> 26 Short Stories of Equestria > by TPC-2k16 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Twilight and the Paper Shredder > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight is at her desk, inside the Castle of Friendship, busy looking through all the important paperwork she has to get done. Whether it being a ten page report on garden economics, or the usual proposed law the ponies would ask of her, this law today proposing that there should be an official curfew. Luckily, Twilight had just the thing for paperwork like this. Levitating out from the supply closet comes her paper shredder, a gift she'd received from Sunset Shimmer, the last time she saw her. "I really should go back and pay her a visit sometime." Twilight just shrugs it off her lack, placing the shredder right by her side, plugging it in, and turning it on. Twilight levitates up in the air a bunch of paperwork from her desk. "Let's see... five day report on the Cakes' shop," She takes the paperwork over to the shredder, soon after shredding the document, "Report on the findings of the surrounding area of the Everfree Forest," Twilight shreds it too, "Ponyville Schoolhouse's annual report of students' grades," Twilight shreds it too, "A letter from Princess Celestia, herself, warning me that Tirek has escaped from Tartarus, and asking to immediately take action," She shreds it too. "I just love you ol' paper shredder of mine," Twilight says, picking it up and hugging it, "I don't know what I'd do without you." > Spike goes to the nearest 7-Eleven > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spike is, right now, on the train to Canterlot. Why? Because it's the only city in Equestria that has a 7-Eleven. * * * After getting off the train and walking a few miles east, Spike had finally arrived at the 7-Eleven. "Finally made it." Spike says in relief. Walking into the store, Spike immediately goes over to the slushie machine, seeing the flavors being Colt ta Cola, blue, green, and yellow gem flavored, Lemonade, and the as per usual, Sprite Cranberry flavored. Spike grabs the largest cup there is, the cup being fifty ounces, and goes to town, mixing all together the different flavors. As soon as Spike is done, adding on the lid and the straw, he walks on over to the counter. "One big, fifty ounce gulp. Is that all for you sir?" The high school drop-out who now works as a cashier asks, his voice still going through from the effects of puberty. "That should be it!" Spike joyously said, taking out the bits needed, and handing them over to the cashier. "Thank you for your patronage... sir. Have a wonderful, gulp -tastic day." The cashier says, ending with a cheesy, totally-not-awkward smile. "Okay. Thanks." Spike walks out of the store, slurping on his drink as he walks back to the train station. > Starlight learns more about her Best Friend > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Starlight is with her old friend, Sunburst, him staying in Ponyville while his house in the Crystal Empire is right now being fumigated due to crystal termites. So as a friend, Starlight agreed to let him stay at the Castle. "So, what you wanna do now?" Starlight asks her friend, Sunburst just getting done unpacking what he brought in the Castle's guest room. "Oh, I don't know. What do you wanna do?" "Well..." * * * "Wow! Who knew the annual Ponyville fun fair was gonna be so much fun?!" "Ah, well, it is in the name. FUN fair." The two ponies had just visited the annual Ponyville fun fair, an annual tradition that had just started last year. "Well, that was fun. So, what you wanna do now?" Sunburst asks Starlight. "Well..." * * * "Well, that was... okay, I guess." "I agree." The two ponies are now just exiting the Hayburger, as tonight was stand-up comedy night there. "Ah well, look at the time," Sunburst looks up at the night sky, "Better get to bed. I've got a lot of things to do still tomorrow." "Aye yep." The two ponies walk back to the Castle of Friendship. Starlight had learned something new about her old friend today. It being that Sunburst isn't a fan of stand-up comedy. > Comet Tail x Twilight Sparkle > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Comet Tail is in his living room, sitting in his usual green reclining chair. Looking off to his right, he sees a light red reclining chair next to his, sitting in it though, being a big, framed picture of Princess Twilight Sparkle herself. "I love you too." Comet says to his framed princess. Just then, the doorbell rings. Comet gets up from his chair, first going over to give the big, framed picture a small kiss, before finally going to the door. Comet opens the door, revealing on the other side, right outside, is Princess Twilight herself, her smiling brightly. Seeing his pony crush waifu at his actual door, Comet's pupils shrink, looking as if he'd just wet himself in front of the class while sharing his book report. "Hello there. I'm here to tell you that all of your tax bits, should you pay, shall go towards building a special school I'm planning. If you'd let me in, I can explain more." Comet though, looks the more shell-shocked. "So um, is that a yes?" Comet Tail finally speaks up: "YES! I mean, it's a yes. Come on in." He motions his hoof to her, wide, welcoming smile. Twilight looks at him questionably. "Well okay." Seeing his pony crush walk into his own house, Comet gets a sudden burst of happiness. "Just don't go into the living room! I got, uh, wet paint!" He yells to her, lying. "What was that?!" Twilight yells right back as she walks right into the living room. Whoops. Comet, no time to think, heads straight into the living room, seeing it appear as though Twilight hasn't yet seen that he has a big, framed picture of her. "You alright? We can do this later if you want-" Twilight is interrupted when she sees finally that this pony has a big, framed picture of herself, sitting in a chair no less. Comet thinks to himself, sweating nervously, of just how weird she'd now think he is. "You have a big, framed picture of me in your house," Twilight smiles for a bit, "I thought I was the only one." "Wha...?" Twilight brings out a photograph, showing to Comet, on it being what looks like a big, framed