> Shh! > by SuppressedAura > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Urges > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “And that’s how to maintain a steady friendship. Any questions? No? Alright then, we’ll move on to notes...” Sandbar sat quietly at his desk, eyelids drooping. “I’m so bored...” he thought to himself. Class was never usually full of fun/interesting tasks to do, but for some reason, today felt even longer of a drag than normal. He looked around the class. Only about a quarter of the class was actually writing things down. Some were on their phones, some were talking to their friends, some were even sleeping. He squinted to look in the back and saw Smolder, who was face down on the table and snoring. Yeesh. At least she wasn’t the only one. Sandbar sighed. He looked for some form of entertainment. Checking to see if Professor Twilight was looking at him, he turned around and searched for his friend Gallus. He found him a couple seats away, but something seemed... off. Gallus was fine, but he seemed like he was in pain. His legs were twisted together, he was sweating profusely, and he had a flustered expression on his face. He was biting his lip so roughly, Sandbar could swear he saw blood. Suddenly, Gallus’ hand flew up in the air. “E-Excuse me, Professor Twilight, can I go to the bathroom?” Twilight looked back at who asked, and saw Gallus. “Yes, you may. Don’t take too long, you don’t wanna miss key information.” “Thank you!” Gallus rose from his seat, and rushed to the door. No one else looked at Gallus, as they were too bored to care, but Sandbar’s eyes shrunk when he saw Gallus get up. Gallus’ cock was exposed, although that might be an understatement. His knot was full out of his sheath, and his shaft was throbbing with clear pre already at the tip. Sandbar had to cover his mouth before he gasped in shock. By this time, Gallus had already left the room. But the thought stapled itself to Sandbar’s mind. He’d been friends with Gallus for a while, but he’d never seen that part of his friend before. All sorts of questions flew through his head, like “How long is it?” “What made him hard like that in class?” or the most important one, “HOW AM I THE ONLY PERSON WHO SAW THAT?!” Sandbar put his head back on the desk, distraught now. He felt a vibration on his cheek. He lifted his head back up and opened his binder, where he kept his phone. The screen lit up and showed a message from... Gallus. Sandbar immediately went back to thinking of his friend’s pulsing shaft and cringed. What could he be saying if he’s in the bathroom? Sandbar took a deep breath. “Maybe... maybe he just needs me to take notes while he’s gone. He might *cough* need a while...” Sandbar swipes up on the text to see what it said. Hey Sandy. You think you could come to the bathroom please? I’m having a bit of an issue right now and I could really use your help. Sandbar’s face lit up a bright red. “What could he mean by that? There’s no way he was... there’s no way he’s asking me to help him with his b-boner or something weird like that...” Sandbar’s own stallionhood began poking out his sheath. Sandbar really didn’t want to go see what Gallup’s was doing in the bathroom, but at the same time he couldn’t leave his friend behind if he really needed help. He mentally slapped himself for what he was about to do. “Professor Twilight, can I go to the bathroom?” Twilight turned around again. “Isn’t someone already out? You’re not trying to skip class are you?” “N-no! It’s an emergency!” Twilight groaned in response. “Fine, you can go. Don’t take too long.” Sandbar uttered a quick ‘thanks’ to Twilight and sped out the classroom door and through the halls. After not very long, The green pony found himself in front of the bathroom. He gathered all the courage he could find to keep himself from walking back to class and trotted into the bathroom. He looked around the area for Gallus. “Gallus?” Sandbar whispered. “It’s me Sandbar, I got your text. W-where are you?” Suddenly a stall door opened and Sandbar was yanked in without warning. “Sandbar! Thank god you’re here.” Gallus hugged Sandbar tightly, making him blush. Some of it from Gallus’ affection, but mostly because his shaft grinded against Sandbar’s soft chest. Gallus pulled away and scratched the back of his head. “So um... I’m sure you can see the issue I’m having.” Sandbar looked down and awkwardly stared at his erection. “Heh heh... yeah, I can see it. “ Gallus put his talon on Sandbar’s shoulder. “Listen, I know we’re 2 dudes, but I was hoping I could get your help with getting this down so I can go back to class. I under stand if you don’t—“ “Sure!” “Gallus paused and looked up at Sandbar, who was so embarrassed, he was surprised he hadn’t left yet. “I mean... yeah. I can help you.” Sandbar nudged Gallus back onto the