Hot Coffee Quickies: Overdue

by Fabulosity

First published

The two beloved and favoured Alumni of Crystal Prep Academy had been scheduled to attend an end-of-week meeting, as usual. Finally having some time to spend together, both Cadence and Shining decide to make use of that rare moment of quality time.

The two beloved and favoured Alumni of Crystal Prep Academy had been scheduled to attend an end-of-week meeting, as usual. Finally having some time to spend together, both Cadence and Shining decide to make use of that rare moment of quality time.

Everything appears to be as normal, but there's something else stirring in the background. Hidden away and observing from a technical position. Something or someone... though only lovely couple will find out.

HCQ: Overdue

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At the end of the school week, there was always a brief meeting between the Crystal Prep Alumnus Society to chat about recent events, plan ahead for next week and beyond, and figure out any points they could improve upon. Of course, since the Alumnus Society really just consisted of Shining Armor and Cadence, very little business actually got done since they had their own little office space on campus, secluded and quiet. Frosted glass and thick wood paneling kept sounds and sights concealed, and more often than not it meant an affectionate snuggling, some kissing, groping and sweet words.

This was certainly not the case today, especially with most of the school faculty and student body having gone home for the weekend. There were no hushed whispers and giggling, but sharp slaps of flesh upon flesh, grunting, and the light creaking of the heavy oak desk that Shining Armor often sat behind. They hadn't even started talking about the week before Shining Armor's hands were all over the leggy pink-skinned beauty, and any protests she had were muffled beneath his hungry, tasting lips.

The very image of ideal students at Crystal Prep, now rutting like animals as Shining had the pastel-maned gal bent from the waist and pushed over the front side of the vast desk, her blouse open and skirt hiked up, panties down at her ankles while Shining's trousers and boxers were pooled close by as well.

At the very least she'd managed to convince him to get a rubber on, but Shining Armor was very... different today in the way his hands pulled at her shapely hips, panting and huffing as if he didn't care who might listen in to each of those furious smacks of his slick nuts against her slit each time that fat latex-coated rod pounded fully into her from behind.

Cadence was having a hard time understanding what had changed within her darling boyfriend. It only seemed like a few days ago, that he was fine. Being his usual, cheery and sweet self. But today, he was much different. He pushed her onward for some closer play at the end of the day, seeing as it was at the end of the week and on the edge of the weekend. Cadence was entirely against the idea, she had been in the mood lately to spend some time with her beloved Shining Armor.

It was how he brought himself upon her at this very moment. Poor Cadence was drafted over the large desk, her open blouse and those exposed and luscious breasts pancaking against the smooth surface. Her long sea-foam skirt, hiked up and made to rest around her hips. Grunting like a bitch in heat, the girl groaned out into those lips as her head was turned, mating with her lovers own set of soft lips.


The pastel-haired girl couldn't believe how aggressive he was today, she wasn't against it but was rather worried about how far he would indeed take things. The only reassurance she had, was the condom she made him wear. When their kiss broke, Cadence spoke out in-between heavy grunts.

"S-Shining! Uuuargh! Wh-What's gotten... into you... today! You're so... uuuargh... so rough!"

Leaning back as their kiss broke, his first response was a more throaty grunt and heavier slam of his hips, holding that twitching pole balls-deep within her as his hands moved away from her trembling hips. "Can't help it....", he panted heavily, his fingers curling around her wrists and pulling her slender arms back, her body forced to rise up so that her generous pale mounds now swayed and wobbled beneath her as he returned to rutting her senseless with her arms held back like reins.

"It's been so long... mmmf... and just thinking about your body under that uniform....", which was only semi-accurate considering she didn't wear a school uniform like most of the girls here. Though he had to be thinking about her, right?

"Just, nngh... couldn't wait to get home!", his eyes caught the image of their rocking, intermingled forms in a polished bronze plaque from a trophy on the wall, more of these distorted visions giving them a little peek at the raunchy scene. This only seemed to spur the young, well-to-do man to even further efforts, teeth bared as he really plowed hard into his lovely girlfriend as though she were some cheap hooker rather than the girl of his dreams. The desperate pace and intensifying throbbing being telltale signs even before he groaned it out.

"Nnnnngh... fuck g-gonna cum....!"

Cadence squealed out as Shining forced himself into her harder, and with more vigor. The young male seemed to be really pent up. Because at this very moment, Cadence's insides were feeling the sheer brutal power of her pent-up honey. With numerous groans and further squeals, Cadence announced her receiving pleasure as that cock buried itself deeper within the velvet pillow that was her pink sex.

Listening to his words, the girl merely remained smeared across the table and gasping with deep, pleasurable moans. Sweat beginning to bead down her face, the prim and proper girl never felt so salty within her own clothes.

"Aaaaaah! S-Shining! I can feel you... really... working my insides! Feels like you're going to... burst into my stomach!" It was such a gory vision that the girl had visualized, but she'd chew tightly upon her bottom lip for a moment.

