My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic Season 1

by Wrekferno

First published

Equestria is a magical land inhabited by ponies of all kinds. Earth ponies, unicorns and pegasi. There is, however, a fourth kind that hide themselves from the others in fear and hatred. They are called thestrals. One thestral will learn friendship.

Thestrals are similar yet different from earth ponies, unicorns and pegasi. They all live in the magical land of Equestria but thestrals have lived in the Everfree Forest for a thousand years. Hiding in fear of being exposed by the other pony types. There could be major consequences. One day, a young thestral mare named Acrylic chose to leave the forest and move to a town called Ponyville. The reason she did this is to do what no thestral had done before: make friends with the other pony types. Acrylic will learn to face challenges of friendship with those she meets. But she will ask herself one question: will she keep her new friends without exposing her kind's existence?

(Note: This is a retelling of the story The Seventh Element written by PaisleyPerson. I do not own My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic, its characters and songs; they are owned by Hasbro. The OCs also belong to PaisleyPerson. I have her permission. Some changes will appear throughout the series.)


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Acrylic’s P.O.V:

“Here we go,” I muttered quietly to myself. The birds chirped around me, and a cool wind blew through the hills as I approached a quaint town. The only other noise was the loud thumping of my bulky cart as it rolled over the cobblestone road.

My silvery coat almost glistened, especially with water droplets still clinging to it from this morning’s fog. However, the humidity had done nothing for my already frizzy mane. In fact, I had to hold the top portion out of my eyes in an elongated bun. Still, the small white band wasn’t enough to contain the critical extra two inches, so a second tie was required. This one fell over the side of my neck, and draped down my shoulder. The rest of my wild mane cascaded down the same side, making the bundle hard to distinguish. My tail had grown so long that a similar style was required. I used a third white tie to loop it back in on itself to keep it from dragging on the ground. Still, there was so much excess that it continued to escape containment and drape back down to tickle my ankles.

In contrast to my fuzzy hair, I had otherwise sharp and distinct features. My nose was well-rounded as the average mare, and I had ears to match. My deep sapphire eyes were crystal clear. I was long legged as everypony else and I maintained a slim frame. My cutie mark looked large against such petite features. It portrayed a simple paintbrush, tipped with an unusual tongue of white flame. It stood out in front of the dark purple paint puddle backdrop.

I wasn’t like most ponies. I didn’t belong to any of the four “known” types; I was not an earth pony, Pegasus, unicorn or even an alicorn. I am a thestral. That meant I am a pony with dragon wings. For centuries, all other pony types thought of us as evil creatures. It wasn’t my fault that my ancestors attacked Equestria. While I didn’t take pride in what they had done, I know why they did it. They were caught in the middle, never belonging to either pony kind or dragon kind. Ponies never fully accepted them due to their fear of dragons, and dragons wouldn’t accept them because they were the “weak Halflings.” They wanted acceptance, so they went about taking it by force. Of course, Princess Celestia and her sister Princess Luna responded in kind, banishing them to the farthest corners of the Everfree Forest. That’s where I was brought up.

Fortunately, I had the ability to disguise myself by hiding my wings. All thestrals can. Most just hated the other pony types so much they would not go anywhere near their towns. Back with the other thestrals, hate hung thick in the air like smoke. It was pointless. I, on the other hoof, wanted to live amongst these other ponies permanently. I would appear as a simple earth pony here in town. If I looked like one of them, I could build up a life for myself here. This was now MY chance to start over.

I’d packed a few belongings and left. This small cart was in adequate for the large, awkward size of the canvases in the back, making it appear like I had more inside than I really did. A few jars of paint clanked at the bottom, and brushes rolled to and fro with each bump. I had found my talent in the arts. There was a small house on the outskirts of this town that I had my eye on. It was peaceful and quiet, but not too far for ponies to come out to. It was just large enough for me to live in while converting the front half into a shop. While I was a great artist, there wasn’t much demand for paintings, so I intended to start up an art supply store instead. Growing up in the Everfree, I’d had to make most of the paints myself. I had just enough bits saved up to purchase a house. It was a bit run down, but I’d soon fix that.

The name of this town was Ponyville. I’d chosen it mostly because it was so close to the Everfree, but I also liked the small size. When I spied on it from afar, I always appreciated the tightly knit community that resided here. They were very accepting, and more or less friendly. If I was going to join the other pony types, this was the place to do it.

I took a shaky breath as I entered town. I instantly put myself on the defensive, just waiting for one of the locals to cast me a funny look. Then I chided myself. I looked just like any of them. They had no reason to cast me any dirty glances. If they did, it was obviously because I was new. Even I had stopped to stare if I spotted somepony unfamiliar back at home. The town was just waking, but the streets were soon bustling with activity once again. I smiled back whenever I received a friendly nod or “Good morning.” My spirits soared as I headed to the address of the realtor selling the house I was interested in.

To my delight, he was friendly, and made the whole matter easy. After briefly negotiating the price, the deal was closed before I knew what was happening. I got the impression he just wanted the place off of his hooves. That suited me just fine. Now that I had secured a place to sleep tonight, I was free to explore my new hometown. I stopped at my new home just long enough to deposit my load. As much as I would have liked to settle in, I was itching to meet my new neighbors. Besides, my stomach was pleading for breakfast.

I trotted back into the plaza, taking in my new environment. I took care to note where a few of the important stores were before stopping at a bakery, Sugar Cube Corner. They had pastries I had never heard of, and some that were considered delicacies in the far reaches of the Everfree. I ordered a slice of cinnamon crumble cake and a glass of milk for breakfast. These were delivered rather promptly by the pony who introduced herself as Mrs. Cake, a slightly pudgy blue earth pony with a pink mane and tail. The way she kept her hair twirled reminded me of cupcake frosting. I learned that she co-owned the bakery with her husband, Mr. Cake. He was just the opposite from his wife, being a tall lanky stallion with a yellow coat, orange mane and tail and rigid, square features. I took a seat at the small table by the window, relishing each bite of sugary cake.

It wasn’t long before a bright pink pony bounced noisily into the bakery. Her cutie mark consisted of three balloons, blue and yellow. Her mane was a darker shade of pink than her coat, but was incredibly frizzy, as was her tail. She seemed intent on making sure everypony was aware of her presence.

“Good morning, Mr. and Mrs. Cake!” she squealed. Her voice was high pitched, only adding to the effect. Mrs. Cake was just bringing out a fresh batch of scones.

“Good morning, Pinkie Pie. I’m afraid there isn’t much for you to this morning; we just finished the first batch of brownies…but I do have a fresh muffin basket sitting on the counter in the back. Would you mind taking it to Ditzy Doo before it gets cold?”

“Sure thing, Mrs. Cake!” I assumed the mare must work here, because she bounced right on into the back. I couldn’t help but smile at her energy as she bounced right past me with her eyes closed. It wasn’t long before she returned with the basket in her mouth. However, she stopped dead in her tracks as she came back around, eyes locked on mine. The entire basket dropped from her mouth, leaving her jaw hanging agape. Fortunately, it landed right side up and no muffins were spilled. However, I was beginning to become uncomfortable under her wide-eyed stare. I felt my ears flatten involuntarily. Finally, she gasped like she was trying to fit an oxygen tank’s worth of air in her lungs. My eyes widened further, if it was possible, when she zoomed up to my side in half a second flat. I brought my hoof instinctively up to my face, which was probably the only thing keeping her from touching noses with me.

“Hi! You must be new here. I’m Pinkie Pie! What’s your name?”

“Uh… Acrylic,” I finally managed, putting my hoof down. She likewise backed off ever so slightly. The way this pony talked a mile a minute was throwing me off, as if her hyperactive personality wouldn’t do that.

“Acrylic, huh? You must be a painter pony! I like your cutie mark. I haven’t seen one like that before.” She was now intently staring at my flank, scrutinizing the flaming brush.

“Uh, thanks.”

“What does the fire mean?”

“Well… I like to think it symbolizes my burning hatred of blank pages,” I chuckled. I knew the fire on my paintbrush really represented white thestral fire, but she didn’t.

“Ha ha! That’s funny! So, Acrylic, what are you doing in Ponyville?”

“I just moved here, actually,” I truthfully answered, downing the last few drops of milk from the glass. Pinkie’s eyes grew large once more, and she sucked in another thankful of air.

“Gotta go!” she exclaimed, zooming back out the door. She returned just as quickly to retrieve the forgotten basket, but was gone in a flash. I took a moment to recover from the sudden meeting before good-naturedly shaking it off.

After breakfast, I took my few meager coins to Sofas and Quills in search of reasonably priced furniture for my new residence. I was just about to make a selection when an orange mare trotted into the store alongside a buff red stallion and a small yellow filly. The stallion seemed to know exactly where he was going, and headed straight for the back where the storekeeper had disappeared. The filly chased after him, and the mare waited out in the lobby. I was the only other pony in the shop, and spotting me, she trotted over.

“Nice day, ain’t it?” She had a strong southern accent, which was reinforced by the worn, brown Stetson sitting atop her blonde mane. It was loosely tied at end with a red band, as was her tail, and raggedy bangs hung over crisp green eyes. Freckles gave her a cute but kind appearance. Three red apples formed her cutie mark. At first glance, she appeared to have a rather average build. The longer I looked at her, though, the more I got the impression that serious power rippled through her muscles.

“Very nice,” I agreed with a nod.

“My name’s Applejack. Say, I haven’t seen you ‘round here before.”

“I just moved here. I’m Acrylic,’ I affirmed, offering a hoof.

“Ya don’t say! What brings you to Ponyville, Acrylic?”

“I just liked the area,” I shrugged.

“Well, you’re just in time for the Summer Sun Celebration. Can you believe it’s just two weeks away? Princess Celestia is comin’ here this year, ya know.”

“Is she?” My eyes widened at the fact. I genuinely hadn’t known, but why would I? Theatrals had no reason to keep track of such things.

“Sure is. Us Apples are in charge of the food this year. Everypony’s so eager to lend a hoof for this here celebration that I’m gonna have the whole Apple family packed into my place! It’s tight quarters as it is, and I need an extra couch for ‘em to sleep on.”

“Well, tell me if you need an extra hoof,” I offered.

“I think we’re covered, but thanks for the offer, sugar cube. If you really wanna help, you can check in with the mayor. I’m sure she’ll have some use for an artsy pony like yourself.”

“I’ll be sure to do that,” I nodded. “I don’t suppose you could show me where the town hall is?”

“Sure thing.” I was led to the doorway, where she stopped and provided directions. “If you just take a right there, you’ll find the marketplace. Turn left after you see the asparagus stall. It looks like a back alley, but that’ll eventually join up with the main plaza. Town Hall’s right at the center of Ponyville, so just follow the shops ‘til you find it.”