toilet seat and got on his knees. He had never done this before, but he’d already promised Gallus that he would give him release. He rubbed a hoof up and down the shaft, making the gryphon shiver in response. “T-thank you again for this, Sandbar... you have no idea how much I’ve needed this.” Sandbar looked up, still stroking his meat. “No problem, man. Happy to assist.” Sandbar increased his speed, making pre flow out the tip of the shaft and into his hooves. He wondered how it would taste... He was already jerking off his best friend, so he figured going a step further wouldn’t hurt. Gallus panted, enjoying the working hooves of Sandbar, when he felt an amazing, wet, and warm feeling on his cock. “H-huh..?” He looked down and saw Sandbar’s eyes closed, with his mouth closed around his tip, feeling the pony’s tongue circling around his throbbing member. Gallus threw his head back and started letting out soft purrs, which let Sandbar know he was doing a good job. Gallus placed his claws behind Sandbar’s head, rubbing behind his ears and running his talons through his hair. Sandbar took this oppertunity to go down deeper on Gallus, relaxing his throat and slurping more of the gryphon’s delicious shaft into his mouth, making Gallus moan louder. Gallus felt his balls tighten in anticipation. He tapped Sandbar’s head. Sandbar looked up and popped off of Gallus’ cock. “I’m close, d-don’t stop!” Gallus pushed Sandbar’s head back onto his shaft, pushing him down deeper than before. Sandbar almost choked, but began shakily breathing through his nose to keep from pulling back off. The loud shlicks of saliva mixed with precum echoed in the bathroom. Gallus growled, his legs trembling in his seat. “H-here it... comes!” Gallus let go of Sandbar’s head. Sandbar’s quickly pulled up for air, then started sucking on the tip while stroking his friend’s shaft. That was the tipping point. Gallus let out a high pitched moan, and squirted his salty, hot cum into Sandbar’s mouth. It had a weird taste, but Sandbar swallowed the gooey liquid and kept sucking. Gallus fell back onto the wall in satisfied relief. Sandbar slowly pulled off of the shaft, savoring the flavor before finally letting it fall out of his mouth. Panting, Gallus pulled Sandbar in a tight embrace. “Thank you bro. I really appreciate what you did for me.” Sandbar blushed, and muttered a “You’re Welcome” back before Gallus noticed something wet on his chest. He pulled back and felt Sandbar’s thick stallionhood throbbing against his fur, smearing pre over his midsection. Gallus looked at Sandbar with a questioning glance. “Did you want me to—“ Sandbar interrupted. “No man, it’s fine. I helped you and that’s what I came to do, I’ll be fine. Go back to class. “But-“ Sandbar stopped Gallus from talking with a quick smooch on the cheek. “I’m. Fine. Go back to class, it’s the last class so it’s okay. Just pack my stuff up and bring it to the room please?” Gallus rubbed his face and nodded. He left the stall and walked back to class. Well, that’s one way to make school better... > The Aftershock > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gallus closed the stall, and walked up to the sink. Bringing a claw to his view, he spread his talons and saw the sticky, white string of cum stretch back and forth. Bleugh. He wet a paper towel and cleaned up the rest of the mess on his crotch. Ruffling his hair, he took a deep breath and stared at himself in the mirror. “Are you okay?” Sandbar called from the stall. Gallu broke from his focus. “Y-Yeah, I’m good. Just walking back to class.” “Good. I’ll see you in our room.” Gallus walked out of the bathroom. He hesitated when he exited, wanted to talk to Sandbar, but when he hears the sound of soft squeaks and groans from the room, he put some pep in his step and started walking back to class. He figured since it’s the last class of the day and it’ll take awhile to get back to class, he had plenty of time to reflect on what just happened. It had only occurred a couple moments ago, but it was already becoming a blur in Gallus’ mind. “I can’t believe he really did what I said. I thought he’d take it as a joke, or walk out in disgust, but... He stuck by me.” Gallus kept replaying the events in his head. “It could just be that we have a strong friendship... But maybe the emotions I feel now are more than just that.” It’d be different if he just liked the pleasure and nothing else. Gallus didn’t just enjoy the sex, but he liked the feeling of warmth when he hugged the green pony tightly in his grip. He loved running his talons through Sandbar’s hair. He liked the way Sandbar felt against his body, feeling the heat emanating from his d- Gallus stopped and looked down. He saw his tip starting to peak out of his sheath again. “On second thought, maybe I should finish this when I get back to