> No Stallions Necessary > by Rocks with Salt > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > No Stallions Necessary > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was a clear, starry night over the highbrow hub that was Canterlot. The balmy summer day had given way to a shimmering sunset followed by a cool darkness tinted by the light of the full moon. Canterlot did not experience the never-ending hustle and bustle of metropolises like Manehattan and Las Pegasus, where the streets were always buzzing with activity. When the sun sank and the moon rose in those parts of Equestria, the lights simply turned on and life continued. However, there were certain things that ponies, no matter where they were, tended to gravitate toward only in the shadows of the night, and Canterlot was certainly no exception. Nightfall was unique in that it could bring out the more… carnal side of a pony in ways the daylight simply couldn’t. At night, the booze flowed more easily, parties carried on until dawn, and certain intimate acts were carried out in bedrooms with doors closed and curtains drawn. Such nightly occurrences were common not only in busy cities like Manehattan, not only in more upstanding locales such as Canterlot, but even in the palaces and boudoirs of Equestrian royalty. Twilight Sparkle had retired to her chamber within the Royal Palace and was about to enjoy, what else, a good book. Her day had been filled with numerous appearances, diplomatic parleys, and detailed planning for the events of the next several days. She had been summoned to Canterlot to serve as a mediator between delegates from Saddle Arabia and Trottingham, who were determined to hash out a deal in their respective favors. To Twilight, the friction between the two seemed absolutely trivial; honestly, what was so hard about working out where a border was? Saddle Arabia claimed the border was determined by the course of the river that separated the two nations, even if said river changed its path over many generations. Trottingham disagreed, claiming that the border must remain the same even if the river decides to choose a new route. This seemed completely inconsequential to the princess of friendship, considering that nopony even lived in the disputed area and she had more important things to do, but she maintained her regal poise and grace even as the day wore on. Of course, trying to remain invested in such a boring topic for days, maybe even weeks, was taking its toll on the princess. She was glad when negotiations had ended for the day and she had time for herself. She had brought along her copy of What Lies Beyond: Discovering New Magic outside the Known World and was aching to read it. She was elated to be free of her formal wear, which was constricting and stuffy for such a warm summer day. Using her magic, she disrobed multiple layers of dignified clothing, beginning with her uncomfortable high heels. If only business formal meant sneakers, she thought to herself. She neatly arranged them under the bed before moving onto her mauve suit jacket. As unwieldy as her outfit was, she was at least happy that she didn’t have to wear her royal attire, which would have been even worse. For this occasion, she decided it would be better to appear diplomatic rather than imperial. She slid her stately wool jacket off over her wings and let it hang in the air as she turned to her button-up shirt; it was lilac and had lovely ruffles on the front near the collar, which complemented the jacket nicely. Using her fingers as well as her magic, she untucked the garment from her skirt and carefully undid each button. Rarity had done a fabulous job designing the ensemble to fit almost perfectly to Twilight’s petite frame, as it was neither too tight around her bust nor too loose around her midriff. Still, she was happy to feel a nice breeze blow across her body as she tenderly pulled the shirt off, divulging her lacy black brassiere underneath. This was another creation of Rarity, crafted specifically for this outfit, even if Twilight thought it was a bit much. She thought back to when the fashionista was taking her measurements at Carousel Boutique just days prior. “Nonsense, Twilight,” she huffed, running her measuring tape along her sides. Twilight stood on a platform wearing only her blue panties, at Rarity’s instruction; “It will make the final product that much better,” the designer had insisted. This wasn’t the first time that Twilight had stripped for Rarity in order to get a fitting done, but it always made her slightly uneasy being so exposed like that, even in front of her close friend. “Each part of this design, while beautiful on its own, must come together to create a perfect whole, even the parts that only you see.” She smirked playfully as she ran the measuring tape around Twilight’s chest, letting her fingers caress her bare breasts as she adjusted the tape. This caught the designee off-guard, making her blush. She let out a quick gasp, but Rarity didn’t seem to notice. “Well, maybe not just you, dear,” she continued. “I myself have experienced Canterlot after dark, and if I have learned anything, it is to expect whatever may come.” She released the tape from around Twilight’s breasts, allowing her to breathe a little easier. However, with a quick motion of her finger, Rarity took hold of the elastic on the princess’s underwear and gave it a quick snap. This elicited another gasp from the purple alicorn, who had now turned a deep shade of red. “Hmm, I’m not sure crimson is your color, darling,” Rarity teased. This only made Twilight blush harder. “You’ll thank me for this someday,” said the designer in a hushed, playful tone. Upon reflection, Twilight rolled her eyes and smiled. It was just Rarity being Rarity, she thought to herself. After all, she had to hand it to her: the custom-made lingerie fit perfectly, with no tugging or pinching at all. She placed the suit jacket and shirt on a hanger and set it in a wardrobe before turning her attention back to the bra. She spied a full-length mirror in a corner of the room, and was curious about her reflection. She hadn’t seen herself in this particular getup yet, sans suit jacket and shirt. She sauntered over to the mirror and squared herself directly in front of it. She was pleasantly surprised at what she saw. Wow, she thought to herself as she let her eyes wander up and down her body in the reflection. She moved her hips side to side, striking several different poses, each one better-looking than the last. Hands on popped hips, eyelashes fluttering. Arms above her head, showing off her curves. Her back to the mirror, looking seductively over her shoulder. Finally, she turned back around, spread her legs, and leaned her body forward, making sure her rear was on display in