> A Friend For Life > by Inactive Pone > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > “I’m here for you, my friend...” > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- **Cheering** “My friends, my people, my home... I shall humbly accept my place as the new ruler of Equestria!” It was Twilight Sparkle’s biggest moment- Today, it is finally the day the crown is passed on by long-time rulers Princess Celestia and Luna, and to the Princess of Friendship. The crowd of ponies outside Canterlot Palace cheer in support of their new ruler, as the famous Princess waves from above on the castle balcony after she was sworn into her new identity. This was one of the nation’s most important moments to date, and ponies around the country were eager to gather round and witness her coronation. Though only a fraction present at the venue, this news was spread all around. Everypony was overjoyed. The rest of the mane six came out- Just like they did once. “It is my absolute honor to be where I am now- But I did not do it alone,” Twilight announces, her voice being magnified by the Royal Canterlot voice she used. “Each of my pony friends helped bring out the best of myself and helped me with every challenge I faced. They’re something I wouldn’t trade the world for- Because they’re the reason why all this happened.” She turns back. I was hiding in behind. “Especially my human friend, Nathan.” I blush and slightly shook my head. Twilight rolls her eyes at me before turning back. “Friendship is what brought me here. Harmony is the reason why our nation can last for generations. For this reason, it is my duty to protect its values in order for our kingdom to flourish. But I can’t do this alone- Only if the people and the ruler work together, can we ensure peace and harmony. From this day onward, I hope to build a stronger and more harmonic Equestria, with my friends, with our allies, and all of you.” Another round of applause and cheering follows. I can tell, everypony was excited about this. Everyone... Except myself. ************ As someone that’s been her friend since who knows how long, Twilight and I have always been pretty close and I knew pretty much everything about her. I remember doing so many things with my best friend- We would read through books of her old Castle library, record some good old videos together, have a sleepover or two, and a lot of other things. My happiest moments are all the times I get to see her, hang out with her, and sometimes messing around with my pony buddy. I like her- She’s that type of friend I don’t want to lose. She’s friendly, sweet, cute and caring. Twilight looks pretty serious a lot of the time, but when you’ve hung out with her and got to know her better for a long time, your impression of her kinda shifts. She has some funny fears and actually likes joking around when around friends. I never knew either. She’s also somepony I could turn to when I’m beat, and I can just cry on her shoulder about what problems I have. She listens to my every word, and every time, I can never deny her advice, no matter how much it hurts to compromise sometimes. And yeah, because of that, we do fight quite a bit from time to time, but I loved her the same. But now, things changed. Twilight has become the ruler of Equestria, and she has new duties to complete and take care of. She’s moved to Canterlot, too- Sitting in her rightful throne in the mighty Canterlot Palace. I was excited about her coronation, I was really hyped when I found out she will be Celestia’s successor. I’m proud of her, too. However, she has become quite the busy pony. Come on, she’s in charge of a kingdom, how can you not be busy? Meetings, delegation, administration, all that stuff. She’s still getting used to the ropes, with Celestia and Luna behind her back for any advice and assistance. With that, Twilight has paid more and more attention to her new role. I respect that, and we have gone over this issue before she was crowned. At this point, my channel on YouTube with the ponies was in great shape, and it was at this moment, I let Twilight go to focus on her job. It didn’t occur to me at first, but I slowly started to realize how important she was to me. And now she must be too busy to talk. **Ring ring** “My apologies, her highness is busy at the moment. May I pass on your words to her?” “N-No, that’s alright, thanks.” I switch off my phone and let out a sigh as I plop on my bed. “Ughhhhhh. Whyyyyy?” I slam my face onto my pillow. I still live in the Friendship Castle, with Twilight’s