my room.” Gallus opened the classroom door and sat in his chair. Nobody seemed to notice or care that him and Sandbar were gonna for a long time, but he wasn’t complaining. He starting packing Sandbar’s stuff and got ready for the bell to ring. As he was packing, he still had so many questions. Why did Sandbar do what I asked when he easily could’ve gotten in trouble? Does he have some type of feelings for me I didn’t know about? How awkward is it gonna be when he shows up at our dorm? The bell rang, and Gallus quickly got up and zoomed out the classroom. Soon, he found himself in his and Sandbar’s room. He place their bags at the door and flopped on the bed. He pulled out his phone and started texting Sandbar. ‘Hey, I took our stuff in our room. When do you think you’ll be up here?’ Immediately, he got a message from him back. ‘Omw up from the bathroom, I’ll be up in 10-15. Think you can handle living until I get up there?’ Gallus chuckled, and gave his response. ‘Ha ha. Yeah I’ll be fine, just checking on you. Don’t take too long, I wanna see you so we can talk.’ Gallus put his phone down and spread himself out on the bed. All the emotions from earlier came crashing back into his mind. “All over some pony boy,” he thought. He could feel himself starting to get hard again. Groaning, he turned over and started drifting off. “Maybe some rest and relaxation will make me feel better...” ~Dream Sequence~ Gallus’ eyes snapped open, he looked around at his surroundings and realized he was in his dorm’s bathroom. Odd. Suddenly, he felt a cold feeling below his waist. “You’re so hard, Gallus... I can’t wait to hear the cute moans you make when you cum~” “Wait, SANDBAR??” Before he even had time to react to what was happening, Sandbar dove his head down and started sucking Gallus off again. Gallus clenched his teeth, still trying to piece together what was happening. It seemed he was too flustered to think about anything, as he could feel his approaching climax. “Sandbar... I’m close...” Gallus muttered under his breath. Sandbar grinned and with a loud slurp, pulled off of the griffon’s shaft. Gallus looked down in desperation. “Why’d you stop, I was about to-“. Sandbar pressed a hoof to his beak. “That was just the side dish, my friend.” Sandbar turned around and lifted his tail, swaying his hips side to side. “I want you to give me the main course.” Gallus blushed and covered his face in embarrassment. “Come on man, that’s so corny....” “Stop playing games, Gallus. You know you want some of this. Besides, you’re not just gonna walk back to bed with a raging hard on without taking care of it, are you?” Gallus looked down and saw his cock, throbbing and dripping from his orgasm denial. Did he really wanna do this? It didn’t feel real to him, but he didn’t want to pass up this opportunity. He sighed and rubbed his cock against Sandbar’s flank. He lined up his tip with the pony’s puckered hole, and— ~Sequence Over~ ‘Gasp!’ Gallus jumped up in his bed, bumping his head against the wall. “Ow... What the heck was I just dreaming about? That was probably the weirdest thing I’ve even seen...” Rubbing his head, he looked down and noticed that he had a boner from his dream. He mentally slapped himself for not just taking care of his issue earlier. ‘Great... As if this day could get anymore crazy.’ Just as he said that, he saw the only thing that could have made his day potentially worse. Seeing Sandbar standing right at the door. Sporting a hard on of his own. ‘How did I get myself into this?’ > Confrontation > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sandbar froze in the doorway, a shocked look plastered on his face. “I just walked in on Gallus with his cock out!” He thought to himself. “Granted, I did just suck his dick earlier, but still…” “Soooo… I see that you’re back from the bathroom, heh…” Gallus nervously brushed aside his hair, his eyes fixated on Sandbar’s… excitement, so to speak. “Y-yeah…” Sandbar nervously scratches his hair. “I’m here.” Gallus spluttered out a response. “Listen, it’s n-not what you think it is. I’ve been sleeping and I woke up with morning— well I guess evening wood. Anyway, it’s not important…” “Sure, Gallus. I believe you, buddy.” Sandbar started inching his way back out the door, his throbbing cock bobbing in the cool air. “Wait, where’re you going?” “I figured you wanted to talk so I made my way up here but um, it kinda looks like you have your own problems to work out…” Sandbar reaches to pull the door shut. “No, wait!” Gallus broke his staring contest with Sandbar’s shaft and gazed up and the pony’s face. He looked just as embarrassed as Gallus was. Gallus sighed and sat up in his bed. “I do. I wanted to…” Gallus blushes and looks away. “Ask why you did what you did in the bathroom.” Sandbar came back in the room and crawled in the bed next