> Fizzle Popped Berrytwist > by Evergreen_The_Horse > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > It's a new day. It's a new you. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kick “Mmm…” Kick “Ugh… f-five more minutes…” … Kick My eyes popped open, and I groaned as I reached my hooves up to rub my eyes. “Ugh ok, ok.” I heaved with a slight laugh. “I'm up. Heh, Mama's up.” I brought a hoof down to gently rub my slightly swollen belly, exhaling deeply out my nostrils as I ran my hooves up and down my body. The life growing inside it calmed its movements. “Heh, you're becoming a pain in my stomach, you know that?” I joked to myself. It's been a few months since the Storm King’s demise. I was his lackey, his tool. Tempest Shadow, his perfect commander. I’d made the same stupid mistake I’d made all those years ago, trusting fake friends. After he was gone and the celebration party was over, I had no idea what to do. I mean, what were my options? I was a villain. A blind, blank flanked, hornless freak whose only purpose she found was to follow an unjust rule. I should've been thrown in the Canterlot dungeons for life for my crimes, but… I wasn't. Princess Twilight was merciful to me, along with her friends. They gave me a proper second chance. But how I could just… reset? I wasted my entire life chasing an evil cause. Well, it certainly wasn't easy. But Twilight was generous enough to give me enough bits to tide me over, whether I stayed in Equestria or not. Ultimately, after thinking back on the Tartarus hole that was the badlands, I stayed. I took my chances in the town she and her friends lived, Ponyville. I obviously wasn't instantly accepted, I don't think there was a single soul in the small town other than Twilight and her friends that didn't resent me. But Twilight convinced the townsponies to… TRY to put the past behind us. To give me a chance to become their… friend. I didn't know how I felt about that at the time. How could I prove I was worthy of a second chance, to be seen as something more than a sociopath that the Princesses were foolish to not banish or imprison? All of those thoughts flooded my mind at the time, but I eventually settled in. I brought back my real name, Fizzlepop Berrytwist. I wanted to long forget about that accursed alias that plagued most of my former life. The settlement was long, but eventually, I quietly fit right in. I sat up from my bed and looked outside my bedroom window. A golden dawn, daylight just breaking over the hills. I always cherished when I woke early enough for glimpses of these sights, it sure beat the grey badlands by a long shot. I smiled as my eyes squinted to the rays beaming through. I truly did bless each new day I got to see, each new day away from my life as a pawn to some mad king's dirty work. I groaned and started to stretch my legs out, not stopping till each one of my joints popped out of its slumber, all while giving a hefty early morning yawn. I shifted my legs over the side of my bed and slowly slid off, doing my best to balance myself to all four of my legs with this new bloated stomach I had. “Damn, I swear you get heavier each passing minute.” I said to my bit of growing life. Once out of bed, I walked out of my room and started my morning routine. A quick 'It's a new day, it's a new you’ speech in the bathroom mirror, then a trip downstairs to my living room and kitchen hybrid. It was a small living space with a couch and a small table. The carpet merging into the hardwood floor of a small kitchen with basic necessities like a refrigerator, a small stove and a countertop in between them. My house certainly wasn't a castle or an airship but it has good rent and I've been getting by in it. I mean, it sure beat potentially living behind bars. It's what I call home, and that's all I need. Though I am certainly upgrading after I get enough bits. I went to my fridge and opened it. Even though I lived in what could be considered a plot hole, I got by pretty well with food. Princess Twilight's friends Applejack and Pinkie Pie were very nice in giving me as much food as needed until I was able to afford a new home and better food. The fridge was chock full of apple related and sweet looking pastries and treats. I had picked out an apple and cinnamon oatmeal, apparently it was an Apple Family breakfast favorite according to Applejack. I had prepared it, sat down at my living room table, and had my breakfast. Normal ponies would probably get sick of samey stuff but I actually found these foods quite the joy to eat. Most I've eaten in my past life is mess