friends. I’ve lost track of how many consecutive days my calls aren’t able to reach my sweet pony buddy. Lately, she doesn’t respond to my texts much. And that soon escalated as I can’t even call her now. She’s always been working so late recently, I know because she gave me a heads up when she first started her new role that she may work well into the night sometimes. So, technically I know she wouldn’t pick up the phone, but that won’t stop me from trying. Until Twilight once yelled at me. ”What is it!?” “Twi! Finally you picked up, I called you like, 15 times!” “Sorry, okay? And I thought I told you not to bother me! You know I work late!” “But Twi...” “I know you miss me, and I’m sorry, Nate. I really am.” **beep** My behavior shifted after that happened a couple more times. I only wanted to know if she’s okay, and yet she snaps at me, which is reasonable if she didn’t know the context. I had to restrain myself from calling her every night. Now, I’m always down in the dumps- Depressed she’s not here. I miss the good old days, where we’d have fun and record together. Her life is now only focusing on her work in ruling Equestria. Worst still, sometimes her friends have to help her, too- So I’m usually really the only one back at the castle, having time to myself alone. It’s eleven. I’ll probably sleep now. I put away my phone and tuck myself into bed. I turn off the lights, and there goes that familiar cold air tingling me. Twilight will sometimes be here to give a snuggle or two if one of us insists that we have a sleepover. Oh, how I missed her warmth, her fluffy fur, and her sparkling eyes... If only back then I knew just how much I liked her as a friend, I’d probably spend more time genuinely having fun with her, not for the sake of recording only and talking to her more. Those hours at night spent editing videos... Now I know how she must’ve felt when I was busy. I feel a tear hanging at the corner of my eye. I shiver. It’s an unusually cold night. “It feels like she doesn’t care about me anymore,” I say to myself. I turn away from the moon, wiping my tear. ”Don’t worry, Nate, you’re always on my mind, no matter what I do.” “You sure that won’t disturb your work?” “No, buddy. We’re best friends, and that won’t change. I promise.” “*sniff* You promised...” I grab another pillow and squeezed it. It can never feel the same as Twilight. “I’m finding someone else,” I sigh in my sleep. “Someone... who can be there when you’re not. *sigh* I hope you don’t mind...” Time to lay that foundation for the sequel. Let me just... Then, I get an idea, and I force myself to smile. “Perhaps... Just maybe?” **ring ring** I just came back to my room and heard my phone ringing. “Hello? *gasp* Twilight?” “Nathan! Where have you been!?” “Eh?” I ask, “I could ask you the same thing any other day...” “I tried to call you 15 times!” “Very funny, Twi. You haven’t called me in a while, what’s going on?” “I saw you running around the Everfree forest just now.” “Oh, morning jog.” “Eh? Uhhhh... Okay.” “Right, spill it, buddy, why’d you call me, your highness?” “Just giving you a heads up that my friends and I are gonna be super busy today, sorry. You’re on your own recording if you want to make any videos.” “Awwww, come on...” “I’m sorry, buddy, we’ve been through this.” “Yeah, I know. Alright, later, Twi.” **Beep** “Ughhhhhh!!” I bang my head on the wall. “What’s with all my friends being crazy busy nowadays that they can’t even talk to me!?” I’m frustrated. First, they don’t respond to my text, then not my phone calls, and now they even straight up tell me specifically not to call them. This has been going on for quite a while now, and it still feels like they’re not actually that busy. Maybe Twilight, but my other friends too? Why? I decided to just make an update video for the channel to explain the ponies’ absence. Since her coronation and her leave from my channel as a member of the crew, videos started becoming less related to the ponies, my original fanbase. My friends were usually busy with their own things and the channel started filling up with videos of myself doing solo commentaries, which wasn’t all that fun. It just wasn’t the same without my friends that I love so dearly. I had to keep my composure throughout the recording to avoid breaking down because I’m already depressed and I didn’t want to make the video without them knowing. But at some point, I’ll tell them anyway. I even already had plans to introduce some new people on the crew to continue the channel. I finish the video, edited it a