> A Public Debut > by Some Leech > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > And Stallion Servicing > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rumble gulped, as he looked down at the neatly folded pile of clothes Rarity had selected for him to wear. “A...are you sure?” he called out. “But of course, Darling! Trust me, once we’re finished, nopony will recognize you,” the seamstress’s voice responded, sneaking past the closed door. She’d spent hours selecting the Rumble’s wardrobe, tailoring them to fit the young stallion perfectly; as such, she couldn’t wait to see how they accentuated his figure. “A...alright,” Rumble mumbled, plucking one of the fishnet leggings from the stack of garments. His hooves, each painted a matte black, seemingly absorbed the light from the fitting room. Tugging the mesh fabric up one hind leg, the elastic cuff gently dug into the chub of his thigh. He quickly followed suit with the other three, slipping them over his unadorned legs, before returning to the rest of his outfit. Rarity had seen fit to have him wear the same neon pink thong that she’d given him several weeks ago, after adding a bit more cloth to the crotch, in order to give it a proper coinpurse. Honestly, he was pleased with her choice, considering how well it contrasted against his coat. To compliment the undergarment, the designer had chosen a plaid, french rose colored skirt. Stepping into the article of clothing, Rumble gingerly hauled it upward, allowing the frilly cloth to glide over his hindquarters, before it settled over his wide hips. With only one piece of attire left, the colt steeled his resolve. Reaching down, he retrieved the iris purple, ruffle bottom tube top which sat on the now empty bench. Rearing back, the colt wormed his torso into the raiment, leaving it to snugly cover his torso, while allowing his wings to remain free. Taking a step back, and closing his eyes, Rumble took a breath. He knew there was a mirror inset in the wall, but a part of him was afraid to look. After a moment, the little stallion peeked out, over his snout, to gaze at his reflection. Rumble stood there in shock, glancing at the slutty young stallion who stared back at him. He could scarcely believe his own eyes; there he was, gussied up like some two bit strumpet. Experimentally, he spun in place, drinking in every little detail of his scandalous transformation. The skirt barely concealed the plump globes of his tush, his top clung to his chest, and the thong held his rapidly hardening colthood to his groin. Thinking back to the first outfit Rarity had given him, Rumble chuckled at how conservative it was, compared to his current getup. Realizing the designer was still waiting outside, his pulse quickened, but not from trepidation. No, he was actually excited to show her. Turning to the door, he twisted the handle and walked out. Hearing a lock click behind her, Rarity glanced over shoulder. As Rumble stepped out, dressed in the clothing she’d selected for him, her eyes went alight. He was absolutely gorgeous. Though he was small, and a young stallion, he was astonishingly curvaceous and attractive. Excitedly, she waved him over, intent to give him a thorough inspection. Rarity had always found effeminate colts exceptionally attractive, especially when they were servicing larger stallions. While she’d never been able to explain why she had such depraved tastes, having long ago abandoned any attempts at understanding them, she simply chose to enjoy them, when able. Rumble trotted over to the excited unicorn. He blushed, as she practically danced in place. Not knowing what to say, or if he should say anything at all, he simply tracked Rarity with his eyes, as she slowly circled him. Watching her coolly creep around him, adjusting a garment here or bit of fabric there, the colt fidgeted a bit. It wasn’t that he was scared, but it was a bit off putting, having an older mare scrutinize him while he was dolled up like a filly. “H...how do I look?” he timidly asked, finally breaking the silence. “Darling, you look utterly entrancing. Why, I’d wager that stallions would be fighting to have a go at you!” Rarity tittered, sauntering over to a nearby display. She’d brought a few more things for Rumble, but she’d wanted to put them on personally. “Rumble, do be a Dear and close your eyes for a moment,” she murmured, glancing over her shoulder at the little pony. Obediently, Rumble did as he was requested. Of all the ponies in Ponyville, Rarity was the only one who knew his secret. She’d even covertly planned a meeting between him and an acquaintance of hers. It had happened at her annual Nightmare Night costume party, a week ago. He’d decided to dress like a pirate and, coincidentally, a large zebra named Weka had chosen the same disguise. As Rumble had talked with the muscular equine, things quickly went off the tracks, leaving the tiny grey colt to be rutted atop a trunk in a backroom of the Carousel Boutique. At the time, he’d had no idea that it was all a scheme of Rarity’s, but he’d loved the experience. Shortly after the event, he’d received an invitation from the designer to pay her a visit, which led him to where he now stood. Fortunately, the shop was