hall slop. This though? I've never tasted anything like them! They especially did help me with the sweet tooth I was developing thanks to this new life growing inside my womb. Yes, Fizzlepop Berrytwist; formerly known as Tempest Shadow, the iron-hoofed commander of the Storm King's army; is now not only living a completely normal and mundane life, but is also 4 months pregnant. Pfft, ain't that a laugh? How did this happen? Well, it's all quite foolish really... Things were going so well for me once I’d rented the house, but nature had other plans – my heat began. Typical, I thought. But if anything would show I've changed, it would be accepting a male into my home, sharing an… intimate moment for the first time. I didn't know if anypony would want to sleep with a pony that once tried to enslave their home and capture their Princess, but I took my chances, flagged my tail, and let the males roll to me. If there were even any takers who would dare to stick their dick in crazy. Surprise surprise, not many took the chance. They were interested in the smell but not the flank it belonged to. In a way, I didn't blame them. After all, I’d been a villain not long before. But I wanted to show that I wasn't Tempest anymore. I was Fizzlepop now. A normal pony like them and a poor mare in heat just looking to sate her needs. I just wanted a male to trust me. If he did, that was all the convincing I needed to know I could trust him just as equally in bed. And with my... Issues, trust was something I needed to get comfortable and accustomed to. For most of my heat week, there were no takers. Just me taking long and rather lonely walks through the town. For a bit, I had lost hope of getting rid of this heat, or moreso showing the ponies of the town I was just trying to fit in and be normal. One day, I had just given up with the walk entirely and stayed home. Maybe my heat was making me emotional but… I wanted to cry that day. On my couch, letting my fumes remind me that no male would want to help a freak like me. Or, I was about to cry, until I heard a knocking on the door. I remember opening my door to black coated pegasus stallion with a mixed white and blue mohawk. Thunderlane, I believe his name was. “Hey! Uh… so I heard that you were in heat and that not many ponies were giving you a chance. Crazy pony or not I… I don't think I could allow a mare to suffer through that any longer. So… can I help?” He was kinda brash but had all the good intentions. He said that if anyone was brave enough to… 'help’ a former villain, there was no one in town more suited for it than him. He was cocky and kind of arrogant, but that was a charm about him. It was like all my heat depression had vanished on sight with him. I gladly invited him inside and offered him my fridge for a snack or drink if he needed one. I wanted to show as much hospitality as possible, I could tell that he was still nervous being around a formal super-criminal, even if he had the most bravado I've ever seen in a male. Maybe he was doing this to prove something to himself or to have bragging rights to friends. But I could tell he wasn't just doing this for himself and that he genuinely wanted to help. We had a bit of small talk along with a bottle of cider before anything started. I must admit, it was nice to just lower my guard and get a little tipsy with a guy. We talked about our lives, about how he was a weather worker and how I lost my horn and all. We had a good laugh and eventually we just looked into each other's eyes. Everything went silent. And we kissed, my first ever kiss. It was short but sweet, and even if we probably meant nothing to each other romantically, it was nice. I could tell the physicality and my smell were starting to get to him so I invited him up to my bedroom for a more comfortable location to continue. He obliged and the rest is obvious. With a sway in my hips, I led him upstairs to my bed, and we made love. My cherry was popped that night, along with my womb being fertilized. I had thanked him the next day for taking care of me and he had thanked me for not killing him in the process. He admitted that I certainly wasn't as bad as ponies made me seem. That had warmed my heart, made me feel like I really was starting to fit in. The rest is history. It was all just a harmless, no-strings, heat quenching fling in the long run, but I'm glad it happened. I had totally expected word to get around that Tempest was not only a villain but a whorse as well, but… apparently Thunderlane had been a lot more positive in gossip. Saying that Princess Twilight was right to