> Rearing Scootaloo > by Cardboard > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Home Incursion > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The room was dark. A moody hallway had a trail of fast food wrappings leading to said room. Very little light filtered into the room, but enough for the human eye to spot the black misshapen debris littering the floor. The room faintly smelled of days old fast food. James was not expecting his house to be trashed when he got back from one of the most unusual and morally bankrupting week of his life, and this is from someone who somehow got transported to a different world, that actually had magic. Almost dying several times in one day really did a number to his psyche. He briefly considered going to the police or gaurd or whatever. That could involve them looking into his life; however, his most recent life decisions within that week are not ones he’d want any kind of law enforcement to know about. This was frustrating. In the far corner of the room he could barely make out a small form within a mass of blankets and pillows. Something was squatting in his house already and he hasn’t even began to properly set up his house. Then again, he supposed squatters would take a house that appeared unoccupied. Slowly, he approached the form, heart racing. *Crinkle* A balled up paper wrapper was in his path, now beneath his weight. Stopping his approach he stared intently at the sleeping mass, who didn’t seem to twitch. He carefully removed his foot, and headed back to the door. He searched for a switch and flipped it, lighting up the room. The sight of fast food wrappings, boxes, and plastic cups littering the room made his eye twitch. No wonder why it smelled like a dead fart that was still lingering. It wasn’t potent but it was certainly present. In the corner was all his blankets and pillows. Nestled within them was a orange filly or colt with an unkempt purple mane. Any anger he was feeling moments ago dissipated into confusion. The pony was sleeping peacefully, despite the light and previous noise. He slowly advanced avoiding anything in his path or quietly scooching it aside. He cleared a spot just on the edge of all the blankets and sat down on his knees, eyes trained on the resting pony. It looked like a filly if the face structure was anything to go by. Why was a filly in his house? She must’ve been here for at least four days if the trash was anything to go by. Welp, there was only one way to find out. “Ahem,” he sounded. The ponies ear made a slight twitch but otherwise seemed unaffected. He sounded again, louder. The pony got up revealing a pair of small wings as they stretched. She let out a yawn and lazily blinked and rubbed her purple eyes. She stopped. She shook in place as her eyes locked onto him. Her wings held tightly to her sides, shaking. “What’s going on here?” he asked in as friendly a voice he could muster. She shot out of the blankets and tried to run, only to slam into the wall behind her. She scrambled back up and tried to run past him. After one year of foalsitting he was used to some of the younger ones trying to get out of bath time not that she was a one of the younger ones. Either way, he easily snatched the filly up. He stood up with both his hands holding her chest at her armpits. “AHHHHHHHH~” The filly screamed, as her legs flailed and kicked at him. He held her far enough away so none could hit him. Wings fluttered sporadically, “SOMEPONY HE-” He quickly put one of his hands over her mouth stopping her loud yelling, and saving his ears drums some pain. She struggled more. He was losing his grip, since he only had one hand holding her up, so he quickly brought her back to his chest. He kept his hand firmly around her mouth. He felt a lot of wetness pour on his stomach. Looking down revealed she was pissing all over him through her mangy tail which was tightly pressed up to her barrel, keeping anything of a sensual nature from sight. He cringed at the warm liquid. He could feel her wings beat at his chest, so he smothered them in an attempt to get them to stop. “Calm down,” he requested, ignoring the wetness traveling down and the slight smell that began wafting up. She did not. He held her firmly. This was somewhat similar to activities he and his special somepony had shared and it was a shocking thought, he cringed, “I’m not going to hurt you.” She was still struggling fruitlessly. “For now I just want to talk.” She just kept at it. After a little bit she got worn out and/or she was realizing her efforts were pointless, “I’m going to remove my hand so you can talk, key word talk. Not scream my ears off. I have many questions and I’d like answers, because this is my house, so my first question is what’s your name?” He removed his and hand, “aha- wings, ha- too much-ah my wings-” she complained oddly in a tomboyish voice. He knew how to preene wings and that they were delicate from his whole one week of training a year ago. Fearing he might’ve hurt them, he stopped smothering them. She let out a couple hearty breaths of relief, “sorry,” he apologized, “is that better?” he asked. “...My name is Scootaloo,” she huffed bitterly after she recovered, looking straight ahead at the wall. “Okay, so Scootaloo why did I find you squatting in my house?” “Squatting?” she asked a little bit more feminine but still tomboyish voice. “It means living in a place that you have no legal right to.” He answered. “Oh, nopony seemed to live here,” she answered a little less bitterly. He idly wondered how she got in. Probable a window was unlocked, likely the room they currently occupied he guessed, “well, you’re right, I’m not a pony,” he stated. “How come you're not at your own home?” She snorted angrily but didn’t say anything. “Alrighty then, I’m not going to make you answer any question you don’t want to.” He really was curious as to why she was here. The many possible reasons came to him and he liked none of them. The best possible option was she ran away for some stupid reason, got completely lost and was too stubborn to admit she was being stupid. He hoped it was that as opposed to her parents abandoning her or some other horrible thing. “Really?” she asked with a hint of something that wasn’t bitterness or anger. “Yes, but!” he said quickly and abruptly, “I am going to make you help me clean up this mess you made, it’s only fair wouldn’t you agree?” He looked down at her ragged mane and her dirty coat. He could smell and feel the piss soaked in his shirt and pants. Her sweat, the leftover fast food, and something a little stronger he couldn’t quite place mixed into the smells. It was awful and wrong. She really needed a shower, and so did he for that matter. She crossed her forelegs and grumbled. He wouldn’t put it past her trying to run away, no matter what he said, the moment he let her down. She honestly looked like she’s been living in some kind of hell, and he did not want to be responsible for her finding a worse one. She was just a filly. It was unacceptable that she would be in this state. An idea came to him. He held onto her a little tighter with one hand and reached into his pocket with the other. He pulled out the bag of bits Rarity gave him earlier today, “I’ll even pay you all this if you help me,” he offered presenting her the bag. She zeroed in on it as soon as it came into sight. He put it in between her reaching forehooves and let her take them. She looked over the bag, “how come it’s wet?” she asked touching said wetness on the one side, “it’s warm.” He couldn’t help but chuckle at the image of her throwing the bag haphazardly away when she realized what it was, “that’s your pee,” he answered eagerly waiting for her to freak out, “remember you pee’d all over me?” “Oh, sorry,” she said bashfully removing her hoof and avoiding touching the wet spot best she could. That was not the reaction he was expecting, “that’s a lot of bits,” she commented as she peered into the bag. In truth it was enough to pay a months rent at a cheap apartment. When he was a kid that seemed like a lot of money, but well it’s not, “and it’s all yours,” he said swiping it from her hooves and putting it back into his pocket, “if you help me clean up the mess you made. Do we have a deal?” She fidgeted around, “FINE!” she yelled kicking her legs out. He walked out the room, still holding on to her, “What are you doing?” she asked with a little bit of fear in her voice as she looked up towards him. Her little muzzle almost reaching his chin. He opened a door across the hallway, “I’m looking for the bathroom,” he answered as the room behind said door was not a bathroom. She curled up a little and looked at the door he was headed towards next. He went further down the hallway to the next door and opened it. It was dark but he could see the outlines of the sink/cabinet/mirror and toilet. He held Scootaloo with one hand while he found the switch to the lights. Upon them turning on revealed his glorious bathroom. More specifically his wondrous shower. It was large for a shower. The bottom of the shower is a indented white floor that goes up one foot to glass panels and a sliding glass door that made up two forth of the walls. On the opposite side of the entrance the indented floor rose up to almost waist high making a bench of sorts along its length. Above and behind the raised platform where two holes/shelves, for holding things. The bathroom itself had small white marble squares for walls and large deep blue tiled floor. He really liked what they did with it. It wasn’t long before he noticed some small hoof prints leading to the toilet, suggesting that she’s been in here, “when’s the last time you took a shower or bath?” “I don’t know a week or so? I’ve been swimming in the lake to get clean,” she answered, “Why?” He blinked, as he now knew what that other smell was, “because you smell and look like a stray cat that’s been in a dumpster.” He said sliding the glass door open, and gently setting her down inside. She bucked at him and missed. She jumped forward when her hind legs landed, “I’m not a stray cat!” “How come you haven't used this wonderful shower?” he asked ignoring the glare she was giving him. “I can’t reach the knob,” she said gesturing to said knob. “Oh,” he said seeing that indeed she couldn’t reach it, “then how come you didn’t bring something here to prop yourself up like a box?” He asked. “I-I don’t need to explain myself to you!” she yelled looking peeved and blushing clearly embarrassed about not thinking of that. “Awww, you’re cute when you’re angry,” he reached in to do something. “I’m not cute!” she yelled looking more of those things, “I’m, I’m-” she looked down her lower lip was trembling, “Gahh!” Scootaloo screamed as water showered on her. “Cold!” she yelled getting out of its path shivering. He turned the knob to the direction that indicated heat and tested the water with his hand. After a little bit, “okay its warm, now get yourself clean. Ima go find some soap,” he said as he began closing the sliding glass door. “Wait!” she yelled stopping him, “what are you?” “I’m a human,” he said giving her a thumbs up and weak smile. She merely looked at him. He closed the door took off his shirt and put it in the path of the sliding door, “What are you doing?” She asked muffled behind the glass. “I’m making sure you can’t run away while I get you some soap,” he said as he tested his work. It was harder to open the sliding glass door. He left the bathroom closing the door behind him and quickly ran up to the mess of a living room. He rifled through the mess until he found the box labeled bathroom supplies in its original container unopened or tampered with oddly enough. The box of towels that was on top of it was opened and gutted out in a messy display. He grabbed a towel and some soap and hurried back to the shower. He heard wet hoofsteps quickly move. He saw the glass door slightly open and Scootaloo had her back to him scrubbing her coat in the shower, “I’m not stupid you know,” he moved to the shower and tossed in the soap from the crack, “there,” he said before closing the door, “let me know when you’re done,” he said setting the towel on the sink counter. He sat on the toilet seat and waited till she was done. It was a little drafty without his shirt on but it was better than the wet substance on his shirt. He’d take off his pants and underwear too if it wasn’t for the fact he had company that wasn’t Sweetie. Once Scootaloo was done he took the towel opened the door, turned off the shower and gestured her out. She shook herself like a dog fligging water everywhere in the shower. Warily, she walked out, getting on her hind legs to get over the foot height and out onto the blue tiles. She slipped immediately on the shiney blue tiles. He laughed as she skidded to the other side of the bathroom into the wall, all while trying to stop it, "real funny," she complained weakly as she struggled to stand up, glaring up at him. He decided that getting a carpet or using another towel would be needed there. “couldn't help myself, sorry" he apologized, "here, dry yourself off, we’re cleaning this stuff tonight. I don’t trust you not to try to run away at least before you clean your mess,” he stated. She began doing just that with the towel he provided. He found himself in a delima. He needed information so he could help her, but couldn’t make her give said information. An idea came to him, “I said I wouldn’t force you to answer any questions, but I’m willing to pay you five bits a question if you answer them honestly while we clean. Hows that sound?” She threw the towel aside. “What’s the catch?” she asked accusingly eyes narrowing and wings spread wide as she peered up at him. Her orange coat and mane were now clean and dry, but the latter was still rugged. He was surprised by her sudden lack of fear, “no catch, I’m just really concerned about your welfare right now,” he answered holding out his hands and crossing them several times swiftly. She glared a little longer, “...alright, but I won’t answer if I don’t want to.” “That’s fine,” he assured her, “it’s totally up to you whether or not the answer is worth five bits.” He opened the door and walked out into the hallway Scootaloo cautiously behind. He lead her to the room she had been sleeping in keeping his eyes on her as she kept her eyes on him. Once they entered he closed and locked the door behind her. The window was closed but maybe not locked, “okay, you get that side” he said gesturing opposite to the of all the blankets, “I’ll get this side.” Scootaloo unhappily moved to the side. And began picking up some trash as he went to the blankets, “What do you want me to do with it?” She asked. He thought about that for a moment, “just put it all in that corner for now,” he said pointing to said corner, “So first question for five bits, is Scootaloo really your name?” “Yes,” she answered without any comment. “Okay, just so I can keep track, I’m going to keep saying how many bits you got, to avoid confusion. For five more bits totaling in for ten bits does that sounds good?” She looked at him oddly, “ya… wait, I’m still getting that bag of bits you showed me right?” “Yes, but that bag of bits is for helping me clean up this mess,” he answered as he folded one of his blankets. They all needed to get cleaned, especially the one that he used to clean up the wetness Scootaloo left, the smell of which he was actively ignoring, “for five more bits making it fifteen bits, what’s your favorite color?” ... He continued asking her easy questions like what her favorite this or that was as they cleaned. He learned that she liked the Wonder Bolts. He learned that she liked chocolate ice-cream. He basically learned she was a rebellious tomboy. She relaxed a little bit and clearly was getting drowsy as a result. It was late after all. By the time all the trash was in one corner and the blankets were folded and stacked separately via cleanliness he owed her sixty five more bits. “Alright, that should be good for now,” he said unlocking the door, “come on we still have the living room to at least start on,” he gestured while opening the door. He walked out and down the hall eyes trained downward on the trail of wrappers, “could you get those and put them in the pile, please,” he asked while holding the door so she couldn’t close it on him. She huffed about it and grumbled something but did so. He watched her closely to make sure she didn’t try something. “Thank you Scootaloo,” he thanked then turned off the light and closed the door when she was back in the hallway. They walked to the living room but James froze. The front door to his house was open. He face palmed at his stupidity. He never closed the front door. Scattered letters from his initial shock at the state of his living room were still laying at the front door. Scootaloo now ahead of him by a little bit stopped and looked up to him then to where he was looking. She jumped a little. She was undoubtedly about to make a run for it, but she hesitated and looked back to him. He looked down to her and tried to keep his face neutral, “I have at least one more question,” he said backing up in an attempt to make her relax, “for five more bits totaling in seventy bits, do you have a building in Ponyville that you can stay in for the night?” She backed up away from him towards the door, “No, but I do have some places I can stay.” “That is unfortunate,” he stated. He hoped that meant she used the train to get here or hitched a ride on some ponies cart, “Well, you’re welcome to stay here if you want, for tonight at least,” she looked unsure about the offer and tripped over a small box as she continued her backwards movement. She quickly got up and looked back to him before looking behind herself to make sure that didn’t happen again while constantly rechecking on him. He sighed pulled out the bag of bits and threw it towards her and then he sat down indian style, “What are you doing?” She asked as she quickly grabbed the bag and backed away, but stopped short of turning and running. “I’m worried about you Scootaloo,” he admitted, “I don’t want you to run off and get yourself hurt or worse. You’re just a filly for Pete's sake.” “I can take care of myself Human!” She snapped. “That’s a load of bologna. You were living in filth and smelled like a professional dumpster diver. Don’t try to deny it because we both know it’s true.” He pointed out. “Why do you even care Human!?” “My name is James by the way. Sorry if I had a hundred different things on my mind other than telling you my name,” he explained, “I care because I have a heart and if I’m actually in a position to do something good I’m going to do it! And right now I see a filly named Scootaloo who needs help and I am going to help her! But, I can’t do that if you don’t let me.” “Oh,” was all she said, looking down dejectedly. Her lower lip once again quivering. He sighed, “If I leave the door open and not go near you. Will you help me clean some of this mess please? Also, I still need to pay you for the questions you answered.” She looked up and frowned, “fine, but I’ll clean up there,” she said pointing to the area closest to the door. “That’s okay, and thank you for helping me clean your mess.” “Whatever.” They went to putting things in their appropriately labeled boxes in silence. James was glad he carried a lot of bits on himself at all times, because why not? He was rich. He must've spent only a quarter of it last week. He learned things in Ponyville where much much cheaper than in Canterlot. He had more than enough bits to give to Scootaloo and that was all that mattered. With that said he had plans to visit the bank tomorrow. He continued cleaning his side of the living room and lost track of Scootaloo. He stopped and looked around. He heard a snore and walked to her side of the less messy room. He found her curled up in a wide box sleeping. It was adorable. He got a towel and draped it over her before going to the front door and silently closing it. He looked for a pen and paper and wrote her a note. He propped the note up to a bag of bits he left in front of her inside the box. He hoped she didn’t just take the bits and run, unless she ran back to her home, but he wouldn’t know that and it would bug him, which is why the note told her to write to him if she did so. So he knew she was safe so he wouldn’t feel guilty about not going to the authorities. With a yawn he looked for one of his work suits, and grabbed another towel. He took a shower, dried off, put on his work cloths and explored the rest of his house. He found his master bedroom at the very end of the hall. He got some of the cleaner blankets and pillows and set them on the floor. He laid down, but the hardwood floor was a little too hard so he got some of the less nicer blankets as padding and laid down again. Sleep overtook him. > Home Setup > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- James awoke the next day to find his uninvited, yet momentarily welcome, guest had at some point taken the bits and note before disappearing. His living room was still a mess but much less so. He skipped breakfast and went to work on stuff. While he did that his mind wandered back to the night before and everything he should’ve done differently. He let a rational yet irrational fear get the better of him. He should’ve grabbed Scootaloo and taken her to Ponyville's town hall so they could deal with her. He should’ve trapped her in his shower with more than just a piss stained T-shirt then went and got some help, so once again they could deal with her. Honestly, he should be out there looking for her, instead of in here setting up his house. He really hopes she takes that note seriously and sends him a letter when she’s okay and/or seeks out help from a pony she can trust. He forced himself to focus on the task at hand. ... By the time it was noon James had cleansed the room he found Scootaloo in of its debris, though the smell lingered. He kept the door to said room closed and the window open, in hopes of airing it out. He for the most part unspotted the living room of whatever wasn’t taken care of last night. He set up his bedroom. He did a full inspection of his house. The entrance to his kitchen was on the left side of the living room. The kitchen itself was was large enough for a dining table. The kitchen sink, oven, refrigerator, and so on already present. To the far right of the corner of the kitchen was the entrance to the basement. The basement looked nice and clean. A fresh paint smell lingered. It had three sections. The first was the main body which is entered via the stairs. It’s just a lot of free space. The second was a partially walled off boiler/heater/cleansing system near the left side wall. The third was a walled off bathroom also on the left side wall at the corner in the back, it had a door. It wasn’t anything special like the one upstairs, but it was clean. It’s good to have two bathrooms. The living room itself now had a couch laying against the right side wall. It previously had been basically walled off by a bunch of other things that now reside in his room. A coffee table laid across it, and a appropriately sized night stand was at its side. The living room, was noticeably more spacious. Still, there were a bunch of boxes that needed unboxing. He gave a sigh of frustration. Not at all the boxes. Not at all the work already done. It was that filly. He couldn’t get his mind off her. He was in a position to forcibly help and he didn’t. He shook his head and went back to it. Going through some boxes, revealed that some smaller clocks and some other knick knacks went missing. The assumption being that Scootaloo sold them. She needed bits to have that many wrappers laying around. He’d have to buy some more. He closed and locked the window he left open hours before and was pleased to only barely smell dead fast food. He gave one last check around the house to make sure everything was secure, before heading out to the carousel boutique. The mailbox came in view so he gave it a look. Turns out he had some new mail. He took it and headed back to his house, while browsing the new letters. A bunch from nobles, some junk mail, and another scroll from Celestia. He unlocked his door again and entered. Quickly, he threw the other mail on the coffee table and went to unsealing the scroll. Dear James I’m sorry if I haven’t responded to any letters you may have sent me. I’ve recently realized that now that you’re officially retired any letters you send me would be buried beneath the thousands of other letters my little ponies send me daily. I most assuredly would receive it, but it may take a couple months. So instead I sent you this. Below that was some kind of intricate circular spell pattern that took up a good chunk of the scroll. Below that was more hand, hoof, mouth, no it was Celestia so magic writing. All you need to do is say, “hocus pocus,” and a magical stamp will appear that if used on letters, will go directly to me, and not my overburdened mail assistant. On other news I think I’ll be able to visit Ponyville on the twenty third in the morning. I must admit, I’m excited to see you again. Your friend Celestia “Hocu-what the hell!” James yelled as the pattern lit up and a stamp magically popped into existence far sooner than it should have. The bottom of the scroll was now glowing slightly. Upon closer inspection he noticed it was more words. P.S. It would seem my spell matrix went off prematurely. Whoops. P.P.S. I’ll be visiting your house on the twenty third, in the morning, be there. He gave a slight chuckle a Celestia's odd joke. He also reminded himself to check the date sometime later today, before once again heading out. He kept his eyes peeled as he walked, looking for any signs of the mysterious orange pegasus filly. Being that she could potentially fly, he kept his eyes on the sky, even for small clouds. The sky was cloudless today however. To his dismay, he hadn’t spotted her by the time he made it to the carousel boutique. He entered and bells rang, “Welcome to the- Oh, why hello James,” Rarity said almost sensually, eyelids battering. “Uh, hey Rarity,” he said waving at the mare who now slowly approached from one of her mannequins, or was is ponyquins, in a predatory fashion. Like lightning a thought came to him, what if she found out. He’d been so busy thinking about Scootaloo and whatever her situation may be that he completely forgot how freaking screwed he probably is. He started backing away a little as Rarity approached, her hips and tail swaying ever so slightly, whatever intense look she had seemed sinister at that moment, “uhhh, umm. So like I said I’d be here sometime after lunch,” he coughed nervously, “so here I am!” he said raising his hands in a placating way. “Oooh! I can’t wait. Come!” she demanded before running off to the other side of the large room. Timitivly, he followed her to her only changing room. She opened the door and gestured him inside. “Oh fiddlesticks,” she complained quietly, “one moment please!” she said before running off. James took the moment to calm his nerves. He hadn’t seen Sweetie yet. Maybe she was at their equivalent to a police station right now telling them everything they’ve done together. He nodded his head dismissively and rubbed his face. He sighed and waited. While waiting he found a calendar and discovered it was currently the twentieth. That meant he had three days until Celestia showed up, if he included today. It wasn’t much sooner Rarity came running back with a bunch of folded clothes in her magical grasp, “sorry about that James, I momentarily forgot I still had the clothes I’ve made for you in my workshop, here try these on,” she explained levitating him some clothes towards him which he took. She awkwardly shoved him into the changing room and closed the door, “I do hope you like them.” He was relieved, at least she wasn’t about to stab him to death with a thousand floating needles, “wh- wait, you already got a pair of my clothes done?” He asked through the door while setting down and unfolding the clothes she gave him. Rarity laughed which was muffled by the door, “but of course darling! I didn’t win first place for nothing,” She said proudly, “You know Sweetie has been talking a lot about you all day.” He froze in taking off his shirt, “Oh ya… what’s she say?” Shaking his head, he continued changing into his new clothes. “She told me how you took her out,” she said, ‘and took advantage of her, and stole her-’ James thought. “To sugarcube corner,” she continued unaware of his thoughts, “and she showed me how much you’ve been helping her learn to cook, and on and on and on. Why, I haven't seen her so so... lively in a while, and it’s all thanks to you.” He calmed down, happy to hear he wasn’t doomed yet, “I’m glad to hear that,” he said as he got done putting on the last of his new set of clothes. He left the changing room, “so how do I look?” “You look simply divine,” she said her tail getting a little hike to it, “I trust they’re comfortable?” “Yeah, this is exactly what I had in mind, I’m surprised you already got a set done,” he complemented. “Oh ho ho! What do you take me for darling? Here try these on,” She said levitating more cloths to him. “Just how much did you do already?” he asked. “I completed four and still have some finishing touches to do with the fifth set,” she stated in a matter of fact tone, “but enough about that try them on, I can make any last minute adjustments you may need,” she urged excitedly. He did just that. The third set she experimented with sleeves that end just past his elbows. He wasn’t a fan, and she said she’d have it fixed by tomorrow. The fourth set was just as comfortable as the first two. While wearing the fourth set something came back to mind, “Where is Sweetie by the way?” “Hmmm?” Rarity hummed inquesically after she had been staring at him motionless for a little bit, no doubt looking for any imperfections he assumed, “Oh,” she said snapping out of her daze, “she went to the library after lunch, said she had to return some books that were late.” “Late? That doesn’t sound like something she’d do,” he commented. “Speaking of, I hate to do this to you, but do you think you could watch her for the rest of the day? I must admit I’m swamped with work for today. I’ll pay, of course…” she trailed off. “I’ll do it, also no need to pay me.” “Such a gentlecolt,” she said her eyes getting half lidded, while he was busy looking over his new cloths. “By the way, I think I haven’t told you yet, but I’m retired.” He stated. “Retired? But you’re so young.” “True, however I’m also rich,” James said with a shrug, “don’t get me wrong it’s not like I plan on doing nothing all day everyday. I’d be bored out of my mind. That aside, Sweetie is my friend.” “Well, thank you for looking after my dear sister. She’s lucky to have such a good friend,” she complemented. “I try, so should I go to library and pick her up or wait for her here?” Rarity glanced at a clock, “Oh, my my my, you should go pick her up and bring her to your place once she’s done, you do have a place right?” He told her his address and how to get to it, “Time is really slipping by, I must get back to work,” she said in finality as she ushered him outside, “ta ta fo- oh wait!” she yelled stopping him in his tracks. “Yeah?” He asked turning to address her while now outside the front door. “How’s tomorrow at five sound for our little, get together?” She asked sweetly. “Sounds good to me,” he agreed with little thought, “I’ll be here at five tomorrow and you can take me to whatever place you where talking about, I’ll even pay.” She looked astonished, “By the way what time do you want me to bring Sweetie back?” “Hmm?” Rarity said blinking her eyes back to normal from there sudden heart shaped irises. He wondered if she had a weird medical condition. She smiled, “Oh, nine O’clock should be just fine,” she answered, “now if you’ll excuse moi, I have work to do.” She closed the door leaving him to head to the library. He’s only been there once, when Sweetie gave him the tour. He thought it was pretty cool, but he really had little interest in reading. The reality of a huge living tree as a library did catch his attention. Only one pony was there when he first visited. An old mare and she was sleeping at the time. He’s kind of glad she didn’t wake up, he fears he might give her a heart attack. It was slightly dusty which he found odd since it was inside a living tree. He supposed that’s just the fate of libraries. He kept his eyes open for Scootaloo, while on his way. No sighting of the wayward filly by the time he made it. He entered to find the old mare sleeping in the same spot as last time. The library was even more dusty. It would seem it didn’t get much use during summer break, at least. “James!” Sweetie yelled out happily. She was at one of the side tables covering her mouth with a slight blush as if somepony just admonished her for making a loud noise in a library. The old mare seemed undisturbed. He shrugged. He walked to Sweetie. She had three books on the table all laid out on either side or directly in front, “So what are you reading about today?” “Uhh, history and stuff,” she said still blushing. “I was told you had books due late?” She blinked a couple times, “umm yeah, I completely forgot about them after after all the fun we had together.” She continued blushing even more. He glanced back to the only other pony in the library, glad to see she was still asleep. “Oh, um my bad, I guess,” he said feeling all kinds of uncomfortable. He was glad she was able to be vague about it. “It’s okay, it was very...” she trailed off. “Anyways, your sister wants me to umm, foal sit you until nine tonight. So, I’m going to show you my house.” He stated. “Really?” she asked excitedly, “lets go right now!” she exclaimed closing the book she had open and quickly piling them on top each other, putting on her saddlebags, then putting two of the books in said saddlebags and then running towards some shelves with one in her mouth like a dog. “Need some help with that?” he asked as she climbed up a ladder to return them back to their place. She nodded no and quickly put them back. “You can still check those out, and take them home,” he stated as she ran back to him. The old mare still somehow asleep. “Umm, uhh, I can’t!” she exclaimed. “Why not?” “Uhhh, ummm, Oh! Because I turned in my previous books late. I have a one week suspension from checking out books.” she explained. “Oh sorry, well considering it’s partially my fault I can check them out for you.” James suggested. “NO!" she yelled, her eyes got wide and she covered her mouth for some reason, "I mean, Awww, thanks, but I’ll be okay. I can still read them in the library. Now can we please please go see your house? Please,” she pleaded with huge eyes. “Okay, okay, jeez. Yeah, lets go,” he said and they left the library together. The old mare somehow still sleeping. They walked to his house which got him thinking about Scootaloo again. Still no sign of the filly. It gave him an idea. “That’s my house right there,” he said pointing to it as they walked towards it, “now I still have a lot of unpacking to do, so it doesn’t look too good on the inside right now,” he continued as they walked to the front door. Sweetie was unusually quiet during the walk. She kept glancing up at him. He unlocked the door and they entered. Sweetie looked around spotting the couch. As soon as the door closed she sprinted towards it, jumped on top of it. Her chin hit the couch as her forehooves found there way to her slightly wet labia. She lifted her tail and parted her folds, “can we have sex?” she asked, shaking her little rump enticingly or most likely eagerly. She was face down ass up position. James could only stare in shock at the sudden request. Her tail resting on her back. He took a step towards her wanting nothing more than to take her, as much as she apparently wanted to be taken. The first couple steps soon revealed that anypony outside could easily look in and see what was happening. Luckily, no pony was outside at the moment. James freaked out. Swiftly, he ran to Sweetie and picked her up, she squealed in delight, and tried to kiss him, “Sweetie wait,” he said holding her out of reach, “we can’t do that yet, I don’t have any curtains up,” he said turning her to face the windows. “Oh,” she said in dismay, she faced towards him blushing more, “is it weird that I want other ponies to watch?” “Compared to some other things that turn people on, not in the slightest. Let me put up curtains before we continue. It may take a bit.” “And how long will that take?” she asked, clearly annoyed. “I don’t know,” he answered as he set her back on the couch in a sitting position, she crossed her forelegs and looked away with a ‘humph.’ Which reminded him for some reason, “by the way, do you happen to know of or ever seen a orange pegasus filly with purple hair?” he asked before he started to look for his curtains. “Umm, no.” “Do you happen to know of a filly named Scootaloo?” “No. Why? Who is she?” “Well…” He wasn’t sure whether or not to tell Sweetie, “I was hoping you knew who she was, because I don’t, and if you don’t then I can only speculate about her situation.” he said with a shrug. “Her situation? What do you mean?” “Err, well honestly, I’d rather not say. I feel like I’d be breaking any trust I might’ve earned from her, even though I’ll likely never see her again,” he said with a shrug again, “but enough about that. Let me get these curtains up.” “Fine!” Sweetie yelled in a tune of annoyance once again crossing her forelegs and ‘hurumphing.’ ... The last almost hour or two was spent putting up curtains, after finding the boxes that had them. Most of that time drilling in screws for the rails. Sweetie all the while sat on the couch and looked annoyed. The curtains did a good job of blotting out the sun, and covering all possible peep holes. He did his room last, “I’m on the last curtain,” he somewhat yelled so Sweetie could hear. He went to work. After one last check everything was good he turned around and found Sweetie on his bed, in the same position as when she was on the couch. This time however, she was kneeling on her front hooves. Her hind legs were slightly spread, and her tail rested on her back. Her little holes were both as unnoticeable as they’ve always been. Considering all he’s done to them already, he supposed he was thankful for that fact. Her ponut was little more than a small white indent with some small creases while her slit was a hidden line, mostly revealed by the fact it was currently glistening. He walked up to her taking off the new cloths he got from her sister, the fate of his previous cloths unknown. Sweeties eyes were closed, “Sweetie why are you doing that?” Her eyes opened, “Is it sexy?” she asked unsure, as her hips gave a little shake. He put a hand on her croup which also pinned down her tail and Sweetie gave a little gasp of approval, “yes, yes it is,” he grabbed the base of her tail and lifted her up past her little teats, until they were face to blushing face. With his other hand he brought her into a kiss on the lips. She pressed into it but then used her forehooves to stop the kiss. She looked at him in a pleading manner. He let Sweetie back on the bed and released her tail which went right to her back, “hurry up,” she complained wiggling her rump, hind legs spread wide. “Okay, my sexy little filly,” he placed his middle finger on her moist little slit and smeared her leaking pre all over it. Now wet and glistening itself he prodded the end furthest from her hidden nub. “Hah, nyeh,” she gasped as she tried to impale herself on his finger. He didn’t let her though. With his other hand he took a teet between his thumb and index finger and played with it, “uhh, come oooonnnn,” she complained. “Jeez Sweetie, it’s almost as if all you can think about is me fu- I mean, is me having sex with you,” he said moving to the other teet. “I know you can talk,” he finished. “Yes! I want to to aha-” she moaned as his middle finger dipped in a little more than it had been, “-have sex with you. It’s all I can think about!” She yelled, as she continued to try and impale herself. “How about I give you a tour of the house?” he asked removing his finger but keeping his hand on he buttock. She gave a mewling whine. As he stood up straight from his slightly hunched position. He firmly grabbed the base of her tail and then aligned his dick to her moist slit. With a slight thrust forward her little lips accepted him entry, “Ahh.” With his other hand he supported Sweeties chest and then pushed all the way into her. She gave a moan of approval, “So this is the master bedroom,” he said as he began moving in and out of her tight tunnel slowly, “It’s huh not completely done but for the most part it is. What do you think?” She looked around as she grunted and moaned at his slow penetration, “I-” she moaned, “-I like it.” “Glad uh, to hear it,” he said resisting the strong urge to go wild on her, “let me show you the rest of the house,” he said picking her off the bed and shoving in particularly fast. “AHA! Okaaaayyyyyeeee,” she yelled as a orgasm over took her and she cummed, “mmmmmmm,” was all she could manage. He ignored the wet mess now on his floor and showed her around. Sweetie seemed half way there, so he took it out of her. It was wet and covered in her cum. He put it to her little indent and pressed in. It was easier then some other times. She didn’t seem to mind, even moaned in approval. He gave the rest of the tour while fucking her ass, if only so she could pay a little more attention and they could have somewhat of a conversation. It was very difficult not to up the speed, on several occasions he started but quickly restrained himself before he began to go over the edge. He ended the tour with the bathroom. “And lastly, this is the bathroom,” he stated, as the door opened and he put his hands back to their proper places holding Sweetie, “what do you think?” he asked. “It’s mmm very nice,” she complimented as he continued his slow torturous grind into her ass. Using a foot, he carefully slid the sliding glass door open and stepped inside. He took himself out of Sweetie as if she was a flesh light, “uh,” she seemed to whine. He set her on the raised platform, then went to the shower knob. Soon hot water poured out of the shower head. Totally skipping over the part were it was cold and he screamed like a girl while Sweetie laughed because she was not in its chilling path. He totally didn’t grab her head as she laughed and bring it to his dick. On another note, she was getting better at blow jobs and he had to stop her before he climaxed. The shower was steamy through the glass all the could be seen was steam. The muffled pitter patter of the water from the other side was the only sound currently, “Ahh, mmmmm YES!” A scream of pleasure came from within. Suddenly to small white hooves slammed onto the glass. The forelegs barely noticeable thanks to all the steam, “HARDER! AHHHH!” Heavy breathing could barely be heard through the constant sound of a shower. After a bit the shower turned off, the door opened, and steam poured out going upwards quickly throughout the rest of the bathroom, as if it was smoke. James stepped out, he was red all over, holding Sweetie who snuggled into his arms with a huge peaceful smile. They got dry and he got dressed. They still had time to spare so they cleaned the wet mess Sweetie left in his room. After that they spent the rest of their time setting up his house a little more. They managed to get a decent amount done, but before they knew it, it was time for Sweetie to head back to the Boutique, much to her disappointment. She looked as if she just lost her whole family, when she pleaded not to go. She really needed some friends, that wasn’t just him. During the walk there he couldn’t help but feel like he was forgetting something. That’s right, he left his original pair of clothes with Rarity. He wanted that back. Rarity was still very busy when they got back. She quickly gave him six sets of clothes and ushered him out. Any attempts to talk to her were dashed, at least he got his clothes back, and more too boot. With a shrug, he headed back home. Something in the back of his head was bothering him but he for the life of him couldn’t figure out what. He entered his house and set his new clothes on his coffee table over the letters. He was tired so he laid on the couch trying to think about what’s been bothering him, or maybe get some sleep. *Knock* *Knock* Came from the front door after some time. He yawned and idly wondered who would be knocking at his door this late, as he got up to answer it. He unlocked the door and opened it blinking his eyes. He saw no pony at first until he looked down even more. His brain froze momentarily at the sight of Scootaloo looking up to him nervously, “umm hi…” he said lamely. > Home Inquiries > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- James had quite the fulfilling day. He had managed to clean and set up his house significantly more. He fucked his special somepony and then they did some more house work. He felt sorry for Sweetie, even the abominations up in Canterlot somehow managed to have friends. She was too good a pony to be so lonely. He stood at the base of his open front door. The night was crisp, perhaps a little too much, as it was kind of chilly for a summer night. The light from the lamp on his nightstand next to his couch lit outside his door, as his curtains were still closed. He could maybe see six feet before the darkness swallowed everything else outside, baring his own shadow. Looking up he saw no stars nor the pony moon. He concluded there had to be clouds covering the skies. He found that somewhat odd as he recalled no such clouds during the day. A need to keep better track of the weather schedule came to mind. The fact it wasn’t a weather forecast/prediction still made him uneasy. They control the freaking weather. He snapped out of it and looked back down. The sight of a slightly shivering orange pegasus filly with a rough lite purple mane and tail stood there looking back up in some odd way. He was more than a little self-conscience on how this could look to somepony who just found out he had been screwing a filly, relationship or not, he ignored those feelings and thoughts best he could. He had to help this filly, just certainly not in that way. He rubbed his head in frustration of the fact that he’s just going to need to get used to feeling like he’s actively being hunted down by authorities, because he probably is. They just needed a, “Are you okay?” Scootaloo asked cutting up his musings. “Huh?” he asked rapidly blinking his eyes, “Yeah, I’m okay,” he answered putting himself back into the situation that’s for sure, and not a hypothetical that his paranoid mind is possible coming up with, “I was just thinking about somethings,” he explained, “I didn’t think I’d be seeing you again Scootaloo. What brings you here? Good news I hope.” Scootaloo frowned slightly but seemed determined about something, “There’s three things, no, umm, reasons,” she said, nodding to herself satisfied, “three reasons I came back.” “And they would be?” To tell him that she made up with her parents. To tell him that she made up with her parents. To tell him that she made up with her parents. He hoped. Scootaloo produced a bag of bits, “Here,” she said holding it out to him. Perhaps her parents are making her give back the bits he gave her? He slowly got down and grabbed it, “what’s this for?” he asked. Scootaloo backed away slowly and cringed, “I-I may have sold some of your stuff to get some bits so I could buy some food…” she continued backing away till only her head was in the light, “I think that’s how much they all sold for.” Welp, that confirmed why he was missing some stuff, “I believe you know that was wrong?” He said standing up straight and crossing his arms, it felt weird with a bag of coins in hand. It wasn’t long before a faint smell can to him emanating from the bag. “I’m sorry.” He ignored the smell, but had a suspicion, “I forgive you, thank you for being upfront with me. You’re a good filly, here,” he said tossing the bag of bits back to her in the light. The bag was shaggy and tinted yellow in some places. She was giving him the one that she peed all over. He wasn’t sure whether he should laugh or be insulted, either way he was too groggy to care. “By the way, just a few of those items costed more than that bag of bits when I bought them.” “T-they did?” she said weakly, she looked down at the bits then slowly walked to and then picked them up. Wings hanging down her sides, lower lip trembling. “Don’t worry about it Scootaloo, I’m rich. Just try not to do it if you do not need to. So what were the two other reasons?” She blinked her eyes a couple times and breathed in which turned into a heart melting yawn, it was late after all, “I wanted to thank you for giving me those bits an-and…” her head sunk in thought, before shooting up, “I just wanted to thank you, so thank you!” “You’re welcome, and the last reason?” he asked. It had to be that she decided to stop running from her parents, even though it’s nighttime and that seemed very unlikely at this moment. “Your note said I should seek out help from an adult I can trust, and the only one I think I can trust is you. I was hoping you’d let me live with you. I can help you with stuff, do chores and stuff, and and you won’t need to worry about-” “Stop,” he interrupted. Dammit. He yawned and rubbed his forehead, “I’m too tired for this,” he lazily gestured her inside while also getting out of the way, “get inside, we’ll talk in the morning.” She walked in with a little bit of hesitation eyes trained on him. Once she was inside he closed and locked the door, “you can sleep on the couch, I’ll see you in the morning, please don’t run away,” he said heading to his room. She backed up out of his way as he walked past. He could’ve sworn he heard her quietly say thank you before he reached his room. ============================================================================= James woke up the next morning feeling well rested. His mind immediately went to the wayward filly, and so did he actually go to said filly. The couch lamp was still on so he turned it off as the bleed off from the sun lit the room enough to see. He couldn’t help but notice the filly sleeping sprawled out on the couch. One of her forehooves was resting at the end of the couch while the other hung loosely off the edge. Her wings lay splayed out lazily such that one was also hanging from the edge. Her hind legs and tail were much the same but he notedly and purposely avoided looking in that area. What little of it he saw was different, but he had a special somepony who without argument deserved better. He wasn’t going to do anything that could make that more true. He went to his kitchen only to remember he had yet to go shopping for any ingredients to cook with. He quietly went to his room, got a paper and writing utensil and wrote a note for Scootaloo. He laid the note on top his clothes pile on the coffee table and left through the back. The trip to a family restaurant was peaceful. He got pancakes, french toast, an omelette, toast, orange juice, and over easy eggs all to go. Carrying it all back wasn’t fun. Ponies needed more bags. He unlocked the door after freeing his hands and found Scootaloo in a more reserved and adorable sleeping position. He picked half the things up and brought them to the kitchen. He then went and picked up the other half, he somewhat slammed the door behind him, “Ahh!” Scootaloo screamed as she bolted into the air like a cat. Landing, she looked around eyes finally settling on him clearly annoyed. He couldn't help but smile and slightly chuckle at the reaction, “are you awake now?” “What the hay was that for!?” she yelled, her eyes zeroing in on the boxes he was carrying, “what’s that?” she demanded. “It’s ten O'Clock. I think you’ve slept in enough Scootaloo, and this,” he said lifting up and down the boxes in a circular fashion, “is breakfast, come on follow me, lets eat,” he headed to the kitchen. He didn’t bother making sure she followed. He was just going to tell her the food is getting cold if she didn’t. He sat down and unstacked the boxes, peeking inside so he knew what had what in them. His table was retangular and its surface was smooth. He sat in the middle, and it wasn’t much longer Scootaloo took a seat across from him, standing on her hind legs to reach the table. He noted this and decided he was gonna need some more specialized chairs especially considering his special somepony, “w-” she yawned bringing a hoof to her mouth, “what did you get?” “Here take a look pick whichever one you want and I’ll eat whatever you don’t want.” He brought the boxes close her and she browsed through them. She eyed the drinks for a moment, “those are orange juice,” he provided before she could ask. They ate mostly in silence. Scootaloo constantly looked up to him in some way that for some reason made him feel sad. She ravishly ate the omelette, half a pancake, half the french toast, half the toast slathered in butter and jelly(of course), and had the orange juice to drink. She groaned and sagged into her chair, leaving her half eaten pancake on its plate to die, “so~ fu~ll,” she complained rubbing her belly. Her side of the table looked as if a squirrel decided to rummage through everything in a frenzy. James had the other half of the french toast, the other two pancakes, the over easy eggs, half the toast dipped in the overeasy egg yolk(ofcourse), and his own orange juice. He was just finishing up the last few bites of his own pancakes, “Scootaloo,” he said, drawing her attention, “so last night you said you wanted to live with me?” He asked watching her reactions closely. Scootaloo eyed him wearily from across the table, but nodded her head in the affirmative. She put out an angry frown. “I think,” he paused, was he really about to do this? His mind went back to her condition when he first found her, that was unacceptable. He just needed more information before he made any decisions, “I think I’d be okay with that, if you tell me your story, the truth only please. I want to help you, but I need to know what I’m dealing with. So where are your parents?” She answered. “I’m sorry, could you say that again?” “I said, I’m an orphan, and I ran away from the orphanage. Are you done?” He frowned, “no, I’m not…” he said calmly. He was glad it wasn’t worse, but he was missing lots of information, “why’d you run away?” “You said I don’t have to answer questions if I don’t want to so I’m not going to.” She exclaimed crossing her forelegs and looking away from him. It was cute. This would be so much easier if she would just give him the details, but her turned face suggested she had no intention of doing so. He sighed, “Scootaloo, I’ll let you live with me,” her ears perked up and she looked back up to him confused, “you heard me correctly,” he said with a smile. “Really?” He nodded maintaining his smile, “o-oh, cool,” she said looking down at her plate, before looking back up suspiciously, “is there anything you want me to do?” He brought a hand to his chin and rubbed it as if in thought. He was curious, “what would you not do?” “I don’t want to be an assassin ninja for you, even though what they do is awesome. Well, the sneaking around and fighting part, not the killing part,” she explained. He blinked, “umm, okay. I have no plans to kill anypony ever, unless they do some truly horrifying things to innocent ponies. Nor do I possess the knowledge needed to train you to become a ninja-” “Aww,” Scootaloo said sadly. “-anyways,” he continued, “first off I do have a couple spare rooms and you could definitely make one yours-” “My own room,” she whispered to herself in awe at the idea. He continued, “You ofcourse would have chores, maybe help me unpack and place the last few things I gotta do, and I don’t know, once summer break is over you’ll be going to school,” she just stared off into space, her smile slowly going down, “and I’m sure there’s some other things that I can’t think of right now.” “Fine!” she agreed begrudgingly frowning, “show me my room!” she demanded hopping off her chair and leaving the kitchen/dining room. “Err, well there’s only two rooms for you to pick from, one second though,” he took a moment to clean up their breakfast as she watched agitated, “okay, follow me.” “About time,” she said harshly. “Well, it would’ve been sooner if someone didn’t eat like an animal.” He commented. She merely glared at him, “you said you’d do chores and stuff maybe I should’ve made you clean it yourself.” She looked very unamused, he sighed and they went. ============================================================================= He showed her the two rooms. The first one was the one he initially found her in and the other one was next to it. Both the same size and make. She chose the one she was used to. It was farthest from his room of the two rooms, “I’m going to need to buy you a bed and stuff, so until then I hope you don’t mind sleeping on the couch.” “Ugh, lame. Fine,” she complained. She stood in the middle of her new room, while he was at the door. A thought entered his head at that. How was he going to have private time with Sweetie? Sweetie certainly enjoys that time, perhaps a little too much. He would need to give Scootaloo something to do so they could spend that time. It wouldn’t be so bad if Sweetie had something besides books to distract her from her new found past time, not that he had any complaints. Just like that a brilliant idea came to him. He hoped it worked, it might mean less sex with Sweetie, but it does solve an important issue, “hey Scootaloo there is actually one thing I want you to do.” “What’s that?” she asked warily. Now how should he go about this. He considered briefly, “well, you see I recently foalsat a filly named Sweetie Belle. She’s around your age and she’s a very good filly, but for some reason she has no friends her age so I want you to be her friend.” “Psh, what if she just doesn’t like me are you going to kick me out?” She asked in an accusing voice. “What? No. Even if she hates you I wouldn’t just kick you out,” he thought for a moment, “at least not before I contacted the authorities.” “Don’t!” she yelled, “don’t tell anypony, I don’t want to go back to that place.” “Did, did they abu-mistreat you?” “No.” “Are you sure?” he asked and she nodded, “okay good, so then why did you run away?” “I’m not telling you,” she said and got a devious smile. She turned around craned her neck to look up at him while bringing a forehoof to her flank near where one of her cutie marks would be if she had them. She continued, “if you try to get me to go back to that place,” tears began falling down and she cried. “Hey are yo-” he began. “I’ll t-tell them you t-touched my butt.” She declared shaking her little rump as her tail hung lifeless and she messaged/displayed her cutie mark area. James mind went blank for a moment. Did she just threaten him? Shouldn’t she be too young to know about that? “Wha-?” She turned around and her tears stopped. She glared up at him, “if you try to get me back into an orphanage, I’ll give myself bruises and tell them you hit me and touched my butt.” He blinked and thought for a moment. She stood rigid, wings out in a threatening manner, and continued glaring, “... umm, look,” he started, “I just want you to be safe and happy,” she gave no outward reaction to this, “so if you really hate the idea of going back to an orphanage so much that you’re willing to hurt yourself… then how about this. I promise that under no circumstances will I do anything to intentionally get you back into an orphanage. I also promise that I will do everything in my power to prevent you from going back into an orphanage. How does that sound?” She relaxed a little bit, little wings going back to her sides, and frowned, “it’ll have to do, but if you break your promise I’ll make sure you regret it!” “Right… Well you won’t have to worry about it.” “We’ll see,” she said, frowning. “Anyways,” he said rubbing the back of his head, turning he left the room, “come on let's unpack the living room. We should be able to get done before, oh shoot, I almost forgot. I have someplace to be at five, let's get started.” ============================================================================= They spent the next couple hours or so setting up his house. They decided on a cover story, for why she was living with him. It wasn’t fun, despite his best efforts. They sat on the couch having finished the last box of stuff, “thanks for helping me Scootaloo, I’m glad you’re here,” he said giving her shaggy mane a playful rub. “Hey! quit it,” she complained, trying to escape his hand. She seemed significantly more irritable today than she had been just last night and the night before. Anytime he asked her to do something while they were setting up his house she would do it with dragging hooves. “What? It’s not like I can make it any worse.” He jabbed “That’s how I like it! Now, cut it out!” She demanded in her tomboyish voice, as she batted at his hand. He removed his hand, “well, sorry princess.” She looked away from him and growled, “whatever.” Her belly grumbled. “So you’re getting hungry already?” she just crossed her front legs and frowned, “welp, I kind of am as well, though I’m having dinner with somepony in a couple hours and I don’t mind waiting till then.” “That’s too long,” she commented. “Alright, one second,” he went to his room and got some bits and came back, “here,” he said handing her the bits, she swiped them from his hand, “just don’t eat at that fast food restaurant, it’s not entirely healthy for you, you know.” “Whatever,” she said, before she looked to him somewhat curiously. It was a nice break from her sudden case of resting bitch face that she somehow managed to pull off as a filly. “So, are you going on a date with somepony?” she asked neutrally. “What? No, I’m not going on a date it’s just a-” The front door suddenly slammed open, “JAMES!” Sweetie yelled from the open door. She spotted him on the couch and instantly headed towards him, “How come you didn’t tell me you where going on a date with my sister?” She yelled yet it wasn’t an angry yell. It was more of a demanding one. Then she noticed Scootaloo. She stared at her for a long moment in deep thought, “you’re Scootaloo right?” Scootaloo snickered, “uh huh, I’m sure you’re not going on a date now,” she said gleefully addressing him. James would’ve been glad that Scootaloo’s attitude was now that of happy, if it wasn’t for the reason. Scootaloo jumped off the couch suddenly, “how’d you know my name and who are you?” she asked suspiciously and defensively forcibly pointing a hoof into Sweeties chest a couple times. “I’m Sweetie Belle and James asked questions about you. What are you doing here?” “That’s none of your business, and I’ll be staying here now.” Scootaloo stated. “What does that mean?” Sweetie asked looking to James for answers. James sighed, “it means she’ll be living here for the foreseeable future, also I’m not going on a date with Rarity. Why do you even think I am?” Sweetie looked to Scootaloo nervously, “what?” Scootaloo asked. The silence continued. James sighed, “I think Sweetie is uncomfortable talking about this subject with you here Scootaloo, do you think you could-” “whatever, I’m going to go get lunch,” Scootaloo said before turning towards the open door and marching to it. “No fast food, please!” he requested as she reached the door. “Have fun on your date!” she yelled, slamming the front door on her way out. “It’s not a-” he got out before the door shut, “one second Sweetie,” he got up and moved to a window. He watched as Scootaloo walked out of sight towards town. He silently went back to the couch and sat down. Sweetie jumped up looking at him perplexed still not angry. He sighed, “I’m having dinner with Rarity, not a date. Why do you think it’s a date?” He wanted to hug her, to reassure her, but he wasn’t sure if she’d welcome it or not. “Maybe because all day she’s been going through her clothes trying to find the best dress for her big date. How come you never told me you wanted a herd?” His mind went blank for a second, that was a word he hasn’t heard in a while, and all that came to mind was old west stories/games, “like a herd of buffalo?” He asked trying to imagine Sweetie and Rarity barreling down an open plain. He wasn’t sure what that had to do with a date. Sweetie looked at him blankly for a couple seconds before her face turned completely red, “ah ha, n-no I-I don’t think you’d want th-that kind of herd.” “Sweetie, now I really don’t know what you’re talking about. What’s this have to do with Rarity?” Sweetie breathed in some, “well a herd is like a family but they have sex so instead of dating one pony you’d be dating however many you want, and I thought that maybe if you were going out on a date with Rarity that you wanted us to be a herd. I would get to be lead mare,” she finished smuggly. “Wait, wo wo wo, what? Does that mean you were okay with me going on a date with Rarity? Not that I was.” Sweetie nodded, “I was just upset that you didn’t tell me you wanted a herd,” she finished. “Umm, okay… but wait why wouldn’t I like the buffalo kind of herd?” She blushed almost fully again, “th-they have more, well, a lot! more males in there herds, and I don’t think you’d want that.” “Oh, well, if it is what I’m beginning to think it is then you’re right about that. So, let me get this straight, you were okay with the idea of me going on a date with Rarity?” “Yep.” “Why? She’s your sister don’t you find that weird or wrong?” Sweetie blushed, “No. I want to watch you fuck her.” “...Sweetie where and when did you learn that word?” “Yesturday, when I was at the library, I was reading up on sex and dating. It’s where I learned about herds, I think I would’ve been furious if I hadn’t read about those.” “Oh,” thank god for her habits, “well, try not to say that word around anypony, also if all you want to do is watch me have sex with your sister, then I won’t do it, I think your sister deserves more than that.” “NO!” Sweetie yelled, “it is more than that, you make me feel like the luckiest filly in the world, and I love my sister. I want her to feel the same way. She’s always stressed out about something or the other, and I know you can make her happy. I want you to go on that date with her. I want her to feel the same way I do. I want you to try to make us a herd.” “...Umm, wow Sweetie you really know your way into a man's heart. I just feel like I’d be cheating on you if I did it. I don’t want you feeling like- I don’t know that I’m cheating on you or something. It’s bad enough I’m feeling it right now just for even considering this herd thing, and I haven't even done anything yet, how do herds even work?” Sweetie blinked, “A herd is a group of at least three ponies who agree to become an intimate close knit family. It consists of a head stallion and lead mare who agree on how to welcome new herd mates into the herd. I would be the lead mare and you of course would be the head stallion, umm man.” He could tell she was basically remembering the exact definition from whatever book she read, “Wait, does that mean there’d be other males in our herd?” “Only if we both agreed to have them.” She answered. “Eeehhh, sorry Sweetie but that just doesn’t sound good to me. I’m sorry if I sound selfish but I don’t want other guys shagging my special somepony, or special someponies as the case would seem.” “That’s okay,” she said with a little bit of resignment, “I knew it was a long shot, but I really do want you to make a herd if you want to, that is.” “I can’t deny that it is every guys fantasy, okay, I’ll try it. So how exactly would you propose we bring other ponies into our herd, given the fact that we probably shouldn't be dating in the first place?” “Well...” she blushed up at him and her tail twitched back and forth, “we both have sex with them, for anypony to join our herd. Like, my sister, if Rarity is okay with joining, we’d blindfold her and make her eat out my cunt, while you rut her soo silly she’ll want you to use her as a cock sock. I think th-” “Seriously Sweetie, what book did you read to learn all of this stuff?” He had purposely been avoiding using terms and words like those so Sweetie wouldn’t accidently say them and then be questioned about where she learned them. “Sexy Relationships Abridged Version by Glory Whole.” “Really-hah,” he laughed, “Glory Hole?” She nodded. “Well, I can see your idea maybe working or more likely going incredible horribly.” “It’ll work trust me,” she looked down sadly, “and not just because you have to.” He sighed and pushed her chin upwards so she was looking at him again, “I do trust you,” she smiled, “and I’m sorry if I ever made it sound like I dont,” he said giving her ears a scratch. She leaned into it happily, “so, you don’t care if I have like twenty five mares all pining for my attention?” he asked with a gross exageration, “You can’t be there everytime they want to have sex.” “Only the first time, after that you can rut them whenever,” she explained. “And you’re okay with that?” “Yep!” She beamed. “Well Sweetie, although it feels really weird, I’ll give it a try… but I just don’t see any other mare wanting to join a herd. I mean, what if I started dating somepony you didn’t like but I liked?” She thought for a moment, “...I’d want you to be rough with her,” she said with a sly smile. “Jeez Sweetie,” he picked her up, and she squeaked, “fine, I'll try to try get your sister to join our herd.” he brought her close and kissed. He was tempted to lay Sweetie on the couch and fuck her brains out. He knows she’d gladly welcome it, but he had a date he apparently had to make work, and he suspected ponies had better smelling than he did, amongst many other reasons. Instead he let her back down on the couch, “So I finally got everything in place. What do you think?” She just looked up at him confused. “About the living room…” “Oh!” she looked around, “it seems a little bare,” she commented. “Yes, well some items apparently went missing during the move,” he said, leaving out the fact it was more so Scootaloo's doing, “I’m going to need to go shopping for some stuff.” “Can we have sex?” “Sweetie I apparently have a date with your sister in like one and a half hour, you should probably be telling me anything about her, I need to know, if you want this herd thing to work out. Also Scootaloo could come back at any moment and I’d rather not get caught with my pants down.” “So, that’s a no?” He nodded, she whined, “fine, so what’s the deal with that filly anyway?” She asked. He wrapped an arm around her, “Well, it could be that her parents move around a lot for work and don’t want her to do that, or it could be that she’s a space alien who’s trying to blend in with the local inhabitants so she could eventually take over the world, or it could be both.” “Umm, so is she an alien?” “No Sweetie. She is not an alien. That was just an exaggerated example. Heck, now that I think about it, again, if anything, I’m the alien, though more of an interdimensional alien and not a space alien... Anyways, like I said before, only she can tell you. So tell me what Rarity likes…” ... “You look great!” Sweetie praised as James did a twirl in one of his work suits, “oh shoot, I need to go before Rarity realizes I’m gone.” “Did you not tell your sister where you’re going?” “I did, she was just preoccupied, I could’ve asked her about anything and she would’ve given me the okay,” she explained, before heading towards the door, “don’t forget the flowers and a box of chocolates.” She said opening the door, “good luck. Don’t mess this up!” She said closing the door. James sighed and walked to the window and watched Sweetie walk away. Down the street a little Scootaloo was walking back holding a what was clearly a bag of hay fries and a cup from the fast food place. They got close to each other and Sweetie greeted her offering her a hoof shake/bump. Scootaloo said something and kept walking, Sweetie smiled and waved goodbye. Scootaloo stopped and looked back confused before she kept walking. James sat on the couch, as the door opened, “So I couldn’t help but notice you went to the fast food place,” James commented as she walked up to him, drinking the last of her drink in the loudest way possible. “So what, it’s not like you’re gonna do anything,” Scootaloo said brazenly. He looked at her for a moment trying to figure out what was going on. She seemed to be acting out, like the little foals at Canterlot who constantly expect him to do just about everything. He wondered what was going through her head. She placed her cup on his letters which got them wet from the condensation, “Hey, watch where you put things.” He said quickly taking it off them. He had put his clothes away earlier and for some reason didn't bother with his letters, outside of stacking the important ones, and throwing away the rest. “Don’t you have a date to go on?” She asked, taking the last hay fry and eating it. She then very deliberately crumbled the bag that held the fries and threw it behind herself, on the ground. As if she was challenging him. That struck a nerve, “pick that up,” he demanded. “No.” “Pick it up and throw it in a trashcan.” “What’re you gonna do? Send me off to an orphanage?” She said calmly, yet in a threatening manner. He sighed as he didn’t have time for this, “No, I already promised you that I wouldn’t, and you’re right I do have to get going,” he said as he got up and headed out, “you better pick that up and put it where it belongs before I get back,” he said leaving, she merely stuck her tongue out at him, all it did was remind him he was dealing with a filly. ============================================================================= He arrived at Rarity’s after finding/buying flowers and a box of chocolates, almost late. Rarity floated the flowers in a vase commenting how’d they’d be a delightful snack for tomorrow and blushed while thanking him for the chocolates. She had makeup and red lipstick on. If he had to guess he would say it was the same cherry lipstick Sweetie had used, which got him to smile with the image. Either way Rarities application of make-up was that of a professional, her face looked very good. She pulled him inside and made him change into something more comfortable. Apparently, she had decided to make him a suit. He changed into it and had to admit it was one of the best suits he ever owned, as it wasn’t nearly as restrictive as every other suit he ever had. He was sure to let Rarity know this. It had its own flare to it. It still was a suit though. Once he came out of the changing room he couldn’t help but notice Rarity had put on a beautiful long sleek red dress and ruby earrings. She looked all kinds of sexy. He asked where Sweetie was, which was apparently the library. They headed out. Rarity leading the way. Talking excitedly and walking with pep the whole time. He tried to pay attention but she bounced around from one subject to the next so fast, on top of that her plot was hard to ignore with its own form of bouncing. The dress did a really good job of enticing one's interest. She ended up leading them directly to the same place he had his date with Sweetie, “See something you like?” Rarity asked looking back at him intently. “Umm, wha-” She laughed, “I’m sorry, I simply couldn’t resist darling,” she said, with a gesture to follow she walked to a table for two and took a seat. Why of all the places did it have to be this place? “Oh, you know, I’ve eaten here once before,” he supplied as he took his seat across from her. “You have? They just have the most wonderful salads. The atmosphere here is so romantic and intimate. They have the most dedicant deserts.” She said explained her voice full of desire near the end, while she blinked at him in a clearly sensual way. “Or at least so I’ve been told,” her voice back to its normal self, “this place has been out of my price range, and I wanted to give it a try for such a long time. I hope you don’t mind,” She finished with a sheepish smile. “It’s-” He began. “-Hey there stud, who may you be dating today?” came the sudden voice of Daisy right next to him making him jump slightly. She set down the menus and two glasses of water. He had no idea how she snuck up on him while carrying that stuff. She was freaking creepy. “James do you know this pony?” Rarity asked. This was it, he was screwed unless he could make his plan work. He’s glad he was paranoid about possibilities like these, “kind of, I ate here last week. This is Daisy?” he asked looking to the mare in question she smiled and nodded, “she was my waiter last time.” “Yep, and he had quite an interesting date with him last time.” Daisy commented. “Oh, did he now,” Rarity said looking to him perplexed. “Could you give us a moment please,” James asked. “But of course, call me when you’re ready to order.” Daisy said before taking her leave. James mouth was dry once more. He took a drink of water, “So to what was she referring to some other date?” “Re-remember when I said your sister needed friends?” She nodded, “well, funny thing about that is your sister made a bet with me. She wanted to go on a date if she beat me at a game of Go Fish, and yeah, she won it…” he finished with a shrug. “Well, at least she has good taste, why would you even agree to that?” “She wasn’t happy Rarity,” he stated, “she needed someone to take her seriously. I thought I was helping but when I told her it wasn’t a serious date, she didn’t take it well. I apologized and said I’d be her friend and she accepted that.” He finished getting another drink. Rarity looked to be in thought, “How come you haven’t told me about this before?” He sighed and sagged intentionally, hoping his acting was good, “how was I supposed to tell you about it? I’m Sweeties only friend, would you have let me stay her friend had you known she had and or has a crush on me and that we went on a mock date?” “nn-yy-wh-” Rarity stuttered. “Would you have forbid Sweetie from seeing her only friend?” he continued, “besides, I have a special somepony.” “WHAT!?” Rarity shouted in shock jumping off her chair and standing, “WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU ALREADY HAVE A- WHAT!?” James held out his hands and waved them in a fashion asking her to calm down, “Rarity please, you’re making a scene.” She looked around and blushed in a meek manner, “...right. Sorry to disturb you everypony,” she said sitting back down still blushing in embarrassment. She frowned in disdain at him, “Explain.” “Well, do you know what a herd is?” He asked. “You want me to join a herd? Your herd?” Her eyes let up in some kind of understanding slightly. His eyes scrunched up in confusion, “Well I mean, yes?” he shook his head, “No it’s umm,” he sighed, “look my special somepony really wants you to join us, the herd? This is so confusing, anyways, th-this is only the first date and I want to get to know you more before I let you or anypony for that matter join our herd, I guess. I mean what even are your thoughts on herds?” Rarity made a tsk sound, “I’ll admit, I haven't given much serious thought into joining a herd. I’ve always wanted a stallion to whisk me away in a romantic storm of passion and love,” she