closed, so there was no chance of anypony walking in on them. While Rumble stood, eyes screwed shut, he felt something cool slip around his neck. Seconds later, a tingling sensation danced over his right ear, followed by a weight which gently pulled at the sensory organ. It didn’t hurt or anything, but it felt a little bit odd. He could hear Rarity’s hooves against the polished wooden floor, followed by a curious hum. “C...can I open my eyes now?” he murmured, his interest peaked. “Just a moment,” Rarity replied, expertly applying a bit of blush to his cheeks as well as a touch of lustrous eye-shadow, before levitating a hoof mirror in front of the colt’s face. “Ok, now,” she added, getting its position just right. Opening his eyes, Rumble found the embellishments Rarity had added. Besides the touches of makeup, around his neck sat a black leather choker, studded with burnished metal studs. The weight on his ear had been caused by a large golden hoop, as well as several golden beads. Turning to face his host, he cocked an eyebrow. Surely, if she had pierced his ears, it would have hurt more than the subtle tingling sensation he’d felt. Before he could ask, and likely sensing his question, Rarity spoke up. “They’re magically affixed, Darling,” the unicorn explained, igniting her horn, to punctuate the idea. “The spell holding them there should wear off in an hour or two. But, if you get tired of wearing them, while we’re out, you should be able to tug them off without too much trouble,” she continued, admiring the gleaming accents. “Why a few hours though? I shouldn’t…” Rumble trailed off, his mind latching onto something she’d just said. “While we’re out?” he parroted. “But of course! I’ll be your chaperone for the evening. Even though you’d likely be fine by yourself, I wouldn’t want you to go out alone,” Rarity announced, absentmindedly fetching a shawl from the checkout counter. “Wait, I’m going out like this?” the colt blurted, his anxiety building. It was one thing to wear something slutty in his room, or in private with somepony, but not in public! “Wh...what if…” he was cut off, as Rarity held up a hoof. “Darling, nopony will recognize you. For starters, you’re dressed nothing like the Rumble everypony knows. Secondly, should somepony speak to us, I’ll assert that you are the child of my cousin. I assure you, I have this all planned out to perfection,” Rarity casually addressed his concerns. Over the years of working in the fashion industry, she’d learned many interesting things; one of which was that the overwhelming majority of ponies had virtually no ability to see through a disguise. Why, even a simple shirt and hat was enough to shroud one’s identity! Gathering up a coat, and tossing it over her shoulder, she trotted over to the colt. “Here,” she said, handing him the concealing article, “just wear this until we get there.” Nodding, and still extremely nervous about whatever Rarity was scheming, Rumble covered himself in the billowy garment. As the unicorn walked to the exit of her shop, he followed. “So, where is there again?” he inquired, looking up at her. “Rumble, my Sweet, we are going to a bathroom,” Rarity announced, casually slinging a shoulder bag over her neck, before closing and locking the door of the Boutique behind him. As Rumble trotted beside Rarity, she kept her voice rather low. According to her, there was a particular bathroom in the park that stallions used for somewhat unsavory purposes. Although he’d been to the park, and even used that restroom a few times, he’d never heard such a wild thing, but the seamstress insisted it was true. According to her, the final stall in the room was expressly for stallions or colts who preferred to be on the receiving end of things. As such, there was a hole in the wall between the last two compartments. Rumble could hardly believe such an outrageous idea, but Rarity swore it wasn’t a lie. As the two entered the park, Rumble looked up at the older mare. “Why are you doing this, Rarity?” he asked, kicking at a rock, as they went along. “I...it’s not that I don’t appreciate it or anything, but why would you want to help me? Don’t you think it’s weird that I like…” his voice died, unwilling or unable to verbally express his lust for well built stallions and their equipment. “Because, I’m not one to judge ponies for their predilections,” Rarity responded, smiling over at him. Of course, she wasn’t going to divulge her massive fetish for watching effeminate colts being rutted, but she hadn’t lied either. As a tailor, she was more than qualified to produce or modify mares’ clothing for stallions or colts; getting to watch them giving themselves to larger, well hung males was merely a bonus. While Rumble walked alongside the unicorn, she explained the finer nuances and etiquette for using the restroom. Upon entering the final stall, one was supposed to wait for a very specific phrase. Apparently, the line ‘I’m having a hard time’ was supposed to be the cue for a stallion wanting service. If the pony in the final stall was there to have fun, as Rarity had put it, they were supposed to reply with ‘Maybe I could lend a helping hoof’. Once both parties had clued each other in, it was game on. There was a