Discord In Heat

by Naptime

First published

Discord pays Fluttershy a visit while in the throes of a terribly strong mating instinct.

Discord pays Fluttershy a visit while in the throes of a terribly strong mating instinct.

Contains diapers, diaper usage, sexual situations, and males in heat. Please don't keep reading if you disapprove of any of these themes.

Discord In Heat

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Sporadically and - quite appropriately - chaotically a male draconequus will experience short periods of profoundly sexual urges that will overwhelm his other faculties. During this naturally occurring periodicity of draconequus physiology, the male will acquire a strong eagerness to exhibit courtship rituals and desperately seek out a companion suitable enough to accommodate his needs.

To call it the draconequus equivalent of going into heat would be incredibly inaccurate. In fact, terrible things have happened to ponies who have had the gull to refer to it as such a thing. But if one were to consider the elevated sex drive, the increase in sperm count, and the mind being overwhelmed with sexually intrusive thoughts, one might be foolish enough to think of it as such.

It is strongly advised, for all pony kind, to give such a male draconequus a wide berth during this periodicity. Any mundane animal would be driven mad by such an intense sex drive so there’s no telling how unpredictable a creature as naturally chaotic and enchanted as a draconequus would be under such circumstances. Caution should be one’s primary concern.

-Excerpt From ‘Intimate Observations of the Paradoxical’

It was a beautiful spring day in Ponyville and the season was finally emerging from the gray wintery landscape. For the past week or so, it did nothing but rain outside, chilling ponies to the bone with its icy cold water. But finally, like a blossoming flower, the weather finally subsided, revealing a beautiful spring landscape.

Spring in the quiet town meant a moment of rejuvenation and new life as the land shook off the chilly layers of snow and ice and emerged colorful and flourishing. Even the ever ominous Everfree Forest seemed to cast aside its foreboding facade for the moment in favor of a more colorful, lively one. Woodland creatures feared the forest less during this time of year and they all seemed friendlier with one another.

It just so happened out of sheer coincidence that Discord had chosen today to grace Fluttershy’s cottage with his presence. He was, well, he couldn’t quite put his finger on the reason of his visit. It had certainly been a hasty one. He hardly had planned any of it out. What mattered was that he wanted to see Fluttershy today. After all, it had been weeks since they last talked. And it had been MONTHS since they had tea together. On a day so beautiful as this, the situation was practically begging for some kind of celebration.

In perfect timing only seen in a god of chaos, Discord popped into Fluttershy’s home just as she was entering through the front door, returning from a hasty trip across town to pick up supplies. She had a rushed look on her face. The kind of expression one would wear after spending a day’s worth of busy scheduling and hurried planning. And things were just starting for the diligent pegasus.

“Fluttershy! You’re home!” Discord grinned, teleporting across the short distance between them with a white flash.

“O-oh, Discord, I didn’t think you’d be here today,” Fluttershy answered as she closed the door and slipped out of her saddlebags, “did you need something?”

“Do I need any reason to visit my favorite best friend?” Discord said with a smile, “I was just in the neighborhood shopping for some lovely flower pots to decorate the ol’ homestead.” With a flash of light, he summoned a pair of ceramic flower pots, one painted with polka dots and the other given a smudgy checkered print. The items floated aimlessly around his hand as they morphed into one another and changed shape a dozen times as he continued to speak. “I’ve done quite a bit with the place. Would you care to come and see?”

“I wish I could, Discord, but I can’t,” Fluttershy answered as she hastily trotted over to a nearby shelf, “I promised I’d help at the animal adoption center today.”

“Oh they can wait,” Discord dismissed with a shrug, “are they really more important than your dear ol’ friend Discord?”

“You’re all equally as important to me,” she assured him, ”but today I have to be there.” She quickly gathered a number of items of the shelf - extra blankets, food dishes, treats, and the like - and piled it all into her saddle bags.

“Must you leave so soon? Wouldn’t it be rude to leave a guest all alone at home?” Discord asked before conducting the various items in the saddle bags with a magical flick of his paw. Like a well choreographed dance, each one hopped out of the bags and floated back into place on the shelves. “Not even offer him a nice warm beverage?”

Fluttershy shrugged off the juvenile spell casting and simply packed all the items in her bag a second time. “I’d love to have some tea with you, Discord, but you caught me at a busy time. They’re extremely short staffed at the adoption center and need my help. I’ll be back home in the evening. We can do something then,” she told Discord, closing up the saddle bags, “maybe curl up by the fire with some hot cocoa or star gaze?”

Discord frowned. This wasn’t a social visit. It wasn’t a social need he required Fluttershy for. No, it was something much more basic. Much more primal. “But the evening is...so far away,” he pouted, “can’t you stay just a little bit?”