to Gallus, who wrapped his tail around Sandbar’s waist. Sandbar blushes and lied his head on his friend’s shoulder. “Well you’re my friend, Gallus… you said you had a problem so I helped you fix it. Isn’t that what we’re here to learn?” “Wha— we’re learning about friendship and kindness! YOU SUCKED MY DICK AT SCHOOL. Don’t you think it’s a little bit more than just friendship?” Sandbar's cock twitched at the memory. Sandbar glanced away from Gallus and started running circles on his chest with his hoove to avoid looking at the gryphon. “Sandbar, we both know that what happened in the bathroom was more than just a friendly gesture. It’s just me and you in here. So can you tell me how you feel?” Sandbar looked back up at Gallus, who had a concerned look on his face. “Fine, but… you can’t laugh at what I’m gonna say.” Gallus places his talon on Sandbar’s thigh. “I promise, bro. I just want to know.” Sandbar buries his head in a pillow and lets out a loud sigh. “Look, I like you okay…?” Sandbar mutters. “What was that I heard?” “I like you, Gallus. But me and you both know how taboo it is for us to like each other. So when you said you had a hard-on, I thought this would be the chance I could use to tell you I like you. But I ended up flaking out and not telling you.” Gallus looked down at Sandbar in disbelief. But slowly, Gallus starting piecing together little details about him. “He does stick by me a lot… and lately, he’s been really nervous and stuttering when he talks compared to when we first met. Has Sandbar had a crush on me this entire time and I never even thought to realize it?” “Wow Sandbar, I… I don’t know what to say.” Sandbar unconsciously starting caressing the gryphon’s groin. “It’s fine, it’s a lot to take in. I just needed to tell you how I really feel about you before it got out of hand. I think about you a lot, y’know…” Gallus blushed and ran his talons through Sandbar’s hair. “I think you’re nice and all Sandbar, but what if other people at school see us? And I’ve never even been in a relationship before.” Sandbar flipped over and put his hooves together. “P-Please? At least consider thinking about it?” Gallus looked at the sincerity in the pony’s shimmering green eyes. “He must really want to be with me…” Gallus thought. “Look,” Gallus sighed in defeat. “Let’s give it shot.” Sandbar gasped and hugged Gallus tight. “Thank you so much, Gallus!” Gallus looked away, still feeling jittery from every that’s happened. “We’ll take it slow, okay? None of all that cliche lovey-dovey pony stuff.” Sandbar let go of Gallus and climbed out of bed. “You got it…” Sandbar leaned into the gryphon’s ear “...boyfriend.” Gallus’ heart fluttered at the words. “Just… g-go to bed, you dork…” Sandbar chuckled and walked over to his bed. “Okay, okay. I’ll see you in the morning, Gallus.” “Goodnight, Sandbar.” Sandbar climbed into bed and fell straight into sleep. Getting under his own covers, Gallus realized he was still hard. Already feeling tired, he decided to let it die down and just go to sleep. He had a long, draining day and wanted some rest. Gallus closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep, unaware of the interesting morning that was soon to follow. > Experimentation > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gallus arose in his bed with a yawn, scratching his back groggily. “Man… that was the best sleep I’ve had in awhile…” He looked out his dorm’s window, realizing it was still somewhat dark outside. “I haven’t woken up this early in a long time.” He slowly crawled out of bed, making his way to the bathroom. Looking at himself in the mirror, he observed how messy his feathers were. “Jeez, my face is a mess. What happened last night?” he murmured to himself. Trying to brush his hair back into place, he retraced his steps from the night before. After the “exchange” with Sandbar, he came back to the dorm from class and— Then the events of last night hit him like a truck. Oh yeah, he had a long conversation with Sandbar about being together. They were up so late that he didn’t get the chance to take a shower. “How did I manage to forget something like that?” Gallus blushes, thinking back to last night. Sandbar wanted to be his… boyfriend. The word sent shivers down the griffon’s spine. Even though the two were already very close friends, it made Gallus feel warm and fuzzy knowing that Sandbar had feelings for him. The other 4 of his clique were cool in their own ways, but Sandbar has always stuck out in terms of being amazing and there for him. Gallu stared at his reflection in the mirror, imagining his green pony right by his side. There were so many surprise factors to being in a relationship, especially with someone who cared as much for Gallus as Sandbar did. “What would we do together? How long would it last? How long would it take