak smile. Twilight/Frisk looked around at the group “I am very upset in all five of you and it will take a while before you regain my trust. Still I guess our friendship isn’t gone, just fractured and you will have to put a lot of effort to fix it. Still I will not force you to do something unrealistic.” Night Light and Twilight Velvet approached looking down in shame “Twilight, we’re sorry. We thought you were jealous of Cadence, and that you were trying to sabotage the wedding.” Twilight/Frisk took a deep breath “Okay I am very mad at both of you, I knew Cadence for a long time. She didn’t behave like that without offering an apology afterwards, and you disregarded me way too easily but still you’re not the one who I’m most angry at.” She turned her eyes towards Princess Celestia “You have a lot of explaining to do, you knew the threat of an attacker and the fact that an Alicorn who is your niece start behaving oddly and you don’t even notice a thing. Equestria almost was overrun because of this!” As Celestia stayed silent Twilight/Frisk pulled out her blade. Everyone noticed that the strange black rectangle materialised and read LV 90 “Give me a good reason I shouldn’t fillet you like a fish!” Celestia raised her hooves “Calm down Twilight, I was busy looking for an external threat and didn’t consider an internal one. I thought the sooner the wedding was over, the sooner the threat could be located.” Twilight/Frisk growled “So basically you’re telling me that you were being stupid, I just can’t believe you were that stupid!” Shining frowned “That’s not fair, she did the best she…” Twilight/Frisk silenced him with a glare “Now you were under some mental coercion at the time, so I have no idea of how much blame I can put on you for your actions but don’t for a second excuse her stupidity. She is over one thousand years old, I would be more tolerant if Luna made such a mistake as she is still readjusting.” Just a that moment Luna barged “Where are the Changelings, and who is this?!” Twilight Velvet sighed “That is Twilight but to non-family, it’s Frisk now.” Shining frowned “Speaking of which, how did this whole thing happen?” Twilight/Frisk frowned “Well I was reincarnated in this body but before that I was a young human who fell into the underground and realised that I had the ability to reset, basically if I died I could load up a save file and return with the experience as well as return to the first time I ended up in the Underground. Well I befriended many monsters and finally saved them all from the underground.” Celestia raised an eyebrow “That sounds like you did a good thing?” Twilight/Frisk’s face darkened “That just makes what I did next much, much worse. I was curious what would happens so I reset and went on a rampage killing every monster in the underground and collecting LV until I faced off against Sans. I realised what I was doing was wrong as he fought to stop me killing me over and over again, then Chara took control of my body her mind corrupted by my hatred.” Most of the ponies weren’t happy at what Twilight/Frisk had done. Twilight/Frisk continued “I managed to break out and give my soul to Sans who beat Chara. He then reset the timeline, only for me to run into his father Gaster who tried to steal my soul. It took Sans taking my soul again to beat him and reset. Then Chara returned and ambushed me taking my determination away, Sans helped me escape and they brought Gaster back from void on our side.” Twilight frowned “Also Flowey, a monster turned into a flower with a mean streak joined us but he was originally the son of the two rulers of the kingdom Toriel and Asgore. Flowey powered by the souls, of six dead humans, Sans and Gaster fought Chara while I watched. Despite everything they failed but I gave my soul to Flowey and he returned to his true self as Asriel. When a monster absorbs seven humans souls they become a god, after purifying Chara’s soul Asriel used replaced Chara’s soul with mine and they broke the barrier.” Luna smiled “So all was as at peace.” Twilight/Frisk nodded “Until a while later I met this girl named Betty and after an incident I discovered she was evil to the core. She killed multiple people, and almost killed me until I drew out the power I had the wedding but she used a friend she killed to stop me.We managed to save him, but I was running out of time. I glitched out in the timeline to gain that power back, I gave my soul to someone else and I thought I was going to vanish but I awoke as a a foal. I’m sure the rest can be put together.” Everypony in the room was about to ask some questions when a messenger into the room “The Crystal Empire has returned!” Twilight/Frisk raised an eyebrow at Celestia and Luna “I would like an explanation, this Crystal Empire sounds important?” Celestia knew there was no way she was hiding this from her student. > Chapter 3: Fight with Sombra > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Celestia took a deep breath “The Crystal Empire contains incredibly powerful magic, if it is filled with love and hope so will Equestria but if Hate and Fear take over bad things will happens, a dark unicorn took over the Empire and wanted to spread darkness throughout the land. It lies far in the Frozen North” Pinkie flinched for a split second but no-one noticed. Twilight/Frisk frowned “I assume you wanted me and the girls to go there to defeat this Sombra somehow.” Luna nodded “We also planned to send Cadence and Shining Armour as well. Cadence is descended from Princess Amore their former ruler.” Cadence shouted “What we were about to get married and now we have to do this?!” Celestia shook her head “The empire returned earlier than I expected, something must have weakened the seal.” Twilight/Frisk grimaced “Probably the power I let out broke the weakened seal. I will go and put this Sombra Rainbow grinned “I’m game.” Applejack nodded “I’m coming with as well, I screwed up once before.” Rarity and Fluttershy nodded as well. Pinkie frowned “I will go too, I have been a really bad friend and it shows. I’m sorry Frisk for everything.” Twilight/Frisk gave Pinkie a light hug “Thanks Pinkie, I forgive you. You are really sorry.” Pinkie shook her head “You have no idea of what I’ve done to you and for both our sakes I hope you never will. If you do we may never be friends again.” Twilight/Frisk nodded “I assure you nothing will get between us, you’re a friend Pinkie.” Cadence grimaced “Fine we’ll go but I want a proper wedding when I get back.” Shining Armour nodded “I will protect her with my life, we will return once we have defeated King Sombra.” The group left taking a train heading north, everyone else was quiet as Pinkie and Twilight/Frisk were looking at each neither flinching for a moment. The train stopped and the group got out. Rarity complained as the marched through the snow “I wish I brought a scarf, it’s freezing.” Rainbow was putting a wing over Fluttershy to keep her warm. Shining Armour and Cadence were leaning onto to each other. Applejack, Twilight/Frisk and Pinkie were storming ahead when a dark blast of magic slammed into the ground. Dark shadow form with a large red horn roared it’s green glowing with dark magic “CRYSTALS!” Twilight/Frisk grinned as she began swinging her knife at the monster “Die, King Sombra!” The waves of determination started to push the Dark King back, until it roared a pitch black board appeared behind the King that read LV 400. Twilight/Frisk's was launched back by a huge wave of crystals, she landed on her feet. She growled as she fired a blast after blast of determination at the dark king, Cadence looked at Shining as the Dark King shrugged off everything“We have to do something! She is losing, we must help her!” Pinkie nodded “I’d hate to steal Frisk’s thunder but she needs my help. I just hope she forgives me for what I’ve done.” Pinkie stood up on her hind legs, her front hooves elongating slightly forming hands. Her back hooves elongated ending in feet, her pink mane changed in a way similar to Twilight/Frisk’s forming a brown mop that change to pink half-way down. She was wearing a pair of brown boots nearly up to the knee with light purple leggings underneath as well as a torn pink skirt as well as light purple turtleneck with a large light pink stripe at the bottom she turned around her pink eyes gazing upon her other four friends as well as Cadence and Shining Armour. Twilight/Frisk was starting to tire, she blinked in shock as a pink spear slammed into the beast. Pinkie in her transformed ran up to her with a smile “You okay.” Twilight/Frisk eyes widened “Betty?!” Pinkie/Betty frowned “I know we have a lot to talk about, and I have a lot of apologies to give but for now I have to take down that bastard.” Twilight/Frisk nodded. Pinkie/Betty leapt forward swinging a pink scythe tearing into Sombra, Sombra tried to blast her with magic only for a pink shield to block the spell. She leapt over him cutting a small part of his horn off with a swing before firing a huge pink blast obliterating the dark king. Pinkie/Betty yawned “Well that was boring” she clicked her fingers summoning a milkshake. She then saw the horn fragment and crushed it, Twilight/Frisk stood up as her LV jumped from 90 to 490. The pair rejoined the group, Pinkie/Betty smiled “I suppose you should know my name before I cam here, I am Bête Noire also known as Betty.” Rainbow growled “So you were here all along, give me one reason I shouldn’t kick your ass?!” Pinkie/Betty grinned “Dashie, do you really think can? I beat a being that even Frisk couldn’t despite the fact I am holding back right now.” Applejack pulled Rainbow back “Pinkie's telling the truth she…” Twilight/Frisk shouted “Betty, you were Pinkie all this time! How?!” Pinkie/Betty rolled her eyes “Chara managed to overcome me after you left. I must admit I never thought I would see you again. It hasn’t even been a years since we met in this world.” Twilight/Frisk frowned “Wait how do you remember me? I was erased from existence remember.” Pinkie/Betty laughed “Do you really think I am so weak as to be effected by such power, I simply didn’t care who it was as long as I could beat them.