Soaring Hearts

by anonymous browser

First published

Gallus and Silverstream have a heart to heart one night. Things get steamy.

Gallus has had feelings for Silverstream for quite a while but hasn't mustered the courage to act on it. One fine night he lets it slip. One thing leads to another resulting in a night of passion shared between the two.

Warning: The second half of this story is explicit. You have been warned.
Kinks include: Knots and knot play, consensual sex in the traditional position, behaving like birds, an awkward attempt at feels by an emotionally dead author.

First go at writing anything in years (again!). Had the idea for a while and there isn't enough Gallus and Silverstream stuff about in my opinion. I hoped to get it finished before the final season premiere, but I failed.

Birds of a Feather

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Chapter 1: Birds of a feather

A warm breeze was in the night air around Ponyville's School of Friendship. This far out of town there weren't any ponies about, so it was almost a perfectly quiet night. Almost.

“Hey, Gallus, watch this! Woohoo!”

A pale pink hippogryph looped and arced through the air in front of the school with a decidedly more sluggish blue gryphon tailing behind her. Silverstream was always pretty lively, but for some reason this evening she was particularly energetic. Gallus was exhausted, his wings and flight muscle in his chest burning with exertion. His wings were long and broad, build for easy soaring on thermals but the sun had set hours ago. Even the heat rising from the kitchens had dissipated and the constant strong wingbeats to keep aloft were taking their toll.

Even though Silverstream's wings were shorter and more rounded, much more suitable for the tight turns and acrobatics she insisted on performing this evening Gallus was still amazed that she could keep it up for so long. Still, it made Gallus happy to see Silverstream so vibrant and full of energy, he just had his work cut out for him trying to keep up!

Silverstream raced up to rooftop height with a series of rapid, powerful wingbeats before rolling over backwards and pulling in her wings to stoop downwards. Gallus watched with amusement as Silverstream picked up speed, screaming towards the lake below. After a few second though, his eyes widened in alarm as he realised that she was going too fast to pull up in time.

“Silverstream, look out!” the young gryphon cried, pushing himself to go as fast as possible, desperately trying to intercept the falling hippogryph, even though he knew it was futile, but he had to try!

At the last moment, Silverstream raised a foreleg to her chest and rubbed a piece of shell strung onto the necklace hung there. With a bright flash of rainbow colours the young hippogryph transformed into a sleek seapony. She tucked her fins in close and hit the water straight as an arrow, slipping into the water with only the barest splash.

Gallus stopped in mid-air and bought a hand to his eyes and groaned. Of course he'd forgotten about Silverstream's shape-shifting ability in the heat of the moment. Despite himself, he looked down at the water and smiled. That was a pretty awesome trick, he had to admit. He fluttered down closer to the water, fully expecting Silverstream's laughing face to appear at any moment.

Quick as a flash, Silverstream came bursting out of the water right next to Gallus, moving so quickly that she left the lake entirely. Just as she was going to fall back to the water, she rubbed her necklace once more and was back to her usual hippogryph self. Flaring her wings out and quickly fluffing all of her feathers in a violent rouse sent a cascade of water over Gallus.

“Hey, come on, that's not fair!” the blue gryphon protested, now trying gamely to shake himself off. Silverstream simply giggled in response.

“Oh Gallus, you get soaked every time you follow me near some water, you shouldn't be surprised by now!”

Gallus simply grumbled and looked away. Silverstream's expression softened and she fluttered over to the gryphon, placing a hand on his shoulder.

“Hey, come on,” she said softly. “Come with me, there's something I want to show you. I'm pretty tired after all that flying.”

Gallus simply snorted as he started following the lithe hippogryph up into the sky, both using measured, easy wingbeats. Even moving through the air that casually, the blue gryphon couldn't help but admire Silverstream's effortless grace, even as he himself felt his muscles starting to burn with every stroke.

“You have no idea how much I wanted to hear you say that- my wings feel like they're about to drop off and that's just from watching!”