before we… oh Celestia…” His more intimate questions made sexual tension from the night before return. Before he knew it, Gallus was sporting a raging hard on thinking about his new relationship. He snapped out of his thoughts and looked at his waist. “M-Maybe I should shower first and worry about all that stuff later.” He suppressed his urges (for now) and turned on the water. |~Transition~| After singing and shaking his feathers out one last time, Gallus hopped out the shower. Wrapping himself in a towel, the griffon took a look at himself in the mirror. “I really am boyfriend material, aren’t I.” He blew a kiss, posing in the mirror. Gallus snickered and headed out the bathroom. Gallus walked over to his bed in his towel and laid back down. Throwing his towel back on the dresser, he sighed and snuggled back under his bedsheets. “No reason to get up completely, it’s still early. Might as well catch some extra z’s.” He sighed and closed his eyes, drifting off to sleep… “Ahh…” Gallus opened an eye, wondering what he just heard. He stayed silent, listening for another sound, but it never came. Shrugging his shoulders, he placed his head back down going back to sleep. “F-Fuck… Gallus…” “There it is again. What is that?” Gallus got back out of bed and started looking around. His eyes stopped on a certain green pony. “Maybe it’s just one of Sandbar’s weird dreams again.” Gallus whispered. Sandbar yawned and turned over in his sleep. Gallus blinked in shock and blushed so hard, you’d think his face was on fire. “Yeah… and now I know what he’s d-dreaming about…” Sandbar was tenting in his sheets, his drooling and unfaltered smile making it pretty clear to Gallus that he was having a wet dream. Gallus wanted to look away, but the alluring scent of the shaft and the sight of the bulge twitching from under the covers sent Gallus into a frenzy. “We’re dating now, so this isn’t off-limits, right? He’s already seen my dick anyway, so I gotta even the score…”. Gallus gulped and reached a shaky talon to the covers shielding his pony’s meat. Slowly but surely, he lifted the sheets and Sandbar’s erection popped up to stand at attention. Gallus tossed the sheets on the other side of the bed. He didn’t get a good look at Sandbar’s cock when they were in the bathroom, but now he could stare at it in its full glory. It was a little bit longer than Gallus’, but not as thick. Gallus couldn’t take his eyes off of it. “Well I’ve made it this far.” He slowing wrapped one talon around the flare, lifting a claw to spread the pre around the tip. Sandbar’s sounds came to a stop, which scared Gallus, but not enough to make him release his grip on his stallionhood. He turned around and Sandbar was still drooling away, having the dream of his life. “Still safe.” Gallus dragged his hand up and down the shaft, coaxing more pre to gather and dribble down his meat. If Sandbar’s staggered breaths were any indication, Gallus was doing a good job. He lowered his free hand to rub Sandbar’s sack, fondling the warm orbs as he continued his stroking. Gallus looked back at Sandbar’s face, the pony was softly moaning again with his mouth wide open. Gallus smiles at the sight, and intensified his handy work. Sandbar began to lightly thrust into Gallus’ motions. “Oh Gallus… y-you’re so good…” Gallus turned back at Sandbar in fear, only to realize he was still sleeping. “Is he dreaming about having sex with me?” Gallus’ own cock throbbed while he continued to rub the sleeping Sandbar’s shaft. Soon, soft squelches filled the room as Gallus continued to pump his pony’s meat. Gallus’ blush grew, his nose filled with the scent of Sandbar’s delicious musk. “I need more…” said Gallus, the hunger apparent in his eyes. Gallus crawled onto the bed, getting close to Sandbar. Still jerking off the base, the griffon placed the tip in his beak. Sandbar’s moans became more high pitched as Gallus worked the cock into his throat. Miraculously, Gallus was able to make it to the bottom, and even better than that, Sandbar was still sound asleep, babbling the griffon’s name every so often. Gallus began sucking off Sandbar, slurping slowly to attempt to muffle the sound. Sandbar’s moans were increasing in sound, as well as his thrusts becoming more erratic and desperate. Gallus moved a talon to his own cock and started stroking. “Sweet Celestia, this is so hot.” The thought of Sandbar waking up only fueled his lust and made him suck faster. He could feel Sandbar getting closer with each barrage of thrusts the pony gave. “Ahh… I’m gonna…” The griffon took this as a sign to get ready. With a loud shlick, Gallus pulled off his boyfriend’s shaft and started jerking him off as fast as he could. “Come on, you big oaf…” Gallus whispered. “Give me all you got…”. Gallus placed his beak over Sandbar’s cock and took a long, teasing lick. “F-Fuck!” Sandbar