give me a second chance. Day by day, ponies started stopping me during my daily walks to make some small talk. I would oblige, though there really wasn't much to talk about. Some even apologized for not giving me a second chance sooner – I just had to say sorry for the whole Storm King thing back. It was a very sudden but very welcome change. I even started getting recognized as Fizzlepop instead of Tempest. And to top it all off… I had received the most beautiful ‘welcome back to society’ present of all. My foal. I, expectedly, found out that I was pregnant a few weeks later. I had already seen it coming, but I don't think I had ever felt true happiness until then. Twilight and the town forgiving me, society forgetting my past actions, me finally starting to fit in, it all made me happy. But this foal, this beautiful new piece of life growing inside me… with it, I knew that my life was truly on a road to recovery. If there wasn't anything to motivate me to become a better pony before, I certainly had it now. I had finished my breakfast and was just relaxing on the couch, slowly stroking my baby bump and reminiscing about the whole process of fitting in. I was smiling, I never thought that I would ever find happiness after my life was ruined by that Ursa Minor but here I was. I had actual friends, I was living ok, I was slowly getting on my hooves on my own, and I had a foal on the way. Life was good. Perhaps a little too good. I had been thinking about my slow inauguration into the town that I hadn't even noticed that the sun was high in the sky by now out my window. My eyes widened. “Ahh shoot! I'm going to be late!” I carefully but hastily got up and off my couch, I'd worry about dishes later. For now, I actually had a few activities planned, with all with the Elements no less. I fetched my saddlebag, tailored with care from Rarity, and stopped at my front door. I closed my eyes, gave a deep breath and a deep sigh. And softly muttered to myself. “It's a new day, it's a new you.” With that, I put a smile on my face, opened the door, and set out. > Feeling Like Family > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- My walks through town had become much more positive than when I first moved in. I caught no nasty glares, ponies weren't keeping their distance, and everypony was just so much nicer. Some passersby would flash a smile or a wave, some would go on to say friendly comments as they passed like 'Good morning!’ or 'Hey, Fizzlepop!’. It was nice, this town was nice. Friends were nice. I knew none of them personally but you'd be surprised on how often you'd recognize and properly name the ponies here, just like they do for me. Even if you didn't know them, this town was so small that you'd feel like you knew them by heart. Like a small community you got to see every day. Looking over to a mailbox, you'd see a gray and cross eyed pegasus mare delivering mail named Ditzy Doo, more commonly known as Derpy Hooves. She definitely wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed, mostly due to her eye problem. But she was a sweetheart and ponies loved her for it. Brave too, taking the crystalizer I'd kicked towards Twilight back when I attacked Canterlot. I still feel really bad about that when I think back on it, the sweet thing didn't deserve it. If you happen to walk by them, you'll usually see these two together more often than not. A pair of mares, one a mint green unicorn, the other a light yellow coated and dark blue and magenta maned earth pony. Lyra and Bonbon, I believe their names were. Best friends, as far as I knew. If one was present, the other usually wasn't far behind. Up in the sky, you would see uniformed pegusi flying high and fast. The Wonderbolts. They were famous here and Cloudsdale and a team that every pegasus hoped to join. I couldn't recognize them from uniform looks alone but I had gone to a show or two that had featured them. Spitfire, Sorin, Fleetfoot, I believe even Rainbow Dash was one. They were definitely impressive. There were a lot more, but you don't typically start to see any ponies once you start heading outside of town. Once you hit a dirt road, the only thing you'll see is clear skies, feel the clam breeze, and trees. Lots and lots of trees. Soon enough, you find a bright red barn and hills of apple trees. This was Sweet Apple Acres, my part time job. When I first moved in, I thought that I needed to find some way to earn bits. While Twilight gave me a generous amount, it all practically vanished when I rented the house. At the time, I still wasn't fully welcomed back to pony