“Haha, well maybe you should actually do some exercise instead of just lazily soaring around; don't think I don't notice,” Silverstream playfully shot back, looking back over her shoulder and sticking her tongue out.

“Hey, that's not fair!” Gallus protested. “I'm a gryphon, that's how we're supposed to fly! We aren't built for flapping around like this!”

“It's OK Gallus, we're nearly there!” Silverstream called back, before sharply accelerating and disappearing into a cloud. Gallus followed her, bursting through the top in no time. He stopped, confused as he wasn't following Silverstream any more. Gallus whipped his head around in all directions, scanning for the elusive hippogryph, until he was interrupted by a mirthful shout from below.

“Hey Gallus! Down here!”

Silverstream was sat on the surface of the cloud, patting the spot next to her while beaming up at the confused gryphon. Gallus fluttered down and settled next to her.

“So this is what you wanted to show me? A cloud,” Gallus said, unimpressed. “Seems just like any other to me.”

“No silly, of course I didn't bring you all the way up here to show you a cloud!” Silverstream replied, playfully elbowing Gallus in the side. She turned wistful. “I wanted you to see this.” She said softly, sweeping a claw across the horizon, with the vista of a slumbering Ponyville below, appearing like a galaxy of softly glowing stars.

“Well, it is quite the view,” Gallus said, not quite seeing the point. Sure, it was cool looking at the quiet town at night time, but there wasn't anything particularly special about it.

“I come up here sometimes and look at the stars over there,” Silverstream pointed a talon for emphasis. “I like to think those stars are above Mount Aris and when everyone there looks up at the sky they're looking at the same stars.”

Gallus looked over at the hippogryph.

“Well of course they’re looking at the same stars, they don’t change that much when you travel.”

“Yeah, I know that,” Silverstream sighed. “It just makes me feel closer to home, I really miss it sometimes. Don’t you ever feel the same way?”

“Not really,” Gallus answered with a shrug. “Griffonstone was a pretty awful place, with everygryph at each others’ throats the whole time. I’m alone there too, I don't have a family, so it’s a terrible place that I have to call home.” The young gryphon looked over at Silverstream.

“You know, I really envy you sometimes.”

Silverstream gasped and quickly moved to envelop the smaller gryphon in a hug with her arms and wings. Gallus tensed but didn’t protest.

“Griffonstone doesn’t have to be your home, it can be right here, with your friends,” Silverstream softly cooed.

“That sounds really nice,” Gallus replied, relaxing into the hippogryph slightly. “I worry about what happens after we finish our studies here though. It’s not like you could take me home with you.”

Silverstream laughed, “Come home with me?”

Gallus froze, before pulling away from Silverstream’s embrace, suddenly flushing hotly and feeling his heart thunder in his chest.

“Uh, that’s not what I meant!” the young gryphon quickly exclaimed. “I meant that all of us will go our separate ways and we won’t be able to be very good friends any more, then here won’t feel like much of a home.”

Silverstream sat quietly, an intense look on her face and her ear tufts standing straight up. Gallus recoiled, mostly on instinct. Silverstream was bigger than him, no surprise since female gryphons and hippogryphs tend to be larger than their male counterparts.

“You know, I’m disappointed, but not really surprised,” Silverstream said while glaring at the gryphon.

Gallus suddenly took a great deal of interest in the cloud beneath him, not wanting to meet Silverstream’s gaze. His head was screaming at him to move and get away, but he remained rooted to the spot mumbling out an awkward response.

“Uh, how come?”

The young hippogryph sighed, settling down next to Gallus. He didn’t dare move a muscle. Sure, Silverstream liked to hug him but this wasn’t one of those times, he could tell. Suddenly, Silverstream darted her head under Gallus’, looking up into the sky and exposing her feathered neck.

Gallus’ heart skipped a beat and his breath caught in his throat. After what felt like an eternity he slowly reached down with his beak and softly began to preen her feathers. Silverstream let out a soft coo and her eyes started to drift closed under the gryphon's tender ministrations.