She thought about what Shining said, she wasn't wearing a uniform? Perhaps he was just distracted and bothered by his worked up cock, now melting within her darling vagina. "Oooh!" Cadence cried out as her arms were taken hold of, by those slender wrists and straight back they were pulled. Now she felt like a true mare, being ridden from behind. Yelping out with each lewd, loud clap that came with each thrust into her cunt.

"AAH! AAAAAAGH! You're going to cum?! J-Just wait... I'm...!" It seemed poor Cadence was on the edge herself, this confused excitement was driving her toward her own orgasm.

There was no denying that Shining was a generous lover most of the time, whether it meant taking his time in getting her worked up in a make-out session, or slurping away at her slit for long, relaxing 'breaks', but this time he seemed determined to 'give' her something else entirely different.

Those powerful hips working against her plump rear like a raging stallion, as though he'd never have another chance to fuck her again, hardly caring who might hear his throaty, loud groans filling the office as his thrusting reached a peak of intensity and rhythm, the desk even rocking backwards an inch or so.

It'd be entirely forgivable to miss the soft, muffled 'Eep!' that came from the space behind the desk where Shining would normally be seated, especially as the former student slammed home into Cadence's snug love-box one final time. It wasn't that he didn't want her to enjoy her own climax, but he was so close to his own thrilled, mind-blowing climax that he could hardly stop or slow down now.

"Rrrrgh! C'mon babe... cum for me too... all over that fat dick...!", though that was all the encouragement he could give before his hips bucked and shuddered in spasms against her, surprised at himself for using language right out of some bad porn.

Despite the thin layer of latex, she'd feel every powerful pulse, the hot warmth flooding into that thin sheath, his hips rocking against her as if to make sure she'd get every drop she deserved.

As he propped himself up behind her, doubled over and keeping his hands on the desk for extra support, panting in exhaustion and relief, Cadence would hear the text tone of her phone going off as it buzzed along the desk surface. Impatient texts from home, wondering if she'd be back in time for family dinner it seemed.

Just as Shining tensed up, Cadence could feel that cock within her, throbbing and twitching. It seemed the boy was ready to explode his load and with that, it truly did happen. Even that dirty talk that came moments before, it only helped to push Cadence herself; over the edge. With that orgasm pending, Cadence finally released herself back upon that fat prick.


It was with that very announcement, that Cadence released her own pent-up lady liquids. Spraying back against her beloved boyfriend, coating him and that fat cock and those balls, with repeated squirts of sticky lady sauce. With a deep groan, she'd roll her eyes up into her head and thoroughly enjoy that brought about climax.

Even so, the feeling of that spunk inside her, it was marvelous and extremely pleasurable. It was certainly a welcome feeling, despite those multiple shots emptying into that now-used rubber. Building a balloon within her love-tunnel. Cadence wasn't aware of the little stowaway within the room, hiding and watching. But when Shining leaned over her, pinning her to the table; she'd groan in response - panting deeply along with her beloved.

"T-That felt... pretty good." The female Alumnus looking over toward her phone, watching it buzz and vibrate across the table. "..Ugh, my phone... my parents must be wanting me home for dinner..." A soft moan passing over her lips. "Mmmn." Trying to wiggle back against him, but instead feeling that cock throb and twitch against her insides.

Despite the feeling of a water balloon weighing down the end of his dick, Shining groaned softly as he tried to work another one, two thrusts into her, though he'd simply end up resting atop her a little while longer before leaning over to turn her head aside.

"I'll say..."

Though he'd think quietly about how she'd never gushed like that before. Certainly she wasn't the sort of girl to fake orgasms so he knew she'd had plenty, but it must have been a hell of a climax as he realized his balls and thighs were coated, practically dripping with her nectar. Pressing another softer, more affectionate kiss to her panting lips before grunting as that sloshing balloon slurped free of her drenched nethers along with his spent cock, though the flesh remained turgid and stiff still.

Still, even on wobbly legs and his blood rushing in his ears, he couldn't help but mischievously smack the side of her upraised rear before he stumbled around the vast desk. "Gonna need a bit of time before a repeat performance... but guess it'll have to be another night, huh?", practically collapsing into the large arm chair on the other side of the desk, not even bothering to get cleaned up or dressed for now while Cadence took a breather.

"You alright hun? You look like a mess...", though he appreciated the change rather than her usual prim and proper look. But at least there was a private bathroom just outside for her to get changed, dressed in.

Finally when Shining stopped, despite those last few thrusts against her sex. Including that filled balloon that was rubbing up against her insides, she'd shiver and gasp lightly. As Shining pulled out, she'd feel instant relief from within. "Uuuagh..." Even the kiss that he gave her was pleasant, making her feel lovely and warm inside. Regardless of the sudden void that was caused, due to her lovers over filled condom.

As Shining stumbled back, free of her backside; she'd yelp out when her ass was smacked. "Oh! Cheeky Shining!" Slowly the girl pushed herself up, groaning slowly and grabbing a tissue from her nearby bag; she'd wipe herself down slightly and adjust her clothing. Fitting her blouse back into place, pulling up her panties and skirt and staring back toward her boyfriend.