“ she then frowned “ I can help you control your violent tendencies, I learned how to do it a while back. Are you willing.” Twilight/Frisk nodded “Of course, I don’t want to go crazy and kill everypony.” Cadence frowned “You can chat on the way, we need to locate the Crystal Empire before we freeze to death.” They nodded as the six bearers of Harmony following Cadence and Shining Amour towards where the Empire was supposed to be. > Chapter 4: The Search for the Heart > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight/Frisk and Pinkie/Betty were leading the charge as Princess Cadence and Shining Armour were in the middle. Rainbow was in the air above them with Fluttershy and Rarity flanking them, Applejack was at the back. Twilight/Frisk frowned “So what now?” Cadence frowned “Well we need to find a way to help the Crystal Ponies, they all look all so downtrodden.” Pinkie/Betty looked around “We should ask the local populace about what’s going on, they may know something.” Shining Armour nodded “Cadence and I will start mapping out the castle. Twilight can I trust you and you friends to speak discover what happened.” Twilight/Frisk nodded “You can count on us.” Shining smiled at her “Thanks Twilight.” Twilight/Frisk rejoined the other while Cadence and Shining Amour entered the castle. Pinkie/Betty smiled “I informed them of what we’re doing. Let’s go to somepony’s house and ask.” Twilight/Frisk approached a crystal pony “I know a lot has happened, the Crystal Empire has been gone for one thousand years. We were hoping you could give us some idea on how the empire runs.” The crystal pony shook her head “I’m sorry, I don’t remember much. I really want to help you but I don’t remember much before King Sombra came to rule us and I know don’t want to think about what he did to us.” Pinkie/Betty gave her a hug “Don’t worry, we made sure he won’t harm anypony ever again. I promise you are safe from his wrath.” The crystal pony smiled “My name is Autumn Gem, I will try to think of something.” The two returned to the group, Rainbow growled “Not a singly pony knew anything, why couldn’t this be simple?” Applejack nodded “Well somepony mentioned a Library, that may help.” Twilight/Frisk gasped picking up Applejack and shaking her“A library, where?!” Pinkie/Betty facepalmed “Twilight, she can’t tell you when you’re shaking her like a doll.” Twilight blushed “Oops, sorry Applejack.” Applejack smiled “It’s fine, now let’s get to that library.” Rainbow groaned “Urghh.” The group ignored her as they headed towards the local library, they arrived in front of a three story crystal building. The group entered it to see an elderly crystal pony, Twilight/Frisk frowned “We are looking for a book on the history of the Crystal Empire.” The elderly mare slumped “I honestly don’t actually remember where any of the books are, I’m not even sure I work here.” Pinkie/Betty smiled “Don’t worry, we’ll find it one way or the other.” The whole group spread throughout the Library, Pinkie/Betty and Twilight/Frisk frowned as they methodically looked through books. Rarity, Fluttershy and Applejack were looking trying to find the history section, Rainbow was just wandering through the Library aimlessly. Pinkie/Betty frowned as she grabbed a book labelled history of the Crystal Empire “I found something.” Twilight/Frisk blinked “History of the Crystal Empire, that does sound promising.” The pair quickly read through the book until they arrived at the last page, Twilight/Frisk turned the other four members of the group “It seems we have to set up the Crystal Faire, they had a jousting tournament,a petting zoo, flag of multiple hues, sweets made of Crystal Berries, a Crystal Flugelhorn as well as an anthem and finally a Crystal Heart.” Pinkie/Betty frowned “I don’t think it means a Crystal Heart, I believe this is supposed to spread love throughout the land. This means it an actual specific artefact and we need to locate it, probably King Sombra hid it somewhere. Also there is a page missing, probably taken out by Sombra.” Twilight/Frisk nodded “Aright I’m going to find the Crystal Heart, it must be located somewhere in the castle.” Pinkie/Betty frowned “I’m coming with you, it would be unwise for you to go alone.” Twilight/Frisk nodded “Very well” she turned Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy and Applejack “can you set up the Crystal Faire while we search for the Crystal Heart.” Applejack nodded “Of course.” Rainbow grinned “I’m going to love the jousting, let’s do it.” Rarity smiled “I’ll set the flag up.” Fluttershy smiled ‘The petting zoo will be mine to attend.” Pinkie/Betty smiled “Good luck, and be careful. Don’t want anypony getting hurt.” The two head towards the castle, they enter through the glowing crystal hallways heading towards the throne room. The find Cadence sitting on the throne with Shining Armour, Shining Armour gallops forwards “Have you found anything?” Twilight/Frisk nodded “We are setting up the Crystal Faire but we need to find the Crystal Heart it has to be hidden somewhere in the castle by King Sombra.” Pinkie/Betty frowned “I believe dark magic is required to open the path, it may even be in this room.” Twilight/Frisk nodded as she returned to her unicorn form for a moment, her horn glowed with dark magic revealing a staircase spiralling downward. Twilight then resumed her human form. Shining Armour frowned “I’m coming with!” Pinkie/Betty shook her head “No, we can handle this on our own besides you are needed to reassure the masses and helping Rainbow with the jousting. Even Sombra couldn’t even beat me at full power, I will lead if it makes you feel any better.” Shining Amour grimaced “You better keep her safe!” Cadence frowned “I know he is being a bit gruff but he is concerned for Twilight’s well-being and doesn't want her hurt.” Pinkie/Betty smiled “I understand.” The two humanoids turned ponies from another world ran down the stair at blistering speeds quickly arriving at the bottom. Twilight smiled “Thanks Betty, I must admit you’re a really good friend. Wow that feels weird to say considering our history.” Pinkie/Betty giggled “No problem, we have had a long and twisted one” then she frowned at a close door “that door is filled with dark magic, I’ll break into the room.” Pinkie/Betty’s eyes widened as she was up against a wall, her eyes widened as she saw a man with red eyes and brown medium-length hair in grey armour as well as a woman with orange hair wearing an orange T-shirt and an orange skirt carrying a spear. Pinkie/Betty looked at the man “Copper” then at the woman “Agate, aren’t you both supposed to be dead.” She then screamed her hair turning gully pink as Agate shoved a spear into her chest, she felt a pair of hands shake her. She looked up to see Twilight/Frisk’s red eyes filled with worry “Are you okay?” Pinkie/Betty frowned some of the pink vanished revealing the original brown “Yes but those weren’t memories.. I have seen seen from Agate’s perspective but I saw it from…” she screamed as pain wracked her body. Internally however something very different was happening, something impossible in the old world. Tiny broken pieces of a soul were being connected together by Equestrian magic, soon it had formed a small empty soul in the middle of the pink soul. It then started to glow half of it filling with green and the other half filling with blue, memories of days with Copper and Agate filled her mind. While the ends remained pink, the brown part of her hair turned to a blue with a tinge of grey. Twilight/Frisk while all this was happening