> Pizza Party, Or How I Learned To Love The Cage > by SunnyDontLook > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Pizza Party > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Hey, where’s the pizza I ordered?” I said to the ponies standing outside the door to my apartment, without any sort of wait, the two of them just shook their heads and brushed past me. “Did you actually order a pizza?” Noxy said with a laugh as he dropped himself onto the couch in the living room. “Yeah,” I replied as Windy sat down beside Noxy. I closed the door and locked it. “I was expecting it a bit later though.” “Where’s Cloud?” Windy asked curiously. “Oh, uh, he’s getting ready still,” I replied with a bit of a stutter. “Do you guys want a beer or a cider?” “Sure,” Noxy replied not really caring where my housemate was. He flicked on the television and turned it to the hoofball game. “Windy?” I asked as I watched the pre-game commentary out of the corner of my eye. “Cider please,” he said before leaning up against Noxy. I flushed a little before turning around, the kitchen awaited me. They were a cute couple, and I was happy I had convinced them to come over. Well, once they knew a little about the planned activities, it hadn’t taken much convincing. I flipped open the refrigerator door and pulled three ciders out of the twelve pack with my mouth, before stuffing them into the crook of my wings. I kicked the door shut with my hindlegs before trotting into the room. The two of them were cuddling gently, and I just smiled at them before sitting down on the long couch beside them. Windy grasped them and pulled them into his hooves. I hoofed them the bottle opener after I used it on mine. A moment later, a trio of bottlecaps landed haphazardly on the ground. “You aren’t gonna pick those up?” Noxy asked with a laugh. “Somepony will,” I said with a wink as we got into watching the game. The Baltimare Ballers were facing the Trottingham Tramps. It was a pretty even match because both teams were trainwrecks. “So, how have you been? Work been shitty as usual?” Noxy said with a grin as the kick off went poorly for the home team. The ballers were anything but… “Ehh, the weather office was swamped a few weeks ago, we had to send a rainstorm in the general direction of Appleoosa. That was a cluster fuck, trying to get that warm air over the mountains without losing all of it. Other than that though, things have been pretty good, like, I got the cider for ten bits, a twelve pack of them,” I replied before kicking up my hindlegs a little. I heard the sound of a door opening deeper in our apartment. “Cheap booze is the best kinda booze,” Noxy replied before his eyes widened suddenly. His sheath twitched visibly, as did Windy’s. I turned my head and smiled at the new pony in the room. In walked Cloud, wearing a pair of stockings on his hind legs, a short pleated skirt and panties, as well as a blouse that covered his chest. “H-hi Noxy, hi Windy,” Cloud managed to stutter out as he walked into the room, there was red lipstick on her face, and a bit of eyeshadow. “Who’s the mare?” Noxy said immediately, his cock beginning to spill out of his sheath, mine was doing the same thing. I patted my lap with a hoof and watched as Cloud’s eyes went down to our crotches. He blushed and started walking over. “This is our entertainment,” I said with a laugh. When Cloud drew closer I got out of the couch, but not before drinking a healthy sip of my cider. I trotted around Cloud, inspecting them. He looked like a slutty housekeeper. And tonight, she was. “Turn around.” She did as she was told and spun around in a circle, her tail was down though, even if her rump was pointed at the other two males. Windy had his boyfriend’s cock in his hoof, slowly stroking it even as his own cock sat pulsing on his lap. “Good girl, now lift your tail up,” I said in a sarcastic voice. It sounded like I was talking to a pet. Cloud did as she was told, lifting up her tail and flashing the tight white panties to the boys behind her. My hoof sunk into her supple ass, and she groaned against me as my hoof caressed her balls. “I have a surprise for you, but right now, you need to entertain our guests.” “H-how?” Cloud asked in a falsetto. “Sit between them, give them some attention,” I said to Cloud before walking over to the kitchen again, but I kept my eyes on them subtly. Cloud did what I had asked, Noxy and Windy moving aside for the dressed up pony to sit between them. For a moment she didn’t do anything, just smiling nervously at the stallions beside her. Then with a little nudge from Noxy, Cloud took her hooves and set them atop the two stallions cocks. The little moan Windy made was enough to get her stroking, while the two boys just laid back and drank their ciders. I came back