> Mortal Kombat X: The Dragon and the Reptile > by Joeyjambo122 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue: A New Beginning > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Golden Oaks Library Everypony had gathered in the library. He had hoped this meant he would could some shut eye after the crazy day they went through. After Twilight had restored her friends friend’s memories and cutie marks, she apparently had figured out Starswirl’s unifinished spell. That’s when everything got crazy. The moment Twilight had dotted the last paragraph of the spell, the elements started glowing and suddenly, they shot beams of light at her while she was standing in the middle of the room. Spike had been watching the whole unfold when he felt a strange sensation sweep over him. "What’s... Happening?" Clutching the emerald shaped locket around his neck, he looked around and saw it was same thing that engulfing Twilight and he realized it was taking him along with it. The last thing he heard before passing out was the voices of the others calling out for him and Twilight. ??? A sea of stars... That's what he opened his eyes to when the bright light faded. He panicked for a second, but quickly regained his composure and began looking around. After a few minutes, he saw several images rush by him and toward two familiar figures, Twilight and Princess Celestia. Before he could out to them, several sand-like tendrils suddenly grabbed and wrapped around him, restraining him and wrapping itself around his small muzzle and shutting him up. He was being dragged away and was unable to call for help, disappearing in a bright green light. 27 years later, Earth Realm Time Inside the Special Forces base, in one of the private rooms of a new unit led by Johnny Cage, a young purple and green dragon was sleeping soundly on his bed, drool hanging from the corner of his muzzle. His face suddenly contorted in fear and began twisting and turning in his covers. Lying straight on his back, his eyes flew open and gasped and sat up straight, his wings sprang out in shock. Taking deep breaths to calm himself down, he layed back down on the mattress and ran a klaw down his face. "Man... I haven't had that dream in a long time..." He sighed dejectedly. "Twenty seven years now since that day. Hmph... I'm starting to think getting back to my home world is a lost cause..." He lade back down in a attempt to go back to sleep but the universe seemed dead set on making sure he couldn't get his beauty sleep. "Hey Scales! Team meeting in an hour! Don't want to be late for your first mission briefing do ya?" A kocky, but familiar voice said as it knocked loudly on the other side. Spike groaned in annoyance as he sat up. "I'm up, I'm up! Don't get that award winning hair more grey than it already is!" He yelled as he got up and walked to the door, rubbing his shaved down spikes. "Hey! Don't joke about my hair! It's one of my three best features." The voice stated as the tired dragon opened the door to his new commander, Johnny Cage who was currently smoothing back his hair with an indignant look on his face before morphing to pleasantly surprised. "Huh... From what Syzoth told me, I thought I was going to have to resort to a taser to get you up." He joked casually. Spike suppressed a shudder. Syzoth had figured out a way to wake him up prematurely and he did not want a repeat performance with whatever Mr. Cage had in store. Johnny cleared his throat. "Anyway, suit yourself up and get down to the hanger in one hour. It's your team's first mission and we need all of you prepped and ready." He turned and walked away. Spike turned and closed the door behind and rubbed his eye and yawned as he walked toward his personal armory. Six weeks. That's how long it's been since Spike and his new teammates were assembled. Most of those were spent getting to know each other better and training together as well. He shook his head, there would be time to muse later. He stopped in front of his personal armory. He smirked and said "Alright, let's get started." He opened the armory, revealing his gear inside. He spent the next twenty minutes getting himself geared up. When he was done, he stepped in front a full-body mirror, his wings stuck through holes in the back of the armor. He now wore a traditional Raptor warrior armor. Though every apprentice was given the same battle armor upon completion of their training, they were allowed make additions to make each armor their own. Spike was no exception. He wore dark green fingerless gloves with a small gold colored metal plate sewn on the back of the glove. He had wrapped black strands of fabric around his wrists and midway down his arm. He was