Driven Batty

by SunnyDontLook

First published

My friend Sound Byte, the bat pony, stops over for a visit with me and my wife. Except, it isn't a normal visit at all- Lewdness, repressed feelings, and cuckolding ensues...

My friend Sound Byte, the bat pony, stops over for a visit with me and my wife. Except, it isn't a normal visit at all- Lewdness, repressed feelings, and cuckolding ensues...

An old commission. Just never got around to posting it until now.

[Contains: bi horses, gay sex, strap ons, and heavy cuckolding elements! ]

It Was My Wife’s Idea...

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It Was My Wife’s Idea...

I looked up from my paperwork. The doorbell had rung exactly once. Some part of me didn’t want to get up so I could finish this stupid case work. You shouldn’t have to fill out three forms every time you used your baton. Still, Fortune Writer was cooking right now, and…

“Are you gonna get that, honey?” I heard her voice call out to me from the kitchen. The little island that doubled as a breakfast nook I was sitting at was right behind her. My eyes moved up to meet her. Her light blue coat was partially covered up by the apron that she always wore when cooking.

“Yes, just a little tired,” I replied quickly. Dropping from the chair to my hooves felt nice though, though it came with a bit of discomfort from the drop. Despite that, I wasn’t going to thank my guest for getting me out of the chair.

“Not too tired I hope,” she said as I walked towards the front door. Her lilting voice was just the right amount of sultry to my ears.

“A real stallion is never too tired for that.” I replied with a smile on my face, and a brain full of lewd ideas. The fact that I would be opening the front door with a semi barely registered to me as I grasped the handle with my mouth and pulled it open.

I had known who it was from the moment the sound of our doorbell had registered in my brain. Sound Byte looked at me with a slight grin, the big bat stallion having to tilt his head down a little to meet my eyes. His fangs poked out of his mouth just enough to be visible.

“Heya, Clear,” he said, a cheeky grin on his face. With a tilt of his head even further downward, he continued. “Happy to see me?” I flushed and nearly shut the door in his face.

“Uh, hi,” I replied lightly, looking just far enough from his eyes to avoid contact. “I was just talking to Fortune about uh, stuff!”

“So it isn’t for me?” He pouted and stepped into the house, brushing his tail against my side just lightly enough for it to be considered accidental. “Hey Fortune!”

“Hey Sound!” she said without looking back. I shut and locked the door behind him and turned, keeping my eyes on him. I wasn’t expecting anymore company.

The bat stallion trotted into the kitchen, with me following behind. His strides were long and collected, forcing me to adopt a near trot to keep up with him as he trotted into our kitchen. I watched his eyes connect with Fortune’s rump, which was currently swaying back and forth to some rhythm that only she could hear.

He came up behind her, and just before he could make contact she spun around and threw her forehooves around his broad shoulders. Sound responded in kind, warmly throwing his hooves around her. They held the embrace for a second before disengaging.

“So, what’cha cooking?” he asked her as I trotted up to them.

“Something good,” I replied immediately. She flicked her tail at me, striking me on the chin. I would never admit that I loved the smell of her, especially when it was shoved right up to my nose, but I did. “Whenever she puts on clothing, she really means to go the whole nine yards.”

“It’s goulash, and he’s not wrong, for once.” Fortune looked at us both before licking her lips. “When I put on my lingerie and panties, I mean business.” There went my brain again. Being reminded of the last time she had worn those very same articles of clothing.

“I’m not sure which outfit I’d prefer, though you look pretty good in that apron right now,” he answered smoothly, with a hint of excitement in his voice.

“Now, now, I can’t just step away from my cooking,” Fortune responded with a smile and a momentary questioning look at me. I nodded slightly with some hesitation “You’re gonna have to wait till after dinner, Mister.”

“Fair enough,” he said simply before looking at me with a similar questioning look. “No hug for your old bunkmate?”

Before he could continue, I jumped a little and managed to half tackle, half embrace my friend. My head ended up against his warm neck and muscular withers. His hooves came down on my back, one of them rubbing my flight muscles. “There, you horndog,” I said while trying not to breath in the scent of the large stallion. He’d clearly run or flown here, and it showed in the traces of sweat in his coat. Eventually he let me go, just as I was about to run out of breath. “Do you want a beer?”

