> Tummy Flutters > by Scampy > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Cutesy Lesbian Snuggles > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunset Shimmer stared at the bundles of soft pink flowers overflowing from the pot before her. “Hey, Wallflower? What are these ones called again?” “There should be a little tab in each pot with the name,” Wallflower called from across the school garden. “If you’re looking at one of the azaleas, you’ll probably have to push a lot of the flowers aside to see it.” “Gotcha,” Sunset said. She delicately peeled back the layers of petals and peered through. “Yup, found it. Rhododododuhhhhh—what...?” Sunset looked at the word again. “Who names these things?” “Rhododendron!” Wallflower smiled as she knelt down beside Sunset. “Cuz of the way the flowers fold into bundles, see?” A green finger lightly traced around one of the bundles. At least half a dozen flowers sprung from each, blooming out in every direction. Sunset tilted her head. “So it’s like a geometry term, then?” “See, I thought that at first too. Turns out it’s greek for rose tree or something.” Wallflower shrugged. “I mean, these are bushes, but whatever. Botanical naming conventions are a load of crap.” Sunset smirked as Wallflower took a drink from her water bottle. “Crap, huh? Bet they make great fertilizer,” Sunset said. “Pffffft—!” Wallflower sprayed water everywhere as she lurched forward, failing to hold back a laugh. “Y-you jerk!” “Oh c’mon, that wasn’t even that funny!” Sunset said. When Wallflower gave her a little push, she grinned and gestured to the azaleas. “And hey, now they’ve been watered, right?” Wallflower rolled her eyes. “You’re such a doof, y’know that?” “I think you’re the only person I’ve met who’s used the word doof before.” “Yeah, well...” Wallflower stood up, stretching. “Insults are more fun when they can be confused for sound effects.” “I think it’s cute!” Sunset said. “If you say so,” Wallflower said. “I finished over on my side, so I can help you get these all planted if you’d like.” “Umm...” Sunset turned back to the flowers. “Where should I put them?” “Anywhere!” Wallflower’s eyes sparked, and a wide grin spread across her freckled cheeks. “This isn’t just my garden anymore, Sunset. Since you joined the gardening club, it’s our garden.” She sat beside Sunset again. “Where do you think they’d look best?” Sunset couldn’t help but smile. She loved seeing her friend so open and excited. It had only been a few months ago that Wallflower would barely so much as say a word to Sunset, let alone spend a joyful afternoon gardening with her. “Hmm...” Sunset looked around the garden. She spotted a patch where a row of bushes with similarly bundled blue and purple flowers rose up behind a couple of wide rocks. “Right there would be nice, don’t you think?” “Ohhh! For sure!” Wallflower exclaimed, gleefully clapping her hands together. “The perennials and azaleas would look wonderful together! Juxtaposing their bunches with the azaleas’ larger ones as the eyes are drawn upward through the darkening hues of violet...” She let out a contented sigh. “You’re really amazing at this, Sunset.” A familiar wave of little flutters made Sunset’s heart dance in her chest, and it took her a moment to remember that she should say something. She turned her face to hide her blush and shrugged. “Uh, yeah, I’m pretty friggin’ great,” she said as she picked up both pots of azaleas. Wallflower grabbed their trowels and followed her. By the time they were finished planting, the deep blues of dusk were stretching across the sky. As Sunset sat on the cool grass in the shade beneath the surrounding trees, she realized just how chilly she was. “I really picked a great day to wear a vest instead of a jacket, huh?” She said. “Oh gosh, you are kinda cold, aren’t you?” Wallflower piped up. “Here, you can—hang on, lemme just...” Sunset looked over to see Wallflower struggling to remove her own baggy sweater. “Wallflower, keep that on!” Sunset said. Wallflower ignored her, continuing the battle against her linens. “I swear, I don’t know why I have so much trouble with this... Soon as it’s over my head I can’t tell—got it!” A mess of tangled green hair popped out from the sweater as Wallflower pulled it off her head. She bundled it up in her lap, and Sunset covered her mouth to hide her smile. “C’mon, you really should keep it,” Sunset said. “You just said it’s cold.” “Nuh-uh, I said you were cold. Here.” Wallflower handed Sunset her striped sweater. As Sunset took it, she could feel that it was still warm from Wallflower’s body heat, and as she put it on, the smells of wet grass and fresh leaves immediately surrounded her. Blushing, Sunset took a deep breath, admiring the earthen scents. “Thank you, Wallflower,” she said. “I really appreciate it.” Wallflower was already shivering, having had nothing beneath her sweater but a thin white tee-shirt. “Holy moly, it is really cold.” She turned to Sunset, reaching her hands out dramatically. “Quick, give it back! I need it to live!” ‘Y’know, I would,” Sunset said. “Buuuuut...” “You’re a butt!” Wallflower faked a pout. Sunset smirked at her. “I’d love to give it to you, but the person who gave it to me really, really wanted me to have it.” She struck a dainty pose. “Oh, and it’s so warm and cozy too...” Wallflower heaved an overly loud sigh and fell back onto the grass with an unceremonious thwump. “Oh well. It’s probably well below freezing. Guess I’ll just die here, frozen and alone.” She stretched a single arm up towards the sky. “If only someone could have given me a sweater...” “It’s like sixty degrees out. You’re not frozen, ya doof,” Sunset said. Wallflower giggled and rolled her head to the side, and Sunset could see she was adorned with the purest of smiles. Seeing Wallflower this genuinely happy warmed Sunset more than anything else could. She lay down on the grass beside Wallflower and took hold of her hand. “And you’re not alone, either.” At first, Sunset thought she felt Wallflower flinching. She was about to let go and apologize when she felt Wallflower’s hand gently squeeze her own. Once more, something fluttered through Sunset’s body, starting just below her tummy and radiating outward in all directions. It was the same rush she’d felt when asking Wallflower if she could help her in the garden, or when Wallflower had praised her so fervently as they’d planted the azaleas. Stars were beginning to peek through the cracks in the trees above. Sunset allowed herself to decompress entirely, letting out a deep breath that puffed the air with vapors. Every few minutes, she’d feel Wallflower run a thumb slowly across the back of her hand, and when she did, the flutters would return. “Sunset?” She snapped out of her reverie. “Yeah?” Wallflower held her hand a little tighter. “Thank you for being here with me.” Sunset wasn’t sure what to say. She glanced over at Wallflower, who was staring up into the ever-darkening sky. Her lengths of green hair were spread out all across the grass around her, and Sunset could see more little goosebumps on her skin. Wallflower kept speaking. “Before you reached out to me... I, well, I guess I’d never had someone like you in my life. Someone I could look forward to seeing every day.” “Y-yeah...” Sunset whispered. Wallflower’s sweater was really warm. She sighed, shivering. “And, I dunno... I was so used to being alone that I kept rejecting your offers to hang out.” Wallflower rolled over to face Sunset, never letting go of her