"I'm going to the bathroom to finish cleaning up, I won't be long my love." Cadence smiled at him, as she'd make her way toward the door and eventually leave. Heading toward the bathroom, to finish tidying herself up once more.

"Ooh... no rush now. I promise I won't fall asleep on ya.", though it certainly didn't seem like he was trying too hard as his head rested atop the cool surface of the desktop. More than a few pens, papers and other stationary had fallen off in the throes of their 'love-making', though as he heard the door closing behind her, he couldn't help but feel a slight pant of guilt.

That had perhaps been the most intense coupling he'd experienced with Cadence ever, but it wasn't the only attention he'd gotten this week. If anything, he should have felt more exhausted after one precocious, yet oddly adorable student had taken such a shine to him this week.

Even after that one, awkward, yet unforgettably-pleasurable experience in a dim storage closet, he'd already quietly followed her, or pulled her aside into a bath room or some other quiet room for even more of that unmatched oral talent and zeal.

He wasn't even sure how he could still get hard with how much cum Sonata had been sucking out of him, and yet as he glanced down, he was more than a little worried at how to remove that over-swollen sack of sperm without spilling it all over the office floor, much less hiding it from the poor janitor. Sighing softly as he simply sat there, half naked and spent pondering his infidelity, his growing desires, and even worse, why it felt so good.

Careful fingers moved forward and rested upon the males thighs, squeezing his toned legs firmly and slowly moving herself forward. Sonata eventually poked her head out from underneath that space, beneath the large desk and she'd grin up toward her new boy-toy. The way this girl moved, was like a shadow on the wall. Silent and drifting over the wall with no effort.

That devious smile upon her face, she heard it all. Basically witnessing their little fuck session and having had a little fun on her own accord, while they made love to each other. Now Cadence had left the room to get dressed and cleaned up, and right now the naked male was seated there upon the chair; with that filled balloon on the end of his cock.

"My, my, my... you guys are totally noisy, like... for realsies. I bet the entire school heard you guys screwing in here." Licking her tongue along her lips, she'd squeeze those thighs a bit more.

Shining yelped and practically jumped out of his skin, though to his credit, he didn't actually jump up and make a worse mess. If anything, it would've been especially bad for Sonata, considering how quickly they had to towel her off and get her back to the dorms after their first encounter, the telltale stains of jizz upon her blouse and jacket after he'd given her a porn star finish.

"What the...! You... what are you doing here?!", he remembered to keep his voice down since Cadence wasn't so far away now, and though he knew there was some awkwardness to deal with in having that swollen cum bag dangling before her eyes, he was still shocked, and slightly furious.

"You heard... I mean, you shouldn't be here! You should be out there with all the other students.", knowing exactly why she was here now, considering she liked to tease him about his girlfriend while she was sucking his dick often. Rolling back in his seat, glaring as he expected her to get up and out of here on that accusatory grimace and tone.

Unfortunately for Shining, Sonata was bad at listening. This would be evident in her daily classes, the girl failed more than once at listening; especially when the teachers gave instructions during classes. It was true however. Sonata managed to sneak in here, having overheard both those lovers talk about spending more time together on campus.

The bluenette took advantage of this information and thus, here she was. Now nestled between Shining's legs. Those alluring eyes focused upon that bloated bag, hanging off the tip of her boy-toy's dick and she'd giggle.

"Wow, you even brought me a snack!", Sonata didn't waste anytime getting that condom off of his dick, she knew she was on a time-limit. Considering Cadence could walk in at any moment. With both hands, she'd peel that condom from his cock and hold the heavy bag up to her eyes, looking at the insides through that transparent material.

"So much... I'm not gonna waste a single drop, kay?", the siren tilted her head to the side, eyes focusing on him again and with both hands she'd tip the filled condom up and allow the inner sludge to ooze from the hole. Slowly, but surely the contents leaked out like a slimy river and just like a gross waterfall, it pooled into her mouth and tongue. Which of course was extended, to help catching that lewd snack.

Moments passed and soon the condom was empty, literally. The young teenager had drank that bag of jizz, swirling it between her cheeks and with a heavy swallow, it was gone; her mouth now empty. Of course she'd open her mouth and prove it too him, such a good girl Sonata was.

"Aaaaaaaah! See! All gone, wow... so much and it was so thick... mmmm, delicious."

"Hey, what are you.... oh c'mon...!", he hissed softly in disbelief and frustration as he realized what she was set to do. It wasn't just enough that she liked to suck, jerk, and tit-fuck that fat dick for its salty contents, but there was a fresh load right there in front of her now. And much as he might want to pull away to stop her, any attempts at doing so while she peeled that stretched latex off were sure to be disastrous.