“Sure. You have anything dark? Last few places I've been stationed have just had cloudy water that they called beer," he replied.

“Yeah, I have this one local oatmeal stout,” I told him before walking over to the fridge. Down in the bottom were six bottles. With a hoof I pulled one out, before hoofing it behind me to him. I grabbed one for myself, cracking it on the edge of the shelf inside the fridge.

“Did you open a beer on the fridge again?” I heard Fortune ask from her position at the stove, across the kitchen .

“Yes,” I said calmly.

“You don’t need to look cool for Sound. Besides, you’ll damage the fridge doing that” she shot quickly, before leaning to the side and opening a draw swiftly. A second later she tossed a bottle opener over to Sound. He caught it deftly, before opening his bottle with a practiced ease. Everything Sound did was smooth. It was just part of him.

“It’s alright, he’ll always be the stallion that caught pink eye at the same time as me in boot,” he said with a laugh before sniffing the air loudly. “It smells about ready.”

“It nearly is,” Fortune shot back before walking to the edge of the kitchen, wear she stored her apron and hung pans out to dry. She shook her body as she pulled the apron off with her wings. Her eyes darted between us as she hung it up, still not a spot on it. “Ready to eat boys?” She asked as she went over the fridge and grabbed herself the third beer. Then she cracked it on the inside, before shooting me a shit eating grin. In response, I lifted a hoof and shook it like an old stallion telling fillies and colts to get off his lawn. Both of them laughed when I made that impression.


Soon enough, we were seated at the table, all three of us at the island, tall chairs leaving our tails dangling out the back. Sound sat to the left of Fortune, and I took her right side. Every once in a while her tail would flick to the side and push mine. There wasn’t a rhythm to it. It just happened. Still, the conversation and the consumption were good. Steady.

“So, I clocked the guy,” Sound paused to take a spoon full of soup into his muzzle before continuing. “Those white collar criminals never expect that to get punched.”

“And he actually stole money from the foal’s cancer fund?” Fortune asked after sipping slogging back half her beer. Not to worry, as a lawyer she could out drink anyone at that table.

“Yeah, didn’t you read about it?” I asked her, remembering some of the details from a few months back. The pony had tried to run, and then flailed his hooves about when he was caught in a dead end of an alley. What I hadn’t know is that Sound Byte had caught him.

“I don’t read that part of the paper,” Fortune pouted as we both gave her a critical look. “I read the front page, and do the crosswords!”

“I mean, I usually just read the sports and crime sections,” Sound Byte said after a beer burp.

“Same,” I replied and drank some of mine. We were all on our second beer by now, and I was starting to feel the firsts hints of a buzz. To be fair, these beers were like nine percent ethanol.

“I mean, we’re all parts of the law machine.” Fortune said after pushing her bowl to the edge of the counter. She had cleaned it out. All three of us were gonna have spicy breath after this. Thoughts of just who would be sharing that breath had my mind drift out of the moment… Then I felt a whap against my tail. My guest had picked up his bowl, drinking the last bit of his broth the only way a real stallion can.

“Eww, we’re not earth ponies!” Fortune said in an faux agonized tone.

“Dear, that was very racist,” I said.

“C’mon Clear, everyone under the armour profiles sometimes.”

“Yeah, you’re the royal guard, I’m the innocent practitioner of the law,” my mouth gaped open as my wife and best friend ganged up on me. I just sat there for a second, still as a statue, until they burst into laughter. Fortune turned her barrel to face me. Her hoof moved up to my jaw and gently pushed it closed, just before she pressed her lips to me in a quick peck. There was a slight spicy hint on her lips-

“Do you give those to boys that finish their supper? If so I want-” She didn’t even hesitate, giving his a wet kiss right on his muzzle in full view of me. That managed to get him blushing, his eyes meeting mine in an expression of guilt.

“Now, I’m gonna throw these dishes in the sink and put on that outfit I mentioned before,” She said after disengaging from the kiss, and dropping to her hooves. With a wink and a flick of her tail, she grabbed the bowls in a stack and walked away. Both of us stared at her, Sound with a deeply quizzical expression, me with a more self-reflective one. Self-reflective considering my cock was spilling out of my sheath.