into the room and looked at Cloud, who blushed profusely. My second cider was in my hoof, and it was already half empty. “Now, you might be wondering why our good girl isn’t leaving her cute little sheath,” I said with a burp. Noxy nodded and Windy twitched as the hoof drifted down to his balls. “Yeah, why is that?” Noxy said before taking his hoof and running it over the panties Cloud was wearing, there was a clink as his hoof tapped the hard plastic case of the cock cage she was wearing. “Ah. You’re a really good girl aren’t you, only getting to cum from your colt pussy.” “Y-yes,” Cloud said with a bombastic blush on her face. There was a twitch from her panties as she said that. The cage was tightening around Cloud’s cock, and the first wet spot appeared on the panties. “I call first dibs,” Noxy said, as he pulled his hoof away from the caged cock straining against its cage already. “Sure, but I’ll be riding Weld,” Windy said with a laugh as he picked himself off the couch and walked over to where I was standing. “Isn’t that right?” He asked me as he ran his tail over my flanks and withers. Before spinning in place and letting his hoof drift down my cutie mark, and then all the way down to my sheath. “Or would you rather be taken like a mare?” My cock dropped out of my sheath at his words. That hoof stroked the new length softly, before pulling away. The drop of precum that Windy had gotten on his hoof was pulled to his muzzle before he stuck his tongue out and licked at it. He slurped exaggeratedly. As the other two ponies in the room continued with their casual hoofjob, Windy leaned over me and whispered in my ear. “I know you have another cage-” The dinging of a doorbell caught all of our attention. I looked over at Cloud automatically. She got to her hooves and walked over to the door, on the other hoof, Windy and I sat on the couch heavily, with Noxy’s hard couch inches from me, and Windy’s tight rump sitting on me, squishing and grinding on my own erection. There was another ding at the doorbell, and with an audible gulp, Cloud Quake opened the door. “Hello-” The pizza pony was a young stallion, that I could tell from his voice. Probably a teenager or barely older than one. “Hi,” Cloud said in her serviceable falsetto. “You can come set it down on that table.” She pointed at a little table we had by the door. The pizza pony stepped inside hesitantly. Before dropping the pizza bag on the table and nervously opening it. “I’ll go get the bits,” Cloud said before spinning around and showing the pizza stallion her scantily clad ass. Both parties were nervous, nerves that got even more frayed when the pizza stallion, a tan lad with a whispy excuse for facial hair looked over at us. I had tactically grabbed a blanket and thrown it over our legs. There were still pretty obscene tents growing underneath the blankets. But before he had time to worry about that, Cloud turned back around and presented the bits to him. He threw them into his jacket pocket and flailed to get the pizza out of the bag. Cloud stepped closer to him and helped hold the bag in place to pull the food out. There was a flick of his tail as the pretty mare with the suspicious bulge in her panties helped him do his job. “Uh, have a nice day-” He started to say as soon as the pizza hit the table. Cloud put a hoof on his shoulder and smiled deviously at him. “Why are you leaving so soon, I wanted to give you an extra tip if you want,” She turned to face the stallion, who looked at the door, then back at her. “Is this really happening?” He said to himself, before grabbing her shoulders and pulling the crossdressing stallion into a kiss. Cloud’s tail raised as the young stallion kissed her and kicked the door closed. “Yeah,” Noxy said as he watched from the couch. “You should get your rod polished, I think that’s what she wanted to give you.” The pizza stallion broke the kiss and pushed Cloud’s body down with a foreleg, he complied and let himself get pushed beneath the other stallion’s barrel. There was a moment of breathlessness in the room, before the sounds of a wet mouth meeting a hard cock filled it. I smiled and looked at the other guys in the room, they nodded at me before drinking their ciders and enjoying the show. The pizza stallion wasn’t holding back, he wanted to get to his next delivery apparently- Thrust after hard thrust into Clouds muzzle echoed through the room, as well as moans from the stallion. I pulled the blanket up and stroked myself once, just to keep the blood flowing before emptying the rest of my cider down my throat. The sounds of a throat being used roughly continued to hit our ears, and when we looked down at Cloud, we could see spit and pre-cum flooding out of his mouth and down his chin. The red lipstick covering his