> Experimentation: The Search for an Answer to a Stressful Day (The Answer is Getting Doinked by Your Sister) > by Tanuki Dragoness > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Curiosity Sated in the most Delightful of Ways! <3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Celestia groaned, turning over in her bed. It was incredibly soft, topped with a thick quilted featherbed, which cradled her large frame in all the right places.  It was wide enough to fit several ponies her size, and bore sheets made from the finest silk, which brushed gently against her bare fur. Her sleeping quarters were the highest standard of luxury, and yet... she could not get comfortable. Rampant thoughts of resolving the latest crisis were to blame.  Her day had been... difficult, to say the least, and now she was paying the price, lying awake with her eyes closed, pretending to sleep as she tried to forget about it. “Sister?” a strong voice called tenderly from her balcony. Celestia looked up to see Luna standing just outside the open doorway, head tilted slightly in curiosity.  She hadn’t bothered put on her own regalia tonight, leaving her pure, dark blue coat bare, the moonlight shining gently against it, framing her sleek, muscular form. “Luna?” Celestia responded, sitting up slightly in bed, “To what do I owe this visit?” “I noticed that thou weren’t asleep yet,” she ventured, “and I wondered if there were something amiss...?” “No... Well, maybe... It’s just that... Things have been so stressful lately, what with all the damage from the recent incident...” she cringed just mentioning it, “I just can’t seem to sleep tonight...” Slowly, Luna stepped over to the bed, shutting the balcony door behind her, but leaving the curtains open wide enough for the moonlight to cast itself across the bed.   “Perhaps I might help?” She climbed in, sliding up against her sister, and wrapped her hooves around her. Celetia hesitated, “Don’t you have your own duties to attend to?”  Her hooves wrapped around her sister regardless. Luna smiled, stroking her back as she nuzzled the side of her neck, “Nothing that can’t wait for you, dear sister.” Celestia closed her eyes, holding her sister close.  She nuzzled her head, as she’d done when they were both only fillies, allowing her horn to slide gently against her cheek. Luna responded by nuzzling at the side of her sister’s neck, gently rubbing against the tense muscles around her spine with the backs of her hooves. Celestia let out a contented sigh, rolling slightly into her, lifting a hind-leg to cover one of her sister’s protectively. Luna pressed against her, allowing herself to enjoy the feeling of the soft fur of her sister’s underside against her own. Celestia let her body relax, just enjoying the warmth and comfort of her sister’s love.  They stayed like that a while, following the sound of each other’s breath, the rise and fall of their chests against each other. Celestia was happy... and yet, sleep still evaded her. Luna pulled away gently, looking up at her sister’s face, laying her head on the pillow, “Art thou still restless, dear sister?” Celestia sighed, “Sorry... This is nice, but I just can’t stop thinking about... today.” she scowled a little.  She’d rather not return her mind to the crises she’d had to deal with, lest they wind her up again. Luna nodded, furrowing her brow a little. A thought went through her head, and it caused her to glance down, cringing slightly, “You know, if thy mind requires distraction, perhaps I could...” she trailed off. Celestia tilted her head, “...could what?” Luna exhaled, turning her head away, “Nevermind... ‘Tis a silly thought...” “Nothing wrong with that, let’s hear it anyway.” Celestia pried. “Thou would not like it...” “Luna, if it means putting the day behind me, I’m willing to hear anything.” “Well...” she slipped away from her sister, sitting up in bed, “‘Tis just that we’ve known each other for so long.  We’ve done nearly everything together, except for...” she stopped herself, looking away again, “Have you never been... curious?” Celestia sat up a little, chasing Luna’s gaze with her own, “Curious about...?” “Well...” Luna finally broke, “We are both... adult mares... and we are widely considered to be... attractive.” She held up a forehoof, winding it in the air, “In a sexual manner.” Celestia looked at her, the gears slowly turning in her head. Luna sighed, “I’m asking if you’ve ever wondered how sexual intercourse would feel, between the two of us.” She placed a hoof on her chin, “I believe I heard one crass individual describe it as... ‘Princest’?” Celestia was taken aback, “I... Well... While I’ve never heard that word, I can’t say I haven’t thought about it.  