> The Secret Chapters: Keeping Me Warm > by Rose Quill > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > When we last left off... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight leaned over me, her face starting to turn red as she undid the last button, lips still pursed from the kiss we had just pulled from. She started to slide it off and hesitated, shuffling nervously. I sat up on my elbows, giving her a warm smile. “It’s ok, Sunshine,” I whispered. “We don’t have to do anything.” She turned away from me a little, her shirt slipping to her elbows to reveal her slim shoulders, but her posture had it bunching above the swell of her breasts. I looked at her in the light of the apartment. She was unconsciously making herself smaller, shrinking down as her nerves got the better of her for a moment. But I could feel her love and desire simmering underneath the shyness through our bond, stoking my own fires as it ebbed and flowed. I also felt the frustration starting to build despite nothing having started yet. This was a strange side effect of our shared emotions. She felt pent up and it was bleeding over to me as well, despite being fine until a few moments ago. I sat up fully and reached over taking one of her hands and lacing my fingers with hers. “Wanna talk about it?” I asked. She nodded her head, then her mouth opened and the torrent began. “I’m sorry,” she sputtered. “I just wanted to do something special for us. Tonight was going to be perfect; a wonderful meal, and then some seduction and then something new for us. But I’m terrified! What if I do something wrong? What if it isn’t good? Or I hurt you…” “Twilight,” I said, trying to interrupt the litany. “Or if I don’t excite you? You find me pretty, but can you find humans sexually attractive? Oh, I don’t know anything about this, this was a bad idea.” She pulled her shirt up, fumbling with buttons, still muttering. “Twilight,” I said again, finally getting her attention. “First, I love you and I want you to understand that. Secondly, you’re one silly girl.” She blinked owlishly at me. “What?” I leaned back, pulling her down to the bed. “You forget we’re linked at the brain? I can feel the desire in you, and it is driving me a little nuts. If I didn’t find you desirable, I wouldn’t be five seconds away from soaking through my leggings.” She blushed and turned away. “Sunny,” she sputtered. “I could show you, if you want,” I purred into her ear, tucking a strand of her dark hair behind her ear before kissing it. “But not if you aren’t ready.” “I want to,” she said, shivering from my kiss. “But I’m scared.” “I am too.” Twilight looked at me in shock. “You…but haven’t you ever —“ “Not once,” I said. Then screwed up my face. “Well, as a human. There was one colt before I left, but I didn’t really feel anything for him. Was just a means to an end.” I wasn’t going to relate the whole issue of heat and estrus to her this early in the relationship. “But, weren’t you dating Flash?” Her face showed confusion. “Weren’t you dating Timber?” I countered with a side hug. “I’m being honest with you, Twi. This is a first for me too. It’s ok to feel nervous.” I scooted up the bed a bit, tugging her arm. “C’mon, let’s just lay here for a while.” She laid back against me and sighed, some of the tension leaving her. She hugged my arms to her body, and I could feel her warm skin through her blouse. I thought for a moment that I could feel her pulse racing, but the loose way I was holding her I knew it was a trick of the imagination. “Why do I do this?” Twilight whispered. “Do what?” I asked, nuzzling her cheek. “Overthink things so often?” she replied. “I had this well thought out and had decided to go forward with it long before I came over here. I even ran through the reasons and possible ways for it to go while making dinner. I was excited, and couldn’t wait for you to get home. Then it actually came time and my mind just started shouting reasons why it wouldn’t work, and, well…” I rested my chin on her shoulder and gave her a squeeze. “You are a very smart young woman,” I whispered. “One who has figured out how to do a great many things, save one: how to shut off your own mind.” I shifted, sliding her down onto her back, facing up at me. “Something like this, you can’t think it through. At least, not to my mind.” I caressed her face. “It’s something that is governed by emotions, by passions and instinct.” As I leaned down, I breathed my words against her rapidly blushing cheeks. “Don’t think. Just do.” And I kissed her as she had kissed me not long earlier. After her initial shock, she leaned back into the kiss, returning it with a fire that I could feel rebounding within my own being. She sighed in disappointment as I pulled away. “Just a moment,” I said, cupping her face. “It’s a little awkward in this position.” I laid alongside her, one arm pulling her close by her waist as the other slide back into her dark hair. As our lips touched again, I felt one of her slim hands