All too soon though, Gallus pulled back, allowing Silverstream to sit back up and tackle him in a much more familiar hug. The gryphon was still stunned though.

“Uhh, wow, Silverstream. What bought that on?” he asked, still sounding dazed.

“I got tired of waiting for you to make a move,” Silverstream replied, holding Gallus closer. “I’ve known for months you were interested and your little slip-up there drove me over the edge.”

“Wait, you knew?” Gallus exclaimed, reciprocating the embrace.

“Of course!” Silverstream trilled. “It’s pretty hard to miss with how often you want to hang out and look out for me, especially after you rescued me from those caves. Not to mention Ocellus told me!”

“Ocellus!” the blue gryphon sputtered indignantly.

“Well, yeah, of course she did,” Silverstream replied matter-of-factly. “Changelings sense emotions. Apparently, she could tell from a mile off!”

Gallus silently swore to pay his fellow classmate back, before speaking up again.

“But, I don’t understand why you’d want to be with somegryph like me,” Gallus said, hesitantly. “You’re royalty and I’m just a nobody from Griffonstone.”

“Gallus, don’t be like that!” Silverstream scolded him. “You’re the greatest gryphon I know.”

“I’m the only gryphon you know,” Gallus deadpanned.

Silverstream cocked her head to the side for a moment.

“Oh yeah,” she realized.

“Still,” she said, looking down at the gryphon in her arms again. “It doesn’t change the fact that you’re one of the bravest creatures I know. You came back for me when I was hiding, terrified in the caves under the school. You’d already faced your worst fears, you could have easily escaped, but instead you came back for me. If it wasn’t for that, I’d probably still be down there.” Silverstream shuddered at the memory.

“I would have gone back for any of you,” Gallus replied. “And you're made of sterner stuff than you think, you would've been all right by yourself. You just hadn't realised it yet.” In response Silverstream hugged Gallus even tighter and the gryphon started spluttering. “Hey, can't breathe!”

“Oh, sorry!” Silverstream exclaimed, letting go of Gallus and moving back a little. The grateful gryphon greedily sucked in lungfuls of air. Suddenly apart from Gallus' body heat, the hippogryph shivered, the night air having become rapidly cooled while they were on the clouds.

“It's getting pretty cold up here, how about we head back to the school?” Silverstream ventured.

Gallus simply shrugged, “Suits me.”

Silverstream smiled. Then with one last look towards the distant horizon where she knew Mount Aris would be waiting, she leapt off the cloud. Gallus quickly caught up and the pair of students lazily circled down towards the welcoming lights of the buildings below.

Flock Together (Mature)

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Chapter 2: Flock Together

The corridor to the student quarters was silent, until an energetic pale pink hippogryph came prancing through the main door, followed by a much more reserved blue and tan gryphon.

“I said you'd enjoy that night flight, didn't I?” Silverstream exclaimed, pirouetting like a top to face her companion. In response he chuckled awkwardly and rubbed a hand on the back of his head.

“Eh, heh, it was certainly the most interesting one I've been on,” he chucked and rubbed a hand on the back of his head. “Well, it's pretty late now, I guess I'll turn in for the night.”

“Gallus, wait a minute!” Silverstream called, opening the door to her room. “Can't we hang out for a bit? It's not like we have to get up for lectures tomorrow.”

The gryphon thought about it for a moment, before looking at Silverstream's pleading, puppy-dog eyes and relented, shrugging his aching wings.

“Sure, I guess.”

Silverstream couldn't help hopping about for joy even as she held the door open for Gallus. He noticed that even her ear tufts were waggling in happiness and he couldn't help but smile, the carefree hippogryph was just too adorable sometimes.

The young gryphon had been into Silverstream's room before and noted that little had changed since his last visit. The room was small but not cramped, with a relatively spacious bed dominating most of the space and a desk running the length of the wall with a window overlooking the grounds. A small wardrobe and chest of drawers pulling double duty as a bedside table finished the furniture. Gallus did notice that the number of books on the desk had increased, probably not helping the progress of the half written report they were sharing the space with.