suddenly thrusted forward, bringing his cock back into Gallus’ mouth as he shot string after string of cum down the griffon’s throat. “This is so gross.” Gallus tried to convince himself, but he couldn’t stop drinking his pony’s creamy fluid. He was suffocating, but managed to stay on long enough for Sandbar’s climax to die down. Gallus swallowed and took a huge breath of air back in his lungs. He took a look at his talons, which were drenched with saliva, Sandbar’s cum and some of his own pre. “I can’t believe I actually did that.” So many emotions were flowing through his mind, but one in particular had priority over the rest. Gallus’ eyes went down to his dick, angry and twitching with need. Using his messy claw as lube, he rubbed his own cock, imagining Sandbar’s hand in place of his own. Fuck, that’s good…” But before he could react accordingly to his hormones, he heard a yawn coming from his right. “Is it day time already…?” Without thinking, Gallus quickly shook out his claws and hopped into his own bed. “OhgodohgodImsodead” Gallus’ heart was jumping out of his chest, praying to Celestia that Sandbar didn’t realize his trusty neighborhood griffon was giving him head in his sleep. Sandbar sat up in his bed, taking a moment to stretch his legs. “Man, I slept well. Probably one of the best dreams yet too…” Sandbar smirked, remembering the lewd events of his slumber. He reaches to his covers to pull them off, and recoiled in shock at the sight. “Whoa! Maybe too good of a dream!” “Whew… he thinks it was a wet dream, I’m in the clear…” “I better clean this up, before Gallus gets suspicious about why my sheets are sticky.” Sandbar gathered his sheets (after much struggle) and made his way to the laundry room. As soon as Gallus was sure that Sandbar was completely gone, he threw back his own covers and started furiously rubbing his cock. At this point, he was so pent up that he didn’t care if he got caught or not. Gallus took his free talon and squeezed his knot. Usually he liked to take his time when he was alone, but seeing Sandbar cum down his throat was too much for his body to handle. “You jerked him off. While he was sleeping. And let him squirt a hot load down your maw.” Gallus’ strokes increased in speed, as he wildly bucked his hips into his claws. He felt a familiar pressure building up in his loins, he was getting so close- The doorknob turned. Gallus whined and tore his talons away from his shaft so he could pull the covers back. It leaked pre rapidly as he turned his back to the door. Sandbar walked in the room and jumped back into his bed, pulling out his phone from his dresser. “Now that that’s taken care of, I can chill. Class doesn’t start for another hour.” Gallus wanted to scream. He wanted to finish what he started, and he definitely wanted to wash the taste out his mouth from earlier. But he couldn’t. All he could do was close his eyes. > Class > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “...and there was this huge explosion, it was amazing!” “Uh huh.” Sandbar and (an irritated) Gallus were heading to their first class of the day, as Sandbar recollected on an interesting dream he had the night previously. “And then there was a rocket coming towards me and— hey, are you okay?” Sandbar looked over to Gallus, whose feathers were messy and eyes were drooping. “Hmm? O-oh yeah I’m fine, keep telling me about your dream…” Gallus avoided eye contact with Sandbar, in fear that his face would strike a nerve and bring him further on edge. “So the rocket was getting closer to me, so I had to—“. Sandbar glanced back over to Gallus, who was nervously fiddling with his claws. Sandbar stopped walking and grabbed Gallus by the shoulders. “Y’know we’re in a relationship now, Gall. So if there’s an issue, I want to be able to help you.” Gallus stared Sandbar in his eyes and gulped. He was right. And Sandbar would be the most equipped to handle his special “issue”. “I swear, I’m fine.” But he couldn’t bring himself to tell him that he was horny as hell. He couldn’t afford another quickie in the bathroom, Professor Applejack would be furious if he kept showing up late to class. “If you say so. But don’t be scared to let me know, okay?” Gallus nodded. Sandbar smiled and planted a kiss on the griffon’s cheek. That fuzzy feeling from earlier was returning in Gallus’ loins. Before long, the 2 ended up in class. Gallus and Sandbar took their normal seats in the back. As more people started to pile into class, Sandbar scooted closer to Gallus. “Hey, I didn’t get to share the best part of my dream.” Gallus rolled his eyes and giggled. “Because the exploding rocket wasn’t exciting enough. But sure, what was the best part?” Sandbar motioned Gallus to come closer. “At the end of my dream, I was back in my bed in our dorm…” “Uh huh?” “And you showed up…” Gallus’ grin