“I’m really really sorry about this, Discord,” Fluttershy answered as she slipped the bags back onto her back. She made her way to the front door with a rushed stride, apologizing and assuring Discord, “tonight we can do something. I promise.”

Fluttershy reached for the doorknob, but before she knew it, she felt a furred hand wrap around her waist, pulling her backwards into the arms of the uncharacteristically needy draconequus. Her saddle bags slipped off to the ground, dropping to the wooden floor with a padded crash.

“Please don’t go,” Discord muttered, hugging Fluttershy in close like a teddy bear. He breathed in deep her scent. It smelled like wild flowers and fresh linen. “I need you here.” He snuggled into her close, intimately nuzzling the top of her head. Burying his snout into her fluffy, well groomed mane caused chills to run down his back. Holding her so close sparked a burning heat inside Discord’s chest.

In a moment of giddiness, something almost unheard of from the older draconequus, Discord felt his legs quiver as Fluttershy’s body heat sent surges of shivers through his chest. The quivering turned to tingling as blood pumped harder into his heart. The tingling encompassed his whole chest before flowing down the length of his tube like body. The sensation intensified as it drew in closer to his emerging erection that grew harder and harder as he breathed in Fluttershy’s wonderful scent. He ached for attention.

Fluttershy attempted to squirm out of Discord’s tight grip. Now just wasn’t the time for his games. Only she immediately stopped when she felt a warm girth prod her back. She knew that feeling right away and it was unmistakable. Discord was getting thoroughly aroused behind her. She gasped at the sensation and blushed. “D-Discord, I-I really can’t!” her words quivered as she hastily tried to piece her sentences together, ”the adoption center i-is expecting a rush of new a-admissions with the n-new season!”

“Reschedule,” Discord groaned, “they can wait another day. I can’t!”

“B-but I really...really must...” Fluttershy stammered, losing track of her words as the firm member pressed in along her spine, laying flush against her back.

With a steady rock of his hips, Discord slowly grinded against Fluttershy, holding her close as his heart continued to race. His stiff erection rubbed against her soft fur, running up and down her spine with an erotic smoothness. “I-I can’t wait any longer,” Discord growled lowly, pressing the length side of his cock firmly against Fluttershy.

Already so pent up, it didn’t take long for Discord to reach the point of no return. A few rubs into the curve of Fluttershy’s back was all that was needed before his throbbing cock began sputtered with a heavy load, spraying the sticky sperm all over Fluttershy’s back.

Fluttershy gasped, wide eyed as she felt the strange, sticky warmth streak across her back. Discord’s pent up load practically covered her from head to hoof as he moaned and twitched behind her.

“Discord!” Fluttershy groaned as she pulled away from the recovering draconequus. “They’re all expecting me at the adoption center any minute now! I can’t go out covered in...I-I need to take a shower!”

With an aggravated sigh, Fluttershy started to trot towards the steps leading to upstairs. The salty stench of cum chilled her back as it chilled in the open air. She wanted nothing more than to quickly wash away the mark of the overly eager draconequus, however just before she reached the foot of the steps, Fluttershy’s body began to glow. Her movements froze as her front hoof stopped mid step before her. She was then pulled back by a magical force, dragged all the way back to where Discord slumped.

“Not quite. I’ve been waiting forever for this,” Discord growled, finding himself easily recovering from the powerful orgasm, “one won’t be enough.” With a snide grin, he sized the pony up as she stood before him, “no, we have to make this...special. And I know just the thing!”

Another snap of his fingers and a pink glow enveloped Fluttershy’s waist. The glow flashed after a second to reveal a thick, bulky diaper colored a bright, childish shade of pink. It seemed like such a hasty addition, but for Discord it made the scene all the more heated and arousing. Just looking at the diaper made him let out guttural growls of pleasure.

Fluttershy looked at the diaper with puzzled shock. The dense material forced her legs apart and made her legs splay out. She didn’t hate the idea of wearing a diaper, but she certainly didn’t have time for such a thing. In the brief moments she had time to think, she was already planning on taking it off before she took a shower. Wouldn’t want to get the absorbent thing wet.

“I can change the diaper’s state to better fit your mood, you know,” Discord smirked impishly, keeping the pony firmly where she stood with a hold of his magic, “anything you want. Smelling like flowers, thick as a cloud...maybe even...” He trailed off as he raised a hand ready to snap. “Soggy beyond compare?”

With a snap of Discord’s fingers, Fluttershy felt her diaper inflate with warmth as urine suddenly filled every inch of the thirsty padding. Without contributing a drop of her own, the diaper grew soggy, then soaked, and before long it was over saturated with the magical urine, practically bursting at the seams! All she could do amongst this surge of warmth was gasp. A mixture of arousal and shock coursed through her body as she struggled to keep herself under control. The distant memory of a nice warm diaper came flooding back to her mind, reminding her of all the nights of romance the two spent in diapers. It made her legs shake. It made her breath shiver. A little voice in her head screamed and scowled at her to remind her of her obligations, but her body wanted more.