When Fortune came out, she was wearing her stockings and garters, with a short skirt. Underneath were her pink panties. I tried not to look. The thoughts of what would happen later were enough to give me trouble with my cock. Both Sound and I were sitting on our small couch, and we started to scoot over a little for her-

“Get comfy boys, pretend you like each other,” she said in husky voice, as she stalked up to the couch. Sound and I turned to face each one another. We had that much time before she threw herself onto the couch, before spreading herself out lengthwise over our laps. Her head ended up in Sound’s lap, and her ass ended up pressed against my stomach. Her hind legs hung off the edge of the couch. And her skirt rubbed against my sheath, the dyed cloth and wiggles from Fortune felt very good.

“What are you-” Sound managed to say before Fortune ran her face against his sheath. Watching her lick his dark sheath, and hearing him moan was enough to get me spilling out of my sheath. With my hooves I groped my wife’s flank, before pressing a hoof underneath her tail, up against those panties.

“No really! What are you doing?” Sound nearly yelled as my wife licked at his cock as it started to spill out of his sheath.

“So, I guess we owe you an explanation. See, we knew you weren’t gonna be here for a while-” Fortune started to say between strokes and licks of his shaft. He didn’t try to stop her…

“I knew you liked her, and she likes you, so I’m letting you two fuck.” I said as my own shaft throbbed against her flank. She pointedly ground her ass against my hoof, her pussy winking against the thin fabric.

“Yeah, because he loves the idea of watching me fuck you,” Fortune said with a shit eating grin, looking at me briefly, before going back to polishing Sound’s admittedly bigger cock. Not that I was small-

“What?” Sound paused and placed a hoof on her head. “R-really?” My grinding of her pussy had born results, there was a nice squelching noise as I moved over her slit.

“You don’t seem to have any problem with being a bull.” Fortune said as she pulled herself away from me, before sliding her rump into his lap. She didn’t even look at me as she ground her wet panty covered pussy against his hard cock.

“I mean, a hot mare who’s also my friend wants to fuck me,” Sound said as he wrapped his hooves around her, groping the ass he had spent so much time looking at. “But she’s also my best friend’s wife…” He paused and looked over at me. I was caught between anguish and joy. Though my cock only registered of those things. “Okay, well if everyone is into it then.” Sound looked Fortune in the eye and pulled her closer to him, chest to chest, before craning his neck and pressing his lips to hers.

“Well, yeah, I would’ve said something if I wasn’t comfortable with- that!” I looked at Sound and Fortune kissing deeply and grinding on one another. The urge to try to mount Fortune was present, and my cock was throbbing just watching them and smelling the sex beginning to fill the room. I contented myself with just stroking my cock with a wing as they did their foreplay.

“You just said something though,” Sound said with a grin as he watched me stroke myself. He and Fortune had taken a moment to catch their breath.

“That’s not even the best part. He’s gonna be a little, incapacitated, while we fuck,” Fortune said with an equally vile smile.

They both laughed.

I only got harder.


The chair was comfortable. The ropes strapping to me to it were not. They chafed and rubbed against my skin when I tried to move. The worst part was the vibe though, it was tied to my base, a little bullet vibe. It was moving just fast enough to keep my hard and leaking, but not enough for me to finish. I knew it had been a horrible mistake to let Fortune experiment on me…

I sat there as Fortune bent over the bed, before watching Sound pull off her drenched panties with her mouth. He licked his lips before digging into her pussy with his long bat pony tongue. She squealed and shook her hips from side to side. His cock was hanging from behind, and he made no attempt to hide it from me. In fact, his own little rump shake seemed engineered to make me look at it, and his heavy, dark balls…

“Don’t stop, don’t stop!” Fortune yelled as he sucked on her clit, her tail curling over his neck, in an instinctual expression of need. He didn’t stop. Moments passed as her moans crescendoed up to a degree that I was worried the neighbors would hear. “Sound!” She finished messily, dollops of femcum caking my friends muzzle. Fortune laid at the edge of the bed, still wearing the dress, just with the panties wrapped around her right hoof.