picture of Comet Tail himself, seated on one of the Castle's throne. "WTF?" > King Sombra asks Anypony if they want a Sprite Cranberry > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- King Sombra had returned!!! This time, he appears more unstoppable than ever. Making his way to Ponyville, Sombra arrives at the doorstep of the home of Golden Harvest and Written Script, knocking down the door completely off its' hinges as he touched it. Inside, both ponies holding each other, both rightfully scared out of their minds, seeing as how one of Equestria's most evilest, baddest villain, had just enter their home. As Sombra nears the two, giving a slight cough first, asks them both: "Wanna Sprite Cranberry?" > Derpy Hooves' Mailmare Adventure > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Another boring day at the Ponyville Post Office. Derpy Hooves is at the counter, bored as she ever was. Until coming through the door is the master of chaos himself, Discord. Derpy smiles wide just at the sight of him. Discord walks over to the counter. "Hello, yes," He magically makes a small package appear next to him, "I need you to deliver this here package to my dear friend Fluttershy." "Uh huh. It's a done deal." Derpy flies herself over to the package, taking it up with her hooves. "Oh, I should mention, that it's not an "ordinary" package, but a magic package. Also, be careful. It's super fragile. So fragile, that a small, simple leaf can ruin it." "Huh, oh no." Derpy gasps, holding the package tighter against herself. "Also, it has to be delivered today." "Today?" Derpy looks down at the package, uncertain, then looking back up, confident. "We can do this!" "Oh, what a relief. If you need me, I'll be in my own dimension doing Celestia knows what," Discord snaps his fingers to make himself look like a fighter pilot, wearing a fighter jacket, fighter sunglasses, and all that, "I'll see you later... maybe." Discord snaps himself away, magically appearing outside, floating away ever so freely. "Weird. Now to deliver this package." Derpy says with the upmost confident. * * * Walking to Fluttershy's cottage, Derpy Hooves delivering the package from Discord. The package being carried on her back, held tightly on with lots and lots of tied ropes. "I can do this. I will." Saying to herself before seeing both Lyra and Bon Bon in her way, both ponies looking like they want to ask her something. "No time girls. I've got a package, and it must be delivered today." "Okay. Anyway-" Lyra is interrupted by Derpy just walking away from the two. "Sorry, but I can't talk right now. I've got a job to do." After another ten minutes, Derpy arrives at Fluttershy's cottage, going over to knock on the door. A minute later and Fluttershy answers it. "Hello there. You needing anything?" "Why yes!" Derpy shows the package to her. "I've got a package here from a-" Derpy looks down at an index card. "A Mr. Cord." "Oh." Fluttershy takes the package from her, signing for it, then immediately opening it. Inside the package is nothing. Fluttershy chuckles to herself as Discord magically appears between the two ponies. "Huzzah!" Derpy chuckles to herself too, then walking away to go on back to the Post Office. > Gallus and the Opening of a Peanut Butter Jar > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It's a nice sunny day at the School of Friendship. Being a typical Saturday of no classes, Gallus is out walking in the halls, looking to pass the time. Until he sees his dear friend, Silverstream, here also, though her not noticing him as she appears to be struggling to open a peanut butter jar. “Hey Silverstream. You good?” Gallus asks as he walks up to her. Looking up from the jar, she answers back: “I’m doing fine. Just wish I can open this jar of peanut buttery goodness.” “Hmm, let me have a crack at it.” Silverstream hands Gallus the peanut butter jar. Gallus puts both talons on it, hoping he can do it easily. Though Gallus too appears to struggle opening the lid, trying to use all his strength. After five minutes of Gallus accomplishing nothing, another fellow student (unicorn mare) walks over to them. “Hi there! You need some help with that?” She kindly asks Gallus. Not getting an answer, she just takes the jar right out of his talons with her magic, and with just one, strong, magical pull, she succeeds in getting the jar open. Jaw dropped and shocked, Gallus just stares at the pony, thinking of how easy that was. “Okay,” She hands it back to Silverstream, "You don’t think he’s mad at me, do you?” She asks concerningly, pointing to a still shocked Gallus. “I doubt it," Silverstream just waves it off, “Thanks anyway.” “What are friends for.” > Pinkie Pie gives Applejack an Apple Pie > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Here. I made this apple pie, just for you.” Pinkie hands Applejack a freshly made apple pie, a smile on her face. “Well geez Pinkie. Thanks.” “No problem. Since we still don’t know if we’re actually related or not, i just wanted to make you something as a friendly gift.” “Well okay. I am just about done with my chores here. How ‘bout we both go an' have a slice?” “Sounds fun!” So Pinkie and Applejack both walk on over to the Apple’s barn, heading to the kitchen. AJ cuts out one slice, placing it on a plate, then giving it to Pinkie. Doing the exact same for her. After they both finish eating their slice of pie, AJ congratulates Pinkie on her work. “That had to be one of the best you’ve ever made.” “Ah thanks. I just like doing what I do.” “Uh huh. Ya know who else would like this?” Applejack starts yelling for Applebloom to come down to the kitchen. Though after about three minutes, she still hadn't arrived yet. “Not like her to ignore her big sister like this.” “Oh, don’t worry about her. I’m sure Applebloom is enjoying the pie with us right now.” > Ocellus and Sandbar study for a Test > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ocellus and Sandbar are both in the Library of the School of Friendship. Textbooks open, notes from class out, the two creatures had everything they needed to help study for Professor Applejack’s honesty in friendship test. “Okay. Now where to begin?” Sandbar asks. “I would think we should do a quick