slide across my hip and a leg slip up over mine. She leaned back, pulling me along to rest above her, my hair draped around our flushed faces. She ran a hand across my face before tangling into my thick hair, a tear slipping down her cheek. “I love you,” she whispered, pulling me down to kiss again. I altered her course and landed my kiss just under her ear, feeling her hiss and arch slightly, hand pressing against my head. I slowly trailed kisses and tiny nips down her neck, my lips now able to feel her pulse racing along the veins in her throat. I stopped as I felt her shoulders meet and bit gently down on the slope, an instinct I didn’t fully understand driving me forward. My hands pushed her blouse open, baring her upper body. I leaned back and gazed down, looking at the scientist. Her body was flushed, her breasts encased in a simple bra that matched her blouse in shade. Her panting breath made them quiver a little in their enclosure. I returned to her body, lips pressing down on her collarbone and following it along its curve. When it dipped, I followed the line down her chest, my hair trailing along her body and I felt her shiver. Gooseflesh prickled into being as I kissed along the upper curve of one breast. She twisted, trying to get me to press a little lower, her arms wrapped around me. I ignored her attempt to direct my actions and slid my free hand along her side, my nails barely making contact with her flesh as I pressed my lips on the flesh between her breasts. As I shifted a little lower, I marvelled at her body. She had a figure I never would have pegged her having prior to this. I knew from our trip across the mirror that she was a shapely mare, but I never had a chance to compare it to her human form. Her choice of clothing concealed some of it, making her bust seem smaller and her hips hidden. She may not have been as built as Rarity or Pinkie, but she was perfect in my eyes. I leaned down and continued my trip along her body, my hands taking positions along her ribs as I lavished kisses along her stomach. She hissed as I blew a raspberry on her stomach. “Sunny!” she giggled. I looked up at her, a smirk on my face. “Just having a bit of fun,” I snickered, reaching up to run the back of my fingers across her cheek. She reached down and cupped mine in return, a look in her eyes asking, almost begging me to return to what I was doing. As I kissed her navel, I felt her body contort, and when I glanced up, I saw her divesting herself of her bra, leaving her breasts free for a moment. They were soon covered by my hands, guided by hers. I felt suddenly hot, and I pulled my hands free to rip my shirt over my head, flinging it to the side and reaching for the clasp of my own bra.   Of all the human clothing that I had collected over the years, those were the biggest bane of my existence here. As it popped open and I tossed it to the side, I heard Twilight gasp slightly, staring at my chest. “What?” I whispered, suddenly self-conscious. I fought the urge to cover myself. I had come this far, after all. She responded by sitting up and wrapping her arms around me, lips finding a nipple and giving it a light nip with her teeth. I moaned, a hand going to her neck to hold her there. My mind was going crazy, ablaze with sensation and awareness. Underneath the lust and adoration ruling me at the moment were undercurrents of nervous fear. While we had gotten somewhat heated in the past, this was far beyond anything we had done before. I trusted Twilight to not only stop me if she got uncomfortable, but also to not hurt me. We had been through so much together, it was difficult not to trust her. But there was also an excitement that had nothing to do with what she was doing to me. I could feel her excitement and her eagerness, tinged with her anxiety as though it was my own. I also knew she could feel my own. I pushed Twilight back for a moment, panting for air. “Sunny,” she moaned in disappointment, trying to pull me back to her. I stopped her again. “Wait,” I said as my air returned. “It’s too much, I can’t handle my feelings and yours right now. Give me a minute to get a handle on what’s mine.” She cast her glance downwards, arms subconsciously rising to cover herself. “I’m sorry, I didn’t — “ I reached out and rested my fingertips on her lips. “Shh,” I soothed. “It’s ok. We’re both learning as we go. I just needed a second.” I brushed a tear from one cheek before leaning in to kiss one from the other. I closed my eyes and turned my thoughts inward, concentrating on the spark of magic within and pushing it deeper within. While I was doing so, Twilight had leaned back and put her glasses on the bedside table. She closed her eyes just as I opened mine and murmured to herself. After a moment she drew a deep breath and opened them again, her purple eyes looking at me with longing, if a little unfocused. “Ready?” I asked softly, sliding forward to brush noses. After an awkward moment, she returned the nuzzle. “Yes,” breathed my