hand. “But you never gave up on me. You kept talking to me, asking how I was every single day, even though I never returned the favor.” Wallflower seemed to droop as she spoke. “And I feel so, so stupid for that. For a lot of things...” Sunset kept staring at Wallflower’s eyes. They were a soft, earthy brown and completely beautiful, and they looked like they were going to cry. “I-I know I apologized a hundred times already, and I know you always tell me it’s okay, but...” Wallflower trailed off, and Sunset could hear her struggling to hold back tears. Sunset had been in Wallflower’s position of guilt enough times to know that there was nothing she could say to make Wallflower feel better about her past mistakes. “Hey, Wallflower?” “H-huh?” Sunset shifted herself so she was a little closer to Wallflower. “Do you know what my favorite thing about gardening is?” Wallflower blinked. “Uhm... No, I guess I don’t.” “I’ve only been doing it for a couple weeks, but I think I’m pretty familiar with the draws of it. The cool breeze rustling through the leaves, the vibrant colors all around, the smell of dew and flowers...” Sunset smiled. “It’s all great, but it’s not why I keep coming back.” Even in the dark, Sunset could see the girl before her was blushing, and she felt a rush of shock flow through her. Even though Sunset’s own actions had brought her to this moment, she still felt surprised that this was really happening. She had no idea where this path would lead her. All she knew was that she had to follow it. “I love being here with you. I love seeing you be yourself, smiling and laughing and loving the world around you. You’re so full of this... this passion for life, Wallflower. It’s an amazing thing to see.” Sunset paused as Wallflower seemed to inch closer to her. She was close enough that Sunset could see her shaking, though whether from the cold or something else, Sunset couldn’t tell. “S-Sunset, I...” “I mean, of course it’s you. It has to be you,” Sunset said. “It’s just like you said, remember? You’re who I look forward to seeing every day.” “You don’t get it!” Wallflower cried. “You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me, and I could’ve lost you before I even knew how much you’d mean to me! I almost—!” “But you didn’t,” Sunset said. “I’m okay. I’m more than okay—I’m happy. I’m happier than I’ve ever been, because I’m here.” She placed a hand gently on Wallflower’s tearstained cheek. “With you.” Wallflower was no longer crying. Instead, she lay beside Sunset in silence, staring into her eyes. Sunset could see the vapors from Wallflower’s exhales swirling and dissipating with her own in the ever-shrinking space between them. The comforting aromas of Wallflower’s sweater filled her lungs, and suddenly Sunset felt herself overcome with resolve. She licked her lips, her heart thundering in her chest as her gaze briefly flicked down. No more waiting. This had to happen, and it had to happen right now. She wanted this more than anything. Just as Sunset started to move, Wallflower pressed forward and their lips met. “Mmmph!” Sunset couldn’t silence her surprise. Even still, she wrapped her arm around Wallflower, still holding her hand with the other as their kiss lingered. Flutters danced through her entire body, and at last she knew what they meant. As the seconds passed in slow motion, Sunset had to remind herself that this was real. At last, they broke apart, their foreheads resting together. Both of them were breathing heavily, until another sound came from Wallflower. At first Sunset thought she was crying again, and her heart sank for the briefest of moments, but... No, Wallflower wasn’t crying. She was laughing. Wallflower’s giggles echoed through the garden, and in moments Sunset was joining her. Exhilarated, she moved in for another kiss, which Wallflower returned with glee. Soon enough, they were locked together, and had rolled over so that Wallflower was on top of Sunset. With each breath, the rhythmic motions of Wallflower’s body set Sunset’s heart aflame, and she leaned in a little more with every kiss. Their lips separated again, and their labored breaths were the only sound in the world. Sunset closed her eyes, letting herself take in the entirety of the moment. Wallflower was still on top of her, and Sunset adored the feeling of weight and warmth pressing her down. They were really doing this. “H-hey,” Sunset spoke so softly she could barely hear herself. She held Wallflower’s hands, and their fingers laced together. “Yeah?” Wallflower looked at her. “Everything okay?” “Of course,” Sunset said, smiling. “Just... This is nice, y’know?” Wallflower sighed. “Y-yeah. Yeah, it is.” Wallflower’s words caused another rushing pulse of electricity to resonate through Sunset’s entire body, and she relished in the feeling, heaving out a sigh of contentment. Sunset reached up and brushed a stray lock of green hair behind Wallflower’s ear. “I really wanted this,” she said. Wallflower leaned her cheek into Sunset’s open palm. “Yeah... Me too.” They stayed like that for a while. Wallflower closed her eyes, and Sunset took a shaky breath as Wallflower lightly touched the hand cradling her head. “It’s funny...” Wallflower said. “When you first asked to help me in the garden, I was so surprised. It was more than just being confused. I had this... This adrenaline rush, or something.” “Yeah?” “And like, when we’d spend time together, no matter what we were doing, the same thing would happen. Something you’d say or do would light this spark, and my whole body could feel it. Even now...” Wallflower trailed off, shuddering. “It’s like... It’s physical, y’know?” “I do,” Sunset said. She sat up a bit beneath Wallflower, propping herself up with her elbows. Wallflower leaned down, and they joined in another kiss. As their lips touched, Sunset felt the spark, as Wallflower had called it, pulse within her. “Mmmm...” Sunset smiled as Wallflower pulled away. “Tummy flutters.” Wallflower shifted her hips a bit, and Sunset’s whole body tingled. “Yeah... That’s what they are,” Wallflower said. She placed a hand just below her abdomen. “Tummy flutters...” Sunset allowed her head to fall back to the grass. She draped her arms over the girl atop her, gently pulling Wallflower into a fleeting kiss. The moment was punctuated by a familiar shiver drifting through Sunset’s body, and her heart soared as she felt Wallflower briefly tense up in her arms. When they separated, Sunset spoke again. “I get them too,” she said, taking Wallflower’s hands in her own once more. “And y’know what I realized?” “What?” Wallflower’s voice was soft, shaky and tinged with unmistakable joy. “That’s how I know this is real.” “It is, isn’t it?” Wallflower looked around at the garden surrounding them. “I’m really here, in my favorite place.” She sighed, turning back to Sunset. “I’m really with you. It’s really happening...” “Yeah...” Sunset said. “This couldn’t have been more perfect.” “Mmmmmm...” Wallflower grinned and pressed her body closer into Sunset, who rose ever-so-slightly. Their kiss was soft, and it held just a little longer than the ones before. Sunset lost herself in the moment, enraptured with every detail—the easing of her own motion as she lay beneath Wallflower, the warmth building and radiating between them as their bodies touched, the delicate push and pull of kissing the one girl who could give her tummy flutters... As their lips reluctantly drifted apart, Sunset was lost in Wallflower’s half-lidded eyes, those deep brown