It’s just, it’s a bit... Unusual?” Luna rolled her eyes, “Sister, we are over a thousand years old.  I would think we were beyond simple traditions and social etiquette, especially with each other.” “I suppose traditional values have lost their charm to me.” Celestia admitted, “Still, you’re not bothered by the idea?” Luna scoffed with a smirk, “Please, sister, I am the guardian of the dream realm.  I’ve seen the desires ponies hide away in the deepest corners of their mind. I even had a fling with Shub-Niggurath when I was going through my little ‘Nightmare Moon’ phase.  She’s a sweet girl, really. I ought to catch up with her sometime...” she shook her head a little, “In any case! I’ve partaken in fetishes and escapades far more devious than a friendly romp with my beloved sister.  In fact...” She turned, looking her in the eyes, “One might even say that such a thing would seem tame, even sweet, from mine own perspective.” “So, is this you...” Celestia ventured, “Asking if I would like to...?” “No!”  Luna shook her head quickly, “T’would be too forward of me!  I mean, I am not requesting such a thing, I am simply saying that, if it would pleaseth thee, I would not be opposed to it.  I mean, I wouldn’t want to make mine own sister feel as if I were lusting after her. That is not the case at all, I am merely suggesting that, if it’were thine desi-” “Luna.” Celestia interrupted. Luna bit her lip, “Yes, dear sister?” “Would you like to have sex with me?” she swallowed, her blush deepening, “Right now?” Luna stared at her for a few moments, swallowing and blushing herself, sitting up a bit straighter as she worked up the courage, “I... I would love to.  Assuming it is what you want.” Celestia nodded with a smile, pulling back the sheet, revealing her majestic body: that pure white fur over her large toned frame which had inspired so much poetry.  That brightly colored mane and tail which had been the subject of so many ponies fantasies. She rolled onto her back and splayed her legs, giving her sister a full view of her smooth white underside, from her bare neck to that mound of flesh nestled at the bottom, the soft pink labia which most ponies only got a glimpse of, spread ever so slightly to reveal the entrance to her vagina, the small nub of her clitoris poking out in front of it. Luna smiled shyly, looking down at it, studying it for a few moments, allowing her eyes to wander over her beloved sister’s figure, illuminated in the pale moonlight.  Obviously, she’d seen her sister’s genitals many times before, she’d even helped her wash them a few times, but never before had she allowed herself to admire them, to consider what she might do with them were the two of her to act out one of her errant taboo fantasies.  She slid a hoof against her sister’s chest, feeling her soft coat for a moment, allowing the reality of what she was about to partake in to cement itself in her mind. She leaned her body forward, moving around to slip between her sister’s hind legs.  She lowered her head, tentatively approaching the area between Celestia’s hind legs, allowing a cautious sniff to enter her nostrils, followed by a deep breath, filling her lungs as she took in the scent of her sister’s sexuality. Celestia inhaled a little in anticipation, licking her lips to wet them as she felt her sister’s breath against her nethers. Luna opened her mouth, allowing her tongue to slip out, dragging it gently over her soft labia, tasting them thoughtfully. Celestia let out a sigh of enjoyment, laying her head back as the sensation brought a twitch to her hips.  She blushed a little thinking about the fact that it was her own sister giving her this pleasure. “Hmm...” Luna mused, licking her again, her tongue sliding between the folds this time, slipping over her wettening opening, flicking gently over the nub before she spoke again, “I always wondered how you’d taste.” “Do you... do you like it?” Celestia asked, shaking a little.  