mouth was covering the cock in her mouth. “Fucking slut!” The pizza stallion said as he pulled his cock out of her mouth, before stroking himself with a hoof as he leaned against the door. Moments later, the brutal facefuck ended with a spurt of cum landing all of Cloud’s face, his open mouth only catching part of the string. The stallion standing over him was just getting started though, as a second string landed over her right eye and got in her mane- “Didn’t think you had it in you,” Noxy said as he watched the cum shoot all over his entertainment’s face. “Fuck off,” the pizza stallion said as the last of the huge ropes blasted out of his tip. “Now clean it.” He said brusquely to the cum coated stallion beneath him. She did as she was told, and took the fat cock in her mouth, running her tongue all over it, before being forced to take it to the sheath as the stallion above her forced it in. Cloud choked loudly on the cock, just before he pulled it out and turned around. “Thanks,” he said once before opening the door and leaving. He had been here for maybe five minutes. He was a good employee, despite the face-fucking he had just conducted. “So uh, who wants pizza?” I asked the ponies in the room. Everyone in the room slowly raised their hoof in the air. “That’s what I thought.” ---===*===--- After the pizza party, and a brief trip to the bathroom for Cloud, we were all back in the room, except- “You ready to ride my dick, you sissy slut?” Noxy said to Cloud with an accompanying slap to his flank. “Y-yes,” Cloud stuttered out, before moving his own legs apart. Noxy took that moment to spread his legs with his forelegs. The skirt was hiked up in turn, and then there was nothing keeping Noxy from Cloud’s tight ass, other than those thin panties. “Are you cleaned up?” Noxy said before rubbing his hoof over the sack hanging below the caged stallion. “Yes, I’m all clean!” He bellowed as the hoof drifted to the cage again, before sliding up his taint and towards his asshole. “Oooh, you’re dripping in your panties,” Noxy said as he looked down at his hoof. “Did sucking that pizza stallion off turn you on?” “Y-yes,” Cloud said as he flicked his tail erratically. “Please, I just want to get fucked!” “That’s exactly what a slut would say,” Noxy said to him as Windy and I watched from the couch. Windy’s cock was in my mouth, and his moans were low and happy. My cock throbbed even as the cage around it strained. It held firm though, and I continued my messy blowjob, with one of my sock covered hooves drifting down to Windy’s nuts, playing with them softly. “Y-yes sir,” Cloud said needily. “That’s a good slut,” Noxy said before pushing the dressed up stallion down, with only his rump staying in the air. He grabbed the panties with his teeth and pulled them down, exposing Cloud’s funhole. With practiced ease, the stallion mounted the sissy, pressing his fat flare at the petite but stretchy hole. “You like that feeling?” “Yes, yes, a million times yes!” Cloud said lustily as the larger stallion above him pulled away. “Even a needy slut like you needs lube,” Noxy said huskily as he moved to the couch, sitting on it was a bottle of lube. He grasped it in a hoof and moved it to the tight hole held up in the air, swaying slightly. A plop could be heard as the thick lubricant was shot out towards the tight hole. It was cold, and as it dripped down the needy slut's body, and towards his balls, the skin beneath his balls scrunched up even more. “I need it,” Cloud Quake said with a shake of his rump. Noxy obliged climbing atop the subby stallion, before poking his cockhead at his asshole again. This time he didn’t stop at a prod, he pushed hard and both ponies let out a loud grunt as he slipped inside the tight little hole. Meanwhile, I had been pushed back onto the couch, and my own balls and cage were on full display as Windy lubed up my slutty hole, with my ass hanging near the edge of the couch. I winced as lube was dripped down my hole, and spread with a rough hoof by Windy. It was cold, and I knew I wanted something warm to make up for it… “You ready to take it like a mare, especially after seeing your boy toy get wrecked?” Windy asked with a grin across his muzzle, and a hard cock between his legs. My cock wasn’t hard however, it was caged and kept soft, but it could still leak pre, and twitch inside its cute plastic prison. “I’m ready for cock,” I replied huskily, especially as Cloud let out a loud series of moans from the other side of the room, he was being bucked hard, and a pool of lube and pre was building up beneath him. He was going to put on his maid uniform, and wear it later. “Even if yours can’t get hard?” Windy asked loudly, as his cock got lined up with my asshole. I groaned at the feeling. My cock twitched and a little