the mirror. She arched her frame upward, pushing her arms together in front of her to draw attention to her chest, elegantly cupped by this sensual charcoal brassiere. An inviting smile crept across her face at this particular pose, and she bit her lip seductively. Rarity wasn’t kidding about each part looking good, she mused. I look… sexy. This last thought seemed to snap her out of her self-indulgent modeling session, forcing her to reassess the sensual pose she was currently striking. Twilight could only laugh at herself, wondering what in the world made her think of choosing that particular… presentation before returning to a more natural pose. Her eyes settled on her bra once again in the mirror. She cupped her breasts inquisitively and moved them up and down, as if she were examining a pair of rare jewels. How does Rarity do it? she pondered. However, her eyes soon wandered away from her reflection and took notice of the book lying on the nightstand. It’s really comfy, she thought, as though her mind was switching gears, and it surprisingly does look really cute, but I guess I don’t really need it to sleep. And so with just a touch of magic, she slid the intricate black undergarment off, allowing her breasts to experience the coolness of the night air, perking them up immediately. Twilight set the bra in the drawer of her nightstand and looked to her pressed knee-length purple skirt. She promptly took hold of the waistband and slid the form-fitting article down her legs, revealing low-cut underwear that certainly didn’t match with the rest of the outfit. It was cotton, sky-blue, and rather plain-looking, a stark contrast to the rest of her ensemble. Although Rarity insisted on taking the lacy black thong that matched with the brassiere for the journey (Which she did), the princess simply felt more comfortable wearing her plain blue panties. Apart from the thin elastic waistband, which looked more like bikini strings than anything else, there was nothing about what was covering Twilight’s lower regions that was as ostentatious as her bra. But in her opinion, that didn’t matter one bit so long as it was comfy. After setting aside the skirt, Twilight pulled out a small cotton undershirt from the wardrobe. It was sky blue like her panties with yellow trim, and it was speckled with the outlines of stars big and small. This was her favorite nightshirt, even if was a tad small for her. She slipped it on over her chest and pulled out a matching set of pajama pants. She stood for a moment before deciding against wearing them, reasoning that it would be more comfortable to sleep without them. She put them back in the wardrobe and moseyed over to her bed, which was as elegant as to be expected in a royal palace, with ornate oak woodwork that matched the nightstand and wardrobe, enough pillows to establish a sizeable pillow fort (Should the need arise) and a canopy that almost reached the ceiling. Normally, Twilight would be put off by such lavishness, but as she settled under the silk sheets and laid her head on one of the many pillows, she couldn’t help but notice how cozy the arrangement was. It was superb, to say the least. She took the hardcover book off of the nightstand and began to immerse herself in the well-worn pages of the tome. Hours passed. The candles that had kept the room lit had long been extinguished, as the princess of friendship was fast asleep, the book still lying atop her peaceful body. The moon hung high in the sky, illuminating the royal halls and chambers with radiant moonlight. Twilight snored as she dreamt about using some of the new spells she read about to force the delegates she was overseeing to come to an agreement and leave on friendly terms, where Princess Celestia would then praise her for her skills in diplomacy and tact. And somewhere in there Discord was trying to marry a giant hot dog or something, but that hardly seemed important. Her slumber was rudely interrupted, however, when a loud THUD echoed into her bedroom, like a bowling ball had been dropped on a wooden floor. She awoke with a start, her eyes darting around the moonlit room trying to find the source for the noise. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary, until she heard a voice emanating from outside the door. It was unmistakable. “Quiet!” hushed Princess Luna in a harsh whisper. “Do you want the guards to come running?” Another unmistakable voice resonated into Twilight’s chambers. “Oh hush yourself,” said Princess Cadence in a teasing tone. “Just be happy it didn’t break.” “It matters not to me that it breaks,” retorted Luna. “I would just rather ensure that nopony else investigates and sees you with… that.” Twilight crept out of bed and noiselessly tiptoed to the door, trying to understand the conversation better. “Oh, I wouldn’t worry about that,” continued Cadence, letting out a hushed chuckle. “I didn’t get this for me.” Twilight, now absorbed by what was going on outside, tried to peer through the keyhole and see what the royal duo were talking about. Unfortunately, there was nothing to be seen except the stone corridor walls bathed in moonlight. She did, however, overhear Luna stammering her words. “I, uh, yes, of course. I just hope you know what you’re doing.” “My dear Luna, this won’t be much different from the hundreds of other times before,” cooed Cadence. “Besides…” she paused for some reason that Twilight couldn’t discern. “…I’ve come prepared.” “Fine, then let’s go. I’m getting nervous the longer we stand out here.” There was another pause in the conversation as the sound of footsteps reverberated down the hallway. Luna then broke the silence. “Is Celestia coming?” Twilight could now see the shadows of the pair of princesses on the wall. “Of course,” purred the princess of love, “but she won’t be the only one… coming.” Twilight then saw the two princesses walk by, Luna in a simple black and blue dress and Cadence in a similarly simple white gown. She then witnessed a pink hand playfully make its way down Luna’s back and grab hold of her flank, causing the princess of the night to flinch and gasp involuntarily. As they walked out of sight, Cadence could be heard giggling. “Ooh, you’re so tense,” she teased. “Don’t worry, you won’t be soon enough. I’ll personally see to that.” Luna was clearly caught off-guard. “Uh… yes, yes of course. Let’s… let’s just get going before anypony notices.” That was the end of the conversation as the twosome walked down the hallway until their footsteps could almost no longer be heard. Clearly, Twilight was too fascinated to go back to sleep, as she was determined to figure out what was going on. Shouldn’t Cadence be at the Crystal Empire? What did she get that wasn’t for her? Why didn’t they want anypony to know? The questions kept building