She hadn’t meant to sound so shy, but she found herself strangely worried that Luna might not be pleased. Luna slipped her tongue between them again, lapping up more of her sister’s juices, “Dost thou recall that one poet... What was his name?  The one with the poem about peaches and pears?” “Fillyiam Shakespur.” Celestia did indeed know him, and quite well.  He’d compared her to the finest and tastiest of fruits, like peaches and pears, whose sweet nectar dripped down one’s chin in the summer.  He had tried to be subtle about it, but everypony had known what he was talking about, even though only Celestia and the most loyal of her chamber guards knew the knowledge was first hoof. Luna nodded, “I see his point, but I dare say, he doth not do you justice.”  She chuckled. Celestia joined her, daintily placing a hoof to her mouth, but it ended in a little yelp as her sister’s snout was suddenly pressed against her crotch. Luna had opened her mouth wide, her chin brushing against her sister’s taint, nose buried against her clit.  Her tongue slid up and down between her labia, rubbing, tasting deeply, her hot breath rushing against her sister’s button every time she exhaled, her sister’s potent scent filling her nostrils every time she inhaled. Celestia pressed her head backwards into the pillow, arching her back slightly, moaning as she stretched her hind legs wider,  “Ooohh fuck that’s good...” Luna chuckled against her, momentarily detaching her lips from her sister’s cunt to speak, “Such language!  What would your loyal subjects think if they knew their beloved princess spoke like that!” Celestia looked down at her, frowning playfully, “What they don’t know won’t hurt them.  Honestly, it might do them a bit of good to-Ah ah ah ah ah!” her head was back against the pillow as Luna’s tongue dug in hard once again. Luna grinned internally as she pushed more of her mouth around Celestia’s cunt, dragging her tongue in a large circle within her sister’s labia.  She slipped the tip inside, seeing how deep she could get the rest of it. Little known fact: Luna has quite the long tongue, and she knows how to use every centimeter of it. Celestia pulled her forelegs in close, whimpering and twisting her head to the side, “Hoooly shit Luna!  I- I knew you were experienced... but... Ohmygoodness!” her eyes spung open as her sister shoved forward even further, her lips making contact with the sides of her pubic mound. Luna began to suck on the whole thing, teeth brushing against the sensitive pubic skin around it, causing her sister to shiver.  She was making a game of it: seeing how deep her tongue could go, how hard she could flick it back out, how quickly she could slide it along the length of Celestia’s inner folds, coming up to circle around the clitoris, pressing down hard against everywhere around the sensitive nub without applying too much pressure to it. Every time her sister’s amazing tongue slipped under her clitoral hood drove Celestia wild.  She was gasping for air now, letting out little neighs of delight, legs kicking in the air every time that twisting tongue came back up. Luna stared up at her sister with fire in her eyes, tilting her head slightly as she ate her out hungrily, swallowing her now copious wetness. “Oh!  Oh Luna!!  I’m... I’m... REHEHEHEHEE!” she whinnied loudly as she arched her back, Luna attacked her cunt like a bowl of ice cream, ravenously licking and sucking at it, tongue dragging through the trench without mercy as Celestia’s sweet sweet juices ran out and dripped down her chin... ...Like the nectar of peaches and pairs... It seems as if her poet friend did indeed have a way with words! Celestia gasped for breath, hind-legs kicking and shaking as she rode out her orgasm, whinnies softening as she exhausted herself. Luna slowed her pace, going back to the calm licking that she’d started with, watching her sister’s breath regain their rhythm with a catlike smirk. Celestia breathed hard, going limp on top of the bed.  “Ohhh yes...” she mumbled. Luna gives her one last lick, cleaning away some of the mess she’d made, causing Celestia to shiver.  She pulled herself away, crawling up next to her sister, snuggling back up beside her as she caught her breath.  