eyes with the color of bark and soil. In them she saw a pure and genuine affection that she had never seen before, and her entire body came alive with an intense and blissful desire to match it. When she considered that completely foreign feeling, that desperate, aching need to equal Wallflower’s adoration for her, she recognized it immediately. “Wallflower?” “Yeah?” “I think this is what love feels like.” A tranquil silence fell over the garden. Wallflower stared at Sunset, her eyes widening a little. She opened her mouth to speak, but no words came out. Finally, she shifted herself off of Sunset and knelt beside her, a quivering expression growing on her face. “I dunno,” Sunset said as she sat up. “Maybe it’s too early to say that, but I can’t think of any other word for it.” Wallflower didn’t answer. Instead, she fell forward into Sunset, embracing her and burying her head in her shoulder. Sunset wrapped her arms around Wallflower, smiling. “The weather’s only going to get colder,” she said. “Maybe we should take this back to my place.” “Y-yeah,” Wallflower said. She sat up, and Sunset could see that there were a few tears in her eyes. “How, uhm... How long will it take to get there?” “It’s not far,” Sunset said. “About a ten minute walk, if that.” She stood up and took Wallflower’s hand, pulling her to her feet. “Though, I guess I should preemptively apologize for the mess. I don’t get visitors often.” “That’s okay.” Wallflower sniffled. “Can’t be any worse than mine.” Still holding Wallflower’s hand, Sunset made her way out of the garden. “Y’know, now that I think about it,” she said, “I guess you’re my first girlfriend.” Wallflower squeezed her hand at that. “Girlfriend, huh?” They crossed the first of several crosswalks between the school and Sunset’s apartment. “I mean, like, I guess no one asked anyone out or anything. Kinda seems like we skipped over that part.” When Wallflower didn’t respond, Sunset glanced over at her. She was red-faced and smiling that wonderful smile. She turned to Sunset. “Uhm... Sunset, do you wanna, y’know, like, maybe go out with m-me...?” A stupid grin settled on Sunset’s face, and she shivered as another flutter ran through her. “Yes,” she said. “Yes I do.” A gleeful noise escaped Wallflower’s lips. “I’m still so used to being the forgotten girl in the corner,” she said. “This is all so... I dunno. Surreal, I guess. I didn’t realize just how much until you said that thing earlier.” “Which thing?” Sunset asked. Wallflower moved a little closer and threaded her arm beneath Sunset’s. “Y’know...” Her voice softened. “About love.” “I meant it,” Sunset said, a blush spreading across her smiling face. “I’ve never felt anything like this before, but I guess it’s just one of those things where you know it when it happens.” She glanced at Wallflower, gently squeezing her hand. “And I know I love you,” she said. Wallflower sighed. “It makes me really happy to hear that.” Sunset kissed Wallflower’s freckled cheek. “It makes me happy to say it.” As they neared Sunset’s apartment building, Wallflower leaned into Sunset, resting her head on her shoulder. “I, uhm... I love you too, by the way.” Beneath Sunset’s quiet smile, fireworks were going off. They stopped as Sunset fiddled with her keys. Her hands were shaking a bit, and her heartbeat pounded in her chest at the prospect of what was to happen inside. Wallflower was breathing a little faster, and Sunset could feel the anticipation radiating between them. She unlocked the door, flicked the lights on and led Wallflower inside. “Oh, wow!” “Hm?” Wallflower spread her arms and twirled like a dancer. “It’s so much warmer in here! And I love what you did with the fairy lights, it’s so cozy and—hey, zinnias!” Sunset giggled at that. Of course she’d spot the flowers. “Yeah, I’ve been trying to grow some of those seeds you gave me,” she said, gesturing to a row of pots on the windowsill. “Only a few of them sprouted, but they add so much.” “Hmmm...” Wallflower squinted at the plant. A layering of dozens of thin petals formed a wide flower, with each petal’s color turning lighter and lighter shades of pink as they tapered to an end. The whole thing was held up by a narrow stem, which tilted to one side at an awkward angle. “Do you have a pencil and some string?” “I think I have some twisty ties,” Sunset said. “Why?” “You’re doing a great job growing this. It’s actually growing so fast that the weight of the flower is causing the whole plant to droop.” Wallflower turned, holding up a finger. “Zinnias naturally grow in large bushes with more support, but it’s an easy fix!” She took the pencil and ties from Sunset, then returned to the flower. “Just get a stiff object like a stick or something, and...” With exceedingly delicate care, Wallflower lifted the zinnia’s flower until the stem was straight. She stuck the pencil into the soil beside it and lightly tied it to the plant, holding it upright. “Some flowers need a little help to grow,” Wallflower said, stepping back to admire her work. “With a little support, they’re all the more beautiful for it.” Sunset absolutely adored watching Wallflower do what she loved. The passion on display was a side of Wallflower she had rarely seen until recently, and it only assured her that her heart was leading her on the right path. She stepped forward and slipped her arms around Wallflower's waist from behind, pulling her close. As Sunset rested her head on Wallflower’s shoulder, she felt her shudder a bit. Wallflower turned her head back, her lips open and searching. Sunset obliged her, and they connected. For the first time, Sunset heard the faintest of moans echo from the girl in her arms, and it only intensified the flame inside her. “Where to?” Wallflower’s voice was barely above a whisper. Sunset answered by wordlessly nudging Wallflower in the direction of the bedroom loft. As soon as they were up the stairs, Wallflower put her hands on Sunset’s, guiding them underneath the bottom hem of her shirt. Sunset felt Wallflower’s direction end, and began moving on her own. Her fingertips grazed up her girlfriend’s tummy, causing Wallflower to squirm a bit. “T-ticklish!” She cried out, her protests punctuated by a squeak as Sunset’s hands slid along the bottom of her bra. Sunset couldn’t help but laugh at how adorable Wallflower was. “I’ve, uh... I’ve never done anything like this,” Wallflower said. Sunset could hear the excitement in her voice. “Me neither,” Sunset said. At that, Wallflower turned. “Really? I always figured, I dunno—you were so popular, y’know?” “Nope.” Sunset shook her head. “Never wanted to.” She smiled. “Not until you.” Sunset felt Wallflower tense up. “So then...?” “That’s right, Wallflower.” Sunset smirked. “We’re both awkward virgins.” Wallflower spun around. “Oh, I knew you were the one for me!” With that, she tackled Sunset onto the bed, and they collapsed into a sea of kisses and giggles. At the end of the struggle, Sunset was straddling Wallflower’s waist. Unable to contain herself, she closed in and pinned Wallflower with a long, drawn out kiss. Rather than break apart, the kiss transitioned seamlessly into another, with both girls drawing sharp breaths in the fleeting moments when their lips were not together. Within seconds, Sunset again heard the softest of moans coming from Wallflower. They steadily grew in volume, and Sunset realized she was making the same sound. As their lips brushed over each other again and again, Sunset found herself slowly shifting atop Wallflower. Her