admitted passionately. She gave a sad sigh, “so who is this lucky mare who’s in the process of claiming and sharing your heart?” “I’m afraid that’s a secret up until you join us, the herd, arg. You know what I mean.” “Ohh, a mystery pony, I admit that sounds very enticing, is it Pinkie Pie? I haven't seen her since I got back. Have you been keeping her busy?” she said wiggling her eyebrows suggestively. He feels like he’s heard that name before but couldn’t remember when, where, and why, “I’m not going to say, or give you any clues as to who it could be, outside of the fact she is a she... So it sounds like you’re not interested in joining any herds?” “I said no such thing, darling. I just need sometime to think about it.” She said. “Well, maybe I can win you over while you think about it? Because I’ll admit I rather think your personality matches your looks, which is to say both are exceptional.” She lightly blushed, “Oh stop,” she said laughing. “I don’t think I’ve done this yet, but your dress looks amazing. I’m sure you made it yourself?” “Why yes, thank you for noticing and how are you liking your suit?” She asked. “How could I not notice? That dress is putting lots of naughty thoughts in my head and we haven't even kissed yet,” she blushed and commented about something under her breath, “what I said before about the suit still stands.” “Mmm,” she hummed, “well, I am getting quite famished,” she said her horn going aglow along with her menu, “perhaps you could tell me what my dear sister ordered?” “Uh, that was,” he picked up is menu and looked it over, “the rose salad, she said it was good. I wouldn’t know though I can’t eat most flowers. I got the pecan salad, which was good. I think I’ll give their pasta a try this time around.” “Hmm, I’ve made up my mind, did you?” he nodded, “waiter,” she said raising a forehoof. … The rest of the date lasted much longer than Sweeties did. Rarity had a lot to talk about. It was nice talking to someone on mostly even grounds. He could almost confuse her for what Canterlot considers a noble. If it wasn’t for the fact that she had something that the majority of Canterlot nobles were missing. She was genuine while they were fake. They talked about his world. They briefly covered relationships, basically him saying majority involve only two people. Rarity was interested in what kind of fashion humans had, once he mentioned they just about always wear clothes. He did his best to describe various things, but fashion and clothes was not something he really kept track of. He asked her about her parents and what their deal was. Apparently, they were very loving and supportive but often gone, whether it be for work or vacation. It was hard hearing it, if only because he knew how much that fact hurt Sweetie. Daisy had acted fairly professional this time around. Considering how much time they’d spent there he left a good tip. Rarity drank a decent amount of wine. He had water. By the time they were done it was almost dark out and Rarity was a little over tipsy, but not quite drunk. He had to steady her with his hand once in a while as they walked back to her Boutique. She thanked him for being a gentle stallion and escorting her home, “do you want to come in?” she asked bluntly holding the door open for him. “Uhh, I think you may have had to much wine Rarity, besides I thought you wanted time to think about us,” he commented, not sure what else do. She laughed at him, falling to the floor on her back. Her dress following her curves to a certain point. “oh my goodness James, darling, not for, not for that…” she said with a blush, turning over she stood back up with a little bit of wobble, “I finished the last of your clothes earlier today. I’ll go get them one second.” She finished walking inside towards a back room. He walked inside at the door and waited. “Pst,” he heard to his right. Looking there he saw Sweetie up the stairs crouched down, “how’d it go?” He looked back to Rarity only to see the door she walk out of sight through the other side of the door, “she said, she wasn’t sure if she wanted to join a herd, but otherwise I think it went well.” “Did she-” “James darling, here you go,” Rarity said loudly from the other side of the room, “oops,” she said bringing a hoof to her mouth, “I hope I didn’t wake Sweetie,” she said, before walking to him with clothes on her back. At the mention he looked back only to find empty stairs, “I think you may want to check if she’s even here before you assume she is,” he said picking up his clothes. “Oh my, you are quite right, I’ll be right back.” She said before hastily and clumsily getting up the stairs. After a moment of waiting she came back, “She’s in her room sleeping,” she said quietly while slowly walking down them using the wall for support. “That’s good,” he said in the same manner, “soo~ I guess I’ll see ya later then?” She hummed in agreement, “I had a very nice time. I wish I could give you a more definitive answer, but I just need some time to think about it.” “I understand. I’m still not so sure about it myself…” he stated, “but S- ahem, my special somepony really wants to make a herd and who am I to deny her something that she wants, especially if that thing is also something that just about every guy, including myself, wants when they’re growing up.” “Ooh and what would that be?” Rarity asked curiously. “Uhhh,” he said with a frown, “well it is rather childish, remember when I mentioned we usually only have couples. Well, most males of my species usually grow up with fantasies of having more than one female to have sex with at the same time.” “Mmm, I suppose I can see where you’re coming from if that kind of thing isn’t common,” she said rather casually, she yawned. “I’ll take that as my que to head home, have a goodnight Rarity.” He said stepping outside. She walked to the door, “Goodnight James,” she said waving him goodbye before closing the door. James walked home. He unlocked and walked in to find Scootaloo reading on the couch with a bunch of comic books on the couch or coffee table. The lamp lit the room. Various coupons and receipts were scattered on the floor. He found the hay fry bag exactly where she threw it on the floor. He was getting a migraine just looking at the mess. He wasn’t going to be the one to clean it. He thought she was reading but on closer inspection he quickly deduced she was actually asleep and drooling on her comic book, which was propped up by a pillow. He walked to her and gently lifted her head and removed the comic book, letting her head rest on the pillow. He then went and got a lite blanket and draped it over her. He turned off the lamp and headed to his room for sleep. > Home Etiquette part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next morning James awoke and got up only to find the lamp beside the couch had been turned on, he could’ve sworn he turned it off. Scootaloo was sleeping curled up in her blanket next to the couchstand. He did his best to avoid and ignore the mess of comic books on his coffee table, some of which were peeking off the edge, and the various papers on the floor. He turned off the lamp (again?) then left through the back to get breakfast. He had a lot of shopping to do today, so much so that he was gonna need a list. Thinking about those got him thinking about Celestia’s student, which in turn made him remember that he wanted to write Celestia a letter. Sure he was do to meet her tomorrow morning, ‘FUCK,’ he thought at a sudden realization. How was he supposed to explain to the ruler of the country and apparent controller of the sun and moon that he was harboring a runaway orphan and did not go to any authorities. What would Celestia do? If only he knew the laws. He would just have to use the cover story, and hope that Celestia hadn’t been keeping track of missing foals. He was screwed. While pondering ways to unscrew himself, he had gotten breakfast and made it back. Opening his front door and lightly closing it after entering, he walked to the kitchen and put down the boxes that contained their food. Scootaloo, at some point, woke up and was quick to make it to the table, “whaaa~” she yawned covering her mouth with a hoof, “what’d you get this time?” He held out his finger and she looked at it confused, “one second,” he clarified. He left the kitchen and got three papers and a pen, then wrote the following. Rules: 1. Clean up after yourself within the same day. 2. Do your homework. Something came to mind and he honestly felt stupid for forgetting such a simple thing. He’d been doing it for at least one whole year even with Sweetie. He supposes Sweetie really set him off balance, or was it rather the potential punishment being with her posed, or perhaps his several near death experiences at the claws of those crab ponies? He rubbed his forehead with his free hand. It was probable all three. He sighed and wrote down what he’d forgotten. 3. Brush your teeth and take showers at least once a day. 4. ... It was a simple list he had to admit. He handed it to her. She grit her teeth looking it over, “What’s with the last rule? Huh? Couldn’t think of anything?” She asked mockingly. “Rule four is me telling you remember our cover story. If you really don’t want to go back to the orphanage then you better know it,” he explained. “I’m not stupid,” She said defencsivly. “I didn’t say you were,” he said, setting his remaining two papers and pen aside, “I have a lot to do today and I would appreciate it if you’d not try to test my patience,” he said grabbing his own food, “I’m trying to help you out,” he said, holding out a box to her. She scowled at him and took the box while muttering something under her breath. He wanted to scold her for the crappy attitude, but the thought wasn’t appealing. It hardly mattered right now anyway. He had to get shopping. He quickly ate his breakfast and put his dishes in the sink before going back to the table. Scootaloo was still eating her food, "could you please not eat like a wild animal and actually chew your food with your mouth closed?" "Ihhuu nu." she muffled out with a mouth full of food before taking a moment to swallow her food and get a drink, "no." She said before going back to eating noisily. "You better not suddenly start choking on me, I don't want to have to save a filly that should know how to eat properly." He stated. She merely stuck out her tongue at him, he didn't give it more then a glance as she was eating when she did so. He sighed took his pen and one of the papers. He wrote a letter to Celestia telling her about how he got roped into foal sitting immediately on his first day of retirement. He ignored Scootaloo's continued noisy eating as he wrote. He of course left out the incriminating details. He then wrote about Scootaloo, who thankfully was no longer eating, in hopes of preempting any possible situation of Celestia finding out the truth. He had to think about that and get his words right. He decided to be vague and give little to no details. He also provided that the fillies and colts here were not spoiled, which was true as far as he could tell. He was tempted to complain about the crab pony incident, but he wondered if she even knew about it, considering the town had not gone under any kind of martial law that he was aware of. With the last paper he wrote a long list of things he needed to do today. He was almost done. *knock knock* He looked up from is ever growing list, and the noise came again, “Scootaloo can you get the door?” he asked knowing she was likely in the living room. “Why can’t you? I’m reading a comic book!” She yelled back from the living room, confirming his suspicions. He couldn’t help but notice Scootaloo had not cleaned up her dishes, boxes, and napkins. She left all that on the table. He groaned, “because I’m in the kitchen and you’re in the living room. You’re closest to it.” "So what, this is your house!" *knock knock* 'yes it is, and that also means I can kick you out,' he thought dryly. "Am I gonna have to bring up the mess you left in the kitchen? All you had to do was bring two plates to the sink and throw away some things." "What? But you're the one who brought that stuff!" "Exactly, I went out and got it then gave it to you and I'm pretty sure you enjoyed it by the fact you ate all of it. The least you can do is take care of it." "Who said I wasn't going to? I'm not breaking your list. It clearly says that I just have to make sure it's done by the end of the day, and it's still morning!" *knock knock* He didn't think she'd be clever enough to use technicalities, but he supposes that was his own error, "That may be true, but it doesn't change the fact that you're closest to the door." “Ugh, FINE!” she yelled, "I'll do it just so I can get back to my comic book," a moment later, the door opened, “It’s that filly, umm-” He could hear Sweetie say her own name, “Sweetie!” Scootaloo said louder. “One moment!” he said , before writing down the last thing on his list. He grabbed both his papers and walked out to see Scootaloo was back to the comic books while Sweetie waited inside at the door, “Hey Sweetie, what brings you by today.” “W-well I-I was just hoping we c-could, but you know-” she half stuttered, while bobbing her head toward Scootaloo, who was pretending to not pay attention. Her ears were clearly locked on to us, as she looked intently at a comic book. “Umm, yoouu mean cooking lessons right?” he almost stuttered, “Yeah,” he said with confidence, “well I have a lot of shopping to do today, anyways. That includes buying ingredients for future lessons, either of you care to help me out?” “No,” Scootaloo answered. “Yes!” Sweetie replied happily. That's not the answer he was hoping for. If Scootaloo is gonna become Sweeties friend they need to spend time together. An idea came to him, “I’ll buy you both some ice cream and give you some money for a movie or bowling or whatever if you help me out,” he offered. Scootaloo got up closing her comic book, “Deal,” she said jumping down from the couch and walking up to Sweetie, who smiled nervously. He smiled at his small victory, “okay, so the first thing I need to do is go to the post offi-” he stopped as he remembered something. “I’ll be right back,” He quickly ran to his room and retrieved the stamp, “okay first stop is the post office.” ============================================================================= During the walk there Scootaloo and Sweetie did some small talk. James mentioned to Sweetie that Scootaloo was new in town, as it aligned with their cover story. He hoped she would’ve offered the pegasus a tour of the town. He even tried hinting at it, and of course they flew over her head, far above. Once there he bought a bunch of letters and other postal related things, and gave them his stamped envelope, after putting in his letter of course. They were quick to send it out. The bank was their next stop. He needed to get some funds, “Okay, let's get out of here,” he said to Sweetie and Scootaloo who impatiently waited for him to get done standing in line and then dealing with the bank teller. They sat on some chairs near the entrance. “I thought you promised us we’d get some ice cream and let us watch a movie, not grow old and die of boredom,” Scootaloo complained as she got off her chair and stretched. “But we’re not old, and we’re not dead,” Sweetie stated as she followed him outside. “Sweetie that was a figure of speech, she didn’t mean it literally.” James explained, as Scootaloo looked to Sweetie, bewildered. “Oh, well you should’ve made him Pinkie Promise if you wanted the ice cream and movie first,” Sweetie suggested. “No pony breaks a Pinkie Promise,” she said in finality. James stopped and looked down to Sweetie for a moment, as his mind wrapped the thought around his head. They stopped looking up at him curiously, “Umm, Sweetie how do you know what a pinky promise is?” They don’t have hands let alone pinkies. “Everypony knows what a Pinkie Promise is.” Sweetie said as if it was obvious. “Speak for yourself,” Scootaloo said, “what’s a pinkie promise?” “Huh? Oh, oh oh!” Sweetie said as if she just realized something, “that’s right your new in town. Wait! never mind then, everypony who lives in Ponyville knows what a Pinkie Promise is at least, I think,” she said with uncertainty. “That doesn’t answer my question, what’s a pinkie promise?” Scootaloo asked again. “It’s-” she stopped herself went somewhat rigged, “cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye.” She said making the appropriate gestures. It was cute and at the end she jabbed her eye lightly. “No way!” James said with a chuckle, “no ahaha freaking way,” he laughed some more, “but you ahaha don’t have pinkies,” he said with a laugh. He pulled himself together rubbing his face, “sorry Sweetie but I was not expecting that. It’s almost exactly like a pinky promise from my world, and you guys don’t even have pinkies.” he said restraining his mirth and showing them what he means, “we call this finger a pinky.” “And what’s a pinky promise from your world like?” Scootaloo asked. He quickly debated whether or not to tell them considering it’s a little more graphic. “Well, consider it a figure of speech but it goes like this. Cross my heart and hope to die, stick a needle in my eye.” He said make the gestures. “Eugh,” Sweetie let out, “my eyes hurt just thinking about it,” she said rubbing her eyes. “I like yours better,” Scootaloo said. “You do, why?” She frowned, “it-it doesn’t matter why I like it more.” “Right…” he really didn’t like not knowing what was going through that fillies head. He’d have to do something about it, but what could he do? “So Sweetie do you know where your version of a pinky promise comes from?” “Pinkie Pie ofcourse,” Sweetie answered, “the funnest mare ever.” He knows Rarity mentioned her at their date so maybe she was a good friend of Rarities? “Huh, well I suppose that explains the name maybe, but not the fact the rhyme or whatever is basically the same.” He rubbed his head. Right, they have a place called Manehatten and Las Pegasus. He shook his head, “Anyways, you’ll get your ice cream and stuff after we do a little bit of shopping. Letsa go!” Scootaloo groaned in embarrassment at his sudden accent and enthusiasm. First they went to Barnyard Bargains to get some flour, sugar, salt, oats, pancake mix, syrup, butter, milk, cheese, jelly, and many other things. Scootaloo grabbed some cereal and snacks while they were there. He was tempted to tell her to put them back, “I don’t have to buy those you know.” He stated. In response she grabbed something else and threw it in the cart. He was gonna have to do something about that attitude. What that was still eluded him. Owell, it wasn’t like he was short on funds. Particularly here in Ponyville, so far it seemed like everything here was five times cheaper than in Canterlot. Sweetie was out getting some things from the list by herself. He’s glad she was because he’s gonna need all the time he can get for all the shopping and stuff he’ll have to do later today. After Barnyard Bargains they went to the street market. He’s only been there a couple times but enough to know where the produce stands tended to be. He gave the fillies some bits to find certain fresh foods. While he was there he figured he’d have a look around. Most of it was food stands; however, he did see some stands selling soap, candles, statuettes, cooking utensils, pottery, and something he could’ve sworn was illegal. It peaked his interest so he made a note to visit said shop later today if he had the time. Once done they made their way back. “Thanks for helping me out,” he said, as he held open the door for the fillies who were carrying their own bags. He’s glad they seemed to be getting along somewhat. Scootaloo seemed to mellow out a bit. “It was fun,” Sweetie said happily. “Yeah, fun,” Scootaloo said adding air quotes with her hooves, “I mean, yeah it was fun,” she amended with false enthusiasm after noticing she had his attention. Sweetie gasped, “you think so too?” She asked turning face to face, “the only thing that could make it better i-” She began excitedly before covering her own mouth a blush evident. Scootaloo clearly unnerved backed away and faced James, “So what about that ice cream and movie you promised?” “First things first, help me put all this stuff in the kitchen.” They did so though Scootaloo grumbled about it, “Okay, I have a lot of shopping to do today. As you know Sweetie some of my things went missing when I moved here and I plan on buying replacements and some other stuff while I’m at it.” “I can help you with that,” Sweetie offered. “I know you can, but I think it’d be best if you gave Scootaloo a tour of town and maybe got to know her a little since she’ll be living with me for the foreseeable future. We of course will continue our cooking lessons, sorry I haven't been able to resume them yet, but as you can see we just got done shopping for basic cooking ingredients, and before that we just got done setting up the house. So maybe tomorrow we’ll be able to resume cooking lessons.” Sweetie looked at him blankly before getting a devilish smile, “rii~ght, cooking,” she said with a wink. He narrowed his eyes, “Yes, Sweetie cooking,” he said flatly. She giggled into her hoof. He rolled his eyes. He grabbed and handed them two small bag of bits, “Use this on ice cream and a movie or whatever. Take as long as you want, like I said I might be gone till nine, even. So take your time since the house will be locked.” “We get it, don’t come here till it’s dark out yada yada, come on let's go Sweetie.” Scootaloo said turning and leaving. “Umm,” Sweetie said looking up to him clearly unsure. He kneeled down and gestured her over, she quickly ran up to him and he halted her with a hand, “Sweetie try to make sure she doesn’t get back here until late, I was serious about me having a lot to do today. With that said if something happens I should be back here at five before I have some stuff to do, otherwise go to Rarity.” “We could help you out,” she said with a pout. “I know, but I don’t think Scootaloo is up for more shopping, just go have some fun,” he said patting her on the head. “Okay,” she said a little down trodden. He sighed and leaned in close, “I have a surprise for Scootaloo but I didn’t want her to know about it. She’s been in a bad mood because of reasons I can’t get into, let's just say it’s why she’ll be living with me for a while, and I was hoping to get her out of it, the bad mood that is. Don’t worry you’ll get to see the surprise as well,” “Really?” She asked, as smile forming on her face. “Just keep it a secret for now, this is why I don’t want you here till late, it’ll ruin the surprise, and please keep it a secret.” She let out a giggle, “okay.” “Now get out of here,” he said out loud playfully pushing her away. “What was that about,” Scootaloo asked as Sweetie pranced outside. “Nothing,” Sweetie sang, “lets go get some ice cream!” “About time!” Scootaloo agreed. “Alright,” he said in the house, “you fillies have fun! I have to do something before I go.” he explained. “Bye!” Sweetie said waving and walking down the walkway with Scootaloo. He put away his stamp and double checked his list for anything to add. Once done he locked his front door and set off. > Home Etiquette part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- He got done shopping for everything on his list. It actually went by a lot faster than he assumed it would. Who knew having money would make the choices so much easier? The first thing he did was go buy some quick drying light blue paint and higher somepony to paint Scootaloo’s new room. He knew her favorite color was blue. He took the pony to his house and showed the room he wanted painted. He left the pony his key and told the guy he’d be back at his store to pick it up later. After that he bought her a bed, pillows, dresser, desk, desk lamp, and some chairs for the desk and his dining table. He got some replacement clocks. He also got a good step stool, so she could actually reach the shower knob, and a bathroom mat so it was less dangerous. He paid them to deliver it all to him later today. The next thing he did was buy some buy a heavy Wonder Bolts themed bed sheet. He also bought some Wonder Bolts posters. He searched the market for anything he thinks she might like. He ended up buying sports related items. It also reminded him about the shop he wanted to check out, which he did have time to check out. Holding his large bag of various balls and pads he stood outside a large dark purple tent with a sign at the entrance that read “Enchanted Items and Enchanting Services.” and another sign below that, that read, “for all your enchanting needs!” He had a passing interest in enchanting when he learned it was a thing. He was told it was illegal and they seemed very serious about it so he just dropped the issue. Then forgot about it as he had other things to worry about; well that, and he wasn’t particularly interesting in going to jail for owning an enchanted comb or something. He was curious though, and he fully intended to sate it enough to at least know why it’s illegal. Then again, perhaps not. He doubted this tent would be up so proudly promoting enchanting if it was illegal. Even still, he had yet to see any guards after a freaking invasion from another race or subrace. Only one way to find out. He stepped inside the tent, “Hello?” he asked as he walked into the dark interior the only light source was a candle. On what he would guess was a table. The light seemed to not even reach the full length of the table despite how dark it was inside. He continued towards the light, “anyone here? Hello!” He yelled. “Gah,” a female screamed before he heard a thump followed by a lot of something's falling. He couldn’t say what except there was a lot and they were heavy and somewhat small. “Augh~” groaned the same voice. “Hey are you okay? I can’t see anything, except for this candle.” He heard some movement, “can you blow out the candle please?” She asked. Her voice was sweet and excitable but clearly recovering from whatever pain she just received. “I can barely see as it is, I don’t want to-” “Just do it,” she commanded, “please,” she added. He couldn’t see how this would help but did so anyways. The moment he did the darkness dissipated revealing the rest of the tent. Two candles with a bluish flame where on either side while a third one was in the back. Her cutie mark was that of a red gem with magic particles around it. “Oh, what a disaster,” she commented, “I was just testing my newest enchantment,” said a young dark blue unicorn mare with a cute light yellow mane as she rubbed her head still looking down at the mess below. Slightly above her was two wooden shelves each with various sized boxes. On the ground was three larger boxes with various items. They were labeled ‘junk,’ ‘DO NOT SELL EVER!,’ and ‘completed request.’ Most of the boxes in the bottom shelf had tipped over, their contents spilled on the ground. It appeared to be various gems. James drew his attention back to the candle, which was actually on a wide countertop that also had a cash register on it, and display case below, “So did blowing out that candle turn on those candles or what?” He asked. “I was testing out a light sucking enchantment for a client. So what you saw was what the enchantment couldn’t contain.” She explained as her horn lit up and a broom and dustpan came to her, “sorry about the-” she began before looking up for the first time and noticing him. She froze momentarily, “m-mess, so how can I help y-you?” She asked as she continued swiping the gems into the dustpan. “I actually have a question, I was under the impression that enchanting was illegal?” he questioned. She snorted, “maybe in hoity toity Canterlot, but not the rest of Equestria, as far as I’m aware.” “Oh, do you know why that is?” “The nobles in Canterlot believe that it’ll somehow bring down the city.” “Sounds like you’ve been to Canterlot,” he said with a knowing smirk. “Ugh, don’t remind me, worst week of my life.” “I’ll try not to, but can enchanting really bring that city down?” “I don’t see how, I know of a couple enchants that could potentially interfere with the enchants helping hold the city up, but I think you’d need about forty unicorns to make a dent in those enchants.” “I suppose even a small chance is a good reason, in my world we can’t use cellphones on airplanes for fear of them interfering with a piece of equipment and somehow causing them to crash, even though it certainly seems like we should be beyond that limitation by now, maybe not, what do I know?” “What’s a cellphone?” she asked. “It's a device that lets you talk to anyone from just about anywhere in the world, and a bunch of other things now that they’re basically pocket computers.” “Interesting, that leaves me with more questions...,” she said rubbing her chin in thought, “umm right, so was there anything I could help you with mister?” “James Copperback and yes, I was interested in what kind of enchantments you have to offer and how they work.” “Well, I hav-” she looked blankly into space for a moment, “wait, did you say your world?” She said with an almost creepy grin. “Yes, but I-” She let out a squeal of delight and mushed her face between her front hooves, “ohmygosh you’re an alien! Eheehehehee,” she laughed excitedly and pranced in spot like a dog chasing his tail. It never gets old watching ponies be excited about anything. “... are you done uh, what’s your name?” She nodded clearly embarrassed by her outburst, “Oh, I’m Sapphire Light it’s a pleasure to meet you James Copperback from a different world,” she finished with a little giggle, “sorry, I'm a huge fan of the Sector 51 comics.” He blinked, “that’s fine Sapphire,” he said, causing her to grin maniacally at him, “Luckily for you I actually have some time to kill, not much, but some for sure. Now, before I answer any of your questions I want to learn more about enchanting.” “Oh fine!” she said in clearly mock disappointment, “So what do you want to know?” She asked with an eager smile. “Well, there is something that comes to mind, for reasons, but do you have any sound nullification enchants?” She blinked a couple times and brought a hoof to her chin, “kind of…” “What’s that mean?” “Well… it’s more of an amplification enchant I use to make hearing aids,” she explained, “but I might be able to make a sound nullification enchant!” She added quickly. “Okay, what other kinds of enchants do you have?” “Let’s see there’s...” ============================================================================= James picked up his keys and paid the pony who painted Scootaloo’s room. He must have stayed at Sapphires shop longer than he intended as all of the stuff he wanted delivered was outside his house in the front yard. He quickly went to work bringing it inside before setting up her new room. It wouldn’t be much of a surprise if Scootaloo saw all her new stuff sitting on the front lawn. He almost slipped on a piece of paper she had left on the floor while doing so and decided to do the smart thing. He put the various papers and trash on the floor on the coffee table just to be safe, including the fry bag she had yet to even touch. She was going to throw whatever she didn’t want away, or he was going to throw everything on the coffee table away. Including the comic books. He checked on her room and was glad to see the paint job was professional, and that the quick drying paint was true to its name. He opened the window to air it out. After bringing everything inside and all of it out of sight of the living room in case Scootaloo and Sweetie ended up stopping by for whatever reason. He went to work bringing things into her room, starting with her unassembled bed frame that he then assembled. He had to think about where best to place everything. He decided to place her bed on the far left side wall where he entially found her sleeping with all his blankets and stuff. He then placed her desk on the right side wall with chair and plugged in the lamp, which he placed on top of said desk. He was in the middle of moving her dresser to its spot on the left side next to the door, when the entrance to the house door slammed closed, “Jameeees!,” he heard Sweetie wail out before he heard crying. He stopped what he was doing and quickly left the room to the hallway. He found Sweetie on the couch. Face and one hoof buried in a pillow as she cried. Hard tears running down her cheeks and onto the pillow, “Sweetie what’s wrong?” he asked as he swiftly approached. Removing herself from the pillow but keeping a hoof to her eye she looked up to him. With her free hoof she pointed to the eye her other hoof was holding and slowly removed it slightly giving him a glimpse of her swollen bruised eye, “let me get some ice for that,” said before quickly doing just that. His mind raced as he wondered what had happened. That was a pretty nasty black eye. Did she trip and fall on something? Did somepony hit her? Either way, he wasn’t happy at all. He returned and gently placed a bag of frozen peas on her eye. One of the many things he’d gotten earlier that day. He then picked her up and hugged her, keeping the pack of frozen peas on her eye as softly as possible. She hugged him back as she cried out some more, tears running down his shoulder and back. After a little bit more crying she whimpered and snuffed her runny nose, calming down, “do you think you can tell me what happened and where’s Scootaloo?” He asked as he set her down next to him on the couch. Sweetie snorted derisively and frowned looking away, “She punched me and stole my b-bits.” “Who did!?” He asked loudly. He assumed Scootaloo, but it just made no sense. She was so dead against going back to an orphanage. She just seemed too smart to do something so stupid, not to mention the fact they actually seemed to be getting along somewhat. He just really didn’t want to believe it. “She said I-” she said about to cry again, “she said I was a spoiled brat, and then-” she gasped and cried out, “and then she punched me and stole the b-bits you gave me. I-I tried to get them back, but I-I-” she began crying again gasping for breath. He brought her to another hug, “hey, hey, it’s okay. I don’t care about the bits. Who did this?” He asked again. “Bu-but-” she gasped out, letting out a whine. “Sweetie all I care about is that you’re okay, now could you please tell me who did this and where’s Scootaloo for that matter?” She got her breathing under control, “Probable watching ‘Masked Matter Horn,’ and buying extra snacks with the-” she sniffed looked about to burst into tears again. “Calm down Sweetie. Wait, do you mean Scootaloo did this to you?” She sniffed and shook her head yes confirming his gut instinct, “why?” It really made no sense to him. He felt like he was getting a migraine. She shrugged, and sniffed her nose again. He frowned, “well what were you talking about or doing before she went and did all that?” “I was telling her about my parents,” she gave a little sniff. He rubbed his chin with an angry frown. He was tempted to go to the movie theater and carry her out. He wondered what she would do now. Would she just run away? If so, he would make sure the authorities knew about her. If only for her own safety, but he wouldn’t go out looking for her himself. Promise be damned. Getting Sweetie to cry, stealing, and hitting her. Well, he was pissed. He needed to do something radical to change her behavior. His mind went into overdrive thinking about how to handle this, provided he got the chance. He wasn’t going to break his promise if she had the nerve to show up after this. He could threaten to break his promise, but she would just threaten him back and make up a story about how he’s the one responsible for Sweeties black eye. She was assuredly clever enough to do so. It just made him more angry. He asked her to be friends with Sweetie not this, “did any pony see her do it?” She sniffed and looked in thought for a moment, “I don’t think so.” “Of course not,” he said rubbing his head in frustration. He let out a long drawn out sigh for what he had to do, “listen Sweetie,” he said caressing her ear with his thumb, “does your sister know what happened?” She nodded no. He figured not as he’s pretty sure she would be here yelling at him, “do you think you could maybe not tell your sister what happened? Tell her you fell or something.” “Why?” she asked curiously as she held her the bag of peas to her bruised eye and tried to rub her head into his hand. “Because I promised Scootaloo that I would try to stop something from happening and if you tell your sister how you got that black eye, well, it would make it harder for me to keep that promise, she also-” he was about to tell her about the threat Scootaloo made and how it would jeopardize himself and by extension their relationship. He doesn’t want to find out what Sweetie would do in such a situation. “She what?” She asked letting the bag of peas away from her swollen eye for a moment. He frowned at the sight, “it doesn’t matter, so do you think you could keep this from Rarity?” “Why are you so-so I don’t know, I feel like you’re on her side,” she commented, bringing the bag back to her eye. “I AM NOT!” He yelled breathing in and out hard, surprising himself with his outburst, and freaking out Sweetie as she ducked away from his hand and looked up to him with fear, still holding onto the bag somehow. “I’m sorry about that,” he apologised quickly and reigned in his feelings as much as he could. She seemed to accept it just as fast because she was back to his hand, “look, it’s complicated Sweetie, but can you please believe me when I say Scootaloo has some tough issues she’s dealing with and that if I have the chance I will make her feel sorry about everything she just did to you if she doesn’t already. So please don’t tell your sister.” “Okay,” she agreed, much to his relief, “but only because you said it would make things difficult for you. I don’t like lying to my sister.” He sighed, “I know and thanks,” he said picking her up and giving her a hug. He set her down, “you don’t need to lie though, just say you’ll tell her later or to come talk to me about it.” “Okay...” she said with a small smile. Then silence for a moment, “soo~ when are you going to get another mare into our herd,” she said wiggling her little rump as her tail swayed while she had a sly smile, still holding the bag close to her eye, “like Rarity.” He blinked at the change of topic, “just Rarity?” “Any mare really, I just really really want to see you make” she said seductively with her unobstructed eye fluttering, “my sister happy.” He really did love her cute squeaky voice, even if it was slightly groovily from her recent crying, “well, she’s thinking about it, not much I can do besides continuing to try and swoon her and potentially losing her interest via giving her too much attention.” “I doubt that, she loves attention,” she said with a frown. “Err, well, I did meet a mare today who was interesting, though I don’t know what she thinks about herds and what not…” “Did you like her?” Sweetie asked. “Yeah I’d say I do.” “Ask her out and find out. I want you to be happy.” “I am happy with just you, you know, but you seem really set on this herd thing aren’t you?” She merely blushed and nodded while still holding onto the bag, “and you really don’t mind if I’m continuously going on dates to get to know more mares to potentially join the herd?” “The more the merrier!” she chirped bobbing her head, “gah,” she yelped as she bobbed her head into the bag perhaps a little too much. “Careful,” he urged before sighing, “I want you to be happy.” He said giving her ear a scratch, “so I’ll try to make sure they’re