girlfriend, more throaty than before. She then pulled me in close and kissed me again, a little more tentative than before. I felt her hands slide down and grip my hips as I reached up along her ribs and back across her shoulders. I’m not sure who was the first to start peeling off the remaining clothes, but one moment I was rubbing her lower back and the next she was tugging my leggings from around my ankles, her skirt missing entirely. I tried to sit up again only to have her push me back down and proceed to rain kisses along my body, causing me to twitch at the warm, ticklish sensations from her lips. Her hands sought mine and twined our fingers together, holding on tight. “Twilight,” I breathed as her tongue dipped into my navel, her hands slipping free to grip my hips. “What’re you…” I had to gasp for breath as she kissed my inner thigh and slipped back, resting on her elbows. “I want you, Sunny,” she whispered, reaching out to take my arm and pull me close. “I can’t put into words how badly. I want to feel everything, I want —” I kissed her, stopping the litany of words and moved down her body slowly, taking time to kiss every spot I could along the way. I nipped at her neck, grazed my teeth along her collarbone. I lavished attention on her breasts with both hands and lips, and teased her stomach with feathery touches and kisses. As I slid a little lower, she parted her legs, allowing me to settle between them. I met her eyes as I rubbed her knees, a question in my eyes. She drew in a shuddering breath, then nodded, reaching up to push her bangs from her face. I dropped down slightly and ran a hand over her hips and gazing at her core. I traced a finger along it and marvelled at how wet she was. Twilight had gasped at the gentle contact I had made, and as I gently rubbed at her lips she let out a shuddering moan, head falling back against the bed. I kept a gentle, almost teasing touch as she sighed, a silly grin spreading across her face. I positioned myself, laying down and sliding an arm under a leg. I reached up to caress her skin but it was captured by her hand. I sat up slightly and looked at it, the light amber of my flesh in stark contrast to the cool lavender of hers. I followed her arm to see her looking at me, mouth hanging open as she panted for breath. Her other hand was cupping a breast, giving it a caress of her own. “Don’t stop,” she pleaded, squeezing my hand. “Please.” I squeezed her hand and smiled. “Don’t worry,” I breathed. “I won’t. Not until you tell me to.” I continued to rub her folds, making sure not to be too rough. I knew from personal experience that they would get overly sensitive with too much stimulation or with too much of the same. I varied my speed, sometimes pausing to let her catch her breath or to rub her thighs. I took my free hand back from her slackened grip and used it to open her lips, slipping a finger in gently, wishing for a moment that I had taken the time to trim my nails that morning. I slid it in and paused as she adjusted to the sensation. I began to move it slowly, tipping the end of my finger upwards to massage her walls. I increased my speed a little as her left leg twitched before I added a second finger. “Oh God,” Twilight gasped, her body tensing as she grabbed my wrist and urged me to go a little faster. “Oh God in heaven.” She had a far off look in her eyes, and I could see from the angle I was viewing that she had a light sheen of sweat coating her body. I could smell her arousal and it was intoxicating. I leaned forward and ran my tongue across the upper end of her opening, catching her clitoris in passing. The sensation was apparently the final straw as she went rigid, legs clamping around my head and a drawn out series of panting moans slipped from her mouth. I felt her slick walls spasming, trying to draw my fingers in as I eased back on my probing. I felt her hands tangle in my hair, holding my head in place. I continued to caress and kiss her as she rode out the high, her body shuddering as she tried to draw in breath faster than she was moaning it out. When I was finally released, I sat back on my knees, seeing the goofy smile on her face as she ran her hands down her neck and over her breasts. “That was…” She swallowed, eyes coming back into focus on the present. “That was amazing.” “I’m glad you think so,” I said, moving up to lay beside her, hand draping over her hip. As I settled, she turned and kissed me. “I mean, outside of times by myself, I haven’t really done this before.” “It’s better than personal digital stimulation,” Twilight whispered, her breathing starting to even out. “I’ve never had a reaction that strong before, no matter what I did.” I quirked an eyebrow. “Never?” I asked. I wasn’t surprised at her clinical words when she admitted to masturbating. She was still Twilight. She shook her head. “It was always to relieve the stresses and frustrations brought on by hormonal fluctuations.” She looked away and the light flush on her cheeks deepened