hips moved on their own accord—down, in, up and back—pressing just a little more into the girl beneath her with every kiss. Even when Sunset finally pulled away from the kiss, her body continued its autonomous movements. Each gradual grinding motion against Wallflower awakened a deeper spark of desire within Sunset, and she began to move just a bit faster. More moans escaped her lips, breathless and slow, and her back arched whenever her hips reached the deepest point in their rhythm. Sunset looked down and saw Wallflower staring up at her with those beautiful brown eyes. Quiet breaths came from her slightly open mouth, and her hands found their way onto Sunset’s thighs, then her hips, then her waist. Wordlessly, Wallflower slipped her fingers beneath the hem of the sweater she had given Sunset, then beneath Sunset’s own shirt. When Sunset felt Wallflower’s touch on her bare skin, electricity shot through her entire body. She shivered, and immediately she knew she wanted more. Sunset touched her hands to Wallflower’s and led them to the sweater’s hem. Wallflower began lifting, and seconds later the sweater was on the floor, followed by Sunset’s vest and blouse. “Oh, wow...” Wallflower spoke between measured breaths. Sunset could feel Wallflower’s eyes moving up her body, from her waist to her abdomen to the cherry red bra covering her chest. “This is really happening...” “Y-yeah,” Sunset said, her face burning the same color has her bra. “If you want to, I mean. If we’re moving too fast—” “No, Sunset, it’s okay.” Wallflower did her best to sit up from her position beneath Sunset, propping herself up against the pillows behind her. She brought a hand to Sunset’s face, brushing several strands of hair to the side. “I want this. I really, really want this.” Sunset lightly held on to Wallflower’s raised hand. Silently, she leaned her cheek into her girlfriend’s open palm, admiring the warmth and softness. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. “Okay,” she whispered, smiling. Then, she guided Wallflower’s hand to her breasts. At first, Wallflower was completely still. Then, Sunset felt a gentle squeeze, followed by another. A second hand rose and took tender hold of Sunset’s other breast, and a shaky breath passed her lips. She closed her eyes, relishing in the feeling of Wallflower’s touch. “Y-you’re really pretty,” Wallflower said. “And soft...” Sunset answered by resuming her grinding from earlier. As Wallflower’s hands continued to massage her, flutters burst forth within her, building and expanding so much that Sunset thought she might float away. “You can—hhhnnnn...” Sunset’s words were cut off as Wallflower’s thumb pressed down on the center of her breast. “You can take it off...” Sunset instantly felt Wallflower’s fingertips drifting behind her, and she lowered herself so that Wallflower could reach her back. She felt the tension in the straps vanish, and as she sat up again, she slid her bra off entirely. When Sunset opened her eyes, a giggle burst out of her. Wallflower was staring at her exposed chest with eyes as wide as dinner plates. “You’re really, really pretty...” “Mmmmmmm...” Sunset leaned in, her breasts hanging freely in front of Wallflower’s face. “You really think so?” Wallflower answered by slowly wrapping her lips around Sunset’s areola. “Mhmmm,” she mumbled. Her lips parted, and Sunset inhaled sharply as Wallflower’s tongue drifted over the sensitive nub in the center. The feeling of warmth and wetness on such a place made Sunset’s back arch, pressing her breasts further into Wallflower’s face. When at last Sunset moved away, Wallflower’s lips lingered on her nipple. They finally parted, and the rush of cool air on the spot slick with Wallflower’s saliva made Sunset’s entire body shudder. Wallflower stared at Sunset's chest again. "...I can't believe I just did that," she said, shivering. "I'm glad you did." Sunset gave her best sultry smile. "You were really good at it." Wallflower's cheeks burned red. “Do you, uhm...” She paused, placing a hand on her own chest. When she spoke again, her voice was higher than before. “Do you want to see...?” Sunset grinned. “Sounds like you want me to see.” “Y-yeah,” Wallflower said. “I do.” Sunset held her breath as Wallflower pulled at the bottom of her shirt. She kept pulling, the shirt stretching as she tried to get it off her arms. “This stupid thing...” Wallflower muttered, wrestling with the twisting linens. “Do you want me to help?” Sunset asked. “No, I got it, just—I swear, I don’t know why I can’t—there!” Finally free of her shirt, Wallflower triumphantly waved it like a flag before tossing it off to the side. Sunset reflexively started searching for the hook of Wallflower’s plain white bra, and when she found it, she pulled it apart, and Wallflower fell back into the pillows with a sigh. The cups of Wallflower’s bra were still covering her, and Sunset looked at her, silently asking permission. Wallflower’s face was beet red. “Go ahead,” she whispered. Sunset peeled the bra away. “Oh, Wallflower...” Wallflower shivered. “W-what?” “Just...” Sunset leaned in and gave her a fleeting kiss. “You’re the cutest girl in the whole damn world.” The smile on Wallflower’s face made Sunset’s heart melt. Sunset dismounted her, collapsing onto the pillows beside her. She sighed as Wallflower’s arm draped over her, and she placed a hand gently on one of Wallflower’s breasts, lazily playing with it as she nestled herself into the cutest girl in the whole damn world. “Mmmmm... You’re warm,” Sunset said. Wallflower smirked. “And you’re hot.” “No I’m—oh. Oh!” Sunset laughed, resting her head on Wallflower’s other breast. “Mmm—you too.” She smiled. “And your boobs make great pillows.” Wallflower ran her fingers through Sunset’s hair. Sunset let out a heavy sigh, pressing her face a little more into Wallflower’s chest. “This is really nice,” she said. “It is...” Wallflower’s hand found Sunset’s, and their fingers intertwined. They stayed like that, wrapped in each others’ warmth. Sunset listened to Wallflower’s heart as it thumped in her chest. She did her best to sync her own breathing to Wallflower, so that their bodies rose and fell together. Every once in a while, one of them would shift or sigh, but neither of them spoke. Through it all, Sunset’s tummy fluttered. > Enhanced Lesbian Snuggles > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wallflower Blush was remarkably warm, despite no longer having a shirt on. Sunset nestled snugly against her, resting her head on Wallflower’s chest. As the two of them silently lied there, Sunset would alternate every once in a while between holding Wallflower’s hand and gently playing with her breasts. With every breath, Wallflower did her best to keep her body as still as possible so as not to disturb the absolutely gorgeous girl who was using her as a pillow. Beneath her surface of quiet serenity, Wallflower was alive with internal screams of joy. Again and again, she had to remind herself that this was, in fact, a real thing that was really happening to her, right now. Her impossible dream of being with Sunset had come true, and now the two of them were cuddling—almost naked—in Sunset’s bed. The thought spawned a familiar feeling of adrenal joy beneath Wallflower’s abdomen, causing her to tense up. Tummy flutters, Sunset had called them. Wallflower bit her lip as another trembling sensation ran through her, and her free hand found its way to the space below her navel. Her fingers trailed down a little