someone who won’t make either of us miserable.” “Sooo can we have sex?” “I’d love to but I don’t want Scootaloo walking in on us and I was in the middle of getting her surprise ready.” He explained. He was impressed with how good a mood Sweetie was in. “Oh,” she said flatly. “Do you want to see what her surprise is?” He asked. “Sure,” she said, none of the enthusiasm she had moments earlier was there. He showed her what he got done so far with Scootaloo’s new room, provided she doesn’t run away, “I was getting her new room ready, it’s not done yet but there’s going to be some Wonder Bolts posters, Wonder Bolts bedsheet, and a-” “I’m sure she’ll love it,” Sweetie interrupted suddenly and perhaps a little too sweetly, “I’m getting tired, I’m gonna go,” she said before hobbling out of room, bag in hoof to bruised eye. “Sweetie wait, what’s wrong?” as he stepped out into the hallway. “It’s just I feel like you care more about Scootaloo than you do me right now, and I know that’s not right but-but you’re doing so much for her and she’s ruining the time we have together. Even when she’s not here!” Sweetie explained, frustration clear in her voice. He kneeled down to the ground, “come here,” holding out his arms. She came over to him and he picked her up and brought her to a kiss. She was quick to use her tongue and moan into his mouth. Her tongue danced around his. He let his tongue show her how much he cared. After a little bit he stopped kissing her and she lit out a little whine of disappointment, “I know it may feel like it’s been forever since we did it,” he thought better of his phrasing, knowing her, “umm, had sex that is, but it has only been a couple of days. When was the last time Rarity had a special somepony do you think?” “Uhh, I don’t think she’s ever had a special somepony. It’s why I want her in our herd," she answered after a moment of thought, "I want her to be happy,” she added sounding so innocent and adorable. “Aww, well if that’s the case then that would mean you might’ve had sex before your sister and she’s older then you,” she looked at him blankly, he gave her kiss on the lips, “what I’m trying to say is that sex isn’t eveything in life and that, if your sister who’s much older then you can wait to have it then so can you.” “Oh, I guess that makes sense,” she said, “but I really really want you to-” “I know,” he interrupted before she could potentially swear again, “look how about this, once a week, at least, we will try find a time to have sex. Hows that sound?” “...I’ll take what I can get,” she said finally. He set her on the ground, “I’m glad to hear you say that. Not everyone gets what they want, anyways, I think you should head back to Rarity’s I still have to set up Scootaloo’s room before she shows up, if she shows up.” “Why wouldn't she show up?" She questioned. "I can't answer that, I'm sorry. Just, please trust me when I say it's for a good reason." He stated. "I do trust you and don’t worry I’ll tell Rarity I was running and fell.” Sweetie said as she hobbled for the front door, still holding on the bag of frozen peas. “Thanks,” he said while walking to the door to open it for her, “I’ll see yeah sometime tomorrow.” He said waving her goodbye. She kind of waved back with the bad of peas before hobbling away. His shirt was wet with tears and sweat so he changed it out. He went back to work, his mind aflame with ideas on how to handle this appropriately. ============================================================================= James closed all the curtains and had the front door unlocked. Every other escape route was locked. He peeked outside, waiting for a certain filly. He wasn’t sure if he should be surprised, relieved or what when he saw the orange pegasus. He was clenching his teeth though. He quickly got on the side of the door and waited. It felt like forever, until the door finally opened and she barged in like she owned the place with snacks in hoof. That is until he slammed the door and promptly locked it. He breathed in and relaxed, “have a seat,” he commanded, “we need to talk,” he said calmly while gesturing to the couch. “Umm, sure.” She said hesitantly, before hopping on the couch, snacks still in hoof. He sat on the couch next to her and took her box of candies and put it on the coffee table, “hey I was eating those.” “Why did you hit Sweetie?” He asked straight up, completely ignoring her complaint. “I don’t have to answer that.” She said neutrally. “Yes you do,” he challenged. “Oh yeah and what’re you gonna do? Kick me out? Get yourself thrown in jail? I knew I shouldn’t have trusted you!” She got off the couch and began gathering her comic books from the coffee table. Pushing some of the trash back on the ground while doing so. “I made you a promise and I intend to keep it,” he said, barely containing his anger, “with that said, however, the only way I would break it is for your own safety. Which is to say if you run away I will not hesitate to let everyone know you were here so they have an idea of where to start looking for you, also did I say I was going to kick you out?” She was at the door with her stuff but unable to open it, “so what I can still live here?” “Yes, now please take a seat we need to talk.” She laid her stuff beside the door and came back clearly agitated, “I’m not telling you anything,” she said as came back to the couch. “Please, just tell me why you hit and stole from Sweetie. Make this easier on both of us.” He begged, he was trying so hard to keep his anger in check. “What’re you gonna do? Ask me forever? I’ll just give you the same answer. Ground me? Eventually, you’re going to make me go to school and that’s freedom enough. I’ve lived without treats and bits most of my life so I don’t care if you stop giving them to me and I know you won’t stop feeding me if you’re so set on my well being.” “I can burn all your comic books to ash and make you watch. You seem pretty attached to them.” She frowned, “I don’t care, I doubt you’d let me have them if I was grounded anyways.” He couldn’t believe her because she was right, “So you think you got it all figured out? That you have me beat? That you’re okay living here with nothing to do all day, that sounds like jail to me.” “It’s better than the orphanage!” she yelled. “You need to tell me why that is. Just tell me why you hit Sweetie.” “Not happening.” His eye twitched and he ground his teeth, “Fine, I tried to give you a way out. So tell me, do you know what corporal punishment is?” “Bttt aha,” She laughed, “you’re gonna send me to a military boot camp? That actually sounds kind of cool.” She exclaimed. He picked her up and placed her across his lap, “hey what are you doing?” She yelled as he easily held her down. “Corporal punishment is physical punishment, do you know that means?” “Let go of me,” she yelled as she struggled to get free. “It means, I’m going to spank you," he informed. Her attempts to escape doubled and her tail shot down tightly against herself, “you wouldn’t dare! I’ll tell them you hit me and it wouldn’t be a lie! LET ME GO!” “Are you gonna talk to me?” “SCREW YOU!” She screeched as she struggled every way she could. “Well then, as you would say, not happening.” he said coldly. With his free hand and a little bit of effort he grabbed the base of her tail and pried it away from her butt, exposing her privates to the air. Her tail was constantly trying to escape his hand. He handed off her tail to the other that was pinning her down, “DON’T!” Scootaloo yelled as she continued her struggles. Now with his hand free once more he looked to her unprotected rear. It was significantly different than Sweeties. Where Sweeties holes were inconspicuous and almost hidden. Scootaloo’s were boastful and proud. Her fur suddenly stopped and the darker shade of the orange skin that made up her privates began, almost even protruding but not quite. Scootaloo’s asshole was basically a true ponut. It wasn’t wrinkly but did have a few deep smooth creases comparable to waves of the ocean. It was pretty much the same size as Sweeties though despite the clear difference in appearance. Her vulva was pristine, sealed, and hard to ignore. He noticed all of that within two seconds, despite not really intending to. He guided his free hand to her bottom and lined it up so he wouldn’t accidently hit her pussy. He honestly wasn’t sure about spanking a pony because their butt cheeks or whatever were much more narrow and less pronounced than humans tended to be. He also wasn’t taught anything about it while he trained to be a royal foalsitter, which also means he hadn’t done it yet. Despite desperately feeling some of those brats in Canterlot needed a reality check. Actually, the so called adults needed one as well. *Smack* “Gah!” He gave her a fairly hard hit and she seemed to not like it as she continued her struggles, “Are you going to talk now?” Her buttocks seemed unchanged. “LET GO OF ME YOU JERK!” *Smack* *Smack* “All you need to do is talk and I’ll stop,” he explained. This time around he could see her posterior was getting ever so slightly a little red. “Let me go or I’ll-” “You’ll what? You’re not in any kind of position to make demands.” “I-I’ll give that spoiled brat another black eye!” *SMACK* *SMACK* SMACK* ~ “Staahhhpppp,” Scootaloo wailed as he came back to his senses and noticed the filly he was holding was crying loudly and unabashedly with her wings outstretched. His hand was raised for another go, he let it go slack and looked to her thoroughly abused backside. A moment later, he realised just how hard he’d been hitting her. Her entire postier was red even her pussy was red and slightly puffy as he must have hit it accidentally when he lost control. Her rump looked soo sweltering red hot he could’ve sworn he saw steam coming off of it. He couldn’t believe it but he actually was seeing steam coming off of it, “oh my gosh, Scootaloo I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to go this far,” he apologized. “I GAHAHAH HA-HATE YOU!” she managed to screech out while still crying uncontrollably. He did the only thing that came to mind. He picked her up and brought her to a hug. She tried punching him but in her state all she managed was wildly swinging a hoof on his shoulder which he used to make it a better hug. It was a little different with her outstretched wings in the way, but manageable. Her tears ran down his back as he sat there waiting for her to calm down. He held her close, “I’m sorry,” he apologized once again after she seemed to be a little bit more in control of herself. “Gahaaha le-aha let goaa aha of me!” she cried out. “Not until you see reason.” He said as he gave her what he hoped would be a comforting squeeze. Her cries and muffled complaints eventually died out to sniffles, and it seemed like forever to get to this point. Her wings also settled in. “Stop,” she sniffled, “just stop.” Her voice significantly more gravelly than usual. “I did stop.” He said. “No you didn't. I’m not-” she began and cried out a little bit, “I’m not-” she cried out even more. “You’re not what? Sorry? Going to say anything? “No,” she cried out, “I’m just a useless pegasus. I’m not-” she breathed in, “I’M NOT WORTH ANYTHING!” She yelled out before letting her head fall on his shoulder and going slack, as if she shutdown. He gave her a squeeze hoping to comfort her, “why would you say a thing like that?” He was met with silence, outside of her nasally breathing. “I’m going to hug you until you tell me what you meant because I can tell you right now, that is NOT true.” After what seemed like another forever she finally spoke up, “what was that?” “My parents didn’t want me.” She sniffed, “the-they tossed me in a dumpster like trash when I was a foal,” she explained, “I don’t even know my birthday. Not like it matters. It would’ve been better if I stayed there.” She added. James couldn’t believe his ears. “No, it would not have,” he responded. He was beginning to feel angry again, but not the kind born out of frustration. This was righteous anger. “YES IT WOULD! Be-because instead I got to watch the others ge-get adopted into happy families while I was never even-” she sniffled, “even given a chance.” “That can not be true,” he said more to himself than her. “IT IS! No pony wants a useless garbage pegasus that CAN’T FLY!” She sniffled and he could feel new tears running down his back again. “That makes no sense, why would that stop any pony from adapting you? Earth ponies and unicorns don’t have wings.” She sniffed, “because you need to be able to fly if you live in Las Pegasus, I would’ve just been a pointless burden to any-anypony du-dumb enough to adopt me," she said her voice going up some octaves near the end as she fought the need to cry. He was beginning to get the picture and he didn't like it at all, “What’s stopping you from flying?” “Tha-thaumic detere-” she breathed in, “deterioration disorder. It somehow messes with my wings,” she explained. How come she was never brought to a different more land based orphanage if that was the case? This was something he intended to have fixed. So something like this never happened again. He then recalled something that happened just earlier today and it made perfect sense to him right now, “wait is that why you like my version of the pinky promise better?” She sniffed, “uh huh.” “How did you get to Ponyville?” “We had a field trip to Manehattan's Museum of Art or whatever. I ditched them and took the train. I ended up here,” she answered much more calmly but her voice was still hard. “Why did you give Sweetie a black eye and steal from her?” She let out a resigned sigh, “She complained about how her parents were never around and that sometimes she felt like she didn’t have any. Right after she got done telling me about how great they were, it just-” she breathed in and out, “it just made me angry. Wha-what are you going to do with me?” She asked with some fear in her voice. “Do you feel sorry about what you did to Sweetie?” “I-yeah…” she admitted looking down in shame. “You know, I have a surprise for you that I think you might like…” “You do?” “Yeah, let me show you,” he said before gently setting her on the couch beside him. He got up and walked towards her new room, “follow me,” she didn’t. She just kind of limped to the edge of the couch, “do you want me to carry you?” He asked looking into her blood shot eyes. “No,” she said before leaping off the couch onto the living room floor. “GAH!” she screamed in pain, almost agony, as her hind legs gave out closely followed by her front hooves from lack of concentration. It was a horrific scene. Fresh tears began spilling. Her tail was raised away from her rump as she laid on the floor. “JESUS! Scootaloo, let me see if I have anything that can help.” He quickly ran to the bathroom and got his medical kit. He got the pony equivelant to Ben Gay. He returned finding the filly in the same spot and position wiping her eyes, “do you think you’re able to stand?” He asked as he approached. “I can- ga-” she cried out trying to stand up, but simply falling back down. He sat down next to her and put her across his lap once more, “Here, this stuff should help with the pain,” He said as he showed her the tube while uncapping it. He put a sizeable dolope on his index and middle finger before he realized exactly where he was going to be putting those fingers. Her tail was already a good distance away from her rump which gave him a decent view of things. The thing was he needed an even better view if only to avoid giving her more pain, among other things, “does it hurt to move your tail?” “A little.” “Do you think you could lift it up for me so I can put on this stuff?” He asked showing her the stuff in question. Her tail lifted out of the way and once again he got to see her abused backside. It was no longer steaming so that’s something, but it was still red hot. He lowered his two fingers to the base of her tail and started there. He slowly and methodically applied the gel to her postier, “eh,” she sounded as soon as he reached her ponut. Her tail went down on his hand causing him to accidentally apply more overall pressure than needed, “pshh,” she breathed out. “Did I hurt you?” He asked in concern as he swiftly removed his fingers. “N-no it’s just really cold and slimy and I guess it does sting a bit,” she answered. He applied more of the gel to his finger and sent them back down, “could you lift your tail again?” She did so and he decided to get what passes as her butt cheeks before going for her more exposed bits. “Mm, that feels nice,” she said as he applied the gel over cheeks, “aa,” he must have touched a particularly sensitive spot because her tail shot down again, “OW,” which in turn put more pressure on said spot. “Sorry, your tail kind of gave me no choice,” he apologised removing his hand, “do you want me to hold your tail so that doesn’t happen again?” “I-I guess,” she answered. With his free hand he once again applied some gel before sitting the tube on the ground and gently yet firmly grabbing her tail. He finished what little there was left of her buttocks before he moved his fingers back to her ponut. The second the gel touched the soft skin of her plump little asshole, at least when compared to Sweetie’s, her tail once again tried to shoot down, “Gah that’s so cold,” she complained. Once he was done with that he moved to the finale thing he needed to do. Her pussy lips were clearly a victim of his uncontrolled spanking, “gaah that stings!” Her tail once again trying to escape his hand. “I know, I’m almost done,” He acknowledged, as he continued his gentle decent down her tight looking lips. She sucked in a breath as his slimy fingers fondled her hyper sensitive skin, likely trying to hold back her involuntary noises of pain, he assumed. He didn't want to think about the other thing it could be. He had hoped he would’ve had enough ointment to finish this off but the fur of her buttcheek soaked up a considerable amount more than he anticipated, “hold on a moment I need a little bit more,” he said releasing her tail and grabbing the tube before applying what he felt should be enough to finish this off. He grabbed her tail again and began from just above where he left off. Slowly and gently he went downwards, ignoring the little sounds of displeasure she made. That's all it was. There was no hints of pleasure in it all, or at least he told himself that. “Ehhhmmm!” she complained as he reached the bottom. She was clearly trying not to get defensive by the fact her wings were trying to stand out again and she was clearly trying to make them not do so. “I’m done,” he said releasing her tail which went back to its position rather raised away from her rear, “are you feeling better? Is it working?” “It still stings but a little less. I feel the air, it's wet and chilly." she answered. "What about your tail? does that still hurt to move?" He questioned. "Kind of," she said her tail moving around a little bit, "but not too much, so I guess it’s working.” “Glad to hear it,” he said gently picking her up, “so do you want to see that surprise?” “Ye-” she yawned, “-ah.” It was late for someone her age after all. All that crying she did took up a decent chunk of time. “You know what, close your eyes, I don’t want to give you any clues,” she did so. He carried her to her room and struggled to open the door for a moment. Once it was open and he turned the lights on he held her away from him kind of at an angle so he could see her face better, “Okay, open them!” She looked around confused, “this is your own room," he explained, "I pretty much spent all day getting it ready for you, what do you think?” “I-thanks,” she said in a resigned fashion looking down sadly. “Did I forget something?” “No, it-it’s perfect. I just…” she sniffed, “I want a family, I want somepony to tuck me into bed and read me a story. I want somepony to ki-kiss my boo-boo's away, to tell me everything will be okay and say that they’re pro-proud of me,” she said calmly as a couple tears ran down her cheeks, “I feel like that’s never going to happen now, and I hate it.” “Hey Scootaloo, I don't like having to say this to you, but life isn’t fair," he commented. "I know that far to well," she informed. "I suppose you would, but did you know I’m not even from this world?” She lazily shook her head no, “then let me tell you that being involuntarily whisked away into another world sucks. I don’t think I’ll ever see any of my family again, and they'll probable never know what happened to me.” “Oh, that sucks," she said weakly. "It just happens, some people get the short straw, and I know you have it bad but others have it worse, also, who says I can't tuck you into bed and read you a story? I may not be the parent that you want but that doesn't mean I can't do those things for you." "Really?" She exclaimed, her ears perking up as she looked to him, "you would be my parent?" "I-I didn't mean it that way," he stuttered. "Oh," she said neutrally ears drooping a little. "What I meant was those are things anyone can do. In fact that's what I did as a foalsitter. Let me prove it," he said kneeling down and gently tucking her into her new bed, "is their any kind of story that you like?" "I-I don't know." "I think I know one you might like. I'll be right back," he quickly went to his room and got a book the few colts he foalsat seemed to like. He turned on the lamp and off the main lights under her watchful eyes. "Could you leave the lamp on for the night?" he nodded yes maybe with a questioning look, "I-I'm scared of the dark," she provided. That explained why he's been finding his living room lamp on. He didn't peg her as someone scared of the dark, especially considering he found her asleep in this very room with no lights on. "I'll get you a night light, but I guess the lamp will have to do for tonight," He got on his knees next to her and made a show of opening the book, "There once was a-" … Sometime near the end of the of the story Scootaloo fell asleep but he kept reading it till the end. She laid there sleeping peacefully. He couldn't resist but to give her forehead a innocent kiss. He could've sworn she seemed more at ease after it, or his mind was playing tricks on him. One thing was for sure, if she wasn't feeling at least a little better by tomorrow he was going to take her to a hospital to make sure he didn't screw up royally. On top of that she needed a shower as she was starting to smell again. He silently left her room and went to his. Thinking of 'royally,' he set his alarm clock early as he had no idea when Celestia could show up, 'morning' means many different things to different people and she supposedly lowered and raised the moon and sun. He'd rather not keep her waiting. He knows she's constantly busy and missing their little get together because he was sleeping in was an unacceptable outcome, especially when he had no real job obligations. He switched out his shirts for the second time because of filly tears and got on his bed. He got comfortable before closing his eyes. He tried to get to sleep but all he could think about was what Scootaloo had told him. He had a hard time believing that dumpster babies were a thing in this world. He wondered if he should inform Celestia about such a grievous oversight. It was a long night before his mind got some rest. > Home VR > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *RINRINGRINGRING~* With a sleep deprived groan James reached out to his classic looking physical based alarm clock and hit the button to get it to stop. He felt dead and relieved that the ringing was over. He yawned as he lazily sat up. He checked the time or tried to at least, his room was too dark. Recalling the time set for the alarm, he strongly suspected he only received about two to three hours of sleep, great. He got out of bed and lazily made his way to his bathroom. He was tempted to check in on Scootaloo just to make sure she was still here. He highly doubted that she was going to run away, not in the condition he put her in. He also didn’t want to accidentally wake her up this ungodly early. He took a quick shower. It was cold to help himself wake up and encourage himself to make it short. He didn’t want to keep Celestia waiting if she showed up at the door. After the shower he felt more awake, but not quite, so he went and made himself a coffee. While waiting for the water to boil he cleaned up the living room. He used the living rooms main lights, which thankfully, the bathroom lights had prepared him for. It was hard not to think about Scootaloo. He needed to talk to her again and see how she was doing after all that. Her situation made him sad. He even found himself considering adopting her. He had the money and decent enough know how. She definitely perked up at the idea. The thing was, he felt conflicted about the idea. He didn’t feel worthy especially considering Sweetie. He really liked Sweetie, maybe even loved. She was caring, excitetable, accepting, cute, smart (academically at least,) and overall sweet. They were both so young. The idea of raising one while being in a relationship with the other while they’re both pretty much the same age just felt off and wrong. He might as well have been raising Sweetie or in a relationship with Scootaloo while he was at it. He just couldn’t bring himself to seriously considering to adopt her. Heck, even if he did try. He assumes they’d scrutinize his life. He believed they would find out about Sweetie, and that was a risk he was not willing to take. He knows Sweetie would be devastated if they sent him to jail. He didn’t much like the thought of her crying about such a thing. Blinking his eyes, the empty and drying coffee mug sat on the table as he rubbed his head. He’s been thinking too much lately, he noted. He still felt that burning edge demanding that he get some sleep, but much less so then when he first got up. The moment he got back into the living room after putting the coffee cup into the sink, there was a knock on the door. He lazily walked to the door and opened, “Heee~y,” he yawned, “Celestia. Glad you could make it,” he said gesturing her and her two gaurds in. Celestia was his size meaning he didn’t have to look down to talk to her. Her ethereal otherworldly mane and tail ever flowed in some cosmic wind. Her all white fur reminded him of Sweetie and all the things they’ve done. He shook his head, not wanting to go down that road of thought. He blinked as Celestia made no movement towards the door. He finally noticed the frown Celestia was giving him, “James Copperback I know what you’ve been doing and I’m here to set things right,” she said in a very serious way. She was looking at him disapprovingly. Any grogginess he had instantly evaporated and was replaced by worry. He backed away from the door, “a-and what would that be?” “Don’t act like you don’t know! Guards!-” She barked and paused. This was it he was going to jail. He kept backing away from the door, “wait right there,” he paused when she did not say ‘apprehend him’ or ‘subdue him,’ they saluted and turned around, “I have something I must do!” Was she going to arrest him herself? She entered his house and closed the door with her magic, which was followed by the entire wall, door, and windows behind her lighting up in her magic, “now that that’s done,” she said looking around appraisingly, “I see you haven't completely settled in yet.” “Whu-ahh,” he blinked his eyes, “I mean, what have I been doing?” He asked again. Celestia giggled into her hoof, “you’ve been foalsiiting apparently. I seem to recall you retired for a reason,” she brought a hoof to her chin, “several reasons in fact.” He dropped his hands that were raised, “Oh.” “What did you think I meant?” “Nothing! Nothing,” he supplied hastily, “just, you know, I don’t know all the laws and whatnot here, it could’ve been anything,” he said with a nervous shrug, “anyways have a seat,” he said gesturing to the couch. Her eyes lit up, “Oh, can I?” She said excitedly, “I haven’t seen one of these in a while. Apparently, they’re not proper for a Princess,” she explained while laying on it taking up the whole thing almost, “So how has Ponyville been treating you? I didn’t get to see much of it since it’s so dark out but it certainly seemed larger than the last time I was here.” “When was the last time you were here?” He asked as he took a seat in a lazy boy type chair that faces his front door and was beside the couch. “Hmmm,” she hummed in thought, “maybe about six decades ago.” “Jeez Celestia, you need to explore more of the nation you run,” he commented. “What can I say, everytime I leave Canterlot there’s always some kind of problem for me fix,” she explained. “I suppose that’s something to consider, but we got off track. Ponyville has been great. The ponies here all basically became friendly to me after one week, though now that I think about it. That started around the time I helped them fight off a freaking invasion of crab ponies.” “Oh, I heard about that. I’m glad nopony got hurt this time around,” she said. “What do you mean this time around? What happened last time?” “I think somepony got their leg broken and needed to wear a cast for a while,” she answered with a hoof to her chin. “How come I saw no guards or anything afterwards or during the invasion? That’s like the biggest point of a government you know?” “Lets just say I had an operative on the job and leave it at that,” she answered cryptically. “Does that mean you’re spying on people?” He asked before he realized that he also could be spied on, “are you getting reports on me?” She chuckled, “no, no. Nothing like that. She’s retired from that type of work and adamantly so, but she does help out if it’s an emergency and to strangle extra bits out of me, but that’s besides the point.” He just hoped whoever she was she hadn’t been spying on him, “I see… so how have things been going in Canterlot.” She let out a sigh of dismay, “boring, Twilight has been reading books nonstop I fear she may end up becoming just another scholar. I’m thinking about asking her to consider joining the guard just so she can actually put all her knowledge and potential to use, but she’s already devoted so much of her short life to me, and there hasn’t been much use for the guard as of late,” she frowned. “Except when a freaking ARMY of crab ponies attacks an entire freaking town!” He pointed out rather verbally. “I concede your point,” she replied humbly. He rubbed his face, “anyways,” an idea popped into his head, “I recently learned about herds, we don’t have those in my world. Well, I guess we somewhat do but its not common. What’s your view on them?” Her face got a little red and she turned away from him for a moment. He could hardly believe he got her to fluster considering how stoic she always is, at least when she’s not being a troll. She blinked and was soon back to normal, “how fortunate that you should ask about that of all things. I actually did something before I came here. Something that I even regret doing as of right now.” “And what’s that?” he asked slightly concerned she lied and actually had been spying on him, even though that didn’t sound like the case. She fidgeted around a little, “I know of a spell that redacts memories…” she explained, “sometimes a few keywords or a certain context can usually make me remember whatever it was that I wanted to forget in case of emergency. It’s a good way to ensure that my memories are fresh if such an event, whatever it was, were to happen again. Unfortunately, that also means that sometimes it gets triggered unintentionally and/or unneededly and makes me remember some things I’d rather forget altogether. Even time can’t help me forget some things, as they were simply just too difficult to forget and this was one such instance.” He couldn’t figure out how this involved him unless she’s been spying on himself and made herself forget which would mean he’s in the clear? “So? What’s that have to do with herds were you apart of one and they died of old age? I can’t imagine what that would be like,” he added. She giggled, “oh no no, I’ve never even been...” she frowned, “at least to my recollection and last I checked. I’ve never even been with a stallion.” His face scrunched up, “when was th-the last time you checked?” “L-last time I had a checkup with the doctor.” She answered no longer frowning but shifting around. Clearly she was uncomfortable about the subject. “I see,” he said wondering why she’s been so off balance. He could only imagine she developed a way to keep those kind of thoughts out of her head completely and thus has difficulty talking about such things without cracking her kindly stoic facade, “so then what’s your memory have to do with herds then? And you still didn’t answer my question.” “I think herds are a beautiful thing even if they seem to be falling out of favor for some reason. I seem to recall you asking me how I defeated the God of Lust?” He nodded, “well,” she sat up on the couch and patted the side that was now free, “I can tell you, or I can show you if sit right here.” Curious he got up and sat down next to her, “so what do you mean by show me?” She got a devious smile and her horn lit up in a golden aurora. Slowly she moved her head down towards his until the horns side met his forehead. ============================================================================= He found him surrounded by blackness. Looking down he saw his body as it was yet blackness below him and all around him. He decided not to move for fear of falling. In the distance he saw Celestia approach him, “Where are we?” he asked, she stopped in front of him. “We’re in my mind,” she answered. He looked around appraisingly while rubbing his chin, “I- huh. So what... you’re going to show me your memories? That’s kind of cool.” “Yes… something like that. Well before I do I must warn you that what I’m going to show you is very ho-graphic and kin-disturbing,” she said clearly unsettled her face slightly red. He wondered what words she was going to use before she corrected them. “I’m an adult. Besides, can't you just erase my memories of this if I can’t handle it?” “I suppose, but I’d rather not have to. Mind magic is… complicated.” “I understand, but I know enough about human history to know that ANYTHING you’re going to show me just won’t compare to the horrific things we’ve done as a species.” “There’s a huge difference between reading and/or hearing about something compared to seeing and hearing something as if you’re there,” Celestia commented. “I guess, but I want to see whatever it is you have to show anyways.” “Very well, I took the liberty to edit some memories so it would be a kind of theatre play,” she explained. “Get with the times Celestia, I know you ponies have movies.” “Ahh, yes. I’ve heard of those moving pictures. I had them outlawed in Canterlot.” He blinked, “seriously? WHY!?” Celestia looked away, “Reasons…” He simply stared at her, “oh fine, I really want to act in a play in front of a live audience once in my life. To work with a crew of ponies whose goal it is to put on an incredible show, and movies threaten that…” “You mean to tell me you’ve never been in a play?” “You try finding time to do anything when you're stuck running an entire nation on top of setting and raising the sun and moon!” She snapped. “Oh…” He walked a couple steps to her and gave her a hug. She hugged back with a foreleg, “thank you.” He disengaged, “I can’t deny that movies are a threat to theatres, for the record we still have theatre’s on my world, though they’re admittedly slowly dying out but for more reasons than just movies,” he supplied before walking back. “A pity,” her horn lit up. A cacophony of moans and wet slapping noises suddenly met his ears. The blackness that surrounded them was replaced with a street somewhere clearly in Canterlot with a fading white filter around the edges of his vision. The buildings where a little different than he last remembers seeing them. Somewhere behind him he heard the pleasured moans of a mare and grunts of a stallion. He turned around and saw two ponies just outside a shop entrance going at it. They didn’t seem to care that they were clearly in public. He stared at this before another noise got his attention. He turned around and saw a mare getting hoofed by a stallion who looked out of it otherwise. He looked back to the first pair when the stallion whinnied. The mare looked pleased but clearly wanted more. The stallion looked beat as cum gushed out of her and wetly splattered onto the sidewalk. Curious he moved towards them to get a look at things. Everything stopped the sounds and movement just stopped. “Ahem,” Celestia tuned amusedly, getting his attention. He stopped his attempted inspection and looked towards her. There were two of her. One was faced away and had two guards on either side of her. The other was looking at him with a smirk, “I’d appreciate it if you didn’t oogle my long dead subjects.” Something was off. He couldn’t place it, but he knew something was wrong. “Sorry, but I can’t help it,” he said sheepishly rubbing the back of his head. He tried to ignore the mental boner he felt. He wanted to see if it showed in his mental pants or not but maybe when Celestia wasn’t staring at hm. “It only gets more depraved from here, do you want to continue?” “I-” he looked around again and saw even more ponies going at it mostly with hooves and mouths, frozen in time, “yes, considering everything I’ve learned. I’m more curious than ever how you defeated a being that’s capable of making something like this happen in an uptight city like Canterlot and yet you still claim to be a virgin.” She looked away ashamed, “please don’t use that word, it hurts to think about, and is actually the main reason I elected to redact these memories.” “Really?” he asked, and she looked serious, “I- Sorry!” He apologized quickly. She blinked a couple times, “It’s okay I was able to use my, status, let's say, to defeat her,” she alluded, “just watch,” her horn glowed briefly and things started moving again, then stopped again, “I feel the need to mention that the smells and atmosphere were strong. I know you can not perceive them, but trust me when I say they really encouraged what you saw and will see,” she added, horn lighting up once more and things started moving. He watched the frozen Celestia and two guards began walking down the street again and he was moving with her despite not really moving it was weird. Kind of like if she and everything else was a solid hologram that gave the illusion of movement. He walked in front of the hologram Celestia and saw that she looked both pissed and incredible flustered. The moans and slicking noises became louder. Looking around he saw a lot of ponies going at it in a orgy in and around a fountain. He couldn’t help but stare at the scene. He couldn’t help but notice the few stallions there, had been either rutting a mare or more likely using hooves. As they walked he couldn’t help but take note of their size, compared to his. They were larger than he was on average, it would seem. They were also shaped differently. He didn’t particularly want to be looking at their junk but just couldn’t help himself. He also could’ve sworn he saw a few fillies and colts taking part in activities along the way, “is that a filly?” He asked pointing to said filly getting humped by a stallion on the sidewalk in the middle of the day. The filly seemed like she liked it. Celestia looked over, “w-why yes I do believe that is,” she answered as the hologram Celestia soon walked out of their view. He couldn’t help but wonder what about this scene was wrong. It wasn’t the obvious sex happening everywhere though. It’s really bugging him. He thought as the hologram soon reached the