“Thank you,” I said.

“It sure was nice meetin’ ya, Acrylic. We Apples love makin’ new friends. I’ll have to introduce ya to the rest of my family sometime.”

“I’d like that.”

“Well, if ya ever need us, we’re at Sweet Apple Acres. You can ask anypony for directions, if ya need to.”

“Thanks again, Applejack.” With that, I abandoned the sofa for another day and headed off in the direction she indicated while the directions were still fresh in my mind.

The mayor, Ivory Scroll, was nice enough, but instantly warmed up to the newcomer upon learning that I wanted to help out with the Summer Sun Celebration. She didn’t know exactly what I was capable of, other than the fact that I was crafty, but that was enough for her. I was assigned to give somepony called rarity a hoof with the decoratons.

I found the white unicorn and her boutique at far end of town. In fact, it wasn’t far from my new place, just down the road a bit. She was a real fashionista, and wore her purple mane in curls that announced it to the whole world. She had the cutie mark of three sparkling blue gems imprinted on her flank. She currently wore fashionable purple reading glasses. I found her busily sorting garments at the back.

“I’ll be with you in just a moment,” she cheerily announced upon hearing hoofsteps echo through her shop. Though she wasn’t looking my way, I nodded and waited for her to finish. “Oh, that won’t do… just add glitter, perhaps? No gems! Gems always do trick. Now then, how can I help you?”

“You’re Rarity?” I clarified, just to be safe.

“Yes I am. Oh, but I don’t know you. Are you new here, darling?”

“Yes, in fact. I just moved in this morning. My name is Acrylic.”

“Is that so? Well, Ponyville can always welcome another friendly face, for sure. Where are you from?”

“Way, way out in the country,” I strutted, caught off guard. “The place doesn’t even have a name.”

“Well, it must be nice to finally get back to civilization!” she exclaimed, trying to sound polite but failing to muffle the somewhat horrified expression plastered on her face.

“I like it so far,” I jokingly agreed.

“Now then, can I help you with something?”

“Actually, I just came from speaking with the mayor. I wanted to help set up the Summer Sun Celebration with everypony else, and I was assigned to help you with the decorations.”

“Is that so? Well, I must admit, I’ve been procrastinating a bit. I had an idea for a new line of dresses that simply couldn’t wait. I would appreciate the help. In fact, I was just getting set up. Would you care to join me in the back?”

“Of course I will.” I respectfully nodded and started off in the direction she indicated. I was halfway there when she suddenly screamed.

“Wait!” I froze, caught mid-step with two of my legs still in the air. I eyed her nervously, wondering if I’d done something wrong. She looked almost comical, about ready to pounce with her glasses slowly sliding off of her nose. She suddenly jumped up and rushed over to me. “That hat… It’s perfect!”

“What hat?” I was answered when a dark purple plaid beret from the mannequin behind me was suddenly levitated over my head and deposited between my ears. From her vantage point, I must have been lined up with the mannequin just so it looked like it was already on my head.

“Oh, darling, you look absolutely stunning in it!” I figured it must be her sales pitch until I was practically thrown at one of many vanity mirrors around the room. Even I had to admit, it looked really cute! “It accents your cutie mark just perfectly!” she went on, admiring me from afar. “You must take it!”

“It does look good,” I giggled.

“I should say ‘good’ is an understatement!”

“How much do you want for it?”

“What? No, no, no. It fits you so well, consider it yours.”

“Oh, I couldn’t, Rarity.”

“Nonsense! Consider it my welcoming gift to you.”

“Well, thank you, then. That’s very generous of you.”

“I wouldn’t have it any other way. Now, come along. The banners won’t decorate themselves.”

Rarity enjoyed the kind of harmless gossip I had grown up without. I enjoyed the chit chat, but kept my guard up. She seemed intent on prying information about my past from me. I often had to reply with, “I don’t seem to be able to recall that,” or, “That wasn’t one of my best memories.” I had to make up a lot of the information to keep her from thinking I had a miserable past. I hated lying, but I couldn’t have her knowing I was a thestral either.

I quickly picked up on Rarity’s sophisticated mannerisms, and found myself mimicking such a style after only knowing her a few hours. She came to appreciate my style of artwork, even if it wasn’t her forte. While she was called to the front several times by customers, she made it a point to introduce me to every one of them. She lingered a little longer with those whom I presumed were her closest friends. They included two pegasi, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy. I got the idea she was close to Pinkie Pie and Applejack as well, but the cowgirl didn’t come to the boutique that day. On the other hoof, when the pink mare came bouncing into the shop, she froze upon eyeing me. Avoiding me like the plague, she called Rarity over to talk privately. Though even Rarity looked slightly offended after I was denied admittance, she came back smiling, I tried to dismiss it.

Rarity called it a day at around three o’ clock. She offered to walk me home, but I tried my best my best to refuse. Rarity was a sophisticated mare, and the shack I now called home was in state to be seen to be seen by her critical eyes just yet. She was relentless, however, and insisted. Before I knew it, she was leaving without me. I hoped that the brim of my new hat could be pulled down far enough to hide my face when she set eyes on the place. That worked only too well. Hidden under the beret, I now had a very limited line of sight and had to follow the shuffling of her hoofsteps to guide me. I could only see the ground immediately ahead. I was surprised when she made no comment whatsoever about the state of my living space. She didn’t even seem surprised. Thrilled by this fact, I fumbled with the key, and failed to notice when she didn’t leave. I also didn’t notice the many faces packed into my living room. That’s why I nearly had a heart attack when the light was switched on and they all jumped out.

“SURPRISE!” Pinkie jumped out of nowhere blowing loudly on a noise maker.

“Hi, again! Remember me?”

“Of course, Pinkie Pie,” I quickly recovered, still too stunned to show any emotion on my face. The whole town must have been packed in here!

“So, were you surprised? Were you? Were you?’ I wasn’t given time to respond. “See, when we were talking at Sugar Cube Corner, you said you’d just moved here. I realized that you must not have many friends if you just got here, and that made me really, really sad! So I decided to throw you this super-duper party and invite everypony in Ponyville! See? Now you have lots and lots of friends!”

“Pinkie… I don’t know what to say!” I finally stuttered, a smile blooming on my face.

“Aw, you don’t have to say anything. NOW WHO WANTS TO PLAY PIN THE TAL ON THE PONY?!” she excitedly screamed out to the crowd. A few ponies clopped off to join her, but most just stayed put and continued socializing.

“It’s a quaint little place,” Rarity noted, rejoining me and looking around. I looked much better with so many ponies packed inside to hide part of the clutter. “It’s about time somepony bought it. I’ve watched this place rot in neglect for years. It needs a bit of cleaning up, of course, but I’m sure you could tidy this place up to look absolutely dazzling!”

“I’ve got plans,” I promised, prying a paper cup loose from the top of the stack and filling it with a purple punch.

“There she is- mare of the hour.” I instantly recognized the thick accent, and turned around to see Applejack pushing through the crowd with her little sister scuttling along at her hooves.

“Applejack, you made it,” Rarity greeted. “I was worried all of that apple bucking you needed to catch up on would keep you at home.”

“I wouldn’t miss one of Pinkie’s parties for all the apples in the world!” she declared. “And besides, I never got to introduce ya to my little sister Apple Bloom.” The young yellow fill looked up at me, the pink bow in her red mane doing nothing to keep the strands out of her eyes. She tossed the bangs aside before looking up at me with big, golden eyes.

“Hiya! My sis told me you’re a painter pony. Is that true?”

“It sure is,” I affirmed with a wide smile. I wasn’t sure what it was about them, but I felt myself more at ease around young fillies and colts than with mares or stallions my own age. Apple Bloom looked around suspiciously, and finding the area clear of eavesdroppers, beckoned me close. I let loose an amused look before bending over to accommodate her.

“Do ya think you could paint me a cutie mark for the Summer Sun Celebration in two weeks?”

“No, she can’t,” Applejack whispered, having bent over to join us.

“But big sis…,” she whined.

“Now, Apple Bloom, we talked ‘bout this. Your cutie mark will appear when and only when you’re ready for it.”

“I’m tired of waiting,” she pouted, crossing her front hooves.

“But it won’t be you. Ya know how I feel about lying to other ponies. Besides, what’ll your classmates think when your cutie mark washes off?”

“Well…” Apple Bloom rubbed the back of her head. She hadn’t thought about that.

“Your sister’s right, Apple Bloom,” I smiled. “I was a blank flank for a long time, too. It’s nothing to be so ashamed of you feel you need to hide it.”

“Oh, okay,” she finally relented.

“Now why don’t you go over there and join Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon?” Applejack suggested.

“Um, no thanks,” she vigorously shook her head.

“Oh, don’t be silly. Go on, now!” I saw how anxious she was about approaching the other fillies, even if Applejack didn’t. I cut in just as Applejack began shoving her in the direction.

“Actually, if you really don’t want to go join them, maybe you could introduce me to some other ponies?” I hastily offered an escape route. Her eyes practically shone with glee at my rescue, and she jumped out of her sister’s reach.

“Sure thing, Acrylic! Let’s go say hi to Ditzy!” I found myself being dragged around my new and unfamiliar house to meet lots of new and unfamiliar ponies.

Pinkie’s party lasted for the greater part of the evening. I greatly enjoyed the games and other events that had been planned. Applejack’s sister got us through introductions to everypony rather quickly. While Apple Bloom stopped briefly to introduce me to Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, I was a little more at ease under the protection of an adult, but I was still only given seconds to say hello. Of course, I didn’t have long with anypony at the speed she was moving us, so the games served as a way to more thoroughly socialize.

Everypony was finally heading home at about nine for those with young ones, but some of the older ponies stayed until ten. Rarity had to leave with her little sister Sweetie Belle early, as did Applejack, but the pegasus Rainbow Dash was ‘too cool for bedtime.’ Fluttershy kindly offered to stay up with her, though she barely said a word the whole time. I finally made a comment about her cutie mark, and then it was hard to get her to be quiet. She kept going on and on about her animals. I listened intently and nodded now and then, but I knew next to nothing on the subject. This rambling earned a few snide comments from Rainbow Dash, but we all knew it was in good fun. Before we knew it, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy and I were the only ponies left. It was quite late, but they all offered to stay and help clean up after the party. It was midnight when we finished. I don’t know when they left. I must have fallen asleep on the armchair. It was the best first day I could have ever hoped for. I have a house that will become my future art shop, nopony know that I am a thestral, and most of all, I successfully made friends outside of my old home for the first time. Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash. These five ponies have all proven to me that I can have friends. Everything is starting to go my way and I like it. I mean, who or what is going to change that?