Gallus hopped up onto the bed and Silverstream joined him shortly after, bringing along a book that she'd found interesting that week. This time the bigger hippogryph seemed to settle a little closer to the young gryphon, pressing her side to his.

Gallus listened while Silverstream talked almost endlessly about Ramps to lifts and all the stairs between; a history of functional vertical architecture. Gallus didn't contribute much, but he was happy to indulge Silverstream in her eccentricities. Also, while he would never openly admit it to anyone, Gallus did find Silverstream's random topics interesting more often than not.

Gallus watched as she talked, gently smiling at her boundless enthusiasm. Without realising it, he started to zone out and was snapped back to reality by a feathered cheek rubbing up against his own.

“I think that's enough reading for today,” Silverstream said softly. She paused briefly, looking over a little nervously at the gryphon beside her. “Hey, uh, Gallus? Would you like to cuddle for a bit?”

Gallus looked surprised.

“Gryphons don't cuddle,” he flatly stated.

“Aw, that's pretty sad, really,” Silverstream replied, deflated. “Hippogryphs do.”

The gryphon looked at her sad frown and his resistance crumbled.

“All right,” he said quietly. “But please don't tell anyone.”

Silverstream immediately perked up and nuzzled Gallus again.

“Yay! You're the best!”

“Eh, I'm OK I guess,” Gallus was embarrassed. “So, how do we do this then?”

Silverstream was thoughtful for a moment.

“Just lay on your side and get comfortable I guess? I have an idea.”

Gallus lay down on the bed and felt the larger hippogryph move behind him. He felt strange for a moment as she pressed herself against his back and wrapped her forelegs around him, but found he actually enjoyed the sensation, sharing their body heat and being so close that he could feel her breathing softly. Silverstream moved so Gallus' head was tucked under her chin and she gave a soft coo of contentment. “See, not so bad, is it?”

“I could get used to this,” Gallus murmured.

The pair stayed still together for some time, beginning to doze from the mixture of cosy atmosphere and lateness of the hour. After a while Silverstream shifted, causing the sleepy gryphon she was spooning to stir.

“Sorry, my arm's starting to cramp. I'm not actually very good at this,” Silverstream sheepishly admitted. She moved back a bit and noticed Gallus' feathers were dishevelled where the two creatures had been pressed together. “Hey, mind if I preen you? You've gotten really ruffled back here.”

Gallus was still waking up and only just blearily managed to mumble out a reply.

“Yeah sure, go for it.”

The hippogryph dipped her head and pressed her beak into the thick layer of feathers on the back of the gryphon's neck, carefully manoeuvring a single feather between her mandibles and teased it through, effortlessly hooking the microscopic barbs in the feather into place and restoring the feather from its' frayed state. While she did this she moved an arm down Gallus' body and started scratching the area where feathers gave way to soft fur with a claw.

Gallus groaned softly in contentment. He couldn't reach that part of himself with his own beak so being preened this way was like satisfying an old itch he couldn't scratch properly. Of course, he could work through the feathers on his head and neck with his claws but it's just not the same!

The gryphon melted into bliss as Silverstream continued tending to his feathers and moved her claw to massage a hind leg, working out tension he didn't know he had. After a short time though, the combination of their intimate contact and the hippogryph's continuing ministrations started making Gallus feel excited and he felt a familiar stirring between his legs.

The gryphon's eyes snapped open in shock.

“Hold up a minute!” he exclaimed, suddenly sitting up and crossing his legs. “Eh, heh, I was getting a little bit too comfortable there, if you catch my drift?”

Silverstream cocked her head in confusion

“I don't get it, how can you be too comfortable?” she asked, before glancing down at Gallus' crossed legs. She immediately brightened up. “Ooooh, so little Gallus wants to come out and play?”

“Uh huh, sorry...” Gallus stumbled, flustered.

“Don't be!” the hippogryph chirped brightly, before flushing and becoming quieter. “C-can I see it?”

“So you're not- wait what?” Gallus stopped mid sentence, Silverstream's request leaving him completely blind-sided.