castle gates, which oddly enough he couldn’t see past. Everything stopped, “judging from your reactions you want to want to continue,” Celestia said grabbing his attention. Her eyes shot lower intentionally and he looked down noticed he was pitching as much of a tent as his clothes would allow. “I can’t help it,” he stated, as he tried to cover himself. She let out a giggle, “Moving on, do you wish to continue?” She asked, he shook his head, “very well.” The scene continued and the gates opened. As they opened he could see what was happening on the other side as if a light had been on his side of the gates and the other side had no light whatsoever, despite him clearly seeing the sun. What laid beyond the gates was a massive orgy. The hologram Celestia trembled in place before teleporting and after a moment, the scene changed to the castle entrance. Before it changed though he saw her two guards eagerly start to take off their armor and move towards the massive orgy. That moment of watching the two guards take off their armor made him realize what’s been off this entire time. He got a devious smirk, “Wow Celestia, you have some very detailed memories. I can’t blame you for wanting to forget them if they’re this good.” He commented. Then the castle doors opened in her magic revealing the inside in the same manor the gate had. It was hard to not turn around and gawk at the orgy behind him. That’s what he thought before the inside revealed the entrance of the castle was now basically a BDSM sex dungeon. Paddles, switches, and dildos floated about. Several tied and/or strapped ponies where on the receiving ends of those tools. Several ropes hung from the ceiling far above to ensnare some ponies in various helpless positions. There was a row of ponies whose tails were all tied back while their front hooves and head were shackled by shutterstocks. Above them was a sign that read ‘Spanking isn’t all you can do,’ which was proven by the various things being done to them. Several of the tied and/or strapped down ponies had welts and bruises from the switches and paddles. They didn’t seem to mind. He couldn’t help but notice the hologram Celestia’s wings were twitching. She was clearly pissed at what happened to her castle. They began moving again and soon he found himself out of view of the entrance and down a very lonely hallway. No pony was there and if it wasn’t for the sounds of swatting and moans, he could have mistaken it for any other day in the Castle. She was heading towards her throne room. He’s been there enough times to know it. There just outside the door was a small line just before hologram Celestia reached the line everything stopped, “Okay, so things are going to get really graphic for this next part. It was something I regret only being able to watch.” “Why? Wish you could have joined in?” He asked with a smirk. She blushed and frowned, “no, I was helpless to stop it.” “Oh, I hope no pony got hurt,” he commented. “It…” she began but stopped for some reason, “ponies are more resilient than even I give us credit for… So do you wish to continue?” She asked. He nodded. The scene continued. Past Celesita swung the throne room doors open in her magic. After a moment she barged in. He could already see what he supposed was the god of lust. It sat/fidgeted on top of Celestia's throne. It was a sleek and attractive fox a little larger than the average pony, with several odd tails. Everything about it oozed sensuality and femininity. She looked to be doing something, “WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO MY LITTLE PONIES?” Fake Celestia demanded, her horn bright with magic. The fox stood up revealing a long thick dildo that was strapped to the throne, “ahhh, hehe. Well, well, well, if it isn’t the hottest pony in Equestria,” she said as she tossed her mane in a sexy manner, completely ignoring the alicorn, and the deadly intent in her voice, “your dear captain here says your so hot you make the sun-” she stopped her monologue the second her eyes met Celestia for the first time. She blinked and rubbed her eyes. She repeated the process again, before she started laughing uncontrollably, ending up on its back. ‘Its back’ because James couldn’t ignore the shape of its many fleshy tails, ‘it’s a freaking fox and tentacle monster,’ he thought. “Captain what is going on? Why are your daughter and wife here?” Hologram Celestia asked, causing James to finally take note the three ponies who were apparently conversing with the lust god before their entrance. The stallion was brown with trimmed military style black mane/tail and sword cutie mark, “I’m here to finalize my herd,” he stated as fact. The mare was a deep red unicorn with a brown curvy mane/tail style and a folded blanket cutie mark. The filly was also a unicorn with a yellow coat and a curley whitish mane/tail and no cutie mark. She also had a blue bowtie on her mane. She looked at least three years younger than Sweetie and kind of reminded him of some sixties baking mascot. “How come you have not stopped this… fox thing?” Holographic Celestia asked. Said fox thing stopped laughing, and stood back up “I’ll have you know, I’m the God of Lust, I bring out ponies most forbidden harmless carnal desires and let them experience the fun side of life, but you can just call me Lusty.” “I WAS NOT TALKING TO YOU!” Fake Celestia screeched before she shot a laser beam from her horn. To James it looked like she was putting all her effort into it. He never knew Celestia to be one to go to violence so soon. Then again, he’s only known her for all of one year and she’s lived thousands of years. Considering everything that he saw coming up to this point and then add in the fact that she's still a virgin. He no longer wondered why she would want these memories removed. In fact, it made plenty of sense that she’d react so violently. When it struck, the fox let out an excited femine howl of pain and pleasure. The beam did not stop though. The fox began asking for more and exclaiming yes. Past Celestia began sweating and breathing hard as she grunted every ounce of effort out of herself and into the writhing and moaning thing on her throne, not that he could see it what with all the light. Soon enough the power beam sputtered out leaving a gasping Holographic Celestia and a lot of smoke where the fox was. “OHHH YEEES! Give me MORE!” Lusty requested as the smoke cleared. Some of its ‘tails’ rammed up both its holes, “Lusties been a bad vixen. Mmm.” He could see the spot Fake Celestia had hit. It was nothing worse than what he gleaned from the BDSM entrance. “Ho-aha how are you-” Past Celestia breathed in, “still alive!” she demanded, looking up to the fox weakly. “Captain! I now pronouce you a herd you may fuck your newest herd mate right now, I’m so turned on!” “Finally! You’ve had us stay here for hours!” The captain complained. “YES! Take our daughter already! She’s been waiting too long!” the mare exclaimed as she lifted her daughters tail. “I love you papi!” the daughter said as she turned her back to her much larger father. “Oho soo ahh, eager!” Lusty said sensually as always, “when you told me about your dear princess here, I just simply couldn’t pass up the sexy idea of having your ruler watch you with your MASSIVE COCK fuck your delisiously young daughter. The fact that your dear princess is somehow still a virgin just makes it more mmmm enticing.” James took note of that, so it was true four hundred or so years ago at least and he doubted Celestia lied about it. He could only imagine the kind of mental anguish Celestia had to fight against after something like this. James got a good look at the captains junk and it was massive. It was larger than what he’s seen so far which has been debilitating as is. It was about the width of his fist and the length of his forearm. The filly was smaller than Sweetie so he didn’t see this ending pleasantly. The captain walked over his daughter completely overshadowing her. His dick already over shooting its mark and being way to high. “You think I would just stand here and let this continue?” Fake Celestia asked, as her horn let up and all the members of the new herd where encased in her magic. She grunted, “wha- why can’t I-” “Ohh, Princess Celestia-” The captain said. “Mmm more-” his wife commanded. “Ahahaha,” the filly laughed, “my tummy feels all tingly,” the filly exclaimed. Holographic Celestia put more effort into her spell, "ahhnn," causing the filly to make some sexualy sounding sounds. Past Celestia stopped her casting and started walking towards them only to suddenly be bound and gagged in BDSM gear and put in a very exposed position. James couldn’t help but look at her privates. They were the kind that Sweetie had. Hard to notice unless you were looking for them specifically. He found it kind of odd considering how huge Celestia was compared to regular ponies. Then again if she had the outgoing privates Scootaloo did then she’d probably always wear a dress of some kind. Considering anypony behind her need only look up. Her horn lit again and she teleported out of the gear. She marched towards them only to be stopped by a reddish purple forcefield, “I can’t let you disturb the new herd,” Lusty proclaimed, “just because your jealous some filly thousands of years younger than you is going to get some action doesn’t give you the right to ruin her unofficial wedding day,” the world stopped for James, despite it still going. Why would she say that? Does that mean whoever he would add to his herd was basically a marriage proposal? Does that mean he already proposed to Sweetie? He never put much stock into future thoughts outside of avoiding going to jail. He couldn’t think about all this right now he needed a distraction, “just watch and enjoy the show.” Luckily, he had one hell of a distraction right in front of him. He watched as the fillies mother pushed the fillies head down. Then once again lifted her tail out of the way with one hoof, revealing the same kind of outgoing pussy and asshole that Scootaloo had. With her other hoof she supported her ass up, “It’s going to hurt, but you’ll be mami’s big filly.” “Yaaa!” The filly cheered, “we’re finally going to play the game!” “Mmm, Yes,” she answered, clearly turned on about what’s going to happen. With her magic the mother guided her husbands massive member to her little fillies virgin slit. James now no longer wondered why Celestia kept warning him about whether or not he wanted to continue. It honestly looked like that little filly would need to visit a doctor to save her life if he put that thing in her. Heck, it was easily three fifth her size. Maybe a little bigger. The fact that she was basically a pony toddler was disturbing. After some readjustment the stallion grunted as his member pushed against her. It was too big, “I think she may be too small for me,” he said concern in his voice. “Oh nonsense,” Lusty said, “all you need to do is thrust into her, trust me she’ll be fine.” After a bit of hesitation the stallion reared back and thrusted forward. The filly skidded across the tiles of the throne room as the mare hadn’t been holding on hard enough. “I got her, do it again,” the mare said eagerly. Another thrust. A small droplet of blood came out of the filly, “GAAAHHHH~!” came the pained scream. Her mother holding her firm but saying something encouraging no doubt. He could see his member as it greatly expanded the filly. Tears flowed down the filly like a waterfall. The stallion kept pushing inwards and after about six seconds it looked as if she was pregnant with twins. Those six seconds lasted forever. He looked over to Fake Celestia who constantly tried and failed to get to them. He looked to Celestia whose wings were twitching about. He could tell she was uncomfortable reliving this memory, or should he say reviewing it from a different angle, “You’re right Celestia this is disturbing and I’m sorry for making you rewatch it.” Her horn glowed and the scene stopped, “it certainly was a hard lesson in pony resilience,” she said before her horn lit again and the scene continued. He found it an odd thing to say. The fillies screams of agony and asking for forgiveness stopped, "UUUUHHH," turning into filly grunts. The captain continued pushing but clearly was unable to get any more in. By this point he could see the stallions dick as if the filly was some kind of fancy sock grotiscilly stretched out around it. He moved back and the filly moved back with him, forcing him to move forward once again. The mare once again put a firm grip on her daughter and he moved back again. Slowly sliding out of the small filly, before slamming back in. "UUGGFFFF," The filly grunted out air, or more likely it was forced out. He moved back again. He could see every movement his member made inside the filly. "AHMMM PAPI!" The filly joyfully yelled with what little air she had on the third thrust. Her belly expanded even more. An outrageous amount of cum flooded out of her pooling the ground. All of that must’ve happened within fifteen seconds total. He left his daughter his member softening and going back in its hole thing, “come on honey, you last at least twice as long with me,” the mare complained. The fillies cunt was stretched and gaping to an absolutely absurd degree but it somehow looked like it hadn’t ripped apart given the fact she wasn’t bleeding. Just how durable are these freaking ponies. “She’s so tight dear, I couldn’t help it.” The stallion explained. James turned his attention to Celestia who was looking at him oddly. He wondered what Celestia was thinking about right now. The mind of a being who’s lived for thousands of years must be all kinds of messed up. “And to think she was just starting to get into it, just like a stallion to leave a mare hanging,” the mare commented, though James was barely paying attention. He wondered if Celestia ever got into a serious relationship only to call it off so she wouldn’t have to outlive someone she loved. Then again, she had admitted to making herself forget things in the past. “Hey, we can’t help it, that’s been scientifically proven.” Perhaps she’s done it several times and made herself forget every time. Did that mean she had perfect memory if not tampered with? No, the way she was talking earlier doesn’t suggest that to be true. He was going to have to ask her about it though, he was interested. The deep red mare let a drawn out sigh gaining his attention, “I know, lets go buy her some new toys,” she said playfully in a suggestive manner. She picked up her used filly and supported the stallion before they slowly walked out. “I pity you Celestia,” Lusty said, drawing everyone’s, except the leaving herds, attention, “I wish to finally show you, who has lived so long, the wonders of!” Lusty paused for dramatic effect, “the pleasures of the flesh!” She exclaimed. “Then how come you haven't? You’ve proven yourself capable of-of taking me,” Holographic Celestia replied angrily and defensively pawing at the ground. “If only it was that simple, no I’m the god of lust, not fear,” she informed. “You mean to tell me that filly wanted that? She was his daughter and barely old enough to know what was even going on! She was in pain for most of it. The fact she’s not dead is a miracle!” “Ohho! That just means she’ll be in pleasured pain from now on, I wouldn’t have allowed it if she couldn’t take it. You don’t give your ponies enough credit, also you’re wrong! For the last couple days that little filly has seen ponies have sex all over the place she’s even licked her stallons member, she knew perfectly well what it was and what to expect, and she also knew she loved her papi very very much, its soo kinky I could just AHH, mmmm~” “You’re despicable!” “Mmm, maybe so but I can tell you’re turned on.” The Holographic Celestia frowned and got quiet for a long moment before a wicked smile creeped u her face, “...I’m embarrassed. I have a fifth leg, let's say. I’ve spared no expense in keeping it concealed from everypony. The idea of a pony finding out about it makes me not even consider looking for a mate, well that and the idea I’ll outlive them.” Lusty now at full attention, “You’re packing both parts? How come I haven’t noticed?” “As I said, I’ve spared no expense in keeping it a secret. I have so many wards and concealing spells cast down there I guess even you wouldn’t know about it, it’s actually a relief, I often find myself worrying if they have some flaws.” “That’s some powerful magic you casted if even I can’t sense it.” Past Celestia smiled, “That it is, but you know… I always wanted to try it…” “I’ll let you do whatever you want to me,” Lusty said as with a pop of magic she was suddenly in front of Holographic Celestia head down ass up, ‘tails’ and ass swaying back and forth seductively. “I think, I’ll take you up on that offer but first, I need to get prepared. You see, I may have a bit of a dominatrice complex…” “Oh, Kinky” she said and with another pop of magic she was strapped to a X-table with whips, paddles and other sex equipment floating around her. “Yes, well do you think you can keep yourself entertained till I get back?” Lusty nodded several times. Celetias closed her eyes horn lit up and a black sleeping blindfold appeared before her, “Good slave! From now on call me Master!” Celestia commanded. “Ohh! Yes Master!” “I’m glad you know your place peasant. Now, I’m going to blindfold you. No peeking. I may be a while. I’m talking half a day, or more but I assure you I will return. So you’re free to entertain yourself just don’t take off the blindfold or do anything that’ll allow you to see. I have a HUGE surprise for you if you obey when I get back.” “Yes Master!” “I’ll be back.” Celestia teleported out of the room. Once again he got to watch what happened about two seconds after she left, “I can’t wait. This is going to be so hot!” Lusty exclaimed before three huge dildos penetrate each of her holes. The scene changed drastically and now they were in some forest. Fake Celestia teleported yet again leaving yet another two second delay. “So you have a dick and a dominatrix complex?” James flat out asked. Celestia blushed and figetted about, “ahaha,” she laughed nervously, “no to both, that was all I could think to do to buy me time. I could only think of one thing that might beat her.” “Oh yeah, and what was that?” “Well, the last self proclaimed god I faced down got turned into a stone statue and although the details are extremely fuzzy, there was only one thing I could think of that could accomplish such a goal.” “Okay… that doesn’t really answer my question.” “Tell me, what do you know of the relics, creatures, and even plants of this world?” “Umm,” James thought for a moment, “considering I never knew crab ponies were even a possible thing until they attacked and I recently learned enchanted items can have many different effects. I can only imagine what legendary enchanted items can do. so I’d say I know very little about this world,” it was only then that he noticed the sound had been cut off and a black sensor bar was over everything except the outlying fading white outline, “why’d you do that?” “Because this is something I’m rather proud of once I remembered that I actually did it, and I want it to be a surprise. I’m actually giddy I get to share this to somepon- someone for once.” her horn glowed and sound started again. It was a bunch of moaning from Lusty and he could hear somepony walking around her. Still couldn’t see anything. He could also hear some weird fabric noises. It was hard to place. “Well,” James began, “considering everything I’ve seen up to this point I can completely understand why you’d not want anyone to watch this with you. porn is a solo thing unless you’re dating, or doing something academic and/or legal stuff with it I guess.” Her horn lit up and the sound stopped, “This… is not a magazine?” she said confused, “nevermind just pay attention, we can talk later.” “Okay,” he agreed. Her horn lit up and the sounds continued. “I’m back,” he could hear Fake Celestia say though still not see. She sounded rather uncomfortable. “Argh aha! mmm, finally Master!” Lusty said sensually as always and mostly stopped moaning, “You know I was getting so bored I even considered going out there and fucking all the mares I could with my tails again, but last time I did I got swarmed and they fought over me, it’s why I ended up in your throne room, I got worn out and tired of the bickering. I decided I might as well sanction some herds, and there were many. When your captain came and told me who he was and who he wanted to herd I just knew I had to wait for you. It was totally worth it.” “I see… You didn’t look bored to me slave.” Unseen Celestia responded. “Masterbation can only do so much for a being such as myself. You know Master, if it wasn’t for the fact that you got to be the world's oldest pony virgin I wouldn’t be doing this for you Master, I want Masters first time to be every bit as harmlessly depraved as Master wants it.” “Good, I’m glad to hear you have some standards slave, but you turned my nation into a… I don’t even know what to call this,” “A hedonistic paradise!” Lusty proclaimed. “Something like that,” Unseen Celestia agreed, he could he the fabric sounds again. “Yes, and you’ve been a bad bad fil-vixen because of it. I think you need be punished.” “Ohh-hoho I knew you liked them young!” “brr-I wha? That-” Unseen Celestia sputtered clearly unprepared for such a comment, “ahem,” she cleared her throat, “I mean. Shut up slave and listen closely! I’m going to unblindfold you in a moment. When I do so, I want you to take a good long unblinking and uninterrupted look at what I’m going to punish you with. You may only look away when I say so is this understood slave?” “Mmm, yes master!” “Good, now feast your eyes on this massive cock!” He heard some walking noises for a moment. The fabric sound got louder and he could have sworn he heard breathing now. Suddenly there was a golden aura around one side of the room that he was fairly close to where Unseen Celestia’s voice had been coming from, drawing Jame’s attention. It moved away from the magical screen revealing he might as well had been experiencing at least the sounds and sights from the lust god's perspective. The blind fold flew away and he came face to something. He couldn’t make out what he was looking at first as he was not at all prepared for the sight before him. Above him was an up close and personal Holographic Celestia as if he’d went just under her forelegs. Below him was the tiles of the throne room. On the sides he could see the table and Lusty’s outstretched forelegs. None of those compared to the sight directly in front of him though. In front of him was a pair of intently staring red eyes and yellow beak with freaky sharp white teeth from a decapitated chicken head. He thought it was decapitated until he realized the lizard like neck directly below it was connected to the head and it was clearly alive. He had backed away from it. Then the scene changed and he saw Lusty on the table. Past Celestia stood a quarter of a way over the god, as if she had a large dick ready to be serviced. No doubt the table was manifested so she could have an easy time thrusting about. No such stallion hood was seen, instead she had some creature that looked like a mini dragon with a chicken head attached to her belly by thick rope tied around her body. He watched in fascination as the gods tails suddenly started turning light grey, “So what exactly am I looking at?” “That is a cockatrice. If you look into its eyes long enough it’ll turn you into a stone statue. I think it’s how I defeated Discord who’s displayed in my garden,” Celestia answered. The ‘tails’ eventually stopped moving all together when they turned completely light grey. “Ohhh, Master your trickery is soooo~ hot mmm. It’s making me ROCK HARD!” exclaimed Lusty before giggling sensually. She kept staring at the creature. Past Celestia looked constipated with how concentrated she was watching the grey overtake the Lusty’s form. “Master may I look away now?” Lusty asked as the grey creeped past he midsection. “Not until I say so.” Past Celestia replied. “But Mast-” “NOT! Until I say so.” “Soo firm,” she breathed out haughtily, “yes master.” “And she actually listened to you?” James asked. “Yes, she did,” Celestia answered the first question, “after she turned to stone I put her in one of the most unsexiest places I could think of.” “Oh yeah, and where’s that?” “I put her in the Canterlot graveyard, and made an underground small crypt just for her, incase the effect wears off.” Celestia explained. “I see,” he said, “and I guess you couldn’t know why she would let you do that?” “Probable because I’m a-a you know…”she sagged and frowned. She sniffled as a tear ran down her cheek, “sorry, just after remembering all of this, it’s got me thinking about things I never think about and the emotions I feel are intense,” Her horn glowed and suddenly he found himself back on his couch sitting next to Celestia. He thought for a moment, “...you know Celestia, your a very attractive mare,” she smiled at the complement, “I imagine all of your subjects would never even consider asking you out if only because they believe you’re too good for them, and in a sense they’re right,” she frowned at that but he held up his hand in a playcatting manner, “but they’re also wrong. I know you keep saying you’re just like everypony else so that must mean you forget things and mess up like anypony else right?” James asked. “That would be correct,” she replied. “You know…” he paused he then moved in close and hugged her, getting his hands just on where her wings met her back. She let out a little squeak at his sudden action. His cheek was touching some of her flowing mane and it felt soft, warm, and energetic. It smelled like a field of flowers in the morning dew, “You don’t have to be alone, you could have anyone you wanted and they’d have to be literally crazy to reject you,” he released his hug and looked to her. She looked petrified, “heck, all you need to do is ask whoever catches your fancy out on a date and I’m sure they’d say yes, or really badly want to say yes.” Celestia’s eyes bulged slightly and her mouth opened as her whole body shifted about, “s-something has come up I must go, please give this to my guard," she said as something metal flew into his hand, "and tell them to meet me in Canterlot.” her horn glowed and with large splash of light and pop she was gone. He wondered what that was about. Darn it, he never got to ask her about whatever spell she used to more or less record everything around her and whether or not she used it all the time. With a sigh, he recalled the thing he now had in his hand. It was a golden insignia of some kind. He walked to his door and opened it finding the two guards outside in which the sun was starting to rise not that he took note of it, "hey Celestia wanted me to give you this and tell you to meet her in Canterlot." He said holding it out. They looked at it, took it, then left for the carriage they flew here with. He closed the door and checked the time. Wow, whatever Celestia did took up more time than he thought it did. It felt like maybe half an hour had gone by, but it apparently had been hours. He wondered if Scootaloo was awake by now or not. She certainly was capable of waking up early. He needed to talk to her about stuff sooner rather than later. Something was bothering him now that he was back to thinking about Scootaloo. It was important. Dammit! He forgot to tell Celestia about the orphanage oversight. He got a piece of paper and wrote it down. He was going to send her a letter or tell her in person, either way it needed dealt with. He did need to consider how going about telling her, but that was for later he supposed. For now he needed to talk the filly herself. He decided he'd make Scootaloo breakfast and bring it to her bed. A bed and breakfast so to say. With that thought he went to work. > Home Dwelling > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Carefully, James knocked on the door with his free hand, “Scootaloo are you awake?” His other hand was carrying a half-sheet baking pan upon which rested a plate with an omelette and hash browns. Next to the plate was a glass of orange juice. He was gonna need to hold the glass or find a safe spot to put it, as past experience has assured him a bed was no place for any glasses of liquids. Luckily, he had a decent place for it. “Yeah,” came the muffled rough response from the other side of the door. “Can I come in? I made you breakfast and it’s best to eat when it’s still warm.” “Sure,” came the muffled answer. He did one last look downwards to make sure his boner wasn’t obvious from his clothing. It was nigh impossible to not be affected by what he witnessed. He was turned on, but he had nothing to direct it towards, as often was the case, so he was able to ignore it easily enough. Glad to see his boner properly constrained by cloths he opened the door with his free hand, “how’re you feeling?” He asked as he carefully walked in. Her lamp was still on and she was laying more/less in the same spot he left her last night. Her bedsheets were kind of out of place, “who was that?” She asked and propped herself up with a hiss using her pillow. Her mane was messy as ever. He set the food on the bed and picked up the drink and put it on top the beds frame/sliding drawers just above and behind her head. “That was Princess Celestia,” she gave him a dubious look, “what?” “Yeeeeeah, and I'm Zap." “Who?” “Sheee’s won o- da omi ook eros." “Could you say that again, this time without a face full of food, please.” James asked. He couldn’t really fault her on bad manners when he just said to eat while it was warm. She swallowed, “ehe right,” she said somewhat sheepishly, “she’s one of the comic book heroes.” She answered then began eating again. “I see… so, how’s your umm bottom doing?” She held up her hoof and finished what was keeping her little mouth busy, “It really stings if I move anything back there,” she answered, then went back to it. He wasn’t a doctor but using the word stings and being able to move would suggest she's healing, “So you don’t feel anything if you don’t move?” She held out her hooves, “Orange juice please,” She requested. He raised his eyebrow but gave it to her anyways. He supposed she would have a problem getting it without her food potentially sliding and thus falling on her blanket. That’s not to say anything about the pain she might feel. She gulped half it down before hoofing it back to him, “I do feel a constant stinging but it’s uhh it’s not as bad as it was.” “I’m glad to hear that your getting better,” he supplied, as she continued eating, “I was afraid I was going to have to take you to the hospital.” Her entire body shook at the mention and she stopped eating. She gulped, “nope, I’m totally fine. Nothing wrong with me.” She urged with a forced smile. “Uh huh, we’ll see about that,” he figures if she can’t walk around by tomorrow then she’s definitely going to get some medical help. He doesn’t care if he goes to jail. On second thought, maybe he could leave her at the doorstep with a bunch of bits and a well written note. She was eating up the last of her food, “Scootaloo we need to talk about what happened last night.” “Whu-what about it?” she said wearily, and leaned away from him. “Well, for starters let me apologize again for losing it. I’m really sorry, that was not any kind of acceptable behavior for anyone really. I just, when you said you were going to give Sweetie another black eye. I snapped, I guess, and as the supposed adult, I should’ve been better then that. So once again, I’m sorry.” Scootaloo looked down in thought, “but I’m n-” she blinked several times and looked away, “whatever,” she barked, “I was being a-a brat. Sweetie is nice and I…” she looked down with an almost angry frown, “I wouldn’t be surprised if she hated me forever.” “I highly doubt that, either way you do owe her a sincere apology.” She shook head in agreement, “yeah.” “Okay, next thing we need to talk about is you, -” “What about me?” she asked before he could say anything else. She was glaring at him. “Scootaloo last night you said some disturbing things about yourself.” “I don’t want to talk about it,” she intoned crossing her forelegs. “Fine, we won’t talk about why you feel that way as I’m pretty sure you answered that last night, but you better answer these questions honestly, and I mean it.” She growled looking elsewhere, “only if you pay me five bits for each.” He sighed, “fine deal. Okay, so first question. Why are you so against talking about it?” She looked confused about the question for a moment and then brought a hoof to her chin, “...because whenever I think or talk about it, I-I start crying, and I really really hate crying. It’s so uncool.” “Okay, umm, next question. I hope you realize that what you feel is not true?” “What do you mean?” “You said your worthless,” she frowned, “Well, look around you, all of this is your’s,” she stubbornly closed her eyes and once again crossed her forelegs, “go ahead look,” he encouraged. "...come on." She let out a defeated sigh and did so. “Would I go to all the effort of getting a ‘worthless pony’ all this stuff? The answer to that is no, for several reasons. The first being that no pony is worthless and that INCLUDES you Scootaloo you are a valuable pony.” Scootaloo merely looked away bitterly. “The second reason,” he continued, “is because I want to help you and I can. Call me crazy, but if it came down to it, I would die for you.” he stated, hoping to get across the point that her life means something. He meant it to. She's too young to die. “Wow, you are crazy.” He gasped in mock indignation, “are you calling me crazy?” he asked in mock outrage as he put a hand to his chest and smiled playfully. Scootaloo for her part turned her attention back to him clearly taken aback by the playful change in his voice, “I don’t want to go to the head doctor. The last time I did, I found out I actually was in another world!” He exclaimed in an exaggerated fashion, before realising how lame his joke was. He wouldn’t be surprised if Celestia had a paper stating she was a psychiatrist, thus making it true as well. “Hahaha,” she chuckled to his surprise. He managed to get her to laugh. He couldn’t help but smile at that. It was nice to see someone so down on themselves laugh. “I think that’s the first time I heard you laugh,” he commented. Her smile soon replaced with a neutral look, “oh don’t be like that,” he said grabbing the half sheet pan, and then the rest of her orange juice, “here, finish the rest of this,” he said holding out the orange juice to her. She grabbed it and gulped it down, and hoofed it back. She then slid back under the covers and rested her head on her pillow looking away from him, “thanks,” she said quietly. “We’re not done yet, I’ll be back in a moment.” He said getting no response. He left the room and put the dishes in the sink. He headed back, “Okay, now you need to take another shower,” he stated as he walked towards her and picked her up. She tensed up and was shaking like a leaf in his grip. It reminded him of when they first met not too long ago. He couldn't help but frown remembering the shape she was in, “uhh sorry," he said putting her down. She curled up into a ball, but stopped shaking, "Remember when I told you I was a foalsitter?