Chapter 1: Friendship Is Magic, Part 1

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Two weeks later…

Twilight’s P.O.V:

Today was a beautiful day in Canterlot, the great capitol city of Equestria. The sun shone light down on the city and ponies went about their day doing their own things. My thing is sitting next to a tree outside reading a book from my library. I simply know what I want to get done today since I planned everything in my schedule. The book I chose to read is titled “Legends of Equestria”. It tells the stories of Equestria’s past on historical figures, ancient ruins, mythological creatures, magical artifacts, etc. All of this research is found over a thousand years prior from today. Nearly most ponies have forgotten or never learned these tales today, but I am not one of those ponies. I wanted to brush up on my history so I can be ready for whatever test may come my way.

Once I sat down, I searched for a story that I haven’t read yet. I soon came across one of the final stories called “The Two Sisters”. I was intrigued at what it was about and so dove right in and lost myself in the story. “Once upon a time in the magical land of Equestria,” I read out loud to myself, “There were two regal sisters who ruled together and brought harmony throughout the land. To do this, the eldest used her alicorn powers to raise the sun at dawn. The younger brought out the moon to begin the night. Thus, the two sisters maintained balance for their kingdom and their subjects, all different types of ponies.” This story is truly wonderful for how similar Equestria was from now. However, this story still continues. I began to think that I should write down notes about the subject in the book. “As time went on, the younger sister became resentful. The ponies relished and played in the day her sister brought forth but shunned and slept through her beautiful night. One fateful day, the younger alicorn refused to lower the moon to make way for the dawn. The elder sister tried to reason with her but the bitterness in the young one’s heart had transformed her into a wicked mare of darkness: Nightmare Moon!”

“She vowed that she would shroud the land in eternal night. Reluctantly, the elder sister harnessed the most powerful magic known to ponykind: The Elements of Harmony! Using the magic of the Elements of Harmony, she defeated her younger sister and banished her permanently on the moon. The elder sister took over responsibility of both sun and moon; and harmony has maintained Equestria for generations since.”

Wow. As I finished reading the tale, I soon began to think about the magic the elder sister used to defeat Nightmare Moon. “The Elements of Harmony,” I began to talk to myself,” I know I’ve heard of those before but where?” I thought to myself that the library in the castle probably has the answer I am currently looking for. I then pack my book into my saddlebag and quickly made my way there. No pony is allowed into the castle unless they come for any special event or occasion; or need to speak important matters to Princess Celestia. Yes. Princess Celestia. The alicorn ruler of Equestria and my own mentor. She taught me the ways of magic ever since I was a little filly.

*As soon as Twilight made her way to her tower, she called out to her assistant Spike. She soon found him dazed on the floor in a pile of books. Spike is a purple bipedal baby dragon with green spines. He was like that because Twilight accidentally swung the door open on him. Twilight needed Spike to write a letter to Princess Celestia immediately about the story she just read, fearing that it may be true and Nightmare Moon will return to Equestria tonight during the Summer Sun Celebration after her one thousand year imprisonment. Spike sent the letter right away via magical dragon fire. She waited for a quick response from the princess and finally received it when Spike belched out the letter. However, it was not the response Twilight was expecting. Princess Celestia wrote to Twilight that she must stop reading old stories because they might mess with her mind. So, she sent Twilight to the town of Ponyville to check on the preparations for the Summer Sun Celebration and, to Twilight’s discomfort, make some friends. Not wanting to deny the princess’ new assignment for her, Twilight was soon escorted there via royal carriage with Spike.

Acrylic’s P.O.V:

I have been getting used to Ponyville for two weeks now and I am still finding surprises. My new friends were all so great to me, even though it took me a long time to get to know them more. Applejack lives and works on Ponyville’s very own apple orchard called Sweet Apple Acres. Her family has owned that land for generations. They harvest, grow, and sell apples for the townsfolk to enjoy. These ponies can make apple pies, apple cider, caramel apples, and more. Applejack’s very own Granny Smith is the current head owner of Sweet Apple Acres and matriarch of the family. Applejack is very strong and very honest to everypony. Fluttershy lives in a cottage at the edge of town with her animal friends. She does not appear to be very shy in front of animals compared to ponies including me and our friends. Fluttershy is just a kind and gentle soul. I just know that she is brave on the inside. Rainbow Dash is somepony who is a real daredevil in the skies. Her awesome flying skills can get an athletic thestral a run for their money. She always had a dream of joining Equestria’s Pegasus squad called the Wonderbolts. If I need Dash for any help, I know she will come and have my back. Pinkie Pie is just the energetic, outgoing, cheerful pony I would want to have fun with. Whenever I felt down or homesick even, she would always try to put a smile on my face and succeed in doing so. As for Rarity, she makes the most beautiful clothes I have ever seen. She is just as artistic and creative as I am. I volunteer to help her with anything at her shop and she would pay me a gem every time I do. Even though I gratefully find that unnecessary, Rarity is just that generous to ponies. These girls are not only what I did not expect, but also what I wished for.

I was still putting together my new home/art studio while helping Rarity with the decorations for the celebration or new dresses and accessories. I used the money I earned from Rarity to begin working on the exterior designs of the building. First, I gave the front outer wall a fresh coat of white paint and had Rainbow Dash help me coat it in a fixative layer in order to protect the paint from the elements. The image it displayed was the stunning colors of both dawn and dusk, with Princess Celestia and Princess Luna positioned at either end like the old days. Between them lay the beautiful landscape of Equestria, with every type of pony I could think of positioned somewhere in between. The traditional earth pony, unicorn and pegasus were stationed dead center, standing dutifully in the middle of it all. Off in a river I added a sea pony, and a hippogriff at the top of a mountain. You can barely notice the mythical breezies amongst the flowery meadow. They have the appearances of tiny ponies with butterfly wings only thought to exist in legends. I have never seen any of these creatures myself but the stories told about them made me visualize what they would be like. Finally, disguised back in the far reaches of the Everfree, I even camouflaged a thestral. Although I doubted anypony would notice. It was a risky move, but I couldn’t resist. Every pony marveled at my work, and my five new closest friends in particular offered praise that made me feel like I was flying.

Speaking of flying, I was developing a problem. My disguise kept trying to give out on me. Suddenly, I would get the sudden urge to grow my wings back out. It was not voluntary, but occasionally, they just sprouted. I call it a “wing spring.” Whenever I got the sensation, I had to excuse myself and run a find a private spot to hide out until it had run its course. It typically occurred once or twice a day, and once at night while I was asleep. This made life particularly difficult for me. On top of that, I was feeling the effects of staying on the ground for so long. I missed the sky, and longed to jump back up to soar among the clouds. I wasn’t sure how much more I could take. Maybe a quick night flight wouldn’t hurt every now and then.

Before I knew it, the Summer Sun Celebration was upon us. Rarity had postponed one too many decorating days, and we had to pull long hours the day before to move the banners from her boutique to the rest of Ponyville. Still, it was getting done, and we’d be on time. There hadn’t been much talking going on today, which was unusual for Rarity. She was too focused.

“No, no, no, goodness, no!” she said again and again. I heard hoofsteps, and noted that she had a new visitor. For once, she was paying her customers no mind as she sorted through the adornments for the banners.

“Good afternoon,” the purple unicorn began. She had a darker purple mane and tail, streaked with pink and both were currently frazzled as though she had just lived through a tornado. Her cutie mark displayed a pink six-pointed star surrounded by smaller pricks of light. Her purple eyes were kind yet businesslike as she spoke. This mare was accompanied by a baby dragon who must be her assistant.

“Oh, Acrylic, could you get that, please! I’m a little busy at the moment.”

“You got it, Rarity. How can I help you?” I turned my attention to her customer, doing my best not to stare at her wind-matted mane.

“I was actually hoping to speak with Rarity about the decorations,” she said, “…uhh?”

“Acrylic,” I hold out my hoof for her to shake and she kindly did.

“Twilight Sparkle.”

“Rarity will be with you in a moment.” I set myself to work with another banner in an attempt to keep from staring.

“Oh, yes! Sparkle always does the trick, does it not? Why, Rarity, you are a talent. Now, um, how can I help y-OH!” She squealed upon looking her visitor over. “Oh my stars, darling! Whatever happened to your coiffure?”

“Oh, you mean my mane? It’s a long story, but I’m just here to check on the decorations, and then I’ll be out of your hair.”

“My hair? But what about your hair?” Rarity instantly abandoned her work and dragged Twilight out the door.

“Wait, where are we going? Help!” The young dragon followed them in a rather dazed state. I also put down my ribbons and joined them to see what I could catch of the conversation.

As it turned out, Rarity had brought Twilight to the boutique. I learned that the latter’s dragon assistant’s name is Spike. He had not taken his eyes off of Rarity the second he first met her. If I didn’t know any better, I think Spike might have a big crush on her. However, I did not say anything about it to spare his feelings. Besides, Rarity’s usual chit chatter hadn’t allowed me to say much else anyway. I was instantly put to work by Rarity to go fetch different clothing items for Twilight, as I had come to know the shop quite well. While I had procured everything she told me to, none of the outfits were accepted. Luckily, Rarity’s makeover had included hairstyling, and Twilight’s windblown mane returned to normal. It was kept straight, and cropped so perfectly that it looked recently cut, though by the split ends I could tell she needed one soon.

“No, no, uh-uh. Too green. Too yellow. Too poofy. Not poofy enough. Too frilly. Too… shiny. Now go on, my dear. You were telling me where you’re from.” Rarity was putting poor Twilight through all of the costumes in an attempt to find her one that would suit her. I assumed she wanted to welcome Twilight with some accessory as she had me. Now she tried tightening a corset that barely allowed Twilight to breathe.

“I’ve… been sent… from Canterlot… to…”

“Huh? Canterlot? Oh, I am so envious! The glamor, the sophistication! I have always dreamed of living there! I can’t wait to hear all about it! We are gonna be the best of friends, you and I. Well, you, me and Acrylic of course.” Rarity had come to think of us as best friends, even closer than our group of six. She had scooted closer to Twilight, but then made the mistake of looking down on her work. “Emeralds?! What was I thinking? Let me get you some rubies!” Rarity dashed off in search of the desired outfit.

“You’ll have to forgive her. She likes dressing up models when she’s stressed. I’ll go make sure she doesn’t pick out something too… extravagant.” I trotted off to find Rarity among the sea of clothes. I’d seen a dress I personally thought would look great on Twilight, so I took it off the rack and tried to talk to Rarity out of the excessive ball gown dappled in the red gems. By the time we got back, we found her and Spike to have disappeared anyway.

“Oh, dear,” Rarity fretted. “Do you think it was something I said?”