“Nice job!” I said loudly, “it usually takes me a longer to get her there.” Sound just looked at me, before licking off my wife’s juices from his muzzle. There was a lot of juice on his muzzle. Despite his lack of reply, I had a smile on my face.

“Wanna use that thing on me?” Fortune said after rousing herself from her sexual torpor. She smiled at him with intensity I hadn’t seen on her in years.

“Fuck yeah,” Sound said as he climbed up on the bed. She did the same, before turning around so her head faced me. The bed shifted under his weight, the large bat getting up behind her and mounting her in a single deft motion.

“Oh fuck!” Fortune’s face screwed up with pleasure as she cried out. Her dripping cunt was being stuffed. Before long he had bottomed in her. His head was pressed against the back of her neck, and she moaned as he bit down heavily. “Watch the fangs!”

“Oh yeah!” I said to them with a groan, as the vibe sped up slightly, and the mess I was making on the chair continued to grow in size.

The continued without any reaction to me. His thrusts were heavy, but steady. She moaned in time with them. The sounds of wet fur slapping against wet fur echoed across the room. Eventually, she started to moan louder and louder. “Don’t stop!” She yelled repeatedly. Before finally dropping the bomb she had been saving up… “You’re so much bigger! So much better at this!” Her words made my cock throb. “I fuck his ass better than he fucks me.” That was the moment that my mind broke, the little toy in my butt and the vibe on my cock worked in concert to push me to the edge-

But not over it!

“Come on! Let me cum!” I yelled as my cock started to flare, before losing it as the vibe slowed down again.

“Shut-the-fuck-up!” Fortune yelled in between thrusts. Her voice was loud and her eyes burned a hole in me. I wanted to get up, but I was tied down. My hindlegs struggled against the bindings, but Fortune was very good at knot tying.

“Y-yeah!” Sound said as he sped up in his thrusting. The sounds were getting louder and faster.

“Oh fuck, you’re so big!” Fortune yelled out as he bit her neck. Moments passed as his thrusts got more and more erratic in her. I knew what that meant. “I’m cumming!” She finished with a near screech as he bit down on her neck. His pumps stopped a few seconds later, with him burying himself inside her hard. Sound made quite the sound as he came inside her. They stayed like that for a while too, long enough for me to hear a small drip… That made my cock twitch harder, especially since I couldn’t see their rumps. The vibe speeding up again didn’t help matters either.

Eventually though, he climbed off of her, pulling himself from her slit with an audible sucking noise. He smiled at me like a predator before walking up to the chair and pushing it onto its side. Sound did slow it down a little with one of his leathery wings. It hurt a little, but the straps held. Fortune giggled a little at my predicament.

“Come on Clear, help your friend clean up. You used to shower together right?” She said to him as he looked at me with a momentary expression of hesitation.

“N-” I paused and looked at my friends cock. It was losing hardness fast. It wouldn’t be that bad… “O-okay.” I said to them, and to myself. I didn’t fail to notice my own erection starting to flare as he got on the ground and pressed his tip to my face, giving me room to move my head and lick all around the head. Moving down the shaft was harder, because he had to basically dry hump my face. He tasted like my wife, kinda, but the stronger taste was skin, and that slimy, salty texture that was his cum. That problem was solved when fortune came over and loosened the ropes holding my head against the chair. When that happened, the newly hardened Sound pushed his cock to the back of my mouth hard enough to make me gag.

“You like that? Sucking a real cock?” Fortune said as she stroked my ears and mane as I polished Sounds length. He was nearly clean now, and I was reaching his base and sheath with the edge of my tongue. “You’re so good at it too, are you sure you’ve never sucked him before?” He pulled his length from my mouth and stood up, leaving me with my wife laying beside me.

“No! I’ve never sucked a cock before!” I said loudly. With a hoof she began to stroke my cock lightly. I was already close from all the teasing, and yet she was adding more to it.

“Oh that’s not true, I’ve watched you suck on my dildos,” she looked at me before stopping the strokes, instead she cupped my balls with her hoof instead. The fur of my balls was soaked through.

“Don’t tell him that!” I pleaded with her, and as soon as I said that she squeezed my balls, just enough to hurt a little. “Ow!”