“ Her ears shot up and she nodded her head yes. “Well," He said petting her mane to hopefully calm her down, "I got use to foals not liking the bath and found that picking them up before they could run made things easier for everyone, even though I got good at catching them. Anyways, as such, that's why I picked you up just now," He explained. "I didn't mean to scare you.” He stated. She looked up to him and blinked a couple times, frowned, and batted away the hand petting her, “I wasn't scared. I was just... I was cold that's all." She obviously lied. "Oh, so you don't mind if I pick you up right now?" He said bringing his hands to her. She froze up just before they reached and he stopped, "All I'm doing is taking you to the shower because I know you won't be able to walk there," he explained as he slowly picked her up. He began carrying her to the shower. "I'm not scared," she claimed trying to convince him or herself. Perhaps both. He opened the bathroom door, turned on the light, and stepped inside, “If you say so. Oh hey," he said to change the subject, "check out the new bathroom rug I got. Now you won’t be ice skating when you leave the shower,” he mocked as he set her down on said rug. “Hah. Hah.” she said unamused, “Oh, that’s soft,” she said as she stood on top of it. “I know right?” He slid open the glass pane/door and turned on the shower, “also check out this step ladder I got for you,” he said pointing to it, “so now you can take a shower whenever.” He checked the water, “do you want me to lift you in?” “No! I got it,” she slowly walked to the one foot high lip and carefully stepped into shower. He couldn’t help but notice she still held her tail far away from her privates. As she slowly lifted one of her hind legs to into the shower, the angle of her posterior was such that he could get a good look at her shiny, moist, and bruised rump. He looked away quickly but was left puzzled. Why was it so glossy? It took him a moment to remember/realize that she probably still had that ointment all over her derriere, “once your done do you think you can put more of that stuff on you again?” He asked as he began closing the door. “What stuff? Oh you mean that stuff. Umm maybe, uhh where’s the soap?” He looked at it and realised she was in no condition to jump up to it. She could cimb there with the step ladder but that seemed like it would’ve been a slow process and painful process, “I’ll get it one second,” he stated, opening the mostly closed door. He briefly turned off the shower and got her the soap and shampoo and a brush. “Thanks,” she said as he once again turned on the shower and left closing the door behind him. “Be sure to clean all of that stuff off.” “I know.” … “I’m done,” she said finally. He opened the door and turned off the shower. She slowly walked out then fell onto the soft bathroom rug. He got her a towel and tossed it to her, she took it and began drying herself off. Extremely slowly when she reached her rear, “so you think you can handle this by yourself?” He asked holding up the tube of ointment. “Yes, just let me...” She tried reaching a forehoove in between her hind hooves and grunted in discomfort. She tried bringing it around the side of her flanks with even less success. She slowly circled around like a dog for a moment. “I can do it if you want.” He suggested. “No, I got it,” she said. She put her back to the glass door and slowly sat down, but not completely. Using her forelegs she crawled to the glass door behind her until her hindlegs were splayed up and wide apart while her upper back and head rested on what was behind her. It was similar to her position when she was eating on the bed, except now the support came from her upper back. She also didn’t have blanket covering her lower body and her hindlegs were wide open up in the air, “See told you!” she said triumphantly. James found his eyes travelling downward past her sleek barrel to her exposed filly bits, as her position was currently very suggestive to him, “yy-yes you did,” he said quickly looking away and blindly handed her the ointment, “try not to use too much,” he requested. “Okay,” she agreed. Her rear was still reddish from the spanking. Some areas slightly more red than others. The sight of her bruised privates reminded him that his boner had yet to even go down after Celestia’s visit. He wished Scootaloo was somewhere else and Sweetie was here right now. The things he would do. That aside, he also couldn’t help but note that the furlessness of her privates also included the small nubs that are her tits. It left them in the open air. Unlike Sweetie, who’s fur mostly hid them from view. The furlessness from her cute little ponut also went up to just under the base of her tail ending in a V shape with tail hairs. “Done!” Scootaloo exclaimed getting his attention, he feared looking back to her, but did so anyway. He was relieved to see she was standing up now, holding out the tube to him. He grabbed it and put it away. “Alright, want me to carry you back to your room?” he asked. She slowly moved a hindleg back and forth for a moment. She clenched her teeth as she did so, clearly in pain. She looked down defeated and ashamedly, “yes please,” she said quietly. “Nothing’s wrong with asking for help,” he said as he slowly picked her up. He carried her back to her room and set her back on her bed, “I need to do the dishes, was there anything you wanted me to get you?” “Could you get my comic books?” She asked in a vaguely hopeful manner. He supposes she fears he would decline as part of her punishment. It seems they had more to talk about but they had time. He nodded his head, “one second.” He left her room and went to the living room. He didn’t see them on the coffee table. He does vaguely recall cleaning it earlier today. Did he throw them away? He thought in a panic looking around the room more. To his relief, he found them next to the front door. Now he remembers, Scootaloo had tried to run away when she thought he broke his promise. He got them and brought them back to her, “here you go.” “Thanks,” she replied quietly. She has been behaving much more nicer. He couldn’t determine if that was a good thing or not. He did give her a good reason to actually fear him and she defiantly feared him. Either she was very good at putting on a brave face, or she only fears him when he does something she doesn't expect. This was so wrong and weird. He sighed, “just yell if you need anything,” he said as he left to do the dishes. ============================================================================= It was just before lunch when there was a knock on the door, which he then opened “Um, hey Rarity,” he said with a somewhat forced smile. She didn’t look too happy. Sweetie was next to her smiling up at him, despite the fact she had a black eye. “James my dear little sister here told me you had cooking lessons planned?” “Yeah I do, now that I actually have food in my house to cook with.” He didn’t know whether or not to pretend if he knew about Sweetie’s black eye or not. It’d look bad on him if he knew about it and didn’t escort her back to Rarity’s. His acting would be bad if he tried to pretend Sweetie got it after she left for Rarity’s. He looked at the filly in question her black eye was getting better, “how’s your eye doing Sweetie?” “It hurts,” she complained. “James could I speak to you in private for a moment?” Rarity asked. Here it comes, “uhh sure,” he said gesturing her inside, “follow me.” She did so, “Sweetie be a dear and just wait here, we’ll be just a moment.” Sweetie cheered happily in agreement. He led her to the kitchen closing the door behind, “no doubt this about Sweetie?” “Mm-hmm, she told me that while she was running home she tripped and fell and hit her eye,” Rarity explained, “but she had a bag of peas and wasn’t crying,” she began pacing back and forth dramatically, “I know my little sister and she would’ve been crying and she made no mention of anypony helping her which clearly was the case because she had a bag of peas. Given the fact that you were the one taking care of her at the time I must only assume you know something. So, I want to know what really happened to my sister.” She finished staring intently at him. She had some good deductive reasoning, “well Rarity. You would be correct. You see Sweetie went to go watch a movie with a umm, new friend that’s around her same age.” “Oh yes! I almost forgot with all this dreary black eye business, I met the dear yesterday. Scootaloo I think it was. Isn’t it wonderful,” she gushed, “my dear little sister has a friend, though the poor dears mane and tail care are,” she paused and hummed a little bit, “lacking.” “Oh, so you already met her?” “Why yes, I had her try on several different outfits. She certainly wasn’t enthusiastic about it. I guess fashion just isn’t for everypony,” she explained with a sigh, “but that doesn’t quite answer my question,” she commented in a more serious tone. “I was getting to that. You see, soon enough Sweetie came crying back to me that her new friend gave her a black eye and stole the bits I gave her to use.” Rarity gasped, “That ruffian! How dare she hurt my cute, innocent, darling little sister for some, some, mere bits! To think I was going to make her a dress!” She exclaimed in outrage. Cute, check. Little, check. Innocent, the jury needs to debate that, “I know it’s awful, but I do have an update on the situation.” “And whatever is it?” She urged. “Scootaloo feels sorry for what she did to Sweetie, apparently, her parents hadn’t been taking the best care of her. Sweetie talked about her parents and Scootalo felt jealous and lost it. We had a long conversation about it.” “Are you saying her parents have been neglecting her?” She asked with an edge to her voice. “It’s not pretty,” he said shaking his head, “it’s also why I’ll be foalsitting her for free since her parents obviously aren't the best role models and are unable to pay otherwise.” He said vaguely. All of it was true technically. Leaving your baby in a dumpster is not taking good care of it in most normal context. Given the fact they weren’t around they wouldn’t be able to, let alone know, to pay him. “You’re foalsitting her now? Where is she?” “Yes I am, and she’s in one of my guestrooms.” “I’d like to talk to her.” “I’m gonna have to decline, she needs some time to think,” he needed to get the subject off of Scootaloo now that Rarity knew she was in the house, “so what are you going to do about Sweetie?” “Hmm I don’t know, I have half a mind to ground her for lying to me, but I feel like it’d be unfair when she’s the one who got the black eye, unless she hit Scootaloo first?” “After talking to both of them, It’s my understanding that she did not fight back in any way.” “Tsk,” Rarity sighed, “I’ll talk to her later about it. I’ve spent enough time here as it is and I have much to do back at my boutique.” She said making her way towards the door, then stopped and turned around to face him, “OH! Before I go, I’ve been thinking long and hard about your proposal.” He thought for a moment, “you mean about the herd?” His mind went to Sweetie and her on his bed making out and giggling excitedly. He was looking forward to that, getting with two hot sisters and making them scream his name. Dammit, he needs to reign in his liabedo. He’s still going from Celestia’s little show and tell. Rarity nodded, “mmhmm, and I came to a conclusion.” He breathed in to relax, “do tell, my special somepony really wants you to join, and after our date so do I, though I wouldn’t be against as many dates as you want, as the way you would join our herd is an interesting one to say the least.” If she joins, he was going to have so much fun. Provided she would accept the idea of being in such a relationship with one so young and the one being so young is her sister. It was stupid and risky, but no risk no reward. “After much thought I decided to hold it off perhaps even cancel it. You see my whole life I dreamed of a noble stallion trying to pursue my heart and it’d be so romantic. It would be just me and him happily ever after. I realize now how unlikely that dream is,” she said sadly. He could understand that, art around romance was far to unrealistic. “But I have not given up hope!” She exclaimed, “I’ve only just started making a name for myself. It won’t be long before some wonderful stallion will be trying to win my heart and only my heart. I know it sounds selfish and that your special somepony really wants me join, you’ve made that clear, and I’ll admit I’m very curious as to whom it is and I think I’d actually be happy in your herd, but I can’t abandon this dream just yet. I hope you’ll understand.” ‘DAMMIT!’ he thought. He was looking forward to blindfolding Rarity and having fun. He sighed, “I do and I wish you the best of luck in finding that noble stallion!” “Why thank you.” “I feel the need to state that my special somepony just wants you to be happy, and she thinks you’d be happy in our herd, so as long as you're happy, we’re happy.” “Aww, so out of curiosity, what would I have to do to join your herd?” He thought for a moment and smirked, “that’s also a secret.” “Ohhoho, any more mysteries and I might just want to solve them.” “I really hope you do,” he said honestly with a wink, “but in all seriousness, you’re welcome with us if you somehow don’t find what you’re looking for, which by the way, I don’t see as possible.” A very small chance but it’s one he might as well put out there. She blushed and looked away shyly, “wa ha ha, well I don’t know about that.” “You’re a ten out of ten.” “Oh stop darling,” she said abashedly while punching out a foreleg. She looked back, “but do go on,” she asked batting her eyelashes. “Too late you already asked me stop,” he said with a smirk. Her cheeks puffed up cutely in mock anger, “so, am I teaching Sweetie how to cook today or is she grounded?” He asked changing the subject. She let out a sigh, “unfortunately I have a lot to do today, and your cooking lessons do make her oh so happy. Just make sure she doesn’t come back with another black eye.” “Ofcourse,” he agreed. “Very well, I must hurry back, I’m behind as it is,” she said as she left the kitchen and headed towards the front door. Sweetie suspiciously just jumping on top of the couch, “Sweetie darling I want you on your best behavior. Oh! and have her back at my place before it’s dark. Ta, ta for now.” “Later,” he said and “bye~!” Sweetia sang before Rarity closed the front door and began power walking towards her boutique. As seen through the window once she was in its field of view. He walked to Sweetie picked her up, sat down, put her on his lap, and petted her, “so your sister isn’t into the herd thing. She says she always wanted to be whisked away in a-” “Romantic bout of monogamous love and blah blah blah,” Sweetie complained, then groaned in frustration, “why does she always have to be so selfish!” “Rarity is not being selfish," he defended. "How is it selfish to want to be in a monogan-” he mispronounced, that was a word he had not heard or said in a long while, “-monogamous relationship. That’s common. I don’t understand why you have herds. Well, I suppose I can understand it in like a primitive society but you ponies are clearly past that point, so. If anything it’s selfish to expect that you’re worth more than one person, which I feel like I’m doing with you with this herd thing.” She jumped off his lap and glared up at him. It was kind of odd with the black eye, “but it IS selfish, and it’s not about worth!” Sweetie exclaimed. “What do you mean Sweetie? One person is equal to one person, the only reason I’m going along with this herd thing is because you really want me to and I’ll admit it’s appealing to my lesser desires but still, that doesn’t mean your sister is being selfish.” “Yes it does!” She yelled and cutely pounded her front hooves on the couch. Clearly she felt strongly about this. He brought the palm of his hands to his eyes and rubbed down, “Sweetie please keep it down, Scootaloo is here,” he said gesturing towards the hallway to which the door to her room resided. She looked towards it in someway it kind of looked like shock and perhaps fear, “okay, perhaps I’m missing something here? Why do you think she’s being selfish explain it to me so I can understand.” Sweetie did the cute thing she does when she recalls a passage from a book, “On average for every seven females that are born one male is born," she went back to being upset, "that would leave six mares alone if everypony was selfish like Rarity.” James now understood why he seemed to always be around females, “oh,” was all he could say. He no longer felt bad about the herd thing. If anything it made him feel better. He now knew why Sweetie would be so gung ho for a herd. She had such a large heart, “Sweetie you’re too good for any world,” he said picking her up and sitting her on his lap again. It meant his chances to get with Rarity were significantly higher than he thought. He wasn't sure if he should be happy about that or not. It seemed like a really messed up imbalance. Then again, he does recall Celestia mentioning that herds where in the decline. He wondered why that would be, as he idlile petted Sweetie. He’d figure it out later, for now it seemed like no pony was strictly against herds. Sweetie began rubbing him in a very suggestive place. He picked her up and set her beside him and she whined, “no can do Sweetie, I need to go tell Scootaloo that we’ll be making lunch, do you want to come with me?” She sat down pouted and crossed her forelegs, “why’s she have to be here.” “That’s something only she can tell you, but I will be foalsitting her, also she has something she wants to say to you and I think you may like it,” he said trying to encourage her. “I don’t care,” she said looking away. “Fine, I’ll be back in a moment.” He said as he got up and headed towards Scootaloo’s room. He knocked on the door, “yeah?” Scootaloo responded muffled by the door. “Can I come in?” “It’s your house.” She responded. He entered and found her laying down on the bed reading a comic book. Her tail still raised far away from her rear, “it might be my house but this is your room, you decide who gets to be in here.” She looked up to him, and then away and mumbled something. “Anyways, Sweetie’s here for most of the day do you want to see her?” “No, I-no” she said as she shied away from him. “Okay, well we’re going to be making lunch, I’ll bring it to you when it’s done.” ============================================================================= The rest of the day went without major incident. He ended up buying a couple nightlights for Scootaloo, and put them around the house. He escorted Sweetie back to the Boutique and returned home. It was almost night time but he needed to have a chat with Scootaloo. Scootaloo made no effort to talk with Sweetie. He wondered if she lied about feeling bad just to appease him or what. He knocked on Scootaloo’s door, “you don’t have to knock it’s your house.” He opened the door and stepped in, “This is your room Scootaloo, so yes I do, also we need to talk some more. I think you got the wrong idea on somethings.” “Like what?” He cleared away some of her comic books and sat down on the bed, “For one you're not grounded or in trouble. If anything you've been over punished and I'm sorry." "Is that all?" "No, can you tell me why I spanked you?” “B-because I-I g-gave S-Sweetie a-a b-black eye,” she said as she began hiding under the bedsheets. The fear in her voice was alarming and shocking. He felt like cuddling with her until she felt safe, but wasn’t stupid enough to think that’d work, “You’re wrong,” he said as evenly and disarmingly as possible, “I spanked you because you didn’t want to talk about what was going on and I needed to know. Then you threatened to give Sweetie another black eye and I just lost it,” he explained calmly, and sighed, “sorry about that again. My point is, I needed to know why you did what you did,” he informed, “and although you didn’t have a truly good reason to hit her, I can now understand why you did it.” “So?” “I don’t mind if you hit somepony in self defense or if they’re relentlessly mocking you or something but Sweetie according to you wasn’t doing those things, so how come you didn’t try to apologize to her today?” She was still under the wonderbolts blanket so it was hard to tell what she was thinking, “...because I feel bad about it and the thought of facing her makes me feel queasy... I don’t like it.” “You would feel better if you apologised to her and she forgave you.” “What if she doesn’t forgive me?” “I’m pretty sure she’ll forgive you.” “But what if she doesn’t?” “I’ve forgiven you. Have you forgiven me?” He asked. “...” “Then that’s what will happen if she doesn’t forgive you, but honestly, I know she will forgive you if you apologise.” “You really think so?” She asked hopefully as she popped her head out of the edge of the blanket. He could see she was crying a little. He couldn’t tell if it was from the fear she displayed, talking about Sweetie, or what. “Yes, I’m sure of it. Also once again, I’m sorry for doing this to you.” He yawned, “alright I think it’s time to get some sleep. You have a good night,” he said as he got up and made sure the nightlight was on before walking towards the door. “Wait!” She yelled stopping him, “I-I forgive you, just don’t do it again.” He felt better, but still guilty, “I shouldn’t have done it in the first place and thanks. Was there anything you wanted before I go to sleep like a glass of water?” “Could you, read me another story?” “Sure thing, just let me go get it, one moment.” ============================================================================= The next day Scootaloo was able to walk around, much to his relief. She was still recovering but seemed to be getting better as the day progressed. Sweetie got dropped off at his place once again by Rarity. Her eye looked like it healed a little. Scootaloo avoided being in the same room as Sweetie. Sweetie seemed to like hiding behind him anytime they were in sight of each other. Sweetie still tried to get him to ravage her, at appropeitish times. It was cute, but not productive. He kept up the cooking lessons. She was getting better at cooking believe it or not. He got a letter from Celestia and hadn’t had the time to read it till now. Dear James Sorry for leaving so abruptly yesterday morning and cutting our time short. I’ve already re-written this letter dozens of times in an effort to be discreet but gave up on that effort. So I decided to be blunt. I misheard you. I thought you had asked me out on a date and I got overwhelmed with so many emotions, that I just ran away. As soon as I popped into my room, I realised what you had actually said and I felt foolish among many other things for my hasty retreat. What you said was very kind. I've decided to hold the Summer Sun Celebration in Ponyville. I look forward to meeting up with you then, unless you decide to come visit. That would be a welcome surprise. Your friend Celestia He felt bad for her. He thinks the S.S.C. was in about two weeks. He wondered why she gave ponies so little time to prepare. This kind of thing seems like it should’ve been planned a year in advance. Then again, she did pretty much admit she’s basically doing it in Ponyville just to have a chance to hang out with him. That’s a depressing thought. If only she wasn’t surrounded by the worst of pony society, any society really. It was the end of the day and he knocked on Scootaloo’s door, “come in.” came the muffled response. “How are you doing?” He asked opening the door and putting a hand behind his back to hide something he was carrying. He found her lying on the bed under her blanket, head resting on her pillow. “I’m feeling better,” she answered, sitting up and looking towards him. “So I couldn’t help but notice that you avoided Sweetie all day…” “You saw her. She’s scared of me. What was I supposed to do?” she asked looking down shamefully. “Well you know how to fix it, heck I’m sure if you told Sweetie everything you told me she’d be your friend for life. Maybe even your best friend.” “I don’t know about that. I don’t think she’s much of a sports filly. She seems like an egghead. She asked me about a bunch of books I’ve never even heard of,” she explained, “not that anything’s wrong with that!” She amended quickly. “That may be true but friends don’t need to have the same interest to be friends. Sweetie does like reading but she also likes doing stuff. She’s just never had any friends to do it with,” he explained. “Oh,” she said looking off into nothing as if something clicked for her. She got a look of determination about something, before she looked back up to him, “C-Could you read me another story?” He smiled, “I came prepared tonight,” he said revealing the book he hid behind his back. He knew she enjoyed it. ============================================================================= The next day, Scootaloo was moving around at a normal pace, though she was clearly somewhat uncomfortable in doing so. He wrote a letter to Celestia but couldn't find the time to send it. Sweetie was once again dropped off and her black eye was noticeable more healed. Scootaloo apologized to Sweetie. James wasn’t there to see it, as he didn’t want either of them to feel like he was forcing it. Sweetie naturally accepted it but was cautious. Scootaloo behaved as if she was walking on eggshells. Some of the day was awkward and uncomfortable, up until Scootaloo asked if Sweetie wanted to play some games she knew, most of them involved a ball. Some of it was Scootaloo showing off. Sweetie seemed happy to just watch Scootaloo do so though, and even tried what Scootaloo did. Failed hilariously though, which got Scootaloo laughing, and Sweetie laughing soon after. Eventually, the day ended and Sweetie had to go back to the boutique. She hadn’t tried to get sex out of him, though that’s probable because Scootaloo had always been present. Once again he knocked on Scootaloo’s door, loose papers in hand, “you can come in whenever you want, you know,” She yelled muffled by the door. He opened the door and walked in, “For starters, this is your room, but if you really mean that then I will, but just so you know you can lock the door if you don’t want me to barge in on you,” he stated as he walked up to her. He once again found her lying in bed. “Yeah right,” she said sarcastically. “I’m serious, this is your room. You can redecorate it if you want. You can paint the room pink. Fill it with dolls, glitter and other gir-filly things, like teddy bears, cute little-” “Okay, okay I get it!” She interrupted clearly annoyed. He chuckled at her outburst, “alright, fine,” he said but smiled at her devilishly. “What?” She asked more so annoyed. “Well,” he began, “it looked like you had some fun with Sweetie today, and here I thought she was just an egghead,” he teased. She crossed her forearms and looked away, “she’s not just an egghead,” she responded. “Oh, then what is she.” She said something quietly, “what was that?” “She’s my friend.” Scootaloo answered. “Aww, see told you she was a good pony.” “Yeah,” she said appreciatively, “you did,” she said quietly. “Darn right I did!” he proclaimed. “Okay,” He looked down to the papers he was holding and quickly noticed the pages were out of order, “so this is a story from my world, that I jury rigged from memory. I wrote this for a young colt around when I first started foal sitting,” he explained as he put them back in order. He probably should’ve at least clipped them together with a paperclip. He sighed internally for assuming they were in order. What if he was missing a page? He’ll find out soon enough. As he put them back together Scootaloo stared at him intently. He tried to ignore her when he noticed. However, it made him uncomfortable, so eventually he stared back. That seemed to snap her out of it and she looked away as if she stole something, “What’s on your mind?” Her ears went down sadly, “it-it’s nothing.” “It didn’t look like nothing to me, what is it?” “It’s stupid, don’t worry about it.” “Go on,” he encouraged. “...” He sighed, “well, you don’t have to tell me right now or perhaps even ever, but,” he shrugged, “I don’t know, just don’t let whatever it is get you down.” “It’s just- stupid, I-I don't know what I was thinking, could you just read the story, please?” “Okay, fine just give me a second,” as he went back to it. ============================================================================= The next few days went by much the same, except Sweetie and Scootaloo were inseparable. They both made full recoveries. He was glad Scootaloo had yet to run away. He thought for sure she was going to when she recovered. She no longer seemed to be afraid of him as well. He ended up teaching them how to cook, when they weren’t outside playing with their new scooters he got them. He was on his way back from sending out his letter when he saw scooters on display in a toy store window. Scootaloo's name always struck him as odd because he had no clue what a scootaloo was. Inspiration struck when he saw them. He had to buy them and safety gear. He picked up on pony names and in relation to cutie marks early. Any pony he’s talked about it insist there’s no correlation, when clearly something was up. Sweetie gave up on her scooter pretty quickly. She was content to watch Scootaloo who was unsurprisingly pretty good with it. He thought it was pretty cool Scootaloo used her wings to propel herself. Sweetie had initially tried to include him in everything they did and he was able to find reasons not to join them. He didn’t want Scootaloo to feel like he was forcing her to be Sweetie’s friend. He also didn’t want Sweetie to be reliant on him. He got to watch Rarity more or less threaten Scootaloo and also reassure her as a pony she could go to for help. It was kind of funny. Scootaloo soon enough stayed a night at the boutique. Sweetie was ecstatic for her first sleepover with a friend that was actually her own age. With all this happening, James noticed Scootaloo clearly had something bothering her. He never brought it up but the one time. He could tell she had something on her mind. She had yet to tell him. He decided he would give her a week or so and if whatever it was still bothered her; he would ask. Until then he wouldn’t force the issue unless she started acting out. One morning he heard lots of thumping from Scootaloo’s room. He went to investigate. Following Scootaloo’s previous instructions he opened the silent door and looked inside. Inside he found Scootaloo facing her bed and dancing. She was currently doing what he would consider the robot, very well might he add. She had yet to notice him as she moved on to, moon walking and then she started to breakdance. She ended via spinning on a forehoof, “waaaa aaa,” she screamed as she fell and landed on her back. Her hindlegs were splayed revealing her exposed filly bits. He ignored it. She groaned and rubbed her head as she got up, taking her privates out of view soon enough anyways. James was more impressed by the dancing so he clapped, “I didn’t know you could dance,” he said cheerfully. He wasn’t aware ponies could be such good dancers, not that he was much a dancer himself. “Huh, What are you doing here!?” She exclaimed clearly alarmed and agitated, “how come you didn’t knock!” She accused. “You said I could come in whenever I wanted, I did tell you about the lock,” he answered. “Oh... yeah,” she said, face turning red. That was so cute. “D’aww. Hey, you have nothing to be ashamed of. You’re an amazing dancer, how come you never mentioned it?” “Because it-it’s just something I like to do, and it’s embarrassing.” “I see, well you’re very good at it you shouldn’t hide it,” he encouraged. “Maybe.” “You know, I’ve never really seen a pony dance, mind showing me what dances you can do?” “I-it’s just...” “Please?” She sighed, “okay fine, but I’m still working on these, so I might mess up.” … She had a rough start but after she got comfortable she did some pretty good solo dancing. He wasn’t aware that the tail and wings of a pony could be used as dancing limbs but he supposed it made sense. He wasn’t much of a dancer so he doesn’t know which dances she did. He’s pretty sure she did some bellorena stuff, apparently ponies could walk on two legs somewhat easily if they wanted to. She showed him all the dances she knew. The rest of the day went by like the others. Until it was time for Sweetie to head back to her sisters. In fact, it was almost past time for her to be getting back to her sister. He got up and put his shoes on so he could go out and look. Just as he got done tying them the door opened. He stood up just as Sweetie catapulted herself at his leg and hugged as tight as she could, “You’re the best!” She exclaimed. He could see she had somewhat bloodshot eyes, but otherwise looked very happy. Scootaloo came in soon after, and walked up to the filly who was a couple hip movements away from making this a truly uncomfortable situation, “Sweetie you have to go before you get grounded.” She gasped, “you’re right,” she stopped hugging just as quickly and bolted outside, “bye Scootaloo, bye James, see you tomorrow.” she yelled as she ran away. He watched her till she got out of sight and closed the door, “what was that all about?” He asked. “I told her everything,” Scootaloo answered. “You mean, about your situation?” “Yeah.” “What did she say?” He asked. Scootaloo smiled and chuckled, “the first thing she did was cry like a foal and nearly hug me to death.” “Ha, hugged to death, good thing she’s not a bear.” “It, it was actually very nice,” she said rubbing a foreleg with her fore hoof and looking away, “don’t tell her I said that,” she said glaring up at him, he shrugged, “s-she also said I could be a part of her family.” Almost instantly, a thought came to him, “wait! did she tell Rarity yet?” He asked alarmed. Scootaloo shook her head no. If Sweetie told Rarity, things could spiral downhill very quickly depending on the laws. Celestia has been around for at least a thousand years and as near he could tell they had no religion. There’s no way they didn’t have laws for this kind of thing, that would end him up in jail. Sweetie would be devastated, “I need to stop her before she does,” he said urgently reaching for the door. If he hurries he might be able to catch her. “Why? What’s wrong?” Scootaloo asked hastily. He cursed internally but also needed her to understand, “because if I don’t and she tells her sister that you’re an orphan and you’re living here I could get in trouble and you might end up back in an orphanage.” “Oh, you don’t need to worry about that,” Scootaloo said nonchalantly. “I don’t?” She shook her head, “I had her promise not to tell anypony about- about that stuff and she pinkie promised. She said she’d use our cover story.” What if, “did she tell you any secrets of her own?” “No,” she answered and he relaxed. He had no doubt Sweetie was gonna tell Scootaloo sooner or later. That was going to be a mess. “But I did show off my dancing moves,” she continued. “Oh, and what did she say about that?” “She loved it. She wanted me to teach her. I tried but...” she trailed off. “Yeah,” James agreed. “Well, that and it was getting late. She said we should get some books, but I don’t know how books are going to help her get better.” “She’s proven to me the power of books,” he’d rather not say how though, “anyways, it’s getting late. Get ready for bed,” he said. Scootaloo nodded and headed to the bathroom. Now that she was fully recovered she could do all that stuff by herself. He went and got a book to read her. He also brought a chair from the kitchen to her room so he wouldn’t have to be on his knees. He felt stupid when Scootaloo suggested he do so. Soon enough she came out of the bathroom after having brushed her teeth and taken a shower. Before she got settled under her bed sheets she reached across the small gap between them and tightly hugged his midsection from the bed, “thank you.” He patted her head, “umm, okay,” he said in uncertainty. She released and settled under the blankets, “you tell no pony I did that,” she commanded, face blushing. “Drat, there goes my bragging rights,” he joked. She smiled up at him briefly before looking away nervously, “umm, can I ask you a question?” The mood of the room changed, “...is this about what’s been bothering you these last few days?” he asked. She meekly nodded, “Would it be okay if I- can I...” She tried to say cutting herself off. He waited. She closed her eyes and her ears went down, “can I call you dad?” she blinked and stared wide-eyed at him, “I mean, I know you’re not my dad and y-you said that you wou-didn’t want to be my parent,” she explained frantically, “but I just thought that if...” she trailed off closing her eyes tightly. James was shocked at the request. He supposes he should’ve seen it coming. He was pretty much already taking the responsibility of a parent. He also basically cemented her here and gave her no real way to find her a family. Outside of putting her back in an orphanage to maybe be adopted. She made it clear she wanted nothing to do with that. This was complicated. “Forget it,” she said forcefully. Evidetly, he took too long in his thinking, “it was a stupid idea anyways. Just-just forget it.” She said throwing her head down on her pillow and turning away from him. “Do you really feel like I’m your dad?” he asked softly, before she could answer he continued, “or do you just really want a dad and I happen to be close enough to fit the role?” He continued as calmly and reassuring as he could, “I like you Scootaloo, you’re a good filly but you can’t delude yourself from the truth. Is this what you really want?” She stayed still for a long moment then dabbed the blanket to her eyes before turning back to him, “N-No,” she began, “I just really want a f-family. I want parents who’ll say they’re p-proud of me, I want to have b-birthday parties,” she blinked a couple times, and took a moment to get her breathing under control, “you and Sweetie are the closest I have to one right now. Sweetie said she would b-be m-my sister n-no m-matter what,” she blinked some more, “and you’ve given me so much, y-you even read me stories every night,” she breathed out. She let a sad chuckle, “you’ve helped me out so much, and here I am asking you for more like a- like a spoiled brat!” Despite himself he couldn’t resist the opportunity, he got a playful smirk, “hey! don’t call yourself that, I don’t want you giving yourself a blackeye.” She looked confused for a moment then laughed hard producing a few tears. Her laughter died down, after a bit. She laid there silently for a moment, “...what now?” He’s been thinking about this for a while and came to a reasonable conclusion, “how about a deal?” “What kind of deal?” “Well… I’m okay with you calling me dad but only when no pony else is around, except for Sweetie I guess, and only if you truly feel that way. The other part of the deal is that you not expect me to behave differently like whatever your preconceived notions of a dad is.” “Preconceev-preconci- what does that mean?” she asked merely giving up on trying to say it. “It means I won’t act like a dad or whatever you think a dad acts like,” he explained. “Oh.” “With that said, I will do what I can to make sure you’re happy and safe regardless of what you think about me. So do you truly feel like I’m your dad?” “I-” she paused for a moment and looked down with a frown, “...maybe, I don’t know. I need some time to think about it,” she proclaimed, “but can I call you it?” she asked hopefully. “Yes, but like i said-” “I know,” she interrupted and yawned. “Aww, someones sleepy,” he said giving her a slight noogie, she batted away his hand with a weak smile, “You take your time with it. I’m sure the answer will come to you when it’s the right time okay?” She yawned again and nodded her head in agreement, “good,” he picked up the book and once again dramatically opened it. He began reading. ============================================================================= The next two days Sweetie arrived earlier than usual and took Scootaloo to the library. They were at the boutique most of the time otherwise. Half way through the next day Scootaloo asked if Sweetie could stay the night at his place. He said yes but only if Rarity was okay with it and she was. They had him haul some stuff from Rarity’s to Scootaloo’s room. Apparently, they had plans on using them during the sleepover. He probably should’ve asked Rarity how their first sleepover went. Scootaloo and Sweetie both said it was great. He could imagine Rarity letting her high standards on etiquette slip for the sake of her sister having a good time. He wasn’t sure why they wanted a spotlight, record player, and one of Rarity’s mannequins, stand and all. Along with a large thick red sheet to go under it. When asked, they said it was a secret. He knows they been practicing dancing at Rarity’s these last few days, he supposed that's what the record player was for. He had to make three trips to carry all that stuff back to his house. They then had him set everything up in Scootaloo’s room. He's glad the spotlight came with an adjustable stand, otherwise he doubts he’d be able to set it up. It was a couple hours past his usual dinner time by the time he got everything done. The spotlight ended up almost at the ceiling just above the mannequin with the red carpet beneath. After everything was set up Sweetie shooed him out of the room and told him not to enter, locking the door behind her. He asked if they wanted to help with dinner and they declined from the other side. He imagined what they could possible do with a mannequin, a spotlight and some music. His first thought was dresses, makeup, wigs, and stuff but they had no such things that he was aware of, let alone such things in the size of a full grown pony. Acting out things in a play? Na, everything was set in place and would be hard to move, also that didn't seem like something Scootaloo would do. Scootaloo’s room had a lot of space but dancing would be somewhat cramped for them. It left him perplexed. Maybe they sneaked in some of Rarity’s dresses and attire and hid them? Whatever the case he did have one concern about tonight. Sweetie was staying over and he had little doubt she’d try and sneak into his room for some fun. It’s too bad Sapphire hadn’t come up with a noise canceling enchantment yet. He’d find out later tonight for sure. If she does, he'd decide whether or not to indulge her then. At any case he continued making dinner. > Home > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *DING* James hurried up to the oven. He was making a spinach quiche with onions, corn, red and green peppers. It didn’t take long to set up, since he had been planning on making it anyways. He already made the crust and cut the vegetables. One of the benefits of not having a smartphone, tv, computer, or other such distractions. He had plenty of time to think and get things done. The longest part was cooking it in the oven. He spent about half of that time cleaning. The rest was spent wondering what the fillies were up to. The timer signaled it was time to start making the side. He turned on the sink hot water and put a small amount of water in a pot. He then put said pot to a stovetop and set it to its maximum. Soon the small amount of water started to boil and evaporate. He then took the pot back to the sink and filled it three quarters full and brought it back to the stovetop putting a lid over it. Soon after, it started to boil. He added salt and made sure it was all dissolved before adding macaroni noodles. After getting it started he checked on the quiche. It was done. He took it out and placed it on a rack that was waiting for just such an occasion on the countertop. It needed some time to cool down. He took that time to complete his side. He had yet to hear any music from the record player he had to carry from Rarity’s. He