until Twilight could bear them no longer and she became resolute in finding answers. She slowly turned the doorknob, again trying to remain silent, and pushed the door open, just enough so that she could see that nopony was in sight. Thankfully, the door did not creak on its hinges, and thus Twilight was able to sneak out into the long passageway. It did not matter to her that she was only wearing her matching nightshirt and panties, even as the cool breeze crept impishly between her legs. If Luna and Cadence can walk through the halls without being seen, she reasoned, then so can I. She had lost track of the footsteps ahead of her, and it was at this point that Twilight was all but lost. Sure, she had walked down the hallways and corridors of the Royal Palace multiple times in the daytime, but at night everything seemed foreign in the dark shadows, almost alien in the crisp moonlight. Twilight quickened her pace, all the while trying to keep perfectly quiet. She wandered past endless rows of closed doors and open windows, stopping frequently to try and pick up the sound of footsteps, but with no luck. It felt like the hallways were never going to end, and it was now that Twilight’s unquenchable curiosity began to give way to her self-consciousness. She didn’t want to be seen in her current state of dress by anypony, but if she were to run into any of the delegates, or worse, Princess Celestia herself, she might as well die on the spot. Finally, instead of leading to another corridor, like all the others seemed to do, Twilight wound up in the Royal Library, a place she was intimately familiar with, day or night. Shelves upon shelves of books seemed to cover every inch of the enormous room, forming a maze-like labyrinth much like the hallways. At least now I can get my bearings, thought Twilight. As she began to orient herself, however, she heard a noise that caught her attention coming from somewhere in the library. It sounded like somepony was dragging something massive across the floor, like a boulder or a wagon with no wheels. At first she couldn’t place exactly where the noise was coming from, but it was close. Very close. At last, a distinctive voice rang out. “A-ha!” whispered Luna. “I knew it was here somewhere.” “Took long enough,” said Cadence. Twilight didn’t want to risk losing them again, so she snuck closer to where the noise was coming from, navigating through rows of bookshelves that she knew by heart. At last, she rounded a corner and saw Luna and Cadence, their backs turned to her, entering what looked like a doorway into the wall itself. Twilight soon summed up the situation: A secret passageway? she exclaimed to herself. Why have I never heard of this until now? I thought I knew every inch of this library! Cadence turned to slide the bookshelf-cum-passageway back into place, which was Twilight’s cue to hide out of sight. She heard the noise from before as the bookshelf returned to its normal state. She tiptoed to the bookshelf and tried to listen for Luna and Cadence, but so far there was nothing to be heard. It was then that Twilight noticed that Cadence had not fully closed the entrance, as a small crack of dim light could be seen between the fake bookshelf and a real one. The plot had certainly thickened, and nothing could curb Twilight’s curiosity any longer as she craned her neck to peek inside this hidden passage. Alas, she could barely see a thing. As if she had enough questions on her mind, her ears perked up as she heard none other than Princess Celestia’s voice coming from wherever Luna and Cadence had ventured into. “I was wondering where you two had run off to,” came the calm royal voice. “I thought you going to have fun without me.” “Not a chance,” said Cadence. “Not when I have this!” Twilight could only speculate as to what Cadence was referring to. “Oh my,” came Celestia’s reply. “Yes, that will do quite nicely.” “You should have seen Lulu’s face when I showed it to her,” Cadence replied seductively. “It was just the cutest thing! I bet she couldn’t stop thinking about it all day!” “Aww, isn’t that sweet?” teased Celestia. “If only I could enter your dreams, sister; I’m sure I could see how you really feel then.” Celestia and Cadence giggled; even if Twilight couldn’t see her, she could tell Luna was having a difficult time lightening up. “Yes, yes,” said Luna apprehensively, “Laugh all you want. But I’ll have you know this isn’t my first time…” Her voice then became more resolved, more confident; “And it shall not be the last.” Cadence apparently saw right through Luna’s brave face, however. She continued on as if Luna had said nothing: “Oh Tia,” she beguiled, “We won’t even need to enter her dreams. We’ll coax them out of her soon enough.” There was another round of snickering between the pink and white princesses. This time Luna tried to deflect the attention away from herself. “Um, um, well…” she stammered. “Surely we – I mean I – will not be the only one to experience such… new things.” That seemed to do the trick. “Oh, of course not!” cajoled Cadence. “I’ve got my own surprises in store for Auntie Tia here.” Instead of shifting the discomfiture to Celestia, however, the princess merely played along in her own alluring way. “Ooh my, Cady, I sure hope so. I wouldn’t want to be left out of all the fun.” There was a silence as Twilight wondered what was happening on the other side of the bookshelf. She got as close to the crack in the wall as she could, trying not to make any noise whatsoever. What she heard next was… interesting. She heard soft, smacking noises punctuated by sharp, quick breaths and faint moans and quiet laughter, mainly from Celestia. Are they… thought Twilight. Her mind raced with possibilities, none of them particularly filly-friendly. No! No, that’s crazy! she reasoned. Get your mind out of the gutter, Twilight! You’re a princess and so are they! I clearly don’t have the full story, that’s all! I’m sure there’s a perfectly reasonable explanation for those… noises. I mean… Cadence and Princess Celestia? Making out?! That’s just… that’s just… However, the rest of Twilight’s body seemed to ignore her rationality completely. It occurred to her that she felt… warm… and tingly… like a nice buzz after a few good ciders. As the noises from behind the bookcase continued, this feeling grew and began to pulsate lightly through her extremities. Her conscience tried to intervene, as surely Twilight couldn’t be hearing the passionate sounds of her foalsitter and her teacher in each other’s arms, fervently allowing their lips and tongues to coalesce like amorous lovers, hormones raging and fingers wandering lustfully. But her mind was fully and completely betrayed by the warmth that was building beneath the blue cotton of her panties. At last, Twilight could