“I really want to see what you look like. Besides, if you show me yours I'll show you mine,” the hippogryph turned coy, before adding with a wink. “If you haven't been stealing glimpses under my tail already!”

Gallus didn't know he could possibly be as embarrassed as he could be at that point, and his voice came out remarkably timidly.

“Promise you won't make fun of it?”

“Of course not, don't be silly!” the hippogryph said gently, looking into Gallus' eyes to reassure him.

“Well, OK then.” The blue gryphon gingerly relaxed his posture, slowly revealing himself to Silverstream, who was staring enraptured. She looked down from his face, tracing along the tan feathers of his chest along to the soft fur of his belly and finally between his hindlegs. Gallus' cock was half emerged from its' sheath, the smooth pink skin contrasting sharply with the tan fur covering his sheath and balls.

“It's so pointy!” Silverstream exclaimed.

“Hey, I thought you wouldn't make fun!” Gallus retorted, defensive.

“Aw, come on, it's not a bad thing at all,” the hippogryph replied brightly. “Hippogryphs and ponies are flat at the end. Yours is more like a seapony.”

“Wait, how come you know so much about what different species' junk looks like?” Gallus was confused.

“Well, the library is really comprehensive on anatomy, I was curious,” Silverstream blushed. “Um, can I touch it?”

Gallus also got abashed.

“Yeah, if you want to.

Silverstream flashed him an eager grin before leaning in and tweaking some feathers on his neck before pressing the side of her beak to his, all the while her hands softly roving over the gryphon's soft stomach and hind legs.

“Mmm, what's all this about?” Gallus murmured, reaching around to hold Silverstream with one arm.

“You don't just dive in headlong,” the hippogryph murmured back. “You're not uncomfortable, are you?”

“No, it's nice.” Gallus buried his beak in Silverstream's soft neck. “Not like you to be reserved though.”

Silverstream cooed, noting with pleasure Gallus' breath hitched as she traced the tip of one claw close to his sheath then curved away back up the inside of a thigh. Deciding to stop her teasing, the young hippogryph smoothly slid her hand back and gently grasped Gallus exposed flesh, squeezing it lightly.

The gryphon gasped as Silverstream stroked and fondled his cock, coaxing more length to emerge and rapidly harden. In spite of the ridged scales on the underside of her foot, Silverstream's ministrations were surprisingly soft. She started to slowly pump his length, causing Gallus to gasp and instinctively buck his hips. The gryphon's cock throbbed and a clear bead of pre cum collected at the tip. Noticing this, Silverstream spread it around with a digit before slowly increasing her pace, using her other hand to gently fondle his testicles, gently rolling and very lightly squeezing each in turn.

Skies above, Silver!” Gallus groaned, clutching at her back and massaging the point where feathers became fur. “That's so good!”

The young hippogryph felt herself getting more heated as she continued jerking off Gallus in front of her, involuntarily winking beneath her tail, which was now swishing back and forth excitedly. One hand snaked its' way from between Gallus' thighs, moving it down her own body and she started massaging one of her teats. The gryphon was writhing under her tender but firm strokes. Silverstream noticed on the down stroke her hand was bumping into a swollen lump of flesh that had emerged from Gallus' sheath at the base of his dick.
She thought it looked a bit funny but paid it no heed as the gryphon's length throbbed incessantly under her touch.

“Silverstream, I really need to cum!” Gallus gasped.

“Go ahead, don't worry about making a mess.” Silverstream gently urged him on, redoubling her efforts to get him off and gently nuzzling his cheek with her beak.

“The knot!” Gallus moaned urgently. “Squeeze it, please!”

Silverstream pulled her head back a little, confused. She bought her hand reluctantly from her teats and bought it to the lump at the base of the gryphon's penis. Maintaining her frantic pace with one hand, she wrapped the other around Gallus' knot and gave a firm squeeze. The reaction was immediate.

