> How to Serve Your Kingdom > by concordion > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Part One > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight smiles and waves at the crowd that’s come to welcome her to Cloudsdale. They’re all just so happy to see her. She’s not happy to see them. The next few days will leave her drained and miserable. But there’s a chance she can dig herself and Ponyville out of the hole that she’s dug herself and Ponyville into, so here she is, wearing her Princess face. Her Castle Guard, a Pegasus stallion, lands beside her and leans close. “You were right, Your Highness. The Ambassadors have seen representatives from at least six other communities over the past two months and none of them have left unsatisfied. The Gendarmerie is certain they’ve been negotiating weather agreements.” She smiles at one pony, waves at another, and asks out of the corner of her mouth, “Do you trust them?” “Yes, Your Highness.” Her Guard launches into an explanation of fraternities and favors owed between various companies that she mostly ignores. The conclusions her Guard has drawn feel correct. There was always the slim chance it was all a big misunderstanding. But the only way Cloudsdale can have that much positive weather to share is if they are pulling extra from another community—say, Ponyville. The Ambassadors have fucked her. It wasn’t enough that they humiliate and molest her in private—they just had to humiliate and molest Ponyville, too. In public she has to be a Princess. In private, it’s up to her. She feels her concerns and apprehensions about acting nice and formal slip away. Honestly—being friendly all the time is just so exhausting. And she’s not friends with the Ambassadors. They just happen to fuck her the way she needs. “There’s more. The Gendarmes I met with are convinced Ambassador Shear’s wife is cheating on him. They can’t or won’t say with whom. His daughter is unhappy with him lately, too, though it may simply be a phase. Their dinners have been entertaining, apparently.” Her smile grows more genuine. “I can work with that.” She turns to face the Capitol Building, Cloudsdale’s center of government. Large marble columns support a tall building made of stone, rainbow, and cloud. Like the Rainbow Factory and the Colosseum, it was designed to be an intimidating, imposing structure. In its early days the ponies in charge weighed Cloudsdale down with so much stone and marble that it shouldn’t be able to fly, then made it soar in a display of mastery and might. Cloudsdale didn’t become one of the most powerful cities in Equestria by being gentle and friendly with its neighbors. Cloudsdale’s leadership is ruthless and manipulative. Twilight takes a deep breath. She’s about to meet three of Cloudsdale’s least friendly ponies and she’s starting from a position of weakness. It will be a difficult few days. The Gendarmes open the Capitol Building’s large marble doors and Twilight and her Guard are led inside. A Clerk approaches and bows so low his chest scrapes the floor. “Princess Twilight. Cloudsdale is honored to receive you. This way, please.” Twilight follows the Clerk deeper into the Capitol Building and tries to come up with some sort of plan. She asks her Guard, “Anything else?” Anything at all that can help her get an advantage over the Ambassadors. “Wind Shear’s daughter is apparently a huge fan, Your Highness.” --- Lux flits among the crowd, searching for a better view while trying to avoid the downdraft of the Pegasi above and the heads of Pegasi below. It seems like most of the city is out trying to catch a glimpse of the Princess. Lux can barely see what’s going on. How has this crowd assembled so quickly? The Princess’s visit was a surprise, even to the daughter of an Ambassador. It’s like she’s the last pony to find out. “Mom! I can’t see her!” Her mom says, from several Pegasi away, “I think she’s already gone, dear.” “What? We missed her?” But she raced from school just to see her! “I told you, dear, they aren’t going to make a public appearance just for a short visit. I think they arrived earlier.” “But mom—” If she hadn’t had to wait for her mom then she would’ve arrived earlier too! Lux has wanted to meet a real Princess—any Princess—since she was young enough to believe in fairy tales, but Princess Twilight is special. Princess Twilight was a librarian, and an introvert like Lux, but she still went on cool adventures and saved the world. And she’s so pretty. And today was Lux’s chance. And she blew it! Her mother finally squeezes between two Pegasi and reaches her. “Lux, who do you think she’s here to see?” “Daddy!” Lux gasps, and turns towards the Capitol Building, leaving a bewildered and slow to react mother yelling after her. Of course! Princess Twilight isn’t just here to show off. There’ll be boring meetings and negotiations, or something. And those always take place in the Capitol Building—where her dad works! --- “Leave us.” The doors close behind the retreating Clerk, her Guard takes up position just inside the door, and Twilight is left alone with three of the most perverted, cruel, sadistic ponies she’s ever met. And just being near them is making her sweat. She still remembers their touches. Their tastes. Their insults. Ambassador Polaris, an older Pegasus mare, made Twilight crawl under the table and eat her out in front of the kitchen staff. Ambassador Bristle, a massive Pegasus stallion who’s more of an Earth Pony with wings, preferred to come on her, not in her. And Ambassador Wind Shear, the worst of them all, made her call him daddy as he fucked her—as they all fucked her. Pigs and cheats, all of them, yet they think she’s the whore. Steady, girl. Easy. Be diplomatic. “Hello, Ambassadors. I’m grateful to be here, thanks for inviting me, whatever. Where’s my fucking weather?” Nice. Shear doesn’t look too fazed. “Please, Princess. We’re all friends here. I’ll go talk to the Marshal and sort this all out.” He holds a hoof out in offering. “I’m sure this is all a big misunderstanding.” “Ponyville was promised an eighty-twenty split. So far we’ve averaged forty-three-fifty-seven. That sounds like a pretty fucking big misunderstanding.” “My dear Princess. Did’ja really come all this way to complain about the weather?” Bristle asks, laughing. “Ah thought you were here to visit.” “I have farmers and tourists up my ass about the skies. We’re about to have the worst harvest in a generation. You bet I’m not here to visit.” “Twilight, part of being a ruler is managing your subjects. If they’re unhappy, that’s hardly our fault.” Polaris offers a sympathetic smile. “You’ve only just started. It’s a lesson you will learn with time.” “Another part is honoring your commitments and earning the respect of your peers. You’ve clearly ignored that lesson.” Twilight feels a rush as she spits out the words. Diplomacy is addictive. Terrifying, but addictive. Polaris scowls. “Let me see this commitment. Do you have the legal agreements properly signed?” “You know it was a verbal agreement.” Bristle clicks his tongue. “No signatures, no weather. How could we possibly shunt that much weather yer way without authorization? The other cities would be in an uproar.” “I’m not even sure I remember such an agreement. You’ll have to forgive an old mare and her memory,” Polaris says with a kind smile. “Remind me what we were doing when we made this supposed agreement.” Go ahead, Princess. We’ll give you your weather. All I want in return is one little kiss. Right here. “You gave me your word.” Shear levels his gaze at her. “Our mouths were a little too busy to make such bold gestures, as I recall.” This is going well. “Fuck you,” she spits. “Twilight. What has happened?” Shear asks, walking around the high table to stand in front of her. The others follow, surrounding her. “When we visited Ponyville you were so—so accommodating.” No. Not here! Everypony’s watching! Wait— “Now you’re full of bile and anger. I think being a Princess is bad for your health. Too much responsibility for a scared little filly. Wouldn’t you rather be a librarian again?” Twilight would rather be anything other than a Princess, but she isn’t about to agree with the Ambassador. Bristle circles around Twilight. “The Twilight Ah remember was so embarrassed after a night with us that she could barely speak.” His deep, colorful voice promises more nights where she won’t speak much. He touches her side and slides his hoof down her body, stopping to graze over her cutie mark. She looks over her shoulder, watching Bristle warily. He’s ogling her ass with the assurance of a pony who knows it’s his when he wants it. If he mounted her now she’s not sure she would try to fight him off. Oh, fuck, Bristle. I don’t care, just quit teasing me. Polaris reaches for Twilight’s starboard wing and inspects some of her primaries. “Well, the Twilight I remember could barely preen herself. Has some lucky Pegasus been giving you private lessons?” Twilight’s Guard coughs discreetly from the far corner. Twilight ruffles her wing but doesn’t pull it back, instead letting Polaris trail her hoof through her feathers. Fine. Twilight’s keeping her distracted. Just like she’s distracting Bristle by flicking her tail out of the way. Playing for more time. She didn’t expect them to approach her so quickly. “Now, Princess,” Wind Shear says. “If you’re done complaining, maybe we can get to the real reason you’re here.” Twilight huffs and sticks her nose in the air. “I’m not leaving until you produce documents for me to sign that ensure we receive the weather we deserve.” Wind Shear steps way into her personal space, grabs her raised chin, and snorts. “You’re already getting better than you deserve.” He tilts her head down, holds her still despite her struggling, and licks his tongue up her nose, over her forehead, to the tip of her very sharp horn, slobbering everywhere. Twilight tries not to shudder. She hates Wind Shear and Bristle and Polaris, and hates that her horn is apparently the tastiest thing since spiced honey, but mostly she just hates herself for giving in so easily. She’s Princess Fucking Twilight Sparkle, possibly the second-most powerful pony in history. She could teleport them to the surface of the sun. She could scratch their memories and make them forget the families they’re about to betray. She could conjure forged documents so authentic that they would be forced to put Cloudsdale itself under Ponyville’s jurisdiction. But instead she just wants them to fuck her like they hate her, needs them to help her forget her burdens as a Princess. It would be too easy—the moment one of them gets his cock inside her, it’s over, and her plan will be shot. She just needs to hold out a few more minutes until her guest can arrive. “Disgusting,” she says through clenched teeth. “The ponies in Ponyville treat me with respect.” “They don’t know you like we do,” Polaris says, before she bites down on Twilight’s wingtip. Twilight cries out and tries to keep her wings from flaring, tries to keep her hindlegs from buckling. Bristle reaches between her thighs. She’s so busy not getting turned on by Polaris that she inadvertently spreads her legs slightly, then gasps as he spreads her lips and rubs her cunt. “They certainly wouldn’t respect’cha if they could see you.” He pulls his hoof out and says, “Oh, Twilight . . . yer not foolin’ anypony. Yer already soaked down here. You want this . . . ” He ducks his head and licks between her legs. Twilight can’t stop the groan that rumbles out her throat. Her traitorous tail flicks him in the face as his tongue dances up her thighs and across her cunt. She could come if he wanted her to, but Bristle will want to tease and torment her before he fucks her, and she wonders just how long he could keep that up and whether she’ll beg first. Polaris finishes sucking on her wing tip and spits it out. It’s sore and throbbing, feels so good. She can’t stop her wings from shivering. “Do you like that, Princess? Do you want me to do the other one, too?” She pushes past Wind Shear and nuzzles Twilight’s other wing. Oh, but she does . . . she loves having ponies bite her wings, and only Pegasi know how to do it just right. Bristle licks straight up from her cunt to her tailhole, then reaches for her hips, holding her still so that he can mount her. His hooves scratch at her flanks. His stomach settles on her back, such a pleasant weight. She can feel his monster erection pressing against her stomach, all the way to her navel. Her eyes bulge. Is that how deep he went last time? Wind Shear pumps his powerful wings and rears up, presenting his cock to her face. “Princess, you’re going to take whatever leftover weather we send your way with a smile. Your precious farmers will just have to work a little harder.” “Nnn—fuck you,” she gasps, clenching her eyes shut and twisting her mouth out of the way. Polaris grabs her horn and holds her head