no longer simply ignore the sultry possibilities that swirled through her imagination, and her restraint began to fade away. She slowly moved her hand from the floor and, almost instinctively, slipped underneath her nightshirt and cupped her breast. She ran her fingers across her bosom, noting how taut her nipples had become and how… nice… it felt. She continued to let her fingers explore as her other hand began gradually moving down her body. There was immediate hesitation as she reached the elastic of her panties, but the temptation grew as the pleasure did. Gingerly, she moved her fingers underneath the blue cotton toward the source of this smoldering warmth. “Ahem,” said Luna, stopping whatever was happening between Cadence and Celestia dead in its tracks and nearly giving Twilight a heart attack. She froze instinctively, holding her breath to make herself even quieter. “Aww, does Little Lulu need some attention?” whispered Cadence seductively. She didn’t wait for Luna’s response. “Well then, this way, girls.” “That is not my name,” pouted Luna as Twilight heard the sound of footsteps from inside the secret chamber. “Oh, come on, Luna,” replied Cadence, her voice growing softer with each footstep. “You know you liked it.” This made Celestia and Cadence giggle. All Twilight could hear now was the footsteps of the royal trio, getting fainter and fainter. Twilight slipped her hands out from beneath her clothes and strained to hear anything else, but eventually there was nothing more to be heard. This made her antsy as she felt the warmth that had been building up inside fading away like the sound of the footsteps. She realized she was breathing heavily, almost panting, and it was then that her prudence took control of her thoughts. You’ve gotta be kidding me, she pondered. This isn’t right! Cadence, Celestia, and Luna? And I think it’s… it’s HOT? She inspected the fingers that earlier were aching to explore the warmth between her legs and noticed that they were, if only slightly, damp. What is wrong with me? I shouldn’t be feeling like this! Am I dreaming? Is this some kind of bizarre Discord trick? I’ve got to— Her thoughts were rudely interrupted as she heard a faint but distinct moan deep within the secret passage that could only have come from one source: Princess Luna. She then heard another distinct voice: Cadence, giggling like normal. At this sound, Twilight felt a slight chill race down her spine and sensed the goosebumps that appeared across her body. Any apprehensions or lingering doubts that had remained were now fully replaced by the same ravenous curiosity that had led Twilight this far. She sighed. I guess it’s now or never, she thought to herself. She stood up and examined the bookshelf, wondering if there was a secret lever that opened the door, or whether they had used their magic to simply… Magic! she realized. That’s it! She recognized that she didn’t even need to move the bookshelf, as doing so might alert everyone else to her presence. Instead, she simply used her magic to silently teleport her inside the secret chamber. Why didn’t I think of this sooner? Twilight thought, proud of her minor achievement. She examined her surroundings carefully; she was in a narrow stone-walled corridor and the only source of light was the multiple torches hanging on the walls. Oh great, more hallways, thought Twilight cautiously. Now I’m REALLY lost. Just then she once again heard the sounds of Cadence, laughing as always. This buoyed Twilight to press on, to see just how far this hallway went. It didn’t take her too long. She walked past rows of torches, taking care not to make herself heard as she traversed further and further into the catacombs. Finally, something caught her eye that stuck out amongst the uniformity of the corridor: a glowing blue light flickering from a room connected to the hallway. At this point Twilight made sure to make herself even quieter as she tiptoed toward the room with the radiant blue light. At last she reached the source of the light, but instead of bursting in Twilight pressed herself against the wall just in case anyone may have been watching and listened intently. She nearly jumped as she heard “Oh YES!” unmistakably spring from Celestia’s lips, clear as day, and now Twilight was absolutely certain she was just inches away from the answer to all her questions. This is it, she thought, her heart pounding. It didn’t even occur to her that the hallway continued onward toward what seemed like infinity or what other treasures might be further down; it sounded like this would be treasure in itself. Twilight heard a variety of noises emanating from this mysterious room, from heavy gasping, to muffled groans, to bodies moving on the floor. One sound remained constant, but she couldn’t put a finger on what it was; it was rhythmic, almost wet-sounding. Schlick... Schlick… Schlick… interspersed with the heavy gasps for breath and the odd royal groan. Any communication was short and stilted; a brief “yes” or “right there” was all that was said. Twilight stood, pressed against the wall for what seemed like eternity. The longer she listened, the more the warmth between her legs began to burn. The buzz returned with a vengeance, perking her nipples up and sending those familiar pulses down her body. At last, there was more verbal chatter resonating from inside the room, all coming from the princess of the night. Twilight could tell that Luna’s breathing was becoming shorter and shorter as her moans became louder and louder. The moans quickly gave way to short outbursts: an orchestral array of words like “YES!” “Right there!” “Almost!” “Please!” “Don’t stop!” over and over again, her voice rising in pitch with each cry. Finally, Luna couldn’t even catch her breath without inadvertently expressing the ecstasy she must be feeling, as loud gasps for air echoed from the room punctuated with uncontrollable moans. This continued unrelentingly, crescendoing to a fever pitch that excited Twilight to unbearable levels. Her imagination was running wild, and it took all her willpower not to make a sound as she felt herself becoming damp between her legs. Finally, she could take it no more: she bit her lip and cautiously turned her head to peek inside this enigmatic room, letting reality take over for her imagination once and for all. What she saw made Twilight’s wings unfurl uncontrollably. She slapped her hand over her mouth so she wouldn’t make a sound. Her heart skipped a beat and her eyes were was wide as they could be. This room was as ornate as all the others in this palace, lit by a plethora of flaming blue torches, but this room was clearly meant for more… deviant… activities. The walls were covered by enormous illustrations, uncolored yet intricately detailed, straight from