She smirked, the feeling of awkwardness gone, “Feeling better, dear sister?” Celestia nodded, “Luna... Has anypony ever told you that you’re amazing?” Luna giggled, “Most mares I’ve had tend to agree.” They stayed there for a few moments, cuddling gently as Celestia basked in the afterglow. As she fell out of it, she turned back to her sister, chuckling slightly, “Unfortunately, I’m not tired anymore.”  Her gaze drifted downwards, “Since we’re already experimenting... would you like me to return the favor? I’ve never been much for a mare with my tongue, but I have as much experience with a forehoof as any other mare my age would.” Luna nodded, “I suppose that would be nice.  I prefer the hoof to the mouth anyway...” She spread her hind-legs, revealing her black labia, a modest pair of folded lines, like ropes of black licorice: forbidden sweets for most ponies who had thought to want them. Celestia turned towards her, pushing her gently to face away from her, slipping into a position to press her thighs against Luna’s rump, slowly sliding her hoof down her sister’s soft belly, towards the prize. Luna smiled, leaning back into her with a sigh as she felt her sister’s frog slip against her mound, where it began to slide gently up and down. Celestia pushed her other hoof underneath her sister, wrapping it around her waist and resting it against her thigh, adding to the stimulation as she began to nibble at the back of her neck. Luna moaned as her sister’s hoof lingered above her nub, making a gentle circle above the sensitive bump.  Whereas her own pleasuring had been wild and hungry, her sister’s was soft and caring, dainty as the mares she herself enjoyed.  She reached back to run her hoof over her sister’s cheek, letting the other one slip down to assist. Celestia smiled, increasingly amused by the game of stimulating her beloved sister, wondering if perhaps she might bring her to orgasm as well.  She pressed harder, now using her whole hoof to rub roughly at her sister’s pubic mound, the fur around her slit becoming damp with her arousal. Luna tucked her head against her sister’s neck, whimpering happily, hips thrusting needilly against the firm hoof, grinding back against her body. Celestia bit her lip, slipping closer against her back.  Slowly, she began to push the tip inside of her sister’s passage. Luna shivered slightly, jerking her hips back, but protesting hesitantly, “Er... Please don’t do that.” Celestia stopped, pulling back a little, “Don’t do what?” Luna looked away from it all, blushing again, speaking softly, “I don’t like being... penetrated...” Celestia blinked, “You... Don’t?” Luna shook her head softly, “It um... Feels awkward.” Celestia nodded, “I... suppose that makes sense.”  Luna was almost exclusively lesbian, with the only stallions she’d been with being somewhat averse to mares themselves.  It had been a matter they’d avoided discussion of before her banishment, and she was just now opening up about it. Celestia moved to continue, but hesitated, “You know... I’m not sure I have the skill to...” “Tis’ fine.”  Luna said, turning around and smiling at her weakly, “I suppose we should be happy to learn more about each other.”  She nuzzled against her neck. Celestia nodded, and their hooves wrapped around each other’s barrels, holding each other close.  They stayed like that for a short while, cuddling weakly in that embrace, just happy to have their bodies pressed against each other. Luna bit her lip, glancing down. “You know... I’ve enjoyed this quite a bit, sister... And, if I must be honest, I am still a bit aroused.  If thou would like to continue this, I believe I would quite enjo-mmf!” Celestia cut her off with her mouth, pressing her lips inelegantly against hers, practically sucking her face.  She started to pull herself on top of her sister, bearing down upon her. Luna let out a little moan, pushing back, reaching around and rubbing a hoof between her sister’s wings as her sensitive lips rubbed against hers, while pushing her crotch to her sister’s as another set of lips began to wetten again for both of them. Celestia gasped softly, breaking the kiss only for a second of breath before diving back in. Luna tilted her head, pushing against her and rolling on top, the strong warrior taking a place of dominance once again as she ground her muscled body against her sister’s soft one. Celestia’s eyes opened for a moment in surprise as she felt a strong tongue shoved into her mouth, sliding along the roof and wrapping around her own, pushing and tugging it about gently.  