“I’ll do what I want, because I’ve always been in charge.” She said simply, and just before kissing the nape of my neck. Her hoof went back to lightly stroking my cock. “The question is, what will you do to cum?”

“Anything?” I responded before she could ask me more rhetorical questions.

“Good boy,” she looked at me before kissing me on the lips for the first time that night. All the while Sound looked at me with a kind of half-hearted jealousy. He would be a good bull, because he knew that what Fortune and I had came first. Even if on the surface it got denigrated. “Well, Sound here looks like he wants to go another round, I wanna pull out my cock… And I heard someone wants to cum. We can all make this work, right sweetie, we don’t see him often, might as well give him another treat?”

“Uh, I would like to cum, sweetie.” I replied with a forced smile. Her’s wasn’t forced.

“We’ll be back in just a minute then, enjoy the vibe ‘til we’re back.”

“O-okay?” I said as my cock twitched and leaked after the abortive attention she had given it.

They left me on the floor, with my ass plugged, and the vibe torturing my cock. For some time, I wondered when they would be back. Then, I heard the shower turning on, and a series of moans…

Whatever they were doing in there, it wasn’t quiet. Still, I had time to think about what was coming next- I wasn’t a stupid buck. I knew they wanted to stuff me. That was why Fortune had made me clean up… The only question left was who would be taking which end. Somehow, that questions made my cock ache even more. I had always kinda wondered what being fucked by a stallion would be like, would it feel better than lifeless silicone? That was a stupid question, some part of me realized. Of course the raw sensations would be better, it would twitch and spurt pre, and eventually finish inside me in a way that Fortune just couldn’t.

And somehow, the fact it could be him, well, if I had to pick a buck to fuck… Well, that train of thought had me straining against my bonds, to no avail. No! This had gone too far! I didn’t really wanna be fucked. The twitch of my cock disagreed.

“Traitor!” I yelled at my own cock. As I was sitting sideways, strapped to a chair, while my best friend fucked my wife in the shower. This hadn’t gone quite the way I had imagined it. Even if dick tasted better than I had expected. It was only really the taste of skin, if a bit saltier than usual. That thought made my traitorous cock twitch again. Moments passed as I tried to think less sexy thoughts, but the combined moans passing through the open doors made that easier said than done. Eventually the moans stopped. And the shower turned off as well.

“You still awake?” Fortune yelled out of the bathroom.


“Good boy,” she said with a yelp, “Stop it, save your strength for him!”

“Okay,” Sound said loudly as they both stepped into the room once again. They were anything but disheveled, they looked calm and collected, and in the throes of afterglow. You know, the exact opposite of my pent up ass.

“So, do we look nice?” Fortune asked with a toss of her still wet mane. Her eyes bored into me. And before I had a chance to get up, she went over the the closet, her tail flipped out of the way, my eyes following her nethers hungrily. “Pssh, not for you,” She said before walking back with her strap on.
“Want me to help put it on?” Sound asked with a smile, as he watched her get on the bed.

“Please,” Fortune replied. With a graceful motion, he grabbed the belt and connected it to the receiver on the other side of her hips. Somehow, he did this without balking at the large, black silicone cock in his face. In fact, he shot her a grin when it was on, before licking up the top of it.

“Someone wants to be on the receiving end of it, doesn’t he?”

“Yes Ma’am.”

“Well, not tonight, Mama’s been waiting to buck her Husband for two weeks.”

Wait, she’d been planning this for that long?

Well, that totally didn’t get my cock to twitch. Not at all. Hell we had only known Sound was gonna be around like- Two weeks ago.

“You hear that over there, bottom buck?” Fortune laughed a little too maniacally.

“Uh, yeah?” Her smile deepened.

“Well, you heard goddess damned right.” She replied.

“Wait, he’s taken this before?” Sound asked with a start.

“Yeah, he fucking loves being fucked,” Fortune said with a laugh before grabbing Sound’s head and pushing his cheek into her faux cock. “Get me wet again, I heard you really don’t mind what equipment your servicing.”

“Yes, Ma’am,” He paused to lick the tip of her strapon, “fully bisexual.”

