> Anything You Can Do > by Some Leech > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > I Can Do Better... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sassy hummed to herself contentedly, sauntering between displays, as she tidied the Carousel Boutique in the evening hours, just before the shop closed for the night. Rarity had been in town for a few days now and been quite receptive of her daily breeding sessions from her cyan employee; so much so that she’d even made advances on the dickmare, albeit sheepishly, on several occasions. Lustful sessions aside, everything was relatively normal around the shop. Rarity spent most of her time refining new designs and working on conceptual pieces, while Sassy tended to customers, tallied inventory, and assisted with tailoring, upon her employer’s request. “Well, I think that should do for today,” Rarity sighed, trotting out into the storefront and brushing a curl of mane from her face. “Coco Pommel is in town and wanted to discuss a few ideas she has for the ‘Rarity For You’ boutique over dinner. I’ll see you in the morning, Darling,” she continued, on her way to the door. “Rarity?” Sassy asked, drawing the mare’s attention before she could depart. “Yes?” the white unicorn responded, looking back to address her assistant. “All plugged up for the afternoon, I presume?” the cyan dickmare inquired apathetically, as she continued her duties. Sassy made sure that the little alabaster unicorn had a womb full of seed  for several hours a day. Even though Rarity was surely knocked up at this point, she’d carried on the practice since she’d begun. Truthfully, she simply enjoyed knowing her employer was bloated full of her virile spunk for large portions of the day. “Um...well…yes…” Rarity answered, blushing slightly. “Be a good mare and let me see that gorgeous little stopper I got for you,” Sassy urged. Rarity sheepishly shifted her tail to the side, revealing a jeweled plug tucked firmly in her sex. “Such a good mare,” she commented, returning to her work. “Oh, and be sure you have a healthy meal. You’re eating for two now, Dearest.” “B...but of course,” Rarity stammered, the thought of her routine inseminations caused her heart to flutter and marehood to wink involuntarily around the stopper. “Well, I’m off. Take care, Darling.” Sassy didn’t turn to see Rarity leave, satisfied to know that the future mother of her foal was taking care of herself. As the evening drew to a close, she prepared to close the shop; drawing the curtains and flipping the “Open” sign to “Closed”, as she redied herself to leave. While Sassy gathered her things in the back, she heard a jingle come from the front. She sighed, realizing that some customer had probably come in for a last minute purchase. “I’m terribly sorry, but we’re already closed for the day,” she called, trotting to the front to address the interloper; a small, white filly with pastel mauve mane and tail stood idly by the door. Upon seeing her, the tiny pony rushed over, nearly tackling her with a hug. “Sassy! I was hoping to see you here,” Sweetie Belle exclaimed, burying her face in Sassy’s neck. “Sweetie Belle! Well dazzle my darns, it’s so good to see you!” Sassy proclaimed, returning the hug and smiling warmly. “I’m afraid you just missed your sister. She’s gone out with Coco, but she couldn’t have gotten far.” “Oh, I know, I saw her leave,” Sweetie commented, withdrawing a bit and looking up at the taller unicorn. “Oh, well in that case, what can I help you with, dear?” Sassy asked, a bit confused. She watched in bewilderment, as Sweetie, having released her from the hug, looked rather poignantly under her belly and towards her groin. “S...Sweetie?” she stuttered, more than a little uncomfortable with the filly’s actions. “Huh, you really do keep it hidden,” Sweetie commented, looking back up at Sassy while raising an eyebrow. “Keep what hidden?” Sassy gulped, a sinking feeling steadily settling over her. “Your marecock silly! You know, the one you’ve had buried in my sister every day since she got to town,” Sweetie chirped. Her cheerful smile shifting to a wolfish grin, as shock and realization washed over Sassy’s face. “Or was I not supposed to know about that?” she clucked, her eyes narrowing. “I...I don’t know what you’re talking about, Sweetie Belle. I must say, this is rather inappropriate talk coming from a filly like yourself!” Sassy shot back, stepping away as she began to trot towards the check out area. “Oh jeez, I’m sorry Sassy,” Sweetie muttered, following the cyan unicorn. “It’s just that, well, you look like you were really enjoying yourself with it is all,” Sweetie