still. “If you want better, you’re going to have to earn it.” She pushes Twilight’s face against Wind Shear’s cock. It smells, feels sticky and disgusting, and it’s drooling down her cheek. And, like they’re working together, Bristle notches his cock into place. She doesn’t want to give in so early, but really—what did she think was going to happen? That somepony was going to rescue her? That they would want to constructively discuss Ponyville’s weather arrangements? No. Twilight is here to get fucked. Fuck it. Who cares if she’s a whore? Who cares if she lets these disgusting old ponies molest her? Who cares if her Guard is watching? It certainly won’t be the first time, and it won’t be the last. Once Polaris puts her other wingtip in her mouth, Twilight is going to explode. They act mean but they’ll take care of her. And unless they’ve lost their endurance in the past few months Twilight will keep coming all afternoon and into the evening— Wait— She’s supposed to keep track of time. Something’s supposed to happen soon, but what? Shear’s cock surges into her mouth, just as Bristle thrusts inside her. There’s a knock at the door. “What?” Wind Shear snaps. School day. Afternoon. Huge fan. Right . . . The door opens just enough to allow the Clerk inside. “Ambassador Shear,” he says, ignoring the obscene spectacle in front of him. “Your daughter is here.” --- The Clerk makes Lux wait forever before finally letting her in. Lux throws open the huge marble doors and rushes into the Chambers, letting out a whoop. Then her eyes adjust and she can finally see what’s going on in the darkened, intimidating room. When they receive guests, her father and his fellow Ambassadors usually sit at their high table, trying to unsettle whatever pony is unlucky enough to want something from them. Today, though, they’re standing in the middle, and they look angry. And out of breath. Have they all been yelling? And—oh! It’s the Princess, who despite the heavy, oppressive atmosphere looks absolutely perfect. Calm. Feathers and coat unruffled. Bored, even, except for a pique of interest at the new arrival. Lux feels Twilight’s gaze land on her, and her smile is so pleasant that Lux can’t help but return it. Ponies that pretty are angry and bored at the world, Lux finds, but Twilight has a shine in her eyes that makes Lux feel pleasant inside. For a few moments no one says a word. Then Ambassador Wind Shear steps back from the Princess and says, “Lux? Where’s your mother?” “I’m here,” her mom calls out, out of breath from racing after her daughter. “Come, Lux. There will be time to meet the Princess later.” She stands between Lux and the delegation and starts herding her daughter back outside. “But mom—!” Lux definitely doesn’t whine. “Excuse me,” says a friendly voice. “You’re Lux, aren’t you? Ambassador Shear’s daughter?” Lux gulps. The Princess knows her name? “Yes, Your—um, Your Highness,” she says, leaning past her mom. Should she bow? Or curtsey? Mom never taught her how to curtsey. Before she can unstick her brain, the Princess shoves her way past the ponies surrounding her and steps up in front of Lux. She’s tall, but she isn’t posturing or prancing. Just a tall mare. A beautiful, dashing mare. With a horn and wings. Beautiful wings. And a horn. “Um—hi,” Lux says, lamely. “Hi, Lux! I’m Twilight.” Princess Twilight bows low in front of Lux. Her horn looks sharp, but she keeps it pointed above Lux’s head. “Your father’s told me all about you. Well, not all about you, I’m sure. But I’m glad to finally meet you.” Lux can feel herself blushing. “Um—yes. I know. I mean, me too. Meet you, that is.” The Princess giggles, standing back up. “I’m sorry, I’m not trying to embarass you. It’s just nice to see a friendly face.” Twilight lets her gaze wander over Lux, then she smirks. “But Wind Shear! You liar,” she says, turning to face Lux’s dad. “You said I look just like her. Remember? When you came to visit? But she’s far prettier than I am. Were you just trying to flatter me?” Lux scowls. Of course he did. Every opportunity, he’s talking about her. Building her up and reducing her at the same time. She hates having a reputation as the Ambassador’s daughter. But something odd happens. Instead of smiling back—instead of teasing back like he does with all the mares who visit—Wind Shear’s face drains of its color. He almost looks worried. Maybe angry. But about what? Lux doubts the Princess could escape her daddy talking about her. And Wind Shear never lets his emotions get out of control. He’s a skilled diplomat, no denying it, even if it bores Lux to death. So why is he unsettled? Daddy gawps like a fish for a few seconds, before noticing mom. He puts on his best boss voice and says, “Princess Twilight, may I introduce to you—” “A little late for that, dear,” her mother says. She curtseys at Twilight—a complicated motion involving all four legs that Lux never could quite pin down—and smiles. “Ione, your Highness. A pleasure to meet you.” Twilight curtseys back. “You must be Lux’s older sister.” “Oh, come now, your Highness. Now who’s the flatterer? That line’s older than I am,” mother says, rolling her eyes, but there’s a grin there, like they’re sharing a joke. “I’m sorry for interrupting your meeting. You must’ve only just started.” “Today’s just the introductions. We weren’t sure when we’d arrive. The actual negotiations are tomorrow. I’m not sure, but I’ve got a good feeling about them.” She looks back at the Ambassadors, who’ve managed to regain some formal poise. It still feels tense in the room, despite Twilight’s cheery attitude and beaming smile. Daddy’s guests usually have lots to argue about. “I think we can adjourn for the day. Unless there’s anything else?” Wind Shear says, “No, I think that’s fine. A Gendarme will escort you to your guest quarters for the evening.” Twilight arches an eyebrow. “You’re going to keep me locked up in my room until tomorrow morning?” “Of course not, Your Highness. In fact, Ione and I—” He grimaces, like whatever he’s saying tastes awful. “—Ione and I would be delighted if you would join us for dinner tonight.” It’s clearly mom’s idea, not dad’s. Twilight scoffs. “I would of course be delighted to join you for dinner. But I only caught a glimpse of the city when I flew in. I think I’ll just find somepony who can give me a tour of Cloudsdale. Somepony who can keep away from the tourist traps—” “Oh. Oh! Princess Twilight!” Lux exclaims. “I can show you around.” She puffs out her chest. “I know all the cool hideouts.” Twilight claps her hooves and smiles. “Wonderful. I can tell we’re going to be good friends.” Wind Shear clears his throat. “Your Highness. We’ve scheduled a tour of the Capitol area for tomorrow morning. Atlas is a fine guide—” “And Lux isn’t?” Twilight smiles, walking up and standing beside her. Lux feels the Princess’s wing drape over her back and give her a short squeeze. She squeaks, but Twilight doesn’t even seem to notice. “Ione, would it be appropriate for Lux to show me around? She will be quite safe with me and my Guard.” Guard? Lux looks around. She hadn’t seen—Oh! Standing well out of the way, at the entrance, is a very dashing young Pegasus stallion dressed in full armor. He notices her attention and gives her a quick wink and a grin. She flushes and looks away, feeling his gaze on her. “Unless she has homework, of course,” Twilight adds. “It is a school night.” Lux gasps. “No! I don’t have homework, mom, I promise! Please?” “Please?” Twilight asks, mirroring Lux. Lux’s mother cocks an eyebrow and looks at Wind Shear with an exasperated grin. “Well, dear?” Her father isn’t able to invent a reason to keep Lux and Twilight apart. He nods, as gracefully as he can. “Of course, Your Highness. Cloudsdale welcomes you for as long as you like. Please consider a Gendarme or two for an escort.” Twilight ignores his suggestion. “Thank you, Wind Shear, Ione. I will see you in a couple hours with an appetite.” She dips her head and gestures to Lux. Lux waits until the Princess is a few steps away before running up to her mom. “Thank you!” she hisses, giving her a quick hug before hurrying after Twilight. They leave the chamber. Twilight’s Guard falls smoothly into step behind them. Lux is about to thank the Princess for letting her join them when Twilight beats her to it. “Thank you for getting me out of there. It’s so tense in there. I don’t think your dad likes me very much.” Lux can’t disagree, but she also can’t imagine why. Twilight is easily the friendliest Princess that Lux has ever met. Well, she’s the only Princess that Lux has ever met. But still! “Come on, Princess! I know just where to go!” she cries, running ahead. --- Twilight waits for her Castle Guard. “You pervert. She’s just a filly.” “Your Highness?” “I saw you ogling her. You want to fuck her, don’t you?” “Yes, Your Highness.” Twilight watches the young Pegasus stop at the large marble doors and wave back at her, eager to start her important tour, like she’s been waiting all day. “I won’t be able to convince the Ambassadors to give us the weather we deserve without paying a fortune for it, and in that case we might as well build our own factory, which is far too dangerous anyways.” She smiles. “But Shear’s got more than enough clout to convince the other Ambassadors for me. He’s got only two weaknesses that I can see. First is the weather: Cloudsdale has a monopoly on weather marshalling. And the second is his family.” Twilight looks over her shoulder at the Guard. “You’re going to help me seduce them. And in the process, you may well get your wish.” “Yes, Your Highness.” Twilight scowls. “Is that all you can say?” “No, Your Highness.” --- “It’s beautiful. Where are we?” “Well . . . “ Lux tries to remember the trivia she’s picked up over the years, but she rarely gives her hometown a second thought. So much for knowing all the cool spots. It probably doesn’t matter where they are or what they’re looking at. The Princess doesn’t really look like she’s listening. That’s okay. The view is pretty. The structures have a history. And there’s color everywhere. While Princess Twilight is half listening, taking in the vista, Lux takes in the Princess. Supposedly she was once a scrawny Unicorn mare; she certainly isn’t now. She’s tall, strong, and lithe all at once. Her mane and coat highlight her youthful curves and shapes. Her mouth is gently open, and Lux could get lost in her eyes. “Lux?” Lux starts, looks away, furious at herself for getting caught gawking at the Princess. “What? I mean—” “You trailed off.” “Um, it’s just—well, I’ve never met a Princess before.” Princess Twilight blows a bang from her face. “Well, you still haven’t. Not really. I’ve barely been a Princess for a year. And already I’m screwing it up.” “What do you mean?” She shrugs. “I’ve been a scholar and a librarian my whole life. I don’t think I’m a very good diplomat.” Oh. “Don’t worry about daddy. He’s always grumpy. He’s just used to getting his way.” “Of course he is. Your father is an exceptionally skilled leader. He’s looking out for his subjects.” The Princess shakes her head. “I’m sorry. I didn’t want you to show me around just so I could whine about my job.” “I don’t mind. And I know what you mean. He’s really bossy.” “He’s in a tough position. He and the other Ambassadors promised Ponyville very good weather for our crops and fields. Our farmers depend upon Cloudsdale’s weather service; it’s too expensive to run our own. But so do the other towns in the region, and Cloudsdale’s weather service can only make so much good weather.” “Um . . . Who told you that?” “Your . . . your father?” Lux shakes her head. “Well, that doesn’t make sense. Can you see the diffusers?” She points at the tall finned stacks in the distance. “The Rainbow Factory takes neutral atmosphere and splits it into good and bad weather, roughly. All the good weather is collected and the bad weather is sent off to the badlands. It’s a slow process, and really dangerous if not done right, though the newer designs are much more efficient and safe.” “What’s your point?” “Well, look at them. They’re quiet. The diffusers are responsible for getting rid of the bad weather. Lightning, dust, excess humidity, low pressure. They belch out these great big black clouds and send them wherever they won’t harm anypony. But the diffusers have been on their gentle cycle for months now. They’ve got spare capacity, anypony could see that.” The Princess is quiet for a moment. Lux realizes a beat later that she’s basically just insulted her. “Princess, I’m so sorry—I just meant—” “You’re really smart, Lux,” Princess Twilight says with a smile, suddenly very focused on Lux. “Oh—well,” Lux stammers. “It’s just cloud sculpting. All Pegasi study it in school.” Twilight shakes her head. “But when you talk about it all your nervousness goes away. I’m sure most of your classmates think it’s terribly boring, or beneath them.” She’s right. “Everyone