Spike’s P.O.V:

Twilight grabbed me and ran right out of the boutique as soon as those two ponies were in another room. Twilight always stays on task. My only regret is that I didn’t even get to say goodbye to that beautiful unicorn Rarity. There is something about her amazing beauty, her sweet, high-class voice and her sophisticating yet ordinary personality that make me feel that I am truly flying with wings. I just hope that I will see her again. Oh yeah, I guess that Acrylic is alright too. Heard she is an artist, a good one too. Anyway, we were still checking preparations for the Celebration and met Fluttershy who was teaching birds to sing for the Celebration. She appeared to be so shy towards Twilight that she was afraid to speak up saying her name. But as soon as she saw me, Fluttershy was suddenly optimistic, outgoing and wondrous about seeing a baby dragon for the first time in her life. She even pushed Twilight out of the way to meet me. We began to talk as we made our way to the Golden Oaks Library, much to Twilight’s frustration.

The Golden Oaks Library has not been open for years because the librarian who lived there passed away. She was much liked. It was also where Twilight and I are staying for the night since the mayor gave us her consent on the behalf of Princess Celestia. The structure was a huge, old, lively oak tree hallowed out so ponies can walk right inside and find any book they can find. It had two sections of the tree where the books were kept, two balconies; one of which had a telescope, a downstairs kitchen, an upstairs bedroom, a bathroom and a basement. We finally arrived as I finished telling Fluttershy the story of my whole entire life up to today. I was getting ready to tell her when Twilight so rudely interrupted us.

“I’m so sorry. How did we get here so fast?”

Twilight continued, “This is where we will be staying in Ponyville and my poor baby dragon needs his sleep.”

“No I don’t… Ahhh!” She just threw me right off her back! What the hay was that for!?! Not cool, Twi.

“Aww! Look at that. He’s so sleepy he can’t even keep his ‘wh-ittle ba-wh-ance.’” Twilight just faced Fluttershy with a wide grin upon her face, hoping she would go away. Unfortunately for her, she did not.

“Poor dear. We simply must get him to bed,” Fluttershy said as she scooped me up and flew me inside. I got to say it felt nice. However, Twilight again intervened by pushing Fluttershy out and told her good night before closing the door on her. It was pitch black inside I couldn’t see anything.

“Huh. Rude much?”

“Sorry, Spike,” Well, at least she said sorry. “But I have to convince the princess that Nightmare Moon is coming, and we’re running out of time! I just need to be alone so I can study without a bunch of crazy ponies trying to make friends all the time. Now where’s the light? ”

And on cue, the light came on.


We find the library filled with ponies we don’t even know. They all have friendly faces so it shouldn’t be bad.

Out of all these ponies that are happy, the bouncing pink earth pony is definitely the happiest. She was also the same pony that Twilight and I met the minute we arrived in Ponyville. Even though she gasped upon seeing Twilight and zoomed away. Anyway, she bounced her way over here to greet us.

“Surprise! Hi! I’m Pinkie Pie, and I threw this party just for you! Were you surprised? Were ya? Were ya? Huh? Huh? Huh?”

“Very surprised. Libraries are supposed to be quiet.”

“Well, that’s silly! What kind of welcome party would this be if it were quiet? I mean, duh, bo-ring! You see, I saw you when you first got here, remember? You were all ‘Hello’ and I was all,” she inhaled her lungs to their fullest extent, “remember? Ya see I never saw you before and if I’ve never saw you before that means you’re new, ’cause I know everypony, and I mean everypony in Ponyville!” Twilight only let a barely audible groan. My guess was that Pinkie’s mile-a-minute speech was getting to her. “And if you’re new, that meant you never met anypony yet, and if you haven’t met anypony yet, you must not have any friends, and if you don’t have any friends then you must be lonely, and that made me so sad, then I had an idea, and that’s why I went,” she sucked in another of her famous deep gaps. “I must throw a great big, ginormous, super-duper spectacular welcome party and everypony in Ponyville! See? And now you have lots and lots of friends!” Then the five other ponies we met today gathered behind, and Pinkie bounced over. Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Acrylic and… RARITY! I soon found myself lost in my own gaze towards her eyes that I just barely noticed Twilight’s face turn red and her eyes watering.

“Are you all right, sugar cube?” Applejack asked. Without answering, Twilight took off, storming up the stairs.

“Aww, she’s so happy she’s crying!” Pinkie Pie beamed. I picked up the bottle Twilight had taken a drink from.

“Hot sauce?”

“Ooh.” Pinkie Pie tipped the bottle over to dump the stuff until it completely coated a cupcake. She then proceeded to stuff the whole thing in her mouth. “What? It’s good!” We all rolled our eyes at her.

Acrylic then kindly asked, “Your friend isn’t much a ponies’ pony, is she?”

I responded, “You have no idea.”

Acrylic’s P.O.V:

I waited for Twilight to come back down for a good ten minutes before giving up and returning to the games. I hadn’t really gotten a chance to actually socialize with her. Rarity had kind of taken over the whole operation. Spike, on the other hoof, I found to be extremely fun, and he took part in all the activities Pinkie Pie had planned. There was no shortage of those, because we were staying up all night in order to be ready for the Celebration early in the morning. Pinkie Pie had saved her favorite for last: pin the tail on the pony.

“I wonder where that Twilight’s gotten off to,” Applejack wondered as the blindfold was tied around her eyes.

“Yeah. She’s missing out on all the fun!” Pinkie exclaimed.

“I’ll go see if she wants to play,” Spike dutifully offered, marching off. HE looked rather comical with an excessively oversized hat he’d won as a prize seated over his head. He kept bumping into ponies’ legs along the way with the cover over his eyes.

Spike returned just as we were all filing out the door. “Twilight didn’t want to play. Hey! Where’s everypony going?” he asked disappointedly.

“It’s time for the Summer Sun Celebration. We’re going to Town Hall to watch the Princess raise the sun!” I gleefully offered. Rarity had me worked up over the event. This was my first Summer Sun Celebration. I wanted it to be the best ever!

“Oh, okay! I’ll get Twilight!” he dashed off faster than the first time; partly his new hat flew off in his haste. Rarity, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Pinkie Pie and I all waited for the new girl by the door, and we headed out together.

As I looked at Twilight Sparkle, I began to compare my first day in Ponyville to hers. I can see that she wants to attend to business for the Princess but that mare did not seem to care about making friends. She was only visiting for one day and wants nothing to do with us. When I was welcomed to Ponyville, I was filled with joy knowing that I have found great friends. I just wanted to do the same thing for somepony else and I know Twilight is capable of having friends. I just wish to help her know that she is willing.

We found a good spot in the crowd, where it wasn’t quite so packed. Rarity was not with us on the floor; as head of decorations, she had the honor of lifting the curtain for none other than the Princess herself. Fluttershy had gone to conduct her birds for the opening ceremony, but even Rainbow Dash took to the air with some pegasi to conserve floor space. Pinkie didn’t seem at all concerned about saving space, and earned herself a wide bubble of open floor by her erratic bouncing.

“Isn’t this exciting? Are you excited, ‘cause I’m excited, I’ve never been so excited—well, except for the time that I saw you walking into town and I went,” she swallowed as much air as I had seen her do yet. “But I mean really, who can top that?” I giggled out of excitement, though Twilight groaned. I tried to ignore her. I wasn’t going to let her negativity spoil my first elebration. Fluttershy started her birds, and the spotlight shifted to the center of the stage. All went quiet as we waited for the ceremony to begin.

“Fillies and gentlecolts,” Ivory Scroll began, “as mayor of Ponyville, it is my great pleasure to announce the beginning of the Summer Sun Celebration!” I stomped my hooves as loudly as I could along with every other pony in the Town Hall. “In just a few moments, our town will witness the magic of the sunrise, and celebrate this, the longest day of the year! And now, it is my great honor to introduce to you the ruler of our land, the very pony who gives us the sun and the moon each and every day, the good, the wise the bringer of harmony to all of Equestria...” Fluttershy prepared her birds and Rarity yanked the curtain. AS the spotlight moved to the balcony platform, though, nothing but empty space was brought to light. I nickered in confusion. Everypony else was letting out frightened murmurs and gasps. The mayor was worried, so I was worried.

“This can’t be good.” Twilight flattened her ears and sank to the floor.

“Please remain calm, everypony.” Ivory Scroll attempted to soothe. “There must be a reasonable explanation.”

“Ooh, ohh! I love guessing games? Is she hiding?” Pinkie bounced.

“She’s gone!” Rarity reported, returning to the balcony from checking the back.

“Ooh, she’s good,” Pinkie declared, brows furrowed in a determined, mischievous manner. Seeing this would have been the first time I see the Princess, she would enter with grace. But it is very unlikely so I worriedly told Pinkie, “I don’t think this is a game Pinkie.” Her expression changed to one of fright as her baby blue eyes returned to the balcony.

She led us in squealing in terror as the swirling, writhing mass of a blue shadowy entity began to form. From it soon burst a dark black alicorn with slightly bat-shaped feathered wings. Purple eye shadow lined her turquoise dragon-like eyes. She wore menacing, cold blue armor that left no space for her mane and tail, though that did nothing to dissuade the blue purple from sticking to her. These entities were formless, but gave the impression of constantly blowing hair. Her cutie mark was that of the crescent moon behind a swatch of night sky that looked suspiciously like my purple blob of paint. Even more conspicuous was how closely the cutie mark as a whole resembled that of Princess Luna’s of old. I tried desperately to remember the old pony tales my parents told me, but failed to recall anything helpful.

“Oh no! Nightmare Moon,” Twilight gasped. Spike promptly fainted and toppled off of her back.

“Oh, my beloved subjects,” the alicorn, hissed in an attempted sickeningly sweet voice. “It’s been so long since I’ve seen your precious, little sun-loving faces.” Honestly. Her voice was strong and true, yet there was coldness and hatred that made it a silent whisper to my ears. That scared me inside as if the alicorn believes she means no harm towards us.

“What did you do with our princess?” Rainbow Dash instantly accused.

“Whoa, there, Nelly,” Applejack got a grip on her tail before the Pegasus charged off to do something she’d regret. The alicorn only chuckled with dry amusement.

“Why? Am I not royalty enough for you? Don’t you know who I am?”

“Ooh! Ooh! More guessing games! Pinkie elatedly cried. “Um, Hokey Smokes! How about… Queen Meanie! No! Black Snooty, Black Snooty!” Applejack promptly shoved an apple in her mouth in a successful attempt to get her to be quiet. The alicorn shoved her face almost against Fluttershy’s, scaring off the birds and making the young Pegasus wish she could turn invisible.

“Does my crown no longer count now that I have been imprisoned for a thousand years?” She switched over to Rarity; coddling her chin with the incredibly malleable mass of energy she called a mane. “Did you not recall the legend? Did you not see the signs?”

“I did.” Twilight stepped up, and all eyes turned to her. “And I know who you are. You’re the Mare in the Moon! Nightmare Moon!” We all gasped. I’d heard her say that, but I thought it was just some kind of Canterlot outburst. I didn’t think she really meant it was Nightmare Moon in front of us! Even I knew she was bad news.