said, producing a number of polaroids from her saddle bag and spreading them out on the counter. Sassy’s jaw nearly hit the floor. “W...Where? H...How?” she sputtered, askance. The pictures were all of her and Rarity in various, exceptionally compromising positions. Her mind raced, as it tried to piece together where Sweetie could have gotten them from and, more troubling still, why she had them in the first place. “You like ‘em?” Sweetie asked, reaching over and sliding a particular picture over, “I’m really proud of this one!” The picture in question was Sassy rutting Rarity from behind, the white mare’s belly somewhat distended with cum. “I took ‘em after getting to town, just a day after Rarity got here and, jeez, I didn’t expect you two to be so close!” the filly said. Knitting her brow, Sassy glared down at Sweetie Belle. “And what, pray tell, are your intentions for these things?” she asked, gathering up the photos into a neat little pile. “Well, I figure, you’re gonna rut me twice as hard as my sister. Unless you want everyone finding out about your little secret, that is,” Sweetie purred, with a mischievous glint in her eye. “You’re just a filly! I...I could never!” Sassy blurted. “Hey! Just because I’m little doesn’t mean I can’t do anything Rarity does!” Sweetie shouted, stamping a hoof defiantly. “For buck’s sake, I had my first heat just a few months ago, and if Rarity can handle that big ‘ol thing of yours, then so can I!” “I...I don’t know,” Sassy groaned, exceptionally uneasy about the proposition. “Oh COME ON!” Sweetie bemoaned, wheeling around and presenting her small, marshmallow posterior to the larger unicorn. “I’ve been practicing with Rarity’s toys for months and nothing seems to be enough! I want the real deal, so if that thing you’ve been hiding between your legs is enough to satisfy my sister, then it should work for me too!” Sassy swallowed hard, at the sight of the small pony’s drooling marehood. She was no filly fiddler but, given the circumstances, it wasn’t looking like she had many options. “Ahem, so,” she began, “if I service you, then you’ll dispose of those?” “I think they’re worth at least two or three good sessions,” the filly shrewdly replied. “And besides,” she softly said, her marehood winking seductively, “don’t tell me you don’t want a piece of this.” “I mean, right now?” Sassy grumbled. Her shaft, while still safely magically concealed, had steadily grown hard, as the situation tumbled out of control. As much as she was loath to admit it, the filly’s plump and juicy nethers did look rather inviting. “Mmmhmm,” Sweetie hummed, jamming the photos back in her bag, before struggling to crawl onto the countertop. With a little effort, and hopping a bit, she finally managed to get up and onto the structure. Easing herself down, she rolled onto her back, before splaying her legs and allowing her moistened loins to drip juices to the floor below. Focussing her magic, Sassy undid the enchanted ribbon around her equipment, allowing it to fade into view. “Well, let’s make this quick then,” Sassy sighed, reluctantly rearing back and resting her forehooves on the counter. With ease, she slid her member across Sweetie’s crotch. “H...holy moley!” Sweetie uttered. The pictures she’d take hadn’t done Sassy’s package justice in the slightest. It was longer than one of her legs and just as girthy. “Just hang on a sec,” she bleated. Levitating her bag over, she rummaged around inside to produce a small vial of emerald green liquid. Unstopping the top, Sweetie downed its contents, scrunching her nose at the rather foul taste. “Good thing I got some elasticity potion from Zecora before I came, huh?” she chuckled nervously before discarding the empty bottle. Sassy rolled her eyes, not entirely sure why Sweetie would have such an elixir on hand unless she’d planned to be stuffing herself with something obscenely large. The thought made her shudder. She recalled being rather randy when she was younger but this filly seemed exceptionally debased. The fact that she’d gone so far as to blackmail a dickmare, like herself, into servicing her spoke to Sweetie’s perverse and conniving nature. Shaking her head, to clear her thoughts, Sassy pressed the broad head of her shaft against the filly’s entrance. Prodding it experimentally yielded little results, with the tight canal unyielding to her efforts. “I’m sorry Sweetie, I just don’t think it’s going to fit,” Sassy grunted, continuing her attempts to enter the young mare. “You just gotta cram it in there,” Sweetie chided. Her horn flared to life as it’s magic enveloped the larger unicorn. With a titanic magical heave, coupled with