run-through first of all the lessons we’ve learned.” Ocellus suggested, both starting to get to the page in their notes of all the lessons learned in class. “Okay,” Sandbar gives a yawn, “Honestly is an important part of friendship," Giving another yawn, now talking sleepishly, “And-“ Sandbar just abruptly falls asleep, head on the desk. Ocellus gives a slight yawn too. “Come on... wake up. We got a-“ Ocellus abruptly falls asleep too, head on the desk. Both creatures are now sleeping when they should be busy studying. (The Next Morning in Professor Applejack’s Class) “Howdy everycreature! I hope y'all are prepared for the test today.” Both Sandbar and Ocellus look to each other nervously. > Cranky Doodle uses the Wrong Deodorant > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cranky Doodle is in his bathroom, in front of the bathroom mirror, opening up the medicine cabinet and taking out a stick of deodorant, soon later, he puts on his usual, daily dose of deodorant. After finishing and putting the deodorant stick back in the medicine cabinet, Cranky walks out of the bathroom, into the kitchen, where his wife Matilda is. She takes one long sniff of him as he enters. “My my. You smell rather awfully feminine today.” “Really? Wouldn’t know why.” Cranky said back, putting on his usual wig, about to head out. “Oh, while you’re out. You wouldn’t mind picking up another one of your deodorant. You could use another stick.” “Don’t need it. I still have plenty more.” Cranky says right before he opens the front door. “Really? When I checked earlier, you were basically all out.” “All out? But if my deodorant is all out, then what did I-“ Cranky is interrupted by his own thought. “Well, now at least I know that you still have enough, dear.” > Starlight meets her Old Self > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was a cool, summer night. Starlight Glimmer sleeping away, leaving a window open to let in the cool, nighttime air, all while dreaming of the usual. Usually, Starlight would dream about her and her friends just hanging out. Though for tonight, she would dream a different dream. (Dream) Starlight dreamt of herself somewhere familiar, her old village to be exact. "Why would I dream of this place? Again?" Starlight walks over to her old cottage, the very same place she once lived. Right as she neared closer to it, the front door opens, and revealing on the other side is, well, her herself. But the old, evil her. "You?! I thought-" "You thought what?" Old Starlight interrupts her. "That you got rid of me?! That you changed your mind?!" "But, I did. And you should no longer exist." Starlight shows her new confident, good side. "You thought, sure." Old Starlight levitates out six jars, each one containing one of the Mane 6's cutie marks, "You remember. You remember how these CURSED things took away our only friend!" She lets go of all six jars, them all breaking into a million little pieces on the ground, the cutie marks inside of them just evaporating into thin air. "I do remember. But I have changed. And you can't tell me what to do!" With a stomp of her hoof, a strong gust of wind blows away the old Starlight into dust. Starlight immediately awakes with a gasp, sitting up suddenly. Why would Starlight have a dream like this? Who knows. > Magical Mystery Cure, but it goes Differently > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tonight is the night where everything changes for Twilight Sparkle. Hearing a knock on the door, Twilight opens it to find a mail delivery pony on the other side. “I’ve got a package here for you from... Princess Celestia herself.” “A package? Couldn’t you have wait ‘til tomorrow to deliver it? You do know that it’s nine thirty at night, don’t cha?” “M’am, please don’t tell me how to do my job.” The pony hands over the package to her. Twilight grabbing it with her magic, her looking over the package closely. Right as the mail delivery pony brings out a clipboard for her to sign, Twilight closes the door in his face. Walking away from the door, Twilight walks to the middle of the Golden Oaks Library floor. “To Twilight Sparkle, from Princess Celestia.” Twilight carefully opens the package with her magic. Taking out all the protective paper first, Twilight finds the thing Celestia had sent her. That thing being one simple can of Red Bull. “Uh, why would the princess send me this?” Twilight, despite her question. though just strugs it off. Opening the can and taking a big swig of energy drink goodness when *POOF* Twilight blacks out, passing out on the Library's floor. An hour passes, Twiight soon finding herself on the library’s floor, not remembering at all of how she got there, then she looks behind her back to see a pair of wings have somehow, all of a sudden, appeared. “Huh?” Just then, Princess Celestia magically teleports into the room. “Congratulations Twilight! You have been most worthy! From now on, you shall be known as ‘Princess Twilight Sparkle’, the Princess of Friendship!” “Huh?!?!?!?!” > Mane 6 Adventures: The Case of the Cutie Map > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Throne Room inside the Castle of Friendship was packed. Everyone who’s ever been called by the map are all in there, cutie marks (and scales) glowing, meaning potentially a friendship quest. “So let me get this straight. It appears that everypony-“ “And dragon!” Spike shouts, interrupting Twilight. “And dragon, that’s been called before, is being called now by the map again. But why?” “We don’t have the slightest clue either.” Applebloom speaks for her friends. “Me neither.” Starlight said next. Then just now, all of their marks appear on the map, all twelve now hovering over what looks like an old, rickety wooden shack, its location in a barren, grass field somewhere between the White Tail Woods and Vanhoover. “Well, that explains... something.” Fluttershy says. > Cozy Glow thinks about Gallus > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Inside of Tartarus, trapped in her cell, alongside the master stealer of magic himself, Tirek. Cozy Glow was bored inside her cell almost everyday. Everyday, she was so bored that she started to think of ways on how to escape, then claim her revenge on those