kind. So to get a pay, I asked one of the only ponies who forgave me at the time if I could do a bit of manual labor for some bits. Applejack. She was happy I was willing to help, saying that the Apple family loves all the help they can get. Typical farm stuff, or at least everything I think is typical on a farm. Cow milking, pig feeding, and most of all… apple bucking. It was quite the hard working life but one I was happy in participating in. I had walked through the arches that welcomed you into the cozy southern landscape. It was quite the sight in the early morning. All the Apple family members were already up and at ‘em. Guess what they say about farmers is true, they're always the early risers. As I approached the household of the farm, I could see a little yellow coated and red maned filly with a big red bow on the back of her head. A little filly I had come to fully regret sticking in a cage after the attack on Canterlot. Applebloom was Applejack's youngest sister, and probably the sweetest thing I've ever seen. She was currently laughing and playing with the family dog. I smiled, she was so innocent. Strong too, she worked just as hard as every other member of this family. I could tell she was going to grow up into a fine mare. Watching over her was Applejack herself, just a few feet away. She was currently strapping something to the back of a large red stallion. That was her big brother, Big Macintosh. I actually don't know that much about him other than he's a very quiet stallion of few words. But he's still very nice, a gentle giant you might say. Applejack had finished attaching a wheelbarrow to Big Mac and sent him on his way back into the apple fields. She turned to me and smiled, walking up and closing the distance to me. “Ahh Fizzlepop, there ya are! Wuz thinkin’ you'd never come. You sleep in again?” She said with a smile and a raised eyebrow. I nervously laughed. “Not exactly. Got a bit too comfy on my couch and just started… thinking.” It was the truth. I, more often than not, am always slightly late to a harvest day. I was lucky Applejack was a reasonable pony, I would have been fired from any other job for my late discrepancies. She chuckled. “Ah swear, girl. You need an alarm clock!” “Oh trust me, this little guy is all the alarm I need.” I joked, pointing to my foal bump. We had a laugh as we walked towards the orchards. I had dropped off my saddlebag at the barn. I could see buckets of apples were deposited there already, they were most likely already harvested from earlier. I should have been here at the break of dawn, for all I knew they were already done with the harvest for today. But lucky for me, they were only halfway through. “Alright, Fizzlepop. Y'all should know the drill by now. We already have sum buckets under them trees so all ya have t’ do iz buck ‘em! Simple enough, right?” She said as we trotted along the trail to the apple orchard. “Heh, when has anything not been simple for me?” I countered. “Ah don't know, you sure had a hard time catching us way back when. Why, we were like a needle in a haystack fer you and yer army.” She playfully jabbed. I just laughed it off. I looked at comments like that in a more positive and playful light now. If I was as cold-hearted as before, I would have wasted no time knocking her lights out with a blast from my broken horn. But I've come to learn to let loose, and learn that friends will make playful pokes. I should know coming from her, she and Rainbow apparently made jabs at each other all the time. Once we had reached the unharvested part of the orchard, Applejack had entrusted that I know the ropes by now and left for more chores on the farm. With that, I had gotten to work. Giving my first tree of the day a good, single, back-hoofed buck. The apples nestled on the branches promptly falling on command into the buckets below. Most ponies would say that a pregnant mare shouldn't be working in a field. But I say 'Ha!’