The gryphon sharply thrust his hips into Silverstream's hands and after only a few short pumps he exploded. Ropes of thick white goo erupted from the end of his cock, mainly landing on his chest and belly but some landing on the bedsheets. Silverstream kept pumping until she felt his throbbing convulsions gradually cease, squeezing the remaining dribble of cum from his tip.

Gallus went limp, beak hanging open and let out a long groan.

“That was fantastic!” he gasped.

Silverstream smiled, “Well, I'm glad you enjoyed it.” She removed her hand from the gryphon's softening member, noticing the semen that had run across her digits. She bought the hand to her face, sniffed it briefly, then delicately licked the mess away. “Not bad, really.”

“Wait, did you just eat it?” Gallus asked, surprised.

“I was curious,” the hippogryph protested. “Besides, you can't seriously tell me you've never tasted it yourself?”

Gallus looked away sheepishly.

“Yeah, I have.”

“See, it's not that weird,” Silverstream exclaimed, leaning over to rummage in her bedside drawer for a small towel. “Heh, that's quite the mess, let me clean some of it off.”

She leaned over and mopped the cum off of Gallus' belly and chest as best she could.

“I'm never going to be able to look at this the same way again!” She giggled, tossing the soiled rag aside.

The hippogryph laid down beside Gallus, nuzzling him with her beak affectionately. The gryphon reciprocated, also running his hands across her side to stroke a wing before rubbing the sensitive area between the two limbs. Silverstream hummed softly in contentment, her tail instinctively swishing to the side. She noticed Gallus furtively stealing glances down the length of her body.

“You can explore if you'd like,” the hippogryph purred. “I got pretty turned on getting you off just now.” She rolled over onto her side to give Gallus easy access. The gryphon started working his way down slowly, eliciting soft coos from the hippogryph as he ran his beak along the primaries of her closest wing, carefully maintaining each feather in turn.

“L-lower!” gasped Silverstream, desperately wanting the gryphon to find the aching spot between her legs. Gallus wasn't done teasing yet though, slowly working down a leg to the small feathers protruding near her hooves, gently massaging her with his claws as he went. Silverstream twitched as he carefully tended to those last feathers before running his claws up the inside of her leg, shooting lightning up her spine as his claws danced over her sensitive inner thigh. Silverstream couldn't do anything but lay her head back on the bed and sigh, her ear tufts erect and twitching.

A sudden gasp was heard in the room as one of Gallus' hands found a nipple. He was fascinated by the hippogryph's teats, rubbing his thumb over the sensitive nub and using his other claws to knead the pillowy flesh around it. The nipple quickly hardened under his attention and Gallus switched to the other. Acting on a curious impulse, Gallus leaned in and gently tweaked a teat between his beak's mandibles, causing Silverstream to jump in surprise and let out a sudden squeak. Concerned, Gallus lifted hi head up to look into the hippogryph's eyes.

“Hey, are you OK?” he asked. “I didn't hurt you, did I?”

“No, not at all!” Silverstream replied breathlessly. “Just surprised me was all. Fondling my teats like that feels really nice, but could you move on? I'm getting a little desperate here.”

The gryphon grunted an affirmative and moved his gaze lower. The hippogryph wasn't wrong about being wound up, she was absolutely soaked with arousal. Gallus watched fascinated as her slid suddenly convulsed, exposing a glistening pearl for a moment before withdrawing.
The gryphon used the back of a hand to caress around her flower, before dragging one knuckle gently along her slit, marvelling at just how warm Silverstream was. The hippogryph moaned at the contact and was disappointed when Gallus moved his hand away.

“I, uh, have no idea what I'm doing,” Gallus admitted.

“That's OK, I'll guide you.” Silverstream took one of Gallus' hands with her own and guided it between her legs. “Just put a single digit in to start and rub really carefully- use the pad instead of the claw. Also, if you can use your thumb to stimulate my clit when I wink, it'll feel really good.”