glory hole in the wall separating the two booths, which could be used for oral or, if the pony on the receiving end was tall enough, anal. “Alright, here we are!” Rarity announced, slowing as she approached the small building. It was, for all intents and purposes, the same as any other public restroom, except for the activities which took place within. “I’ll have a seat out here and keep an eye on things. Just give a shout if you need anything. Oh, and do try to enjoy yourself,” she cheerfully remarked, strolling over to a nearby bench. She had informed Thunderlane, Rumble’s older brother, that she needed the colt’s help with a project, so there wouldn’t be any questions regarding his whereabouts. Seating herself, she watched the young stallion questioningly look between her and the building’s entrance. Waving him onward with a hoof, Rarity smiled, as he crept inside. Making herself comfortable, she dug into her satchel, and pulled out a magazine. She’d was all for Rumble having a good time, so making sure he was looked after was the least she could do. Trotting into the stallion’s side of the building, Rumble looked around; it was exactly as he’d remembered it. The floor of the elongated, rectangular room were covered in slick tile. Along one wall was a set of four stalls, with two sinks at the nearest end. Skulking deeper, and drawing closer to the final enclosure, he looked under each door. It didn’t look like anypony else was there; at least, for the time being. Making his way to the last stall, sitting in the far corner of the rest room, Rumble let himself inside. After hanging his coat on a hook, affixed to the back of the door, he inspected the area. Sure enough, there was a hoof sized hole in the partition between the tiny area and the next booth. Wandering over to the dividing wall, the colt inspected the opening. It looked somepony had lined it with tape, presumably to prevent any nicks or cuts along their equipment. Peeking into the empty stall, Rumble started, as he heard the door of the restroom open. The sound of hooves on tile caused him to take a step back. Closer and closer they drew, causing a curious mixture of excitement and trepidation to well within him. Moments after hearing somepony enter the next stall, he peered at the glory hole, and noticed movement. “Hey, uh, I’m having a hard time,” a voice called out, somewhat questioningly. Rumble’s heart rate spiked. He knew what he was supposed to say, but it felt like his mouth was full of sand. Licking his lips, he steadied his nerves. “M...maybe I could lend a helping hoof…” he muttered, his voice reverberating off the walls and floor of the room. The partition groaned, as a weight rested itself upon it. Transfixed, Rumble watched in awe, when a semi-flaccid length of stallionhood lined itself with the padded opening and slipped into his stall. He gulped, staring at the mint colored prick. Sure, it wasn’t the biggest he’d ever seen, relatively small even, but there was something magical about the entire situation. Something about the combination of some unknown stallion, simply wanting to get a little bit of anonymous loving, was extraordinarily hot. A knock on the wall shook him from his reverie. “So, you gonna help me out or what?” the pony called, invitingly flexing his somewhat floppy shaft. Taking a step forward, Rumble slowly brought his snout to the proffered organ. He could already tell that the stallion hadn’t wash recently, given the subtle musk emanating from the meaty cock. It wasn’t that it bothered him or anything; quite the opposite, in fact. Rearing up and placing his hooves on either side of the glory hole, he breathed hotly onto the fat tip bobbing in front of his face. He couldn’t wait any longer, and he certainly didn’t want his mysterious partner to get impatient. Leaning in, Rumble ran his tongue around the stallion’s bloated head, letting the salty and piquant flavors wash over his tongue. Just as he wrapped his lips around the ridged glans, he heard the pony speak up. “Oh yeah, now that’s what I’m talking about,” the incognito pony groaned, jamming a bit more of himself through the opening and, in doing so, into Rumble’s mouth. A muffled groan escaped Rumble, as the dick bumped against the back of his throat. Taking a deep breath, and relaxing his airway, he pressed forward. Gradually, the tip wormed into his throat, causing his neck to bulge outward slightly. He didn’t stop until his nose pressed against the cool wood of the partition. “Fuuuck,” the stallion grunted, feeling the snug confines of his partner’s esophagus around his tool. Steadily, Rumble began bobbing his head, taking breaths on the backstrokes, as he fellated the stallion. His lips mopped saliva and pre-cum from the dick, with each forward movement, leaving a cocktail of fluids to creep down his chin. Trapped within his thong, his colthood strained against the elastic fabric. Even though he was only sucking somepony off, he was really getting worked up. The masculine scent filling his nostrils, the cloying and somewhat bitter taste dancing over his palate, how the velvety flesh of the stallionhood in his maw felt on his tongue, it was all infuriatingly arousing. As if that wasn’t bad enough, the fact