She closed them again, moaning through the kiss as she let her own tongue slide into her sister’s mouth, groping at her back with her hooves. Luna grunted, thrusting her crotch against her sister’s, letting their wet cunts press to each other, focusing the grinding motions into her hips. Celestia shuddered in surprise, but didn’t pull away as her sister raised one of her hind legs with one of her own, outright jamming her marehood against hers.  She whimpered, pushing back with her own hips. Luna finally pulled her mouth away, snorting through her nostrils as she panted hard, gritting her teeth as she tried to bring herself to orgasm with the motion of her hips. Celestia’s head dropped down, and she began to kiss excitedly against her sister’s neck, hooves rubbing earnestly against her back. Luna shivered, groaning loudly as her hips twerked feverishly, sweat beginning to drip down the bridge of her snout as she gripped roughly against her sister’s sides. “Do it Luna!” Celestia murmured excitedly, grinning up against her beloved sister’s neck as she enjoyed the feeling of a soft crotch against her own genitals, “Cum for me!” “I’m close!” Luna grunted desperately, almost a whimper as her muscles burned. Celestia looked at her with wild eyes, thinking fast for a moment.  She was beginning to get a feel for Luna’s behavior in bed, and decided to take a chance.  She dove back in, and her kisses turned to firm bites, all up and down her neck. As it turned out, that was exactly what Luna had needed to slip her over the edge.  She stuck her neck out straight and whinnied, body shuddering as she bucked desperately against her sister, body twisting and writhing in orgasm. Celestia purred with delight, thrusting back, hooves and mouth still gently working as she felt her sister ride out an orgasm against her.  She felt a stream of wetness, her own sister’s arousal, begin to drip against her crotch, and felt strangely satisfied to know that it was because of her. Luna collapsed against her chest, panting as she came down.  “Th-thank you... That was wonderful...” “Any time, Lulu.” Celesta smiled, lying back straight beneath her, planting a kiss on her forehead. They smiled, staring into each other's eyes, a pure love shared in their gaze, more than mere lovers, but sisters whose bond had a depth measured in centuries “So...” Celestia mused after a moment, “Is this what you’ve been doing with your marefriends this whole time?” Luna smirked, “More like what we do for foreplay.” Celestia’s eyes lit up with curiosity, “Why don’t you show me the rest then?” Luna smirked, pulling away from her to sit up on her haunches, horn alight.  In a flash of light, she teleported something into the room. Celestia shut her eyes for a moment, shaking her head a little to clear them, then looked up to see what was being held in her sister’s magic: a large strap-on dildo, and quite an extravagant one at that. The straps were wide, covered with navy felt, made to fit her hips perfectly, and blended in with her fur as she pushed her hind legs into them.  They even had a dark spot where they overlapped her cutie-mark. The dildo itself was long, thick, and highly detailed, the moonlight catching the wrinkles and veins of it’s ebony surface.  A pair of large black testicles swung pendulously from a long taint, which had a ridge meant to be nestled between her folds, with two nubs that Luna lined up with her clitoris and vagina respectively. Once Luna had set it in place, the base of it sat so well against her crotch one might think it was the real thing.   With one last pull of the straps, she stood up on the bed, puffing her chest out as the dildo hung proudly from between her legs like a huge floppy erection.  “So, sister,” she said with a smirk, “What dost thou thinketh of mine cock?” “Oh my... Luna,” Celestia blushed, eyes transfixed on it as it bobbed gently, “That is quite an impressive piece.” “Thank you!” She said excitedly, stepping to the foot of the bed, “Twas custom made by Hoofbeats herself.” “She does do good work.” Celestia mused, thinking of the items from her own collection that bore the mare’s mark. Luna sat down between her sister’s hindlegs, letting her eyes wander over her feminine body once again with a quizzical smirk, “It is quite odd, but can thou guess what the strangest part of this is?” “Is it... that I’m your big sister?” Celestia ventured. Luna shook her head, “No, what’s even stranger than that is... I’ve never done this to a mare larger than I!”  