. I’m still pretty young, and just because I'm pregnant doesn't mean I forgot my way around kicking. My lack of a horn pushed me to become as experienced as an earth pony when it comes to physical strength and durability. Kicking and jumping and sliding without magic was hard. These trees? Definitely nothing I couldn't handle. Besides, these legs still had their 'Commander Tempest’ switch to give my kicks some real power if needed. I had spent the next hour and a half focusing on applebucking. It sure was a work out, but it was definitely healthy. Staying active was a good way to stay fit in my condition, I believe it's even healthy for the foal if the mother stays active. But I'm always sure to not overexert myself. Too much activity or intensity is definitely bad. It's why I only use one leg when I buck. Maybe if I was still the hotheaded, sociopathic commander I was back then, I wouldn't think twice about pushing myself. But I can't now. This foal… it's too important to me. For my mental state. For my new life. So after about an hour and with one last buck to my last tree of the day, I decided that was all my foal and I could handle for now. I rested my side to the tree I had just bucked and slowly inched my way down to the ground, clutching my stomach with care until I was on my side next to the base of the tree. I gave a big sigh of exhaustion for a job well done. My coat was matted in sweat, but the mix of the shade of the tree and the gentle breeze was just perfect to cool me down. I looked out across my work. Rows of trees now bucked and stripped of their apples, the buckets below full of proof of my hard work. “Heh, these legs still got it.” I proudly said to myself with a smile. “Ahhh…” I sighed and laid my head down. After a good long hour of working, nothing felt better than to let your bones just rest. The only thing that could make this better would be a good snack. “Hey, Fizzlepop! Ah got sum good eatin’ for ya!” Speak of the dark pony. I opened my eyes, I could see Applejack walking up with a wooden wheelbarrow attached to her back. It was full of apple fritters! I licked my lips, I could already feel my foal start to move in anticipation, just begging for that treat. She closed in, looking around and examining my work. “Hoo-wee! You sure do a bang up job, Fizz. And all with a bun in the oven! You sure you ain't an Apple in disguise?” She joked, though I'm sure she was a bit serious. I chuckled. “Eh, it wasn't anything. Former commander, remember? Kicking is second nature to me.” “Well, a job like this deserves an extra reward. Ah already put the bits in yer saddlebag back at the barn, but Ah thought Ah'd give ya a lil’ somethin’ extra today.” She unhooked the handles attached to her sides and waved a hoof to the fritters. “Granny Smith made 'em herself. Help yerself! Y'all earned it!” I gave a smile and got up. I walked over to the wheelbarrow, just fawning over the delicious treats. “Wow… all for me?” I asked. “All fer you! Well… the both of yas, heh. You two must be starvin’ after all that work.” She said, gesturing to my foal bump. “Thank you.” I kindly said. It still baffled me how these ponies I've tried to harm and capture; who's innocent family I put in chains; who's lives I tried to ruin; were treating me like a proper friend. I didn't pay it much mind though, my foal and I were hungry. I leaned my head in to take a fritter, but was stopped by a sudden yell. “Applejack! Hey Applejack!” We both turned to who the source was, though it was quite obvious with the young tone and accent accompanying it. A little yellow filly was running towards us, Applebloom. She stopped in front of us and gave an innocent smile. “Yes, Applebloom?” Applejack said. “Ah uh… Ah was wundering if Ah could have anuther fritter.” She said with a small blush. “Another?! You had about ten jus’ 'fore I left t’ check on Fizzle!” Applejack countered. “Aww come on! Pleeease? They're soooo good!” She begged. Applejack then looked over to me and smirked. “Sorry AB, but Ah'm 'frade whether or not to give ya one ain't mah decision no more. They're in possession of Fizzlepop now, so yer gonna have to ask her.” My eyes widened a bit as I looked over to Applejack. She winked at me and nodded her head towards Applebloom. I turned to looked to her, she was looking up at me with some big puppy eyes and a nervous expression.  “U-uhm… C-Can Ah have anuther fritter, Miss Fizzlepop?” Seeing Applebloom like that made my heart melt. I can't believe I was such a cold and cruel pony to take such an innocent filly hostage and separate her from her family. All for some stupid horn, which I had no true guarantee to get back. I was such a damned fool back then. I couldn't not say no to her, especially after all I've done to her. I slightly crouched down and got to eye level with her and looked her straight in the eye. I gave a warm and reassuring smile. “Of course, Applebloom. Help yourself.” She gasped and gave a wide smile. “Yay!” She squealed out. She happily took one of the fritters from the wheelbarrow into her mouth. I laughed as she eagerly scarfed it down with delight. I felt something pulse in heart when I saw her like that. I was happy with the fact that I made her happy, made this little