“Come now, Fluttershy,” Discord grinned, grabbing a handful of the pony’s overly swollen diaper. He heaved her up into the air with a hand held firmly underneath her squelching, soggy bottom. “Don’t you miss this even a tiny bit?”

“N-no, D-Discord, s-stop!” Fluttershy stammered, her leg wiggling in the air with weak bursts of pleasure, “I-I can’t!”

“Of course you can,” Discord grinned, “you use to love your diapers.”

She couldn’t openly admit it, but Fluttershy’s body language told Discord all he needed. She wanted nothing more than to throw her plans away and spend the rest of the day in diapers, serving Discord as his obedient diaper filly. To give away her responsibility felt invigorating. Even now the little voice called out to her from the back of her mind, telling her that this was wrong and that she needed to leave immediately. But that voice was fleeting and was easily overpowered by the squishing and crinkling of the dark yellow hued diaper that pressed against her crotch. She gave up listening to that little voice only to letting out a subtle and lowly moan.

“Oh I see,” Discord grinned at the response, grabbing Fluttershy’s gut, “you’re so tense. You need to relax.”

With a magical gesture in front of Fluttershy, Discord pretended to pull at an invisible drawstring. As he gave it a pull, Fluttershy immediately felt the pressure in her gut slide downwards in sync with the draconequus’s devious magic.

A shake and a wiggle of her legs was all that Fluttershy could manage in the brief moments she had before making a baby of herself in front of Discord. Suddenly she felt her bowels empty effortlessly into her diaper, piling a heavy load into the diaper in an instant. There was no pain, no intense pressure, just one steady bowel movement that made her diaper sag between her legs.

“There’s the Fluttershy I know,” Discord moaned as he grabbed at the newly formed bulk that hung against Fluttershy’s backside. A foul stink hovered in the air around the two. Once again he pulled the pony in close, giving her a tight, lustful hug as the cold puddles of cum clung to his fur. He lifted her into the air with a pull under her armpits. His movements were devilishly smooth, hardly alerting Fluttershy of his presence until the final moments of his readjustment. With a festive drop, she was plopped into the crook between his body and his throbbing cock, straddling the massive member with her legs dangling in the air underneath. Her heavy diaper hung off the cock like a massive, perverted saddle.

Discord’s cock pressed deep into Fluttershy’s overly swollen diaper. The firm penis squished the saturated gels, forcing some of the urine to dribble out the leg gatherers. He wrapped his arms around her, pressing his full body up against her cum covered back. His cock throbbed in front of both of them, ready for round two. There was her scent again. Flowers and linen. Only this time those aromas were joined with the heavy stench of urine and filth and the subtle sweetness of arousal. It drove Discord mad.

He arched his back against Fluttershy, curving his stiff cock into the squishy front of her soggy diaper front. The throbbing girth pressed deep into the warm, crinkling shell as the nerves in Discord’s crotch screamed out and demanded more. Much like before he began to rock against the pony, this time putting more of his hips to work as he humped the diapered pony feverishly.

Fluttershy bobbed idly on top of Discord’s member. Every thrust squeezed her mushy diaper into her backside, spreading the filth around. She felt a little silly bouncing there like some kind of children’s toy. But it was the good kind of silly. She reveled in the slimy sensation of her stinky mess slicking against her rump as the diaper seemed to glide around her waist with slippery ease.

The diaper, once an unwelcomed intruder on her day, was now something her mind obsessed over. Regardless of how worried she was about missing her appointments for that afternoon, she couldn’t deny that warmth, the weight, and most importantly the heated moisture that began to mix with her own sexual juices. She allowed herself to be manipulated around Discord’s throbbing cock, moaning little squeaky moans as the firm member pressed into her.

Discord’s guttural groans turned into huffing growls in the final moments of his feverish humping. The sounds rumbled through his nose as his warm balls tightened up in preparation. Seconds after, he took in a sharp breath of air and in that same moment his penis twitched and exploded outwards onto Fluttershy.

Her front became covered in yet another thick load of cum, almost mirroring her back that had long since become matted with sticky, viscus goo. From the very bottom of her chin to her furry chest, streaks of white splattered across her front. Even her diaper, now heavily discolored and misshapen, had its fair covering of salty smelling cum. She felt dirty in such a short amount of time. But it was a good kind of filth. A naughty kind of filth.

Recovering from his second body shaking orgasm, Discord’s grip around Fluttershy weakened as his limbs felt light as air. He was floating on cloud nine. Exhausted yet satisfied. He was depleted and spent, but he needed more.