else in school focuses on culture and sporting. Cloud sculpting is something old ponies do.” “Ha! You know that’s not true. Plenty of young ponies like learning how the world works. Cloud Sculptors and Weather Marshals literally make everypony’s day. And—” Twilight leans close “—I know some very old ponies who would rather spend their time chasing after young fillies than worrying about the rain,” she says with a wink. “Ew!” Lux laughs. “You’re talking about my dad, aren’t you?” Twilight shrugs. “Most ponies in positions of power wind up pretty perverted.” “Gross.” She kicks at a fluff of cloud, then asks, “Do you really think I’m smart?” “I really do. It sounds like you’ve got a keen sense for the weather. More than most Pegasi. Is that what you want to do when you grow up? Cloud sculpting?” Lux shrugs. “Maybe. I dunno. My mom and dad want me to enter public service.” Twilight nods sagely. “Government is a noble calling.” “It sounds boring.” “It’s super boring,” Twilight agrees, sticking her tongue out. “Not like cloud sculpting. Oh, I’d hate to see those on their angry cycles.” “I’ve seen it,” Lux whispers. “They clear out all the Pegasi downrange for miles. There’s massive static discharges. Powerful winds. Oh, and the thunder!” Lux gestures with her forehooves. “Big rolling clappers. And then, at the end, when Cloudsdale lines up perfectly, a giant rainbow shoots out towards Canterlot or wherever. The pressure builds and builds and when the pressure’s too great, there’s an explosion, and a great big dusty cloud pours out and covers the badlands for days.” Remembering it sends shivers down Lux’s spine. “All my friends were told to stay inside but I snuck out and watched from right over there.” Lux points at a nearby bench. “I got in so much trouble.” It’s a moment before Lux realizes the Princess is watching her intently. She squeaks. “That’s what you want to do someday, isn’t it?” The Princess smiles. “You don’t want to be a Cloud Sculptor. You want to run the Rainbow Factory.” Lux inhales. Run the weather? It’s crazy. Weather Marshals are heroes. The Princess just doesn’t know what she’s saying. “Oh, no. No way. It’s far too dangerous. And there have only been, like, three Weather Marshals in the past hundred years. And you have to go to school for like a decade. And even when a pony does want to be a Cloud Sculptor, it’s a competitive field. There’s a saying, these days: Cloud Sculptors make the best coffee.” “Oh, Lux. That’s not going to be you. I’ve only just met you, and already I can tell you’re ambitious, smart, and driven. If you want to run a Rainbow Factory, then that’s what you’ll do. Even if you have to make coffee for a while.” Lux looks at the Princess. She looks so certain. “But—my summer apprenticeship with the Senior Clerk?” Princess Twilight leans in close. “Lux. I’m building a super secret Rainbow Factory near Ponyville. Would you—” “Yes! Yes I would! . . . Oh.” “There you go.” Twilight touches Lux’s shoulder. “Don’t worry about your parents, Lux. They care about you and want what’s best for you. But only you can find your own path.” Oh, crap. And she was doing so well. Lux has spent the past few months coming to terms with her apprenticeship, and now Twilight has ripped that bandage off. She tries not to think too hard about it, tries to pretend the princess hasn’t divined her wildest dreams. “Twilight—” Twilight nuzzles Lux. “I believe in you. Just give it time.” “Thanks.” Lux looks away, blinking furiously. “So. Yeah. Cloud diffusers. Um, but I don’t know why Ponyville isn’t getting good weather. I’m sorry.” Twilight messes her mane. “It’s not your fault. Slip-ups like this happen all the time. I’m here to fix it and make everything better. Don’t you worry about it.” Up here, it tends to get windy. Lux watches Twilight’s hair whip and flutter in the breeze. Lux shivers. One of Twilight’s wings drapes over Lux and squeezes her close. She gasps, freezes, expecting Twilight to push her away again, but it doesn’t happen. Lux can feel Twilight’s breathing, slow and steady compared to Lux’s shallow breaths. The Princess is radiating heat like a furnace, and Lux feels that heat suffuse through her. Sweet Celestia. And she’s not pushing Lux away. The silence stretches on. Is Twilight waiting for her to say something? If she does, she’ll break whatever spell is holding them together, but if she doesn’t it’s going to get awkward. “Are—” Lux gulps. “Are you here for long?” Please don’t leave right away. There’s so much Lux wants to show her. Twilight shifts beside Lux, rubbing shoulder to shoulder. Her coat is so soft. “Just for two nights. Not nearly enough time, of course. If even the outskirts of Cloudsdale look this impressive I’m going to have to return.” “We can go somewhere else, if you like. It gets kind of boring here. You know. When the diffusers aren’t on their angry cycle.” Lux laughs, cautiously shifting beside the Princess. “I like it. It’s calming.” “It’s a little cold,” Lux admits. “It’s a little cold,” Twilight agrees, and her horn glows. A gust of warmth slides past Lux’s face, along her body, and through her tail. Suddenly the cold is a little less present, her muscles a little less achey. “Better?” she asks, tightening her wing over Lux’s back. Lux nods happily. “Thanks. Hey! That was a chinook! What do you need us for?” she laughs. Twilight rolls her eyes. “It’s very localized. It won’t last long. I’m no weather engineer—not like you.” “Stop it,” Lux whines. “But, um. Thank you. Most adults—most ponies don’t . . . Well.” Twilight slides her wing over Lux’s back, then tucks it back into her side. Lux feels colder. But the Princess doesn’t step away. Instead she turns to face Lux with a gentle smile and eyes that radiate kindness, staying just as close. “Thank you for sharing with me,” she whispers with a quick nuzzle that leaves Lux tingling. Lux can’t help but drink down the affection. “Your dreams are special. You make me feel special.” Lux stares into deep, endless eyes. “I—but you are!” “Hold still,” Twilight whispers. Those eyes trace over Lux’s face. “O—Okay?” The Princess tilts her head in and kisses Lux. “Princess!” Lux squeaks. “Shh,” Twilight whispers, her breath hot on Lux’s face. “It’s okay.” Lux stands frozen. None of her limbs seem to be working, just shaking, and her wings are flared out like she’s falling. It feels like she’s falling. The Princess kisses her lips, then her cheek, then her chin. “You’re so pretty,” Twilight says. “And so strong.” “Ha—oh, wow . . . ” Twilight presses forward, kissing her again, putting her off balance. Lux feels her limbs give way, but Twilight catches her and lays her down on the soft cloudwalk. Her horn glows softly and another chinook washes over them both, leaving her sweaty and relaxed. Twilight slides across Lux, her body larger and sleeker and stronger. Her coat is softer than the clouds holding them up. Her face is bathed in sunlight and her wings span from horizon to horizon. Everything about Twilight is just so much more than anypony else. Her forelegs hold Lux tight, offering something real to hold on to. Lux takes it desperately. “Twilight . . . ” she whimpers. Twilight smiles down at her, runs her hoof through Lux’s hair. “Don’t be scared.” “I’m not!” Lux insists. She really isn’t. Even though she knows Twilight’s Guard is watching. And even though she’s sure somepony will come around and see them like this. The Princess is intimidating, but not scary. And she thinks she wants this. “I’m not scared!” “Show me,” Twilight breathes. Her lips graze Lux’s. Lux lifts her head and kisses her. The groan that slides out from deep in Twilight’s throat is primal and desperate. Lux slides her hooves across Twilight’s back and hugs her tight. Every part of her is smooth. When Twilight pulls back she’s panting, her cheeks on fire. Did Lux do that? To a Princess? “Beautiful,” Twilight mutters, staring at Lux. A goofy grin that Lux just cannot stop spreads across her face. “And you’re good at kissing. I bet you seduce all the Princesses you meet.” “Oh, Celestia,” Lux groans, covering her face with her hooves. Twilight laughs and ignites her horn. A tangle of magic grabs Lux’s hooves and pulls them up and out the way so she cannot hide. “Do you have anything else to show me, Ms. Tour Guide?” Twilight asks, as she starts exploring Lux’s body with kisses. Lux couldn’t care less about Cloudsdale right now, and she figures Twilight won’t mind either. “More, please.” “If you want,” Twilight whispers, looming over her. --- Compared to their exciting tour of Cloudsdale, dinner at Ione’s home starts positively boring, so Twilight makes sure to hold her glass of wine in her magic to hide the small caresses she’s giving Lux from across the table. Nothing too intimate; she doesn’t want to scare Lux, so instead she settles for squeezing her shoulders like a masseuse would, and scratching between her ears like Lux was a pet. Despite his animosity towards Twilight, Wind Shear is the perfect dinner conversationalist. He engages Twilight about Ponyville and her life, without once mentioning the weather or their impending harvest. A little wine loosens him up and he even teases Twilight a little. Ione is a wonderful host, playing the part of diplomat-wife better than Twilight could. Twilight compliments them on their modest home. And Lux sits quietly in her own cloud of happy Lux noises and eats her salad with a silly grin, enjoying Twilight’s covert touches and trying not to squeak every time her Princess gestures excitedly. Really, if it weren’t for, well, everything else, Twilight could easily befriend this family. Instead she has to keep in mind that everything Wind Shear says is calculated and tactical; this his wife is cheating on him; and that Lux is horribly infatuated with her. Oh, and if she’s not successful her best friend will need a loan to keep her family’s farm afloat this year, and it will be all her fault. Which is why she’s going to be successful. She has Lux; now she needs Ione. Together the two of them can convince Wind Shear to formalize their verbal agreement. Well. It’s not all bad. Twilight shifts her weight and casually looks in Lux’s direction when she slides her ghost hoof down Lux’s back to tug at her tail. Lux drops her salad fork and it’s several seconds before she thinks to pick it up. “I’m fine!” she squeaks, without being prompted. All in all, dinner passes easily. Too easily. Lux barely says a word. Ione is quiet, for some reason. And maybe Wind Shear is only a bastard when he’s with his peers. Or, more likely, he’s very practiced at playing nice. Probably the latter. Ione wipes her lips then says, “Lux, it’s time for bed. Go clean up.” Lux gawps. “But it’s so early!” “We want to talk with the Princess in private, dear. Go to your room.” Twilight perks up at this. If she’s going to try and seduce Ione, having Lux out of the way makes it simpler. All Twilight needs to do now is separate her from her husband. Lux drags her hooves through the dining room door, turning to look at Twilight for just a moment. The door closes shut behind her. Twilight smiles at Ione. “Dinner was lovely, Ione. Thank you.” Ione sits back in her chair and watches Twilight. Her eyes narrow. She doesn’t say anything, even as the silence stretches uncomfortably. Wind Shear frowns, looks at her, but doesn’t interrupt whatever Ione is doing. Something heavy falls in Twilight’s stomach. She knows about Lux and Twilight. Or, rather, knows about Twilight on Lux. “Ione, about today—” “So, Princess. How was fucking my husband?” Oh. Oh, fuck. “I didn’t—” “Please respect me enough to not lie to my face, Princess. I can tell when my husband gets his dick wet. I can also tell when a pony is trying to seduce me. I do not like being manipulated.” So, maybe Twilight laid on the flattery a little too hard. It’s not exactly her forte. She takes a deep breath. “Ione, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean for you to find out—” “I knew it. You little whore,” Ione snarls. “You act like royalty but the moment you’re alone with my husband you lift your fucking tail. Home wrecker.” Another deep breath. Twilight finds panic and anger mixing in roughly equal amounts. She’s very aware that she’s trapped in their dining room, and that Lux is right above them. “Your husband came onto me, Ione.” “Of course he did. He’s a stallion. You, on the other hoof, are supposed to be a Princess.” Ione shoves her chair back, leans over the table at her. “You’re supposed to be the most powerful pony this side of Canterlot. And you can’t keep one single pony from making a move on you? I bet you didn’t even try.” “No, she didn’t,” Wind Shear says. “Actually she started begging once Bristle got his nose under her tail.” Ione gasps. “Both of you?” she asks, her voice low and breathy. Oh, shit. Wind Shear presses up beside his wife. “All three of us. She let Polaris ride her face while Bristle was fucking