bit, and went to check up on YouTube comments. Ever since their absence started, fans have gotten pretty suspicious. ”Where did the ponies go?” “Why are all of these videos solo now? Is this a solo channel?” “It’s Literally been weeks since he uploaded videos frequently with them...” “It feels like he’s getting so much control of these videos.” “How to turn a team channel into a solo channel- Get all the screentime.” “Does his friends have a grudge on him or something?” I feel hurt, seeing everyone trash talk about me controlling the channel. I didn’t want to give them that impression, it’s just that my friends are all busy all the time and I never get to hang out with them. Sometimes I feel like my friendship with my pony friends is ending. They have their own things to do and left me alone. I sometimes give them a call to simply hear how they’re doing, but I can overdo it sometimes. I start to worry if they think I’m annoying, always trying to find time to hang out with them. Recently, I’ve been hearing rumors they’re getting together quite often- Without me. Is this a sign? A sign they’ve forgotten about me? I would’ve posted the video, had it not been the fact a letter was delivered to me through the window. Must’ve been Spike. Hi, Nathan. Come to Canterlot tonight. My friends and I have something important to tell you, and I don’t think it can be explained through texts. ~Twilight Sparkle The note feels strange. First off, there is no way she still sends letters to me, she would call me to at least explain the plan. So right of the bat, this feels unnerving. The next thing was her vocabulary- Not as casual like how we always chat, so whatever she’s talking about must be big. And the fact what she wants to convey can’t be explained through texts makes it seem more of a serious problem than just something she wants to tell me. All the alarms in my head were triggered. I’m so dead. During the evening, I arrive at Canterlot without a word for my friends. I already feel the fear tainting my heart- The harsh words Twilight is about to send me for everything regarding our channel and the lengths I’ve gone to recently to get their attention. Worst yet, Twilight seems to have found out my pursuit in the Everfree Forest this morning. All these signs tell me that I am not going to like whatever they have in store for me. I reveal my identity to the guards at the entrance, and they allowed me through. I was told by said guards exactly where to go, and it happened to be one of the ballrooms instead of the throne room directly. Now I’m getting extremely confused- Is she conveying a serious message or not? Is she trying to trick me or something? Where is she going with this whole plan? I arrive at the door to the ballroom and opened it with curiosity and worry. It’s a dark room. The lights were off- For a second I thought I was in the wrong place. For a second. **POP** “Surprise!” The lights all flicker on, and in front of me, I see my seven pony friends, as Spike adds an additional party blower after their dialogue. I already see the heaps of balloons and confetti flying everywhere, likely due to Pinkie’s party cannon. Party food was laid out on the long dining table, and everycreature had a party hat on. “What in the-!” I gasp. “What’s going on?” “Come on, Nathan,” Spike says. “You don’t realize?” Twilight giggles. “It’s your birthday, silly! How did you not catch my implication in the letter I sent you?” I blush. “You have no idea how hard it was for us to not tell you this!” Starlight adds, turning to Pinkie. “We’ve planned this for a while now.” She nods. “We’re so sorry, Nathan... I wanted to do something for you, and so did my friends apparently!” The others all agree on her statement. I was beginning to tear up- It is Indeed, my birthday. And I’m just grateful my best friends in the whole wide world did not forget. I had so much to say- About What’s happening in front of me, What I’ve been through, and how I’m feeling. But, I don’t know why, I suddenly heard something. Alright... This and that... Make him stomp away and leave... And done. “Wow, I’m surprised,” I say sarcastically. They all look confused. “Oldest trick in the book, trying to hold a party when I’m at my low point to lift my spirits.” “Uhhhh... Is everything alright?” Rainbow Dash asks. “Uh, no? Things are not alright, okay?” “I’m gettin a little bit confused,” Applejack remarks. Rarity agrees. “What’s the matter, Darling?” “What’s the matter, you ask?” I blurt out my mouth. “You’ve all been ignoring me for the past few weeks