Still in the throes of his previous, lustful spasm, Discord pulled himself up to his feet, lazily using his magic to lift Fluttershy off of him as he moved. The pony’s legs dangled limply under her as her diaper bulged out and hung off her backside like a hefty bag of potatoes. It beckoned to him, practically begging for attention. He managed to find the strength to reach for the inviting diaper, pressing a palm into the lumpy back.

Fluttershy squirmed and whimpered as the muck inside her diaper was molded against her. Warm and of the consistency of clay, her humiliatingly stinky mess was squished and squeezed by the grabby hands of Discord. Her cheeks flared up in embarrassment, but her body burned with an aching hunger. The whimpers turned into moans as she allowed herself to enjoy it.

The moans reinvigorated Discord’s tired penis, breathing life into the organ as his whole body shivered with pleasure. A wide grin grew across his face, growing only bigger as he pressed his hand deeper into Fluttershy’s swollen diaper. He pulled the floating pony back down to the ground, positioning her in just the right position so he could get an eyeful of her diapered rump.

The sights, the sounds, even the feel of Fluttershy’s diaper breathed life into Discord’s penis for one last round as he growled lowly at the surge of energy. He pulled the diaper aside, thrusting whatever he could fit of his throbbing cock into the warm, filthy confines of the diaper. He slipped his penis into Fluttershy’s moist pussy, sending shivers down both of their spines. The warmth of the diaper was nothing compared to the saccharine heat that enveloped Discord’s member. Every inch brought him deeper into the pony, driving his body wild with a sensation like no other.

Fluttershy squeaked and whimpered under the draconequus’s care. Even as beads of cum dribbled off her chest, she felt herself filling up with Discord’s pulsing cock. Covered in milky white filth, she found herself wanting more. This was what she wanted. No more plans or social engagements. She needed more!

The amount of pleasure she felt as Discord feverishly thrusted in and out of her was almost dream like. There was part of her, despite all that she had just been through, that couldn’t quite believe this was all happening. She could feel herself instinctively clench around the firm girth that pumped in and out of her. The sensation allowed her fantasizing mind to finally realize that this was all real. And that only egged her on to moan louder and louder with each sway of Discord’s hips.

Discord’s moans of pleasure devolved into guttural growls as his motions became more primal. Each toe curling climax he went through chipped away at the need for foreplay, egging him on further until his terrible hunger was quenched. He grabbed hold of the diaper’s elastic waistline like a pair of handlebars, The smooth, crinkling plastic drove him wild as his hips pumped deeper and faster into Fluttershy’s warmth. Occasionally his fingers would run across the slick plastic, fondling the swollen parts of the diaper as he continued to pound away at the inviting pussy that grew warmer by the second.

Finally all his hard work paid off and his body tensed up for yet another orgasm. His cock throbbed hard as his balls tightened against his body before string after string of cum sprayed into Fluttershy’s pussy, coating its already moist insides with the sticky fluid.

Fluttershy followed shortly after, finding the sudden shock of being filled up as the tipping point for her mounting climax. She moaned as well, shaking and shivering as her body released more pleasure than she had ever felt in a lifetime. She squeaked, groaned, and vibrated as waves of pleasure coursed through her body.

It was only through this act that Discord finally found a sated appetite. His overactive sex drive that started the day screaming and begging was now quiet and controlled. His whole body ached, but he had finally satisfied that terrible urge that clouded his thoughts with lustful thoughts. For the first time in weeks he could actually think straight. He was absolutely exhausted, but at least he could think clearly now.

Fluttershy wasn’t much better off herself. She laid on the floor limply as her body tingled from a powerful afterglow that turned her legs into jello. She was a mess, but none of that really mattered. Her fur was matted and her back legs ached with pain from taking things just a little too long, but it was worth it. It was all worth it.

She glanced over at Discord who laid across the ground next to her in a dazed stated. He looked positively exhausted. If she had the energy she might have offered him some nice tea or a warm blanket. But now was hardly the time for that. Instead she pulled her tired body over to him, beads of sweat mixed with trails of cum as she snuggled up close to the draconequus. Her diaper, stinking of filth and now glowed with the warmth of her naughty shame, sloshed loudly as she slid up next to him. Floating in the wonderful afterglow, her body still buzzed from the intimate moment. A small, content smile glowed on her face as she pressed in close to his side.

Feeling the overly abused diaper pressing into his side caused Discord to speak up. “Oh, how very rude of me,” he said between pants, raising a clawed hand into the air ready to snap, “I almost forgot to change you.”

“Th-that’s okay!” Fluttershy exclaimed, waving off the raised hand, surprising Discord. “I’m...fine with laying here for a little while,” she blushed deeply, hardly able to look him in the eye, “I-I don’t want to spoil the moment...”

A grin stretched across Discord’s face. “Of course, my little pony,” he answered, “your wish is my command.”