Sassy’s efforts, the dickmare’s shaft rammed into Sweetie’s interior. Both ponies froze, their eyes wide with shock, at the rather jarring turn of events. “W...well?” the filly whimpered. “Start moving already!” Bracing her hind legs, Sassy began bucking her hips. Even after downing the potion, Sweetie’s snatch was still excruciatingly tight but, by Celestia, it felt wonderful. Closing her eyes, Sassy started to steadily hump at the filly; yearning to fill the little white mare with more of her length. Sweetie had been using Rarity’s secret stash of toys for quite a while, but that hadn’t prepared her for something of this magnitude. Sure, she’d given it up to a stallion or dickmare after classes before, although this was worlds apart. Laying on a counter, her whole body rocked back and forth, as the powerful unicorn rutted her. It hurt a little, but the pain was swept away by the inexorable pleasure of the experience. “H...harder,” she whined, reaching out and bracing herself as best she could on the countertop. Sassy snorted, as the force of her pistoning increased. She only had about half her length inside Sweetie’s canal and could already feel herself bludgeoning the filly’s womb. Under normal circumstances, she could maintain herself for quite a while but, given Sweetie’s size and the fact that the little pony was practically a cock sleeve, she quickly found herself creeping towards an orgasm. Her pendulous testicles began to retract, readying themselves to unload their precious cargo, as the head of her member began to throb and flare. Slowing her motions, Sassy began to ease herself out of the filly; there was no way in Tartarus she’d allow herself to blow her load in Rarity’s younger sister. “H..hey!” Sweetie yelled, her euphoria shattering, when she realized what Sassy was trying to do. “Oh like heck you do!” she growled, her horn igniting and holding the dickmare in place, “You’re not going anywhere.” the filly chided, hauling Sassy closer and, in the process, deeper into her abused marehood. “S...Sweetie! I can’t!” Sassy pleaded, struggling against the filly’s magic, despite her body yearning to fill the little mare beneath her. “You can...ugh...and you...mph...WILL!” Sweetie demanded. With herculean effort, and an unshakable resolve, she used every ounce of her strength to pull Sassy deeper still. As Sassy struggled, she felt herself slipping over the edge; her body overriding her mind, as it went on autopilot. Her hips bucked involuntarily, as Sweetie Belle’s magic continued to draw her in. The combined thrust and sorcery rammed the head of the dickmare’s rod into the filly’s womb. Both ponies began yelling, while they nearly instantaneously began climaxing. The flared head of Sassy’s rod swelled and locked itself in the foal’s babymaker, as it disgorged a seething tide of cum into the filly. Sweetie Belle mewled in orgasmic bliss, squirming and writhing while impaled on Sassy’s impressive member. Cum gushed and spurted out of the little white filly’s overstuffed cunt, her body unable to hold the massive influx of seed, as it seeped out of her womb. Sassy collapsed, falling atop Sweetie’s small form, as she heaved air into herself. She could scarcely believe what had happened. “That. Was. Awesome!” Sweetie wheezed, from under Sassy. “It’s just so warm and there’s so much of it,” she moaned, enjoying the sensation of the hot and thick seed, as it lewdly squirted out of herself. The cyan unicorn struggled to right herself, averting her gaze from the overjoyed filly. Feebly, she attempted to pull her equipment from the small pony. She tugged once, then twice, feeling a unyielding resistance, as she tried to remove herself from Sweetie’s confines. Pulling a few more times, her motions became somewhat frantic; fearful that somepony would find them in such an act. “Just relax, what’s the rush?” Sweetie asked, looking up with concern, at Sassy’s struggle. “Because, if we’re caught like this, I’ll be ruined!” Sassy hissed, glaring down at the seemingly carefree filly. “Oh jeez! That would be bad, wouldn’t it...” Sweetie replied, a crestfallen look on her face. “Good thing that potion did it’s job, right?” “I don’t care about your elasticity potion, you little hussy!” the dickmare spat. “Yeah, it might have been a little more than that,” Sweetie giggled, levitating the empty vial with her magic. “Ya see, it was also a fertility potion.” She reached down, caressing her abdomen, as she closed her eyes contentedly. “Just think,” she whispered, wiggling in place, while she continued to stroke her tummy, “all those sperm rushing to get to my receptive little egg. Or maybe even eggs! You