“Good boy.” She sighed and let her body soften a bit, as some of the night caught up with her. Orchestrating a -whatever this was- must’ve taken a lot out of her. Well, compared to me, the one getting things put into him…

Moments passed and she seemed to wake back up. Her cock was looking rather sloppy, you could say a lot about Sound Byte, but he could slobber over a rubber cock.

“Good buck, you deserve a treat.” I realized I was the treat as he looked over me, mouth (and fangs) dripping with saliva. As he met my eyes and started trotting over to my bound position, she treated me with a salacious smile. The same smile that always set me dripping like a lonely housewife.

Sound looked me over before starting to bite and pull apart the ropes over me. All the while, Fortune sat on the bed stroking her long cock and watching my friend pull me from her ropework. My cock twitched as I remembered the times she had used that strap-on on me.

“You almost done over there Barky?” Fortune said as she pulled an additional bottle of out and drizzled up and down the phallus, before rubbing it in. I felt a tingle down my spine as I watched everything just, exist. My friend, who was in the process of becoming more, my wife sporting the biggest hard on in the room- A moment later everything was about a foot taller. And I was now well acquainted with the floor beneath me.

“I see I didn’t cut off all the circulation, or are you just happy to see us?” Fortune asked as I crawled to my hooves, even as my boner surged and writhed from the everpresent vibe. Nevermind the rest of the stimuli.

“Uh, both?” I replied after a moment's thought. Just before Sound bit my neck and began dragging me over to the bed. I wanted to fight the pull, but by this point my willpower was jello. I just wanted to cum!

“Well, then, get up here on the double. I wanna play with your cute little mouth.” I looked up at her, and the bigger bat pony pulling me towards her, and shrugged. They were my betters in the scenario, I was the smallest in cock length, physical size, (and probably paycheck). And somehow that made it all hotter. Grrr!

“Good boy, now you should put some lube on your best bud’s penis,” She said before passing me the bottle of oily, latex safe, lube. I picked it up in my wing and watched as Sound laid back. With a hoof he managed to rub his still hard shaft. It glistened from the little bit of moisture left over from the shower. I shook as he smiled at me while I was crawling over his supine form. My body ended up beside his, our faces close together as I began to drip the lube up and down his cock. With his own wing, he poked me slightly, and smiled at me broadly. This wasn’t the smile of a bull, it was the smile of a close friend. A friend wondering just how comfortable I was with the whole situation. Gone was the brusque attitude and the baring of fangs and cock. No, this was my friend. I smiled in response, something close to his.

“What are you boys doing? I didn’t say give him a hot oil massage.” Fortune barked before walking over to my wing and pressing down on it with the hoof. It slid and pressed into his sheath with a plop. “Yeah, you’re good and oily.”

“We were having a moment,” I said with a touch of indignation. She leveled her gaze at me.

“You can have a moment when he’s balls deep in your girly ass,” Fortune yelled sharply before grabbing me by my ear and leading me to the center of the bed. Without missing a beat, she leaned down and poked my lips with her strapon. A slight moan exited her lips. The strap-on was one of those enchanted ones that let the user feel sensations.

“My ass isn’t-” I started to say before she stuffed the first inch or three into my mouth. The material was smooth, and a little warm because of her stroking. It wasn’t the taste of Skin, the taste I preferred…

“Yes it is, but it’s okay. Your little hole is gonna be stretched out by a real stallion,” Fortune belted out with a laugh and a thrust of her hips. “Speaking of, if you don’t fuck his ass, I will.” Her words spurred him to action. Moments later, I felt the bed springs shifting under our combined weight, and the hard muscle of his chest on my back. Sound’s hooves shifted over me, before gripping me with intensity.

Then he remembered the plug in me. With aplomb he bent down and pulled it out with a hoof, before throwing it haphazardly on the floor. The next thing I felt was his warm breath on the back of my neck, and my hole trying to return to some semblance of normality-

Then I felt it.

The blunt head of his cock, the same thing I had felt with my wing a few seconds ago, felt way bigger pressed against my tail hole. I tensed up a little and yelped as he began pressing into. It had a give to it that Fortune’s strapon didn’t. Not that he wasn’t rock hard, as he slowly pushed his way into me as my wife moaned and stuffed my mouth. Moments passed before I groaned around the silicone in my mouth, as I felt the thickness of Sound’s medial ring pushing into my ring.