her.” “That little slut,” Ione groans. “And she’s turned on already. I can smell her . . . ” Fuck me. Twilight swallows a mouthful of spit and says, “I didn’t let anypony do anything—” Ione slams her hooves on the table, rattling her wine glass, and looms over Twilight. “No? Then I suppose three mere Pegasi overpowered you.” Fuck you. Twilight makes bad decisions when she’s angry. “Of course not,” she snaps, looming right back. “Three mere Pegasi cannot overpower me. Yes, I fucked your husband. Several times, in fact. We didn’t actually get to much business when they visited Ponyville. It didn’t take much to seduce him. And I was about to suck his cock when you arrived this afternoon. Can you imagine bursting in to see him coming in a stranger’s mouth?” Twilight licks her lips, almost close enough to kiss Ione. "Or on my face?" Ione shudders. Twilight presses forward, well aware that she has no endgame or way out when Ione recovers. “I already sucked Ambassador Bristle’s cock. And I’ve gone down on Ambassador Polaris more than once. I’m very good with my tongue. Want to find out?” Maybe this is how she gets to Ione: with blunt force. It seems to be working. Ione is panting, eyes unfocused. Her anger is still there, but it seems to be mixing with hormones and arousal. Just like Twilight’s. The best part is that Wind Shear won’t be able to stop Ione if Twilight does seduce her. Ione gulps. “Is that all you were going to do today? Whore yourself out?” “Ask your husband. He didn’t even hesitate. And right in the middle of the building, where anypony could’ve wandered in and seen. Can you imagine the spectacle, if ponies found out what your husband does at work?” She snorts. “It’s a good thing his Clerk is patient and discreet. How much would he have hurt Lux if she’d snuck in—” Ione gasps and storms over the table at Twilight, knocking glasses and silverware everywhere. Twilight scrambles back, her wings flailing uselessly. She falls on her rump, turns and kicks to all fours only to find herself forced into a corner. Ione rears up behind her and shoves her face into the wall, rattling their family photos. “How dare you bring my daughter into this!” “Let go—” she grunts. Ione presses her body against Twilight, grinds her hips against her. She’s warm, soft. Twilight’s tail is pinned between her back and Ione’s stomach. If Ione had a cock it’d be digging into Twilight’s thigh. She wishes Ione did. “Is that what you were doing today? With Lux? You fucking bitch. She’s just a filly. If you so much as touched her—” “She touched me,” Twilight sneers. “I just stood there and let her.” “She doesn’t know better!” “She does now—” Ione grabs her horn and slams her face into the wall. Lights sparkle across her vision for a moment. “I’ve never punished a Princess before,” she whispers into Twilight’s ear. “I’ve never wanted to until now. And when I’m done fucking you, you’re going to thank me and ask for more. Understand?” Mentioning Lux was probably a mistake. “Fuck you,” Twilight hisses, kicking back at Ione. Ione knocks her head again. “Good. I want you to fight,” she breathes into Twilight’s ear. Angry or not, Ione is hot for Twilight. She pulls Twilight’s head back, steps her forehoof onto Twilight’s back for balance, and runs her tongue up Twilight’s horn. Whatever Twilight was going to say dies in her throat, replaced with a deep groan that she can’t hold back. Ione’s tongue is hot and wet and Twilight’s horn is so sensitive after teasing Lux all evening. When Ione wraps her lips around the tip Twilight feels like she might collapse, but Ione holds her in place as she starts fellating Twilight’s horn. It’s obscene. It’s so brazen. Twilight can feel Ione’s palate slide over the point. And Twilight’s horn is sharp. She can practically feel how close Ione’s throat is to the tip. One wrong move and Twilight will gore her like a bull. But Ione keeps an iron grip on Twilight’s head even as she presses herself against Twilight, rubs her body against Twilight’s. And Twilight, unwilling to injure Ione like that, is going to hold still and let her. Even using her magic is out, unless she wants to char Ione’s throat. Instead she has to crouch and hold still and try not to enjoy her hot, wet, moving mouth too much. Not easy, given Ione is pressing all of Twilight’s buttons. “My wife is a bit of a pervert, Princess.” Wind Shear’s voice shatters her focus. She groans and scrapes her hoof down the wall, trying to stay upright. “I don’t dare stop her. You’re just going to have to let her tire herself out.” She can’t look back at him, but she feels his tongue on her neck, feels it slide up her cheek. “Fuck . . . fuck you,” Twilight pants. Ione slides her mouth off of Twilight’s horn and smacks her lips. Twilight groans from the shock. “Not likely. She’s so pretty. So young. I could touch her for hours.” “Mmm, me too. We did, in fact. Twilight dragged us into her bedroom as soon as we arrived and didn’t let us leave until long after midnight.” Ione scoffs. “Poor stallion. I’m sure you were so helpless,” she mutters. A hoof reaches down her front and rubs from Twilight’s stomach to her abdomen. “Ohh . . . Ione . . . ” Twilight groans. With her horn free, she could use her magic and stop this, but she makes bad decisions when she’s horny, too, so instead she leans her head back, hoping Ione will take the hint. Ione ignores her and reaches down between her legs, rubs at her cunt. Twilight cries out, crunches her abs. Her horn aches and her crotch is burning and she just needs to come. “Please, Ione,” she whines. “You’re . . . you’re going to make me come. Just—just suck my horn. Please.” Ione breathes in her ear, “Well, if my Princess commands it.” Ione wraps her lips around the tip and gives it a quick kiss that sends shocks down Twilight’s nervous system, little tingles that break her concentration. Her horn is like a raw nerve connected straight to her cunt via a flood of chemicals. Wet heat slides down from the top to her scalp, then slides back up. Ione uses her tongue and drools saliva all over Twilight’s mane. In short—one of the best hornjobs she’s ever gotten. Ione is either a natural or an expert. “I’m gonna come,” she pleads. “Don’t stop!” Wind Shear grunts beside her. “You can’t come now. I’ve seen you come. You can’t control your body. You twitch. What if you injure my wife?” “No . . . ” Twilight whines. She’s so close. But he’s right, Twilight’s a twitcher, so she clenches her abs and holds her neck as still as she can, feeling a short and unsatisfying orgasm spread through her. She gasps, as moisture drips down her thighs and sticks to Ione’s abdomen. “Don’t worry, Princess. I’ll rescue you.” Twilight can’t see what’s going on, but she can feel Ione’s weight increase suddenly. Wind Shear has reared up and is resting his bulk over Ione’s backside. He’s going to fuck her. While she’s fucking Twilight. Fuck it. Twilight doesn’t want either of them to stop. Who cares about fixing Ponyville’s weather? Who cares about seducing some naive, underaged filly? Her teaser orgasm wasn’t nearly enough, and now Twilight’s going to get fucked . . . A sudden shove, and Ione’s hips press into Twilight’s rump. Her abdomen smears across Twilight’s cunt. Ione groans, and the tip of Twilight’s horn slides dangerously back towards her throat. Another thrust. It feels like Wind Shear is fucking Twilight through his wife. Twilight has the strength of an Earth Pony but she’s still having trouble supporting their weight. Ione grunts like an animal, grips Twilight around her barrel and holds on as her husband fucks her. He’s erratic, out of position. It doesn’t matter. Ione is groaning around her horn, holding her tight while her husband hammers at her backside. It’s so rough, so fucking hot. But she can’t move. She clenches her abs and holds her neck as still as she can and whimpers as she watches another orgasm slip through her hooves. Ione doesn’t have to hold back. She groans into Twilight’s horn, humps her hips at Twilight’s rump like a stallion, and twitches over Twilight’s back. Twilight can feel every spark of Ione’s orgasm just by how she reacts: leg kicking, breath hissing, forelegs squeezing, throat growling. It feels like a good one. Twilight’s so jealous. Ione pops off of Twilight’s horn and gasps for air, drooling down Twilight’s ear. “Good . . . good little Princess,” Ione pants. “So good.” Wind Shear grunts. “I’m going to come in my wife, Twilight. Maybe if you’re good she’ll let you suck it out.” Ione shudders, squeezes Twilight. “You’re such a pig. I just came, and she’s so desperate. Fuck her.” She leans close and breathes over Twilight’s horn, “Breed her.” Twilight whimpers, nods frantically. “Please. I need it. Fuck me.” Finally they all agree on something. Wind Shear growls and pulls himself free from his wife. Ione’s small enough that with an awkward hop she can sit on Twilight’s spine and still reach Twilight’s horn. Twilight’s tail gets caught between her back and Ione’s crotch. She can feel a blaze of heat down her back. Twilight has to brace herself against the wall to keep balanced and still, especially when Ione reaches around her neck with one hoof and balances against the wall with the other. She’s not even holding Twilight’s head in place anymore; she knows Twilight won’t hurt her. She wiggles and adjusts her weight until she’s humping Twilight’s spine, riding her like Twilight’s a beast of burden, and resumes sucking Twilight’s horn. Wind Shear squeezes up behind them and his cock presses against Twilight’s thigh, then up under her stomach. His bulk squeezes Ione between them. Twilight tries to angle her hips so he can penetrate her, but Ione’s mouth is making it hard to think, and her cunt on Twilight’s spine is making it hard to shift her balance. Instead he has to shove her legs apart. “Fuck me,” Twilight pants. “Just do it. I need it!” “Shut up,” he grunts. Wind Shear finally notches his cock into place and thrusts, nearly knocking them both over. Twilight gasps and twitches. He presses forward, spreading her thighs wider, shoving his cock deeper inside her. With her legs spread apart like this all the weight they were supporting is now shoving her down his cock to the root. Two adult ponies weigh a lot when they’re stacked on Twilight’s back, and they aren’t holding particularly still. She desperately grasps at the wall, trying to hold Wind Shear and Ione up. Ione sucks her way to the top of Twilight’s horn and pops off with a squelch. “You’re in for it now. My husband can come forever. Oh, but you already knew that, didn’t you?” It’s all gonna go inside, her, too. Wind Shear is going to pump Twilight full of Pegasus cum. Twilight pants, “Not as much as Bristle could.” “What a whore,” Ione mutters, licking up Twilight’s horn. “Ah!” Twilight cries out. Wind Shear grabs her hips and pulls her down his cock, splitting her open. Ione tightens her grip around Twilight’s neck and chokes her, blocking her air. Twilight loses her balance, pressing her weight down Wind Shear’s cock. She gurgles, snaps her head back, feels her horn tickle through Ione’s mane. Her orgasm finally crashes over her and she spasms, squeezing and clenching her core and gripping at Wind Shear’s cock. Every part of her feels hot and amazing. Wind Shear’s hips hitting her ass. Her own juices running down her thighs. Ione’s hoof around her neck. The stars creeping across her vision. “Can’t—breathe—” Wind Shear whinnies. His cock flares and spits inside her, splashing her with hot cum. He squeezes them both and thrusts again, trying to get as deep as he can. Another splash of cum. Twilight can feel it squirting out around his cock, can hear it splattering on the floor. Again and again he comes inside her. He bucks so hard he wrenches free, pulling at her insides. His cock doesn’t seem to notice, and he humps forward and slides his cock under her stomach, spraying her front with spunk. Without his support Twilight’s legs finally give way and she pitches to the side, narrowing avoiding Ione with her horn. Ione’s hoof slips from her neck and she gasps for breath, coughing hard. The two mares collapse in a sweaty, cummy pile, as the last of Wind Shear’s orgasm streams down on them. Twilight’s lower body, from her navel to her knees, is speckled and streaked in his spunk, while her back is soaked with Ione’s juices. The room is silent, except for their ragged breathing. Wind Shear reaches for his wife and pulls her to her hooves. “I love you, dear,” he says. “Polaris? Really?” she snarls. “How would you like if I slept with Sirocco, huh?” “Bristle, too,” Twilight offers, rubbing her sore neck. Ione slaps him. He reels back, clutches his cheek. She steps right into his personal space and shoves her face in his. “Can you imagine how badly it would have hurt Lux to find out?” Ione tries to open the dining room door, but it’s stuck. She gasps and rounds on Twilight. “Did you lock us in?” she