> Oh Pony! I shrunk my sister! > by Nailah > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The one and only chapter > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rarity whistled a light hum, as she began working on a new piece for her upcoming fashion show. Once again, she was running near the deadline, but she knew she would be able to get it done on time. However....she couldn't deny Sweetie Belle's constant wanting to help her, didn't make things go any faster. She sighed heavily, tilting her head towards her sister. “Oh Sweetie Belle, don't you have better things to do? I know you want to help, but it will help me more if you just go play.” “But Rarity....” pouted Sweetie Belle, her eyes getting wide and big, trying to make the best pout look that she could. “No buts. Why don't you practice your magic? I know Twilight has been teaching you three little fillies. I'd love to see what you've learned so far. Knowing that you're my sister, you've probably already mastered the basics.” smiled Rarity, lifting a forehoof, and ruffling her mane a bit. “Oh! That's a great idea.” replied Sweetie Belle, glancing around the room, when she noticed one of Rarity's mannequins, maybe she could try making it smaller! She illuminated the glow on her horn, closing her eyes to focus, and then bang! She cast the spell. She opened her eyes, to see the mannequin was still the same size. Hadn't it worked? Maybe she hadn't cast it right. “Sweetie Belle! What kind of spell did you cast? I can't see that anything has changed....” replied Rarity, quickly realizing she was staring at Sweetie Belle's forehoof. She took deep breaths, trying to maintain her composure. “Sweetie Belle! You change me back this instant!” shouted Rarity, stomping down her two tiny front hooves onto the ground. She simply couldn't stay this way, her fashion show was tomorrow, and every pony that was any pony would be there. She couldn't risk not being there herself. She hyperventilated, trying to think of something she could do to fix things. She tracked her mind for spells she knew, but she didn't know a size changing spell out the top of her head, but she knew some pony who would. “Um...I don't know how sister.” replied Sweetie Belle, hunkering her head down, her flank up in the air, her tail whooshing a bit behind her, she gently poked her sister with a forehoof. “Wow, you're so tiny you could be a toy for Opal.” Oh dear, she hadn't even thought about Opal. She glanced around the room, to find Opal sleeping on her bed. Good. At least she didn't have to worry about being eaten, or torn to shreds. That cat of hers had quite the temper at times. “Sweetie Belle, pick me up. We need to talk to Twilight. If any pony can fix this it's her.” explained Rarity. She wasn't about to let this get the better of her. After all, she wasn't just any pony, she was RARITY. And Rarity simply did not let such a small problem kill her mood, or ruin her day. Small problem....haha she thought to herself quickly. “Aww, but I think you're kind of adorable like this sister.” “Why yes, Sweetie Belle, I'm absolutely radiant, no matter my size, but I need to be normal. I simply can't go to the fashion show like this. I must get back to my old glorious self. Please, I need your help.” Sweetie Belle sighed a bit. “Are you sure you want my help? I'm the one that always messes things up remember....” she pouted a bit. Rarity knew she hadn't been the best sister, but ever since the sisterhooves social the two of them had finally reconnected and understood each other better. She could tell that her sister was struggling with a self-identity crisis, and she wondered if perhaps she had been the cause of it. After all, Sweetie had always wanted to be just like her, but Rarity wanted Sweetie Belle to be her own mare. After all, no two ponies were exactly alike in their mannerisms. “Yes, Sweetie Belle, I can't think of any pony else I'd rather have then you right now. I'll even let you wear one of the dresses for the fashion show.” smiled Rarity, knowing how excited her sister could get, this was the perfect way to lighten the mood. Besides, it hadn't even been ten minutes yet, and already she was dreading Opal waking up and pouncing her, the sooner they got to Twilight's castle, the better. She gulped nervously, trying not to fidget much, or make much noise. At the very least, she could see out of the corner of her tiny hues, that her outfits hadn't been messed with at all. She still wondered how Sweetie Belle's magic had missed her mannequin and hit her instead, but she simply didn't have time to worry about that now. “Really? Oh my gosh that would be awesome.” replied Sweetie Belle, carefully picking her tiny sister up with a forehoof. “It's kind of neat to be the big sister for once.” she chuckled and then put Rarity on top of her head. She dashed off to Twilight's castle. Rarity held onto one of Sweetie Belle's ears for dear life. “Sweetie Belle, not so fast!” shouted Rarity. Sweetie Belle came to a halt in front of the castle door. She lifted a forehoof and gently knocked against the wood of the door. “Oh I do hope she's home.” “When isn't Twilight home? She's always reorganizing her library, or reading books whenever I see her.” “I know Sweetie Belle, but what if today is the one