She laughed heartily. Celestia joined her in laughter, swatting at her with a playful hoof, “Luna!  Are you calling me fat?” “Neigh, dear sister!” Luna said with mock apologetics, “I am simply saying that thine posterior is the most rotund I’ve seen on a pony!”  She leaned her neck back to admire it for herself. “You’re just jealous,” Celestia smirked, “My posterior inspires poetry throughout the land.” Luna shot her a sultry grin, “I never said it wasn’t appealing.” Celestia finally burst out laughing, but was cut short as a her sister’s hooves slammed down on the bed beside her chest, and she felt something long and floppy shove up against her wet folds.  She looked down with a blush, seeing the hefty package that her own sibling planned to rut her with positioned right next to her own sex... For a second, she felt as if her sister might impregnate her, only to remember it wasn’t as real as it seemed.  “Oh my...” her breath quickened, ”You do make quite the stallion...” Luna gave a hearty guffaw, “Wait ‘til you see me rut.”  She rolled her hips a moment, lining herself up. Celestia inhaled in anticipation as Luna pressed the tip gently against her dripping folds, swallowing as she watched, “W-wow... This is actually happening...” Luna grinned, nodding, “Yes, sister.  I can hardly believe it myself...” “I’m actually a bit surprised we haven’t tried it sooner...”  Celestia bir her lower lip. Luna nodded, “‘Tis a shame, really, but let us not look back in regret.” She moved her legs a little, bracing herself.  “Art thou ready, dear sister?” Celestia smiled up at her, nodding excitedly, but blushing deeply, “Yes.  P-please rut me.“ Luna began to push her hips forward, biting her lower lip with a satisfied grin as she entered her own sister, a pony lusted after by most of the world, who she’d reduced to the shyness of a virgin filly asking a stallion to help with her worst heat: nervous, but literally dripping with need. Celestia gasped, mouth opening as she felt the tip of Luna’s strap-on part her slick folds, pushing past the resistance and stretching her insides.  She’d been right, it was noticeably bigger than her average lover, and every vein and bump on it made her shiver. “Ohh Luna...” she groaned, eyes rolling back as her forehooves gripped her sister tightly, “It’s even better than I’d imagined!” Luna grinned as she thrust roughly into her, grinding her crotch against her as she finally bottomed out.  “Do you like my cock, sweet sister?” she halfway sneered. Celestia nodded, wincing as she felt her sister’s teeth on her own neck.  “Ohhh yes, I like it a lot...” she crooned. “Tell me how much.” Luna demanded, a hard note entering her voice as she picked up her pace, roughly grinding against her sister’s crotch. Celestia panted as her bed rocked beneath her, “It’s... It’s like you’re filling places I’ve never even felt before...” she whimpered as her legs kicked, “I don’t even know how you’re doing that.” Luna grinned devilishly, raising her head to see the look on her sister’s face, “So you want more?” “Oh, definitely.” she whimpered, “Please, don’t stop!” Luna leaned in, so close Celestia could feel her breath against her face, her pace slowing.  “Beg for it.” she growled. “Wha... what?” Celestia’s eyes shot open, and she was met with her sister’s wicked grin. Luna shoved in hard, holding it in at full depth, staring straight into her sister’s eyes with a savage grin.  She drew out every word, slowly, dripping with a dominant aggression, “Beg me for my cock.” she commanded, giving another hard hump against her rump to punctuate herself. Celestia blinked up at her dumbfounded for a moment.  She’d never had to ask twice for sex, let alone beg for it: after all, what stallion would turn down a chance with the princess?  “I... I want your cock.” she ventured, “Please, give it to me...” she asked in earnest. Luna ground her hips against her, “Not good enough sister.  I want to hear how much you want it.” “Luna, please,” Celestia tried a bit harder, “Don’t leave me in this state!  I need you to F-Fuck me!” she uttered as she started to buck needily beneath her, her please starting to turn into whimpers of desperation, “Fuck me like the dirty little filly I am!  