had just placed a hand on Pinkie/Betty until the screams stopped and Pinkie/Betty sat up. Twilight/Frisk with a fearful look asked “Betty, are you alright?” Pinkie/Betty smiled her eyes now showing a slight tint of green amongst the pink “I’m fine but I’m not Bête Noire anymore, I am Amber Lightvale” Twilight/Frisk frowned “Alright but should we continue, you looked hurt.” Pinkie/Amber smiled “I’m fine, in fact I’ve never been better. I am no longer my sister, Agate’s puppet. It seem Equestrian magic can do what soul and monster magic cannot, revive a dead soul.” Twilight/Frisk blinked “Amazing, maybe with some experiments I can..” Pinkie/Amber scowled “No, my soul is not a test subject. I have just been restored to a true living thing and not just some spell!” She took a deep breath “I’m sorry but you I am going to be very blunt with others. My true soul is a two-traited soul of Kindness and Integrity so I will tell the truth but will try to be nice about it.” Twilight/Frisk nodded “I understand, just sometimes I forget about things in my search for knowledge.” Pinkie/Amber smiled “It happens even to the best of us, now come on let’s go.” The pair ran through the room, then up some spiral stairs. The Crystal Heart was hovering there, both of them grabbed the only for dark crystals to surround them. Twilight/Frisk fired red attacks at it only for them to do little “Arghh how are we supposed to escape!” Pinkie/Amber smiled “It’s quite simple these objects are powered by hatred” her hand glows with green light as she fired out a green wave shattering them “the kindness trait is very effective at destroying anything using hate.” Twilight/Frisk smiled “Well let’s get the Crystal Heart back to Cadence.” About an hour later Celestia and Luna saw the power of the Crystal Heart echo across Equestria. Meanwhile in at the edge of Equestria a dark blue pegasus with orange eyes boarded a train. Once on her own she transformed into an orange haired woman wearing an orange T-shirt and orange skirt, she grinned “I’m coming for you, Determination.” > Chapter 5: Return > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twisk was sitting next to Pinkie/Amber as they returned to Canterlot, Applejack raised an eyebrow “I don’t mean to blunt but what happened to Pinkie?” Pinkie/Amber giggled “I appreciate your bluntness, basically my real soul has been fixed somehow. I just needed to see the memories, I am not longer Bête Noire. Amber Lightvale at your service.” Rainbow grinned “No mater what happens, you’re still Pinkie to me.” Pinkie/Amber grinned “Good because I have to throw a ‘we saved the Crystal Empire party.’” Pinkie/Amber pulled out her party cannon from her, she then began pulling stuff out of her hair and putting it in the cannon. Rarity giggled “Yep that’s our Pinkie Pie alright.” When the train returned to Canterlot the four mares and two humans moved towards the castle. They entered the dining room of the castle to see Princess Celestia waiting for them. Celestia raised an eyebrow “Where’s Cadence?” Pinkie/Amber smiled “She’s staying in the Crystal Empire to help the Crystal Ponies and Shining Armour is staying with her.” Luna turned to Twisk “Wait who is this?” Pinkie/Amber pulled out her party cannon and fired it filling the room with a saved the Crystal Empire party. Applejack smiled as she headed toward the table “Pinkie does know how to party?” Rainbow had followed suit, Rarity meanwhile was getting herself a small glass of fruit punch as Fluttershy was humming quietly to herself in the corner. Luna blinked “Wait that’s Pinkie, how did she become like that?!” Twisk frowned “Well remember how I told you about Betty, well Pinkie is Betty” she frowned as both Alicorns turned to Pinkie/Amber their horns glowing “it turns out she is actually a girl who died many years ago named Amber, her body was used for a spell by her sister Agate.” Spike then entered the room “Where’s Twilight.” Twisk smiled “I’m here Spike, I know I look different but I’m Twilight.” Spike approached cautiously “What happened to you, you’re not even a pony anymore?” Twisk nodded “I’m a human, I was reborn in this world. I can swap between the forms at will.” Spike nodded “When we return to Ponyville we need to keep you away from Lyra, she will go nuts over you.” Pinkie/Amber sighed as she approached “It seems this will cause us a whole bunch of trouble, urggh why do I have to live in the only town with a human fanatic.” Rarity smiled “Don’t worry, we’ll support you. You’re our friend after all.” Rainbow grinned “We’ll keep little miss human hunter away from you, I Rainbow ‘Danger’ Dash swear it!” Applejack rolled her eyes “What she meant to say without her ego getting in the road is that we will stick with the both of you through thick and thin no matter what happens.” Fluttershy nodded as she approached with a warm smile one her face “Thanks, I needed that.” Pinkie/Amber was happily drinking some punch when Twisk approached “So how do you control your anger and hatred. I feel like I’m going to attack someone at any minute.” Pinkie/Amber frowned “I mediated once very morning, it helped centre my emotions.” She sat down and closed her eyes, she then took a deep breath and let it out slowly. Twisk watched Pinkie/Amber closely as her former enemy turned friend repeated the process several times. Pinkie/Amber smiled as she got up “It’s as simple as that, I’m sure someone as smart as you can adapt it into a schedule.” Twisk smiled “Thanks Amber, I don’t want to hurt anypony because I can’t control the hatred within me.” Celestia smiled “I can give you rooms in the castle, it is getting late.” Twisk shook her head “Sorry Princess but the Library needs me, Applejack has her farm work, Sugarcube Corner needs Amber not mention Rainbow is the head of the weather team.” Luna smirked at Celestia “I told you they were going to leave, they have lives to attend to.” Celestia sighed “I was hoping to have their company a little bit longer but yes sister you were right” she then smiled “I wish you luck Frisk.” Twisk, Pinkie/Amber, Fluttershy, Rarity, Rainbow Dash and Spike happily chatted with each other on the way to the train station. As soon as they sat down on the last train towards Ponyville, Pinkie/Amber frowned “I can feel something I haven’t felt in a long time.” She turned to see a dark blue pegasus with orange eyes. Twisk gave her a concerned look “Is something wrong, is there a danger on the train?” Pinkie/Amber shook her head “It’s probably nothing, I’m just being paranoid. Don’t worry about it.” Rainbow Dash grinned “If anything bad comes at us, I will take care of them don’t worry.” Spike grinned “Not to mention you have a fire breathing dragon on your side, I am very tough myself.” Applejack laughed “You’re safe, we all are.” Twisk nodded “We have dealt with far worse than anything on this train, between Nightmare Moon, Discord, the changelings and Sombra we should be fine.” The rest of the trip was uneventful, they got off the train and headed their respective ways. Twisk and Spike headed home, they went to bed and quickly feel asleep. Twisk woke up in the middle of the night to see an orange haired woman carrying an orange spear standing over her with an evil grin “Hello Determination.” A loud scream echoed through the Library. > Chapter 6: Family Reunited in Conflict > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twisk leapt out of the bed barely dodging the spear as the woman grinned, Twisk growled “Who are you?!” The woman laughed “Well since you are going to die, I guess I can tell you Determination. I am Agate Lightvale, you demise.” Twisk teleported out of the room, Agate ran out of the door to see Twisk carrying a red sword and shield made of Determination. Twisk leapt at Agate only for a spear to send her flying, Agate grinned “You are strong but there is no way you can beat me. You lack the experience and talents that I wield.” Hundred of dark orange spear descended upon Twisk, Twisk enlarged her red shield to protect her. The shield started to crack, Twisk screamed as the spears pierced through her body. Twisk coughed as blood began to pool under her, Agate stood over her about to plunge the spear into her head only for a pink spear to collide with it. Pinkie/Amber growled “It’s been a while, Agate!” Agate jumped backwards gripping her spear tightly “Who are you and why are you getting in my way?!” Pinkie/Amber began to heal Twisk with green magic, her eyes focused on Agate “You know after all you’ve done to me, I’m surprised you’ve forgotten me.” Agate’s eyes narrowed for a moment before widening “Amber but how, I killed you?!” Pinkie/Amber deadpanned “Have you really forgotten about Bête Noire spell you cast on my corpse. I remember it quite clearly, after all it gave me all your memories and your corrupted soul.” Agate blinked “How, the spell failed. If it succeeded I