didn’t really hear much of anything from the fillies. He had some ideas on what they were likely doing with all the stuff he hauled over and set up. Another thought came to him while thinking about them. Nothing ever seemed to come from Sweetie asking Rarity if Scootaloo could be a part of her family. It’s been two days. Rarity never mentioned it and Scootaloo never brought it up either. He wondered if Sweetie just forgot or if Rarity never took the request seriously or what. He figured if anything was going to happen, it would’ve already happened. He supposes he freaked out for no reason. At any rate, he checked the noodles and they were just about done. He left the kitchen and went to Scootaloo’s room. It was quiet. He knocked on the door, “Yeah?” Scootaloo answered, muffled by the door. “Dinner's ready,” he informed. “Okay!” they both replied. James quickly went back to the kitchen and checked on the macaroni. It was done. He dumped it in a colander in the sink, draining the water. He put the noodles back in the pot and then added what he needed to make it mac n cheese and mixed it together. Once that was done he started setting up the plates, “Dinners done!” He yelled as he placed the quiche slices. “We’re here!” Scootaloo exclaimed as she and Sweetie walked in, “what did you make? It smells good.” “I made a spinach quiche and mac n cheese,” he answered. He put mac n cheese on the three plates and then brought one to each filly who sat next to each other at the table. “Aww, I wanted to learn how to make those.” Sweetie complained looking at her dish with an angry frown. He went and grabbed his dish and walked back to the table, “I did ask if you wanted to help me,” he said as he sat across from them. “I know,” Sweetie said, ears down, looking depressed. He just wanted to grab her and give her a forever hug. She’s too cute. “We can make it some other time,” he comforted. “Yeah, we’ll learn it later,” Scootaloo said referencing the fact James had started teaching both of them how to cook. “Besides I need what we’re doing to work.” Her voice seemed urgent. Sweetie perked right up, “yeah, you’re both right.” “So how late are you both planning on staying up tonight? Actually how late did you stay up at Rarity’s?” He asked purposefully ignoring Sweeties and Scootaloo’s odd comments. “Umm, I think it was around eleven,” Sweetie answered. “It would’ve been later if Rarity didn’t make us go to sleep. It’s not like we have school or anything!” Scootaloo complained, “but now we can stay up as late as we want!” she exclaimed happily, before looking to him questioningly, “Right?” “Well, it’s still summer so yes,” he answered. “Awesome!” Scootaloo cheered. “But,” he started, “once school starts you will be going to sleep at a decent time.” He informed. “Whatever that’s like months from now” Scootaloo dismissed. He didn’t actually know when school started. That was something he would need to sort out. “So what exactly are you two up to in there?” He asked. They looked at each other nervously, until Scootaloo looked back to him, “it’s m-” she began before seemingly thinking better of whatever she was about to say, “it’s a secret,“ she said it with a nervous smile. “Hmm,” he hummed, “I think I know you what you’re up to.” “Y-you do?” Sweetie said alarmed. “It’s so obvious,” he goated. “It is!?” Sweetie yelled her voice cracking cutiely, looking like she just got caught eating from the cookie jar. He laughed at how funny she looked, “okay, okay so I don’t really know what you’re are up to,” he said getting Sweetie to relax while Scootaloo glared up at him, “but I have a theory.” “Oh yeah? Let’s hear it. I bet it’s wrong,” Scootaloo contested. “I wouldn’t be surprised if it was but it’s the only logical thing that I can come up with...” he explained. They looked at him expectantly. He smiled, “you’re both playing dress up with the mannequin.” Scootaloo’s face soured. Sweetie smiled, perhaps a little too sweetly. It either meant he was spot on and Scootaloo didn’t like that he knew, or he was wrong and Scootaloo was offended that he’d think she would play such a game. It was impossible for him to tell. He smiled at a devious idea, “you know Scootaloo if I knew you liked playing dress up I could’ve bought you some dolls and little frilly dresses to go with them so you wouldn’t have to take Rarity’s stuff just to play dress up.” He’s foal sat plenty of fillies with the means to play dress up with mannequins and the will to do so. Come to think of it, he never saw Sweetie play dress up. Odd considering she had everything she needed to do so. It didn’t take long but he could think of several reasons why Sweetie would not play dress up. Chief among them is Rarity. Scootaloo growled getting him out of his thoughts, “We’re NOT playing dress up!” “Then what are you doing? Staging a three person play but missing a third person?” He asked “NO! We don’t even need the msafwrs-” Scootaloo began to yell until Sweetie shoved a hoof in her mouth. “It’s a secret!” Sweetie yelled frantically. Taking her hoof out of Scootaloo’s mouth who then gags. “Ugh, pht, why’d you do that!” “You were about to tell him!” “No I wasn’t!” “Yes you were!” “Nu uh!” “Ya huh!” “Fillies please, how about we eat our food before it gets cold.” He said with a smile, then took a bite and swallowed, “before it gets more cold.” It was nice to see Sweetie behaving like an actual kid. They all ate. As they ate Sweetie and Scootaloo constantly looked to each other for brief moments. “...sorry,” Sweetie said after she was nearly halfway done. James had to resist going 'd'awww.' “It’s okay,” Scootaloo said pushing her slice of quiche around on the plate, “I’m just… you know, what if it doesn’t work?” “It will work!” Sweetie proclaimed. “What will work?” They looked up to him as if they both forgotten he was there, “ummm uhhh-” Sweetie began. “We gotta go!” Scootaloo said shoving Sweetie till she was forced to jump off her seat. “But I wasn’t done eating,” Sweetie complained as they walked away. He looked at Scootaloo's plate and she must’ve only eaten two bites, if even. That was unusual, “do you want me to save your food for later?” He asked just before they left the kitchen. “Yeah!” Scootaloo yelled. “And mine too!” Sweetie also yelled. “Just don’t destroy the house or hurt yourselves!” He yelled after they left the kitchen. He wondered what that was all about. Something was up. The fact that Scootaloo hadn’t eaten seconds let alone her first plate was proof of that. He went and got plastic wrap, and wrapped up their plates then put them in the refrigerator. He then cleaned and put away everything else in the kitchen. ============================================================================= Done cleaning. He sat down and considered knocking on Scootaloo’s door just to make sure they were okay, as there were still no sounds from them. He decided against it. The sun was setting making the sky a beautiful orange/purple from the kitchen window. Before he knew it, everything outside was light greyish and it was only getting darker. It was hard to tell how long he sat there, just looking outside. “James,” Sweetie said, startling him out of his blank state of mind. He hadn’t realised she was there until she said his name. “Yeah?” “Scootaloo has something she wants to show you,” Sweetie said almost nervously but also almost excitedly. “Uh, okay what is it? Did she find a stray cat or something?” He asked as he followed her to Scootaloo’s room. “Umm, you’ll see, just promise not to look away.” “Why would I look away? Is it gross?” He did not want to consider what that could possibly mean in this world. A world where magic exists and nearly anything is possible. For all he knows she somehow managed to befriend a huge ass spider and make it her pet. He shivered at the unwanted thought. “Just promise!” Sweetie squeaked out cutely. “Jeez okay, I promise I won’t look away from whatever Scootaloo has to show me,” he said then a thought came to him, “unless whatever it is would turn me into stone,” he added thinking back to what Celestia showed him, “or blind me or anything else along those lines.” “Umm oookaaay,” Sweetie said unsurely, “now close your eyes and cover them with this. I’ll tell you when you can take it off.” She said holding up one of Rarity's many night eye masks. It only made him draw more parallels to what Celestia showed him and what’s happening now, “Sweetie is that really necessary?” He asked warily, as he bent down and took it from her outstretched hoof. “Yes! Now put it on, you’ll only need to walk a couple steps.” He put on the night eye mask. He heard the door open if only because of Sweetie hitting/scrapping the latch to the frame at the start, “okay now walk forward.” He did so slowly. He eventually felt the start of thick blanket/carpet at his toes telling him he should have a couple more steps before he ran into the mannequin he had set up earlier today, “Stop,” Sweetie said before he could go any further. He heard the door close. “So Scootaloo what do you have to show me?” “Don’t take off the blindfold!” Sweetie yelled. “I didn’t.” “It’s true he didn’t,” Scootaloo confirmed somewhere below him and in front of himself. “Ghhooodd” He heard Sweetie say muffled below him. “There’s a pillow below you sit on it,” Sweetie ordered. He did so slowly if only so he doesn’t accidentally sit on Sweetie, also he didn’t trust Scootaloo not to try and pull something. It turned out fine though and he was sitting on a pillow. He then heard Sweetie run behind him and he heard the flick of a switch. Whatever ambient light that had been present was now gone. It was noticeable. He also heard Sweetie moving some fabric behind him though it was barely audible. “Okay you can take off the blindfold now!” All that greeted him was darkness, even more so than when he first found Scootaloo in this room. The curtains were undoubtedly closed. He supposes Sweetie covered any light that would creep from under the door. The point is, he couldn’t see a thing. Something bumped into him from behind, “gah, sorry,” Sweetie said. She could be heard stumbling into other things once she moved on. “You okay Sweetie?” “Yeah,” she answered further away from him. Things were silent for a little bit. “Come on Sweetie, we practised this!” Scootaloo said impatiently somewhere in front of him, a little more on the level now that he was sitting down. That’s about where he set up the mannequin. “I know, I know, it’s just so dark.” Sweetie said. Scootaloo groaned in what sounded like annoyance and resignation. “I almost have it I just need to find the- there!” She proclaimed triumphantly. “Are you ready?” “Yes! Hurry up!” “Okay, just let me-” She said, “-and now I need to, come on where is it... nevermind. found it!” she continued. Following that was some clanging noise. “...” After a moment some music started to play from the record player. It had that old timey static like start up. It made him feel nostalgic for a time he hadn’t lived. *bowa... bowa da na...* Played as the loudest part while *wachiwo wachiwo wachiwo~” repeated in the background. James couldn’t tell what the music was but something about it seemed off. He’s heard similar before but couldn’t quite place it. It wasn’t necessarily loud or fast, though it gave the impression of being both. For some reason he got the distinct impression it was going to repeat several times. It kind of reminded him of seventies disco and/or detective music. It was not a song yet. The instruments seemed to be going for a specific kind of atmosphere just outside of the norm of regular seventies disco and/or detective music. Just as he was starting to guess at what he was about to see from the music alone, the spotlight turned on. Before him was Scootaloo standing on the red sheet within the light facing his direction. Behind her was not the mannequin dressed up like a pony version of Disco Stew or Dolomite as he briefly expected it would be. In fact he didn’t even see the mannequin. Instead all that was behind her was the pole that held up the mannequin. He blinked in confusion. The rest of the room was very dark. It was like all that existed was the music and what was within the spotlight and he was just an observer, which he supposes he’s meant to be. The question in his mind however, was an observer of what? *Bow chicka wow wow* The music suddenly intoned proudly, and he knew. Scootaloo took a calming breath and closed her eyes for a moment. She opened them with a fierce determination. Scootaloo started to sway her body. She slowly and purposefully strutted around the pole, putting more emphasis on her hips. He felt Sweetie take a seat next to him. He looked down and after a bit he could barely see Sweetie’s outline in the darkness. Her attention was on Scootaloo, which reminded him of his promise. He looked back up and found Scootaloo now on both hindlegs. Her forelegs were on the pole, as she sensually swayed her hips back and forth, while looking behind herself in a way that Sweetie does to him every once in a while. Her tail slowly moving from one side to the other in a teasing manner. Her wings remained by her sides. She hooked a foreleg around the pole and started to walk around it slowly, pivoting her hind hooves in such a way to draw attention to her hips. She used her tail to caress her flanks where her cutie marks would be. Once she made it to twelve oclock she put a hindleg on the pole and swung back to where she was when she started. She then kind of hugged the pole and wrapped around it in a very suggestive and tight manner. She blushed a little bit. It seemed uncomfortable to her, but that didn’t stop her from then moving so her back was to them and then leaning backwards slowly and outstretching her forelegs to the ground until she was doing a backbend. He had no doubt her nether lips where pressed firmly against the pole and her blushing face showed as much. Her exposed nipples were hard to ignore. Her tail moved up the pole, somehow very suggestively, and wrapped around it. Using her hind hooves and tail as leverage, which were both wrapped around the pole, she got up from her backbend with a situp. She distanced her body from the pole and swung around it once, much like the first time. She then kind of climbed it and flipped so that her rear was now sticking out in the air. Her tail swaying hypnotically, constantly keeping certain parts of her hidden. She once again swung around the pole, one hind leg sticking out towards the ceiling other wrapped around the pole. One foreleg also wrapped around the pole and the other barely grazing the floor. She stopped once her back was to them. She reattached all her limbs to the pole in a tight hug, even her tail which once again coiled around it and rubbed up and down it. She climbed down the pole to the ground, instead of sliding down it. It required her to hug it tightly. Once she made it to the bottom she started to somewhat walk on the floor only using her forelegs. Her hindlegs released their tight hold and splayed out into the air at that point, but her tail and gravity made sure her bottom grinded up against the pole. Once again he had no doubt there was some sensual friction there and it showed on her pink cheeks. She struggled to not wrap her hind legs around the pole for extra support. Her tail slid up and down the pull and tightened around it all very suggestively, as her forelegs shook slightly from the extra weight. Scootaloo then backed up onto the pole, blushing even harder as she did so. Her wings twitched ever so slightly. She only used her fore hooves until her back was mostly ninety degrees to the floor. At that point, her hind legs wrapped around the pole again and helped her climb back up it. Once back to her original distance from the ground she swung around the pole. She managed to flip during it and landed on her hind hooves, back facing them. She used a forehoof to slowly follow the contours of her body down to her hips and back up again. All while swaying her hips and her tail in a very flirtatious manner. Her other forehoof held her up with the pole. She put both forehooves back on the pole then walked closer to it and kind of dry humped it, several times. Starting out slowly and getting faster. She then jumped on it hind legs spread wide before wrapping them tightly around the pole. She then let go of the pole with her fore hooves. She leaned back about ninety degrees to the pole and spun around it as she did so revealing her little nipples once again. She quickly spun out of control and fell on her back. It seemed like an accident but she quickly got up and then started to shake her hips in their direction. Her tail and rear gradually lifted up in little eye catching spikes as she also began lowering her head and forelegs to the ground in time with the music. Then as the last beat of the porno music went off her hindlegs legs parted and she completely lifted her tail. Her wings remained by her side for the whole thing. Sweetie whistled the way a construction worker would at a hot babe walking by. She stomped the ground, “you did amazing!” She cheered and whistled again, “right James?” “Uhhwha?” James was dumbfounded and shamefully hard. He had no idea how to react to that. Not suffering from internal dread brought on by several near death experiences certainly put perspective into things. He needed to ask Scootaloo a question or two. Scootaloo got up from her exposed position and took some bows, as if she just got done with a play. “Wait! Stay!” Sweetie commanded. “Oh right,” Scootaloo said as if she made a simple mistake, and quickly went back to head down ass up. He looked away and was greeted by darkness. Ruffling his hair he got up in distress. Slowly, he headed towards the light switch and after a moment of feeling around found it and turned it on. He didn’t know what to feel. He kind of felt horrified. When did Scootaloo learn to pole dance? With the light on, he found the mannequin off to the side. Scootaloo was in the same position. He looked away from her, “okay, can either of you tell me what the f-” he began to say before stopping himself, “-what’s going on?” He breathed in to relax. “She’s joining our herd,” Sweetie stated as if it was a fact. He was hit with confusion, “uhhh, whaaaa? S-Sweetie we need to talk,” he said thinking quickly. He opened the door and gestured to her to leave ahead of him. Sweetie took the invitation and marched out the door, which he followed, “and Scootaloo stop doing that.” She started to do so slowly clearly unsure, “Don’t.” Sweetie ordered causing Scootaloo to go back. James face palmed rubbing it down his face, and left the room, closing the door behind him. ============================================================================= He walked to the kitchen and closed that door when Sweetie entered. He took a seat at the table and gestured for her to do the same. When she did he took a calming breath, “Sweetie, wha- why-” he said trying to find the words, “explain! J-just explain.” He was totally at a loss. “She’s joining our herd!” Sweetie proclaimed once again. James sighed and rolled a hand so she could continue explaining. After a moment of silence he figured she didn’t recognize the gesture. “Why?” He asked with a sigh. “Because she’s my sister and she really wants to have a family, an-and I can’t stand to see her so so alone!” she explained passionately, “...she’s joining our herd!” “Sweetie there’s so much wrong with that- Uht,” he said, holding up a hand before she could say something, “first of all she’s a fil-” he blinked realizing how pointless an age argument is. Sweetie was looking up at him clueless as to what he was about to say, “-uhmm ahem, I’m pretty sure she wants parents, she’s even considering calling me dad, which is… weird, all things considered,” he said, unable to find a better word besides wrong, “secondly, what made you even think of her joining us? I thought you wanted her as an honorary member of your family, or your parents to adopt her or something.”. She gasped, “I never thought about that!” He resisted the urge to facepalm. “Then what were you thinking?” Sweetie breathed in, “first I thought it’d be neat if you adopted her, but that seemed so awkward and wrong after I thought about it a little more. Then I thought I’d just make her my sister but that isn’t enough, she needs a bigger family, so I invited her to our herd and she was so happy! I don’t care what you say, She and I are sisters, we’re a herd, and I-we we will e-even leave you if we have to.” She stated clearly not liking the idea. “What?” James asked himself, and yes he heard what he heard, “l-lets not do anything hasty, let's slow down there,” he said, “okay so, I don’t quite understand... why would me adopting Scootaloo be awkward and wrong?” He asked. He could think of a couple of good reasons why it would be both those things, but he didn’t understand how those reasons could lead her to think this was in any way a better option. “Because my best friend would be my daughter in law and I’m not old enough to raise a filly.” It took a moment, “Pshh aha,” he laughed, before raining himself in, “okay that’s not at all what I was thinking.” “Then what were you thinking?” “Sweetie we talked about this stuff remember?” She looked at him clueless, “you know about adults taking advantage of kids…” “Ohhh, that…” She frowned. “Yeah, that! This is serious stuff Sweetie, you can’t just go inviting people into the herd like that.” “It wasn’t just like that!” Sweetie yelled pounding her hooves on the table and standing up on her specialized chair, “She’s my sister. I’m her family! I don’t care what anyone says!” “Okay jeez, I didn’t even know you could invite people into the herd.” “Well, if you’re not going to let other males into the herd then I’m inviting the females I want,” She explained sitting back down, crossing her forelegs and looking up and away, “it’s up to them to join or not anyways.” “Uhuh, well…” he took a moment to think. That actually seemed like a fair compromise, maybe. He wondered how many herds actually had other males considering the apparent seven to one imbalance. Herds must get huge if they do. There was so much he just didn’t know, “I can’t really argue with that just be careful what you tell them. We went over the risks of talking to other peo-ponies about it,” he reminded her. She’s too trustful. He was so screwed, he sighed accepting his inevitable fate in jail or worse, “with that said I’m pretty sure Scootaloo wants parents not a-a herd.” “She wants a family. No, she needs a family! and herds are families!” Sweetie yelled passionately. He paused, “Sweetie I can see how a herd can be just one big family, but you want me to be like her boy-coltfriend, which I mean she is considering to call me dad, so it’d be like it you were dating your dad.” “What uuuhg,” she gagged in discuse, “NO! It’s totally different, you’re not her dad!” He couldn’t help but wonder why she found it perfectly fine to include her sister into the herd, yet her dad was gross, especially after what Celestia had shown him. Then again, maybe a moment in time when ponies had mass orgies isn’t the best moment to judge their cultural norms, “that’s true enough I guess,” he agreed, “but I’m pretty sure Scootaloo wants parents not a coltfriend. I mean we’re not even m-” he cut himself off. He did not want to bring up the ‘m’ word to Sweetie. He knew how she liked to idealize things. It’s why her cooking was so bad and took lots of effort to get it decent. It’s also why he really liked her. He faked a cough, “ahum, but yeah I’m pretty sure she just wants parents.” Sweetie let out a growl, “let her decide!” He thought it over, “...Okay fine, I’ll ask her what she wants,” he agreed. He let out a long sigh. He took another calming breath, “do you happen to know where she learned about pole dancing?” “Yeah. There was a book with sketches in the library about it that we used.” “I see,” it was nice to know everything Scootaloo told him up until this point was likely true, and that she wasn’t taught to pole dance by some sicko. Sure it was bad, but not as bad as he was starting to suspect, “and why did it seem like she was depending on that dance going perfectly?” He recalled Sweetie’s and Scootaloo’s brief conversation during dinner. “Aaaaaa,” Sweetie began, “the book said it was the best way to join any stallions herd you want… and she really wants to join your herd.” James scratched his head, “what do you mean my herd? I thought this was our herd?” He asked completely confused and more than a little worried after all Sweetie did threaten to leave him. “Without the head stallion a herd is incomplete, thus herds shall be externally referred to as the head stallions herd,” Sweetie answered in the way she does when she quotes a book. “Umm, okay. But you were calling it our herd earlier, why the sud- “ “-Let’s get back to Scootaloo.” Sweetie interrupted, and then she jumped off the chair and ran towards the door. “-den,” he continued from where he stopped after she cut in. He didn’t want to think about it, “ummm sure.” He said getting up and heading towards the door. “So are you really going to let her join?” Sweetie asked as they walked back. He stopped, “I-I don’t know, this whole thing it’s, it’s very…” he shrugged, “I don’t know, I’ll let her decide like I said I would,” he said and then continued. Something seemed off, like he was forgetting something important. ============================================================================= They walked back and James opened the door. Scootaloo was laying down until she noticed them. She quickly got back up into the position she was in when they left. “A-am I in?” Scootaloo asked nervously, as she kept her tail raised and head to the ground. “Not yet, you still have to do something.” Sweetie replied. James cringed now remembering the important thing. Their agreed upon method of having ponies join their herd, was sex, “Woah, wo, wait a moment, she doesn’t have to do that!” He half yelled in shock. Scootaloo awkwardly peered at Sweetie who shook her head in disagreement of his words, “Sweetie told me you had to do something to me so I could join your herd. So, I’m going to let you do it!” Scootaloo exclaimed. “Sweetie you can’t be serious, she’s-” he face palmed for trying to once again make an age argument. He took his seat on the pillow once again, “can’t we just let her be in the herd, she shouldn’t have to do that.” “No, we already decided how ponies join the herd and we’re not changing it.” She proclaimed standing in front of him. Never once did he think Sweetie would or could invite another pony into the herd, let alone a filly, “Scootaloo, did she tell you what we had to do?” He asked before he could stop himself. He should’ve changed the subject to him looking for adoptive parents or anything not down this road. “No and I don’t care what it is I-” she faltered and her tail shot down completely, “I-I” her voice quivered, “I d-don’t,” her tail slowly started to raise again, “I don’t care i-if you have t-to s-s-spank me again, I-I’ll l-let you do anything to j-join your herd!” She yelled bravely. Her body was shaking. It was clear she was terrified. “You spanked her!?” Sweetie asked in shock. “Umm, Scootaloo you wh- I- wait…” he rubbed his face roughly, “Scootaloo first off I’m not going to spank you again,” he clarified, getting said filly to relax significantly, “what kind of relationship do you think we’ll have once you join the herd?” He asked still trying to ignore the fact she was still presenting herself to him. “We’ll be a-a herd,” She answered. “When did you spank her!?” Sweetie questioned clearly a little mad at not being answered the first time. “So let me get this straight you just think we’ll be a herd once I do what I do?” He questioned while continuing to ignore Sweetie who growled. Scootaloo kind of nodded her head in agreement on the floor. It was difficult not to look at her exposed bits, “I… suppose I would have to agree with that assessment, I can’t really think of a reason why or rather how that wouldn’t be the case. It’s… uhhh huh,” he said shrugging his shoulders, “anyways, what are herds to you?” “herds are really big families with lots of moms or I thought they were, I guess they’re just families,” she said uncertainly. “I see, so Sweetie didn’t tell you anything, not even what we’re supposed to do?” He questioned. “Well she did tell me that it would hurt a little, which is why I thought you were going to spank me. She wanted it to be a surprise.” Scootaloo explained as her rear was still in the air and her tail flagged. James breathed in and let out a long drawn out sigh, “Surely you know what sex is, right Scootaloo?” “Ummm, something to do with colts right? I heard some older fillies brag about all the colts they sexed up when I was at the orphanage.” Scootaloo said while her ass and tail were still pretty much directly in his face. It was so hard to not to look at her exposed filly parts. He couldn’t help but smile at the words ‘sexed up.’ He quickly put the smile away though. How could she not know, he wondered. “Then why did you threaten to tell the guard I touched your p- butt?” “She did what!? When did you- oh, when you spanked her! Which neither of you told me about!” Sweetie complained, crossing her forelegs, and muttering to herself bitterly. That wasn’t entirely accurate but he didn’t care to correct her. They both ignored her for now. “What’s that have to do with anything?” Scootaloo asked. “Just tell me please,” he requested. “Uhh, sure. It’s because every year mis- my caretaker at the orphanage would gather us up and tell us not to let anypony touch our butt’s. It was always so boring and they’d never answer any questions like why. They just said that anypony who did it would be in big trouble, like going to jail kind of trouble,” she explained, “I just didn’t want you sending me back to that place, that’s why I did that. I’m sorry,” she apologized, her tail slowly started slumping down, until it shoot back up. “It’s okay, you had good enough reasons…” James intoned, “so you don’t know what sex is?” Scootaloo shook her head no. James found that hard to believe considering how good she did with pole dancing, then again she’s pretty good at dancing in general, “well, do you know what a bo- coltfriend is?” “Yeah?” She asked and/or confirmed. “You know when mares go on dates with stallions and get married and stuff,” he supplied. “Yeah, I know! What about it?” Scootaloo said annoyed. “Oh, I couldn’t tell sorry,” he began, “anyways, that’s basically the kind of relationship we would have, if you joined the herd. I would be your coltfriend,” he explained. “Oh… but I would still be in the herd right?” She asked looking up to him from the ground, he nodded his head, “then hurry up and get it over with, whatever it is, my tail is getting kind of tired.” “I umm, it’s more complicated than that Scootaloo,” James began, “coltfriends and fillyfriends aren’t officially family until they get m-” he stopped himself from saying the ‘m’ word, “-umm recognized by a government and other ponies in general, and I don’t even know how herds work when it comes to that stuff, I mean,” his mind went back to what Celestia showed him. That was kind of like an official thing, just missing a lot of family, friends, and at least one other witness. He’s pretty sure there’s supposed to be two witnesses. He also highly doubts that was the norm anyways, “yeah, I really have no clue how any of that works, but I don’t think we’d be an official family unti-” “I DON’T CARE!” Scootaloo yelled and took some breaths, “I don’t care what anypony else thinks. Sweeties my sister and my best friend, b-but she really wants this to work out, I don’t want to let down my only sister. I practised so hard. Just do whatever you have to do, please!” Scootaloo requested, “so we can be a herd.” James blinked unprepared for her impassioned speech, blowing out all thoughts on how to talk her out of this, “Are you sure?” James asked. “YES!” Scootaloo confirmed. James sighed, stood up and hooked his thumbs around his pants. “WAIT!” Sweetie interjected, “I need to get something first, don’t do anything yet!” Sweetie yelled before bolting out of the room. He waited a moment, “Scootaloo I hope you realize that you can’t tell anyone what we’re about to do.” “Ummm okay?” Scootaloo said unsurely as she shifted around on her hooves a little making her flank sway a little. “I- do you want me to tell you what we’re going to do?” He asked. “I really just don’t care. I trust you and Sweetie. You both helped me out more than anypony else ever. If you both are in a herd, then I want to be part of it too,” she explained, “if you’ll have me.” “I mean, if you’re really okay with me as your bo-coltfriend then I guess I can’t really say no,” He said. “Then…” she raised her head and looked back to him, “that means I’m in the herd?” she asked, voice full of hope. James cringed, “well, like Sweetie said, we have to do something first…” “Oh, right,” she said putting her head back. With that they remained quiet. He was actually quite proud of Sweetie for deciding that she gets to invite other ponies into the herd if no other males were allowed. It showed she felt this was truly an equal partnership as it should be, though it would’ve been nice if she told him about it ahead of time. He really needs to take some time and get the rules for herds down, or make them up with Sweetie, whichever it is. If only so no more surprises like this happen. After a bit Sweetie came limping in holding a piece of paper in her mouth and something in her hooves that the folded paper was blocking. He walked towards her and took the paper and got a better look at what she was carrying. It was the wet wipe stick and some wet wipes. “Read the note,” Sweetie told him. That shocked him out of his thoughts and he unfolded the paper in his hand and read it, “...really?” he asked after reading it. Sweetie looked like she forgot something but nodded up at him innocently, despite that ‘note’ being anything but innocent. It had some specific instructions. “Ima need to move you for a moment, Scootaloo,” he said and then picked up Scootaloo and placed her on her bed. Scootaloo was now near the edge of the bed. Her tail still lifted. Her small little ponut and her sealed little slit, which remained as such even when she parted her hindlegs to get back into position. The fact her fur suddenly stopped at where her sensitive parts began just made it hard to ignore. Well, that and the fact the skin of her privates was a darker shade of orange than her fur. Her flanks were more toned than Sweeties who was slightly pudgy. He was starting to feel his boner coming back, as he remembered her pressing herself against the pole and blushing cutely about it. The fact she didn’t know what sex was. It was thrilling and wrong. Too wrong, “Scootaloo are you sure you don’t want to know what we’re going to do before we do it?” “Yes I don’t care what it is, just hurry up, my tail is getting a tired,” Scootaloo answered. Sweetie jumped on the bed and offered him the wet wipe stick and a wet wipe. He took them and got them ready so he could prepare Scootaloo’s ponut. He got on his knees so he could make sure he wasn’t messing up. Her ponut looked really clean on the outside at least. He looked to Sweetie who urged him forward with nods and a wide smile, “umm okay then, I’m going to do something now it might feel weird.” He pressed the tip of the wet wipe covered stick against her little ponut, “w-what’s that?” She asked as her tail shot down but he grabbed it with his other hand. “You sure you want to continue?” He asked as her tail struggled against his hand. She reared away from the wet wipe covered stick, and her wings tried to flap on their own as she clearly tried to rein them in. After a moment, her slight struggles stopped and she moved back to the stick, “yeah, it just surprised me that’s all,” she said, despite the fact her wings were still shaking slightly. “Okay then,” He said. He adjusted his hand to the base of her tail and gripped it a little firmer. It had a different feel than the base of Sweetie’s tail. He could now feel the skin at the underside, unlike Sweetie who has a short yet thick layer of fur at said place. It was weird how Sweeties and other ponies with her type of privates had fur that got shorter at their privates yet it was hardly noticeable visually at least. At any rate, he slowly prodded the wet wipe into Scootaloo’s tight little ponut. Scootaloo for her part sucked in her breath, as he moved it in as much as he could. She was otherwise silent about the fact it was now inside her. She tensed up, as he rotated it and moved it in and out a little. He then took it out and Scootaloo relaxed, “was that all?” She asked. It didn’t come back clean but it wasn’t too dirty either. He went to the trash can and threw it away. “No,” Sweetie answered, hoofing over the other wet wipe to James, who took it once he got back. He proceeded to get it set up. “O-oh, how much more?” Scootaloo asked. “Yeah, Sweetie how much more?” James asked as he put the new wet wipe into Scootaloo, who seemed a little less tense. Sweetie smiled but otherwise remained quiet. Once that was done he checked the wet wipe and it might as well have been spotless. He grabbed the edge of it, released it from the stick, flipped it, and wiped it down Scootaloo’s privates, “Eee,” Scootaloo yipped, “That’s cold.” she complained. “Sorry,” James apologised, “just making sure you’re clean back there…” he explained. He wasn’t sure he trusted the cleanliness of that pole. She had rubbed up against it. With that he threw away the last wet wipe and put the stick on Scootaloo’s desk. He walked up behind Scootaloo, put his thumbs at his pants, and hesitated. He couldn’t lie. Licking and kissing Scootaloo’s plot seemed really attractive right now. It was just there for the taking, but Sweetie’s note said otherwise. Her small little ponut rested just above her flawless little slit, as she presented herself to him. He breathed in calmed himself and slowly took off his pants, underwear and all. He then took off his shirt because it was kind of in the way. Scootaloo was facing ahead of herself on the bed, just looking at a wall, with her tail raised high, at the edge of the bed. It happened to prop herself to the perfect height. Not what he had in mind when he got the bed frame. Sweetie walked to the side of the bed and grabbed a pillow. He walked towards the filly and froze. What was he doing? This was a filly who was abandoned as a foal. A filly got turned down everytime a potential adopter visited the orphanage she was at because she couldn’t fly. It happened long enough that she would do anything to make sure she never saw another one. She just badly wanted a family. Was he taking advantage of her? He wasn’t the one who tried to get her to join the herd. Then again, if it wasn't for him freaking out about nearly dying several times and doing what he did to Sweetie; none of this would be happening in the first place, so in a way it assuredly is his fault. He breathed in and reminded himself that he had really tried to talk her out of it. With that thought he stepped into position. Hesitantly, He put both of his hands on either side of Sootaloo’s fit little flanks. Scootaloo tensed up a little as she tried to look behind herself. Before she could get more than a glance Sweetie threw the pillow over Scootaloo’s head, blocking her line of sight. Scootaloo glared at Sweetie who shrugged with a wide giddy smile. Still hesitating, he slowly lined himself up, “Wait!” Sweetie yelled getting him to stop. He was thankful. Perhaps Sweetie saw how wrong this was. She walked to the edge of the bed next to Scootaloo and gave