as a friend, saying you’re all busy and all that. I’m willing to bet sometimes you’ve been going behind my back to talk about me. Look, I know you all think I’m annoying, always trying to grab your attention, but come on, we’re pals and all I wanted was the reassuring fact you’re doing fine and well, is that too much?” “What do you mean?” Twilight is absolutely mind-boggled. “Obviously this party was to make up for you all ignoring me, that’s not hard to guess, now is it? You all purposefully did this because you knew I will feel lonely and wanted to cheer me up with this excuse. I don’t need your pity.” “But Nathan...” Fluttershy found a good time to speak. “We’ve worked hard on this. We just wanted to show you we still care about you as a friend...” I sigh. “You know our social media channel? More and more people are questioning the presence of you all. It’s getting ridiculous, I can’t stand these misconceptions that I had a fallout. Don’t you realize how annoyed I felt? No, because you’re so freaking worked up with your own stuff to care about your friendship with me! It’s becoming reality!” Twilight gasps. “What!?” “I’m going home, I know your intentions, and I’m not accepting your apology.” I walk back to the door and slam it shut. A few seconds later, I suddenly just realized what I had said- What have I done? ************* Normal POV. “What are we going to do?” Fluttershy asks. “Geez, Nathan has never talked like that to us!” Rainbow Dash remarks. Twilight frowns. “I don’t know. Maybe we’re too late to show him the truth...” “I’m willin to bet that Nathan’s the one gettin all worked up,” Applejack suggests. “True,” Rarity says, “He once said he’s sensitive about how his actions affect what others think about him.” “Perhaps he... He thought we were annoyed at him the whole time?” Starlight continues, “He would never tell us off like that.” “There’s only one way to find out,” Twilight says, readying herself to exit. “Please get him to come back, Twi! For the party!” Pinkie gets cold glares from everyone. “Oh, and cheer him up too, haha!” Twilight rolls her eyes and makes her way out. ************ **Nathan’s POV.** I entered the Droste Maze at the Canterlot Gardens around 5 minutes ago, dashed straight to the center, and I start to weep. I just blurted a huge bunch of nonsense- False implications, blame and a change in attitude about me, to my friends. Especially Twilight. I don’t understand why I said all of that, but now that it came out of my mouth, I couldn’t take it back. What if my friends hate me even more now? What if my friends have a different impression on me? What if Twilight took that as an insult of her people- Now that she inherited the throne? I feel my nerves tingling, and I cried tears of absolute fear and regret. "Nathan...?" I know that voice. And I didn't want to face the music. "I heard you crying from outside the maze. Is something wrong?" I stay quiet. I'm so afraid- To lose the one group of friends I want to hold onto forever. "Nate, I know you're scared. I heard your words, and I'm... I'm confused. Did you mean it?" I guess the least I can do is give an answer. So I shake my head. "Do you feel that way? Even though you didn't mean to shout?" She asks kindly. I didn't give an answer, so she moved on. "Listen, I know this is our fault. I know we look like we are ignoring you because of our duties. But please, just try to understand me for a second." Let's drag this out. I want to say something, but something prevented me from my words. "Um... I'll take your silence as a yes, I guess." Suddenly I feel two wings wrap around me. A soft, fluffy material contacted my back. Twilight, from behind, gives me a slight nuzzle and breathes heavily. "We never forgot about you, buddy. We never will," Twilight says. "Believe me, when we are all so busy, so tired, and so occupied, we wanted to have fun with you too. You always lingered in our thoughts, and it feels so absolutely worrying to know you're alone. Seriously, I, especially, missed you very much. I have a lot of things to go through and my friends have done nothing but supported me all the way. You did too, didn't you?" I slightly nod. “Friendships are not only about direct communication and contact. They’re feelings, too- Sympathy of what each other is going through. I know you’ve been supporting me a lot, Nathan. You worry about me a lot. And I worry about you too, feeling so alone after this entire time.” That feeling finally went away and I can speak. “Twi...” “Yes?” “Do you... Think I’m annoying?” Twilight