barefoot and a small strap attached to fit the sheath of his personal sword, Emerald Flame. The sword was shaped like a standard knights sword, with a gold hilt, handle, and pommel with a small green gem inside and a dark green strap wrapped around the handle. By a personal request to Mr. Cage, He had small black bracelet with two buttons on his right arm. One button caused a dark green mask with gold colored trimming to form around the bottom part half of his head, giving him the appearance of a ninja. The other was special. Since he couldn't camouflage himself naturally like the Saurian's, he could mimic the ability by pressing the button, turning completely invisible. One final detail was that he was wearing pair of gold colored goggles with a black strap secured on his head. He took a moment to run a claw down a scar that ran from the middle of his face and went down left, ending a little bit past his muzzle. He gotten the scar when he was probably around twelve years old. After admiring himself in the mirror for few minutes, he turned toward a mechanical practice dummy he kept in the room. He took a step toward it and took up a fighting stance. "Alright Sir Punch-a-Lot, prepare to meet fist!" He yelled, throwing a punch with his right arm. The dummy suddenly sprouted arms and blocked the punch. Spike retaliated with his left arm, but it was kaught by the dummy's other arm. He smirked and kicked in the jawline with a right kick, causing the dummy to stumble back and freeing his arms. The young dragon got up, smirked again, and cracked his neck and said. "That was a cute trick, but now the real battle begins!" He shouted with a lunge toward the dummy. The kombatants wrestled to the ground for a few minutes, finally ending with Spike penning the dummy to the ground on it's stomach, exposing the switch on it's back. With the dummy struggling to get back up, Spike quickly free arm to flip the shut off switch, rendering the dummy lifeless once more. Smirking, Spike got up and dusted himself off. He then dramatically pointed at the at the lifeless training dummy. "And so, my arch-nemesis, Sir Punch-a-Lot has finally been bested!" He said victoriously. He continued. "You have bested me many times my friend, but now puncher has become the punchie." He finished with a raised fist and a hearty laugh. "Uh... are you talking to a training dummy?" A feminine voice asked. His triumphant smirk immediately turned into dawning horror as he slowly turned around to face a familiar young woman leaning in the doorway of his room with an amused smile. Spike chuckled nervously. "Heh... hey there Cass... um... how long have you been standing there?" He asked as he blushed. Sargeant Cassie Cage, Mr. Cage's daughter and the defacto leader of their new team. And an almost perfect copy of her dad in terms of personality, which was currently being showcased judging by the cheeky grin on her face as she spoke. "Not long, just enough to hear your hammy victory speech over a training dummy." Spike got up and propped the training dummy back on it's stand and cleared his throat, attempting to save himself from embarrassment. "So... what are you doing in here anyway?" He asked, hoping to move past the few most embarrassing minutes of his life. Cassie walked in, that smirk still planted on her face. "I just came in to get you up on the off chance you slept in on the day of our first mission together, but apparently that wasn't necessary." She said as she chuckled. "How are you even up already anyway? It's takes at least four of us to dragged you out of bed in the morning." She said as she laughed. The young dragon rolled his eyes, knowing she was exaggerating. "Okay one, it only takes one of you to get me out of bed, and two, thank your dad and his loud mouth. Seriously, it's like he was born with a megaphone for a voice box." He said indignantly. "Heard that!" A voice said from somewhere in the hall. He crossed arms and sighed. "See?" Cassie could only chuckled again at his misery. "Alright smart guy, come on." She gestured to the open door. "Let's get to the aircraft hangar before my dad's hair turns more grey than usual." "Seriously, why does everyone keep dissing the hair!?" Said parent yelled, apparently having heard that to. The two shared a laugh at Mr. Cage's misery. "Heh heh... anyway, you go on ahead Cass, I just need to get something real quick." He said as Cassie began to leave the room. He walked to the nightstand and opened the top drawer and took out his emerald shaped locket. It was last birthday gift he got from Twilight and the only thing that got dragged with him into this world. He opened it to a picture of him, Twilight, and Shining Armor during a family