Though just as he opened his mouth to scold her further, he stopped before any words left, thoughts leaving him as the student so casually tilted her head back as though she were chugging the contents of a soda can rather than a pint or so of gooey jism. His jaw starting to drop, eyes wide as he witnessed this feat, something that even a porn star or whore would probably have trouble with and yet there was no lack of surprises to this seemingly ditzy, yet capable bluenette.

Certainly not a drop spilled, or even remaining within her eager maw when she presented, save for the smell of cum on her breath at this point. And much as he was inclined to say something about that, she'd almost certainly notice that wilting, shrinking cock before her starting to rise, harden once more at this new, exotic visual stimuli.

"Okay, that... wow, did not ever expect to see that live. So, uh, great. Now... get out of here, would you? Before she comes back!", still trying to keep the panic out of his voice, even though he knew Cadence was the sort of girl who took her time in the bathroom to spruce up.

Sonata enjoyed the sight on his face, it was great. The sheer expression of disbelief on his face was oddly satisfying, but to someone like Sonata. This was bliss, the perfect expression of submission to her whims. Both of them had numerous occasions of fun during the week, this was just another one of those situations.

Perhaps it was a bit different, with Shining's girlfriend within proximity, but that wasn't going to change her focus. Even if they got caught, Sonata wouldn't care. Infact the girl would probably add salt to the wound and degrade them both, which would lead to their breaking up; which would further benefit the siren.

Though it was a bit too much right now, she wasn't capable of Adagio levels of cruelty, at least not yet. "Huh? You want me to leave? But I haven't had my fill yet, cutie!" Sonata tossed the used condom up and onto his chest, as she'd lean forward and give that cock-head a kind, loving kiss.

"I want another load, but this time in my mouth. Not your girlfriends virgin pussy."

Though he was more than a little irritated, his first reaction was to quirk a brow quizzically. "Virgin pussy? We've been fucking for over a year now, you know.", this was certainly a step up from his usual shocked reactions though, seemingly less fazed by the thought this 'underaged' student stalker had just planted a wet kiss onto his cock.

Grimacing as he plucked the spent, empty condom from his chest and tossed it aside into the wastebasket, inwardly glad they wouldn't have a heap of a mess to deal with. "And you just drank, like, a cup's worth. It's like you can't ever... mmf... get enough...", his protests faltering in the face of her slow, but eager suckling, brow furrowing slightly. "...and y'know, I probably should be shooting dust by now after all the suckjobs you've been giving him. Got some kind of magic mouth?", he half-jokingly chuckled, at least before remembering where they were.

"I mean... can't it wait? We've got a whole weekend, somewhere else if you want..."

Indeed the siren heard his words, listening carefully to that voice as she continued her suckling, teasing attentions to that freshly standing prick. "Mmmmmn... no I want you now." The girl was drooling over his standing rod, coating it with a fresh paint of saliva and going back to drowning him and making him nice and sensitive. Easier to deal with too, considering time was against her right now; but it wouldn't take her long, she knew that.

Afterall she had the tools and the skills. "Yeah, she's still virgin. Mmmmn... I mean... have you guys fucked without protection?" Sonata asked with a smug expression running across her lips, both hands wrapped firmly around his standing cock. Milking him nice and slow with mini-jerks as her mouth went back to focusing upon his head, smearing his head with her beautiful long tongue.

Nibbling and biting playfully upon the head also, giving him both sharp pangs of pain and pleasure combined, using this method to wake his recently climaxed cock up. Hoping to get another mouthful before his darling girlfriend returned.

"Mmmf.... well no, we're young, but not dumb.", he grunted softly, squirming lightly in his seat the face of the student's unusually skillful suckling and stroking. She might have looked like a high schooler, but she'd probably put women twice her seeming age to shame with just how quickly, adeptly she'd brought that freshly-spent cock back to rock hardness, as much due to the lustful display of her thirst.

"Can't have kids yet... ah... not before we graduate college at least.", lulled into an odd sort of conversation now, though Sonata seemed to have that sort of effect on him and guys in general. "I mean... would you? I'm pretty sure I'm not your first guy, mm... but you wouldn't let just anyone blow their load inside you, right?", an almost playful sort of smirk crossing his features as he watched her at work, that slippery cock pulsing warmly within her grip while salty trails of pre-cum were already leaking out to reward her.

"Maybe in your mouth though..."

"Don't worry about any of that, Shining. You're my current boy and that's all that matters, for realsies."

Sonata kept running her hands up and down the length of that prick, she was content on how things were working out so far. Of course she'd further giggle when he mentioned her mouth. To which she would reply with a further chuckle.

"Ahaha-hehehe! Yeah, I'm totally okay with you blowing another load in my mouth... but I wouldn't say no if you wanted to bareback me either.", a confident grin upon her expression and now it was time to focus, she needed this boy to empty his balls soon. Right now she didn't want to deal with that prissy girlfriend, should she find them in this current situation.

"Mmmmmph!" Sonata locked her lips around that head, suckling with a powerful force as she worked both her hands and mouth at the same time. Aiming to give him additional pleasure, and naturally her eyes focused upon him - watching his changing expressions.