day she decided to go somewhere with some pony? Whatever will I do then?” she dramatically lifted her forehoof over her tiny head, sniffling, closing her eyes, and whining a bit. “Then not only will I still be tiny for another day, but I'll miss my fashion show. This could be my only chance to impress the ponies of Fillydephia, I mustn't miss it. I won't miss it, I can't....” “Sweetie Belle, how good to see you, did you come for more lessons?” questioned Twilight Sparkle. “Oh no, actually I came to talk to you about my sister.” began Sweetie Belle. “What about your sister?” questioned Twilight Sparkle, holding the door and letting the young filly in. She hoped things were well after all the two had seemed to be getting along better as of lately. “So, what can I do for you?” questioned Twilight sitting down on her throne. Spike came in asking Twilight if she minded if he takes a break for a nap. The two of them had been working on quite a few things today already, and the little dragon was exhausted. But before he left, his eyes couldn't help but notice the tiny Rarity, clutching to Sweetie Belle's left ear. “Rarity......” he spoke almost baffled. “What happened to you?” he asked in an almost dry tone, then he chuckled a bit. “You're so tiny.....” Rarity's cheeks puffed up, and her nose scrunched, and she gave her best glare down towards Spike. “I'll have you know, it doesn't matter how tiny I am, I will always be fabulous, and this isn't very funny! How would you like it if Twilight turned you into a small child's toy.” huffed Rarity, puffing out her chest a bit, fluffing her fur. “Eh. Twilight used to practice her magic on me all the time, I'm kind of used to strange things by now. I mean seriously, it's Twilight.” replied Spike with a simple shrug of his shoulders. Twilight Sparkle looked on top of Sweetie Belle's head, and sure enough, there was Rarity, just much smaller than she was used to seeing her. “What spell did you use Sweetie Belle?” Sweetie Belle would explain how she was trying to turn the mannequin smaller, but somehow ended up making her sister smaller. “Oh, I see. Well, luckily enough I use that spell all the time. It can be quite handy in the right situation. Rarity, if you could just hop to the table, I'll turn you back to normal.” “My hero....” spoke Rarity, looking down to the table. She gulped, it felt like it was oh so far away. Her forehooves shook and she shook her head. “I don't know if I'll make it, what if I chip my hoof? Could you put me down Sweetie Belle.” she begged, deathly afraid of hurting herself. “Sure.” smiled Sweetie Belle, clearly picking her sister up, and sitting her on the table. “Alright Twilight, I am ready. Turn me back to normal.” smiled Rarity, “Wait! Do I look alright? I hope the spell didn't mess up my mane.” “You look radiant....” smiled Spike starring. She was so tiny, he could easily pick her up in his claws, and kiss her over and over again, but instead, he just googled at her, little hearts hovering above his head. Once Rarity was ready, Twilight Sparkle illuminated her horn, focusing her magic, and shot a beam at Rarity, the magic swirled around her, and suddenly Rarity was standing on the table in her normal size. Oh, she hoped she didn't chip or ruin the cutie map. The table seemed fine, and she was back to her old self. She hopped off the table and wrapped both forehooves around Twilight Sparkle, pulling her in close for an embrace, nuzzling against her. “Oh Twilight, how can I ever thank you.” “No need. Glad to help. Now how about we try that spell again Sweetie Belle? This time, I want you to cast it on me. It can be quite fun to be tiny.” “Wait....you want me to make you tiny? But...I don't know Twilight, what if I mess up again?” spoke Sweetie Belle, lowering her head a bit, hitting her forehoof against the ground. She always seemed to just mess things up, she wasn't anything like the pony Twilight was, all her spells seemed to go perfectly, without any hiccups. “Yes, I want you to make me tiny. It's good practice. And you won't. I know you have a lot of potential. You just have to channel it properly, that's all. I was just like you when I was learning my magic. Poor Spike here suffered through many of my own mistakes, and look at me now. Come on Sweetie Belle, I know you can do it.” “Alright....if you say so.” “I'll just go and let you two practice, I am already falling behind for my show tomorrow, and this whole ordeal has really cut the time I do have rather short. Behave for Twilight, Sweetie Belle.” spoke Rarity, quickly jumping off the table, and getting far away from where the magic would be cast. She wasn't about to take chances. Though admittedly it was an easy fix, and at least now Sweetie Belle could have something to do other than pester her. Spike stopped Rarity by the door. “Do you need an assistant my lady?” he asked humbly bowing before her. Rarity just grinned and patted his head. “No this time, Spike, but thank you for offering.” Though suddenly, Rarity had a brilliant idea for her show tomorrow, and quickly she realized she wouldn't have thought of it, if not for Sweetie Belle. Truly, her sister helped her more than she realized at times. She'd have to thank her later, but for now, she had work to do! There was no time to delay.