the pages of the Pony Sutra. They depicted all things sexual, yet they appeared playful and inviting. What’s more, there were no stallions to be seen in a single one of them. They were all mares, drawn in just about every conceivable pose and position. One of them depicted the same scintillating pose Twilight had done in the mirror earlier that night, seductive smile and all, only here the model was completely nude, her fingers running between her legs. Another portrayed a group of three ponies, all naked; one of them was on her knees with her face pressed in between another’s legs, holding what appeared to be the latter’s panties aloft like a trophy. The third pony was sidled up behind the one being eaten out, grabbing the receiver’s breasts while a bra dangled from her mouth. The look of the pony in the middle appeared to be one of both surprise and ecstasy. Yet another picture showed two ponies embraced in each other’s arms, passionately kissing as they explore each other’s sexes with their fingers. Still another centered on one lucky mare that was being eaten out by two different ponies, having her breasts sucked by another two, and finally, fervently making out with a fifth and final one. Such lurid illustrations let Twilight know what she was in for. Amongst this display of sex lay Luna, every inch of her bare skin on full display, sprawled on her stomach across a rug on the floor facing away from the shocked purple mare. Her exposed flank was raised high in the air, giving Twilight a full view of what was happening. Like a roller coaster at its peak, she let out several yelps, whether in pain or pleasure Twilight couldn’t be sure. She was holding onto the rug, as if squeezing the life out of it, her eyes kept shut and her mouth agape. The dress Twilight had spied her wearing earlier was sprawled out just a foot or two away from the entrance, and the only other sign of clothing for this princess was a pair of thin, entirely sheer black panties that were held in the air by her convulsing legs, a sign that she didn’t want to waste precious time stripping them completely off. But the main attraction, the sight that had Twilight completely transfixed, was Luna’s flank. The purple princess finally saw what was making that pulsing schlick sound: a blue and yellow plastic toy, the size of which caught Twilight off-guard, gliding in and out of Luna’s visibly soaked sex. And that was only the beginning. Just above the glistening menagerie was what had to have been a plug, white and decorated with a blue crescent moon; a complicit partner in the euphoric pleasure that Luna was currently experiencing. Twilight quickly noticed that this plastic toy was being manipulated by magic so that it vibrated, adding another layer of unrivaled satisfaction to the litany of pleasures unfolding in front of her. Twilight fleetingly looked for the source of the magic, but her answer came almost immediately. Directly behind Luna was none other than the princess of love herself, sitting on her knees with her legs slightly spread, holding the toy in her hand and using her magic to make it vibrate. She was also turned away from Twilight, but the princess of friendship could still clearly see what had been hiding under her white dress, which was now also on the floor next to Luna’s. Unlike the dark blue mare, Cadence was not completely nude, but she might as well have been. She was wearing a lewd red corset with black trim that was clearly meant to showcase, rather than cover, a mare’s personal areas. It was the sort of outfit that was meant to be worn with lavish stockings and matching lingerie, but as far as Twilight could tell Cadence had decided to forego such accessories. As Luna shuddered in utter rapture, Cadence moved her body in rhythm with the toy and the schlicks that accompanied it, allowing her pink uncovered breasts to bounce in time to the orgasmic beat. As one hand was preoccupied with Luna, Twilight couldn’t quite see what the other hand was doing, but seeing as how Cadence’s hips seemed to have a tempo of their own, she had an educated guess. Her multicolored hair was surprisingly well-kept considering the wild debauchery she was taking part in, unlike Luna’s which was as frazzled as her mind was. Cadence’s bedroom eyes and sultry smile made it clear that she was enjoying the experience as much as Luna was, even if she was more subtle about it. Finally, Twilight’s eyes wandered to the final member of this ménage à trois, Princess Celestia herself: tutor, ruler, and now sexual coconspirator. Her regal form was directly beside Luna, lying down on her front, completely unclothed with the exception of a small yellow shirt that had been pulled up over her pointed and considerably aroused breasts; Twilight noticed that out of the three Celestia was the most well-endowed. She couldn’t stop herself from peering at her royal blossom, which was on display similar to Luna’s, and she was taken aback at the sight of a similar-looking plug as well, only hers was a deep shade of blue with a sun adorning it just like her cutie mark. Celestia appeared only to be a vigilant observer to the act taking place in front of her as her fingers ran across her supple breasts, her legs swaying peacefully in the air on their own accord. Twilight could see, however, that her gleaming, wet sex betrayed her calm demeanor. This sight in particular heightened the buzz and warmth that ran through Twilight’s body, inviting her to give in and fulfill her own erotic desires. All of these intimate details, these lascivious deeds, flashed through Twilight’s mind in a matter of mere seconds, but they would be preserved, ironclad and unforgettable, for the rest of her life. She was utterly mesmerized by the scene unfolding in front of her, blowing any past fantasies she may have had out of the water; what’s more, this was real, and it was far beyond anything Twilight could have possibly imagined on her own, making it all the more stimulating. It was like a true out-of-body experience, only she could feel every aching ounce of pleasure. As if the action couldn’t get any more sensual, Twilight perked up and noticed Celestia, graceful and majestic, turn and face Luna, who was still in the midst of primal euphoria at the hands of Cadence. Luna noticed this as well, and tried to speak. “T-Tia,” she moaned between gasps, but as the words escaped her lips, Celestia levitated Luna’s body and placed her on her back, all without disturbing Cadence’s tempo. Luna tried to continue. “T-Tiiiiaaaaa,” she squeaked involuntarily. The gasps for air were getting louder and louder as she dug her fingers into the rug. “Tia… I-I think I’m—” She was cut off mid-sentence as Celestia planted her lips directly on hers in one flowing motion, refusing to let her finish. This