"Ah, fuck....!" Familiar words by now, though now he was far from being idle. No doubt he'd been nervous before, worried about someone who might catch them in the act, or even hear this lewd scene going on in a closet or bathroom, but to think that Cadence was only a room or two away checking herself in the mirror; it simultaneously terrified and excited him.

"Mmmf... we'll test that then, you little slut." He grunted lowly, not seeming shy at all about using such language either. Hands no longer content to simply grasp at objects nearby for support, but now one would settle atop her bobbing, pony-tailed head, fingers grazing along her scalp more in encouragement than anything.

The other slipped beneath the front of her blouse, the top buttons loosened, and her bra simply pushed aside as a handful of perky teen aged tit filled his palm. "Did you get off on that... hearing us fucking right there?", a soft growl now, as his hips bucked, spasmed up against her hands and lips, though there was simply more of that profuse pre-cum leaking for her from that turgid, twitching flesh.

"Maybe I should take you home then this weekend... or probably some cheap motel. Fuck you just like that, make you beg for me to cum inside you!"

Of course Sonata was pleased to hear him begin to be honest again. This boy had a problem being honest with himself, acting all shy and defensive and the moment she'd start to play or suck on his cock; his attitude certainly changed. It was quite adorable. That didn't affect Sonata's work however, the girl continued her efforts upon his fat dick.

Slurping happily upon his thick and bulbous head. Tongue meshing over that warm, smooth surface and using the tip to slip between his piss-hole, teasing that urethra. Her eyes never left him, they kept focusing upon his own; as if Sonata were his dutiful pet. Both hands continued to wrangle that cock, jerking up and down and wanking him with such loving content.

"Mmmmmmmmmm-mmmmmmmn.", Sonata groaned with such lustful moans. Lips firmly locked around that head, slurping him good and hard. Allowing rivers of saliva to ooze down from her lips, down the length of his shaft and meet her hands at the base. The siren did bob her head up and down, working him with a keen speed, hoping he'd deposit a load soon.

Of course that hand clutching at her skull did tighten its grip, as did his squeezing hold upon her heavy tit, groaning lowly as he started to take charge only in the final moments of this risky, yet thrilling encounter. "Ahhh... almost there...", more of a promise than a warning, knowing she'd rather swallow than take his load upon her face like the first time, even as he gripped the base of her pony tail and started to eagerly push her head up and down along that veiny pole, testing her throat each time her plush lips kissed at the base of his cock.

"Nngh... fucking choke on it.", and even as the words left his mouth, he was inwardly amazed at his own change in attitude. Was it her? Or was it something that he'd been holding back inside all this time? It never occurred to him that it might be both of course, as no normal human could possibly hope to keep up with Siren unless something magical was going on.

But as it was, he had no other goal in mind except the wet slurp of her lips and mouth, cock-tip plunging down her throat over and over again until finally, he let out a sharp, constrained grunt and kept her lips right at the base of that pulsating member. Hot gushes of fresh, thick seed erupting within her swallowing throat, and his features spelled out that blissful, drug-like hit as his hips bucked and shuddered, giving the greedy siren yet more of that seed and magic that she so craved. Not letting her up, even by an inch, until every heavy throb had expelled that second, copious eruption of his seed for her.

The feeling of his hand upon her head, taking command and helping to aid her sucking by forcing her along at his required pace; was interesting. Sonata never thought he would finally take over, but now he was and the girl was pleased with this. She worked best when people took charge and made her service them with orders and commands, she was naturally submissive when it came to comparing her to her other two sisters.

"Mmmph!", Sonata groaned out as the tip of that cock, kissed the back of her throat. Everytime her lips touched the base of his throbbing prick. What followed next was all that she ever wanted. A heavy, salty and creamy load, from a gorgeous boy.

As Shining exploded within her throat, Sonata kept herself pinned to the very base of his manhood. Drinking down those expelled juices and swallowing hard, each time she felt a fresh blast enter her gullet. The dutiful siren did her best and drank him down until he was completely empty and not one drop was split.

"Mmn. Mmmmnn. Mmn." The moment he finished, Sonata slowly pulled off his dick and nibbled the tip; making sure no drop could escape and then 'pop', a lewd noise occurred when the suction of her lips broke away from his flesh.

"Mm, that was amazing. I could go for another round, but... your precious Cadence is gonna come back at any moment. So... I'll leave when you guys go, and I'll catch you during the weekend then... Mister Armor."

A crafty smile upon her face as she'd flick his cock-head, slipping back and underneath the desk - just as Cadence's silhouette appeared at the frosted glass door.

Shining Armor though he knew what heaven was like when he'd first kissed Cadence. Or when he touched her breasts for the first time. Or got to finally lay atop her, kissing and grinding along with her until they both trembled in climax. And though part of it pained him, he knew now that heaven was unloading his spunk down a slutty teenage girl's throat, grunting and huffing as he kept her head pinned down against his lap until she'd swallowed, licked every drop clean.