“Well, well, well, somepony who remembers me. Then you know why I’m here.”

“You’re here to… to…” She couldn’t seem to be able to bring herself to finish the sentence. She let out a loud gulp instead. Nightmare Moon only laughed and eyed Twilight.

“Leave her alone!” I suddenly realized my thought just became words that carried over to every pony’s ears. I could not evade the gaze of Nightmare Moon’s moonlit eyes the next second.

“Do you dare resist me, little one!?!” Her wicked yet patient voice boomed into one full of rage. I never felt this frightened in my life. Even if I wanted to say anything else to her, I couldn’t because I felt petrified. All I could do was lower my head and step away in fear. Nightmare Moon took my action as an answer.

“I guess not. Remember this day, my little ponies, for it was your last. From this moment forth, the night will last forever!” Maniacal laughter then ensued, and thunder crashed from above. Lightning ripped across the sky for emphasis as a swirling vortex of wind surrounding Nightmare Moon and made her look more terrifying than ever. I shrank back, shuddering in the alicorn’s commanding presence.

Chapter 2: Friendship Is Magic, Part 2

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Acrylic’s P.O.V:

“Seize her!” Mayor Mare commanded. “Only she knows where the princess is!” Three of the royal guards present for the event obeyed, all of whom had wings. They charged through the air at our “new queen.” She didn’t like that idea much.

“Stand back, you foals!” Nightmare Moon tossed them back like crumpled pieces of paper with a mere wave of her mane, bringing lightning down to pieces of paper After another round of haughty laughter, she imploded on herself, transforming entirely into a swirling ball of mane energy. That being said and done, she slithered out of the door, causing everypony to scatter in her wake. I was included in that number, ducking behind a table in terror.

What happened to me now? Thestrals wouldn’t be very affected by the everlasting night; we were nocturnal anyway. We had adapted to the night life. Should I go back? Then I realized how foolish I was; even thestrals would be impacted by this dramatic change, perhaps even more so than the rest of Equestria. We didn’t farm in the Everfree, we merely lived off of roots and whatever else we could gather. Without sunlight, nothing edible would grow even in the tough and hardy forest. And besides, that was no longer my home. I lived here now. I wasn’t going to abandon my new friends just because times got a little tough. I’d chosen my side, and I was sticking to it. That left only one option: we had to stop Nightmare Moon.

I straightened back up, conquering my fear in coming out from behind the table. Not many ponies were left in Town Hall. Rainbow Dash had been one of the first to leave in an attempt to chase down the queen. Twilight was right on her heels, though she had another destination in mind. I charged out to catch up with Applejack, who was following the purple unicorn. Rarity didn’t often risk sweating, but even she put such thinking to the side this time of need and joined us. Pinkie Pie joined in the “fun” by bouncing along behind us, somehow still keeping up.

Applejack led those of us on the ground into the library, though Rainbow Dash had already zoomed in. Twilight had not yet noticed our presence. She was scrutinizing the shelves instead.

“Elements, elements, elements… Ugh! How can I stop Nightmare Moon without the Elements of Harmony?” she muttered.

“And just what are the Elements of Harmony?” Rainbow Dash demanded in a somewhat accusing voice. She had locked noses with Twilight, forcing her back. “And how did you know about Nightmare Moon, huh? Are you a spy? Whoa!” AJ yanked her from the air to calm her down.

“Simmer down, Sally,” she ordered. “She ain’t no spy. But she sure knows what’s goin’ on, don’t ya, Twilight?”

Twilight insisted on staying focus on whatever she was doing that this situation does not concern us. But I wasn’t going to have that so I told her, “Twilight, this Nightmare Moon is attacking our town and has done who knows what to Princess Celestia. This IS our concern! I know that we may not be “tolerable” for you but we can understand the seriousness of a situation. Whatever it is you know about this mare and anything else, you HAVE to tell us.” She seemed unsure to answer us as her eyes narrowed towards me in worry and uncertainty.

“Please,” I finished.

One second later, Twilight sighed and reluctantly agreed to tell us what she knows.

“I read all about the prediction of Nightmare Moon. Some mysterious objects called the Elements of Harmony are the only things that can stop her, but I don’t know what they are, where to find them; I don’t even know what they do!”

“The Elements of Harmony: A Reference Guide,” Pinkie distractedly read.

“How did you find that?!” Twilight exclaimed, pushing her over.

“It was under ‘E!’” Pinkie happily bounced.

“Oh, right,” Twilight blushed. She proceeded to levitate the book and read a passage from it. “There are six Elements of Harmony, but only five are known: Kindness, Laughter, Generosity, Honesty and Loyalty. The sixth is a complete mystery. It is said, the last known location of the five elements was in the ancient castle of the of the royal pony sisters. It is located in what is now…” she gasped in the place of the actual location.

“What is now…?” I prompted.

“The Everfree Forest!” she stammered. We all gasped, but while everypony else’s was out of fright, mine was in surprise. My eyes widened. That was my homeland!

Twilight nervously headed out, the rest of us trailing after her. My mind was working through this whole mess so quickly I didn’t notice we’d arrived until I bumped into AJ. The dark shadows of the Everfree Forest were looming over us.

“The Everfree Forest!” we all said in unison.

“Whee! Let’s go!” Pinkie exclaimed, starting off for the dark woods.

“Not so fast.” Pinkie stopped dead in her tracks. “Look, I appreciate the offer, but I’d really rather do this on my own.”

“No can do, sugar cube. We sure ain’t lettin’ any friend of ours go into that creepy place alone. We’re stickin’ to you like caramel on a candy apple.

“Nun-uh!” we all agreed, trotting in without her. Pinkie was the only one that remained.

“Especially, if there are candy apples in there!” I heard her add. “What? Those things are good!” Pinkie then trotted up to join us, and Twilight reluctantly followed with a heavy sigh.

“So… none of you have ever been in here before?” Twilight nervously asked. I felt my heart skip a beat. Should I lie, or give a half-truth? I let the others answer while I considered my options.

“Ugh, Heavens no! Just look at it- it’s dreadful.” Rarity declared.

“And it ain’t natural. Folks say it don’t work the same as Equestria.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“Nopony knows,” Rainbow Dash said in a ghostly voice in an attempt to scare our company. I rolled my eyes, mostly because I was familiar with the woods and didn’t find it frightening at all. “You know why?”

“Rainbow, quit it!” Applejack demanded as she started to creep along the forest floor.

“Because every pony that has ever come in; has never come out!”

“I did,” I sarcastically interjected, mostly to spite her.

“WHAT?!” everypony else exclaimed. I flattened my ears. Whoops.

“WHOA!” we all screamed. The ledge we had just been standing on gave out, sending everypony but our two pegasi companions sprawling down the steep slope. Rarity was lucky, and managed to stay upright as she attempted to slide to a stop. I was hopelessly bouncing down, getting more bruised and battered with every bump in the surface. Rainbow Dash grabbed Pinkie while Fluttershy slowed Rarity down by yanking on her tail. I really needed my wings, but I couldn’t let them see. Come out bruised and possibly broken or come out safe but friendless? I opted for broken. They couldn’t know what I really am!

I had finally gotten a grip on the whole sliding issue, though I was now sliding backwards. I dug my hooves in, failing to get some traction. I saw Applejack hanging on a root as I slid down, finally slowing. Twilight hadn’t been so lucky, and now dangling off the side of the cliff. I was heading her way, and only just managed to avoid her as I toppled off the side.

“Acrylic!” she screamed upon learning that my predicament was worse than hers. This was it. I had to show my dragon side or die. I began to angle myself, but narrowed my eyes instead or maybe not. I angled myself so that I was now diving headfirst for the rock face. Once I was parallel with it, I stretched out my hooves until I was running down the vertical slope.

I focused on the task at hoof, eyes narrowed, pouring all of my energy into it. I had to, if I wanted to stay alive. It was nearly time to act. The treetops were getting close. I heard my friends yelling for me. Even Rainbow Dash wasn’t fast enough to catch me now. I closed my eyes. This was it. In a literal leap of faith, I jumped off the rock face, landing on a tree branch. As I’d hoped, it bent like rubber under my weight, and sent me shooting back off into the sky upon rebound. I had enough time disguised in the trees to briefly use my wings to angle myself the right way, but barely had time to retract them before shooting out of the thick canopies. I clutched at my beloved hat which I hadn’t taken off since Rarity gave it to me, only to find that it had already been blown off. Ugh, figures. Distracted by this discovery, I barely had time to remember to hold my breath as I landed in the pond below.

I pushed off the bottom and scrambled for the surface, hooves flailing. I finally surfaced soaked to the bone and shivering cold, but alive. I dragged myself into the grass and shook off as much water as I could. I let my friends come running over to meet me, panting with the exertion. That could have been so much easier with wings. Still, I had to smile; the extra effort paid off in the concerned faces still crowning around me.

“Are you alright?”

“Oh, you poor thing!”

“That looked fun!”

“Should I get you something?” Fluttershy quietly offered.

“What are you going to get her? We’re out in the middle of the Everfree Forest!”

“Acrylic! I’m sooo sorry! Fluttershy wasn’t strong enough to handle Twilight by herself, and I wasn’t fast enough to get you both…” Rainbow Dash bit her lip in guilt.

“It’s okay,” I assured. “I’m fine.”

“Really?” Rainbow criticized every inch of my body, double checking to make sure there wasn’t a scratch on me. Realizing I spoke truthfully, she backed off. “Oh yeah, of course. Hey, wait a minute. That. Was. AWESOME!” she burst, doing excited loops in the air. “Did you guys even see that? I didn’t know you were such an athlete!”

“That was not awesome, that was CRAZY!” Twilight objected in her disbelief.

“It worked, didn’t it?”

“Alright you guys, cut it out. Acrylic’s right. Everypony’s safe, and that’s all that matters right now.”

“Can you walk?”

“Of course I can walk.” I stood up from my warm ball to demonstrate, but regretted it as soon as the bitter cold bit into my legs.

“All right, then. We’ve got to keep moving. I saw the castle from up above. It’s this way.”

“Oh, by the way,” Rainbow went on, hovering above me as we moved on, “I thought you might like to have this back.” She displayed Rarity’s beret from behind her. I almost jumped for joy.

“My hat! Thanks, Rainbow!” I eagerly snatched it out of my head like a treasure being displayed on a pedestal.

“That was truly awesome! You zoomed right down the side of the cliff like you were defying gravity! Then BAM, you turned a tree branch into a diving board! How’d you do that, by the way? It takes a lot of skill to get the timing and angles right. I don’t even know if I could do it! And no offense, but you don’t strike me as the most athletic pony in town.”