shrieks. Twilight can’t remember doing so, but probably yes. She croaks, “Sound dampening spell.” Her horn shimmers and the door sizzles and unlocks. “For Lux.” Ione marches up to her and snarls, “Stay away from my daughter.” Then she sticks her nose in the air and leaves, pulling Wind Shear behind her. Twilight locks the door behind them with a sizzle. Finally it’s quiet. She rolls onto her back and waits for her heart to slow and her breathing to relax. The remains of her orgasm simmer and mix with shame and regret. She misread Ione. She’s lost Lux as a potential ally. And she’s given Wind Shear more leverage. “Help me up,” Twilight mutters, reaching a hoof in the air. Her Guard approaches and helps her to her hooves. “This is all your fault,” she says, glaring at her Guard. “She wasn’t cheating on Shear.” “No, Your Highness.” She scrapes the cum from her chest and forelegs, flicking it on the floor. She can feel more oozing down her thighs, dripping down between her hindhooves. She needs a bath. And whoever cleans their house is going to have a challenging day tomorrow. “It’s going to be a challenging day for all of us,” she mutters. “Your Highness?” “I’m going to fuck them. I’m going to fuck this whole fucking city.” She glares at him. “I’m going to get my split.” “Yes, Your Highness.” She scowls. “I think I pulled a muscle. Help me home.” “Yes, Your Highness.” > Part Two > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It’s the middle of the night, and Lux is supposed to be in bed. She has school tomorrow. Instead she’s flying towards the Capitol building, intent on finding Twilight. Sneaking out doesn’t concern her. Her parents are passed out; Lux assumes they’re exhausted from arguing with the Princess. She knows this town like she knows her own wings. The Gendarmes couldn’t catch an intruder even if they were given notice. And she has a pretty good idea where to find Twilight’s quarters. It’s what she has to do once she finds the Princess that concerns her. She likes Twilight. And she wants to keep liking Twilight. But after tonight’s dinner . . . She hovers in place and glances inside various windows. There! Quickly, before she can be caught by the otherwise inept Gendarmerie, she knocks on the glass. Twilight spins around, looking for the source of the noise, before eyeing the window. “Lux? What are you doing?” Her voice is muffled through the glass but she sounds shocked. “I snuck out,” she says, as loudly as she dares. If somepony finds her she’ll be in no end of trouble. But she feels a hint of pride just saying so. “You snuck out.” Lux shrugs. “What? It’s not hard. So long as I’m back before morning they never notice.” Twilight floats up to the window. She looks impressed. “Do you want in?” Lux taps the window frame, and frowns. “I thought they’d open,” she admits. “It’s more of a fancy prison than a guest house,” Twilight says. “Hold on.” She flaps down to the floor and talks to her Guard. As Lux waits she watches the night sky around her. At any moment a flash of gold and red could descend upon her and she’d have to explain to her parents why the Gendarmerie found her outside the Princess’s quarters in the middle of the night. She gulps. Please hurry! Down below Twilight nods at her Guard, then flaps up to the window. “Let me come get you.” Lux watches as Twilight spins in place, then collapses in a pile of feathers. “Princess?” The pile doesn’t move. “Princess!” Somepony taps her from behind and Lux nearly falls from the sky. “Oh! Okay. You just—you exploded! Into feathers!” “Hold on. It’s a little weird.” Midair, like in so many cheesy romance novels, Twilight reaches for Lux and pulls her close. Face to face, with Lux nearly falling into Twilight’s warm eyes, Twilight wraps her wings around Lux and hums gently. Then things get a little weird. She feels stretched, itchy all over. Then they’re inside, hovering in midair. Lux doesn’t want to let go. “Ahh! Let go!” Twilight yelps, unable to untangle herself from Lux before gravity reasserts itself. They collapse onto the floor in a pile of feathers and tail and mane. “Urgh. Being a Pegasus is hard,” Twilight groans, rubbing her shoulder. Lux leaps to her hooves, stepping a safe distance from the Princess. They’re inside. She just teleported! “Wow . . . ” It’s much warmer in here, and it smells of flowers and soap. Like Twilight has just taken a hot bath. “Welcome to my cell,” Twilight jokes. Lux tries not to ogle too obviously as Twilight saunters back toward the middle of the room, rump swaying, and climbs onto her Princess-sized bed. When Twilight faces her she tears her gaze away and looks at the bed. It’s easily as large as Lux’s whole bedroom, decorated in warm blankets, plush pillows, and—she walks up, trails her hoof over the bed—inviting, silky smooth sheets. “For a prison . . . It’s not so bad.” Twilight smiles. “No, not really.” She motions Lux close and whispers, “It even comes with a handsome servant. Guard?” Twilight’s Guard, now wearing only his leisure attire, approaches from the en-suite. He still looks official, but without his shining armor he looks more . . . pony. More approachable. Twilight settles onto her front, props her face on her hooves, and says, “Not that I’m complaining, but you did interrupt us. You don’t mind—do you?” Lux stares as the Guard climbs atop Twilight’s bed and crawls over her. Twilight shifts and stretches her legs out behind her. If Lux looks between his legs she can see— “No?” Lux squeaks. “Good. I pulled a muscle earlier, getting some exercise.” Without prompting the Guard grabs a small bottle of lotion and resumes rubbing the Princess’s thigh. Oh. Of course. Apparently part of his responsibilities include rubbing down the Princess. It’s just a massage. It’s not like Twilight and her Guard would just start . . . going at it. In front of Lux. That’s . . . that’s just silly. “So?” Twilight asks, interrupting Lux’s reverie. “Are you going to tell me why you broke your parents’ curfew, flew through restricted airspace, and invaded a Princess’s sovereign bedroom? Surely you didn’t come just to see me. Did you?” Lux tears her gaze from her Guards’ hooves. “Oh, uh . . . Well—” “Is it the Guard?” she teases, motioning over her shoulder. “He is very strapping.” Oh, crap. Face to face, she’s not sure she can do it. “It’s just—” She gulps. “Uh . . . I missed you! And I had a good time today so I just wanted to . . . Uh . . . ” Twilight’s smile fades. “Lux, what’s wrong?” Just do it! She looks at the floor, almost ashamed to make such an accusation: “Twilight? Um—did you—did you . . . sleep with my father?” “Why do you think that?” “It’s just—” Oh, great, now her mouth is sticking shut and all her carefully prepared points are nowhere to be found. “Just some of the things you and he were saying. At dinner. And he never talked about what happened in Ponyville. And you basically called him a pervert earlier. And mom sounded so mad at you after you left. I’m not naive, Twilight. I can read between the lines.” Something heavy falls in her stomach. “And you’re not denying it. Oh, Celestia. You did, didn’t you? When he was in Ponyville.” Twilight nods. “Yes, I slept with your father.” Lux sits back with a thud. No lying, no trying to weasel out or change the subject. Twilight wouldn’t lie to her. She respects Lux enough to be honest. “Shit. Oh, shit. Why? What about Mom? Does she know? Is that why she was mad?” “That’s not why she was mad. I don’t know if she knows. Maybe? I wasn’t about to bring it up. I’m surprised Wind Shear said what he did at dinner. If I were married like he is—” Lux stands and marches up to the Princess. “Why?” she demands. “Tell me!” “Because I wanted better weather for Ponyville. Because he wanted to fuck a Princess. And . . . because I wanted him to.” “No . . . ” “Yes,” Twilight says, simply. “Your father and I had sex. A great deal of it, actually.” “No.” “You saw how he was looking at me tonight. You know he’s attracted to me.” “Stop!” Lux hisses. Her heart is racing. “You don’t even care, do you? How could you do this to my mom?” “I didn’t do a thing to your mom.” “But she loves him—” “Lux.” “I can’t believe this.” “Lux!” She’s standing on the bed suddenly, glaring down at Lux. “Enough. Listen to me.” Lux ducks her head. “Your father’s an adult. He’s more than capable of making his own decisions. I doubt love factored into it at all. He wanted sex, and I wanted sex. It was pleasant, it was fun, and afterwards we went our separate ways. Okay?” No, it’s not okay. “I guess,” she shrugs. “Lux. Wind Shear and I didn’t make love. We had sex. They’re not the same thing. It was fun, and if the opportunity arose I’d probably do it again. That doesn’t change who he is or whom he loves. He still loves you the same as he did before. Same with your mom. Look. When you’re older, you will start to understand more about romance and sex. Have you ever heard of swinging? Herds? Or open relationships? It’s when two ponies—” “I know what it means,” Lux says. “You’re saying my dad and my mom are . . . having sex with other ponies?” Twilight shrugs. “I don’t know, and I didn’t ask. It’s not my responsibility to make your father behave, and I’m not about to pry into their personal lives to do so. I didn’t cheat on your mom.” So Dad almost certainly did. And if so, it’s probably not the first time. They’re supposed to love each other. Oh, great. Now she’s getting emotional. She can’t get upset. She didn’t come here just to get upset, just to yell at the Princess or cry in front of her. Did she? Twilight reaches for Lux and pulls her into a hug. “Are you okay?” Lux sniffles. “Yeah.” She takes a deep breath and leans into Twilight. She can always ask dad if mom knows about it. Or maybe she will just pretend tonight never happened and hope everything turns out okay. Her parents certainly seem to love each other. Lux simply doesn’t know how married ponies are supposed to act in private. Twilight’s right. It’s just sex, right? She gulps. “I’m fine. Sorry. For acting like a child.” Twilight shakes her head. “Caring about your parents hardly makes you a child. Maybe you lack the wisdom and experience you get from having sexual relationships, but many other ponies could stand to be more like you, Lux.” It’s like Twilight can read her mind. “Does—do you think my mom and dad still love each other?” Twilight pulls back and slides underneath her Guard. He resumes massaging her as if they hadn’t been interrupted. “You tell me.” Lux thinks about the frosty atmosphere after dinner. About the warm dinners before tonight. Evenings at the theater. School performances. Trips. Arguments. Date nights. Holidays. She smiles. “I think they do. I hope so. They argue a lot. But they work together, too. I guess—I just didn’t think of my dad as having sex at all.” And Twilight snorts. She actually snorts. “Yeah, Lux. Your dad has sex. Pretty good sex, actually.” Lux gasps. “Ew! Gross! Don’t tell me that!” Twilight laughs. Her grin turns sly and she motions Lux closer, whispers, “Do you want to know what we did?” “What? No!” “First, I flicked my hair, like this.” “Twilight! Stop! I don’t want to picture it!” “He gave me this wink, and snuggled up against me—” “Ack! I’m leaving!” “I closed my eyes and puckered my lips. We made disgusting kissy noises.” “No!” Lux shrieks with laughter, covering her ears so she doesn’t have to listen to Twilight slobber over her own foreleg. “I don’t want to hear it either!” Twilight unsticks her lips with a sound like a suction cup. “Well, would you rather hear about some other sex I’ve had?” “N—” Lux’s laughter catches in her throat. Does she? So far when she imagines Twilight she has a hard time with specifics—she only gets to kissing and rubbing her before it becomes hazy and intimidating. Her imagination could use some inspiration. But she’s not sure she won’t get jealous of Twilight’s other lover. Or lovers. Probably lovers. “Um. Have you had much sex?” she asks, tapping her forehooves together. Twilight winks. Of course she has. She’s gorgeous and headstrong. Sex with Twilight must be amazing. And terrifying. Lux shakes her head loose. She’s not a filly. Sex shouldn’t scare her. She’s just . . . inexperienced. And this is what her friends do during sleepovers, isn’t it? They talk about colts they like. “Yes,” she says, in a tiny voice. “Just—not my dad.” “Not your dad . . . Hmm. Okay. There’s this apple farmer in Ponyville. A strong, strapping Earth Pony. Good friend of mine. Very friendly. Needed help a couple years ago. An apple tree had caught stump rot and needed to be removed before it could spread. Now, the Apple family doesn’t really have time to chop down and uproot a tree, so they call me over, and ask me if I can use my voodoo Unicorn witch magic to deal with it. No, of course they didn’t call it that. They’re very polite. So I go, and I pull it out. Yep, like a weed. Roots and all. Takes two minutes, but I save them about