Much as he would've loved to keep going as well, he heard the door to the outside bathroom open, and sighed lowly. "Mmmf... good girl. You just wait then...", not able to give her much more instruction than that. Though he found it odd that she seemed to know exactly where he was most of the time... but still, there was enough time for him to smirk, and even hold her head still as he twisted his hips to slap that wet, freshly-milked dick against one, then the other cheek to leave a wet smear of spit behind as a mark of approval.

"Hope you can make it a surprise...", leaving her with that before his hands departed her ponytail and he eased himself back, smiling as though nothing had happened once the door swung open.

"Oh, hey babe. Lemme get my pants on and let's get outta here. Something's come up over the weekend though..."

BONUS: An Unexpected Encounter

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It had finally reached Friday. The last school day of the week, before the weekend. Already it was late afternoon and the classes were still in effect. Principle Celestia had decided to come over toward Crystal Prep Academy to visit her friend, Cadence whom of which was now the head of Crystal Prep.

Infact Celestia was only here to check up on her, see how she was coping with her new role since Cinch was cast out over her escapades the last time both schools fought in competition. The tall, slender woman walked through the empty hallways, eyes scanning for the office. It didn't take her long to find it and upon doing so she'd open the door, after knocking the glass.

"Hello Cadence, I hope-..." Celestia stalled in her words, finding Shining in place of the principle. "Oh. Hello Shining. Not whom I was expecting, is Principle Cadence out on errands?"

Things had been... interesting over the last two weeks, especially since Shining had taken to far more illicit meetings with Sonata. It didn't matter if it was in the locker room, another supply closet, and empty class room or office, the sweet young thing was always down to milk a load out of him. Soon even Cadence had noticed her darling boyfriend's increased urges, and they'd found a few risky places to consummate those needs as well.

But for today, Shining seemed to be fairly normal as he'd seemingly be at the computer, presumably writing documents or reports, though looking faintly startled at Celestia's sudden presence.

"Ah, hi! I mean, Principal Celestia, what brings you here?", a toothy, almost awkward sort of smile worn as he hastily clicked on the screen, bringing down a porn site from the monitor before she'd get at an angle to see what he was 'working' on.

"Cadence headed home a little early, I'm just... taking care of a few things before seeing her tonight. Can I help you?", asking even as he fought back a warm blush in his cheeks, trying his best not to take notice of the considerable bust Celestia that was still one of her best features. It hadn't been that long ago that he'd seen her around after all.

Celestia didn't see what he was doing on the screen as she'd approach the desk, though she'd lean over and stare at him. Eyes fixating on the screen for just a moment, yet, when she saw he was doing work; that was enough for her. Such a busy boy he was, that was something she liked about him. Always dedicated and quite handsome too.

A faint smile brushed along her lips, and she'd turn around and sit that plush backside upon the edge of the table. "Oh? Aren't you the dedicated one. Cadence is quite lucky to have you around, helping her Shining. You're not exactly Vice Principle, but... it's admiral that you'd help her." Folding her arms underneath her bust, she'd smile toward him. "I could... use an assistant too."

Luckily there was some spreadsheet and schedule already on the screen that hid the fact he'd been idly watching some smutty gang bang scene, but there were certainly other things to worry about. Doing his best to readjust his slacks to try and hide that otherwise obvious bulge he'd been nursing and low-key rubbing as some heavy-breasted starlet had been having the time of her life.

Now he was sweating a bit as Celestia drew near, and his eyes darted around upon her tall, shapely figure as she sat in a position that some seductive secretary might take, not helping with her bust being supported upon her crossed forearms.

"Well, uh, I do help out where I can. And what can I... assist you with today?", unaware of the innuendo that seemed to be forming as he tried to seem 'normal', even if his eyes had unintentionally settled upon her heavy bust, leaving him absentmindedly staring.

Her eyes caught sight of Shining's own and she knew exactly what he was doing, where he was looking. Infact the principle of Canterlot High, had expected him to even be here. Cadence was also out of the picture, she had gone home and right now, this young man was left vulnerable within his attack girlfriend here to defend him.

"Oh. Well I hadn't expected you to even be here, Shining. But since it's just us and with your girlfriend gone home for the day, I was thinking... I could maybe help you out. You look awfully stuffy sitting there in that chair. I imagine you've been working all afternoon and without a break too."

Celestia smiled with that sultry look and she'd follow up with a slight, quiet and girlish giggle. Pushing herself from the edge of the table, the woman made her way around the table and around to his side. "What do you think, mm? Should I give you a helping hand with that work... Shining?" Celestia asked as she'd lean in closer, eyes focusing upon his and a hand resting upon his covered crotch, sampling that restrained erection within.


Unable to hold back a soft grunt as he watched, felt her slender fingers moving to wrap around that cloth-coated tent. Was this really happening? He'd always thought the sister principals at Canterlot High were a lovely pair, but never would he have imagined one or perhaps both? To be this... forward. His expression confused for a moment as his eyes glanced down at her intruding hand, then back up.