“Just lucky, I guess,” I quietly answered, not letting on how much knowledge I had in that field. Luckily, Rainbow didn’t seem to notice.

“And what about me and Fluttershy, eh? We were pretty good, too. Once Pinkie and Rarity were saved, WHOOSH! Me and Fluttershy loop-de-loop around and WHAM! We caught you right in the nick of time.” Twilight rolled her eyes as I noticed for the first time how much Rainbow Dash likes using onomatopoeia.

“Yes, Rainbow, I was there, and I’m very grateful, but we’ve got to-,” Her sentence was cut off by a loud gasp. We all stopped dead in our tracks behind her as a ferocious beast appeared before us. “A MANTICORE!” Twilight exclaimed. The lion-like creature reared up, releasing a thunderous bellow that seemed to shake the whole forest.

I was the first to recover from shock, and thrust my head low with a loud snort to hold my ground. We dealt with these all the time back at the thestral encampment.

“We’ve got to get past him,” Twilight declared. The manticore didn’t seem too happy about that. First, he charged at Rarity, who surprised me with incredible agility as she dodged the blow and planted a pitiful lady kick to his snout. I shook my head in disappointment, but she seemed quite proud of herself, so I kept my mouth shut.

“Take that, you ruffian!” she proudly snorted. It returned with a roar so close to her face I’m surprised she didn’t blow an eardrum. The force of his screech did cause slight damage to her mane, which seemed to trouble her more than the beast itself. I knew he wouldn’t stop at merely destroying her hairdo, so I leapt forward to protect her. Rearing in defiance, I delivered a crushing hit on the top of his nose, the most sensitive part a manticore’s face aside from the whiskers. He howled as I ushered Rarity to the sidelines. Applejack mounted the beast and rode him like a true rodeo pony before he could come back on us.

“Yee-haw! Get along, little doggie!” she gleefully cried. It soon kicked her off, but she flew through the air with such grace that she swiveled to land back on her hooves. “All yours, partner,” she winked to Rainbow mid-air.

“I’m on it,” the blue Pegasus saluted before diving at the manticore. She spun in such tight circles around it that all we could see was a rainbow colored blur. He grumbled and gurgled in frustration, unable to catch her.

“WHOA!” Finally, he struck a scorpion tail in her path. She just missed the stinger, but was thrown back to the ground. Landing with a hard thud, she skidded to a halt at our hooves. Those of us remaining narrowed our eyes and formed a tight wall. The manticore scraped the ground anxiously. We did the same. Twilight led us in a charge as we prepared to ward off the menace.

“WAIT!!!” Fluttershy screamed, louder than I’d ever heard her. She had flown between us and the monster, causing us to skid to a halt before we bowled her over. Having gotten our attention, she then proceeded to calmly walk up to the manticore. It snarled, and raised claws as sharp as daggers to swipe her off of her feet. We all gasped and hid our faces, too petrified to move. No scream ever came.

“Shh. It’s okay,” a soft voice cooed. “Oh, you poor, poor little baby.” I opened my eyes along with everypony else, astounded to find her tenderly nuzzling the massive paw with a giant thorn sticking out of it.

“Little?” Rainbow sarcastically echoed.

“Baby?” I quickly followed.

“Now, this might hurt for just a second.” Fluttershy gripped the intruding thorn between her teeth and gave it a hard yank, tossing it to the side. The manticore furiously yowled, bringing Fluttershy up to his level.

“FLUTTERSHY!” we all screamed. Our fear was short-lived, for the manticore began purring contently and fondly licked her mane in gratitude.

“Aw, you’re just a little old baby kitty, aren’t you? Yes you are!” she giggled. Relieved, we all trotted past to let her deal with the manticore. She had it under control. Twilight hung back to receive her after the miraculous feat.

“How did you know about the thorn?”

“I didn’t. Sometimes, we all just need to be shown a little kindness.” I shook my head, amazed at her bravery. She could make a great thestral.

The others’ legs were beginning to grow weary from so much walking. The stress was getting to us. Rarity had the shudders. “Eww… my eyes need a rest from all this icky muck,” she shivered. As if on cue, we entered into the thickest part of the woods, and we became shrouded in shadow. “Well, I didn’t mean that literally,” she quietly whimpered.

“That ancient ruin could be right in front of our faces, and we wouldn’t even know it,” Twilight grumbled. I blinked my eyes a few times, allowing part of my thestral physiology to take over. My pupils turned into slits, and the blue irises glowed slightly. They were better equipped for the dark, but I kept my eyes to the ground so no one noticed the shining dragon eyes. I almost gave myself away when I looked back as Rarity bumped into me.

“Oh, I didn’t see you there. My apologies.” I just nodded, but our whole train suddenly broke into a clamor as ponies started tripping on roots or bumping into each other.

“Is that you, Rainbow?”

“No, I’m right here. That’s a tree. Guh!” I heard her clunking into something.

“Oops, sorry.”

“I can’t see!”


“Oh, wait, I think I stepped in something.”

I took a minute to step back and watch my friends colliding with each other, unsure what to do. I couldn’t take the lead without exposing myself, but we wouldn’t make any progress this way, either. Fluttershy’s scream brought all eyes around, and I barely had time to shut my glowing eyes before they attracted attention.

“It’s just mud,” Applejack tried to assure. When the rest of them screamed as well, AJ realized it wasn’t about the puddle. I blinked back to reality with standard pony eyes, and jumped myself at first. We were in a grove of trees with luminescent bark, and the swirling patterns they created almost implied snarling faces.

I screamed with the rest of them at first, heart pounding. I’d never seen anything like this before, and I was raised here! A series of giggles brought me out of my thoughts. Pinkie was making goggly eyes at them.

“Pinkie, what are you doing?” Twilight urged. Pinkie Pie just giggled again.

“Oh, girls, don’t you see?”

I replied, “No, we CAN’T!” Or at least I could if I used my night vision.

Pinkie ignored my comment and did a little shake, and began swishing her hooves to inaudible music. However, to my astonishment, faint music did start to play, coming out of nowhere, and then got louder and louder, as if by magic. It played in perfect time to Pinkie’s dancing. I’d never encountered anything like this in the Everfree before, either. I really wanted to know where it was coming from. She began to sing.

When I was a little filly and the sun was going do-o-o-own…

“Tell me she isn’t,” Twilight begged.

The darkness and the shadows, they would always make me fro-o-o-own!

“She is,” Rarity sadly affirmed.

[Pinkie Pie]

I’d hide under my pillow,

From what I thought I saw,

But Granny Pie said that wasn’t the way

To deal with fears at all.

“Then what is?” Rainbow interjected as though this was an ordinary conversation. I had a bad feeling I was going to be getting this a lot.

She said: ‘Pinkie, you gotta stand up tall.

Learn to face your fears.

You’ll see that they can’t hurt you;

Just laugh to make them disappear.’

Ha! Ha! Ha!

We gasped as Pinkie’s laughter caused the menacing glowing veins to vanish, leaving an ordinary tree in its wake. Motivated to get rid of the creepy faces, the others and I opted to take a few extra minutes and join in the singing.


So goggle at the ghostly!

Guffaw at the grossly!

Crack up at the creepy!

Whoop it up with the weepy!

Chortle at the hooky!

Snortle at the spooky!

[Pinkie Pie]

And tell that big dumb scary face to take a hike

And leave you alone and if he thinks he can scare you

Then he’s got another thing coming and the very idea

Of such a thing just makes you wanna…


Pinkie somehow got all of the words out in one breath, so she took a deep breath to replenish her supply after the long spew.

[Pinkie Pie]


Pinkie’s grand finale found her on the grass along with the rest of us, sides aching from the laughter. Even I had gotten into the spirits of things, bouncing around with everypony else and even singing along. To my disappointment, the music faded as Pinkie had finished the song. I’d have to try that sometime.

“We have to... keep moving,” Twilight gasped between cackles.

“Okay,” Pinkie agreed, pounding the ground with her hoof in an effort to calm down. When Applejack and I finally lifted her hooves, she recovered, but continued t bounce with glee. Her energy made my smile stretch even farther. Everypony else caught on, and soon we were bouncing after her, still in a fit of giggles. Pinkie took the lead this time.

We had barely rounded the first row of bushes before we stopped again. We had failed to notice the loud rushing of water over our laughter. Luckily for us, Pinkie did, and stopped in time. We all collided with her on accident. Fortunately the new predicament had gotten our giggles under control. I furrowed my brow. I didn’t mind getting wet, as I had demonstrated with the pond dive, but these rapids looked hazardous.

“How are we gonna cross this?” Pinkie cheerily questioned. Over the deafening crash of water, we somehow picked out a distressed wailing. Twilight again took the lead as we pushed through some bushes in the direction of the cry. From there, we could see an immense purple sea serpent thrashing in the water, kicking up the deadly waves.

“What a world! What a world!” he wailed, pouncing the water once more.

Twilight asked the water creature, "Excuse me? Are you alright? What happened?"

“Well, “I don’t know. I was just sitting here, minding my own business, when this tacky little cloud of purple smoke just whisked past me and tore half of my beloved mustache clean off, and now I look simply horrid.” He resumed the horrid, screeching wailing that had drawn our attention in the first place. Unfortunately, this came with another flop into the water, sending a tidal wave crashing down on us. I shuddered, soaked once more.

“Oh, give me a break,” Rainbow Dash grumbled, shaking the water off. “That’s what all the fuss is about? Applejack grouchily agreed. Even I had to admit, he was overreacting.

“Why, of course it is.” Rarity continued forward to coddle his head, now beached on land while the rest of his spindly body continued to writhe in the water. “How can you be so insensitive? Oh, just look at him. Such lovely luminescent scales!”

“I know,” the serpent agreed with a sniff.

“And your expertly coiffed mane,” Rarity continued, using the flattering tactic she was so well known for.

“Oh, I know, I know,” the reptile went on, vanity taking hold.

“Your fabulous manicure.”

“It’s so true!”

“All ruined without your beautiful mustache.” This reminder triggered a fresh flow of tears.

“It’s true, I’m hideous!”

“I simply cannot let such a crime against fabulousity go uncorrected.” Eyes narrowed, she leaned in close to the serpent and took a big bite out of his chest, wrenching one of the giant purple scales out of place. This earned a loud yelp from the serpent.

“OW! What did you do that for?” He looked about ready to cry again as she prepared the scale’s pointed tip.

“Rarity, what are you-,” All of our eyes bugged out as she used the scale like a blade to slash her beautiful, perfectly kept tail down to a stump. The serpent howled in anguish, as though this crime was as terrible as slashing off the other half of his mustache.

“Oh-hohohoho!” He promptly fainted. Rarity then proceeded to take the purple curls from her tail with levitation magic, and somehow affixed it to the stump of serpent’s mustache. While discolored and the curls mismatched, it returned to its proper length. “My mustache! How wonderful!”