wouldn't be here, I would be dead.” Pinkie/Amber frowned “No, what happened was you were reborn in a new body. As for why I don’t know but Harmony has a plan for all of us or else we wouldn’t be here.” Agate growled “You expect me to work with Determination, that trait is responsible for everything that happened to us. If Copper…” Pinkie/Amber roared “Silence, you were the one who went and destroyed our family!” Tears started to form in her eyes “You didn’t even listen to me as you left, I missed you damn it! You are my sister, that has not changed so please can we try to be a family again?!” Agate started to shake violently “I was in the right, I have to be. I have to be I have to.. I have to be. The monster would cause.. more war .. more death. They had to be sealed … away.” Something in her awakened, her dark orange soul slowly began to brighten, she looked at her hands covered in blood. She turned around to see countless humans glaring at her. They pointed at her “You killed us, you did, you did!” Agate began to calm down as her soul brightened more and more “You’re right, I have so much blood on my hands. I must make for my actions one way or the other.” She smiled as she gave Pinkie/Amber a hug “You were right sis, I was emotionally weak before. I let my emotions drive me mad and because of that I killed you both, I’m so sorry sis, for everything.” Pinkie/Amber gave her a weak hug as she cried “I forgive you, I’m just so glad you’re back. We have missed so much time together because of this.” Agate sighed “I know sis, I should have done betroth by you and Copper” she then gave Twisk a sad smile “I’m sorry about this.” Twisk smiled “It’s okay, as long as you can make Amber is happy then it’s all water under the bridge. Agate’s smile brightened “Thank you, I hope one day we can be friends.” Twisk nodded “Call me Frisk, it’s what I was called in the previous world.” The next morning, Agate, Twisk, Pinkie/Amber were awaiting the other four bearers of Harmony. Twisk smiled as they entered “I’m sure you all wonder why I summoned you all here?” Rainbow frowned “I assume it has to do with her, who is she anyway?’ Twisk rubbed the back of her head “Well she is from the same world me and Amber came from. She tried to kill me last night because…” Rainbow growled as she flew towards Agate “I’m going to kill you, you bitch!” She was stopped by a green barrier, Pinkie/Amber glared at her fiercely. She stepped in front of Rainbow Dash angrily “She is my sister, damn it! She is my sister Agate Lightvale, besides considering she killed me in my past life and then used my body for a spell yet I still forgave her means you can forgive her too for this incident!” Agate blinked “Sis, I’ve never seen you like this before? Pinkie/Amber smiled “A lot has changed for me.” Rainbow turned to Agate “Sorry about that, I sometimes jump to conclusions too quickly.” Agate giggled “Don’t worry, I was quite rash in my youth” she then gave a guilty look at Pinkie “It caused me a lot of family troubles.” Applejack approached calmly “Well if ya Pinkie’s sister then Ah can forgive ya, family is important.” Rarity smiled “I may need to make you some new clothes, it seems what you’re wearing is quite damaged.” Fluttershy simply smiled at her from a distance. Pinkie/Amber was happy that her sister was accepted by her friends after the initial incident. Meanwhile far way from there a dark blue unicorn stallion was wandering the world, a mare beside him frowned “Clover are you sure it is here?” Clover nodded with a smile “I’m sure.” > Chapter 7: Darkness Unleashed > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Clover and the light gold pegasus mare were looking around the room, it was a bright golden colour. There were a bunch of strange symbols on the floor, Clover frowned “Daring, any idea how to move on from here?” Daring frowned as she looked at the symbols, there were Centaurs, Alicorns, Unicorns, Pegasi, Earth Ponies Changelings, Dragons and various other species. She poked one of the Alicorns only for a spike to shoot up, Daring frowned “Well that didn’t work.” Daring prodded the Pegasi tile only for nothing to happen, she frowned at Clover “Come over here, I want to try something.” Clover frowned as he approached “What, the Pegasi tiles didn’t activate a trap.” Daring frowned “Poke the tile, trust me on this. If this works we both can get through this.” Clover poked it and the tile shot up rapidly slamming into the roof. Daring then pointed to the unicorn symbol ”Now poke that one, Clover.” Clover did only for nothing to happen, he frowned “What does this mean exactly?” Daring smiled “It confirmed my suspicions, the switch pegasus switch didn’t react to me while the unicorn didn’t react to you. I’m a Pegasus and you are an Unicorn, that means the switches only allow those of the right race or species to walk on them.” Clover nodded “That is clever, it means that even if one gets past it doesn’t mean they all will. Also if they don’t anyone of that species will avoid it and die.” Daring nodded “Yes but let’s be careful in case I’m wrong.” The two careful move through the room, flying and teleporting respectively as needed. They reached the end of the room and the door opened to reveal a golden room with a glowing golden orb on a podium. Daring frowned as she saw the dais, she approached it to read it. It read This orb is a powerful artifact of harmonic magic, it is the seal concealing the great hatred within. If it is released the world will be cast into a great turmoil. Daring was about to speak when the entire building shook, Clover frowned “We got the ancient artifact Princess Celestia wanted, now we should…” A powerful dark blue force surged forth flying into the air and then dissipating. Daring growled “You idiot, you just let out something really bad. We need to return to Canterlot now, she pulled out a stone from one of her saddlebags. She grabbed him and the two telported away with the orb. The two came face to face with a whole contingent of guards who took them to Canterlot Castle. Celestia was sitting in the hall with Luna when they arrived,Celestia growled at Daring “I warned you to be careful!” Daring grimaced “Well tell that to Clover, he is the idiot who took it off the platform.” Luna frowned “Clover, you should know better than this. I thought after King Sombra and Queen Chrysalis we would have peace but it see that is not the case.” Celestia nodded “Unfortunately it seems that way. We must inform the Element Bearers about this, we can’t afford to leave them out of the loop.” Ten minutes later Twisk, Pinkie/Amber, Agate, Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash were sitting on in a private cabin on the train. Twisk grimaced “I was hoping for some peace and quite but I doubt we are going to have peace.” Rarity frowned “Isn’t that a bit pessimistic, shouldn’t be hoping for something good to be happening.” Pinkie/Amber shook her head “I don’t think we should be expecting peace, they could have told us in a letter is it was something simple. This is something serious and potentially dangerous, it could kill us if we’re not careful.” Rainbow grinned “We can kick it’s flank what ever it may be, we have done it before.” Applejack frowned “Ah don’t know, the Changelings almost beat us and Sombra did too. If it wasn’t for Frisk and Pinkie we would be in trouble.” Agate nodded “I agree, we need to be cautious.” The group of seven arrived in Canterlot and made their way to the castle. The guards let them into the castle, they entered the room to see Princess Celestia and Princess Luna sitting on the throne. Celestia frowned “A great darkness sealed away long before my time has emerged from an ancient temple. We have no idea where it is but we wanted to make sure you were aware of the gravity of the situation. I want to have you all to stay here for the night until we come up with a plan.” Pinkie/Amber frowned “No, that would be unwise. If we return quickly it will appear as if we don’t know about it, the elements of surprise will be the key to learning more.” Twisk nodded “I agree with Amber, it may just work.” Applejack nodded “Ah believe this is the right choice.” Rarity nodded “We shouldn’t reveal our hand too soon, caution is helpful here.” Rainbow grinned “When we face we can the drop on it and then kick it’s flank.” Luna frowned “Well, you should meet the two ponies who discovered this situation but their identities are to be kept secret.” Everypony nodded “We will.” Luna smiled “Good, you two can come in now.” Luna smiled as the pegasus and unicorn entered “Meet Daring Doo and Clover the Clever.” Clover growled “Agate, how are you here?!” Agate froze “How do you know me, who are you?” Clover’s body began to change his forelegs turning into arms, he stood up on his legs. He wore a pink shirt and shorts with a dark grey cuirass over the top. Two golden