to a dark blush. “And I would sometimes think of you. But the real you is so much better.” I smiled and nuzzled the back of her neck. “I’m flattered, Twi,” I whispered in her ear, giving it a light nip. “And glad that I exceeded your expectations.” She pulled my arms in tighter. “You’re not disconcerted that I used fantasies of you for personal gratification?” I giggled a little. “I will admit I never thought any of my friends would pick me for that purpose,” I breathed, tracing little circles around her belly button as we lay there. “But seeing as it’s you, and I have to admit to a session or two with you in mind, I have no reason to be upset.” She giggled, her abdomen twitching a little as I brushed an apparently ticklish spot. “Well, I hope I don’t disappoint you, then.” She turned and faced me, drawing me in for a kiss. As our lips meshed, I felt her hand glide down my hip and along my thigh. As I eased back down onto the bed, I sighed into the space left open between us, seeing her vibrant eyes glinting. Then she smirked. I was about to ask what was funny when I felt feather-soft caresses around the junction of my legs. I also knew that both her hands were still either posted next to me or on my hip. A ghostly finger trailed just above the sensitive flesh, causing me to gasp. “Problem, Sunny?” Twilight asked in an innocent voice. “This is cheating and you know it,” I breathed. The sensations were increasing in number despite her hands remainingwhere they were. “I like to think of it as working with the tools I have,” she smirked. “By the way, did you know that there are eight thousand nerve endings in the clitoris alone?” A ghostly finger barely grazed me. “I didn’t,” I said, feeling my heartbeat speeding up. She nodded, moving slightly downward. “And by the way; I’ve been practicing my fine control. I’ll admit I didn’t think of this as a possible application of it though.” She kissed my navel. “But I don’t see you complaining.” Her lips grazed the crease where my leg was hiked up. Whatever words she had planned next weren’t heard as I felt a caressing inside me that brushed everywhere but didn’t create the strange fullness I remembered from my last heat. To be honest, it felt better. It was gentle and soothing and insistent at the same time. I let out a slight moan as I dropped my head back onto the bed. “Oh, Celestia,” I murmured. She stopped and when I met her face she had a confused look on it. “Even though intellectually I know it’s a common expression in Equestria,” she tapped the tips of her fingers together nervously. “It sounds odd in our current situation.” I giggled. “Don’t worry, I’ll try not to use her name. But in my defense, you are doing really good.” She grinned. “I’m glad you’re enjoying yourself.” “Well, I am -- unf!” My planned compliment was cut short as the fingers returned, picking up from where they left off. Twilight leaned forward and kissed the inside of my thigh, moving her hands up to caress the bottom of my ribs. She kept eye contact with me, love and peace and a dash of mischief sparkling in her beautiful eyes. Damn, I love this girl, I thought, leaning back with shut eyes to enjoy the sensations. I could feel the coolness of the sheet beneath me, the warmth of Twilight’s skin, and the cool air of the apartment pricking gooseflesh along the exposed flesh. I felt lips moving up my body and soon found Twilight at my neck, threading her hands into my thick hair. I opened my eyes to see her smiling bashfully before kissing me fully. I returned the kiss and a moment later my body lit up like a Hearth’s Warming tree as I felt a ghostly touch caress my clit. I now knew there were eight however many nerve endings there, because every single one was sending messages to my brain. Ironically enough, it also tended to shut down rational thought. “Harmony,” I gasped around the kisses Twilight kept showering on me. “Oh, goddess, this is insane.” “Do you want me to stop?” Twilight asked, everything suddenly slowing. “Don’t you dare,” I said, reaching up and pulling her down into a long kiss. I don’t remember specifics, sadly. I just remember a slow rising wave as she continued to caress me with hundreds of fingers. I do remember losing control over my end of the bond and sharing the feeling with her. I also have a clear view of what I looked like, felt like, and sounded like from her point of view. And then there was an electric tingle and my body seized up, a long sigh trailing from my lips. The fingers didn’t stop until I relaxed and closed my eyes. I started giggling as tiny little aftershocks shot through me, causing me to twitch on occasion. Twilight nestled up against me, trailing her physical fingers along my abdomen. I found it soothing, in a strange way. “Was it good?” she asked quietly. I could feel the emotions behind her words and hugged her tight. “Sunshine,” I whispered drowsily. “It was fantastic.” She smiled and laid her head down, with only a slight gesture to pull the blanket up over us.