further, tracing over the fabric of her jeans. Sunset may have called them tummy flutters, but for Wallflower at least, the waves of excitement were now coming from somewhere decidedly lower. A sharp breath left her, and Wallflower realized Sunset was feeling around her breast again. Her touch was amazingly light, and with every gentle movement Wallflower tensed up more and more. Sunset slid her thumb over the hardened bud in the center, pressing down as she did. Wallflower couldn’t stop herself from letting out a shaky gasp as a tingle sparked between her legs. Sunset must have heard her, because she lifted her head for the first time in a while. Wallflower stared into her girlfriend’s eyes. They were bright as the cerulean sky, and she lost herself in the sparkling shades of blue. Once again, Wallflower breathed the softest of moans as Sunset continued playing with her, brushing a finger in circles around Wallflower's areola. Sunset held Wallflower's gaze the entire time, her lips curling into a loving grin. “Would you, uhm, maybe want to...?” Wallflower’s voice almost too quiet to hear, yet still tinged with unmistakable excitement. Her face reddened and she trailed off, too embarrassed to say the words. She slowly reached up and touched Sunset's hand, which gave her breast a delicate squeeze. As another moan escaped her, she could only hope her plea was understood. A moment passed in silence. Then—without a word—Sunset gave Wallflower’s other nipple a kiss and wrapped her lips around it. “Hnnnnnnaaaaahhh...” Wallflower sighed, her chest heaving beneath the warm, gentle pressure of Sunset's kisses. Again, the tingling flared within her, and her hips rose the slightest bit. Sunset flashed a smile, her mouth never leaving Wallflower’s breasts. Her hand kept massaging one while she traced her tongue in a circle around Wallflower’s nipple. The hot, wet sensation was enough to elicit another series of pleasured sighs. “Haaaahhh—aaahhhhhnnn...” Wallflower arched her back. “Sunset...” Even as Wallflower lost herself in the moment, part of her mind continued to marvel at what was happening. Sunset was touching her, kissing her, gently sucking and suckling her, and with every passing second, the tingling between her legs had Wallflower yearning for more, leaving her wriggling beneath Sunset’s touch. Impossibly tiny moans lingered between her labored breaths, and Wallflower reflexively reached downwards. As she began undoing the button of her jeans, Sunset raised her head. “Hey,” Sunset said, barely leaning forward. Again, Wallflower found herself staring longingly into those brilliant blue eyes. “I know I asked before, but... Are you okay...?” Sunset's question trailed off, but the implication was clear. For the briefest of moments, Wallflower paused, considering the question. It was only hours ago that such intimacy with Sunset had been confined to fledgling fantasies in the back of her mind. Yet now, here Wallflower was, stripped bare and lying beneath the first person to tell her they loved her and mean it. Already, she and Sunset had done more than she had ever expected to do with anyone in her entire life. Before tonight, Wallflower didn’t know what it meant to be loved by someone. Sunset had given her that gift, blessing her with a joy so pure and wondrous that Wallflower still had to remind herself it was real. Somehow, someway, an instinctual piece of her soul just knew that she loved Sunset too, and discovering that incomprehensible feeling was as shocking and elating as seeing a new color for the first time. Taking Sunset’s hands in her own, Wallflower allowed the blissful closeness of the moment to wash over her like a wave. She took a slow, steady breath, and whispered, “Yes.” Sunset smiled that lovely smile of hers, and Wallflower’s heartbeat quickened. Excitement seized her, and she pulled Sunset down, their lips meeting once more. What followed was a flurry of kisses and giggles and the frantic undoing of buttons and zippers. Soon enough, jeans and panties joined the pile of discarded clothing on the floor beside the bed. “O-ohh wow...” Wallflower’s breath left her as Sunset straddled her once more. Her eyes trailed down the beautiful body of her girlfriend, and she let out a soft coo at the feeling of Sunset’s bare legs sliding smoothly across her own. “This is really nice...” “Mhmmm.” Sunset planted a firm kiss on Wallflower’s lips, only to look away. “I don’t, uhm... I’m not really sure how to do what’s next, though,” she said sheepishly. Wallflower couldn’t help but laugh. “I promise, it’s exactly what you think it is.” “I-I know that!” Sunset’s cheeks reddened further. “It’s not that I don’t know how. I guess I just—I dunno—this is all so new and exciting and scary for me, too. I’m kinda getting caught up on like... What’s the right way to do it?” Wallflower’s heart melted at the sight of Sunset Shimmer being so nervous. It was a side of her that Wallflower had seldom seen, and it reminded her that she was with someone who really, truly wanted her to be happy. She draped her arms over the girl straddling her, leading her into another kiss. It held for a while, and when their lips parted, Wallflower sighed. “I don’t think there’s a right way or a wrong way to do it,” she said. “Just... Do what comes naturally, y’know?” “...Yeah,” Sunset said, smiling. Her hips shifted atop Wallflower’s own. “I can do that.” Slowly, slowly, Sunset began to move down Wallflower’s body, eliciting an excited shiver. A breathless moan left Wallflower’s lips as she felt Sunset's fingers tracing across her leg, and her hips moved on their own, as if trying to guide Sunset’s fingers inward. Closing her eyes, Wallflower allowed herself to feel every sensation in its entirety. Sunset moved and breathed on top of her, leaving delicate kisses all over Wallflower’s breasts and tummy as she lowered herself closer and closer to the source of the flutters and tingles that pulsated through Wallflower’s entire body. Gentle touches drifted up and down through the wetness that was building between her thighs. With each pass, her breathing grew a little heavier and her legs spread a little wider. “Hahhhh... Haahhhhh... Haaa-aaahhhh—ahh...!” Wallflower flinched at the first contact. Her eyes blinked open and saw Sunset, cheeks burning red as she stared between Wallflower's legs. She had one hand on Wallflower's waist, and the other was hovering, motionless, just an inch away from what she was looking at. Sunset glanced up at Wallflower, her expression a mix of excitement and trepidation, as if silently asking for consent one last time before they crossed this line together. All Wallflower could manage was a nod. Sunset returned the expression, and Wallflower felt her girlfriend’s free hand touch her own. Their fingers laced together, and Wallflower held her breath as she waited for— “Eep!" Sunset’s finger barely entered her, and she yelped, more from surprise than anything else. Flutters and tingles passed over Wallflower in waves, and she squeezed Sunset’s other hand. “S-sorry! I’m sorry!” Sunset pulled away, and Wallflower gasped as her finger pulled out. “Are you alright? I’m really sorry, I thought—!” “It’s okay,” Wallflower said, almost breathless. “You just surprised me, is all. I’m okay.” “O-oh geez...” Sunset let out a nervous laugh. “I really wasn’t kidding about being an awkward virgin.” “You’re doing fine, Sunset,” Wallflower said, smiling. She heaved a sigh, leaning back into the pillow beneath her. “It was nice, just… It