“You like that thick cock don’t you,” Fortune said as she pulled her cock from my maw. Before I could say anything in response, my tongue lolled out as I felt the last of Sound’s length stretch me out. His hips met mine as I moaned needily.

“Yes!” I yelled before Fortune smacked my muzzle with the faux cock.

“You like being bred by your friend?” She asked as he pulled the fat cock from inside me. I felt an emptiness inside my body, and when he finally stuffed himself back inside me I felt my cock twitch.

“Yes!” I moaned as I felt his hips hit mine again with a smack. She smiled down at me before lifting my head up to meet her eyes.

“How long have you wanted this?” Fortune asked with a look that would make nightmare moon jealous.

“Uh…” I groaned as I felt my own blush come on. The smacks were rhythmic but hard, the same ones I had heard in the shower and as he fucked Fortune. My cock started to harden again, twitching in the air below us. My eyes shut as I tried to keep from moaning like a whore-

Then she smacked me hard enough with her cock to sting.

“Honest boys get to cum,” she said liltingly, even as I felt Sound begin to speed up his thrusts. His hooves around my body, and hot breaths were so damn arousing.

“Years! I’ve wanted him to fuck me for years!” I yelled out, and right as I said that heard Sound’s breath stop. His thrusts died down even as his cock flared out inside me.

“Really?” Sound asked breathlessly, even as my lungs burned from the moans and the speaking. My insides writhed around him, squeezing him like a vice.

“Yes,” I paused as my wife for once stayed silent. “Now keep going, I really wanna cum!”

“Okay,” he said huskily. Before pulling back and driving back in like a jackhammer. His cock had stayed flared, and this time, he plowed me like a stocky draft mare. Balls smacked into my taint, and my forelegs collapsed as cock dripped pre. The pressure in my stomach picked up as his hard thrusts pressed into my prostate, I knew I was getting close. All the while Fortune had started to stroke her dick, while laying on her back. The look on her face was raw ecstasy, I guess she had found the hottest thing ever.

Minutes passed as his thrusts became more and more bestial, and my own moans crescendoed over and over. I was beginning to get sore from the pounding when he called out.

“I’m getting close!” Sound said as his rock hard dick bottomed in me again. My cock spasmed as I felt the pressure inside burst. Whatever had been on my mind was gone now, as I felt my cock burst, spraying cum all over my bed in rope after rope. Fortune cried out too, as her faux phallus got her off. Nothing spurted, but the look on her face told me she was having her first male orgasm of the night. She locked up and lost all control. The only person who hadn’t lost their seed or need was Sound, but after listening to that and feeling my ass tighten up around him-

He bit me on the neck, hard, enough to draw a drip of blood where his fangs pierced my flesh. That was the signal for the final thrust. One last smack into my sore ass was enough to finish him off, his flared head grew just a little bit more in my sensitive insides. Then, I felt the first heavy rope of his begin to fill me up, all the while his moans and mine filled the bedroom, even as my wife laid on the bed catatonic.

The ropes didn’t seem to stop. Even after two orgasms, he still had more cum to give than me. That realization was enough to make my poor dick twitch one more time, as my last few drips fell to the bed. Moments passed as all of us tried to catch our breath. The gnawing of sleep at the back of my brain began to afflict me. I was bone tired.

I was surprised when I felt Sound pull his softening cock from me, before walking around to my collapsed front. Without warning me, he grabbed my barrel behind my forelegs and laid me beside Fortune. He started to turn around before I found my voice.

“Uh, you can uh, sleep with us tonight…” I said in a hoarse voice. There was a little bit of nervousness there too. Fortune was practically out cold, when I poked her body she just grunted a little before rolling over to face me.

“If you’re okay with it,” Sound said before walking over to us. Fortune darted her bleary eyes to meet his. I kissed her on the lips and started to fiddle with her harness, grabbing the enchanted dildo and tossing it over the edge of the bed. Before either her or I could react, Sound bent down and kissed both of us lightly on the lips, starting with her, and ending with my chapped ones.

It wasn’t long before he was laying beside me.

And soon after that.

All of us were blissfully asleep, though we would be feeling tonight, the next morning.

The End