“You look smashing,” Rarity assured.

“Oh, Rarity your beautiful tail…” Twilight sympathetically moaned.

“Oh. It’s fine, my dear. Short tails are in this season. Besides, it’ll grow back.

“So would the mustache,” Rainbow hissed. Applejack giggled, but I was still stuck dumb. Rarity had just parted with her tail. Her cherished purple locks were gone!

“We can cross now!” Twilight realized with a gasp. “Let’s go. Ah!” She squealed as she was tossed off balance and lifted out of the water by the serpent’s coils.

“Allow me,” the serpent offered with a bow. I gratefully hopped along with everypony else, glad I didn’t have to get any wetter than I already was.

Twilight’s P.O.V:

I still can’t believe everything that has happened today. I’ve been sent to an average town to “make friends” despite my warnings and objections, met six ponies who are definitely out of the ordinary, witnessed the return of a legendary wicked alicorn that was a supposed myth, discovered that the only powerful objects to stop this evil lies in a known forest yet filled with unknown danger and the one pony who can help me end all this is nowhere to be found. What a day. Although Princess Celestia’s disappearance still worried me, it was these girls that were at the top of my mind. They all just met me and all decided to help me anyway.

Applejack saved my life by gaining my trust, Fluttershy simply being kind to a wild manticore that was just hurt, Pinkie Pie helping us laugh at our fears and Rarity sacrificing her glorious tail to help a saddened sea serpent. Their qualities helped us get past the obstacles so far. I was soon brought out of my thoughts as Acrylic wanted to talk to me about something.

“So, Twilight, what do you think happened to the princess? You are her protégé, right?”

That question had my worries resurfaced instantly. Nightmare Moon could have done something to Princess Celestia. She could be hurt… or worse. However, I was not going to let that stop me from doing what I have to do. I answered, “Honestly, I don’t know. If anything bad happened to her…, I don’t want to think about that. Why do you ask anyway?”

Acrylic answered, “I am just concerned that’s all. It’s just... Nightmare Moon comes back to the world after so long and rains trouble down upon us. And it is all because she holds a grudge with her sister. It just makes me, I don’t know, feel bad for her?” I was immediately left in confusion from what she just said. I know that I just met her and means well but Acrylic just doesn’t seem to understand the true nature of Nightmare Moon.

“Acrylic, this pony is making sure we never see the sun again. Please tell me you’re not truly sympathizing with… Wait, how did you know that Nightmare Moon holds a grudge?” I never told her and the others the fully story of Nightmare Moon.

“Oh, I heard the story from my parents when I was a filly. I just thought it was all a myth. I even painted a mural on the back of my house.” I suppose that explains how she knows. But this knowledge made me begin to feel a little uncertain about Acrylic. There is something mysterious, although nothing bad, about her that I can’t quite understand…yet. However, I had to put that thought on hold as I saw a huge, ancient castle standing out in these woods. That was when it all clicked to me.

“There it is! The ancient ruins that contain the Elements of Harmony! We made it!” I was overjoyed that our problem was halfway done that I galloped towards it and never looked back. “Twilight! Wait for us!” Applejack called out. “We’re almost there! WHOA!” Just as I turned back to call to them, I failed to notice that the bridge was in fact broken, and practically ran off the side. I struggled to push myself back, but the speedy Rainbow Dash was there to pull me back up.

“What is it with you and falling off of cliffs today?” she teased, spitting my tail out of her mouth. Rarity and Acrylic silently giggled at the jeer.

“Now what?” Pinkie Pie burst.

“Duh,” Rainbow called, flying over the precipice and showing off her wings.

“Oh yeah!” Pinkie happily cheered as Rainbow dove beneath the fog forming in the chasm to retrieve the other end of the rope bridge.

“Way to go, Rainbow!” Acrylic cheered, high-hoofing Applejack when Rarity gestured that she didn’t want to get her hooves dirty. She noticed shame-facedly that her hooves were still covered in grime from her dip in the lake, and tried wiping off the muck in the dewy grass while we waited for Rainbow. Speaking of which, I realized what was taking her so long.

“Rainbow, what’s taking so long?” I called, peering with the rest of us out into the ever thickening fog. I only got a glimpse of three mysterious pegasi speaking with her at the other end before the fog became impassibly white. “Oh, no!” she gasped. “Don’t listen to them!” I called, voice muffled in the white.

“Why? Who are they?” Acrylic inquired.

“Well… I don’t know…” I admitted.

“But they can’t be good, whoever they are. Did you see those uniforms?” Rarity shuddered at the disgrace to fashion.

“Anypony from the Everfree is bad news,” Applejack agreed.

Fluttershy asked, “Are you okay, Acrylic?” I turned my head and noticed Acrylic had her ears flattened and she shrank back. “F-fine,” she stuttered and even shivered bout did not hide them well.

“You get cold easily, don’t you?” Pinkie Pie chirped.

“Yeah,” she replied with a blush. A gust of fresh air brought me out of it, and I looked over to see Rainbow clearing the fog with a few laps of her feathered wings. We all cheered for her.

“Great job, Rainbow!”

“See? I’d never leave my friends hanging!” Again, I took my place at the front as we crossed the rickety rope bridge, and Acrylic brought up the rear. Fluttershy took a few tentative steps out over it, but noticing how creaky the old thing was, hovered above it so it wouldn’t crack under her weight.

I suddenly fell back in sheer awe of the castle. The others joined me, soaking in its ancient beauty.

“Whoa,” Applejack gasped, taking in the over grown ballroom. “Well, come on, Twilight. Isn’t this what you’ve been waiting for?”

“The Elements of Harmony! We’ve found them! Careful, careful!” she barked as Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy began moving the stone spheres from the pedestals to the floor before us.

“One, two, three, four… there’s only five,” Pinkie counted.

“Yeah, where’s the sixth?” Rainbow demanded.

“The book said that when the five are present, a spark will cause the sixth to be revealed.”

“What in the hay is that supposed to mean?” AJ furrowed her brow.

“I’m not sure, but I have an idea. Stand back; I don’t know what will happen.”

“Come on, y’all. She needs to concentrate.” Applejack led the others out, providing a quiet environment for me. I immediately knelt down on the floor, closed my eyes and focused all of my magic onto to the elements. If I’m correct, I can somehow create the required spark for the sixth element to reveal itself. The sound of a huge gust of wind is loud enough to be close to me. I thought it was a sign that my spell is working. Yet, I did not hear a spark. I opened my eyes to see the elements being lifted off the ground by a big, dark purple tornado. This only made me realize that this was not my doing. Letting out a surprised yell alerted my acquaintances. They screamed, “TWILIGHT!”

Nightmare Moon was going to steal the elements away and destroy them. I couldn’t wait for the others to come so I did the only other option left: I jumped directly into the tornado and was teleported away with the elements.

I immediately found myself in a different room high up in the castle. I looked horrified at what I saw Nightmare Moon with the Elements surrounding her. Victory was beginning to be within her grasp and I had to take it away. I stood tall and readied myself to charge at her, even though she saw this as the first pathetic joke she has seen in a thousand years. I lit up my horn with my magic and charge for the Elements, Nightmare Moon wasn’t taking any chances and charged at me herself. She believed that I might stop because of her intimidation. What surprised her was that I teleported right past her and landed right on the pedestal.

I didn’t want to waste time on feeling that I successfully outwitted the villain. That could lead to cockiness and I wanted this nightmare to end. I used all of my magic to ignite the spark so the sixth element will reveal itself. With the short amount of time I had to cast a spell on powerful ancient relics, I got blasted back by them. Nightmare Moon flew right back there quick but not quick enough. The magic already appeared to be working, much to the villain’s horror and my delight.

However, that was no longer the case. To both of our surprises, nothing else happened. The elements stopped glowing and remained dull and lifeless. Nightmare Moon merely laughed at my failed attempt as if it was entertaining.

“What!?! But where is the sixth element?"

What came after was even more horrifying: The Elements of Harmony were reduced to nothing but useless crystalline shards by the earth-quaking stomp of Nightmare Moon’s forelegs.

Satisfied with her newfound victory, Nightmare Moon had a confident monologue about my failure. “You little foal! Thinking you could defeat me? Now you will never see your princess or your sun! The night will last forever!” Her laugh boomed out of the old castle as her ghostly mane swirled itself into a dark cloud. I couldn’t believe what was happening. I didn’t want to believe what was happening.


“Don’t worry Twilight; we’re here!”

“We’re coming, Twilight!”

I heard the voices of the other ponies. They came to help me. Even though they didn’t yet know what happened, they still wanted to make sure I was safe. They have done nothing but show their caring support for me and that I never understood it until now. The fear of my failure went away as I felt my spirit ignite anew. These girls created… a spark.

I realized that this was not over yet and faced Nightmare Moon once again with strengthened hope inside of me.

“You think you can destroy the Elements of Harmony just like that?” I spoke loud and confident towards the villain. “Well, you’re wrong, because the spirits of the Elements are right here!” The shards at Nightmare Moon’s hooves began to rattle, glow, and finally hover in the air around her.

“What!?!” she gasped.

“Applejack, who reassured me when I was in doubt, represents the spirit of Honesty!” A few of the crystals flew through the air and began spinning around the orange earth pony. She gasped with glee as I went on.

“Fluttershy, who tamed the manticore with her compassion, represents the spirit of Kindness!” At first, the pale yellow pegasus shielded away from the crystals encircling her, but accepted them as Applejack did.”

“Pinkie Pie, who banished fear by giggling in the fear of danger, represents the spirit of Laughter!” Pinkie eagerly bounced as she received her batch of crystals.

“Rarity, who calmed a sorrowful serpent with a meaningful gift, represents the spirit of Generosity!” Rarity received her crystals and found them extravagant.

“And Rainbow Dash, who would not abandon her friends for her own heart’s desire represents the spirit of Loyalty!” Rainbow’s chest puffed with pride.

“The spirits of these five ponies got us through every challenge you threw at us!” I stand tall and firm ready for what may come next.

“You still don’t have the sixth Element,” Nightmare Moon reminded, suspiciously eyeing me and Acrylic, wondering who would wield the sixth element. “The spark didn’t work.”

“Oh, but it did. A different kind of spark,” I turned around to face those that showed me what I was missing, “I felt it the very moment I realized how happy I was to hear you, to see you, how much I cared about you. The spark ignited inside me when I realized that you all… are my friends!” In a flash of light, a sixth element appeared over my head, faintly resembling the shape of my cutie mark. “You see, Nightmare Moon, when those elements are ignited by the spark that resides in the heart of us all, it creates the sixth Element: the Element of… Magic!”