her friends privates a good long look. Sweetie then craned her head and kissed the tip of his dick, followed by licking and sucking soon after, “mmmm,” she moaned with his dick in her mouth. She bobbed her head a couple times, trying not to fall off the bed, looking up at him. Eyes full of lust. It was short lived as she disengaged leaving a kiss at the end, “I missed that so much,” Sweetie whispered to herself, “Now you’re ready,” she said to him. His dick was now wet with her saliva. He supposes he forgot about that, as despite being super hard, he wasn’t entirely into it, and that would've been a mistake. He was glad Sweetie caught it. He tightened his grip around Scootaloo’s flanks and lined himself up to her ponut. All he had to do now was push in. Sweetie was watching things up close. It actually gave him some peace of mind to have her there and approve of this. He could tell she was perhaps a little too into it what with the way she was staring. With an internal sigh, he touched Scootaloo’s asshole with his tip and put a firmer grip on her flanks. Then he moved in slowly, “Gah, what,” Scootaloo began, her tail once again trying to get in the way. It was too late however, so all it managed to do was beat against his stomach. Her tight little passage squeezed him for all its worth trying to get him out. “Noooo that’s too slow,” Sweetie complained. “huuu? Wh-ee-at’s that?” Scootaloo asked, as he continued pushing in slowly. “Sweetie, I’m not going fast right off the bat, I don’t want to hurt her, tsk…” he said in complaint as her tunnel continued to up the pressure, “uuuu-Scootaloo try not to squeeze so hard, try to relax... does it hurt?” Scootaloo breathed a little, “No, it-it’s like if I have to take a huge poop, but uuhhg different, What is that? It’s w-wet.” She was much tighter than Sweetie. “See, she’s fine. Now get started and don’t stop until she- you know~” Sweetie said in a leading fashion with a smile. “Not yet, Scootaloo you need to relax your squeezing,” he instructed now that he was mostly inside her. “I’m-uhg trying!” She halfway yelled. He could feel her quivering in her attempts to do just that. A couple of moments later, “...Come on!! Hurry up and- GAH! Just Raaahh! You know what I mean James!!” Sweetie complained and demanded. “No can do, I know your note told me to listen to your instructions but I will not be responsible for hurting her, physically at least,” he sighed, “again,” he said sadly. Sweetie looked ready to argue but withheld whatever she was going to say merely looking on impatiently tapping a hoof to the bed cutely. Scootaloo was still tight, but there was a noticeable difference from when he first began, “alright I’m going to start now, let us know if you’re feeling any strong pain and I’ll stop.” It would be nice if he could see her face, so he can maybe tell if he’s hurting her or not. Instead all he can see is a pillow over her head, and her tensed up wings. He supposes he’ll just have to trust her or Sweetie to say something. “O-Okay, start w-what?.” Scootaloo let out uncertainty. With that he almost moved completely out of Scootaloo. Her tight walls no longer gripping the majority of his shaft. He then plunged back in about three forth the way in her, “errmm” Scootaloo sounded through her closed mouth. It wasn’t a scream at least. He moved out just as quickly and back in, just as much. “Huuuh?” Scootaloo sounded, “Ehh, i-it feels so woo-wierd when eeee-it comes back in,” she breathly explained, “hoooow long are we going to doooo this?” she asked extending her words with each thrust in, apparently getting better control of her breathing in such a short time. “As long as it takes,” James answered vaguely. Sweetie’s note told him to do this until she had an orgasm. It also said she’d have further instructions while they did it but she hadn’t given any yet, that he could follow at least. She seemed mesmerized by the show. He wasn’t sure if ponies could get an orgasm just from their assholes. He couldn’t do this forever and he knew of one way that could probably get Scootaloo to orgasm. He snaked one of his hands down to her pussy, or more accurately her clit. However before he could make it, he felt hooves pin or at least try to pin his hand to Scootaloo’s underbelly, “no cheating,” Sweetie proclaimed, throwing his plan out the window and stopping his movements while mostly inside Scootaloo. Scootaloo seemed enamored by the feeling of his dick moving in and out of her asshole to pay the movements of his hand any mind, or Sweetie’s words for that matter. She wasn’t making any more sounds of displeasure or pleasure, merely taking it with as much silence as her breath would allow. He wasn’t sure if it was good or not that he couldn’t see her face thanks to the pillow. If she could, would she be looking back at him in confusion and hurt? Would she be looking back at him in hope and relief? Would it be a mixture of all those things? He wanted to know. He put his hand back to her flank, still mostly inside the small filly, “you doing okay Scootaloo?” “Yeah, are are we done?” She asked in a somewhat strained voice. He couldn’t make out what she was feeling. “No, just don’t forget to say anything if it starts hurting,” he answered. With a shake of his head he continued to fuck Scootaloo’s little ponut. “I wooon’t,” She replied. By this point her tail was merely off to the side and somewhat raised. Her wings held tightly to their spot. Small huffs could barely be heard on the other side of the pillow. After a little bit it seemed like Scootaloo was not getting any closer to an orgasm. He had made a go for Scootaloo’s teets but was stopped. He tried sneaking a hand around but Sweetie somehow managed to spot it. He tried grasping the base of her tail, but Sweetie once again stopped him. Sweetie really didn’t want him to cheat. No progress was being made. He couldn’t do this all day. Sure he could last a good while longer, as he was mostly just getting physical pleasure out of this but this was taking too long. He just didn’t feel lust for this. It felt so wrong in so many aspects, still he had no intention on losing Sweetie over this. He would find a way to make it work. “Oh,” he said suddenly as an idea came to him. He would’ve face palmed for such an obvious solution. It was risky but was honestly the best one he had available, since Sweetie seemed insistent on keeping his hands on Scootaloo’s flanks. Without a word, he simply thrusted in much faster and harder all the way in. *Slap* “Ugg,” Scootaloo sounded at the sudden change in pace and amount, or perhaps it was something else. *Slap* “ah” *Slap* “Aah?” *Slap* “Ahaa” *Slap* “Uhg” *Slap* “Aughooh” *Slap* “Ahmmmm” This was taking a bit out of his stamina and surely oversensitizing himself but it sounded like it was working. He pounded her hard and fast so that his ballsack would smack against her little pussy each time. After she moaned she started to slightly rock herself back into him as he hammered into her. He could feel her squeezing him. It was a delightful feeling, but looking at the little filly he was doing it to was a unique kind of awkward. Even with her face hidden by a pillow. So he looked up and tried to pretend she was Sweetie. He continued his hard assault. “AHAH,” Scootaloo suddenly breathed loudly drawing his attention back to the filly who still had the pillow over her head. Her wings were now halfway extending and shaking almost violently, “Mmmmm-ah” He was worried he might be hurting her because of her wings, but she hadn’t said anything and those were definitely sounds of pleasure. Now that he was paying attention he could feel a small amount of liquid on his ballsack. Proof that his plan was working. She must be close. So he re-doubled his efforts, “Haah!” Movement drew his attention. Sweetie got in front of and to the side of Scootaloo. He had completely lost track of the white filly while constructing his false reality. Sweetie sat down and extended her forehoofs with an insane look of glee, like she was pulling a prank or something. She placed one hoof in between Scootaloo’s wings and the other just underneath a wing, close to the base. “HUU?” Scootaloo sounded at the slightest touch of her wings, “HAAAAAAHH,” Scootaloo gasped loudly and almost immediately as Sweetie did so. It was loud enough that he thought she actually got hurt so he once again stopped leaving himself fully lodged inside her. Sweetie began rubbing Scootaloo’s wings the moment they made contact. Her wings fully extended and went rigid. “G--AH!” Scootaloo screamed and flung the pillow off her head and into his chest. It eventually made its way to the floor. She arched her back even more than it had been and pushed as hard as she could into him. A substantial amount of liquid started to run against his balls as Scootaloo lowered her red face and breathed heavily. He felt as her passage spasmed out massaging him. She had an orgasm. He was glad about that. He was getting close to his own orgasm, which he would’ve considered a failure to achieve Sweetie’s first goal. He had some reservations about what she wanted him to do next. After a moment Scootaloo gained a little bit of control of her body. With that he moved out of her. Despite clearly being out of it, she had enough something to move her body with him to keep him lodged in. So with his hands he held her in place so she wouldn’t fall off the bed. She gave a little whine when he left and then kind of lazily and oddly curled up into a ball. Her wings were still fully extended so one reached for the sky and the other now laid flat against the bed, “wh-what was that?” she asked breathlessly looking up to him with a cute blush and nervous smile. Her tail went to her privates keeping them out of view. With a hand he caressed her flank that was topside and moved it to her tail. That drew her attention downward. Gently he moved her now partially wet and matted tail out of the way for a better view. While he looked at her now wet pristine pussy that was still somehow leaking what seemed like the last bits of a substantial amount of cum, she started staring at something of her own. Her ponut was open only a little bit after the intense pounding it just recieved. Scootaloo’s face was red as she stared at his dick, mesmerized. James hoped she wasn’t going to freak out. A moment of confusion overcame her before looking down, her mouth fell open. She looked up to him suddenly and blushed even harder if that was possible, “I-I-I d-didn’t mean to,” she said weakly. Her tail tried to go back to its position as she tried to curl into a ball even more. “What?” was all James could say. “I-I w-wet the bed,” she explained full of shame and remorse. “I- wha- really?” he blinked, “It’s okay Scootaloo, I’m not mad.” Scootaloo smiled at that for a while. A moment later she stood up and faced James, wings still rigid, “So does this mean we’re a herd now?” She asked full of hope and excitement. “YES!” Sweetie exclaimed while tackling Scootaloo onto her back and hugging her. “Can’t breath-” Scootaloo complained as she uselessly struggled. James got a good view of the massive wet spot Scootaloo had left. Ponies sure had a lot of sensual liquids in them he noted. Sweetie then gasped, released the hug, and helped Scootaloo back to her hooves, “but we’re not done ye~t,” she sang sweetly. “We’re not?” Scootaloo questioned, “I mean-” she blushed, “I guess I wouldn’t mind doing that again, I never felt so so good before,” she tried to explain, “It was all just,” she smiled and shivered while letting out a cute moan. Then her smile turned nervous, “it’s just so embarrassing that I did that,” she said pointing to the huge wet spot she left, “but we’re a herd now and that means we can look past silly little, uh well big things like that right?” clearly hoping for one answer only. “I- yes,” he said. Sweetie smiled and started physically directing Scootaloo back to the edge of the bed. Scootaloo seemed happy to comply and went back to ass up head down at the edge, “wha?” Scootaloo asked as Sweetie lifted Scootaloo’s front body with her front hooves so Scootaloo now stood on all fours. Sweetie took a step back and looked at him weirdly. He looked back questioningly. He really didn’t want to do what Sweetie wanted to do next. Even though he knew that more than likely everything would turn out fine, thanks to Celestia's little show. Still it just didn’t sit right with him that Scootaloo didn’t know everything like Sweetie did. He sighed and got ready to fuck her virgin pussy hard. He took some time to line himself up, being extra careful not to touch her. Making sure she had no clue as to where he was going to enter next. It just felt so wrong, “a-are you ready?” he asked nervously. “Yeah!” Scootaloo cheered, “like I said that felt really really good, even if I, you know but you said it was okay so I’m just gonna yeah,” she said shaking her hips. He couldn’t tell if she did so intentionally or not but it drew his attention to her innocent little pussy lips. They wouldn’t be as such for long. He blinked at the disturbing thought and looked to Sweetie who looked confused for some reason. He shrugged, “well,” he started shaking, “here goes-” “STOP!” Sweetie yelled, just before he plowed forward. He sighed in relief, had Sweetie seen how messed up this was? He let go of Scootaloo’s rump and backed off a little. He felt like a weight had been lifted from him, “I’m sorry!” Sweetie said as she once again tackled Scootaloo onto her back. Tears ran down her eyes. “Huh? What for?” Scootaloo asked as she managed to pry Sweetie off her this time. “I-I wanted James to-to punish you fo-for gi-giving me a black eye. In the note I gave him I told him to g-go hard and fast on you and I knew that it would make you hurt if he did,” she sniffed, “I was just so excited you were now my sister that I forgot an-and I didn’t know he spanked you, I-I just thought he grounded you, an-and-” she cracked and kept crying. Scootaloo wrapped her in a hug. Wings and all. After a moment Sweetie calmed down. James sighed, “Yeah, sorry Scootaloo, I wasn’t a fan of what Sweetie wanted me to do, but I will say at least I have no reason to believe it would actually hurt or injure you, just make you feel pain for a little bit. After that, it would probably start feeling really good.” “What do you mean? You can go faster and harder than you already did?” Scootaloo asked, she blushed, “if anything the m-more you did the better it got,” her wings once again going rigid. “I uhh, well the thing is-” he began. Trying to explain that he was not going to be entering her back door this time around, but ultimately getting cut off. Scootaloo craned her neck to face him, as her wings got more rigid, “what just a little pain? I-I can take it!” she said with false bravado, she clearly was uncertain about the pain, but not about getting another orgasm even if she doesn't know what it is. “Well, yes. I would be utterly surprised if it led to any kind of injury,” he said with confidence, “do you remember when Princess Celestia came over?” “Ya- wait, you weren’t joking about that!?” Scootaloo yelled in surprise. “Nope,” he said smugly. “She did?” Sweetie yelled snapping out of her self loathing, “How come you never told me!?” She demanded. “Oh,” he said his smugness falling, “uhh well, a lot was happening and I forgot to tell you I guess, sorry,” Sweetie looked at him with in a way that said we will talk later, “anyways, she used magic to show me a bunch of things I probably shouldn’t mention. I’ll just say that Celestia showed me- an event that happened centuries ago that would lead me to believe that I could do much worse to you and you would be perfectly fine.” He said vaguely. They merely looked at him confused, “what I’m trying to say is you should be fine.” “Oh okay,” Scootaloo said before standing back up and getting back into the position Sweetie had her in, “in that case, I accept your punishment Sweetie,” she then looked to James seriously, “give it to me as fast and as hard as you can,” she said as her tail lifted higher to the side briefly. Her wings were still spread wide. “You don’t have to do it Scootaloo,” Sweetie pleaded. “Yes I do,” Scootaloo stated, “whenever you’re ready,” she said glancing back at James for a moment. It had been a little bit but he was still hard, so he lined himself up to her cute little pussy, being extra careful not to touch it. Sweetie was now at an unsaid staring contest with Scootaloo. Sweetie looked worried and regretful, yet he could see something else just hidden underneath it. Scootaloo looked determined and appeared to be bracing herself. He placed his hands on her flanks and held her firm. He still had some quarrels about doing this with Scootaloo. After tucking her into bed and reading her night time stories. All the conversations they had up till now. How scared of him she was after he spanked her. He didn’t want to do it. That is until he recalled the family Celestia had shown him. It was messed up, but he couldn’t deny they did love each other. Then he recalled what he told Scootaloo about life. It seemed cold to him now that he’s looking back at it, but it was the truth. He might’ve been feeling some fatherly feelings for her. He shook his head. It’s too late for that. Scootaloo was hot and sexy, he told himself. He couldn’t deny the darker exposed skin of her privates was attractive. She was his newest fillyfriend and/or herd member and he was going to give her a good time while giving Sweetie a show, “are you ready?” He asked himself more so than Scootaloo. “Ye-yeah,” she said somewhat nervously. “Alright then,” he replied. He checked one last time and made sure he was lined up. “GAAA-!” Scooaloo cried out as he brutally thrust into her virgin yet incredibly wet lips. He barely felt as he bypassed her hymen. She screamed in agony much like she did when she jumped off the couch, after he had spanked her. Which is to say she cut her scream short. He would’ve stopped because of that but it was already too late. He thrusted so fast and hard that when his dick hit her cervix it busted right in. It’s probably what caused Scootaloo to cut herself off and scream silently while looking into the air. Apparently, her cervix was close enough for the head of his dick to gain entrance. He probably would’ve stopped himself from intruding past her cervix if he went slower. He could feel it around his head almost like a pair of loving lips within a pair of loving lips, it was hard to describe. “Aaooow!” Scootaloo screamed again in pain as he quickly moved out. Exposing a little bit of blood briefly before he pounded back in, busting through her cervix for its kiss. Tears fell from her eyes, "Gghhaakk," He reassured himself that a filly much younger than her took something the size of his fist and arm, and by the end wanted more. So once again he moved out and back in. “Oowwwaaaahhhh,” Sweetie licked a tear rolling down Scootaloo’s cheek in a sensual yet sisterly way. He couldn’t help but watch Scootaloo’s face now that a pillow wasn’t covering it. It was red and seemingly in confused agony as he rammed back into her. “Aawwwwwwnnnnn” Scootaloo screeched in confusion as he slammed in again. As he began to pull out, Sweetie did something he did not expect. She took hold of Scootaloo’s raised head and brought down into a passionate and dominating kiss. Scootaloo seemed confused and stunned even more so as her wide eyes stared in shock at Sweetie’s own closed eyes. “Mmmmm,” Scootaloo moaned as he pounded back into her. It was like a switch had been flipped as she began to get into the kiss herself. It wasn't long after that she wrapped her own forehooves around Sweetie as the messy french-kiss continued. The sight was weird for James. On the one hand he got to watch his sexy fillyfriend make out with another sexy filly. On the other hand, he somewhat felt like a father to said other filly, if only because of all the things he’d done. Needless to say he still wasn’t completely into this. "Mmm mmmm," Scootaloo would moan into Sweetie’s mouth each time they were forced into each other by his own actions. “AH-HAH!” Scootaloo yelled, suddenly breaking the kiss and releasing Sweetie from her forehooves as he continued his onslaught. She now stood on all four hooves and pushed herself back into him as much as she could. Sweetie helped with the pushing best she could. “DDA-AH!” Scootaloo yelled, as her breathing became heavy and ragged, “YA! HAH, DAAADDDYYYY!” She yelled as she came, stopping him in place. He could feel her fluids flow out of her in a constant stream. He doesn’t know why, or what the hell was wrong with him but that was the fucking hottest thing he’s ever heard. He lodged himself out of her and thrust back into her. “AH- STO- DAAAWWN-” Scootaloo protested as she came again. Her legs shook as they struggled to keep her standing. He held her in place as her legs finally gave out as she was overwhelmed with pleasure and oversensitivity. Sensual fluids constantly flooding out of her. “AHA AHAAAA AHAAA N-AHAA,” she breathed heavily as he relentlessly pounded into her far harder and faster than he thinks he’s ever done in his life, “AHHHHHHMMMMM,” Scootaloo screamed as he finally had his own orgasm, breathing hard from his own exertion. Scootaloo crumbled on the bed, passed out, as soon as he pulled out and let her go. She had a peaceful smile as her head rested on the now soaked sheets, with her wings unmoving in their rigidness. He started going soft soon after. “J-JAAAAMMMESS~” Sweetie complained, drawing his attention. She was blushing hard with her tail raised and hindlegs quivering, “why’d you do that?” She whined, “there was so many things I wanted us to do tonight, but now we can’t.” “Sorry Sweetie?” he sighed, “yeah I did go overboard there, I just hope she won’t be mad at me when she wakes up,” he looked back to Sweetie who was still blushing, “if you give me a moment I think I could get hard again, or I could try fis-” he cut himself off as he was thinking about what Celestia had showed him, “fingering or licking you.” Sweetie smiled cutely and turned around presenting herself, “just use your hands or your mouth, tonight was all about Scootaloo. Ahh!” she yelled as he began teasing her, “i-if HA! she wakes up from thaaaa-AWN th-that I want you AHA to be ready for her if she wants it,” Sweetie explained through gasp, “YE-HAAAHH!” she cried in explosive orgasm as he slipped a finger in and cum blasted out. So they had their own fun. Sweetie didn’t last long as she was apparently super turned on by what she had watched/participated in. He was tired, but not tired enough to sleep on a soaked bed, nor let the fillies sleep in their own juices. So he got some towels and dried them off and brought them to his room so they could sleep on a dry bed. It was weird carrying Scootaloo as her wings were still rigid. He ultimately decided to put Sweetie under one of Scootaloo’s wings on one side of the bed while he slept on the other. His mind was oddly silent. Usually a hundred different things would be going through his head about how wrong all of this was. Maybe he was just very tired, he reasoned. It only took a moment for James to get to an oddly peaceful sleep. > Home *Addition* > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- With a lazy swipe of his hand James tried to, well he doesn’t know. His mind was foggy and his hand hit something between his legs. Just like that he woke, granted he still strongly felt the pangs of sleep but he now felt what was happening down there. He opened his eyes to the ceiling, which led to the realization he was laying flat on his back, opposed to on his side. He usually/always would find himself waking up on his side. He also noted one of his lamps were on, providing enough light. Those points were neither here nor there, as his mind was more so on what was happening below his waist. He could feel the licks and kisses on his morning wood. Looking down revealed a figure hidden underneath his blanket moving as it licked up and down his shaft. He looked over to where the fillies were sleeping and found only Scootaloo whose wings were still splayed rigid. She otherwise seemed to be blissfully asleep. Sweetie however, was missing, no doubt under the covers. He was tempted to say nothing and just let her do whatever, as it felt good, but she seemed to be avoiding his more sensitive areas. He thought about it for a moment. With non-verbal sigh, he slightly sat up and slowly removed the blanket. It revealed quite the sight. Sweetie laid between his thighs and smiled up at him as she licked from his balls the tip of his dick ending with a little kiss, “morning,” he said, “you know you sh- nevermind.” He almost told her that she shouldn’t do something like this without asking them at least once beforehand, but he was in no position at all to complain? Mention it? Teach? Maybe he’ll do it later. Sweetie just smiled up at him cutely, “good morning,” she whispered happily, with her cute little voice crack. “So did you want me to have sex with you?” He asked in a whisper himself, realizing Sweetie didn’t want to wake Scootaloo. That was the only thing he could think to ask because of how turned on she was last night and yet he only licked and used his hands. That and he was currently hard. Sweetie nodded enthusiastically, before she got a blank face, “nu-uh” she said shaking her head. “Umm, okay well in that case I’ll get breakfast ready,” he whispered. “No wait,” she yelled, before covering her mouth and looking towards Scootaloo who was still blissfully out of it. “I want you to wake her up,” she whispered giddily. Confusion came over his face, “then why are we whispering?” “I want her to wake up with you in her,” she whispered innocently. Any pangs of sleep he had, got forcefully dragged into the alleyway. Some bangs could be heard from said metaphorical alleyway as he woke up, “Sweetie,” he began, “do you have any idea how wro-” he was going to continue saying until a thought came to him. He mulled it over. Sweetie was looking at him waiting for him to finish what he was about to say. With a sigh, he rubbed his face with both hands and dragged them down, “why do you want me to do that?” He whispered. “Ever since o-our first time I wanted to wake up with y-you,” she admitted shyly, looking down with a blush. “Okay, but that doesn’t mean she would,” He whispered back. “I know she will,” Sweetie whispered with certainty. “Uh-huh” he said mockingly, looking over to the sleeping pegasus filly in question, and then down to his still hard dick. He gave a sigh, “I’ll do it,” he whispered and Sweetie smiled brightly, “but if she doesn’t like it, it wasn’t my idea and I was against it from the start,” he argued to Sweetie who nodded her head in acceptance, “God, I must be losing it,” he whispered to himself, shaking his head. He figured, he was screwed no matter what. So he might as well enjoy himself. Considering he didn’t tell Scootaloo everything. That was going to be an unpleasant conversation, but one he fully intends to have later today. Now that he thinks about it, he has a lot to talk about with both of them. First, was telling Scootaloo how messed up the situation was with age and her calling him daddy. Second, was the herd situation. That was something that needed to be sorted out. His mind wandered back to Scootaloo and wondered how that conversation was going to go. Sweetie drew him out of his thoughts by giving his dick a deep kiss, leaving it wet. She then got up and carefully walked over to the sleeping filly. Once again he rubbed his face. Not wanting to disturb Scootaloo, he got out of his side of the bed and walked around it to the otherside. His own bed happened to be just high enough for his, let's say waist, which made something like this possible. Again, not what he had in mind when he got it. He slowly and gently lifted Scootaloo up, one hand under her chin/neck to keep her head from sagging. It’s something he’s had to do occasionally when a filly or colt fell asleep somewhere not their bed with his former job. It was still kind of odd with her wings stiff like they were. Then he rotated her so that her rump was now at the edge and set her down. It ended up being more/less the perfect height. He spread her legs leaving only her tail as an obstacle. Sweetie was sitting down with a critical eye to her, “no, no, not like that,” she said just above a whisper drawing his attention. He was confused, “I don’t think it’d be safe for either of us if I did her mouth,” he whispered. “I never even thought of that,” she admitted quietly, “no, I want her on her back,” she explained. “Oh,” he said. He couldn’t just flip her because of her wings so he had to pick her up again and do some slow pizza dough like gymnastics to finally get her back on the bed while on her back. Now that she was on her back her tail fell down towards the ground at the side of the bed. Her legs were lazily spread apart, giving a good view of her bare pussy lips, cute little butthole, and her adorable nipples. Yet, she was still asleep. He seemed to recall her being a light sleeper, and that was a necessity for her, he reminded himself. Did she feel safe now? He wondered. What time was it anyway? Looking to the clock, he realized Sweetie woke him up extra early. He continued speculating along those lines. Leaning more towards the idea that she was just wiped out after he went overboard on her, yet again. He felt something poke his thigh. Looking down he saw Sweetie looking up at him in an annoyed fashion. “Okay, okay, jeez,” he whispered with a sigh. Sweetie smiled up at him and quickly went to stand just behind Scootaloo’s head so that her own was looming over it. He looked down and lined himself up. Sweetie used a forehoof to gently move Scootaloo’s head so it was facing upwards and then gave her a quick peck on the lips, blushing as she did so. Just before he considered how to go about doing this, Sweetie looked up, “do it slowly,” she informed. No way he was going to do it anyother way, at least until Scootaloo said otherwise. To which it felt like she had no say in any of this so far, despite her also having say in some way. It’s just that her choice was without all the facts and knowledge beforehand. That can lead to wrong/regretful decisions. Something he seems to do when it comes to her. At any rate, he grabbed her hindlegs to keep them in place, and then moved forward. His dick pressed against her soft pussy lips and started to slowly disappear into them. Scootaloo gave a little twitch but still seemed to be a sleep for the moment. Sweetie for her part gave Scootaloo yet another kiss on the lips, but kept her eyes glued to were their parts met. He kept going until he gently bumped into her cervix, which got a sleepy gasp/breath from Scootaloo. He could feel her grip around his shaft convulse slightly when she did. He briefly considered continuing going forward but decided against it. So he slowly moved out of her. The idea of just pounding into her until she woke up and passed out sounded appealing to him. He would fuck her until all she could think about was his dick. He would make her his property and, “guh,” he whispered rubbing his face. Her released hindleg didn’t move much, but he put his hand back for what little leverage he allowed it to give. Why does he have to get these god awful thoughts. He might’ve crossed many lines, but that was one line he will never cross. The only excuse for crossing the lines he has with Scootaloo is because Sweetie was the one directing him, and that’s not a good reason. Yet, he did so anyways. Huh. To be fair Scootaloo did say she didn’t care what she had to do to join the herd. He shook his head at trying to make himself feel better about this fucked up situation. While he was thinking he was moving back in and bumped into her cervix a little harder this time. “Ah haaaaaaaawwww,” Scootaloo suddenly yawned and smacked her lips a couple times as her eyes blinked open. “Wha-aaaww” she yawned again and stretched he forelegs which bumped into Sweetie. She folded her forelegs on her chest and smiled up at Sweetie, until he started moving out of her slowly. Almost instantly her hindlegs tried to move out of his grasp, so he let them go and they went to his waist. She blushed up at him, “da-daddy?” That just turned him on so much, but he reined himself in, “do you want me to stop?” He asked, as he continued leaving her slowly. She blushed a little harder and shook her head no. He wasn’t sure if he should be relieved that Sweetie was right or not. He guessed he’d find out later today when they talked about all this stuff. He came back to reality when Sweetie brought Scootaloo into a sloppy kiss. So he continued his slow actions. They continued kissing for a while, like five or six strokes. When they finally parted they both breathed heavily, Scootaloo a little harder, “I-ha I love you both!” Scootaloo exclaimed breathly. That stunned him, “I uh, I- we all need to talk later today,” was all he could think to say. Did he love them? He certainly cared for them. He did go into a completely unreasonable rage after Sweetie came back crying to him. He can pretty safely say he loves Sweetie, and he surely was starting to love Scootaloo kind of like a father, but this was so messed up. “Okay,” Scootaloo agreed and he continued his slow motions, “could, could you go faster?” she asked, “j-just stop after I,” she quickly and forcefully added, “umm wet the bed again,” she blushed hotly for a moment, “that’s really um it-it’s like super-” she trailed off trying to find the right word. He was still going slow. “Intense” Sweetie finished for her. “Yeah, that,” Scootaloo agreed, “and it’s yeah,” she said blushing heavily. “Okay, I won’t,” he agreed, “and I’m sorry I did so last night, I just, when you called me daddy, I just lost it. I guess it’s a fetish I wasn’t aware I had,” He explained, “by the way it’s called an orgasm,” he informed. She looked back confused, “err when you wet bed and felt really good that’s called an orgasm,” he added. “Oh, besides t-the mess I really really like those,” she said, “make me orgasm, j-just stop after I do, that’s yeah.” He nodded his head and started moving faster, “Ha yeah, ju-aah just- like thaaat,” she moaned. Sweetie giddily turned around and backed up presenting herself with her tail raised high. Scootaloo was already too lost in her own world to notice. James watched as Sweetie slowly lowered herself onto Scootaloo’s face such that lips met lips. His view was obscured by the angle, but Scootaloo did stop moaning for a moment. Sweetie soon after started humping her face and making her own cute little sounds, while Scootaloo’s were now muffled. This was hot and he wasn’t going to last long as he pumped into her. Looking down he saw her little tits and decided to give them some attention with one hand and with the other he decided to caress where he saw Sweetie do so last night just underneath one of her still stiff wings. He started with her tits though and she let a long muffled moan as he twisted and rubbed her little nubs. It was hard to concentrate with how close he was. She was giving little jumps each time he pushed into her. Sweetie was humping faster and breathing harder. He then brought his other hand to her wing. The moment he gave it a slight touch she froze up. He started to slowly caress her underneath one of her wings. She went back into motion, and let out a muffled scream as fluids flooded out of her. Sweetie screamed soon after and fell face first onto the bed revealing that she had her own explosive orgasm. Scootaloo’s face was now soaked as she breathed heavily with a huge smile, while Sweetie’s rump was in perfect view, her fur now matted with her juices. He still hadn’t orgasmed yet, but he was close. So he began unlodging himself from Scootaloo, “w-wait aha you can stay in, mmm, j-just don’t move,” she urged. “Sorry but, I want to have my own orgasm,” he explained before leaving her. She gave a whine of disappointment but otherwise didn’t say anything. He briefly considered grabbing Sweetie and finishing in her, but she just got done with her own orgasm. That, and he remembered what she wanted last night, which is this to be about Scootaloo. Considering she evidently wanted to wake Scootaloo in a way she apparently wanted to wake up herself. He figured she still wanted this to be about Scootaloo. With that in mind he lined himself up with her small little asshole and proceeded to pound in, “ughaaah,” Scootaloo voiced by the sudden action, and smiled up at him. Cum continued draining out of her pussy above keeping her tight ponut extra slick. “Uhghmm, uhgmmm,” she moaned each time he moved in seeming to have gotten better control of her breathing. He felt something but paid it no mind as he was just about to, “Gah!” she exclaimed in surprise as he finally orgasmed inside her. He tried to take a step back as he was oversensitized but had yet to go soft. It was then he noticed at some point Scootaloo had somewhat wrapped her tail around one of his thighs. He took himself out of her but allowed her tail to remain mostly as it was. Looking up he noticed Sweetie seemed to be peacefully passed out, in her hot position. It was very early after all. He looked down to Scootaloo who was still recovering. Her legs splayed wide as her tail gently hugged one of his thighs. Her privates slick with her juices, as she smiled up at him. He leaned down until they were face to face, which resulted in him having to back out of range for her tail mostly. Slowly he leaned closer until he kissed her. Her eyes were wide open as he backed up a little to judge her reaction. Then her eyes melted as she craned her head up to meet his for another more tongue based kiss. He could taste Sweetie, and feel the moisture she left behind. Scootaloo seemed to have much more refinement then Sweetie did when they started kissing. Then again she did have some practise. She seemed to assist his tongue and let him do what he wanted. Yet she directed him in its own dance. Unable to help himself he started to finger her pussy and she started to moan into his mouth and get more sloppy with her kissing. He kept his eyes peeled on her for any signs that she wanted him to stop, but saw none. Then he brought his thumb down on her clit, “AH,” she yelled, breaking the kiss, “Mmmmmm,” she moaned, closing her eyes as he slowly moved his thumb around it. Then he removed his thumb but kept fingering her. She gave a little whine, “wh-why’d you aaa stop?” “What do you mean?” he asked, playing innocent, as he increased the pace of his finger. She didn’t look amused, “Yo-aahh you mmmm know whaa-what I-AAHHH!,” she screamed as her head shot up in orgasm as he assaulted her clit with his thumb. Not much liquid came out this time around. With that her head hit the bed and she passed out with a blissful smile. Now both fillies were passed out but he was still wide awake. He had a lot to do anyway. He had to wash a lot of sheets/blankets now including his own. He had to get breakfast ready after that. Then he considered having them all take a shower together after. There was certainly more than enough room in his awesome shower. He’d leave that up to them, but either way they all would take showers. Then he had to have a talk with Scootaloo and Sweetie about pretty much everything involving their relationships and how all that would play out. He’ll leave that up to them, to an extent, he still had lines he had not crossed and he will put himself in jail before he crosses those lines. Before all that however, he needed to get another towel to dry them off. Then move them to the other side of the bed. Today was going to be a long long day, and not only because it was currently super early.