picnic. He gazed at the picture solemnly. "I miss you guys everyday..." He shook his head and smiled. "If only you could see me now, especially you Shining." He placed the locket around his neck and walked until stepping out the door of his room. "Alright, let's do this." With that proclamation, he turned and followed his friend to the hangar. > Chapter 1‐A: The Test > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aeroplane Control Room Man... Six weeks after seeing this thing for the first time and it still amazed him. These airplanes were like an advanced version of the airships back in his homeworld and it had something called an autopilot to help steer it when the pilot needed a quick break, and all these fancy monitors that helped with whatever they do, Spike honestly wished this kinda stuff existed in his homeworld, it would certainly cut travel time in half. The control room was where Spike and his teammates were currently gathered, listening to Mr. Cage’s account of the war against Shinnok and his defeat by the hands of both him and Syzoth. Syzoth had told him about it already, but he also once told him that getting another’s perspective could help understand that more than just one person plays an important role. "Raiden later told me that I’m descended from some Mediterranean war cult. ‘Bred as warrior’s for the gods.’ He said." Mr. Cage said as he sat down. "I’ve never been able to re-summon that green halo. Raiden thinks it was triggered when I saw a loved one about to die…" There was a moment of awkward silence before Kung Jin spoke up. "How ‘bout you, Cassie? Can you summon anything like that? Or did it skip a generation?" He asked with a smirk on his face. Spike could only roll his eyes. Jin was an excellent marksman and martial artist, but geez! His attitude and arrogance could almost put Rainbow Dash to shame. Takeda Takahashi on the other hand. "Will you take it easy Jin?" Takeda was Jin’s opposite in a lot of ways and was pretty much the peace keeper of the team, second only to Mr. Cage. Because of this, Takeda and Spike had hit it off almost immediately and he was a great sparring partner as well. "We didn’t need a halo in Darfur... Or Iran, or Kurdistan. Did we, Jacqui?" Cassie gestured to her friend sitting next to her. Jacqueline ‘Jacqui’ Briggs. Best friend of Cassie and technical second in command. Like Cassie, Jaqui was the daughter of a well respected member of the Special Forces and both her and Cassie’s parents were old friends. Spike had actually met both of them once when the three of them were kids. He turned his gaze down toward the small scar that was in the middle of her left forearm. He felt a small surge of guilt, but quickly bit it down. She had forgiven him for it and he wouldn’t waste time over it. "Nope, we didn’t. Shaolin monks ever send you there, Jin?" She said back at Jin. The 'monk' scowled. "I’ve seen plenty of action. Takeda and I both. Stuff that would blow your Special Forces minds-" “Oh, put a sock in it Jin.” Spike interrupted. “Can’t you just accept that some people have just as much experience as you do?” The dragon stated, crossing his arms indignantly. Jin immediately turned his glare toward him. “This coming from the overgrown lizard who hasn’t even been out on the field before!?” He shouted. Spike growled at him. “Fuck-!” Takeda, who was sitting between them, quickly used his hands to push them away long enough for Johnny to stop the argument before it could spiral further. "At ease, both of you!" The loud burst immediately both of them down, but still glaring at each other. Once they were calm again, Johnny continued. "Listen, you’re all here because you deserve to be. You’re all beautiful and unique snowflakes." Everyone just stared at him, confused by the strange compliment. Spike leaned toward Takeda and whispered. "Is he comparing us to snowflakes? Aren’t they supposed to be small and fragile?" Takeda chuckled and whispered back. "I know right? I think this is his way of calling ‘us’ small and fragile." Collective laughter filled the room, Johnny smiled, having managed to get most of the tension in the room gone, even for a few minutes. Once the laughter settled he continued. "Now... As I’m sure you’re unaware, judging from the lack of gift cards... Today is our team’s six week anniversary. Secretary Blake says he’s pleased with our progress." Spike couldn’t help but snort. "No offense Mr. Cage, but the guy is too easily impressed." Surprisingly, Jin nodded in agreement. "I know right? You could spit in his hair and he’d be ‘pleased with our progress.’ I mean, seriously!" He said mockingly. Jaqui rolled her at the two men’s comments. "While I agree with you guys a little, you have to admit he was smart enough to have Mr. Cage put this team together." Takeda nodded in agreement. "Well, I for one, am glad the Shirai-Ryu chose me to join this team. New places…" He looked at Jacqui, his cheeks blushing a little. "...New Faces." Jacqui noticed him looking at her and looked away embarrassed. Spike looked at the other’s and sighed inwardly. "At least you guys are sure of your placement on the team. I’m still wondering why I was chosen to represent Zatera... I’m not even a true Zateran…" His depressed thoughts came to a halt when Mr. Cage spoke up again. "Well, as the secretary pointed out, us older folk are gonna retire someday. Which means…" He turned toward all of them. "It’s time for your generation to step up. Shaolin, S-F, Shirai-Ryu, Zateran, and once Master Sub-Zero’s apprentice finishes her training, the Lin-Kuei. All together." He stood near the entrance of the control room. "And for your team’s first mission, your going to the Zateran Royal Palace." That one sentence caused Spike to bolt out of his seat in shock, surprising Takeda. "Wait, What!? Is something happening!?" He asked, completely alarmed. Mr. Cage immediately put both hands up. "Hey! Easy kid. Everything’s fine, at least as far as we know." That didn’t do much to calm the young dragon and he slumped a little in his seat and ran a claw through his shaved spines. "There’s no way that they would... That He would risk everything they have with this alliance... Would he?" He thought to himself. Spike felt a hand on his shoulder. He looked to his right to see Takeda looking at him with a worried look on his face. "Are you alright? You're looking a little pale there." Spike quickly straightened himself and took a deep breath. He looked back at Takeda. "Ye..yeah I... I’m fine. Thanks." Seeing that the dragon was calmer, if still a little tense, Johnny continued. "We haven’t heard from Rept-." He cleared his throat after the slip up. "I mean, General Syzoth, in a while... So we need to make sure that he and the rest of Zatera are still on our side. That they have our backs if things with Outworld flare up again." He crossed his arms. "You need to bring the General in. But don’t be surprised if he isn’t willing to cooperate." Spike could only cross his own arms, irritated. "Dammit Syzoth... You better explain what the hell is going on…" He thought bitterly. Cassie took the time to speak up. "Why be worried about Outworld? I thought Kotal Kahn respected the Reiko Awards?" She asked. Spike spoke before her dad could. "He does. But with that civil war he’s dealing with there, there’s a chance the rebels will win. They do, and those Accords will be nothing but dust, like Shao Kahn." The young dragon chuckled. Johnny chuckled as well. "Scales is right." He clapped his hands. "Now, it’ll take at least three hours to arrive in Zatera. That should give you enough time to cobble together a plan. Meanwhile, I’ll make sure this thing gets there in one piece. So, Cassie, you're in charge of the planning." He turned and left through the door. "Good luck." He did a quick salute and the door closed as he left. Another awkward silence fell as everyone’s eyes turned to Cassie. She rubbed the back of her neck and cleared her throat. "Alright then... Spike?" She gestured to the purple dragon. Despite his nerves, he stood at attention. "Yes, Cass?" She pointed toward the main monitor. "There should be a file on the Zatera Royal Palace in our database. Since you know that place better than the rest of us, you're in charge of deciding the best routes of entry. And once that’s done, we’ll figure out what assigned role we will each have in this operation." She explained. Spike sat down and nodded nervously and began pulling up the schematics and images of the palace. "Okay Spike... Everything will be fine. I’m sure Syzoth will be willing to explain what’s going on... I hope…" He thought grimly as he worked. Cockpit Johnny walked into the cockpit and locked the door securely. "Alright, they should be busy for a while. I better call and make sure everything’s ready for when we arrive." He sat down in the pilot’s seat and pressed a few buttons under a monitor next to the console. A few seconds passed before a blurry image of a figure appeared on the monitor. After another few seconds, the image cleared up, revealing a reptilian face. "Johnny Cage, to what do I owe this interruption of our preparations?" The voice asked annoyed. The movie star chuckled. "Relax Syzoth. Just calling in to see if these 'preparations' are almost finished." He leaned back in his seat. The image of Syzoth shook its head and sighed. "Our test for the team will be ready by the time you arrive. Though I must