Following the gentle guiding pressure of the hippogryph's grip, Gallus slowly sank a finger into Silverstream's snatch, marvelling at the wet heat enveloping him and feeling the muscles gently tugging at the intruding object. The young hippogryph moaned as she guided his hand into her, holding it at just the right position to excite her most sensitive spots when he started carefully rubbing against her slick walls. She winked involuntarily against the gryphon's finger and remembering her instruction Gallus caught the exposed nub under his thumb and carefully began massaging the delicate bundle of nerves with the pad of his thumb, keeping his claw well out of the way.

Silverstream was in bliss, her back arching and her grip on Gallus' arm slipping. She Smiled up at the gryphon before letting her head flop back, feeling Gallus' other hand start to massage a breast, letting out soft coos as his finger found particularly sensitive spots within her.

After a few minutes, Silverstream realised she wouldn't reach her peak like this, despite Gallus' best efforts. She needed something more.

“All right Gallus, stop,” she said, gently tugging on his wrist to pull his hand away from her slit. She missed the feeling almost immediately but knew it would be worth it. The hippogryph had noticed Gallus was sporting a fresh erection, no doubt turned on beyond measure by what he'd been doing to Silverstream.

“Let's change things up a bit,” Silverstream said, rolling over onto her side and reaching once again for her bedside table. Going for a lower drawer, she pulled out a small vial, uncorking it and downing the contents.

“What was that for?” Gallus asked, puzzled.

“That,” the hippogryph murmured, moving up to briefly embrace Gallus and rub her cheek to his, “is for what comes next.” With that she broke her hold on him and wriggled around to kneel on all fours on the bed. The hippogryph looked back over her shoulder, winking coyly at the gryphon while lifting her tail out of the way and giving her hips a wiggle.

“I'd really like it if you could fuck me, Gallus.”

Gallus couldn't quite believe his ears or his eyes at that moment but his member have a strong appreciative throb.

“Are you sure?”

“I don't think I've been more sure about anything in my life,” Silverstream chuckled. “But if you're not comfortable with it you don't have to.”

That snapped the gryphon out of his shock.

“No, no,” He assured her, “you have no idea how much I want this.”

A twinkle came to Silverstream's eye.

“Well, I think I have a pretty good idea!” she said brightly, motioning to Gallus' obvious excitement, already leaking pre from the tip.

Gallus shivered, rousing all of his feathers up and letting them settle back into place. He carefully made his way over to her on the bed, climbing over her. For Silverstream, the weight of the smaller gryphon's frame on her back felt just right and she instinctively shuffled her hind hooves, widening her stance and allowing Gallus an easier entrance.

The gryphon held onto Silverstream's flanks, just where feather gave way to fur and gingerly thrust forwards. The hippogryph felt his member poke at her, before sliding off and rubbing against one of her breasts. Silverstream giggled at Gallus' groan of frustration.

“Here, let me help.” She reached under herself and gently grasped Gallus' cock, guiding it back until she could just feel the tip gently poking inside the entrance to her slick folds. “Just be gentle, at least to begin with.” She said, going back onto all fours.

“Okay,” Gallus grunted as he slowly, agonisingly skid forwards, both creatures taking a sudden intake of breath at the first intimate contact. The gryphon felt hot wetness gradually envelop his member, tugging and squeezing as he felt Silverstream wink against him, feeling her clit rub against him at her entrance. The young gryphon stopped pressing in when he felt his knot bump into her mound.

Silverstream felt perfectly full, Gallus' cock rubbing inside her and hitting sensitive spots even with the most minute of movements as they got used to the feeling of being joined together.

“I think I can feel your heartbeat,” Gallus said, leaning down to rub his cheek against the hippogryph's.

“I can feel yours too,” Silverstream murmured, returning the nuzzle. “It's wonderful, isn't it?”

Gallus murmured in agreement before slowly withdrawing. Silverstream let out a moan as she felt the emptiness return, her velvety walls trying in vain to keep the gryphon cock inside her. When just the tip remained, Gallus thrust smoothly back in, Silverstream's soaked pussy providing ample lubrication, but clutching tightly enough for fantastic sensations along the length of his dick. While he began to gently thrust in and out of Silverstream, Gallus moved his hands from the hippogryph's flanks to the bases of her wings, gently rubbing and squeezing the sensitive flesh there.