creatures who’d put her here. Thinking about those creatures, Cozy specifically thought a lot about that griffin one. Gallus is the name. Soon enough, every second that passed by was another second thinking about Gallus. Cozy thinking of how somecreature, who grew up around a bunch of selfish, rough, and greedy griffins, could possibly turn out all heartwarming and sweet (on the inside maybe, at least). Some things are better left unanswered. Then Cozy starts to think about him some more. Like, how when the sun was raised right, his feathers would give off a very nice, warm glow. Or, how he held the door open for her that one time during her first day at the school. For hours upon end, Cozy would think of nothing but Gallus. Then when night fell, and everycreature in Tartarus was asleep, Cozy would dream of her and Gallus. Together. Two by two. Pony and griffin. “Oh dear. I think wittle ‘ol Cozy here, has a problem.” > Rainbow Dash goes on Vacation > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Now THIS, is a relaxing vacation.” Rainbow Dash says as she relaxes herself on a lounge chair on the main deck of the S.S. Relaxation. A cruise ship that only operates once every five years. “Seriously, after everything that’s happened the past few moons, I need this.” Rainbow relaxes a little while longer, before noticing how everypony seems to be all staring at her, with worry I might add. “Uh, anything wrong?” Rainbow acting a bit nervous. “Uh huh.” One random pony next to her says before pointing towards her flank, which appears to be glowing. “OH COME ON!!!!!!” > Rarity and the Fashion Magazine > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rarity takes another look at the clock, showing it's three o'seven now. "Oh, where could that mail pony be? You don't think he's in danger. Oh, I don't think I could ever live if he isn't here any time soon." Just then, the doorbell rings all throughout the boutique, causing Rarity to run over (ladylike of course) to the door. Getting there in, as Rainbow would say, ten seconds flat, She opens the door, only to reveal on the other side Pinkie Pie herself. "Hiya! I think that was the fastest you've ever answered the door." Pinkie gives her usual happy smile and squee. "Oh, well Miss Pie, if you must know. I am simply waiting for my mail to be delivered. I don't know if you know, but I've just now only recently sent a model of my newest creation to this new fashion magazine. I think It’s called-" "Fashion Pony Monthly TImes Squared!" Squee. "How did you know-" "'Cause of this!" Pinkie interrupts her once again as she appears in her hoof the same fashion magazine she'd just mentioned. The issue being specifically addressed to Rarity. Seeing this, Rarity snatches it out of her hoof, quickly opening up to the page. "If you're wondering why, it appears it was "accidentally" sent to me instead of you." Pinkie explains as Rarity opens to the page of with has her creation. "Okay, here we are." Rarity would read just one sentence before suddenly, out of spite, throwing a tantrum. "POSTMODERN CLASSICAL!?!?!?! WHY THESE PONIES WOULDN'T KNOW FASHION IF IT HIT THEM IN THE HEAD!!!!" Rarity throws the magazine to the floor, then marching on back into her creation room, blowing off loads of steam. "That was weird." Pinkie picks the magazine up, going over to read what exactly made her friend so angry. "This dress, while not being as unique, or compelling, is still a perfect example of a postmodern classic." > The Starlight Renaissance > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Starlight Glimmer, once a pony who despised cutie marks, now the Princess of Friendship's student, looked into the mirror in her room, staring at her reflection until finally saying to herself: “I win.” After another five minutes of just her staring at her reflection, Starlight finally walks away from the mirror, walking out of her room into the hallway. Starlight heads over to the Library in the Castle, first thing she notices when in is Twilight going through a bunch of books. “Uh, anything the problem?” She asks Twilight, who’s startled by her words. Twilight gets up from her work and walks over to Starlight. “Well, yes. Yes to the... problem.” “So and that is?” “Nothing. It’s nothing.” “Oh.” Starlight stops what she was previously thinking, moving out of the library to let Twilight continue on whatever work she's doing. Starlight decides to head outside, get some fresh air, while seeing everypony in town. * * * “Hello yes. I’m Starlight Glimmer. What’s your name?” The newest Ponyville resident asks the meek, shy pegasus pony in front of her, though the pegasus just appears way too shy to her. “Alright. If you excuse me, I must be on my way.” The shy pony finally speaks up, though very shyly: “I’m Fluttershy." “Huh. What was that?” “My name is... is Fluttershy.” “Once more from the top?” The pony just shyly whimpers. Awkward silence a few seconds later. “Well, your birds have appeared to come back. I’ll leave you to it, then,” Starlight walks away from the shy pegasus, taking out her checklist, "See how the musical arrangement is going, check.” * * * “Okay. Now that was a crazy dream.” > Mane 6 Adventures: Going and Seeing what the Problem is > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After the train ride to Vanhoover, and a three hour walk afterwards, all twelve ponies, all called by the map, had made it to the location of which they were called to. The ponies arrive in a barren, grass field, there being literally nothing but grass for hundred of miles on end. Until off in the distance, they see what the map brought them there for. An old, rickety wooden shack. “That must be what we’re here for," Twilight observes, “Anypony wanna do the honors?” The other eleven ponies all look unto one another, then to Twilight. “Okay. I’ll do it.” Twilight walks up closer to the shack’s door, takes a short breath, then knocks on the door. It would be exactly three minutes before they get an answer. Opening the door a crack slightly, the pony on the inside speaks to them all: “Huh? Took ya long enough.” “What?” The pony fully opens the door, revealing to everypony to be an earth pony mare, having a purple coat, and a pink, purple, and