caught me off guard, I guess." “Do you want to stop?” Sunset asked. “N-no!” Wallflower shook her head. “We can keep going, just—maybe ease into it…?” “Yeah, okay,” Sunset said, turning her gaze down again as her brow furrowed nervously. “Ease into it. Okay.” After a pause, Wallflower blinked and spoke up. “Not like literally,” she said. Sunset giggled at that, and the smile that followed released another flutter through Wallflower’s body. As she waited for Sunset to be ready, Wallflower allowed her muscles to relax a bit. She closed her eyes, doing her best to steady her breathing, but even still her exhales were marked by breathy, eager whimpers. Her hips wiggled on their own, yearning for Sunset to begin again. Then she felt it—the feather-soft touch of Sunset’s fingers along the edge of her entrance. The contact sparked a wonderful sensation, and Wallflower couldn’t stop her shaky breaths from falling into pleasured sighs, punctuated by a series of gleeful giggles as she again reminded herself this was really happening. “Does it, uhm…” Sunset spoke, even as she continued tracing her finger around Wallflower’s folds. “Does it feel good?” “Heeheehee—mmmnnaahhh…” Wallflower squirmed at the feeling, and she met Sunset’s nervous gaze with a smile. “Yes,” she said. “R-really good.” At that, she saw a flicker of excitement in Sunset’s eyes. Soon enough, Wallflower felt a second finger feeling around her, drawing out a hushed moan. Despite how anxious Sunset clearly was, Wallflower recognized a building confidence in her movements. “You’re really good at this..." she said. The blush on Sunset’s cheeks turned an even deeper shade of crimson, and at last a grin adorned her beautiful face. Wallflower’s heart soared as she watched the last of Sunset’s nervousness melt away beneath that budding smile, taking as much joy in her girlfriend’s relief as in the physical pleasure that followed. As wonderful as this feeling was, it was all the more meaningful because Sunset was enjoying herself too. As Wallflower’s soft moans gave way to longing whimpers, Sunset began pressing more firmly into her folds. Just the slight extra pressure was enough to leave Wallflower cooing and sighing louder than before, a faint trembling running through her body. She closed her eyes again, losing herself in the sparks of pleasure that danced around wherever Sunset touched her. When Wallflower felt Sunset moving up atop her, a breathless gasp escaped her lips. Her eyes opened to see Sunset, who was at last brimming with the very confidence that had attracted Wallflower to her in the first place, lying down beside her. One hand stayed between Wallflower’s legs, continuing to give Wallflower a fraction of the attention she yearned for, and the other found its way beneath her and cradled her as she sighed. Another sharp jolt of pleasure left Wallflower tensing up in her girlfriend’s arms. Sunset was gently pressing the pad of her finger against Wallflower's entrance, but just barely. Reflexively, Wallflower shifted, hoping she would go a little further. “Mmmmm…” Sunset whispered in her ear. “I’m really happy I can make you feel good like this.” The soft, lustful tones of Sunset’s voice induced a shiver. Wallflower turned her head as another moan escaped her lips, and Sunset gave her a loving smile. All the while, her fingers continued to swirl around Wallflower’s labia. “You look so adorable right now,” Sunset said. She leaned forward, kissing Wallflower’s freckled cheek. “I’m gonna start putting them in. If it’s ever too much, just let me know.” “Mhmm…” Wallflower murmured. Gentle as ever, Sunset pushed a finger into her, just past the first joint. Wallflower let out a long, shaky exhale, getting used to the feeling. Sunset rested her head beside Wallflower, holding her a little closer. “I’m right here with you,” she said. “I want to feel you shudder…” Those words made Wallflower do exactly that. “S-Sunset…” “Shhhh,” Sunset whispered. “You don’t have to say anything. Just feel…” Then, she started moving. Wallflower's whole body tensed as Sunset’s finger slid all the way into her, and the distinctive tummy flutters turned into a warm, wonderful feeling that spread through her core. “Y’know…” Sunset spoke softly. “Until today, I’d never thought much about this kind of thing.” When Sunset pulled away, she curled her finger slightly, dragging along Wallflower’s insides. The sensation drew out an eager moan, and Wallflower’s hips rose and fell as Sunset’s motions continued at a slow pace. “I couldn’t really say why,” Sunset said. “For the longest time, whenever I heard people talking about anything sexual, it was kinda uncomfortable. I had more than a few people try to make advances on me, but it always seemed… Wrong, somehow.” Wallflower gasped as Sunset’s finger pushed deeper inside her, and again when she pulled it out.  “But not with you,” Sunset said, smiling. She stared at Wallflower with those beautiful blue eyes, never breaking eye contact, even as she slipped another finger inside. “With you, I just knew. Sure, I had feelings—a little crush, I guess—but tonight in the garden, something clicked in my mind and I just knew I wanted to be with you.” Pleasure rippled through Wallflower’s core, down her thighs and up her abdomen. The wonderful feeling intensified every time Sunset moved in and out. As her rhythm continued and grew more deliberate, Wallflower’s chest rose and fell, her shaky moans giving way to heavy, labored breaths. “I said it before, but I need to say it again.” Sunset held Wallflower’s gaze, even as Wallflower whimpered and sighed in her one-armed embrace. “I need you to know that I’ve never been more certain of anything in my life.” Sunset’s calm, steady demeanor contrasted entirely with Wallflower, who was seizing up and gasping as Sunset brought her closer and closer. Sunset’s fingers moved a little faster, pressing in as deep as they could and curling up as they slid out. “I love you,” Sunset sighed. “I really, really do.” Trembling, Wallflower felt her very soul come alive with adoration—with love. “Sunset—aaahh!" “I know,” Sunset said, smiling sweetly. Wallflower gasped and shook. “Haahhh…! I-I—” She was cut off by a kiss from Sunset. It was firm and it was passionate, and it was exactly the thing that pushed Wallflower over the edge. Sunset’s fingers slowed even as they continued to pump in and out, and Wallflower's breathing faltered as she was pulled into a loving embrace. Sunset held her close, gently caressing her as her orgasm reached a fever pitch. Flutters and fire and bliss cascaded through Wallflower’s entire body, leaving her shuddering. As the pleasure finally began to subside, Sunset's fingers at last slipped out, and Wallflower collapsed entirely into Sunset’s arms. She looked up at her girlfriend, her eyes half-lidded, as the last trembles faded away. When Wallflower finally spoke, her voice was entirely breathless. “Oh gosh... That w-was really amazing...” Sunset blushed, her face a mess of nervousness and hope. “So you, uhm… Finished...?” “Y-yeah,” Wallflower said, smiling. “I did.” “I hoped so,” Sunset said. She leaned in, giving Wallflower a gentle kiss. It held for a few more moments, and when at last their lips parted, Sunset spoke. “I guess it was pretty obvious, but, y’know—awkward virgin and whatnot.” “Mmmmmm…” Wallflower closed her eyes, sighing. “You were wonderful.” Sunset rested her head on the pillow, and Wallflower lay beside her. Sunset draped an arm over her shoulder, pulling Wallflower