that he was done up in such a slutty outfit only turned him on more. Slowly, one hoof crept to his groin, as he lazily started stroking himself. Lewdly slurping upon the vascular prick, Rumble didn’t hear a set of rapidly approaching hoofsteps, until it was too late. As the door of his stall opened, he looked over in surprise. With a mouthful of cock, his eyes nearly bulged out of his head, as he recognized who had walked in on him. There, blushing over his amaranth coat, stood Big Macintosh. He’d apparently forgotten to secure the lock, leaving the large red stallion inadvertently interrupt. The large Apple sibling, to his credit, looked rather shocked, so Rumble was left to presume he hadn’t intended to barge in on such a salacious display. Still, he couldn’t let the opportunity slip through his hooves. Shuffling his hindquarters to the side, and angling his backside at the interloper, the colt enticingly waggled his tush. To hammer the point home, he released his package, opting to move his forehoof back to pry open one cheek of his plump rear. If that didn’t leave any question of what he wanted, nothing would. Big Macintosh, gazing upon the little pony presenting themselves to him, found himself rather confused and aroused. First of all, he had no idea what he’d stumbled across, but the tiny equine in the skirt was clearly aching for him to join in on the action. Secondly, although he’d only gone in to relieve himself, it had been quite a while since he’d last gotten any sexual gratification. Sadly, Sugar Belle had been busy in her home town for over a month, leaving him to satisfy himself in her absence. Swallowing hard, he could already feel his rod slipping from its sheath. ‘Well, who am I to turn down something like that,’ he thought to himself, stepping into the booth and pulling the door closed behind him. Rumble’s heavily lidded eyes locked upon Mac’s rapidly hardening crimson shaft. It was sort of funny, after all these years, he finally realized why he was called Big Macintosh. Tugging the thong aside, he gave the stallion a tantalizing glimpse of his pucker. While he hadn’t been sure what to expect, he was still cleaned and partially lubed from his morning toy session. Judging from how quickly Mac was getting hard, he wouldn’t have to wait long. Peering back longingly, he watched the hulking male approach. With his mouth occupied, he couldn’t speak, but he glanced between the red stallion and his posterior. Watching the tiny pony silently beg him, Mac steadied himself. Given their difference in size, he was able to step over the little mare’s hindquarters, leaving his member to glide between the girl’s cheeks. Without a word, he prodded at her entrance, slickening it with the precum oozing from his tool. Though he’d never been much of a talker, he wanted to make sure he wouldn’t hurt her. “Can ya handle this much, missey?” he somberly asked, aware of how challenging it would likely be for one so small to accommodate a cock of his size. ‘Missey? Oh, oh Celestia, he thinks I’m a mare!’ Rumble thought to himself. The notion that the stallion had mistakenly identified him as a female only drove his lust to maddening new heights. Eagerly, he pressed back against Mac’s prodigious member, while continuing to absentmindedly slurp upon the stallionhood in his maw. He loved sucking dick, but nothing beat the feeling of a fat fuckstick plumbing his depths. Mac, feeling himself lined up with the mare’s rump, ground his hips forward. A muted yelp escaped the girl, as he penetrated her. Stepping forward, he drove inch after inch into her, not stopping until his face was beside her own. Looking back, he realized that he’d managed to get nearly two thirds of his length into her, an impressive feat, given her diminutive size. With glacial speed, he retracted his hips, withtracting a portion of his shaft, before slamming them back forward. Nearly standing, with his chest to the partition, and a very large and very well hung pony at his back, Rumble had nowhere to go. Big Mac’s dick had to be nearly as thick as his leg, and he desperately wanted to give it his full attention. Worming his muzzle back, he brought the head of his mysterious partner’s prick out of his airway and into his mouth. Whoever was on the other side of the wall had to be close, seeing as how hard their tool was throbbing. Focussing on the stallion’s head, Rumble hungrily ran his tongue over and around its surface, fixating on the most sensitive areas, in a bid to make the pony cum. While the crimson stud steadily pistoned into his ass, the light green organ in his mouth began to flare. Inhaling through his nose, in preparation for what was to come, Rumble readied himself. Sure enough, his lips spread ever so slightly, as a torrent of spunk was sent racing into his gullet. He gulped down as much as he could, but a small portion escaped to leak down his chin. Finished with his job at the glory hole, he quickly withdrew, leaving errant jizz to spatter over his face. It wasn’t that he didn’t care, but he’d much rather concentrate on the girthy member in his tush. Looking down, and seeing the stallion blow a load all over the mare’s cute little face, got Mac more worked up than he’d expected. With