Silverstream moaned at the feeling, her wings slowly unfolding from her sides to drape lazily across the bed.

“Hmm, you feel so good, Gallus,” She moaned, her forelimbs slowly turning to jelly and making her head and chest press into the bed. The position gave Gallus an angle to thrust more deeply. He started to increase the pace of his thrusts, starting to make an obscene slapping of flesh fill the small room along with the moans and coos of the pair. The gryphon thought the sensation of his balls swinging and lightly bumping into Silverstream's rear with each thrust slightly strange, but it was overwhelmed by her slick, velvety pussy milking his cock for everything it was worth.

The hippogryph felt herself getting closer and closer to the edge under the eager gryphon's assault. She reached a hand back between her legs to rub at her madly winking clit. With Gallus' thrusts hitting every sensitive spot inside, her pleasure started to build exponentially. The gryphon above her craned his head over and took an ear tuft into her beak, preening the extremely sensitive feathers.

That was all it took and the dam burst. Silverstream's beak opened in a guttural moan as her body locked up and her eyes rolled up, a tidal wave of pleasure threatening to wash away reality altogether. Gallus noticed the sudden, rhythmic involuntary clamping around his dick trying desperately to draw out his seed and the sudden added wetness seeping between their bodies, matting the fur around their coupling. The gryphon slowed his thrusts and caressed everywhere on Silverstream that he could reach as she rode out her orgasm.

“Tide and Stars!” Silverstream moaned as she recovered. “That was the best ever!”

“I'm glad,” Gallus replied, gripping her just in front of her hind legs and increasing his pace once more. “I'm getting pretty close myself.”

“Ooh, finish inside me!” Silverstream cried “I want to feel you fill me up!”

This only spurred Gallus on further, increasing the power of his thrusts until Silverstream's larger frame was being rocked forwards beneath him with each thrust. The hippogryph pushed back to meet his thrusts, eager to encourage him to finish himself. The young gryphon felt the familiar pressure building between his legs and considered for a second just thrusting as hard as he could and plunging his knot into the hippogryph beneath him. He thought that wouldn't be right without talking to Silverstream about it first. Instead, he took a hand from her hip, wrapped it around his knot and squeezed hard. Gallus gasped, reflexively thrusting as deep as he could, his hand wrapped around the knot stopping it from pushing in.

The rhythmic milking of the hippogryph's pussy completed the task it had evolved to do, making Gallus groan loudly as he shot rope after rope of virile semen into Silverstream's deepest barrier. The hippogryph felt the warm jets shooting into her and cooed, another small orgasm overtaking her, making her pussy clench around Gallus and milk every precious drop from his cock.

When he was finally spent, Gallus slumped over Silverstream's back, panting. The pair laid there for some time collapsed into the bed just enjoying their closeness. While they lay there the gryphon's cock slowly softened and slipped out of Silverstream, followed by a small dribble of their combined juices.

“You know, I thought you were going to knot me there,” Silverstream murmured groggily.

“You knew about that?” Gallus asked, surprised.

“Yeah, I read about it once in an anatomy book,” Silverstream replied, rolling Gallus off of her to cuddle him properly.

“Well, I didn't want to freak you out,” the gryphon replied sheepishly, relaxing into the larger hippogryph's embrace.

“It's getting really late now,” Silverstream stated, her sentence punctuated by a yawn. “But it sounds like a fun thing to do in the morning.”

“Wait, in the morning?” Gallus exclaimed.

“Yeah, we don't have any lectures, that contraceptive potion lasts at least a whole day and it would make a really cute spooning cuddle,” the hippogryph said softly, snuggling over the top of Gallus' head.

“What did I ever do to deserve you?” Gallus said softly, closing his eyes and settling in.

Just by being you.” Silverstream murmured.

The young couple laid softly in each other's arms and fell into a quiet, peaceful slumber.