slowly faded into an expression of horror as he realized exactly what was coming next. “Uh… huh…” “And you hopped up on my bed… and gave me the most incredible blowjob in the world.” Gallus’ gulped hard and stuttered out a response. “That uh… s-sounds like a great dream you had there…” Sandbar sighed in content, leaning back in his chair. “Yeah, it was. It felt so real too, like you were really there!” “Yeah I bet…” “What?” Gallus crosses his legs and looked away. “Nothing!” Sandbar ignored his boyfriend’s obvious distress and continued with his recollection of his dream. “I was contemplating telling you this, but I literally woke up in a puddle of cum, Gall. Crazy, right? I’ve had wet dreams before, but not as intense as this one.” The burning in Gallus’ crotch returned, and stronger than ever. Gallus couldn’t stop his body from pushing his cock out his sheath, leaving him with a painfully hard erection. “Fuck…” he cursed under his breath. “Why didn’t I just jerk off?” Normally, Gallus would humor Sandbar’s story. Crack a joke and make him laugh instead of paying attention to the lessons. But of course, he took this day to suck off his boyfriend’s morning wood, leaving himself amorous when he’s supposed to be learning. Sandbar couldn’t stop himself from talking more in detail. “It was great. But nothing could beat the real thing.” Sandbar bopped Gallus on the beak. Gallus sighed heavily and placed his head on his desk. “Hah, I’m just pushing your buttons.” “In more ways than one,” Gallus thought. “Not that I’m not down for the offer.” Every word the pony uttered fueled Gallus’ unwanted lust. Before Gallus could yell at Sandbar to stop, Applejack walked in the room. “Thank god…” he whispered. Gallus sank deeper in his chair. ~~~~~ The two had been in class for about 10 minutes, and Gallus could not stop thinking about having sex with Sandbar. No matter how hard he crossed his legs and closed his eyes, his need just wouldn’t pass. He was just a whimpering, drippy mess and nobody had a clue. Not even his even more clueless boyfriend, who got him into this mess. No matter how many times he tried to tell himself it wasn’t his fault, essentially it was. “All I had to do was take a shower and go back to bed. But I didn’t, and now I’m horny like a mare in heat.” He grumbled to himself. Still flustered, Gallus brought his head back up and took out a pencil and paper from his bag. Maybe drawing will take my mind off of it…” He didn’t know what he was going to draw, he just dragged the utensil across the paper and hoped that it would distract him from his issue. Sandbar was diligently taking notes, but eventually he was starting to get bored. “Man, this blows.” He turned his attention to Gallus, who was furiously scribbling something. “Ooh, what’re you making, Gallus?” The griffon didn’t deter from his focus, he was so dazed that he didn’t even hear Sandbar call his name. “Gallus?” Sandbar called a little louder. Still, he didn’t hear the call. Sandbar tapped Gallus on the shoulder. “Gallus!” He whisper shouted. There’s no way he didn’t hear t- “WHAT?!” Well Gallus certainly heard it. Unfortunately, the entire class did too. Everyone turned around to face the two, including an angry Applejack. “What in tarnation are you two yellin’ about?” Before Gallus could yell something else, Sandbar piped up, “Nothing, he was trying to sleep during class and I had to wake him up!” Applejack stared at them blankly. “Well can ya wake him up quietly next time? And Gallus, no sleeping in class.” Everyone turned back around, leaving Sandbar to question Gallus about what just happened. “Dude, what the hell was that? I just wanted to see what you were drawing.” Gallus was face to face with Sandbar. There wasn’t really much he could say this time. He might as well just tell him the truth and— “I-I’m sorry Sandbar, I was just really caught up in my drawing.” Or he could keep stalling. “Well can I see it?” Gallus nodded. He handed the paper to Sandbar. But then he realized something. He didn’t really have an end goal of what he wanted to draw, nor was he even paying attention to what he was actually doing. So what did he draw? Let’s just say he drew what was on his mind. Sandbar received the paper, and almost fell out of his chair. There was a griffon and a stallion on some sort of bed or couch. The pony was giving the griffon a blowjob, making little love hearts come out of the receiver. And unshockly enough, Sandbar could see a certain set of turtles on the stallion’s flank. Sandbar gulped hard and took a look back at Gallus whose head was back on the desk and facing the other way, not even aware of the reaction Sandbar just had. Sandbar took one solid at Gallus and realized the issue. Gallus had a boner, he had been avoided eye contact all day, constantly been nervously hunched over, and his