white mane. “Hello. I am Wysteria. I’ve been expecting you.” > Legends of Wysteria’s Field > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Wysteria. You mean THE Wysteria. The same Wysteria who vanquished monsters. The same Wysteria who rewrote many books on magic. The same Wysteria who-“ “Alright, we get it. Wysteria’s awesome.” Rainbow Dash brashly interrupts Twilight. “Awesome is an understatement. Try awesome times infinity plus one!” “Infinity plus one, eh? Sounds like you're a big fan.” Wysteria speaks to Twilight. Twilight, filled with glee, start taking big, long breaths, starting to act a little stir crazy. “Is she gonna be alright?” Wysteria asks either any of the other ponies, concerned. “Oh, don’t worry about it. She gets like this almost way too many times to count.” Spike answers back with snark. “Okay. Now then, back to business. I’m sure you are all wondering why you’re here, correct?” Everypony but Twilight shakes their heads sideways. “Good. Wait here while I make us some tea. We’ve got a lot to talk about.” *** After about thirty minutes of tea making, all twelve ponies, plus Wysteria, sit, haunches down on the grass, each one with a cup of tea. “Now. You are all here for a very important mission, correct? And to understand how important it is, I must first share with you the history of this place.” Wysteria gets back up, quickly running back into her shack, and coming back out with a big book. Opening to a certain page, she begins reading: “Once upon a time, or more like fifty moons ago, right in this field here used to live a great abundance of ponies. Ponies of every age, race, living together in perfect harmony," A tear comes to her eye while reading, remembering of all the good times she'd had, “Until one day, when a lonely centaur named Galbus came to our happy village and destroyed it, as just the thought of ponies getting along bothered him, so he decided to take everything away. Leaving us with nothing, but our friendship remaining, but soon enough, that went away too," She starts to become sad, trying desperately to hold in her tears, as she remembers fondly of her friends, the specific day of them all walking away coming to memory, “And it was terrible. Soon, everypony left our ruined village. Leaving only me, here, Wysteria, to try to remake it to how it once was. Back to its former glory,” Wysteria closes the book shut, “So, do you now know why you’re here yet?” “Pardon me, but that story sounds horrible.” Pinkie says in response to the story. “Uh huh.” Applejack also responds, not showing it, but feeling it. “I know,” Wysteria says sadly, “But, if we don’t want this to happen again, then we must act now.” “Sounds good. Point the way.” Rainbow flies up into the air heroically. “What we need to do is simple: defeat and banish Galbus the next time he shows up. Problem is, we don’t know where he is, or where he will be when he shows up again.” Wysteria puts a hoof up to her chin. “Hmm, I think I may know somepony, or somedraconequus, who can help.” Everypony looks to Twilight with questioned stares. > Of Discords and Glimmers > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “OH PLEASE CAN YOU HELP US!!!!” “Eh, I don’t know.” Discord just strugs at Twilight’s plea for help. Everypony involved in the mission are now out looking for a centaur that may want to destroy their lands and friendships like it did with Wysteria’s village. “But why not? I’ll do anything for you,” Twilight grabs onto one of Discord’s legs. “I’ll.. I’ll let you turn Ponyville into whatever you want for a day. Just please, please help us!” “Or really.” Discord crosses his arms. “Well, okay maybe not entirely, but I’ll let you do anything. Pinkie Pie promise.” “Hmm... alright. I’ll agree to your plan.” “Oh, thank you thank you!” Twilight rejoices as she gives Discord a big, tight hug around his lower abdomen. Discord teleports himself out of her hug. “On one condition though," Discord makes appear a scroll, opening it up to reveal it being real long, then reading from it: “I would only help if you and your friends start, from now on, recognize me as part of the 'gang', and for you all to start inviting me to all of your 'formal gatherings'.” With a snap, the scroll vanishes to thin air. “That’s it. You just wanna be extra close with us.” “Is that gonna be a problem?” “Why no. I’ll... make sure to tell my friends all about it.” Twilight gives a cheesy smile. “Really now? Aren’t you forgetting something?” Discord crosses his arms a second time. “Like what?” “You tell me," Discord magically makes Twilight appear in front of a blackboard, her being dressed in an old timey teacher outfit, whereas Discord has himself at a desk, dressed in a sailor outfit way too small for him, “You are a teacher of friendship. And any friendship teacher knows that friends won’t try to force somepony to join their group. Honestly Twilight, it’s almost embarrassing.” Discord snaps the whole thing away. Twilight blushes a deep shade of red, being embarrassed a little. “You do have a weird way of being friends.” Discord smiles at the thought. “Oh, and it’s a yes. Just tell me when you’ll need me.” Discord says before snapping himself out of the area. *** Twilight is in the Library, studying up all on centaurs and how to defeat them. When soon enough, Starlight Glimmer enters the room. “Hey Twilight. There’s something I need to ask. About this whole situation.” “Uh huh. Tell me your troubles.” Twilight says while still reading. Starlight gives a deep breath. “Okay. So you know how the map called us all when the 'Pony of Shadows' was out there.” Twilight puts down her book. “Yeah.” “And how it actually turned out to be a friendship problem.” “Sure. Go on.” “Well, I just think that, what if it’s like that again? We don’t know much, if not anything, about the guy. What if it’s another 'Pony of Shadows' like situation?” “I see your reasoning. I really do. But like you said, we don’t know much about the guy. It would be awfully risky to try to make friends with it.” “I see.” Starlight walks back into the hall, her head down in defeat. Twilight looking at her pupil concerningly. > Trip to Tartarus > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight and Spike both went on a trip. A trip to the same place that houses all of Equestria’s villains. After opening (and closing) the big, double doors to the prison, and getting passed Cerberus, the two soon find themselves at the cell that currently holds Tirek. “Well, if it isn’t the "princess of friendship" herself. Back so soon?” Tirek deviously said just at the sight of the two. “Tirek.” Twilight said sinisterly. “Cozy Glow!” Cozy said cheerfully. “Yeah, remind me again why Cozy’s locked up in here again.” Spike asks quietly to himself, scratching his head in confusion. “So, why are you here? Here to gloat about defeating my plan without you actually doing anything?” Tirek said jokingly. “No, as a matter of fact. We are here to ask if you know, anything, about another centaur, like yourself, called Galbus.” Tirek, after hearing the name Twilight just spoken, looks at the two in surprise, then starts to sweat nervously. “Why, what do you wanna know?” Twilight levitates out a map of Wysteria’s field. “‘Cause it appears that he’s back. And that he wants to ruin the lives of everypony I know-” “Oh nononono. You must be mistaken. There is no defeating him. Only banishment!" “Really? And how do you know?” Twilight asked “Oh, it’s nothing. But you must leave this place, NOW!” Right as Twilight’s about to speak, Spike coughs up a letter from Princess Celestia, most likely. Twilight takes the scroll, opening it up and reading aloud: “The Galbus has returned, and it’s in Ponyville, right now.” Twilight immediately drops the scroll and starts running back towards the door, Spike doing the same, though trying to catch up more like it. As both Twilight and Spike exit Tartarus, Tirek, watching the two leave, says to himself: “Galbus. That’s a name I’ve haven’t heard in a long while.” > The Cutie Remark but this is fine > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Starlight Glimmer had just changed the past!!! Twilight and Spike find themselves out in the open, the map being right where it usually, normally is, but like, there's no Friendship Castle. "What just happened?" Spike asked, confused about the whole situation. "What happened is that pony changed the past... to make sure that me and my friends never met! Got it?!" Twilight crazily explains to Spike. "Okay. But one question though. If Starlight went back in time, to the past, and changed everything as to so you and your friends never meet, then why does everything still look perfectly normal? Like, nothing ever even happening in the first place? Normal, except no Friendship Castle, I should add." Spike asks after looking around over the surrounding area. Twilight looks around over her surroundings too, seeing that Ponyville, yes, just, still looks the same as always. Just no Friendship Castle. "Oh." Twilight and Spike walk farther into Ponyville, seeing everything still looking perfectly normal, the same. "There must be something here that's more than meets the eye. But what?" Twilight thinks to herself for a while before Spike gets her attention. "Uh Twilight, I think you may want to see this." Spike points out to Twilight after seeing that in Ponyville town square, there is a statue. A statue of the six ponies of Derpy Hooves, Doctor Whooves, Lyra Heartstrings, Sweetie "Bon Bon" Drops, DJ Pon3, and Octavia. The statue of the six ponies all posing heroically. Twilight steps closer to it, looking at the thing in shock. Spike walks over closer to the plaque by the statue, reading: "Here to honor the six ponies, who braved both the notorius villains of Nightmare Moon and Discord." > Yona and Smolder talk about Boys > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Smolder is in her dormitory, chillaxing on her bed, right before an angry Yona comes stomping in, slamming the door shut. Noticing her friend’s mood, Smolder asks: “Uh, everything alright?” “Yak is not fine. Ponies at this school drive yak crazy.” “Uh huh. And how so?” “Why, just now, friend Sandbar looked at yak weird.” “That’s Sandbar for ya.” Smolder says while rolling her eyes. “Yak knows.” “Speaking of which, I too have had ponies look at me differently. Boys mostly.” “Really?” Yona places her hoof up to her face, whispering. “Dragon don’t think what yak think.” “And that is?” “Ponies look at dragon and yak differently because ponies like us.” Smolder’s eyes get wide in shock, “I... I don’t know,” Smolder gets up, sitting on the edge of her bed, “But, now that you’d mention it. I have noticed some of the boys, in our class specifically, look at me weird too.” “Friend don’t think.” Smolder gives a smirk. “Hmm, now that dragon mentions it, yak had noticed extra attention from Sandbar.” Smolder gives a look to her friend. “Oh nono, pony and yak just friends.” Smolder crosses her arms. “But now that dragon friend mention it, yak do have something to say," Yona goes over to whisper into Smolder’s ear, “Yak thinks pony is cute.” “Well dang,” Smolder quickly looks around the room, seeing how no other creature is here, “Since we’re on the topic, I do kind of, I don’t know, feel a certain way for a certain pony.” “Really? Oh, YAK MUST KNOW!” Yona shouts loudly, Smolder placing her claw over her mouth to try to not bring too much attention to their room. “Yak sorry," Yona says more quietly, “But still, who is he?” “Well uh, yeah, it’s awkward.” “Oh-” Yona is interrupted by the door opening, revealing on the other side Silverstream and Ocellus. “Hey guys!” Silverstream greets them. “We heard shouting. Anything wrong?” Ocellus asks either the two. “Well, now that you-” “We’re just talking. Talking about... school stuff." Smolder interrupts Yona, giving a fake, cheesy smile. “Okay.” Silverstream said, her and Ocellus leaving the two be, closing the door behind them. “Dragon friend alright?” Yona asks right after the two leave. “I shouldn’t talk about it.” Yona places her hoof on Smolder's shoulder. “Dragon is friend. Friend can trust me. Yak swear.” Smolder just smiles at her friend. “Well, since we are good friends, I can tell you.” “The pony’s name is-” Smolder is cut off by the sound of the school bell, signifying classes are starting for today. > Mane 6 Adventures: The Battle with Galbus > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight and Spike both had made it to Ponyville, running all the way from Tartarus. No stops to rest. Once they had reached the city limits, both creatures fall to the ground, desperately panting for air. After about five minutes of catching their breaths, Twilight and Spike get back up and prepare for the worst. Only, there is literally nothing here in Ponyville. Everything is still the same. No damage whatsoever. No nothing. Everypony out and about. No sign of trouble. “That’s weird. You would think that Galbus would be here and ready to do battle. That's how it's usually is.” Spike says, scratching his head with his claw. “I don’t know either Spike.” Twilight says back. The two would then walk farther into town, when going to Sugarcube Corner would they get the surprise of a lifetime. Out in front of the shop, everypony involved/called by the map stood there, each smiling as brightly as ever. “Uh...” “APRIL FOOLS!!!” Everypony shouts at the two all at once. Both Twilight and Spike stare off in shock. *** “So this was all just a prank?!” Twilight asks everypony. “Uh huh.” Pinkie answers her. “But why?” “‘Cause it’s April fools silly.” “So, everything was just a prank. Even Wysteria and the Tree of Harmony were in on it!” Right there in front of Twilight, a holographic version of herself magically appears. “Gotcha.” Tree of harmony Twilight says to her jokingly before teleporting out of there. “What?!?!” > MLP 300th Episode Special > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Got anything?" "Anything? Like what?!" Rainbow Dash and Twilight are both in the conference room at the local Holiday Inn in Pawtucket, Rhode Island, thinking of what to do for the 300th episode of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. "Maybe we can dedicate it to all of the background ponies?" "We already did that. Remember, the 100th episode?" "Ah yeah," Twilight thinks for a second, "That really wasn't our best outing." Hours passed as the ponies still can't come up with anything. "Let's face it Twilight. We're pooped." "Now now. We are now pooped. I'm sure we can-" "Can what?!" Rainbow interrupts her. "I'm pretty sure we ran out of ideas ever since we went to space and battled that 'time wizard'." "Or when Starlight became an alicorn... then immediately returned to her home planet 'cause it needed her." "Or that time we thought it was a good idea to crossover with our human selves." Both ponies start laughing. Laughing at everything that happened from season ten to twelve. After laughing for about an hour straight, both ponies fall to sleep. "We only have two hours 'til airtime and we still have nothing!" "What are we gonna do!" The two ponies act frantically as they only have two hours left to think of something. "I don't get it. We've never had a hard time like this before." Rainbow said. "I guess it's because we've never actually been in this situation before." Twilight said back. "Well think, what haven't we done yet before that everyone will love?" Rainbow asked. Twilight and Rainbow both think real good about it until an idea pops into Twilight's head. "I think I have an idea." *** "And do you, take this stallion, as your loving husband?" "I do." "And do you, take this lovely, wedded mare, as your wife?" "I do." "Well then, with all the power invested in me, I, Mayor Mare, now pronounce you husband and wife!" Twilight and Flash Sentry both kiss, signifying the beginning of their marriage as everypony packed inside of Ponyville's Town Hall congratulates the newly wedded couple. > In Line > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- On a windy, cloud filled sky day, Cozy Glow is in Headmare Twilight’s office, sitting in her chair, hooves up on the desk, having the most smirkiest of smirks ever seen. On the other side of the desk, sitting on a simple wooden chair is Princess Twilight herself. Though she appears tied to the chair, front and back hooves tied together and to the chair, mouth stuffed with a dirty white rag, and lastly, for safe measures, her horn on the frink due to an anti magic spell cast on it. “Now, you’re probably wonderin’, why am I doin’ this?” Cozy opens up a drawer and takes out a file from it. “In this file is all of Princess Twilight’s financial records. What do I want with it you ask? Simple,” Cozy opens the file up, finding the paper showing all the payments Twilight had made, “Now tell me, what did you purchase on the fourteenth day of this exact month... two years ago?” Cozy shows the document to her. Twilight looks to get nervous, sweat starting to come down, mumbling to her what sounds like: “That’s none of your business.” “Oh, and it is,” Cozy puts the paper back in the file, “And once I send this in to the Ponyville news publisher, everypony will know the real Princess Twilight.” Twilight's worriness gets dialed up to max levels. Until, from the sound of the two double doors being kicked open does it start to go down some. Cozy Glow looks to see Gallus standing in the doorway, holding in his grip a medium sized black box. “Never fear! For I am here!” Gallus exclaims loudly. “Oh.” Cozy sounds a little nervous, quickly picking up the file, then flies up into the air. “It’s been fun but I-“ “Not so fast!” Gallus jumps over to where she is, opening and holding out the black box towards her. “What in tar-“ Cozy is interrupted as suddenly, she starts to feel herself disintegrating into the box, the file in her hooves falling to the floor. As soon as all of Cozy Glow is inside the box, Gallus quickly shuts the top back on. *** “Again, I just have to say thanks again.” Twilight says to Gallus as they both walk down the halls of the School. “Eh. Like I said, don’t mention it.” “You know, it’s nice to see how a griffin, like yourself, has really gotten along with everycreature. Considering where you came from.” “It’s nothing. I just learned from the best, and with the help of my friends, I know I’m waaay better than I was before.” Twilight smiles cheerily at him. The two walk a little more until Gallus notices something isn’t right. “You hear that?” “Hear what-“ Twilight is interrupted as she looks at Gallus’ flank, seeing it appear to be glowing. “What,” Gallus looks back at his own flank