a fierce plunge, he nearly lifted the girl off the floor, leaving her to loudly moan. He’d never seen her in town before, so she was probably just passing through or maybe visiting family. Either way, it meant he had little to fear from scandalously rutting her brains out. Whoever she was, she sure seemed to like it rough, considering how she was bracing herself and rocking back to meet his thrusts. “H...harder,” Rumble huffed, licking the cum from his lips. He was glad that Mac had mounted him from behind, because if they’d been face to face, his cover would have been blown. His colthood was leaking like a faucet, painting the inside of his thong with pre-cum, as the fabric caressed it’s rigid length. Clamping his backdoor around Mac’s shaft, he wanted more. With a mighty heave, the colt pressed himself back, fully impaling himself on the mighty rod. A single spurt of cum escaped him, as the thick medial ring pummeled his prostate. At this rate, he’d reach his limit at any minute, so he had to think fast. Rumble knew that the Apple family were a bit old timey, often antiquated by modern pony standards, so an idea came to mind. “P...please,” he mewled, reaching up to caress his partner’s muscular neck, “put a foal in me. I...I’ve been wanting to find a big, strong stallion for so long. Iiiiiiii-Oh my Celestia!” His desperate plea turned into a scream of unfettered bliss, as the hulking stud abruptly started jackhammering into him. Hearing the mare beg for a foal flipped a switch within Big Mac. He’d always had dreams of knocking up a mare. Heck, he’d even gotten off to the thought of impregnating Sugar Belle on several occasions. As such, the girl’s request destroyed what little resolve he had. If she wanted a load of his fertile seed, she was sure as Tartarus going to get it. As the muscular stallion ravaged his ass, Rumble was pressed against the wall. The inferno of pleasure was reaching a head, yet just out of his grasp. “Dont...don’t stop!” he begged. As if to answer his prayers, Mac grunted loudly and hilted in his rump. His eyes rolled into the back of his head, as a tsunami of searing hot cum flooded his colon. The colt’s belly began to sag, bloating under the weight of the titanic load trapped within. The overwhelming pressure and heat nearly caused him to faint. At the massive influx of pleasure, his colthood weakly gushed cum into his panties, soaking them in his feeble load. His entire body started to give out, under the cataclysmic wave of ecstasy. Rumble’s legs quivered, buckling and caving in, leaving him impaled on Mac’s tool. As his orgasm began to subside, Mac looked down, and bit his lip. The mare seemed to be on the brink of passing out, if she hadn’t done so already. To make matters worse, he was pretty sure she was transfixed on his stallionhood. Glancing around, and starting to panic, he noticed somepony standing by the open doorway of the stall. “I’ll take it from here,” Rarity coolly purred, her magic seizing the insensate colt and holding him in place. Mac pulled back, hauling his softening member from Rumble’s abused and gaping hole, as he stepped away. Trotting forward, she looked at the large, crimson stallion. “Don’t worry, I won’t tell Sugar, but maybe you should keep this little adventure under wraps,” she whispered, giving the stallion a wink. Mac wasn’t sure what was going on, or how Rarity was involved, so he simply nodded. Briskly cantering out of the booth, and making his way out of the building, he shook his head. He really, really hoped he hadn’t just pumped a foal into that mare. A part of him hoped he’d never have to see her again, especially because he’d have no idea of what to say if he did. Picking up speed, and breaking into a gallop, he retreated in the direction of the Apple family orchard. Wheezing, Rumble looked up at Rarity. He had no idea how long she’d been watching him, but he was thankful for her help. He shuddered, as something cool and slick slid into his ass. “Just something to keep most of it in,” Rarity explained, gently pushing the chrome plug into place. She noted how well the hot-pink gemstone inlaid in the base of the item matched his panties. If he asked, she’d say it was to keep the cum from staining his garments, but she actually wanted him to walk home with a gut full of spunk. Looking at him, spackled in jizz, with his little belly swollen with seed, she smiled. She hadn’t expected for him to service two stallions at once, but he’d done a fine job. “Come on,” she chuckled, levitating him to his unsteady hooves, “let’s get you home and cleaned up.” Rumble wearily nodded, as Rarity flung the coat over his tiny frame. “Thanks Rarity…” he mumbled. Part of him was ashamed that he’d likely ruined the skirt and panties she’d given him, but there was another part that couldn’t stop thinking about how much better his slutty ensemble looked with a nice coating of foal batter. “Oh, Darling, think nothing of it,” the mare jovially chuckled, tussling his mane. Together, they trotted out, leaving the stall empty for whoever wished to use it next. “If you thought that was fun, just wait until you see what I have planned for our next little play date…” she mused, softly pressing against the plug in his rear.