"I... well..."

Certainly not a 'no' by any means, much less any sort of excuse to get him out of this situation. But even with that obvious blush, he began to buy into the idea of a well-deserved 'break', smile slowly growing more sly, more genuine as she'd feel his cock throbbing dully through his trousers.

"Well... I'm pretty much done for today, so I think it'd be nice to have an extra hand.", winking wryly. "Along with a mouth, and other parts too..." Though any innuendo was cut off when Celestia's sliding hip would bump against the computer mouse, causing it to click randomly on the screen.

"Yeah, give it to the slut! Cum on her!" A different masculine voice grunted out from the computer speakers, tinny and digital, but unmistakable over the sounds of a woman moaning out. A quick glance to the screen would show some heavy-breasts, bikini-clad bimbo now receiving a trio of cumshots at the end of just as many cocks in her face, and Shining Armor practically turned a shade of crimson.

"I... um..." Reaching over to slowly fumble for the mouse to close out of the video player like he should have, rather than minimize it.

Celestia couldn't help but turn her head toward the screen, having seen and heard the pornographic content that came from within. "Goodness... you really HAVE been a naughty boy, haven't you?" The girl said, following up with a small chuckle and additional crafty grin.

"Well I suppose I shouldn't leave a pent up boy like yourself alone, I can only imagine the damage you'd cause Cadence when you go home unsatisfied."

As her hand continued to rub that clothed crotch, feeling up that sizable dick. Celestia would slowly shift herself forward, resting down onto both her knees and she'd push apart the boys legs and smoothly run her hands up those smooth, pants-covered legs. Until she reached her destination, fingers fondling with his button, belt and zipper.

"Now, let's have a better look." The crafty rainbow maned beauty fished out his cock and wrapped a hand around the base, firmly. "So hard." The woman leaned forward, pushing her firm lips around the head of his cock, slurping solely there for the moment.

Three women in two weeks? It was a startling difference certainly. Cadence was surprisingly naive and slow in trying new things, even if she was a great cuddler, kisser. Sonata was playful and eager, quick to go right for the throat or cock in this case, bubbly even while she had a dick in her mouth. But Celestia was something else entirely, sultry and in control, enough so that he felt a tinge of anxiety among the overwhelming waves of lust.

The woman was close to twice his age after all, and as she crept between his legs, not offering any resistance at all, Shining finally remembered to breathe. "Whew, well... I mean, it isn't something I do all the time. Cadence helps... sometimes." He admitted finally, though there was a soft groan as his rock-hard dick practically shot out of his opened zipper, throbbing intensely before her until she'd wrapped her hand around it.

"Mmf... well, happy to help. Looks like you, nnh, needed this just as much as I do..." Groaning a bit louder, aware that no one else was in the office area as his hands unclasped from the chair arms, watching as her skilled tongue circled around his blunt tip, saltiness faintly offered to her taste buds.

"Well... a cock this hard is perfect for all the soft spots you've got to offer." Chuckling quietly as one hand moved up to her jacket, sliding slowly inside towards those heavy mounds.

Celestia felt that hand sneaking into her jacket, reaching for her heavy teat. Of course she didn't stop him, infact she was more concerned with the hard treat in her mouth. Those plush lips locked around that cock head, slurping and suckling firmly upon it. Enjoying the heat he was giving off, and those throbs that would accompany it.

"Sssssssshk! Slp! Ssssgrk! Glk, glk, glk, glk, glk!"

It wasn't long until Celestia was making those exact same noises, that the video Shining was watching earlier had. It just showed that this wasn't Celestia's first rodeo, and she was keen too. Fingers still wrapped around his cock, holding him nice and taut, while her tongue slurped along his underside and around his glands upon her head coming back up.

Those pretty eyes focused up upon him, watching his facial expressions and loving how he moaned and twitched in his chair. Reacting to her oral assault.

Well no one could accuse Celestia of being inexperienced at this. If anything, the sounds she was making were more akin to a porn star or whore trying to exaggerate, though Shining was in no shape or mood to complain or critique with her expert tongue and throat sliding down and up around that veiny meat.

His fingers lopsidedly upsetting one side of her bra beneath her blouse, letting a heavy, pale breast spill out into his grip just as it squeezed tighter in response to her needy slurping and bobbing. Yielding flesh squeezing out between his fingers as he grunted and bucked his hips against her face, his features twisted in focus as he watched her working greedily, skillfully at throating his young, thick cock.

"Ah fuck...! Always wondered what kind of girl you really were...."

Other hand moving to take a handful of her seemingly-floating, pastel-colored hair to teasingly rein and tug at as her head bounced, his fingers tweaking and teasing her taut nipple as a reward.

"Mmmm... probably don't wanna make a mess, do you?"

These words couldn't have sounded anymore true in her ears. While she was suckling like a pro on that fat prick, she kept up her rhythm of movement and focused on keeping those lips firmly in place around that shaft. Celestia was still a principle however and she was visiting, technically she was still a guest here at the school. But she couldn't afford to mess her clothing.