pauldrons as well as grey faulds that were partially gold near his hips, as well as three golden triangle two pointed up and one pointed down in the centre of his armour. Agate gasped “Copper, is that you?” Clover/Copper growled as a red sword appeared in his hand “I will not let you harm anyone else, you killed our little sister. I will not hesitate this time sister!” Agate kneeled “Very well brother, do what you must.” Copper leapt forward with his sword only for a green barrier to block his attack before he was knocked away with a pink spear. Pinkie/Amber frowned “Stop this madness, brother.” Copper’s eyes widened as he took her form in “Amber, how are you alive?” Pinkie/Amber frowned “Well long story short Equestrian magic fixed my soul and brought me back. As for my body the Bête Noire brought me back to life and then I went on a rampage three hundred years later until I was reborn in this world after being laid low by another soul of determination.” Copper growled “You forgave her even after what she had done?!” Pinkie/Amber grimaced “I just want us to be a family again, come to Ponyville with us. We can mend the scars of the past here and now.” Copper shook his head “I can’t, at least not yet. I am still angry and bitter, but maybe in the future Amber.” Pinkie/Amber nodded with a sigh, Agate rested a hand on her “I’m sorry sis” Pinkie/Amber shook her head “I was too optimistic about this, I just want to return to Ponyville.” The group returned to Ponyville aware that a new threat was out there growing in strength. > Chapter 8: Darkness Attacks > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It had been two weeks since they elements met with Celestia, Ponyville quickly adapted to the three humans living amidst them. In Sugarcube Corner’s kitchen, several ovens were running as were several bowls were being mixed as Pinkie/Amber ran around swapping between each bowl rapidly while checking each oven at the same speed. Agate was mixing a bowl of ingredients in the corner trying to ignore her sister’s mad dash around the kitchen. Agate finally got fed up of the movement, she turned around “Why are running around like that, shouldn’t we be more patient.” Pinkie/Amber shook her head “Small businesses like Sugarcube Corner always struggle to keep up with the demand. When I came here for the first time, the Cakes were struggling to keep up with the demand. I can move fast enough to keep them ahead of schedule and bake enough goods to keep them in the clear for a week ahead of time if necessary. It’s why when I left for two days they were fine.” Agate frowned “I must admit I don’t know much about small businesses, I took up the odd job where I could get it but it was uncommon.” Pinkie/Amber nodded “Well then hurry up, we have one thousand cupcake to bake in the next hour.” Agate gasped as she quickly began mixing her batch. Meanwhile in the Golden Oaks Library Twisk was on a ladder that Spike was supporting. She had five books in under her arm as she reorganised the shelf, she turned to Spike “I must admit I never realised how useful having digits was until now, I took for granted and then when I was reborn in this world I just replaced it with magic.’ Spike laughed “Well yeah appendages are quite useful and…” The library shook as a voice boomed “Twilight Sparkle, The Great and Powerful Trixie challenges you to a duel, if you refuse else this town will suffer my wrath!” Twisk leapt out the window with a glare only to see several shadowy figures standing near Trixie who had a strange red and black amulet. Trixie growled “Who are you?!” Twisk frowned “I’m Twilight, a lot has changed for me since we last me and I intend to end this.” She swung a red sword at Trixie only to blocked by one the dark figures who threw her away, Twisk growled “Hiding behind bodyguards are you Trixie?!” Trixie chuckled “You’re not the real Twilight, I wanted to face Twilight the unicorn not whatever this is.” Just then one of the shadowy figure was struck with an orange spear only for it to turn to her with a growl, Agate growled “The beasts are made of pure hatred, due to the hatred in your attacks they will only get stronger with time.” Twisk grimaced “Well that’s just great. Where is Amber, wasn’t she with you?!” Pinkie/Amber slammed a green orb into one of the beasts causing it to disintegrate. She frowned “Agate you need to obliterate each one with a big attack, spears won’t work on them.” Agate raised an eyebrow “How did you kill that when then?” Pinkie/Amber rolled her eyes “My soul is Kindness and Integrity, Kindness is the bane of Hatred and thus it is quite effective against these beasts.” Agate nodded as she fired a huge orange blast obliterating three of the shadow beasts, Pinkie/Amber delivered a series of devastating punches and kicks glowing with green energy tearing the beasts to shreds. Trixie growled her eyes slowly turning black “Kill them already, you are beings of hatred for fuck’s sake!” Suddenly hordes of the creature began running out of the Everfree Forest assaulting the trio. Agate began to tire “Anyone got a plan, they just keep coming!” Twisk growled “Well I can’t kill them can I, they just feed off my power, what the fuck am I supposed to do?!” Pinkie/Amber grimaced as her body began to glow green “I have a plan, just hope it works” She let out a massive wave of green energy, the beasts of hatred evaporated as the wave hit the. Trixie screamed as she tried to push back the green barrier “I will have my revenge, I can’t stop now I’ve come too far!” Her red and black magic began to falter before dissipating as the green light slammed into the Alicorn Amulet. The cursed amulet began to crack as green energy welled up within it before it exploded. Twisk stormed over to the weakened Trixie, she lifted the mare up in the air with her sword in her hand “Give me one reason why I shouldn’t gut you like a fish!” Trixie cried “I’m sorry, I just want to show you that I was better than you and then when I grabbed the amulet I went mad with power!” Pinkie/Amber frowned as she placed a hand on Twisk’s shoulder “Take a deep breath, she made a mistake and I’m here to stop you before you make another one. She let anger cloud her judgement and you are about to do the same.” Twisk dropped the mare as she stormed off in fury, Pinkie/Amber turned to Trixie “I want you to stay in town for a while, you made a mistake but with time you will be forgiven.” Agate nodded “I have done quite a few horrible, things that can never be undone but I’m trying to make up for them one step at a time. My sister Amber has forgiven me for the pain I’ve caused her, my brother on the other hand hasn’t been so forgiving but I hope with time effort we will be a family again.” Trixie smiled weakly “I think I can do that but where would I stay?” Agate smiled “I have a small two bedroom cottage and I could use a roommate, just clean up any mess you make and we’ll be good. Trixie smiled “Thank you, I will be over in a week or two. I have to collect my stuff from home.”Agate and Pinkie/Amber smiled as the showmare galloped towards the train station. > Chapter 9: Chaos Returns > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twisk woke up in her bed, she frowned “I’m still growing in this body. I’m going to need new clothes in the future, I wonder if Amber will have this problem, I doubt it she could whip herself something really quick.” Spike frowned as he walked down the stairs bags under his eyes, he passed Twisk a letter “Celestia wants you for something, I’m going to get some more sleep.” Twisk nodded with a smile before she read the letter To my Faithful Student Twilight Sparkle/Frisk I am coming to Ponyville to discuss something important with you. It is not a world ending threat so don’t worry but I require you to bring your friends to the square. What I plan today will ease up the problems you will have to deal with, it will tough but I’m confident you can handle it and you will need the elements. From your Mentor Princess Celestia Pinkie/Amber frowned “My Pinkie Sense triggered, it told me that we are going to have to do something really annoying soon, I gathered everyone as it involved them too.” Twisk smiled “Thanks Amber, that is going to save me a lot of trouble.” Rainbow groaned as she flew in the door “Why did you have to wake me up so early Pinks? I should be sleeping right now.” Applejack frowned “Pinkie wouldn’t bring us here unless it was important, Rainbow.” Rarity entered with Fluttershy hiding behind her “I agree, this must be important.” Twisk frowned “Celestia wants us present for something and Amber has confirmed something really annoying is going to happen. I believe the two are linked, still we should meet with her and we need the elements with us.” Twisk took the elements giving them to their respective bearers, they then headed out to see Celestia’s chariot land. Celesta smiled as he levitated Discord’s statue out of the chariot, Pinkie/Amber frowned “Why is Discord here?” Celestia smiled “I wish for you to reform him.” Rainbow growled “No way!” Applejack grimaced “He is a no good trickster.” Rarity frowned “How can we even trust him, he almost took over Equestria last time.” Twilight frowned “How could you possibly think this is a good idea, he is a menace on our society.” Celestia frowned “I want you all to try, he could be a powerful ally and good friend. I believe Fluttershy should be left in charge of his reformation.” Fluttershy squeaked in response. Pinkie/Amber frowned “I see, I understand we’re your coming from but he will inevitably cause a few of us some trouble. Still I believe this will work.” Celestia smiled “I’m glad at least someone agrees with me, I wish you luck in this endeavour.” Rainbow growled “What the hey Pinkie, do you really think Fluttershy of all ponies can help him?!” Pinkie nodded “Fluttershy may not be bravest pony but when push come to shove she always pulls through for us one way or the other.’ Rarity nodded “That is true, she does pull through for us. I must admit the dragon incident would have ended really badly if it wasn’t for her.” Twisk shuddered “I remember the Cockatrice, I would still be out there a statue in the Everfree Forest… it was so cold and dark as if my life had been drained from me” she turned to Discord’s statue “I can’t imagine what it’s like of him in there. We going to do this together.” Rainbow frowned “Very well, we’ll do it but I’m not happy about it.” The six of them joined together and with the power of the Elements Discord was freed from his prison. Discord groaned as he stretched “I’m so glad to be out of that stone prison.” He clicks his claws which makes a squirrel larger and more ferocious. Rarity and Fluttershy gasps Rainbow and Applejack glare at him while Pinkie/Amber sighs. Twisk growled “What do you think you’re doing?!” Discord grinned “Why stretching of course, stone bodysuits are so a millennia ago.” He clicked his claws again mutating bunnies making their legs much longer. Pinkie/Amber shook her head “Okay enough of that.” She clicked her fingers and the animals turned back to normal. Twisk blinked “Amber, how did you do that? You undid Discord’s chaos.” Pinkie/Amber rolled her eyes “I’m surprised you didn’t figure out where my strange powers came from after we faced Discord. I didn’t use them then because I had faith we could beat him together.” Discord raised an eyebrow “Wait you two are different then I remember, you were both ponies.” Pinkie/Amber frowned “That’s a long story that we’ll tell you later” she shook her head a clicked her fingers summoning a glass of chocolate milk and drinking the glass before throwing the chocolate milk into the sky which exploded into confetti before holding her hand out “from one Master of Chaos to another will you give this reformation thing a proper go.” Discord sighed as reached over with his claw gripping Pinkie /Amber’s hand “Fine, from one Chaos Master to another.” Pinkie/Amber pulled her hand away “You know I am not stupid right, I can tell you’re planning to double cross me. I may not be as old as you but I have seen this shit before so please don’t mess with me. I want all appendages visible to me and that includes you tail.” She then held her hand out again. Discord laughed as he honestly shakes her hand “You’re good, very well I’ll try. I mean if you can do it then I can too right.” Pinkie/Amber nodded with a smile “That’s the right attitude to have.” Fluttershy smiled at Discord “How about I show where I live, follow me.” Twisk frowned as she watched the two leave the group “Amber are you sure about this? He caused a lot of trouble before.” Pinkie/Amber smiled “I do believe we should put our faith in Fluttershy, I have some to get back to Sugarcube Corner. I have baking to do.” Rainbow frowned “We’re okay with this, he just left with Fluttershy. What if he hurts her.” Applejack frowned “I doubt it, I don’t trust him yet but did he ever directly attack us. She is safe, besides Pinkie has similar powers to him.” Rarity nodded “We should trust Pinkie and Fluttershy.” Back at Fluttershy's house, Discord entered with Fluttershy. Fluttershy began to clean up the room for her new houseguest. Discord laid on the couch, when a white bunny leapt at him. He flicked the bunny away with his tail, the bunny jumped up and down angrily . Discord frowned “First I’m a guest here and second I’m quite large so pardon me for taking up a lot of space.” Fluttershy smiled weakly “Is anything I can do for you?’ Discord shrugged “Not really, I’m quite content here.” Fluttershy smiled “Well um I need to and purchase some ingredients for dinner, so feel free to make yourself at home.” Discord grinned evily at the bunny “Well she said make myself at home, I might as well.” Fluttershy returned ten minutes later to see the entire cottage floating in the sky. She entered the building to see living room rotating around, she blinked “Um Discord.” Discord turned to her with a smile “Well you did say make myself at home.” Fluttershy sighed “Yes, I did.” She took a seat “Um could you turn the room back to normal if it’s not too much trouble? I would like to get to know you more but it would help if the room wasn’t spinning.” Discord grinned “Okay, but only if I get to show you my juggling skills.” He clicked claws the room returning to normal as he began to juggle ten flaming torches. Fluttershy watched in a mix of fascination and horror “Be careful.” Discord smiled “I’ll be fine, don’t worry about it.” As if a switch was flipped the torches turned into knives, he yelped as one of the knives cut his claws. Fluttershy rammed into him as she saw the knives falling. Discord frowned “Fluttershy, why did you do…” Fluttershy let out a shriek of pain as he placed his claw on her back ,his eyes widened as he saw a knife sticking out of her back. He clicked his claws vanishing the knife, he then placed his claws over the wound pouring magic into closing as the butterscotch pegasus mare whimpered. Discord looked at her with worry “Are you okay?” Fluttershy smiled weakly “I am.” Discord frowned “Don’t do that again, my body heals naturally but yours won’t. Chaos magic is powerful but unpredictable, sometimes it plays little pranks. Now they aren’t deadly to me but to others they can be.” Fluttershy smiled “I’ll be more careful next time.” Discord nodded “No heroics, I am really trying but it feels weird. No-one would ever risk getting hurt for me before.” Fluttershy gave him a light hug “Friends help and protect one another even if it’s difficult.” Later that night, Fluttershy was giggling as Discord helped her cook. Fluttershy smiled “You’re not a bad cook Discord.” Discord laughed “It’s no problem, I had cook myself once upon a time. Being powerful gets boring after the first five thousand years or so you learn stuff to alleviate boredom.” They heard knocking, Discord smiled “I’ll help set the table.” Fluttershy smiled “Great.” She opened the door, Rainbow flew in followed by Twisk and Pinkie/Amber. Rarity came through with Applejack closing the door behind them. Discord smiled as all seven of them took a seat all of them wearing their elements, Pinkie/Amber spoke first “How everything going Discord?’ Discord smiled “Fluttershy is a very good friend” he then turned to her “Do you want gravy?” Pinkie/Amber smiled “Sure it smells lovely” Discord clicked his claws and the gravy boat poured some gravy on her food. Pinkie/Amber smiled as she began petting the boat “That’s a cute gravy boat.” Rainbow frowned “It seems more creepy to me.” The gravy boat proceeded to pour hot gravy on Rainbow Dash, Rainbow growled “Discord!” Pinkie/Amber grimaced “Rainbow Dash anything a chaos user animates is alive, and won’t obey the order of the life giver. In fact chaos magic is quite unpredictable and capable of causing it’s own effects with the user’s consent if you don’t chain it carefully.” Twisk shrugged “As far I’m concerned it’s a success, he seems to be doing his best. That’s really all we can ask for.” Rarity smiled “This food is quite good as well, I must admit this went better than I expected.” Applejack burped, she blushed “Excuse me.” Everyone laughed heartily and the group had confirmed that Discord’s reformation had been a success. > Chapter 10: Ascension > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twisk yawned as stood up, she walked downstairs with a smile. She was about to make breakfast when Pinkie/Amber entered with a scowl “Okay, Frisk do you know that Rarity is trying to control the weather?!” Twisk blinked “What?!” She galloped outside to see Rarity levitated storm clouds and snow clouds into the wrong places “Why is this happening and where is Rainbow Dash?!” Pinkie/Amber pointed to Rarity's flank “She has Rainbow Dash's