three days of hard labor. The farmer was very impressed.” Lux thinks she knows where this is going. “And to thank you, he . . . takes you back to their barn and . . . kisses you?” “Well, yes, but actually, no. She took me back to the barn.” Oh. “She had spent the whole day flirting with me, and I had made it look like I was just exhausted, like it was terribly costly magic, so by the time I finish she’s very thankful. I wink at her and nuzzle close. She kisses me. It’s not the first time she’s kissed me. She’s never been afraid to be intimate. Presses me back into these bales of hay and climbs over me. Groin to groin. Legs between mine. Hooves all over. She’s licking me, nibbling my ear, tail flicking everywhere. And she’s teasing me, saying she has all this free time to fill. Mmm. She presses her knee up between mine and rubs my crotch. She’s a good multitasker. I can barely keep up, it’s all I can do to breathe, much less take care of her. She’s holding me tight, too. So intimate. Soon she pushes me over the edge and I come all over her leg. Then she rolls me over and crawls around in front of me, tells me she’s been practicing, and starts sucking my horn. It’s the first time she’s done that. I don’t know if you know this, but sucking a Unicorn’s horn is super dangerous. So I’m distracted, trying to keep still for her. And that’s when he joins in. Yeah. I was shocked too. What I hadn’t noticed was Little Sister had lined me up on a hay bale, ass in the air. I feel a pair of hooves on my withers, his weight on my rump, and bam. Turns out Big Brother and Little Sister like teaming up to take down big bad monsters like me, and Big Brother’s weapon is his huge cock. Basically bludgeons me with it. And I can’t move or protest or do anything because she’s got my horn in her mouth. Fuck. This fucking specimen just walks up and fucks me, doesn’t ask or anything, and I can’t stop him or fight back. I know! Not that I want to. He and his sister work together like clockwork, and I come right when they want me to. And they don’t stop. Oh, fuck. Right there. Little Sister says she knows when somepony’s lying. Says they’ll make me properly exhausted. And they did. They must’ve fucked me for an hour straight, Lux. They took turns using me. Passed me back and forth. Like a doll. They groped me. Came on me. Came inside me. Fucked me like an animal. I’m pretty sure. At some point. Big Brother was fucking Little Sister. But don’t tell anypony.” Twilight sighs and wiggles her rump. Lux looks up from Twilight’s blushing face and yelps in shock, almost falls off the bed. Twilight’s Guard has pulled her rump in the air and has his face buried in her ass, casually licking between her thighs. Twilight groans and spreads her knees slightly, arches her back and points her rump at him. It takes a moment for Lux to regain her breath. “And—” Lux gulps, unable to look away. “—and you let them use you like that?” Twilight shudders. “I certainly didn’t want them to stop.” Lux doesn’t want them to stop, either. She gulps down more saliva. She knows what Twilight is doing, telling her such a lurid, sexual, physical story. Having the Guard eat her out in front of Lux. And it’s working. She’s turned on. She wants him to fuck her. She wants to fuck her . . . “Wow, that’s—” she clears her throat, trying to be cool about it “—that’s really sexy—” “You wanna know what the best part is?” “There’s more?” she squeaks. “Once they were finished, they brought me inside, bathed me, fed me dinner, and took me to bed. The three of us made love, and I fell asleep covered in pony. That family has so much love for each other that it overflows into all their relationships.” She groans. “All in all, it was the sweetest, messiest thank-you I’ve ever had.” “Wow.” Lux has never had a friend cuddle her to sleep. Not since she can remember. Hers aren’t the kind that cuddle. “That sounds really nice—” “Lux,” Twilight pants. She’s looking right at Lux. “I don’t think my Guard is going to stop. If you . . . if you want to leave, you’d best do it now.” Leave? She thinks Lux wants to leave? How could she leave now? No way. Twilight wouldn’t want a scared little filly as a lover. Twilight wants ponies who take. Bold ponies who know what they want and go for it. And Lux knows what she wants. She climbs onto the bed, crouches in front of the Princess. “Lux?” Twilight asks, eyes dazed. Lux touches Twilight’s face, then grabs her chin, holds it in place, closes her eyes, and kisses Twilight. Twilight groans into Lux’s mouth. Her breathing snorts through Lux’s mane. “Oh, Lux,” Twilight moans, when Lux pulls back for a breath. “You’re really not gonna make me leave?” Lux asks. Twilight shakes her head. “You’re a grown-up. And I like being watched.” Lux gasps. Brave enough or not, she’s got no choice now. “I’m—I’m not just going to watch,” she says, hoping it sounds more like a growl than a squeak. She pulls Twilight in for another kiss, and doesn’t stop, tastes Twilight’s tongue and saliva and a hint of expensive wine. Twilight’s breath blasts across her face in snorts. Lux leans forward, reaches out to balance on the bed. Twilight gasps. “Ow!” Lux jerks back. Her mane! “Oh, sorry! I didn’t—” “It’s okay. She likes it a little rough.” Lux yelps. She’d forgotten Twilight’s Guard was even there. Suddenly she feels exposed, even with a naked, moaning Princess in front of her. She looks up, over Twilight’s shoulder. He’s got his chin on his forelegs and his forelegs crossed over her rump, watching them kiss. “Don’t worry about her mane. She hates having to take care of it. Making it messy and tangled is fun.” “What do I do?” she asks him. “What do you want?” He slips to the side and crawls forward, trailing his hoof up the Princess’s back. “You can keep kissing her. You could get her to preen you. You could preen her.” He settles beside her, propped on his side, facing Twilight. Somewhen along the line he’s slipped off his casual wear. His erection flops over his stomach, up past his navel. Lux spends a few moments gawking at it then quickly looks at his face, but he’s watching the horny, moaning Princess in front of them. “Do you want to explore her body? Or maybe you want her to explore yours?” “I—uh . . . ” “She’s a bit overwhelming, isn’t she?” he asks, stroking that same hoof up Lux’s foreleg to her shoulder. Lux nods, leaning into his touch. “Alright. Lean back against those pillows.” Lux scooches back and hesitates. Twilight is watching her warily, like prey watching a potential predator. Lux has never felt like a predator before. The Guard watches her. “Now, spread your legs.” She hesitates. He’s already exposed, and doesn’t seem too ashamed. Lux knows she can’t become one of Twilight’s lovers without the lover part. And there’s something a little daring, a little bit naughty about flashing Twilight’s guard. She wants him to look. Lux gulps, then spreads her legs and, after a few moments, flicks her tail out of the way. The Guard isn’t shy about ogling, as he takes in her body. He likes what he sees. Then he gestures at the Princess. “Grab her hair. She wants you to do it.” Lux licks her lips, then leans forward and grabs a hoofful of Twilight’s mane. It’s so soft, even if it is tangled and messy. She tightens her grip and pulls. “Ow!” Twilight whines. “Stop it.” Lux freezes, looks at the Guard. He shakes his head. “She’s a powerful magician. If she wanted to stop you, she would.” “Fuck you,” Twilight pants. He ignores her. “Make her do what you want her to do.” “I don’t want to be mean—” “Lux,” he says, patiently. “She acts like she’s in control, like you should follow her. She has to. Ponies look to her for guidance. But deep down . . . ” he mutters, leaning close and kissing Twilight’s shoulder. “Beneath all that, she’s just a mare, with all the needs and flaws anypony has.” He kisses her neck. She ignores him. “Twilight wants you to do this.” Twilight looks away, face unreadable. She doesn’t deny it. It makes sense. Somedays Lux wants to lash out, wants to disobey her parents and act like a brat. Why wouldn’t Twilight? And, really—the thought of ordering around a Princess is appealing. Lux looks at the tuft of mane in her hoof. “It’s going to be okay, Princess,” Lux mutters. It really is. “I don’t judge. I’m here for you.” Then she pulls. Twilight grunts and curses, but complies nonetheless. Lux moves Twilight into position, feels Twilight’s aroused, heated breathing on her thighs. Twilight tilts her head to the side, putting up a token resistance. “Do it,” Lux orders, heart racing, without really knowing what it is, and presses Twilight’s face against her crotch. Twilight reaches for Lux’s hips and licks her tongue against Lux’s inner thighs. “Oh, fuck!” Twilight’s tongue is hot and wet and alive. She licks over Lux’s abdomen and up and down her inner thighs. Lux grips her mane tight—not like Twilight is going to escape. She can’t decide if she wants to spread her legs wider or trap the Princess between her thighs, so they flop awkwardly. Twilight sticks her tongue right in Lux’s belly button, so dirty, then kisses her way down to Lux’s crotch. “Fuck!” The Guard smiles and slinks up beside her. Beneath the roaring in her ears she hears him saying something, can’t tell what. Twilight’s tongue is lapping up and down her cunt, and it’s slightly distracting. He gently turns her head to his and kisses her. She kisses back eagerly, groaning into his mouth. He’s so different than Twilight. His face is harder, his breathing deeper. Where Twilight is a mess, he’s in control. She feels like she’s melting between them. She’s the one getting the royal treatment. Lux presses Twilight into her cunt with one hoof and pulls him closer with the other. He leans over her, pressing chest to chest, keeps kissing her. He tastes like Twilight. And he’s so hot. He’s taller than she is, and muscular, but still a Pegasus. A really, really hot Pegasus, making out with her and feeling her up and grinding his big dick against her hip. While a Princess is eating her out. Oh, fuck. Lux can feel herself about to explode. She arches her back, spreads her legs as wide as they’ll go, and presses as much pony against her as she can. It’s too much. It’s not enough. She can’t—She’s going to—“Mmph! Mmm!” Twilight’s tongue and the Guard’s tongue press inside her and she comes with a whimper, twitching and groaning and squeezing them close. Her abs clench and unclench, she can’t control herself, can’t tell what’s going on, can’t think. All she knows is that their Guard is still kissing her, and that Twilight is licking all over her groin and inner thighs, trying to hold on as Lux shakes. Stars dance in her vision and she twists her head to the side, breaks the kiss and gasps for breath. “Fuck. Fuck!” she squeaks. She throws her head back and tries to fill her lungs and regain control of her limbs. Her forehoof hits her Guard in the side. She grabs his shoulder for balance, feels like she’s falling, and scrambles back, trying to fend off Twilight’s tongue. “Sweet . . . sweet fucking . . . ” she pants. “Oh, wow. Fuck.” She realizes she’s been holding Twilight’s mane and lets go. The Princess’s muzzle is sparkling wet, and there are drips down her chin and neck. Lux realizes her own thighs are drenched, and the bed is wet. What— “Do you always squirt when you come?” her Guard asks, breathing in her ear. Lux gasps. “No? Oh, Princess, that’s so embarrassing,” she says, covering her face. She just came on the Princess. It’s so dirty! “Want to see if you can do it again?” Lux peeks between her hooves. She may be dazed, and still high on the flush of chemicals in her body, but she knows what he means. He wants to fuck her. She’s going to have sex. Panting, she looks down at his cock, still pressing against her barrel. Not-so-little Guard is drooling, throbbing and angry. And he wants to fuck her with it. She gulps, reaches down and touches it, holds it, slides her hoof up and down its length. The Guard closes his eyes and thrusts his cock past her hoof, grunting into her ear. If she keeps this up—If she lets him, Twilight’s Guard will come all over her stomach and flank. He probably comes a lot. She will be covered in it. If she twists just a little and bends down to suck it, like some of her classmates claim to have done, he’ll come in her mouth, and possibly on her face. And if she spreads her legs for him— Oh, fuck. She wants to. She really wants to. She’s still simmering from Twilight’s tongue. Fondling him isn’t enough. Having him fondle and grope her—she groans as his hoof rubs her stomach—isn’t enough. But that’s okay. Twilight’s watching them both, and wouldn’t let anything bad happen to Lux. Lux turns her head and kisses him. It’s hot, having an audience. Twilight must be so jealous, watching his hoof rubbing Lux’s abdomen instead of hers and his cock drooling over Lux’s hip instead of hers. Keeping her eyes locked with Twilight’s, she lets go