turns my head, forcing me to turn and look at her. My eyes are stained with tears. “Surely not,” Twilight giggles. “Because it feels like you all are always ignoring me...” “Oh come on, Nate,” She laughs as she nuzzles my nose. “I get ignored from time to time too. Sometimes we just don’t know how to respond to some random things. But, for your case recently, your words are well-received and I’m just glad to have that encouragement you’ve given. I’m not ignoring you, it’s just constant work, and you know me well enough to know I am really focused on important things.” “True, True,” I say. “I’m just happy that you’re not mad at me. I’m sorry.” “It’s absolutely fine, buddy. Everyone blurts out weird things from time to time.” I finally find myself raising my hands to wrap Twilight’s back. Then I start nuzzling, then tightening my grasp on her. “*blissful sigh* I missed this...” “Missed what?” “You, Twi. Ahhhh, you fluffy fur, your scent, your kindness... I missed literally everything about you.” “*giggles* I can tell.” I want that hug to last forever. I miss the feeling of tugging her so, so much. But, of course, I let her go after a few minutes since I don’t think Twilight can sit here and hug me for too long. “Happy Birthday, Nathan,” Twilight says, giving a playful, little peck on the cheek. “Thanks, Twilly. I’m glad you remembered. Ah, who am I kidding when Pinkie is a thing.” We both laugh as we prepare to exit the Droste maze. “Huh, there’s one thing I find funny.” “Oh?” “I was trying to tell you something when you were speaking. But... something felt odd. About me...” “Oh shoot. Uh... Rewind! **Time skip woosh** I arrive at the door to the ballroom and opened it with curiosity and worry. It’s a dark room. The lights were off- For a second I thought I was in the wrong place. For a second. **POP** “Surprise!” The lights all flicker on, and in front of me, I see my seven pony friends, as Spike adds an additional party blower after their dialogue. I already see the heaps of balloons and confetti flying everywhere, likely due to Pinkie’s party cannon. Party food was laid out on the long dining table, and everycreature had a party hat on. “What in the-!” I gasp. “What’s going on?” “Come on, Nathan,” Spike says. “You don’t realize?” Twilight giggles. “It’s your birthday, silly! How did you not catch my implication in the letter I sent you?” I blush. “You have no idea how hard it was for us to not tell you this!” Starlight adds, turning to Pinkie. “We’ve planned this for a while now.” She nods. “We’re so sorry, Nathan... I wanted to do something for you, and so did my friends apparently!” The others all agree on her statement. I was beginning to tear up- It is Indeed, my birthday. And I’m just grateful my best friends in the whole wide world did not forget. I had so much to say- About What’s happening in front of me, What I’ve been through, and how I’m feeling. “Wait a minute,” I say in confusion. “This... Why does this feel so familiar?” “Eh?” Twilight asks, “What do you mean?” “I’m getting some really weird deja vu vibes. Why does it feel like you’ve already thrown me this party...?” They all turn to one another, completely baffled. “Well... Hey!” I change the subject. “I mean, this was... Haha, well this is unexpected.” Twilight giggles. “We know we made you feel kinda lonely. I hope this party just proves how much we care about you, Nathan.” I smile. “Awwww... Shucks,” I walk over. “Come here, y’all!” I try to give everypony a hug at least once, despite them all hugging me at the same time. I’m just excited to have fun with my buddies again since it’s been a while since we did so together as a group. We all laugh and giggle as we huddle up in pure cheer, and I could not have felt any better. We all let go. “Well, where do we start?” I ask, winking. A few weeks later. I run through the Everfree Forest. I make it to an open clearing, and I proceed to chant a spell that I’ve recently learned. A pink portal took shape in front of me. I don’t know why I’m doing this, but something in my mind compels me to, and I don’t think it’s wrong. “Okay, for real this time.” I step into the portal. And on the other side, someone that I’ve met the last time I did this spell was there to greet me. “Had a good night sleep last night?” “Oh, Indeed.” “Nathan-San, it’s been a while since you last came over. Were you scared to come back?” “Not at all. I just wanted to reflect on myself, Tsubomi-Chan.” “Reflect on what?” “My friendship with someone back home. I... I hope they don’t figure this secret out...”