normally neat feathers were ruffled like he hadn’t slept in days. “Obviously he’s pent up. I’ve been through the same thing dozens of times.” Sandbar mentally slapped himself in the face for not connecting the dots sooner. “Well at least now I know the problem, but… I can’t exactly ‘help’ him out, we’re still in class!” Sandbar looked over at Gallus again, who was whimpering softly and his legs were twitching. Sandbar sighed and started sucking on a hoof. “I can’t just leave him there. All I can do is hope to not get caught…” Gallus gave up with trying to learn anything or distract himself with tasks. He sighed in defeat, not moving his head off the desk. At this point, the next option was d- “y-yip!” A cold shiver ran through Gallus’ body as he felt a wet, warm hoof grasp his already drooling member. He quickly turned over Sandbar, who was fully focused on getting him off. “Sandbar, what’re you doing?!” Gallus whisper shouted. “I think it’s pretty obvious to both of us what I’m doing, Gall.” Sandbar whispered back. Before Gallus could further bicker with him, Sandbar shushed Gallus with his free hoof. Gallus was face to face with his captor. “It’s just like the bathroom. Just be quiet, and enjoy the ride. Pretend like it’s just me and you.” Gallus shivered again. As much as he wanted to object, he couldn’t think of another time where he’d get another chance to live this experience. Plus the aforementioned arousal was really taking a toll on his thinking process. “T-Thank you…” Gallus muttered before sinking lower into his chair and spreading his legs out, giving Sandbar full access to his cock. “I’m glad we see eye to eye.” Sandbar grinned and licked his lips. Gallus covered his beak as Sandbar continued his rhythmic strokes on the griffon’s member. “If this is the only chance I get, might as well enjoy it.” Gallus exhaled heavily starting humping into Sandbar’s hoof to get more of his warmth. “See, now you’re getting into it.” He surveyed the classroom, everyone was having their own conversations. Maybe this was this would go through smoother than he thought. “Haah… fuck…” The griffon’s barely audible moans fueled Sandbar to speed up his jerking. “Your moans are so cute.” Gallus felt himself get closer to climax with every pump of his shaft. “I’m… so close, Sandy-“ “Already?” Sandbar broke his stare at the board to look down at Gallus’ cock, which was drenched in his saliva and all the pre that was rapidly flowing from his sensitive tip. “Whoa. Point taken.” Sandbar smeared the pre all over his boyfriend’s dick, and started rubbing faster than before. Gallus’ breath hitched, his entire figure quivering under Sandbar’s hot touch. “Just relax and let it out, buddy.” Gallus’ soft whines came to a close as he felt his member twitch hard. Long beads of cum fired out of Gallus’ tip, making him writhe and groan in his seat. Sandbar bit his lip at the sight. “There’s so much…” All the shots hit the underside of the desk and dripped back into Sandbar’s hoof, but it didn’t keep him from stopping. For what seems like an eternity, Gallus emptied his load into his boyfriend’s tender strokes. After his orgasm was over, Gallus’ threw his head back in his chair and sighed heavily. “I take it you enjoyed it?” Sandbar smirked at Gallus. Gallus smiled and rolled his eyes. “Yeah, whatever.” He shivered as he felt a cold breeze around his waist. Sandbar reluctantly pulled his hoof off of Gallus’ flaccid member. Gallus recoiled in shock when he saw how much he had came. “Yikes. I’m never doing this again. Not in class at least.” “Sandbar we don’t have a towel or anything like that, how are we gonna-“ Sandbar brought his wet hoof to his muzzle and slurped it clean, much to Gallus’ shock. Sandbar dramatically opened his maw, showing he had it all gathered, and took a big gulp. If Gallus’ wasn’t so tired, he would have came twice. “You love embarrassing me, don’t you…” Sandbar shrugged, licking his lips. “You know that was hot, don’t lie.” Gallus chuckled and grabbed Sandbar’s dry hoof. “Thank you so much Sandbar. I can’t believe you were so onboard to just… jerk me off in class like that.” The pony blushed and looked away. “Don’t make it a big deal, I saw you had an issue and I fixed it.” “Yeah, that’s the short and clean version.” Sandbar snickered. “Hey, speaking of clean, do you have any water on you? As much as I loved downing your goo, it doesn’t really have a good taste to it…” “Oh yeah, sure.” Gallus reached into his book bag and shuffled around. “Here we go!” He pulled out a water bottle and something fuzzy, which fell to the ground. “What’s that?” Gallus looked at him, confused. “What’s what?” Sandbar pointed at the object on the ground. “Oh, that! That’s just my workout… towel…” Sandbar picked up the towel and held it in Gallus’ face, his expression fading to a frown. “Heh heh… Oops?”