Cutie Mark, she believe it’s her special talent to control the weather and annoying everypony in town.” Twisk then blinks as she sees Fluttershy trying to tell jokes to make ponies laugh as well as using different masks. Twisk frowned “Why is Fluttershy trying to be you, she has no reason to do so?” Pinkie/Amber frowned “Who is taking care of Fluttershy's cottage then!” Twisk frowned “I don’t know but I intend to find out.” The two humans headed towards Fluttershy's cottage, the opened the door to see Discord talking to the animals while Rainbow sulked in the corner with Fluttershy's cutie mark on both flanks. Discord frowned “You know I love chaos but this is ridiculous. I don’t swap ponies talents, do either of you have any idea of how this happened?” Pinkie/Amber turned to Twilight “Have you cast any magic recently, because if you practised the wrong spell it could have dire consequences.” Twisk frowned “I did read out a spell that Starswirl last night, it was unfinished though. I don’t know how this pertains to the situation.” Pinkie/Amber and Discord looked at each other before facepalming. Discord frowned “Celestia seems to have failed to teach you about verbal spells, ones that just by reading it aloud you cast it.” Pinkie/Amber nodded “And judging by the spells effects Applejack is probably making dresses. In fact if I wasn’t in my human form when you cast the spell I would be at Sweet Apple Acres, now if you excuse me I do actually need to go there. I may not be Applejack but I have some experience in farming. I’m sure I can help them out somehow.” Discord frowned “I’ll try to keep Ponyville intact while you figure out a way to fix this.” He disappeared with a flash of light as Pinkie ran toward Sweet Apple Acres. Twisk slowly walked back towards the Golden Oaks Library, she entered the Library and slumped over on her desk as Spike looked at her with a frown. Spike frowned “What are you doing?” Twisk laid there “What does it look like, I’m mopping because I switched all of my friends Cutie marks except Amber’s and they are all think that is their special talent.” Spike facepalmed “Twilight, you are their friend and you can help them because they mean a lot to you. You also mean a lot to them so go and help them.” Twilight smiled “You’re a genius Spike, I have an idea.” She levitated the six elements out of the case and ran outside, she found Fluttershy trying to entertain ponies. Fluttershy looked like she was packing her bags “I can’t make anypony laugh, I’m a failure at my own special talent.” Twilight frowned “Before you go Rainbow Dash needs you assistance, her animals are going wild.” Fluttershy nodded “I don’t know much about animals but Rainbow’s my friend and I will not hesitate to help her.” The two ponies headed towards the cottage, they entered to see Rainbow tied up by the animals. Fluttershy took a deep breath and smile warmly “Hello.. little woodland creatures? I know you are all angry and are giving Rainbow a rough time but it would be very helpful if you would all calm down a bit.” She smiled as she began feeding them “This feels right, like it’s my destiny.” Twisk smiled as she put on the element on Fluttershy, Twisk jumped up and down “It worked.’ Fluttershy blinked “What happened to me exactly and why does Rainbow have my Cutie Mark?” Twisk frowned “I think the bigger concern is Rarity is trying to control the weather.” Fluttershy frowned as she began untying Rainbow “Well we better fix that.” The two mares guided Rainbow out of the cottage to Ponyville proper. Fluttershy smiled as she pointed to Rarity “Rainbow, you can help Rarity. Please for her sake.” Rainbow nodded nervously “I will give it my best shot.” As she began to buck and move clouds she smiled. Fluttershy placed the Element of Loyalty onto her neck and Rainbow blinked “What going on?’ Twisk frowned “We don’t have time, Applejack is making dresses.” Rainbow blinked at Rarity “Okay that is a disaster, let’s go.” Rainbow smiled “Rarity Applejack needs your help.” Rarity frowned “I’m not sure about this…” Applejack was sowing dresses made out of mismatched pieces of fabric together. Rarity began making beautiful dresses with her magic, Rarity looked around bewildered “I swear I just had a horrible nightmare, Applejack was making dresses.” Twisk frowned “Never mind we need to help Applejack.” The whole group save Applejack nodded as they headed to Sweet Apple Acres. Pinkie/Amber frowned as she looked at Applejack “You need to do this, come on we believe in you.” It didn’t take long for Applejack to return to normal, after Pinkie/Amber threw a bolstering Ponyville’s spirits party the six mares were in the Golden Oaks Library. Twisk smiled “I believe I know what we need to do to finish the spell, our bond with each other.” Twisk resumed her pony form and Pinkie/Amber sighed as she did the same, they each wore their elements and then as Twilight cast the spell the other five elements fired at Twilight’s element causing her to vanish. Applejack blinked “What just happened?” Pinkie/Amber smiled “Something rare and special, something that happens very rarely and only to those who earn it” she then frowned “still I feel that this might not go smoothly.” Twisk’s eyes opened she looked to see Celestia standing before her in a strange cosmic realm, Celestia smiled “Welcome my faithful student.” Twisk blinked “Where are we?” Celestia’s smile grew as a twinkle formed in her eyes “A place where destiny is realised.” The two passed through a door, Twisk looked around in awe as pictures formed from moments in both her lives. Celestia smiled “Now it is time for you destiny to be realised.” Celestia’s smile vanished as a look of horror overcame her face as rather than a bright white light a shadowy darkness engulfed Twilight as she left the realm. Twilight returned to the realm flaring out a pair of massive bat wings, her eyes opened glowing red and slitted all of her friends save Pinkie/Amber who had resumed her human form were stunned. Twisk bared her fangs and leapt forward only for her fang to bite into a red bag in Pinkie/Amber’s hands. Pinkie/Amber frowned “I appeared Frisk is a Thestral Alicorn, she is vampiric which means she needs blood to live. It’s a recessive trait in thestrals but the Alicorn variant always has it. Celestia landed “That was quick thinking, I was worried she would kill somepony.” Pinkie/Amber rolled her eyes “I know quite a few vampiric thestrals, spare blood packs are key.” Twisk blinked “What happened.” Pinkie/Amber deadpanned “Long story short you’re an Alicorn and a vampire.” Twisk frowned at Celestia “Was this the plan.” Celestia frowned “The Alicorn part yes, the rest no.” Twisk nodded “Good, I’m going to get some sleep.” Twisk entered the library with a yawn. Pinkie/Amber frowned “I don’t think she realised it’s daylight. Still in any case I will take care of her urges.” The rest of the group nodded happy they didn’t have to deal with the vampire side of Twisk. > Chapter 11: Return to the Human World > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twisk exited the train in her human form but with a pair of batwings on her back as well as a pair of fangs sticking out of her mouth, the Element of Magic upon her head. Her friends exited with her, Pinkie/Amber frowned “Frisk, are you okay?” Twisk shuddered “I’m at a Princess Summit for the first time” she then looked around “and the smell of blood is hard to resist.” Rainbow frowned “I’m still finding it freaky that you drink blood.” Applejack grimaced “Rainbow, that is uncalled for.” Rainbow looked at them “You can’t deny that you’re all thinking that.” Fluttershy shrugged “I care for vampire bats all the time, this is just like them but with a pony. It’s no issue for me.” Applejack frowned “Ah’ve accepted it as part of her, it’s just something new and we have dealt with a lot of strange things.” Rarity nodded “I agree with Applejack.” Pinkie/Amber frowned “I’ve been through much worse than the odd vampiric Thestral Alicorn.” Spike frowned but said nothing. Rainbow sighed “Okay maybe I am being too harsh, just the idea of something drinking my blood is unnerving” she turning to Twisk “I’m sorry Twilight.” Twisk smiled “It’s okay Rainbow, I’m fine. I just hope there is nothing too bad is going to happen at this meeting.” The group entered the crystal castle to be greeted by Princess Celestia, Princess Luna and the Crystal Empress Cadence. Celestia smiled “I believe we should postpone the meeting until tomorrow, you must all be tired from the long trip.” The girls nodded as they headed into the quarters they were provided. Twisk rolled over in her bed, Twisk groaned “Urghh these wings are so annoying and I’m started to feel hungry again.” A couple of hours later a figure snuck into her room and grabbed the crown only to trip over Spike’s tail. Twisk ran out chasing after the figure only for the