too, “Wha...?” (Earlier That Day) Gallus was in the School Library, sitting at one of the work tables, studying for Professor Fluttershy’s exam tomorrow until a strange pony walks over to him. The pony wore a tan trench coat covering his whole body, a tan fedora, and big black sunglasses. The pony takes out a medium sized black box out of his coat, placing it on the table, getting Gallus’ attention. “I am giving this to you. Use it wisely.” The pony said, sounding almost too clear, before walking out of the Library. “Okay,” Gallus looks at the box real close, “I don’t get it. And what did he say? Use it wisely?” Just as he’s about to grab the box, somepony runs into the Library, screaming loudly. “HELP!!!!!!!! HEADMARE TWILIGHT IS TIED UP IN HER OFFICE WITH THAT COZY GLOW!!! SOMEPONY DO SOMETHING!!!!!!!!” Gallus, getting a look of confidence, grabs the box, then flies straight towards Headmare Twilight’s office. (Nighttime) Twilight and Gallus are both in the Throne Room of the Friendship Castle. Though when the map was turned on, it shows no sign of activity, no sign of Gallus being summoned by the map. “I don’t get it,” Twilight paces around the map table, “Usually when ones’ flank glows, it's a call from the map. But now. I don’t know!” “Maybe the map is trying to say something. Like, what with me and my friends?” Gallus asks her. “Speaking of which,” Twilight goes to sit on her throne, motioning Gallus to sit elsewhere, “I’ve been wondering about the Tree of Harmony lately and, it’s about you and your friend’s connection to the tree. Or potential connection to it.” “Okay," Gallus takes a deep breath, "We probably were gonna tell you eventually but here we go.” “It all started when me and my friends were studying for a test. Then Cozy Glow, of course, makes us all feel down. Then before you know it, we find an opening in the Library leading to a cavern, seeing immediately you, but not you you, the Tree of Harmony shaped as you, then it immediately cast us away to face our fears.” “Interesting. Please go on.” Twilight said. “Some of us were able to face them on our own, but some just needed a little help.” “And so, after we all have faced our fears, the Tree of Harmony said of how proud it is of us and lets us go.” “Really. Well that certainly explains why a holographic version of myself appeared as part of an April fools joke.” Gallus looks at Twilight questionably. “You don’t wanna know.” *** As soon as Twilight sent Gallus away (back to the School), she walks to her bedroom, using her magic to put on her nighttime gown, then planing to go to sleep early tonight. Today was a long, tired day for her. But not before going over to her dresser, opening the top drawer to take out a piece of paper and a pen. The first line of the paper read: Cozy Glow X Gallus. Twilight uses the pen to cross it off entirely. “Such a shame. I just thought they had the chemistry to do it.” Twilight crumbles it up and throws it in a trash can before going to sleep. (The Next Day) A new school day has begun. Gallus is busy walking down the hall to Professor Dash’s class before being stopped by Headmare Twilight. “Hey, just one question. Have you ever, oh I don’t know, felt anything ‘touchy-feely’ towards a certain someone?” Twilight creepily asks him. “Uh... Why do you need to know?” Gallus sounds a little uncomfortable. “‘Cause last night, I had a dream that you were proposing to Guidance Counselor Starlight!” Twilight freaks out over. “You what? Okay, for one, Starlight’s like, in her mid twenties. And second, why did you dream of that?!” “Dream of what?” Starlight asks as she just so happens to walk over by them. “I’m just passing through ‘til I see you two. Anything the matter?” “Oh there’s no matter. Just Headmare and student talking. No need for you here.” Twilight said, trying to sound normal. “Okay. Well if you need me, you both know where to find me.” Starlight walks away from the two. *** Derpy Hooves is at this new fancy restaurant that just opened up, waiting patiently for her blind date to show up. “I hope he makes it in time. The dinner rush will start soon.” Derpy says to herself just as Twilight comes into view. “Hi there. Just wondering if you’ve seen anypony here that’s waiting for me. My friend set me up on a blind date and I’d very much would like to meet the pony.” “Really? ‘Cause I’m doing the same thing.” Derpy said to her. “Really? You don’t think that-“ Twilight is interrupted by Rainbow Dash’s laughing. “Rainbow Dash!” Twilight says angrily to her before stomping away from the restaurant. “Um, what just happened?” Derpy asks confused. *** Starlight is in the teachers’ lounge, sitting on one of the couches, eating the last slice of chocolate cake, all the while thinking to herself. Just then, Fluttershy comes in, going over to the fridge to take out a little something for her class. Right when she finds it and is about to leave, Starlight stops her, asking: “Hey Fluttershy. We’re good friends right?” “Well of course. Why do you ask?” “Oh well, it’s just... why does nopony want me?!" Fluttershy looks to her concerned. “I mean, I’m not a bad pony, and I’ve shown I can change. Yet here I am, whisking away the best years of my life.” “Um Starlight-“ “I mean, I’m twenty six. Twenty six!” “I think you-“ “And soon enough I’m gonna be in my thirties!” “Starlight!” Fluttershy finally gets her attention, taking a deep breath. “I know it’s hard for you but, there’s no need to worry. Besides, I’m two years older and I don’t feel the need of wanting somepony by me.” She says comforting. “Well, you also have Discord as a fallback plan, so of course you needn’t worry.” Fluttershy blushes at what she just said. “Well, I better be going. Nice to talk with ya.” Fluttershy walks back to the door before Starlight stops her again. “Look. I’m sorry for what I said. I’ve just been thinking a lot lately about this kind of stuff and I guessed I just needed somepony to talk to. Forgiven?” Fluttershy smiles at her, “You're forgiven." She opens the door and walks back to her classroom. *** A long narrow hallway. On each side are eight doors, each door a different color. The blue door on the right opens up from the other side. And on the other side is Cozy Glow. “I’m back!”