definitely caught Luna unaware, as her eyes immediately opened at this sudden development. She put up no resistance, however, and an instant later they were closed again; her hands released their grip on the rug and moved tenderly up her sister’s body and through her long, flowing hair. The squeals of joy did not abate, however; if anything, they became ever more raucous and uninhibited. At this point, Celestia pulled away from Luna’s pleading lips, and, with another smooth advance, moved on to her breasts, again taking her by surprise. Her tongue knew exactly what to do as it caressed Luna’s sensitive nubs, eliciting an immediate reaction from the blue mare. Apparently, this was the straw that broke the camel’s back. Luna arched her back upward, spasming uncontrollably. All that came out of her mouth were long, high-pitched moans interrupted by panting and gasping for air, as the orgasm sprang forth like an unstoppable hurricane, pounding and dominating her nerves. No part of her body could keep still, as Cadence quickened her pace, much to Luna’s unconscious delight. This was the breaking point for Twilight as well, as her hands darted impulsively underneath her panties and nightshirt without her even noticing. This time, there would be no hesitancy, no uptight conscience to stop her. Her nipples were beyond sensitive at this point, and running her hands across them only intensified the sensation. Her pussy was now thoroughly soaked, and she could not ignore it any longer. Beneath her panties, her fingers rubbed her swollen clit, finally giving it the attention it deserved all night. The pleasure felt intense, it felt wonderful, it felt… right. She was building herself up to a burgeoning climax faster than she thought possible, watching as the royal orgy unfolded just feet away. And it was hotter than she could ever have imagined. “Okay! Okay!” pleaded the princess of the night between belabored gasps, still reeling in the aftershocks of ecstasy. Twilight watched her giggle as the dark mare’s quivering legs spread wide, stretching the spasming muscles nicely. Luna took a hand and placed it on the toy, raising her up body up as she did so. This was Twilight’s cue to hide out of sight just to be sure she wasn’t spotted. This, sadly, interrupted the buzz she was about to investigate further. Once again, her imagination was forced to take over. “So…” cooed Cadence, “how was that?” There was a brief pause where all that could be heard was Luna, still panting for breath. Cadence continued: “Did I blow your – mmph!” She was abruptly cut off, her voice replaced by the same soft, smacking sounds Twilight had heard from behind the bookcase just a while earlier. Immediately afterward she heard a THUD as something landed on the floor. This was enough for Twilight to turn back around, risking being seen by the royal trio in order to let her curiosity be satisfied. As she slowly peered her head into view, she quickly figured out what had made the thud: Luna’s answer to Cadence’s inquiry had apparently been to instinctively begin making out with the pink princess, pushing them both to the floor. Cadence was now on her back, her head cradled in Luna’s hands and her lips furiously pressed against the blue mare’s own. Twilight knew that Cadence had been taken slightly off-guard because her arms hung in the air off to her side, unsure of how to adapt to the situation. As Luna continued her affections, Cadence’s hands gently lowered and wrapped around Luna, smoothly caressing her bare back as she continued being assaulted with kisses. Then Twilight observed the princess of the night begin gyrating her hips, swaying both bodies of the twosome in an erotic frenzy. At first, Twilight thought she was just returning the favor by using the toy on the princess of love, but she noticed that the toy was sitting behind them, glistening in the blue light of the room. Apparently, Luna was so enraptured by her experience that she appeared incapable of rational thought or speech; there was only animalistic pleasure in her mind, and nothing else. She was essentially grinding on thin air, but this didn’t seem to discourage her. The smacking noises made when mouths and tongues meet were soon interspersed by coos and moans from both parties. To Twilight, this was a sight to behold. Celestia, raising herself onto her knees, observed the scene impishly and chuckled. “I think her expectations have been met,” she said coyly. Luna, however, wasn’t finished showing her adoration. She finally released Cadence’s lips from her carnal grip, forcing both to catch their breath. They stared intently into each other’s eyes for the briefest of moments before Luna swiftly repositioned her body so that she could really focus on the new task at hand. She took her arms and hooked them around Cadence’s thighs; her head was now within striking distance of Cadence’s other lips. She gave only the slightest bit of hesitation – pausing solely to lick her lips as her eyes focused on her new target. Finally, she dove right in, refusing to hold back. Cadence seemed stunned by this forwardness – she gasped loudly and raised her back so that she was almost sitting up. A shiver noticeably crept up her back, which made her breasts jiggle and perk up. Her breathing became heavier, but it didn’t stop her from letting out a few giggles in response to her current situation. She supported herself with one hand and used the other to slowly stroke her sensitive breasts. Luna, meanwhile, was buried between her thighs, busy using her tongue to its fullest potential. She sucked, smacked, and licked Cadence’s flower as if her life depended on it. Sometimes she placed her entire mouth over her folds, and sometimes she eased off and let her tongue demonstrate its prowess, letting it scythe around Cadence’s swollen bud. Her eyes remained closed as she carried on, even as the princess’s body started to twinge in pleasure. As Luna continued, Cadence began slowly sliding herself onto her back, spreading her legs further apart as she did so. She ran her hands through her hair, completely messing up her perfectly styled mane and allowing it to partially cover her eyes. Then she returned both of her hands to her breasts, one apiece, and continued rubbing. Her breathing became deeper, in contrast to Luna’s own shortness of breath. Soon, however, soft moans could be heard emanating from the princess’s lips. There was no way she could hide her enjoyment. She groaned out a message meant directly for Luna: “Why… why can’t Shining Armor be more like yooouuuu—” The end of her statement gave way to a load moan as Luna continued. As the display of erogenous precision continued on, Twilight began to notice a few personality traits about her former foalsitter that she never really noticed