filly smile. Is… is this what motherhood feels like? Am I going to feel this joy every time I make my foal smile? When I make him or her happy? I didn't know for sure, but it only made me more excited to bring my foal into the world. To give them a good life. To be a changed pony, who was a very, very happy mother. Applebloom finished her treat and looked up at me with a beaming smile. “Thank you, Auntie Fizzlepop! See you, later!” My eyes widened and my heart skipped a beat. With that, she ran off back to the barn, but I was frozen in shock by her comment. Auntie? I… I was like an aunt to her? Applejack looked on as her little sister ran off, giving a giggle. “Hehe! Ah knew you'd handle that well. Consider that a small trainin’ session for when you got the real deal on her hooves.” Applejack said. She looked over to me. All I was doing was staring off into space, into the direction Applebloom had ran. Blankly, silent. I had forgotten how to form words. Maybe if the comment was from an actual family member, I wouldn't be reacting this way but… how could this sweet little filly who's family and home I terrorized see me as an aunt? My mouth hung slightly agape, yet I was unable to even make a peep. Applejack finally spoke up and snapped me out of it. “Fizzlepop? You alright, sugarcube?” I blinked a few times, finally coming out of my state. I looked over to her, my puzzled look still plastered on my face. “Huh? Oh… yeah! Yeah, I'm fine…” “Really? You don't look it. What's up?” She asked. I tapped my hoof to the ground in anxiousness. But I eventually got the words out. “She… she said 'Auntie’ Fizzlepop. Why did she say that? She's always called me ‘Miss’. I don't…” I was confused. I didn't know if I loved or hated it. This filly whom I adored yet had no blood relation to had called me such an… associative title. So suddenly as well. Applejack just chuckled. “Why? You didn' not like it, did ya?” “Well I just… I've never had someone address me like that.” I admitted, more sheepishly than I had wished. Applejack crooked her head. “Really? You don't got no brothers er sisters with any younguns?” I looked down at the ground. “No. I… I think I was an only child.” I held on to that thought for a moment. Was I? Jeez, how long has it been since I've properly thought back to my childhood? “Well, what about yer parents? Surely you remember the ponies who brought ya into th’ world.” Applejack asked. My eyes widened. I looked away from her and bit my lip. My parents? Who… who were my parents? I closed my eyes and thought long and hard, trying to remember their faces, their voices, their... damn it. I gave a big sigh and shook my head. “I… I don't remember them.” I admitted with guilt. Applejack's eyes widened. “What?! Fizzlepop, are you serious?! You… you really don't remember your own kin?” I slightly bushed, looking down at the ground in shame. “I think… I think I kinda blocked everything out after I lost my horn. My childhood may have been great for all I know up until that point. But… I just…” I put a hoof to my forehead, rubbing my temple and trying to remember something, anything! “...I just can't remember.” We both went silent, a mix of awkwardness and sadness now twinging in the air. I could practically feel Applejack's disbelief course through my veins as she stared at me. She was a family mare, family meant absolutely everything to her. But I bet she's never come across somepony like me. I clutched my foal bump and carefully laid myself down on the ground. Why was I kind of ashamed? Why did I feel… empty now that I'm realizing this? Do I really not remember my family? Did I really turn that stone cold when I left my home? To not remember a single ounce of what my family was like? I could barely believe myself. I was… familyless. Applejack had stood there for a good minute, assessing the mood and my confession. It's was deafly silent between us, the only sound that could be heard was the ruffling of the tree's leaves in the wind. All until Applejack spoke up. “Well…” she started off. I finally mustered up the courage to look over to her. She walked to my side and layed down with me. She continued. “Ya recall what Applebloom jus’ called you?” “Y-yeah, 'Auntie’. Why?” I asked. “You know why she called you that?” She asked me. I thought for a second. Why did she call me that? “Reckon yer drawin’ a blank, eh? It's kinda obvious, Fizz.” She said. “Wh-what is it? Surely you don't mean I'm…” I nervously said. The Apples didn't really see me this way, did they? How could they? How could I, the pony who stopped at nothing to ruin their lives, see