close. “You’re wonderful,” she said. “Heeheehee—okay,” Wallflower giggled. “We’re wonderful.” She nestled herself into Sunset, resting her head on her breast. After a deep breath, Wallflower closed her eyes. “Thank you for being here with me,” she said softly. She grinned as she felt Sunset hold her a little tighter. “There’s nowhere I’d rather be,” Sunset said. Beneath her silent smile, Wallflower’s heart was alive with joy. “Thank you for giving me someone to love,” she said. After a pause, Sunset replied. “Thank you for being someone I can love.” As Wallflower began to drift towards sleep, listening to Sunset’s heartbeat, she felt a flutter in her tummy. Now more than ever, she knew for certain what love felt like. > Ultimate Lesbian Snuggles > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunset awoke to a kiss. Her eyes flickered open to see her girlfriend pulling away, her lips as soft and warm as the night before. “Mmmm... That’s one way to wake me up,” Sunset said, holding down a yawn. “Y-yeah, I guess so,” Wallflower said. “Sorry for waking you up. I’ve just, uhm... I’ve been awake for a while now, and I...” She paused, her lips curling into a smile. “I wanted to talk to you about something.” “It’s okay,” Sunset said. She leaned over, pecking Wallflower’s freckled cheek. “There’s no one I’d rather wake up to. What’s on your mind?” “Well, it’s just...” Wallflower leaned in close, her head resting on Sunset’s shoulder. “You never got a turn last night.” "O-oh." Immediately, Sunset’s burning cheeks threatened to melt her beneath Wallflower’s ever-gentle touch. She sighed, turning her head to look at her girlfriend as best she could. “It’s okay,” she spoke softly. “You were pretty tired.” “Mhm.” Wallflower nodded, her face taking on the slightest scarlet tinge. “You really wore me out.” “It was completely worth it, to be honest.” Sunset said, smiling. “You look super cute when you’re asleep.” Wallflower’s blush brightened. “W-well, uhm... You look super cute all the time, so...” Sunset couldn’t contain herself a moment longer. She cut Wallflower off with a kiss, reveling in the warmth and softness. “Goddess above, you are just too adorable,” she said. “Y’know, if it was anyone else telling me that, I wouldn’t believe them,” Wallflower said. “But you... You make me really believe that I’m all these good things.” Sunset could only smile in response. A second later, they connected, their lips brushing against each other again and again as if picking up right where the previous night had left off. Through it all, Sunset’s entire body was alive with adrenal joy. When they at last drifted apart, breaths heavy and foreheads resting together, Wallflower began to move. Her leg crossed over Sunset’s, and she shifted smoothly beneath the comforter until she had climbed atop Sunset entirely. She leaned down, her beautiful brown eyes half-lidded and full of adoration, settling in the perfect spot to whisper in Sunset’s ear. “You make me feel good about myself, Sunset.” Wallflower’s voice was as soft as a gentle snowfall. “If you’re okay with it... I want to make you feel good too.” A shiver crawled up Sunset’s shoulders. “I'd really like that,” she whispered back. Wallflower kissed her cheek, and Sunset let out a trembling sigh as her girlfriend’s warmth and weight pressed her further into the softness of the mattress beneath them. “Oh, uhm, I guess this goes without saying...” Wallflower murmured. “But I have no idea what I’m doing.” A sudden giggle left Sunset’s lips. “Me, I hope," she said. Wallflower blinked, blinked again, then her eyes lit up as she finally got the joke. She laughed herself, and Sunset's heart writhed with joy. “You’ll be the first and only, you know,” Sunset said. She pulled Wallflower closer, breathing the next words in the most sultry tone she could manage. “Don’t you want to take Sunset Shimmer’s virginity?” Wallflower’s eyes widened. She opened her mouth as if to respond, but no words came out. Instead, all she could do was nod. Sunset traced her hand down along the curve of her girlfriend’s back. Her legs spread apart, though whether she did so consciously or unconsciously, she honestly couldn’t tell. She shifted again—just to get a little more comfortable—until she and Wallflower lay in something resembling a missionary position. Then, Wallflower moved ever-so-slowly, her hips shifting forward in what Sunset could only assume was some sort of thrust. She repeated the same motion, pressing against Sunset just as slowly, just as gently, just as warmly as before. For the briefest of moments Sunset wondered if she should say something, but as Wallflower continued to push down and against her again and again, her initial confusion was burned away by the rising lustful heat that swelled in her heart. The whole time, her gaze never left the gorgeous visage of the girl lying on top of her. Wallflower had closed her eyes, exhaling softly as she pressed forward again, seemingly losing herself in the rhythm of her own movements. Her freckled cheeks were barely raised in a small smile, and her long hair fell over her bare shoulders and down her body, gently swaying as she moved back and forth. Flutters rippled through Sunset’s body in waves. Wallflower was so pure, so beautiful... Sunset wished she could just stay in this moment forever, awash with passionate joy as the girl she adored made love to her. The faintest of moans hummed in Sunset’s chest. She hadn’t even really been touched yet, but her soul was already bursting with excitement. “Mmmnnhh... Wallflower...” Her voice barely rose above a whisper as she caressed Wallflower’s angel-soft skin. Her hands rested just above Wallflower’s behind, assisting in her girlfriend’s steady thrusts by pulling her even further against Sunset’s core. Part of Sunset couldn’t believe what she was doing right now. Of course this was different than last night, when she had been the one dictating the pace of their intimacy, but it was different in a way she hadn’t quite expected. As much as Sunset had enjoyed feeling Wallflower shudder and sigh beneath her touch, there was something even more wonderful about being able to lie back and be loved. Somehow, someway, Sunset found a girl she trusted enough that she could give herself to her entirely. That impossible bliss of that realization pulsed through Sunset with every heartbeat. Suddenly, she and Wallflower were locked in a flurry of kisses, coming together again and again and again. Even when Wallflower’s lips pulled away from Sunset’s, it was only to continue kissing Sunset’s neck, across her collarbone, and finally down to her breasts. As light as Wallflower’s kisses were, each one still sent a shiver up Sunset’s spine. She felt Wallflower’s delicate touch on one breast as her feather-soft kisses cared for the other. Sunset’s chest heaved, her back arching slightly when Wallflower’s lips found the hardened bud they’d been searching for. “O-oh Goddess...” Sunset whispered, her hand running over her hair. “I can’t believe you’ve never done this before...” Wallflower broke away from Sunset’s chest just long enough to speak. “Why’s that?” she asked, breathless. Sunset shuddered beneath another kiss. “Because you’re really, really good at it...” Wallflower’s smiling face reddened even more. “I guess I’m just doing what comes naturally?” “You’ve got good instincts, then,” Sunset spoke softly. “What are they telling you to do now?” “Oh, uhm...” Wallflower rose from Sunset’s breasts entirely, her freckled cheeks