before. Namely, Cadence was a talker. In contrast to Luna, who could barely breathe without uttering some incoherent moan while in the throngs of passion, Cadence acted like she was trying to play it off as nothing particularly interesting. “Wow, Luna,” she panted nonchalantly between deep breaths, “you were right. This really isn’t your first time. Of course, this isn’t the first time for either of us. But I’ve never seen you so… sprightly before. And with all that pent-up energy I coaxed out of you, it won’t be the last time tonight, either. So I guess you were right on that one, too.” She let out another quiet, shuttering moan before she continued. “Not only that, but you’re so well-practiced, too. You have no idea how hard it is to find somepony who knows what they’re doooo—” She was cut off once again by another involuntary spasm that sent warm chills throughout her body. Cadence took a moment to regain her composure. “I’ll tell you what though, when this is all over, we’re—” She was cut off once again, but this time it wasn’t her body that stopped her. Luna had momentarily stopped her demonstration and shifted her body so that she was now level with Cadence. She had placed her hand over Cadence’s mouth; her furrowed eyebrows and pursed lips made it clear that she had something important to say. “Shut. Up.” With that command, Luna removed her hand from Cadence’s mouth, planted yet another amorous peck on her lips, and then continued where she left off between Cadence’s thighs. During this entire exhibition, Twilight had all but forgotten that Celestia was still in the room, watching everything unfold in front of her. At first, Twilight thought that her teacher would be put-off by the lack of attention given to her by the other two princesses. As she averted her gaze, however, Twilight realized she was incredibly mistaken. Celestia was definitely enjoying being a spectator, as she sat just inches away from the others, her right hand exploring the folds between her thighs and her left tenderly stroking her supple breasts. She was biting her lip as she stared intently at the spectacle before her. She clearly needed no help at the present moment. Twilight stared just as intently at the scene before her. She felt her own breathing becoming quicker, her heart beginning to race, and her sensitive extremities beckoning her to give in to the pleasure that had constantly tempted her all night. Her gaze was diverted back to Luna and Cadence upon the latter’s exclamation, “Okay, okay, that’s enough for now! That’s enough, Luna! I came! I came! You can stop now!” She let out one last shuttering, sultry moan and arched her back to stretch her muscles. She had to back away from Luna to finally get her to stop. Luna was nothing if not a little overenthusiastic. She grinned sheepishly at Cadence, who in turn could only laugh at Luna’s stimulating overzealousness. She relocated her body so that she was effectively back on top of Luna. She caressed the blue mare’s cheek and stared at her lips seductively. “I can tell you’re anxious for Round Two, but how about we save some of that for your dear sister?” They both turned to Celestia, who had momentarily ceased her own self-pleasure. “After all, we’ve been ignoring her all night,” she pouted. “I’m flattered,” said Celestia regally. “I am sure that I will receive my turn at some point tonight, but it appears there’s somepony else who could use it more…” What is she talking about? thought Twilight, who was once again just out of sight to avoid being seen. She didn’t have long to wait. She let out a short gasp as something brushed her bare midriff. There was nopony around her that could have possibly reached out and stroked her, but then she immediately noticed a soft yellow aura emanate around her body. It wandered her body like an inquisitive spider, which did little to put her at ease. Soon, however, the magical aura had taken hold of her clothing and began manipulating it ever so slightly. Her nightshirt magically lifted over her breasts, exposing them to the night air once again. She felt something scuttle under her already soaked panties, and it became unmistakably clear what was in store for her. Her body, unfamiliar to such ethereal and intimate caresses, was understandably tense as she felt something supernatural begin stroking her mound. She was frozen in place and unsure of what to do. Finally there came a voice. A soothing, reassuring voice. “It’s okay, Twilight,” said Princess Celestia. “You don’t have to hide anymore. We’re not going to hurt you.” Twilight, however, didn’t dare to move a single muscle. She refused to breathe. It was futile to be sure, but she silently begged that the voice she just heard was a figment of her overstimulated imagination. Her back was pressed against the wall, wings unfurled, legs slightly apart, teeth clenched, her shoulders hunched – her breasts on full display and her folds teasingly manipulated by some unknown force. The only thing moving on her person at this instant was her blue cotton panties, subtly stirring like a pair of invisible fingers were working their magic underneath. But apart from that, Twilight refused to move. It didn’t matter that she may just have been caught red-handed; anything seemed better than to further attract the princesses’ attention and remove any lingering doubt that she was spying on their escapades. After a few seconds of silence passed with the seeming length of an eternity, another voice rang out. It was Cadence’s. “Twilight, we know you’re there. Quit being a stranger and get in here!” Twilight didn’t even have a chance to respond. A pink aura levitated her stiff body off the ground and floated her into the room, where she saw all three princesses, seated on the floor, in various states of undress, each with different expressions on their faces. On her right was Celestia, who looked peaceful wearing nothing but a skimpy yellow shirt that didn’t even cover her chest; she wore an unassuming smile that seemed to assure Twilight that she wasn’t in any danger. To her left was Cadence, still wearing the well-tailored, waist-clinching, cupless, red corset. The look on her face radiated lust in stark contrast to Celestia’s; her eyebrows were raised and she bit her lip as Twilight gazed at her. Her multicolored hair was still a frazzled mess, but that only helped the seductive pose she was striking at the moment. She was looking over her shoulder and resting on one arm, but as if to intensify the mood, she sat up and swiveled her body to face the floating princess. In doing so, she consciously flashed Twilight a prolonged peek at her still-gleaming bud, which Twilight couldn’t help but stare at before it was swiftly obscured again between her thighs. Finally, there was Luna directly in front of her, completely