figure to enter a room approaching a mirror. She removed her hood revealing a mare who had a mane of yellow and red with a coat of orange, she grinned “Farewell Princess.” They all gasped as the mare jumped through the portal. The next morning they met with the Princesses and the Empress, Celestia sighed “This is my fault, that is my former student Sunset Shimmer. She was incredibly bright but I failed to tame her ego and then when I told she was no longer my student she fled this world.” Twisk frowned “I will stop her from causing any more harm.” Celestia sighed “Very well.” The group arrived at the portal. Pinkie/Amber frowned “I’m coming with you. There is no argument.” Celestia nodded “Fine but only you, it could disturb the balance of the other world if too many of us go through.” Luna smiled “Stay Safe.” Cadence nodded “We’re rooting for you.” Rainbow grinned “Go and show her what’s for.” Applejack nodded “I trust ya two can do it, ya haven’t failed before.” Rarity and Fluttershy smiled “Come home safe, we’ll be waiting for you.” With those words of encouragement the two jumped through the portal only to land in a flaming battlefield in front of a school. Human and Monster students were running around in fear as huge fiery demon was facing a human with a glowing red sword who stood beside a skeleton with a glowing blue eye. Both were showing signs of exhaustion. Twisk and Pinkie/Amber gasped “Sans, Chara.” Sans laughed “So kid, it seems this the end we can’t beat this demon!” Chara growled “We defeated Betty, we will defeat this demon as well!” The demon laughed “You think you can beat me, you two are way too weak.” A huge ball of magic was fired at them only for Twisk to jump in front of it to blocking with a red shield. Sans blinked “Who are you?!” Twisk sighed “I don’t exist in this world anymore but you knew me once.” Chara gritted her teeth as her head began to pound, Sans soon joined her. Once they recovered Chara gasped “Frisk but how you were erased.” Twisk smiled “I was reborn in a different world, I earned these wings there.” Her red eyes glowed as the save file appeared reading LV 490. San’s eyes widened in horror “How much killing have you done?!” Twisk frowned “Only a bunch of parasites and an evil king who had been carrying those four hundred levels.” The Demon growled “Stop ignoring me, I will kill you all.” Pinkie/Amber threw a barrage of pink spears at the demon “Now now Sunset, they were having a moment together.” Sans and Chara gasped “Betty.” Pinkie/Amber frowned “It’s Amber now.” She then teleported in front of Sunset taking the crown and then placing her hand on the demons forehead forcing kindness energy to suppress the hatred and pain in Sunset’s heart. Sunset collapsed to the ground, she looked up feeling the anger and hatred being contained behind a wall. She looked up “What did you do?’ Pinkie/Amber smiled “I gave you a break from the hatred and anger in your heart, maybe with some help you can recover.” Twisk smiled “Chara, Sans as much as I’d love to stay my home needs me as one of it’s leaders. Still I hope I can return here in the future to say hi. In the meantime Sunset will need you help, I can I trust you to do that right.” The two monsters gave confused nods. The two humans the left as quickly as they came leaving the two confused individuals to care for Sunset Shimmer. > Finale: Delta Rune > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- In the streets of Ponyville a dark shadow began to grow with power, all of Equestria started to shake as a dark blue bipedal figure with glowing red eyes emerged “It’s been a while since I have stepped upon this world but now it will be my playground!” Twisk meanwhile in the Golden Oak library felt her body grow heavy as she felt the power “This is really bad, such hatred has been unleashed. Can we stop it.’ Pinkie/Amber shivered as a wave of dread wracked her body “That is not good at all.” Agate nodded “Something is awfully wrong, a great evil permeates the air. One greater than both you and I used to be.” Discord was stunned, even the mighty Grogar was nothing compared to this being. He was for the first time in his life terrified of what would happen.” Celestia and Luna as well as Copper were afraid, more afraid than they had ever been. The figure walked toward the Golden Oaks Library only for Twisk to slam her red sword onto him. He laughed at her darkly “On anyone else that many have but I am Animosity master of Hatred and your demise. This world is mine, the Alicorns can’t save you.” He grabbed her by the head and slammed her into the ground then fired a blast into her body sending the human flying in several directions. Twisk growled at Animosity as her body put itself back together. Pinkie/Amber arrived alongside Agate, the threw a barrage of spears at the dark entity only for them to bounce off. Pinkie/Amber then punched with a glowing hand of green only to be grabbed and thrown away “You think a little bit of Kindness will kill me, I’m not some minion.” He looked towards the humans “I am giving you three one chance, join me on my conquest of this world. There is not force that can stop me, I am greater than even that silly Lord of Chaos so join me or die.” Agate growled “We will never join you, we will bring you to an end!” Pinkie started firing blasts of kindness energy only for the entity to walk through them “You are petty and weak beings who deserve to be annihilated by my might.’ A huge ball of chaos slammed into him, only for it to explode. Discord grimaced “You must leave. I will hold him off for as long as I can.” Animosity laughed “What could you possibly do to me and don’t even think about those elements either. I am stronger than them, stronger then you’re precious Tree of Harmony. In fact it is the first thing on my list for destruction after you all.” Pinkie/Amber growled“Twisk, we need a plan right now before he kills us!” Twisk looked down “I don’t know what to do, there is no way to stop such a beast. I don’t even know what it is yet alone how to deal with it. I’m afraid with lost I’m sorry.” Pinkie/Amber growled as she grabbed her “That’s bull shit and you know it, you were never the one to give up and I hope you don’t plan on starting now because you are better than this. Better than me and most certainly better than him.” Twisk frowned “Do you have any way to unite our powers, to pull off a miracle because it’s all we have?” Agate frowned “There is one idea but we need Copper for it and he is in Canterlot.” Meanwhile in Canterlot they were watching the fight through a spell, Celestia frowned “Copper you must help them for the sake of us all. It’s up to you three to stop him.” Copper looked down in shame“I can’t do it, I am not ready to face them. What happened to them is my fault, I failed to support one and then failed to protect the other.” Luna smacked him “You Idiot! You’re not the only sibling who has screwed up, I turned to into Nightmare Moon because I was jealous and then because of my jealousy my sister was left alone upon a pedestal that nopony could fill. You failed them and now here you are failing them again, they need your help and if you want to get over you failure then stop filling.” His eyes opened in realisation “You’re right, I have been a fool but I have a chance to make this right. I need to forgive Agate and myself for Amber’s sake if nothing else.” Celestia smiled “Then we’ll send you there, to do what must be done.” The two Alicorn’s horns glowed sending him to the battlefield. Copper ran over to his siblings, he slumped “I’m sorry for failing you two before.” Agate sighed “I’m as much to blame as you but we can overcome this together as a family.” Pinkie/Amber nodded with a grin “And let’s start by taking down that bastard together.” The three ran into a triangle formation around Animosity as Discord was bleeding from the barrage of attacks. Discord teleported away as he saw the three, Animosity raised an eyebrow “What are you three going to do that could possibly harm me?” There voiced boomed with power as Pinkie/Amber and Agate placed two spears one pink and one a bright orange while Copper placed his red sword into the ground “By the power within in us” three triangles with white outlines appeared, two were across from each other while another was at the point as is they were inside a giant triangle and it faced the opposite way to the other two “we overcome adversity” the triangles outlines turned gold “and become one” the triangles filled up with gold before they shouted “DELTA RUNE!” The Triangles linked up to each other and with a flash of power golden light struck the figure in the centre, Animosity’s screams died away as he was erased from existence. The world was at peace once more and maybe even more importantly a family from a different world has returned to peace after so many years of conflict and strife.