"Mmmmmn! Mmmmmmmmmrrrrgnnnn..."

Celestia moaned deeply, this was an indication that was agreeing with what he said. She'd have to endure, keeping that expelled load inside; or run the risk of messing her elegant clothing. Oh how, Cinch would pay to see such a sight indeed.

On one hand, there were few things as heavenly as having a skilled, eager mouth wrapped around his cock. Sonata had certainly provided plenty of that, and even Cadence's more amateurish attempts were still a treat. On the other, he knew he couldn't exactly make her suck him off for hours on end, as they'd not want to get locked in the school, assuming the principal didn't tire out before then.

All of this basically decided as she kept that brisk pace steady, hungry and wanton while her gaze looked up at him, groaning louder as he thrust up while pushing her head a bit more roughly onto his lap.

"Mmmf...! Good to know though... we'll find out just how much of a slut you are later."

Even managing a playful sort of wink down at her, even as she'd taste salty spurts of pre-cum leaking onto her tongue. But even much as he'd be tempted to let her do as she pleased, he grunted and squeezed on one of those bountiful tits just hard enough to get her squirming, get her attention.

"Here it comes... jerk it onto your face, into your mouth. I wanna see you wear some cum....!", he growled out that demand, mess or not.

The hand that was clamping around Celestia's breast, squeezed harder, she could tell. It certainly got her attention, those beautiful eyes focusing up upon him and she'd grunt loudly into that fat dick.


Celestia heard what he said and he was serious too, at first she wasn't going to bother; but then she worried. What if he did something mean and make her mess her clothes. Now it was time to play his game, even if it were just for a moment. Celestia pulled her head off that cock and she'd jerk him quickly and firmly, basically milking him and pressing the head of his cock against her lower lip.

"Aaaaaah! Aaaaaaah... you nasty bastard! Cum! You better cum in my mouth!"

There was a raspy laugh, breathless and panting, before he responded. "Then you better open your mouth wide...!" Just as she'd feel that fat, veiny flesh in her hand throbbing powerfully, recoiling and twitching like a living thing as he groaned and bucked.

The first gooey blast of thick, milky-white nut would spray across her cheek and lip, followed by a second that caught her tongue and forehead, only inches from her beautiful hair. But only then would he push her head down forcefully with a sort of snarl, her lips, then throat wrapping back around that wildly-spurting cock to let the rest of his salty, thick load pump into her mouth, splashing upon her tongue to give her the full texture and flavor, shuddering and bucking as her hand continued to milk his dick furiously.

"Yesssssss...! Take every fucking drop...!"

Only then would he push her head down further, until her nose was brushing right against that trimmed path of blue hair at the base of his cock, her lips kissing against his loins and his dick pumping the last few spurts of seed right down her throat. Huffing, grunting as he thrust up against her face, only then loosening his grip on her tit though there'd be a bright red hand print from where he'd squeezed so hard.

"Mmmf... that's it. Such a big fucking slut..."

Celestia felt that forceful grip upon her head, pushing her right down into the pubis of that cute boy. Already she had collected a few shots upon her face, soiling her pretty expression. But that was fine, as long as it didn't catch her clothing; the woman was fine with that.


The principle of Canterlot High couldn't believe how cheeky this boy was, he was holding her head right down upon his dick. Her lips kissing the base of his flesh, mating with him orally. That cock throbbing and twitching wildly within her tiny mouth. Sending out various squirts and coating her oral insides with a sheet of white.

Of course the woman gagged and choked, but she endured. Her hands resting on his thighs, for support and when he was finally done; she'd whimper and pull her head off of his prick and cough, spluttering as she'd attempt to clear her throat.

"Uuuuagh! Uuuuagahh! So much..."

Panting heavily for breath, that wide, cocky grin never left Shining face as he watched her coughing and sputtering for breath, his seed coating her face and now filling her belly with that rich load.

"Sure is... and plenty more left."He chuckled quietly.

His firm grip bringing her head back down to messily smear his spit and cum-soaked dick against her lips and cheeks, making her either nuzzle or take it back into her mouth to clean it properly.

"But helped get you your fix of cum at least, right?"

Even while he popped open the button of her blouse, allowing one pale breast to spill out lopsidedly from her top and bra, his expression still hungry.

"Had enough?"

When Celestia had her face brought back down, smearing those beautiful and full lips against his slimy cock, even her cheek also. The girl mumbled and leaned her head back once again. Eyes catching his own and she'd cough lightly, still clearing whatever was left within her throat. Then she'd slowly push herself up from the floor and begin to fix her attire, thanks to Shining being quite daring and upsetting her bra and breasts.

"Yes... I do believe I've had enough for now. If we were to continue... I think things would get much messier. I promise that next time... we'll see how much you can truly endure."

A wicked smile spread across her lips, though it was those eyes that haunted him the most. Celestia was always serious when she mentioned promises. It seemed that encounters in the future, were going to get more interesting.