pool of pre was already soaking into my fur on my belly. He pulled my hind legs apart, before I wrapped my legs around his barrel. “I don’t deserve to get hard,” I replied lustily. He responded by burying the first few inches of his cock in me. I kept control over my voice even as he pressed against my prostate, which made me moan like a mare in heat. From across the room, Cloud was in a similar state, a state of moaning from having his shit pushed in roughly. Everyone in the room was in a slight state of awe at the sheer volume of noise he pushed out of his mouth. The moans echoed off the wall and made Noxy’s cock twitch inside of him. “M-more h-harder!” Cloud moaned from beneath the bigger stallion. The sounds of flanks slapping flanks got louder from that side of the room. I just looked into the eyes of Windy, pleadingly. With a twitch from the cock inside of me and a corresponding moan from myself as he pushed up against my fun spot, he pulled back before shoving his whole length inside me in one fluid motion. Except, he did it way quicker than before. “You little slut, taking my cock like a mare in heat,” Noxy yelled down at Cloud, who was a dripping moaning mess at this point, his cock straining and leaking pre as his ass was drilled harder and harder as Noxy got close to his proper release. “Yes, I’m a little mare, your little mare!” Cloud answered with a moan before losing control of his vocal cords. There was a much louder dripping noise from over there as the caged sissy came inside his cage. “Did you just cum?” Noxy said before slapping his ass with a hoof, hard enough to make it red. “Yes!” Cloud moaned as he felt the cock still lodged in his sensitive ass twitch, at least, it looked like that from my position on the couch… “Did I say you could cum?” Noxy asked as he pulled back his hips, before ramming back in with as much force as his tired legs could muster. There wasn’t an intelligible reply from the caged sissy beneath him. The sounds of rough fucking and heavy breathing continued from that side of the room- “You want to cum too, dontcha?” Windy asked me as he held himself as deep as he could within me. My cage twitched, strained and dripped as he looked down on me with that domineering gaze. “Yes!” I moaned out as he pulled back, before running his cockhead over my prostate as he hilted in me again. “Why do you deserve to cum?” Windy said as he bucked into my stretched hole again. I had to think for a moment, but that moment went by quickly. Even as I heard the sounds of Noxy cumming on the other side of the room. “Pizza!” I replied as my brain fried from the sensation coming from my ass. “Good enough,” Windy said as he quickly pulled out and pushed his head against my cage, carefully pulling it off with his mouth deftly. As soon as it landed on the couch to the side of me, my erection sprang out to its full length. The turgid member leaked and strained, already flaring from all the teasing it had endured inside the cage. “Beer too,” I mumbled as he mounted me again, grasping at my hanging hindlegs and holding onto it as he pierced me again, sliding in easily. “Cider actually, and cider is gay as hell,” Windy said before hilting me again- “Cider is really gay,” Noxy said from the other side of the room, after pulling his half flaccid member from Cloud’s ass. “N-no,” I mumbled just before Windy started his final push, his cock ramming in and out of me roughly, without any rhythm. He started to flare up in me, at the same time as his grunts grew louder and louder. My cock twitched in the cold air, as he pushed against my g-spot with every thrust. He didn’t care about me getting off, all he cared about was filling my guts with his thick cum. With one final thrust, he pushed into me in just the right way, sliding across my prostate with a force that pushed me over. My uncaged cock twitched heavily before shooting a thick rope of seed out of its head, that was the only rope, the rest of my seed slowly leaked out, running out as the g-spot that had set me off discharged its cargo, the seed that should have been dumped into a hole, was now covering my crotch and getting the real stallion breeding me wet. “You little slut,” Windy said with a grunt, even as my own seed was strung across my face. He leaned over my body and licked at the seed, tasting it in his muzzle as he pulled back and plunged into me again- “Your little slut,” I replied breathlessly, even as I felt his cock twitch and flare inside my ass. Moments later his first spurt of hot seed turned my insides white, and his second was enough for it to start leaking out of my abused hole. He moaned heavily and collapsed onto me. I just enjoyed the sensations of having a guy fully hilted in me. “I’m eating the last slice of Pizza, I earned it,” Cloud said.