ask. Why were we asked to participate in this test of yours?" He said with a raised brow. Johnny sighed and sat up straight. "I had a feeling you would ask that. Well, we were originally planning to have the Lin-Kuei set up this test, but Sub-Zero is busy with a test for one of his students, some chick named... Ember, I think?" He cleared his throat. “You were next in line in case Lin-Kuei couldn’t do the job." Syzoth closed his eyes as he processed the information. "I see…" He looked back up at Johnny. "How did he take it?" He asked softly, his voice dripping with concern. The actor raised an eyebrow. "Who? Scales? He freaked out for a second, but he calmed down pretty quick... If a little tense." He sat up in his seat. "Why? Are you worried?" The reptilian warrior crossed his arms, sighed, and looked down. "No... I’m not worried. I was the one who recommended him for your team." The look on his face said otherwise. Johnny wasn’t fooled. "You know, it’s fine to be the concerned parent instead of trying to play the tough guy twenty four/seven, right?" Syzoth was silent for a minute before letting a long sigh. "I... Have been questioning myself on my decision to have him join your team so soon after his graduation. I... am worried that I had been hasty when Queen Khamel asked me to pick the representative for Zatera." "So you're saying you want him to resign?" The kid was a rookie, but he was very skilled, and he’d hate to lose him before he had a chance to prove himself. The Zateran quickly shook his head. "No no... I am confident in his abilities. I’m just worried he won’t be able to face me in a straight fight during this test." Syzoth rubbed a claw down his face. "No... Now’s not the time to be worrying about such things. Rest assured, everything will be ready for when you arrive." Johnny shook his head and sighed. "Alright, but seriously. This is something you and Spike should talk about when this training exercise is over. Aren’t you coming back with us to talk to Sonya, or something?"  Syzoth was silent for a moment before speaking. "I’ll… I'll think about it... signing off." With that, the monitor was turned off. Johnny shook his head and began starting the plane. "Yeesh... Twenty seven years of raising the kid and he still has doubts... Ah well, not everyone can be as confident as me." As the plane’s engine began to start, his thoughts briefly turned to the Lin-Kuei graduate who was supposed to be joining them soon. "Ember huh? Wonder what she’ll be like…" Ember Lin-Kuei Temple, Training Arena Deep in the snowy mountains of Articka, the Lin-Kuei temple stood tall against the freezing winds. The clan was once known to have a fearsome reputation as a mercenary group who struck fear into those they targeted. With the death of Sektor and the destruction of the Cyber Lin-Kuei however, the new leader, Kuai Liang aka Sub-Zero, was intent on changing the clan into something better. In the training arena, a great test was being prepared. One of the current apprentices was taking one final test in order to become a true member of the clan. Most of the clan was gathered around the arena, many licking their wounds from participating in the apprentice’s last ten rounds of her test. In the center of the arena, an adult cyan blue Dragoness dressed in the Lin-Kuei apprentice garb, was currently kneeling and panting from the past ten rounds she just endured. “Well... They weren’t kidding when they said this test was difficult...” She thought as she finished catching her breath, she stood back up with the help of her combat staff. Taking in one last breath, she looked up toward the other end of the room, where the three leaders of Lin-Kuei were gathered. Master Akechi, Master Cyrax, and Grandmaster Sub-Zero. Sub-Zero went forward and cleared his throat, getting the clan’s attention. "You have done well so far Ember, but your test is not over yet." He and the other two masters stood up. "Now, you must face the three of us in Kombat." He then gestured toward Akechi who was wearing a uniform that was a mix of blue and red. "Master Akechi shall be your first opponent." Akechi entered the arena and stood across from Ember. A smile full of pride adorned his face. "You have grown from the reckless teenager I found lost in the mountains into a strong and independent young woman. I am proud of you." Ember smiled back. "It's thanks to you master." The smile faded into a competitive smirk. "Don't think that means I'm going to go easy on you!" She quickly got into her battle pose, holding her combat staff forward to the older man, who held a pair of sai's in his hands and assumed his own pose. The old man grinned. "I would expect no less from you. Now… begin!"