of his cock and licks her hoof. “I want you to fuck me,” she moans, and it’s only partly for show. When Twilight whimpers Lux knows she can’t stop, doesn’t want to anyways. Lux could be a good daughter. She could spend her evenings studying and preparing for her summer internship. She could be learning about the important ponies of Cloudsdale. Instead she’s going to be bad. She’s really good at being bad. She sneaks out at night. She seduces Princesses. She lets handsome Guards rub her pussy, and licks their hooves when pressed against her lips. And she’s about to let one fuck her. This must be what her dad feels when he’s negotiating. Or what he felt when he slept with Twilight. The thrill of victory right within her grasp. All she has to do is take it. So she does. Lux guides the Princess up and beside her, twists her head and kisses her. Twilight tastes hot and wet—so, Lux tastes hot and wet. And dirty. She feels the bed shift under her butt. There’s the Guard, smiling at her, crouching between her knees. His face is flushed and he’s panting. She did that to him. She nods. “I’m ready.” He leans over her, places his forehooves on either side of her head. With smooth, easy motions he pushes her knees apart and presses his cock at her entrance. He smiles at her, then grunts and thrusts inside. She cries out. She’s really wet but he’s so big! The hormone rush and the sight of him clenching his eyes shut is intoxicating. She’s having sex. With two amazing, wonderful lovers that care about her so much. She whimpers, and Twilight holds her hoof, helps to keep the young Pegasus grounded. Her Guard builds up a steady, easy rhythm, keeping eye contact with her as he fucks her. She doesn’t have to do anything, can’t think straight enough to try even if she did have to. But he knows what he’s doing. He presses tight and grinds his pubic bone against hers. He leans forward and nips at her chest, her chin, her forehead. He pulls out almost all the way, then slams back inside. He presses his free forehoof down on her crotch, squeezing her groin between it and his cock. He even notices her staring at him and smiles. She tries to wink back but she’s pretty sure she just looks like some mooning, lovestruck mare who’s about to pass out. He smirks at her. “Do you need me to slow down?” She scowls. “Just shut up and . . . shut up and fuck me.” He grunts, “Yes, Your Highness.” And he does. It’s raw and physical. He puts his whole body into it, pressing abdomen to stomach to chest. She can’t think or move or do anything other than pant and whine and moan; he doesn’t do anything but thrust and snort and growl. Just when she thinks she has a handle on it, he goes and twists—or angles—or squeezes differently and it’s suddenly a whole new thing that she has to figure out. And he’s so much bigger than she is. He fills her whole world, especially with his wings flared out and his hooves pressing down beside her cheeks. When he leans down and kisses her she feels cocooned by his maleness. It’s absurd, and so obscene. She feels an orgasm building, flushing through her whole body. She’s gonna come again, going to squirt all over him, and there’s nothing she can do about it. Trying to hold back only makes it loom larger. She whimpers. It barrels down on her like a freight train. “Twilight . . . Twi . . . I’m—I’m gonna come. I’m—Ahh!” she cries out, shaking. Twilight holds her as she twitches and trembles and yelps. Her back arches. She reaches for the sheets, for Twilight, for something to grab onto. His cock pushes her through her orgasm, doesn’t let her rest. She whimpers. He hasn’t come. Is he even close? How long can he keep going? “Lux,” Twilight breathes into her ear. Maybe she can read Lux’s mind. “Oh, Lux. I never let him get on top like this. Once he gets going he turns into a monster. You’re so brave.” She gasps. Was Lux supposed to do it some other way? Why didn’t the Princess stop her, then? She’s not sure she could handle another orgasm. The solos she’s used to are nothing like these. She needs help. “Don’t worry,” Twilight says, loud enough for him to hear. “He’s a just a big bully, who can’t handle being bullied back. Isn’t that right, Bully?” “Yes, Your Highness,” he grunts. Oh, Celestia, they’re teasing each other. Lux can barely form a straight thought. She’s grossly out of her league. “Help me,” she whines. “You’re going to have to make him come,” Twilight sighs. “You can do it. I believe in you.” Lux pants, licks the drool from her chin. She hadn’t expected this to be work! Um—She’s pretty sure if she told him to stop, he would. Eventually. Maybe. But Twilight’s right. She should try to make him come. Twilight believes she can do it. She can’t let the Princess down now. And it’ll be better—sexier—if she can make this stallion hers. Assuming she can do it before she loses her mind. She licks her lips. “She’s—” Lux starts. “She’s right. You—you are a big bully.” She tries to focus on him and not what he’s doing to her. She won’t let him win. “You think just because you’ve got a big cock that you can fuck young little fillies like me?” He nods, grunts, “So young.” “Well—” she gulps. “You can. You can fuck me whenever you want.” Oh, Celestia, what is she saying? “When we’re alone. When—Oh, fuck—when my daddy has you guarding my bedroom. When you’re angry at the Princess, or some nobles, or your Guardsmates. Just find me and—and pin me down and fuck me!” Shit. What if he actually does? “Crawl under my blankets—Ooh, wow!—and wake me up in the middle of the night. Or when I’m home alone after school. You don’t have to ask. And I won’t tell my parents. It’ll be our little secret.” This is supposed to be turning him on, not her! He gasps, snorting in her hair. His thrusts are erratic, out of order. He’s slipping. It’s working! So she keeps going, because with every filthy thing she says he slips a little more. Not at all because she likes imagining it, because it makes her hot. Of course not. “Just—just take me!” she whines. “Push me down. Mount me. Make me—make me suck your cock. I’ll do it, I swear. Just—Please, mister. Come inside me. I need it!” She looks up at him with the saddest look she can manage, reaches up to stroke his cheek. Then, in a flash of inspiration, she moans, “Breed me.” He whinnies, flaring inside her. He presses his hips against her so hard she thinks she’ll snap in half. His hooves dig into the sheets, slide backwards. Lux can feel his cock throb and pulse and splatter her insides with cum. He doesn’t stop thrusting, just grunts and tries to squeeze her between his body and the bed, tries his damnedest to touch her navel from the inside. Each thrust shoves more cum inside her, so much that it’s squirting out between them. Her groin and thighs are hot and sticky. It’s disgusting. It’s so hot. A stallion is shooting his spunk deep inside her, filling her up so much it’ll have nowhere else to go—Her orgasm hits her and knocks the wind out of her. She clenches her gut and groans and twitches so hard that he slips free. His cock flies towards her head, splattering her chin and chest with cum before she can react. It’s hot on her body, soaks into her coat. “Fuck!” he yelps, losing his balance. His legs wobble and he tumbles to the side. Now Lux can see what he did. She whimpers. Her body is covered in cum, and she can feel more oozing out from her pussy. Her thighs are soaked. The sheets beneath her butt are soaked. She squirted again, big time. It’s so messy. “Oh, I’m so sorry, Princess . . . ” she breathes, looking at Twilight. “I shouldn’t’ve . . . I—” She can barely breathe. Everything’s spinning. Twilight wraps her forelegs around Lux and squeezes tight, kissing her and smearing cum between them. Lux latches on for dear life. “Breathe, Lux,” Twilight hums. “Just breathe.” Lux nods, forces herself to breathe through her nose. In and out. Careful, deliberate breathing. Gradually the room stops spinning and she gulps her mouth clear, manages a deep breath. “There you go. Easy,” Twilight says. “I’ve . . . I’ve never come like that before,” Lux admits, shivering. Twilight hugs her tight. “It was really sexy. Watching you let go like that. Listening to you. I hope I get to see that again. Don’t worry about the bed. Now. Let’s get you cleaned up,” she whispers, then slips off of the bed and trots out of sight. “Wait! Where are you going?” Lux worries, reaching out. Then she realizes she’s exposed, in front of a stallion whose name she doesn’t even know, and she’s covered in cum. She curls into a ball and pulls a pillow in front of herself. “Twilight!” “Relax. I’m right here. Just getting a cloth.” Twilight returns, carrying a steaming washcloth. She floats Lux to a dryer part of the bed, unrolls her, then carefully wipes her down, slowly and gently against her sensitive bits. The hot cloth leaves a cool, tingling trail all over. It’s calming. Like her mother would do when she was very little. Twilight looks so focused, so concerned for Lux. She cares so much. And Lux was so mean in return. “I’m—I’m sorry,” Lux whispers. “For pulling your hair.” “Oh!” Twilight shakes her head. “He wasn’t lying. I do kinda like it. And . . . yeah. Sometimes it’s really nice to just let somepony else make decisions for me. Even if it’s a little mean.” Twilight tosses the cloth back into the ensuite and reaches for Lux’s hoof. “Are you okay?” “Yeah. It’s just . . . wow. I wasn’t expecting . . . all of that. But . . . yeah. I’m . . . wow. And tired.” It’s an understatement. She knew it would be physical and intense, but Lux hadn’t expected Twilight and her Guard to be so debaucherous. So degenerate. So casual. It’s a lot to handle. Twilight smiles. “Good. You had me worried.” She leans close. “He’s a bit overwhelming, isn’t he?” Lux snorts. He’s right there, watching them gossip about him. Wild. “He’s not—he’s not actually going to—” “What? Bend you over when you’re alone?” Twilight laughs. “Of course not. And, if he tries, he’ll have to answer to me!” Lux giggles. Twilight looks so serious. “Thanks.” She takes a deep breath. Maybe it’s the high, maybe it’s the hormones. Maybe it’s the intense cardio. But she feels like she could sleep for days. She thinks back to her tiny bed. “Do I have to go home now?” she asks, dreading the answer—not only does she not want to leave, but she’s not sure she can make it home on her own. Twilight shrugs. “Well . . . I don’t want to send you home, but I don’t want you to get in trouble. And I don’t want to get myself in trouble either. Besides. How are you supposed to convince your parents to let you come and visit if they find you in bed with—not only a visiting Princess—but an adult stallion as well?” “Visit you? In Ponyville?” She stares at Twilight. “Really?” Twilight shrugs. “Why not? You can meet all my friends, explore the town, help some ponies learn about friendship—and at night,” Twilight grins a wicked grin and pokes Lux in the stomach, “maybe we snuggle, maybe we kiss a little. How does that sound?” It sounds amazing, and fun, and not at all what the apprentice to the Senior Clerk would do. A huge, beaming smile breaks out over Lux’s face. Yes. She’d like that a lot. “Still . . . I wanted to cuddle. You made it sound so lovely.” Twilight puts her hoof to her chin and thinks. “Let’s see . . . If they discover that you’re missing—” “So I just have to sneak back before they wake up. It wouldn’t be the first time. You can wake me up early enough. Please?” she pleads, activating the sappiest, poutiest, wide-eyed-iest face she has in her arsenal. Twilight flops onto her bed. “Urgh, fine. You win. It’s always the eyes . . . ” she scowls. Yes! Twilight opens her forelegs wide and Lux happily crawls in, wraps her forelegs around her Princess and nestles close. Twilight’s so warm and soft—it’s like she’s hugging a fluffy purple chinook. She feels giddy. “Hey,” Lux says over her shoulder. “You too.” The Guard slides into bed behind her, spoons with her. He’s tall enough that they fit together perfectly. Twilight kisses her on the forehead. Their Guard reaches over her hip and presses her down into his lap. Wings and bedding blanket her and she wiggles happily. She gets to fall asleep covered in pony after making love. She crashes off her adrenaline high, feels like she wants to cry and laugh all at once, and a wave of exhaustion— --- He’s about to doze off when he feels Twilight pull herself free of Lux and fill the void with a pillow. Wary of waking the filly, he simply looks over her sleeping form at Twilight and waits. She’s got her back to him, sitting at the side of the bed, but she knows he’s awake. Eventually she looks back at him and gestures. He’s just gotten comfortable, with his cock squeezed between her thighs, pressing against her cunt—tiny, young Lux fits in his lap like she was bred for it, and he was looking forward to waking her up with his dick inside her—but he extracts himself, holds back a groan, and stands