bare and drained. Her face was most peculiar: unlike the other two, Luna was unmistakably puzzled by Twilight’s appearance. The shade of pink that was streaked across her face also made it clear that she was uncomfortable being seen in her current state. Apparently neither Cadence nor her sister had bothered to inform her that they would be entertaining a guest on this night. She repositioned her body so that her own bud and breasts would be out of Twilight’s sight, or at least partially. She stared at the floor, sheepishly. As for Twilight herself, the magical aura that had teased her beneath her clothes had momentarily ceased, but her nightshirt was still nestled above her breasts and her underwear left little to the imagination. She couldn’t move in this floating state, but she was so mortified that she didn’t want to anyway. Even with Celestia’s calm expression, she couldn’t help but feel that she was in a world of trouble. There would be no talking her way out of this one. Finally, Celestia rose from where she sat and walked over to her. Twilight did everything in her power not to stare at the princess’s well-endowed chest. She expected the worst, but Celestia’s expression remained calm and serene. She brushed Twilight’s face with her hand. “Twilight,” she began soothingly. “Relax. You are welcome here. There is nothing to be ashamed of. We knew your curiosity would get the better of you one day, and we understand the life of a princess can be stressful and demanding. That’s why we’re here; to feel the love and pleasure from those who go through the trials and tribulations that come with being a princess. Your thoughts and feelings are not impure temptations that exist solely to be ignored and resisted.” The aura around Twilight finally released her and gently lowered her to the ground. Celestia took hold of her hand. “They must be explored… expressed... released.” And with that unequivocal statement, Celestia calmly guided Twilight’s hand to the junction of the ruler’s thighs. This sent a shuddering chill up Twilight’s spine. She was still very uneasy, still quite hesitant about what to do. It was warm. It was wet. And the soft expression on Celestia’s face told her it was okay to proceed. Twilight began to gingerly move her hand, still tenderly held in place by Celestia, allowing it to explore her tutor’s folds. She took her fingers and delicately slid them further into the crease. The more she explored, the more comfortable she became with the situation. Every second chipped away at the feelings of guilt and apprehension until any remaining doubt vanished. She began to increase the tempo with her fingers. The warmth between her legs raged with a newfound intensity. The tenseness was melting away. She hardly noticed Celestia’s hand letting go. She felt her blue panties magically sliding down her legs, but instead of trying to pull them back up, she stepped out of them, exposing her own glistening sex. She momentarily stopped her affection as she felt her shirt yearning to disrobe; she obliged and raised her arms so that she could be free of the garment. She was now completely, undeniably naked amongst the royal trio. And it felt right. She was about to continue where she left off, but once again Celestia’s hand took hold of hers. Twilight peered into her mentor’s eyes. “Not yet,” said Celestia. Without another word, she arched her back forward so that her head was level with Twilight’s. She looked deep into her eyes. “No,” she repeated softly. “Not yet.” With that, Celestia leaned in and settled her lips on Twilight’s mouth. Her tongue parted her lips and the two continued with their passionate display. This time, it was Twilight who ran her fingers through Celestia’s hair and caressed the side of her face without any prompting. She gave into the sensuality of the situation and didn’t feel bothered that the other two princesses were watching them. At this point, it was already more than she could bear. Her fantasies were playing out before her to an unfathomable degree, far beyond her wildest unconscious dreams. But they would only continue to intensify. She felt a pair of hands glide their way up her back and around her chest, cupping one breast apiece. It was Cadence, who had quietly sidled up behind her and began massaging her already sensitive bosom and nibbling at her neck. This only made Twilight’s slit ache even more for a release. While one hand was still tenderly stroking Celestia’s head, her other began to creep down to satisfy the longing desire. It was interrupted, however, by a head of long flowing hair that was situated near her thighs. She felt another pair of hands graze her hips and grab hold of her firm cheeks. This was immediately followed by a tender kiss by Princess Luna on her folds. She used her tongue to stunning effect, gliding up and down her pussy with the expertise of a seasoned veteran. She grazed her swollen clit erratically, making Twilight tremor with bliss and anticipation. As she shuddered, Twilight let out a soft moan from deep inside her body. This level of stimulation was indescribable and foreign to her. As she quivered in place, Celestia momentarily released her lips from her grasp. “Let’s make our guest more comfortable,” she said calmly. Twilight felt herself being levitated once again, and she opened her eyes to notice that she was being laid down on the same rug Luna had been ravished on earlier tonight. Now with Twilight on her back, Celestia continued where she left off, sliding her tongue between Twilight’s lips. Cadence lay flat on her stomach as she began using her tongue on Twilight’s already-aroused nipples. Luna situated her head between Twilight’s legs and continued doing what she had done to Cadence just minutes earlier with a renewed passion. Twilight closed her eyes and let everything sink in. Such stimulation hardly gave her a chance to compose her thoughts as her body trembled, shivered, and moaned with each caress. These were her idols, her mentors, her friends – and they were overwhelming each and every one of her senses. What’s more: they were serving her. They were gratifying her. They loved her. This set off a frenzy of joy and ecstasy that began in her loins and spread throughout her body. Her breathing turned to panting, even as she continued making out with Celestia. Her hands grabbed for whatever was in range, in this case Celestia’s head. Her legs contracted uncontrollably and her back arched upwards as she finally came with unparalleled intensity. This caught Luna and Cadence off-guard, but only briefly, and they both continued to guide Twilight through the orgasm. Twilight squealed and moaned in a hoarse, high-pitched wail with each rushing wave of passion that flooded through her body. Don’t let it end, thought Twilight.