> Twilight's Batty Pet > by Shimmer_Bolt > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Twilight's New Pet > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was midnight, and all of Ponyville was in peaceful slumber. At least, all except for Twilight... Spike walked into Twilight's room after having his regular midnight snack to get a book he left there the other day. He couldn't help but notice that Twilight, who was usually asleep at this hour, was wide awake, looking out the window. "Twilight? What are you doing up? Is something wrong?" asked Spike, walking up to her. Twilight smiled at Spike and patted his head. "I'm fine. I'll go back to bed in a little bit. You just go back to sleep, okay?" Spike touched his index claws together. "Well, if you say so..." And with that, he went back to bed. Twilight, however, was not fine like she said she was. For the past three nights, she had been plagued with strange dreams. She would be alone in her bed, and she would hear a voice calling out to her. It was a comforting voice, and it made her feel heated. Her nethers would yearn for contact, but when she woke up, she would be disappointed to find nopony there. Being a princess, it was hard for her to properly find a male during the heat seasons. She didn't want to ruin her image as royalty. A slutty princess, that's what they'd call her. What would celestia think? In truth, that always made her feel bad, even lonely. Her friends had all found males to play around with, but never her. She felt truly isolated and apart from everypony else. She turned her head to look at the sleeping baby dragon, Spike. She had even had thoughts of asking him for assistance during the months, but he was a baby, after all. He probably couldn't even understand the concept of sex. His love for Rarity was an innocent feeling. The poor thing probably wouldn't even know what to do if he ever succeeded in getting together with her. She smiled sadly and placed a hoof on the window. "I just wish I could try it. Just this once..." Twilight was a virgin. It might be surprising to her friends, but not to her. She had always felt it was her fault for being a shut-in, and then moving on to the grand role of a ruler. After a full thirty minutes of staring at the night sky through her window, Twilight decided it was time to go back to bed. She flopped down onto her mattress, pulling the covers over her, and closed her eyes, drifting off to sleep. --------------------------------- 3:00 AM --------------------------------- "Twilight... Twiiiiliiiight..." A soothing voice called out to the princess as she slept. Twilight tossed and turned in her bed, her loins burning with desire. The voice called out once again. "Twilight..." Twilight opened her eyes and prepared to see nopony once again. Sitting up in bed, her surprise was apparent when she saw a lone figure in her room, shrouded in the darkness. "Sp-Spike?" she squinted her eyes to try and get a better look, but the darkness kept the figure ambiguously shaped, at least, until it got closer. Its shape became more apparent, and it obviously wasn't a baby dragon. As it came closer, more features became visible. Those leathery wings, that light gray coat, black mane and golden eyes with slitted pupils. Twilight felt slightly intimidated at the sight of this creature. "Who... Who are you?" she asked. "What are you doing in my room?" The bat creature said nothing. Instead, it approached Twilight's bedside, where she could clearly see its masculine build. He leaned in and sniffed at Twilight's mane, making her flinch. "U-Um... Th-That's a little too close," she said, pushing the bat away with a hoof. The bat creature took a step back, allowing Twilight to climb out of bed. She noticed that he wore a red collar with a nametag that read 'Shade Wing'. "What are you doing in here?" Twilight asked, a little annoyed. "If you think you're here to steal from me, then you've got another thing comi--" Twilight was suddenly cut off by a pair of lips pressing against hers. Twilight's face went red with embarrassment and her wings expanded without command. Shade pulled away just as quickly as he kissed her, smiling innocently. Twilight just stared at the bat pony with a look of confusion on her face. "What was that?" Thoughts ran through the mare's mind. This stallion had just appeared in her room and was kissing her. How dare he? She was the Princess of Friendship and at least deserved some more respect than that. Just as she was about to speak her mind, she noticed something odd. Twilight's marehood was practically an oven at this point. She could feel something dripping down her hind legs, and it made her a bit uncomfortable. If she were to shoo him away, she'd be stuck all alone again, left to try and satisfy herself, and she knew she wasn't very experienced in that art. Here was a male... one who was most likely willing to court her. She took a step forward, actually catching Shade by surprise, his ears twitching. Twilight continued forward until she was inches away from his face, and then she struck. Twilight pressed her lips against Shade's, letting out a quiet moan as she pushed him down, rolling him onto his back. It was a bit of a shocker to the bat pony, but a welcome one. He spread his wings out behind him on the floor and wriggled about, trying to get comfy, but before he could, Twilight was on top of him. Shade could feel something dripping onto the sheath between his legs, and it was actually helping him get ready, stimulating him. He had always been easy to tease. Even a feather could get him going most of the time. His member began to lengthen, slowly reaching full mast and readying the bat pony for anything the mare could throw at him. Twilight wasn't exactly sure how to do this. Was she supposed to just... She laid down atop of him, the member pressing against her stomach. She could feel it throbbing, and so she quickly stood back up. She repositioned herself before lowering her body again, and this time it was right on the mark. The tip pressed against the front of her entrance, making the poor heated princess sweat in anticipation. "S-So," she started. "Do I just..." she pressed against the tip and felt it pushing apart her nether lips, entering her slowly but surely. Twilight let out a soft squeak and she moved her hips around to get a good feel on it. Shade grunted as he felt the mare moving her hips, making her inner walls press against his sensitive stick. He just couldn't take it anymore. He grabbed onto her hips and he thrust forward, catching the princess by surprise. "W-Woah! Hey!" she cried out, but soon those words were replaced by, "W-Woah! Okay... J-Just keep going!" The bat pony complied eagerly, thrusting his hips like there was no tomorrow. Twilight couldn't help but wonder what she had gotten herself into. Was she going to get pregnant from this? Could a thestral breed successfully with an alicorn? Twilight let out another squeak as she felt the stallion hilt inside her, the tip just barely pressing against her cervix. "W-Woah! Easy now..." She moved her hips back and forth, doing most of the work and experimenting with his length, helping herself stretch around it. "This! Feels! So! Good!" exclaimed Twilight each time she slammed her hips back, making it fill her completely each time. Shade began to emit noises on his own accord, squeaking as he felt himself getting closer and closer to the end. Twilight continued to pound herself on his rod, her eyes rolling back and her mouth wide open, tongue out and drooling. "I'm so close!" she cried, moving her hips faster. This was Shade's cue to start thrusting once again, working in rhythm with her. Before long, both Twilight and her new thestral mate reached their climax. Twilight could feel a something hot filling her hole, and she loved every second of it. But just as soon as it started, it came to a stop, both ponies panting heavily. Shade squirmed a bit and reached underneath his collar with a hoof, pulling out a note. Twilight took the note in her hooves and opened it up to read. "Dear, Twilight," she began, "I've noticed that your love life has been rather lacking lately. I know how it can feel to go for so long without a partner. Specifically, a thousand years. This is Shade Wing, and I have assigned him to you as a consort. He has been ordered to obey every command, and will not leave you unsatisfied. "I hope you make the most out of him. I know I have... With love, Princess Luna."