certainly dumped enough in there for twins or even triplets.” All the blood drained from Sassy’s face, when she heard that last bit. “Y...you’re joking right? Just playing a joke?” she faltered, a soul crushing dread creeping over her. She looked down at Sweetie’s fuzzy belly, imagining her virile seed besieging the foal’s receptive womb and scouring it for eggs to fertilize. The little pony’s interior had felt slightly warmer than it should have, which could indicate a recent ovulation. “Nu uh,” the filly shook her head, “I had Zecora make it and told her it was for Rarity! Pretty slick, huh?” She reached down, caressing her abdomen and feeling Sassy’s rod, while it still lay entombed in her womb. “Rarity’s gonna have a cow when she finds out she’s gonna be an aunt!” Full blown panic finally took hold of Sassy, as the events which had transpired began to settle in. She’d already knocked up Rarity and now, if Sweetie wasn’t lying, she’d knocked up her little sister as well. At best, she’d be fired and chased out of town. At worst, she’d likely get locked up and become a social pariah. With a final heave, she dislodged herself from the little white pony, allowing a large portion of the trapped seed to disgorge itself from her entrance. “It’s leaking out!” Sweetie lamented, squeezing her thighs together in an attempt to staunch the flow, while Sassy galloped to the back room. Sorcerously gathering up a mop bucket, along with a few rags, the cyan unicorn bolted back into the storefront. “I...I’ve got to get this cleaned up. Sweetie! Help me with this, would you?” Sassy rambled, frantically scouring the floor of any juices or fluids which had found their way down there. She desperately tried to convince herself that this was all just some awful joke, that Sweetie was pulling her leg, but she couldn’t take any chances of Rarity finding out about this. “Sure, I can help!” Sweetie replied, shuffling to the end of the counter before hopping down on unsteady legs. “You know, you still owe me a few more good sessions. Maybe one tomorrow afternoon around the same time and another the day after that, before I head back to ponyville with Rarity. You know, just to be sure,” Sweetie yammered on, scrubbing the floor with a rag under her hoof. “Now is not the time for this discussion, Sweetie!” Sassy nervously tutted, wiping off the counter, before returning to give the floor a second pass with the mop. Fortunately, she’d become rather skilled at cleaning up these type of messes, after dealing with so many of them in the past few days. A cold chill ran down her spine, as she heard the bell on the door jingle. Her eyes darted to Sweetie who was drying the side of the counter with a scrap piece of cloth. In a flurry of motion, Sassy levitated the filly, as she galloped behind the piece of furniture. Rather haphazardly, she flug the foal into the cavity under the structure, as she stood to conceal the compartment and tiny pony hidden within. “Ugh, if it’s not one thing it’s another,” Rarity groaned, trotting back into the store. “Forget something?” Sassy asked, rearing up, as she often did to address ponies when they needed assistance. She was fully aware that her equipment was still fully visible and hoped that Rarity wouldn’t be needing anything from the back or, Celestia forbid, anything from below the front counter itself. The one crucial flaw in Sassy’s plan was that her dick, while hidden under the counter, now occupied the same space as a particularly mischievous and depraved filly. Her eye twitched as she felt something warm and moist glide over the sensitive flesh of her shaft. “Yes, Darling. I seem to have left my shoulder bag on my way out. You haven’t seen it have you?” Rarity queried, trotting up to the opposite side of the counter. Sassy bit her lip, as she felt Sweetie Belle begin to suckle on the tip of her rapidly hardening prick. Maintaining composure while rutting a mare was one thing, but being orally serviced by the filly sister of her boss while conversing with said employer? This was a level of discomfort and arousal she’d never come close to experiencing before. “Well it’s certainly not in the back,” Sassy commented, clearly remembering the white unicorn carrying it into the storefront before her departure. Craning her neck downward, she peered under the counter. Sweetie Belle seemed too preoccupied with the tip of Sassy’s cock in her mouth, while running her hooves over its length, to notice what was going on. Sassy began to sweat, as she watched the filly attempting to gag herself upon the colossal cyan sausage. Dragging her gaze from the debaucherous scene, Sassy spied Rarity’s