before his Princess. Twilight has never bothered lowering her voice when her Castle Guards are sleeping but she has a soft spot for Lux. “Do you think you can get her home without being seen?” “Yes, Your Highness. I will need to wake her up to get her inside her home. But the Gendarmerie won’t be a problem.” “Ione and Wind Shear can’t find her out like this.” “No, Your Highness.” Twilight hugs herself. “Can Ponyville survive another year like this?” she asks. “No, Your Highness. Not without assistance from Canterlot.” She nods. She already knows this. “I think I know how to get Ponyville’s weather. She won’t like being used.” “Your Highness?” Twilight doesn’t answer for a minute or so. Behind her, Lux starts snoring. “Okay. I’ll take her home. I won’t be long. Protect the homestead, Guard.” “Yes, Your Highness.” “Oh—and I’ll need a copy of the paperwork to formalize our agreement, but with the split rating left blank. Assuming this works.” “Yes, Your Highness.” Twilight sets her face and scoops Lux up in her magic. Then, in a silent explosion of feathers and light, they’re gone. He looks around the empty room and rubs his chin. Just how in Equestria is he supposed to find paperwork at this hour? --- Lux wakes with sunlight blasting her in the face. She rubs her eyes and looks around her bedroom. She’s so sore and exhausted that it takes her a few moments to realize that she shouldn’t actually be in her own bed right now. Then the previous night comes crashing back and Lux remembers why she’s so sore and exhausted, and she alternates between shock and glee and panic. The whole day is going to be a write-off. She already knows she won’t be able to focus in school— “Oh!” she yelps. She’s late! How did she sleep in so late? “Shit!” If her parents discover she’s still at home she’ll be in big trouble, and she’ll have to explain why she slept in, and she’s never been able to lie to her mom, which will get Twilight in big trouble, too, and it’ll be all her fault! Right as she thinks that, she hears her mom’s voice from downstairs. Time to go! She’s about to leap out of the window when she spies a sparkling purple envelope on her bedside table, fluttering to get her attention. --- The doors close behind the retreating Clerk and Twilight is left alone with the three ponies that control her fate and the fate of her friends and family. Behind them is the might of the Cloudsdale Weather Brigade and the Gendarmerie—and Ione, a force in her own right. Twilight meanwhile has a washed out Guard, an eager but underage filly, and the well wishes of a tiny village. Well, and the magic of friendship, she thinks wryly. “Twilight. I hope you slept well. Have you had breakfast? Can we get you anything?” The Ambassadors have forgone their high table, and are instead sprawled out on a couch one of them has brought in just for today. Maybe they don’t expect to do much in the way of negotiating either. Make or break time. Twilight covers a small yawn and smiles pretty at the Ambassadors. “No, thank you. We won’t be long.” Polaris frowns at her. “Weather Negotiations are rather complicated affairs, Your Highness. I expect them to take all day.” “Normally, yes. But I’ve had a change of heart.” She can hear them shift uneasily. She can’t possibly have something on them—can she, they’re wondering. No. It must be a desperate attempt to push them off balance. They’re right, of course. She hopes they don’t figure that out. Polaris nods. “If you prefer, we can simply formalize the current arrangement and end things here, Your Highness. You must be eager to return home.” Eager to retreat, Polaris means. She points at a stack of papers in front of them. “Though we've added an additional clause: regular visits to monitor Ponyville’s weather situation. We think it’s in everypony’s best interests if Cloudsdale takes a more hooves-on approach.” Regular visits to fuck Twilight, Polaris means. Twilight shakes her head. “I have a better idea. I would like to hire a consultant to help oversee the construction and management of—” Wind Shear leaps to his hooves, spreading the draft agreement everywhere. “How fucking dare you!” “—Ponyville’s own, smaller Rainbow Factory to help Ponyville and its surroundings design and power their own weather systems and end their dependence on outside help.” She smiles at the bristling Pegasus and says, solemnly, “Ponyville is a strong, self-sufficient community. It has never been afraid to forge its own path. I am proud to shepherd it into the future—with or without your help.” For a moment Twilight can hear one of them grinding their teeth. Then the Ambassadors start yelling over one another: “Runnin’ yer own Rainbow Factory without Cloudsdale’s involvement—” “You think Ponyville is the first backwater slum—” “—recipe for disaster. Weather forces are not to be treated idly— “I knew you wouldn’t take this seriously. You think—” “—inclined to let’cha, just to see what happens—” “—try and produce its own weather—” “—just because you lift your tail for us that we’ll help you? Fuck you.” Twilight studies her hoof and waits. Bristle says, “Yer either incredibly stupid or incredibly naive to think you can run yer own Factory without destroying yer town.” She shrugs. “You’re absolutely right. Only a desperate, corrupt ruler would even think of risking the safety of her town just to break your monopoly on weather marshalling—and she’d still have to find an aspiring young idealist Cloud Sculptor to run her new Factory.” “No,” Wind Shear mutters, watching the doors open. “Yes, Daddy. I know how mean you’ve been to Twilight. You don’t need to be friends, but you shouldn’t make a whole community suffer just to get back at her.” Lux marches right up to them. “I’m going to help Ponyville get back on track. Their farmers need me.” “Lux, dear—where is your mother?” Lux scowls. “She’s with that Governor again. I know how to get to the Capitol Building on my own, dad.” “Why are you here? You should be at school.” Lux shares a smile with Twilight, and holds up the open envelope she has brought with her as proof. “I’ve been offered a work-study position in Ponyville as a—” she frowns, hoping to get the titles correct “—as an apprentice Cloud Sculptor and weather consultant.” “Lux, dear, I’ve already arranged for you to apprentice under the Senior Clerk this summer—” “No, Daddy!” she says, stomping her hoof against the marble floor. “I’m sick of all this public service nonsense! How am I supposed to be happy when all I deal with are ponies’ problems?” Wind Shear stammers, “Well—Dear, she’s—Twilight is just using you to get back at me, dear.” Lux rolls her eyes as only a young mare like her can. “You are so petty. Can’t you see that she cares about me?” she huffs. Twilight stands behind Lux, giving her as much room as she needs to gesture and stomp while keeping her own barely-composed face out of sight. “What agreement are you trying to give Ponyville, anyway? Fifty-fifty? Forty-five-fifty-five? Do they get long range forecasts? Special Event considerations?” Wind Shear’s eyes flick down at the stack of papers strewn around him. “We haven’t finalized those particular details—” Lux shakes her head. “You have no idea, do you? Their town is suffering because of your greed. Suffering. And I can help them! Please. Either give them the weather they need, to let me help them.” “Dear—they’re not suffering. They’ve had mediocre weather. Yes, it could be better. But they’re hardly suffering.” “Unbelievable. You’re really going to screw them over just to get back at Twilight?” “Lux! Watch your mouth!” “Oh yeah? I heard the language you use. I’ve heard what you call the Princess. You hypocrite.” Wind Shear looks at his other Ambassadors. Polaris is grinning, a hoof over her mouth. Bristle looks ready to kill somepony. Wind Shear’s face hardens. Twilight knows cannot say no to his daughter. It’s the guilt from his incestuous fetishes mixed with good old fatherly love. Shear has to let Lux go to Ponyville if she cannot be persuaded to change her own mind. Then Twilight spies the hint of a smile. “Have you asked your mother?” “Well . . . no,” Lux admits. “If she says no then you can’t go. Go ask her first.” Fuck shit damn! Wind Shear is a loser, sending Lux to his wife, but that doesn’t matter. Twilight is banking everything on being the only pony who can say no to Lux, but Ione has no problem saying no. And if Ione tells Lux she cannot join Twilight in Ponyville all her plans will fall apart. Ponyville cannot afford its own Rainbow Factory—not by a long shot. She tries not to panic. “I can’t,” Lux says. “Why not?” Lux scowls. “Because she’s with Governor Sirocco right now, and, uh . . . I didn’t want to interrupt them when they’re—negotiating.” She hangs her head. “I guess she didn’t know I was still home.” Twilight’s jaw drops. So does Wind Shear’s. Lux takes a deep breath and asks, with all the strength of a child who’s learned her parents don’t love one another and desperately needs a way out, “Anyways. Can I go? Please?” Wind Shear glares at Twilight, then takes a deep, slow breath. “So—Dear, tell me. When does this . . . work-study position start?” “Oh, tomorrow,” Twilight pipes up, ignoring Lux’s surprised gasp. “We’ll be leaving right away. It’s a school night.” Wind Shear says, through gritted teeth, “Then you had better get ready.” Lux gasps. A huge smile breaks out over her face and she spins in place. “Oh, thank you thank you thank you! I promise I won’t let you down.” “I know you won’t. Go and pack your things.” He smiles, a generous, entirely fake smile. Lux flies over, squeezes him in a deathly tight hug, then rockets out of the room, leaving a flurry of abandoned agreement papers in her wake. The moment the door is closed Wind Shear storms up to Twilight and backhoofs her. She conjures a barrier with a thought, blocking his hoof, and she thinks she hears something crack. He gasps, tucks his hoof to his chest, and glares at her. Idiot. “How dare you lie to my daughter!” “Oh, it’s a real offer. Given our miserable forecast I’ve decided to finance the construction of a new Rainbow Factory outside of town. The current designs are much smaller and safer. Assuming we can get the systems working quickly enough I should have time to deal with the other small towns you’ve been taking advantage of before their current contracts come up for renewal. A new industry would do wonders for our economy.” She gestures over her shoulder at the entrance. “And there’s plenty of room in Ponyville for a young filly to integrate into the school system and finish her education. She’ll make so many friends. Afterwards I fully intend on grooming Lux into a leading Cloud Sculptor. She’ll be on track to be the first new Weather Marshall in ten years. As for housing, Lux will be perfectly safe and sound in my castle. We don’t actually have any open beds but I’m sure my Guards won’t mind sharing theirs. Of course, if you don’t want her to go, you can just tell her no. I’m certainly not about to abduct her.” “She’s not going.” “Fine. Let’s bring her back in and you can explain why. She’s an adult. She’ll understand. And besides, I’m sure I can find an aspiring Weather Marshall somewhere—apparently they’re as common as coffee shops. I just figured I’d help jumpstart Lux’s career.” She smiles innocently. “She’s been so kind to me already. I want the best for her.” “Retract your offer and I’ll give you your fucking eighty-twenty split.” “One hundred.” Wind Shear glares. Behind him the Ambassadors are yelling at him. “Fine.” “I want it in writing.” Twilight already has a stack of papers ready to sign. A few pen strokes and signatures later, and Twilight has officially saved Ponyville and fucked Cloudsdale, again, and it feels good. She turns to leave, but stops before the door and looks over her shoulder at the Ambassadors. “Next time you’re balls deep in a mare, try not to make promises you don’t intend to keep,” she says, flicking her tail and flashing them. Then she smiles and leaves. Her Guard follows her out, and the great big marble doors close with a thud. Outside, the sun is glowing and there’s a warm late summer breeze. There’s no crowd pleading for her time, no blur of ponies who need her. Just Lux, weighed down under saddlebags hastily packed with textbooks, school supplies, some clothing, and her favorite books. She’s beaming and vibrating with enthusiasm. Twilight exhales. --- Twilight is exhausted, so she decides to take the train back home. The ride is uneventful. She wonders just how she’s going to explain herself to her friends and to the rest of Ponyville when they ask how it went. “I got us perfect weather . . . ” She looks across the private carriage at the young Pegasus filly, her cum-covered face smeared into the seat as Twilight’s Guard fucks her senseless, and sighs. “ . . . but had to turn it down.” She buries her face in her hooves, listening to Lux groan. It’s going to be a long winter.