me as… f-fam… “Yer like family, Fizzle. That's what we mean.” She stated, quite nonchalantly and matter-of-fact. She stared at me, watching my reactions. Her eyes were cool and reassuring, so why did I feel so uncomfortable and nervous? She wasn't being for real, was she? No, of course she was, she is the Element of Honesty after all. She was dead serious! I stared back to Applejack with an intense blush, this was so new to me. I was being… fully accepted as family! “But… but why?!” I stood up, still staring at her. “I was a tyrant, a menace! I locked your little sister in a cage. I enslaved and forced your brother to do heavy lifting. I forced your sweet grandma to make food for my army, for Celestia's sake! How do you guys not resent me?” Applejack just stared at me, but then started to chuckle. That chuckle evolved into a full on laugh. I stared, dumbfoundedly. This whole thing, Applebloom calling me 'Auntie’, me realizing I have no family, and now the fact that the Apples actually see me as family? These feelings… they were so new. I didn't know how to handle them. And now Applejack was laughing at me for this? I didn't know what to think. But Applejack soon came down from her laughing high. “Hoo-wee! You sure are funny, Fizzlepop! Sugarcube…” She got up and stood in front of me, so that we both were face to face. “Think about it. That whole ordeal, you being commander and all that hooey, that wuz past you. That wuz the Storm King usin' you. And we realize that. Ah told my family not to resent ya, Ah told 'em to treat you like family. Sure, they were a bit cold to ya at first, but look how quickly they warmed up to ya! You get along great with Applebloom, and th’ fact that you willingly help out on the farm means a lot t’ us. No one, not even the other Elements, help out on th’ farm as much as you have. Granted, they all have more important stuff t’ do, but we've never seen somepony as dedicated to th’ farm as you are! Even if it's for part time pay. You ain't an Apple, but ya sure have the heart of one. And you can believe me when Ah say this, Ah'm not the Element of Honesty fer nothin’, heh-heh!” She gave a big, warm smile at the end of her speech. Upon hearing her speech, I suddenly felt all of my questions and unanswered feelings vanish. I felt relaxed, as if I had overreacted about this whole thing. They… they really did see me as family. After all I had done, they still accepted me. Not as a friend, but someone who was happy to work with them, to interact with them. To be with them. I looked to her with the biggest smile possible. “Th-Thank you, Applejack.” “Its no problem, Fizzlepop. And hey...” Applejack said. “Since we've figured out that you got no recollection of yer real family… the Apples got no qualms takin’ you in fer real.” She gently said with a welcoming smile. “Wait… you mean… for real? Like… for real, for real?” I asked. She just laughed. “Whaddya think I mean? Of course! We can't just leave you and yer foal all by yer lonesomes. We'd be happy t’ take you in, step relatives if you want to see it that way!” I raised a hoof to my quivering lips, I could feel my eyes welling up. This was all happening so fast. I've realized that I may never know my real family, but gained a new one in the same day. I had found a new family, a family that I loved to help, a family that my foal could interact and play with. This feeling… I knew exactly what this feeling was. It was… happiness. Joy. I wasted no time leaning in to hug Applejack tightly. Tears of joy finding their way down my cheeks. I gave an odd mix of light sobs and joyful laughs. But these new feelings, these feelings I've never felt since I lost my horn, I loved them. “Thank you, Applejack! Thank you and the Apples so much!” “Naw…” she wrapped her hooves around me. “Thank you, Fizzlepop.” “Welcome to the family.” After I had composed myself, me and Applejack had walked out of the orchard with the biggest smiles imaginable. I looked on over to the barn and the farm house. Granny Smith was in a rocking chair, smiling and laughing as she watched Applebloom ride on top of Big Mac's back. They all looked so happy, just like I was to now be a part of them. But unfortunately, other plans for the day had me too occupied to stay. I got my saddlebag, gave my friendly goodbyes, and headed off. The Apples waving me goodbye. The sun was still high in the sky, and the day was still only just beginning. This was the best start to a day I could have ever wished for. And it was only going to get better. For I had a meet up with one of the most stylish ponies in Equestria.