Rut me like your whorse! Put a foal in my belly! Just... PLEASE! GIVE ME YOUR COCK!! FUCK MEEEHEHEHEHE!!!” she whinnied wildly as Luna cut her off with a snarl, grabbing her sides tightly, digging in with her hooves, and thrusting rapidly into her leaking vagina. Celestia twisted her head this way and that, all four legs kicking in the air above her as her tight cunt was pounded by a lover as skilled and ferocious as her sister, who bit at her neck as she let her inner beast run wild. The ruler of the night roared, rearing up suddenly and lifting her quarry in her magic, yanking all but a couple inches out. Celestia let out a yelp as she was unceremoniously spun about.  The wind was nearly knocked out of her as her chest was slammed back down on the bed, which squeaked under the force of their combined weight. Luna grabbed her sister’s tail in her teeth, yanking it upwards as she pulled her body forward with her forelegs, hiking her ass up high in the air as she took her like a common animal. Celestia blushed deeply, letting out moans, which punctuated on every slam of her sister’s hips against her own.  No stallion (nor mare) had dared to treat her so dominantly, even in the throes of passion, but now that she’d felt it from a lover whose status was equal, well...  She’d never realized what a thrill she was missing out on. The bed shook loudly with the force of Luna’s assault on her sister’s cunt, every swift withdrawal, every heavy thrust mashing her powerful hips into her sister’s decidedly plump ass. Celestia whinnied and squealed as she bucked beneath her sister, and Luna grinned ecstatically at the sound, keeping the hair between her teeth.  She swelled with pride at her ability to deliver such pleasure to mares: they wanted her to dominate them, to give them her love with power and vigour, and she relished the fact that this time, it was her own sister, who normally towered above her as an elder, now pinned beneath her, crying out like that heated filly being rutted for the first time. Celestia was beyond words at this point, her marehood was getting sore from the rough pounding, and she could feel every thud of the wet scrotum of Luna’s strap-on as it smacked audibly against her crotch.  The fact that it was her own sister slamming a cock into her like a common whorse barely registered, as was the fact that even if she weren’t whinnying her brains out, the guards would surely hear the bed shifting beneath her as each thrust rocked her body. Luna hunched down, snarling through the hair in her mouth, Celestia’s eyes widened, her back arching, just as Luna tensed against her, both of them shuddering and gasping in unison. Luna let out a shuddering roar of passion, as if announcing her conquest to the entire castle, grinding her hips hard against her sister’s backside, legs kicking, causing both their rumps to bounce spasmodically.  Her forehooves gripped tightly against her sides, digging into the fur as she struggled to keep her back hooves planted. Celestia let out choked squeals, tears forming in her eyes at the feeling of her little sister biting down hard on her tail, pulling it so hard she could feel her anus opening a little as she came hard, unable to stop writhing as she pawed desperately at the sheets beneath her.  She came around the cock lodged inside of her, walls clenching down on it in heavy waves. Luna felt her orgasm begin to falter, but defiantly rutted into her sister’s backside with a renewed passion, dragging it out even longe.  She had to open her mouth as she let out a ragged groan, her whole body shaking as Celestia’s now-free tail swatted against her chest. Celestia shook and shivered as she came down, panting violently as she felt the last of her sister’s thrusts atop her. Luna herself had begun to go limp, slumping over Celestia’s back, her own body hunched over her rump, which her thighs still rested against. They stayed like that for some time, just panting, basking in the afterglow with one sibling pressed against the other’s back, their coats dripping with sweat, the room stinking of sex. Celestia was the first to find words.  “Luna...” she stammered, “That was... Amazing...” “I... I agree... dear sister...” Luna , pawing weakly at the damp bedsheets as she started to move, “Thou art quite a good lay.” Celestia opened her mouth wide as she felt that huge phallus slide back out, leaving her cunt empty, dripping, and gaping to the cool air of her bedroom.  “Hoooly shit,” she groaned, “We should’ve tried this sooner.” “Indeed.  ‘Twas quite the bonding experience, and I find myself most satisfied.”  She flopped on her side next to her sister. “We shall have to plan the next time better!” she declared, lifting a hoof in the air. “N-next time?” Celestia repeated, the whole situation dawning upon her.  She had just had sex with her sister. She had enjoyed having sex with her sister.  Her sister had aggressively rutted her like some common filly, and she’d squealed like one too.  And now her sister, her own sibling, was assuming this would be a regular thing... ...and she kind of liked the idea. A blushed formed on her face as she swallowed and responded, “I... suppose we should block off a few hours in our schedules then.” “Huzzah!” Luna said with a grin, pumping her hoof in the air once more, “The fun shall be doubled!”  She glanced down at herself, running her hoof through her slick fur, “Perhaps I should take a shower before I resume my duties...” Celestia blinked: there was Luna, nonchalant about the whole situation, as she ought to expect, more worried about whether to go about covered in sweat than the taboo act that her loyal chamber guards were no doubt currently fretting over having to take to their graves.  She swore, the mare was more like a stallion. Then again, she did, at the moment, have a stallionhood flopping between her legs, even if it was made of rubber. “So...” she probed, “...How are things with Fleur?” Luna flopped back, “Winding down.  Honestly, ‘tis a testament to her sense of reason that she understood what we had could be no more than a fling.” Celestia nodded, “...And North Point?” Luna rolled her eyes, “Do you intend to go through the list of every mare I’ve been laying with recently?  Nothing to report, other than that I’m growing a bit disillusioned with simple flings.” Celestia nodded sagely, “It can be difficult to watch mortal lovers come and go, even if we know it would be awkward to become the main love of their comparatively short lives.” Luna shook her head, “‘Tis not that they go, ‘tis the recognition that these trysts are nothing more than trysts.  I see dreams of deep love felt between more long term partners, yet I lack such a relationship in my life.” “I suppose it would be time for you to settle down again.” Celestia nodded, “Any mares in particular you have your eye on?” “Well...” Luna hesitated, “I do, but it may be a bit awkward to say...” Celestia laughed, “Luna, you just rutted me with a strap on until I squealed like some sort of lust-crazed filly.  I think we’re beyond awkward.” she placed her hoof under Luna’s chin, turning it to face her, “Besides, we’re sisters...  You can tell me anything.” she smiled as she looked into her eyes. “T’is a good point.” Luna agreed with a nod, “The subject of mine affections is... Thine former student, Twilight Sparkle. She is both pure of heart and very intelligent, and I find myself quite fond of her.  I don’t see her oft as I would like, but I sometimes think what it would be like to hold her, as I held thou just now.” Celestia paused, thinking for a moment.  She had known Twilight since she was just a filly.  Over the course of fifteen years, she had come to see Twilight as almost a daughter: even now, she still had trouble seeing her as anything but that excited little filly prancing about in the palace halls.  But, she reminded herself, Luna hadn’t seen that. Twilight was a grown mare when Luna first met her, living on her own, and the wielder of the element of magic at that. “I think...” she finally said, “The two of you could make a wonderful couple.” She smiled warmly at her sister. “You really think so?” Luna said, her eyes lighting up in a way that made Celestia’s heart soar, “How would you suggest I court her?” Celestia giggled, “Oh... Just ask her if she’d like to go stargazing some time.  She would love that.” Luna blushed: Twilight’s fondness for the silence and beauty of the night  was one of the things that she liked about her. “And... if that doesn’t work...” she pointed down at the floppy dildo resting against her teat, “Try showing her your cock.  It worked on me.” The two sisters shared a laugh, hugging each other close, glad they’d taken the time to become just a little closer... THE END