burning. “Maybe something like this...?” She sat up and crawled across the bedspread until she was kneeling beside Sunset, then her arm snaked around Sunset’s back. “Here, scoot forward a bit.” Sunset did so immediately, and Wallflower just as quickly moved behind her. Sunset leaned back against her girlfriend, who rested her head on her shoulder from behind. They both sat with their legs out, and Sunset tried to relax into Wallflower’s embrace, a faint tremble running through her. Wallflower kissed the side of Sunset’s neck. “Do you want to keep going?” she asked. Sunset took a couple of deep breaths. “Y-yeah, I think so,” she said. She shivered as she felt Wallflower’s hand drifting along her midsection. “J-just... I’ve never done this. I guess I’m a little nervous...” “It’s okay if you don’t want to,” Wallflower said. “No, I-I do,” Sunset said. She turned her head as best she could, catching Wallflower’s gaze. “I do if it’s with you.” Wallflower’s smile was the most beautiful thing Sunset had ever seen. She leaned forward, and they shared a warm, gentle kiss. When they parted, Sunset kept her eyes closed. “I love you,” she whispered. With that, she fell silent, tensing slightly in anticipation of Wallflower’s touch. When Sunset finally felt it, it wasn’t where she expected. Wallflower’s hand was caressing her inner thigh, drifting up and down without the slightest hint of pressure. At the same time, her other hand drifted up Sunset’s tummy, then her abdomen, finally reaching and cupping her breast. The tension in Sunset’s muscles started to melt away as Wallflower began massaging her chest. Again, Sunset felt Wallflower’s head resting on her shoulder. “You’re so soft, Sunset,” she said. “Every part of you...” The tension returned in the form of a shudder. Sunset took slow, labored breaths as the hand on her thigh drifted closer to her core. “Th-thanks...?” she managed to squeak out. Wallflower sighed, kissing Sunset’s neck again. “Soft and beautiful,” she whispered. Sunset closed her eyes again, sinking further into Wallflower’s embrace. Her leg twitched, and her breathing grew a little bit heavier with every passing second. The feeling of Wallflower’s hand on her thigh already had her stiffening up, but when Wallflower gently pinched the hardened nub in the center of Sunset’s breast, the tension of her muscles was intensified by a tingling sensation emanating from her core. “Uhm... Th-that feels really nice.” Sunset’s words were half spoken, half whimpered. “Mhmm,” Wallflower hummed. Even with her eyes closed, Sunset knew her girlfriend was smiling. A second later, Wallflower squeezed her nipple once more, and Sunset’s leg twitched again. In doing so, she moved Wallflower’s hand even closer to the growing wetness between her legs. “You can, uhm...” Sunset fidgeted as another flurry of tingles sparked within her. “Y-you can touch it if you want...” For a moment, Wallflower didn’t move at all. Then, she moved her hand from Sunset’s breast to just below her abdomen—right on the spot the flutters always came from. The mere presence of Wallflower’s touch was enough to spawn those ever-so-wonderful ripples of adrenaline that pulsed from within Sunset—and as they did, Wallflower pressed down firmly on her tummy. “O-ohh my gosh...” Sunset gasped, her whole body tensing up. Before she could take a moment to relax herself, she felt Wallflower’s ever-so-gentle touch at last caressing her folds. “Oh Goddess... Wallflower...” Sunset held her breath as pleasure flickered within her. “I love you,” she said. “Goddess, I love you...” Wallflower’s response was to give Sunset a one-armed hug with her free hand, and Sunset wriggled in the embrace as more and more sparks of that wonderful feeling lit up around her entrance. She reached blindly over her shoulder, finding and gently holding Wallflower’s head in her hand. Her fingers brushed through her girlfriend’s hair, and another whimper left her lips. “Is it okay if we keep going?” Wallflower asked. Sunset didn’t even have to think about it. She loved this girl—Goddess above, she loved this girl—and she wanted to share every piece of herself with her. She nodded, and a second later, Wallflower slipped a finger inside her. Sunset’s leg twitched, and she let out the softest of whimpers. Wallflower wasted no time, her motions smooth and steady as ever. Sunset’s whimpers quickly turned to little moans of pleasure as the sparks around her entrance were kindled into a warm, wonderful flame. They were doing this. They were really, really doing this. Even after everything they had done together last night, what was happening to Sunset in this very moment seemed like a miracle beyond belief, but it was happening all the same. A fleeting smile cracked on her lips, only to falter beneath another quiet moan echoing up from her chest. Wallflower started to move a little faster. Sunset gripped her girlfriend’s forearm as it moved slightly back and forth with every motion of her finger, holding on as if trying to brace herself. Her eyes closed and her breaths grew heavier and heavier. “Could you—hnnhh...” Sunset put as much focus as she could into speaking clearly. “Could you curl your finger a little more...?” Wallflower immediately did as she was told, and Sunset’s leg kicked out, twitching again and again every time Wallflower pushed into her. Just the slight change was enough to turn the flame in Sunset’s core into waves and waves of pleasure and bliss. They pulsed through her, the sensation spreading down the inside of her thighs as her muscles tightened even more. As Wallflower brought her closer and closer, a tiny piece of Sunset’s mind recalled how incredible she felt when Wallflower was shuddering with pleasure in her arms—how excited she felt when she knew it was about to happen. Now she could give Wallflower that same experience, and that joyful thought was punctuated by a breathy moan as she opened her mouth to speak. “I-I’m—ahh!” Sunset gasped again as Wallflower drew out even more pleasure from her core. She wanted to speak, to say the words, but her body had other priorities. “It’s okay, Sunset,” Wallflower hummed in Sunset’s ear, her voice as calm and gentle as a lullaby. “I know.” Sunset crossed the point of no return. Her hips rose from the bed as her back arched, pleasure pouring through her thighs and core and abdomen. Her limbs tensed up and her breath held as Wallflower hugged her, her finger gently caressing Sunset from the inside. Sunset was entirely silent, save for a few tiny little gasps that escaped her lips. The rising wave of her orgasm at last crested and fell, crashing through her and leaving behind wonderful ripples of pleasure that left Sunset shuddering. Wallflower pulled her finger away, and Sunset fell back into her girlfriend’s embrace. Her entire body was more tranquil, more relaxed, more exhausted than it had ever been. She took a deep breath, and then another, sinking even more into the warmth of the beautiful girl behind her. Without a word, and without opening her eyes, Sunset found Wallflower’s hands and held them with her own, resting on Sunset’s tummy. Another little ripple of pleasure coincided with a brief burst of flutters, and both Sunset and Wallflower gently pressed down, releasing a warm wave of tingles. Sunset smiled, and she knew Wallflower was too. They both sighed, relaxing into their loving embrace, but neither of them spoke. Love radiated between them, and as they drifted into an early morning nap, bliss fluttered through them both.