The lights were so bright I could barely see. I did notice, however, that the glowing crystals were all converging on my friends’ chests, forming beautiful amulets. Well, all but my own. That stone sphere, still intact, descended on my head, forming an intricate crown. The power of the Elements lifted the six of us up until we were hovering above the floor without so much as a wing beat. The light became blinding yet I was not afraid of it. I was not alone.

The only image that I was caught a quick glimpse of was a twirling rainbow linking the Elements together before shooting out to wash over Nightmare Moon. Her terrified shouting appeared to have echoed throughout the forest, “No! NOOOOOO!” This was a sign that Nightmare Moon was defeated once and for all by the one force that even I did not believe in until now. It is perhaps that most powerful magic of all: the Magic of Friendship!

Third-person P.O.V:

Everything became still. There was neither sound of the wind nor sight of dark magic. All of the ponies present in the castle were lying peacefully; all except for one. Acrylic felt the surge of power from the Elements of Harmony ripple to her wings, and she felt them shooting out of her back. Horrified, she gave two powerful flaps that brought her to her hooves before the grinding of bones told her they were shrinking back down to stubs. Hearts still racing, Acrylic looked over, expecting the horrified expressions of her friends and Twilight. Instead, she found them all collapsed, possibly unconscious on the floor. The mares begun picking themselves up off the floor had Acrylic’s concern for them more important than for herself, at the moment.

“Oh, my head,” Rainbow whined, giving it a firm rub.

“Is everypony okay?” Applejack voiced.

“Oh, thank goodness!” Rarity exclaimed, now flaunting a long, curly tail even more perfectly formed than the last.

“Why Rarity, it’s so lovely,” Fluttershy quietly put in.

“I know! I’ll never part with it again!” After waving it around, she cradled it like one would a foal.

“No, your necklace,” Fluttershy clarified. “It looks just like your cutie mark!”

“So does yours!” Rarity put in after noticing everypony but Acrylic wore one.

“Look at mine! Look at mine!” Pinkie chimed, bouncing around to flaunt her blue balloon about.

“Oh, yeah!” Rainbow grinned, falling in love with the red lightning bolt across her chest.

Feeling sincere and honored about that experience, Applejack told Twilight her, “Gee, Twilight. I thought you were just spouting a lot of hooey, but I reckon we really do represent the Elements of Friendship.”

“Indeed you do,” said a mysterious voice. Unlike Nightmare Moon’s own, this one was gentle, compassionate, and peaceful in its own right. The seven mares turned their heads towards the window which was in the direction the voice emanated. They saw the sun finally rise from the horizon as a bright white light made its way into the castle. Or rather, SHE made her way into the castle. The large ball of light dimmed down and revealed it to be another tall alicorn. This one, however, was very different for she had pearl white coat groomed beautifully; her rainbow colored mane was flowing with radiating magic itself; the feathered wings open up with elegance and strength; she wore a golden crown, golden chest plate, and golden shoes on each hoof as her royal attire. Her cutie mark depicts the sun itself. Her presence had brought warmth and love to the young ponies that they kneeled before her. Even Acrylic, who felt frightened and awestruck, bowed in the shadows.

“Princess Celestia!” Twilight gasped, being the only one not kneeling. Rather, she trotted right up to her mentor and received an affectionate nuzzle.

“Twilight Sparkle! My faithful student! I knew you could do it!”

“But… you told me it was all an old pony tale.”

“I told you that you needed to make some friends,” Celestia corrected her pupil, “Nothing more. I saw the signs of Nightmare Moon’s return, and knew it was you who had the magic to defeat her, but you could not unleash it until you let true friendship into your heart. Now if only another will as well.” For a moment, Acrylic feared she spoke of her, until she did in fact turn to the crumpled alicorn on the ground. “Princess Luna!”

The young mare woke up and gasped in the older one’s presence. This alicorn laid where Nightmare Moon once stood but was very different from her in many ways. For starters, the mare was shorter as she appeared to reach the height of Celestia’s chest. Her coat became a pale blue; Luna’s mane no longer had magic moving it and was cut into shoulder-length light blue; the cutie mark on her flank changed color as well, the purple splotch became black; the armor of the Mare of the Moon has been destroyed before her, being replaced by a silver crown, a silver chest plate, and four silver shoes. Yet the most distinctive change about Princess Luna is her eyes. The one and only pair she has no longer held hatred, anger, or even power. There were only fear, sadness and guilt in the blue abyss present. Princess Luna was now at the mercy of the princess of the sun.

Princess Celestia walked towards the defenseless pony. “It has been a thousand years since I have seen you like this.” She knelt down to the blue one’s level. “It is time to put our differences behind us. We were meant to rule together, little sister.” This revelation caught every other pony in the room off guard. “SISTER!?!” was the only response that they all could give. All except Acrylic, who was too petrified from the ordeal to comprehend any words.

Acrylic, Twilight and the rest began to think their ruler was about to give punishment to her one and only sister for her crimes. It would be understandable because of what she had done to Equestria. However, it appeared that was not the case for Celestia asked Luna one question. Only one.

“Will you accept my friendship?”

The girls leaned in close to hear her answer, but Pinkie Pie fell over with a light thud.

“I’m so sorry! I missed you so much, big sister,” Luna cried, taking Celestia up on her offer of a tearful hug.

“I missed you too,” Celestia joined in the tears. A loud blowing could be heard as Pinkie bawled her eyes out at the reunion. The river of salty tears instantly stooped and she perked up. “Hey, you know what this calls for? A PARTY!”

And so, the conflict had come to an end. The night and the day are balanced out, sisters finally reconciled, and the Elements of Harmony return anew. Every pony was relieved to learn that everything will be all right, despite the event. However, one of them was not at ease.

“Are you all right, sugar cube?” Acrylic nearly jumped out of her skin when Applejack jabbed her in the side. “Oh I’m fine. Why wouldn’t I be fine? I guess we should head back,” She quickly excused herself, getting to lead the way down the steps. Acrylic tried to keep away from the rest of the group, but soon found Rarity trying to cling to her like glue.

“Are you sure you’re alright with this?” Rarity asked, joining her friend at the fringe of their train.

“Alright with what?”

“Well, you’re the only one of us who didn’t get an element,” Rarity timidly pointed out, hoping not to insult or rub salt in fresh wounds. Acrylic assured her, “I don’t need an element as long as I have friends. Yet her flattened ears tell a different story. The latter didn’t represent any element of friendship after all. “I can still have friends, though, right?”

“Why of course, darling!” Rarity said so loudly she attracted all eyes once again. The disguised thestral pressed low to the ground under the Princesses’ gaze. She felt like she was still receiving suspicious looks from Celestia, and wondered if she suspected anything. Twilight unknowingly saved Acrylic when she asked for her mentor’s attention once more, going on and on about what she learned. Acrylic slunk along with Rarity. “Whatever is the matter? If it isn’t the Elements, or lack of one that’s bothering you, then what is?” Rarity demanded.

“I’m just… not used to being in the presence of real princesses,” Acrylic breathed.

“Oh, I know they’re royalty, dear, but you’re acting as if you’re… well… guilty. Being around royalty is even more reason to walk with your head held high. Come now, dear, flaunt that beautiful smile of yours. That’s it.” In truth, she only managed a smirk after noticing Pinkie trying to impress the princesses with her acrobatic antics in the background. Acrylic felt ridiculous trying to trot with Rarity’s natural grace, and resumed her position slinking along in the back of the group.

While Acrylic had been honest to Rarity when she didn’t mind not representing an Element, she couldn’t help but feel slightly dejected, even cast to the side. The artist felt the six would share an understanding she would never know, even though the rest had only known Twilight for a short time. That day, a small seed of jealousy was planted in the pit of Acrylic’s stomach. It should have been uprooted then and there. Instead, that seed only began to grow and fester.

With daylight pouring through even the thickest boughs of the Everfree canopies, the way home was swift, especially with the two princesses in the lead. All obstacles they had faced before were avoided with a pulse of Celestia’s magic. Pinkie Pie dashed ahead of them, and in record time, had the town back in the festive spirit they had started out in. Spike smothered Twilight with hugs, and young fillies crowned Luna with a flower wreath putting a small smile on her face. Acrylic was already feeling more comfortable and soon allowed herself to become lost in the sea of faces gathered around. The Elements of Harmony received special commendation, but she was not needed for this honor. Rarity whispered something to Princess Celestia just as she was pulling away. She must have been dying with excitement; taking to the most important pony in Equestria! No pony knew what it was she whispered; many thought she was curious about how the life of a princess is awe-inspiring. However, that was not it at all.

Princess Celestia spoke up to the crowd, “I have just been reminded that another pony requires a special mention. Would Acrylic please come forward?” This question made Acrylic’s heart stop, and all eyes turned to her. She winced, but even hiding under her hat, the grey mare could feel the crowd splitting to form a path for her. Reluctantly, ears down, Acrylic crept to the front and knelt before the Princesses. “Thank you Acrylic, for your bravery and courage in assisting your friends to take a stand against Nightmare Moon. Equestria will remember you because I know that I most certainly will.” The crowd erupted with cheers, and even Acrylic felt a small smile flicker onto her lips as she gazed up at her superiors. They both smiled back, and she didn’t detect so much as a hint of suspicion on their faces. Just then, her friends tackled her, and she found herself sitting at the bottom of a dog pile, still blushing with embarrassment.

Twilight was standing off to the side, watching the festivities unfold. Celestia finally noticed. “Why so glum, my faithful student? Are you not happy that you quest is complete, and that you can return to your studies in Canterlot?”

“That’s just it. Just when I learn how wonderful it is to have friends, I have to leave them.” The Princess, kind as she is, took immediate action.

“Spike, take a note, please.” A scroll and quill protruded from nowhere, and the baby dragon was ready. “I, Princess Celestia, hereby decree that the unicorn, Twilight Sparkle, shall take on a new mission for Equestria. She must continue to study the magic of friendship. She must report to me her findings from her new home in Ponyville.” Another dog pile ensued, but this time, Acrylic wasn’t at the bottom of it. When Twilight broke free, she bounded up to her mentor in thanks.

“Oh, thank you, Princess! I’ll study harder than ever before!”

“Isn’t this exciting? Are you excited because I’m excited I’ve never been so excited, well, except for the time that I went” her lungs inflated once more, “But I mean really…?” Every pony’s laughter drowned them out.

And so, the short but thrilling adventure came to a close. Twilight Sparkle was sent out to complete a task turned mission but gained so much more that. A friendship was born; Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Rarity, Pinkie Pie and even Acrylic. They were all joyful that their new friend decided to stay in Ponyville with them. Harmony has finally come. It is not fully restored, it is still strong. There is still conflict and doubt in the minds of a few ponies (who will remain unnamed, for now.) This is only the beginning after all.