bag sitting nearby. “Here you are dear,” Sassy wheezed, magically hovering the accessory over to Rarity. “Thank you Darling,” Rarity said appreciatively, easing the bag over her head before readdressing her employee. “Are you feeling alright? You look rather pale.” “Oh, just a bit tired,” Sassy croaked, her resolve weakening, as the tiny pony continued to fellate her. Everything about the situation was just so wrong, but unbelievably hot. She wiped a bit of perspiration from her forehead, before continuing, “I’m sure I’ll be feeling right as rain, after a nice meal and some rest.” Her knees buckled slightly, as she felt another orgasm approaching. Sassy couldn’t be sure if Sweetie was aware of this but, for whatever reason, the little white unicorn began magically squeezing and milking her shaft, while continuing to lick and quietly slurp upon its head. Her heart skipped a beat, as the first jets of cum blasted into the foal’s mouth and down her throat. Sassy’s nostrils flared, as she fought, and failed, to retain her poise. “Well, if you’re hungry, why didn’t you say so? I’m sure Coco wouldn’t mind if you joined us,” Rarity said, smiling warmly up at the taller unicorn. “Can I...cough...come?” Sweetie chirped, trotting out from under the counter and up to her sister. She was absolutely drenched in seed but looked as cheerful as she ever had. Rarity stood there, aghast, watching as her sister sauntered up to her. Standing there, ropes of thick jizz sliding off her to the recently cleaned floor, she looked up at Rarity’s awestruck face. “Come on Sis, don’t act surprised,” Sweetie casually laughed, waving a hoof dismissively and spattering her sibling in cum, “mom taught you the same things when you were my age. Or she said she did, at least.” Rarity instantly blushed at the comment. Sassy, utterly confused and awash in a dizzying array of emotions, looked between the two several times, before Rarity placed a hoof on her shoulder. “It’s true,” Rarity said, “mother’s lessons on how to ‘woo’ somepony always were a bit eccentric, although it worked for her and father.” The cyan pony’s jaw flapped uselessly, unable to form a coherent statement at the revelation. “Oh come now, Darling, you didn’t think all of those shenanigans in Canterlot weren’t unplanned, did you?” Rarity continued, swatting a bit of mane away from her face dismissively. “As long as you didn’t get my little sister knocked up it really doesn’t bother me if she coerced you into a friendly blowjob!” she laughed. Her mirth dissolved, however, as she noticed Sweetie Belle’s sheepish blush and Sassy’s pale complexion. “You...you didn’t knock her up, did you?” “She maybe kinda did,” Sweetie murmured, pawing at the floor with one hoof, while refusing to look at her sister, “probably definitely maybe.” “Sweetie Belle!” Rarity gasped, rushing over and shaking the cum laden filly. “Tell me she didn’t!” “But I wanted to keep Sassy around!” Sweetie rebuked, struggling in Rarity’s grip. “She’s just so tall and pretty. Think of how gorgeous our foals will be!” “B...But she’s already sired my foal!” Rarity wailed, her lip quivering at the notion of not having the most adorable youngsters in town. “What?!” Sweetie screeched, whirling on Sassy and jabbing her with a gooey hoof. “They were supposed to be MY foals!” Sassy gulped, confronted with two irate and mares who were most assuredly impregnated with her seed. “W...well, at least they’ll be the same age!” she noted, using her quick wit in an attempt to de-escalate the situation. “Just think!” she continued, the two most gorgeous half siblings in all Equestria! The parties! Surely they’ll be the envy of every mother in town!” Rarity and Sweetie squealed in tandem, as the notion bloomed into a full blown vision of grandeur. In unison the two white unicorns wrapped their hooves around Sassy, hugging her tightly, while they continued to smile wildly. “Oh Sassy, you’re absolutely right,” Rarity said, stroking Sassy’s mane. “They’ll be best friends and have playtime together!” Sweetie added, grinding her cum slick face against the cyan unicorn. “And we have you to thank!” the sisters said in sync, hugging Sassy that much harder in the process. Sassy gulped, unsure if she should feel proud or terrified, after unwittingly impregnating the sisters as part of two equally dastardly plots. In the grand scheme of things, it really didn’t matter. She’d been used as a sperm donor and sex toy by the siblings. With a heavy sigh, she hugged the two. If nothing else, she’d make good and sure they were both served regular doses of her seed and, she had to admit, their offspring would be absolutely gorgeous.